Monett Middle School Student Procedures Manual
Monett Middle School Student Procedures Manual
Monett Middle School Student Procedures Manual Principal: Jonathan A. C. Apostol, Ed.D. Counselor: Sheila Gravett 710 Ninth Street Monett, Missouri 65708 Office: 417-235-6228 FAX: 417-235-3278 TABLE OF CONTENTS Note: All Public Federal and Local Notices can be found in the Student Discipline Section of the Handbook Academic Standards Activities Annual Notification of Directory Info. Bookbags/Purses/Athletic Bags Care of Buildings and Grounds Changing Schedules Citizenship Standards Classroom Standards Code of Dress Communicable Diseases Daily Time Schedule Discipline Handbook Directions to Competing Schools Elective Course Descriptions Electronic/Communication Devices Excused from P.E. Exercises Extracurricular Activities Field Trips and Financial Responsibilities Fire and Tornado Drills Good Sportsmanship Grading System Honor Roll Inappropriate Sexual Behavior Inclement Weather Insurance Interscholastic Sports Laptop Procedures Leaving Early Lockers 9 11 9 8 8 5 6 6 7 8 4 25 14 10 7 6 9 9 4 9 4 5 7 4 9 9 22 4 8 Lost and Found Mandatory Summer School Policy Meal Procedures Media Center Policies Middle School Charges Mission/Vision/Commitment Statements Misuse of Computers Monett R-1 Mission Morning Arrival MSHSAA Guidelines/Policies Permanent Record Personal Property Physical Education Pledge of Allegiance Public Display of Affection Report Cards Retention Policy Safety School Calendar School Conduct Staying after School Student Body Officers and Reps. Student Progress Reports Students Who Ride the Bus Technology Usage Textbook Regulations Transfer or Withdrawal Travel Release Truancy Use of Telephone Welcome 2 8 5 8 8 6 3 9 3 4 11 5 8 6 4 7 5 5 8 4 6 4 9 5 7 20 8 5 16 7 8 3 WELCOME MONETT R-1 MISSION Dear Students and Families, The Mission of the Monett R-1 School District is Preparing Students for Their Future. We are Student Focused, Future Driven. Welcome to Monett Middle School. What you achieve during your two years at MMS will impact the rest of your life. Learning to problem-solve, find and access information, and work successfully in cooperative groups with teachers is just as important as it is to memorize facts and formulas. You will have plenty of opportunities to be successful at MMS. MONETT MIDDLE SCHOOL MISSION The Mission of Monett Middle School is to Produce Responsible, Respectful Learners. All courses are designed to help you prepare for high school as well as your continuing education and training for the workplace later in life. The courses will help you become lifelong learners, good citizens, and contributing members of this society who meet their full potential. MONETT MIDDLE SCHOOL VISION We believe that all students can learn. We will do whatever it takes to help them meet their full potential. We envision a school in which: • Students meet all standards set by the state and are prepared for promotion. • Teachers emphasize learning over teaching and model a passion for educational growth. • Administration serves as the guiding force behind achievement of our mission. • All faculty works collaboratively to meet the needs of all students. • The curriculum is challenging to all students. • The climate reflects high character and integrity for all. • Instructional decisions are based on analysis of student achievement data. • The school will be recognized as a progressive partner and provider of quality education for all learners. “Excelling in the Present--Investing in the Future,” is the theme for Monett Middle School. What we do at MMS every day must be excellent. All teachers and students must strive to be the best they can be everyday in order for this excellence to be achieved. These high expectations are a product of a prideful school community that understands the importance of education and what impact well-educated students can have on a community. What the teachers, staff, and parents do together, here at MMS, to foster the success of students is truly an investment in the future of Monett and this country. The mission of the MMS faculty is to focus on the abilities and successes of each individual student who attends MMS. The faculty at MMS will work diligently to help you achieve your best; however, the student will share in this responsibility also. If everyone shares in this commitment to excellence, then success will be achieved. MONETT MIDDLE SCHOOL COMMITMENTS Our school is a community that relies on a set of common behavior expectations and rules based on RESPECT for others, school property, and everyone’s right to an appropriate education. On the following pages you will find information necessary to maintain a safe, orderly, and inspirational education environment. Students at MMS are expected to conduct themselves at all times in such a manner as to reflect positively upon themselves, their families, the school, and the community. In order to achieve our vision, the Monett Middle School faculty has made the following commitments: • We will build a curriculum based on grade-level expectations that has an established timeline and is followed. • We will provide a pyramid of interventions to insure multiple opportunities for all students to be successful. • We will establish collaborative teams to analyze student performance data and recommend modifications. • We will work collaboratively to further develop our instructional abilities through effective researchbased professional development. • We will pursue parent and community volunteers to assist in all areas of our school. • We will develop a master schedule that allows us to meet the needs of all students. Families, you are by far the most important people in our students’ lives. We appreciate and need your help to ensure success for your students at MMS. We ask that you make a commitment to expect their best effort, to expect that all inclass and homework assignments be completed, to demand good behavior at school and school related activities, and to support the school’s effort to enforce discipline that promotes high quality character. If we all share in these responsibilities and work hard to achieve results, the lives of the students at MMS will certainly be impacted in a positive way. Sincerely, Jonathan Apostol, Ed. D. Monett Middle School Principal 3 SCHOOL CALENDAR 2014-2015 August 7, 8, 11 August 12 August 29 September 1 September 26 October 10 October 23 October 24 October 31 November 26-28 December 1 December 19 Dec. 22-Jan. 2 January 6 January 19 February 13-16 February 17 March 12 March 13-16 March 17 March 27 April 3-6 April 7 May TBA May 21 MORNING ARRIVAL Professional Development/Meetings First Day of School Professional Development (no school) Labor Day (no school) Professional Development (no school) First Quarter Ends Parent/Teacher Conf. (dismiss 12:15) Parent/Teacher Conf. (no school) Professional Development (no school) Thanksgiving (no school) Professional Development (no school) 2nd Quarter/1st Sem. Ends Christmas Break (no school) Classes Resume Professional Development (no school) February Break (no school) Professional Development (no school) 3rd Quarter Ends March Break (no school) Professional Development (no school) Parent/Teacher Conf. (dismiss 12:15) Easter Break (no school) Professional Development (no school) H.S. Graduation Last Day of school The building does not open until 7:50 A.M. Once you arrive at school in the morning, you cannot leave the campus without permission from the office. All students must wait in the gym until the teacher who is on duty dismisses students to class. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Each Monday morning, just after the 8:00 bell, everyone will have the opportunity to pledge allegiance to the flag. We believe this is a vital part of citizenship training and a demonstration of respect for our flag and country. FIRE AND TORNADO DRILLS Fire drills and tornado drills are very important for each student’s safety and should be taken seriously. Follow your teachers’ orders when a drill is in process. Teachers will review procedures before drills take place. INCLEMENT WEATHER In the event school is closed due to inclement weather, information regarding the closing will be available through Radio Stations KRMO 990 AM, KKBL 95.9 FM, KSWM 940 AM Aurora, and Springfield Radio and TV Stations as well as the district website. If we have your correct home phone number, you will receive a phone call from SchoolMessenger. DAILY TIME SCHEDULE 7:50 7:56 8:00 8:43 8:47 9:30 9:34 10:17 10:21 11:04 11:08 11:33 11:37 12:49 12:53 1:36 1:40 2:23 2:27 3:10 3:15 4:05 Dismissal Bell from Gymnasium First Bell First Period Begins First Period Ends Second Period Begins Second Period Ends Third Period Begins Third Period Ends Fourth Period Begins Fourth Period Ends Homeroom Begins Homeroom Ends Fifth Period Begins Fifth Period Ends Sixth Period Begins Sixth Period Ends Seventh Period Begins Seventh Period Ends Eighth Period Begins Eighth Period Ends Detention Begins Detention Ends LEAVING EARLY A parent MUST come to the office and sign the student out before the student is allowed to leave. GRADING SYSTEM The difficulty of determining grades, which truly express values of achievement and attitude, is generally recognized. Each student is encouraged to attain the highest level of achievement of which he/she is capable. Competition against his/her own record in the direction of self-improvement and in striving for the satisfaction that comes from performing each task well is an important goal for each student. Scholarship marks are given in comparison with the standards of achievement expected of a student in the grade level of his/her classification and in comparison with others in the class. In order that an indication of achievement may be recorded and made available for reference when needed, the following system is used: A - Outstanding, Highest Grade Given B - Above Average Work C - Average Work D - Below Average Work F - Failing, Not Passing I - Incomplete Work (This grade will only be used in extenuating circumstances on a case by case basis.) 1st Lunch Group - 11:33-11:58 2nd Lunch Group – 12:24-12:49 GROUPS STAYING AFTER 3:10 MUST HAVE A SPONSOR 4 REPORT CARDS 3. Report cards will be issued every nine weeks by the teachers of each class period. These grade reports need not be returned to school. 4. Parents will receive feedback via grade cards, progress reports, phone calls, parent/teacher conferences, etc. District will provide summer school programs, which are designed to meet identified student deficiencies. Summer School Options: STUDENT PROGRESS REPORTS 1. In addition to quarterly grade cards, progress reports are sent the after the third, fifth, and seventh week of the quarter. . 2. If parents have questions or do not understand the nature of their child’s work, they are welcome to come to school and talk with the respective teacher. An appointment with the teacher would be appreciated. Parents have the option of having their child participate in a non-district summer program. Parents who choose to have their child participate in a non-district program are responsible for any financial responsibilities, transportation, and providing the district with student progress information. Students may be required to be reassessed by district personnel before a promotion or retention decision will be made. 1. 2. RETENTION POLICY It shall be the policy of the Monett Middle School to consider for retention those students who: 1. Fail two or more core subjects (math, science, language arts, or social studies) for the entire year. 2. Exceed the number of absences as defined in the school's attendance policy. These students may be retained or passed conditionally to the next grade. 3. 4. Students may attend the district summer school program with structured instruction focused on core content areas. Parents may make arrangements for their child to receive 40 hours of private tutoring by a certified teacher or “certified” instructional program. Student may attend summer school in another district. Courses taken must address identified student deficiencies. Students may attend Extended Summer School. Based on availability of faculty, students may participate in four hours of tutoring each week (June through July). Parents will be responsible for transportation and providing a schedule of the student’s hours. Students must complete a minimum of 40 hours of tutoring. MANDATORY SUMMER SCHOOL POLICY HONOR ROLL Students in grades K-8 will be assigned mandatory summer school if one or more of the following criteria are present. Promotion to the next grade will be contingent upon successful completion of one of the summer school options. Students who do not successfully complete one of the summer school options may be retained. 1. 2. 3. 4. The honor roll will be published quarterly. There will be two divisions of the honor roll. • All A Honor Roll -The lowest grade possible is an A• A/B Honor Roll - The lowest grade possible is a BCHANGING SCHEDULES Student is reading one or more grade levels below their current grade placement as measured by multiple reading assessments. Student has not mastered all grade-level district determined essential outcomes in one or more core areas (communication arts--reading and writing, mathematics, science, social studies). Student violates school district attendance policy for excessive absenteeism. Student has an academic or developmental delays or delayed English language acquisition as determined by classroom performance, formal and informal assessments, and teacher observation. When school starts, we try to have classes balanced as well as possible. This makes it easier for teachers and students. Any student wanting to make a schedule change will need to see the counselor by the end of the first week of school. TRANSFER OR WITHDRAWAL Transfer/Withdrawal forms are given to a student the last day he/she attends Monett Middle School. This is issued from the principal's office before the first period begins. The student presents the form to each teacher during the day for the grade earned to date. At the end of the day, the form is returned to the principal for his signature. The student will take the original copy with him to the new school. School Responsibilities: 1. 2. Parents will be notified of the possibility of mandatory summer school by the end of third quarter with final determination being made within 10 days of the end of the school year. School will provide tutoring options throughout the school year. PERMANENT RECORD A permanent record folder is kept for each student. Folder information includes each student's school history, grades, attendance, test results, and honors. The folder content is the basis of recommendations made to other schools, colleges, and potential employers for many years to come. All records will 5 be kept in this folder until a student transfers or graduates from the district. All pertinent material will be kept permanently. boisterous conduct at all times. (This would include going to and from classes and before school.) 