2014 Fall Newsletter
2014 Fall Newsletter
Fall 2014 , e n s i P n a e c O REPORT YOUR CONNECTION TO THE OCEAN PINES COMMUNITY | OCEANPINES.ORG vol. 46 No. 4 Mission: To provide governance, administration, facilities, services & amenities that are necessary to make Ocean Pines an attractive, affordable, safe & enjoyable place to live & work News at a Glance: You Voted! Meet Your New Board of Directors on Pg. 13 General Manager Article on Page 3-5 Farmers Market continues Year-Round with New Vendors Page 12 See winners of the Festival of Boats, a Pines’ Signature Parade & Event Page 30 What’s Inside: Board President’s Report..................... 2 From The General Manager................3 Treasurer’s Report................................6 Controller’s Report.............................6 Tree Lighting Ceremony set for November 29th! Sponsor a tree and help light up White Horse Park for the holidays. Each group that purchases a tree will have a sign placed at their tree in recognition of their participation. All trees will be in place by November 24th. Continued on page 31 It’s that time of Year, Leaf Collection! The Ocean Pines Leaf Collection program will begin November 17th. Due to the success of this program we will continue the procedures with one exception that we will only be able to pick up bagged leaves in paper bags rather than plastic. Continued on page 28 Green Street........................................10 Chambers/Area Events..................7,11 Police Department..........................9,11 Farmers Market..................................12 Golf & Country Club...................22-23 Fire Department............................... 24 The Clubs of Ocean Pines..................25 Aquatics.........................................26-27 Utility News.........................................27 Public Works ......................................28 A Look Back .......................................29 Comm. Highlights..15-17-20,29-30,32 Boating & Fishing.............................. 32 Veterans Memorial.............................32 Recreation & Parks........................21,33 Santa Claus in the Pines.....................31 Racquet Sports....................................34 Yacht Club and New Restaurant Starts First Season with a Bang! BOARD PRESIDENT’S REPORT Looking forward... We are entering the time of year where the weather turns a little cooler, the leaves are prettier and the composition of the OPA Board is sometimes altered. With near-perfect weather and four newly appointed Association officers, this year is no exception. Having served previously as Association President, I have no illusions about what the job entails. Put simply, it is a lot of work. Having been there before for one year, I can really appreciate the amount of time and effort that Tom Terry has donated to the Community over the past four years. I also want to acknowledge Terri Mohr for her dedicated three years service as a Director and Jeff Knepper for so capably filling in for Dan Stachurski during the past year. I want to thank them on behalf of the entire Association membership. Dave Stevens As Tom said in his last report, a lot was accomplished over the four years he was President and it culminated in the Spring opening of the new Yacht Club and pool, together the largest projects in Ocean Pines history. Aided by fine weather, good food and talented entertainment, the Yacht Club truly added another dimension of enjoyment to OPA members. The one thing always true of Ocean Pines is that our aging community never runs out of challenges. Let me share with you those that I consider important and how I hope the Board will approach them. • We must complete remaining Yacht Club construction, but also use lessons learned to determine how it can be best operated and managed in the future. • Having invested heavily to bring the Golf Course to its finest condition in years we must explore all options for its future operation . • Natural gas has arrived in Worcester County; the next step is to reach an agreement that will protect all Ocean Pines members now and in the future. • We need a long-term Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) that is requirements-based, balances maintenance, renovation and replacement options, and is supported by independent engineering reports and reserve studies. • We need to take advantage of industry’s best business practice as we address an Ops information technology infrastructure that will support more effective and cost-efficient operations. • With the cooperation of the County’s leadership and the establishment of a dedicated ditch cleaning crew under OPA Public works, significant steps have been taken to alleviate drainage in our most impacted areas; there is much more surveying and planning work to be done until we arrive at a complete solution. The approach to accomplishing these tasks is to form small working groups comprised of qualified OPA member volunteers who possess relevant experience and Association staff. These groups will conduct their work in open meetings and report their results and recommendations directly to the Board. It will take time and hard work from all of us to meet these challenges. I thank you for your trust and I welcome your support. Enjoy this beautiful fall weather and the upcoming holiday season. 2 OCEAN PINES REPORT | FALL 2014 | OCEANPINES.ORG ADVISORY COMMITTEES Committee days & times are subject to change. Please check the calendar on oceanpines.org AQUATICS Chair: Virginia Reister 4th Wed, 1pm, Admin Bldg Board Liaison: Sharyn O’Hare ARCHITECTURAL REVIEW Chair: Chuck Choate 1st & 3rd Tues, 9am, Public Works Board Liaison: Tom Terry BUDGET & FINANCE Chair: Pat Supik 3rd Thurs, 9am, Admin Bldg Liaison: Jack Collins BY-LAWS & RESOLUTIONS Chair: Open 2nd Tues, 9am, Admin Bldg Liaison: Dave Stevens COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Chair: Dennis Hudson Lat Fri., 9am, Admin Bldg Board Liaison: Pat Renaud CLUBS (F&B) Chair: Les Purcell 3rd Thurs, 4pm, Yacht Club Board Liaison: Bill Cordwell COMMUNICATIONS Chair: Bernie Flax 4th Thurs, 2pm, Admin Bldg Board Liaison: Marty Clarke ENVIRONMENT & NATURAL ASSETS Chair: Bob Abele 3rd Tues, 3pm, Community Ctr. Board Liaison: Marty Clarke MARINE ACTIVITIES Chair: Frank Watkins 2nd Mon, 1pm, Community Ctr Board Liaison: Bill Cordwell RECREATION & PARKS Chair: Roy Foreman 1st Thurs, 7pm, Community Ctr Board Liaison: Sharyn O’Hare TENNIS Chair: John McNult 3rd Wed, 3pm, Racquet Complex Board Liaison: Tom Terry FROM THE GENERAL MANAGER , Ocean Pines Association, Inc. 239 Ocean Parkway Ocean Pines, MD 21811 410.641.7717 • Fax: 410.641.5581 [email protected] oceanpines.org — Departments — CPI (Compliance, Permits, Inspections)..410.641.7425 Finance............................................Ext.3004 Food & Beverage.......................410.641.7501 General Manager...........................Ext. 3001 Golf Pro Shop...........................410.641.6057 Golf Maintenance.....................410.641.5694 Membership....................................Ext. 3018 Public Relations & Marketing........Ext. 3006 Police (Non-Emergency)..........410.641.7747 Recreation & Parks...................410.641.7052 Tree Removal...........................410.641.7425 Public Works............................410.641.7425 — Amenities — Beach Club...............................410.524.2957 Beach Club Pool......................410.524.2979 Country Club & Tern Grille.....410.641.7222 Golf Pro Shop & Tee Times.....410.641.6057 Marina......................................410.641.7447 Mumford’s Landing Pool..........410.208.6005 Skate & Dog Parks....................410.641.7052 Sports Core Pool.......................410.641.5255 Swim & Racquet Club..............410.641.7227 Tennis Complex........................410.641.7228 The Cove at OP (Dining)..........410.641.7501 Yacht Club & Catering.............410.641.7501 Yacht Club Pool........................410.641.6722 — Utilities — Waste Management..................800.633.9096 Choptank Electric....................877.892.0001 (Outages Only)...............800.410.4790 Sandpiper Energy.....................800.427.0015 Mediacom Cable TV................800.445.5562 Verizon.................................800.VERIZON Water & Wastewater................410.641.5251 (After Hours/Outages)...410.546.8754 — Other Helpful Numbers — Fire Dept (non-emerg).............410.641.8272 Ocean Pines Chamber..............410.641.5306 Ocean Pines Library.................410.208.4014 Ocean Pines Post Office...........410.208.3959 Pine’eer Craft Store..................410.641.5716 Animal Control........................410.632.1340 Board of Education..................410.632.2582 County Assessments.................410.632.1196 County Treasurer......................410.632.0686 County Commissioners............410.632.1194 —For All Emergencies Dial 911— As the summer season comes to a close and the fall season begins, it is remarkable to look back at the success we had over the summer. First I would like to send a big THANK YOU to Terri Mohr and Jeff Knepper, our outgoing Board Members. Their low-key approach, attention to detail and collaborative working efforts will be missed. I truly appreciated working with each of them as they brought a level of professionalism and business sense to the Board. Terri’s background in the Bob Thompson medical field, specifically practice management, and Jeff ’s background as an Intel executive brought a lot of business acumen to our organization. That’s not to say we didn’t have our differences, just ask Terri about our challenging exchanges about service related issues here in our community. Or maybe you could ask Jeff about our differing positions about messaging impact. More important was the approach they used to air our differences and the constructive way they each went about it. The level of understanding, professionalism and leadership they each brought to our organization helped promote a positive organizational atmosphere at all levels. The high level of respect they shared towards the staff and me helped create an atmosphere of success. Together we made huge strides forward on behalf of the Association. Their time, dedication and effort on behalf of all of us are appreciated and will be sorely missed. The Yacht Club had its highest revenue months in the history of our organization. More people are using the new facility than ever before. Our banquet/events have been extremely successful and our a la cart business did very well. This fall we will be modifying our schedule from 7 days a week to 5. We will be open Wednesday through Sunday and closed Monday/Tuesday as business is typically much slower those two days. This fall/winter we will also be putting more focus on punch list items and décor for the new facility in addition to evaluating what operational areas need to be improved. While we are very excited with the opening of the new facility and the success we had this summer, there is still a lot to be accomplished. The great part is we have certainly come out of the gate strong! Golf at Ocean Pines has certainly been under a lot of scrutiny over the years and even more so in recent years. With that being said, things are certainly looking up. While May and June numbers exceeded previous year’s numbers, they fell short of the aggressive numbers in the budget. July landed within $754 dollars of their budget and August exceeded budget! The better-than-budget performance in August will help chip away at the May and June shortfalls. Bookings for the fall are looking strong and if weather stays good, September is shaping up to be another good month. On another positive note, we have continued to receive praise for the course conditions this year. Conditions are great, rounds are up and revenue is climbing! We have put a lot of time, effort and money into these two amenities over the last couple of years. As I have shared with you, the investments we have made in our Yacht Club and our Golf Course have been with a long-term focus in place. We are now finally seeing those investments paying off. The strong summer for the Yacht Club combined with the positive trending Continued on page 4 OCEANPINES.ORG | FALL 2014 | OCEAN PINES REPORT 3 FROM THE GENERAL MANAGER for golf are great signs these amenities are moving in the right direction. Another amenity showing improvement is Aquatics. We are slightly below budget year-to-date; however, we are currently in the black $109,481 which is approximately $42 k ahead of last year for the same time period. Swim lessons continue to thrive and remain ahead of budget for the 4th month in a row and daily user fees are ahead of budget for 3 and on budget for 1 of the last 4 months. Other areas finishing the summer strong include the Marinas, Beach Club Parking and the Beach Club, all of which ended ahead of budget through the month of August. Also worth noting is that our Rec & Parks team ran one of our most successful summer camps in years, which added to the strong bottomline performance of the Association. While we are only one-third of the way through our fiscal year, I am very pleased with all the work the OPA team has accomplished. As the fall is upon us, keep your eye out for one of the many upcoming projects. There will be road paving, work on the Swim and Racquet/Mumford’s Pools, bulkhead work, White Horse Boat Ramp replacement and County work on water lines. Additionally, leaves will start falling soon, which means it is time for leaf collection. Remember Waste Management will pick up 4 additional bags of leaves with each regular weekly trash pickup. We will have crews running the leaf vacuums for the ditches and a crew picking up bagged leaves. Bagged leaves MUST BE IN PAPER BAGS this year for our crew to pick them up. The price of disposal is more than double if they are in plastic bags. So if they are bagged in plastic bags, we will not be picking them up. Put them out with your regular trash pickup 4 bags at a time or have a service company pick them up. Also remember the Public Works yard will be open for yard debris. Please bring items during regular business hours and do not leave them stacked outside the gate. As always we are moving forward on a lot of different fronts. With an Association of our size, age and diversity, there