DFRC report - Voice of Detroit
DFRC report - Voice of Detroit
A. Yor rc Mr'ltrctneL Cet"rr 2 Wooowrno Avr ., Si rre tl26 Dsrnorr. MrcHrc'.:i 48226 CoLErtaN PHoNB 3 | 3'224.1 Fex 313.224.4128 Crrv or DmRort Mevon's OFrtcE \\ $'\1' DETnOrTllr.CO\ February 16,2015 Detroit Flnancial Review Commission 3062 W. Grand Blvd Detroit, MI48202 Re: City of Detroit Debt Service Requirements and Certification Flscrl Year 2015, Qusrter 3 Dear Commissioners: Enclosed with this letter you will find the debt service rquirements due on all bonds, leases, and other municipal debt of the City of Detroit in compliance with section 6 of the Michigan Financial Review Commission Acl Act l8l, Public Acts of Midtigan,2014, We hereby ceftiry as of the date of this letten (l) that the amounts specified herein are accurate statements of the City's debt service requircments; and (2) that the City of Detroit is financially able to meet thc ddt service requirements through the end of the cunent fiscal year. With regards, ief Financial Officer, Cityof Detroit City Clerk, on behalf of the Honorable Deroit City Council Mtcu,rBt E. DuccAN. MeYot n clty ot Detrolt - Annual uTGo DEBT L'ebt $ervrce Requrements Edrlq -i.crf,rtt lrl.. iloil"Ar - 20,lg(l iaEaomailc BanA-h;rndl t l|t rd itrdl atd runa tfrgtditrr|.F|Fr|6 of tlt| drf l|nhmdclflmd'. ouridoL rdqrr h|' ldrd ||Iildtql d nI|. wonrl R.d.|rdhl!.. tr t1704210 t4,297 {s5 Lr,rtJ,!e0 tt5,tt0,m 3rr,7t,loa 153,CG7.50. tal,32a,05l 3!a,790,mo 324122,J14 tal,/a$'ll2 Ita,6'0,m t5t,llz,r1a 3z1,00r.r1tt sto,.8ll,6s 3t1,!t€,{xl7 310,ilB,t87 t40,t21052 t:t7,12t,0il tt,era,.|t 330,61/4,740 ':19,910.9€o t6,$t,443 tSt,7rr,lrt ttt,or0,u tl3,!6r.300 gt!"2r!,500 3I,73t,535 55,3S7,69!t 3tt,zt1l00 7572,18 trJeT.ta? It,Gn,?aa tJt,2i0,00 1it0,33E,945 sr,70e,2t7 t?a,ttt,l3l t2a,!tc.000 Itt,zl8.5ao ft7,lol.5/.o 3415 677 It,tt7.20t t16,053,{t5 Ita,E5t.2t0 31.374t|5 llr,stt,tDl l2o,04l,oo0 202 310 3r,r0a,5ei $11,20s.790 96a5rE taJ5D,C73 !it6,5{t7.545 7.lD 556 3ar5r,a7l 3't9,990,O8S 5t2,487 tl,27r 39:l 5l o4qa28 Ir,t0r,r3z 1813 697 t224O.0(b l?,50€ 302 t9.l2t,loz 37 4tr.25r 97.252.64n 17 607ro t9,!24,25r s6,8Also,a 30.!2'4,60{ gt60oslt t6 6:t3.02a t6.3t3 621 3t,t21 0L 92J215;25 l9,l2l t2't 3:t.2$,790 327I.0! t:Lr1.,ttr 3t:62 3163 619 tt,a25,lort t5 n? | 019 t5743 854 ts 367 l;1s 34,e90,€r tt.t27,a!o t9.l25Jl0 tg,lta,trt 3t,l2l l5. tt.!2t,t2! u,u52fi ta 7ct.465 185 t6il7 9t0 tr tt tl 3tm 510 t6tr7.a11 t?tl,'ltO t669 410 t6E 6r I l?ll oll t7c2,0't5 t3!t,t4l t7t7,0t6 t4,232,(E0 t4.a40 S90 t1.6162,185 3t.@,2!n f27n4q) il lt 810 l8t 08s,301 trr,telJt2 t!7,r29,2L t?olro,it5 tt,tllt.lrs lrr,t'3,orE t2t,lt0,0o 3ll,tlo,H t666 740 ta,!0t,7'0 tt,rst,000 3455 t39 3a,rEt,?2e $,660.000 ro9 34,195.294 3l0,''o.os uI} tre.t$.grt 3t7.1!r,at3 tr,[email protected] t'?.t'l.ott f66,'lt!,D7' l5a.ooa,9t5 $2Jtar6 Ir ,?r,loi tr,arl.zr t f2r.orr,21l 37.r2O.9tr 3:toJ'to,9le 3!.t1t,i0. It tl,rt0,r7t l.ac8.10a lll.a30.tt6 15.207.ttt t16.a57Jtt 3a,62.L3 3l,l t9.4st t9.127,1,rS tJ,62t,0t7 lr,t2a,ttl te.205.000 t0,?60,000 17,tr5,0o0 39,lZJ,9lt t7,ttt.000 3l.C/at,92l It.ttl,6ar $,t2',l2t |rrz7,z0r $,t2a,tot 34,i79,000 31,162.201 llta.39t l9,tzt202 le,{l0,000 LZt.OZ!,O00 litoa:6'5.31t l!,l2t,l.tl 14,it9,rr3t t3,@r,057 80.!24,'ltl le,rzr,0r7 t3,o78,955 32,{89,568 3f,lza,tlt ll,B48,Ell ,1 152,2'J! 34 51a 015 04 5S6 135 t4 30it.020 3t,250,00 tr,70r,0q0 tr,ora,€r 34,S77,843 3391.598 d Ua,m7,6& tt3.0rE,5G $ 5a tos,oql 9a7 587 r of 0|r c[y Ffl'traUIOOM, ti.04?.6t7 t9,t16,2cr tr't2a,3a2 985,Om rrsrE oql t7.0/tl.2gl l7 f1t33,'2 $ r.d G[.ttdrl torffrln rilntr!ilnr nlo|!