2. Students should keep to the right while passing between classes so that traffic may move in an even and uninterrupted direction. 3. Personal habits of speech and common courtesies should be practiced on all occasions. Proper respect should be shown toward the school faculty/staff at all times. Disrespect to any faculty/staff member or other students will not be tolerated. Any student who bullies or harasses another student should be reported to the faculty or staff. Incidents will be investigated and acted upon as per Monett R-1 policy. 4. Misbehavior around school detracts from everyone's educational opportunities. An unacceptable act usually becomes a detriment to students other than the one guilty of the act. If a student's action is detrimental to the school, teacher, or other students, he/she will be removed from school until the behavior is modified. Parent notification will be attempted. PHYSICAL EDUCATION All students are to be enrolled in Physical Education. Students' personal belongings of any significant value should be placed in their lockers and locked during class time. Locks will be provided for this purpose. Students must dress out in PE attire to actively participate in class. EXCUSED FROM P.E. EXERCISES If you must be excused from gym exercises, you must have a written note from a parent/guardian or, in some cases, from a physician. Notes are to be presented to the instructor and then to the office. MIDDLE SCHOOL CHARGES At the beginning of the semester the following will be collected from students where applicable and handled in the following manner: CITIZENSHIP STANDARDS Art Supplies Each student taking art will pay a $10.00 fee at the beginning of the semester to cover the supplies used during class. Participation in extracurricular student activities is a privilege and not a right. Students who represent Monett in an extracurricular activity are expected to be good citizens. A student who fails to exhibit good citizenship shall lose the privilege of participating in the student activity. These general and specific citizenship standards apply to students three hundred sixty-five (365) days a year, twenty-four hours a day no matter where the student is located. These citizenship violations will be dealt with individually, and the penalty may vary with the seriousness of the circumstances of the offense. The penalty for a general citizenship violation may range from a reprimand by the sponsor/coach to permanently barring the student from further participation in the School District’s extracurricular activities program. Digital Photography Each student will pay a $5.00 fee at the beginning of the semester. FACS Supplies Each student taking FACS will pay a $10.00 fee to cover the cost of sewing supplies. Yearbook An annual yearbook is offered. The ordering of yearbooks will be offered to students in the fall at a cost to be announced each year. Yearbooks will be delivered in the spring. NOTE: There will not be a textbook deposit. However, students are responsible for lost or damaged textbooks, workbooks, library books, and laboratory equipment in accordance with replacement value. CLASSROOM STANDARDS The following are suggestions of desirable conduct: 1. Students should be seated at their desks by the time the tardy bell rings. 2. Conversation by students should stop when the bell rings. 3. Students should have necessary books and material ready. 4. Students should not whisper or talk when the teacher is talking, when another student is speaking, or when the group is in study. 5. Students should help maintain a neat and clean room. 6. Until dismissed, students should remain at their desks unless permission is given by the teacher to move about the room. ABSENCES All students are required to bring in a signed note from a parent or guardian or doctor when returning from any absence. Failure to return with a signed note will result in a warning the first time and disciplinary action for each following occurrence. SCHOOL CONDUCT 1. Former students associated with this school have taken great pride in high standards. It is expected that every student will want to maintain these high standards. We hope each student can feel relaxed and comfortable while in the building, but should refrain from loud and CODE OF DRESS The purpose of the dress guidelines is to provide an atmosphere conducive to an educational environment and to reflect an image to fellow students, faculty, alumni, parents, 6 and others that shows pride in self and in school. Students should follow the standard of dress showing modesty, cleanliness, and neatness. It is hoped that each student and his/her parents will assume a personal responsibility and will make a conscientious effort to follow these guidelines: Girls: Dress length may reflect changes in fashion but MUST NOT violate modesty. Any article of clothing that shows bare skin or underclothing may not be worn to school. Crop tops, tank tops, halter-tops, midriffs, and spaghetti straps are not allowed. Shoulder straps on girls’ shirts and dresses must be at least one inch wide. Short shorts and cut-offs are not allowed. When standing erect, shorts and skirts must be to the fingertip length or longer. Appropriate skirt/dress/short length must be worn over leggings, yoga pants, or other tight fitting garments. Undergarments are not to be visible at any time. Boys: Any article of clothing that shows bare skin or underclothing above mid-thigh may not be worn to school. Muscle shirts, cut-offs, and short shorts are not allowed. Undergarments are not to be visible at any time. INAPPROPRIATE SEXUAL BEHAVIOR The school district is committed to providing an environment free from intimidating, hostile or offensive behavior, unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct or communication constituting inappropriate sexual behavior. Inappropriate sexual behavior by an employee, student, or other person in the district against any person is prohibited. Allegation of inappropriate sexual behavior shall be investigated. If substantiated, corrective or disciplinary action shall be taken, up to and including suspension and/or expulsion of the student or suspension and/or termination of the employee. All grievances shall be filed in accordance with board policy. STUDENTS WHO RIDE THE BUS Clothing designed to attract attention and create a classroom disturbance will not be allowed. Shoes with wheels are not allowed. No gang related apparel is allowed (see Anti “Gang/Secret Society Policy). Shirts, t-shirts, caps, patches, and belt buckles, etc. that have slogans representing drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or sexually suggestive messages (sexual harassment) are not permitted. Hats, caps, bandannas, etc. are not to be worn while inside the buildings. The dress code prohibits any apparel, jewelry, accessory, notebook, or manner of grooming which by virtue of its color, arrangement, trademark, or any other attribute, denotes membership in such a group that advocates drug use or exhibits behaviors that interfere with the normal and orderly operation of school. Body piercing, face painting, facial hair, dyed hair, tattoos, etc. shall not present a safety risk or create a disturbance of the educational process. If, upon the administrator's judgment, the appearance is detrimental to the school's learning environment, an adjustment, covering, or removal can be requested. The principal will determine the interpretation of these guidelines. Should students or parents have questions concerning the dress code, they should contact the principal's office. The bus driver is in charge of students and the bus. Students must obey the driver promptly and cheerfully. Classroom conduct is to be observed by students while riding the bus. Students must not try to get on or off the bus or move about within the bus while it is in motion. Busses will load immediately after school each day. Please be prompt in reporting to your bus, especially to those that leave immediately after school. Busses will load and unload along the north side of the building each day. Elementary students load and unload at the Middle School each day also. Please be courteous and do not crowd these students while they are loading and unloading the bus. PUBLIC DISPLAY OF AFFECTION BOOKBAGS/PURSES/ATHLETIC BAGS School is not the place for petting in any form. A violation of this rule may result in school suspension. Public display cheapens a relationship between a couple. Couples should maintain a mature relationship and refrain from public display of affection. Due to safety concerns, all book bags, backpacks, purses, etc. are to be kept in the student’s locker. Book bags may only be carried when coming to and leaving from school. All bags must fit inside lockers during the day, along with books and personal belongings. ELECTRONIC/COMMUNICATION DEVICES Students are not to use cell phones, beepers, pagers, radios, tape players, CD players, cameras, other means of electronic communication, etc. Students may keep these devices turned off in their locker or bag for use after school hours. Electronic devices should not be used during non-instructional times during the school day. These devices may also be allowed on school activity trips at the sponsor’s discretion. (See Class IV Offense #19 found in the Uniform Discipline Handbook) TRUANCY 1. Absence from school without parental knowledge or consent. 2. Leaving school premises without authorization from the office. 3. Absence from class without teacher consent or office authorization. 7 PERSONAL PROPERTY Valuable items should be left at home. Do not carry large amounts of money or leave purses or backpacks unattended. specific book number that was checked out will be accepted. Students will be charged a replacement value for damage to or loss of their issued books. Payment must be made prior to receiving report cards at the end of the school year. CARE OF BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS MEDIA CENTER POLICIES The people of this community have invested a great deal of money in this building, furnishings, and maintenance. Much has been done to make our building more practical and attractive. We owe to those who are paying for your education the thoughtfulness to take care of the building, furniture, equipment, and the grounds. 1. Students may only have a total of 3 media center items checked out at one time. 2. If a student has anything overdue, then he/she may not check out anything else until the overdue material is returned or paid for. Failure to return or pay the replacement value for lost materials will result in a student's grade card being held. Students will be prohibited from participating in field trips if fines and fees are not paid. 3. A student will be assessed a damage fee for materials returned in damaged condition. 4. Magazines and reference books are only checked out for overnight use and are due back the next morning. All other books are checked out for 2 weeks and may be renewed twice. 5. Students must talk softly while in the media center. 6. Horseplay, running, shoving, fighting etc. will not be allowed. 7. Students coming to the media center during lunch are expected to be doing homework, checking out materials, or reading. Students wanting to visit with friends should stay outside the building or in the gym. 8. Students who forget the rules will be reminded up to 2 times. After that, a student may be asked to leave the media center and may have media center privileges forfeited for a specified amount of time (days, weeks, or quarters). The length of time will depend upon the infraction and the number of times the student has caused problems while in the media center. LOCKERS Each student will be assigned a locker and lock combination at the beginning of the year, and it shall be used the entire year. Students are expected to keep their locker clean and neat. You are not to use any locker not assigned to you. Students found using other student’s lockers will result in disciplinary action. MEAL PROCEDURES Monett Middle School has a closed lunch hour. Meals must be paid for in advance and the price of food items will automatically be deducted from the student’s meal account. The price for meals will be announced. Those who bring their lunch are also to eat in the cafeteria. Milk may be purchased at the student price. No food or drink is to be removed from the cafeteria. After eating, all tables are to be clean, all trash put in the receptacle, and trays put in the receiving window. Classroom hallways are to be clear of students during the lunch period. MMS has a no charge policy. Students who have overdrawn accounts will be served an alternative lunch. All deposits should be made before 8:00 a.m. Parents/guardians may use the pay for their student’s meals online. USE OF TELEPHONE The phone is for emergency use only! Students must get permission before using the telephone. All phone calls must be made from the main office. Phone calls will be logged. COMMUNICABLE DISEASES SAFETY Any student who has been absent because of a contagious disease must have a written permit from a doctor before that student may re-enter school. You must use one of the crosswalks when crossing the street from one campus to the other. Please use these; they are for your protection. There is a yellow line on the sidewalk outside the north side of the school. You should stay behind this line when waiting to board a bus and for a bus to unload. This will allow plenty of room for students to get off the bus and will be safe for the bus driver when pulling up to the sidewalk. LOST AND FOUND The "Lost and Found" is located in the office. All items that are found should be taken to the office. INSURANCE TEXTBOOK REGULATIONS Insurance information will be offered to all students at the start of the school year. All students participating in sports or cheer- leading must be covered by accident insurance. These students may purchase outside insurance or provide a Each student is responsible for the textbooks, workbooks, and other materials issued to them. These books and materials must be returned without excessive wear or damage. Only the 8 statement of insurance coverage verified by the policy number. activities. If a student leaves the school building during an extra curricular activity, he/she will not be permitted to reenter. Students should not be congregating in the lobby during ball games except at halftime. Students will not be allowed to attend a school dance if he/she leaves school during the day for any reason other than a doctor excuse. ANNUAL NOTIFICATION OF DIRECTORY INFORMATION 1. 2. 