N0 d’ordre : 4561 THESE PRÉSENTÉE À L’UNIVERSITÉ BORDEAUX 1 ECOLE DOCTORALE SCIENCES ET ENVIRONNEMENTS Par M. Van Tu DO POUR OBTENIR LE GRADE DE DOCTEUR SPÉCIALITÉ : BIOGÉOCHIMIE ET ÉCOSYSTÈMES EVOLUTION ET SANTÉ DES HERBIERS À Zostera noltii DANS LE BASSIN D’ARCACHON À TRAVERS LA DYNAMIQUE DE LA MACROFAUNE BENTHIQUE ASSOCIÉE EVOLUTION AND HEALTH OF SEAGRASS Zostera noltii IN ARCACHON BAY THROUGH THE DYNAMICS OF ASSOCIATED BENTHIC MACROFAUNA Soutenue le : 17 Septembre 2012 Après avis de : M. Ángel BORJA, Chercheur, AZTI – Tecnalia, Espagne M me Sarah CULLOTY, Chercheur, Université de Cork, Irelande Rapporteur Rapporteur Devant la commission d’examen formée de : M. Ángel BORJA, Chercheur, AZTI – Tecnalia, Espagne Rapporteur Mme Sarah CULLOTY, Chercheur, Université de Cork, Irelande Rapporteur M. Antoine GRÉMARE, Professeur, Université Bordeaux 1 Examinateur M. Xavier de MONTAUDOUIN, Maître de Conférences, Université Bordeaux 1 Directeur de thèse Remerciements Je remercie Antoine Grémare de m’avoir accueilli dans son laboratoire EPOC (UMR 5805) et d’avoir accepté de participer à mon jury. Je remercie sincèrement Ángel Borja et Sarah Culloty d’avoir accepté d’être les rapporteurs de mon travail de thèse et de participer à mon jury. Cette thèse doit son existence tout d'abord à Xavier de Montaudouin qui m’a fait l’honneur d’accepter la direction de mes recherches. Ses conseils et remarques pertinents m'ont toujours été d'une grande aide. Son soutien affectif lors des moments très difficiles de ma vie familiale est très appréciable. Je tiens à lui exprimer toute ma gratitude. Je remercie l’ensemble des mes collègues de l’équipe ECOBIOC du laboratoire EPOC, avec qui j’ai eu des discussions et des échanges scientifiques très fructueux. Mes remerciements vont particulièrement à Hugues Blanchet, qui avec sa grande disponibilité m’a guidé dans la classification de la faune benthique et surtout dans l’analyse des données, notamment sous Primer. Ses suggestions brillantes m’ont beaucoup inspiré. La relecture et les corrections qu’il a faites rendent mon mémoire plus lisible et plus compréhensible. Je tiens à remercier chaleureusement Nicolas Lavesque pour ses conseils pertinents, pour son aide dans la détermination des espèces, la vérification des bases de données et des synonymies, dans l’analyse des données et la conception des cartes. J’exprime ma reconnaissance à Cindy Binias qui m’a aidé lors des analyses portant sur les maladies de la palourde et de la coque (trématodiase, perkinsose, maladie du muscle marron). Lors de mon travail de recherche, plusieurs collègues m’ont fait découvrir différents outils de travail. Je remercie Florence Jude-Lemeilleur, Line Bourasseau et Cécile Dang de m’avoir initié aux méthodes d’analyse de Perkinsus et de la BMD. La collecte des échantillons sur le terrain a été intense. Je remercie sincèrement Francis Prince, Henri Bouillard, Pascal Lebleu, Benoît Gouillieux et Laurent Letort pour leur aide dans ce travail. Je remercie également Nguyen Van Tien, Le Quang Tuan, Tu Lan Huong, Cao Van Luong de m’avoir fourni des ressources documentaires appropriées concernant les herbiers et les cartes du Vietnam. Je remercie à ce sujet Agnès Massonneau pour son aide à trouver certains articles de recherche dans mon domaine. Un grand merci à Sarah Culloty qui s’est montrée une lectrice et une correctrice infatigable des manuscrits pour la sauvegarde de la langue anglaise ! Ce texte doit beaucoup à son sens aigu de l’observation et à ses compétences en langue anglaise. Merci beaucoup à Marie-Claude Duck qui a réservé les billets d’avion lors de mes voyages de visite familiale au Vietnam et à Florence Daniel qui a rendu mon séjour (hébergement) à la Station Marine le plus agréable possible. Ce travail de recherche a été fait dans de très bonnes conditions grâce aux concours financiers de divers organismes. Je remercie les responsables du Syndicat Intercommunal du Bassin d’Arcachon, le Ministère de l'Écologie et du Développement Durable (MEDAD) d’avoir accordé le financement pour la recherche dans le cadre des projets LITEAU2-3, QuaLiF et REPAMEP, respectivement (Coord. : X. de Montaudouin). Je remercie le CROUS de Bordeaux qui a assuré toutes les démarches administratives lors de mon séjour en France. La réalisation de ce travail de recherche a été possible grâce à une bourse octroyée par le Ministère de l’Education et de la Formation vietnamien. Je remercie chaleureusement les responsables de ce programme très innovateur. Je remercie l’ensemble de mes proches et de mes amis qui m’ont soutenu durant les années de thèse. Merci enfin à ma famille, mes parents et frères et sœurs de m’avoir accompagné dans mes choix, assisté quand j’en avais besoin et de m’avoir toujours donné toute latitude. Résumé L’objectif général était d’évaluer la réponse du macrobenthos à la dynamique d’un herbier marin à Zostera noltii (colonisation, maturation, destruction, restauration), dans le Bassin d’Arcachon, une lagune du sud-ouest de la France. Colonisation – Quand l’herbier commence à se développer, la structure de la macrofaune diverge immédiatement entre habitats d’herbier et de sables nus, sans cependant que les indice biotiques testés (AMBI (AZTI’s Marine Biotic Index), BOPA (Benthic Opportunistic Polychaetes Amphipods Index), BENTIX) varient. De même, la population du bivalve dominant, la coque (Cerastoderma edule), souffre du développement de l’herbier. Sa communauté parasitaire (trématodes) est modifiée, sans que cela n’influe sur la dynamique des coques. Maturation – A l’échelle du Bassin, le développement de l’herbier (considéré comme un signe de “bonne santé”) a été comparé à la santé de deux bivalves endogés dominants, la palourde japonaise (Ruditapes philippinarum) et la coque (C. edule), évaluée en termes de prévalence de maladie. Aucune corrélation n’existe entre le taux de recouvrement d’herbier et la prévalence de trois maladies (trématodiase, perkinsose, maladie du muscle marron). Destruction - Restauration – Entre 2002 et 2010, la surface d’herbier a diminué de 1/3. En termes de structure de communautés et d’espèces dominantes, peu de différences ont été notées au sein de chaque année (entre les 12 stations) et entre années, indépendamment du déclin de l’herbier. Parmi les indicateurs biotiques, l’indice multivarié MISS est en adéquation avec la relative similarité de la structure de la macrofaune benthique entre les groupes discriminés par l’analyse MDS. En 2005, des activités de dragage dans le Bassin d’Arcachon ont abouti à l’enfouissement de 0,32 km2 d’herbier à Z. noltii. La structure du macrobenthos a été immédiatement modifiée sans retour à l’état initial sur les zones couvertes de sable. En revanche, le macrobenthos (endofaune) s’est rapidement rétabli dans les zones couvertes de vase alors que l’herbier n’a commencé à se développer qu’au bout de 5 ans après les travaux. Le dernier chapitre de cette thèse donne un bref aperçu des connaissances actuelles sur les herbiers vietnamiens et des possibles travaux scientifiques à y mener. Abstract The overall objective was to assess macrobenthos response to marine Zostera noltii seagrass dynamics (colonization, maturation, destruction, restoration), in Arcachon Bay, a French South-western lagoon. Colonization – When seagrass starts to develop, the structure of macrofauna community immediately diverges between sand and seagrass habitats, without however modifying tested biotic indices (AMBI (AZTI’s Marine Biotic Index), BOPA (Benthic Opportunistic Polychaetes Amphipods Index), BENTIX). As well, population of the dominant bivalve, the cockle (Cerastoderma edule), suffers from seagrass development. Their parasite (trematode) community are impacted, but not sufficiently to explain cockle deficit in seagrass. Maturation – At the scale of the Bay, seagrass development (considered as a sign of “good health”) is compared to the fitness of the two dominant infaunal bivalves, the Manila clam (Ruditapes philippinarum) and the cockle (Cerastoderma edule), measured in terms of disease prevalence. There was no correlation among seagrass cover rate and the prevalence of three diseases: trematodiosis, perkinsosis and Brown Muscle Disease. Destruction - Restoration – Between 2002 and 2010, seagrass cover decreased by 1/3. When looking at community structure and dominant species, there were moderate differences within (among 12 stations) and among years, independently of seagrass decline. Among biotic indicators, multivariate index MISS was in adequation with the relative similarity of macrofauna structure among groups discriminated by MISS analysis. In 2005, dredging activities in Arcachon Bay led in burying 0.32 km2 of Z. noltii. Macrobenthos structure was immediately modified and did not recover in places buried by sand. Conversely, macrobenthos (infauna) recovered rapidly in areas cover by mud, while seagrass began to develop again five years after work. The last chapter of the thesis provides a brief insight of the seagrass in Vietnam, the actual knowledge and what could be investigated. Tóm tắt (Résumé en Vietnamien) Mục đích của luận án là đánh giá các phản ứng của động vật đáy cỡ lớn với những biến đổi của thảm cỏ biển Zostera noltii (phát triển, suy thoái, phá hủy và phục hồi) ở Vịnh Arcachon, Tây-Nam nước Pháp. Phát triển – Khi thảm cỏ biển bắt đầu phát triển, cấu trúc của quần xã động vật đáy lập tức khác biệt so với quần xã động vật đáy ở khu vực không có cỏ biển (vùng cát). Tuy nhiên, các chỉ số sinh học (AMBI (AZTI’s Marine Biotic Index), BOPA (Benthic Opportunistic Polychaetes Amphipods Index), BENTIX) không thay đổi. Chiếm ưu thế trong quần xã động vật đáy, quần thể Sò (Cerastoderma edule) chịu tác động từ sự phát triển của thảm cỏ biển. Quần xã kí sinh trùng sán lá (trematode) trong quần thể Sò cũng bị tác động nhưng không đủ nhiều để giải thích sự suy giảm của quần thể Sò trong thảm cỏ biển. Suy thoái – Trên quy mô của Vịnh, khi thảm cỏ biển phát triển (dấu hiệu của hệ sinh thái “khỏe mạnh”), sức khỏe của hai quần thể chiếm ưu thế là Nghêu (Ruditapes philippinarum) và Sò (Cerastoderma edule) được đánh giá dựa trên tỷ lệ nhiễm bệnh. Không có mối liên hệ về tỷ lệ bao phủ của thảm cỏ biển với tỷ lệ nhiễm 3 loại bệnh (trematode, perkinsosis, Brown Muscle Disease). Phá hủy và phục hồi – Từ năm 2002 đến 2010, thảm cỏ biển bị suy giảm 1/3 diện tích bao phủ. Tuy nhiên, biến đổi xảy ra trong quần xã động vật đáy và những loài chiếm ưu thế chỉ ở mức trung bình và độc lập với sự suy giảm của cỏ biển. Trong số các chỉ số sinh học, chỉ có chỉ số đa biến MISS phản ánh được sự tương đồng của cấu trúc các nhóm quần xã động vật đáy được tách biệt bởi phân tích đa chiều MDS. Năm 2005, các hoạt động nạo vét trong vịnh Arcachon dẫn đến việc chôn lấp 0.32 2 km cỏ biển Z. noltii. Ở khu vực bị bao phủ bởi cát, cấu trúc quần xã động vật đáy ngay lập tức biến đổi và không thể phục hồi. Ngược lại, ở khu vực bị bao phủ bởi bùn, quần xã động vật đáy đã phục hồi trong khi khi thảm cỏ biển bắt đầu phát triển lại sau 5 năm. Chương cuối cùng của luận án đưa ra một cái nhìn tổng quan về thảm cỏ biển ở Việt Nam và những vấn đề cần nghiên cứu. SOMMAIRE/CONTENTS Chapter 1 - General introduction............................................................................................1 Chapter 2 - Seagrass colonization: knock-on effect on zoobenthic community, populations and individuals’ health ......................................................................................13 1. Introduction......................................................................................................................14 2. Materials and methods .....................................................................................................16 2.1. Study area..................................................................................................................16 2.2. Sampling procedure ..................................................................................................18 2.3. Data analysis .............................................................................................................19 3. Results..............................................................................................................................20 3.1. Development of the seagrass bed and modifications of sediment characteristics ....20 3.2. Macrobenthic community .........................................................................................21 3.3. Cockle population and related trematodes................................................................28 4. Discussion ........................................................................................................................32 4.1. Kinetic of seagrass development and associated macrofauna ..................................32 4.2. Seagrass development and benthic community health .............................................35 4.3. Seagrass development and cockle population health................................................36 Chapter 3 - Environmental factors contributing to the development of Brown Muscle Disease and Perkinsosis in Manila clams (Ruditapes philippinarum) and trematodiasis in cockles (Cerastoderma edule) of Arcachon Bay ....................................................................41 1. Introduction......................................................................................................................42 2. Material and Methods ......................................................................................................44 2.1. Study site...................................................................................................................44 2.2. Sampling procedure ..................................................................................................44 2.3. Environmental factors...............................................................................................46 2.4. Bivalve models and associated pathology ................................................................49 3. Results..............................................................................................................................51 3.1. Environmental factors...............................................................................................51 3.2. Manila clam and Perkinsosis ....................................................................................52 3.4. Cockle and trematodes..............................................................................................56 4. Discussion ........................................................................................................................60 Chapter 4 - Limited consequences of seagrass decline on benthic macrofauna and associated biotic indicators.....................................................................................................65 1. Introduction......................................................................................................................66 2. Materials and methods .....................................................................................................68 2.1. Study area..................................................................................................................68 2.2. Sampling procedure ..................................................................................................69 2.3. Data analysis .............................................................................................................71 3. Results..............................................................................................................................73 3.1. Macrobenthic community structure ..........................................................................73 3.2. Biotic Indices ............................................................................................................80 4. Discussion ........................................................................................................................80 4.1. Associated macrofauna in seagrass...........................................................................80 4.2. Benthic community in declined seagrass mudflats...................................................82 4.3. Biotic Indices ............................................................................................................84 Chapter 5 - Seagrass destruction: benthic community alteration, secondary production loss, biotic index reaction and recovery possibility..............................................................89 1. Introduction......................................................................................................................90 2. Material and methods.......................................................................................................92 2.1. Study site...................................................................................................................92 2.2. Macrofauna sampling................................................................................................94 2.3. Sediment and seagrass leaves analysis .....................................................................94 2.4. Estimated loss of secondary production ...................................................................95 2.5. Data analysis .............................................................................................................95 3. Results..............................................................................................................................99 3.1. Seagrass and sediment disposal ................................................................................99 3.2. Main macrozoobenthic assemblages identified in the dataset ................................101 3.3. Trend in the numerical descriptor of the macrofauna assemblages........................102 3.4. Dynamic of impact and recovery of macrobenthic community..............................105 3.5. Loss of secondary production .................................................................................109 3.6. Biotic Indices ..........................................................................................................111 4. Discussion ......................................................................................................................113 4.1. Seagrass destruction and recolonization .................................................................113 4.2. Benthic community alteration and recovery possibility .........................................114 4.3. Secondary production loss ......................................................................................116 4.4. Biotic indices reaction.............................................................................................116 Chapter 6 - Perspective in Vietnam ....................................................................................119 1. Seagrass species in Vietnam ..........................................................................................119 2. Biodiversity in seagrass .................................................................................................122 3. Decline of seagrass in Vietnam......................................................................................122 4. Use of seagrasses in Vietnam ........................................................................................123 5. Threats to seagrass in Vietnam ......................................................................................123 6. Response to threats ........................................................................................................124 7. Researches on seagrass in Vietnam ...............................................................................124 8. Management seagrass beds in Vietnam .........................................................................125 8.1. In terms of science ..................................................................................................126 8.2. In terms of management..........................................................................................127 8.3. In terms of society...................................................................................................127 9. My contribution to Vietnamese seagrass .......................................................................127 Chapter 7 - General discussion - Conclusion .....................................................................129 1. Benthic macrofauna and Zostera noltii seagrass ...........................................................129 2. Seagrass and bivalve health ...........................................................................................131 3. Seagrass and biotic indices ............................................................................................131 References..............................................................................................................................137 Chapter 1- General introduction Chapter 1 - General introduction The importance of benthic macrofauna in the functioning of marine ecosystems is particularly evident in shallow waters (e.g. coastal systems) where its biomass represents a large proportion of total living mass (Bouma et al., 2009a). Benthic macrofauna largely participate to food webs and transfers of energy among the different compartments of marine systems (Reiss and Kroncke, 2005). However, coastal ecosystems are often made of a mosaic of different habitats. Each habitat has its own characteristics and shelters particular benthic assemblages (Blanchet et al., 2004; Boström et al., 2006b). There is usually a drastic difference between hard substrate communities and soft sediment communities, but such differences also occur among habitats of each of these categories. For soft sediments of coastal areas, it is often accepted that muddy sediments shelter higher benthic macrofauna diversity, along with higher abundance and higher biomass than sandy sediments (Bachelet et al., 1996). Higher organic matter content in and on muddy sediments partly explains this tendency. Beyond grain-size characteristics of the sediment (often related to organic matter content), spatial heterogeneity is a major key factor explaining macrofauna distribution, the general trend being that such “ecosystem engineer” attracts a particularly high diversity of fauna, with high biomass and abundance, due to niche diversity. In our temperate coastal waters, many such heterogeneous ecosystems have been described, such as oyster-reefs, maerl bottoms, Sabellaria reefs, mussel beds, etc., but seagrass beds are the most studied around the world (Siebert and Branch, 2006; Bouma et al., 2009b; Brun et al., 2009; van Katwijk et al., 2010). The reason for this interest is certainly related to the multi-functional role of seagrass. Beyond its architectural complexity that attracts fauna, seagrass is a direct or indirect (i.e. support to epibionts) source of food for many organisms, participates in sediment biogeochemistry (roots and rhizomes), traps contaminants, serves as a nursery for juveniles from the open ocean or for spawning grounds for adults also coming from the open ocean. Thus, seagrass does shelter important macrofauna and consequently does play an important role in coastal food webs and other processes (Hemminga and Duarte, 2000; Larkum et al., 2006). Seagrass species belong to are angiosperms. They are rhizomatous and clonal plants, occupying space through the reiteration of shoots. Their leaves and roots are produced as 1 Chapter 1- General introduction result of rhizome extension. This asexual process appears to be the main mechanism for seagrass proliferation, although species also reproduce sexually. Seagrasses form highly productive ecosystems, rivalling with the most productive biomes on earth. Their meadows generally occupy 0-30 m depth littoral fringes off all the continents except Antarctica (Figure 1.1). Seagrass store a large fraction of their substantial production, being responsible for about 15% of the carbon storage in the ocean. In addition, seagrass exports up to 24% of their net production to adjacent ecosystems and seaward, acting as important trophic links with other ecosystems. In addition to their high primary production, seagrass performs many other functions in the ecosystem such as provision of food for coastal food webs, provision of oxygen to waters and sediments, carbon sequestration from the atmosphere, organic carbon export to adjacent ecosystems, sediment stabilization, prevention of sediment resuspension, improvement of water transparency, shoreline protection, habitat for microbes, invertebrates and vertebrates (often endangered or commercially important) and trapping and cycling of nutrients. These functions render seagrass meadows unique, ranking amongst the most valuable ecosystems in the biosphere, due to the important services they provides (see review in Duarte, 2002). On the other hand, seagrass habitats are endangered worldwide. They are vulnerable ecosystems (Holmer and Marba, 2010), and the services they provide are threatened by the immediate impacts of coastal development and growing human populations as well as by the impacts of climate change and ecological degradation (Duffy, 2006; Orth et al., 2006; Airoldi and Beck, 2007). When assessed globally, seagrass meadows rank among the most threatened ecosystems on Earth (Duarte et al., 2008). Indeed, seagrass area cover is declining across the globe and the rate of loss is accelerating (Duarte, 2002; Orth et al., 2006; Hughes et al., 2009; Waycott et al., 2009; Costello and Kenworthy, 2011) (Figure 1.2). The consequences of continuing seagrass decline extends far beyond the areas where seagrasses grow (Heck et al., 2008). Seagrass losses also threaten the future of endangered species such as dugong, manatee, green turtle (Waycott et al., 2009), salmon (Hughes et al., 2009). Seagrass losses decrease primary production, carbon sequestration and nutrient cycling in the coastal zone (Worm et al., 2006). If the current rate of seagrass loss is sustained or continues to accelerate, the ecological losses will also increase, causing even greater ill-afforded economic losses (Waycott et al., 2009). 2 Chapter 1- General introduction Figure 1.1. Global seagrass distribution shown as blue points and polygons (data from 2005 UNEP-WCMC) and geographic bioregions: 1. Temperate North Atlantic, 2. Tropical Atlantic, 3. Mediterranean, 4. Temperate North Pacific, 5. Tropical Indo-Pacific, 6. Temperate Southern Oceans (source : Short et al., 2007). Figure 1.2. Global map indicating changes in seagrass area plotted by coastline regions. Changes in seagrass areal extent at each site are defined as declining (red) or increasing (green) when areal extent changed by >10%, or no detectable change (yellow) when final area was within ±10% of the initial area. There were 131 sites in North America, 34 sites in Europe, and 40 sites in Australia (source Waycott et al., 2009). 3 Chapter 1- General introduction If the relationship between seagrass and epifauna, and particularly motile megafauna, is well documented, the link between seagrass and infauna is less well understood (Fredriksen et al., 2010). Indeed, most of the approaches have consisted of comparing areas with and without seagrass, with a major bias: factors inducing the absence or presence of seagrass could also be the factors structuring the different benthic assemblages in areas with and without this vegetation (notion of “confounding factor”) (Fonseca et al., 1990; Orth, 1992; Edgar et al., 1994; Boström and Bonsdorff, 1997; Connolly, 1997; Sheridan, 1997; Hemminga and Duarte, 2000; Beck et al., 2001; Crooks, 2002; Heck et al., 2003; Nagelkerken and van der Velde, 2004; Nakaoka, 2005; Fredriksen et al., 2010). The major aim of this thesis was to investigate the dynamics of seagrass associated fauna (and particularly infauna) in the framework of seagrass dynamics: seagrass colonization, seagrass chronic decline, seagrass brutal destruction and seagrass restoration. In other words, does seagrass dynamics affect associated infauna and at which scale? Our primary approach will be through detailed community analyses using modern tools, developed for example in PRIMER software (Multidimensional scaling (MDS), Similarity Percentage (SIMPER) …). We consider that this is the most accurate way to describe benthic communities and their temporal evolution. Then, we will concomitantly measure the fluctuation of other parameters related to seagrass studies, like: 1) population dynamics and parasite infection of some dominant infaunal species; and 2) Biotic indices developed or not in the framework of the European Water Framework Directive (WFD). 