Year in Review


Year in Review
2 0 1 1 –2 0 1 2
Year in Review
M emo r i a l He a l th Care S ystem F ou ndation
M e m o r i a l F o u n d a t i o n M i ss i o n S t a t e m e n t
The mission of the Memorial Health Care System Foundation is to serve our
community by strengthening Memorial’s mission to nurture the healing ministry
of Christ. All of our efforts are directed at increasing the resources available to
Memorial to provide services to our community.
Table of Contents
2 0 1 1 - 2 0 1 2 Y ear i n review
Funded by the Foundation 6
Recognitions and Awards 9
Grants Received in FY11
10 – 11
Giving Societies
Physician Giving Societies
14 – 15
Friends of Memorial
16 – 19
22 – 23
26 – 29
Foundations, Churches and Corporate Giving
Memorial Auxiliary and Volunteer Services
Third Party Event Highlights
Inspired Heroes Campaign for Memorial
Ways to Give
F o u n datio n
B oard of D irectors
Scott Mattice, Chair
Alexis Bogo, Vice Chair
James O. Kennedy, Immediate Past Chair
Holly Harwell, Secretary
Tonya Cammon, Treasurer
Mark Anderson, M.D., Member at Large
Tim Ballard, M.D.
Sophia Bridger
Boofie Crimmins
Morgan Everett
Kennedy Frierson
Peter Hunt, M.D.
Bill Oellerich, M.D.
Ward Petty
Christopher Ramsey, Sr.
Tahnika Rodriguez
Sanford Sharp, M.D.
BettyeLynn Smith
Bill Stacy, Ph. D.
Jeff Tarumianz
Father Jim Vick
Mike Webb
M embers E x - O fficio
Jennifer Nicely
Jim Hobson
Dear Friends:
It has been an exciting year at Memorial Foundation. In September, we
celebrated the 20th Annual Golf Invitational, which has contributed more
than $1 million to the Foundation’s Endowment Fund over the past ten years.
In January, Pink! 2012 brought in the largest net proceeds in the event’s
history. And in March, we publically announced the Inspired Heroes
Campaign for Memorial to raise $15 million toward the expansion of the
main campus. I am pleased to report that we have secured almost $10 million
in gifts and pledges to date to meet that goal.
In this year’s report, we will not only spotlight the last year’s successes – we
will look forward to the next generation of inspired medicine by highlighting
the major components of the Inspired Heroes Campaign for Memorial. Many
pieces of the campaign depend solely on donated dollars from the greater
Chattanooga community, and we invite you to show your support.
This is an unprecedented time for health care in our nation and in our region.
With not-for-profit healthcare organizations like Memorial operating on
margins as thin as 2%, we depend on community support more than ever to
advance the latest technologies in patient care. Thanks to your continued
generosity, Memorial will remain a strong health care provider for you and your
family, and to thousands who live in our region.
fy 2 0 1 2
F rom F o u n datio n B oard
chair scott mattice
Funded by the
Davenport Infusion Center
Breast Health Outreach
Westside Clinic Diabetes Program
East Chattanooga Initiative
Employee Emergency Fund
Total Transferred to Memorial = $2,098,663
F u n ded by A u x iliary
in FY12
Simulation Learning Center
We Care Weekend Retreat
Student Scholarships
It’s been a year for growth and preparation for the future. We are so thankful
to everyone who made this year such a success for the Memorial Health Care
System and the Foundation.
Scott Mattice
Board Chair
The family of Joseph and Alice Davenport
donated the funds to name the Infusion
Center. This photo, taken at the blessing
ceremony in November 2011, captures
four generations of Davenports.
J oseph H . A N D A lice E . D ave n port
o u tpatie n t I n f u sio n C e n ter
For the comfort and convenience of cancer patients and their families, Memorial Hospital
opened the state-of-the-art Joseph H. and Alice E. Davenport Outpatient Infusion Center in
November 2011, thanks to funding from the community. The center, located adjacent to
the Patient Entrance on the hospital’s main campus, offers easy access and provides better
coordinated care, and is designed specifically for infusion therapy. Currently the Infusion Center
averages 800 patient visits each month, with visits lasting four to six hours each.
The 3,600 square foot facility has six private infusion rooms, two semi-private infusion rooms,
one isolation bed, and four chairs in a group setting to provide treatment. The various room
options allow patients to choose the setting in which they and their loved ones are most
comfortable. Additionally, the expanded space allows for a dedicated infusion pharmacy which
allows infusion drugs to be accessed faster and provide a safer patient experience.
Father Richard Wise and Father Frank Richardson perform
the blessing, with Rev. King Oehmig (not pictured), of the
Joseph H. and Alice E. Davenport Outpatient Infusion Center
The Davenport Infusion Center has six private infusion
rooms (left) to provide a place of solitude and quiet
for infusion therapy patients. The Infusion Center
also features a family oasis (above) to serve the
friends and family members who accompany infusion
patients to their appointments.
W estside D iabetes P rogram
Through the generous donation to Memorial
Health Care System Foundation by an
anonymous donor, Memorial Westside
Clinic successfully completed the second
year of its intensive diabetes education
and medical management program that
seeks to benefit both the individual patient
and the community. The heart of the
initiative is extended one-on-one meetings
W ome n ’ s M obile W ell n ess C oach
In 2005, the Memorial Health Care System
Foundation secured funding to purchase
Memorial’s first mobile mammography
coach and then raised additional funds
in 2009 to upgrade the coach with digital
mammography equipment.
The mobile health coach has been a true
success story, reaching thousands of
women over the past six years. In 2010,
the Memorial Foundation was approached
about the need for a second Women’s
Mobile Health Coach to better serve the
hundreds of thousands of women in 24
that allow for individualized coaching on
topics such as understanding diabetes,
diabetes self-management, nutrition, and
motivation for self-care. The program also
seeks to encourage social connection and
healthy lifestyles by sponsoring weekly
exercise classes, monthly healthy cooking
classes, and annual diabetic retinopathy
The exercise class is a fun ZUMBA class led by YMCA licensed instructor, Antonio McMath.
Here is what one of our patients has to say about it: “This has been helpful to me. I feel a
lot better when I come. The exercise decreases my aches and helps me breathe better.
This group gives me the initiative to keep going.”
Tennessee counties and 5 counties in
Northwest Georgia, and a campaign was
started to fund the $780,000 project.
Response from the community was quick,
and several leaders stepped up to help,
including Chattem, Mohawk, Pink! 2011
sponsors and patrons, and Memorial
associates. The new coach went on the
road and expands services to include
digital mammography, cervical cancer
screenings, PAP tests, and osteoporosis
screenings and treatments.
“The addition of Memorial’s second Mobile Health Coach will extend care throughout our
surrounding communities with high quality care specific to women, including softer digital
mammograms and breast and cervical cancer screenings. With the support of many
partners, including the AVON Foundation Breast Care Fund and Susan G. Komen for the
Cure Chattanooga, services are provided to all women, regardless of ability to pay.”
– Kathy Dittmar, Director of Women’s Services at Memorial
Pictured (L to R) enjoying an excercise class is:
Brittany Taylor, Annette Wilson, and Elaine Andrews.
“I have dropped from dress size 34 to 18. My personality has changed. I was
miserable and now I can walk around the building I stay in and my heart is stronger.
This group helps me stay encouraged.”
– Westside Diabetes Program Participant
Healthful Cooking:
The class highlights practical and affordable
ideas for eating food that promotes healing
and is rich in micro-nutrients. The Westside
Housing Project is located in a food desert,
a term given by the USDA to low-income
areas where a substantial number of
residents (78.6% in our case) have less
than adequate access to a supermarket
or large grocery store. This problem
contributes to an increased consumption
of inexpensive, highly processed foods
that are high in carbohydrates and calories
and low in nutrients. This pattern leads to
obesity and disease. The cooking class tries
to combat this trend with creativity, healthy
community, and fun!
Jennifer Ford, FNP, the director of the
program, says, “I wish you could see the
little boy standing in front of his mother
with his mouth open like a baby bird while
she shells edamame and tosses it into
his mouth repeatedly. She smiles at me
and says, ‘I can’t believe it! He never eats
anything green!’ I wish you could meet the
30-year-old patient who used to visit me
without making any eye contact. At the last
cooking class, she looks me right in the eye,
laughs, and says, ‘I am actually having a
really good time here!’ I wish you could hear
the detailed questions posed by a patient
who is voraciously taking notes. ‘This was
really helpful,’ she says afterwards, ‘When
is the next class?’”
Annual Diabetic Retinopathy Screening:
High blood sugars can cause bleeding from
the tiny blood vessels in the back of the
eyes. Left untreated, these hemorrhages
can lead to blindness. On December 2,
2011 Vanderbilt Medical Center sent Larry
Merin, Director of the Diabetic Retinopathy
Screening Program, to the Westside clinic.
Ophthalmologic pathology was found in
45% of the 72 patients screened, most
of whom were unaware of any problem.
Patients were followed-up with education
and referrals to ophthalmologists through
either Medicare or Project Access. One
patient was at high risk for blindness and
required urgent action to save his vision.
Vanderbilt was kind enough to treat this
patient since his condition was urgent
and he had no insurance. No doubt the
screening saved this patient’s vision and
others as well.
Patient Success Stories:
Of the patients who have attended at least
one extended education and coaching
session since July 2011, 47% have lost
a significant amount of weight and 70%
have decreased their HgA1c levels (A blood
test indicating a three month blood sugar
“Lena” is a 37-year-old woman who
entered the program weighing 346 lbs.
She has diabetes type II, high blood
pressure, high cholesterol, and also
struggles with migraines and depression.
After four months, she has lost 41 lbs., and
her blood pressure and HgA1c values have
normalized. She tells me, “I was miserable
before, and now I am doing something
positive for myself. I have more energy.
I have goals. My family says I look great.
My migraines have decreased, and my
depression has even improved!”
“Don” is a 70-year-old slender gentleman
with a pleasant disposition. He lives alone
and volunteers his time for four hours each
morning to receive a hot lunch. Initially
his morning blood sugars were 232-349,
and his post meal blood sugars were even
higher. His labs indicated kidney damage
due to high blood sugars. Don is motivated
and says, “This is exactly what I need. I have
never known what I could eat.” After several
months of meetings, his morning blood
sugars are 77-118 and his post meal blood
sugars are 167-171. His renal laboratory
values have improved. He has a smile on
his face and says, “We’re going to get it!”
as he leaves our last meeting.
Pictured are: Sue Mathew (left), Jennifer Ford,
FNP (second from left) and Lawrence Merin,
RBP, FIMI, FOPS, FBCA, of Vanderbilt, (right)
with volunteers and patients at the Annual
Diabetic Retinopathy Screening.
A Westside Clinic patient receives an annual
retinopathy screening as part of the program’s
diabetes prevention and management program.
These screenings catch eye hemorrhages caused
by high blood sugar levels, which left untreated
result in blindness in diabetes patients.
and Awards
Memorial Named One of the
Nation’s 100 Top Hospitals®
For the eighth consecutive year and the
ninth overall, Memorial Health Care System,
has been named one of the nation’s 100
Top Hospitals® by Thomson Reuters, the
health care industry’s leading source of
information on hospital quality. Memorial
Health Care System is recognized for its
hospitals having achieved excellence in
clinical outcomes, patient safety, patient
satisfaction, financial performance, and
operational efficiency. Estimates are that if
all Medicare inpatients received the same
level of care as those in
the 100 Top Hospitals winners, more than
186,000 additional lives could be saved
and about 56,000 additional patients
could be complication free.