3. “Directory Information” is information contained in an education record of a student that would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. The school district designates the following items as “Directory Information:” student’s name, parent’s name, address, telephone number, electronic mail address, date and place of birth, grade level, major field of study, enrollment status (e.g. full-time or part-time), participation in officially recognized activities and sports including audiovisual or photographic records of the openly visible activities thereof (e.g., artistic performances, sporting contests, assemblies, service projects, awards ceremonies, etc.), weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degrees, honors and awards received, most recent previous school attended and photograph including photographs of regular school activities that do not disclose specific academic information about the child and/or would not be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy. FIELD TRIPS AND FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES Students may qualify for field trips during the school year. Students, however, may have financial obligations that have not been resolved. All student fines and fees must be paid in order for a student to participate in a field trip. ACADEMIC STANDARDS A student must be enrolled and attending Monett Middle School before he/she becomes eligible to participate in extracurricular activities. Any student who participates in activities must have passed seven (7) core units the preceding quarter and must be doing satisfactory work in the courses in which they are presently enrolled. A participant with two failing grades in any class at a reporting period will be ineligible the following quarter. Student grades will be updated every two weeks. Students who have failed two or more classes will be ineligible to participate in extracurricular activities until the next grade update. Students may be removed from the team if they are ineligible at least twice in the same quarter. The district shall annually notify parents of students currently in attendance and eligible students currently in attendance of the “Directory Information” the district will release. Parents or eligible students will have ten (10) school days after the annual public notice to view the student’s “Directory Information” and to provide notice in writing to the school district that they choose to not have this information or any portion of the “Directory Information” released. Unless notified to the contrary in writing within the ten (10) school day period, the school district may disclose any of those items designated as “Directory Information” without the parent’s or eligible student’s prior written consent, including in print and electronic publications of the school district. STUDENT BODY OFFICERS AND REPRESENTATIVES The student body officers are elected by their peers. Officers are: President, Vice-President, and Secretary/Treasurer. Only future 8th grade students are eligible for these offices. Class representatives will be elected from each homeroom during the first weeks of school in the fall. INTERSCHOLASTIC SPORTS “Directory Information” is considered a “public record” which must be released by the district to any person who requests it under the Missouri Sunshine Law, #610.010 .030, RSMo. The middle school has interscholastic sports in the following areas: Girls - Volleyball, Basketball, and Cross Country, and Track Boys - Football, Basketball, Wrestling, Cross Country, and Track MISUSE OF COMPUTERS Students participating in interscholastic sports are subject to the academic standards of the Missouri State High School Athletic Association. Students found misusing computers and/or entering unauthorized programs are subject to disciplinary action. All students who desire to use the network and computing system must sign a Technology Acceptable use policy form and obtain a personal password to the system. GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP All school personnel shall encourage and display good sportsmanship and require good sportsmanship of all students who represent the school in activities. Any student or spectator who refuses to conduct himself/herself in a reasonable manner at any school activity may, at the discretion of the administration or his/her designee, be removed and/ barred from further attending any other school activity. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES After school functions should be considered a privilege. To earn this privilege, students must accept certain responsibilities and obey the rules. Any major disciplinary problem will prevent a student from attending extra curricular 9 ELECTIVE COURSE DESCRIPTIONS This course teaches spreadsheets, blogging, designing and giving presentations, teamwork and leadership skills. Computer Literacy I is a prerequisite to this course. ART: Seventh & eighth grade art is a semester course in which students participate in a variety of activities centering around various art media, art styles, art appreciation, and art history. Emphasis will be placed on art production and learning to recognize and work with the art elements and the design principles. COMPUTER PROGRAMMING Students will learn programming languages and computer coding. DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY Prerequisite: Must have completed art class as a 7th grader. BAND: Band is a yearlong class, and students need to participate in competitions that may require additional fees. Band classes includes the following: Photography is a semester class for 8th graders. It is the art or process of capturing images with a camera. In this course, students will discover the history, media and techniques associated with digital photography. We will explore what makes a good photo and how to take those using good composition and the rules of photography. This class will be project based. Students must have access to a digital camera. There will be some cameras provided for in class use and to check out. Cell phones may not be used as the PRIMARY camera for this course, but may be used for some assignments. This is a one-semester course. 7TH GRADE BAND: In this class, 7th graders continue to progress in the award system. They master their major scales, march in the Christmas Parade, play in concerts, and take solos and/or ensembles to the Music Festival. 8TH GRADE BAND: This class is the middle school performing band. They play at concerts and assemblies, march in the Christmas Parade, and compete in the Music Festival. FAMILY AND CONSUMER SCIENCE: Family and consumer science is a semester course, which emphasizes good self-esteem through problem solving, and decision-making strategies related to relationships, food nutrition and food preparation, clothing and its care, and money management. Students will also have the opportunity to participate in a parenting project. JAZZ BAND: Learn to play in all different styles of Jazz and learn to improvise melodies. We will teach you to play in all different styles of music, including Swing, Latin, Rock, and Funk. Must be enrolled in 7th or 8th grade band to enroll. FITNESS: This semester course focuses on the physical aspect of healthy living. Students may participate in weight training, calisthenics, and other physical activity. Students will dress out and physical activity will be an expectation of this class. BOOK CLUB: Book Club - This class welcomes students who are "true readers"--students who love to read and talk about what they are reading. Activities in the class will include: book studies, book advertising, blogging, and library skills and possibly, webcasts. Prerequisite to the course: Advanced or Proficient in the previous grade level Predictive C or previous spring MAP CA scores. GAME DEVELOPMENT: This course teaches students to use storytelling, graphic design, animation, sound engineering and computer programming to create games. Students participate in the process of design, development, play testing, and improving games based on peer feedback. CHOIR: Choir is a semester class, which provides opportunities to review and expand music fundamentals of vocabulary, note recognition, rhythm, and interval training. Choral singing, sight-reading, good posture, and breathing skills are presented with an emphasis on personal leadership and working cooperatively as a team. Individuals need to participate in district-wide competition events through ensemble and solo preparation, which occurs outside the school day and may require additional fees. Grades are based on skill tests and performance points earned through ensemble, solo, and choral concert participation. GIFTED: Prerequisite: Meet certain standards set by the State of Missouri. The gifted class will be devoted as a time for gifted students to learn acceptance of self and others. This class will not only foster academic growth and challenge through language study and technology, but it will also allow the students to reflect on their life, language, and customs. The goal of this class is to provide a secure place for effective growth and academic challenge. COMPUTER LITERACY I: This course teaches Google Accounts, Internet Searches, Email, Google Calendar, Safe/Legal Internet Use, Online Job Applications, Cover Letters and Document Formatting HEALTH: This semester course focuses on healthy living and making healthy decisions. Some topics to be covered include the following: COMPUTER LITERACY II: 10 Tobacco prevention Alcohol prevention Drug prevention HIV/AIDS prevention Dressing out and physical activity may be a part of some classes focused on exercise. GOALS: To develop and improve: 1. Teamwork 2 Self-esteem 3. Sportsmanship 4. Self-control 5. Respect for self and others 6. Critical thinking 7. Wise decision-making 8. Positive assertiveness 9. Competitive fun 10. Physical skills 11. Confidence, punctuality, integrity, and loyalty 12. Life sports 13. Productive academic and citizenship responsibility 14. Opportunities for communication INTRO TO SPANISH: This is an introductory class to the Spanish language and culture. MUSIC TECHNOLOGY: In this class we will learn to create, edit, and mix pre-recorded and original music. Basic music skills will be covered along with a focus on learning about the different technology available for music production. YEARBOOK: Yearbook is a production class that pairs students with "real life" job skills. This class employs the skills of digital photography, reporting, researching, public relations, management, and computer design with Jostens Yeartech Online, to produce the Monett Middle School yearbook. Students will work individually and in groups to produce a cumulative product. To be successful in this class, students must possess a sense of responsibility and a good work ethic, as deadlines must be met. This class also requires that students be available outside of class to take pictures and to meet deadlines. ACTIVITIES: Monett Middle School offers the following activities: band, choir, scholar bowl, future problem solving, student council, quiz bowl, cheerleading, football, volleyball, basketball, wrestling, track, and Special Olympics. All of these activities, excluding Special Olympics, involved in interscholastic competition fall under the guidelines in this handbook. MSHSAA GUIDELINES AND POLICIES GENERAL POLICY STATEMENT INTRODUCTION MONETT MIDDLE SCHOOL ACTIVITIES This handbook is to help the parent, student, and sponsor understand the procedures we have in place for participation. We envision a program that can improve physical and emotional health and provide active participation. A program should give students a feeling of inclusion in the school community to maximize their potential. BELIEF: The Monett R-1 School District believes the activities program is a vital part of a student’s physical, mental, social, and emotional experience, which supplements the curricular program. Please read this handbook carefully. It has been developed to provide you with information. The activities are governed by the rules, regulations, and policies of the Missouri State High School Activities Association and the Monett R-1 Board of Education. All activities will be scheduled so that students miss minimum class time for travel to away events. It is the activity sponsor’s responsibility to have students excused from class to travel. It is the responsibility of the students to see their teachers to obtain homework they will miss. All work shall be made up according to the middle school handbook. MISSION: The mission of Monett Middle School is to provide a variety of activities for all students, acting as a bridge between the elementary classroom and high school specialization, and to develop physical, mental, emotional, and social skills in a safe supervised environment. Interscholastic activities shall supplement the curricular program of the school and shall provide the most worthwhile experience possible. These experiences shall result in learning outcomes that contribute to the development of the attributes necessary for good citizenship. To this end only can activities be justified. 