1) Population dynamics of marine invertebrates (i.e. proxy of population health) is controlled by a variety of abiotic and biotic factors, including parasitism. For example, this is the case for some commercial marine bivalves such as the edible cockle (Cerastoderma edule) and the Manila clam (Ruditapes philippinarum) that host a number of common marine parasites which can occasionally be responsible for mass mortalities and economic losses (Paillard, 2004; Villalba et al., 2004). Among parasites, trematodes occurrence in ecosystems have an ambiguous status in determining community health: their presence is a sign of good health, but in return they can badly affect some dominant populations. Indeed, the diversity of trematodes appears to be a good index of the health of benthic communities. In areas where the human impact is weak such as in the natural reserves, the parasitic trematode fauna generally includes a large number of species (Bartoli and Boudouresque, 1997). A diverse and abundant community of parasites might be reflective of a diverse and abundant 4 Chapter 1- General introduction community of hosts. Thus, we are left with the apparent quandary that a diverse and healthy ecosystem should also be one with many parasites (Lafferty, 2003). Conversely, trematodes may have detrimental effects on population that they parasitize, begetting mass mortality. For example, parasites can influence the behaviour of the host (Marcogliese, 2002; Moore, 2002), reduce the impact of herbivores (Thaler et al., 1999) or make hosts more susceptible to predators (Hudson et al., 1992; Packer et al., 2003); these indirect effects coupled with the direct effects on abundance of hosts can have an important role in influencing how energy flows through communities (Hudson et al., 2006). Knowledge of parasite diversity is thus not only valuable in itself in assessing a neglected part of biodiversity but it might also serve as a valuable and convenient proxy for ecosystem health (Hudson et al., 2006). There is now increasing evidence that parasites can be a good proxy for estimating the health of an ecosystem, not only because they integrate biodiversity over a period of time, but also because there is growing evidence that some parasites remove environmental toxins when they are ingested by their hosts (Sures, 2004). As already mentioned, seagrass bed attracts benthic macrofauna including species that are potential first intermediate hosts (such as Hydrobia ulvae, Littorina littorea and Nassarius reticulatus) for trematodes species (de Montaudouin et al., 2012). Moreover, biotic processes which are affected by ecosystem engineer as seagrass are the major drivers to explain trematode parasite distribution within a wide range of scales (de Montaudouin and Lanceleur, 2011). However, the relationship between seagrass status and parasite communities has still received little attention (Gam et al. 2009a).. 2) Finally, apart from seagrass extent, macrofauna structure and dominant population dynamics, a way to evaluate and quantify ecological status (ES) of ecosystems consists of calculating biotic indices (BI) and comparing them to pristine/reference situations. That was one of the objectives of the European WFD. The WFD establishes a basis for the protection and improvement of transitional (i.e. estuarine) and coastal waters, amongst other systems. Its final objective is to achieve not less than ‘good ecological status’ for all waters, by 2015 (EEC, 2000). Ecological assessment is based upon the status of biological, hydromorphological and physico-chemical quality elements. The biological elements to be considered are phytoplankton, macroalgae, angiosperms, benthic macroinvertebrates and, in transitional waters only, fishes. The Ecological Status (ES) of a water body is determined by 5 Chapter 1- General introduction comparing data obtained from monitoring networks (Ferreira et al., 2007) with reference (undisturbed) conditions, thus deriving an ecological quality ratio (EQR) (see review in Borja et al. (2009a)). The EQR is expressed as a numerical value lying between 0 and 1; ‘High status’ is represented by values close to 1, whilst ‘Bad status’ values lie close to 0. The range is divided into five ES classes, ‘High’, ‘Good’, ‘Moderate’, ‘Poor’ and ‘Bad’ (Borja et al., 2009a). Among the elements by the WFD to assess aquatic ecosystems’ ecological status are the benthic macroinvertebrates. Their location at the sediment/water interface and their life history traits and characteristics make them highly suitable to assess environmental conditions. Indeed, most benthic taxa are relatively sedentary, long-lived and thus, unable to avoid adverse environmental conditions integrating and reflecting the history of local effects of stress over time. Besides, macrobenthic assemblages comprise species that show different tolerances to stress and are sensitive indicators of change (Verissimo et al., 2012). Moreover, macrofauna are dominated by species with different mobility, life-cycles and tolerance to stress, which covers the WFD demand of integrating differently sensitive species. The response of macrobenthic communities to several types of stress is well studied, based on multivariate analyses that takes into account variations in species diversity and their relative abundance between perturbed and control sites. Based on this knowledge it is possible to determine a priori the ecological indicator behaviour and thus its appropriateness to detect changes in the variable of interest (Patricio et al., 2009). Beyond WFD framework, a variety of indices are available, which measure the status of ecological conditions and trends in succession in marine benthic systems (Reiss and Kroncke, 2005). Some of these indices will be tested in this thesis, the idea being to see how they “react” according to seagrass dynamics. After this introduction (Chapter 1), the thesis will be structured in four major chapters investigating the relationships between seagrass and associated macrofauna (and evaluation of ecological quality) at different spatial and temporal scales (Table 1.1). Comparison of benthic macrofauna and seagrass presence is often biased by the fact that the occurrence or not of the seagrass (and therefore of the benthic macrofauna) is related to other factors, like depth, sediment characteristics, etc. In Chapter 2, we monitored the colonization of a sandflat by seagrass Zostera noltii and surveyed the associated fauna modifications. Thus, we considered that the only difference between both habitats was the presence or not of vegetation. In terms of biomass, macrobenthos was dominated by cockles. 6 Chapter 1- General introduction The edible cockle Cerastoderma edule (L.) is one of the most common intertidal bivalves on the sandy shores and estuaries of the north-eastern Atlantic. It ranges from the Barents Sea to the Moroccan coasts (Gam et al., 2009b). Like other suspension feeders, cockles are parasitized mostly through their ventilatory activity (Wegeberg et al., 1999). We tested the influence of seagrass colonization on cockle dynamics but also on cockle infection by trematode parasites. This study was also the occasion to compare the behaviour of different biotic indices (AMBI (AZTI’s Marine Biotic Index (Borja et al., 2000))), BOPA (Benthic Opportunistic Polychaetes Amphipods Index (Dauvin and Ruellet, 2007)) and BENTIX (Simboura and Zenetos, 2002)), in relation with Z. noltii seagrass development. 7 Chapter 1- General introduction Table 1.1. The structure of the present thesis CHAPTER SPATIAL SCALE TEMPORAL SCALE SEAGRASS STATUS STUDIED VARIABLES Unvegetated - Sediment - Associated macrobenthos - Cockle dynamics - Trematode parameters - AMBI, BOPA, BENTIX 1. Introduction 2. Seagrass colonization: knock-on effect on zoobenthic community, populations and individuals’ health 1 station (2 km2) 3. Correlation between bivalves health and environmental parameters, including Zostera noltii seagrass bed cover, in Arcachon Bay Arcachon Bay (39 stations – 156 km2) 4. Limited consequences of seagrass decline on benthic macrofauna and associated biotic indicators 4 years Colonization Vegetatated Arcachon Bay (12 stations – 156 km2) Winter 2009 Seagrass distribution & environment characteristics - Trematodes - Brown Muscle Disease - Perkinsosis Two occasions (spring 2002 & spring 2010) Healthy seagrass vs Declining seagrass - Seagrass cover - Sediment - Asscociated macrobenthos - AMBI, BOPA, BENTIX - MISS Seagrass 5. Seagrass destruction: benthic community alteration, secondary production loss, biotic index reaction and recovery possibility 0.3 km2 8 years Burial Recovery - Seagrass cover - Sediment - Associated macrobenthos - Secondary production loss - AMBI, BOPA, BENTIX - MISS, d-MISS 6. Perspectives in Vietnam 7. General discussion - Conclusion 8 Chapter 1- General introduction In Chapter 3, we worked on a mature seagrass bed at the scale of Arcachon Bay. The aim was to compare the density of seagrass leaves with the health of two dominant bivalves, the native cockle (Cerastoderma edule) and the exotic Manila clam (Ruditapes philippinarum Adams & Reeve, 1850). The idea was to compare two different approaches concerning the concept of health: 1) to evaluate the seagrass leaves density which is a proxy of seagrass health and which could itself be related to the notion of ecosystem health; 2) to assess bivalve fitness through the prevalence of potential parasites/diseases which can also be an element to evaluate ecosystem health. In other words, is seagrass leaves density (negatively) correlated with disease(s) in dominant bivalves (Manila clams and edible cockles)? The Manila clam is an endemic species from Indo-Pacific waters. This species was introduced to Europe at the beginning of the 1970s for culture purposes, initially to France (1972) and later to England, Spain and Italy (Flassch and Leborgne, 1992). It was introduced to Arcachon Bay (SW France) in 1980 where it rapidly escaped from parks, colonized seagrass Z. noltii beds and underwent intensive exploitation by fishermen. In 2010, Arcachon Bay harbored the most important stock of Manila clams in France (5773 metric tons, t) and ranked first in terms of national production (713 t yr–1 in 2008) (Sanchez et al., 2010). For the cockle, the health was measured in terms of trematode load. Depending on the specific trematode species present, molluscs can serve as first host or second intermediate host. In their first intermediate host, these parasites reproduce asexually, generally in the gonad and the digestive gland of their host, leading at the individual scale to growth disturbance (Curtis, 1995; Gorbushin, 1997; Mouritsen et al., 1999; Probst and Kube, 1999; Curtis et al., 2000), reproduction failure (Schulte-Oehlmann et al., 1997; Oliva et al., 1999; Krist, 2001; Rice et al., 2006; Lajtner et al., 2008) and sometimes death (de Montaudouin et al., 2003; Desclaux et al., 2004; Thieltges, 2006b). Prevalence is generally low (<5%) (Thieltges et al., 2008) and effects on the host population are not measurable (Kube et al., 2006). However, cases of episodic high prevalence leading to host mortalities are cited (Jonsson and Andre, 1992; de Montaudouin et al., 2003; Fredensborg et al., 2006; Thieltges, 2006b). Conversely, trematode parasites using molluscs as their second intermediate host can display high prevalence (de Montaudouin et al., 2000; Thieltges and Reise, 2006; Gam et al., 2008). Their larvae remain in the tissues of their host as metacercariae. This larval stage is often considered as energically inert and causes little or no immediate physiological or behavioural responses in the adult host (Lauckner, 1983). They can however impact their host when the number of metacercariae is 9 Chapter 1- General introduction high (Lauckner, 1987b; Desclaux et al., 2004; Desclaux et al., 2006) or when the host is at the juvenile stage (Lauckner, 1987a; Wegeberg et al., 1999). Nevertheless few studies have ever tried to estimate the impact of trematode parasites on the second host bivalve population dynamics (Gam et al., 2009b). For Manila clams, health status was estimated in terms of infection by the two major diseases in the lagoon for this bivalve: perkinsosis and brown muscle disease (BMD). Perkinsosis, caused by the protozoan Perkinsus sp. affects numerous molluscan species all over the world and can lead to mass mortalities (Azevedo, 1989; Burreson and Ragone Calvo, 1996; Goggin, 1996; Da Ros et al., 1998; Park and Choi, 2001; Leite et al., 2004; Cremonte et al., 2005; Villalba et al., 2005). In Korea, this parasite has been the cause of a severe decrease in clam populations since 1993 (Park and Choi, 2001). The impact of perkinsosis on molluscs depends especially on infection intensity level but is also related to environmental conditions (Park and Choi, 2001; Leite et al., 2004; Dang et al., 2010a). Adverse environmental conditions could increase the impact of Perkinsus sp. on clams (Dang, 2009). For instance, energy consumption in adult clams with heavy infections would exceed the energy available for growth (Casas et al., 2002; Villalba et al., 2004). This would result in a lower condition index and a lower growth rate. Furthermore, to explain the influence of perkinsosis on clam health, besides the fact that Perkinsus sp. consumes energy at the expense of the clam, a high concentration of Perkinsus in the gills may decrease filtration efficiency. This could lead to a decrease of oxygen and food availability for clams and have direct repercussions on clam metabolism (Dang, 2009). Seagrass in Arcachon Bay undergoes severe stress at both a global and local scale. At the Bay scale (Chapter 4) and since 2005, this seagrass has undergone a regression that has been estimated at -33% of the vegetated surface (Plus et al., 2010). Our aim was to compare macrobenthos structure before seagrass regression (2002) when Z. noltii covered all our investigated stations, and eight years later (2010) when seagrass had disappeared in 80% of the investigated areas. Concomitantly, we compared the results from the three different univariate biotic indices (AMBI, BOPA, BENTIX) and a multivariate index MISS (Macrobenthic Index in Sheltered Systems). Apart from this chronic decline (with no clear reasons to this day), Arcachon Bay seagrass Z. noltii suffered from a more immediate and rapid aggression: burial due to sediment disposal (anthropogenic activity). In Chapter 5, we investigated the effects (if any) 10 Chapter 1- General introduction on associated macrofauna and estimated secondary production loss in relation to time and sediment grain-size. We compared the different biotic indices (BI) that were already developed and in use but we also tested another BI that was recently developed (MISS for Macrobenthic Index in Sheltered Systems). MISS, however, is an uneasy and timeconsuming multivariate BI to be used due to the necessity to obtain biomass. Then, we tested a derived version (d-MISS) without biomass. Chapter 6 was the opportunity to give an overview of marine seagrass in my native country, Vietnam, and to summarize the information available in this region for this topic. I have evoked, on the basis of what I learned during my PhD, what could be my propositions to go on working on this subject in my country. 11 12 Chapter 2- Seagrass colonization and macrobenthos Chapter 2 - Seagrass colonization: knock-on effect on zoobenthic community, populations and individuals’ health Published: Do, V.T., de Montaudouin, X., Lavesque, N., Blanchet, H., Guyard, H. (2011). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 95: 458-469. Abstract This study provided evidence that Zostera noltii presence affects macrofauna community structure independently from median sediment grain-size and that the notion of ecosystem health is rather subjective: in the present case, we recorded “good health” in terms of seagrass development, “no impact” in terms of macrobenthic biotic indices and “negative effect” for a given key-population. The occurrence and development of a Zostera noltii seagrass bed was surveyed at Banc d’Arguin, Arcachon Bay (France), to estimate the modification of the macrozoobenthic community and of the dynamics of a key-population for the local ecosystem, –the cockle Cerastoderma edule. Even though median grain-size of the sediment decreased only at the very end of the survey, i.e. when seagrass totally invaded the area, most of the macrofauna community characteristics (such as abundance and biomass) increased as soon as Z. noltii patches appeared. The structure of the macrofauna community also immediately diverged between sand and seagrass habitats, without however modifying the tested biotic indices (BENTIX, BOPA, AMBI). The health of the cockle population (growth, abundance, recruitment) was impacted by seagrass development. Related parasite communities slowly diverged between habitats, with more parasites in the cockles from seagrass areas. However, the number of parasites per cockle was always insufficient to alter cockle fitness. Keywords: Zostera noltii seagrass, WFD, macrozoobenthic community, Cerastoderma edule, parasite 13 Chapter 2- Seagrass colonization and macrobenthos 1. Introduction The presence of seagrass beds is known to enhance species diversity (Orth et al., 1984; Edgar, 1990; Edgar, 1994; Boström and Bonsdorff, 1997; Hemminga and Duarte, 2000; Fredriksen et al., 2010). The influence of these meadows is both structural in that it increases the complexity of the habitat, allowing different species to occupy various ecological niches within an area (Orth et al., 1984); and trophic because it supports epiphytes, a resource for many grazers (Duffy et al., 2003). Most studies aiming to highlight the effect of seagrass on diversity have compared species richness in vegetated and non-vegetated areas (Fonseca et al., 1990; Orth, 1992; Edgar et al., 1994; Boström and Bonsdorff, 1997; Connolly, 1997; Sheridan, 1997; Hemminga and Duarte, 2000; Beck et al., 2001; Crooks, 2002; Heck et al., 2003; Nagelkerken and van der Velde, 2004; Nakaoka, 2005; Fredriksen et al., 2010). A difference in zoobenthic community structure between both habitats was always associated with enhancement of abundance, biomass and species richness in seagrass. However, these observed differences could also be due to confounding factors, the presence/absence of seagrass being itself related to contrasted environmental features (hydrodynamics, depth, grain-size, etc.) (Boström et al., 2006a). Furthermore, how and which infaunal species responds to the more complex sediment environment created by the seagrass and how this response may vary across different spatial scales remains unclear (Fredriksen et al., 2010). In addition to the development of the seagrass being related to modification of the associated benthic macrofauna, the present study aimed to discuss the notion of health for a given ecosystem. In our case study, health of the ecosystem was investigated according to three approaches: 1) the development of the seagrass which is included in the European Water Framework Directive (WFD) quality developments (Borja et al., 2000; Simboura and Zenetos, 2002; Dauvin and Ruellet, 2007); as the WFD considers seagrass as a useful indicator in terms of depth limit (Krause-Jensen et al., 2005), species composition (the presence of disturbance-sensitive species), abundance and ecological quality (Foden and Brazier, 2007); 2) the structure of the associated benthic community which is another quality element in the WFD. Biotic Indices (BIs) have been developed for assessing the ecology status (ES); BIs based on the classification of species into ecological groups according to their level of sensitivity/tolerance to stress; 3) the health of the dominant species in terms of 14 Chapter 2- Seagrass colonization and macrobenthos biomass, the cockle Cerastoderma edule. This bivalve is considered as an engineer species impacting the ecosystem functioning. Indeed, as a suspension feeder, the cockle plays an important role in benthoplanctonic coupling: putting trophic pressure on phytoplanktonic supply (Smaal et al., 1986; Smaal, 1997; Widdows and Navarro, 2007), sedimentation of silt and clay (Widdows et al., 1998; Ciutat et al., 2006) and competition with other filter-feeders. As an infaunal species, the cockle bioturbates the sediment, modifies bacterial profiles, structures macrofaunal communities (Flach and Bruin, 1993) and participates in resuspension processes (Flach and Bruin, 1993; Goñi-Urriza et al., 1999; Ciutat et al., 2006). We hypothesised that the development of seagrass blades would modify hydrodynamics, sediment characteristics and shelter availability in such a way that recruitment and predation would be altered, with a knock-on effect on cockle density and consequently on intraspecific competition. Cockles fitness was evaluated through three parameters, namely shell growth, abundance (adults and recruits) and pathogen load. Indeed apart from benthic free living macrofauna, the study was extended to the parasite fauna (trematodes) of cockles in order to assess whether or not seagrass presence could facilitate the infection of this key-species (the cockle) by these potential pathogens. Cockles are the preferred intermediate hosts for many trematodes (Lauckner, 1983; Thieltges and Reise, 2006; de Montaudouin et al., 2009). These parasites can exert a pressure on cockle population dynamics (Blanchet et al., 2003; Gam et al., 2009b). However, these parasites can be affected by the presence of seagrass, either directly by perturbing propagules dispersal (Bartoli and Boudouresque, 1997; Gam et al., 2009b) or through their impact on the dynamics of potential hosts involved in trematode cycles (Hechinger and Lafferty, 2005; Thieltges and Reise, 2006). The general objective of this study was to monitor the evolution of a seagrass development in a bare sandflat and to discuss ecosystem quality. Three approaches have been developed in order to: 1) assess the effect of the colonization of seagrass beds on the structure of macrofauna in terms of abundance, biomass, species richness, 2) compare the assessment of ecological status by three biotic indices to evaluate the “health” quality of the environment, 3) evaluate how the seagrass development may affect the fitness of a given key-population (cockle). 15 Chapter 2- Seagrass colonization and macrobenthos 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Study area Banc d’Arguin (Figure 2.1) is a National Nature Reserve including sand dunes and semi-sheltered sandflats. It is located at the oceanic entrance of Arcachon Bay – a macrotidal lagoon situated on the French south-western Atlantic coast (44° 40’ N, 1° 10’ W). A strong characteristic of this area relates to the large-scale mobility of sand banks and their change of morphology, due to wind, waves and spring tides. When an area becomes sheltered, a seagrass bed may develop over a large surface area but may also disappear within a few months or a few years, buried under sand or eroded by new channels. Consequently, this site provides a good opportunity to investigate seagrass and its associated macrofauna dynamics. The studied site consisted of a 2000-m2 intertidal area within the Integral Protection Zone of the reserve. This area was exempt from direct human activity (e.g. fishing, walking, anchoring). Salinity remained high year-round (31–34) and surface sediment temperature in the intertidal fluctuates between -0.2 °C in winter and 30.0 °C in summer (Dang et al., 2010b).. The benthic macrofauna was described in 1988 (Bachelet and Dauvin, 1993) and in 2002 (Blanchet et al., 2004) when the whole area was free of seagrass. Several marine bird species winter, nest or migrate, including species that are potential definitive hosts for trematodes. The surrounding waters are inhabited by many fish species (e.g. bass, mullet, goby, sole) which are also potential hosts for trematodes. The cockle population at Banc d’Arguin is located between 0.9 and 1.9 m above chart datum and has been characterised by highly fluctuating abundances, fast growth rates and short lifespan (de Montaudouin, 1996; Gam et al., 2009b, 2010). 16 Chapter 2- Seagrass colonization and macrobenthos A 1° 10’ N B 44° 40’ Banc d’Arguin C D Figure 2.1. Studied site (A: Banc d’Arguin, Arcachon Bay) and pictures of Zostera noltii seagrass bed expansion over time (B: February 2005, early settlement; C: November 2006, 50% spreading; D: November 2009, 100% spreading). 17 Chapter 2- Seagrass colonization and macrobenthos 2.2. Sampling procedure 2.2.1. Benthic macrofauna and associated parameters Five sampling campaigns were carried out in the Zostera noltii patches and the adjacent sand area over three years (February, June and November 2005, November 2006 and November 2009) corresponding to different stages of the seagrass development in the studied area (Figure 2.1). Sampling consisted of collecting the top 20 cm of the sediment with a 0.0225 m² corer, with six replicates per situation (seagrass vs. sand). Sediment was sieved through a 1-mm mesh; the sieve residue was fixed in 4% buffered formalin and stained with Rose Bengal. In seagrass beds, Zostera noltii leaves were cut and preserved in formalin. The top 3-cm sediment layer was also sampled in each replicate for grain-size analysis. In the laboratory, macrofauna was sorted, identified when possible to the species level, and counted. Biomass was determined as ash-free dry weight (AFDW) after desiccation (60 °C, 48 h) and calcination (450 °C, 4 h). Zostera noltii leaves were desiccated (60 °C) until a constant dry weight was obtained. Sediment grain-size characteristics (median grain-size, percentage of silt and clays) were determined after sieving pre-weigh dried sediment through a wet column of sieves with decreasing apertures (1000 μm, 500 μm, 250 μm, 125 μm and 63 μm). Percentage of organic matter in the sediment was assessed after ignition (450 °C, 4 h) of a dried aliquot of sediment. 2.2.2. Cockle-Trematode systems Cockle abundances were determined using quadrates (6 samples × 0.25 m² × 2 habitats) connected to macrofauna cores (that were sampled in the middle of each quadrat). The top 5 cm depth was sampled with a shovel and sieved on a 1-mm mesh. Individuals were counted and shell lengths were measured with an electronic calliper to the nearest mm. Cockle recruitment period was considered as simultaneous in bare sand and seagrass patches. Consequently, mean shell length of a cohort was an estimate of growth after separating the different cohorts. Trematode communities in seagrass beds and sand were monitored and compared when the number of cockles was sufficient (at least 10 individuals) in both habitats. The study concentrated on the two existing cohorts (2003 and 2004) at the beginning of the study (February 2005), cohort 2004 until its disappearance after November 2005, and 18 Chapter 2- Seagrass colonization and macrobenthos cohort 2008 in November 2009. Five cockles per quadrat and per cohort were dissected for trematode diagnosis. The flesh was squeezed between two large glass slides and observed through a binocular microscope with transmitted light. Identification of trematode species was performed using the key and related references proposed by de Montaudouin et al. (2009). 2.3. Data analysis 2.3.1. Biotic Indices Three currently available univariate Biotic Indices (BIs) were tested, namely AMBI (Borja et al., 2000), BENTIX (Simboura and Zenetos, 2002; Simboura et al., 2005) and BOPA (Dauvin and Ruellet, 2007). AMBI (AZTI Marine Biotic Index) is based on previous work from Grall and Glémarec (Grall and Glémarec, 1997). It considers five ecological groups (available on web page: ranging from sensitive species (EGI) to first-order opportunistic species (EGV) (Borja et al., 2000). BENTIX considers only two groups: sensitive (GS) and tolerant species (GT), which correspond to ecological groups I and II, and ecological groups III to V of the AMBI, respectively. The BOPA (Benthic Opportunistic Polychaetes Amphipods index) is based on the ratio of opportunistic polychaetes (i.e. polychaetes of ecological groups IV and V of the AMBI) and amphipods (except Jassa genus). 