I N S I D E - Sacramento Association of REALTORS


I N S I D E - Sacramento Association of REALTORS
Sacramento Association
US Postage
Permit No. 538
Sacramento, CA
2003 Howe Avenue
Sacramento, California
April 2006
Volume 8, Number 4
P r e s i d e n t ’s
Page 2
New Members
Page 3
MLS Stats
Page 13–14
SAR Educational
Page 15
G o v t . Wa t c h
Page 16
May Calendar
Page 20
Real Estate Symposium
Sponsored by Peyman Inspections and Waddell & Reed
Financial Services
Attend this excellent class on how to analyze
investments & negotiate transactions in the new
era of California real estate. SAR’s Education
Committee in concert with some generous sponsors
has arranged to offer this course for a reduced rate.
Don’t miss out.
See and use the tools a case study application.
*A financial calculator is required for this event. Hewlett Packard
HP 10BII, HP12C,
or Real Estate Qualifier.
The Six Skills of Great Negotiators
Monday, April 24, 2006
Instructor: Joe Still CCIM
Small Investment Property Analysis
8:00am – 12noon (includes lunch); Cost: $60
The Six Skills of Great Negotiators
1:00 – 5:00pm; Cost: $50; 3 DRE credits
Real Estate Symposium (full day)
8:00am – 5:00pm (includes lunch); Cost: $100; 3 DRE
Running the Financial Calculator for Profit
The “must know” tricks and tips you have to have.*
Tactics and Strategies
Recognize and use time, authority and counterparts.
Handling Objections
How the pros get to yes.
A Compass for Success
Know your outcome before you begin.
Communication Skills
Identify and negotiate with the 4 major personalities.
Listening Skills
The cornerstone of all agreement creation.
Difficult People
The back door to success.
To register
Go online at ims.sacrealtor.org or call Traci Sarria at
Small Investment Property Analysis
“A must attend course if you are serious about success in real
Income & Expense Analysis and Due Diligence
How expert investors make the right decisions.
“Best teacher I have had since I’ve been in real estate.”
“The most valuable information I’ve EVER received in a
continuing education class.”
Using Benchmarks to Avoid Landmines
How to quickly tell a good deal from a bad one.
“The first speaker I have seen to teach about offering valuable
service instead of just selling.”
A Case Study Approach
“It’s rare to get your money’s worth out of a lot of these classes,
but this was truly an exception. Thanks!”
Equal Opportunity and Cultural Diversity
By Patrick Lieuw
The Equal Opportunity and Cultural Diversity Committee
is off to a great start with an exciting agenda and many new
Members from all walks of life with ties to all corners of the
world. Its mission is to embrace and empower Members through
education, communication and leadership to achieve understanding of the diversity in our community.
Recently Members filled a table at the Sacramento Asian
Pacific Chamber of Commerce installation dinner. SAR was recognized for its table sponsorship, providing excellent evidence of
our support for our community. It was such a popular event that
not everyone could attend. Particularly inspirational was the 2006
honoree at the dinner, the Tsakopoulos family, who donated land
for both the Asian Nursing Home, managed by the non-profit
Asian Community Center in the Pocket area, and the Sacramento
Asian Sports Foundation in Elk Grove. Our society is composed
almost entirely of immigrants, some more recent than others.
The Tsakopoulos family, like me, is an example of relatively
recent ones. It is always awe-inspiring to me that even we first
Continued on page 2
Sacramento Association
Sacramento Association
2003 Howe Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95825
FAX (916) 922-1221 or FAX (916) 922-3904
2003 Howe Avenue
1164 W. National Dr. Suite 60
Sacramento, CA 95834
(916) 922-2234 or (916) 922-7584
Leigh Rutledge
Tracey Saizan
Alan Wagner
Dave Tanner
Immediate Past President
Lorin Brown
Judy Covington
Carole Goodin
Gina LaPlaca
Carl Olson
Sherri Radovich
Cathryn Snow
Doug Covill
Shirley Delao
Barbara Harsch
Patrick Lieuw
Betty Pomeroy
Charlene Singley
Linda Wood
The purpose of the Sacramento
Association of REALTORS® is to enhance
the ability of its Members to practice their
profession ethically and effectively.
Our vision is to identify and
communicate innovations, promote
professionalism and affect changes
in the real estate industry to benefit our
Members and the community at large.
Here to Serve You
Feel free to call us directly.
Nelson Janes – 916.437.1201
Executive Vice President
Jennifer Macias – 916.437.1204
Aaron Truby – 916.437.1203
Staff Accountant
Greg Vlasek – 916.437.1208
Director of Public Affairs
Pat Lowell – 916.437.1206
Director of Professional Standards
Judy Wegener – 916.437.1207
Director of Education and Communications
Traci Sarria – 916.437.1202
Education Assistant
Pamela Johnson – 916.437.1205
Masters Club Events Coordinator
Cassie Papin – 916.437.1209
Director of Meetings & Events
Tippi Nicholson – 916.437.1212
Meetings & Events Coordinator
Todd Nicholson – 916.437.1214
Building Superintendent
SAR Member Services
Nancy Manly – 916.437.1217
Director of Member Services
Lyndsey Harank – 916.437.1221
Member Services
Robin Mayer – 916.437.1216
Member Services
Denise Stone – 916.437.1219
Member Services
Amelia Warrington – 916.437.1218
Member Services
Barbara Wells – 916.437.1220
Member Services
SAR Retail Center
Carl Carlson – 916.437.1223
Director of Retail Operations
Daniel Allen – 916.437.1224
Retail Center Specialist and Network
Kimberly Mar – 916.437.1222
Retail Center Assistant
Eric Rasmusson – 916.447.0283
Consulting Advocate
The theme for my term as SAR President this year is REALTORS®:
We Go the Extra Mile. I strongly believe that REALTORS® - and
our real estate industry affiliates - know as well as anyone that this
tagline is a lot more than a trite expression. In our competitive, gogo, customer service-driven profession, going the extra mile is….
well…, more or less de rigueur. The norm. It’s expected of us and
we expect it of ourselves.
But going the extra mile isn’t easy. It doesn’t just happen when
or because we need it to. It takes a discipline, a focus and a sense of
purpose very akin to athletic endeavors. I like to draw the analogy
to running, because my personal exercise regimen, as many of you
know - or might have guessed by now, involves a lot of running. A
lot of running. It’s a passion of mine. And there are plenty of parallels between running and attaining a successful career in real estate.
Take just a moment with me to think about a few of them.
Consider the importance of training. Almost nobody walks onto
a race course prepared to succeed without a foundation of training
and skills development that takes time to build. Techniques and
strategies to optimize your natural abilities must be practiced and
refined. Underlying it all is the discipline to prepare and the focus
to define the goal.
Consider, too, the qualities of the race itself. Is your goal to
separate yourself from the pack as quickly as possible and hold
the trophy at the finish line? Or, is there an equal or greater sense
of accomplishment in the journey itself – taking in the experience
along the way and sharing the encouragement and acknowledgement of a race well run with your colleagues or family? There’s no
right or wrong answer here; it’s simply a matter of choosing a venue
that matches well with your life situation,
Our lives as REALTORS® are full of blessings, but none among
these is more important to the fulfillment of our life’s purpose than
our health. Whatever our purpose or passion is – career, family,
travel, church, charity, community service, sports or fitness – we
need our health and stamina to pursue it.
Toward that end, SAR has adopted April as our Health Awareness
Month, with an appropriate mix of events and opportunities that
offer something for every SAR Member to pursue a more healthful
If inspiration is what you need, I hope you attended our April
4th Main Meeting. Speaker Helen
Klein, an extraordinary 80-yearold Sacramento athlete, has completed 59 marathons and 136 ultramarathons. Helen, who began
running in her fifties, holds many
long distance race records, including several world records. She
was named Outstanding Athlete
in 1986, 1991, and 1992 by The
Athletic Congress, and she is one
of only four ultra-runner inductees
in their Masters Hall of Fame.
She is a fabulous inspiration to
anyone interested in staying fit
and healthy.
News and education about the
latest in health services and technology. Our April 4th REALTOR®
Health Faire ‘06. In lieu of our traditional sit down Main Meeting. It provided a great opportunity to
chat informally with wide variety of health professionals, including
fitness specialists, medical experts and other service providers. You
could even get your blood pressure checked, donate blood or have a
full-body ultrasound health scan.
If you’re ready to hit the road with your health-minded SAR
colleagues, please sign up this month to join TEAM SAR for the
10th Annual Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure for Breast Cancer,
scheduled for Saturday May 13th at Cal Expo. This event is a
“twofer” for the health conscious, and no, it’s not actually a race.