11 MISSOURI STATE HIGH SCHOOL ASSOCIATION REGULATIONS ACTIVITIES OFFENSES OF RULES THAT WILL RESULT IN IMMEDIATE SUSPENSION FROM AN ACTIVITY No member school of this association may compete in any interscholastic activities with other schools, or against any other team that is not a member of this association or like association. • Use of Alcohol, drugs, or tobacco FIRST OFFENSE: Suspension for 1/3 of athlete’s current or next sports season (or a combination). The student will be expected to practice and meet all team responsibilities; attend games, meetings, and all team functions; but will not play. However, a member school of this association, which is a special education school, organized and administered exclusively for the handicapped, may compete with a team representing any non-member school or institution by securing permission from the board of directors. SECOND OFFENSE: 365-day suspension from the athletic program. • These apply to offenses both on and off campus. YOUR STUDENT SPORT DROP POLICY In working with the middle level student, we recognize these specific developmental characteristics: Athletes who wish to drop a sport may do so with no penalty during the first two weeks of the sport season. Quitting after this two-week period may only be done with the consent of the coaching staff. Anyone dropping a sport after this time, without the coach’s consent, will forfeit his/her opportunity to participate in the first 1/3 of the following sport season. • Students, between the ages of twelve and fourteen, go through a developmentally difficult growth period. • Students in early adolescence are subject to growth spurts, the appearance of secondary sex characteristics, and the onset of puberty. • Students are self-conscious about physical changes. • Students are conscious of their individual uniqueness. • Students at this age experience a tremendous period of brain growth. • Students at this age want to be “adult” without losing the safety of childhood. • Students at this age are easily embarrassed. • Students at this age increasingly seek approval from their peers, decreasingly from adults. • Students at this age are struggling to become independent. However, they tend to become lost without the security of family, peers, and school. • Students at this age bring to school a wide range of physical, social, and emotional levels as well as a wide range of family backgrounds, social economic levels, and personal experiences. • Students at this age often have developmentally unique physical problems and limitations. CITIZENSHIP STANDARDS Students who represent a school in interscholastic activities must be creditable citizens and judged so by the proper school authority certifying a list of students for competition. Those students whose character or conduct is such as to reflect discredit upon themselves or their schools are not considered “creditable citizens.” Conduct shall be satisfactory in accord with the standards of good discipline. ACADEMIC STANDARDS Statement of Philosophy - Participation in middle school activities is a valuable educational experience and should not be looked upon as a reward of academic success. Students with low academic ability need the educational development provided through participation in activities as much as students with average or above average ability. Activity participation should be for all students making appropriate progress toward graduation and otherwise in good standing. SCHOOL ATTENDANCE To meet academic standards, a 7th or 8th grade student must be currently enrolled in and regularly attending the normal course for that grade or must have enrolled in a full course at his or her level in any public school special education program for the handicapped approved by the Missouri State Department of Education which, though ungraded, enrolls pupils of equivalent chronological age. Students are not allowed to participate in school activities without special approval from the principal if they are absent 4 or more periods on the day of the activity. ACTIVITIES PRACTICE POLICY Student participants are expected to attend all practices on time on the days they attend school unless an agreement has been reached by the coach/sponsor and parents no later than the day previous to the scheduled practice session. Student participants are also expected to have arranged transportation for the time of the scheduled end of practice. This section shall not apply to student promoted from the 6th grade and entering the 7th grade nor from 8th grade and entering 9th grade for the first time. A student who was academically ineligible the preceding quarter but meets the academic standard at the close of that semester becomes eligible the first day classes are attended in the succeeding quarter. 12 parents or guardians, which states they have read our Sportsmanship Creed. Athletes’ grades will be checked at each reporting period (mid-quarter and quarter). A participant with a failing grade in any class at a reporting period will be placed on probation. The participant will then have two weeks to have all grades passing. If at the end of two weeks the participant is not passing all classes, he/she will automatically be ineligible to compete for one week. After the one-week suspension, the athlete must have all deficiencies corrected in order to become eligible again. MONETT MIDDLE SCHOOL SPORTSMANSHIP CREED The Player: Lives clean and plays hard. Plays for the love of the game. Wins without boasting. Loses without excuses and never quits. Respects officials and accepts their decisions without question. Never forgets that he/she is a representative of the school. PHYSICAL EXAMS AND INSURANCE The school shall require of each student participating in athletics, including cheerleading, a physician's certificate stating that he/she is physically able to participate in athletic practices and contests of his/her school. The medical certificate is valid for the purpose of this rule if issued on or after February 1 of the previous school year. The Coach: A student shall not be permitted to practice or compete for any athletics and/or cheerleading until verification has been received that he/she has basic athletic insurance coverage. The Officials: Inspires in players a love for the game and the desire to win. Teaches them that it is better to lose fairly than to win unfairly. Leads players and spectators to respect officials by setting a good example. Knows the rules. Is fair and firm in all decisions. Calls them as he/she sees them. Treats players and coaches courteously and demands the same treatment for him/herself. Knows the game is for the players and lets them have the spotlight. PARTICIPATION IN CONFLICTING ACTIVITIES Monett Middle School is a long-time member of the Missouri State High School Activities Association, and many of our competitive activities are sponsored by this organization. Every effort is made to avoid conflicts in scheduling middle school events. However, when two activities conflict, those sponsored by the MSHSAA will have precedence over those not sponsored. Contact your activity sponsor to clarify sponsored activities. As a general rule, the priority of events will be: 1) conference; (2) interscholastic; (3) school performance; (4) required practice; then (5) regular practice. ATHLETIC RISK PARTICIPATION: ASSUMPTION The Spectator: Never boos a player or an official. Appreciates a good play no matter who makes it. Knows that the school gets the blame or the praise for his/her conduct. Lets the students play. Respect for Opponents The opponent should be treated as a guest, greeted cordially upon arriving, given the best possible accommodations, and accorded with tolerance, honesty, and generosity. OF Respect for Officials There are many special benefits being afforded studentathletes by the activities programs at Monett Middle School. It must be understood that participating in activities may lead to injury for student-athletes. Therefore, our purpose is to make all students and their parents aware that dangers do exist and that participation is voluntary, with the understanding that risks are involved. It is to be further understood that students must share in the responsibility for their own safety and safety of others as each participates in the district activities program. Officials should be recognized as impartial arbitrators who are trained to do their job and who can be expected to do it to the best of their ability. Knowledge and Understanding of the Rules Familiarity with the "current" rules of the game and the recognition of their necessity for a fair contest are essential. The student participating in the activities program could mildly, moderately, or severely injure the anatomy. Catastrophic injuries resulting in death or permanent paralysis may occur during participation. There is no absolute prevention against any potential injuries. Self-Control MMS PARENTAL/STUDENT VERIFICATION Appreciation of Skill in Performance Prior to each year of interscholastic athletic participation, a student shall furnish a statement, signed by the student's Applause for an opponent's good performance is a demonstration of generosity and goodwill that should not be looked upon as treason. Good sportsmanship requires one to understand his/her own bias or prejudice and the ability to prevent the desire to win from overcoming rational behavior. 13 Buccaneer Boulevard/Buchanan Road. School will be on the Left (263 Buccaneer Drive) Responsibility of Students and Parents Students and parents are spectators. Their habits and reactions determine the quality of sportsmanship, which reflects upon our school. Students and parents are expected to: • Know and demonstrate the fundamentals of sportsmanship. • Respect, cooperate, and respond to cheerleaders. • Respect school property and authority. • Show respect for the opponent. • Show respect for injured players. • Respect the judgment and strategy of the coach. • Respect the judgment of game officials. • Avoid profane language and obnoxious behavior. • Not applaud errors or penalties of opponents. • Not heckle, jeer, or distract opponents. This includes distracting behavior during the shooting of free throws by opposing players. • Not criticize players, coaches, or officials for a loss. • Not stomp on bleachers. (Also forbidden by MSHAA rules.) • Not throw objects onto the playing area or in the bleachers. • Not use noisemakers of any kind. • Not boo or show overt displeasure with game activities or game officials. CARL JUNCTION Take Hwy. 37 to I-44; I-44 west to Hwy. 71 north (Carthage exit); Hwy. 71 to Hwy. 96. Turn left on Hwy. 96 and stay on that road. You will go through Webb City. When you see the Carl Junction sign, turn left across the railroad tracks. Stay on that road all the way through Carl Junction. Watch out for the "THREE-WAY-STOP". Continue on the same road. It will curve to the left in front of the school. The road will come to a "T" intersection; turn right and take the first entrance into the parking lot. You should now be in front of the Jr. High Gym. The football field is by the middle school gym. Travel time: about 1 hour. (Allen & Broadway) DIRECTIONS TO COMPETING SCHOOLS CASSVILLE Take Hwy. 37 south and turn left on business 37 (Main Street). Take this road into Cassville and turn left on Y Hwy., which is almost like a U-turn. Take the first street to the right. This will put you on the back side of the campus. Travel time: 35 minutes. (1501 N. Main) CARTHAGE Take Hwy. 37 to I-44; I-44 to Hwy. 71 north (Carthage exit). Stay on Hwy. 71 until you reach the first Carthage exit. At the set of stop lights by Wal-Mart go straight. Continue going straight until you come to a church on the corner on your right hand side. There will be a four-way stop sign at this corner. Turn right and continue on until you come to South River Street. Turn left and continue on. The school will be on the left side of the street with a circle drive in front of the school. The gym is located inside the front doors. The Jr. High School is located next to the varsity football field. Travel time: 40 minutes. (837 E. Centennial) AURORA PATE ELEMENTARY Go east on Hwy. 60 and turn left at the Holy Trinity Catholic Church (Carnation Street). Go about 2 miles on Carnation Street to Church Street and turn left. Go 2 blocks and turn right. The school is just past the Casey’s store. Travel time: 25 minutes. (400 Terrace Dr.) DIAMOND Go west on Hwy. 60 to junction 59 Hwy. north and go to Diamond. Take a right on Main Street. The school is on the right side (east) of the road. Travel time: 35 minutes AURORA ROBINSON Aurora Middle School - (volleyball and basketball) - Go east on Hwy. 60 and turn left at the Holy Trinity Catholic Church. (5.9 miles from the intersection of Business 60 and Hwy. 60.) Stay on Carnation Street until you come to Springfield Street and then turn right. Springfield Street will take you one block north of Robinson Middle School. Turn right when you see the school. The gym parking lot is on the west side of the school. Travel time: 25 minutes. (1044 S. Lincoln) EAST NEWTON Go west on Hwy. 60, 15 miles to the Newtonia sign. Turn left (south) and go 3 miles to Hwy 86. Turn Right on Hwy. 86 and go 2 ½ miles to the school. The school will be on the right side of the road. Travel time: 20 minutes. GRANBY Take Hwy. 60 west to Granby. Turn left on Pennsylvania Street shortly after passing the water tower. This will take you to the Granby gym. Travel time: 25 minutes. (237 Pennsylvania Street) AURORA JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL (Football and Track) - Go east on Hwy. 60 and turn left on to Carnation Street at the Holy Trinity Catholic Church. (5.9 miles from the intersection of Hwy. 60 and Business 60.) Stay on Carnation Street until you come to Olive Street. Turn right, and within two blocks you will see the football and track field on the right side of the street. (500 West Olive) JOPLIN Take Hwy. 37 to I-44. Take I-44 west to the first Joplin exit. Stay on that road. This will become 7th Street once you enter Joplin. Stay on 7th Street until you cross Main Street. Joplin Street is the first street west of Main, and you must turn left and go two blocks. The school is on the southwest corner of the intersection. There will be a parking lot across the street BRANSON Take Hwy 60 to Springfield. Take the James River Freeway Exit. Proceed south on Hwy 65 towards Branson. Exit on the Branson Hills Parkway/Bee Creek Road Ramp. Turn Left onto Bee Creek RD/Branson Hills Parkway. Turn Right on to 14 from the school. The gym is inside the double doors that face the parking lot. Travel time: 50 minutes. (310 West 8th Street) TRIWAY Take Hwy. 60 west to M Hwy. (4 miles east of Granby). Turn left on M and continue south and cross Hwy. 86. Go one mile and the same road changes to Hwy. O. Go ten miles to Stella. You will come to a stop sign, and the school will be on the left. Travel time: 50 minutes. (No street number) LAMAR Take Hwy. 37 to I-44. Take the Carthage/Kansas City exit onto Hwy 71 north and go about 30 ½ miles. Take the US 160 exit toward Lamar. Stay on 160 until you get to Gulf Street and turn left. Go about ½ mile to the school. Travel time 70 minutes. (202 West 7th Street) WHEATON Take Hwy 60 West to Hwy 97. Turn Left and go south for 7 miles. Turn Right to stay on Hwy 97. Turn Left to go south on Hwy 86 for 4 miles. (116 McCall Street) MARIONVILLE Take Hwy. 60 to Marionville, turn left on Central Street, and go to the 4-way stop. Turn left on O'Dell and then go 1 1/2 blocks. The school is on the left. Travel time: 25 minutes. (College & O'Dell) WEBB CITY Take Hwy. 37 to I-44. Stay on I-44 until the Carthage exit. Go north on Hwy 71 until you reach Hwy. 96 (third Carthage exit). Take Hwy. 96 west to Webb City. Once you enter Webb City, turn right at the intersection by the McDonalds Restaurant. Continue north on that street until you see a school crosswalk and a set of railroad tracks. Turn right by the crosswalk sign. Do NOT cross the railroad tracks. The school will be three or four blocks ahead on your right. The gym is an old Quonset hut type building. Travel time 45-55 minutes. (807 West First) MT. VERNON Take Hwy. H through Freistatt. You will reach a point just before I-44 where you should turn right on outer road. This will take you in to Mt. Vernon. Turn left onto Hwy. 39 north and then turn right on West Sloan Street. You will see the high school football field. The middle school gym is across the street from the football field on West Sloan and Landrum Streets. Travel time: 30 minutes. (731 South Landrum) REPUBLIC Take Hwy 60 east towards Republic. Turn left on South Hampton Avenue. Drive north on Hampton for approximately .6 miles. You will cross over the railroad tracks. (518 North Hampton) SENECA Take Hwy. 60 west. Stay on 60 until you reach Hwy. 71. You will go under an overpass. As soon as you go under it, there will be an entrance onto Hwy. 71. Turn