Amazon Adventure Cruise PDF
Amazon Adventure Cruise PDF
TRAVEL 2OO3 azon An dx*rmm*ur& ffirexXmm explore the Amazon in 1541. He is said to have given the river its TheAmazon Basin, South America,s laryest lowland, occupies an area of name after reporting battles with tribes of square miles). This is almost twice as large as the basin of the Congo femalewaniors. Brazil, the world's fifth largest country, is nearly as large as the continental United States. Brazil shares borders with all other South American countries except Ecuador and Chile. lt is 4,350 km (2,700 miles) from Brazil's northern border to its southem bordq and the distance from east to west is nearly the same. More than half of Brazil's '"' population is under 30 and, collectively, Brazilians represent one of the world's broadest ethnic blends. The Spanish soldier Francisco de Orellana was the first European to The Amazon River is the largest drainage system in the world in terms of both water volume and basin area. The total length of the Amazon ftom its headwaters in Peru to its mouth at the Atlantic Ocean is about 6,400 km (4,000 miles). Although this is sligh$y shorter than the Nile, it is still equivalent to the distance from Rome to New Yo* City. The westemmost source of the Amazon lies only 160 km (100 miles)from the Pacific Ocean. The system consists of several main watenrays and about 1,000 tributaries. Manaus, Erazil, the largest city in the Amazon region, boasts a modem downtown area as well as suburban shopping malls. Dded and mounbd p{nanha skins arc sold as souvenirs to txttists all along fte Amazon 6 million square km (2.3 miilion River, the earth's other great equatorial drainage system. Stretching some 2,782 km (1,725) miles from north to south at its widest point, the Amazon basin includes most of Brazil and Peru, major parts of Colombia, Ecuador and Bolivia, and a small portion of Venezuela. About two-thirds of the Amazon's main sfuream lieswithin Brazil. Some 20% of all the fresh water on earth flows through the Amazon. The maximum flood discharge atthe mouth of the Amazon is 175,000 cubic meters (6,180,000 cubic bet) per second. This is four times that of the Congo and more than ten times (actually "Amazonas" in Portuguese) for the river only fiom the Rio Negrc east to the Atlantic Ocean. Manaus (pronounced nManawsh''), the largest Amazon river city with a population of 1,300,000, At the Ariau Towers, the largest of the Amazon tree lodges, guests can view flora and fauna from a unique perspective in the jungle canopy. the amount of water canied by the Mississippi. A single day's discharge into the Atlantic is sufiicient to supply NewYork City with a nine-yearsupply of fresh water. The Amazon's immense volume of fresh water dilutes tfie ocean's saltiness 161 km (100 miles)from shore. More than two.thirds of the Amazon basin is covered by an immense rain forest. ln fact, the Amazon rain forest, which represents over onethird of the earth's remaining rain forest, also constitutes earth's largest reserve of biological resources. During recent decades deforestation has accelerated due to the development of new highways and airports and the disccivery of minerals. The cunent population of Brazil's Amazon region is some 17 million, or 3.4 inhabitiants per square km. 620/o of this population lives in urban areas while only 38o/o lives in rural areas- is situated near the junction of the brownish- yellow (muddy) Rio Solimoes and the'black" Rio Negro. lnterestingly, to their different densities, velocities and temperatures, these two due great dvers flonr together for 6 km (4 miles) before mixing. A distinct stdpe flows down the center until the two rivers eventually blend into a single uniform color. Manaus' most famous monument is its opera house, the Teatro Amazonas, which was inaugurated in 1896. Built over a 1$year period during Brazil's late nineteenth century rubber boom fiom materials imported frum Europe, the 681-seat neoclassical opem house was last restored in 1990 and is still in use today. Only the wood for the floors and the chairs came from Br:azil, and even that wood was sent to Europe for molding before being retumed to the jungle for installation. Manaus' ingenious floating docks, constructed by a Scottish at the beginning of the engineer twentieth entury rise and fall by up to 10 meterc (32 feet) with the Rio Negrcs varying level. At the Museu do water Cmwds gawk at a float carrying a gigantb rffiical bird during Camivd celebrations in Manaus ln Brazilthe name "Solimoes" is used for the Amazon from lquitos, Peru to the mouth of the Rio Negro. Brazilians use the term "Ainazon" lndio in downtown Manaus lviewed artifacts, costumes and weapons fiom the region's principal tribes. Due to a favorable exchange rate, the museum gift shop ofiered expertly- woven baskets from as little as USD 3; and I was able b large basketwhich stands a full meter high foronly USD 9. One of theo*rer highlights of my visit to Manaus was aftending the very colorful Camival paradethere. On the second day of the