2.3.2. Statistical analysis Analysis of variance was applied to assess differences between sand and seagrass in terms of biomass, abundance, number of species (S), Shannon index (H’), Piélou’s evenness index (J’) and abundance of parasites in cockles. Prior to ANOVA, homogeneity of variance was tested by Cochran C test. If significant heterogeneity was identified, data were log10(x+1) or arcsin√p (for percentages data) transformed, which was sufficient to achieve homogeneity of variance. Normality of data was assumed. All statistical analyses were performed with STATISTICA® 7.1 software (StatSoft). 19 Chapter 2- Seagrass colonization and macrobenthos 2.3.3. Multivariate Analysis Multivariate analysis was performed to compare macrozoobenthic communities structure between seagrass and sand areas. Abundances were square-root transformed to minimize the influence of the most dominant taxa. A non-metric multidimensional scaling (MDS) based on Bray-Curtis similarity coefficient was used to obtain an ordination plot. These analyses were performed using PRIMER® – v6 package (Clarke and Warwick, 2001; Clarke and Gorley, 2006). 3. Results 3.1. Development of the seagrass bed and modifications of sediment characteristics 3.1.1. Seagrass development In February 2005, Zostera noltii represented small <2 m diameter patches scattered on a medium sand intertidal flat. In November 2006, seagrass patches occupied half of the flat and in November 2009, bare sand areas became rare (Figure 2.1). Within the seagrass bed, biomass of leaves varied according to seasons, but when considering a similar month (November), an increase was observed from 2005 (55 g DW m-2) to 2006 (99 g DW m-2) and 2009 (290 g DW m-2) (Table 2.1). 3.1.2. Sediment characteristics Together with seagrass bed extension, the surface sediment characteristics changed (Table 2.1). In bare sand, the grain-size remained stable (327-357 µm). It also remained similar in the seagrass (p > 0.05), except at the very end in 2009 (p < 0.05) when the seagrass covered almost the whole of the flat, allowing finer particles to deposit. However, at that time, sediments were still medium sands (median = 299 µm). Conversely, silt and clay content and organic matter content rapidly increased in the seagrass to reach values that were on average 2.3 fold higher than in bare sand (Table 2.1). 20 Chapter 2- Seagrass colonization and macrobenthos Table 2.1. Mean biomass of seagrass leaves (g DW m-2), sediment median particle size (µm), silt and clay and organic matter content in the sediment (%) (± 1 standard error), at each sampling date. P-value was calculated from the comparison between bare sand and seagrass. ns: p > 0.005. Parameter Zostera noltii Sampling date Feb 2005 Jun 2005 Nov 2005 Nov 2006 Nov 2009 Bare sand Seagrass bed 50.5 (± 1.2) 181.0 (± 20.9) 55.4 (± 15.6) 99.1 (± 21.9) 290.2 (± 40.9) P-value Sediment Feb 2005 median particle Jun 2005 size Nov 2005 Nov 2006 Nov 2009 344 (± 4) 358 (± 4) 342 (± 3) 337 (± 1) 327 (± 4) 354 ( ±9) 357 ( ±14) 340 ( ±2) 334 ( ±1) 299 ( ±15) ns ns ns ns < 0.05 Silt & Clay Feb 2005 Jun 2005 Nov 2005 Nov 2006 Nov 2009 1.3 (± 0.1) 0.7 (± 0.1) 0.6 (± 0.0) 2.6 (± 0.6) 0.6 (± 0.0) 2.4 ( ±0.1) 1.4 ( ±0.3) 2.5 ( ±0.5) 5.0 ( ±0.8) 2.3 ( ±0.3) < 0.001 < 0.05 < 0.01 < 0.05 < 0.01 Organic matter Feb 2005 Jun 2005 Nov 2005 Nov 2006 Nov 2009 5.7 (± 0.9) 3.2 (± 0.2) 3.9 (± 1.7) 0.5 (± 0.0) 3.2 (± 0.1) 8.0 ( ±0.9) 10.3 ( ±1.6) 8.0 ( ±1.2) 1.7 ( ±0.3) 10.3 ( ±1.5) ns < 0.01 ns < 0.01 < 0.01 3.2. Macrobenthic community A data matrix of ‘10 stations-dates × 96 species’ was analysed. This matrix was obtained without removing any species. 3.2.1. Identification of Assemblages The MDS stress level (< 0.1) corresponded to a good ordination without misleading interpretation. The ANOSIM test showed significant differences in faunistic composition between sand and seagrass for each date (R = 0.95, p = 0.002). Based on a 60% similarity level, the MDS ordination plot (Figure 2.2) allowed the identification of three different 21 Chapter 2- Seagrass colonization and macrobenthos groups. There was a distinct separation between bare sand and seagrass bed assemblages. Within seagrass beds, the benthic assemblages in 2009 were clearly separated from the assemblage of the seagrass bed during the former sampling dates. When pooling all dates, 34 species out of 96 were found in the seagrass bed only (with Aphelochaeta marioni and Bittium reticulatum as the main species), 13 species were found in bare sand only (with Ampelisca brevicornis and Cyclope neritea as dominant species) and the remaining 47 species occurred in both habitats (with Notomastus latericeus and Heteromastus filiformis as dominant species) (Table 2.2). Figure 2.2. MDS ordination plots of benthic assemblages (square-root transformed data). Zn: Zostera noltii; S: bare sand; (year_month). 22 Chapter 2- Seagrass colonization and macrobenthos Table 2.2. List of species with mean abundance > 50 ind.m-2 in at least one of three habitats. (G): gastropod; (B): bivalve; (O): oligochaete; (P): polychaete; (Op): ophiuroid; (A): amphipod; (D): decapod; (Ma): malacostraca; (N): nemert. Epifauna species are in bold. Species Hydrobia ulvae (G) Notomastus latericeus (P) Heteromastus filiformis (P) Cerastoderma edule (B) Ampelisca brevicornis (A) Scrobicularia plana (B) Ruditapes philippinarum (B) Cyclope neritea (G) Abra segmentum (B) Prionospio sp. (P) Nemertina (N) Glycera spp. (P) Euclymene oerstedii (P) Poecilochaetus serpens (P) Nassarius reticulatus (G) Aphelochaeta marioni (P) Tubificoides benedii (O) Melinna palmata (P) Bittium reticulatum (G) Littorina littorea (G) Euclymene collaris (P) Pseudopolydora spp. (P) Capitella capitata (P) Mytilus edulis (B) Gammarus sp. (A) Microdeutopus gryllotalpa (A) Platynereis dumerilii (P) Aonides oxycephala (P) Gibbula umbilicalis (G) Melita palmata Ophiura sp. (Op) Gammarella fucicola (A) Nebalia strausi (Ma) Sand (2005-2009) Rank Mean 1 3964 2 397 3 366 4 206 5 74 6 58 7 53 8 50 9 49 10 46 11 28 12 27 13 27 14 15 15 13 16 12 17 12 18 9 19 4 19 4 19 4 19 4 23 3 24 1 24 1 24 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Z. noltii (2005-2006) Rank Mean 1 13607 4 607 2 754 5 307 31 6 16 89 12 133 22 31 8 222 13 126 19 59 20 39 20 39 26 19 14 120 3 687 15 115 23 30 7 224 9 187 24 30 25 24 11 139 6 304 18 61 26 19 10 150 17 76 26 19 29 9 30 6 0 0 Z. noltii (2009) Rank Mean 9 407 3 2400 1 3385 0 0 0 27 7 0 25 37 20 67 13 163 18 96 11 281 19 81 22 59 2 2526 12 222 10 385 5 874 15 133 14 148 20 67 0 0 4 2363 7 652 26 15 17 111 24 52 6 844 15 133 8 511 23 52 3.2.2. Modification of macrofaunal characteristics A rapid contrast in quantitative parameters (biomass, abundance and species richness) was observed between the seagrass bed and bare sand. While the seagrass bed consisted of 23 Chapter 2- Seagrass colonization and macrobenthos small patches (February 2005), biomass and species richness in bare sand and seagrass patches were similar (p > 0.05), while abundance was double in the seagrass bed (12363 ind.m-2 against 6400 ind.m-2) (p < 0.01) (Figure 2.3). When seagrass started to expand (June 2005) until the almost entire coverage of the area (in November 2009), macrofauna biomass (Figure 2.3A), abundance (Figure 2.3B) and species richness (Figure 2.3C) were higher in the seagrass patches (p < 0.01). Diversity H’ was less or similar for a short time only (until November 2006), but also became higher in the seagrass (p < 0.01) at the end of the study, in November 2009 (Figure 2.3D). The Evenness index J’ was always small (<0.8) in both habitats but higher in the seagrass at the end (Figure 2.3D). Species were gathered into five trophic groups based on the feeding types (Fauchald and Jumars, 1979; Hily and Bouteille, 1999): (1) grazers, (2) deposit feeders, (3) scavengers, (4) predators and (5) suspension feeders. The biomass of each trophic group was compared between bare sand and seagrass bed (Figure 2.4). At the beginning of seagrass expansion in February 2005, grazers and scavengers were the groups showing higher biomass (p < 0.05) in the seagrass bed. In June 2005, grazers, predators and suspension feeders displayed higher biomass (p < 0.05) in seagrass. In November 2005 and in November 2006, all trophic groups (except predators) had higher levels (p < 0.05) in the seagrass bed. At the end of the survey, when the seagrass bed occupied most of the area, all trophic groups (except suspension feeders) showed higher biomass (p < 0.05) in the seagrass bed. In terms of position related to substratum, epifauna always displayed higher abundance, biomass and species richness (p <0.05) in seagrass compared to bare sand, except abundance in November 2009 (p > 0.05) which was considered low for seagrass epifauna (Figure 2.5). Hydrobia ulvae explained most of these differences. For infauna, abundance and biomass remained similar until November 2005 and became higher in seagrass (p < 0.05) thereafter (Figure 2.5A and B). Species richness was higher in seagrass from June 2005, with increasing differences until November 2009 (× 1.5 to × 2.5) (Figure 2.5C). 24 Chapter 2- Seagrass colonization and macrobenthos 160 35000 A Mean abundance (individuals m-2) Mean biomass(g AFDW m-2) 180 140 120 100 80 ns 60 40 20 B 30000 25000 20000 Hu 3956/407 Hu 4748/9844 10000 5000 0 Feb.-05 Jun.-05 Nov.-05 Nov.-06 Nov.-09 Feb.-05 3.5 C D 0.5 0.4 Jun.-05 0.5 0.3 Nov.-05 0.5 0.5 3.0 25 ns 20 2.5 ns Mean H' Mean number of species Hu Hu 2867/12511 3422/9400 15000 0 30 Hu 4830/22674 15 10 2.0 Nov.-06 0.5 0.5 Nov.-09 0.5 0.7 ns ns ns 1.5 1.0 5 0.5 0 0.0 Feb.-05 Jun.-05 Nov.-05 Nov.-06 Nov.-09 Feb.-05 Jun.-05 Nov.-05 Nov.-06 Nov.-09 Figure 2.3. Mean biomass (A), abundance of macrofauna (including Hydrobia ulvae (Hu) density) (B), number of species (C) and Shannon index with Piélou’s evenness values on top of the figure (D) (+ 1 SE) in bare sand (in white) and in seagrass (in black) at different dates. ns: not : p < 0.001. significant, p > 0.05; : p < 0.05; : p < 0.01; 25 Chapter 2- Seagrass colonization and macrobenthos 80 A 10 deposit feeders (g AFDW m-2) predators (g AFDW m-2) 12 8 6 ns 4 ns 2 ns Feb.-05 Jun.-05 Nov.-05 Nov.-06 50 ns 40 30 20 10 Nov.-09 ns Feb.-05 14 C scavengers (g AFDW m-2) 35 grazers (g AFDW m-2) 60 0 0 40 B 70 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Jun.-05 Nov.-05 Nov.-06 Nov.-09 Nov.-05 Nov.-06 Nov.-09 D 12 10 8 6 ns 4 2 0 Feb.-05 Jun.-05 Nov.-05 Nov.-06 suspension feeders (g AFDW m-2) 120 Nov.-09 Feb.-05 Jun.-05 E 100 80 60 ns ns 40 20 0 Feb.-05 Jun.-05 Nov.-05 Nov.-06 Nov.-09 Figure 2.4. Mean biomass (g AFDW.m-2) of trophic groups (+ 1 SE) in bare sand (in white) and in the seagrass bed (in black) at different dates. A: predators; B: deposit feeders; C: grazers; D: scavengers; E: suspension feeders. ns: not significant, p > 0.05; : p < 0.05; : p : p < 0.001. < 0.01; 26 30000 A Mean biomass (g AFDW m-2) Mean abundance (individuals m-2) Chapter 2- Seagrass colonization and macrobenthos 25000 20000 15000 10000 ns ns 5000 ns 140 B 120 100 80 ns 60 ns 40 20 0 0 epi. inf. epi. inf. epi. inf. epi. inf. epi. inf. Feb.-05 Jun.-05 Nov.-05 Nov.-06 20 epi. Nov.-09 inf. epi. Feb.-05 inf. epi. Jun.-05 inf. epi. Nov.-05 inf. epi. Nov.-06 inf. Nov.-09 C Mean number of species 18 16 ns 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 epi. inf. Feb.-05 epi. inf. Jun.-05 epi. inf. Nov.-05 epi. inf. Nov.-06 epi. inf. Nov.-09 Figure 2.5. Mean biomass (A), abundance (B), number of species (C) (+ 1 SE) of epifauna (epi.) and infauna (inf.) in bare sand (in white) and in seagrass (in black) at different dates. : p < 0.001. ns: not significant, p > 0.05; : p < 0.05; : p < 0.01; 3.2.3. Assessment of the ecological quality of seagrass and bare sand by biotic indices Over the years, BOPA index fluctuated without a clear solid trend but corresponded to a good or high ecological quality. AMBI index classified the quality of both benthic communities as good during the whole period. The BENTIX index produced a lower assessment than AMBI and BOPA and classified the ecosystem quality from poor to moderate (Figure 2.6). From February to June 2005, ANOVA did not indicate any significant difference in these biotic indices values between seagrass and bare sand. However, in November 2005, 2006 and 2009, there were significant differences between seagrass and bare sand alternatively in AMBI, BOPA and BENTIX values (p < 0.05). 27 Chapter 2- Seagrass colonization and macrobenthos 0.32 0.28 0.24 A 6 moderate 4 AMBI BOPA 0.04 poor 5 moderate 0.12 0.08 bad poor 0.2 0.16 B bad good 3 2 good 1 high high 0 0 Feb.-05 Jun.-05 Nov.-05 6 Nov.-06 Nov.-09 Feb.-05 Jun.-05 Nov.-05 Nov.-06 Nov.-09 C high BENTIX 5 4 good 3 moderate poor 2 bad 1 0 Feb.-05 Jun.-05 Nov.-05 Nov.-06 Nov.-09 Figure 2.6. Biotic indices, with thresholds used to classify index values and ecological quality of the ecosystem (ES) in bare sand and (in white) and in seagrass bed (in black) at different dates for A: BOPA index; B: AMBI; C: BENTIX. 3.3. Cockle population and related trematodes 3.3.1. Cockle dynamics Mean shell length of cockles (corresponding to growth if recruitment occurred simultaneously in the whole area) from the vegetated habitat was smaller (<0.05) than in the sand habitat in most situations, i.e. different dates and cohorts, and was never larger (Table 2.3). As long as seagrass was present only in patches, from February 2005 to November 2006, the abundance of cockles in seagrass patches was similar to or higher (p < 0.05) than in bare sand. Between November 2006 and November 2009, the cockle populations completely collapsed in the seagrass that covered most of the area at that time with cockles remaining 28 Chapter 2- Seagrass colonization and macrobenthos only in bare sand close to the seagrass. With the sand/seagrass surface ratio decreasing, the density of cockles tended to increase in bare sands. At the only occasion when we monitored recruitment (June 2005), the number of recruits was 4 times higher in the bare sand but collapsed largely over the following five months (November 2005, Table 2.3). Table 2.3. Shell length and abundance (± 1 SE) of cockles in bare sand and seagrass. Pvalue was calculated from the comparison between both habitats. Sampling date Feb. 2005 Cockle cohort 2003 2004 Jun. 2005 2003 2004 2005 Nov. 2005 2003 2004 2005 Nov. 2006 2005 2006 Nov. 2009 2008 2009 Sand Zostera bed P- value Shell length (mm, ± SE) Abundance (ind.m-2) Shell length (mm, ± SE) Abundance (ind.m-2) 28.3 (± 0.1) 70.0 (± 7.5) 23.0 (± 0.2) 62.7 (± 3.8) 26.9 (± 0.6) 137.3 (± 23.2) 21.0 (± 0.5) 107.3 (± 25.2) < 0.05 < 0.05 < 0.05 ns Shell length (mm, ± SE) Abundance (ind.m-2) Shell length (mm, ± SE) Abundance (ind.m-2) Abundance (recruits.m-2) 31.5 (± 0.2) 65.0 (± 8.9) 27.2 (± 0.2) 85.0 (± 9.0) 503.7 (± 79.2) 29.1 (± 0.3) 156.0 (± 30.0) 23.9 (± 0.2) 133.3 (± 31.8) 133.2 (± 50.1) < 0.001 < 0.01 < 0.001 ns <0.01 Shell length (mm, ± SE) Abundance (ind.m-2) Shell length (mm, ± SE) Abundance (ind.m-2) Abundance (recruits.m-2) 33.8 (± 0.1) 6.0 (± 2.7) 29.2 (± 0.4) 66.7 (± 22.0) 1.3 (± 0.8) 32.5 (± 0.3) 20.0 (± 5.3) 27.4 (± 0.3) 87.0 (± 18.7) 12.7 (± 4.4) < 0.05 ns < 0.05 ns < 0.05 Shell length (mm, ± SE) Abundance (ind.m-2) Shell length (mm, ± SE) Abundance (ind.m-2) 35.4 (± 0.2) 18.7 (± 7.1) 21.3 (± 0.4) 15.3 (± 3.2) - (± -) 0.0 (± 0.0) - (± -) 0.0 (± 0.0) < 0.01 < 0.05 Shell length (mm, ± SE) Abundance (ind.m-2) Shell length (mm, ± SE) Abundance (ind.m-2) 32.5 (± 0.7) 4.7 (± 1.9) 17.3 (± 0.4) 102.0 (± 55.1) 31.2 (± 0.5) 3.3 (± 1.6) - (± -) 0.0 (± 0.0) ns ns < 0.01 29 Chapter 2- Seagrass colonization and macrobenthos 3.3.2. Parasites community Cockles were infected by five trematode species. In February 2005, when the seagrass bed just started to grow, the dominant trematode species were Himasthla interrupta and Meiogymnophallus minutus. In both cohorts (2003 and 2004), the average parasite abundance per cockle of these trematode species was similar between habitats (p > 0.05) (Figure 2.5A and B). In June 2005, the abundance of H. interrupta increased in the bare sand only and became higher than in seagrass (p < 0.05) (Figure 2.7C). All other trematode species displayed similar abundance levels in both habitats. In November 2005, H. interrupta abundance increased 5-fold and became similar in seagrass bed and bare sand. M. minutus abundance increased and became higher in bare sand (Figure 2.7D). Thereafter, until 2008 cockles disappeared from the seagrass preventing any comparison. In November 2009, the 2008 cockle cohort maintained itself in both habitats, with parasite abundance remaining higher in the seagrass bed (p < 0.001) for the four dominant trematode species (Figure 2.7E). 30 Chapter 2- Seagrass colonization and macrobenthos Nr 30/207 Hq Hi Metacercariae number. cockle-1 D Hu 4748/9844 Ca Mm 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Sp 22/59 ns Nr 30/207 500 400 100 Hu 2867/12511 ns Nr 7/89 Hu 2867/12511 ns ns 0 Hq Hi Ca Ca E Sp 22/119 300 Mm Pb Hu 4748/9844 160 Sp 244/163 140 120 100 80 Hu Nr 4830/22674 7/74 ns ns 60 40 20 Hu 4830/22674 ns 0 Hi November 2005: cohort 2004 (shell length: 32-34 mm) 600 200 Hu 4748/9844 nsns Hq Pb June 2005: cohort 2004 (shell length: 24-27 mm) C Metacercariae number. cockle-1 ns Hu 4748/9844 ns February 2005: cohort 2004 (shell length: 21-23 mm) B Sp 22/59 Metacercariae number. cockle-1 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 February 2005: cohort 2003 (shell length: 27-28 mm) Metacercariae number. cockle-1 Metacercariae number. cockle-1 A 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Mm Pb Hq Hi Ca Mm Pb November 2009: cohort 2008 (shell length: 31-33 mm) Nr 15/59 Hq Sp 0/0 Hu 3956/407 Hi Ca Mm Hu 3956/407 ns ns Pb Figure 2.7. Parasite abundance (mean ± 1 standard error) and host density (ind m-2) in bare sand (in white) and in seagrass bed (in black). When available, mean density (ind m-2) of the upper host (=first intermediate host) was determined (sand/seagrass). Nr: Nassarius reticulatus; Hu: Hydrobia ulvae; Sp: Scrobicularia plana. ns: not significant, p > 0.05; : p < 0.05; : p < 0.01; : p < 0.001. A (cockle cohort 2003) and B (cockle cohort 2004): in February 2005; C (cockle cohort 2004): in June 2005; D (cockle cohort 2004): in November 2005; E (cockle cohort 2008): in November 2009. 31 Chapter 2- Seagrass colonization and macrobenthos 4. Discussion 4.1. Kinetic of seagrass development and associated macrofauna The structure of benthic communities is largely influenced by sediment grain-size and by seagrass presence. However, whether sediment characteristics or seagrass is the dominant driver remains unclear. The originality of this study was to demonstrate that the occurrence of a seagrass bed rapidly modified the structure of benthic communities, independently from the median grain-size of the sediment. Three main stages were identified according to the development of Zostera noltii bed: early settlement, 50% spreading and 100% spreading (Figure 2.8). Early settlement 50% spreading 100% spreading •Silt and clay (×1.9) •Organic matter (×1.4) • Median grain-size: ns •Silt and clay (×2.7) •Organic matter (×2.8) • Median grain-size: ns •Silt and clay (×4.2) •Organic matter (×3.2) •Median grain-size (×1.2) Population (cockles) Population (cockles) Population (cockles) •Length (×1.1) •Abundance (×1.8) •H. interrupta (equal) •M. minutus (equal) •H. quissetensis (equal) •C. arguinae (equal) •Length (×1.1) •Abundance (×1.4) •H. interrupta (×4.8) •M. minutus (×4.1) •H. quissetensis (×3.4) •C. arguinae (×2.8) Community •Length (×1.1) •Abundance (×1.6) •H. interrupta (×1.4) •M. minutus (×1.1) •H. quissetensis (×2.5) •C. arguinae (equal) • Community Community •Abundance (×1.9) •Biomass (equal) •Species richness (equal) •H’ (1.2) •BOPA (×0.4) •AMBI (equal) •BENTIX (equal) •Abundance (×3.9) •Biomass (×4.5) •Species richness (×2.0) •H’ (×1.1) •BOPA (×2.3) •AMBI (equal) •BENTIX (equal) •Abundance (×7.8) •Biomass (×3.0) •Species richness (×2.6) •H’ (×1.8) •BOPA (×1.4) •AMBI (× 1.1) •BENTIX (× 1.4) Figure 2.8. Summary of seagrass colonization and its main effects on sediments, cockles population, and macrofauna structure (comparison between bare sand and seagrass bed). 32 Chapter 2- Seagrass colonization and macrobenthos In early settlement (February 2005), seagrass was clustered as small patches on a sheltered sandy beach. Concerning sediment characteristics, only silt and clays and organic matter content were significantly higher in seagrass compared to bare sand, while median grain-size remained similar. However, the seagrass macrofauna assemblage was immediately separated from the sand assemblage. The abundance of macrofauna increased in the seagrass bed but biomass and species richness remained similar. Most of the abundance increase was due to the grazing gastropod Hydrobia ulvae (78% of total abundance). This species was one of the most abundant species in both habitats (bare sand and seagrass) and is reputed to display higher abundance in seagrass beds (Cardoso et al., 2008). Higher abundance of macrofauna in vegetated habitats has often been reported (Fonseca et al., 1990; Orth, 1992; Boström and Bonsdorff, 1997; Fredriksen et al., 2010) and different mechanisms can be explained, for example 1) decreased predation efficiency due to high habitat complexity (Orth et al., 1984); 2) habitat preference of dense seagrass by prey as an escape mechanism from predation (Fonseca and Fisher, 1986; Webster et al., 1998; Boström et al., 2006b); 3) stabilisation of sediments that accumulate organic material, allowing increased settlement and growth of infauna (Neckles et al., 1993; Fredriksen et al., 2005); juveniles and adults are also prevented from being resuspended and transported away (Fonseca et al., 1990); and 4) a high content of organic matter, which may be common in seagrass meadows, attracts a certain type of infauna such as deposit-feeding polychaetes (Fredriksen et al., 2010). When seagrass beds spread over 50% of the available intertidal area (from June 2005 to November 2006), both silt and clays and organic matter contents went on increasing in the seagrass bed, while median grain-size remained similar between both habitats and compared to initial values. All macrofauna parameters (biomass, abundance, species richness and H’) were enhanced in the seagrass beds. Moreover, the structures of both communities were clearly contrasted. The development of the seagrass bed initially favoured grazers, predators and suspension feeders in terms of abundance. Seagrass thus appeared as a structuring factor with a higher strength than sediment. In other words, seagrass development, associated with increased organic matter, changed the trophic structure of the assemblage in the seagrass bed independently of the median grain-size. The role of seagrass in structuring communities was determined in many studies (Stoner, 1980; Orth et al., 1984; Edgar et al., 1994; Webster et al., 1998; Honkoop et al., 2008; Fredriksen et al., 2010). Stoner (1980) concluded that the biomass of benthic vegetation, independent of sediment granulometry, exerts a strong 33 Chapter 2- Seagrass colonization and macrobenthos influence on the abundance, dominance, diversity, and trophic organization of macrobenthic infauna and epifauna. This study also confirmed that vegetation cover is a major factor increasing mobile epibenthic fauna abundance, biomass and species richness as suggested by several former studies (Edgar, 1990; Edgar, 1999; Cottet et al., 2007). Greater number of niches and more food can explain this trend (Nakaoka, 2005). The role of seagrass on infauna is more controversial. Cottet et al. (2007) suggested that the structuring effect of seagrass is mitigated in subtidal and high tidal levels, whereas this effect is stronger at low intertidal level (our study case). At that level, seagrass protects macrofauna against desiccation while rhizomes and roots create spatial complexity within sediment enable oxygenation (Osenga and Coull, 1983; Hedge and Kriwoken, 2000). At Banc d’Arguin, the discrimination between seagrass and unvegetated sediments took longer (few months) than for epifauna but was achieved at all levels (biomass, abundance and species richness). Macrofaunal assemblages modification primarily concerned deposit-feeders (e.g. capitellid polychaetes, Abra segmentum) hence rejecting the hypothesis that roots and rhizomes involve loss of burrowing species (Talley and Levin, 2001). When the seagrass bed covered approximately the whole flat with only minor sand patches (November 2009), all sediment characteristics were different between both habitats, including a significant decrease in the sediment median grain-size in the seagrass bed. This trend was consistent with previous results highlighting that the seagrass beds accumulate fine sediments and organic matter (Yang, 1998; Agawin and Duarte, 2002; Leonard et al., 2002; Bos et al., 2007; van Katwijk et al., 2010). These major changes in the environmental factors lead to sharp distinctions in community structure between both habitats. Biomass, abundance of macrofauna, species richness and H’ diversity were significantly higher in the seagrass bed. Three deposit-feeding polychaetes, Heteromastus filiformis, Aphelochaeta marioni, and Notomastus latericeus, became the most abundant species. However, the large bivalves almost disappeared in the seagrass, such as Mytilus edulis, Cerastoderma edule and Ruditapes philippinarum. The obvious separation of macrofaunal assemblage in 2009 (≈ 100% coverage) from those in 2005 (patches) and 2006 (50% coverage) confirmed the difference between patchiness and continuity in structuring macrofaunal assemblages. In addition to the generalized idea that macrophytes enhance macrofaunal densities (Heck and 34 Chapter 2- Seagrass colonization and macrobenthos Orth, 1980; Borg et al., 2010), a patchy distribution and the presence of edges have been found to support higher faunal densities than continuous or dense patches (Bouma et al., 2009b). Our results confirmed the difference in community structure between reticulate seagrass beds and continuous meadows, but not the decrease of faunal abundance. Indeed, if Hydrobia ulvae which accounted for nearly 80% of the total macrobenthic abundance is excluded from the analyses, the faunal density was much higher in the continuous meadows. 4.2. Seagrass development and benthic community health AMBI, BOPA and BENTIX have been developed and adapted to the objectives of the WFD. In our study, although the values of AMBI, BOPA and BENTIX alternatively displayed a difference between seagrass and sand from autumn 2005 to autumn 2009, ES did not change in both habitats. AMBI and BOPA fairly assessed the quality of the ecosystem in Banc d’Arguin while BENTIX underestimated it. Comparisons between these indices revealed that BENTIX did not provide results coherent with the two other indices nor with what was expected from a seagrass bed in a non-polluted oceanic area. The limitations of the use of the BENTIX index are met in the case of transitional waters (estuaries and lagoons) where the natural conditions favour the presence of tolerant species in very high densities. In this case, undisturbed lagoons or estuaries may appear with low quality status if the BENTIX index is used. Interpreting different benthic indices developed for different habitats to yield a common assessment for management purposes is further complicated when the indices are based on different combinations of metrics (Teixeira et al., 2010). The discrepancy between indices is mentioned in previous studies (Blanchet et al., 2008). A comparison of AMBI or BOPA values between habitats or among dates confirmed that seagrass cover estimation must remain a WFD parameter to be measured. Indeed, BIs alone did not reveal the transition of habitat from sand to continuous meadow. More exactly, they were unable to pick-up differences between communities because indices are calculated according to the sensitivity of a species and not to the identity of the species. Therefore, when a habitat changes but remain sensitive, as in the present case, BIs cannot detect community changes. Such lack of reactivity concerning benthic habitat modification was already demonstrated (Lavesque et al., 2009). However, it is also important to highlight that most BIs (BOPA, BENTIX) used in this study were originally developed for subtidal communities. For 35 Chapter 2- Seagrass colonization and macrobenthos intertidal environments, the thresholds between ES classes should be revised and ‘Acceptable’ (Good and High status) and ‘Not acceptable’ (Moderate or Worse status) redefined (Blanchet et al., 2008). 