left to get onto Hwy. 71 south. Stay on that road until you come to a set of stoplights at the edge of Neosho. Keep going straight. You are now back on Hwy 60 west. Continue going straight until you come to a caution light. At the light, turn right. This will take you down a steep hill into Seneca. At the bottom of the hill the road will have a crossroad intersection. Continue going straight until you cross the railroad tracks. The next street should be Oneida. Turn right. The street runs right in front of the school. Travel time: 50-55 minutes. (925 Oneida Street) ST. PETERS (JOPLIN) Take Hwy 37 to I-44 West towards Joplin. Merge onto Hwy 43 (This exit is west of Joplin) and go North for 3.1 miles. Turn Left on 10th Street. Turn Right on Byers Avenue. (802 Byers Avenue) 15 TRAVEL RELEASE AND PARENT PERMISSION/AUTHORIZATION FOR TREATMENT Student Name____________________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________ Birthdate__________ If your son/daughter has any particular health problems or allergies, please describe: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Please list the following information pertaining to medical insurance: Name of Insurance Company________________________________________________ Policy Number ___________________________ Names of family to contact in an emergency: _______________________________________ _______________ _______________ Name Home Phone Work Phone _______________________________________ _______________ _______________ Name Home Phone Work Phone Please include the name and phone numbers of persons to contact should you not be at either of the above numbers: _______________________________________ _______________ _______________ Name/Relationship to Student Home Phone Work Phone _______________________________________ _______________ _______________ Name/Relationship to Student Home Phone Work Phone TRAVEL RELEASE I give my consent for this student to represent Monett Middle School on activity trips without holding Monett R-1 Schools or trip sponsors responsible in case of accident or injury. I give permission for accompanying sponsors to provide or cause to be provided any emergency medical attention as deemed necessary. I understand that I will be notified in the event of any emergency situation as quickly as possible. The permission and authorization is valid for the period of August 1, 2014 through July 31, 2015. _____________________________ Student Signature ______________________________ Parent or Guardian Signature Date_________________________ 16 TECHNOLOGY USAGE (Technology Safety – Board Policy EHB) Student Users No student will be given access to the district’s technology resources until the district receives User Agreements signed by the student and the student’s parent/guardian. Students who are 18 or who are otherwise able to enter into an enforceable contract may sign the User Agreement without additional signatures. A new User Agreement must be obtained annually. Students who do not have a User Agreement on file with the district may be granted permission to use the district’s technology resources by the superintendent or designee. Employee Users No employee will be given access to the district’s technology resources before the district has a signed User Agreement on file. Authorized employees may use the district’s technology resources for reasonable, incidental personal purposes as long as the use does not violate any provision of district policies or procedures, hinder the use of the district’s technology resources for the benefit of its students or waste district resources. Any use that jeopardizes the safety, security or usefulness of the district’s technology resources or interferes with the effective and professional performance of the employee’s job is considered unreasonable. The district network (including e-mail and Internet use) will not be used to access chat rooms or transmit jokes, chain letters, and language offensive in regard to race, religion or gender. Receiving, transmitting and storing files containing sexual content or graphics (including pornography and obscene language) on any district technology resource will not be tolerated. Unless authorized by the district, employees may not access, view, display, store, print or disseminate information using district technology resources that students or other users could not access, view, display, store, print or disseminate. Community Members Community members may be granted user privileges at the discretion of the superintendent or designee upon completion of a User Agreement. Community members must abide by all district policies and procedures. External Users Consultants, legal counsel, independent contractors and other persons having professional business with the district may be granted user privileges at the discretion of the superintendent or designee. External users must abide by all laws, district policies and procedures. General Rules and Responsibilities The following rules and responsibilities will apply to all users of the district’s technology resources: 1. Applying for a user ID under false pretenses or using another person's ID or password is prohibited. 2. Sharing user ID’s or passwords with others is prohibited, and users will be responsible for using the ID or password. A user will not be responsible for theft of passwords and IDs, but may be responsible if the theft was the result of user negligence. 3. Deleting, examining, copying or modifying files or data belonging to other users without their prior consent is prohibited. 4. Continued impedance of other users through mass consumption of technology resources is prohibited. 5. Use of district technology for soliciting, advertising, fundraising, commercial purposes or financial gain is prohibited, unless authorized by the district. 6. Accessing fee services without permission from an administrator is prohibited. A user who accesses such services without permission is solely responsible for all charges incurred. 7. Users are required to obey all laws, including criminal, copyright, privacy, defamation and obscenity laws. The school district will render all reasonable assistance to local, state or federal officials for the investigation and prosecution of persons using district technology in violation of any law. 8. The district prohibits the use of district technology resources to access, view or disseminate information that is pornographic, obscene, child pornography, harmful to minors, obscene to minors, libelous, pervasively indecent or vulgar, or advertising any product or service not permitted to minors. 9. The district prohibits the use of district technology resources to access, view or disseminate information that constitutes insulting or fighting words, the very expression of which injures or harasses other people (e.g., threats of violence, defamation of character or of a person’s race, religion or ethnic origin); presents a clear and present likelihood that, because of their content or their manner of distribution, they will cause a material and substantial disruption of the proper and orderly operation and discipline of the school or school activities; or will cause the commission of unlawful acts or the violation of lawful district policies and procedures. 17 10. The district prohibits any use that violates any person's rights under applicable laws, and specifically prohibits any use that has the purpose or effect of discriminating or harassing any person on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, disability, age, pregnancy or use of leave protected by the Family and Medical Leave Act. 11. The district prohibits any unauthorized intentional or negligent action that damages or disrupts technology, alters its normal performance or causes it to malfunction. The district will hold users responsible for such damage and will seek both criminal and civil remedies, as necessary. 12. Users may only install and use properly licensed software, audio or video media purchased by the district. All users will adhere to the limitations of the district’s technology licenses. Copying for home use is prohibited unless permitted by the district’s license, and approved by the district. 13. At no time will district technology or software be removed from the district premises, unless authorized by the district. District-provided laptops and laptop accessories are allowed to leave the premises. 14. All users will use the district’s property as it was intended. Technology resources will not be moved or relocated without permission from an administrator. All users will be held accountable for any damage they cause to district technology resources. The computer instruction coordinator and coordinator of media and technology services will be contacted before hardware is moved from any location. 15. If a district student or employee discovers unsolicited, non- educational or offensive language or graphics, or other prohibited content sent by district email or stored on a district computer, they should notify their immediate supervisor as soon as possible. Students will notify the classroom teacher, and teachers/staff will notify the building principal. The building principal will notify the coordinator of media and technology services or computer instruction coordinator. The material will be left on computer until district staff can evaluate the situation. The assistant superintendent-human resources will be notified immediately and further investigation may be required. Technology Security and Unauthorized Access 1. All users shall immediately report any security problems or misuse of the district’s technology resources to an administrator. 2. Use of district technology resources in attempting to gain or gaining unauthorized access to any technology system or the files of another is prohibited. 3. Use of district technology to connect to other systems, in evasion of the physical limitations of the remote system, is prohibited. 4. The unauthorized copying of system files is prohibited. 5. Intentional or negligent attempts, whether successful or unsuccessful, to interfere with the ability of others to utilize any district technology are prohibited. 6. Any attempts to secure a higher level of privilege on the technology resources without authorization are prohibited. 7. The introduction of computer viruses, hacking tools, capturing network traffic or other disruptive or destructive programs into a district computer, network or any external networks is prohibited. Online Safety and Confidentiality 1. Curricular or non-curricular publications distributed using district technology will comply with the law and Board policies on confidentiality. 2. All district employees will abide by state and federal law, Board policies and district rules when using district technology resources to communicate information about personally identifiable students. Employees will take precautions to prevent negligent disclosure of student information or student records. 3. All students and staff will be instructed on the dangers of sharing personal information about themselves or others over the Internet and are prohibited from sharing such information unless authorized by the district. Student users shall not agree to meet with someone they have met online without parental approval and must promptly disclose to a teacher or another district employee any message the user receives that is inappropriate or makes the user feel uncomfortable. Electronic Mail A user is responsible for all e-mail originating from the user’s e-mail account. 1. Forgery or attempted forgery of e-mail messages is illegal and is prohibited. 2. Unauthorized attempts to read, delete, copy or modify e-mail of other users are prohibited. 3. Users are strictly forbidden from sending unsolicited mass e- mail. The district considers more than ten (10) addresses per message, per day a violation, unless the communication is a necessary, employment-related function or an authorized publication. 4. All users must adhere to the same standards for communicating electronically that are expected in the classroom and that are consistent with district policies and procedures. 5. Users must obtain permission from the superintendent or designee before sending any district-wide e-mail messages. 18 Communication Devices Students shall not use, display or turn on pagers, phones, personal digital assistants or any other electronic communication devices during the regular school day, including instructional class time, class change time, breakfast or lunch. Exceptions or waivers to this restriction may be made at the discretion of the administration. Exceptions Exceptions to district rules will be made for district employees or agents conducting an investigation of a use that potentially violates the law, district policies or procedures. Exceptions will also be made for technology administrators who need access to district technology resources to maintain the district’s resources or examine and delete data stored on district computers as allowed by the district’s retention policy. Waiver Any user who believes he or she has a legitimate educational purpose for using the district’s technology in a manner that may violate any of the district’s policies or procedures may request a waiver from the technology director. 