will always be multiple balls in the air. Every now and then we may drop one, but the hope is to keep majority where they need to be. If you Continued on page 5 4 OCEAN PINES REPORT | FALL 2014 | OCEANPINES.ORG Ice Bucket Challenge General Manager Bob Thompson accepted the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge given by Lukash McLaughlin, son of Yacht Club Manager David McLaughlin, on Aug. 18. Public Works dumped a loader full of icy water on Thompson, who then extended the challenge to OPA department heads. Atlantic General Hospital Superior healthcare ... right here in our community. • Full Service Imaging (410.641.1100) including breast MRI, and cutting edge GE LightSpeed® Volume Computed Tomography CAT scans • Center for Joint Surgery (410.641.9055) offering state-of-the-art procedures including Birmingham Hip Resurfacing, Zimmer Gender Knee Solutions, and long-wearing Verilast knee replacements • Atlantic Endoscopy Center (410.629.6800) ambulatory gastro-intestinal surgical services in privacy and comfort • Atlantic Bariatric Center (410.641.9568) offering several surgical weight loss options based on individual need • Atlantic Urology (410.629.6277) providing personalized care and treatment of conditions affecting the urinary tract • Outpatient Infusion Center (410.629.6400) treating the whole patient by offering the expertise of our highly trained medical oncologist and the guidance of our patient navigator, dedicated oncology pharmacist and compassionate team of cancer care professionals • Dermatology Services (302.564.0001) specialized in treating nail and skin conditions, including skin cancer, psoriasis, eczema, fungal infections and more. • Women’s Diagnostic Center (410.641.9215) same-day appointments for mammograms, bone density screenings, and more • Wound Care Center® (410.629.6863) offering specialized care for those difficult-to-heal wounds • Diabetes Outpatient Education Program (410.641.9703) Atlantic General Hospital – 9733 Healthway Drive, Berlin 410-641-1100 • www.atlanticgeneral.org FROM THE GENERAL MANAGER want to be more informed about what’s happening in OP, hop on our website www.oceanpines.org and sign up for the e-blast. Also mark your calendar for our next Town Hall meeting on 13 November at 6:00pm in the Community Center. I will provide updates with ongoing projects, share general OPA info and answer any questions you may have for me! As always we are here for you. Don’t hesitate to share your input, ask questions or provide feedback on areas here in our community. GM TOWN HALL MEETING Thursday, November 13, 2014 6:00pm Ocean Pines Community Center Send questions in advance or bring to the meeting. [email protected] WINDOW CLEANING Up to $3,500 IN REBATES with the purchase of qualifying Lennox® home comfort products & combining utility rebates & Federal Tax Credits* OC Comfort Services No Payment For 90 Serving the beach & surrounding areas Days* AND 0% Financing for 1 yr. (same as cash) to www.occomfort.com Qualified Applicants* 410-641-4332 *Delmarva Power Clients May Also Qualify For Energy Star Rebates Offer expires 11/28/2014* Rebate offer is valid only with purchase of qualifying Lennox products. System rebate offers range from $100 to $1700. ** Please consult your tax expert on any tax credit to which you may be entitled. To learn more and review the actual IRS specifications for each credit, visit the Tax Credits for Energy Efficiency section of www.energystar.gov and talk with your local Lennox Dealer today. © 2014 Lennox Industries Inc. Lennox Dealers include independently owned and operated businesses. One offer available per qualifying purchase. Talk to your utility provider for more details on energy efficiency rebates. WINDOW TINTING BEFORE PRESSURE WASHING AFTER STREAK-FREE GUARANTEE 10 % OFF! Mention this ad to receive discount. OCEANPINES.ORG | FALL 2014 | OCEAN PINES REPORT 5 TREASURER’S REPORT As we begin a new fiscal year (May 1-April 30), I look forward to serving the membership as your Treasurer. I will complete that task to the best of my ability and focus on keeping you informed of financial developments as they Jack Collins unfold throughout the year. I offer a special thanks to my predecessors Bill Cordwell and assistant Treasurer Pete Gomsak for their time, effort, and contributions to the reporting of our financial status. In keeping with the recent tradition of commenting on reported results, I offer the follow observations. As a convenience to our membership, in the future the controller’s report will be posted on the OPA website under the tab “administration, forms and documents-monthly financials”. Because we are in the process of completing an active summer and early fall season it would be difficult to draw any meaningful conclusions from the first quarter results. *At the summary level: Comments attributed to Controller Art Carmine • A positive operating fund variance for July of $82,544 • July: Revenues were over budget by $17,980 and total expenses were under budget by $2,564 • The year-to-date operating fund variance was positive by $12,756 • YTD: revenues are over budget by $14,675; total expenses under budget by $2556. New capital is over budget by $4,475 Our amenities reflect a mixed result as measured by net operations (YTD). In descending order: Golf ops. F/B-neg. $66,607; Aquatics-neg. $17,718; Racquet sports (3 venues combined) - neg. $10,746, Marinas – neg. $5910 while on the positive side in ascending order: Beach Club parkingpos.$6,788; Yacht Club- pos. $16,386. In summary, the actual revenues this quarter as compared to actual revenues last year at this time are positive for all our amenities. We look forward to a successful year. I invite each of our members to review the 1st. quarter report posted on OPA’s website. Thanks and see you next quarter. — Jack Collins 6 OCEAN PINES REPORT | FALL 2014 | OCEANPINES.ORG CONTROLLER’S REPORT SUMMARY FINANCIAL REPORT THREE MONTHS ENDED 7/31/2014 OPERATING ACCOUNT SUMMARY UNAUDITED REVENUES Art Carmine VARIANCE ACTUAL BUDGET (AMOUNTS IN THOUSANDS) Assessments Grants (County/State) Amenities Net Revenue Recreation & Parks Other fees and Income $8,391 11 2,272 194 248 $8,387 10 2,291 184 229 $4 1 (19) 10 19 Total Revenues 11,116 11,101 15 Less transfers to reserve accounts (3,968) (3,968) 0 7,148 7,133 15 Administration & Management Amenities Recreation & Parks Police Fire/Ambulance Public Works / CPI General Maintenance 424 1,460 257 400 71 316 125 455 1,402 269 390 71 344 124 (31) 58 (12) 10 0 (28) 1 Total Operating Expenses 3,053 3,055 (2) 4,095 4,078 17 (81) (77) (4) $4,014 $4,001 $13 Net Operating Revenues OPERATING EXPENSES EXCESS OF REVENUES OVER EXPENSES TRANSFERS (New Capital, Loan Principal, etc.) NET Ocean Pines Chamber of Commerce w o h S r a Classic C See winners on page 11 Ocean Pines Chamber’s Classic Car Show held August 23rd at Veterans Memorial Park OCEANPINES.ORG | FALL 2014 | OCEAN PINES REPORT 7 crime,” SafeWise security analyst Rebecca Edwards said. “Seeing modern communities pull together to make sure their children grow up safe is inspiring and a good model for other cities to follow.” See the full list, here: www.safewise.com SafeWise is a community-focused security organization Ocean Pines Ranked #1 Safest City in Maryland that is the source for everything safety and security. We provide home security tips and tools, as well as the most recent news The SafeWise Report released its “10 Safest Cities in in the safety industry. Visit the Maryland Home Security and Maryland” report this week. To compile this report, SafeWise Crime Prevention Center for more helpful safety resources. used the most recent FBI crime data from 2012 to analyze and rank these cities, which all have a minimum population of 5,000 people. We look at crimes from part 1 of the FBI Unified Crime Report (UCR) reported crime data, which focuses on violent crimes (aggravated assault, forcible rape, murder, and robbery) as well as property crimes (arson, burglary, larceny-theft, and motor vehicle theft). From there, we calculate the chances of these crimes happening out of a thousand in order to level the playing field for cities of varying populations. From all the cities in Maryland, we narrowed the list down to 10 and assigned rankings according to data provided by the FBI’s UCR report. “If you’re living in or visiting any of these towns, you have a less than four in 1,000 chance of becoming a victim of violent 2014 Ocean Pines Police Department COUNTY NEWS Public Invited to Weigh in on Hazard Mitigation Plan Update October 7 The Worcester County Commissioners will conduct a public hearing Tuesday, October 7, 2014, at 11:00 a.m. in the Worcester County Government Center in Snow Hill to receive public comment on the 2014 Hazard Mitigation Plan Update. All interested citizens are encouraged to attend the hearing and express their views on these matters. Copies of the draft 2014 Hazard Mitigation Plan Update are available for viewing on the County website at www.co.worcester.md.us prior to the hearing. The Hazard Mitigation Plan, originally adopted in 2006, is designed to evaluate and provide proactive strategies to potential natural hazards that endanger the lives and properties of area residents and visitors. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Maryland Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) mandate that each local jurisdiction prepare and adopt a hazard mitigation plan. The Town of Ocean City, which adopts its own plan, is not included in the draft 2014 Hazard Mitigation Plan. The Hazard Mitigation Plan is only a planning document and does not obligate the County to fund projects included therein. For additional information, contact Kim Moses, public information officer, at (410) 632-1194. 8 OCEAN PINES REPORT | FALL 2014 | OCEANPINES.ORG Hair Design by Darla Scan to view video POLICE DEPARTMENT Neighborhood Watch Crime Bulletin # 52 Our Latest and Greatest Crime Bulletin Information gathered from citizens is a critical component in effective law enforcement. Criminals often like to talk about their activities, and citizens are the eyes and ears of our community. Suspicious activity needs to be reported, and it is often the alert observations of a citizen that provides critical information to the police. With this in mind, I will be highlighting an unsolved case in each Crime Bulletin with the hope that one of our citizens may have heard or seen something that was not reported to the police. Information can be passed along anonymously to the listed investigator. • Robbery Investigation: On August 14, police responded to Duck Cove Circle with the report of a robbery. A female victim reported that a white male, wearing a dark colored hooded sweatshirt, with a mask covering half his face, approached her in her driveway and threatened her with a hammer. The suspect then took her wallet and fled on foot. A dark colored vehicle, low to the ground, was seen leaving the area immediately afterward. Follow-up investigation listed the suspect as a white male, between 18-25 years of age with light-colored bangs sticking out of the hoodie. Any citizen having information about this case can contact Detective First Class Tish Ottey at 410-641-7747. • Bomb Threat: With the advent of social media, cyber bullying and threats can be made online. As recent national events have illustrated, police We must take these threats seriously. A local juvenile made threats to injure other juveniles with an alleged explosive device. Included with these threats was a picture of the alleged device. Ocean Pines Police obtained a search warrant and located a homemade hoax device incapable of detonation. The juvenile was charged with several related criminal charges and placed in the custody of the Department of Juvenile Services. Assisting in this investigation was the Worcester County Fire Marshall’s Office, the Worcester County Sheriff ’s Department and the Ocean City Bomb Squad. These threats are taken very seriously by all public safety agencies. • Domestic Violence Arrests: Since our last Crime Bulletin, police have made five (5) arrests for domestic assault within our community. • Assault on a Police Office: In one of these domestic assault cases, the responding police officer was assaulted, and the suspect was charged with Second Degree Assault. • Burglary/Theft Arrests: Three local juveniles were arrested for 2nd Degree Burglary of the Ocean Pines Tennis Clubhouse. Police regularly do security checks of all Ocean Pines facilities, at night. • Theft from Vehicles Arrest: A 23-year-old man was charged with multiple thefts from unlocked vehicles in the Robinhood Trail neighborhood. Luckily, most of the stolen property was recovered before the suspect had a chance of disposing of it. This points out, once again, the need Continued on page 11 Our Porch Enclosure! Transform Your Ocean Pines Porch, Patio or Empty Deck into Comfortable Added Living Space for Year-Round Enjoyment! FREE HVAC UNIT VISIT OUR SHOWROOM! Monday thru Friday WITH PURCHASE OF A PORCH ENCLOSURE (Saturday by appointment) OR INSULATED GLASS SUNROOM LIMITED TIME ONLY! CALL FOR FULL DETAILS. Ask about our Showroom Visit Bonus! FINANCING AVAILABLE TO QUALIFIED BUYERS 302-251-0000 or 877-251-0080 delmarvasunrooms.com Route 113 and Clayton Avenue (Rt 26), Dagsboro, DE OFFERS NOT VALID ON PRIOR SALES OR COMBINED WITH OTHER OFFERS. ENCLOSED PORCHES | SUNROOMS | PATIO COVER | RETRACTABLE AWNINGS & CANOPIES | SCREEN ROOMS | EXTERIOR SOLAR SHADES OCEANPINES.ORG | FALL 2014 | OCEAN PINES REPORT 9 GREEN STREET by the Environment & Natural Assets Advisory Committee “If you are lucky enough to live on the water, you are lucky enough.” How many times have you heard or read this and thought: Yes, that’s right! We in Ocean Pines are that lucky. The St. Martin’s River and our surrounding bays are a gift and likely the primary reason most of us chose to live here. Even if you don’t go out on the water often, you know it’s there to enjoy any time you like. But how long will it be enjoyable if we fail to take care of it and continuously work to improve it? you might take to improve the river’s grade. However, we should all remember that these waters contribute not only to our quality of life but also to the monetary value of our homes. Surely, everyone