4.3. Seagrass development and cockle population health Cockle population health was estimated through their growth (compared shell length), their abundance (recruitment, mortality), and their parasite load (trematodes). Mean shell length was always smaller in seagrass. The vegetation limits hydrodynamics and alters suspension feeders filtration efficiency (Coen and Heck, 1991; Irlandi and Peterson, 1991; Irlandi, 1996; Bouma et al., 2009b). However, the changes in the sediment dynamics within vegetation explain that some investigations have demonstrated increased growth within seagrass beds while others have not (Irlandi, 1996; Reusch, 1998). The consequence of the development of seagrass on cockle abundance depended on whether cockles were already settled or not (a posteriori recruitment). Intraspecific competition can be responsible for a cockle growth deficit (Jensen, 1992): in the present study, cockle abundance reached values for which such a process was already observed in this site (de Montaudouin and Bachelet, 1996). When seagrass developed in an established adult cockle population, cockles abundance remained higher than in bare sand. Seagrass can act as a refuge against predation (Orth et al., 1984; Boström and Bonsdorff, 1997), and particularly against birds that are the main predators of adult cockles (Reise, 1985). When seagrass was already present and recruitment rate was high, the number of recruits was significantly lower in seagrass bed possibly due to predation that is higher in the seagrass for small prey such as juvenile cockles (Edgar, 1999). Indeed, predators exhibited higher biomass in the mature seagrass, at the end of our monitoring. That can also be due to the effect of hydrodynamics and sedimentary impact of seagrass on recruitment processes. Some species such as mussels that need a hard substratum to settle are favoured by the presence of seagrass (Reusch, 1998). For an infaunal bivalve, the presence of high density of leaves, roots and rhizomes can interfere with settlement (Neira et al., 2006). In addition, increased organic matter deposition in seagrass can create an unsuitable habitat for buried bivalves with hypoxic conditions and enhanced sulphide concentrations at the sediment surface (Rosenberg et al., 1991). Considering parasites, the initial presence of the seagrass bed did not modify trematode infection in 36 Chapter 2- Seagrass colonization and macrobenthos cockles between seagrass and bare sand. This may be due to the complex trematode life cycle that requires time to settle. In June 2005, infection levels differed in cockles from bare sand but there was no relation with the potential first intermediate host abundance (Hydrobia ulvae). Four to nine months after seagrass settlement, prevalence of infection of cockles with two trematode species differed between both habitats. At the completion of seagrass development, four out of five trematode species exhibited higher infection in the seagrass bed. Therefore, with time, trematode communities diverged in relation to seagrass presence as shown in a Moroccan lagoon (Gam et al., 2009a). The occurrence of the ‘upstream’ first intermediate host is considered as a strong driver to explain ‘downstream’ infection (Thieltges and Reise, 2007). The correlation between both factors (abundance of first intermediate host and infection intensity in the second intermediate host) depends on the scale studied (Wiens, 1989) and can disappear at the small scale (Poulin and Mouritsen, 2004). This is the case in most of our results where a higher infection in one habitat rarely corresponded to higher first intermediate host abundance. However, we do not have any data concerning the prevalence of infection of first intermediate hosts in seagrass and bare sands. As previously mentioned, parasites can alter cockle fitness. In Arguin, parasites induce mortality when mean Meiogymnophallus minutus abundance in cockles reaches 500 individuals per cockle (Gam et al., 2009b), but this threshold is lower for both Curtuteria arguinae (∼50 individuals cockle-1) (Desclaux et al., 2006) and Himasthla quissetensis (∼32 individuals cockle-1) (Desclaux et al., 2004). Comparing these thresholds with our results, C. arguinae (157 individuals cockle-1) would be the main trematode species that could increase cockle mortality. Conclusion The development of the seagrass bed induced a large-scale change in benthic communities, including trematode assemblages. It is however complex to determine if this seagrass extension leads to an increase in ecosystem quality. The WFD considered that for Good Ecological Status “The levels of… angiosperm abundance are consistent with undisturbed conditions” (EEC, 2000). Our results highlight a rapid modification of benthic 37 Chapter 2- Seagrass colonization and macrobenthos community structure, but it is not possible to say whether this is a positive or negative change remains subjective. The different tested Biotic Indices (BIs) did not reveal any change in relation to seagrass development. That meant that these BIs are not useful in detecting habitat modification on these flats. On the other hand, it can also be considered that these BIs “behaved” independently of benthic habitat change in order to assess the water mass ES as required by the WFD. Finally, seagrass bed development had a rather negative role on cockle populations. This negative effect was certainly due to the physical presence of Zostera noltii (and hydrodynamic consequences) than the parasite’s impact. Indeed, although trematode parasite can alter their host-population dynamics, infection rate observed in the present study (i.e. number of metacercariae per cockle) was smaller than what has been observed elsewhere (Desclaux et al., 2004; Desclaux et al., 2006; Gam et al., 2009b). 38 +++ In Chapter 2, we showed that seagrass presence modify trematode community in cockles, with an increase of parasite. Three hypotheses can be advanced to explain why parasite infection was higher in seagrass bed compared to bare sand: 1) The presence of seagrass may perturb parasite locomotion between both hosts. This hypothesis can be rejected because parasites displayed higher abundance in cockles from the seagrass. 2) Larger cockles are more infected because they filtrate more water. This hypothesis can be excluded because cockles were smaller in the seagrass compared to bare sand. 3) The presence of seagrass attracts the hosts that will emit the parasites toward the cockles. It is highly plausible but these data are lacking in the present study. Nevertheless, seagrass dynamics seems related to host-parasite dynamics. In the next chapter, we will test correlation among seagrass cover, some environment factors as salinity, emersion rate, temperature, sediment characteristics and the distribution of different parasites/pathologies. Then, we will consider parasite in some dominant infaunal species (Manila clam (Ruditapes philippinarum) and cockle (Cerastoderma edule) as an element among others to assess seagrass ecosystem fitness. Up to now, the relationship between seagrass presence/absence and parasite remained poorly documented (Gam et al. 2009a). The hypothesis is that seagrass, as an engineer habitat, can affect both biotic and abiotic factors which contribute to the parasite community. This study was the occasion to develop a tool allowing us to rapidly estimate sea grass (leaves) biomass from several field campaigns. Indeed, the traditional method of measurement sea grass biomass requires a lot of time (sorting, dry weighting). Alternative methods using video camera cannot be applied in Arcachon Bay intertidal mudflats due to navigation security and/or high turbidity). Here, we proposed a new method based on simplified photography analysis. +++ 39 40 Chapter 3- Seagrass and bivalve health Chapter 3 - Correlation between bivalves health and environmental parameters, including Zostera noltii seagrass bed cover, in Arcachon Bay In revision in Marine Ecology : An Evolutionary Perpective, with the title “Environmental factors contributing to the development of Brown Muscle Disease and Perkinsosis in Manila clams (Ruditapes philippinarum) and trematodiasis in cockles (Cerastoderma edule) of Arcachon Bay” Abstract The aim of the present study was to identify environmental factors that could explain the distribution of different pathologies of commercially exploited bivalves, in an Atlantic lagoon, Arcachon Bay. In particular, the role of salinity gradient as a driver was explored. The Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum underwent two severe pathologies, i.e. perkinsosis which is due to a protozoan parasite and brown muscle disease (BMD) the etiological agent of which remains unknown. Perkinsus olseni infection was very low in a small low-salinity area but, at the scale of the entire lagoon, was more influenced by organic matter content in the sediment and by emersion rate. BMD prevalence was also 2.6 times higher in the higher organic content area but was also negatively correlated with salinity. The sympatric cockle (Cerastoderma edule) was affected by eight trematodes. These parasites have a complex life cycle which generally involves three free-living species. The distribution of the different trematode communities was rather patchy within Arcachon Bay with no clear relationship with measured environmental factors. The dominance of trematode species could be due to the presence of the other hosts involved in their life cycle which makes it more difficult to detect a major environmental driver. This survey demonstrated that salinity is not the major factor explaining disease distribution in this temperate lagoon. This result has consequences in the research of “refuge areas” (free of diseases) or “hot spots” (heavy infection) for high economic value species. Keywords: bivalves, diseases, distribution, Arcachon Bay, parasites 41 Chapter 3- Seagrass and bivalve health 1. Introduction In transitional ecosystems, salinity is generally a strong driver of community structure (Blanchet et al., 2005). This is particularly true in systems where the gradient is obvious like in estuaries (Wolff, 1973; Ysebaert and Herman, 2002; Rybarczyk and Elkaim, 2003). Typically, three types of faunal communities are encountered, in euryhaline, polyhaline, mesohaline and oligohaline waters respectively, all of these also having both pelagic (Herman et al., 1968; Orsi and Mecum, 1986; Baretta and Malschaert, 1988; David et al., 2006) and benthic components (Attrill and Rundle, 2002; Ysebaert and Herman, 2002). Parasite species may also display a strong relationship with the haline gradient when their life cycle involves a free stage that is sensitive to water mass characteristics. This has been described in protozoans like Perkinsus spp. that parasitize numerous mollusc species (Ahn and Kim, 2001; La Peyre et al., 2006). When the host dies, the parasite evolves into a stage, the hypnospore, which spends some time in the water before being inhaled by a new host. The various different species of Perkinsus genus are known to be limited by low salinity (Leite et al., 2004). Most trematode species also display free-swimming larval stages in their life cycles, usually including two such stages. The parasite sexually reproduces in the definitive host. Eggs are emitted into the water with faeces and develop into miracidium larvae that infect the first intermediate host, always a mollusc. Asexual reproduction in this host leads to the formation of a new type of larvae, cercariae, which are shed into the water and swim or drift before infection of the second intermediate host. There, larvae remain in a latent stage, the metacercariae, and wait for their host to be predated on by the final host in order to achieve their life cycle. Many studies demonstrated that these swimming larvae were sensitive to salinity (Mouritsen, 2002; Koprivnikar et al., 2010), suggesting that this factor could contribute to explaining the structure of parasite communities. In lagoons, however, salinity gradients are not always so pronounced and other structuring factors may interfere in the process such as emersion rate, seagrass occurrence, and sediment grain-size (Bachelet et al., 1996; Marzano et al., 2003; Blanchet et al., 2004). It results in a mosaic of communities where the major structuring factors are not always easy to detect. In relation to parasites, there is little knowledge on the factors that drive their distribution in these sheltered areas. For fishermen, such knowledge could contribute to 42 Chapter 3- Seagrass and bivalve health identifying ‘refuge areas’ that are more or less exempt from infectious diseases (Hoffmann et al., 2009). Arcachon Bay is a good system to illustrate and study these questions. It is a typical tidal lagoon with a cape sheltering most of the system and with fresh water inputs. Previous studies performed on free-living intertidal fauna demonstrated that the salinity gradient was not the only driver of the distribution of pelagic (Vincent, 2002) and benthic communities (Bachelet and Dauvin, 1993; Blanchet et al., 2004). Arcachon Bay also ranks in first position in terms of Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum production in France and periodically sustains a small cockle Cerastoderma edule fishery also. Both bivalves undergo pathologies. Perkinsosis (Perkinsus olseni) is very prevalent in Manila clams in the whole bay with no detected gradient (Dang et al., 2010a). Recently, in 2005, a new disease of the bivalve was described for the first time, Brown Muscle Disease (BMD) (Dang et al., 2008). The infectious agent is still unknown, although a virus is suspected (Dang et al., 2009). Finally, trematodes are abundant, mostly in cockles. A community of 13 species was identified in previous studies (Desclaux et al., 2002; de Montaudouin et al., 2009) but the global distribution of these parasites at the lagoon scale remains unknown. Trematodes induce a less severe impact on their cockle hosts than that observed in Manila clam infected with Perkinsosis and BMD, except when the intensity (number of parasite individuals per infected host (Bush et al., 1997)) becomes high in cockles infected as second intermediate hosts (Desclaux et al., 2004) or when the cockle is the first intermediate host (Jonsson and Andre, 1992; Thieltges, 2006a). Our specific aims were: 1) to describe a series of biotic and abiotic factors in Arcachon Bay in order to identify homogeneous entities, i.e. groups of stations that were defined by environmental characteristics with similar values (of salinity, temperature, emersion rate, grain-size median, seagrass biomass…); 2) to assess levels of infection in cockles and clams; 3) to identify environmental factors correlated with the different diseases. The general aim was to explore whether it is possible to identify ‘hot spots’ (accumulation of infections) or ‘refuge areas’ (sites free of pathogens) in relation to some biotic and/or abiotic factors. 43 Chapter 3- Seagrass and bivalve health 2. Materials and Methods 2.1. Study site Arcachon Bay (44°40’N, 1°10W) is a macrotidal (tidal range = 0.9-4.9) coastal lagoon situated on the South Western coast of France. This 156-km² ecosystem is connected to the Atlantic Ocean by a 2-3-km wide and 12-km long channel. Channels represent 41 km² of the lagoon surface and penetrate between large intertidal areas (115 km²). A significant proportion of these tidal flats (46 km²) are covered by Zostera noltii seagrass beds (Plus et al., 2010). Arcachon Bay receives freshwater inputs from its North-Eastern and Southern parts but mainly by a river (Leyre) located in the South-Eastern end of the lagoon. The balance between marine and continental water inputs and the slow renewal of water by tides induce salinity and temperature gradients (Robert et al., 1987). 2.2. Sampling procedure In October and November 2009, a total of 39 stations were sampled along two axes (i.e. two subareas) drawn between the most seaward part of the lagoon and the most landward, within the Manila clam and cockle habitat (Figure 3.1). Stations were sampled at low tide. Six 0.25-m² quadrats were sampled by hand to collect clams and cockles. When the number of collected individuals was insufficient, they were collected haphazardly in the immediately surrounding area. When all stations were sampled, we selected 28-36-mm shell length individuals that corresponded to the length range that was common to all stations. Sediment was sampled for organic matter analysis and grain-size determination (median). Pictures were taken for seagrass biomass evaluation (Fujifilm FinePix S9500 camera, 1600 × 1200 pixels) (see Figure 3.1). 44 Chapter 3- Seagrass and bivalve health Figure 3.1. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) based on 21 environmental factors (A) from 33 stations (B). Four groups can be separated. Organic Matter content in the sediment contributed to Axis 1, while salinity and temperature contributed to Axis 2. Group 1: blue; Group 2: green; Group 3: violet; and Group 4: red. White : No values. Stars represent stations where bivalves were collected while yellow disks represent stations that were surveyed within ARCHYD network in order to obtain ground-truth values of salinity and temperature for model validation. Black disk situates Eyrac tide gauge to calibrate sea surface height with the model and to deduce emersion time. 45 Chapter 3- Seagrass and bivalve health 2.3. Environmental factors 2.3.1. Grain size and organic matter At each station, the 3 first cm of sediment was collected and subsequently analysed for grain-size distribution (wet sieving) and organic matter (loss of weight of dry sediment at 450°C for 4 h). 2.3.2. Seagrass leaf biomass A rapid but reliable method of assessing Zostera noltii’s leaf biomass was developed for this study, during a preliminary sampling trip. Fifteen 15 cm × 15 cm quadrats were delicately laid over the sediment surface, at low tide. These quadrats were visually selected to represent a large range of vegetation cover, from 0% (bare sediment) to 100%. For each quadrat, a numeric photograph was taken perpendicularly, one meter above the surface. Then, leaves were cut at their base with scissors. Back at the lab, each sample was washed, weighed (fresh weight) and dried at 60°C for 48 hours to obtain a dry weight. On each photograph, polygons corresponding to bare sediment have been drawn using image analysis software. The surface of these polygons was automatically calculated and the seagrass cover was deduced from the quadrate surface. The leaves’ dry weight and the surface cover were correlated after logarithmic transformation of both variables (and after removing the picture without grass). The equation being as follows: Loge(DW) = 1.450 × Loge(S) – 1.733, with R = 0.98 (n=14 pictures) Where Loge(S) = 0.690 × Loge(DW) + 1.195 DW is Zostera noltii leaves dry weight in g.m-2 and S is the percentage of sediment covered by Z. noltii. The biomass in fresh weight (FW) could also be obtained FW = 13.2 × DW, R=0.97 (n=15) Therefore from a numerically identified picture, it was possible to obtain a biomass with reliable precision. Of course, the more the vegetation cover approaches 100% cover, the 46 Chapter 3- Seagrass and bivalve health less precise the method becomes, because 100% cover may correspond to many biomass values, depending on seagrass bed thickness. Then, the drawing of polygons allowed us obtaining the relationship to calculate leave biomass from seagrass cover but was highly time consuming for routine survey and not really worth comparing to direct biomass assessment. Consequently, we used a line-drawing method in order to rapidly estimate foliage biomass. This method consisted of drawing three equidistant lines across each numerical image and counting the intersections between lines and leaves. Consequently, the 15 cm × 15 cm frame must be disposed with leaves perpendicular to one of the square sides and lines have to be drawn at right angle to leaves. The best correlations were found after logarithmic transformation of both variables (intersection and biomass). Loge(DW) = 1.514 × Loge (mean number of intercepts per line) – 1.911, with R = 0.98 (n=14 pictures) This method was utilized to determine aerial biomass in the 39 investigated stations (10 frames per station). Less than ten minutes per photograph, including line drawing, were necessary to estimate aerial biomass. 2.3.3. Temperature, salinity, emersion rate The high number of sampling sites and the necessity to determine the general environmental patterns defining the “living conditions” at each sampling site were incompatible with the setting up of an experimental protocol. Thus, temperature, salinity and emersion rates for each sampling site, were obtained by means of a mathematical model (MARS, (Lazure and Dumas, 2008)), which was previously applied and validated on Arcachon Bay (Plus et al., 2009). This three-dimensional hydrodynamic model calculates free surface height variations, current speed and direction, water temperature and salinity, at a 235 m resolution on the horizontal plan (10 meshes on the vertical) and at a time step ranging from 10 to 60 seconds. The model was launched for a three-year period (November 2006 to November 2009), and the following parameters were recorded for each site: • Temperature and salinity minima, maxima and means. • Percent of time spent in emersion. 47 Chapter 3- Seagrass and bivalve health • Frequency histograms for temperature (percent of time spent at temperatures below the following thresholds: 8, 12, 16 and 20°C). These threshold values cover the range of values that is found in this area and allow detecting particularly low and high temperatures from “rare events”. • Frequency histograms for salinity (percent of time spent at salinities below the following thresholds: 13, 28 and 34). These threshold values cover the range of values that is found in this area and allow detecting particularly low and high salinities from “rare events”. Boundary conditions were provided by the global tidal solution FES99 (Lefèvre et al., 2002) and the atmospheric forcing – air temperature, atmospheric pressure, nebulosity, relative humidity and surface wind stress – was provided by the ARPEGE model (MétéoFrance). Comparisons between available ground-truth values and model simulations were performed in order to validate the mathematical model on the study period (from November 2006 to November 2009). Temperature and salinity observed data were taken from the ARCHYD database (Ifremer), selecting four stations located along the clam sampling axes (Figure 3.1). Sea surface height (SSH) observations at the Eyrac tide gauge (Figure 3.1) were provided by the REFMAR website ( and remain the property of the SHOM (Naval Hydrographic and Oceanographic Service) and the Gironde DDTM (Sea and Territory Departmental Directorate). Model evaluation was performed following Piñeiro et al. (2008), regressing observed vs. predicted values and testing the significance of slope=1 and intercept=0. This analysis was complemented by RMSD (root mean squared deviation) and EFF (model efficiency) calculations: ∑ (Yi mod − Yiobs ) n n RMSD = ∑ (Yi mod − Yiobs )² i =1 n Eff = 1 − i =1 n 2 ( ∑ Yiobs − Y obs i =1 ) 2 where Yimod and Yiobs are respectively the predicted and observed values and n is the total number of values. Table 3.1 summarizes the results of the model validation. Observed vs. predicted values regressions showed that the model behave satisfactorily. Best model performances 48 Chapter 3- Seagrass and bivalve health were obtained for sea surface elevation and temperature, with a very high percentage of variance in observed values explained by the model (respectively 97% and 98%). Worst model performance was obtained for salinity but the coefficient of determination still remain high (85%). All tests for slope=1 and intercept=0 were passed and model efficiency was close to 1. Theil's partial coefficients show that most of the errors in model predictions were due to unexplained variance and not to bias or to misleading. Temperature, salinity and SSH root mean squared deviations are 0.78°C, 0.79 and 19 cm, respectively. Table 3.1. Regressions parameters (slope a and bias b, for the Yobs = aYmod + b equation), coefficient of determination (r2), Theil's partial inequality coefficients (Ubias, Uslope and Uerror,, are the proportions of observed variance not explained by the predicted values but due to respectively, mean differences between observed and predicted values, slope error and unexplained variance), root mean squared deviation (RMSD, expressed in the same units as the variables) and model efficiency (Eff, the closer Eff is to 1, the better is the model), for observed vs. predicted variables (temperature, TEMP, salinity, SAL and sea surface height, SSH). SSH Temperature Salinity a 1.008 0.958 0.910 Significance of test a=1 0.20 0.09 0.18 b 0.016 0.376 3.086 Significance of test b=0 0.33 0.35 0.16 Degree of freedom 915 34 34 r2 0.97 0.98 0.85 Ubias (%) 0.034 0.125 0.039 Uslope (%) 0.002 0.071 0.049 Uerror (%) 0.964 0.804 0.912 RMSD 0.19 0.78 0.79 EFF 0.96 0.98 0.84 49 Chapter 3- Seagrass and bivalve health 2.4. Bivalve models and associated pathology 2.4.1. Manila clam and Perkinsus All collected Manila clams (Ruditapes philippinarum) belonging to shell length class 28-36 mm were opened (34 stations out of 39 investigated stations harboured Manila clams with adequate shell length) and gills samples were excised. Five gills from clams with identical lengths were pooled and weighed for analyses of Perkinsus infection levels which were determined by the FTM (fluid thioglycollate medium) assay (Ray, 1966). Depending on clam availability, between 2 and 6 pools (except 1 pool in a single station (n°21)) were obtained. For induction of prezoosporangia (hypnospores), gills samples were placed in separate 15 mL tubes containing 9.5 mL FTM supplemented with 66 µg mL-1 streptomycin, 32 µg mL-1 penicillin G and, 40 µg mL-1 nystatin (final concentrations), to prevent bacterial and fungal activity. The tubes were incubated at room temperature for 7 days, in the dark. After incubation, the samples were stored at 4°C until hypnospore numeration. To lyse tissues, samples were centrifuged at 2500 rd/min (664 g) for 10 min. Pellets were added with 5 mL NaOH 2N, and incubated at 60°C for at least 1 hour. This step was repeated before pellets were rinsed twice with 10 mL 0.1 M phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). Final pellets were resuspended in 1 mL PBS and hypnospores were counted twice using a Malassez counting chamber. The concentration of Perkinsus was correlated to the different variables of the environment (Pearson correlation, after verifying normality of residuals), and was compared among the four spatial groups (Kruskal Wallis test due to heteroscedasticity) and between the two axes, i.e. between the two subareas of the lagoon (Student t-test) (Statistica 7 software). 2.4.2. Manila clam and BMD All collected clams belonging to the 28-36-mm shell length class were opened and an index of the pathology (Muscle Print Index, MPI) estimated. On the posterior muscle (the only affected one), the MPI was used to designate the surface colonized by the brown muscle print on a scale of 0 to 4 as follows: (0 (healthy), 1 (0-25%), 2 (25-50%), 3 (50-75%) and 4 (75-100%)). When both valves displayed different pathology indices, the highest category 50 Chapter 3- Seagrass and bivalve health was selected to characterize the stage of BMD. Prevalence was defined as the percentage of infected hosts (Bush et al., 1997). 