cruise the Seaboum Pride anchored near the 145-km (90-mile)-long Anavilhanas Archipelago which consists of 400 islands and is situated northwest of Manaus on the Rio Negro. Unlike the muddy Solimoes (Amazon), the Rio Negro flows over a bed offine sand thatisfree of sediment. Even though the Rio Negro's water appears blac*, it is said that itswateris purerthan tap water found in most urban areas. Also, incredibly, the Rio Negro is free of mosquitoes and many other types of insects. lt is thought that the river absorbs plant materials which dissolve and add natural toxins. Though not harmful to fish or jungle animals which ddnkftom the river, the poisons apparently inhibit the reproductive cycles of most insects. The Anavilhanas Archipelago is a developed jungle resort area. I took the opportunity to tour Ariau Amazon Towers, the largest tree top lodge. Established in 1986with a mere eight rooms, today the resort boasts a helipad and can accommodate cruise passengers in the localopen aircultural center. The final port of call on the Amazon was the city of Santiarem. There a piranha fishing tour was offered. Piranha were caught and grilled on the spot with manioc flour. ln fact, I saw fierce-looking mounted piranha being sold as scuvenirs all along the Amazon. However, while piranha do certainly possess sharp teeth, it lums out that they are not nearly as fierce as their Hollyarood-inspired reputation suggests. Locals bathe throughout the Amazon Basin alongside piranha without this fsh causing them any harm. hundreds of guests. Ariau Amazon Towers has been frequented by the likes of Jimmy Cartq Helmut Kohl, King Guftav of Sweden and Susan Sarandon. I was shovvn the suite The finaltwo days on the Amazon were among the most interesting, even though there were no ports of call. During the first portion of my cruise down the Amazon, the river largest mammal in the rain forest, grows to be up to 2 meters (6 feet) long. Tapirs feed on fruit and leaves and its tributraries were all very wide. However, northeast of Santarem as and weigh about 182 kg pounds). (400 Nsrthern Brazil's fish the ship began to weave through once occupied by Bill Gates which, incidentally, was even nanow channels to reach the Atlantic Ocean, vignettes of local life along the shores of fumishedwith a PCand printerl these channels were presented to cruise ship Because the resort is built at the canopy level, the exotic flora and fauna of the Amazon rain forest passengers. While are close at hand. Further exposure is also provided- to see and photograph local people in their canoes, individual houses, small guests through canoe rides in the creeks nearby. The Amazon region is host to 311 species of villages and even sawmills. mammals, 2,S00 species of birds Finally and more than 400,000 kinds of insects. At Ariau Amazon Towers as I walked along the resort's high wooden walkways, and both piranha and pink in river live the dolphins are said to there. Most people picture exotic animals and giant reptiles when they think of the Amazon. While there are many snakes and lizards, the Amazon Basin supports no large herding mammals like those found on the Africa. Monkeys are the most diverse Amazon mammal group. The Brazilian rain forest plains of supports six feline species, including jaguars, of which now only some 15,000 remain. Their biggest threat nowadays is deforestation rather than hunting. Rodents are the most abundant mammals in the Amazon. The Amazon's capybara is- the world's largest rodeirt. The tiapir, the at Macapa our Amazon River pilot disembarked, and the I saw and heard monkeys in the canopy the backdrop was always dense rain forest, now I could easily Small ferries jockey for space on a sheel in the town of Parintins stocks are also abundant, More than 1,500 species have been classified. Some marine biologists estimate that up to 500 additional species may have yet to be discovered. The Seabourn Pride next called at Parintins, 564 km (350 miles) downstream from Manaus. With a population of 30,000, each June the 200-year-old town hosts a festival similar to Rio's Carnival" Amazonian legends, forest creafures and local and Andean rhythms are incorporated into this bizarre but fascinating spectiacle. At the time of the annual festival the population swells more than tenfold as visitors anive from ail over Brazil. A special evening performance by exotic costumed dancers was staged for 42 Seabourn Pride sailed north to the Caribbean. ABSUT TED CililK$SN: Egypt'* rnc$t widely'trav*leS travel agefit, Ted has,visited 3*4 cJ ths 317 desti*ations *n the li*t af the Travelersr Century CI*b ivisi? www.epts$r$.efirn,a*# re{er tt World Tr*velClub). A,travel agent fn Cair* *in** 198S, Ted manages GGYPT PANSRAMA TOUR$, a fult-servics ,travel agency,, at,4 Road 7$ ibeb*reen Roads I and 1S, near the "El Maadi" metr* station) in Masdi" Contact Egypt Panorama Tours (*pen 7 day-* a weet I AM-5 PM) at Tels, 3,SS-02S0, 358-58S0, 35S1301. Fax 35$.l1gg. E-mail: ept@link,net Website: www-sptour$-eom. {Pa*ew*rd for residents: eptcool)