Memorial Receives Gold
Performance Achievement Award
The National Cardiovascular Data
Registry awarded Memorial Health
Care System a 2011 Gold Performance
Achievement Award. Memorial is one of
just 171 programs in the nation to receive
the award. This award demonstrates
Memorial’s achievement of sustaining high
performance measures in the treatment
of patients experiencing acute myocardial
infarction (more commonly referred to as a
heart attack) through the implementation
of ACTION Registry-Get With The Guidelines
(GWTG) and in-hospital initiation of the
American College of Cardiology/American
Heart Association recommendations. “The
American College of Cardiology Foundation
and the American Heart Association
commend Memorial for its success in
implementing these high standards of care
and protocols,” said Gregg C. Fonarow,
Steering Committee Chair and Director
of Ahmanson-UCLA Cardiomyopathy
Center. “The full implementation of acute
and secondary prevention guidelinerecommended therapy is a critical step in
saving lives and improving outcomes of
heart attack patients.”
Memorial Ranked One of the
Best Hospitals in the Country
Memorial Health Care System was ranked
by U.S. News and World Report as one
of the 2011-2012 Best Hospitals in the
Country for its “high performing” ear,
nose and throat specialty. The rankings
showcase 720 hospitals out of about
5,000 hospitals nationwide. Each is ranked
among the country’s top hospitals in at
least one medical specialty and/or ranked
among the best hospitals in its metro area.
The core mission of Best Hospitals is to
help guide patients who need an especially
high level of care because of a difficult
surgery, a challenging condition, or added
risk because of other health problems or
age. “These are referral centers where other
hospitals send their sickest patients,” said
Avery Comarow, U.S. News Health Rankings
Editor. “Hospitals like these are ones you
or those close to you should consider when
the stakes are high.”
Dr. Lee Jackson Chosen
Among Top Doctors
Dr. Lee Jackson, a urological oncologist
at Memorial, was named among the
best doctors in the country by the U.S.
News and World Report Top Doctor list.
U.S. News Top Doctors was developed in
collaboration with Castle Connolly Medical
Ltd., publisher of America’s Top Doctors
and other guides, and was built upon data
from Castle Connolly’s Top Doctors with
the goals of helping consumers find the
doctors who can best address their needs
and enlisting doctors across the country to
share their awareness of who among their
peers are the most worthy of referral. Dr.
Jackson received his medical degree from
the University of Michigan in 1982 and
is Board Certified in Urology. He typically
employs some of the most advanced
and minimally invasive techniques and
equipment available such as the da Vinci
Si robot, which is available in Chattanooga
only at Memorial.
MaryEllen Locher Breast Center
Named a Breast Center of
The MaryEllen Locher Breast Center at
Memorial has been named a Certified
Quality Breast Center of Excellence, the
top level certification designated by the
National Consortium of Breast Centers.
Memorial is one of only 15 breast centers in
the U.S. with this designation and the only
one in Tennessee, Georgia and Alabama.
The National Quality Measures for Breast
Centers were developed by referencing
the Health Care Advisory Board’s Clinical
Quality Dash Board for breast centers,
published in the fall of 2004. The National
Quality Measures for Breast Centers reflect
more than five years of work which has
culminated in the adoption of more than
33 National Quality Indicators.
fy 2 0 1 2
W ho are o u r D o n ors ?
By number of donors
S o u rces of C o n trib u tio n s
By total dollars given
Grants 6%
Major/Plannned Gifts
Employee Giving 3%
Interest 0%
Annual Fund 1%
Events 8%
W ho are o u r D o n ors ?
By total dollars given
100% of donations go directly to the designated purpose.
No contributions are used to fund Foundation administrative expenses.
Grants Received
i n fy 2 0 1 2
American Cancer Society
$ 4,000
Cancer Services
Breast Services
Breast Cancer Relief Fund
$ 5,000
Breast Services
CHI Mission & Ministry Grant
Community Outreach
Mercer University
$ 1,800
Pharmacy Education
Memorial Auxiliary
We Care Weekend (Cancer)
State of Tennessee
Homeland Security
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Fund
Breast Services
Tennessee Hospital Association
Medical Affairs
The Hurlbut Foundation
Cancer Outreach
AVON Foundation
The National Arts Program Foundation
$ 3,400
Arts Medicine
University of Tennessee
$ 1,600
Pharmacy Education
Wright Bentley Foundation
Miscellaneous $ 5,699
Various Programs
T otal
Pink! 2012 Co-chairs
Mike and Suzy Costa
prese n ti n g spo n sors
e n tertai n me n t spo n sor
pi n k diamo n d
pi n k sapphire
brewer media
everywhere. every day.
pre - party spo n sor
o n li n e a u ctio n spo n sors
pi n k pearl
pi n k q u art z
The Chattanooga community united to celebrate and support
Memorial’s efforts to reach out to women who are at risk for breast
cancer at the seventh annual Pink! gala on Saturday, January 21,
2012 at the Chattanooga Convention Center. More than 1,100
guests joined us to celebrate women who have fought and are
fighting breast cancer. Record-breaking Pink! proceeds of more
than $305,000 were designated for infusion and surgery services
for breast cancer patients.
Pink! 2012 was led by Chaircouple Mike and Suzy Costa,
Sponsorship Co-chairs Julie Brandao and MaryStewart Lewis,
Auction Co-chairs Nora Bernhardt and Sophia Bridger, and
Pre-party Co-Chairs Jim and Sandra Brewer. Under the leadership
of this team, we saw a record number of new and increased
sponsors, a special live auction increased auction proceeds by
$18,000, and Pink! 2012 had more guests than in any other year.
P ink ! 2 0 1 2 C ommittee
Nora Bernhardt
Julie Brandao
Susan Brenner
Jim Brewer
Sandra Brewer
Sophia Bridger
Will Clegg
Mike Costa
Suzy Costa
Deborah Everhart
Jonathan Frost
Paige Holt
Karen Loafman
Susan Johnson
MaryStewart Lewis
Phyllis Maynor
Lisa McCluskey
Jennifer Nicely
Jessica Noonan
Amy Thomas
Laura Reid
Jack Riggar
Sonia Young
Guests enjoyed a gourmet four-course dinner before the dancing began.
Named in honor of Sister Thomas de Sales Bailey, long-time administrator of
Memorial, this Society was created to encourage and give special recognition
to committed benefactors who desire to invest in healthcare excellence. The
de Sales Society recognizes donors who have made contributions of $10,000
or more over a three-year period or less.
fy 2 0 1 2
Giving Societies
T he de S ales S ociety
J oh n so n S ociety
The Johnson Society recognizes benefactors who have made cumulative contributions to
Memorial of $100,000 or more. It is named after H. Clay Evans Johnson, the Founding
President of the Hamilton County Memorial Hospital Association, the group that raised
the funds to open Memorial in 1952.
3 Anonymous Donors
Debra and Rex Allen
Avon Foundation - Breast Care Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Thilo Best
Benwood Foundation
Chattem, Inc.
Choo Choo Challenge
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Davenport, III
The Alice E. and Joseph H., Jr.
Davenport Family
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchel Everhart
Don and Joyce Godsey
Mr. and Mrs. H. Clay Evans Johnson
Richard and Barbara Kramer
Estate of Marguerite H. Lehmann
The Maclellan Foundation
Memorial Hospital Associates
Memorial Hospital Auxiliary
Mohawk Industries, Inc.
National Consortium of Breast Centers
Mr. and Mrs. Scott L. Probasco, Jr.
Schmissrauter Family Foundation
Shaw Industries, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Stout
SunTrust Bank Foundation of Chattanooga
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer
Foundation, Inc.
The Tucker Foundation
Weldon F. Osborne Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Wells
Mr. Milton T. Allen
American Cancer Society
Anesthesiologists Associated P.C.
Dr. and Mrs. Edward R. Arrowsmith
Dr. and Mrs. W. Timothy Ballard
Barnett & Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Billingsley
Dan and Suzie Bowers
Breast Cancer Relief Foundation
Dr. Thomas and Esme Brien
Mr. Fletcher Bright
Mrs. Ruth W. Brinkley
Mr. and Mrs. Leo M. Brown
Dr. and Mrs. Arch Bullard
Cam Busch
Hacker and Kitty Caldwell
Caldwell Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Don A. Cannon
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Card, Sr.
Card Foundation
Cardinal Health
Jac and Bena Chambliss
Community Foundation of Greater
Chattanooga, Inc.
Bob and Elizabeth Corker
Mr. Mike Costello
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Crumbliss, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Currin
Mr. Joe Dana
Mrs. J.H. Davenport, Jr.
Mr. James A. Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Decosimo
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Decosimo
Derthick Henley & Wilkerson Architects
Diagnostic Imaging Consultants
Diagnostic Pathology Services, P.C.
The Dixie Group Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Duff, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Eric R. Ellis
Barbara Flowers
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Foy
Fraternal Order of Eagles - Aerie 945
Vance Freeman
Joan and Dan Frierson
Dr. and Mrs. Augustus H. Frye, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gift
Dr. and Mrs. Frank B. Graham
Robert and Susan Greving
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Haisten
Mr. and Mrs. James L. E. Hill
Dr. Donna K. Hobgood
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hobson
Mrs. Ruth S. Holmberg
The Hurlbut Foundation
Jackie Jackson
Dr. Darrell and Tia Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Summerfield K. Johnston, Jr.
Dr. Russell and Kate M. Jones
Joseph Decosimo & Co.
Junior League of Chattanooga
Dr. Denis T. Kennedy
Lawson Electric
Mr. and Mrs. Lesslie W. Lee, Sr.
Ms. Deborah Lee-Eddie
Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Little
Mr. George B. Mahoney
Dr. Bruce and Vicky Marsh
Mr. James J. Martin
McKee Foods Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Olan Mills, III
Debra L. Moore
Mr. Luke O. Morin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee K. Murray
Carol and Steve Newton
Maury and Jennifer Nicely
Mrs. W. B. Pattee, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim H. Pesnell
Dr. Jaime Ponce
Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Portera, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Portera, Sr.
Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Portera
Dr. and Mrs. Maurice S. Rawlings, Jr.
Regions Bank
Dr. and Mrs. David W. Rice
Pat and Carolyn Robinson
Peter Serodinio, Jr.
Dr. Sanford and Joni Sharp
Estate of Rev. Whitaker W. Shelton
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Standefer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Standefer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Starr
Mrs. Ruby L. Stephenson
Michael Stipanov, M.D.
SunTrust Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Underwood
U.S. Xpress Enterprises, Inc.
Dr. Douglas L. Vanderbilt
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. B. Varallo
Varallo Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Phil B. Whitaker, Sr.
The Wright-Bentley Foundation
Mrs. JoAnn Yates
Mr. Geoffrey G. Young
Dr. and Mrs. George G. Young
L egacy S ociety
The Legacy Society recognizes an estate gift established during a donor’s lifetime.
These generous, forward-thinking people have made arrangements for Memorial to
be included in their estates by remembering us either in their wills or though some
other type of estate planning instrument.
Mary Catherine Allen
Mr. Milton T. Allen
Mrs. Jean D. Bruewer
Thomas D. Clines, Jr.