2.4.3. Cockle and trematodes When possible, five cockles between 13 and 29-mm shell length per station were opened. The flesh was separated and squeezed between two large glass slides. Trematodes were identified and counted under a stereomicroscope (de Montaudouin et al., 2009). Trematode abundance was defined as the mean number of metacercariae per individual host, and prevalence as the percentage of infected hosts (Bush et al., 1997). A correspondence analysis was performed on data which consisted of a ‘35 stations × 8 trematode species’ matrix when each species occurred. Data (averaged metacercariae abundance) were log10(x+1) transformed. In the case of Bucephalus minimus, it was not possible to separate and count sporocysts and a value of 1 was arbitrarily imposed in the matrix. Particular attention was devoted to the identification of the ‘contributive’ taxa. A taxa was determined ‘contributive’ when its contribution to the dimension’s inertia was at least twice the mean theoretical contribution of a taxon. Considering that the 8 taxa of the matrix contributed to 100% inertia, a “contributive” taxon inertia should arbitrarily be over (100/8) × 2 = 25%. 3. Results 3.1. Environmental factors The Principal Component Analysis separated 4 spatial groups (Figure 3.1A). Group 1 isolated a small number of stations at the mouth of the two freshwater inputs (Canal des Etangs and Leyre) (Figure 3.1B). This group was characterized by low mean salinity (22.6), high frequency of T<16°C (50%), high organic matter and silt and clay contents in the sediment (7.8 and 38.5%, respectively), null emersion time, and low seagrass coverage (7%) (Table 3.2). Group 2 gathered stations in oceanic position with high median grain size (191 µm), high mean salinity (32.8), mean temperature similar to elsewhere in the lagoon (17°C) but with low occurrence of cold events, i.e. low frequency of T<8°C (4.2%), low organic 51 Chapter 3- Seagrass and bivalve health matter and silt and clay content in the sediment (3.2 and 16.3%, respectively) (Figure 3.1, Table 3.2). Groups 3 and 4 displayed medium mean salinity (30.1), medium frequency of T<8°C (7.7%) (Table 3.2). Axis 2 displayed a higher percentage of silt and clay, organic matter in the sediment and emersion time and more extreme water temperatures than Axis 1 (Table 3.3). 3.2. Manila clam and Perkinsosis The mean concentration of Perkinsus in the bay was 62,000 cells.g-1 (gill fresh weight FW) and could reach 209,000 cells.g-1 (gill FW) (station 33, Axis 2, Figure 3.2). It was positively correlated to organic matter concentration in the sediment, percentage of emersion, distance to Leyre river and negatively correlated to frequency of T<16°C and distance to Canal des Etangs (Table 3.4). There was a significant difference of Perkinsus concentration among spatial groups (Kruskal Wallis, df=3, H=22.58, p<0.001), Group 1 (7,400 cells.g-1 (gill FW)) being different from Groups 2, 3 and 4 that displayed similar infection (70,193 cells.g-1 (gill FW)). Perkinsus abundance was three times higher in Axis 2 (mean = 95,701 cells.g-1 gill fresh weight) than in Axis 1 (mean = 28,917 cells.g-1 gill fresh weight) (Student t-test, df=33, t=-4.62, p<0.001). 52 Chapter 3- Seagrass and bivalve health Table 3.2. Different characteristics of the environment averaged for each of the four groups that were defined by the Principal Component Analysis (Figure 3.2). ANOVA (F value) or Kruskal Wallis tests (H) were performed to compare values among groups. Superscript letters gather groups that are similar for a given parameter, values that are different from values of the three other groups (p<0.05) are in bold. Median (µm) Sediment Silt (%) Organic matter (%) Seagrass cover (%) Mean F <13‰ Salinity F <28‰ F <34‰ Mean Temperature Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 103 b 191.2 a 96.5 b 108.3 b ±52.8 ±85.3 ±37.8 ±22.5 a 38.5 b 16.3 ±11.3 ±16.3 bc a 7.8 ±2.6 ±3.2 40.1 29.5 6.2 b ±2.5 ab 44.9 ±22.7 ±23.4 ±26.7 22.5 c 32.8 b 30.3 a 29.9 a ±3.7 ±0.3 ±0.3 1.4 16.4 ±8.7 b 0.0 ±0 a 66.6 ±19.0 a 99.9 ±0.0 ±0.3 b 1.8 ±0.7 75.1 16.7 ±0.2 22.7 a 98.8 a 16.7 17.0 ±0.1 a 17.0 ±0.1 c ±0.5 ±0.9 Maximal 34.4 33.1 34.1 32.2 ±0.5 ±2.2 ±2.1 ±2.6 F < 8°C F <16°C F < 20°C Current F<0.25m/s % Emersion time Clam density (ind/m²) Leyre Canal des étangs Atlantic ocean 9.5 4.2 ±0.3 ±1.1 a 31.6 ±0.7 50.4 ±0.7 27.1 b ±0.4 ac a 48.0 ±0.2 a 63.1 59.5 48.3 59.9 ±0.7 93.3 95.6 91.3 82.2 ±6.9 ±4.5 ±10.4 ±15.7 0.0 30.9 ±0 ±16.9 ab 16.2 ±28.1 5.9 ab ±8.1 9.8 ±8.1 ±1.9 6.3 13.8 8.2 3.0 ab b ±1.0 b ±41.7 a ±0.9 a ±11.4 51.4 ±7.9 ±1.1 ab 12.7 a 32.9 ab 12.4 ±1.3 3.3 a ±1.3 9.6 a ±0.4 ±15.1 1.36 0.274 23.74 <0.001 23.11 <0.001 12.13 0.006 23.07 <0.001 4.97 0.174 6.26 0.002 ab 23.9 ±18.6 8.2 b ±4.3 10.84 0.012 10.66 0.013 9.07 0.028 22.06 <0.001 b ±4.1 9.5 <0.001 a 13.0 8.2 21.92 cb ±0.3 b <0.001 ab ±1.4 b 22.87 <0.001 28.1 a ±1.3 a 0.002 9.55 ±0.3 b 14.64 <0.001 ±0.5 b <0.001 31.80 ±0.7 28.0 23.16 a 7.5 a ±0.2 ab 48.4 7.9 1.9 ±0.2 ±0.2 a 62.7 b 0.002 b ±0.9 a 6.24 b ±0.4 0.8 0.000 b 1.2 3.1 7.91 ±1.5 b 0.004 <0.001 ±13.1 99.8 13.23 8.32 ±0.9 ±0.1 a ±0.1 bc 20.1 0.3 p ab b ±3.9 b ±7.8 a 0.1 ab H ab ±10.8 a F a ±8.3 c ±1.3 b 72.2 38.8 9.1 ±2.5 a 6.2 3.2 a Minimal F <12°C Distance (km) Group 1 a ±1.9 53 Chapter 3- Seagrass and bivalve health Table 3.3. Different characteristics of the environment in both axes (Figure 3.1). Student ttest (t value) was performed to compare values between axes. Values that are different (p<0.05) are in bold. Median (µm) Silt (%) Sediment Organic matter (%) Seagrass cover (%) Mean F <13‰ Salinity F <28‰ F <34‰ Mean Minimal Maximal Temperature F < 8°C F <12°C F <16°C F< 20°C Current F<0.25m/s % Emersion time Clam density (ind/m²) Leyre Distance Canal des étangs (km) Atlantic ocean Axis 1 Axis 2 t p 131.9 23.5 4.3 44.6 29.5 2.6 25.2 91.2 16.9 2.5 32.1 6.6 28.2 48.6 61.3 85.3 11.4 17.6 7.2 10.9 8.4 127.4 32.1 7.3 51 30.9 0.8 15.2 92.3 16.9 1.7 33.7 6.9 27.9 48.3 60.9 91.9 28.3 27.7 13.3 4.5 7.4 0.20 -2.12 -3.11 -0.60 -1.38 1.02 1.49 -0.27 0.30 2.28 -2.05 -0.39 0.69 1.33 0.57 -1.53 -3.16 -1.11 -5.10 7.83 0.83 0.838 0.041 0.004 0.550 0.178 0.315 0.144 0.790 0.765 0.029 0.048 0.700 0.489 0.191 0.573 0.135 0.003 0.273 <0.001 <0.001 0.414 54 Chapter 3- Seagrass and bivalve health 250 000 Axis 1 Perkinsus cell/g (gill fresh weight) 200 000 150 000 100 000 50 000 0 1 West 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 38 39 Stations East 250 000 Axis 2 Perkinsus cell/g (gill fresh weight) 200 000 150 000 100 000 50 000 0 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 South Stations North Figure 3.2. Abundance of Perkinsus olseni (cells/g (fresh weight) in gills) per station in Arcachon Bay. 55 Chapter 3- Seagrass and bivalve health 3.3. Manila clam and Brown Muscle Disease The mean Brown Muscle Disease prevalence per station in Manila clams throughout the bay was 11% (Figure 3.3). BMD prevalence and Muscle Print Index were (MPI) positively correlated with silt and organic matter contents in the sediment and with frequency S<34. They were negatively correlated with minimal temperatures. Besides, MPI was positively correlated with mean water temperature and with Manila clam density (Table 3.4). However, the influence of freshwater input was not similar between Canal des Etangs and Leyre. There was no difference of prevalence between spatial groups (one-way ANOVA, F3,28=2.03, p=0.13). However, Muscle Print Index increased from the most oceanic spatial group (G2) (MPImean= 0.8) to the more continental ones (G3 and G4) (MPImean= 2.4) groups (one-way ANOVA, F3,28=11.74, p<0.001). Prevalence was 2.6 times higher along Axis 2 (16.1%) (See Figure 3.1 for localisation of both axes) than along Axis 1 (4.5%) (U-Mann & Whitney, Z=-2.70, p=0.007) (Figure 3.3). MPI was similar in both axes (1.84) (U-Mann & Whitney, Z=-1.55, p=0.12). 3.4. Cockle and trematodes Cockles were present in 35 stations out of the 39 investigated stations. A total of eight trematode taxa were found: seven species utilize the cockle as second intermediate host. One of them belongs to Himasthla genus and could be a complex of two species, H. quissetensis and H. continua. The 8th species, Bucephalus minimus, utilizes the cockle as first intermediate host with a global prevalence of 13% (N=144 cockles). Dimension 1 of the Correspondence Analysis (44.6% of inertia) discriminated H. interrupta whereas dimension 2 (23.6% inertia) discriminated Curtuteria arguinae and H. spp. (Figure 3.4A). Three trematode communities can be identified in the bay (Figure 3.4B) : 1) H. interrupta was present in the northern part of the bay only and characterized (mean abundance per station was comprised between 3 and 22 metacercariae.cockle-1) and was accompanied by a high B. minimus prevalence (24% with N=25 cockles) ; 2) Curtuteria arguinae was the dominant trematode in the south-west end of the bay, i.e. the most oceanic part (mean abundance per station comprised between 9 and 43 metacercariae.cockle-1, N=34 cockles), often accompanied by Diphterostomum brusinae; 3) the south-eastern end of the bay was characterized by a higher abundance in H. spp. (mean 56 Chapter 3- Seagrass and bivalve health abundance per station comprised between 9 and 43 metacercariae.cockle-1, N=34 cockles) that represented the only trematode taxa present here. Figure 3.3. Brown Muscle Disease (BMD) prevalence per station in Arcachon Bay. Mean BMD prevalence per axis (i.e. subarea) is mentioned. 57 Chapter 3- Seagrass and bivalve health Table 3.4. Correlation between Perkinsus concentration, Brown Muscle Disease (BMD) prevalence, BMD’s Muscle Print Index (MPI) and different parameters of the environment (N=34). Significant correlations (p<0.05) are in bold. R= Pearson correlation coefficient Perkinsus concentration (Cells/g of gills) Sediment Salinity Temperature BMD Prevalence (%) R p MPI R p R p Median (µm) -0.04 0.829 -0.27 0.141 -0.28 0.119 Silt (%) 0.25 0.149 0.45 0.010 0.39 0.025 Organic matter (%) 0.35 0.040 0.52 0.003 0.42 0.015 Seagrass cover (%) 0.09 0.594 0.07 0.713 -0.35 0.051 Mean 0.29 0.101 -0.10 0.580 -0.26 0.145 F <13‰ -0.31 0.073 0.08 0.672 -0.03 0.865 F <28‰ -0.27 0.127 0.07 0.681 0.29 0.098 F <34‰ 0.03 0.875 0.37 0.039 0.72 <0.001 Minimal -0.29 0.093 -0.37 0.034 -0.46 0.008 Maximal 0.29 0.090 0.12 0.514 -0.02 0.900 Mean 0.09 0.614 0.12 0.6644 0.66 <0.001 <0.001 F < 8°C 0.00 0.990 0.32 0.071 0.65 F <12°C -0.26 0.131 0.18 0.330 0.21 0.245 F <16°C -0.35 0.043 -0.00 0.987 -0.24 0.176 F < 20°C -0.17 0.344 -0.23 0.213 -0.73 <0.001 Current F<0.25m/s 0.09 0.626 -0.16 0.390 -0.20 0.270 % Emersion time 0.34 0.048 0.13 0.491 0.03 0.875 Clam density (ind/m²) 0.10 0.569 -0.12 0.502 0.37 0.037 Distance (km) Leyre 0.43 0.011 0.28 0.114 -0.28 0.113 Canal des étangs -0.51 0.002 -0.60 <0.001 -0.20 0.260 Atlantic ocean -0.14 0.422 0.20 0.264 0.62 <0.001 58 Chapter 3- Seagrass and bivalve health A B Figure 3.4. Correspondence Analysis discriminating the 34 stations harbouring cockles in relation to trematode species in cockles (A). Different communities of trematodes in cockles from Correspondence Analysis (B). Dominant species are indicated and discriminated by different colours. Stations with no characteristic trematode community are in green. 59 Chapter 3- Seagrass and bivalve health 4. Discussion The aim of the study was to correlate the distribution of three types of bivalve diseases within a lagoon (Arcachon Bay) in order to identify the main drivers. Salinity is often cited as a strong contributing factor (Ahn and Kim, 2001; Elandalloussi et al., 2008) but many confounding factors may intervene along the gradient. The unusual feature of Arcachon Bay was the presence of two major freshwater inputs that induce a bi-directional salinitytemperature gradient, East-West and North-South. We demonstrated that the effect of salinity was restricted to a very narrow area around the mouth of the river, for perkinsosis only. Indeed, Perkinsus concentration was significantly lower than elsewhere in Group 1 only, corresponding to 3 stations near river mouths. The distribution of all diseases was explained less within “oceanic vs. continental” axis than between both northwest and southwest subareas of the lagoon. This suggests that factors other than salinity were contributing. The Principal Component Analysis discriminated groups of stations in accordance with what could be expected in such an ecosystem: an oceanic-influenced group (Group 2), a continent-influenced group (Group 1) and two intermediates groups (Groups 3 and 4) (Bouchet, 1993). Concerning perkinsosis, the mean abundance of infection was high compared to previous studies (Lassalle et al., 2007) but was lower than what was assessed in Arcachon Bay in 2006 (96,000 cells.g-1 (gill FW) (Dang et al., 2010a). This difference can be explained by the distribution of sampling stations, which in the present study took into account a broader area including stations with low infection. Salinity is an important factor structuring the abundance of Perkinsus spp. (Leite et al., 2004). For P. olseni, the optimal salinity range is 25-35 (Auzoux-Bordenave et al., 1995) and high infection generally corresponds to high salinity (Burreson and Ragone Calvo, 1996; Cigarría et al., 1997; Park and Choi, 2001). In Arcachon Bay a similar gradient was formerly obtained (Dang et al., 2010a) but mainly due to stations sampled near freshwater inputs. In the present study, the refuge function of lowsalinity areas was evident (Group 1), but concerned less than 5% of the axes length (on the other hand one should verify whether these low salinity areas are effective for commercially relevant growth rates in the shellfish?). Consequently, the salinity gradient out of these areas was not high enough to induce a perkinsosis infection gradient. Unexpectedly, the highest 60 Chapter 3- Seagrass and bivalve health difference in perkinsosis infection was observed between Axes 1 and 2. The environmental characteristics that were significantly different between axes mainly concerned the sediment and emersion. The highest content in silt and clay, and organic matter in the sediment coincided with the highest emersion rate, the highest extreme temperatures and eventually the highest perkinsosis infection (Axis 2). Higher infection in muddy sediment than in sands was already reported (Choi et al., 2002). Our hypothesis is also that the highest emersion rate (higher average hypsometric level) is due to (and/or is the consequence) a smaller input of oceanic water during flow-tides, a water lower turnover and a higher sedimentation of fine particles. This lower turn-over is consistent with an unpublished report mentioning that 1/3 of the water mass transits through Axis 2 against 2/3 through Axis 1 (SOGREAH, 2001). That would increase the retention of Perkinsus hypnospores and facilitate infection between clams. A similar observation was made with BMD. Interpretation is more difficult due to the lack of knowledge concerning the infectious agent which might be a virus (Dang et al., 2009). Here again, Axis 2 displayed higher prevalence in relation to sediment characteristics (but similar MPI). This axis was also characterized by higher clam densities (+60%, although p>0.05) which could facilitate disease transmission. The situation in relation to trematodes was different because many species were involved and the distribution corresponded to a community analysis pattern. At the lagoon scale, three communities were discriminated by one or two dominant trematode species, certainly in relation to the presence of their other hosts (Sapp and Esch, 1994; Hechinger and Lafferty, 2005; Byers et al., 2008), i.e. first intermediate and definitive hosts which are also sensitive to environment characteristics. Concerning the influence of freshwater input, trematode communities were also different between both areas (Leyre and Canal des Etangs). This monitoring only dealt with correlations. Relationships between causes and consequences were not demonstrated but the identification of two different sub-ecosystems arose, independently of salinity gradient. For Manila clams, the notion of ‘refuge’ concerns a very small area and is not relevant for BMD. Hence, this is not interesting in terms of fishery management. However, the difference in infection between both axes is important and gives arguments to develop fisheries models by subareas (Bald et al., 2009) and not at the whole the ecosystem. For cockles, trematode communities have a patchy distribution but the level of 61 Chapter 3- Seagrass and bivalve health infection remained low compared to known pathological thresholds (Desclaux et al., 2004; Gam et al., 2009b) and should, therefore, have a low impact in this system. 62 +++ In Chapter 2, we studied dynamics of macrofauna structure in a growing seagrass bed. The result displayed that the presence of seagrass beds is correlated with high species diversity, high biomass, and high abundance. The question is what happens with macrofauna when seagrass disappears. In the next chapter, we will study the relation between chronic seagrass decline and associated macrofauna. The main hypothesis is that influence of seagrass is both structural and trophic. Therefore, if seagrass cover declines, it is expected that it will be accompanied by a loss of diversity, biomass and abundance, a loss of ecological services and major modifications of coastal systems functioning. This will be considered by comparing different situations in terms of benthic macrofauna structures. Biotic Indices (BI) are usually tested to assess Ecological Status (ES). However, BIs were performed in this study less to assess ES than to observe their “behaviour” in a changing habitat. Three of the most utilized univariate BIs, i.e. AMBI (AZTI’s Marine Biotic Index (Borja et al., (2000)), BOPA (Benthic Opportunistic Polychaetes Amphipods Index (Dauvin and Ruellet (2007)) and BENTIX (Simboura and Zenetos (2002)), were tested. Besides, the multivariate index MISS (Macrobenthic Index of Sheltered System (Lavesque et al., 2009)) was also tested. This index was preliminary investigated and successfully applied in Arcachon Bay (Lavesque et al. 2009). Hence, we wanted to test MISS again with a new set of data. We also selected these different biotic indices for their potential ability to capture an ecological situation. Each index may give different information which may be (or may be not) relevant in our study case. Some of them (AMBI in M-AMBI, BENTIX) are indeed used within the WFD but others are not (BOPA, MISS). +++ 63 64 Chapter 4 – Seagrass decline and macrobenthos Chapter 4 - Limited consequences of seagrass decline on benthic macrofauna and associated biotic indicators Under Review: V. Tu Do, Hugues Blanchet, Xavier de Montaudouin, Nicolas Lavesque. Estuaries and Coasts. Abstract Marine phanerogams are ecosystem engineers, as their presence induces major environmental changes that impact on the benthic fauna. Consequently, modifications to the structure of benthic communities would be expected to be associated with seagrass decline. Since 2005, Zostera noltii seagrass beds in Arcachon Bay, the largest in Europe, have undergone a severe decline. Twelve stations distributed throughout the lagoon were sampled in 2002, and all were found to be densely planted at that time. Subsequently the same stations were revisited in 2010 and seagrass cover had drastically decreased by that time. Based on benthic macrofauna, Multidimensional scaling (MDS) analysis identified four groups. Years were separated. In 2002, two groups were distinct in relation to the water body, since in 2010 separation between the two other groups was related to seagrass occurrence. When looking at community structure and dominant species there were moderate differences within and between years, independent of seagrass decline. Seagrass loss did not drastically modify the species composition as they were preserved in the remaining seagrass patches. However, there was a drop in macrofauna abundance in unvegetated muddy compared with abundance in the remaining seagrass areas. Epifauna was particularly affected by seagrass decline. Among Biotic Indicators (BI) based on macrofauna, multivariate BI MISS (Macrobenthic Index of Sheltered Systems) was in agreement with the similarity of macrofauna structure among groups, while other tested BI (AMBI (AZTI’s Marine Biotic Index), BOPA (Benthic Opportunistic Polychaetes Amphipods), BENTIX) performed badly in relation to seagrass occurrence. However, no index detected seagrass loss, highlighting the necessity to maintain a separate survey on seagrass cover. Keywords: Seagrass, Benthic macrofauna, WFD, Arcachon Bay 65 Chapter 4 – Seagrass decline and macrobenthos 1. Introduction Seagrass beds are considered as an important component of coastal ecosystems (contributing to nutrient cycles, biodiversity, food resource (direct or indirect), sediment stabilisation, etc.). More particularly they are considered to contribute to structuring macrofaunal communities and stimulating (alpha)-diversity (Hemminga and Duarte, 2000). Unfortunately, seagrass meadows are also extremely sensitive to environmental perturbations, resulting in a global decline at an accelerating rate (Short and WyllieEcheverria, 1996; Hemminga and Duarte, 2000; Orth et al., 2006; Waycott et al., 2009; Costello and Kenworthy, 2011). Although natural factors such as ‘wasting disease’ played a role in seagrass regressions, anthropogenic activities are considered to be primarily responsible (Hemminga and Duarte, 2000; Waycott et al., 2009). Coastal eutrophication, over-exploitation of predators such as fish, coastal development such as dredging or harbour construction and many other anthropogenic activities can lead to the irreversible elimination of seagrasses from coastal ecosystems (Short and Burdick, 1996; Hemminga and Duarte, 2000; Baden et al., 2003; Pillay et al., 2010). Waycott et al. (2009) reported that threats to coastal ecosystems as a result of seagrass losses include loss of habitat and marine biodiversity, sediment erosion, degradation of water quality, decrease of primary production, carbon sequestration and nutrient cycling. The decimation of seagrass meadows has also been associated with the collapse of scallop fisheries, major declines in abundance of waterfowl, the extinction of some associated invertebrate species (Carlton et al., 1991; Orth et al., 2006), reduction of abundance of fish and shrimp (Bell et al., 2002), influence of predator–prey dynamics (Irlandi, 1994; Hovel and Lipcius, 2001; Hovel, 2003) and reduction of faunal growth rates (Irlandi, 1996; Irlandi et al., 1999), species diversity and abundance (Turner et al., 1999), and alterations in epifauna community structure (Reed and Hovel, 2006). In general, despite growing concern regarding the decline of these ecosystems, few studies directly report on the consequences of such losses, with a shortage of historical data being a particular hindrance. Most investigations were based on comparisons between areas with and without the habitat of interest, or on experimental manipulation, which usually cannot replicate the large spatiotemporal scales characteristic of habitat loss (see review in Pillay et al., 2010). In Arcachon Bay, where the largest European intertidal seagrass bed of 66 Chapter 4 – Seagrass decline and macrobenthos dwarf grass (Zostera noltii) occurs (Auby and Labourg, 1996), a 1/3rd decrease of the occupied surface has been observed particularly in recent years (since 2005) (Plus et al., 2010). The exact reason for the loss of seagrass in Arcachon Bay is still unclear, but Plus et al. (2010) suggested exploring such factors as eutrophication, increased geese grazing, wasting disease, herbicide contamination or dredging activities that take place permanently in the Bay for harbour and channel maintenance as well as for supplying beaches with sand and fighting against coastal erosion. These activities often increase the seawater suspension matter, thus lowering the available light for the seagrass canopy (Erftemeijer and Robin, 2006). Abundance of macrofauna can be used as a powerful tool to detect even slight environmental changes (Blanchet et al., 2005). The composition and structure of benthic macrofauna is one of the indicated biological quality elements to be used in transitional (estuaries and lagoons) and coastal waters for quality status assessment within the European Water Framework Directive (WFD 2000/60/EC). Benthic communities may constitute a sort of memory for the system illustrating stressors that have occurred locally and over a period of time (Patricio et al., 2009). Within the WFD, benthic invertebrates are one of the biological elements to be used for the assessment of ecological status (ES) of surface and transitional water bodies (EEC, 2000). Several biological indices based on the benthic macrofauna assemblages have been recently developed to assess ES of marine waters within the WFD (Borja et al., 2000; Simboura and Zenetos, 2002; Rosenberg et al., 2004; Borja et al., 2007; Muxika et al., 2007; Borja et al., 2009a). The benthic macrofauna of the seagrass bed in Arcachon Bay was sampled in 2002 at twelve stations, when the seagrass bed fully extended over the tidal flats (Blanchet et al., 2004). In order to assess the consequences of seagrass decreases on associated macrofauna, these twelve stations were re-sampled in 2010. The ratio of selected unvegetated stations (80% of all stations) corresponded to the ratio of unvegetated surface in the surveyed area of the lagoon. Our particular objectives were 1) to identify possible changes to the macrofauna in terms of community structure, biomass, abundance, species richness and trophic groups and evaluate the concomitant effects of annual variability and seagrass decline; 2) to test performance of Biotic Indices (BIs) in detecting the changes to ecological status (ES). 67 Chapter 4 – Seagrass decline and macrobenthos 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Study area Arcachon Bay is a triangular-shaped macro-tidal lagoon (180 km2), located on the French Atlantic coast (44° 40’ N, 1° 10’ W) (Figure 4.1). It communicates with the Atlantic Ocean through a narrow (2-km wide) entrance. The tide is semi-diurnal and the tidal amplitude varies from 0.8 to 4.6 m. The average water temperatures are 22.5 °C and 6 °C in summer and winter respectively, and fluctuations in freshwater contributions from rivers and rainwater influence water salinity between 22 and 35. Many small streams run into the lagoon, but the two main rivers, the Leyre and Canal des Etangs, contribute 73% and 24%, respectively, of the total annual freshwater inflow (813 million m3). The total lagoon surface (180 km2) can be divided into two parts: the subtidal channels (63 km2), and the intertidal area (117 km2). The main channels have a maximum depth of 25 m and are extended by a secondary network of shallower channels. The intertidal area comprises sandy to sandy-mud flats (Plus et al., 2010). Most of these flats (61 km2 in 2005 (Plus et al., 2010)) were still covered by the largest Zostera noltii seagrass bed in Europe (Auby and Labourg, 1996). The lower part of the intertidal is generally devoted to Japanese oyster (Crassostrea gigas) culture, which constitutes a major activity at this site. Adjacent to the mudflats, and lining the channels, eelgrass (Z. marina) occupies the subtidal sector (Blanchet et al., 2008). The background chemical pollution in Arcachon Bay is low (Benoit, 2005; de Wit et al., 2005; Lavesque et al., 2009). Its catchment area is dominated by pine forestry (79%) and intensive agriculture occupies only 9% of the surface (de Wit et al., 2005). As a consequence, nutrient inputs to the lagoon are moderate and their concentrations in water remain low (Castel et al., 1996; Bachelet et al., 2000). Some developments of green macroalgae (mainly Monostroma obscurum and Enteromorpha spp.) occurred in the early 1990s, but these signs of moderate eutrophication have not been observed since. The catchment area is poorly industrialised, and heavy metal contamination is low (Benoit, 2005). Consequently, the overall water quality of the lagoon can be considered as satisfactory (Lavesque et al., 2009). 68 Chapter 4 – Seagrass decline and macrobenthos Group B Group D Group C Group A 2002 2010 Figure 4.1. Studied site (Arcachon Bay) with position of the twelve sampled stations. Station groups issued from data analysis are indicated and discriminated both years (A and B in 2002, and C and D in 2010). 