is interested in this! Barb Coughlan OP Environment & Natural Assets Advisory Committee [email protected] At the Water House Maryland Coastal Bays just issued its 2013 Coastal Bays Report Card. Once again, the St. Martin’s river “achieved” the lowest grade, a D+. Some of the river’s issues emanate from agricultural runoff but residential communities located near the river (and bays) must acknowledge their culpability as well. Each of us can do more to help improve the quality of our most-valued resource. Over the years since its inception, Green Street has provided any number of suggestions to Ocean Pines homeowners, such as: planting native plant gardens, reducing fertilizer use, setting up rain-barrels, picking up pet waste, minimizing impervious surfaces by using pavers/gravel in lieu of asphalt or concrete, making sure ditches are cleaned out and not dug too deep, being careful to use eco-friendly cleaning products when washing cars and boats; and the list goes on. The Environment & Natural Assets Advisory Committee urges OP residents to read the Coastal Bays Report Card (available on line at mdcoastalbays.org or at the library in hard copy). It provides a wealth of information on what nutrients are overloading our waterways and the damage they can cause to sea grasses and wildlife. If a D+ is acceptable for the water where you crab, fish, water-ski, paddleboard, etc., then don’t bother to read the report or to consider actions Consider the water view from the porch of our home in Ocean Pines: Canal to the right and left, small, complex waves crisscrossing its surface, propelled by the wind between the houses that line its banks, by the tidal influences of the sun and moon, and by the sides of the canal that deflect the waves back into each other. Air currents buffet the faint clouds, disturb the water’s surface, and force flying birds to adjust their flight paths even while supporting their flight; myriad creatures move undetected below the water’s opaque surface. By contrast, trees, bushes and homes lining the banks seem fixed, changing much more slowly. We look at this landscape from our protected porch, knowing that, because we are on vacation, time stands still and everything exists only in the present - except that the surface of the water, roiling with thousands and thousands of small, complex waves, hints at the real truth: Everything in fact changes constantly, mostly in increments too small for us to notice; time only moves forward. FREE LAWN CARE! Sylvia White — Refer a Friend & Receive 2 FREE Cuts Per Referral - 10% OFF Senior Discount OWNER 410-749-3307 Servicing OP Since 1999 With Quality & Reliability Ocean Pines Chamber of Commerce 2nd Annual Ocean Pines Chamber Car Show Results The Ocean Pines Chamber of Commerce held the 2nd annual Ocean Pines Car Show & Parade August 23rd. The parade through the Pines was led by the Ocean Pines Police Dept. with the Neighborhood Watch volunteers helping to organize the participants and direct traffic. The Kiwanis Club of OC/OP provided food and 12 local businesses displayed during the car show event at Veteran’s Memorial Park, here are the car show results: CUSTOM CATEGORY Judged by Brian Reynolds of Reynolds Lawn Services, LLC 1st Place: 1953 Studebaker Commander owned by Ed Ellis of Bishopville, MD 2nd Place: 1949 Ford Mustang owned by Ed Hincynski of Frankford, DE 3rd Place: 1957 Ford Fairlane 500 owned by Bob Limerick of Frankford, DE ANTIQUE CATEGORY Judged by OP Police Chief, David Massey 1st Place: 1950 Ford Coupe owned by Bob Waid of Ocean Pines, MD 2nd Place: 1957 Chevrolet Bel Air owned by Thomas Harris of Selbyville, DE 3rd Place: 1967 Chevrolet Camaro owned by John Rosinski of Ocean Pines, MD MODERN CATEGORY Judged by Ray Unger of Castle Watch Services 1st Place: 2007 Chevrolet Corvette owned by Tom & Fran Debaugh of Ocean Pines, MD 2nd Place: 2014 Chevrolet Camaro owned by Dwight & Gloria Watson of Salisbury, MD 3rd Place: 2005 Cadillac XLR owned by Jim Giles of Bishopville, MD POLICE DEPARTMENT Continued from page 9 for our residents to LOCK their vehicles when they are left unattended. • Boat Fire/Injuries: Ocean Pines Police were the first emergency responders on the scene of a boat explosion and fire in a canal in Ocean Pines. Three individuals were burned and were flown to a regional burn center for treatment. The boat was totally destroyed. The Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department, the Worcester County Fire Marshall, and the Maryland Natural Resources Police all responded to the scene. In cases occurring on the water, the Maryland Natural Resources Police are in charge of the investigation. This fire is believed to be accidental in nature. • Auto Parade and Show: The Police department and Neighborhood Watch assisted in the Ocean Pines Annual Classic Car Show, which was held at the Veteran Memorial. Many antique and classic cars participated, and a parade was held along Ocean Parkway from White Horse Park to the Veteran Memorial. THANK YOU, Neighborhood Watch! Take a bite out of Crime! Join Neighborhood Watch! Chief David C. Massey, Ed.D. CLASSIC CATEGORY Judged by Sharyn O’Hare, OPA Board Member and REALTOR 1st Place: 1967 Chevrolet Camaro owned by Jonathon Pinkham of Ocean Pines, MD 2nd Place: 1971 Chevrolet Cheyenne Truck owned by Don Shafer of Berlin, MD 3rd Place: 1967 Ford Mustang GTA owned by Frank Fleming of Berlin, MD HOT ROD CATEGORY Judged by Sen. Jim Mathias 1st Place: 1923 Ford T-bucket owned by David Cherry of Ocean Pines, MD 2nd Place: 1933 Ford Coupe owned by Ralph Decker of Ocean Pines, MD 3rd Place: 1970 Dodge Challenger owned by Craig Sands of Bishopville, DE OCEAN RESORTS GOLF CLUB SPONSOR TROPHY 1947 Plymouth Convertible owned by Margaret Long of Selbyville, DE PEOPLE’S CHOICE TROPHY 1923 Ford T-bucket owned by David Cherry of Ocean Pines, MD Ocean Pines Farmers Market Vendor! It’s Time to Talk About Building Your New Home! Call Us! CUSTOM HOMES AND REMODELING Email: [email protected] 410-251-4006 • www.PooleContracting.com MHIC #104077, MHBR #6927 — Ocean Pines and Berlin Chamber of Commerce Member Mike Poole OWNER OCEANPINES.ORG | FALL 2014 | OCEAN PINES REPORT 11 FARMERS MARKET OPEN YEAR-ROUND! Saturday 8am–1PM at White Horse Park facebook.com/oceanpinesfarmersmarket 410.641.7717 x3006 Email: [email protected] Community Embraces Farmers Market The Ocean Pines Farmers Market has become more than a market, it’s now a community gathering place in White Horse Park, with entertainment, events and educational activities. Every Saturday morning the community comes out from 8 am to 1pm to shop with the vendors and mingle with neighbors, family and friends. This past summer record crowds filled the market, as they placed into their market baskets everything from fresh produce to handmade artisan products. This fall and winter, 28 vendors will be participating at the year-round open air Farmers Market. Several new vendors will be offering even more choices for shoppers. Additions include wild caught Alaskan fish from Alaskan Wild Seafoods, oceanpines.org naturally grown beef and pork products from Great Expectations Farm and retro confections and local made gourmet ice cream from Seashell Sweets. On October 25th the Farmers Market kicks off the Fall Festival in White Horse Park. Many vendors will be offering specials to celebrate the event-filled day. The Thanksgiving Market on November 22 will have everything for the holiday dinner table. Fresh turkey, beef, pork, seafood, seasonal vegetables, fruits, baked goods, Maryland wines and more will be available. Celebrate the holidays with your Ocean Pines Farmers Market. Throughout the season shoppers will find fresh-cut greens, handmade rope garlands, swags and wreaths. A special Christmas Market will be held on Saturday, December 20th. Baked goods, jams, jellies, preserves, seasonal citrus fruits, nuts, fresh produce, poultry, meats and more will be ready for the holiday kitchen. Become Part of the Farmers Market Family! Family-Friendly Events! Eggs, Honey, Kettle Korn, Flowers, Artisan Breads, Natural Pet Treats, Melons, Veggie Cookies, Toffee Seafood, Meats & more! WHITE HORSE PARK, 239 Ocean Parkway , Ocean Pines, MD 21811 New Vendors Welcome! For more info, call 410.641.7717 Ext. 3006 12 OCEAN PINES REPORT | FALL 2014 | OCEANPINES.ORG Farmers markets were once the typical way of selling produce and products for centuries. Today they’ve again grown to become an important part of the local community. A hobby of sewing, knitting, pottery, working with leather or wood products or creating handmade products could become a lucrative small business. The Ocean Pines Farmers Market offers vending opportunities in several categories: green market, artisan goods, hand-crafted merchandise and re-used goods. If you would like to become part of the Farmers Market, and sell your own produced products, then consider becoming an Ocean Pines Farmers Market vendor. For more information on vending at the Ocean Pines Farmers Market, contact Market Manager David Bean at 410251-6383 or at [email protected]. OPA Board , Ocean Pines Association BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT Dave Stevens 410.641.7946 [email protected] Pictured left to right new Board Members Dave Stevens and Pat Renaud after results were announced at the 2014 Annual Meeting. The new directors were declared for three-year terms. Board Meetings Scheduled Visit www.oceanpines.org to view board meeting schedule and documents October 18th & 23rd November 6th & 22nd January 2015 8th, 12th-16th, 26th & 27th, 29th 2014-2015 OPA HOLIDAYS OPA Administrative Offices Will Be Closed: Monday, November 11, 2014 – Veterans Day Thurs/Friday, November 27-28, 2014 – Thanksgiving Wed/Thurs, December 24-25, 2014 – Christmas Thursday, January 1, 2015 – New Year’s Monday, February 16, 2015 – President’s Day Friday, April 3, 2015 – Good Friday Administrative Offices Open 8am-5pm, M-F VICE PRESIDENT Marty Clarke 410.641.6979 [email protected] SECRETARY Pat Renaud 410.208.9640 [email protected] TREASURER Jack Collins 410.641.6691 [email protected] PARLIAMENTARIAN Tom Terry 2015 Ocean Pines Resident’s Phone Directory is in the works! The Ocean Pines Association will publish a 2015 phone and address directory for all of its current homeowners. The information published will be pulled from our homeowner database provided by you. Please call or email us to update or check on the information we have on file before December 1, 2014. Also, if you do not wish to have your information published in the directory you may OPT-OUT. Email: member@ oceanpines.org to update or confirm the information we have in our database or to OPT-OUT of the publication. The 2015 Directory will be available for sale in the administration office early next year for $7. There will be limited advertising opportunities available: $150 Business Card, $200 ¼ page, $350 half page, $600 full page and all ad rates include color. Please email [email protected] for information on advertising in the 2015 directory and be sure your information on file is current! THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION! 410.208.1207 [email protected] DIRECTOR Sharyn O’Hare 410.603.4777 [email protected] DIRECTOR Bill Cordwell 443.669.4129 [email protected] GENERAL MANAGER Bob Thompson 410.641.7717 Ext. 3001 [email protected] OCEANPINES.ORG | FALL 2014 | OCEAN PINES REPORT 13 Community Health Fair Saturday, October 4th 8:00am – 12:00 Noon at the Ocean Pines Community Center Ocean Pines Association, along with co-sponsors Atlantic General Hospital and Peninsula Regional Medical Center, present this year’s Health Fair. Event-goers can get screenings for cholesterol and hearing, foot checks and bone density mini-exams. PRMC’s Mobile Health Van will be on-site with information on health and personal safety topics. Many of our community groups will be represented at this event. Pine’eer Winter Wonderland Artisan & Craft Show This popular annual fair will be held Saturday, Nov 1, 10am–4pm at the Ocean Pines Community Center. There will be a food vendor and fabulous bake sale. Come out and see all of the talented crafters. Whenever you need a thoughtful or unique gift, visit the Craft Shop in White Horse Park every Saturday and Sunday, 10am to 4pm. All items are handcrafted. ADMISSION IS FREE! 37th Annual Pine’eer Arts and Crafts Festival held in Aug. Get your copy of VANISHING OCEAN CITY • Custom Photo Gifts: T-Shirts, HERE! Tote Bags, Pillow Cases and More! • Custom Greeting Cards • Photo Calendars • Photo Enlargements/Posters • Party Invitations, Event Tickets & Accessories • Unique Retail Selection • Lucky Girl Bath & Beauty Products OPEN MONDAY-FRIDAY 9am - 5pm MAKE YOUR GIFT GIVING PERSONAL! Copy Central Authorized Shipping Outlet 11065 Cathell Road • Ocean Pines, MD 21811 • 410-208-0641 (ln the Hileman Professional Center, Across from Pines Plaza) www.copycentralmd.com • email: [email protected] • fax: 410-208-2600 14 OCEAN PINES REPORT | FALL 2014 | OCEANPINES.ORG Check Out Our Retail Section! Community highlights Ocean Pines Recreation and Parks hosted their 3rd Annual Kite Day at Veterans Memorial Park Saturday, August 16th ROOF & EXTERIOR CLEANING (302) 422-WASH (9274) www.OceanWavesLLC.com OCEANPINES.ORG | FALL 2014 | OCEAN PINES REPORT 15 Community highlights 2014 OP Boat Club Festival of Boat Winners! BEST CONCEPT 3rd Place---”Hukilau To The Max”-- By The Delmarva Chorus 2nd Place---”Beach Boys And Girls”- Captain Tom Stotz 1st Place---”Wizard Of Oz”--By The Ocean Pines Garden Club Wizard Of Oz Beach Bo ys And G irls BEST COSTUMES 3rd Place---”Tennis Matches Begin At Love” --By The Ocean Pines Tennis Club 2nd Place---”Ocean Pines Fantasy” --Captain Frank Watkins 1st Place---”Snow White and The Seven Dorks” -Captain John Mancuso BEST DESIGN e U.S. ay Of Th d th ir B 100 quadron Power S Ocean Pin es Fantasy 3rd Place--”Freedom For Your Dog”-- Captain Fred Heinlen 2nd Place--”100 Birthday Of The U.S. Power Squadron” -By The Ocean City Power Squadron 1st Place--”Fantasy In Ocean City”--Captain Martin Bear GRAND PRIZE WINNER “Wizard Of Oz”--By The Ocean Pines Garden Club t Club ines Boa Ocean P Freedom For Your D og Bethany Travel’s Annual TRAVEL SHOW at the Ocean Pines Yacht Club Thursday, October 30th • 4-8 pm Meet and Talk with Great Vendors Including: Viking River Cruises, Carnival, Azamara, Royal Caribbean, Holland America, Princess, Walt Disney World, Apple Vacations, Sandals & Beaches Resorts, CIE Tours, Central Holidays, G Adventures, Hard Rock, Iberostar, Palace Resorts and more Ocean Pines Doggie Swim Raises Money for Worcester County Humane Society Over 100 dogs and their human companions splashed and played while raising money for the Worcester County Humane Society at the Ocean Pines Doggie Swim, held Saturday, Sept. 6 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm at the Mumford’s Landing Pool in Ocean Pines. This year’s event, which gave dogs the change to play in the pool before it closed for the season, had its largest turnout to date, raising $900 for the shelter. 