Jay and Kathleen Craven
Mrs. Katherine Cronin
Joyce and Don Dick
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O. Duff, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Ebert
Mr. Terry Henry
Mr. and Mrs. H. Clay Evans Johnson
Ms. Linda Flo Kincannon
Marguerite H. Lehmann
Mr. George B. Mahoney
Mr. James J. Martin
Debra L. Moore
Ms. Charlotte R. Mullen
Carol and Steve Newton
Jennifer W. Nicely
Dr. and Mrs. Harold A. Schwartz
Rev. Whitaker W. Shelton
Ms. Johanna M. Strieby
William J. Sheridan
Pat and Carolyn Robinson
Mrs. Elizabeth B. Patten
Mr. Harry R. White
from F o u n datio n P reside n t
a n d C hief D evelopme n t
O fficer , J e n n ifer Nicely
March 15, 2012 will forever be a memorable day for me and a highlight
in the history of the Memorial Health Care System Foundation. On that
day we announced the Inspired Heroes Campaign for Memorial with a
$15 million goal! Far and away, it is the largest fundraising effort our
organization has ever undertaken.
The response from the community has been overwhelming! Supporters
have stepped forward with contributions ranging from one dollar to
millions of dollars but all with the common goal of improving health
care for everyone in the community. Every gift – large or small - is
meaningful, and we can do amazing things when we all come together.
I had the privilege of working on the formation of the Foundation in
2001. Over the past 11 years, support from this community has grown
at an unbelievable rate. Memorial is a special place, and I am honored
to work for an organization that takes its mission of serving the health of
this community to heart in everything we do.
Thank you for the role you play at Memorial, and please let me know if
I can answer questions, assist you in any way, or show you first-hand
your contributions at work.
Best wishes,
Jennifer Nicely
Foundation President and Chief Development Officer
Doctors’ Day and
Caring Spirit Campaigns
“My husband was so sick, but his nurse could always make him smile.
My husband passed away at Memorial in March, and this gift is made
with grateful thanks to that nurse; she was so special to us.”
Offering a hand to hold…giving a reassuring smile…going an extra step…
sharing an encouraging word. Simple gestures of kindness often mean
the most to us. Doctor’s Day and Caring Spirit are designed to honor a
Memorial Health Care System physician, nurse, volunteer or staff
member who has made a difference in the life of a patient by going
above and beyond what is expected of him or her.
Caring Spirit and Doctors’ Day are part of the Foundation’s Annual Giving
program. The importance of annual giving is ever increasing as Memorial
Health Care System expands markets and services. There are many
opportunities available for those wishing to make a thoughtful annual
gift, including joining the Friends of Memorial with a gift of $100 or more,
tribute and memorial giving, or employee giving through MAGIC. These
gifts enable Memorial to provide care for the underserved, seek innovative
solutions to complex health problems and make state-of-the-art technology available to all patients.
“I received the best care possible after my surgery. The three young ladies I have named
were my nurses at different times during my recovery. At times they had to work extra hard
to make me comfortable. If there are angels on earth, I think I found them at Memorial.”
F o u n der ’ s S ociety
Physician Founder’s Society membership represents a cumulative
commitment of $10,000 and above over a period of ten years or less.
fy 2 0 1 2
Physician Gifts
It is expensive to do what we do and do it well. There
are limited resources to invest in the latest technology
for a hospital. A strong Foundation makes it possible
for Memorial to provide state-of-the-art care.
2 Anonymous Donors
Drs. Mark and Judy Anderson
Dr. and Mrs. Edward R. Arrowsmith
Dr. and Mrs. W. Timothy Ballard
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Brien
Dr. and Mrs. Arch Bullard
Dr. Joe Busch
Dr. Don A. Cannon
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Currin
Drs. Davey B. and Brooke Daniel
Dr. and Mrs. Eric R. Ellis
Dr. and Mrs. Augustus H. Frye, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Claude M. Galphin
Dr. and Mrs. Frank B. Graham
Dr. James and Anita Headrick
Dr. Donna K. Hobgood
Lee Jackson, M.D.
Dr. Darrell and Tia Johnson
Dr. Jay Jolley
Dr. Russell and Kate Jones
Denis Kennedy, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Lavecchia
Vicki and Bruce Marsh
Dr. and Mrs. DeWayne B. McCamish
Richard C. Morrison, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Philip G. Pollock
Dr. Jaime Ponce
Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Portera, Sr.
Dr. Charles A. Portera, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Portera
Maurice Rawlings, Jr. M.D.
Dr. F. Hall Reynolds, II
Dr. David and Betsy Rice
Dr. and Mrs. Nathan K. Schatzman
Dr. Sanford and Joni Sharp
Dr. Douglas L. Vanderbilt
David J. Wendt, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. George G. Young
– Peter Hunt, M.D.
Associates in ENT
P hysicia n ’ s S ociety
Physician’s Society membership recognizes cumulative giving
of $2,500 and above.
2 Anonymous Donors
Dr. and Mrs. Woodruff A. Banks, Jr.
Dr. Imelda S. Bulatao
Dr. and Mrs. David N. Collins
Dr. and Mrs. Eric H. Conn
Dr. Gale Fellowes
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Hayes
Dr. Hal Hill
Scott Hill, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Scott D. Hodges
Dr. Garland E. Kinard
Dr. Frank and Hattie Kimsey
Dr. and Mrs. C.B.C. Marsh
Dr. and Mrs. Brian C. Mitchell
Dr. and Mrs. William F. Oellerich
Dr. and Mrs. Richard R. Pesce
Jason A. Robertson, M.D.
Dr. Charles L. Suggs, Jr.
William P. Warren, M.D.
James L. Zellner, M.D.
P hysicia n s ’ C ircle
Physicians’ Circle membership represents gifts given during the previous fiscal year.
P reside n t ’ s C ircle
Physician’s President’s Circle membership represents a cumulative
commitment of $5,000 and above over a period of ten years or less.
Adele B. Ackell, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Atkinson
Dr. and Mrs. Philip Bates Bailey
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Bowers
Dr. and Mrs. Mark A. Brzezienski
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Chien
Dr. John J. Cunningham
Dr. and Mrs. James B. Davis
Dr. and Mrs. Steven H. Dowlen
Drs. David B. and Caroline Elias
Christina Florea, M.D.
Dr. John and Lorraine Forman
Dr. and Mrs. Guy M. Francis
Dr. and Mrs. Paul M. Hendricks
Scott Hill, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Hytham A. Kadrie
Janak H. Naik, M.D.
Dr. Gregg S. Shander
Dr. and Mrs. Harold A. Schwartz
3 Anonymous Donors
Drs. Mark and Judy Anderson
Dr. and Mrs. W. Timothy Ballard
Mary Florence and Dr. Stanley Benson
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Brien
Dr. Imelda S. Bulatao
Dr. David N. Collins
Dr. and Mrs. Eric Conn
Drs. Paul and Ana Cornea
Dr. Karin Covi
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel M. Currin
Jim B. Davis, M.D.
The Denman Family
Dr. and Mrs. J. Patrick Dilworth
Dr. and Mrs. Steven H. Dowlen
Dr. Gale Fellowes
Dr. John and Lorraine Forman
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Hayes
Dr. James and Anita Headrick
Dr. and Mrs. Paul M. Hendricks
Dr. Peter M. Hunt
Dr. Brian E. Ingalls
Dabney James, MD, FACP
Dr. Jay Jolley
Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Kaplan
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Mastey
Dr. and Mrs. J. Edward McKinney
Dr. and Mrs. Gary E. Meredith
Dr. and Mrs. Brian C. Mitchell
Robert W. Myers, M.D.
Janak H. Naik, M.D.
Dr. Jaime Ponce
Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Portera, Jr.
Peter C. Rawlings, M.D.
F. Hall Reynolds, II M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick N. Rhyne
Jason A. Robertson, M.D.
Dr. Wayne T. Scott
Dr. Gregg S. Shander
Dr. Steven Stubblefield
David J. Wendt, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence I. Young
Friends of
Friends of Memorial is comprised of individuals who make a gift of
$100 or more during the fiscal year. In addition to the listing in the
Foundation’s Annual Report, gifts made at the $100 or above giving
level will be acknowledged in the monthly Enews, as well as on a
donor wall at the visitor entrance of Memorial Hospital. For more
information on becoming a Friend of Memorial, call (423) 495-4124
or visit
Patti Dungan, Co-chair
Jean Payne, Co-chair
Hicks Armor
Rob Carden
Sue Culpepper
Ashley Farless
Holly Harwell
Hampton Johnston
Amanda Kelley
Mark Ramsey
Tahnika Rodriguez
Lillie Wills
Father Jim Vick
P lati n u m
($1,000 +)
Rex Allen
Charles Arant
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Bogo
Sophia Bridger
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Crimmins
Joan and Dan Frierson
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Frierson, Jr.
Mr. Terry Henry
Jim and Barbara Kennedy
Ms. Maria Kennedy
Richard and Barbara Kramer
Mrs. Robert Landon
Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott Mattice
Mr. and Mrs. Mickey McCamish
Chris and Janel McKee
Cynthia Nesson and Bruce Simonson
Scott and Karen Ossewaarde
Col. Wayne A. Rich, Jr.
Pat and Carolyn Robinson
Kurt and Julie Schmissrauter
Ms. BettyeLynn Smith
Movita Steiner
Sue Anne Wells
Pictured are Friends of Memorial Committee
members Patti Dungan and Rob Carden (center)
with Susan Brenner and Foundation President,
Jennifer Nicely.
G old
B ro n z e
($500 - $999)
($100 - $249)
Tonya and Barry Cammon
Elizabeth Crumbliss
John and Morgan Everett
Mary G. Gardenhire
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Giggy
Holly L. Harwell
Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Little
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McMahon
Mike and Kim Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. George Mullinix
Jean Payne
Jim and Pat Pesnell
Ward and Nancy Petty
Dr. Bill and Sue Stacy
Jim and Yvonne Stephenson
Sherree and Mike Webb
Mr. and Mrs. Phil B. Whitaker, Sr.
4 Anonymous Gifts
Diane and Jerry Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Ken R. Adcock
John Allen
Deborah Alper
Mr. and Mrs. T. Maxfield Bahner
Patsy and Guy Beatty
Ms. Chris Berry
Erma Bird
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Blackwell
Mr. Charles Blevins
Rick and Jean Botto
Mr. Wayne L. Brady
Mrs. Carol J. Browder
Mike and Debbie Brown
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Burkart
Mr. and Mrs. Loray Byars
Robin Campbell
Herb and Hariett Cannon
Roy and Virginia Card
Mrs. Mona Caylor
Carole Clark
Joyce L. Clark
Dick and Patsy Connelly
Kathleen Conner
Joe and Bette Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Costello
Vernon W. Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Crates
Allen H. and Amalia Crawford
Andrea and Clay Crouch
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Crumbliss
Cullen and Carolyn Davis
Jill Dearing
Joyce and Don Dick
Jim and Charlotte Dorris
Tammy D. Dover
Mr. Thomas O. Duff, Jr.