2.2. Sampling procedure 2.2.1. Macrofauna Two sampling campaigns were carried out in twelve stations over two years (in spring 2002 and spring 2010, except one station that was sampled in August (see discussion)) corresponding to fully extended Z. noltii seagrass bed in 2002 and after the decline of Z. noltii bed in 2010 (Blanchet et al., 2004; Plus et al., 2010) (Figure 4.1). These twelve stations were selected along the widest salinity gradient within the seagrass bed, with 33 (annual average) in the outer position (station 175) to 22 in the inner position (station 126). Sampling consisted 69 Chapter 4 – Seagrass decline and macrobenthos of collecting the top 20 cm of the sediment with a 0.15×0.15 m2 corer, with four replicates per station (replicates being separated by ca. 10 m). Sediment was sieved through a 1-mm mesh; the remaining fraction was fixed in 4% buffered formalin and stained with Rose Bengal. In the laboratory, macrofauna was sorted, identified under the stereomicroscope when possible to the species level, and counted. Biomass of whole organisms was determined per species as ash-free dry weight (AFDW) after desiccation (60°C, 48 h) and calcination (450°C, 4 h). Trophic groups were based on literature description (Fauchald and Jumars, 1979; Bachelet, 1981; Sauriau et al., 1989; Hily and Bouteille, 1999). 2.2.2. Sediment and seagrass leaves analysis The top 3-cm sediment layer was also sampled in each replicate for granulometric analysis (median grain-size). Median grain-size was determined after sieving weighed dried sediment through a wet column of sieves with decreasing apertures (1000 μm, 500 μm, 250 μm, 125 μm and 63 μm). In 2002, Zostera noltii leaves were cut in each macrofauna sample and desiccated (60°C) until a constant dry weight was obtained. In 2010, a new method of assessing Zostera noltii leaf biomass was developed. Fourteen [15 cm × 15 cm]-quadrats were delicately laid over the sediment surface, at low tide. For each quadrat, a numeric picture was taken perpendicularly, one meter above the surface. The method consisted of drawing three equidistant lines across each numerical image and counting the intersections between lines and leaves. Then biomass and percentage of coverage could be obtained, using the following relationships: Loge(DW) = 1.514 × Loge(mean number of intercepts per line) – 1.911, with R = 0.98 (n = 14 pictures) Loge(S) = 0.690 × Loge(DW) + 1.195 with R = 0.98 (n = 10 pictures) Where DW is Zostera noltii leaves dry weight in g.m-2 and S is the percentage of sediment surface covered by Z. noltii. Ten pictures per station were analysed. 70 Chapter 4 – Seagrass decline and macrobenthos 2.3. Data analysis 2.3.1. Biotic Indices Four currently available Biotic Indices (BIs) were tested, namely AMBI (AZTI’s Marine Biotic Index) (Borja et al., 2000), BENTIX (Simboura and Zenetos, 2002; Simboura et al., 2005), BOPA (Benthic Opportunistic Polychaetes Amphipods) (Dauvin and Ruellet, 2007) and MISS (Macrobenthic Index in Sheltered Systems) (Lavesque et al., 2009). The three first indices are based on the classification of species into ecological groups according to their level of sensitivity/tolerance to pollution. MISS is a multimetric approach using 16 metrics describing the biological integrity of the macrofauna. Ecological status (ES) and thresholds used to classify index values are reported in Table 4.1. 2.3.2. Multivariate Analysis Abundances were log10(x+1) transformed to minimize the influence of the most dominant taxa. A non-metric multidimensional scaling (MDS) based on Bray-Curtis similarity coefficient was carried out to visually assess differences in macrofaunal assemblages among stations of the two sampling campaigns (2002 and 2010). Four groups were identified with the decision that a group should include at least two stations. SIMPER tests were performed to determine which species contributed to within-group similarity. These analysis were performed using PRIMER® – v6 (Clarke and Warwick, 2001; Clarke and Gorley, 2006). 2.3.3. Statistical analysis Statistical tests were applied to assess the differences between the four groups identified by MDS in terms of biomass of seagrass leaves, median grain-size and macrofauna (biomass, abundance, number of species per station (S), trophic groups biomass). ANOVA test was used when homogeneity of variance (Cochran C test) was achieved. In the case of variance heterogeneity, data were log10(x+1) transformed. When homogeneity of variances was not achieved, nonparametric tests (Kruskal-Wallis) were applied. All statistical analyses were performed with STATISTICA® 7.1 software (StatSoft). 71 Chapter 4 – Seagrass decline and macrobenthos Table 4.1. Indices used in this study to assess Ecological Status (ES) and thresholds used to classify index values Biotic Indices Number of ecological groups AMBI 5 BENTIX 2 BOPA 2 MISS Computation of the indices 0 EGI + 1.5 EGII + 3 EGIII + 4.5 EGIV + 6EGV ES status Acceptable 0 to 3.3 References Not acceptable 3.3 to 7 Borja et al. (2000) 3 to 6 (for mud) 0 to 3 (for mud) Simboura and Zenetos (2002) 0 to 0.13966 0.13966 to 0.30103 Dauvin and Ruellet (2007) 0.4 to 1 0 to 0.4 Lavesque et al. (2009) based on percentage of ecological groups 6 EGI&II+ 2 EGIII-V based on percentage of ecological groups log10 [(fp/fa + 1) + 1] based on ratio of ecological groups Sixteen parameters were classified in three categories describing macrofauna assemblages EG for AMBI and BENTIX: ecological groups as determined by Borja et al. (2000): EGI: very sensitive to organic enrichment; EGII: indifferent to enrichment; EGIII: tolerant to excess organic matter enrichment; EGIV: second-order opportunistic species; EGV: first-order opportunistic species; For BOPA: fp: opportunistic polychaetes frequency; fa: amphipods frequency 72 Chapter 4 – Seagrass decline and macrobenthos 3. Results 3.1. Macrobenthic community structure When all dates and stations were combined, 110 taxa were found. At 50% similarity level, a MDS plot showed a separation among four groups of stations, two in 2002 (A and B) and two in 2010 (C and D), corresponding to different benthic assemblages (Figure 4.2). Zostera leaf biomass (g DW m-2) Group B Group A Group C Group D Similarity level 50% Figure 4.2. Non metric multidimensional scaling (MDS) of stations based on the Bray-Curtis similarity matrix on Log10(x+1)-transformed abundance data and gathered at 50% similarity level. Zostera leaves biomass is indicated a bubble plot. For example 02-97 means station 97 (Figure 4.1) sampled in 2002. Group A clustered 4 stations sampled in 2002 and located closer to the ocean in more saline water than the other groups (Figure 4.1). Average Z. noltii leaf biomass was 70 g DW m-2 corresponding to 60% cover of the sediment surface (Table 4.2). Sediment consisted of mud (grain size median = 45 µm) with 62% of the weight composed of silt and clay. Mean macrofauna abundance was 28125 ind. m-2 with a mean of 29 species per station (Table 4.2, Figure 4.3). Group A was characterized by both the numerical dominance and major contribution (SIMPER test) of the oligochaete Tubificoides benedii (60% of total abundance), 73 Chapter 4 – Seagrass decline and macrobenthos the polychaetes Heteromastus filiformis and Melinna palmata and the bivalve Abra segmentum (Table 4.3, Figure 4.3). The epifauna represented 12.5% of total abundance, half of it due to Hydrobia ulvae (Figure 4.3). Total biomass was 21.6 g AFDW m-2 distributed among deposit feeders (27%), grazers (16%), predators (27%) and suspension-feeders (27%) (Table 4.2). One fourth (5.3 g AFDW m-2) of the total biomass consisted in epifauna. This epifauna was mostly composed of motile species, Hydrobia ulvae being dominant (21%) (Figure 4.3) followed by Demospongiae (15%), Idotea chelipes (12%), Nassarius reticulatus (12%), etc. Infauna biomass (16.4 AFDW m-2) was dominated by Manila clams Ruditapes philippinarum (45%) (Figure 4.3), followed by T. benedeni (10%), Loripes lacteus (9%) and Marphysa sansuinea (8%). Group B clustered 8 stations also sampled in 2002 but located in an inner position in the lagoon (Figure 4.1), and therefore having a lower average salinity. Mean Z. noltii leaf biomass (83 g DW m-2), sediment median grain size (36 µm) and silt and clay content (69%) were similar to that found in Group A (p>0.05) (Table 4.2). Mean macrofauna abundance (24286 ind. m-2) was also similar to what was observed in Group A but number of species per station was lower (20) (p<0.001) and species composition was different (Table 4.2). Group B was particularly characterized by a high abundance of Hydrobia ulvae (63% of total abundance) (Figure 4.3) explaining that epifauna represented 52% of abundance and that total biomass (24.2 g AFDW m-2) was dominated by grazers (43%) that were mainly H. ulvae (88%) (Table 4.2). Suspension-feeders represented the other important fraction of total biomass (42%) mainly due to Manila clams R. philippinarum that represented 67% of infauna biomass. Group C clustered 8 stations sampled in 2010 in oceanic as well as in the inner position (Figure 4.1). The major difference compared to all other groups was the scarcity of seagrass leaves (3 g DW m-2 corresponding to a cover of 6% of the surface sediment). Sediment were slightly more sandy (median = 87 µm with 42% silt and clay content) than in Group B (Table 4.2). Compared to 2002 (Groups A and B), macrofauna abundance was divided by 2.7 (Figure 4.3, Table 4.2), but the dominant and contributive species were the same (Hydrobia ulvae for epifauna, Heteromastus filiformis and Tubificoides benedii for infauna). The only new dominant species was the polychaete Pygospio elegans with abundance (899 ind. m-2) 3 to 450 times higher than in other groups (Table 4.3). Biomass was similar to Groups A and B (Figure 4.2, Table 4.2). Half of it was due to suspension feeders 74 Chapter 4 – Seagrass decline and macrobenthos and in particular to the bivalves Ruditapes philippinarum (83% of suspension-feeders biomass), Musculista senhousia (10%), Loripes lacteus (6%) and Cerastoderma edule (3%). Infauna biomass was dominated by R. philippinarum (63%) and the large polychaete Melinna palmate (15%) (Figure 4.3). Epifauna biomass was dominated by the grazer H. ulvae (75%), followed by the exotic bivalve Musculista senhousia (16%). Species richness per station was the lowest together with Group B (Figure 4.2, Table 4.2) mainly due to epifauna collapse (4 species only compared with 7-9 in other groups). Group D clustered only 2 stations corresponding to the only sampled stations where Z. noltii seagrass continued to flourish in 2010 (biomass leaves = 140 g DW m-2, corresponding 86% cover of the sediment surface) (Table 4.2). Sediments consisted of mud (median = 50 µm, with 54% silt and clay). Mean macrofauna abundance was similar to Group C (13556 ind. m-2) (p>0.05) (Table 4.2, Figure 4.3). Dominant and contributive species were partly different with the occurrence of Bittium reticulatum (epifauna), and Melinna palmata and Aphelochaeta marioni (infauna). Biomass was particularly high (128.8 g AFDW m-2) mainly due to suspension feeders of infauna (in particular Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum) (80% of infauna biomass) and epifauna (Mussel Mytilus edulis with 37% of epifauna biomass; N. reticulatus with 19%) (Table 4.3, Figure 4.3). Mean species richness per station was relatively high (26) like in Group A. 75 Chapter 4 – Seagrass decline and macrobenthos Table 4.2. Average values (min - max) of environmental factors: salinity, tidal level (m), distance to the ocean (km), Zostera noltii leaves biomass (g DW m-2) and cover (% of sediment surface), median grain-size (µm), silt and clay content (%); quantitative parameters of macrofauna assemblages: mean abundance (ind. m-2), mean biomass (g AFDW m-2), mean number of species per station, biomass of each trophic group (g AFDW m-2), abundance (ind. m-2) and biomass (g AFDW m-2) of epifauna and infauna in four groups identified by MDS and statistic test results for the difference between four groups. Mean comparison: values are ranked and lines gather groups that are not significantly different (p>0.05). MDS groups A Parameters B C Test, p value Mean comparison D Habitat Mean annual salinity (range) 32 (30-33) 29 (22-31) 31 (29-33) 30 (19-35) Tidal level (m, range) 2.1 (1.5-2.4) 2.3 (1.7-2.8) 2.4 (2.2-2.6) 1.6 (1.5-1.7) Distance to the ocean (km, range) 12 (9-14) 16 (15-17) 14 (9-17) 15 (14-16) Seagrass biomass (g DW m-2, ±SD) 70 (±18) 83 (±14) 3 (±1) 140 (±52) Anova, p<0.001 C<A<B<D Seagrass cover (% of sediment surface, range) 60 (37-62) 67 (37-100) 6 (0-12) 86 (72-100) Kruskal-Wallis, p<0.005 C<A<B<D Median Grain-size (µm, ±SD) 45 (±8) 36 (±7) 87 (±22) 50 (±10) Anova, p<0.05 B<A<D<C Silt & Clay content (%, ±SD) 62 (±5) 69 (±6) 42 (±7) 54 (±4) Anova, p<0.05 C<D<A<B 28125 (±3131) 24286 (±4145) 9726 (±1282) 13556 (±1347) Anova, p<0.001 C<D<B<A Abundance epifauna (ind. m , ±SD) 3525 (±1865) 16046 (±1908) 5585 (±1308) 4322 (±1749) Anova, p<0.001 A<D<C<B Abundance infauna (ind. m-2, ±SD) 24586 (±3771) 8232 (±2804) 4140 (±582) 9222 (±2956) Kruskal-Wallis, p<0.01 C<B<D<A Macrofauna Mean abundance (ind. m-2 ±SD) -2 -2 Mean biomass (g AFDW m , ±SD) 21.6 (±2.5) 24.2 (±2.8) 20.5 (±3.6) 128.8 (±46.1) Anova, p<0.001 C<A<B<D Biomass epifauna (g AFDW m-2, ±SD) 5.3 (±1.6) 10.8 (±1.2) 6.2 (±1.8) 30.7 (±10.0) Anova, p<0.001 A<C<B<D Biomass infauna (g AFDW m-2, ±SD) 16.4 (±2.6) 13.4 (±2.4) 14.3 (±2.9) 98.0 (±36.4) Anova, p<0.001 B<A<C<D Mean number of species per station (±SD) 29 (±1) 20 (±1) 20 (±2) 26 (±1) Anova, p<0.001 C=B<D<A 4.9 (±0.3) 2.3 (±0.5) 4.4 (±0.7) 7.7 (±1.8) Kruskal-Wallis, p<0.01 B<C<A<D Biomass grazers (g AFDW m , ±SD) 3.0 (±0.9) 10.4 (±1.1) 4.9 (±1.1) 8.8 (±4.1) Anova, p<0.01 A<C<D<B Biomass predators (g AFDW m-2, ±SD) 2.9 (±1.0) 1.3 (±0.4) 0.8 (±0.2) 3.3 (±1.7) Kruskal-Wallis, p>0.05 -2 Biomass deposit feeders (g AFDW m , ±SD) -2 Biomass scavengers (g AFDW m-2, ±SD) 0.7 (±0.5) 0.0 0.0 6.3 (±1.2) Kruskal-Wallis, p<0.001 C=B<A<D Biomass suspension feeders (g AFDW m-2, ±SD) 10.2 (±2.7) 10.2 (±2.4) 10.5 (±3.2) 102.7 (±44.3) Anova, p<0.01 A=B<C<D 76 Chapter 4 – Seagrass decline and macrobenthos 2002 16 046 ind.m-2 9 species 3 525 Hu Nr Ic De Hu Epifauna Infauna Rp Tb Tb 20 species Hf As A GROUP C (2010 – WHOLE LAGOON – BARE MUD) ind.m-2 16.4 g m-2 5 585 ind.m-2 2010 Ms 4 species Hu Hu Epifauna Infauna Hf Tb Pe Mp 4 140 ind.m-2 Rp Mp Ll 14.3 g m-2 Hu Hu 7 species Tb As Hf Rp 8 232 ind.m-2 13 species 13.4 g m-2 B 24 586 ind.m-2 6.2 g m-2 C GROUP B (2002 – INNER LAGOON - SEAGRASS) 5.3 g m-2 16 species GROUP D (2010 – WHOLE LAGOON -SEAGRASS) GROUP A (2002 – OUTER LAGOON - SEAGRASS) 10.8 g m-2 30.7 g m-2 9 species 4,322 ind.m-2 Br Hu Nr Me Mp Am 9 222 ind.m-2 Rp 17 species Mp D 98.0 g m-2 Figure 4.3. Average abundance (ind. m-2), biomass (g AFDW m-2) and species richness per station of epifauna and infauna among four groups (A, B, C and D) discriminated by MDS at 50% similarity (see Figure 4.2). Am: Aphelochaeta marioni; As: Abra segmentum; Br: Bittium reticulatum; De: Demospongiae; Hu: Hydrobia ulvae; Hf: Heteromastus filiformis; Ic: Idotea chelipes; Ll: Loripes lacteus; Me: Mytilus edulis; Mp: Melinna palmata; Ms: Musculista senhousia; Nr: Nassarius reticulatus; Pe: Pygospio elegans; Tb: Tubificoides benedii. Scale for biomass is different in group D. 77 Chapter 4 – Seagrass decline and macrobenthos Table 4.3. List of the main species contributing to the within-station groups similarity (SIMPER procedure). Contribution to similarity is given as percentage and rank. Top four dominant species per Group are in bold. Species are only ranked when mean abundance > 50 ind.m-2 in at least one group. Blank cell = absent species. Ecological groups (I to V) are ascribed according to AZTI data base (, see Table 1. A Zoological group Cnidaria Nemertea Mollusca Polyplacophora Mollusca Gastropoda Mollusca Bivalvia Annelida Polychaeta Position epifauna infauna epifauna epifauna epifauna Trophic group predator predator grazer grazer scavenger suspension feeder infauna deposit feeder suspension feeder infauna deposit feeder (continued on the next page) Taxon Anthozoa (II) Nemertea (III) Polyplacophora (II) Bittium reticulatum (I) Hydrobia ulvae (III) Littorina littorea (II) Rissoa membranacea (I) Nassarius reticulatus (II) Modiolus modiolus (I) Mytilus edulis (III) Abra segmentum (III) Loripes lacteus (I) Ruditapes philippinarum (III) Ampharete acutifrons (I) Aonides oxycephala (III) Aphelochaeta marioni (IV) Clymenura clypeata (III) Euclymene oerstedi (I) Heteromastus filiformis (IV) Manayunkia aestuarina (II) Melinna palmata (III) Notomastus latericeus (III) Paraonidae (NA) Pseudopolydora antennata (IV) Pseudopolydora spp. (IV) Pygospio elegans (III) Abundance Rank Mean 42 9 350 3 17 147 3 1844 3 B Contribution Rank % 11 1.47 7 4.3 8 6 2.99 4.44 Abundance Rank Mean 42 14 83 3 7 211 1 15264 10 131 8 161 C Contribution Rank % 11 1.27 7 3.23 1 9 6 49.84 2.32 3.64 Abundance Rank Mean 15 33 7 36 1 5461 3 6 D Contribution Rank % 13 1.32 1 10 22 286 4 13 1236 178 3 17 9.73 0.79 3 - 603 29 4 12 5.8 1.18 7 - 107 6 7 24 7 15 - 50 489 44 158 36 11 16 0.8 9 144 8 3.13 8 74 14 10 0.9 2.46 12 104 13 1.09 6 - 7 424 18 4 2 5 2414 14 1119 2 12.89 5.95 4 8.24 12 183 13 1.13 514 458 1 17 1 3 4 4 5 - - 3 - 24 - 6 6 313 27.5 Abundance Rank Mean 22 44 20 56 4 1600 3 1756 7 344 Contribution Rank % 19 2.14 14 1 8 2.14 13.7 3.71 15 111 6 4.28 4.8 13 9 - 156 233 44 18 5 2.14 6.77 8 3 5 633 7 4.28 5 7.03 2 16 11 11 3000 78 189 3 10 706 3 10.9 6 622 2 10.7 3 - 860 7 14 6 5.91 1 - 3122 44 4 9.33 11 1.69 2 29 1 899 12 1.47 2 12 8 - 278 44 7 78 Chapter 4 – Seagrass decline and macrobenthos Table 4.3. (continued) A Zoological group Position Trophic group predator Annelida Oligochaeta Phoronida Crustacea Amphipoda infauna infauna epifauna infauna deposit feeder suspension feeder deposit feeder deposit feeder Crustacea Cumacea Crustacea Decapoda epifauna epifauna grazer suspension feeder deposit feeder predator Crustacea Isopoda epifauna infauna infauna grazer deposit feeder grazer Insecta Diptera Taxon Streblospio shrubsolii (III) Diopatra sp. (I) Glycera spp. (II) Nephtys hombergii (II) Phyllodocidae (II) Syllidae (NA) Tubificoides benedii (V) Phoronis psammophila (II) Ampithoe sp. (I) Ericthonius difformis (I) Siphonoecetes sp. (I) Melita palmata (I) Perioculodes longimanus (I) Microdeutopus gryllotalpa (III) Corophium insidiosum (III) Iphinoe trispinosa i (I) Carcinus maenas (III) Hippolyte sp. (I) Idotea chelipes (II) Cyathura carinata (III) Chironomidae (III) Dolichopodidae (IV) Abundance Rank Mean 25 20 23 1 18 67 3 17 53 16844 142 22 64 21 64 11 19 16 6 14 8 - 222 42 81 25 153 706 161 369 33 B Contribution Rank % Abundance Rank Mean 15 64 12 1.36 - 10 18 0.76 - 1 1 28.73 2 - 5431 3 6 8 - 35 - 24 15 C Contribution Rank % 10 1.35 2 7.7 Abundance Rank Mean 22 3 10 58 18 1 5 9 - 582 69 4 - 4 1 D Contribution Rank % 9 14 2.88 1.23 4 8.1 Abundance Rank Mean Contribution Rank % 16 - 44 78 33 12 17 13 3.03 2.14 3.03 14 12 19 133 156 67 10 3.03 16 10 78 222 9 3.71 - 11 - 11 - 22 15 2.14 - 33 - 44 11 16 11 2.14 3.03 0.81 - 5 5.89 9 2.48 11 13 - 8 17 6 125 3 92 25 5 3.78 - 13 - 18 24 4 29 10 15 1.73 1.18 79 Chapter 4 – Seagrass decline and macrobenthos 3.2. Biotic Indices The four investigated indices were compared among groups and provided different results in terms of ecological quality status but also in terms of temporal trend with year. AMBI considered that the 2010 groups (C and D) had a better status than in 2002 (Groups A and B) without any relationship to seagrass presence (Table 4.4). BOPA was rather optimistic but with an opposite trend (Group B with a better ES than group D) and, in 2010, with a better ES when seagrass was absent (Group C). BENTIX provided poor ES status in all groups except in group D where it was good. MISS maintained its ES as high in the four groups. Table 4.4. Biotic indices and ecological status (ES) in the four groups A, B, C and D discriminated by MDS (Figure 4.2) AMBI Groups A B C D ES poor moderate good good BENTIX Value ES Value 4.57 poor 2.41 3.33 poor 2.26 3.32 poor 2.12 2.73 good 3.05 BOPA ES Value good 0.061401 high 0.025416 good 0.134524 moderate 0.165953 ES high high high high MISS Value 0.84 0.88 0.80 0.80 4. Discussion The present study showed that the biomass of seagrass dramatically declined in 2010 in ten sampled stations out of twelve, as described by Plus et al. (2010) on larger scale. The concomitant effects on associated benthic macrofauna were rather moderate, with a significant decrease of abundance and diversity (measured as species richness per station), while biomass remained stable. 4.1. Associated macrofauna in seagrass Groups A, B and D allowed comparison of macrofauna communities in seagrass with different conditions. Benthic communities of Groups A and B were sampled simultaneously (in spring 2002), in similar sediments (mud), both with dense Z. noltii seagrass but they 80 Chapter 4 – Seagrass decline and macrobenthos differed in terms of the surrounding water bodies. Both groups of stations were situated in two different water bodies, the external neritic waters (A) and the intermediate neritic water (B) (Bouchet, 1993). Species composition was also similar between Groups A and B and differences were due to contrasted dominance in terms of abundance and biomass of Hydrobia ulvae and Tubificoides benedii, and occurrence of some polychaete species. Indeed, Hydrobia ulvae was present and abundant in both groups, taking advantage of the presence of Z. noltii (and probably of associated periphyton (Cardoso et al., 2005)). However, Hydrobia ulvae abundance was 8 times lower in oceanic Group A. A possible explanation is stronger hydrodynamic conditions in the outer lagoon washing out these mudsnails (Zühlke and Reise, 1994). Abundance of Tubificoides benedii in Group A is usual (Bachelet et al., 2000) while it is surprisingly low in Group B, without any explanation. Finally, species that were restricted to a single group are characterized by the absence or reduction of the larval pelagic phase (Ampharete acutifrons, Clymenura clypeata, Manayunkia aestuarina). In contrast, species with widespread spatial distribution display a longer pelagic phase (e.g. Heteromastus filiformis, Glycera spp.) (Cazaux, 1973; Wolff, 1973; Marcano and Cazaux, 1994; Blanchet et al., 2004). Group D encompassed the last two stations of our survey that still harboured dense seagrass in 2010. One of these stations was not sampled in spring like the other ones but in summer. This may have biased results but previous 2-year monitoring in the same area determined that biomass and abundance of macrofauna sieved with a 1-mm mesh was relatively constant among seasons (Bachelet et al., 2000). Compared to Groups A and B (seagrass in 2002), macrofauna abundance in Group D was half. This could be due to interannual fluctuation, but this abundance (13556 ind. m-2) is also low compared with those observed in other studies in Arcachon Bay (50000-200000 in Castel et al. 1989; Bachelet et al. 2000). An alternative hypothesis is that Group D characterized a relictual fragmented seagrass within a large unvegetated mudflat (see Group C). Group D was also characterized by the largest biomass of all groups mainly due to the settlement of a population of Manila clams Ruditapes philippinarum. This exotic bivalve was introduced in Arcachon Bay in 1980 and rapidly naturalized in the intertidal Z. noltii seagrass beds (Goulletquer et al., 1987). 81 Chapter 4 – Seagrass decline and macrobenthos 4.2. The benthic community in reduced seagrass mudflats Group C corresponded in 2010 to stations where seagrass leaf biomass was dramatically low, i.e. between 0 and 7 g DW m-2 depending on the station. Most stations in Group C were located at few meters from stations sampled in 2002 (Groups A and B). Structurally complex habitats strongly shape the physical environment, e.g. by modifying light conditions, hydrodynamics, sedimentation, providing shelter and refuges, and buffering the effects of disturbances. When these habitats are lost, many of these functions are also lost (Airoldi et al., 2008). Blanchet et al. (2005) hypothesized that Zostera noltii meadows had a structuring effect on benthic communities when leaf biomass exceeds 28 g DW m-2. In the present study, seagrass leaves declined from 79.5 g DW m-2 in 2002 to 2.2 g DW m-2 in 2010. Consequently, the benthic communities should have been altered by these changes. However, the difficulty is in distinguishing natural year-to-year variations (Boström et al., 2002) from effects of seagrass decline on macrofauna. Therefore, our approach consisted of a comparison between changes in macrofauna between 2002 and 2010 in stations where the seagrass had almost disappeared (Groups A and B vs. Group C) with stations where the seagrass remained (Groups A and B vs. Group D). Lower abundance of macrofauna in unvegetated habitats compared to vegetated habitats has often been reported (Fonseca et al., 1990; Orth, 1992; Boström and Bonsdorff, 1997; Cottet et al., 2007; Fredriksen et al., 2010; Do et al., 2011) and different mechanisms for this were proposed, such as: 1) decreased predation efficiency due to high habitat complexity (Orth et al., 1984); 2) habitat preference of dense seagrass by prey as an escape mechanism from predation (Fonseca and Fisher, 1986; Webster et al., 1998; Boström et al., 2006b); 3) stabilisation of sediments that accumulate organic material, allowing increased settlement and growth of infauna (Neckles et al., 1993; Fredriksen et al., 2005); juveniles and adults are also prevented from being resuspended and transported away (Fonseca et al., 1990); and 4) a high content of organic matter, which may be common in seagrass meadows, attracts a certain type of infauna such as deposit-feeding polychaetes (Fredriksen et al., 2010; Do et al., 2011). Consequently, our results in Group C are consistent with the literature, as we observed a 2.4 magnitude drop in abundance. However, the same decline in magnitude was observed in Group D (same year but in seagrass) (i.e. a loss of 11000-15000 ind. m-2), but the 82 Chapter 4 – Seagrass decline and macrobenthos species involved were different and the final macrofauna community structure discriminated two groups (C and D) in relation to Z. noltii presence or absence. Thus, the scenario that we propose and seems the most plausible is: 1) In 2002, the vast Z. noltii seagrass bed sheltered a relatively homogeneous associated macrofauna dominated in terms of abundance by grazers (and especially Hydrobia ulvae) and several opportunistic deposit feeders. Biomass was dominated by the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum (infauna) and the mudsnail Hydrobia ulvae (epifauna). A few species, by their abundance, allowed discrimination of two subcommunities, one related to oceanic water (Group A) and the other to more sheltered water (Group B). 2). In 2010, seagrass beds had almost disappeared in 83% of the investigated area. Thus the ecosystem engineer role of the seagrass (Jones et al., 1994) has also disappeared. Then, as expected by numerous studies comparing vegetated and unvegetated sediments (Fonseca et al., 1990; Boström and Bonsdorff, 1997; Fredriksen et al., 2010; Do et al., 2011), abundance and species richness (here calculated by station in order to minimize the unbalanced design of the groups with different number of stations) decreased. This decrease is sufficient to discriminate Group C, but however the species were quite similar to those observed in 2002 (Groups A and B). The deposit-feeder Tubificoides benedii has particularly declined. There is no explanation, since this oligochaete is abundant in all marine stressed habitats, often characterized by hypoxic condition (Giere et al., 1999) and is not dependent on seagrass presence. Another logical consequence of seagrass disappearance is the scarcity of grazing epifauna. 3) Group C represented a dominant habitat in 2010 and the loss of macrofauna abundance had consequences on the remaining small areas where seagrass remained. Group D clustered stations considered as belonging to “fragmented seagrass”, i.e. matching the general deficit of macrofauna abundance but containing some characteristic epibenthic species that could graze on Z. noltii blades (Bittium reticulatum, Littorina littorea, Rissoa membranacea, etc.). Group D was also characterized by a very high suspension-feeders biomass, dominated by R. philippinarum and Mytilus edulis. However, at a the lagoon scale, there is no attended modification of ecosystem functioning because Group D represents a small percentage of the total investigated area (<20%). 