||nE..ffirmdtil $,orq955 f&.r0,5er It ttaJtt te,!tr,0t t9,rtqe5t t9,tta,tlr 38lil.ZDt.llt urEs: fvlg.r9fdff rddd.l @unu.rol lrvt3 Prepared for Financlal Review Commisslon Ptnted:21L512o15 / 1 of 20 City of Detroit - Annual STUB UTGO Detall Debt Service Requirements Brne'll Obll0don Bondr (Unllnhd Tar), 9cft. tg0SA Full frrhh and codll .rd rwourcc of l|te Bty' Eemfa! scor$on Eooo3 llJ||rmfiao S.dot 20014 Frltfailh ard crtdhrnd nrotrrce rarl dtlp clty. ldulorrn he.l.Yhd aurually ondl ldrr.lmm t!r..lsrrled mnoliyo|t r[ Bsrcrd oblhtrdor Bottda lt ttllnlbd Tu!, 8o.h.2m2 Ful fdth and c|rd[ M valomm ilnanclng crpllal knprcuemcnb Flmnclng capltal Inprowroonb Flnanclng caplbl ra,lm,oO lprll t, ls0e n00,00.000 !l5,mo,Do lugurt 0. 2002 38A rpil l, 20@ e l0l; lo @ t005; l||brEot Pd|E|DEl E:t73,350 s392,345 $4t 1,995 s432.955 $454,570 ll € 100 s778,t40 t476,938 $820,tt60 t476,gil s864,600 t177,331 J47?.299 31,834,000 s1,834,(x,0 S1,83.1,000 sl sa065.z't5 I 5I6U.T|1 lm lprll 1,2fl1 5Z.t:Xr.gEo lpdr 834,000 e t9.?94.800t lnt reC s22.306 s44,613 3420,r50 5373,678 t'|.284J50 S4.1,6'13 $2J07,678 ,424.440 s44 613 $44,613 344,613 $44 613 $4.[6 Olis szl.860 s9r,700 $2.06t.282 t11.860,082 I lprll l.2oi3 100 a1,28d,,2AA s183,400 c.pld hprwurtontr 9yncon lForarrly XLCAf fi.031.167 32.109.'t00 $2,017,100 $1,925,?00 lorbd annw{y on a0 ociobrr2t. ans $2s3.027 846,.,Z2B t275.100 trre ta4,lr20,lno IBrl Pdnctlrl l,,25,141 s44,376 t2,74 Odoberr,201i O p|!FfitY Fhancltrg lpilr rpil I f,an To|!l $52,097 $8.t,593 s64,S?8 lnprcvonenb lut Fulf.lt|i rrd crrdlrnd lraolrcerof 0te Btty. prop.rty ldy 16,2001 ouEar of tho ld nlortm tar.r levhd amudy orail prcperu I |l ctg. Dropofly rpdl and se||erd quEdon Eo|loa $rr$m|rro B.rler 2003.4 tE70.495 s314644 Toa.l e l0o Pdr|clDrl t+1,613 t44,613 $373,350 $392.3it5 $4r2,650 144,613 $434,285 f44,613 t44,613 3469,053 5457,190 $481,425 $50s.660 t468,9r5 t532,515 32a3O5 tt.1E3.559 lob|r t Td t107,612 t.lE0.9€2 sl96,r t5 136E,453 3175,517 s153,853 $131,054 t508,r67 sl07,052 $560,025 s82,268 s55.72l s28,173 54.149.{Ztt I1.Of7.t65 $5t8,1 1 0 55E1.244 a5,8t,47? 3587,928 3566.238 t581.198 55,1!O.790 t|otEt? TERM BONDS IN REO BOX FVl5 repaeJenlr rcmrlnlng amunt ar of 2./l/t5 Prepared for Financial Revlew Commision Plinred 2ll5 l2OlS | 2 ol 2O sruB urco Detall Debt service Gity of Detroit - Annual Requirements oenotil obltscuon Eondi (Unlhlbd Tarl, trlti and crEdft and nrourcee of lhe vrlorurt taxer lorlod finually on all Scdos 20048 (l) Full hh[ and Clty. cndlt and |teouruse of tho M urbnm tarol leulod anoually on all pfopofty trilh rnd E edn 6nd lrnourcet ol fire vdopnr taros levlgd annuallyoncll nsfrmdhg 153,005lno lode|nborg,200't lprll I ITEAC lprll l, 2014 @ 100 PrfnclDrl $589,500 $821.370 $864,600 $902830 s955,64s s1,005,42s OUTSTANDING: CALLABLE: $133,322 $266,643 $266,613 $266 643 $266 613 $235 695 $192 815 s149 585 $101.924 ss2,t21 5133,3it2 s265,643 t266,6{:l $266.643 81,136,425 $1,192.755 $1,255,635 $262.000 IntsrElt Totrl $r98,6r7 t1,335.0'12 I1,t34.ss1 $20.305 $21,615 424,262 $1,11,796 $79,176 $13,755 s1,334.811 s?2270 t24,0m 511Jr8 s656,143 1275J55 s1l 135 s24.498 tr,057,065 31,cr?,415 51,0{r7,4ls 51.057,569 fi,os7.5r6 3:1.84G.815 S4:t3,3.f5 ilOIEs: TERM BONDS IN RED FYl5 rcpr€*ntr PmrlnlnS a Prepared for Financial Review Commission Printed: 2lrSl2OrS | 3 of 20 City of Detroit - Annual STUB UTGO Detail Debt SeMce Requirements Oeilotrl Otilgr$on Bondr (lfnllmllod Tarl, $r|ctaXE€ Fdlf.lh ard c!!dland rwurccof tl|e cftv. Ad Bsner.l ob$!trUon Fefundlng Bondr Itnhl$Tlrl, s.rL.2uF€ Fdl frl$ lnd ctEdlt and annually on all Ad Yrlorortr tsxo! levled rnnufi ld vafonm