19 Monett R-1 School District Technology Usage Student Name ________________ Teacher ________________ School ___________ Grade ____ Parent/Guardian Technology Agreement I have read the school district’s Technology Usage policy and administrative regulations, which are on the district website ( or provided in paper form by the school library/media center. I understand that violation of these provisions may result in disciplinary action taken against my child, ward, or child within my care, including but not limited to suspension or revocation of access to district technology, and suspension or expulsion from school. I understand that my child’s or ward’s technology usage is not private and that the school district will monitor his/her use of district technology, including but not limited to accessing browser logs, e-mail logs, and any other history of use. I consent to district interception of or access to all communications sent, received or stored by my child or ward using the district’s technology resources, pursuant to state and federal law, even if the district’s technology resources are accessed remotely. I agree to be responsible for any unauthorized costs arising from the use of the district’s technology resources and agree to be responsible for any damages incurred by my child, ward, or child within my care. Check one of these three permission statements for use of technology: • I give my permission for my child or ward to utilize the school district’s technology resources. • I give partial permission for my child or ward to utilize the school district’s technology resources. I do not wish for my child or ward to utilize: _______________________________________________________ • I do not give my permission for my child or ward to utilize the school district’s technology resources. Note: Student photographs and names may be published in the school yearbook, local newspapers, and school websites. If you do not wish for your child’s photograph or name to be published, please contact the principal of your child’s school. Signature of Parent/Guardian _____________________________Date ______________ Printed Name of Parent/Guardian _____________________Home Phone ____________ Home Address___________________________________________________________ Student Technology Agreement I have read the school district’s technology usage policy and administrative regulations, which are on the district website ( or provided in paper form by the school library/media center, and agree to abide by their provisions. I understand that violation of these provisions may result in disciplinary action taken against me, including but not limited to suspension or revocation of my access to district technology, and suspension or expulsion from school. I understand that the rules governing Internet usage may be changed as needed. I understand that my use of the district’s technology is not private and that the school district may monitor my use of district technology, including but not limited to accessing browser logs, e-mail logs, and any other history of use. I consent to district interception of or access to all communications I send, receive or store using the district’s technology resources, pursuant to state and federal law, even if the district’s technology resources are accessed remotely. Signature of Student _______________________________ Date _________________ Printed Name of Student ____________________________ Home Phone __________ Home Address __________________________________________________________ 20 Monett Middle School Laptop Policies and Procedures The student laptop, carrying case, and charging cord that have been issued to you are property of the Monett R-1 School District. This computer is on loan to you as a student and must be used in accordance with the following Policies and Procedures, the district’s Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), and any applicable laws – both at home and at school. Use of this computer, as well as access to the computer network, the Internet, and email is a privilege and not a right. These items are provided for educational purposes only and are intended to support the learning objectives of Monett Middle School and the Monett R-1 School District. Only district computers are allowed in the school and on the school network. All other computers are prohibited. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. General Use of the Computer The student’s parent/guardian must have signed and returned the Computer Checkout Form Agreement, attended a training session on use and care of the laptop, and paid the insurance fee prior to the student’s receipt of the laptop. Parents/guardians will be given the child’s login name and password to supervise the student’s use of the computer. Each computer is assigned to an individual student. Students should never “swap” or “share” their computer. Students should never share their password with another student. Passwords should always be kept confidential. Laptops should be in a student’s possession or in a designated secure area at all times. Designated secure areas include the student’s locked hallway locker, the Help Desk, or another area designated by a specific teacher during his/her class time. Student-loaded files, including music and videos, will not consume hard drive space needed for instructional or educational requirements. Students are responsible for bringing their fully charged laptop to school every day. If a student is participating in an activity that is not conducive to using his/her laptop (field trip, sporting event, assembly, etc.), he/she must leave the laptop in a designated secure area. Altering or modifying the original district pre-set software image is prohibited. Examples include but are not limited to: a. Loading unauthorized software d. Altering the pre-loaded operating system applications or applications b. Changing or removing operating system e. Altering security software extensions f. Taking the computer apart for access to c. Changing the computer name internal parts Students are prohibited from playing non-academic games, including Internet-based and Widget games, during the instructional day. Accessing or attempting to access sites that have been intentionally blocked by Monett R-1 tech staff will result in disciplinary action. Accessing outside chat/instant messaging will result in disciplinary action. Only school-approved chat/IM utilities are allowed. E-mail (or any other computer communication) should be used only for legitimate and responsible communication between students, faculty, and the outside world. Rude, abusive, threatening, or otherwise inappropriate language is not permitted. (See Student Responsibility Code). Students should never share personal information about themselves or others while using the student laptop. Internet access, e-mail, and other media that are accessed, created, or stored on the computers are the sole property of the district. The district has the right to review these items for appropriateness and to limit or revoke a student’s access to them at any time for any reason. Parents, guardians, and students do not have a right or expectation of privacy for any use of the laptop computers or district network. Pornographic, obscene or vulgar images, sounds, music, language or materials (including screen savers, backgrounds, and/or pictures) are strictly prohibited. Violations that involve computer hacking or trespassing, harassment, bullying or threats via computer, and computer fraud can result in serious disciplinary action, which may include an arrest if state or federal law is violated. Ignorance of these regulations will not excuse an infraction. The district reserves the right to limit computer use for any student who develops attendance issues, including truancy. In such cases, the computer will be collected and kept at school. The student will be required to check the computer in and out each day. Any student who continually does not bring his/her laptop to school will have computer take-home privileges revoked. The student will be required to check the computer in and out each day. Understand that the laptop belongs to the school, and it can be checked at any time or taken away at any time for disciplinary reasons. 21 21. When a student participates in a school-sponsored overnight trip, the sponsor of the trip will inform the students whether laptops are to be taken on the trip. Laptops are not to be taken on non-overnight trips. General Care of the Computer 1. Students are expected to treat their laptop with care and respect. The computer, school-issued case, and charger are the property of the Monett R-1 School District and should be kept clean and free of marks at all times. Placing stickers, writing or drawing on, engraving or otherwise defacing the laptop, carrying case, or charger are not allowed and will result in loss of privileges or other consequences. 2. When transporting their laptop to and from school, students should always be sure it is placed in a school-approved carrying case and that the case is fully closed. 3. Laptops should be used while they are on a flat, stable surface such as a table. 4. Students should protect their laptop from extreme heat or cold. Laptops should never be left in a car, even if the car is locked. 5. Computers should be protected from the weather, water or other liquid, food, and pets. Students should never eat or drink while using their laptop or use their laptop near others who are eating and drinking. 6. Heavy objects should never be placed or stacked on top of the laptop. This includes books, musical instruments, sports equipment, etc. 7. Any inappropriate or careless use of a computer should be reported to a teacher or other staff member immediately. 8. If the computer is damaged or not working properly, it must be taken to the Help Desk for repair. 9. Parents/guardians/students are not authorized to attempt repairs themselves or contract with any other individual or business for the repair of the laptop. 10. If a laptop malfunctions outside of the school day, the student should report the issues to the Help Desk on the first day of school following the malfunction. MMS Help Desk hours are 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. each school day. The school district does not have an evening or weekend Help Desk. 11. If a student’s class work is lost because of a computer failure, the MMS Help Desk will make contact with the teacher/teachers from the class(es) affected on the same day that the issue is reported. Teachers will make the appropriate time adjustments for the student to redo the lost class work. A record of this will be kept at the Help Desk and will be reported to the building administration. 12. If the computer is lost or stolen, parents/guardians should immediately report the loss or theft to the administration AND the police department. A police report must be filed within 48 hours. Consequences of Inappropriate Use The use of any district technology is a privilege and not a right. Students are expected to use their computer in accordance with the Laptop Policies and Procedures, the District Acceptable Use Policy, and any applicable laws. Failure to use the computer in an appropriate manner will result in one or more of the consequences listed below as determined by the staff and administration of Monett Middle School and the Monett R-1 School District: -‐ Student Conference -‐ Parent Conference -‐ Revocation of student use or access privileges, including computer take-home privileges -‐ Any and all school disciplinary actions (detention, ISS, OSS, etc.) -‐ Civil or criminal liability under applicable laws 22 MONETT MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENT PROCEDURES HANDBOOK MONETT R-1 SCHOOL DISTRICT STUDENT DISCIPLINE HANDBOOK 2014/2015 SCHOOL YEAR DOCUMENTATION FORM Print Student’s name__________________________________________________ I have downloaded or received, read, and clearly understand the Monett Middle School Student Procedures and School District Student Discipline Handbook. ________________________ Date ___________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Printed Name ___________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Guardian ___________________________________________ Student Printed Name ___________________________________________ Signature of Student Please sign and return this form to the principal’s office within two weeks of receipt. 23 Monett R-1 School District Student Handbook 2014-2015 Central Office 900 East Scott Street Monett, MO 65708 417-235-7422 Superintendent: Brad Hanson Assistant Superintendent: Mike Dawson 1 Monett Elementary School Central Park Elementary Monett Intermediate School 601 Learning Lane Monett, MO 417-235-3411 1010 Seventh Street Monett, MO 417-354-2168 711 Ninth Street Monett, MO 417-235-6151 Principal: Susie Gasser Asst. Principal: Sarah Garner Monett Middle School Principal: Annette Cozort Principal: Peg Bryan Monett High School Southwest Area Career Center 710 Ninth Street Monett, MO 417-235-6228 One David Sippy Drive Monett, MO 417-235-5445 Two David Sippy Drive Monett, MO 417-235-7022 Principal: Jonathan Apostol Principal: David Steward Asst. Principal: David Williams Director: David Miller 2 BEHAVIOR AND DISCIPLINE School personnel are charged by the Board of Education with the responsibility of maintaining proper discipline. Discipline administered should be appropriate to the violation, administered without malice, and should take into account the maturity level of the student. Any student who is suspended is not allowed on any school property at any time of the day or night until the suspension is entirely over. Students are subject to disciplinary action up to and including expulsion for serious acts of misconduct away from school and school activities and outside of normal school times, which may impact the school environment. Such misconduct will generally be disciplined pursuant to the district’s discipline policy as if the misconduct had occurred at school. The following steps shall be utilized in most instances; however, the principal may bypass any step if the seriousness of the situation warrants. These guidelines make no attempt to list all possible problem areas or to mention every possible disciplinary action. It is an attempt to address the majority of circumstances that might occur. Complete Board Policy is available for review in the office of each district administrator and on the district website. As a result of Federal Statue 18 U.S.C. 921, Missouri Statute 571.010, .030 RSMo. and Monett R-I School Board Policy JFCJ, any student who brings or possesses a firearm on school property may be suspended from school for at least one (1) calendar year (365 days). CLASS I OFFENSES 1. Threatening or doing bodily harm to school personnel* 2. Possession of or use of alcoholic beverages or under the influence of alcohol in school or at school-sponsored events 3. Possession of or use of paraphernalia and/or narcotics and/or controlled substances or under the influence of any of these without proper medical authorization while at school or schoolsponsored events* 4. Possession of or use of substances representing drugs or mind-altering chemicals 5. Possession of explosives or fireworks on school property or at school-sponsored events (e.g., fireworks, explosives, bullets, look-alike guns, etc.) 6. Possession of or use of weapons (other than firearms) in a threatening manner 7. Behavior, which results in an emergency alert (i.e., 911 phone calls, bomb threats, etc.) CLASS I CONSEQUENCES 1st Offense: Suspension from school; Minimum of ten (10) school days except for Class I item #3. *Minimum 45-day suspension from school 2nd Offense: Suspension from school; Minimum of ninety (90) days 3rd Offense and Subsequent Offenses: Recommendation for expulsion from school Students who are suspended out of school for less than ten (10) days are expected to complete the work that is assigned to them. The deadline for the work completed for credit will be the same as a student who is absent from school. Failure to complete work during that time period will result in a zero. 3 CLASS II OFFENSES 1. Doing bodily harm to other students (i.e. fighting or assault) * 2. Profane remarks or blatant disrespect directed toward school personnel CLASS II CONSEQUENCES 1st Offense: Suspension from school; Minimum of five (5) school days. Police report may be filed. 2nd Offense: Suspension from school; Minimum of ten (10) school days. Police report may be filed. 