83 Chapter 4 – Seagrass decline and macrobenthos 4.3. Biotic Indices In terms of seagrass cover, the Water Framework Directive (WFD) considers that Groups A, B and D situations corresponded to the conditions of a ‘Good’ Ecological Status (ES) and C should be considered as ‘moderate’ or ‘poor’ (Foden and Brazier, 2007). Consequently and when extrapolating to benthic fauna indicators, MISS was rather more efficient than other indices (AMBI, BOPA, BENTIX) to assess ES of the investigated area although it did not detect seagrass loss. Indeed, AMBI showed an improvement in ES while seagrass were in decline in 2010. This was due to the decrease in abundance of highly dominant species belonging to ecological groups III to V (rather opportunistic) such as Hydrobia ulvae (group III), Tubificoides benedii (group IV), Heteromastus filiformis (group V) (Table 4.1 for ecological groups definition). BENTIX assessed incorrectly and failed to detect the change of ES in almost all stations. The limitation of the BENTIX index is in estuaries or lagoons where the natural conditions favour the presence of tolerant species in very high densities like in the present study. BOPA remained optimistic in all situations (high ES) except in group D that was, however, characterized by a flourishing seagrass. Generally, most of these Biotic Indices (BENTIX and BOPA) perform badly in semi-enclosed ecosystems where the natural benthic habitat consists of muddy, organic matter enriched sediments (Blanchet et al., 2008; Lavesque et al., 2009). MISS with 16 metrics describing community, trophic composition and pollution indicators is supposed to be more efficient than other indices in detecting perturbations in this kind of ecosystem (Lavesque et al., 2009). However, it failed to detect any seagrass changes. On the other hand, it has been previously mentioned that macrofauna changes were moderate among groups. In this context, MISS was consistent with benthic community similarities among the four groups. Conclusions We expected more significant changes to have occurred due to seagrass decline because Z. noltii is an engineer species. In fact the changes were not so important either because the seagrass did not entirely disappear at the lagoon scale (25% loss between 2005 and 2007) and/or because the benthic system is resistant to this change. Of course, this study did not take into account motile epifauna that are the species most affected by seagrass 84 Chapter 4 – Seagrass decline and macrobenthos regression (Boström et al., 2006a). Our results emphasized the necessity to integrate numerous parameters in order to correctly describe ecosystem trajectories. Evolution with time, seagrass development/regression, or benthic fauna structure do not always evolve in the same way and so cannot always be described by the biotic indicators present. 85 86 +++ The main objective of this thesis was to correlate seagrass evolution with associated macrofauna community changes. After analysing the changes in benthic macrofauna structures in relation with seagrass colonization (Chapter 2) or seagrass destruction (Chapter 4), the next chapter will focus on the response of macrofauna to severe seagrass damage and to seagrass recover. In chapters 2 and 4, we showed that changes of benthic community structures are often subtle and cannot be detected by most biotic indices. In such situation (i.e. seagrass changes), different Biotic Indices (BIs) are not accurate enough to detect changes of benthic communities in this situation and should not be utilized in this sense. In the next chapter, we will monitor community structure changes and will also test BIs in the case of seagrass buried by sediment disposal at a large spatial scale (0.32 km²). This survey was the occasion to test again a multivariate BI that was experimented in Arcachon Bay, few years ago, MISS (Lavesque et al. 2009). However, we also tried to simplify MISS. Eventually, due to the difficulty that we had in the previous chapter to discriminate differences in macrofauna structures or BIs between vegetated and unvegetated substrates, we also had a new approach in comparing secondary production among these different situations. +++ 87 88 Chapter 5- Seagrass burial, macrobenthos and Biotic Indices Chapter 5 - Seagrass burial by dredged sediments: benthic community alteration, secondary production loss, biotic index reaction and recovery possibility Published: V. Tu Do, Xavier de Montaudouin, Hugues Blanchet, Nicolas Lavesque (2012). Marine Pollution Bulletin 64: 2340-2350. Abstract In 2005, dredging activities in Arcachon Bay led to the burying of 320,000 m2 of Zostera noltii intertidal seagrass. Recovery by macrobenthos and seagrass was monitored. Six months after the work, seagrass was absent and macrobenthos drastically different from surrounding vegetated stations was observed. Due to sediment dispersal, the disposal area was rapidly divided into a sandflat with a specific benthic community maintained until the end of the survey in 2010, and a mudflat where associated fauna became similar to those in adjacent seagrass beds. The macrobenthic community needed 3 years to recover while seagrass needed 5 years to recover in the station impacted by mud. The secondary production loss due to this dredging activity was low. In this naturally carbon enriched system, univariate biotic indices did not perform well in detecting seagrass destruction and recovery. MISS (Macrobenthic Index of Sheltered Systems) gave more relevant conclusions and a simplified version was tested with success, at this local scale. Keywords: Seagrass, macrobenthos, sediment disposal, secondary production, WFD 89 Chapter 5- Seagrass burial, macrobenthos and Biotic Indices 1. Introduction The disposal of dredged material constitutes one of the most important problems in coastal zone management (Van Dolah et al., 1984; Bolam and Rees, 2003; Bolam and Whomersley, 2005). Coastal works (e.g. harbors, docks, breakwaters), beach stabilization, dredging and excess siltation from changes in land catchments, are examples of anthropogenic activities that result in changes of the sedimentary dynamics and consequent seagrass loss. Frequently, such human-induced activities result in complete, perhaps irreversible, disappearance of seagrass meadows from coastal areas (Cabaco et al., 2008). Many studies concerning the effects of dredged material deposition on benthic macroinvertebrates and physical environment have been carried out. The effects of dredge material relocation are smothering (Stronkhorst et al., 2003), chemical contamination (Bolam et al., 2006), changes in sedimentology (Harvey et al., 1998; Essink, 1999), increased levels of organic carbon, reduction in abundance, number of species and diversity (Van Dolah et al., 1984; Wildish and Thomas, 1985; Cruz-Motta and Collins, 2004), and increased dominance of tolerant and opportunistic species (Rees et al., 1992). Impacts of burial are the most obvious effects of dredged material placement on benthic organisms in the short term, both at intertidal and subtidal placement sites (Roberts et al., 1998; Powilleit et al., 2006; Bolam, 2011). Since different types of effects were identified in these studies, it is impossible to draw a general conclusion about the impact of dredged material deposition on the benthic community structure (Harvey et al., 1998). In addition, benthic community recovery after dredged material deposition has not been well studied, particularly with reference to seagrass habitats (Sheridan, 2004). A long term and large-scale spatial study on effects of seagrass bed burial was initiated in Arcachon Bay, following sediment disposal. Arcachon Bay harbours the largest Zostera noltii seagrass bed in Europe (Auby and Labourg, 1996), which occupies most intertidal areas. Arcachon Bay is also an important site for oyster farming which implies regular cleaning of oyster parks that are rapidly invaded by non-exploited, “wild” oysters (Crassostrea gigas). Empty shells and live animals are traditionally buried in large holes (“souilles”) dug in remote areas, within the lagoon. In 2002, these “souilles” were full and stakeholders decided to dig another one, near the previous one, in a seagrass area. It consisted 90 Chapter 5- Seagrass burial, macrobenthos and Biotic Indices of a 5000-m2 pit able to receive 100,000 m3 of shells. Works were implemented during the winter of 2004 and extracted sediments were disposed over a 20,000 m2 seagrass bed, rapidly dispersing within a total impacted area of 300,000 m2 (×10 cm thickness). Between 2002 and 2010, a benthic survey was performed in the primary disposal area, in the secondary sediment spreading area and in controlled stations. Our aim was: (1) to monitor macrobenthic communities in and out of the impacted area in terms of biomass, abundance, diversity, structure and trophic groups. (2) To assess the loss of secondary production related to seagrass destruction, Z. noltii biomass being a major component influencing the overall macrobenthic production (Dolbeth et al., 2011). Besides, secondary production is one of the most comprehensive measurements of ecosystem health (Dolbeth et al., 2005). It may reveal greater insights into ecosystem change than static parameters such as diversity, density or biomass. Combining production with long-term datasets could increase our level of understating system functioning (see for instance, Dolbeth et al., 2007; Pranovi et al., 2008). To compare different biological indicators implemented or not in the Water Framework Directive (WFD) and based on macrofauna communities structure and to observe how they responded to this physical stress and potential seagrass recovery. Indeed, benthic macrofauna are a powerful tool to detect even slight environment changes (Blanchet et al., 2005). It may locally detect the level of stress and integrate the recent history of stress, constituting a sort of memory for the system (Patricio et al., 2009). The composition and structure of benthic macrofauna is one of the indicated biological quality elements to be used in transitional (estuaries and lagoons) and coastal waters for ecological status assessment. Several biological indices (AMBI (AZTI’s Marine Biotic Index), BOPA (Benthic Opportunistic Polychaetes Amphipods Index), BENTIX and MISS (Macrobenthic Index of Sheltered System)) based on the benthic macrofauna assemblages have been recently developed to assess ecological status (ES) of marine waters (Borja et al., 2000; Simboura and Zenetos, 2002; Dauvin and Ruellet, 2007; Lavesque et al., 2009). Particular attention will be devoted to a newly developed multi-metric index, MISS (Lavesque et al., 2009). The implementation of this index in routine monitoring exposes two major problems. Firstly, two out of 16 metrics are based on biomass (total biomass and the W statistic). Assessing biomass is time consuming and requires sample destruction. Secondly, five metrics are related to the identification of trophic groups which is often a hazardous task, 91 Chapter 5- Seagrass burial, macrobenthos and Biotic Indices except maybe for suspension feeders. As a result, we tested MISS in different derived versions to check whether we can simplify its calculation without degrading the information. 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Study site The study site was an intertidal mudflat called "Dispute” in the middle of Arcachon Bay (Figure 5.1). Arcachon Bay is a triangular-shaped macro-tidal lagoon (180 km2), located on the southwest French Atlantic coast (44°40’N, 1°10’W). It communicates with the Atlantic Ocean through a narrow (2-km wide) entrance. The tide is semi-diurnal and the tidal amplitude varies from 0.8 to 4.6 m. The average temperatures vary seasonally between 6 °C and 22.5 °C. Fluctuations in freshwater contributions from rivers and rainwater influence water salinity, ranging between 22 and 35. Many small streams run into the lagoon, but the two main rivers, the Leyre and Canal des Etangs, contribute 73% and 24%, respectively, of the total annual freshwater inflow (813 million m3 yr-1). The total lagoon surface (180 km2) can be divided in two parts: the subtidal channels (63 km2), and the intertidal areas (117 km2) (Plus et al., 2010). The main channels have a maximum depth of 25 m and are extended by a secondary network of shallower channels. The intertidal area comprises sandy to sandy-mud flat (Plus et al., 2010). Most of these flats (61 km2 in 2005 are covered a Z. noltii seagrass bed (Plus et al., 2010). The lower part of the intertidal is generally devoted to Japanese oyster (C. gigas) culture, which constitutes a major activity at this site. Adjacent to the mudflats, and lining the channels, eelgrass (Zostera marina) occupies the subtidal sector. Sediment temperatures vary annually between -1 and 35.4 °C (average = 15.8 °C) and salinity varies between 18.5 and 34.5 (average = 30). Around Dispute, four stations were monitored. Two “impacted” stations (IS: impacted by sand and IM: impacted by mud) located in the impacted area and two “un-impacted” Z noltii stations, with one situated near the impacted stations (PS: proximate seagrass) and one situated far from the impacted stations (RS: remote seagrass), were monitored after the 92 Chapter 5- Seagrass burial, macrobenthos and Biotic Indices operations in August 2005, 2006, 2008 and 2010 (Figure 5.1). Before the works, in August 2002, two stations corresponding to RS and PS were sampled. A B Atlantic Ocean 44°40 N Arcachon Leyre river C 1°10 W Dispute site Figure 5.1. Location of Arcachon Bay on the southwest French coast (A), the study site in the lagoon (B), different stations: RS: remote seagrass; PS: proximate seagrass; IM: impacted by mud; IS: impacted by sand (C). 93 Chapter 5- Seagrass burial, macrobenthos and Biotic Indices 2.2. Macrofauna sampling At low tide, the top 20 cm of the sediment was collected with a 0.0225-m2 corer, with four replicates per station. Sediment was sieved through a 1-mm mesh; the remaining fraction was fixed in 4% buffered formalin and stained with Rose Bengal. In the laboratory, macrofauna was sorted, identified when possible to the species level, and counted. Biomass was determined as ash-free dry weight (AFDW) after desiccation (60 °C, 48 h) and calcination (450 °C, 4 h). 2.3. Sediment and seagrass leaf analysis The top 3-cm sediment layer was also sampled for granulometric analysis. Sediment grain-size characteristics (median grain-size, percentage of silt and clays) were determined after sieving weighed dried sediment through a wet column of sieves with decreasing apertures (1000, 500, 250, 125 and 63 μm). Percentage of organic matter in the sediment was assessed after ignition (450 °C, 4 h) of a dried aliquot of sediment. In 2002 and 2006, Z. noltii leaves were cut in each macrofauna sample and desiccated (60 °C) until a constant dry weight was obtained. In 2010, a new method of assessing Z. noltii leaf biomass was developed. Fourteen [15 cm × 15 cm]-quadrats were delicately laid over the sediment surface, at low tide. For each quadrat, a numeric photograph was taken perpendicularly, one meter above the surface. The method consisted of drawing three equidistant lines across each numerical image and counting the intersections between lines and leaves. Then biomass and percentage of coverage could be obtained, using the following relationships: Loge(DW) = 1.514 × Loge (mean number of intercepts per line) – 1.911, with R = 0.98 (n = 14 pictures) Loge(S) = 0.690 × Loge(DW) + 1.195 with R = 0.98 (n = 10 pictures) where DW is Z. noltii leaf dry weight in g m-2 and S is the percentage of sediment surface covered by Z. noltii. Ten pictures per station were analysed. 94 Chapter 5- Seagrass burial, macrobenthos and Biotic Indices 2.4. Estimated loss of secondary production Macrofauna species were gathered in five trophic groups based on the feeding types (Fauchald and Jumars, 1979; Bachelet, 1981; Sauriau et al., 1989; Hily and Bouteille, 1999): (1) deposit feeders, (2) grazers, (3) predators, (4) scavengers and (5) suspension feeders. Then, biomass of each group was calculated. A P/B ratio was assigned for each trophic group using values calculated by Blanchet (2004). Then at each date we subtracted the secondary production in the impacted area from the secondary production in the seagrass to obtain a gross estimation of secondary production loss. This value was multiplied by the surface of destroyed seagrass and the time elapsed from the previous sampling date. 2.5. Data analysis 2.5.1. Multivariate analysis Multivariate analysis was performed to compare macrozoobenthic communities structure between areas. Abundances were square root-transformed to minimize the influence of the most dominant taxa. A non-metric multidimensional scaling (n-MDS) based on BrayCurtis similarity coefficient was carried out to obtain an ordination plot. A Cluster Analysis was used to determine groups of stations × dates that were homogeneous in terms of benthic community. SIMPER analysis was performed to determine which species contributed to between-group dissimilarity. These analyses were performed using PRIMER® – v6 package (Clarke and Warwick, 2001; Clarke and Gorley, 2006). In order to investigate the pattern of change of numerical descriptor of the benthic assemblage such as total biomass, total number of species, total abundance, number of species, abundance and biomass of epi- and infauna, biomass of the different trophic groups, a Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCO) was performed on the matrix of Euclidean distances among stations based on fourth-root transformed and normalized data. This analysis was performed using PRIMER PERMANOVA package (Anderson et al., 2008). 95 Chapter 5- Seagrass burial, macrobenthos and Biotic Indices 2.5.2. Biotic Indices Three currently available univariate Biotic Indices (BIs), namely AMBI (Borja et al., 2000), BENTIX (Simboura and Zenetos, 2002), BOPA (Dauvin and Ruellet, 2007) and one multimetric approach called MISS (Lavesque et al., 2009) were tested. Ecological quality status and thresholds used to classify index values were reported in Table 5.1. AMBI is based on previous work from Grall and Glémarec (1997). It considers five ecological groups (available on web page: ranging from sensitive species (EGI) to first-order opportunistic species (EGV) (Borja et al., 2000) (Table 5.1). BENTIX considers only two groups: sensitive (GS) and tolerant species (GT), which correspond to ecological groups I and II, and ecological groups III to V of the AMBI, respectively (Table 5.1). BOPA is based on the ratio of opportunistic polychaetes (i.e. polychaetes of ecological groups IV and V of the AMBI) and amphipods (except Jassa genus) (Dauvin and Ruellet, 2007) (Table 5.1). 96 Chapter 5- Seagrass burial, macrobenthos and Biotic Indices Table 5.1. Indices used in this study to assess Ecological Status (ES) and thresholds used to classify index values. Number of ecological groups 5 BENTIX 2 6 EGI&II+ 2 EGIII-V based on percentage of ecological groups 3.5 to 6 (for sand) 3.0 to 6 (for mud) 0 to 3.5 (for sand) 0 to 3.0 (for mud) Simboura and Zenetos (2002) BOPA 2 log10 [(fp/fa + 1) + 1] based on ratio of ecological groups 0 to 0.13966 0.13966 to 0.30103 Dauvin and Ruellet (2007) Sixteen parameters were classified in three categories describing the macrofauna assemblages 0.6 to 1 0 to 0.6 Lavesque et al. (2009) MISS Computation of the indices Ecological Status (ES) Acceptable Not acceptable 0 to 3.3 3.3 to 7 Biotic Indices AMBI 0 EGI + 1.5 EGII + 3 EGIII + 4.5 EGIV + 6EGV based on percentage of ecological groups References Borja et al. (2000) EG: ecological groups as determined by Borja et al. (2000); fp: opportunistic polychaetes frequency; fa: amphipods frequency (except Jassa sp.). 97 Chapter 5- Seagrass burial, macrobenthos and Biotic Indices MISS basically consisted of including a selection of existing BIs with additional metrics describing the community (five parameters): abundance per m2, biomass g AFDW per m2, number of species (per 0.045 m2), Shannon Index H', and Piélou's evenness J'; trophic composition (five parameters): grazers per m2, selective deposit feeders per m2, non-selective deposit feeders per m2, suspension feeders per m2, carrion feeders per m2 (e.g. carnivorous, omnivorous and scavengers); and pollution indicators (six parameters): values of two Biotic Indices were used (AMBI and BOPA), abundance per m2 of sensitive species (e.g. EGI and EGII), abundance per m2 of tolerant species (e.g. EGIII), abundance per m2 of opportunistic species (e.g. EGIV and EGV). Finally, the W statistic, referring to Abundance-Biomass Comparison (ABC curves) was computed with PRIMER® - v6 package. W measured the extent to which biomass curves lays above the abundance curves (positive values were expected for the undisturbed conditions, negative values for impacted samples) (Warwick, 1986). The BOPA and the AMBI indices were included as indicators of, respectively, pollution by hydrocarbons and organic matter inputs (Lavesque et al., 2009). MISS was inspired by the development of Indices of Biological Integrity conducted in North America (Weisberg et al., 1997; Engle and Summers, 1999; Van Dolah et al., 1999; Llanso et al., 2002a; Llanso et al., 2002b). Monitoring results were compared with reference conditions, in order to derive an Ecological Status (ES) (Table 1). The reference condition for a water body type is a description of the biological elements, which corresponds totally, or almost totally, to undisturbed (pristine) conditions, i.e. with no, or only a very minimal, impact from human activities (Borja and Muxika, 2005; Muxika et al., 2007). In this study, reference conditions were derived by the software from the data collected in the 38 stations located on normally vegetated Z. noltii beds in 2002 (Blanchet, 2004; Lavesque et al., 2009). In addition, derived calculations of MISS were investigated. Firstly, we deleted biomass related parameter (biomass and W values) from calculation because biomass assessment is time consuming and it can be useful to keep samples in laboratory. Secondly, we did not consider trophic groups because definition is often controversial (except for suspension feeders), and many species have mixed trophic habits. Thirdly, different combinations of the two first attempts (without ‘biomass + W + trophic groups except suspension feeders’) were performed. 98 Chapter 5- Seagrass burial, macrobenthos and Biotic Indices 3. Results 3.1. Seagrass and sediment disposal Before sediment disposal (in 2002), seagrass covered 62-68% of the sediments surface with biomass ranging from 70 g DW m-2 to 80 g DW m-2 (Table 5.2). Six months after this work, in August 2005, seagrass was completely destroyed in both impacted stations (IS and IM) and remained absent up to and including 2008, included. In 2010, seagrass only recovered in IM stations (41 g DW m-2 or 43% coverage total surface) while it was still absent in IS station (Table 5.2). In un-impacted stations PS and RS, seagrass were always present though its cover varied according to year (Table 5.2). Sediments consisted of sandy muds to muddy sands in un-impacted stations with median grain-size varying from 20 to 100 according to date and small-scale heterogeneity (Table 5.2). In both stations submitted to sediments deposit (IM and IS), sediments in 2005 (i.e. just after the works) were not still sorted and consisted of muddy sands (median: 100120 µm; silt and clay: 26-28%; organic matter: 5%). With time, finer sediments were washed out. Near the discharge place (IS) only larger material remained while fine sediments accumulated around IM station. Hence, sediment evolved toward sands with low silt and clay content at IS station (median: 150-190 µm; silt and clay fraction ≤23%; organic matter ≤2%) whereas sediments consisted of muddy sand to sandy mud at station IM (median: 40-70 µm; silt and clay: ≤60%; organic matter: 6-9%) (Table 5.2). 99 Chapter 5- Seagrass burial, macrobenthos and Biotic Indices Table 5.2. Seagrass leaves biomass (g DW m-2), seagrass cover (% of sediment surface), sediment median particle size (µm), silt and clay and organic matter content in the sediment (%) before dredging (August 2002) and after (August 2005-2006-2008-2010), “-”: missing data. Seagrass leaves biomass (g DW m-2) 80 29 82 87 Seagrass coverage (%) 68 33 70 72 PS 70 103 9 192 Aug. 2005 Aug. 2006 Aug. 2008 Aug. 2010 IM Aug. 2005 Aug. 2006 Aug. 2008 Aug. 2010 IS Status Remote seagrass Date Aug. 2002 Aug. 2005 Aug. 2006 Aug. 2008 Aug. 2010 Station RS Proximate seagrass Aug. 2002 Aug. 2005 Aug. 2006 Aug. 2008 Aug. 2010 Impacted by mud Impacted by sand Median grain-size (µm) 20 (sandy mud) 90 (muddy sand) 100 (muddy sand) 30 (sandy mud) 60 (sandy mud) Silt and clay content (%) 82 37 26 73 50 Organic matter content (%) 5 8 10 9 7 62 52 15 100 20 (sandy mud) 100 (muddy sand) 90 (muddy sand) 20 (sandy mud) 40 (sandy mud) 73 31 36 83 57 7 9 8 10 8 0 0 0 41 0 0 0 43 100 (muddy sand) 70 (muddy sand) 40 (sandy mud) 40 (sandy mud) 26 47 59 60 5 9 6 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 120 (muddy sand) 190 (sand) 150 (muddy sand) 180 (sand) 28 5 23 6 5 2 2 1 100 Chapter 5- Seagrass burial, macrobenthos and Biotic Indices 3.2. Main macrozoobenthic assemblages identified in the dataset Multivariate analysis performed on the ‘18 stations-dates × 110 species’ data matrix showed, at a 35% similarity level, that three different groups of stations-dates could be identified (Cluster Analysis) (Figure 5.2). The first main group (Group 1) included all unimpacted stations (PS and RS) as well as two IM stations from the last two dates of the monitoring, 2008 and 2010. The second group of stations (Group 2) gathered all stations which were impacted by sand (IS) as well as the IM station just after the sediment deposits (in 2005) (Figure 5.2). Finally, the latter station (IM station in 2006) displayed a benthic community differing from that of all other situations the first year after sediment disposal (Group 3, Figure 5.2). Similarity 35% Figure 5.2. Non metric multidimensional scaling (n-MDS) of stations based on Bray-Curtis similarity matrix after square root-transformed abundance data. RS: remote seagrass; PS: proximate seagrass; IM: impacted by mud; IS: impacted by sand. Groups of stations identified by the Cluster Analysis at a 35% similarity level are identified (Group 1: ×; Group 2: ; Group 3: ). 101 Chapter 5- Seagrass burial, macrobenthos and Biotic Indices According to the SIMPER analysis, the dissimilarity between groups 1 and 2 was mainly due to: (1) a much lower abundance or disappearance of several taxa of grazing epifauna such as Hydrobia ulvae (4193 ±951 ind. m-2 vs. 444 ±208 ind. m-2), Bittium reticulatum, Idotea chelipes or Littorina littorea in Group 2 (Table 5.3); (2) a decrease of the abundance level of many infaunal polychaete taxa such as Melinna palmata, Aphelochaeta marioni, Heteromastus filiformis or Clymenura clypeata as well as other infaunal taxa such as the bivalves Abra segmentum and Loripes lacteus (which disappeared from stations of Group 2); (3) nevertheless, few species were found at higher abundance levels in Group 2 such as the infaunal polychaetes Nephtys hombergii and Streblospio shrubsolii, the bivalve Cerastoderma edule and the amphipod Ampelisca sp. (Table 5.3). 