Steve and Kim Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Faulkner
Christian and Angela Ford
S ilver
($250 - $499)
Mr. Ryan H. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Altick
Ms. Margaret P. Bowman
J. Richard Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Culpepper
Patti L. Dungan
Art and Dorothy Grisham
Mr. and Mrs. James L. E. Hill
Sister Earline Hobbs
Laura Jefferies
Elbert and Saralyn Kelley
A. Vincent Keyes
Howells D. Miller
Donna D. Puckett
Pat and Merri Ann St. Charles
William F. and Patsy Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Templeton
Elwood and Linda Theobald
David Tinker
Bob and Cathy Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Frost
Oscar Garrett
Mr. and Mrs. Dillon D. George
Edward H. Gleason
Ann L. Hale
Herbert C. Harper
Philip and Linda Haymaker
Robert and Annie Haynes
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Heard
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hencke
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Henley
Richard M. Hewitt
Johnny and Hazel Hicks
Ms. Kathy W. Igou
Mrs. JoAnn Jacobs
Bill and Jan Jenkins
Harold Jennings
John D. Joralemon
Virginia M. Justice
Dr. Dan Kennedy
Fran and Scott Key
Starr T. Klein
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kummer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kwasnik, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Landis
Howard S. Lane
Mrs. Ginger Batson
Bernice L. Litton
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Lovell
G. Lamar Lyle
Mrs. Helen Mahn
Mr. Edward A. Majoras
Jacqueline Marschak
Christine Martin
Don E. Mathis
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Mayse
Glen McGaha
Mrs. LaFonda W. McGhee
Dr. and Mrs. J. Edward McKinney
L. Roy Millard
Mr. and Mrs. Olan Mills, III
Ronald P. and Charlotte Moore
Terry and Vera Murphy
Helen G. Nave
Robert and Elaine Nevil
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nichols
Donald and Kathy Nixon
Mr. George W. Oliphant
Rod and Mary Paramoure
Mr. and Mrs. Julian Peeples
Paul D. and Judith Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Powell
Mr. William H. Powell
Mervin and Helen Pregulman
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin B. Pressman
Gregory Quick
Judy Raley, SCN
Ms. Billie Ransom
Ronald Reel
Robert and Aline Reno
Jim Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. Rhue
The Rich Family
Jack Riggar
Harold Roberson
Barbara Lindsey Roberts
Wilma M. Robertson
William E. and Elsie Robinson
Tahnika and Armando Rodriguez
Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Roland
Barry and Salome Ross
Mr. Ronald Rowland
Evelyn R. Sager
Mr. Louise B. Savard
Mary Ann Schenk
Mrs. Carol R. Sedman
Jack Seebacher
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh F. Sharber
Jody and Dawn Shea
Ted E. Shelton
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Shramko
Carl and Cathy Silkett
Ms. Carolyn H. Smeltzer, Ed. D., RN
Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Smith
Phyllis I. Smith
Mrs. Virginia N. Spears
Ilse and Normann Sprinz
Douglas and Polly Stamper
Ronald and Barbara Steele
Judith F. Stone
Edward and Wendy Taliaferro
Susan Tanner
Terry and Dianne Tuckier
Charlotte M. Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tutterrow
James D. Umbarger
Ms. Marilyn A. Van Arsdale
Betty Vannucci, SCN
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Ventura
Rev. Dr. James L. Vick
Ronnie G. Walker
Foy W. Watson
Mr. and Mrs. U. Kay Whaley
Robbie Willmore
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilson, Jr.
Donne B. Wright
Louis and Billie Wright
Edward M. Wuesthoff
Mr. Howard W. Zuker
Top left: Friends of Memorial committee
members Ashley Farless, Amanda Kelley and
Tahnika Rodriguez attend Casino Night to
show their support for Memorial
Top right: Friends of Memorial committee
member Mark Ramsey attends Casino Night
with two Friends of Memorial supporters
Each Fall, the Friends of Memorial gather for an annual reception in
their honor. On Thursday, November 3, 2011 Friends of Memorial
came together to win big at Casino Night at Warehouse Row. Players
took their turn at Black Jack, Craps, Roulette, and Texas Hold ‘Em for
their chance to win fun gifts. In the end, everyone is a winner, thanks
to the advances in patient care that Friends of Memorial helps us to
fund with their gifts.
Middle left: Friends of Memorial
committee member Lillie Wills takes her
chances at the game tables with her fellow
Friends supporters looking on
Middle right: Friends of Memorial co-chair
Patti Dungan shares the campaign’s success
at casino night with her husband, Kent.
Tahnika Rodriguez greets fellow FOM
committee members Rob Carden and
Jean Payne at Casino Night.
memorial associates
givi n g to improve
o u r comm u n ity
The MAGIC Campaign is Memorial’s associate giving program, established in 2003.
Hundreds of employees throughout the health system, including the Glenwood, Hixson and
Ooltewah campuses, Memorial Health Partners, Mountain Management, Home Health,
Beacon and the Memorial Heart Institute, give to the Foundation through payroll deduction.
Since its inception, over 1.5 million dollars has been donated by Memorial associates.
MAGIC committee
Susan Brenner
Eve Brown
Lisa Case
Ary Clemmons
Laura Cross
Karen Frank
Heather Gunnon
Pam Hendricks
Rhonda Jackson
Betsy Kammerdiener
Joy Kirby
Stacy Lee
Allan Lewis
Phyllis Maynor
Jerry McCrary
Angie McGhee
Jennifer Nicely
Jean Payne
Jack Riggar
Melissa Roden
Vera Tank
Sandy Weeks
Tasha Wilson
Anonymous (99)
Beverly Aasheim
Sandra Abell
Janice Elaine Ables
Grace Adeniji Ilesanmi
Jessica Aguila
Gail A. Allen
Kim Allen
Midori Allen
Sherry LyNawn Allen
Debbie Ames
Lebron Ammons
Timothy M. Anderson
Nan J. Andrews
Penny Andrews
Rhonda Arnold
Julieta R. Auda
Curtis Aukerman
Colleen Austin
Kellie Azor
Donna Babb
Jennifer Bacastow
Elizabeth Bahm
Sherry Baierl
Melanie M. Bailey
Judy Baker
Cheri Ballard
Sarah Barden
Nicole Barnett
Jamie J. Barrie
Celena N. Bates
Kay Bates
Lisa Denise Batts
Virginia Baxter
Cynthia Bean
Mea Begley
Leigh Bertholf
Debra Beyers
Mary Ann Biddle
Erma Bird
Devon Birge
David Bishop
Brenda Blancett
LaTonya Blanks
Thomas Blanton
Teresa Bledsoe
Deborah Blevins
Tammy Blevins
Carolyn W. Boatner
Suzanne M. Bogan
Denettee Bolden
Denise Bolton
Marilyn Bolton
Lorraine Bond
Hope Bonner
Barbara E. Bouie
Cristy Bowen
Linda Bowen
Felicia Boyer
Santiago Boyle
Megan E. Bradford
Linda G. Bradley
Amanda Brantingham
Susan Brenner
Dana Britt
Wilma J. Brooks
Angela Brown
Carol J. Brown
Diona Brown
Eve Brown
Frances M. Brown
Jean Brown
Pamela A. Brown
Sandi Brown
Sarah Brown
Sharon K. Brown
Megan Bryan
Amy Bryant
Judy Buhrman
Shandry Bullock
Suzanne Burch
Vickie Burger
Natalie Burleson
Tina L. Bursack
Dean Burse
Shannon Lyn Butt
Gloria Byerly
Brooke Byrd
Katie Byrum
Shawna Cagle
Venice Cagle
Darryl D. Caldwell, Sr.
Emily Callaway, RN
Tara E. Campbell
Mary Lee Carder
Gloria Carlton
Christine Carr
Dawn Carrell
Bethany Carroll
Holly Carroll
Karen Carr
Leisha Carroll
Rachel Caroll
Tonia Carroll
Adana Carter
Kelly S. Carter
Rebekah Carter
Lisa Thomas-Case
Chris Cate
Trista Chancey
Pamela H. Chandler
Sherry Watts Chandler
Marilyn Chaney
Denise Chivington
Tonya Alexander Claiborne
Rick D. Clark
Stan Clark
Tanisha L. Clark
Wendy Clark
Janice Clemens
Ary Clemmons
Megan Coble
Riley Jo Cochran
Edie Coffey
Deborah E. Coke
Angie Colbert
Michelle Cyr-Colbert
Pamela Cole
Terri Cole
Tyler Cole
Pam Collins
Gail Collison
Debra V. Conaway
Bethany E. Condra, RN
Andrea Condrey
K. Angela Cook
Marquita Cook
Georganna Cooper
Nicole Copeny
Christine Cordell
James Harold Cothran
Ginger A. Cotter
Barbara Couch
Nedra G. Covington
Michelle Cowell
Linda Cox
Robert Cox
Stacy Cox
Mary Ann Cronan
Katrina Cronnon
Mary Beth Crook
Lindsey R. Croom
Laura Cross
Karen Crowder
Meredith Crowder
Roy Crowley
Lori Crox
Jamie Day Crumbaker-Forshee
Greg S. Cruz
Sudie Culpepper
George Culver
Cynthia Curry
Jeff Curtis
Karen Curtis
Sandra P. Curtis
Jessica Dalton
Carolyn Dark
Barbara Dasal
Nicole Davis
Deborah Davis
Edward Davis
Jacqueline D. Davis
Kathryn Seals-Davis
Sue Davis
Tina Davis
Julia Dean
Renee & Dominik Dean
Sandra B. Dean
Linda S. DeCarlo
Jackie DeHond
Jerrica Delaney
Michelle Denham
Sheila Derrick
Chastity Yvette Dial
Manny Diaz Vega
W. David Diercks
Kathy Dittmar
Sandy Dixon
Renee Doan
Mildred J. Dodds
Robbie Donaldson
William Jeffrey Donohoo
Samantha Dotzler
Tammy Doub
Linda Douberly
Deborah Douglas
Deborah Drake
Mary Lee DuBose
Debra Duck
Debra Dunn
Holly R. Dunn
Kenisha Nicole Dunnigan
Sarah Dye
Tina Eakin
Angela Early
Michael Early
Rayner O. Edwards
Rhonda Edwards
Sheri Edwards
Stephanie Edwards, RN
Tanya Edwards
Beverly W. Elliott
Brenda Elliott
Carolyn Elliott
Elizabeth F. Ellis
Melanie Ellis
Melissa M. Ellis
Patrick Ellis
Amy Elston
Brandi E. Engle
Rosemary Ertel
Rhonda Evans
Angela Everett
Judy Fago
Cheryl M. Fairley
Linda Farley
Dr. Gale Fellowes
Debbie Ferguson
Michelle Fine
Lisa A. Fitzsimmons
Connie Fleming
Lee Ann Flinn
Nancy Floyd
Susan Femino Floyd
Stacy Foltz
Karen Forgey
Judy Foster
Shelly Foster
Lisa Fowler
Carmun Fox
Karen Frank
Jaclyn Franzen
Susan Freeman
Vance L. Freeman
Pam Frieson
Arlene Frye
Shelli Fuller
Kim Furrow
Sherry Fusco
Sandra Gadd
Samantha Gagliano
Jacqueline Gaines
Karen M. Garner
Kelly Garrett
Allan Gayler
Robin H. George
Becky Geren, PT
Joshua Gestosani
Roseetta Gibson
Kathryn Gill
Janet Gilley
Crystal Gladden
Tanika Gladden & Family
Kimberly D. Golden
Bruce Gorospe
Cornelia Gossett
Amy L. Graham
Dee Graham
Katherine R. Gran RN, C, CCM
Elizabeth Gray
Chiquita L. Green
Kim J. Green, RN
Rachael Green
Donna M. Grider
Gina “Gigi” Griffin
Darryl Griffin, Sr.