16 OCEAN PINES REPORT | FALL 2014 | OCEANPINES.ORG Lots of Great Door Prizes and Show Specials!!!! — REFRESHMENTS — Please RSVP 302-933-0955 [email protected] TREASURER’S REPORT Community highlights 3rd Quarter Report thepresented Period Ending January 31, 2014 board for president, Myra Schmits Receives OPA’s Volunteer Award Mr. Tom Terry, past OPA the 2014 Samual Wilkinson Award to Myra Schmits at the Year to Annual date financial resultsof(nine Meeting the months) were $119,000 favorable to OPA Membership in budget vs $346,000 negative for the August. same period last year. Myra Thats aSchmits, positive who was born and raised change of $465,000. Bill Cordwell in Maryland, has The month of January was thelived 7th Pines results since month in ainrowOcean with operating 2000. She is a mother favorable to budget. Net revenues were $379,000 less than operating of 3budgeted childrenandand has 3 expenses were $509,000 favorable to grandchildren. budget. She has The negative budget variances, in total, principle been for in the the three nursing field Club) were $159,000. Last amenities (Golf, Aquatics and Yacht for most of her professional years total (at the end of this period), was a negative $496,000, life. She has been an RN, a Nurse Anesthetist, a Director of which reflects a favorable change of $337,000. Those amenities Nursing at several facilities in Maryland, Delaware, and North are as follows: Golf $101,000 negative this year compared to Carolina, negative owned last 2 consultant companies, was this a state $306,000 year. Aquatics $49,000 and negative year employee at Department Health Hygiene in compared to the $81,000 negativeoflast year and and Mental Yacht Club $9,000 the Medicaid section. negative this year compared to $109,000 last year. The During her years in theresults medical field,various she has written favorable to budget of the Operating Departments and otherTerm amenities thanand offset negative regulations for Long Care more facilities alsothewrote the variances the amenities listed above which gives usManual the overall Marylandof Medicaid Provider Reimbursement for Continued on page 20 year to date favorable to budget variance of $119,000 as stated above. Our three principle amenities all saw a significant negative variance in revenues during this period. Golf was affected by the uncertainty of when it was going to open for a full 18 holes. Aquatics suffered because of the construction of the new Yacht Club Pool and it’s late summer opening. And of course the to help Yacht Club with it’s deteriorated condition andplan eventual early closing all contributed to the shortfall in revenues. your futureManagement with did a very good job of being aggressive and controlling costs to Confidence help offset the negative revenue variances, which has, in effect, contributed to our favorable performance vs the budget. The next report will be the 4th quarter and End of Year report. 2-day WORkShOP Enjoy Our Beautiful Due to recent tax law changes, an Parks & Walking Trails uncertain future for Social Security & Pick up the new Parks the shi towards employee-directed & Walking Trails Brochure & retirement plans, the need for sound Map at the Community Center financial strategies has never been greater. Join us in this workshop & learn: • How to optimize social security benefits • e 4 myths & 3 truths of investing • How to properly rollover your 401k or IRA • If you should convert to a Roth IRA • Annuities 101: e 4 types Nov 4, 11 or Nov 5, 12 6:00pm–8:00pm at the Ocean Pines Community Center Only $39/couple. Register by calling 410.641.7052 For more workshops & courses, visit our website Jeffrey Montgomery Founder/President Cindy Poremski ABR, CRS, GRI, SRS Cell: 410.430.9988 Office: 410.208.3500 [email protected] OCconnection.com Schedule a Free Initial Consultation: 410.208.1004 MontgomeryFinancialServices.com 11022 Nicholas Ln, Suite 10-B, Ocean MD Lane 11001Pines, Manklin Meadows Ocean Pines, MD 21811 Disclaimer: Investment Advisory Services offered through Montgomery Financial Services, LLC, Registered Investment Advisor. This is not an offer of sale of securities. All investing involves risk, and particular investment outcomes are not guaranteed. For informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell, a solicitation to buy, or a recommendation for any security, or an offer to provide advisory or other services by Montgomery Financial Services, LLC in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation, purchase or sale would be unlawful under the securities laws of such jurisdiction. The information contained herein should not be construed as financial or investment advice on any subject matter. Form ADV part 2A and 2B available upon request. 4 Ocean Pines RePORT | SPRING 2014 | OCEANPINES.ORG OCEANPINES.ORG | FALL 2014 | OCEAN PINES REPORT 17 Community highlights House Number Signs Assist Fire and Police The Kiwanis Club of Greater Ocean Pines - Ocean City performs a community service for the residents of Ocean Pines. For years the club makes “House Number Signs” available for purchase by residents of Ocean Pines. The signs are OPA approved official signs. The reason for the signs is to assist first responders of the fire department and police department to identify which residence is in need of assistance. Kiwanis members install the signs out by the street to enable easy visibility, as many house numbers are not easy to see from the street, especially in dark. The sign, pictured inside the Ocean Pines Association entrance on the left, is brown with orange numbers. The applications for new signs costing $15 or re-painting of the signs costing $10 as seen above the sign are available below the green sign explaining the process. While the cost of the signs is not intended to be a fundraiser, any monies left over after material costs, is applied to the club’s administration budget. Lots of hard work for a great safety cause. Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast Saturday, October 11 • 8 - 11 AM Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast from 8 - 11 AM in the Ocean Pines Community Center. Tickets $5 for Adults, $3 for children under 12, and FREE under 5. To purchase in advance please call Ralph Chinn at 410-2086719. Also available at the door. Enjoy Pancakes, Sausages, Fruit Cup, Coffee and Tea and condiments. Carryout is also available. Proceeds benefit the youth of the community. BJ’s Fall Membership Offer to Benefit Veterans Memorial BJ’s Wholesale Club is once again partnering with the Ocean Pines Association to bring a special membership offer, effective Oct. 13 to Nov. 3, to benefit the Worcester County Veterans Memorial at Ocean Pines Foundation. In addition to offering special benefits for new and renewing members, BJ’s will donate $5 of each membership fee to the foundation. The offer, which is available to new and renewing members, is not available for purchase online or at any BJ’s location. Other benefits include receiving $10 off BJ’s $50 Inner Circle membership fee or $20 off the $100 Rewards membership fee, an additional free three months of membership and a free second membership card for a household member. With this offer, 15 months will be added to the expiration date of a current BJ’s membership, regardless of when the membership was last renewed. BJ’s membership applications are available at the Ocean Pines Association administration building at 239 Ocean Pkwy. or online at www.OceanPines.org. Applications may be dropped off or mailed to Ocean Pines Association, c/o Teresa Travatello, 239 Ocean Pkwy., Ocean Pines, MD 21811. Applications must be returned with payment by Nov. 3. Ocean Pines Sam’s Club Offer Still Available The Ocean Pines / Sam’s Club membership promotion, which benefits area residents and the Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department, is available through the end of the year. New and renewed memberships receive a $10 gift card for a Sam’s Savings or Sam’s Business membership or a $25 gift card for a Sam’s Plus membership. Additionally, $5 of each membership fee is donated to the Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department. This offer is not valid online or in-store. Download an application at OceanPines.org or pick one up the Ocean Pines Administration Building. Return the application with check made payable to Sam’s Club to Ocean Pines Association, c/o Teresa Travatello, 239 Ocean Parkway, Ocean Pines, MD 21811. For questions, call 410-641-7717 ext. 3014. Helping Buyers & Sellers For 18 Years! It’s important to work with experienced REALTOR. I have been a full time REALTOR in the area since 1996. Let me know if I can help you, your family or friends sell their home. Cindy Poremski, ABR, CRS, GRI, SRS Cell: 410.430.9988 Office: 410.208.3500 [email protected] www.OCconnection.com PenFed Realty 11001 Manklin Meadows Lane Ocean Pines, MD 21811 HelpingARE Buyers and List Sellers forby18 Years!and Call Me For Your Real Estate($429 Needs! MY LISTINGS SELLING! with me 11/30/14 Receive a FREE Home Warranty value). 18 OCEAN PINES REPORT | FALL 2014 | OCEANPINES.ORG Golf & Country club Community highlights WHAT IS WLGO? “Star Charities founder Anna Foultz and her volunteers presented a check for $1500 to Maureen McNeill, Director of Development, Coastal Hospice July 18th at the Ocean Pines Library. The money was raised at Star Charities’ annual Western Night held at Ocean Downs July 10th. Pictured from left: Peggy Rumberg, Lily Tunis, Lee Tilghman, Sandy McAbee, Janet Donaway, Anna Foultz, Maureen McNeill, Irmgard Heinecke, and Mary Evans.” The World’s Largest Golf Outing (WLGO) was created in 2011 when Peter Hill, CEO of Billy Casper Golf, said you know what would be really cool? Having all of our golf courses hold a golf outing on the same day. He then said, you know what would be even cooler? Having this event make a difference. And WLGO was born2/29/08 by bc soBUTLER:bc 10:23 AM Page 1 combing two of the company’s passions – playing golf and giving back. It wasn’t just enough to strive to be in the Guinness Book of bc BUTLER:bc 2/ World Records for the Largest Golf Outing ever, it was about findingbc BUTLER:bc 2/29/08 10:23 AM Page 1 a way to make a difference in the lives of others. That’s when Wounded bc BUTLER:bc 2/29/08 10:23 AM Page 1 bc BU Warrior Project® (WWP) was chosen as the event’s charitable partner, for their tireless effort and work to support our injured service men and women who come back from war. Since 2011 WLGO and YOU have raised over $1.1 million for WWP and we are still counting! Their Vision is to grow the World’s Largest Golf Outing into the single largest golf event held in one day which benefits Wounded Warrior Project in all that they do to help our injured service men BRANDON BUTLER B and women. On Monday, August 11th, the World’s Largest Golf BRANDON BUTLER Nightspecial Manager Our Night •Manager Outing benefiting Wounded Warrior Project was held across 120+ [email protected] www.bethesdacourtwashdc.com bbutler@tbchote BRANDON BUTLER [email protected] • www.bethesdacourtwashdc.com courses in 26 states. WLGO is more than just a great day of golf; it’s Night Manager [email protected] • www.bethesdacourtwashdc.com about making a difference in the lives of our injured service men and women through participation and team fundraising which is why we rate just for you... 7740 WISCONSIN AVENUE, BETHESDA, MARYLAND 20814 7740 WISCONSIN value your golfing ability just as much as your fundraising ability. STAY & PLAY STAY & PLAY STAY & PLAY Stay with us on a Friday or Saturday night BETHESDA COURT HOTEL BET S D: A(301) COUR T H O T E L • (800) 874-0050 TEL: (301) 656-2100 • HFEAX 986-0375 TEL: (301) 656-210 BETHESDA COURT HOTEL $89/night $89/night WISCONSIN AVENUE, BETHESDA, MARYLAND 20814 * 7740 W7740 ISCONSIN AVENUE, BETHESDA, MARYLAND 20814 TEL: (301) 656-2100 • FAX: (301) 986-0375 • (800) 874-0050 TEL: (301) 656-2100 • FAX: (301) 986-0375 • (800) 874-0050 for just including Breakfast! for just * TE $89/night *some restrictions may• BETHESDA, apply. TaxesMARYLAND not included. 20814 7740 WISCONSIN AVENUE TEL: (301) 656-2100 • FAX: (301)• 986-0375 • TOLL FREE: (800) 874-0050 www.bethesdacourtwashdc.com www.bethesdacourtwashdc.com *some restrictions may•apply. included. 