You will get the healthy benefits of walking five kilometers, and you
will be helping - through registration fees and pledges – to accelerate breast cancer research that will benefit millions of people in the
future. That’s something you’ll definitely feel very good about.
I sincerely hope you take advantage of these Member programs,
all designed to help you keep good health at the forefront of your
busy professional and personal lives. Why not let this be the first
step to a higher level of health consciousness in preparing yourself
for the road ahead. It’s as good a time and place to start as any.
I wish for you and all SAR Members good companionship,
plenty of fresh air and, most of all, a long open road ahead, with
plenty of extra miles to go. I’ll see you out there.
Save the Date
Equal Ops
Continued from page 1
generation immigrants can avail ourselves of an excellent public education, own property, buy a house, and put our children through the great
University of California. As one of the newer immigrants to this great
country, I am perhaps especially mindful of the freedom I enjoy here
and am especially grateful to the armed forces that protect that for us.
The Tsakopoulos family models for us all the positive impact of immigrants in America. Each of us has something to give.
The committee would like to express its thanks to SAR President
Leigh Rutledge and the Board of Directors for recognizing the committee’s importance and providing it with necessary resources. It would
also like to thank Nelson Janes, SAR Executive VP, for the support of
his staff, and Greg Vlasek, SAR Director of Public Affairs, and Traci
Sarria, our committee liaison, for their support.
Please make sure to mark your calendars with International
REALTOR® Celebration Day, scheduled for Thursday, October 5,
2006, at the SAR Mack Powell Auditorium. This event will include
ethnic foods and a display of winning entries from a high school student
essay contest focusing on the celebration of the cultural diversity and
equal opportunity we all enjoy. Many of our affiliates will be staffing
booths highlighting their programs and services, such as the firsttime home buyer program and translation services. If your company
would like to sponsor a booth or participate in some other fashion,
please e-mail me at [email protected] or e-mail Scott Short at
[email protected] or call him at (916) 997-4828 no later than
August 10, 2006.
Sacramento REALTOR® is published
monthly by the Sacramento Association of
REALTORS® for the benefit of its membership.
Advertisements and statements of fact and opinion are the responsibility of the authors alone and
do not imply an opinion or endorsement on the
part of SAR officers, members or staff. All material copyright 2006, Sacramento Association of
REALTORS®. All rights reserved.
2 Sacramento REALTOR® • April 2006
Leigh Rutledge
2006 SAR President
May Main Meeting
Tuesday, May 9th from 9:00-10:30am in the SAR Mack Powell
Join us for the presentation of the SAR Scholarships.
Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure
Saturday, May 13th
It’s not too early to start planning for SAR’s Race for the Cure Team.
We are especially interested in hearing from Breast Cancer Survivors
who will join us. If you wish to be including on our team and/or are
a breast cancer survivor who will be participating on May 13, please
contact Cassie Papin at [email protected] or visit our website at
June Main Meeting
Tuesday, June 6th from 9:00-10:30am in the SAR Mack Powell
June’s speaker is the world-class climber, Erik Weihenmayer. Hear his
incredible, inspiring story from the terrible diagnosis that foretold of
the loss of his eyesight, to his dream to climb mountains, and finally
his quest to reach each of the Seven Summits.
Also, don’t throw out your Suitcases! We will be collecting slightly used
suitcases and bags for Suitcases For Kids at the June Main Meeting.
Sacramento REALTOR®
Editor:Judy Wegener
Publisher:Ned Foley,
Foley Publications
Design & Layout: Brio Creative
To Advertise:Foley Publications
Editorial Policy
The Sacramento Association of REALTORS® (SAR) welcomes articles
of educational interest to its members. Published articles will feature the
author’s name, title and company; however, no direct compensation will
be paid to the author. SAR reserves the right to edit submitted articles for
length, grammar, and appropriateness.
Articles will be printed in SAR’s publications on a space available basis.
Attempt will be made to publish submitted articles in a timely manner;
however, submission of an article does not guarantee when, or if, it will be
New SAR Members
As of February 2006
New REALTOR® Members
Pagette M. Aduna
Su Casa Realty
3820 Auburn Blvd., #81
Sacramento, CA 95821
Myrtle Louise Alley
Coldwell Banker-Res R E Srv
2450 Del Paso Road
Sacramento, CA 95834
Shirley M. Anderson
Andersen Real Estate
26191 N. Lower Sacramento Rd.
Acampo, CA 95220
Victoria J. Archuleta
Realty Executives-Capitol City
3000 Freeport Blvd. Ste C
Sacramento, CA 95818
Christine A. Balestreri
Coldwell Banker-Res R E Srv
440 Drake Circle
Sacramento, CA 95864
Jessica C. Berner
Paragon Real Estate
5306 Nesting Place
Rocklin, CA 95677
Tamara S. Bloomberg
5K Realty
203 Sunrise Ave
Roseville, CA 95661
Katherine M. Bowers
Pacific National, REALTORS
7803 Madison Ave, Ste A-150
Citrus Heights, CA 95610
Brandon W. Bowers
Fidelity Capital Properties
1180 Iron Point Rd, Ste 250
Folsom, CA 95630
Elisa C. Brumley
Choice Real Estate Group
101 Parkshore Drive Suite 100
Folsom, CA 95630
Anne E. Cannon
Prudential CA Realty
2998 Douglas Blvd, Ste 230
Roseville, CA 95661
Debra L. Caporaso
Realty World/Homestead Prpty
8080 Madison Ave #201D
Fair Oaks, CA 95628-3759
Sonia Chavez
Prudential CA Realty
2998 Douglas Blvd, Ste 230
Roseville, CA 95661
Lilia Chavez
Keller Williams Realty
391 Howe Ave
Sacramento, CA 95825
Beth S. Christerson
Prudential CA Realty
7801 Laguna Blvd., Suite 100
Elk Grove, CA 95758
Michael W. Claiborne
Amcap Realty
3560 El Camino Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95821
Brian A. Clarke
Lyon RE Elk Grove
9591 Laguna Springs Dr
Elk Grove, CA 95758
Mikki L. Cooper
Keller Williams Realty
2600 E. Bidwell St., Suite 150
Folsom, CA 95630
Maria Gloria Coronado
Great American Mortgage Realty
313 Judah Street, Suite 1
Roseville, CA 95678
Miguel A. Diaz
Realty World-Westcamp
5777 Madison Ave, Ste 720
Sacramento, CA 95841
Vyacheslav Formuzal
Bridge Real Estate Company Inc
6381 Auburn Blvd., Ste A
Citrus Heights, CA 95621
Ariana Corrales
Bella Villa Real Estate, Inc.
1300 Ethan Way, Ste 125
Sacramento, CA 95825
Patricia A. Dice
Pacific Coast Realty
151 Sunrise Blvd Suite 713
Roseville, CA 95661
Jane A. Gates
GreatWest GMAC Real Estate
3604 Fair Oaks Blvd, Ste120
Sacramento, CA 95864
Steve Coutrakis
Real Estate America
PO Box 293055
Sacramento, CA 95829-3055
Michelle L. DiChristopher
Lyon RE Folsom
150 Natoma Station Dr, Ste 300
Folsom, CA 95630
Delbra J. Gibbs
Ron Allen & Associates R. E.
2251 Florin Road, Ste 108
Sacramento, CA 95822
Micah J. Crandall-Bear
RP Real Estate Inc.
4901 Marconi Ave, Suite C
Carmichael, CA 95608
Shirley V. Dizon
Global One Realty
6911 Stockton Blvd Ste 500A
Sacramento, CA 95823
Daniel Gokul
Landpark Realtors
2030 Sutterville Road
Sacramento, CA 95822
Sylvia R. Crockett
Superior Realty & Investments
9008 Elk Grove Blvd.
Elk Grove, CA 95624
Regina Dusayeva
Davis & Davis Associates
6151 Fair Oaks Blvd, Ste 1
Carmichael, CA 95608
Francis Jude Gonong
Villanueva Enterprises
PO Box 3027
Sacramento, CA 95812-3027
Oddfrid M. Dalen
Davis & Davis Associates
6151 Fair Oaks Blvd, Ste 1
Carmichael, CA 95608
Marie J. Ellwood
Steele Realty & Invest, Inc
8900 Grantline Rd
Elk Grove, CA 95624
Douglas K. Groh
Prudential CA Realty
10540 White Rock Rd, Ste 100
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
Shirlene D. Dapiaoen
Global One Realty
6911 Stockton Blvd Ste 500A
Sacramento, CA 95823
Laurence H. Engelhardt
McMartin Realty
2031 K Street Suite 100
Sacramento, CA 95814
Heidrun B. Gross
Keller Williams Realty
4180 Truxel Road #150
Sacramento, CA 95833
Deborah Venessa Davis
Raymond Delarosa
9702 Silvertrail Lane
Elk Grove, CA 95624
Maren E. Ezaki
Coldwell Banker-Res R E Srv
730 Alhambra Blvd, Ste 150
Sacramento, CA 95816
Dennis Gulegin
Keller Williams Realty
4180 Truxel Road #150
Sacramento, CA 95833
Reni Della-Maggiore, RLI, FIABCI
Garry Duncan Realty
P.O. Box 1066
Woodbridge, CA 95258-1066
David M. Fitts
Coldwell Banker-Arnold, Doug
505 Second Street
Davis, CA 95616
Phillip L. Hampton
The Mixon Group
717 K Street, Suite 426
Sacramento, CA 95814
Vander I. Diaz
Cook Real Estate
2220 Watt Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95825
Sirleaf A. Flomo Sr.