tarol lovlod annoally on all on atr and proPfrtt prop.rty P'oFTU Flnnclq capltrl lmprcuqnentr Mnncerrfrrrdlng lknnd4 D5r,780pm lto,t06.m t68,€E0,0m lr.ct|trb.r13, ZIG Aprll Apdl FSA lpdl l,2016 Q ioo rpdl l,2016 Pdnclocl lnl.fllt Tolrl Prlnclml $138,4(x) t€8,399 stl5,oss s261,818 3'78,87:1 t330,120 f,r45,1E5 $246,065 $231,E70 t576,t85 s577,0s5 s301,955 $317.675 s333,395 $344,530 $6421s t211,611 tsf6,826 s358,28s $6s5,m0 $19ti,5m $8s1,500 $377,935 s655,mO $153,750 s655,m0 1655 mO s655.000 lFll 100 lnto|lrl Tolrl s50,598 s86.098 t352.55:l s70,214 ss5,878 s38,6s2 sr9,842 $403,600 3.|{lO..llt6 t.20lE e lm PrlrEhd hfiors3l Told $180,878 5342,925 s323,1?7 5302,414 s284,991 3ElE7er s376.625 s394,965 3415,270 s435,575 3453,260 9475,530 s499,765 sa8,55l t738,3r6 $13t 0m t786.000 s524,6s5 s?38.218 $!18,2s0 3753,250 1720,500 s5flI.855 s213,563 E1 87,330 s6s,500 s32,750 ll03,7zl t396,917 t3g7,7n s570,365 5607,185 $637,970 t687,730 s659,410 $7@,815 s5.542.565 lmpovcnmE bcundGurrrfy e $299,9S0 s655,txto cagltd rdH r F3 cndltond ncourcer l|me,20ltr DecmiteilS,2005 I olttc Frdl tltt. hlti (thlnrllod Tar), Sorler 2008.A ruourcrc d tln Clty. nlotul tarer bvled BO Bondr tlJEo,523 s7,38:l,1168 t2,033,775 tr21,281 I t2,355,056 57.322,245 s26232A sl59,787 s130,869 s100,510 $68,511 3557,503 t37,890 $738.447 t37.989 3130,25r t737,858 t738,185 t738.152 t738,034 l73E,4EO t7J8,021 s35,14t s'37,956 S2"831,07,0 t10,1s3,319 NOIES: TERM BONDS IN RED FVls reptlsent5 remald|rt i Prepared for Financial Revaew Commission Printed: 2/15120L5 I 4 ol 20 City of Detroit - Annual STUB UTGO Detall Debt Service Requirements Tri,sofirAm€ll) andcndfrrnd l*ns'ccof the '!lti nlonmmhuhdennmlymrfi t1,704,210 f{,297,.1tS tt,202"310 s5,906,t2E t1.952,518 35,259,973 t517,254 t4sl{,sls J1,7.f0,555 f6'2l6,il7l 3S:lt,3t5 t4,590.'135 1 0,500.020 54.645,280 3f,783,t165 13,088,055 3r,s14487 t1,278,392 t0,10!.622 lts,r47,412 tl,049,tlzt t5,8Sf.6EE t5,5s7,162 J47215'15 3aztE,?90 $415.67' 32rt.'o8 t4516,100 3'1,252,1C5 tlGl,619 31,425,804 s637.970 s100.510 l73t 4r0 t669.alo 5702.fl5 s6al1l 31,0,14,070 t61.50!i tl,r05,5?s s450,640 6{68,e80 $70,806 1521,446 3496,,190 s24.E25 '/,8,n4 s813.69 t572,lE $35,1{'l t5,G3E 7!4 53.137.202 1737.956 ''3to2l r@tEst TERM BONDS IN RED F l5t!9fE5cnBrcmahlnt. kepared fot Financirl Review Commlssion Printed: zll'l2OLS I S ot 2O Gity of Detroit - Annual LTGO DSA DEBT Debt Service Requirements T.rom.r.l6[t ib||] fgh rd drdf 1€ |t|orsr tl ir. C[t! F.firfi.lh! Eofr.b lLlmlbdLr O.n rd lr||lr|nd c|ldr||d nadrrcarotft Crt md raaouraaaotrha ffirOtlhrocr t,fr12 Cdtffilooorh GrtdnOfCtuaRid Ff.f a, 21 I ltlaOlotlclorSl r.lotf offbFaft,ofim r, rzr o rcol s5,t21,9.4 3t2.07a.5t3 a7 t20,tm 37 485,000 727 57E70,(m 36.27500 ttt trl t!8 @.0t3 llo.e7t,lr8 3iD57a.5l 3 3to,t5{t. t3a tE 73a.tl5 s9 525(m tt32t 8qt I8.0dt.3t5 3A 36a,456 t7,&!4.375 srt 5gltm 3r2rmm 57.269.5q1 36,675 ?50 t12,795.(m !{t.05r.s?5 3r3,450,000 9i.391,Str t4,705.750 53.Fr.5r9 315 590 (xxl 318 $5 0m st7 425 000 52,113.0r9 5 03fli0m tat2,06l 3t r55 s23 31,a2r.50 tr,tzt,+ta rt.rtr,fil 18e8,610 tl $t.ttt ott 3{5.(m 3!,ar5.(m tl,/tgo,oql lil.lr+tlr 3t 555,UXt 3t a20oo sr 5$,036 tl,,l90 t36 tl tll5.36! ttt,tt?.ttE ttt.tat,ttt tt 3t.88,(m 783,6t3 11,69r,s13 ll,521,S80 ltt,a60.ltt lit.tala2S $.7to.00 $r,r|t.rtE lt.c70,0m tt.E'0.0m 5r u8 468 sr237-2!0 9t 14r,2!0 Sll,tal.ltt s2,070.(u 52.r7s.(m 5r,fln23C t934,il3 lrr,t4lJSo $tt,tat.atl J2.24t,Ur t2.405,00 32.5rt,Un &1.8!is,lm 12,7EO,m 52.805,tm t452,laB 3l!,!a!,tlt8 ltl,Lt,tDo 3ta,Ll,to0 lti,aaS,tm tia,aaE Stt Itr,lla,lzl gt.o!s,{m cr.dlr|d tr|ilrc.rol |l.Cft Drtltlt||.Eof lbLSiud .Dd nbrrr|brsl0ldlriludt!.