Angela D. Griffith
Beverly Griffith
Gayla Griffith
Katy L. Griffith
Judy M. Grubb
Barbara Guider
Beth Guillot
Sharon Guillot
Paul C. Guinn
Vicki Vandiver
Trevis N. Gullatt, RN
Heather E. Gunnon
Mary Ann Guy
Robert P. Hagan
Tina Hale
Lori Hales
Gayle Haley
Heather Hall
Jessica Hall
Cassie S. Hamilton
Jarai Bright
Rhonda Hanley
Monica Harden
Lebron Hardnett
Jessica Hardy
Vickie Harp
Ashley E. Harris
Betty Jean Harrison
Lisa C. Harrison
Carla S. Hartley
Angela Michelle Hartman
Laura Hartman
Carolyn Hass
Samuel Hatfield
Deborah Hawk
Wanda G. Hawksworth
Lila Heet
Theresa B.Heiler
Amanda F. Henderson
Eric Henderson
Pam Hendricks
Shawn Hennessey
Donna Henry
Shirley Henshall
Sharry Herring
Thomas L. Herring
Judith Herweyer
Lana Hickman
Matthew L. Hickman
Pamela B. Higgins
Heather Hill
Joni M. Hill, RN
Teresa Hinds
Debbie Hixson
Tracy M. Hobbs, RN
James M. Hobson
Karen Hodge
Harriet Hodges
Teresa Hodges
Joshua Holloway
Valerie Holmes
Janice Hooker
Stephanie H. Hooper
Stephanie Hooper
Candice Hoover
Sharon Hopper
Debra Howard
Laura Howse
Rodney Husdon
Glynn Hughes
Julie Huisman
Deborah Humberd
Alan Hunt
Ashli Hunt
Chris Hunt
Jill M. Huskey
Christina Hutsell
Alexandra Hydas
Norma Jean Hyde
Anita B. Igou
Kathy Igou
Alline Ingle
Kala Ingram, RN
Anthony Iwanczyk
Frank Izell
Angela Jackson
Jackie Jackson
Mary Ellen Jackson
Rhonda B. Jackson
Wendi Jackson
Cathy Jacobs
Laurie Jakubowski
Donna Jansen
Elizabeth Jenkins
Evonne Jett
Debbie Johnson
Glen M. Johnson
Melodie Johnson, RN
Shirley Ann Johnson
Terry Johnson
Vanessa Johnson
Willa Gaye Johnson
Katie Johnston
Tonyia Johnston
Nancy M. Joles
Diamesha Jones
Don Jones
Felicia Jones
Jackie E. Jones
Kayla Ingle Jones
Keely Jones
Leanna Jones
Sandra Jones
Sherry Jones
Beth Jordan
Patsy Jordan
Roberta Justice
Betsy Kammerdiener
Hyejung Kang
Robbie Keeton
Emily K. Harmon
Mary Jo Keith
Sharon “Kitty” Kell
Kathy Keller
Marjorie M. Kelly
Evonne and Andy Kendle
Shiloh Kennedy
Susan Kennedy
Tanya N. Kilgore
Kevelin D. Kinamore, Sr.
Melinda Kinsey
Joy S. Kirby
Leslie Kirkland
Zan Kiser
Kathy Klein
Jamie Klementisz
Carla Konrad
Kathleen Kouros
Sandy Kuffrey
Melissa A. Lacheney
Deborah Lagoo
Marty Laird
Bonnie Lake, RN
Gina Lambert
Tina Lambert
Brandon Lane
Sherie Lane
Frieda S. Langdale, RN
Amanda Langston
Rebecca K. Lanphear
Miriam Larson
Beverly Lawhorn
Lauren Lawson
Wilma F. Laymon
Debbie Layne
Vonna K. Layne
Angela Ledford
Stacy D. Lee
Elizabeth Leenerts
Allison Leroux
Allan Lewis
Brooke Lewis, RN
Geraldine “Dean” Lewis
Rong Ding Li
Susan D. Lindner
Joyce Lingerfelt
Lorri Little
Mary Locke
Cynthia Long
Danielle Long, LPN
Kathy Long
Tessa Long
Tinesha Lott
Sandra Loveless
Tammy J. Lovingood
Jane Lucchesi
Tammy Luckhart
Leslie Lyons
Kayla Maclafferty
Through my years at Memorial, I have been blessed to
work in a faith-based organization focused on bringing world class healthcare to our region. I have seen
tremendous growth in our facilities and services and have
had the opportunity to work side by side with some of the
finest healthcare professionals in the nation. I am proud
to be a part of this organization and, by giving through
the Magic campaign, I can do my small part in supporting
and continuing our Mission to the community.
– Sandra Curtis, MBA
Director of Strategic Planning
David B. Mann
Nannett Mann
Betty L. Manning
Gary Manzella
Amy Marckel
Laura Mariani
Gregory T. Marks
Renee Martin
Myra T. Massalon
Pamela Massengale
Michelle Masterson
Silu Mathew
Beth Maury
Dawn L. May
Maddie May
Phyllis Maynor
Mary Mayo
Jennifer McAlister
Ginger McBride
Samantha McCann
Erica McCary
Lisa McCluskey
Jeff McConathy
June McCormick
Tamara L. McCoy
Jerry L. McCrary
Carl E. McCullough
Diane Connor McDonald
Sally Elbert McDonald
Elizabeth McDowell
Leontanette Terry-McDowell
Jayne McGarey
Angela D. McGhee
Andrew McGill
David McGill
Angie McHann
Felicia McHone
Becky McKelvy
Deloris McLain
Lori McRoy
Petra McWhorter Green
Tanya Mealer
Andrea Meeks
Margaret Mendoca
Phil Meson
Cathy Messier
Nancy Metz
Tina Mickel
Ann Middleton
Debra Miles
Keesha Millard
Rachel Austin Millard
Susan Millaway
Keri Millican
Janice Mitchell
Kelley L. Mitts
Lesie Mixon
Holly Monroe
Debra L. Moore
Vivian E. Moore
Gisela Morales
Susan G. Morgan
Robin E. Morrell
Kayla Morton
Sonia P. Moss
Brittany E. Mudrich
Dennis Mullens
Norma D. Mullinix
Abby K. Murphy
Mada Murray
Jason Myers
Lesley C. Myers
Leslie Myers
Kaye C. Nale
Rachel Nall
Cynthia Nandy
Deborah W. Neal
Carl Nelson
Laura Netheny
Kathryn Neuberger
Dori Neufeld
Melissa Newby
Laurie Newlun
Carol Newton
Jennifer Willis Nicely
Jennifer Sherrell Nicely
Sydrice Nickell
Kim S. Norwood
Jane Nunley
Terry Nunley
Kelly Musshavm
Joy Obadiah
Charlene Odem
Kimberly D. Ogle
Virginia Oneal
Yessica J. Osegueda
Heather O’Shields, RN
Jeff Oxner
Shelley L. Palmer
Amanda Paradis
Judith Pardue
Denise Parks
Jenny Parnell
Rachel Parrish
Teresa Parrish
Kristi Parsons
Patricia Partain
Vicki Partin
Christine Partlow
Heidi B. Pascua
Janice Pate
Keta Patel
Kathy A. Patterson
Lena Patterson
Lisa Patterson
Kim Patton
Jean C. Payne
Kristen A. Payne
Nan Payne
Lydia J. Pelfrey
Rhonda Pelfrey
Ella Pell
V. Pell
Lois Perry
Meridith Perry
Jenny Rose Petitt
Rae Ann Petty
C. Lynn Phibbs
Dee Dee Phillips
Dennis F. Phillips
Kimberly P. Phillips
Victoria Phillips
Stacy L. Philpot
Jennifer Bryant Jones
Renee Piercy
Amber Pinkerton
Leslie M. Pippin
Diane P. Woods
Brad W. Pope
Ta-Tanisha Pope
Glenda Porter
Anna Posey
Vicki G. Powell
Craig Pressley
Shannon Price
Hazel Proffitt
Melissa Putnam
Amy Quinn
Marissa Ragland
Amy W. Rains
Cheryl Ramsey
Pamela T. Raney
Beverly A. Ratcliff
Heidi Rau
Jeff J. Rawiszer
Marin (Mary) Taylor Ray
Melanie Redden
Sasha Redmond
Ada Reed
Joy Reed
Mary Raines Reed
Debra Reeves
Jessica Reeves
Phyllis K. Reeves
Deborah L. Reynolds
Tiffany Reynolds
John Rice
Melissa Rice
Stephanie Richards
DeEtte B. Rievley
Jack Riggar
Constance Rigsby
Petra Richey
Tracy Rivera
T. Joseph Robb
Terry Roberson
Tina Roberson
Elizabeth Roberts
Diane Robinson
Howard Roddy
E. Melissa Roden
Marie Roden
Ashleigh Rogers
Ginny Rogers, RN
Jackie Rogers
Marty Rogers
Tiffany J. Rogers
Deborah Rosser
Valerie Roy
Katie Rumsey
Calvin A. Russell, Jr.
Polly Ryan
Kimberly Saarinen
Cheryl Sadro
Linda C. Saffles
Jennifer J. Salts, RN
Karen E. Sanfratello
Michelle Schewtschenko
Rebekah Schlotterbeck
Melissa Schussler
Kim Schwartz
Ernestine Scoggins
Kathryn Davis
Judy Settle
Kylene D. Sevy
Van Sewell
Vanessa Sewell
Melissa Sexton
Nikki Sexton
Susan Sexton
Patsy Shadrick
Katherine Sharp
Randy Sharp
Andrea Shelton
Nancy Shiles
Tara Short
Angela Shrader
Daniel Shults
Connie Silver
Jessica Newell Silvers
Kelli Silvers
Michelle Simpson
Adrienne Sims
Phyllis S. Sims
Tonya Sims, RN
Tarek Sinno
Jennie Sisk
Tina Sitz
Anna G. Skinner
Bonnie Slater
Karen Sloan
Virginia Smartt
Anna L. Smeltzer, RN
Bethany Smith
Braska Smith
Carol Smith
Casey Smith
Danya Smith
Dosha Smith
Elvie Smith
Karlie Smith
Latwand E. Smith
Leigh Smith
Loretta Smith
Meri Smith
Nicole Smith
Richard Smith
Stephanie Smith
Tami Smith
Judie Snipes
Jackie Snodgrass
Vivian Sorrell
Michelle Sotello
Shanna Speal
Amanda Sperrazza
Debra Spurgeon
Norma Stallings
Sara Stallings
Jessica Stanley
Amanda Stanten
John D. Steele
Joy M. Steele
Masheryl Stegall
Amber Stevens
Ragan Stewart
Cathleen Still
Jennifer Stinnett
Angela Stoker
Terri Stone
Gloria J. Stott
William L. Strait
Ashley Stull
Luanne Sullivan
Connie L. Sutton
Michael Sutton
Robbin L. Sutton
Stephanie A. Sutton
Robin Swann
Melissa Sweeton
Wendi Taliaferro
Chandra Tallent
Vera Tank
Jennifer Taylor
Melissa Taylor
Shacara Taylor
Frankie M. Tenison
Autumn Teska
Lisa Thacker
Bridgett Thomas
Kathy R. Thomas
Tiffany Thomas
Carol Thomison
Jodie H. Thompson
Lydia Thompson
Marsha S. Thompson
Luz Thrash
C.J. and Kayla Tibbs
Melissa Tinker
Pat Tippit
David and Amy Tipton
Donna Tobey
Robyn B. Tobias
John W. Toms
Roosevelt Toney
Clara Toomey
Bherma H. Toussaint
In July 2011, Memorial Associates who contribute to MAGIC brought
their families to the Creative Discovery Museum for an afternoon of
relaxation, play, and learning. Sodexo catering cooked up a storm of
pizza pies for the 200 guests as they took breaks from exploring the
museum’s exhibits. The Foundation is grateful to the generosity of an
anonymous donor for providing the space for this event at no cost to
the Foundation or to Memorial Associates.
