Therma-Tron-X Pretreat System Monorail - Therma-Tron
Therma-Tron-X Pretreat System Monorail - Therma-Tron
Therma-Tron-X Pretreat System Monorail - Therma-Tron-X has been designing and building monorail finishing systems and components since its inception. Monorail systems carry parts through the paint application process on a continuous moving chain. TTX monorail systems feature a unique immersion tank design that enhances cleaning solution circulation and helps prevent agglomeration, settling and foaming. Pretreatment Systems - At Therma-Tron-X, multi-stage pretreatment equipment is engineered to prepare a product’s surface for painting, plating or other industrial finishing processes. Using spray, immersion or combination pretreatment methods, dirt, oils and contaminants are removed from the product’s surface and phosphate or conversion coatings are applied to help prevent corrosion and increase paint adhesion. Working with chemical and paint suppliers, TTX engineers analyze the requirements before developing equipment that can be incorporated into the overall finishing system. Available Features: Mild or stainless steel construction Spray or immersion or combined designs Double-welded tanks Slotted top construction Bag filtration Iron removal system Class A quality design Insulated tanks Automatic chemical feed system Zero discharge system design Water conservation High efficiency heating systems (gas, steam and hot water) Quick-disconnect risers and nozzles Continuous and batch cabinet designs Spiral flow movement in immersion tanks Zinc sludge removal system Preassembled and shop tested Oil coalescing separator pH and conductivity meters VFD control of spray pressure Stage 1. Immersion Alkaline, Cleaner 8425 gallons Stage 2. Immersion Rinse, 8280 gallons Stage 3. Immersion conditioner, 8200 gallons Stage 4. Immersion Zinc Phosphate, 9430 gallons Stage 5. Immersion rinse, 8330 gallons Stage 6. Immersion seal, 8350 gallons Stage 7. Immersion rinse, 8350 gallons E-Coat Painting System Pre-treat system and e-coat dip containment pit dimensions – 173.7’x50’x7.6’ or 66,006 cubic feet. All Tanks – 40’x10’x8’ Stage 1. Spray 6,000 gallons – Alkaline cleaner Stage 2. Immersion 20,500 gallons – Alkaline cleaner Oil Separator Stage 3. Immersion 20,500 gallons – Ambient rinse Stage 4. Immersion 20,500 gallons – Substrate conditioner Stage 5. Immersion 20,500 gallons – Zinc phosphate coating Oberlin Filter Stage 6. Immersion 20,500 gallons – Ambient rinse Stage 7. Immersion 20,500 gallons – Final seal Stage 8. Immersion 20,500 gallons – Deionized water rinse Stage 9. Void transfer header location Stage 10. Immersion 21,500 gallons – Chemical electrical-coat (primer) Rectifier Stage 11. Spray 6,000 gallons – Permeate rinse Stage 12. Immersion 20,500 gallons – Permeate immersion rinse Stage 13. Spray 6,000 gallons – Final deionized water rinse 2920 sq. / ft. dry-off oven after pre-treat and e-coat – 2 burner boxes 1320 sq. / ft. paint booth including 4 man-lifts 1026 sq. / ft. dry-off oven after paint – 1 burner box Burner Box Small Parts Painting System Small Parts Steel Line Dimensions -- 74’x7’x7’ Stage 1. Tank size 1350 gallons, Parco cleaner 338, temperature 145 degrees Stage 2. Tank size 930 gallons, Water, temperature 110 degrees Stage 2a. Parcolene, ambient but less than 140 degrees Stage 3. Tank size 1450 gallons, Bonderite 3410, Accelerator 131, temperature 145 degrees Stage 4. Tank size 775 gallons, Water, ambient Stage 5. Tanks size 775 gallons, Parcolene 60A, Parcolene 60B, ambient Stage 6. Deionized Water, ambient Dry Off Over & Load Bars Small Parts Aluminum Line: Stage 1. Tank size 1450 gallons, Ridolene 357, temperature 150 degrees Stage 2. Tank size 1150 gallons, Rinse, temperature 150 degrees Stage 3. Tank size 930 gallons, water, 115 degrees Stage 3A. Fresh water halo, temperature ambient Stage 4. Tank size 1240 gallons, Alodine 89, temperature 95 degrees Stage 5. Tanks size 775 gallons, water, ambient Stage 6. Tank size 775 gallons, Deionized Water, ambient 160 sq. / ft. Small Parts Paint Spray Booth
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