| d thrdRbl I t8.775.rm rrrrlbqrdl f,l6nbnhhd bEl6|||d||t||qfto|rr! Cttl lrlr,3lr tt,t0t,3lt gtit0t,ett li.ttt,ttl It.lol,3ll ll.lto,ttt tr,{trs,{m t? r0,gr1 t't394 6{xt t1,120.qtr lt,1rit9,g?5 5i,t75.(m s1,23ll(In Ir28a,5Ur sr228,625 $! tt8.425 tt:60,00 tt,il0,t3t ft,t0t,att 3t lJ.to?.zx 31 40(1.(m lJ.llo,ltr tldlli.m 31,340.(m l2tlxr.tm 32,290.00 1160.@ 3t 6to,{m 3705.163 3t,llo.r5r t:t,it0.tti t245,63t t:t,a55.{15 $,{5e,325 J:I.,157.ifio s?,458,8?5 3it,'t07,tt $t.rto,ttt tt55.o0 ug5,(m s822,?Dl 5?35,&l5 t650.5?5 3557 825 3{60 J:5 t357.@5 t281,325 s@2,5t3 s213.2S0 375,875 32a5,qlt 32.450,625 sz 450 325 t.| r20,0m 9330.t86 M.125 a3s,m t2fto.t5 3t 5!ili.m st,tt t.ttl $r,to7J6r ll 31,m.m 32,000,0st t2.lm,tm l2.4d.UXt t60,m 3raa.(Eg 3:120.{m s2,{50,975 12,457.6m 050.575 &t,1or.ttt r tt ttr0.6r3 t2,{50.9n t!r?B 3:t5 3902.450 at0.m tr,llt,rjls s58r,0s8 m 2O2rOrot 32 457 450 s290,(lE 127026! t25t'253 3256,03a 3:130,(m t2rt,33t t2!t5,(ID 52r6,Sir $25,m s2(n.fitt tl87,gftt $ro,(rn cl4orm $6,0,m 3l/|t,art t6ro,ctl tlta,ilr 15tr.2or t5tt,otr t6i0,6!l tftt,ttr ttlJ,tct t6|r,rx tfl1ecr s17t,xto tt53,038 $3rr,rx slt!,{6:! t6r0r8r 3613,t!t $2.460.5?5 $.57 e25 !175@ $s5,{m sl't6:t3 32 .60,315 ti!.457.845 s4t5,000 395,8+l 9UO,tm 3t50,rm t7,1.588 354,3E0 t6ta,ttt 5415 3!5.09{ l3to,ot4 12,,18t,325 t:1,450.68? 32,44t.(m tm tsd,00 tragtr l3ii,ilr !6to.ltJ tSfa,ttl 3fi2,400 l,|l,tat,ote ltt,ta3,trg I1lr7,orl alOTl!r TERU BOIIOS D{ RED BOX n!5@mb ffiB&sffiFflI o( zlus fflCatcbr.dLUhfl|'laiJlz Prepared for Financial Review Commissaon Printed: 2'h5l2OI5 | 6 ot 2A Clty of Detroit - AnnualLTGO DSA DEBT Debt Service Requlrements tunlillirr Cm.rJ Anadonl tfi d Edl ria r.orr tt,.scd' trr!r.s!t ol Ld.] tl. CIt 3t,2!7,53! 91.263,700 lr,fiatar Ifi,r|opoo llt"1F,oO $7,rr103r tl2raal,0O llt,oat,000 $3,?t?fn lle,r6t,!al tltlfctJlt tit ua,nr 3.Jla,tfi tzt ttr,$! ltalrt tt 950,m ta1|3.t5 t2 t45 oqt {1,133.5t5 3i1, t39.425 !c,05r,q5 rr,e4t,0!b 1tr.2tt,9:t5 la035.@ !,1,21!,S0 $a,lot0o til.4Jo,lm $,r29.3:t5 9.27e,325 t'tapto,ooo u+tat,?76 32500.m sr.?oit 575 ta,2l3 Ir,l?r,trl5 3,t tta,ltlfoo 9,2u2325 tt,zE6:E trt x0r00 traflal60 tt,432.3:r5 54,2rr:(n Irua0,00o 3t0,r4Dto $DIt2't60 3t t32,5r5 r4.2dt5l5 3,r.zlt,ots $o,tm,000 $1.:to,ooo 3tttt&ll SarJt|.ur 3t,a0a,r76 trt,2fl.c?l &lGo,fln 3t:I|lm n?ro@ t2$O,m 3:l9C5.m t3ri50.m r!310.m t:t,,lt0,@ 3t,c00.d[ t3,rzs,rm 3t.3S.@ 3a t75@ 3e?r o?5 3,118!5r5 5/r.2ct5r5 L,2uA75 t5 2ilJ25 l!0r,&l5 t@.&t!t s.:il.325 t154.[25 ra,270.625 airgr $E 3t0a,s75 5,r 9.ixtgF 2i! 530 s4.2?9 t?5 lrtrfro,Oo !1lttt,E t$ioo,m tz,tot,oo tr6tx0.rt! trtAll'rt tfl.ltt,otl troot0t25 tN.ott:2r ta,|o'|io tl|jaO5,0lt0 t2+ma,0oo r+5t1arr lta.6tt,mo tr,tll,ott l4ro,|ro lr7ra25,6O 4il,*a,ot $irrrtt Sl,,lzlrat la&rltt 3tt t:t 2t?rlr 12t,ti0,Lt ir+2rqcn t''rttrtt t'''21r;I7a $DJoO,a7a tt.2ti,!60 31!tfi.otr lirl.zloJzt tzt20f,,r2e fiil:oc,ro t2r2',J|1 tatlt.3tl !tt,r4qott 3rr,ua$t tratarrar rott|' TERM EOXOS IN REOSOX flr5ffimqhrtcffir.rd UUI' lll Cttd.L-rd tau h Nnfam2 Prepared {or Financial Review Commission Printed: 2ll5l20l5 | 7 ot 20 Gity of Detrolt - Annual LTGO Non-DSA DEBT Debt service Requirements !t ra. tloa $rd lF.d.illtttDrbl srdl Jxl tr.otrEr C$r cry, mdmdlmdn|.