20814 WISCONSIN BETHESDA, MARYLAND Night Manager 2/29/08 774010:23 AMAVENUE Page 1 Taxes not TEL: (301) 656-2100 • FAX: (301)• 986-0375 • TOLL FREE: (800) 874-0050 [email protected] www.bethesdacourtwashdc.com www.bethesdacourtwashdc.com BETHESDA COURT HOTEL bc BUTLER:bc bc BUTLER:bc * bc BUTLER:bc 2/ for just including Breakfast! BRANDON BUTLER B 2/29/08 10:23 AM Night Page 1 bc BU Manager including Breakfast! — Restaurants, Bars, Theatres and more. bbutler@tbchote [email protected] BRANDON BUTLER *some restrictions may apply.1 Taxes not included. bc BUTLER:bc 2/29/08 10:23 AM Page TEL BRANDON BUTLER 7740 WISCONSIN • Manager BETHESDA, 208147740 WISCONSIN Night 7740AVENUE WISCONSIN AVENUE , BETHESDA, MARYLANDMARYLAND 20814 TEL•: (301) TEL: (301) 656-210 656-2100 • F•AX : (301) 986-0375 • (800) 874-0050 TEL: (301) 656-2100 FAX: (301) 986-0375 • TOLL FREE: (800) 874-0050 [email protected] www.bethesdacourtwashdc.com 7740 Wwww.bethesdacourtwashdc.com ISCONSIN AVENUE, BETHESDA, MARYLAND 20814 BETHESDA COURT HOTEL Winners of the OP Group Social OCEANPINES.ORG |BRANDON FALL |986-0375 OCEAN• (800) PINES REPORT 19 TEL: (301) 656-2100 • FAX: 2014 (301) 874-0050 BUTLER Night Manager [email protected] • www.bethesdacourtwashdc.com BETHESDA COURT HOTEL BRANDON BUTLER Night 7740 WISCONSIN AVENUE , BManager ETHESDA, MARYLAND 20814 TB E bbutler@tbchote GREEN STREET by the Environment & Natural Assets Advisory Committee ProvidingPlan exceptional care Landscaping Developed athome Swim & Racquet Asfor you read in our last Green Street for column, Ocean Pines your loved ones 37theyears Environment & Natural Assets Advisory Committee, in collaboration with the Maryland Coastal Bays Program, developed a landscaping plan for the Swim and Racquet Club to include native trees and shrubs which will reduce stormwater runoff and create shady areas for a park-like venue for residents to enjoy. The OP Board of Directors approved the plan and Maryland Coastal Bays was successful in obtaining a grant through the Maryland Governor’s Stream Restoration Challenge Award which permits us to proceed with the landscaping project. To quote the Governor: “The Stream Restoration Challenge is an opportunity for our children to learn outside of the classroom and connect with the natural world around them. These projects Activitiesquality of Daily Living restorewithwater in and around the helpAssistance Alzheimers and Dementia Care bay[s], clean our air, beautify our [Chesapeake and Coastal] Companion Care communities and create habitat for wildlife, all while educating Diabetes, Cardiac and Cancer Care and cultivating Maryland’s next generation of stewards.” The Hospice Support proposals were based on how effective, efficient and Medication and chosen Care Management economical they would be, and which would support the most Skilled Nursing Care Maryland RSA # R399 A Capital City Nurses Company student participation. So, as you read this, you may have already seen 70 Stephen Decatur Middle School students, with guidance coastalhomecarees.com from Maryland Coastal Bays personnel,410.572.5606 planting trees and Community highlights Myra Schmits Receives OPA’s Volunteer Award Continued from page 17 Maryland Long Term Care facilities. She opened the LifeCare Center at Lofland Parkthe in Swim 1992, and which was part of Nanticoke shrubbery around Racquet Club area. Eddie Wells and his Works crew assisted in isthepart effort, Memorial Hospital in Public Seaford, Delaware and now of providing mulch, wheelbarrows and shovels. SlowGenesis Healthcare. growing cedar, career loblolly andmedical holly field, trees she will In addition to her professional in the eventually create a shade canopy in now barren has volunteered countless hours in her community at churches, areas and reduce stormwater runoff from the clubs, schools, hospitals, and at the Special Olympics. She has parking lots and tennis courts. Bayberry/wax organized and participated many activities myrtle andin high tide programs bushes willand create a buffer for children and adults special needs andwhatever for the elderly. at thewith waterfront to filter runoff Due to her dedication to her wonderful daughter Lisa, who is may remain. And 70 students have a better how their contributions have a speciallyunderstanding challenged, sheofwas inspired to start Peoplecan Enjoying positive impact on the world around us. People (or P.E.P. Club), The sole purpose of the P.E.P Club is to provide arenaa for intellectually disabled adults in the FREEan“Ask Master Gardener” at the Library Ocean Pines/ Ocean City/ Worcester County area to have fun University of MD Cooperative Extension Service is as well offering as form “Ask companionship with friends andOcean peers on a a Master Gardener” at the Pines regular Library. basis. TheThis clubfree hasclinics grownheld to 48 members in 1pm the 4toyears every Tuesday 4pm it’s beenthrough active. September. Myra humbly accepted the award but told theto Master Gardeners will be available withshegardening Pleaseto put plant meetinghelp crowd owes all questions. her inspiration her your daughter damage samples in a plastic bag and label the bag with Lisa, who is pictured with Myra on page 17. your name and phone number. If your question cannot be answered at the time of submittal, it will be researched and DINNER someone willOVATION get back to you at a laterTHEATRE date. presents Don’t Be a Poopatraitor! Mafia Mystery Remember Murders to pick up and dispose of your dog’s waste every day, every time for Show the sake of our community’s Audience-Interactive & Dinner beauty and for the sake of the bays. County Code requires owners to pick up after their pets (PS2-101 Paragraph U). Wednesday, Failure to doDate: so could result in a October $100 fine.29, 2014 Reservations: Time: 6:00 PM Wheel Your Trash & Recycling to The Curb... Pines Yacht Club, ...with WM’sPlace: trash &Ocean recycling 96-gallon cars! Trash pick featuring elegant, up twice weekly & single stream an recycling every other 3-course, plated meal week! Sign up at wm.com or call 800.633.9096. 302.500.1528 ovationdinnertheatre.com Ovation Dinner Theatre 410.641.7501 Sylvia White 20 OCEAN PINES REPORT | FALL 2014 | OCEANPINES.ORG 14 Ocean Pines RePORT | SPRING 2014 | OCEANPINES.ORG OWNER FREE LAWN CARE! — Refer a Friend & Receive 2 FREE Cuts Per Referral Who Killed the Godfather of the - 10% OFF Senior Discount Clamato Crime Family?.... - 10% OFF All Landscaping (exp. 5/1/14) Perhaps YOU will be a suspect in this 410-749-3307 audience-interactive performance. Servicing OP Since 1999 With Quality & Reliability recreation and parks Family Fun Night Bingo Friday November 7th • 6pm-8pm BINGO! Bring your family and have a blast. Play BINGO, win prizes and spend quality time with your family. No cash prizes, this is a Family FUN Night. The first game begins at 6pm and the last game begins at 7:45 Who: All family and friends are welcome When: Friday November 7th Time: 6pm-8pm Where: Assateague Room Cost: FREE Notes: No cash prizes! Volunteers needed. show. Come find those perfect last minute gifts for the hard-to-buy for on your Christmas List. Vendors will include: Thirty One Gifts, Pampered Chef, Longaberger, Cookie Lee, Scentsy, Tastefully Simple, Discovery toys, Mary-Kay, Silpada, do TERRA, Tupperware, Avon, Stella & Dot, Miche Bags, Origami Owl & more. For more information on reserving a vendor table, contact the Recreation & Parks Department at 410.641.7052 GLAMOUR GIRL HOLIDAY SPA DAY Saturday, December 20, 1-4 pm • Community Center Reindeer Lane Gift Shop December 6th 8-11am in the East Room At this special shop, children ages 12 and under have the opportunity to purchase Christmas gifts for their loved ones. All of the items are sold to the kids for a dollar or less. There will be many items to choose from, for both kids and adults. Donations for this one of a kind program are greatly appreciated. Please bring new or slightly worn items to the Ocean Pines Community Center. For more information, please call (410) 641-7052. Holiday Vendor Show Saturday November 22nd @ Ocean Pines Community Center 10:00am-4:00pm The Holiday gift giving season is upon us. Finish up all of your Holiday shopping at the Ocean Pines Holiday Vendor Spend the day getting pampered just like at a real salon! There will be hair stylists, makeup artist and a manicurist on hand for mini-manicures and mini-pedicures. Come enjoy snacks and holiday music and video while we turn you into a “Glamour Girl.” Coffee, tea and snacks will be available for adults waiting for their Princess. At the end of the day of beauty, we will have her “Glamour” photo taken. Who: Girls Ages 4 – 10 Cost: Residents $20.00 • Non Residents: $25.00 Photo Package Available: 5x7 = $7.00 /ea. 8x10 = $9.00 /ea. Package Deal: (1) 8x10, (2) 5x7 = $16.00 Call Me Today FOR A FREE MARKET ANALYSIS OF YOUR HOME! Bernie Flax Direct: 410.629.9070 Office Toll Free: 866.666.1727 Direct Link to All Local Listings at www.BernieFlax.com or scan... 11001 Manklin Meadows Lane Ocean Pines, MD 21811 An independently owned and operated broker member of BRER Affiliates Inc. Prudential, the Prudential logo and the Rock symbol are registered service marks of Prudential Financial, Inc. and its related entities, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide. Used under license with no other affiliation with Prudential. OCEANPINES.ORG | FALL 2014 | OCEAN PINES REPORT 21 GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB 100 clubhouse drive ocean pines, md 21811 410.641.6057 / oceanpinesgolf.org 9th Annual Bavarian Hops Match is Success Another great time, 72 players for 9 hole skins game @ Ocean Pines Golf Course. 7th Tee Box Party had their peanut gallery to bust the golfers trying to win the closest to the pin. Debbie Schwertner gets closest to the pin with 3’ on # 7, and $50.00 plus the Bavarian Hops Hat for the year = congrats. AREA EVENTS Only 1 skin this year, Pete & Frankie Gomsak on # 3 with Budget Travel Magazine Names Berlin a net eagle $360.00= congrats. Nice after'America's party upstairs in the club house with close to Coolest Small Town' 100 people. The town of Berlin topped Budget Travel’s 9th annual contest to find the town across the United Donation moneycoolest raisedsmall for the 2 charities States. With a year-round population Worcester County Humane & Diakonia of 4,563, Society a charming downtown, museums, a popular craft brewery and now a song “Cool Berlin, Berlin won approximately 39,285 votes in the contest. Budget Travel said more than 137,000 votes were cast overall but it stated that Berlin as the “runaway favorite.” Blog editors at Budget Travel wrote, Participants raised $3742 to be split between the two. “Whether you’re a beach lover, hiker, kayaker, bird watcher, or And a big thanks Ron & Diane Morley The New mustBerlin on your list ofofsmall-town history aficionado,toput Wealth anditDr Chris sees (in LLC fact, put at the top&ofJudi yourGaluardi list—we of justBerlin did!).”Pain Management for their generous donations. Berlin Chamber And a big thanks toof allCommerce the golfers & BerlinChamber.org friends for their June 6 High Heel Race donations. This puts us over $14,000 thatFriday we’ve raised since 2nd Art Strolls July 18four years Bathago Tubwhen Races we started 2010, the charity portion of with Gallery Openings, Music, Aug. 2 Peach Festival the golf outing. Sept. 19–21 Fiddlers Convention Shopping, Food & Fun! If you wouldCounty like to donate to the two charities, Worcester Tourism VisitWorcester.org it’s to late, contactCounty Fair, Byrd Park, Snow Hill Aug.not 8–10 Worcester Ernie Stiles WorcesterCountyFair.org @443-496-4555 or [email protected] 22 OCEAN PINES REPORT | FALL 2014 | OCEANPINES.ORG Outings, Tournaments & Banquets OP Golf & Country Club is the perfect place to hold your group’s next golf outing. We welcome you and your players, and promise to make your event an enjoyable and successful experience. We pride ourselves on offering friendly service and providing the best golf course layout and conditions for all skill-level golfers. For more information or to schedule your next golf outing, call 410.641.057 email [email protected]. Ocean PinesorChamber OceanPinesChamber.org, 410.641.5306 May 22 June 12 General Membership Breakfast Private Lessons & Clinics Available At TheGolf Woodlands Business After Hours, 5–7pm Our golf clinics are 66, tailored At Galaxy 66th St. for in OCplayers of all ages and skill levels looking to be introduced to the July 10 and for OPbeginners Chamber Cook Out Aug. 2 There 7th game. areAnnual many opportunities for anyone interested Flounder Tournament and the professional staff is well trained and experienced Parade can be scheduled Aug. 23 Classic Private Car Show &lessons to teach all Annual skill levels. by calling the pro shop at 410.641.6057 or by emailing Ocean City Chamber of Commerce OceanCity.org [email protected]. May 14–18 May 15–18 May 20 OC Restaurant Week Cruisin’ Ocean City Annual OC Chamber Cup Golf Tournament May 31 Annual Ravens Roost Parade June 13–15 Wine In The Park June 14–15 OC Air Show June 14–15 Art’s Alive June 15–18 MD State Fireman’s Conference & Parade June 26–29 Dew Tour GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB July 11–13 Greek Festival Aug. 4–8 RESIDENT 41st Annual White Marlin OpenSPECIAL NFL SUNDAY Art $30 AFTER 1PM Aug. 7–10$40 BEFORE “Paint OC” Plein 1PMAire AND Competition & Wet Paint Sale 18 HOLES W/CART Sept. 11–14 OC Bikefest GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB OPMGA Club Championship championship played under the rules of real golf. Recall that just a few years ago conditions for the Club Championship were The OPMGA Club Championship was a great success; such that we were told to “roll ‘em” from tree line to tree line! thanks go to Randy Lindell and Kevin Hughes for managing the Fifty-seven golfers teed off in three flights: eleven were in tournament along with all the support provided by the Ocean the championship flight that played from the slightly shortened Pines Pro Shop staff. Additional thanks to the grounds crew Black tees with the remaining golfers divided among the flights for having the course in great condition allowing us to have a playing from the White and Gold tees. The 18th green was surrounded by players and non-playing members on Saturday afternoon as Domenic Monaco hit h is approach within 3 feet of the cup. Domenic went on to birdie the 2014 Championship with a nice Lifetime GolfClub Memberships GOLF & COUNTRY CLUBthe hole and claim score of 83-82---165. Runner-up was 2013 Champion Matt 20 Lifetime Golf Memberships have been sold to date which 100 clubhouse drive Ruggiere finished 3 for strokes back withgreens. a fineThank Saturday has raised who $300,000 to pay the renovated you ocean pines, md 21811 round ofmembers 81. to those who have made the commitment and became 410.641.6057 / oceanpinesgolf.org The Tern Grill was filled revelry following exclusive Lifetime Members of thewith OP Golf & Country Club.the If you would like an exclusivetook lifetime golf membertooftoast our competition as to thebemembership the opportunity Gorgeous, Renovated Greens Open to the Public the OPA-owned golf course, please call 410.641.7717 x3001. fine play of Domenic and the winners of the other flights. Open to the public, OP Golf & Country Club is part of an Overall it was a good day for Ocean Pines Golf, and it was Outings, Tournaments 8,000-home community. Its 18-hole, par-72, 7,050-yard layout great to have the support of the membership for this event. & Banquets is nestled amidTaylor natural Bank wetlands andTournament scenic woodlands with water Golf in play on 10 holes. 