1st American Realty
5740 Windmill Way, Ste 1
Carmichael, CA 95608
William A. Hanson
SellSmart Advantage
13405 Folsom Blvd, Suite 150
Folsom, CA 95630
Continued on page 4
Linda Aiken
(916) 567-5326
Linda Morgan
(916) 567-5319
Maya Vang
(916) 567-5313
Kamran Amin
(916) 567-5300
Christy Andrei
(916) 567-5354
Fluent in
Michael Quihuiz Doug Radovich
(916) 567-5350
(916) 567-5345
Roberta Yang
(916) 567-5308
Fluent in
John Burgess
(916) 567-5327
Ed Cardona
(916) 567-5339
Habla Espanol
Kelley Carter
(916) 567-5332
Edwina Morgan
(916) 567-5306
Mark Galbo
(916) 567-5378
Loretta Manfre
(916) 567-5320
Sherri Radovich
(916) 567-5345
Lilyann Salazar
(916) 567-5322
George Sanders
(916) 567-5341
Mark Shelton
(916) 567-5359
Robyn Sims
(916) 567-5380
Julie Tchang
(916) 567-5386
Fluent in
1950 Arden Way, 2nd Floor, Sacramento, CA 95815
(916) 567-5300 OFFICE • (916) 567-5305 FAX
Programs subject to change. We have loan offices and accept applications in Washington Mutual Bank. FA - many states: Washington Mutual Bank - ID, OR, UT, WA; and Washington Mutual Bank fsb - ID, MT, UT.
Sacramento REALTOR® • April 2006 3
New Members
Continued from page 3
Cathy R. Hargrove
Keller Williams Realty
2600 E. Bidwell St., Suite 150
Folsom, CA 95630
Robert L. Harnden
Real Estate Solutions
555 University Ave Ste 210
Sacramento, CA 95825
David L. Harper
Coldwell Banker-Res R E Srv
2450 Del Paso Road
Sacramento, CA 95834
Rene A. Hidalgo
Realty World-Westcamp
5777 Madison Ave, Ste 720
Sacramento, CA 95841
Renee M. Hill
Choice Real Estate Group
101 Parkshore Drive Suite 100
Folsom, CA 95630
Margaret M. Hill
Realty Executives-Capitol City
3000 Freeport Blvd. Ste C
Sacramento, CA 95818
Nina Kovalyov
Bridge Real Estate Company Inc
6381 Auburn Blvd., Ste A
Citrus Heights, CA 95621
Larry K. Lindhorst
Marshall & Associates
825 M Street
Rio Linda, CA 95673
Siddhartha Maharajh
Diamond Realty
106 L Street, Suite 3
Sacramento, CA 95814
Stacie B. Lawton
Runyan Real Estate Inc.
7806 Madison Ave Suite 110
Fair Oaks, CA 95608
Mike Linville
Coldwell Banker-Res R E Srv
9250 Laguna Springs Drive
Elk Grove, CA 95758
Angelika N. Mahle
Realty World-Sterling Calif.
702 Sutter Street, Ste D
Folsom, CA 95630
Frank J. Lee
Paragon Real Estate
5306 Nesting Place
Rocklin, CA 95677
Foua Ly
Maximum Real Estate & Finance
5858 Florin Road
Sacramento, CA 95823
Rita Makhnovskaya
Amcap Realty
3560 El Camino Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95821
Sharron M. Lenth
Keller Williams Realty
391 Howe Ave
Sacramento, CA 95825
Elizabeth D. MacLennan
Coldwell Banker-Res R E Srv
730 Alhambra Blvd, Ste 150
Sacramento, CA 95816
Ali Managhebi
Legacy Real Estate
2941 Sunrise Blvd #260
Rancho Cordova, CA 95742
John W. Lewis
Heritage Realty Group, Inc.
899 Embarcadero Dr, Suite 2
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
Jeanine M. Macmurray
Eagles Peak Realty
2351 Sunset Blvd., Ste 170-203
Rocklin, CA 95765
Arturo Manzo Jr.
Keller Williams Realty
9355 E Stockton Blvd., # 210
Elk Grove, CA 95624
Gail M. Lindhorst
Marshall & Associates
M Street
Rio Linda, CA 95673
11:58 AM
Trista K. Madsen
Keller Williams Realty
2600 E. Bidwell St., Suite 150
Page 1
Folsom, CA 95630
Robin G. Marchetti
M&M Real Estate & Mortgage
8924 Lake Grove Court
Elk Grove, CA 95624
Continued on page 6
James E. Hood
Cooper & Associates
9630 Bruceville Rd #107
Elk Grove, CA 95757
Iva Charlene Hossack
Better Homes Realty/North Vlly
11721 Fair Oaks Blvd
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
Marcial C. Jamilla
Keller Williams Realty
4180 Truxel Road #150
Sacramento, CA 95833
Daniel G. Jerrett
Century 21-Koerwitz
910 Jefferson Blvd
West Sacramento, CA 95691
Linda C. Johnson
Eagles Peak Realty
2351 Sunset Blvd., Ste 170-203
Rocklin, CA 95765
April L. Jones
Lyon Real Estate
3640 American River Drive
Sacramento, CA 95864
Leland M. Junta
The Mortgage Group
901 Sunrise Ave #B-11
Roseville, CA 95661
80% less
And competitive rates.
Rita Kaillay
Mack J McBeth Realty
7000 Franklin Blvd, Ste 310
Sacramento, CA 95823
( We knew you’d like that.)
Reza Kamalian
Coldwell Banker All State Home
2071 Natomas Crossing Dr #100
Sacramento, CA 95834
Angeline M. Kang
Capital Realty & Loans, Inc.
1120 Iron Point Road # 110
Folsom, CA 95630
Grigoriy Karpenko
Gold Financial
1401 El Camino Ave
Sacramento, CA 95815
Frank J. Kee Jr.
Coldwell Banker All State Home
830 Jefferson Blvd, Suite 10
West Sacramento, CA 95691
Kelli A. Keenan
Delta Homes and Lending
936 Enterprise Drive
Sacramento, CA 95825
Michael B. Kennedy
Sacramento R. E. Network, Inc.
18 Business Parkway
Sacramento, CA 95828
Deborah L. Kennedy
Keller Williams Realty
4180 Truxel Road #150
Sacramento, CA 95833
Jane S. Ketchum
Lyon RE Sierra Oaks
2580 Fair Oaks Blvd. Ste 20
Sacramento, CA 95825
4 Sacramento REALTOR® • April 2006
So if you’d like more information, call today.
Bank of America Mortgage
Sacramento Sales Office
8880 Cal Center Drive #270
Sacramento, CA 95826
Not all applicants will qualify for reduced paperwork benefits.
All credit is subject to approval, normal credit standards apply.