Socorro V. Trinos
Beth Tripp
Vickie L. Tripp
Shari Tucker
Brittani Tuggle
Connie Tuggle
Julie Tullis
David Turner
H.R. Twitty
Cammie Twons
Connie Uffalussy
Matt Underwood
Pamela Upton
Marianne Urbain
Gordon Utgard
Diana Velazquez
Dawn Viles
Sherry Vines
Samantha Voyles
Sandra Vredeveld
Kim Vroom
Keisha Wade
Lindsay Wagner
Kim Walker
Peggy Walker
Vicki Walker
Pamela Wallin
Linda Walston
Allegra Ward
Allison Ware
Erin Washington
Sandra K. Watkins
Carolyn Waye
H. Lacey Weathers, RN
Cynthia Webb
Kimberly Webster
Toni Welch
Corey W. Weldon
Joseph West
Linda West
Merlene Westerbeck
Heather Whaley
Cynthia A. Whitaker
Kathy White
Cheryl Whitlock
Dan Whitlock
Marlene Wilkey
Marlene Wilkey
Ashley Williamson
Courtney William
Faith Williams
Francina B. Williams for Cynia
Hollie Williams
Marilyn Williams
Sherry Williams
Torri Williams
Kellie Williamson
Cynthia Wilson
Jacquelyn Wilson
Marissa Wilson
Melissa Wilson
Tasha Wilson
David Winchester
Denise Winters
Markesta K. Winters
Rena H. Witherspoon
LouAnn Wittman
Lynnette Wood
Farrah Woodbury
Melissa Wooden
Tamecea M. Woodruff
Janet M. Woods
Beth Woodruff
Michael Wright, Sr.
Sabina Wright
Kathy Wright Hughes
Angie Wynn
Kaley Yarbrough
Foundations, Churches
and Corporate Giving
We are grateful to the foundations, churches and companies who made gifts in the last fiscal year.
Abba’s House
American Cancer Society
American Society for Training Development
of Chattanooga
Association of Oncology Social Work
AVON Foundation - Breast Care Fund
Belvoir Christian Academy
Beth & TA Lupton Jr Family Foundation
Brainerd Presbyterian Church
Brasfield & Gorrie
Celgene Corporation
Chattanooga Family Dentistry
Chattanooga Housing Authority
Chattanooga Lookouts
Chattanooga Shooting Supplies, Inc.
Chattanooga State Technical Community College
Chattanooga Surgical Oncology PC
Chempack Company, LLC
Cornerstone Community Bank
Covenant Baptist Church
Crawford’s Pharmacy, Inc.
In today’s world, it is refreshing to deal with a faith
based organization such as Memorial. It is with great
pride T.U. Parks Construction Company supports the
Foundation and its work furthering the mission of
Memorial Hospital.
– Larry S. Parks
T. U. Parks Construction Company
Creative Discovery Museum
Creighton University
CSL Behring
Cupcake Kitchen, Inc.
Custom Awards
Diagnostic Imaging Consultants
Don Laster Agency, Inc.
Fairview United Methodist Church
First Centenary United Methodist Church
Fletcher Bright Company
Fort Dearborn Life Insurance Company
Fraternal Order of Eagles - Aerie 945
Garden Plaza at Cleveland
Gondolier Pizza and Steak House
H and H Painting Company
Hamico Foundation
Health Cost Solutions, Inc.
Home Builders Association of
Southern Tennessee
Institute of Healthcare Executives
& Suppliers
Kanku’s Express
Lansford Realty & Property Management
Lawson Electric
Liberty Mutual Foundation
Life Care Center of New Market
Life Care Centers of America, Inc.
Life Care Centers of Merrimack
Lucas Ford Associates
Luken Holdings, Inc.
March Adams & Associates
Memorial Hospital
Old Navy Store #5485
Pearle Vision
Propex Fabrics
Red Bank Middle School
Red Bank Police Department
Republic Parking System
Rhea Medical Center
Schmissrauter Family Foundation
Shaw Industries, Inc.
Silverdale Baptist Church
Southern Auto Body Supply
Southern Champion Tray, LP
Southern Home Floors and Exteriors
Southern Souls Motorcycle Club
St. Gerard Ladies Guild
State of Tennessee Department of Health
Sulpher Springs UMC
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer
Foundation, Inc.
T.U. Parks Construction Company
Tennessee Council of Juvenile Court Judges
Tennessee Valley Theatre
The Georgia Winery
The Hurlbut Foundation
The National Arts Program Foundation
The Renovation Group, Inc.
The Tucker Foundation
The Wright-Bentley Foundation
Thomas & Thorngren, Inc.
Trinity Healthcare Corp.
Unforgotten RA
Weatherstone Women’s Club
Weldon F. Osborne Foundation, Inc.
Westside Baptist Church
Williams, Benetor and Libby, LLP
1 2 th a n n u al cam b u sch e n dowed
Arts for Health Lecture Series
Memorial Foundation and the Hunter Museum of
American Art hosted the 12th Annual Cam Busch
Endowed Arts for Health Lecture Series Thursday,
March 29, 2012 at the Hunter Museum.
This year’s speaker, Megan Cole, is an award-winning
actor of stage and screen. She is known for her
portrayal of Dr. Vivian Bearing in the ground-breaking
production of “Wit” - a one-woman show about a
breast cancer patient’s journey through diagnosis,
treatment and recovery. While she continues her stage
and screen work, Megan continues also to explore the
ways in which patient care and end-of-life care can
benefit from a deepened sense of skilled compassion,
leading to the development of her dramatized lecture
version of the play Wit – entitled The Wisdom of “Wit”.
The purpose of the lecture series is to acquaint the
community with the importance of art in the healing
process. Over the past 10 years, this series has had
the privilege of hosting well-known artists, musicians,
poets, performing artists and academics from around
the country.
To learn more about Memorial’s Arts Medicine
program, upcoming events or how you can get
involved please call (423) 495-4141.
Actress and guest performer
Megan Cole is greeted at the Hunter
Museum by Arts for Health patron,
Cam Busch.
M a n y tha n ks to o u r spo n sors
who made this eve n t possible
Carolyn Kauffman
The Cam Busch Art for
Health Endowment
Memorial Auxiliary
and Volunteer Services
The Memorial Health Care System Auxiliary is part of a team of 550 active volunteers supporting the
Foundation’s mission and ministry in every way. Since 1953, the Auxiliary has continued to enhance
patient services through their volunteer services and fundraising efforts. Last year, volunteers contributed
more than 82,000 hours of service throughout the system.
Memorial volunteers have a presence on all Memorial campuses, and this year five new volunteer service
areas were created to better support staff and patients. These new services were added at the Women’s
Center Memorial Ooltewah in physical therapy, Memorial Hixson emergency department and Memorial
Glenwood with service excellence rounding in nursing units and in radiology with transport.
In addition to giving of their time, the Memorial Auxiliary raises funds to enhance patient care, and
continues to support their $104,371 pledge made to Memorial’s Magnet Program funding the Simulation
Learning Center lab and computer-controlled simulation technology used to enhance learning and fine
tune skills for nursing staff and students. Other contributions made include a $15,000 pledge for the
We Care Weekend retreat for cancer patients and family members, and a $20,000 scholarship program
for students preparing for health careers. This past year, funds were also provided for tornado victims in
our area, and tribute gifts were given in recognition of volunteers.