5 sets of tees and ample scoring opportunities OP Golf & Country Club is The OPTC entry in the Taylor Bank Golf Tournament to dare players of all abilities to challenge themselves. The well- the perfect place to hold your raise fundsclubhouse for Jr. golfincludes and scholarships acquitted appointed a fully-stocked prothemselves shop, Tern group’s next golf outing. We quiteand well,locker today,rooms. A in the rainy and wet conditions Ocean Grille comprehensive practice at area with a welcome you and your players, Pines Golf Club. double-ended driving range and sheltered tees, chipping green, and promise to make your event an enjoyable and successful 2 putting greensofand sand areas delight even most ardent experience. We pride ourselves on offering friendly service and The Team Al 2Fasulo, Jack Levering, Louthe Rixham and golfers. Ocean Pines offers clinics, private lessons, club repair and providing the best golf course layout and conditions for all skillBob Long, carded a gross 67 (5 UNDER par) with a Net 55 bag storage. Call 410.641.6057 to make your tee time or visit our level golfers. For more information or to schedule your next golf (using the Tournament’s handicapping system). A very nice website at oceanpinesgolf.org. outing, call 410.641.7501 or email [email protected]. showing for the tennis guys on the golf course was a Team effort, with the number one star going to Al Fasulo. Al was Private Golf Lessons & Clinics Available thespot TurnandatheTern playing in theMake “cleanup” had Grille a lot of cleaning to Our golf clinics are tailored for players of all ages and skill Beturning sure toincheck our link’s watering this season. do, many out the clutch approach shotshole and putts. Overlooking the beauty of the spectacular 18th hole, the Tern levels and for beginners looking to be introduced to the game. Was the 55 good enough to win you might ask. Sadly, no. Grille has updated menu items including an expanded breakfast There are many opportunities for anyone interested and the Teams withasNets of 53they andoffer 54 took thespecials honors.and Thank youlunch to Professional Staff is well trained and experienced to teach all skill menu. And, always, drink daily Runner Up Club Champion everyone for their participation. See you next year. lessons can be scheduled by calling the pro shop at specials. Located next to the pro shop, the Tern Grille is open levels. Private Matt Ruggiere Dominico Monaco 410.641.6057 or by emailing [email protected]. daily for breakfast, lunch, lite fare and carryout. An A+ Performer with Proven Results! Recently Sold 28 Boatswain Dr 55 Seafarer 2 Briarcrest Recently Listed: 2 Sandyhook Rd 7 Bayou Ct. Yours could be next Mary Bradford, M.Ed. Broker’s Price Opinion Resource Certified O: 410-641-5700 Looking to buy or sell resort property? Contact me today to 12-MONTH COMMITMENT TO C: 443-497-4206 discuss your needs. Now is the BEST time to list your property. [email protected] THE PROGRAM INCLUDES: 11001 Manklin Creek Rd, #4, Berlin, MD 21811 Ocean Pines Office, Pennington Commons Shopping Center Unlimited Use of Range, 7 Days a Week Operated by a Subsidiary of NRT LLC OCEANPINES.ORG | FALL 2014 | OCEAN PINES REPORT 23 10% OFF Lessons FREE Grip Installation Fire Department Worcester County offers free emergency training in Ocean Pines The Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department would like to thank all those who contributed to our 2014 Annual Raffle. This year we offered the winner an option of either a new custom built home or $100,000 cash. Our winning ticket number was #1918 and our lucky winner chose the house. Out of 3,500 tickets to purchase we sold 3,095. We sincerely thank everyone who supported us this year and the years past. Look for information coming in the New Year for the 2015 Annual Raffle, plans have already begun for where we should build your new home. Maryland & Worcester County’s Most Beautiful People Award, 2012 MD Coastal Dispatch Women’s Award Winner, 2011 Madisons Who’s Who • CAT Country Community Service Hero, 2011 OP Chamber Business of the Year, 2009 2011 & 2012 Trust Our Award-Winning Professionals for Effective & Fast Cleaning Services for Your Home or Business Servicing the Entire Delmarva Area Licensed & Insured • Residential & Commercial 7 Days a Week CONTACT US FOR A NO-OBLIGATION QUOTE 410.632.1252 / 410.713.9678 [email protected] GitRDoneCleaningServices.com 24 OCEAN PINES REPORT | FALL 2014 | OCEANPINES.ORG Worcester County Emergency Services (WCES) invites the public to participate in a free, 8-session Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) course. The training takes place at the Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department South Station, on Wednesdays from 6:30 – 9:30 p.m. from October 8 – November 8, 2014, with Cardiopulmonary Response (CPR) and Automatic External Defibrillator (AED) training to take place during class on October 22. CERT is an extremely informative, hands-on, educational program packed with information to equip residents, who have no prior emergency medical training, to support their families and communities during a disaster. Participants will gain the decision-making and practical skills necessary to offer immediate assistance to those in need following an emergency until further help can arrive. “CERT helps you prepare yourself, your family, your community to face a wide variety of emergencies,” WCES Emergency Planner Tom Kane said. “CERT just makes you safer.” Participants will learn basic lifesaving skills, such as CPR/AED, First Aid and fire suppression. They will also learn to recognize both natural and manmade hazards. Upon completion of this program, students will be able to create disaster plans and supply kits and aid in responding to hazardous material emergencies. Those who successfully complete the training will receive CPR and First Aid certification thorough the American Heart Association. During the course, instructors will provide information on hazards typical to Worcester County, hazardous materials in the home and the National Incident Management System. Instruction is geared to help residents better prepare and survive during the first 36 to 72 hours after a catastrophic event when local first responder resources are stretched to their limits. CERT is made possible through a grant from Atlantic General Hospital, thereby allowing WCES to offer this valuable training at no cost to all interested residents. Space is limited to 20 individuals and is available on a first come, first served basis. For more info or to register, contact Tom Kane at 410-632-3080 or [email protected] Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department to hold Open House The Ocean Pines Volunteer Fire Department will be holding an Open House October 11th from 10am to 1pm at the South Station. Come check out our fire engines, ambulances and learn about how smoke alarms can save lives. THE OCEAN PINES PINES THE CLUBS CLUBS OF OCEAN We cater to your every need... year–round We Make Your Special Event Memorable & FUN! Make your next event one to remember without all the hassle. Simply call on the expansive experience of our staff. The Yacht club features picturesque views of the Isle of Wight Bay and the Ocean City skyline. As Ocean Pines’ premier dining facility, the Yacht Club features an expansive menu with selections to please even the most discerning palate and provides a large venue for major celebratory events. Enjoy the waterside views of the Isle of Wight Bay or move inside to our elegant banquet rooms to take in the views from a more formal setting. Our new facility accommodates parties of 175 with a dance floor or 225 guests using the full room for banquet seating. The country club makes for a memorable outdoor event on the beautful greens or a cozy gathering within the Clubhouse. The Country Club features spacious rooms upstairs for special catered events overlooking the beautiful course. We can accommodate up to 120 guests with a dance floor or 150 guests using the full room for banquet seating. The Beach club provides the perfect backdrop for your special event with a spectacular view of OC’s vast golden shoreline. A 3-level cedar shake facility on the beach with indoor or outdoor seating on the central level accommodates up to 130 guests. The upper level area accommodates up to 80 guests. For your copy of our neW event catering Guide and neW Wedding Guide, email [email protected] or visit OceanPines.org “Seriously, you really live here?” 302.436.0808 21111 Arrington Drive | Selbyville, DE 19975 Brandywine Senior Living has Locations throughout NJ, PA, DE, CT, NY www.Brandycare.com • 1-877-4BRANDY 22 Ocean Pines RePORT | SPRING 2014 | OCEANPINES.ORG OCEANPINES.ORG | FALL 2014 | OCEAN PINES REPORT 25 Aquatics New! Dive In Movie! PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Saturday, November 1st • Finding Nemo - 6pm Saturday, December 6th • Frozen - 6pm Public Works Yard Open for Drop-Off NEW! Winter Family Fun Nights October 24th • 6-8:30pm January 2nd • 6-8:30pm Junior League Golf for 2014 Fun for PGA the entire family! The indoor pool is open for all ages toweenjoy as athe variety musicthat fills participated the air! Last season, joined 700+ofteams in PGA JLG last season and we are participating in 2014. PGA Food and beverages will be available poolside for a small fee. League Golf (PGA JLG) is designed to bring a “Little Junior Admission:toOnly persons pay a fee: League” atmosphere the game of swimming golf. With teams of boys & Members: • Resident: $5 • Non-Resident: $7 girls,Swim age 13 & under,$3 PGA JLG provides a structured league Family Rate: Have more 4 peopleand in your environment for young golfersthen to compete haveimmediate fun! This is a great way to family? get & keep in thefamily! game. Participants Paykids $20 involved for the entire receive a numbered team jersey, golf balls, bag tag and “Flag” stickers; 5-6 regular season competitions; practices and/or clinics (# determined by team captain); access to customized website featuring rosters, schedules and standings; opportunity for advancement to post-season play via League All-Star teams. The program structure is a recreational 2-player scramble format for players of every skill level. All participants get to play in every competition they attend. Ideal team make-up is 4 novices/4 average/4 above-average players. Advanced skills are not required but kids must have access to a set of golf clubs. If your child can drive, chip or putt... we have a role for them on our JLG team! For more info, visit pgajrleaguegolf.com. NEw! NEW! Winter Junior Lifeguard Program! Pre-Season High School Golf Camp th Tuesday, Dec. • $75 per Our pre-season camp30 is designed toperson prepare• Ages 8 and up Comegolfers join usfor forthe a day of learning to be a Junior Lifeguard! young upcoming fallhow season. Lifeguard a visit to our local fire station and more! WHO: AgesSkills, 12 &Games, Up Sports3pm–7pm Core Pool WHEN: aUG. 9, 10am 10, 16,at17the / TIME: COST: 5pm$150/golfer at the Sports Core Pool, Pizza Lunch will be provided Come swim Works while ayard movie ondebris our blow up screen! The Public willisbeplaying open for drop-off during Members: • Resident • $5 Saturday • Non-Resident: $7 to theSwim month of May, $3 Monday through from 8 am 3pm. Residents can bring yard debris loose or in paper bags. If Family Rate: Have more then 4 people in your immediate you are using plastic bags, please be prepared to cut the bags open family? Pay $20 for the entire family! and dump out the debris when you get to the yard. Questions?... call 410.641.7425 or email [email protected]. Register Your Dog for the Dog Park Before & June & Receive GOLF COUNTRY CLUB a FREE Ocean Pines Dog Park Bandana! Weekly Junior GolfandClinics Dress up your pup show your Ocean Pines Dog Park pride thatthis saysclinic “I Love Ocean Pines Dogwe Park $5 retail value). Large At for beginner players, will(awork on putting, and small sizes available for different size breeds. For more informachipping, irons, woods & bunker play. tion, please contact the Ocean Pines Recreation & Parks Department by phone at 410.641.7052 or by email at WHO: Ages 5 – 14 [email protected]. WHEN: Wednesdays session 3: JUne 4 – 25 session 4: JULY 9New – 30 Pool Party Rates: TIME: Beginners: $3 non 4:30pm–5:15pm, swimmer fee and $6 swimmer fee Advanced: 5:30pm–6:15pm For more details or to book your event, Junior COST: $10/golfer per week Call 410-641-7052 GOLF or $32 in advance Tournament for all 4 clinics Summer Junior Golf Camp brin proof of to the O at 235 O your app user guid previous and $10 $50 for o size. Onl for the fi make yo note that of fees fo Wednesday, July 30 Players will work on different aspects of the game each day including fundamentals, chipping, pitching, swing, bunker play & playing the course. Each week concludes with a mini-tournament, awards ceremony & dinner. Fee includes lunch & snack. WHO: Ages 5 – 14 WHEN: Mon – Thur, 9:30am–1pm camp 1: JUne 23 – 26 camp 2: JULY 7 – 10 camp 3: JULY 21 – 24 camp 4: aUG. 4 – 7 COST: $125/golfer 2011 & 20 Each office is independently owned & operated. Tr HOME IMPROVEMENT TEAM Licensed & Insured since 2002 Lice Kitchens, Baths & Interiors Certified Green Professional Family owned, OP Chamber Member & OP Residents since 1980 (443) 286-1518 • [email protected] www.handyhays.com 26 OCEAN PINES REPORT | FALL 2014 | OCEANPINES.ORG Iamst 36 Ocean Pines RePORT | SPRING 2014 | OCEANPINES.ORG Aquatics Utility News Choptank Electric Cooperative Introduces E-News Preference Center to the Public OUTDOOR POOLS OPEN MAY 24! NEW! Ocean Pines Aquatics Angel Tree DENTON – Choptank Electric Cooperative has introduced a new communication outlet for its members and the Sports communityCore calledPool the “E-News Preference Center.” (Ocean Pines Aquatics Headquarters) can be found at www. The E-News Cathell Preference Road Center • 410.641.5255 choptankelectric.coop onpool. the Spacious tool bar, inside “E-News Preference Year-round, indoor & outside Center.” These are areas sent out you, as the sun decks,emails changing withmonthly showers, and vending. YEAR-ROUND: subscriber, getOpen to Swim choose any or 10am–9pm all of theDaily following topics (Pool Members & Classes Only:Special 6–10am Daily) you wish to receive: Co-op News, Alerts, Green and (Indoor pool closes during thunder & lightning) Growing, Energy Efficiency, and Beat the Peak. If you have previously submitted an email to Choptank Electric, you might already be receiving these emails. If you IGHT all of its members to call have not, Choptank Electric invites TWIL the Member Service CenterSW atIM1-877-892-0001 and update 4PMalso go online and submit TERcan your contact information.AFYou IL DA YCenter and select your own your own email to the Preference topics. Choptank currently has 21,000 members signed up to receive the emails. Beach Club Pool Choptank Electric Cooperative is City an electric distribution 49th & 50th St. & The Beach, Ocean • 410.524.2979 co-op located Maryland’s Eastern Shore serving Family pool onon the beach! Changing areas with showers, locker rooms, volleyball, snack bar, 2 private parking lots. approximately 52,000 members. Open Swim: May 24 – Sept. 1 10am–6pm Daily , Aqua Zumba Sports Core Pool AQUATICS The Ocean Pines Aquatics TeamIGhas been given two families TWIL HT in need from Worcester SWIM County Gold. PMof these local needy If you would like to donate AFTEtoR 4one Y IL A families, please stop by ourD Indoor Sports Core Pool during operating hours between November 10th and DecemberNew! 