Bank of America, N. A., Member FDIC, Equal Housing Lender
©2002 Bank of America Corporation
Sacramento REALTOR® • April 2006 5
New Members
Continued from page 4
Salvador Martinez
Rutan & Associates
9563 Laguna Springs, Ste 200
Elk Grove, CA 95757
Aleksandr Masevich
Gold Financial
1401 El Camino Ave
Sacramento, CA 95815
Ryan R. McCutcheon
Legacy Real Estate
2941 Sunrise Blvd #260
Rancho Cordova, CA 95742
Bernadette McKeon
Lyon RE Downtown
2801 J Street
Sacramento, CA 95816
Victoria E. Meyer
Prudential CA Realty
7801 Laguna Blvd., Suite 100
Elk Grove, CA 95758
Mario R. Molina
Global One Realty
6911 Stockton Blvd Ste 500A
Sacramento, CA 95823
Belete A. Molla
9280 W Stockton Blvd #111
Elk Grove, CA 95758
Marie K. Munne-Saunders
Coldwell Banker Team
1450 Harbor Blvd, Suite A
West Sacramento, CA 95691
Dan S. Namisi
Coldwell Banker-Res R E Srv
9470 Madison Ave
Orangevale, CA 95662
Hung A. Nguyen
Golden State Realty & Mortgage
5810 Stockton Blvd
Sacramento, CA 95824
Brian A. Perry
Eagles Peak Realty
2351 Sunset Blvd., Ste 170-203
Rocklin, CA 95765
Stephanie E. Rodriguez
CIG Corp
1755 Creekside Oaks Dr #110
Sacramento, CA 95833
Tamara P. Salerno
Pacific Coast Realty
151 Sunrise Blvd Suite 713
Roseville, CA 95661
Truc T. Nguyen
AtHome Realty
7311 Greenhaven Drive, Ste 207
Sacramento, CA 95831
Gary A. Plain
RE/MAX Gold Folsom
2340 E Bidwell St
Folsom, CA 95630
Alex Roscha
Keller Williams Realty
8525 Madison Avenue, Ste 122
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
Tamera L. Sandoval
Sierra View Real Estate
8099 A Greenback Lane
Citrus Heights, CA 95610
Michael R. O’Day
Prudential CA Realty
2425 Fair Oaks Blvd, Ste 1-2-3
Sacramento, CA 95825
Joseph D. Portman
Keller Williams Realty
391 Howe Ave
Sacramento, CA 95825
Daniel A. Rose
Cook Realty
4305 Freeport Blvd
Sacramento, CA 95822
Sandra Shee
Prudential CA Realty
7801 Laguna Blvd., Suite 100
Elk Grove, CA 95758
Timothy J. O’Rourke
Prudential CA Realty
7801 Laguna Blvd., Suite 100
Elk Grove, CA 95758
Sergy Pustynovich
ECS Mortgage & Realty
771 Coronado Blvd.
Sacramento, CA 95864
Lisa K. Rothfels
Lyon RE Fair Oaks East
8055 Madison Avenue
Citrus Heights, CA 95610
Kari A. Shoberg
Lyon RE Fair Oaks East
8055 Madison Avenue
Citrus Heights, CA 95610
Mildred S. Ortega
Prime Equity Realty
2760 Riverside Blvd.
Sacramento, CA 95818
Olga L. Pyrkin
ABC Realty & Mortgages Inc.
3920 Sierra Gold Dr
Antelope, CA 95843
Miriam L. Rusaw
RE/MAX Gold of Carmichael
6837 Fair Oaks Blvd
Carmichael, CA 95608
Enedina Silva
Global One Realty
6911 Stockton Blvd Ste 500A
Sacramento, CA 95823
Robert A. Ortiz
Lyon RE Natomas
2400 Del Paso Rd Ste 195
Sacramento, CA 95834
Denver H. Reynolds
RE/MAX Gold Granite Bay
7005 Boardwalk Drive
Granite Bay, CA 95746
Than Saechao
Amcap Realty
2489 Sunrise Blvd.
Gold River, CA 95670
Narinder P. Singh
Maximum Real Estate & Finance
5858 Florin Road
Sacramento, CA 95823
Vitaliy Panych
Coldwell Banker All State Home
8011 Elsie Ave
Sacramento, CA 95828
Malik C. Ricard
Millennium Group Real Estate
3409 Heron Lake Lane
Elk Grove, CA 95758
Feuy C. Saelee
Real Estate America
PO Box 293196
Sacramento, CA 95828
Laureen J. Singh
AtHome Realty
7311 Greenhaven Drive, Ste 207
Sacramento, CA 95831
Phaelen R. Parker
Help-U-Sell Fireside Homes
8139 Elk Grove Blvd, Suite 130
Elk Grove, CA 95758
Wesley M. Ritchie
Keller Williams Realty
8525 Madison Avenue, Ste 122
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
Sou Y. Saetern
Century 21 Landmark R. E.
7321 Stockton Blvd
Sacramento, CA 95823
Marcin Skubala
Prudential CA Realty
7801 Laguna Blvd., Suite 100
Elk Grove, CA 95758
Nicolas C. Parker
Coldwell Banker All State Home
2071 Natomas Crossing Dr #100
Sacramento, CA 95834
Reyna E. Rodriguez
Adair Realty & Land Develop Co
4600 47th Avenue Suite 250
Sacramento, CA 95824
Haris S. Saidi
Keller Williams Realty
4180 Truxel Road #150
Sacramento, CA 95833
Russell A. Slininger
Capital Realty & Loans, Inc.
1120 Iron Point Road # 110
Folsom, CA 95630
Anna Penkov
Davis & Davis Associates
6151 Fair Oaks Blvd, Ste 1
Carmichael, CA 95608
Ruben D. Rodriguez
Delta Homes and Lending
936 Enterprise Drive
Sacramento, CA 95825
Chris J. Saizan
Prudential CA Realty
7801 Laguna Blvd., Suite 100
Elk Grove, CA 95758
Robert C. Smith
Keller Williams Realty
4180 Truxel Road #150
Sacramento, CA 95833
Continued on page 6
6 Sacramento REALTOR® • April 2006
We’re experienced, we’re empowered, we’re here.
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Dave Mahoney
Patti Mikulin
Branch Manager
1515 River Park Drive
Suite 150
Sacramento, CA 95815
Branch Manager
6301 Sunrise Blvd.
Citrus heights, CA 95610
Scott Kearsing
Dave Cusano
Branch Manager
9280 W Stockton Blvd.
Elk Grove, CA 95758
Branch Manager
2901 Douglas Blvd.
Roseville, CA 95661
Jose Luis
Garcia Jr.
Branch Manager
2250 Del Paso Road B
Sacramento, CA 95834
Larry Nichols
Branch Manager
2296 E Bidwell Street
Folsom, CA 95630
Marcus Davis
Dennis Calmes
V.P., Area Sales Manager
V.P., Area Sales Manager
916.939.2140 x225
Countrywide Financial Corporation is America’s #1 home loan* lender and a member of the prestigious Standard & Poor’s 500 and Fortune 500.
† Up-Front Approval is subject to satisfactory appraisal and title review and no change in financial condition. If the rate is not locked or rate protection expires, any rate increases may lower the loan amount for which the borrower qualifies..
Equal Housing Lender. © 2006 Countrywide Home Loans, Inc., 4500 Park Granada, Calabasas, CA 91302. Trade/servicemarks are the property of Countrywide Financial Corporation and/or its subsidiaries. Licensed by the Department of Corporations under the California Residential Mortgage Lending Act. For California residents
and properties only. Some products may not be available in California. This is not a commitment to lend. Restrictions apply. All rights reserved. *As ranked for 2004 by
Inside Mortgage Finance (Jan. 28, 2005), Copyright 2005. 60131
Sacramento REALTOR® • April 2006 7
New Members
Continued from page 6
Liliana C. Solano
Delta Homes and Lending
936 Enterprise Drive
Sacramento, CA 95825
Vyacheslav Stasyuk
Bridge Real Estate Company Inc
6381 Auburn Blvd., Ste A
Citrus Heights, CA 95621
Debeney Stitt
Ramsey Real Estate Group
3509 Scorpio Drive
Sacramento, CA 95827
William R. Swars ll
RE/MAX Gold Folsom
2340 E Bidwell St
Folsom, CA 95630
John Tauzer
Honkanen Realty
2110 K Street, Ste 8
Sacramento, CA 95816
Susan A. Wong
Capital Realty & Loans, Inc.
1120 Iron Point Road # 110
Folsom, CA 95630
Harald J. Ziemathis
Keller Williams Realty
8525 Madison Avenue, Ste 122
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
Kris T. Fujiwara
Fujiwara Realty
4344 Cordero Drive
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
Jean M. Wright
Realty World A+ Real Estate
7840 Madison Ave, Ste 145
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
New Broker Associates
Kelly L. McCormally
Integrated Property Services
2021 Ahoy Court
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
Donald L. Hall
Calif Central R E Group
1900 Point West Wy Ste 175
Sacramento, CA 95815
Anissa L. Yates
American Heritage R.E. Srvs
120 Blue Ravine Rd. Ste 5
Folsom, CA 95630
Patricia L. Yochum
Lyon RE Downtown
2801 J Street
Sacramento, CA 95816
Kenneth V. Youngman
Broadbase Realty Inc.