Martha Adams
Patricia Akins
David Allen
Louise Arnold
Barbara Ashby
Barbara Ashenbramer
Lydia Atchley
Mike Austin
Jim Bach
Wanda Baker
Florence Bannier
Tish Barlew
Babs Barrows
Isaac Barukh
Marilyn Batts
Fred and Joyce Beckert
Retta Beene
John and Carlene Bennudriti
Charlotte Berg
Ray Bertani
Danise Birchfield
Bruce Blohm
Keith Bobo
Mary Ann Bodine
Virginia Bogdany
Ken Bonk
Beverly Bowman
John Boyle
Dorothy Bravard
Carolyn Brown
Mary Brown
Nola Brumit
Bobbi Burnett
Wanda Butkus
Ray Cameron
Robin Campbell
Velma Campbell
Carlin and Marilyn Carpenter
Brenda Carson
Jack Case
Richard Chandler
Tricia Chastain
Sophia Clark
Virginia Clayton
Judy Clevenger
Sylvia Clift
Willah Cline
Faith Cochran
Jim and Linda Cole
Al and Christina Colonna
Jane Colvard
Norma Condra
Kathleen Conner
Billie Cooper
Tim Cooper
Julia Corley
Jim Costello
Bill and Gussie Courter
Mary Cousino
Frances Cowan
Jay and Kathleen Craven
Bud Crevasse
Sue Culpepper
Issy Cwynar
Carolyn Darr
Judy Davidson
Clifford and Shirley Davis
Louise Davis
Theresa Davis
Zoila Davis
Billie Dean
Alex DeBlois
John Demis
Joyce Dick
Jem Dickinson
John and Betsy Dickinson
Pat Dicks
Tara Diercks
Karleen Dixon
Mike Doubleday
Bob and Ann Dougherty
Dianne Doyle
Alma Duggard
Jon Dunning
Ernest and Frieda Eaves
Betty Efird
Ernestine Eldridge
Carla Elliott
Jean Ellis
Dale and Puggy Eubanks
Frances Everhart
Susan Ewing
Bebee Eyssen
Jim Falk
Betty Fassnacht
Barbara Feagans
Dawn Fergason
Gail Finnell
Jim and Linda Fischer
Charlotte Fleming
Juan* and Mollie Flores
Walter Forbes
Norma Fuller
Mattie and David Fuqua
Donna Garner
Tee Geren
Charlotte Gibney
Bruce and Jerri Gibson
Tony Giggy
Pat Gilbert
Connie Giles
Shirley Gillespie
Carol Goodwin
Phyliss Grasham
JoAnn Greene
Denise Greer
Martha Gresham
Bob Greuter
Howard and Yetta Gropper
Nancy Guedron
Anastasia Gulas
Bill and Glenda Gwaltney
Pat Hagan
Ed and Lore Hair
Judy Hall
Larry Hall
Barbara Hambright
Frances Hannah Collins
Sister Mary Hannon
Belinda Hardaway
Vi Hargis
Clara Harris
Beverly Harrison
Willie Harvey
Eleanor Hayes
Philip and Linda Haymaker
Elizabeth Haynes
Ruth Henderson
Barbara Henley
Richard Hewitt
Tommie Hill
Robert Hilt*
Kathleen Hixson
Ralph and Judy Hixson
B.J. and Judy Hoette
Betty Hogan
Mary Lou Holland
Janis Holsomback
Sue Holtkamp
Jean Huddleston
Patricia Huguenin*
Neale and JoAnn Huenink
Jim Igou
Marlene Jabaley
Vickie Jackson
Carolyn Jenkins
Bettye Johnson
Juanita Johnson
Kaitlin Johnson
Sandra Jones
Leah Josiah
Osmette Kadrie
Cathy Kalinowski
Carol Keeney
Barbara Kelleher
Gene Kelley
Abbie Keyes
Betty Keyser
David Kling
Cindy Koltnow
Richard and Barbara Kramer
Phyllis Lackey
Sue Landers
Norma Lane
Florence Lau
Linda Layman
Keith Leamon
Nadine Lee
Madeleine Light
Sonna Lloyd
Jackie Love
John and Mary Lunn
Tommy and Carolyn Lynn
Richard MacDougall
Dan MacKinnon
Helen Mahn
Pam Malchow
Dotty Manis
Warren and Doris Mann
Neal and Susan Martin
Pamela Mason
Lonnie McCalister
Jo McCalley
Carol McCamish
Bernice McClendon
Dorothy McDonald
Paula McDougle
Nancy McElwain
Bennie McFather
Wynona McGhee
Vicki McGuire
Caitlin Meharry
Dennis Meinert
Jewell Melton
Joy Mercado
Bob Meyer
Doug Meyer
Lilia Miller
Barbara Milstead
Carl and Aggie Minnick
Deborah Morley
Erwin Nelson
Mary Nesbitt
Tom Norman
Betty Oliver
Jim Palmour
Andy Pappas
Phyllis Parks
Cecile Parris
Jerry Pearson
Elizabeth Phillips
Martha Pigman
Gail Plemons
Linda Poppe
Dale Powell
Nancy Pyatt
Ruth Quinn
Ginny Ragghianti
Audrey Raines
Billie Ransom
Paul Ray
Paula Rennich
Sandi Rice-Johnson
F.O. and Margaret Richardson
Randy Roark
Sharon Roberson
Joy Roberts
Faye Robinson
Pat and Carolyn Robinson
Vaughn Robinson
Raiford and Pam Rodgers
Alan Rogers
Johnnie Rogers
Madeleine Rogers
Benny Rollins
Ron Rowland
Joann Rozell
Agnes Rudd
Dorothy Sands
Jean Saunders
Julie Schmissrauter
Madelon Schuster
Marty Schuster
Bill and Iris Sesko
Eva Setliffe
McAline Shelton
Howard Sheorn
Elizabeth Simonds
Fran Skipper
Diana Smith
Phyllis Smith
Margaret Spanogle
Elizabeth Spreha
Bobbie Steffner
Jack Stephenson
Opal Stevens
Bill Stewart
Donna Stoddard
Mary Stroop
Donna Swafford
Joy Swafford
Ed Taliaferro
Bob Tamasy
Liz Thielke
Linda Thompson
Our dedicated volunteers are an integral part of the
Memorial family providing the best of care to those we
serve and a wonderful support to our staff on all our
campuses. Team members representing our various
campuses from left are: Jewell Melton, Memorial
Hospital Hixson; Belinda Hardaway, Memorial Westside
Health Center; Phyllis Parks, Women’s Center Memorial Ooltewah; Dale Eubanks, Memorial Glenwood and
Memorial Hixson; Fran Skipper, Memorial Glenwood.
Frances Thurman
Peggy Timmerman
Syd Tindall
Bill Tonkin
Kathleen Trew
Vera Trotter
Roy Turley
Tina Underwood Newman
Linda Van Meter
Virginia Varnell
Marsha Vaughan
Mary Lou Vaught
Roxanne Venable
Rosalyn Vogel
Barbara Warner
Barbara Weinhold
Joyce West
Theda Wexler
Betty Whaley
Jerry White
Billie Whiteside
Nancy Whittington
Shirley Williams
Terry Williford
Joy Willis
Robbie Willmore
Barbara Wilson
Gail Wilson
Jean Wortham
Floyd Wright
Louise Wright
Sue Wright
Mary Wynne
Rena Yocom
Lucille Young
Ellen Zahorec
Fay Ziegler
* Deceased
M emorial heatlh care system fo u n datio n
2011 Golf Invitational
2011 marked the 20th anniversary of the Memorial Health Care System Foundation Golf
Invitational and the 10th year we have worked to build Memorial Foundation’s Endowment
Fund. Sponsors, players and volunteers made the day a tremendous success as 104
players competed for the top score, and proceeds from the event totaled $105,000,
bringing 10-year total proceeds to more than $1million dollars for the Endowment.
M asters cl u b spo n sors
eagle cl u b spo n sors
birdie cl u b spo n sors
tee cl u b spo n sors
Mountain City
Electric, Inc.
20 th A n n u al G olf I n vitatio n al
Steeri ng Committee
Zan Guerry, Tournament Chairman
Leo Brown
Bruce Etter
Deborah Everhart
Lisa Harrison
Jim Hill
Howard Levine
Phyllis Maynor
Jennifer Nicely
Jean Payne
Jim Pesnell
David Winchester
V olu n teers
Susan Brenner
Deborah Everhart
Betsy Kammerdiener
Jenny McFarland
Anna Marsh
Phyllis Maynor
Jennifer Nicely
Craig Nielson
Jean Payne
Nan Payne
Katie Rankin
Jack Riggar
Beth Roberson
Carolyn Robinson
Pat Robinson
Andrew Shine
Karen Sloan
Zan Guerry (left), Tournament
Chairman, presents Jim
Hobson, Memorial President and CEO, a check for
the 2011 Golf Tournament
Proceeds. Since 2001, Golf
proceeds have contributed
more than $1M to the
Foundation’s Endowment.
Third Party
D a n ette H e n ry M emorial G olf
T o u r n ame n t
The Danette Henry Family hosted the 4th Annual Danette
Henry Memorial Ovarian Cancer Golf Tournament Saturday,
September 24th, 2011. Gifts and sponsorships of the event
raised more than $20,000 for the Danette Henry Memorial
Fund. Thanks to the total proceeds from this event, a
beautiful Family Oasis Room in the new Infusion Center is
named in memory of Danette.
U n forgotte n R A R oll for a C u re
Unforgotten RA presented the 3rd Annual Roll for a Cure
Saturday, October 1, 2011. Sponsored by Double Knucles
MC, Freedom Riders MC, Southern Souls MC and Spectaters
Bar & Grill. Proceeds totaling more than $2,200 went to
benefit the MaryEllen Locher Breast Centers at Memorial.
Carol McCamish (left) and Jack Riggar
helped man the silent auction tables at
the 2011 PINK Night at the Lookouts,
which raised $1,000.00 for the MaryEllen
Locher Breast Centers at Memorial.
P i n k Night at the L ooko u ts
PINK Night at the Lookouts, Friday July 29th, 2011 at AT&T
Field, was a special evening for our local players. Each team
member wore special pink jerseys that were featured in
a silent auction during game time. Other items of interest
that were auctioned off during the evening included a team
autographed pink baseball bat. Proceeds from the auction
totaling $1,000 went to benefit the MaryEllen Locher Breast
Centers at Memorial.
The Henry Family presented proceeds from
the 4th Annual Danette Henry Memorial
Golf Tournament during a special blessing
of the Danette Henry Family Waiting Oasis
in the new Outpatient Infusion Center.
L adies Night O u t at the G eorgia
W i n ery
Ladies Night Out was Friday, October 21, 2011 at the
Georgia Winery. Women from throughout our region were
invited out for a fun, relaxing and pampering evening of wine
and live music, with local vendors offering makeup, skin care
products, jewelry and other products and services. Event
proceeds of more than $700 went to benefit the MaryEllen
Locher Breast Centers at Memorial.
Memorial Health Care System has a dream of creating a world-class hospital
that revolutionizes care for our region. To achieve this dream, Memorial is
beginning its most expansive construction and renovation project since the
hospital was built 60 years ago. The Memorial Foundation’s Inspired Heroes
Campaign will fund aspects of the campus expansion which would not be
possible without community involvement.
Memorial Health Care System is the only
faith-based hospital in the area, fulfilling a
need and desire of so many to be cared for
in an environment which incorporates the
principles of Catholic social teaching with
healthcare provided at world-class levels of
quality. The Spiritual Care Program, under
the direction of Sister Eileen Wrobleski, is
incorporated into the daily care of patients,
families and staff. Memorial associates,
volunteers, physicians and leaders live
our mission daily, making faith key to the
culture throughout the health care system.
Memorial has committed more than
$300 million to renovate and expand
its campuses, and while a version of
the expansion will take place without
community support, many of the programs
and benefits will not be feasible without
support from private donors.
H eart C e n ter
Memorial Health Care System has a
dream of creating a world-class Heart
Center that revolutionizes cardiac care
for our region through the use of stateof-the-art technology, education and
prevention services, and a superior patient
experience. The Heart Center at Memorial
will be recognized as the ultimate regional
epicenter for heart health, providing the
best care available.
The new eight-story Heart Center will
include the latest in available technology
with the construction of seven new cardiac
catheterization procedure rooms. To
support the large number of patients seen
for procedures at the Heart Center, a new
Cardiac Short Stay unit will be included
where patients who have undergone a
minimally invasive cardiac procedure
remain for observation. The upper floors of
the new Heart Center will house 96 private
patient rooms which will replace outdated
hospital rooms built 60 years ago. All
aspects of the procedure rooms and other
patient rooms will include the latest in
available technology. Technology such as
dedicated Cardio MRI and PET scanners
will ultimately be placed in the new Heart
Center’s Imaging Center, allowing patients
more timely, convenient and high-tech care.
Caring for patients once a cardiac event
occurs will continue to be critical to
the work of the new Heart Center, and
educating our patients and the community
at large, while promoting preventive care,
will be a vital component to patient care
and outreach programs. Through the new
Heart Center’s Wellness and Prevention
Pavilion, available screenings and
education will be made possible through a
multitude of partnerships and community
outreach opportunities. The Wellness and
In August 2011, the leadership team for Memorial’s Inspired Heroes: Campaign for Memorial
gathered at the home of Zan and Julie Guerry to celebrate the formation of what has since been
dubbed the “dream team” of fundraisers: (back row, left to right) Dr. Charles A. Portera, Sr.,
Hilda Murray, Dr. Bill Stacy, Dr. Carlos Baleeiro, Dr. Davey Daniel, Zan Guerry, Ryan Crimmins,
Dr. Eric Conn (seated, left to right) Joan Frierson, Scotty Probasco and Deborah Everhart.
Not pictured are: Dr. John Boxell, Leo Brown, Joe Decosimo and Dr. Peter Hunt.
The 30,000 square foot Heart Center will feature seven
new cath labs, a cardiac short-stay unit, 96 private
rooms and a dedicated imaging center with MRI and PET
scanners. It will also include a Wellness and Prevention
Pavilion, which will offer community education and house
a state-of-the-art cardiac rehabilitation facility.
Prevention Pavilion will provide education
for patients and families with resources
such as ready access to materials, videos,
support groups, and staff members trained
specifically on heart disease, all of which
are available in a new Education Center.
Cardiac Rehabilitation is also critical in
the healing process. The new Pavilion will
house a newly refurbished, state-of-the-
art Cardiac Rehabilitation facility as well
as a facility to conduct research to ensure
patients will have the advantage of the
latest in breakthroughs for cardiac health
in the future.