15th toYacht pick upClub an Angel from our tree. Pool THANK YOU forClub assisting in making it a wonderful Yacht Driveus• 410.641.6722 for those need! Overlooking holiday Isle of Wight Bayinwith dining facilities and the community’s adult-only pool. Open Swim: May 24 – Sept. 1: 10am–7pm Daily (Pool Members & Classes Only: 6–10am Daily) Open Swim FALL: Sept. 2 – Sept. 21, 10am–6pm Weekdays, 10am–7pm Weekends NEW! Discover SCUBA Program Have you ever wondered what its like to breath underwater? Cost: $50 per student, Ages: 10 & up Call to&schedule: 443-333-1011 Swim Racquet Club Pool 10Instructor: Seabreeze Drive • 410.641.7227 Jeremiah Kogon Family poolIfon the bayfront! Tot wading poolquite with mushroom you want to find out but aren’t rain drop, changing areas with showers, vending. ready to take the plunge into a certification course, Open Swim: May 24 – Sept. 1, 10am–9pm Daily Discover SCUBA will let you try SCUBA to see if you like it. While not an actual scuba certification, during the Discover SCUBA DivingHexperience you’ll ILIG T W T learn how to use scuba equipment SWIMin shallow water and get quick and easy introduction to what it takes AFTER 4PM Y IL A D to explore the underwater world. Mumford’s Landing Pool Mumford’s Landing • 410.208.6005 Family pool, tot pool, changing rooms, vending, large deck overlooking the OC skyline. Open Swim: May 24 – Sept. 1, 10am–6pm Daily Tuesday & Thursdays at 6pm 6 Week Session Sports Core Pool Oct 27 – Dec 8 Jan 5 – Feb 11 Nationwide Sales Solutions, Inc. On Your Side Center– Nationwide Insurance $65 Pool Member $75 OP Resident $85 Non Resident Office: 410-213-2241 Fax: 410-213-1267 [email protected] Register at 410-641-7052 or [email protected] Ocean Pines Aquatics • 239 Ocean Parkway, Ocean Pines MD Therese Tyndall Sales & Service Associate 12216 Ocean Gateway, Suite 200 Ocean City, Maryland 21842 OCEANPINES.ORG | FALL 2014 | OCEAN PINES REPORT 27 SPRING 2014 | OCEANPINES.ORG | Ocean Pines RePORT 27 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 2014 Leaf Collection Program Waste Management Customers can have up to four bags of leaves each pickup in addition to your regular trash pickup. If you live on the South Side of Route 90 Bridge, collections are on Tuesdays and Fridays. If you live on the North Side of Route 90 Bridge, collections are on Mondays and Thursdays. Branches will be picked up if tied in bundles limited to 4’ long. In addition, Ocean Pines Public Works will also be collecting any amount of PAPER BAGS ONLY on the North or South side the opposite days of Waste Management starting November 17, 2014 and will be in each section at least once a week. If you rake just your ditch out to the street, Public Works will pick the leaves up. If it’s obvious you have raked your yard leaves to the ditch, they will not be picking them up, until they are in PAPER BAGS only. COMPLIANCE, PERMITS & INSPECTIONS DEPARTMENT A DIVISION OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS We strive to preserve the natural beauty and setting of Ocean Pines and to prevent indiscriminate clearing of property, removal of trees and earth moving. We ensure that the location and configuration of structures are visually harmonious with their sites and surrounding and that the architectural design of the structures and materials are visually harmonious with Ocean Pines’ overall appearance. CPI ensures that all plans conform to the regulations and restrictions of Ocean Pines. Bring Your Leaves to Us! Ocean Pines Public Works Yard, located behind the County’s recycle containers near the Southside Fire Station, will be open Five Saturdays from Nov. 22nd - Dec. 20th from 8:00am - 4:00 pm for LEAVES OR YARD DEBRIS ONLY, PAPER BAGS ONLY or in bulk. Pro for CPI Assistanc Alzheime Compan Diabetes Hospice Medicati Skilled N coasta OP Public Works Grounds Crew preparing for Yacht Club Grand Opening 28 OCEAN PINES REPORT | FALL 2014 | OCEANPINES.ORG SPRING 2014 COMMUNITY HIGHLIGHTS A look back... Kiwanis Ends Hot Dog Season with Car Parade The “Kiwanis Dawg Team” finished the season Saturday, Aug 23 with a feast of hot dogs, sausage and peppers, danish and cookies at the Ocean Pines Chamber of Commerce Classic Car Show held in Ocean Pines. The Team will enjoy a well-earned break until October after a Kiwanis year (October 2013 - September 2014) of numerous events in Ocean Pines. Thank You so much to the community which supported all of the events. The monies earned go to support Kiwanis Programs severing the Children and the Community. Shown (L-R) in background are Mark Page and Lee Brooke. In front are Dan Peletier, Tom Southwell, Barb Peletier, Stella Hartington, Mary and Joe Logisz and Mary and Mike Evans. Contact Us Today! Check Out Our Last Minute Bid! Browse Our Specials! Start Your Search for Rentals Today! Vacationers choose Long & Foster For Our “Peace of Mind Service” which keeps your guests coming back. Let Long & Foster Resort Rentals help you to maximize your rental income and minimize your headaches! • We Collect Reservation Monies • 24-hour Emergency Assistance • Lodging Agreement • 24-hour Reservation Center LFVacations.com Excellent exposure for your investment! Call Long & Foster Vacation Rentals Today! Find us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/LFVacations ® 800-843-2322 OCEANPINES.ORG | FALL 2014 | OCEAN PINES REPORT 29 Farewell to an Amazing Friend & Talented Photographer, John T. Harris At the first OPMGA Men’s Day last week, the members took a moment before heading out on the course to pay a tribute and say “thank you” to John Harris who passed HIGHLIGHTS away this spring. John often participated in COMMUNITY OPGCC events, and when he wasn’t, he was taking pictures on the course and elsewhere in Ocean Pines. Rest in Peace, John. You are missed. 5 Ravens Roost #44 Having Fun at St. Pat’s Parade 3 Paul and Trish Neal showing their Irish and Ravens spirit as they wait to march with OC Ravens Roost #44 in the Ocean City St. Patrick’s Day Parade. The OC Ravens 1 Roost #44 Leprechaun was all smiles! OCEAN PINES GARDEN CLUB TAKES HOME TWO AWARDS IN THE 2014 FESTIVAL OF BOATS. The club’s theme was “The Wizard of Oz” and they took home the “Best in Show” prize as well as First Prize for “Best Concept.” Pictured are (1) Carolyn Henglein (Dorothy) holding Tinker Bell (Toto); Jack Hoffmaster who passed away this winter. Jack will be remembered for his exclamation “Beautiful Shot!” after his partners’ shots. 2 4 (4) Darlene Musitano (Wicked Witch) (2) Members of the float committee (Carolyn & John (5) the boat in the parade, towing a flying monkey in an inner Henglein, CarolTimes Quinto, Sirianni, BarbaraCelebration Ferger, and & tube (Carolyn Henglein as Dive! Dorothy, Carol Quinto as the “Egg-citing” atLinda the Easter / Spring Easter Egg Hunt & Egg GailApril Jankowski); Tin Egg Man, John Henglein as the Wizard, Linda Sirianni as On 12, many eggs with treasures inside were collected at the Easter Dive at the Sports Core Pool! On April 19, a fun celebration of spring and the Easter holiday wasthe hadScarecrow, by all who attended this annual Chris Griffith as the Cowardly Lion, Darlene White Horse Park. Bugsy O’HareHenglein was on hand to greet theMusitano children and helpWicked them to hunt forand somewhere on board is (3)event The atcostumed participants (Carolyn (Dorothy), as the Witch Easter eggs. As always, Wild Willy Woo Woo made the crowd laugh while kids also enjoyed face painting, Linda (Scarecrow), Quinto (Tinparade Man),contest ChrissawTinker Bell as Toto). moonSirianni bounces and pony rides.Carol The Easter bonnet many creative and adorable entries. Griffith (Cowardly Lion); All photos are by Gail Philippi Got Guests Coming for a Visit? Serving Our Community Since 1991 Call: 410-641-5900 Fax: 410-641-7242 Email: [email protected] Jim Johnson Enrolled Agent BORDERLINKS TIMESHARES 11029 Cathell Rd (PO Box 1577) Ocean Pines, MD 21811 www.OceanPinesTaxServices.com PROFESSIONAL TAx PREPARATION •AUDIT ASSISTANCE /AUDIT •YEAR-ROUND SERvICE PAYROLL SERvICES REPRESENTATION FREE ELECTRONIC FILING WHEN WE PREPARE YOUR TAx RETURN 32 Pines Property Management Need some extra rooms in Ocean Pines? Give us a call. Reasonable Rates! Ocean Pines RePORT | SPRING 2014 | OCEANPINES.ORG 30 OCEAN PINES REPORT | FALL 2014 | OCEANPINES.ORG CALL (410) 641-7359 (410) 641-7242 FAX www.villasofoceanpines.com Santa Claus in Ocean Pines Swim with Santa 7th Annual Swim With Santa Saturday, December 13th 11:00am-1:00pm Bring the family to meet Jolly Old Elf himself. Donations of unwrapped toys or non-perishable food items will be collected for the Worcester County Sheriffs Dept. program. $6 swimmers / $3 non swimmers 4th Annual Hometown Christmas Breakfast with Santa Claus and Friends The Ocean Pines Recreation & Parks Department is hosting “Breakfast with Santa, Mrs. Claus and Friends” at the Ocean Pines Community Center on Saturday, December 6th from 8 – 11 am. Bring the entire family for a morning of fun, food, photos and festivities!! Santa and Mrs. Claus will arrive at approximately 8:30 am and will be available for photos. The menu will consist of pancakes, sausage, juice, milk, coffee and pastries. Breakfast is free for kids 4 and under, $4 for children ages 5–10, and $6 for ages 11 and older. Attendees are encouraged to bring an unwrapped gift (toys, games, books etc. for boys or girls) or non-perishable food, which will be donated to the Worcester County Sheriff Department’s Christmas Program for the needy. These items will be donated to local families that need a little extra help during the holidays. Photos with Santa will be available for you to purchase for a $5 donation to the Recreation Department. For more information, call the Ocean Pines Recreation & Parks Department at 410-641-7052. Saturday November 29th at 6:30pm Tree Lighting Ceremony at 6:30pm at White Horse Park The tradition continues….Hometown Christmas has become an Ocean Pines Holiday Tradition! Join us as we welcome the Holiday Season by lighting up trees decorated by local businesses, community clubs and neighborhoods. Enjoy a hot cup of cider as you admire the beautiful tree decorations, listen to local choir groups and welcome Santa Claus into town. Businesses, clubs, families and individuals are encouraged to sponsor a tree and help light up the park. Each group that purchases a tree will have a sign placed at their tree as recognition for participating in A Hometown Christmas. Trees range in size from 8-15’. Each sponsor is responsible for decorating their tree in the theme they choose. All trees will be in place by Nov. 24th, for the ceremony on Nov. 29th. For more information on how to sponsor a tree for this celebration, contact the Rec & Parks Dept. at 410.641.7052 OCEANPINES.ORG | FALL 2014 | OCEAN PINES REPORT 31 Boats and marina Boaters getting gas at Ocean Pines Marina. The Marina will be open 8am - 5pm thru October, then close until next Spring. The Marina sells non-ethanal gasoline, ice, supplies, bait and docking available. Community highlights VETERANS DAY CEREMONY Once again, the Worcester County Veterans Memorial Foundation will honor all veterans at the 12th Annual Veterans Day Ceremony on Tuesday, November 11 at 11 a.m. The Worcester County Veterans Memorial at Ocean Pines is located on Rte. 589 between Manklin Creek and Cathell Roads. Chairs will be provided on a first come basis so please bring a lawn chair for your comfort. In the event of inclement weather, the ceremony will be moved to the OP Community Church. NASA Trips Announced - Oct. 9th, Nov. 18th The Ocean Pines Recreation Department is very excited to offer more trips to the NASA Wallops Flight Facility. This has been a very popular trip since this spring of this year and it continues to sell out. Where we tour depends on what the facility is working at the time of trip. You could have a different trip each time you go. Upon arrival at the facility we will pick up an escort who along with our tour companion Steve Habeger we will take a tour of the facility. We will make several stops during the day, leaving enough time for lunch at the cafeteria. Trip cost is $25 per person this does not include the cost of lunch. Bus departs Community Center at 9:00am; tour starts upon arrival at the facility (approximately 10a). Lunch on site 12:00p & return to Ocean Pines, approximately 4:00pm. Please call the Recreation Department @ 410-641-7052, or come in 7 days a week for information, and be placed on the waiting trip for the month of your choice. OCEAN PINES REPORT | FALL 2014 | OCEANPINES.ORG 32 PINESTEPPERS SQUARE DANCERS held an August picnic in Pintail Park. Square dancing is about “FUN”, “FRIENDSHIP” and sometimes “FOOD!” Pictured are members of the Pinesteppers with family and friends. You can find them dancing every Wednesday evening at the Ocean Pines Community Center. IT’S OFFICIAL!! The newest members of the Pinesteppers Square Dance Club received their official badges at a recent workshop. The group dances every Wednesday night at the Ocean Pines Community Center and welcomes visitors to drop in. Modern Western Square Dancing is healthy exercise and a lot of fun,. Pictured are club caller Dennis O’Neal, new members Joan and Frank Grimes, club president Arlene Hager, and new member Tony Domozych. NTS Recreation and Parks Fall Happenings ily Fu NigFamily ht Fun Night Pumpkin Painting SPn E IAti Ln pkin PaCin Friday, Assateague Room EOct. VgE17th NT6:30pm-8:30pm S your own pumpkin or purchase one from us. (Limited day, OctoBring ber 17 quantity $6 each) and don’t forget your imagination! m 30pm-8:30pm available, F a m ily Funand paint will be provided. 