2378 Maritime Dr Ste 110
Elk Grove, CA 95758
Clyde E. Taylor
Highlander Real Estate Grp, In
P O Box 214646
Sacramento, CA 95821-0646
Claudia J. Thorn
Keller Williams Realty
8525 Madison Avenue, Ste 122
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
Jennifer L. Tidwell
Century 21-Noel David Realty
7976 California Ave
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
Thang (Victor) D. Nguyen
Thang Nguyen
2816 T Street
Sacramento, CA 95816
New Designated REALTORS®
Ron Caragio
Premiere Homes and Estates
P.O. Box 880
Galt, CA 95632
Garry C. Duncan
Garry Duncan Realty
P.O. Box 1066
Woodbridge, CA 95258-1066
Ali Hashemi
Legacy Real Estate
2941 Sunrise Blvd #260
Rancho Cordova, CA 95742
Tom R Johnson
AJ Specialty Properties
855 Howe Avenue, Suite 6
Sacramento, CA 95825
Caleb J. Khan
Caleb Khan
5777 Madison Ave. Suite 303
Sacramento, CA 95841
Continued on page 9
Trong V. Tran
American Mortgage & Realty
2059 Red Star Court
Gold River, CA 95670
Lamberto Uriostegui
Delta Homes and Lending
936 Enterprise Drive
Sacramento, CA 95825
John A. Valenzuela
The Sacramento Cornerstone RE
2020 Hurley Way # 245
Sacramento, CA 95825
Eric Vignando
Keller Williams Realty
8525 Madison Avenue, Ste 122
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
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Richard C. Vizcarra
Century 21 Select Real Estate
7919 Pebble Beach Dr, Ste 101
Citrus Heights, CA 95610
Ly T. Vo
Capital Home Realty
5555 Sky Parkway Ste 241
Sacramento, CA 95823
Deborah F. Washington
Century 21 Select Real Estate
4805 Laguna Blvd., Ste 103
Elk Grove, CA 95758
Sadie J. Webb
Fong Real Estate
10100 Fair Oaks Blvd, Ste F
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
Charles West
Keller Williams Realty
8525 Madison Avenue, Ste 122
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
Rebecca K. Westaby
Kraft Real Estate
8121 Madison Ave, Ste A-1
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
Marcia M. Williams
Agent Network
4748 Engle Rd Suite 100
Carmichael, CA 95608
Terrell D. Williams
Real Estate Funding Group
8785 Center Parkway Suite B360
Sacramento, CA 95823
David E. Williams
Coldwell Banker-Res R E Srv
2450 Del Paso Road
Sacramento, CA 95834
8 Sacramento REALTOR® • April 2006
California’s Leading Credit Union
George E. Perry III
Perry Estates
8949 Sunset Avenue
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
New Members
Continued from page 8
Robert James Koerner
Bridge Real Estate Company Inc
6381 Auburn Blvd., Ste A
Citrus Heights, CA 95621
Edison W. Rose
Real Estate Central Inc
2574 21st Street
Sacramento, CA 95818
Ivan Y. Maznik
Advanced Capitol Realty
7144 Fair Oaks Blvd. Suite 7
Carmichael, CA 95608
Gregory D. Thomas
Gregory Thomas Realty
7311 Greenhaven Dr, Suite 186
Sacramento, CA 95831
Jesus C. Mendoza
Vista Realty Sacramento
P.O. Box 276738
Sacramento, CA 95827-6738
Charles W. Tinsley
Triad Property Services, Inc.
4540 Post St Ste 250-169
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
Justin T. Mixon
The Mixon Group
717 K Street, Suite 426
Sacramento, CA 95814
Jeffrey J. Woo
Broadbase Realty Inc.
2378 Maritime Dr Ste 110
Elk Grove, CA 95758
Diep K. Nguyen
American Realty & Financial Sv
9016 Mosely Court
Elk Grove, CA 95624
Leigh’s Birthday Bash
was a Smashing Success
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Guests to Leigh Rutledge’s 50th Birthday
Bash were treated to many surprises
when they arrived at SAR’s Mack Powell
Auditorium on the evening of March 24.
The first of which was the transformation
of the room into a 1950’s diner. Gigantic
milkshakes made of balloons flanked either
side of the silver draped stage. A huge neon
lit jukebox stood off to the side accompanied by an Elvis cutout. The bar was decked
out with a black and white checkered floor,
50’s style malt shop counter and bar stools
behind which hung an enormous hand painted mural depicting a scene out of American
What probably surprised guests even
more was President Leigh Rutledge herself.
Those who know Leigh are familiar with her
youthful appearance, energetic bounce and
fun, spiky hair. The Leigh who partook in
the festivities was just the opposite. Leigh
arrived pushing a walker with a protruding
hunch back, face grayed and lined, hair covered by an old fashioned cap, chest down to
her waistline, dressed in a worn, style-less
green dress with sweater. Most party guests
didn’t know who she was at first glance.
But once Leigh started rocking out with her
hubby Bill Hambrick to the fantastic music
of Animal House, there was little doubt who
the birthday girl was.
Leigh wasn’t the only one to dress up.
Many guests either dressed in ’50s garb or
wore loud shirts with smiles. They were
also quite generous in giving to SAR’s
Scholarship Fund. We thank everyone who
participated in this fabulous affair. And
thank you, Leigh, for allowing us to share
in your birthday festivities. It truly was a
smashing success.
Continued on page 11
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Sacramento REALTOR® • April 2006 9
For those who may have missed our
recent SAR Hometown Hero Awards presentations at the monthly Main Meetings,
we’d like to give you the opportunity to
get to know our two most recent honorees.
Florence ‘Flo’ Robinson and Steve Miller
both represent exceedingly well the professional and community service values that
the Hometown Hero program is intended to
Flo Robinson of
Keller Williams
Realty in Elk
Grove has over
20 years experience in various areas of
real estate and
business services. Her professional experience includes
title, escrow,
notary and loan execution responsibilities
for a Fortune 50 company. In addition
to being a successful REALTOR®, she
also owns an escrow coordinating company
that assists other REALTORS® and agents
with their transactions. This enterprise has
enabled her to stay a step ahead and become
a true expert on California’s numerous and
complex disclosure requirements.
Flo is very dedicated to both her professional colleagues and her community. She
believes strongly in giving back through
volunteerism. To that end, she serves on
the Agent Leadership Council for Keller
Williams Realty. This national council is
comprised of the top 20% of REALTORS®
who set direction for the company’s office
policies, culture, training and leadership.
She is also the Northern California and
Hawaii Regional Chair for KW Cares,
her firm’s non-profit agency which assists
REALTORS® with catastrophic events
and giving to local charities in their respective communities.
Flo is now serving as the 2006
President of the Board of Directors for the
non-profit housing improvement organization, Rebuilding Together (formerly known
as Christmas in April), where she has been a
volunteer for 7 years. Rebuilding Together
organizes volunteers and donated resources
to perform neighborhood improvement and
safety upgrade events twice a year in economically depressed Sacramento communities. The organization also provides safety
upgrades - such as smoke alarms, shower
safety rails and stairway repairs - to needy
individuals and families year-round.
Flo was instrumental in bringing this
worthy organization to the attention of the
SAR Board of Directors and securing a
$10,000 sponsorship in 2005 and again in
Flo also is serving as the 2006 Chair for the
Sacramento Association of REALTORS®
Community Relations Committee, where
she has distinguished herself
as a passionate
advocate of safe,
housing in our lower
income communities.
pleased to donate
$250 from the
Hero Fund to
Together on Flo’s behalf.
Our Hometown Hero for March is Steve
Miller, Vice President and Sacramento
County Manager for North American Title
Company. Steve joined SAR in 1999 and,
as far as we can discern, there has never
been a time when he was not actively
engaged in one or more community services
and charities.
Steve has worked as a CanTree volunteer, not only in the relative limelight
of building the CanTree, but also behind
the scenes in the Salvation Army’s handto-hand distribution of food, clothing and
toys to Sacramento’s needy at Cal Expo.
He has been a continuing supporter of
the Thanksgiving Day ‘Run To Feed The
Hungry’ both as a fundraiser and a runner.
He puts in time at Loaves & Fishes, preparing and serving meals for the most needy in
our community.
This past year, Steve volunteered to
help build a Habitat for Humanity home
in Natomas, and he worked with displaced
hurricane victims to provide temporary residence in the Mather housing complex.
He and his company have been Silver
Sponsors of the Masters Club Charity Golf
Tournament that – as you know – raises lots
of money for lots of great charities. Our
Hometown Hero selection committee was
particularly pleased that Steve is not at all
shy about encouraging his friends and associates to participate in community service
and charitable events.