3rd Offense: Suspension from school of ten (10) school days and referral to Superintendent. *(Removal or intervention by police may be requested.) Students who are suspended out of school for less than ten (10) days are expected to complete the work that is assigned to them. The deadline for the work completed for credit will be the same as a student who is absent from school. Failure to complete work during that time period will result in a zero. CLASS III OFFENSES 1. Possession of or use of tobacco in any form in the school building or school grounds and during school- sponsored events* 2. Possession of or use of flammable ignition devices (including lighters).* 3. Possession or use of weapons other than firearms 4. Actions of affection that are unwanted or unsolicited; inappropriate sexual behavior 5. Any verbal or written threats or physical intimidation that put someone in fear of physical harm. (bullying/cyberbullying) (Refer to policy JFCF). CLASS III CONSEQUENCES 1st Offense: Suspension from school; Minimum of three (3) school days except for Class III items #1 & #2. * Possession equals minimum of two (2) days in school suspension. 2nd Offense: Suspension from school; Minimum of three (3) school days 3rd Offense: Suspension from school; Minimum of five (5) school days 4th Offense: Suspension from school; Minimum of ten (10) school days 5th and Subsequent Offenses: Referral to Superintendent Students who are suspended out of school for less than ten (10) days are expected to complete the work that is assigned to them. The deadline for the work completed for credit will be the same as a student who is absent from school. Failure to complete work during that time period will result in a zero. CLASS IV OFFENSES 1. Being absent from school without permission of parent or school personnel 2. Leaving school grounds without permission of school personnel 3. Leaving assigned classroom without permission of teacher in charge 4. Disturbance of class, cafeteria, or school function. 5. Defiance of school personnel 6. Damage to or the misuse of school or personal property** 7. Theft of school or personal property ** 8. Sent out of class for not being prepared to take part in assigned lesson 9. Plagiarism or cheating 4 10. Failure to report to the principal’s office as directed 11. Profane and/or threatening remarks directed toward fellow students; harassment. 12. Petting, kissing, or inappropriate touching 13. Violation of dress code 14. Parking violations and/or driving violations 15. Physical and/or verbal confrontation not resulting in physical injury 16. Inappropriate language (verbal, nonverbal, written, or graphic) 17. Possession or use of laser pointers or paintballs 18. Failure to serve assigned detention time 19. Violation of Electronic Communication Device Policy (such as cell phones and MP3 players)* 20. Violation of Acceptable Use Policy (including, but not limited to, laptop and desktop computers, iPads, iPods, and eReaders). CLASS IV CONSEQUENCES ** Students may be required to pay or make restitution for damaged or stolen property. 1st and Subsequent Offenses: The principal or his/her designee will assign consequences as deemed appropriate. Consequences may include detention, in-school suspension, or out-of-school suspension. * Consequences for Violation of Electronic Communication Device Policy (#19) 1st Offense: Conference up to 1 Day of ISS + 1 Day of Detention. Parent/guardian may be asked to pick up phone. 2nd Offense: Conference up to 2 Days of ISS + 2 Days Detention. Parent/guardian would be required to pick up phone. 3rd and Subsequent Offense: Conference up to 3 Days of ISS + 3 Days Detention. Parent/guardian would be required to pick up phone. Students who are suspended out of school for less than ten (10) days are expected to complete the work that is assigned to them. The deadline for the work completed for credit will be the same as a student who is absent from school. Failure to complete work during that time period will result in a zero. The principal or his/her designee may use consequences other than those listed as may be deemed appropriate. These consequences may include, but not be limited to, restricted activity, additional duties, physical activity, additional academic work, as approved in the student handbook, student activity handbook, and in Board Policy. Logical consequences are used as much as possible, and teachers are required to attempt to resolve an issue in the classroom and with the parent before sending a student to the office. The procedures of the Monett R-1 school district described above are in accordance with the school board policies. These policies are available on the district website and in the main office: • • • STUDENT DISCIPLINE (JG/JGR) CORPORAL PUNISHMENT (JGA) SECLUSION, ISOLATION, AND RESTRAINT (JGGA) 5 • • • • • • • DETENTION AND/OR IN-SCHOOL SUSPENSION OF STUDENTS (JGB) STUDENT SUSPENSION AND EXPLUSION (JGD) DISCIPLINE OF STUDENTS WITH A DISABILITY (JGE) DISCIPLINE REPORTING AND RECORDS (JGF) WEAPONS IN SCHOOL (JFCJ) STUDENT ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE (JFCH) STUDENT CONDUCT ON SCHOOL TRANSPORTATION (JFCC) ANTI-GANG/SECRET SOCIETY POLICY The Monett R-1 School District Board of Education, administration, faculty, and staff have the responsibility to maintain a safe and disruption-free school environment. In an effort to provide each student the opportunity to meet his or her potential and maintain an environment conducive to learning, the Monett R-1 School District hereby prohibits gangs and/or secret societies (see Board Policy JFCE/JFCEA) at any and all school campuses within the district. “Gangs,” as defined in this policy, shall mean individuals who associate with each other primarily for criminal, disruptive, and/or other activities prohibited by law and/or by the school district’s rules and regulations. These activities include any type of organization or society that fosters undemocratic practices and seeks to perpetuate itself by taking in additional members from the pupils enrolled in the Monett R-1 School District. Gang and gang-related activities are not acceptable in the school setting. The Board of Education is aware that the presence of gangs interferes materially and substantially with the educational process and with the requirement of appropriate discipline in the school. Gangs foster anti-social behaviors, attitudes, and practices that may endanger the health, safety, and welfare of our students; therefore, students are prohibited from participating in any activity related to gangs while at school, while traveling to or from school, or while attending school-sponsored events. Prohibited activities include (but are not limited to) the following: 1. Soliciting and/or recruiting others for membership; 2. Participating in and/or inciting physical violence; 3. Extorting or soliciting money and/or services, requesting any person to pay for protection or insurance, or the payment of dues; 4. Coercing, harassing, and/or otherwise intimidating, threatening, or causing harm to any person; 5. Wearing, possessing, using, displaying in any manner, distributing, or selling any clothing, jewelry, emblem, badge, symbol, sign, or other item associated with membership in or affiliation with a gang. When there is a question as to whether or not possessions or clothes are gangrelated, determination will be made by the Monett administration; 6. Using any communication, verbal or nonverbal (gestures, handshakes, etc.), suggesting or showing membership in, or affiliation with, a gang; 7. Engaging in any activity intended to promote or further the interests of any gang or any gang activity including, but not limited to, distributing literature, drawing, or displaying unauthorized symbols on any surface, teaching others to “represent,” or acting like a member of a gang; 8. Engaging in any activity defined as “hazing” (see Board Policy JFCF) by the Monett R-1 School District Board of Education; 9. Any act or activity which violates any law or any policy of the Monett R-1 School District when such act or activity is taken to further the interests of a gang. 6 SCHOOL DISTRICT RESPONSIBILITY It shall be the duty of the Monett R-1 School District to assign consequences, suspend, or expel from the school district any pupil who participates in the prohibited activities detailed in this policy or other activities that, in the view of the administration, violate the intent of this policy. TRANSPORTATION All bus assignments and bus stop information can be obtained by calling the transportation director, James Lawrence, at 235-3251. Students residing in town should be at bus stops several minutes prior to departure times. The school does not provide supervision at bus pickup points and children are expected to follow school rules while waiting at and walking to and from the bus stop. Students can and may be disciplined for inappropriate behavior at a bus stop. The bus driver is in charge of students and the bus. Students must obey the driver promptly and cheerfully. Classroom conduct is to be observed by students while riding the bus. Students must not try to get on or off the bus or move about within the bus while it is in motion. Busses will load immediately after school each day. Please be prompt in reporting to your bus; especially to those that leave immediately after school. Please remember: Bus transportation is a privilege, not a right. BUS DISCIPLINE PROCEDURES "Don't Lose Your Riding Privilege!" Follow these rules: 1. Observe the same conduct as in the classroom. 2. Be courteous, use no profane language. 3. Eating/drinking is not allowed. 4. Keep the bus clean. 5. Cooperate with the driver. 6. Smoking is not allowed. 7. Destructive behavior is not allowed. 8. Stay in your seat. 9. Keep head, hands, and feet inside the bus. 10. Bus driver is authorized to assign seats. BUS DISCIPLINARY CONSEQUENCES First Offense: Conference with Student and/or removal of bus privileges. Subsequent Offenses: Conference with Student and removal of bus privileges. Behaviors that violate the student handbook may result in additional disciplinary consequences. INTERROGATIONS AND SEARCHES The right to inspect student school lockers or articles carried upon his/her person is inherent in the authority granted school board members and administrators and must be exercised so as to assure parents that the school, in exercising its in loco parentis relationship with their children, will employ 7 every safeguard to protect the well being of those children. The exercise of that authority places unusual demands upon the judgment of school officials whose primary purpose is to provide the best and safest teaching and learning environment for children. The search of school lockers, and in some instances students, is necessary to assist in preserving discipline and good order and to promote safety and security of persons and their property within the area of educational responsibility. Students suspected of being in violation of school policy may be requested to submit to voluntary personal searches. Students who refuse to submit to a voluntary search may be referred to appropriate law enforcement authorities if such action is deemed necessary by the principal. (Board Policy JFG) ATTENDANCE POLICY 1. In order for a student to earn a class grade, the student must not only satisfy academic and related requirements, but must also exhibit good attendance habits. The student cannot accumulate more than eight (8) absences per semester or sixteen (16) absences per year. A student exceeding eight (8) absences during a semester will be placed on probation. Grades will be withheld at the end of the first semester pending completion of the year. If total absences for the year do not exceed sixteen (16) days, a grade will be given. Should absenteeism for the year exceed sixteen (16) days (and not fall under the exceptions listed below), the student will not receive a grade for that year and may be retained. 2. Parents or guardians of students will be notified by a letter from the principal’s office when the student approaches eight (8) absences during any semester. 3. The following exceptions can be considered if the parent notifies the office and a meeting is held to consider the reason. These reasons would not be counted as accumulated absences resulting in retention or withholding of a grade. a. Hospitalization-unusual or extended illness-verified with a doctor’s statement. Verification of such an absence should be made through the principal’s office upon return to school from the absence. If verification is not done, absences will be counted as mentioned in item #1. b. Doctor or dental appointments-verified with proper appointment card or note from doctor. Upon return to school from an absence, the absence will be counted as mentioned in item #1 if verification is not done. c. Death in immediate family d. Extenuating circumstances – a student requiring additional absences may have his/ her parents appeal to the principal for an extension due to extenuating circumstances. These circumstances include, but are not limited to the following: 1) Serious family emergencies 2) Student contracting a communicable disease 3) Inclement weather preventing bus transportation when school is not dismissed. IMMUNIZATION POLICY In compliance with Missouri law, students may not attend school unless they have been adequately immunized against polio, diphtheria, measles, mumps, and rubella. The school is required to have immunization dates on file, including the day, month, and year for each student. An immunization progress card must be on file with the school if he/she is in progress of receiving immunizations. 8 This law shall not apply to any student if the parent signs a religious exemption card or a doctor signs a medical exemption card. If a religious exemption card is signed, it is required that it be renewed every school year. There is no longer a 15-day grace period. No student will be allowed to attend school if immunization records are not current. Students will be excluded from Monett Schools if not in compliance with the immunization law. (Refer to Board Policy JHCB) STUDENT MEDICATION POLICY Medication should be given at home if at all possible. However, if the physician's orders indicate it must be given during school hours, the medication may be administered at school by complying with the following instructions: PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS When a pupil is to receive medication during school hours, the parent or guardian must provide the medication in the original prescription bottle plainly marked with the pupil’s name, physician's name, date, name of medication, dosage, and time of administration. We must have written permission from the parent or guardian to give the medication. The permission note must include the pupil's name, physician's name, date, name of medication, dosage, time of administration, and parent's signature. A "Request for Giving Medicine at School" form may be obtained and signed by the parent at school. This form requires the same information requested above. NON-PRESCRIPTION MEDICATIONS: School personnel do not provide any non-prescription medications at any time. Over-the-counter medications for colds, coughs, headaches, etc. will be given when accompanied by a written request from a parent or guardian. This request must include date, dosage, and time medication is to be given. All medicines must be properly identified. If it is necessary for a child to take a daily non-prescription medication, such as aspirin for rheumatoid arthritis, a request from the parent or guardian and also a request from the physician must be provided. The request from both should include the pupil's name, physician's name, date, name of medication, dosage, time of administration, and signature of parent or physician. Students, under a physician's care and requiring medication, are required to bring the amount only for that day and leave it at the office for distribution. Students are not to carry any medication with them unless a physician's order states so. Administration of medicines will be the responsibility of the school only if the school's Student Medication Policy is followed. (Refer to Board Policy JHCD, JHCF). 