1am - 1 All decoration pm N ht sa Pote ol ague Room Pum p in Painfo,igcall Forkmore 410.641.7052 inting Friday, your own pumpkinCost: Octobe $5, Residents: Non-Residents: $6 6:30 urchase one from us ass pm-8:30prm17 at Supervisor: Katie Goetzinger Program ed quantity available,Bring youeraogwune Room or purc pumpk ) & don’t forget your (limited hase one f rom in q u a n ti $6 each ty avail us ) a ation! All decoration imagin & don’t forge ble, ation! A t your ll & d e p nt will be provided. aint will be coration provide For m d. For more info, call 410 ore info, .641.70 l 41n ht52. FENEo: nOP Resident5$25. ig.70 Fu 0.6N41 ; -Reside nt $6 g EVENT in t OP Re in sid a en S P t U $5 ; Kati PERVISOR: n e Goetz 17nt $6 onO-R inger berde ctoesi y, m p 0 :3 -8 pmSUPERVISO NT R: eague Roomin tie Go pk etz m ing er our own pu nty Hu m ummer ane Society. p re invit ool season at ed to p addle & e closin g st 18 ye the pool for a registere rs of age d adult . mpanio n! tics S HhTasSe one from us e, aqu ryan 2tity availabl your et rg fo t n’ & do n on! All decoration ti ovided. nirt! will be pr l feem , fo For . ore in . 52 70 1. 64 ll 410. ; $5 t en : OP Resid $6 t en id es Non-R VISOR: ENT SUPER inger tz Katie Goe Hallow een Fal Saturd l Festiva White H ay, October 2 l TRICK 5 – 1pm orse Pa O R r –4pm TREAT k / Com a ghouli ! m D s h u o n n g ’t be ood ity Cen parade ter & play. time! Music a scaredy cat w & ar C Halloween Fall Festival Saturday, Oct. 25th 11am-2pm, White Horse Park/ Community Center Music will fill the air as ghosts and goblins parade and play. Costume Contests, Carnival Games, Face Painting, Arts & Crafts, Pony Rides, Moon Bounces, a haunted hay ride, refreshments and Candy Goodies are just some thrills to be had. All Ages • Saturday October 25th 11am-2pm White Horse Park/Community Center Candy donations welcomed FREE Volunteers needed! STOP PAINTING FOREVER ill fill th ostum ts & c bring ref resh rafts, pony rid e contests, carn e air as ghosts the family for ments & es, moo ival gam & gobli n had. Vo lunteer candy goodie bounces, a ha es, face painti ns s are ju u s neede ng, n te d WHO: h st some d! a A of the th y ride, FEE: FR ll ages are welc r il ls to be ome! E U n O P E n E F O R A L L AG E S! D ED EVENT BAGS OF C AnD OnATIOnS OF Y SUPER VISOR: wELCOMED. Sonya B ounds alloween Fall Festival al Saturday, OctobeFra25 tiv esm ll–F1p –4 n pm e e w o l m l p Harse Park 1pm–4 hite Ho – 5 2 r e b o / Co mmunity ternter CenCe turday, Oct Sa unity uideAT ark / Comm y for RE rseaPsca Do 201!4W e Hobe ing the famil brbri red y •h4it1n’t cat cat & & y ng ed s 0.641on the ar in fam sc bl a ily for go ’t 5be .70 ghosts & dICtim AT!cDwi 2fill air as REusi eair •illofithe th ll R TM g, ll n c ti K Oe! e in w as a pa gh ic n ost ce us s& pinesm fa time! M .oes good co rg, hay ride, goblins Co carnival ga lish me sts,niv houstu nte con,tecar d face 1 mests al ntes, tu ga au me os h C a . s, ay pa ce inting, pl & to1be rade oon boun on y cr rid des, m es, of the thrills mo ny rion meun bo po so , un ts ces st af , ju a ha e ar & ted s ts hay ride, candy goodie &od entsgo ies eshmdy are frcan jus t ! som ed e of d the ee n thr s ills to be er te . Vol sadne eduned ! are welcome! es WHO: All ag L AGES! DOnATIOnS OF AL ! are R we FO lco EE me FR : COMED. EE OF CAnDY wEL GS BA ED ds EnES! Un ya LLOPAG SonOFBoun DOVnA R: nS TIO ISO ENT SUPER EV OF CAnDY wELCOMED. ISOR: Sonya Bounds OCEANPINES.ORG | FALL 2014 | OCEAN PINES REPORT 33 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT New 2014 Dog Park Tags! Public Works Yard Open for Drop-Off The Public Works yard will be open for debris drop-off during Racquet the month of May, Monday through Saturday from 8 am to Labor Day Weekend Bash paper bags. If 3pm. Residents can bring yard debris loose or in Pines Platform Tennis players celebrated Day youOcean are using plastic bags, please be prepared to cut theLabor bags open weekend with a bash. Almost sixty people gathered at the and dump out the debris when you get to the yard. Questions?... courts. Great play, music, games and a variety of food kept the call 410.641.7425 or email [email protected]. group occupied until nightfall. Platform tennis has an exciting fall schedule planned this Your forcompetition the Dog Park year. This isRegister always a fun andDog friendly among the 116 members. Also, platform tennis is holding it’s first Before June & Receive ever regional tournament on Ocean OctoberPines 11th. Dog This Park 50+ mixed doubles open a FREE Bandana! tournament promises to be a very exciting event. Players from Dress up your pup and show your Ocean Pines Dog Park pride the areas of New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, and Maryland that says “I Love Ocean Pines Dog Park (a $5 retail value). Large have been extended an invitation. Ocean Pines residents are and small sizes available for different size breeds. For more informawelcome to watch this tion, please contact the Ocean Pines Recreation & Parks Department competition and root for by phone at 410.641.7052 or by email at their teams. For anyone [email protected]. interested in learning how to play platform tennis, please call Mike Petito at 410-208-0654 or email [email protected]. The instructors will get you started with a free lesson. Balls and racquets will be supplied and protective eye wear is recommended. The platform tennis courts are located at the Manklin Meadows Racquet Complex located in Ocean Pines on Manklin Creek Road. Thank you for choosing Congratulations to the Men’s Flight Playoff the Ocean Pines Dog Park to socialize your dogs! If you Winners and all the participants likeone uninterrupted The playoff format was three eight would game sets, set with eachuse of the Dog Park forthe your furrywith friend, of the other players. The Champion being player mostplease bring a completed 2014 application and waiver along with games won. proof of current rabies vaccinations for each dog being registered, The Court #1 players were, Martin Conquest, Dale Ash, Don to the Ocean Pines Community Center open daily and located Tomb, Lou Rixham. at 235 Ocean Parkway, Ocean Pines, MD 21811. If you mail in Martin Conquest won the Court #1 Championship winning 18 your application, we will not be able to mail back the dog tag and of theguide 24 games. user to you. The 2014 rates will remain the same as the previous The Court players were, Schwartz, year.#2 Resident rates Dick are $25 for theEric firstLidell, dog ofKent any size Carter, John McNult. and $10 for one additional dog of any size. Non-resident rates are $50Atfor theone enddog of the three eight sets,one all four playersdog wereoftied of any size andgame $15 for additional any with games size.12 Only twoeach. dogs are allowed per application. These rates are the fiscal May in 1, the 2014 April to 30,become 2015. the Please forKent Carteryear prevailed tie through breaker playoff make #2 your check payable to OPA or pay by credit card. Please Court Champion. note that once the season is underway, there will be no prorating of fees for late registrations. Maryland & Worcester County’s Most Beautiful People Award, 2012 MD Coastal Dispatch Women’s Award Winner, 2011 Madisons Who’s Who • CAT Country Community Service Hero, 2011 OP Chamber Business of the Year, 2009 YEAR-ROUND RACQUET SPORTS! PLATFORM TENNIS 2011 & 2012 Individual OP Resident $150 Individual Non-Resident $215 Family OP Resident $250 PICKLE BALL Individual OP Resident $100 Individual Non-Resident $135 Family OP Resident $150 LEAF REMOVAL & GUTTER CLEANING & FALL CLEAN UP 34 OCEAN PINES REPORT | FALL 2014 | OCEANPINES.ORG 36 Trust Our Award-Winning Professionals for Effective & Fast Cleaning Services – While You Relax The OPTC entry in the Boat Club’s Servicing the Entire Delmarva Area Licensed & Insured • Residential & Commercial Festival of Boats was an award winner!! 7 Days a Week The OPTC “Tennis begins with Love” entry won 3rd place for Best Costumes. CONTACT US Congratulations to Captain Bill Schaub & Evelyn, and crew, FOR A Dick & Betty Thompson, Ardell & John McNult. NO-OBLIGATION QUOTE A good time was had, especially Betty’s luncheon on board, by all, / 410.713.9678 in spite of the410.632.1252 inclement weather. Capt Bill gallantly piloted us safely [email protected] GitRDoneCleaningServices.com home to port, in the raging storm, with his expert boating skills. Ocean Pines RePORT | SPRING 2014 | OCEANPINES.ORG OCEANPINES.ORG | FALL 2014 | OCEAN PINES REPORT 35 OCEAN PINES Ocean Pines REPORT RePORT Ocean Pines Pines Association, Ocean Association,Inc. Inc. 239 Parkway 239Ocean Ocean Parkway Ocean MDMD 21811 OceanPines, Pines, 21811 410.641.7717 • OceanPines.org 410.641.7717 • OceanPines.org Fantastic Line-Up of Live Entertainment FALLTOHOURS @ THE COVE SET ROCK THE STAGE Open Wed – Sunday at the cove for lunch and dinner. at(closed The New Yacht Club! Mondays and Tuesdays) FRI 5/23 Hour Transfuzion Happy wed- fri 4-7pm SAT 5/24 (Pools Open) Over Time SUN 5/25 Bluesman Tom Larsen Band FRI 5/30 The Poole Brothers SAT 5/31 Full Circle Bryan Transfuzion SUN 6/1 The Poole Brothers Clark FRI 6/6 Joe Smooth & 2 Much Stuff Yacht Club Appoints New Executive Chef SAT 6/7 Rick & Lennon LaRicci SUN 6/8 (Ribbon-Cutting) Kaleb Brown OPA has announced the appointment of Timothy Ulrich as its Tom THU 6/12 (Wine Tasting) Danny Shivers new Executive Chef, overseeing kitchen operations of our New rsen a L FRI 6/13 Over Time Band Yacht Club inclusive of its banquet and catering facilities. Chef SAT 6/14 Lovin Cup Dup SUN 6/15 Tommy Edward Tim has more than •1011/27 years of professional cooking and culinary THANKSGIVING FEAST TUE 6/17 Dinner & a Show with MARINABryan Clark ... must RSVP! Kaleb Brown management experience high volume, multi-unit operations. Thanksgiving Buffet Served • 3in Seatings FRI 6/20 Full Circle Chef Tim graduated with a degree in Culinary Arts from Open Daily 8am – 5pm thru Oct Full Circle Take-Out Dinners & A la Carte SAT 6/21 Kevin Poole Baltimore International College with an A.A.S. in Professional then closed till next Spring SUN 6/22 Kaleb Brown TUE 6/24 (Cooking Class) Cooking and Baking 2001 and a B.A.S. in Culinary Management FRI 6/27 Something Grey in 2003. Most recently, he oversaw daily food and beverage COVE Events SAT 6/28 Tranzfusion BRUNCH 2 Much Stuff operations at •the Belle Haven Country Club in Alexandria, VA, SUN 6/29 The Poole Brothers 10/11 Kevin Poole 6-10pm FRI 7/4 (Fireworks!) Tranzfusion BRUNCH BUFFET SERVED SUNDAYS a 175-seat full-service 10/24 Kevin Poole • 6-10pmrestaurant focused on regionally-inspired Rick SAT 7/5 Over Time & Le nn on modern cuisine with on-trend seasonal menus, 2 satellite kitchens Upstairs New Yacht Club from 9am – 1pm LaRicci SUN 7/6 at Fullthe Circle 6-10pm 11/15 Kevin TUE 7/8 (Wine Tasting) Wes Davis Duo fitness centers and catering for weddings and at theirPoole swim•and $15 7/11 adults / $7.50Tom kids ages 6-12, 5 and under free FRI Bluesman Larsen Band 12/06 Kevin Poole •up 6-10pm special events to 800 people. His experience also includes over SAT 7/12 Lovin Cup Duo Over Time • 6-10pm 12/20 Kevin 8 yearsPoole as Executive Sous Chef with Aramark, specializing in SUN 7/13 Kaleb Brown TUE 7/15 Dinner & a Show with EVENTS their sports & entertainment and campus dining divisions. He 01/03 Kevin Poole • 6-10pm Bryan Clark ... must RSVP! Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre has run operations at John Hopkins University, Oriole Park at FRI 7/18 Full Circle Tom SAT 7/19 Kevin Poole Camden Yards and the Verizon Center in DC, as well as assisting Wednesday October 29th Wes Edward SUN 7/20 The Poole Brothers Davis “S ir with large events at The Detroit Convention Center, Fenway Park Ro d” FRI Tranzfusion Bar 7/25 & Door Opens 5:30pm Duo SAT 7/26 Joe Smooth & 2 Much Stuff in Boston and several other regional functions. Chef Tim is Starts SUN 7/27at 6pm Rick & Lennon LaRicci Kevin excited about the opportunity to be the Executive Chef here, FRI Full Circle- Duo $38 8/1 Per Person Includes Show, Dinner and CoffeePoole where he feels his expertise in fostering an energetic, detailSAT 8/2 Lovin Cup Duo SUN 8/3 Tony Baltimore oriented, team-focused kitchen environment will provide our Danny TUE 8/5 (Wine Tasting) New Year’s Eve Party December 31st Sh community with an impressive dining experience. ive rs Dog & Butterfly FRI 8/8 Tranzfusion SAT 8/9 Bluesman Tom Larsen Band The Poole Bethany Travel’s Annual Join Us for Wine Tastings & Cooking Classes SUN 8/10 The Poole Brothers Brothers FRI 8/15 Joe Smooth & 2 Much TRAVEL SHOW atStuff the Great events are planned for the inaugural year of the new SAT 8/16 Kevin Poole Ocean Yacht SUN 8/17 RickPines & Lennon LaRicciClub Yacht Club including wine tastings and cooking classes with TUE 8/19 (Cooking Class) executive chef Tim Ulrich. Wine tastings will be held June 12, October FRIThursday, 8/22 Skyla Burrell 30th 4-8 pm Tony July 8, August 5 and September 16 from 4pm to 6pm. Stop by SAT 8/23 Kings Ransom Baltimore SUN 8/24 Kaleb Brown and try some wines and share your thoughts with friends and FRI 8/29 Full Circle neighbors. You’ll be able to order wines at a special rate. Cooking Skyla SAT 8/30 Over Time Burrell SUN 8/31 The Poole Brothers classes with Chef Tim will be FRI 9/5 Tranzfusion held June 24 and August 12. TUE 9/9 Dinner & a Show with Bryan Clark ...must RSVP! You’ll enjoy a delicious dish Something SAT 9/13 Kevin Poole Grey after you learn how to prepare SUN 9/14 Tony Baltimore it. To register and prepay TUE 9/16 (Wine Tasting) FRI 9/19 Full Circle for any of these events, email SUN 9/21 (Pool Closing Day) Lovin Cup [email protected] or call FRI 9/26 Joe Smooth & 2 Much Stuff