|mC|..cltl, hro h{...l mnrlltmdl pFF||t 3:Il? 191 l:l43.02 3Ell.E€6 1229,t76 rbtf,tt n|r h||.d mulh m |s F lFdt rdm hrt lrrard tbl||.iltmd Ff.'ty t:tra.ss7 3t09,ot8 gt0r 0t5 fl63,3a3 s|l4.rr9 t|?!,9a5 $m.5a0 5? r29 352.7i!1 a27cl4 totE. TERil AOilD3 IH RED BOT fltS 0! {srffi{r r*trMhd flr@Aeir Utllh il$ nd{dd! mc m. ?m*" ?iIi rd t{!0 1.m bqd ff :rs[h-r s$ rhs is+7 Prepared for Financial Reuiew Commission Printed: 2/15/2015 /I of 20 City of Detroit - Annual LTGO NonOSA DEBT Debt Service Requirements [PErq'gmEgE[ma*w [tdl|ilcrL $rf. il}^|el |Fd.'rilt tlrdt|l nor d|d flfi$.flf ar.dlcrr ol tta Glt l|d cilt rd t$|||s Fsi td '.nr nhailr braa M{lmadt of th. q| d, Clt, Flt rr{rr rool FdmftT.I.bbt trilt.rd:rqm||$ ltoo|||cr. oltr Oilll.Umt, Srh.zoC$r{rl clt qrrn rtd .|srE ol fh. cllt aly t|llccrFlld P|!l.cb frt,00o,oo tunarU wlr {.dnt|nd {.ElLbL u 057 067 tr64,dlg n 222.t2S 3r,.t60 t72,960 r00.3r7 t63,377 tsr,ErE s52.(n| t45,601 339.458 53:t,Ot0 ,---_s-1393qL sl&,0$ st44 763 ' 5l5078r s158.9?6 52a.55a ! lr6,79r 38.6G lz.o57.tt7 ttaa.3tl tzJZLal! IOlIl: TERti't 6Ot{O3lN RED 6OX llts ry@ r.m.hht.nourr.i oaTl'y'rj lll idhdr rh.lmt, ,G.:ots.rd )*Jq1rffi ki ft riur€!# $[ *F t9$l Prepared for financial Review Commission Printed: 2,/1S/?o15 I I of 2t! clty of Detroit - Annual LTGO NonDSA DEBT Debt service Requirements HfErnPlwrwloolltruIs Ond (!Ir|Cq|L lq||t tnC4fl lrii {rd cillltrd rt.ottlEi ot||| Ch tuokddrruo'm.0 lltrr md !ilil rd |rortrr dfl|l Ctrt hra. LoH ti|r||lly mrll t ld u{rrat pEFry tn lfihd lilrlt oil rI lot r||d c'|rlllrr|d.uoon r.l $rlmh.tl.d.d ||.qtt mfidy ord htrcCrff*trlrctl ,rr,ttaIO lolrt rn| rF0r |od|rJrd Su: PrlBCfll tr,,60l ttt.ttt lr,.t|1 tlt.atG Tdl tst ltE 5!17.085 3576 071 156 326 l63,itt lqr taot,ot! 80r taoa,atr tr6.lrr tltrrt lta,fi2 altraai imt: TERU BOIIO3 II{ REO EOI Ft3rydraDhh3.nffir .l tlllls Itl i.tundtth. :OIt lot, 1olr..d rSlS hmiM m6tuikk!6t ti€ tS; gtrdr Prepared for Financial Review Connmission kinted:21L512015 / 10 of 20 Gity of Detrolt - Annual LTGO Non-DSA DEBT Debt Service Requirements Tohl ta,|ct,03. l2,rloJr5 ,sF',,'zlz ttta,t6c ltta,2aa lt at rro tf,lfa tattrttl tt'trrtr $04ttl ttll,2t3 tzl.ttt ta/r,tl' Ito?,uto 3Ir,rrr lrrqr2a n'|,?il firE,w ttttrtt? tDr.na lttt tot tm.t5l tfi.6tl t4r.ri3 lqtlo"tta lr.antfor tt,t0ti0r $.od,r16 it.mt'lrt lt.ooi4ila il.m2,att lr,oarJtl taa4srr ttEtttl !rt.'rt trr?.3t. idttl ttRlrl Wl! {! BOMOS n REO AOI rryesb rPffibbdlatunlirr rtUIs $t } n frddr ho ls8, rsg, l0 !! rd l0:0llm H ft11!!&Dl.,s lS? Prepared for Financlal Review Commission Ptant€d: 2lL5llOtS I 11 of 20 Gity of Detroit - Annual LTGO Exit Financing Debt service Requirements Fn|llclrl Rttcoraor lncor||o tutundlng Eofih. s.d€t Tu ttrvenue end z0l4{ E||tFlmmhg k|oorno Frdl frlttr rnd cndlt rnd lncome t filtt Full and cndlt atrd Trrer flnrncilRacovery |r34,726p0O 1140,275,000 D€csmber lO,2014 lsloberl tocfi$.r lctober I lodruursd Noillnilrtud lO,2Of4 lonc Prlmloal InbrortFl $.58a220 : $7,746,688 $7,746,600 17,740,688 37,746.6t0 $e0m.000 s2,0(I),000 sa00o.m0 s7.746,€80 s7,74e,688 i7,631,688 i7.516,688 s1s,375,000 s7,401,688 $16,285.000 $17,245 000 s18 265 qro 3J9 3g) 000 $20 495,m0 s21.710 000 t8,517.625 t1t4.76.000 hlsrrl Et! qsuDsd lncorLTu.. reroucoootlhe Cty $ooe $5,581,238 54.s8S,650 s3.539.413 Total Prhcforl J2,t82,XF r,74G,888 17,71|6,688 37.7'16,688 t?,74G,G8E 37,7.f6,6E0 t9.7{8,G88 t9,631,688 39,515,688 E2i1,26.588 JXr,AO2,62E 321.105.000 $22.320,000 t23,6n5,rx)o t22.950.000 s24,390.000 s25.905.000 lntersltlu $2.e88.8tH sE,065.813 s8,o€5.813 $8,085,813 $6,852,275 s5,s88.875 $4.211,588 s2,891.963 $1.409.538 Tdl $2,6E8,604 35:70,833 38,05s,8t3 ts,270,83t Er5,Eta500 315,812,500 336,9r7,500 38,0G5,813 : t15.812,500 315.012.500 s29,170,813 121,10s,000 $3,S12,300 ,29,rr4275 t22i20,000 31{59A90r t29,173,875 3el,605,000 trtfis,s63 $36,920"563 127,'151,588 324.950,000 $1t,958,2t5 t2t.201.963 13E,9m:76 tfi,390,000 t27,394,53E tz7,905.000 110,523,550 19,006.225 s36,9fi,225 313.s75,000 s16,285,mO t7.