Congratulations and heartfelt thanks to
both Flo and Steve for their exemplary
work in making Sacramento a better place
to call home, for all of us!
If you know an SAR Member deserving
of recognition for their volunteerism and
community spirit, nominate them for an
SAR Hometown Hero Award. SAR donates
$250 to a charity of each honoree’s choosing. E-mail [email protected] for
information and applications, or call Greg
Vlasek at 437-1208.
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SAR Salutes Monthly Sponsors
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Interested in Becoming an SAR Officer or Director?
We are currently accepting applications for SAR leadership opportunities.
To access the application, please visit our
website at www.sacrealtor.org or contact
Cassie Papin at 437-1209. The application
period will end on April 21st.
In order to run for an Officer/Director
position you must meet the following
· Have been an SAR REALTOR®
Member for not less than 2 years
· Shall have served either as a Chair of
at least one SAR committee, task force,
forum, special committee or a Trust of
the Association, or an elected leader
of the SAR Masters Club, Women’s
Council of REALTORS® chapter or
other REALTOR® organization for not
less than 1 year; or have served as a
C.A.R. Director for 2 years, or have
served on a committee, task force or
Trust of SAR for not less than 2 years
of the past 5 years.
Leigh’s Birthday Bash
Continued from page 9
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Sacramento REALTOR® • April 2006 11
Masters Club
Submitted by Aileen Santee
Awards Luncheon
The Sheraton Grand Ballroom in downtown Sacramento provided a beautiful setting for the 2006 Masters Club Awards
Luncheon. The gala event was opened by
Linda Bennett, 2005 Masters Club President,
who introduced her successor Doug Covill.
Our heartfelt thanks go out to Linda, who
generously shared an abundance of her time
and professional expertise to oversee the
many activities sponsored by the Masters
Club throughout the year. Among Linda
fine accomplishments was the production
of a high quality full-color brochure promoting Masters Club and its goals. Thank
you, Linda, and welcome Doug!
If charged with an unethical practice
or asked to present evidence or to cooperate in any other way, in any professional
standards proceeding or investigation,
REALTORS® shall place all pertinent facts
before the proper tribunals of the Member
Board or affiliated institute, society, or
council in which membership is held and
shall take no action to disrupt or obstruct
such processes. (Amended 1/99)
Refusal to Submit Pertinent Facts (Revised
Case #15-2 May 1988. Transferred to
Article 14 November, 1994.) Copywrite
National Association of REALTORS®,
Reprinted from www.realtor.org with permission.
Master of Ceremonies Jack Gallagher,
an award winning comedian, actor and
writer, kept the audience laughing and in
good spirits with his infectious humor and
quick wit. Jack has a thick portfolio of both
local and national appearances, and was a
delightful addition to this year’s program,
Membership Statistics:
Membership in the Masters Club represented 7.8% of the SAR REALTOR®
database. (Based upon 8056 members at
the end of 2005.) This represented a reduction from 12.75% in 2004. The Masters
Club Life qualifying Membership category
numbers represented 2% of 2005 total
SAR REALTOR® Membership, and the
Masters Club Outstanding qualifying membership category members also represented
only 2% of the SAR total REALTOR®
As a reminder:
As mentioned above, the Masters Club
professional brochures, an exclusive benefit to Masters Club Members, makes an
excellent marketing and promotional piece.
The brochures can be personalized and
used to boost recognition of your professional achievement and your dedication
to excellence as a Masters Club member.
Recognition is also given in the brochure to
the Club’s support of many local and well
deserving charitable organizations. We are
about to update and reprint these brochures.
Watch for details on when you can pick up
a stack of them at SAR.
Questions or comments:
Call Doug Covill at 428-4000, ext 1263,
or email him @ [email protected]
Make this your best year ever. Stay
focused on your goals and be willing to share
your knowledge with others. Remember, it
is in giving that we receive.
12 Sacramento REALTOR® • April 2006
When REALTOR® A was charged with
a violation of the Code of Ethics, he was
notified of the charge and directed to attend
a hearing before a panel of the Professional
Standards Committee of the Board.
At the hearing, the complainant formally presented the charge and a considerable
body of evidence to support it. Members
of the panel questioned REALTOR® A
on specific points. To each question he
responded that the was not guilty of the
charge, but that specific answers to the
questions put to him could conceivably do
him an injustice, and that he felt that he
should not be required to answer questions
in a situation that was unfair to him.
REALTOR® A met with similar responses. The Chairperson of the Hearing Panel
advised REALTOR® A that, in light of
his refusal to answer questions directed to
him, the complaint was being amended to
include a charge of a violation of Article
14. The Chairperson asked REALTOR® A
if he wished to proceed with the hearing,
or if he preferred to have the hearing postponed to a later date to provide him with
an opportunity to prepare a defense against
the additional charge. The Chairperson
also reminded REALTOR® A that he was
not before a court of law but a Committee
of the Board in which his membership was
based wholly upon his willingness to abide
by its rules, which did not provide for a
“Fifth Amendment” refuge from proper
questions by members of the Hearing
REALTOR®A requested a continuance to prepare his defense against the
amended complaint that now included an
alleged violation of Article 14. The hearing
was adjourned to a date certain to enable
REALTOR® A to prepare his defense to
the additional charge.
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Sacramento REALTOR® • April 2006 13
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14 Sacramento REALTOR® • April 2006
SAR Educational Offerings
For complete details of currently scheduled classes, visit www.sacrealtor.org/education.
To register for classes, visit ims.sacrealtor.org.
If you have questions, call Traci Sarria, 437-1202
Course to Meet your 18-month Conditional
License Requirements - must enroll by
April 11
How to Handle an Upside Down/
Underwater Home Sale
Thursday, May 4, 2006
SAR Mack Powell Auditorium
Cost: $35 if paid by May 1
Instructor: Dennis McKenzie
Real Estate Practice and Property
Tuesday, May 16
Live Review: 8:30-11:00am
Testing: 11:00am – 4pm
SAR Mack Powell Auditorium
For both classes: $140
For one class: $75
45 Hours CE Credit in
One-Half Day
(Home Study Program with Live Review)
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Live Review
SAR Mack Powell Auditorium
$89 (members) $109 (non-members)
for 45 Hours DRE Credit
$79 (members) $99 (non-members)
for 12 Hours DRE Credit
No refund available once home study
materials are purchased. If you cannot
attend the live review, you may take your
tests online.
Must pick up home study materials by
April 13.
At Home with Diversity
Instructor: Layne Kulwin
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
8:30am - 4:30pm
SAR Mack Powell Auditorium
Cost: $10 (members) $20 (non-members) if paid by Friday, April 21
6 DRE credits (please note that these
credits cannot be used by first-time renewing sales agents)
Register online at ims.sacrealtor.org or
fax form below to 916.922.4103 or
Questions call Traci at 916.437.1202
This is your best chance to learn powerful strategies in dealing with changing
demographic patterns within your market area quickly and effectively. And you
will learn in a way that will arouse your
interest and keep your attention. Created
REALTORS® (NAR) and approved by the
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD), “At Home with
Diversity: One America” is an enlightening
diversity certification course for real estate
professionals which gives participants both
insight and power: insight into patterns of
thought and behavior - and the power to
change patterns that can hinder potential
business relationships.
Show you how to treat people equally
while respecting differences
Show you how differences in cultural
style impact real estate transactions
and teach you to manage those differences & to build successful business
Teach you to develop marketing
approaches that fit the cultural patterns
of different ethnic groups
Teach you effective strategies in
dealing with changing demographic
Accredited Staging
Professional Class
How to compute a home seller’s short
fall from escrow
If a seller owes more than what the
home is worth, which is the best
way to go? Add cash? Short sale?
Foreclosure? Pros & Cons of each.
Recourse versus non-recourse loans..
personally liability issues
Impact on FICO scores and debt forgiveness income tax considerations
Hardship reasons the lender might
consider to allow a short sale
Disclosures in the listing agreement,
MLS, deposit receipt when there is a
short sale
Escrow Coordination Secrets
Monday, May 8 from 8:30am
– 12:30pm
SAR Mack Powell Auditorium
Cost: $135 (includes Diana’s book
Escrow Coordination Secrets)
Instructor: Diana Turnbloom
Wed. - Thurs., June 27-28
SAR Mack Powell Auditorium
$329 (members) $349 (non-members)
if paid by June 9.
14 hours DRE credit
Register by contacting Hilary at www.
The Accredited Staging Professional
(ASP) Course for REALTORS® is coming to Sacramento – June 27-28, 2006.