9 Public Notices of the Monett R-1 School District Family Education Rights and Privacy Act – Notification .........................................................................11 Family Education Rights and Privacy Act – Directory Information .........................................................12 Non-Discrimination Notice for the Monett R-1 School District ...............................................................13 Notification of Rights Under the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) ..................................14 Public Notice for the Monett R-1 School District .....................................................................................16 10 MONETT R-1 SCHOOL DISTRICT Notification of Rights under FERPA for Elementary and Secondary Schools The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords parents and students over 18 years of age ("eligible students") certain rights with respect to the student's education records. These rights are: (1) The right to inspect and review the student's education records within 45 days of the day the School receives a request for access. Parents or eligible students should submit to the School principal a written request that identifies the record(s) they wish to inspect. The School official will make arrangements for access and notify the parent or eligible student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. (2) The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the parent or eligible student believes are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA. Parents or eligible students who wish to ask the School to amend a record should write the School principal, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it should be changed. If the School decides not to amend the record as requested by the parent or eligible student, the School will notify the parent or eligible student of the decision and advise them of their right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the parent or eligible student when notified of the right to a hearing. (3) The right to privacy of personally identifiable information in the student's education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception, which permits disclosure without consent, is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the School as an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff member (including health or medical staff and law enforcement unit personnel); a person serving on the School Board; a person or company with whom the School has outsourced services or functions it would otherwise use its own employees to perform (such as an attorney, auditor, medical consultant, or therapist); a parent or student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee; or a parent, student, or other volunteer assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility. Upon request, the School discloses education records without consent to officials of another school district in which a student seeks or intends to enroll, or is already enrolled if the disclosure is for purposes of the student’s enrollment or transfer. (4) The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the School to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA are: Family Policy Compliance Office U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20202-8520 Please see School Board Policy JO: “Student Records”, for more information. 11 MONETT R-1 SCHOOL DISTRICT Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Notice for Directory Information The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a Federal law, requires that the Monett R-1 School District (Monett Schools) with certain exceptions, obtain your written consent prior to the disclosure of personally identifiable information from your child’s education records. However, the Monett R-1 School District may disclose appropriately designated “directory information” without written consent, unless you have advised the District to the contrary in accordance with District procedures. The primary purpose of directory information is to allow the Monett R-1 School District to include this type of information from your child’s education records in certain school publications. Examples include: • • • • • A playbill, showing your student’s role in a drama production; The annual yearbook; Honor roll or other recognition lists; Graduation programs; and Sports activity sheets, such as for wrestling, showing weight and height of team members. Directory information, which is information that is generally not considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if released, can also be disclosed to outside organizations without a parent’s prior written consent. Outside organizations include, but are not limited to, companies that manufacture class rings or publish yearbooks. In addition, two federal laws require local educational agencies (LEAs) receiving assistance under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) to provide military recruiters, upon request, with the following information – names, addresses and telephone listings – unless parents have advised the LEA that they do not want their student’s information disclosed without their prior written consent. If you do not want the Monett R-1 School District to disclose directory information from your child’s education records without your prior written consent, you must notify the District in writing by August 20, 2013. Monett R-1 School District has designated the following information as directory information: -‐Student’s name -‐Address -‐Telephone listing -‐Electronic mail address -‐Photograph -‐Date and place of birth -‐Major field of study -‐Dates of attendance -‐Grade level -‐Participation in officially recognized activities and sports -‐Weight and height of members of athletic teams -‐Degrees, honors, and awards received -‐The most recent educational agency or institution attended -‐Student ID number, user ID, or other unique personal identifier used to communicate in electronic systems that cannot be used to access education records without a PIN, password, etc. (A student’s SSN, in whole or in part, cannot be used for this purpose.) Please see School Board Policy JO: “Student Records”, for more information. 13 MONETT R-1 SCHOOL DISTRICT Notification of Rights Under the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) PPRA affords parents certain rights regarding our conduct of surveys, collection and use of information for marketing purposes, and certain physical exams. These include the right to: • Consent before students are required to submit to a survey that concerns one or more of the following protected areas (“protected information survey”) if the survey is funded in whole or in part by a program of the U.S. Department of Education (ED)– 1. Political affiliations or beliefs of the student or student’s parent; 2. Mental or psychological problems of the student or student’s family; 3. Sex behavior or attitudes; 4. Illegal, anti-‐social, self-‐incriminating, or demeaning behavior; 5. Critical appraisals of others with whom respondents have close family relationships; 6. Legally recognized privileged relationships, such as with lawyers, doctors, or ministers; 7. Religious practices, affiliations, or beliefs of the student or parents; or 8. Income, other than as required by law to determine program eligibility. •Receive notice and an opportunity to opt a student out of – 1. Any other protected information survey, regardless of funding; 2. Any non-‐emergency, invasive physical exam or screening required as a condition of attendance, administered by the school or its agent, and not necessary to protect the immediate health and safety of a student, except for hearing, vision, or scoliosis screenings, or any physical exam or screening permitted or required under State law; and 3. Activities involving collection, disclosure, or use of personal information obtained from students for marketing or to sell or otherwise distribute the information to others. •Inspect, upon request and before administration or use – 1. Protected information surveys of students; 2. Instruments used to collect personal information from students for any of the above marketing, sales, or other distribution purposes; and 3. Instructional material used as part of the educational curriculum. These rights transfer from the parents to a student who is 18 years old or an emancipated minor under State law. The Monett R-‐1 School District will develop and adopt policies, in consultation with parents, regarding these rights, as well as arrangements to protect student privacy in the administration of protected information surveys and the collection, disclosure, or use of personal information for marketing, sales, or other distribution purposes. The Monett R-‐1 School District will directly notify parents of these policies at least annually at the start of each school year and after any substantive changes. The district will also directly notify, such as through U.S. Mail or email, parents of students who are scheduled to participate in the specific activities or surveys noted below and will provide an opportunity for the parent to opt his or her child out of participation of the specific activity or survey. The district will make this notification to parents at the beginning of the school year if the District has identified the specific or approximate dates of the activities or surveys at that time. For surveys and activities scheduled after the school year starts, parents will be provided reasonable notification of the planned activities and surveys listed below and be provided an opportunity to opt their child out of such activities and surveys. Parents will also be provided an opportunity to review any pertinent surveys. 14 Following is a list of the specific activities and surveys covered under this requirement: •Collection, disclosure, or use of personal information for marketing, sales, or other distribution. •Administration of any protected information survey not funded in whole or in part by ED. •Any non-‐emergency, invasive physical examination or screening as described above. Parents who believe their rights have been violated may file a complaint with: Family Policy Compliance Office U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20202 15 MONETT R-1 SCHOOL DISTRICT PUBLIC NOTICE All responsible public agencies are required to locate, evaluate, and identify children with disabilities who are under the jurisdiction of the agency, regardless of the severity of the disability, including children attending private schools, highly mobile children, such as migrant and homeless children, and children who are suspected of having a disability and in need of special education even though they are advancing from grade to grade. The Monett R-I School District assures that it will provide a free, appropriate public education (FAPE) to all eligible children with disabilities between the ages of 3 and 21 under its jurisdiction. Disabilities include autism, deaf/blindness, emotional disorders, hearing impairment and deafness, intellectual disabilities, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairment, other health impairments, specific learning disabilities, speech or language impairment, traumatic brain injury, visual impairment/blindness and young child with a developmental delay. The Monett R-I School District assures that it will provide information and referral services necessary to assist the State in the implementation of early intervention services for infants and toddlers eligible for the Missouri First Steps program. The Monett R-I School District assures that personally identifiable information collected, used, or maintained by the agency for the purposes of identification, evaluation, placement or provision of FAPE children with disabilities may be inspected and/or reviewed by their parents/guardians. Parents/guardians may request amendment to the educational record if the parent/guardian believes the record is inaccurate, misleading, or violates the privacy or other rights of their child. Parents have the right to file complaints with the U.S. Department of Education or the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education concerning alleged failures by the district to meet requirements of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). The Monett R-I School District has developed a Local Compliance Plan for the implementation of State Regulations for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). This plan contains the agency’s policies and procedures regarding storage, disclosure to third parties, retention and destruction of personally identifiable information and the agency’s assurances that services are provided in compliance with the General Education Provision Act (GEPA). This plan may be reviewed at the Special Services Office at 800 Scott, Monett, MO, Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00AM and 4:00PM. Local school districts in the State of Missouri are required to conduct an annual census of all children with disabilities or suspected disabilities from birth to age twenty-one (21) that reside in the district. This census must be compiled by December 1 of each year. This information is treated as confidential and must include: name of child; parent/legal guardian’s name/address; birth date and age of the child; the child’s disability; and the services provided to the child. If you have a child with a disability or know of a child with a disability that is not attending the public school, please contact the office of: Monett R-1 Special Services Director: 235-4246. This notice will be provided in native languages as appropriate. 16