{0t,G88 $22,T|G,G88 $7,245,000 st,581,2JE t4,589,650 J2j2.A26.27A $22,E54,650 122,889,413 t2,42€.700 t22,921,rffi s1.248.325 32,1,9S8,325 tlts,31t 454 JZ3II-21|I}.454 $10"265,0011 51rto.275.000 s{?.900.279 ft6,9r8,e63 136.913.650 36.517,625 '.x2,8gi2s2s a22,EZB,2t6 tzr.854.650 321,889.at3 319,J50,000 $20.a05,000 t3'S!E.tll3 s2.426,788 lxl,ezt;t88 32rJ10,rxt0 srra8,323 $uI.958,325 tl88.175.279 5 /5s an$opatad fry Msf 9 '\itc.rott€rtne FYt5 rrp(srontr Gmsinng rrd Erlt Fhanclng Tcr.i t rrloutror otthr clty hcomcTanr nnmchl Rlcouoty (U Flrttncld Racoyutr lrcom. Tlr Rryoouo R.fundng Eon b,seds. Zol.t€ 2Ot am6t! 6 ot g ZlrfS Prepared for Financlal Revrew Commission Printed:2hsl2ols I lzol 20 City of Detroit - Annual LTGO B-Notes Debt Service Requirements wrwyErtoailaHlrf ffit tLc.r 1rl !rI{ l$r.|d ffitrEu.l cildl.|rd rr|o0ru.f It Clt EhtddRrEilrt tatff. lmiddFrsuy rrrr!.Irr ,.r.i|l- 10. llll 9dr lo*rmd lqr Eiltao,Da? t q[l|?la,2ota $rfir bifurd lo|I P'SCn! t.eoa:ar til..€6:l.a(P u4.662.4@ 3ta,aa1lo2 124.lil2102 32.,G62.{@ 124,362.tL2 $ra.c&La@ t2aI3ir].c2 $$.164 t:21,662.402 3z..cat/aol 4610,r84 !3ta.lta ua.ma.ao2 traIa2'4ar ta..32,to2 s6r0,r64 3tt3,t3a l6to,l8a l{il6,tga ti.tta,tt! t30,@t.arB ile.t2g.s,rl sto,02t,(IE cto,ur,0@ 3t E lt t.26:1.60t tx|19'JJt82 t6t,02a,ra5 3n0,20tt lal.$n,0.2 3stJrr.aar trro.2os tt|:l,7!9 t7,0.2Gt t7'0"?05 t192,931 as6.ol t30,[26.m t13.56a,x|1 sto.020,0Gr s30,t2E.dx| sto.0?0,Gl tt6,4s.ml st6,6at r2l 5ra,7g7,a4t 312 Ba? 780 11t,q6.000 39,2a8.am t60,r''tra tattta,ioa t/al,0nrr4 taalrrrtaa tat 326,a+r t770,ztE Snolf6 37m,aE ano.26 t5t5.3!! 3594,t18 ug2,l23 t 31,3t5 3400.JO? 3:t09,690 lt.tt!,ttl 3t.ttt,toit ,'t.-:i $r.l$tor $r.6rqror tt?F4n3 l!r.rlq2or tot.a[,r6 $l,rrqtil 3r.ilaJla ''tnaa. tt.0ct,oil llt.tlqtot tl0,07a,'ot gno,26 $I3t,(B1 ltt.tx,oll tno.26 9n,2r. 3t64,649 sxt,620.qll t5,549.010 tta,ttT.ott 3rm.2E t7nt2o5 $38.Gt7 $n,aza lx'lt.rr t!13t,3at ano,zB w,2t2 tl.tot,Dta lt.trt.tot ti.orrJrr lr,o0t.tra ttt6,ot4 ttc,aal $ta,art t!r3/|ra trt,ta,taa t24,Ota..lt tz17ro,rm slo9,690 $123,{86 t482,123 Itt ?lJ|3 trl.rrJor $urJ0r l:'l.tr,roi 3il15.9ll sB6.8Cr 3770.2Ut $.c49.079 tr.zot,flE t26.tt,atl lno2E 1a6,328.'14.r '.t'lti,r2a 3f10"205 37t0,2(E 3t70,205 ttt,2xJ2t t!,o99,i60 lt.rzartrr tt.zs,taa tt.2ct,tta U.2tt trr 5t3 ltl,''t.L3 tal.t1.J3t tno.M a7 390 720 *t0.fit7,g!tr t25,tt t3t3,.||a ||a 313.z?atal ttr,lrt tal l3l3,l3a lttt 31,t0e300 tt4,t70,ata t25Jrr5ra t26,ZrrJra 13t3,'t3a tr,!lr,5tl tt,ro1t03 t2a,f?orra t2e,natc. l318,laa tt|,ttt tot 3riJrq2or Itr.lra,tor 9aaJt1.fla ttt,ttt,toa axt,ut.Gl tlo,u0.tm .rol rno.d 3:||l.12r.lE] sF,02r,m tto.02t.tm : ttt,ax,aot tg,ztf ,2rt 3r6.1110.56l 51.1,797.441 t:xt,i2E.Gl tarl,03r $lot.otz Itt3.taa 3300,ttfiI t6t0.r64 5lO,l5rt t6t6.r64 t6t6,l6a !:ta.662.1m 324.6fit.4O2 t:2t,129.202 sn,0!t,m 3496.066 t2\l.2t,,2 330.020,qll sb.u8,rc sn.0a!,6 tt,30a,2ft t2asa2il2 ua.e62.{n Sil.,gU,a@ $n(lt,Gl hila[I $l.lrqror |rrSr:or tir,Sn tot *rtrttrot $r,,rrro1 ll|,arrol l.lr.ls,ltl til,ara,tfi t20,222,t5t tl l.!6a.tl't Itar.tl,ca! $t t3t,rtt ilrfor"flt trlptr,rz4 ttt lcl,oJt Itt.r37,itl t1rrr1t.N $t.rrrJr tt/tar.t t7.itJ,t0t t,.rrt 5?t trJrr,rra ti,ril,mt ,2t,2'3,4* t2i tl,6r{ 32t,tt.ltl Irt,tr,t3. t2E.na,g* tza,na,aF t2t Ttt,taa laa,t?t,7a stt.fi2.aat tfl.ru,t|t tts.ata,ltt t6t,!tt,0tt 3ao,tt ttt tar.t!J,ro4 tat ott,ta laa,7a3,ta7 tat,tor/|t9 tlo,t5',tt2 tar,a3t,trr t/..JaE,1lt fal,latja3a Lz,trr.aar rt,ott3t0 ttt.t!t,72 tr?,lr3,rtt irr,:rttr2 ttt,{x,otl tlrlls Prepared for Financial Review Commission Printed: 2/15/2015 / 13 of 20 Gity of Detroit - Annual LTGO C-Notes Debt Service