Earn the ASP designation that helps make
more money for you and your clients.
Developed by Barb Schwarz, the Creator
of Home Staging, the ASP Course teaches
REALTORS® how to:
List and Sell more homes and make
more money
Get every Seller to prepare their home
for sale.
Use Staging as a marketing
Learn Barb’s proven Staging sayings
Educate your Sellers about the
benefits of Staging.
Whether you’re a new or experienced
agent, assistant or transaction coordinator, you’ll learn valuable timesaving tips,
how to improve team relations and how
to more efficiently manage escrows. This
3-hour power-packed course is taught
by Diana Turnbloom, author of “Escrow
Coordination Secrets” who has worked as
a Transaction Coordinator for 7 years. Her
refreshing approach to team management,
problem solving and cutting-edge coordination concepts will give you better control.
Learn how to set up a system, what to look
for in a title report and quickly locate the
“Meat and Potatoes” of the purchase agreement contract.
Areas Covered ...
· “What the Heck is Going On” escrow
tracking sheet
What do your team members need?
Emotional stages of the team
Understanding lender language
Red Flags
You will receive...
· Class Outline
Custom Fax Sheets, Forms and
Tracking Sheet
Terms Template
Team Players Template
Escrow Quick Look Sheet
What is Staging?
Created by Barb Schwartz in 1972,
Staging is the process used by an Accredited
Staging Professional to help prepare a home
for sale. Regardless of price, location or
condition, Staged homes sell faster and for
more money than the unstaged competition.
What is ASP®?
An ASPTM is a trained professional who
understands the principles and techniques
on successfully preparing homes for sale.
ASP’s have been trained specifically to prepare homes for sale following the foundations and guidelines taught in the exclusive
Please note: Agents will have to sign a
Stagedhomes.com Code of Ethics prior to
attending this course. Sign up for the 3-day
class if you want to learn how to be a Home
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Sacramento REALTOR® • April 2006 15
How to have an
“up” year in a
“down” market!
Wednesday, May 24
9:00am – 12noon
Fair Housing: Right and Smart
As we celebrate
and promote Fair
Public Affairs
Housing month we
Legislative Advocate
most often refer to
Federal and State
Statutes as a means of
discussing the do’s and don’ts of fair housing. The Fair Housing Amendments Act
FHAA, the Americans with Disabilities Act
ADA, the Fair Housing and Employment
Act FHEA and the Unruh Civil Rights Act
are all very specific about the affirmative
responsibilities that housing related professionals must practice. These statutes also
provide for serious fines, penalties and
imprisonment should any activity be determined to be discriminatory or otherwise in
While it’s easy to refer to these laws and
their consequences, the true drive behind
being an affirmative practitioner of fair
housing and equal opportunity should be
the drive to do what is right. If we treat
people the way we’d expect to be treated,
all things, including fair housing, should
go smoothly. When things don’t go well
and when we violate fundamentals like fair
housing, the impacts can be felt far beyond
Federal and State courts.
Every day local jurisdictions (cities and
counties) consider law and policy that can
have serious impacts on real estate businesses and markets. These proposals, and
their final disposition are decided, often
times, by elected officials and staff who
watch very closely the industry’s commitment to what is right and what is positive
for the community. For instance, it would
be perfectly understandable for a city to
take into consideration the industry’s general reputation in the world of fair housing
when determining whether or not to expand
an unrelated disclosure requirement or policies dealing with Landlord/ Tenant relations. A credible move to place a Just Cause
Eviction law on the ballot was avoided in
large part because we were able to prove
that, because of the industry’s strong com-
mitment to tenant protections and fairness,
such and extreme law was not required.
Individual actions mean everything when
an industry’s reputation is at stake. SAR can
support fair housing laws all it wants and it
can mean nothing if individual practitioners
don’t also conform and commit. Organized
real estate and SAR’s ability to be influential on a myriad of local issues is impacted
directly by its Members’ individual actions.
In the coming weeks and months, several
issues will be brought to the fore which
require significant input on the part of
REALTORS®. Do the entire industry proud
and help yourself at the same time. Renew
your commitment to fair housing and equal
opportunity. Attend a Fair Housing Seminar.
Go to a Fair Housing Month Luncheon. Or
better yet, go back to your office and review
your company policies regarding fair housing and renew your commitment to what is
Cost: $10 if paid by May 22;
$15 after May 22
Register at ims.sacrealtor.org or email
Traci at [email protected].
Instructor: Darryl Turner
This short presentation covers the
keys to success in changing markets.
1. How to refocus your efforts and
accomplish higher results
2. How to stay motivated as your
financial environment gets threatened.
3. What role marketing must play
4. 3 Effective and proven marketing
strategies to grow in any year
5. The difference between “The”
economy and “Your” economy!
6. How to never have a down year!
It’s the smart thing to do.
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16 Sacramento REALTOR® • April 2006
EVP Exchange
By Nelson Janes,
SAR Executive
Vice President
Economic Update
The Sacramento region
gained over 22,000 jobs in 2005, according
to a year-end report recently released by
the Sacramento Regional Research Institute
(SRRI). This is the highest year-over-year
employment growth since 2000.
Our region also experienced the highest job growth compared to neighboring
areas and the state’s largest regions in 2006.
We were notably higher than second-place
Stockton and well above the Inland Empire,
which in the past has consistently posted the
highest growth.
The region’s government sector moved
back into positive growth after two years
in the red.
Our other sectors experiencing the greatest gains were Trade, Transportation and
Utilities, and Construction.
Housing Affordability
SRRI, a joint venture of the Sacramento
Is $350 Worth 1 Call ?
Area Commerce and Trade Organization
(SACTO) and CSU Sacramento, also
reflected the findings of MetroList in SAR’s
reports that our median sale price exceeded
We remained well below the statewide
median of $525,000 with the Bay Area leading the state at $628,000.
Still, only about 17 percent of homes
sold in the region were affordable to families earning a median income, compared
with 48% nationally.
A New Opportunity
SAR has developed a program still
receiving finishing touches— that will
enable Members to qualify more first-
time homebuyers by providing them with
$10,000 down payment assistance loans.
The program will be aimed at providing opportunities for consumers in the 80
to 120% median income level. These are
our service providers – the teachers, first
responders, nurses and others who support
us in the community. SAR wants to be sure
that you are able to qualify more of our
people who serve the community.
Be watching for announcements in the
coming months of this vital new housing
Attend the April WCR Luncheon
Real estate agents involved in investment property sales are
often asked whom they would recommend for property management. The question is, what are the differences between the
various companies? To help you find out, call for our free
report, Selecting A Property Manager. Many agents refer to
HomePointe, and are rewarded with the highest referral fees
paid in the area. Call us to learn more.
The Sacramento Chapter of Women’s Council of REALTORS® is excited to
announce the featured speaker for April’s Business Resource Meeting, Jeff Culbertson.
Jeff is the Senior Vice President of the Sacramento/Tahoe and Southwest Regions
for NRT, Inc. NRT, Inc is the largest Residential Real Estate Brokerage Company
in the nation including 148 Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage offices in the
Sacramento/Southwest Regions.
Visit us for a list of services,
FREE information & rental listings
Jeff is a 28-year real estate veteran with a highly successful career that began as a
real estate agent in 1978. He has not only thrived when times are good but has been
equally successful in diverse and economically challenged times. Jeff’s topic for those
real estate professionals attending is entitled, “How’s your year so far…Adjusting your
Business Plan”. Come and join us for this insightful glimpse into what can help make
2006 one of your best years ever.
(916) 429-1205
Bob Machado
5896 South Land Park Dr.
Sacramento, CA 95822
(916) 429-1205
8856 Greenback Ln. #A
Orangevale, CA 95662
(916) 988-5300
3931 Durock Rd.
Cameron Park, CA 95682
(530) 677-7917
Lunch will be served and this function will be held on Thursday, April 20th from
11:30am to 1:30pm in the SAR Mack Powell Auditorium. The cost is $20 for members
and $25 for guests. Please RSVP to Matt Mikulin at (916) 502-3839 or email Matt at
[email protected]
Sacramento REALTOR® • April 2006 17
Zero Interest for 5 years*
Zero. Zip. Nada. That’s how much interest you’ll
pay on a new home at The Ranch, with a complete
payoff in five short years. Don’t miss this rare and
unbelievable opportunity to own a new home at
this nationally-award winning community in Wilton. The Ranch Equestrian Estates offers executive
homes with up to 5450 square feet on homesites
ranging from two to six acres.