Just as the MaryEllen Locher Breast Center
has received national acclaim for its care
of women, we anticipate that the new Heart
Center will have the same impact on the
care of cardiac patients. The Center will
offer a world-class appearance, with a
beautiful and soothing atmosphere from
the moment a patient enters the building
through a front entrance dedicated to heart
patients. It will merge with the existing
Heart Institute building to create a single,
seamless facility, featuring thoughtfully
situated areas of service so the patient
and family can easily navigate the Center.
From the time the patient registers, to
waiting areas, to procedure rooms - all
service areas will flow to ensure the patient
and family can easily navigate the space
without the chaos involved in moving a
lengthy distance or negotiating difficult
S u rgery C e n ter
Memorial Health Care System is the
hospital of choice in our region for patients
needing surgery. This year, more than
17,000 patients will choose Memorial’s
Glenwood campus for a surgical procedure.
Memorial’s current facilities cannot
continue to meet this growing demand, and
construction for a significant expansion and
renovation are underway to offer the most
advanced surgery facilities in our region.
The new surgery facilities will include
100,000 square feet of new construction
plus extensive renovation of current space,
some of which is more than half a century
old. When complete, Memorial’s main
campus will feature 27 operating rooms,
including a new hybrid room specifically
for high risk cardiovascular surgeries. A
new 20-bed Cardiovascular Intensive Care
Unit will be constructed to care for patients
recovering from major heart procedures.
All pre- and post- operation areas will be
renovated as well as the post-anesthesia
care unit and sterile processing, where all
surgical tools and equipment are prepared
for each surgery case. All aspects of the
new construction and renovated spaces will
include the latest in available technology.
The newly expanded facility will offer an
entrance dedicated to surgery patients.
The space will be thoughtfully planned and
designed to immediately put the patient
and family at ease in an environment
focused on healing, with color schemes and
artwork which promote a soothing and calm
atmosphere. The Family Waiting area will be
far larger, offering numerous spaces where
families can gather allowing for privacy and
comfort. Tied in to the surgery expansion
will be a newly renovated visitor lobby which
will offer easy access to the cafeteria and
access to patient rooms.
i n f u sio n C e n ter
Infusion treatment is the delivery of
medication into the bloodstream by
intravenous means. Many types of therapy
drugs, including chemotherapy, are given
by infusion. Until recently, treatments were
given in a location that was inconvenient
and didn’t afford much privacy.
With the Infusion Center, we can now
provide our patients with a space
specifically designed for infusion therapy.
The expansion allows patients to receive
outpatient care when it’s convenient to their
schedules and offers more private spaces
that make room for the patient’s loved
ones. In addition we can treat even more
people in a comforting environment that
strives to make the process as easy
as possible.
With continued support from the
community, we can ensure that these
patients will always receive their muchneeded treatments in a place that’s
completely dedicated to their treatment.
L u n g C e n ter
Lung diseases, including lung cancer,
are some of the most debilitating and
frightening of all medical issues. Chronic
lower respiratory diseases, which include
emphysema and asthma, are the fifth
leading cause of death in Tennessee.
Moreover, all counties in our region
currently exceed national rates for mortality
caused by these diseases.
Through the creation of the new Lung
Center, Memorial is determined to improve
the current statistics. The Lung Center at
Memorial will not only treat those who have
current health issues related to lung disease
but will also proactively educate and screen
the community, with the overall goal of
dramatically changing these numbers.
The new center will also house a facility
to conduct research to ensure patients
will have the advantage of the latest in
breakthroughs for lung health, now and
in the future.
The new Lung Center will house all of the
technology and equipment to screen
and diagnose lung disease. Within the
center there will be a digital chest x-ray, a
Pulmonary Function Testing lab, a walkway
for the 6-minute walking test necessary to
determine if a patient needs oxygen, and
space for six pulmonologists to see patients.
Regular clinic days will be held to specialize
care, such as a weekly nodule clinic.
Memorial currently offers a unique
screening program to identify lung cancer
at its earliest stages. Through the new
Lung Center, we will be able to reach
a far greater number of individuals,
allowing lung cancers to be identified at
earlier stages where there is a greater
chance for successful treatment. This
can be accomplished by coordinating
CT and PET screenings, interventional
radiology, pulmonary rehabilitation, and
a Bronchoscopy Suite, featuring the latest
in equipment such as EndoBronchial
Ultrasound. Available screenings and
education will be made possible through a
multitude of partnerships and community
outreach opportunities. The center will
provide education for patients and families
coming through for services, with resources
such as ready access to materials, videos,
support groups, and staff members trained
One of the most innovative features in the
program involves the construction of the new
hybrid operating suite. Equipped with the latest
technology, this space can quickly transform to
accommodate nearly any situation that might
arise during a surgical procedure. Doctors
will always have the tools they need on-hand
to treat whatever may arise, no matter how
specifically on lung disease. Vital to the
center’s success will be overcoming the
fear and stigma often associated with
lung disease.
Memorial currently has a well-established
Thoracic Surgery program benchmarked in
having quality ratings far above the national
average, and we currently enjoy the
reputation of being the best in our area for
lung care. An all-inclusive Lung Center will
bring more coordinated care and the latest
The Lung Center will include nurse navigators,
oxygen connectors throughout the facility, digital chest X-ray equipment like the one pictured,
endobronchial ultrasound scanners, early stage
lung cancer screenings, a pulmonary function
testing lab and a research facility.
in technology together for a truly seamless
and coordinated program to better serve
the patient. We envision that the Lung
Center will also serve as a clearinghouse
for lung healthy initiatives taking place
throughout the region. By offering the
latest in available technology and best
facilities, we will be also be able to continue
attracting the most outstanding physicians
to serve our community.
We want the new Lung Center to make us
the regional epicenter for care, a place to
which patients travel from great distances
to experience exceptional care for lung
disease. No other medical facility in the
Southeast has a program that will rival the
care and coordination provided by the Lung
Center at Memorial. This project will be
funded 100% by community support.
C hapel
As the Glenwood campus undergoes this
significant construction, orientation of
the campus will shift dramatically. The
current Chapel will no longer be easily
accessible for visitors and patients most
in need of a place to pray and reflect
at very difficult and stressful times. The
location of the new Chapel will place it at
the heart of the campus, easily accessed
but also a representation of the role faith
plays in the care given at Memorial. It
will be a soothing and deeply spiritual
place of respite, welcoming to all faiths,
incorporating four large stained glass
windows that were originally located
in the Chapel at the Sister of Charity of
Nazareth Motherhouse in Kentucky. The
new Chapel will be funded 100% by
community support.
In order to emphasize the role faith plays every
day at Memorial, the new Chapel will incorporate
four large stained glass windows from the Sisters
of Charity of Nazareth Motherhouse in Kentucky.
from M emorial P reside n t
a n d C E O , J ames M . H obso n
Dear Friends,
This has been an exciting year of growth and challenges for the Memorial Health Care
System Foundation. As we look around our campus, we see daily reminders of the
progress made while also realizing there is much work left to do.
This spring, the Foundation undertook a monumental task – to raise $15 million
dollars to fund special projects associated with Memorial Health Care System’s $318
million dollar expansion. Aptly named the Inspired Heroes campaign, the outreach
effort has done just that – encourage and inspire us all to give to a cause that’s bigger
than ourselves and to something that has larger implications in our community.
We are thrilled to report that almost $10 million of the $15 million goal has already
been secured. This is truly a community project, and it would not be possible without the
generous support of our physicians, community leaders, employees, event sponsors
and volunteers. Because of those who have taken up our cause, this ambitious
fundraising target is within our sights. I can’t wait to see what this next year will bring!
In addition to the success of Inspired Heroes, the Foundation has also experienced
these successes:
Most funds raised in the Foundation’s 11-year history
Highest net dollars raised from Pink! 2012
• Golf tournament completed a $1 million addition to the Foundation’s endowment
• More than $2 million given back to the hospital for patient care
In closing, I want to extend a personal word of appreciation and thanks for all you do
to support Memorial and the furthering of our mission to serve patients in need. It is
a mission we take seriously, and we are blessed and honored that you are willing to
participate in this mission with us.
Jim Hobson
Ways to
I n the M ail
Simply cut off the form on this page, and mail the completed form with your donation to:
MHCS Foundation, 2525 de Sales Avenue, Chattanooga, TN 37404
O n li n e
Visit to make a secure online donation. We accept Visa,
MasterCard, American Express and Discover.
T rib u te G ivi n g
Honor a loved one with a tribute gift to Memorial Foundation on holidays, anniversaries,
birthdays and other special occasions. In memory gifts are also a meaningful way to
honor the life and spirit of a special person.
T hird P arty E ve n ts
Third party events are a great way for small business owners and community leaders to
bring fun and unique activities to their community with proceeds benefiting Memorial
C orporate S po n sorships
A corporate sponsorship to one of the Foundation’s annual events gives your business
recognition as an organization that gives back to the community. Your company’s name
and logo can appear on invitations and programs, on the Foundation’s website, in
newspaper and magazine pages, including Inspire, Memorial ’s publication that goes out
to 160,000 homes. A corporate sponsorship also has a lasting impact on the community
by making events such as Pink! successful enough to bring back every year and provide
funds for programs and services at Memorial.
P la n n ed G ivi n g
An estate gift to Memorial Foundation is a great way to ensure that your legacy of giving in
life continues to impact the next generation of health care recipients.
B ecome a F rie n d of M emorial
A Friend of Memorial is an individual has made an annual gift of $100 or more and
will receive recognition in the Foundation’s monthly E-news, on the website, and in the
annual report.
For more information on ways to give, call (423) 495-4438 or visit our website at
O I want to support Memorial Health Care System Foundation
O I would like my gift to remain anonymous
City/State/Zip ________________________________
Phone ______________________________________
O I would like to make a gift of: $____________________
O I would like to make a pledge of $__________________
payable over ________ years.
I would like my gift to support:
O Cancer Services
O Surgery
O Cardiac Services
O Chapel
O Orthopedic Services O Other ___________________
O Lung Services
Please make checks payable to: MHCS Foundation
I would like to pay by credit card. Please charge my:
O Visa
O MasterCard
O Discover
O AmEx
Credit Card #__________________________________
Exp. Date ______________Today’s Date ____________
Name on card_________________________________
Please send me information about:
O Volunteering at Memorial
O Estate planning opportunities
O Arranging a hospital tour
J enn ifer Nicely
Foundation President and
Chief Development Officer
(423) 495-4141
P hyllis M ay n or
Special Events and
Development Specialist
(423) 495-4151
Susan Brenner
Donor Relations Coordinator
(423) 495-4124
Jack Riggar
Major Gifts Officer
(423) 495-7438
Stacy L ee
Administrative Assistant
(423) 495-4438
F ollow the F o un datio n of F acebook
Memorial Health Care System Foundation is on Facebook! “Like” us at www.facebook.
com/memorialfoundation for news updates, events invitations and more on your
Sign up to receive the Foundation’s monthly E-news
Let us keep you informed of what we are doing at Memorial by signing up to receive our
monthly E-news briefing. Visit and give us your name and
e-mail address and we will deliver your E-news on the 15th of every month.
2525 de Sales Avenue
Chattanooga, TN 37404
423-495-GIFT (4438)