Reguirements Flnanchl Recovery Bonds, S€dsr 20114 C.llobg Par&lng Rewnuer & Fdl hlth and crcdltof the ctg Paltlng ReYonuoe Flmndel Rocouery 188/|i10,021 December 10, 201'3 Aprll I l{onlnrund l{ono Pr|nclDrl $3,086.474 $5,709.977 $5,99s.476 $6,295.250 $6,610.012 $6.940,s13 $7.287.539 $7,651,916 $2,456,389 $4,267,1717 $8,436,237 $8,858,049 $9,3m,951 $4,223,118 s3,981,679 $3,681,905 $3,367,142 s3,036.642 $2,689,616 $2,325.239 $1,942.643 $1.540,918 s1,119.106 $676,203 $93.847 5E8.430.021 $31.178,506 $8,034,511 OUTSTANDING: lnbruct Totel $5,542,863 $9,977,154 $9,977,155 $9,977.155 $9,977,154 s9,977,,155 t9,977,155 $9,977,155 $9,977,154 $9,977,155 $0,077,155 $9,977,154 s4,316,963 $119.508.527 NOTES: FYIS r€prssents remalrlng amounls aso1121M5 Prepared for Financlal Review Commission Pilnted; ZILSIIOIS I 14 of 7O City of Detroit - Annual HUD Notes Debt Service Requirements tgFllwrmlEt lDl4ilob loa lom G|rrrott ialltrSL ttclbn iolLom Gurrmlt ilocl Grant Funalr ilocl G.xlFurd. t uf,oill LtBon HE00o tr|00o,000 luml2r206 ||lm lZ. AF! ugfl|ir I I loohund ||rgu.t sr6?,oqt s1,000,qn :373,480 St7l,,lE6 t373,486 tl7l,'lCo tt73,a[8 3313,ar6 st,090,fin 3z$E,67s i7a0,at6 3t,9t0,2a4 tt,35r,675 31,150,0@ 31,275,o(xt $1 {70m0 s20r.857 fl,rt1.t6? tt3{!.244 3t26,6m 944.982 31,'103,660 f1,514,012 t!1t.400 330 000 3:m0m y lonhr|tt|| h|. lonr s3?3.486 FtDJact rtDloitild Lcoofi lot|.oil G.||r|||ly st 062 fi 052 Itt.062 til.06? 3320,000 st70.om t405.firo t62.402 sr9.537 $re,.02 t260,m0 t403,317 $rt,50t 5Z@,m0 tr40,7t6 513,508 3260.000 3r27,t83 5260.m0 flll,tl! 3t 13,2!t9 $?r,29rl $r70,m0 3280.(m 598.948 383.076 tt6r,e76 5280.m0 5350,uro t68,364 s3D,73l sto,70B 3t0,250 $60.mo 535t1.000 3153,976 far:,9?o 3,loo,?18 It€t,9ia0 $ta!,Jr{ !roo,?31 3t90,t0c l!70,210 ouniTAt{II1{G: t{dltlt lYlg [email protected]^ht rn@nt! rr ol2lut5 Prepared for Financlal Review Commission Printed: 2ltSl2OLS I Ls oJ 2O City of Detroit - Annual HUD Notes Debt Service Requirements lwrrul.gF!l flUO t lo! lloti c$o.l tOt Lean Gornnty floclGilntFuilL l||f toarl )4tr2,000 Lpliltb.rla,2mB Ltr|||tl ladmqrd lqtr ts{r,(xn t60,tm sto.000 s80,000 390.(m 3t00.0(p 3t20.txll t130,0q} sta0,0ql 3rt0,0(x) $m,(m 170.45? 157.645 fl2O,a62 34m,0(n 920,m rcl615 sil6,(no 54.13,83O 1127.6a5 $60,5m l6a,25S s6o.2sl t55,647 t50,439 91lil,zst t?t5,5oo t1ao,25l 97?,w s337,664 tllt.68il s!12.88t 37ll.r!l t716.000 5t18.Dm 5'16,0{Xt t412,3,10 3451,000 rH7,il3 1r,096,tf1 3400,m0 t290,325 t|45.6'17 3t30 /Et 35qr,0(x, t1,06t,1'rt t4a0,oqt 127 t,041 3286,289 t2tt.8r6 ftr6,000 9113,r39 tsl/t,000 3565,(m $s0€,qn t791.2!9 s4EO,(m t24S.tAl 5192.369 ''9r,rr0 fl,029,139 39rt,947 f6ct.5o9 t690,t25 t7t1.0r1 1720,ris t520,{no ''18.000 17t6.0{E t7t6,0(n t96t,t t6m.(xn 322r.505 3t96.O5il f?iL,50l trtc,o5a t'kl.3aZ c}?,3r7 tt6,l,L2 t29,?FJZ 3167.tt? tl69,732 32r.4s5 317l.il95 t8.6r0 fxr,6t0 $?s,m $70,m0 5n0,q)0 st t06.o0o sl8r,e t5 322?,369 tros.t t1 5tt3.lt1 t180.0t4 rtor.674 3123.065 l?01.685 t93 gr1,so8 10,r, tl,1tt.ooE '794.tsr st79.9r' ,2n,4r ll,l59,tro fr,r2r.!t0 350,m0 t360,(m s3t6.&t6 sm?,log t366,535 3205,66? 1168,721 t720,0m 3t6t,qJl $el,0r1 5?r8.0{n ''r6.mo flto,o(n tl6,0(xt tl t921,657 lqulzt s13t.346 l!a7,ra0 9780,o(xt 5950,000 1121,222 s?0,(X4 393.577 tr09,J?7 $t6,s53 lsor,x22 lt,0zr.04a tt,o2t,55! $t5.4e6 s676.O{n it0.t84 ftt t,ar6 l6L.tta t1,002.rm 1242,1 I I ffiiltt8lr .ffi6b fYls tcDtnana eMB rr o, I Prepared for Financial Review Commission - Printed:2lr5l20r' I tG ol 20 Clty of Detroit - Annual HUD Notes Debt Service Requirements JtmaE || t tolEt FtI t l0! llob B.s{on16LomGl||r3ilI ilocl CrrntFunrlr rllrD Lrv'|omt E o5rpoo l.fbfib.r t+ 2O0t hnurl I lo|*ilr|rd tom $10.t?3 3tEo.t2l 380,m0 1rr,6,298 5!n,(n0 3r00.0{p ttot,659 tt&,294 ttN'|.!re 390.?94 n!10.791 5l60.lm st80.ffit t'il0.