Priced from the $700s
(916) 484-5222
financing to qualified buyers on selected inventory homes. Example: financing on sales price of $1,137,355. 35% down payment of $398,000. 60 month equal principal payments of $12,322. 5 Year note of $739,355. Seller financing good until April 1st, 2006. Terms of program are
subject to change without prior notice. Property taxes, insurance, closing costs, HOA and mello roos payments will be paid separately by buyer. This example is based on lot 175, plan 102.
JTS Communities has opened their spectacular new INFORMATION PAVILION and
is now selling at Castle Oaks in Ione, where a world-class destination lifestyle awaits
you in the gold country. Only 35 miles from Sacramento—closer than you think!
Choose Your Homesite
Choose Your Options
Choose Your Financing
Choose Your Floorplan
Choose Your Incentives
Choose Your Payment
The Premier Series
Up to 2,523 sq. ft. +/From the low $300,000s
The Masters Series
Up to 3,547 sq. ft. +/From the $400,000s
Castle Oaks open daily 10am to 5pm, Tuesdays 2pm to 5pm
Broker Co-Op Welcome
Prices, terms and availability are subject to change without prior notice.
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18 Sacramento REALTOR® • April 2006
3/22/06 5:04:58 PM
Leadership &
Team Building
Foreclosure and REO
Properties: Find, List,
Purchase and Sell!
Monday, April 24
10:00am – 12noon
SAR Mack Powell Auditorium
Monday, May 22 from 9:00am
– 1:00pm
SAR Mack Powell Auditorium
Cost: $99 if paid by May 18; $110
after that date
Register at ims.sacrealtor.org or
email Traci at [email protected]
Cost: $10 if paid by April 20
Learn to develop your team into
a finely tuned ensemble working
together to create your business
1) Top 10 key components of a
brilliantly orchestrated team
2) The value of team building
3) Team-focused leadership style
4) Hiring your first employee
Top loan officers:
Want new opportunities?
Need stability and full benefits?
You have found your match.
Indymac Bank® is proud to announce its newest division, Retail Lending
Group, based in the Bay area.
We offer:
A full suite of products including ARMs, Construction, NonPrime
and Alt-A
Top tier commission splits and a full benefits package with 401(k)
Industry-leading technology including online loan origination
Customized marketing tools
Foreclosure properties play a
role in today’s real estate market.
Unfortunately, most agents and
investors don’t have the necessary
tools to tap into this market. This
manual offers a unique opportunity
to learn what agents and investors
specializing in foreclosure properties
don’t want you to know!!
The principal objective is to present a
thorough, realistic, easy-to-understand
picture of how to find, list, purchase and
sell foreclosure and REO properties.
The manual is designed for all real
estate licensees and investors. No
previous foreclosure experience is
• Detailed explanation of
the nonjudicial foreclosure
process in California
• Finding & using notices of
default & sale
• Saving listings that are in or
going into foreclosure
• Section 1695 of the California
Civil Code - A must for all
agents & investors!
• Short Sales/Short Payoffs
• Helping owners in foreclosure
save their properties
• How the Trustee’s Sale works
• Listing/ Selling/Purchasing
properties in foreclosure
& REOs (Lender-Owned
• Obtaining REO inventory lists
& working with buyers
• Secrets of the trade!!!!
Larry Blachman is an active broker
in Southern California. He has been
successfully involved in real estate
investments, sales and education for over
twenty-nine years and has an extensive
background in purchasing and marketing
foreclosure and REO properties.
To find out more about
this exciting opportunity,
please contact:
Larry is also a highly respected real
estate educator/author and a recognized
authority in the field of foreclosures. He
has been interviewed by CNN News and
has published two foreclosure manuals
and numerous foreclosure articles for local
newspapers and real estate boards. His
seminars have been consistently rated
as dynamic, entertaining and extremely
Steve Majerus
Regional President,
Retail Lending Group
(925) 543-3748
Inquiries are confidential.
1.925.543.3748 � Raise your expectations.®
© 2006 IndyMac Bank, F.S.B. Registered trade/service marks are the property of IndyMac Bank, F.S.B. and/or its subsidiaries. Information
shown is subject to change without notice. Equal Opportunity Employer. 3/2006.
Sacramento REALTOR® • April 2006 19
Meetings subject to change
*Regional Meeting
May— (T) Training Rm; (B) Board Rm; (A) Auditorium
Meeting: CENTRAL
Days held: 2nd-5th Tuesdays
Time: 8:30 - 9:30am
Location: SAR Mack Powell Auditorium
Coordinator: Sherri Radovich, Washington Mutual
Organized caravan: yes
Meeting: SOUTH
Days held: 2nd-5th Tuesdays
Time: 8:30 - 9:30am
Location:Elk’s Lodge, 6446 Riverside Blvd.,
Coordinator: Karla Oppliger, Coldwell BankerDunnigan, 422-3756 ; Linda Morgan 567-5819
Organized caravan: no
Days held: 2nd-5th Tuesdays
Time: 8:15 - 9:15am
Location:Orangevale Community Center, 6826
Hazel Avenue, Orangevale
Coordinator: Pam Poore, Century 21 – Select,
Organized caravan: yes
Days held: 2nd-5th Tuesdays
Time: 8:30 - 9:15am
Location: Stockman’s Community Serv., 9275 E.
Stockton Blvd., Elk Grove
Coordinators: Bruce Slaton, Keller Williams, 4808658, [email protected]; Gary Palmer, Lyon
Elk Grove, 683-6600
Organized caravan: yes
Meeting: FOLSOM
Days held: 2nd-5th Tuesdays
Time: 8:30 - 9:15am
Location: Folsom Community Center, West Rm, 52
Natomas Street, Folsom
Coordinators: Brie Cropp, Chicago Title, 673-1400;
Jack Falk, 220-7653
Organized caravan: yes
Meeting: WEST SAC
Days held: 2nd-5th Tuesdays
Time: 8:30 - 9:30am
Location: Yacht Club, 3365 S. River Rd., West
Coordinator: Jim Piatt, Lyon West Sac, 375-1122
Organized caravan: yes
Beg. to Prospector - Session 1 (T)
8:30 – 11:30am
New Member Orientation/Key Class (B)
12:30pm Board Rm
Beg. to Prospector - Session 2 (T)
1:00 – 4:00pm
REVEI Video (T)
Regional Meetings
8:15am or 8:30am
Different locations
New Member Orientation/Key Class
8:30am-12:30pm (B)
2-3pm (B)
Affiliate/Finance (A)
CanTree Committee (B)
REVEI Video (T)
9:00am – 12:30pm
Legislative Committee (B)
Escrow Coordinating
8:30am – 12:30pm
Marketing Mastery
10am – 12noon
Education Committee (B)
New Member Orientation/Key Class
12:30pm Board Rm
Duane Gomer Notary Class (A)
8:00am – 5:00pm
Prospector - Session 1
8:30 - 11:30am
New Member Orientation/Key Class (B)
Prospector - Session 2
1:00 - 4:00pm
Main Meeting (A)
9:00 – 10:30am
REVEI Video (T)
Community Relations
New Member Orientation/Key Class
8:30am-12:30pm Board Rm
2-3pm (B)
8:00am – 5:00pm
Realtists (A) 9:00am
Masters Club (B) 9:30am
Equal Opps. Comm (P) 11:15am
REVEI Video (T)
9:00am – 12:30pm
Regional Meetings
8:15am or 8:30am
Different locations
Conditional Class
8:00am – 3:00pm
REVEI Video (T)
New Member Orientation/Key Class (B)
Power of Success (A)
9:00am – 12noon
Interns (B)
WCR Luncheon (A) 11:30am
REVEI Video (T)
8:00am – 5:00pm
9:00am – 12:30pm
Prospector - Session 1
8:30 - 11:30am
Foreclosure and REO Properties: Find,
List, Purchase and Sell!
New Member Orientation/Key Class (B)
Prospector - Session 2
1:00 - 4:00pm
Regional Meetings
8:15am or 8:30am
Different locations
REVEI Video (T)
New Member Orientation/Key Class (A)
How to Have an Up Year in a Down
Market (A)
9:00am - noon
Housing Opportunity (B)
Interns (T) 2:00pm
Board of Directors (B)
REVEI Video (T)
Broker/Manager Forum (A)
SAR closed for Memorial Day
Regional Meetings
8:15am or 8:30am
Different locations
REVEI Video (T)
PLEASE NOTE: For caravan guidelines, please
contact meeting coordinator
New Member Orientation/Key Class (A)
Interns (T) 2:00pm
American Home Mortgage’s Sacramento branch 2004 achievements:
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20 Sacramento REALTOR® • April 2006