(m l9r,|lr0 st20,0m 1130.(m s140.(m $l50.mo t240.m0 gt20.qD 34a8.(m t8/t,oo:t l?7,8?6 t20r.1ot t204,iot 510,000 5t.9S1.00 OUTSTA||D|NG; fr9,09l tE11.775 385.000 18.537 lzu,4t2 t9t.tt7 $.000,0@ 9.162 s1.0m.tm 5470.?25 rt.90E t94i68 $,mo,rm tl,zo,7t5 st25,525 343,30? l20t ttit 385.(m 390.000 3t6t,000 $r9r',0(n 92.231 3!n,mo 1673,650 3614,538 3Ht,9?5 32!0,975 t!lli.(m 390,77t 110t,152 1100,5't! i1.250.mo t1,250,mo tIJ25,625 f!.92r,r50 l2tr6.2!1 tr'.37E t6,7?3 $r.29r.000 3t.500,000 355t.t(D t/,8/,,2E ll,r0r.lm tr0a,!3r tloia,ltc sl.5m.mo It.5m,0@ 3407,075 t1,r07,Et5 t330J75 fl,tro,a75 3l0J.5t'[ tr.sm,000 t2.000.om fi!.000.fito 3252.1?5 31J51t73 s45,000 s4s.rm la5.orx! ti|5.000 $80.{no t9.001 t207,l?o 3200,0@ $cr,c65 1230,665 595.m0 t6,t52 ltt,5r3 570.32:1 tzro,r21 s,8.254 325t,254 $00,000 14.858 152,r13 ,212,1lt 5220,tm t230,0m s6.742 t256,7.2 trm,o(n tst.o58 12t1,05t st5,o95 t295,095 st00,000 slt,o]4 1356,O:t4 3260,0m 9r@,000 30(n.o(xt ta. ta6 s!,51a ta12.t7a sroo,qn '/|60,gts 9SO0.0oo 312.925 IEEO.Jat gtz,B?0 t9zt7r 52,842 12,170 fr0au2 tt0r,4rt t29,5r0 tza.a79 1629,31t $to0.m0 tltz|,,a7c 3100.000 3i,400,tm s16.75r sflto,om 3r.703 0(n 16,024 11,4t6,t51 lr.7!19,024 3r.{90 t826 373.000 iz{5 tl02,r70 $r59,8@ i53,a00 tr,!r4.775 3t,404.5tt 3l,eli|.u5 tal5t,lm t2,05i am lro0,t28 l7t,24s 5z.!8!.J4! ,roftt: iTlS.mdb rffitnldleMr.r d l, Prepared for Financial Revi€w Commission Printed:2ltSl2oli I l7 ot 2O City of Detroit - Annual HUD Notes Debt SeMce Requirements |lww?ElBr ttDtclh iplcmn |.clb.l|ltLomq|||rdt tctoa lc|.oa| Guunty Iocf of|itFmd. ilocf Lf C|rilRtd. t rrhfit tlo|rat F,0.o0 14?Glr0o lprl 20. 2ol2 tnrllU try|||l lqrhrltd l||udt lonhanrd l0 loc. 3:1310,720 5t,1r50.(tr0 tzCa,8(l|, $r0,720 tars,r0o st.t00.000 lz13.fin 31,t13,too $.r50.0@ 3162,t66 11,r12,t66 it.z50,m '|:O.rm 3a6,170 t18,r50 3t.ro6,t0 tl.zlc,t30 sr00.qn ,t,fls 3!0t.5rc nFGd,mJd|rt aruG aot 125t.000 126?.m0 t'5,0?t l2t9,gtr 328r.rxtr $44o2 trrt'aot sto,470 f32t,a?t l$o,att 32!il.691 l!''.604 tt46.060 t!44.030 5r06.000 3120,m0 1254.451 $95,m 32t3,s2 $9r,ta? 3z|7.gt3 tt10?,!r3 |2O.oqt tzto.dt! taso,lsr $1o,qtr $25.tm 5!00.m 3Zlr,1m t52t.t0! 9l.2.000 t400.m0 tm7.ls3 Ito?.13! t65lr.(D 5t65.570 3r,100.00 [email protected] 3t.9.(m 3t.2ao.oJ 196,034 s|:t 06!l tl,'460,tt4 tr40,000 tr?o,0oo tt,55r.@0 all9 32r0,6t0 tra2.000 tei5.6s2 t!r6.rto 3t,lm,lct $tl,i|:!9 rto,4t9 sP,6Cl azfi,aa $t46e:l 3255.825 3t0,(m fl6,0m t3r,23:t s20.a57 96,3s $59.tm 9{,r07 ttl,765 lt9,3G $q6.m 3r8,724 t4t7,(m 3t4,m0 $1'.m ts0l,2t:t t3x,{Jt tl6r,1t6 tr66,107 f3m,70t $t98,!0e 3a!1,m! '/|rar'. tfi8,m0 31r.r5l 3.60,oqt t4&t,000 3317,0S t8,t5l $i,ml 36!.rt'l 3l.6grl 3r00,60a laas.rsl $/.tC,mi 2 Prepared for Flnancial Review Commission Printed:2/15/2015 / 18 of 20 city of Detroit - Annual HUD Notes Debt service Requirements tYl5 aF66ti r.ilhq rnM$ rr ot 1 Prepared for Financial Review Commission Printed:21t512O15 / 19 of 20 Gity of Detroit - Annual Lease Debt Service Requirements llBH Lease Full firlth and crsdlt and esources of Ore I Clty Compubr sysbm lmpruvements 9.1,918,042 Novombar 20,2Ol2 lst of each rnonth Nonlnsutod None OUTSTANDING: Princloal InErast $390,917 $1,270,872 $694,825 $88,692 $167.955 $479,609 $1,439,827 $24.588 S719,.113 $2,355,614 $281,235 $2,637,849 Total I{OTES: FY15 represents remaintng amounts es ot Prepared for Financial Review Commission zltlls Ptintedz 2lr5l2ol5 I 20 ot 2O
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