3.3. Trend in the numerical descriptor of the macrofauna assemblages The first axis of the principal coordinates analysis (PCO) extracted more than 58% of total variation. Together with axis two, 72.5% of total variation was represented (Figure 5.3). The ordination of samples along the first axis of the PCO clearly separated samples retrieved within un-impacted seagrass beds (positive values) from samples collected in both impacted areas (negative values). Nevertheless there was a noteworthy exception with samples from 2010 collected at the IM station which gathered within the data cloud corresponding to unimpacted seagrass (Figure 5.3). The ordination of samples obtained through the first PCO axis was positively correlated with all numerical descriptors showing that samples collected in impacted sites (except at station IM in 2010) displayed lower values for almost all of these descriptors (Table 5.4). However the best correlations (Spearman coefficient of correlation >0.8) were obtained with total, epifauna and infauna biomass, total number of species and abundance of epifauna (Table 5.4). This analysis shows that, on a purely numeric point of view, only station IM in 2010 displayed values comparable to un-impacted seagrass beds. 102 Chapter 5- Seagrass burial, macrobenthos and Biotic Indices Table 5.3. List of the main species contributing to contribution to dissimilarity (SIMPER analysis) between groups identified by Cluster Analysis (Group 1: RS and PS stations from 2002 to 2010 and IM stations from 2008 to 2010; Group 2: IS stations from 2005 to 2010 and IM station in 2005; Group 3: IM station in 2006, see Figure 5.2). Top five dominant species in each group and top five contributed species for dissimilarity between groups are in bold. Mean abundance ind. m-2 ± standard deviation % contribution to dissimilarity between groups Zoological group Position Trophic group Taxon Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 1 vs 2 1 vs 3 Nemertea infauna predators Nemertinea 69±20 4±3 11±11 1.6 1.2 0.9 Mollusca Gastropoda epifauna grazers Hydrobia ulvae 4193±951 444±208 0 13.5 14.1 7.1 Bittium reticulatum 405±130 0 11±11 3.7 2.6 1.4 Littorina littorea 53±16 2±2 0 1.4 1.3 0.3 scavengers Nassarius reticulatus 37±8 2±2 0 1.2 1.1 0.3 deposit feeders Abra segmentum 219±62 22±20 56±21 3.6 1.6 2.8 Abra tenuis 3±2 11±9 22±13 0.6 1.2 1.5 Cerastoderma edule 45±20 53±18 0 1.5 1.2 2.6 Loripes lacteus 97±26 0 0 1.9 1.7 0 Mollusca Bivalvia infauna suspension feeders Annelida Polychaeta infauna 2 vs 3 Ruditapes philippinarum 104±27 7±4 0 2.0 1.9 0.8 suspension feeders Mytilus edulis 67±42 0 0 1.3 1.1 0 deposit feeders Aonides oxycephala 76±29 0 0 1.2 1.1 0 Aphelochaeta marioni 682±173 147±93 0 4.7 4.8 3.2 Clymenura clypeata 136±41 9±5 0 1.8 1.6 0.9 Euclymene oerstedi 47±13 2±2 0 1.2 1.0 0.2 Heteromastus filiformis 609±78 191±91 700±204 4.7 1.9 7.3 Melinna palmata 1099±220 9±9 78±21 6.7 5.2 3.2 Polydora spp. 0 2±2 22±13 0.2 1.2 1.7 Pseudopolydora spp. 67±21 38±22 33±11 1.6 1.4 1.7 Pygospio elegans 46±31 89±45 100±71 2.1 2.0 1.8 Streblospio shrubsolii 27±18 73±37 0 1.6 0.6 1.8 Glycera spp. 33±8 27±7 0 1.0 1.0 2.1 Nereis diversicolor 0 4±3 733±456 0.4 7.1 10.8 predators Nephtys hombergii 38±9 51±12 0 1.0 1.3 2.6 Annelida Oligochaeta infauna deposit feeders Tubificoides benedii 412±110 31±16 44±44 4.4 3.2 2.1 Phoronida Crustacea Amphipoda infauna suspension feeders Phoronis psammophila 35±12 0 0 1.2 1.1 0 infauna deposit feeders Ampelisca sp. 7±4 42±23 0 1.4 0.4 2.3 Corophium urdaibaiense 1±1 0 22±13 0.1 1.1 2.0 Melita palmata 40±17 33±15 22±22 1.4 1.1 1.4 Microdeutopus gryllotalpa 57±35 11±8 167±38 1.2 3.0 4.5 10.5 grazers Crustacea Isopoda Insecta Diptera infauna deposit feeders Cyathura carinata 40±14 7±4 744±286 1.2 6.2 epifauna deposit feeders Lekanesphaera spp. 2±1 24±10 0 1.2 0.1 1.6 grazers Idotea chelipes 105±33 0 0 2.1 1.9 0 grazers Dolichopodidae 15±6 2±2 189±90 0.7 3.1 5.5 infauna 103 Chapter 5- Seagrass burial, macrobenthos and Biotic Indices Figure 5.3. Ordination of samples obtained by the principal coordinates analysis (PCO) performed on the matrix of numerical descriptors of macrofauna assemblages. Sb: samples retrieved in un-impacted seagrass beds (RS and PS from all dates from 2002 to 2010); IM: samples retrieved in the stations with mud deposits; IS: samples retrieved in the station with sand deposits. The number indicates the year of collection from 2005 (05) to 2010 (10). Table 5.4. Correlations (Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient) of each numeric descriptor values with the first two axes of the principal coordinates analysis. In bold: R >0.8. Variables Total biomass Total number of species Biomass of epifauna Abundance of epifauna Biomass of infauna Total abundance Deposit feeders biomass Abundance of infauna Biomass of infauna Grazers biomass Suspension feeders biomass Scavengers biomass Abundance of epifauna Carnivores biomass PCO axis 1 (58.2% of total variation) 0.91 0.90 0.88 0.85 0.82 0.80 0.79 0.78 0.78 0.77 0.70 0.64 0.63 0.50 PCO axis 2 (14.3% of total variation) -0.11 -0.24 0.27 0.22 -0.32 0.27 -0.29 -0.33 -0.45 0.50 -0.14 -0.27 0.68 -0.42 104 Chapter 5- Seagrass burial, macrobenthos and Biotic Indices 3.4. Dynamic of impact and recovery of macrobenthic community Six months after sediments disposal (in August 2005), both impacted areas were covered by a mixture of sand and mud. Seagrasses were destroyed and the macrofauna was dramatically changed in the same way at both impacted stations (IM and IS) (Figures 5.2 & 5.4). Compared to un-impacted seagrass beds, benthic macrofauna assemblages were characterized by very low biomass (1.3 ±0.4 g AFDW m-2 vs 15.4 ±2.9 g AFDW m-2) of both epifauna and infauna in impacted stations (Table 5.5). The number of species was also drastically reduced with 11 ±2 taxa per station in impacted sites and 17 ±2 taxa per station in un-impacted areas (Table 5.5). With time, the perturbed area divided into two distinct habitats. A 2.104 m2-sandflat (IS) near the place where sediments were initially disposed in 2005 and a larger bare mudflat (IM, 28.104 m2), due to fine sediment migration. In August 2006, benthic communities at both impacted sites were still very different from that of seagrass beds. In the mudflat (IM), biomass, abundance and species richness were half those of un-impacted seagrass bed (Table 5.5). In the sandflat, the benthic community was drastically different with a particularly low abundance (400 ind. m-2 i.e. 13% of mudflat abundance and 5% of seagrass abundance), low biomass (0.2 g AFDW m-2 i.e. 2% of biomass in bare mudflat and 1% of biomass in seagrass bed), and a very low number of species (5 species). More than 3 years after the perturbation, in August 2008, the macrozoobenthic assemblage from the mudflat (IM) was similar to that of seagrass beds according to a Cluster Analysis (Figure 5.2) even though no seagrass recovery was observed at that time. Though benthic assemblage was similar in terms of species composition and dominance pattern, the benthic assemblage from station IM still displayed reduced biomass and rather low abundance and diversity compared to seagrass beds assemblage (Figure 5.4). In the meantime, the macrobenthic assemblage within the sandflat remained very different from that of all other studied stations (Figure 5.2). In this station, the benthic assemblage was still characterized by reduced diversity, abundance and biomass (Figure 5.4). In 2010, the full recovery of the benthic assemblage in terms of species composition, dominance pattern, abundance, biomass and diversity patterns was observed at the IM station (Figures 5.2 & 5.4). In the meantime, Z. noltii shoots had returned at this site, 4-5 years after 105 Chapter 5- Seagrass burial, macrobenthos and Biotic Indices its destruction. However, the IS site remained devoid of any seagrass cover and still displayed a clearly different benthic community (Figure 5.2-5.4). 106 Chapter 5- Seagrass burial, macrobenthos and Biotic Indices Table 5.5. Mean values (± standard deviation) of abundance, biomass, number species richness of macrofauna, biomass of epifauna and infauna and biomass of each trophic groups in un-impacted (RS, PS), IM and IS stations from 2005 to 2010. August 2005 August 2006 August 2008 August 2010 Parameters RS, PS IM, IS RS, PS IM IS RS, PS IM IS RS, PS IM IS Abundance (ind. m-2, ±SD) 4111±744 2700±817 7594±974 3011±648 400±151 9350±806 6011±3450 567±150 6777±580 17844±1844 1022±243 -2 Abundance epifauna (ind. m , ±SD) 1611±408 933±494 1239±502 56±33 67±43 6183±1490 4589±3430 133±91 2161±664 13289±2382 489±252 Abundance infauna (ind. m-2, ±SD) 2483±460 1750±360 6339±795 2956±630 333±143 3156±1082 1422±489 411±102 4611±993 4556±1016 533±189 Biomass (g AFDW m , ±SD) 15.4±2.9 1.3±0.4 21.7±5.5 10.3±5.4 0.2±0.1 41.8±24.0 3.3±1.8 4.2±1.7 64.4±16.5 13.9±5.8 4.4±3.9 Biomass epifauna (g AFDW m-2, ±SD) 5.8±2.2 0.6±0.3 7.3±2.2 0.4±0.4 0.05±0.03 30.6±23.0 2.4±1.8 2.4±2.0 15.4±3.8 5.6±2.3 0.2±0.1 Biomass infauna (g AFDW m-2, ±SD) 9.0±2.3 0.7±0.1 14.2±3.8 9.9±5.4 0.1±0.1 11.2±3.3 0.9±0.3 1.6±1.1 49.0±13.0 8.3±4.5 4.2±3.9 -2 Number species (±SD) 17±2 11±2 23±2 12±2 5±1 13±2 9±2 7±1 18±1 16±2 7±2 Deposit feeders (g AFDW m-2, ±SD) 2.4±0.6 0.4±0.1 4.9±0.7 0.8±0.2 0.05±0.0 4.2±1.7 0.8±0.2 0.4±0.2 3.9±0.8 7.3±4.1 0.9±0.8 -2 Grazers (g AFDW m , ±SD) 2.9±1.9 0.6±0.3 5.1±2.3 0.3±0.1 0.03±0.02 4.6±0.9 2.2±1.7 0.1±0.1 4.4±1.4 4.4±1.4 0.1±0.1 Predators (g AFDW m-2, ±SD) 1.7±1.0 0.3±0.1 1.9±0.7 9.2±5.5 0.1±0.0 0.4±0.2 0.3±0.1 0.4±0.4 1.6±0.6 1.8±0.8 0.05±0.02 Scavengers (g AFDW m , ±SD) 2.5±1.2 0 1.6±0.4 0 0 1.9±1.0 0 2.0±2.0 3.2±1.0 0 0 Suspension feeders (g AFDW m-2, ±SD) 5.5±1.8 0.05±0.05 8.1±3.1 0 0.03±0.02 30.7±23.1 0.01±0.01 1.3±1.0 51.3±15.7 0.4±0.2 3.3±3.2 -2 107 A 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 2002 2005 2006 2008 2010 2002 2005 2006 2008 2010 2005 2006 2008 2010 2005 2006 2008 2010 Mean biomass (g AFDW m-2) Chapter 5- Seagrass burial, macrobenthos and Biotic Indices RS Mean abundance (ind. m-2) 30000 PS IM IS B 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 2002 2005 2006 2008 2010 2002 2005 2006 2008 2010 2005 2006 2008 2010 2005 2006 2008 2010 0 RS Mean number of species 40 PS IM IS C 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 RS PS IM 2010 2008 2006 2005 2010 2008 2006 2005 2010 2008 2006 2005 2002 2010 2008 2006 2005 2002 0 IS Figure 5.4. A) Mean biomass (g AFDW m-2), (B) abundance (ind. m-2), and (C) species richness of the benthic macrofauna. RS: remote seagrass; PS: proximate seagrass; IM: impacted by mud; IS: impacted by sand (Figure 5.1). 108 Chapter 5- Seagrass burial, macrobenthos and Biotic Indices 3.5. Loss of secondary production The loss of secondary production increased between 2005 and 2010 in the impacted sites, from 20 to 51 g AFDW m-2 y-1 and from 20 to 75 g AFDW m-2 y-1 in mud and in sand respectively (Table 5.6). This increase was mostly due to suspension feeders (mussels, clams) that progressively settled in un-impacted stations and not in impacted stations (see Table 5.3). Indeed, the part of secondary production loss due to suspension feeders was of the order of 30% in 2005, against more than 70% in 2010. The global loss of production was 10-16 times the higher in the area impacted by mud than area impacted by sand, mainly due to the difference in the surface (× 14 times). Over 5.5 years and a total surface of 30 × 104 m2, secondary production loss reached 74 t AFDW. 109 Chapter 5- Seagrass burial, macrobenthos and Biotic Indices Table 5.6. Loss of secondary production by trophic group (g AFDW m-2 y-1). The total secondary production loss (total area and total duration from the previous date. For 2005, elapsed time from the works was 0.5 year is given on last line. RS, PS, IM and IS: see Figure 5.1. Trophic group P/B y-1 2005 IM, IS g AFDW m-2 y-1 2006 IM g AFDW m-2 y-1 IS g AFDW m-2 y-1 2008 IM g AFDW m-2 y-1 IS g AFDW m-2 y-1 2010 IM g AFDW m-2 y-1 IS g AFDW m-2 y-1 Deposit feeders 2.4 4.8 9.8 11.8 8.2 9.1 -8.2 7.2 Grazers 2.4 5.5 11.5 12.2 10.8 5.8 0.0 10.3 Predators 0.9 1.3 -6.6 1.6 0.0 -0.1 -0.2 1.4 Scavengers 0.9 2.3 1.4 1.4 1.7 -0.1 2.9 2.9 Suspension feeders 1.1 6.0 8.9 8.9 33.8 32.3 56.0 52.8 Total production 19.9 25.0 35.9 54.5 47.0 50.5 74.6 Total production loss g AFDW 2.99×106 7.04×106 0.72×106 30.49×106 1.90×106 28.30×106 2.99×106 110 Chapter 5- Seagrass burial, macrobenthos and Biotic Indices 3.6. Biotic Indices 3.6.1. Assessment perturbation by univariate Biotic Indices AMBI classified all stations as “good” or “moderate” without any recognition sediment disposal (Table 5.7). As well, BENTIX classified almost all stations as “moderate” and “poor” without any relation to sediment disposal (Table 5.6). BOPA achieved more contrasted results, from “poor” to “high”. This index increased the quality status of IM with time. Conversely, BOPA gave fluctuating ecological status (ES) to control stations (RS, PS) and observed strong amelioration of station IS that was however considered as the most impacted during the whole monitoring (Table 5.7). In general, there was a disagreement between the classification of univariate Biotic Indices (AMBI, BENTIX, BOPA) and they did not detect the perturbation related to sediment disposal. 3.6.2. Assessment perturbation by multimetric approach (MISS) and derived-MISS In seagrass, ES from MISS varied between “moderate” and “high” according to year and position (RS, PS). In the site impacted by mud (IM), ES remained at a “moderate” level until 2010 when it achieved “good”. In the site impacted by sand (IS), ES was “poor” until 2006, and reached moderate between 2008 and 2010 (Table 5.7). When removing biomassrelated parameters (i.e. total biomass and W), ES from MISS changed in one situation out of 18 (IS in 2005). Conversely, when MISS was calculated without trophic groups parameters, it modified 1/3 of ES estimations, mostly by degrading them (Table 5.7). 111 Chapter 5- Seagrass burial, macrobenthos and Biotic Indices Table 5.7. Biotic indices (AMBI, BENTIX, BOPA, MISS and d-MISS) and ecological status (ES) according to Table 5.1. For d-MISS: values different from MISS are in bold. RS, PS, IM and IS: see Figure 5.1. AMBI Station RS PS IM IS MISS (with 16 indices) d-MISS (without biomass+W) d-MISS (without trophic groups except suspension feeders) d-MISS (without W+biomass+trophic groups except suspension-feeders) BENTIX BOPA ES Score ES Score ES Score ES Score ES Score ES Score good 2.53 moderate 0.00662 high 0.9 high 0.90 high 1.00 high 1.00 high 3.7 moderate 2.78 moderate 0.09607 good 0.54 moderate 0.50 moderate 0.57 moderate 0.53 moderate 2006 3.7 moderate 2.46 poor 0.24761 poor 0.76 good 0.66 good 0.51 moderate 0.51 moderate 2008 3.0 good 2.46 poor 0.00619 high 0.60 moderate 0.56 moderate 0.43 moderate 0.39 poor 2010 3.5 moderate 2.66 moderate 0.25719 poor 0.69 good 0.69 good 0.52 moderate 0.52 moderate 2002 3.2 good 2.48 poor 0.08911 good 0.66 good 0.62 good 0.49 moderate 0.45 moderate 2005 2.4 good 2.51 moderate 0.18368 moderate 0.49 moderate 0.47 moderate 0.36 poor 0.44 poor 2006 2.5 good 2.54 moderate 0.18309 moderate 0.56 moderate 0.57 moderate 0.56 moderate 0.57 moderate 2008 3.1 good 2.54 moderate 0.20392 poor 0.73 good 0.74 good 0.53 moderate 0.54 moderate 2010 1.9 good 2.90 moderate 0.07912 good 0.52 moderate 0.60 moderate 0.42 moderate 0.50 moderate 2005 3.8 moderate 2.98 moderate 0.21241 poor 0.47 moderate 0.50 moderate 0.42 moderate 0.45 moderate 2006 3.5 moderate 3.09 good 0.17760 moderate 0.52 moderate 0.55 moderate 0.52 moderate 0.55 moderate 2008 3.1 good 3.01 good 0.08949 good 0.54 moderate 0.52 moderate 0.67 good 0.66 good good Year Score 2002 3.1 2005 ES 2010 3.0 good 2.87 moderate 0.08095 good 0.72 good 0.77 good 0.62 good 0.67 2005 3.0 good 2.69 moderate 0.15609 moderate 0.38 poor 0.42 moderate 0.36 poor 0.40 moderate 2006 3.0 good 2.48 poor 0.19562 poor 0.34 poor 0.35 poor 0.37 poor 0.38 poor 2008 1.9 good 2.63 moderate 0.10574 good 0.42 moderate 0.43 moderate 0.42 moderate 0.43 moderate 2010 2.6 good 2.72 moderate 0.09314 good 0.44 moderate 0.42 moderate 0.38 poor 0.35 poor 112 Chapter 5- Seagrass burial, macrobenthos and Biotic Indices 4. Discussion 4.1. Seagrass destruction and recolonization Six months after the sediments disposal, seagrass totally disappeared in the sites that were covered by sediment (sand and mud). The responses of seagrass to sediment burial have been assessed in many studies (Marba and Duarte, 1994; Duarte et al., 1997; Cabaco and Santos, 2007; Cabaco et al., 2008; Han et al., 2012) and is species specific and strongly sizedependent (Cabaco et al., 2008). According to Cabaco and Santos (2007), Z. noltii is highly sensitive to burial and erosion disturbances due to the small size of this species and the lack of vertical rhizomes. Hence, most Z. noltii plants under complete experimental burial died between the 1st and the 2nd week (Cabaco and Santos, 2007). Whereas the mortality caused by burial increased with decreasing seagrass size, the potential to recover from disturbances by growth is enhanced with decreasing seagrass size (Duarte et al., 1997; Peralta et al., 2005). A trade-off related to seagrass size exists, in terms of recovery time versus resistance to stressors, such as sediment disturbance (Han et al., 2012). Duarte et al. (1997) found that small seagrass species, such as Halophila ovalis and Halodule uninervis were able to recover within 4 months of burial disturbance, while Cabaco and Santos (2007) did not observe any recovery of Z. noltii within 2 months of experimental burial. In fact, Zostera noltii is well adapted to cope with sediment disturbances of limited amplitude (i.e. ±6 cm) and with continuous events by rapidly relocating their rhizomes to the preferential depth (Han et al., 2012). However, in our study, seagrass partly recovered in the IM station only 5 years (from 2005 to 2010) after burial. This long delay could be related to the thick layer of sediment (≥10 cm) discharged on a single occasion (Han et al., 2012). Characteristics of sediment were also an important factor, since we observed that areas covered by sand remained free of seagrass after 5 years. The reason is certainly not directly linked to the sediment grain-size since Do et al. (2011) showed that Z. noltii could colonize a sand flat within 4 years. 113 Chapter 5- Seagrass burial, macrobenthos and Biotic Indices 4.2. Benthic community alteration and recovery possibility Seagrass destruction and the changes due to sediment disposal altered benthic community. The impact depends on the amount of discharged sediment, disposal time, water depth, currents, particle size, and other abiotic parameters (see review in Witt et al., 2004). One of the main effects of dumping of dredged sediments relates to burial of benthos at dump sites (Essink, 1999). Local benthos has to cope with deposition of sediments which are in many cases strongly anaerobic. Sensitivity of benthos to being covered by dredged sediments is strongly dependent on the thickness of sediments and their ability to restore contact with the overlying water (Essink, 1999). The mortalities generally increase with increased sediment depth, exotic sediment and burial time (Maurer et al., 1981a, b, 1982; Harvey et al., 1998). Decreases in macrofaunal abundances, biomasses and species richness as a consequence of the disposal have been reported in several studies (Harvey et al., 1998; CruzMotta and Collins, 2004; Witt et al., 2004; Ware et al., 2010). Our study confirmed that benthic macrofauna community structure at the disposal sites had changed substantially following deposition. Indeed, 6 months after work (in August 2005), macrofauna assemblages showed a decrease of biomass, abundance and species number in impacted (IM, IS) stations. After 18 months (in August 2006), the macrofauna assemblages displayed a clear difference between impacted (IM, IS) and un-impacted stations (PS, RS). Biomass, abundance and diversity were lower in the station affected by sand disposal. Faunal differences between the disposal sites and the reference areas were indeed correlated with changes in the sediment composition depending on impact types. The disposal sites had a higher proportion of mud or sand, which influenced species composition (Witt et al., 2004). Sediment disposal affected differently benthic macrofaunal species according to their specific feeding behavior, mobility or morphology (Pearson and Rosenberg, 1978; Van Dolah et al., 1984; Witt et al., 2004). Following burial, macrobenthic invertebrate recovery can occur by a combination of three main mechanisms: planktonic recruitment of larvae, lateral migration of juveniles/adults from adjacent un-impacted areas and/or vertical migration through the deposited material (Bolam and Whomersley, 2005; Bolam et al., 2011). The relative importance of these mechanisms will depend on a number of factors such as spatial scale timing, rate and depth of placement (Bolam et al., 2006). Which mechanism ultimately predominates has important 114 Chapter 5- Seagrass burial, macrobenthos and Biotic Indices implications for the rate and successional sequences of invertebrate recovery (Bolam et al., 2010). For example, in cases where material is deposited thinly over a large area, a relatively rapid recovery through vertical migration may occur. If the sediments are deposited at a depth which exceeds the organisms’ burrowing and migration ability, total elimination of the ambient community will occur (although some species may successfully be transported within the dredged material) in the short term due to smothering; a slower recovery will then ensue through lateral migration (days/weeks) and/or planktonic settlement (weeks/months/years) (Bolam, 2011). Because of the thick disposal sediment layer, in our case, few or no species were able to recolonize the disposal sites by vertical migration. On the other hand, migration of adults from undisturbed areas and reproduction and larval recruitment from undisturbed areas could explain the gradual re-establishment of macrofauna (Harvey et al., 1998). Invertebrate recovery following dredged material disposal in relatively unstressed marine environments generally takes between 1 and 4 years, while in more naturally stressed areas, recovery is generally achieved within 9 months, although deeper polyhaline habitats can take up to 2 years to recover (Bolam and Rees, 2003). Differences in recovery times are attributed to the number of successional stages required to regain the original community composition that depends on their life-history traits (Bolam and Rees, 2003). In Upper Laguna Madre, mollusc and polychaete species composition and densities in seagrasses that had colonized dredging deposits required at least 10 years to become similar to communities in adjacent natural seagrass beds (see review in Sheridan, 2004). In our study, benthic community showed a recovery three years after sediment disposal. At that time, sediment consisted of mud, like in 2002, but seagrass had not yet recovered. This observation highlights the importance of sediment type for benthic organisms, especially concerning infauna which is more independent to seagrass presence (Cottet et al., 2007). On other hand, the recovery of seagrass after 6 years in IM station also explained the increase of species richness, abundance and biomass. The benefits of seagrass habitats for ecosystems’ diversity, health and functioning were broadly documented (Orth et al., 1984; Edgar, 1990; Blanchet et al., 2004; Do et al., 2011). Sheridan (2004) reported that, once seagrass start to cover dredged sediments, increases in densities of the associated mobile macrofauna would be expected. The presence of intertidal seagrass potentially increases food 115 Chapter 5- Seagrass burial, macrobenthos and Biotic Indices availability for both infauna and epibenthic organisms by acting as a sink for organic matter (Asmus and Asmus, 2000). Seagrass meadows reduce water movement and increase sedimentation rates of fine particles and detritus. The above-ground vegetation provides habitats and substrates for free-living animals and epiphytic animals and algae also, the below-ground rhizome network offers sediment stability, creating favorable living conditions, including shelter from predation, for a wide range of infaunal organisms (Fredriksen et al., 2010). 4.3. Secondary production loss Increasing percentages of plant burial significantly increase mortality and consequently decrease secondary production (Mills and Fonseca, 2003). Since secondary production responds quickly following the disposal of dredged material, the response of benthic production to disposal is more predictable than community (Wilber et al., 2008; Bolam, 2011). In fact, our results showed that both approaches differ. While benthic macrofauna tended to recover in terms of structure since 2008 (at least in mud), secondary production loss reached the highest values in 2008 and kept similar in 2010. A gross calculation however, tends to show that this production loss has small consequence on higher trophic level. Indeed, we calculated a total loss of 74 t AFDW, over the whole area and in 5.5 years. With a production/consumption rate of 15%, this would consist in a loss of predator production of 11 t AFDW over 5.5 years, i.e. 1.5 t AFDW per year (i.e. 15.2 t Fresh Weight per year) which is insignificant at the scale of the lagoon. However this calculation is only based on trophic pathways and does not take in consideration the effect of seagrass destruction as an habitat loss for potential predators (Summerson and Peterson, 1984; Irlandi, 1994; Boström et al., 2006a). 4.4. Biotic indices reaction Previous studies in Arcachon Bay already stated that some Biotic Indices (AMBI, BENTIX, BOPA) may perform badly in semi-enclosed ecosystems that are naturally enriched in organic carbon (Blanchet et al., 2008; Lavesque et al., 2009). The present study confirmed that these BIs did not detect both the seagrass burial and its recovery. 116 Chapter 5- Seagrass burial, macrobenthos and Biotic Indices Some previous studies have attributed a poor performance of AMBI to highlight anthropogenic pressures (Albayrak et al., 2006; Labrune et al., 2006; Quintino et al., 2006; Zettler et al., 2007; Simonini et al., 2009), especially when the disturbance agent is not related to organic enrichment (Sampaio et al., 2011). AMBI has ability to detect different anthropogenic impacts worldwide, including anoxia and hypoxia, eutrophication, nutrient loads, sediment toxicity (metals, PAH), and aquaculture (see review in Borja and Tunberg (2011)). However, when using AMBI, reference conditions must be assessed independently for each habitat (Muxika et al., 2007; Borja et al., 2012). In addition, our results showed that the AMBI classified “Good” ES whereas the BENTIX assigned ‘Moderate’ ES for most times/sites. The disagreements between both indices were already reported in some previous studies (Simonini et al., 2009; Do et al., 2011). It was suggested that the discrepancy in the AMBI and BENTIX results could be ascribed to differences in: (i) the weighting of sensitive and tolerant groups of species in the formulae; (ii) the scaling of boundary limits among classes; (iii) the arrangement of the ‘tolerant’ species, which are weighted separately in the AMBI, whereas the BENTIX method required all tolerant species to be weighted equally; and (iv) the attribution of the species to the ecological groups (see reviewed in Simonini et al., 2009). BIs constitute an extreme in terms of data reduction from the species × abundance tables to a single numerical value. As a consequence, they are unable to assess the drastic changes that occur following sediment disposal. Our result showed that MISS (Macrobenthic Index for Sheltered Systems), that includes some of the existing BIs, namely BOPA and AMBI, together with an additional set of metrics showed better results in assessing the seagrass burial and its recovery. However, MISS requires biomass which is destructive and time-consuming. We showed that it was possible to calculate a derived MISS (d-MISS) without biomass that provided very similar conclusions. This BI should be now tested in other conditions. Conversely, we recommend to keep considering trophic group separation, even though it is often uneasy to classify species according to a clear trophic regime. 117 118 Chapter 6 - Perspective in Vietnam 1. Seagrass species in Vietnam Seagrasses are distributed across the globe but unlike other taxonomic groups with worldwide distribution, they exhibit low taxonomic diversity, with approximately 60 species worldwide (Orth et al., 2006). In Vietnam, there are 14 species of seagrass reported (Nguyen et al., 2010) (Table 6.1). Compared to other countries in the East Asian region (China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Philippines), seagrass species diversity in Vietnam ranked third after the Philippines (16 species) and Malaysia (15 species) (UNEP, 2004). Table 6.1. The list of seagrass species in Vietnam N0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Taxon Family Hydrocharitaceae Halophila beccarii Asch., 1871 Halophila decipiens Ostenf., 1901 Halophila ovalis (R.Br.) Hook.f., 1858 Halophila minor (Zoll.) den Hartog, 1957 Thalassia hemprichii (Ehrenb. ex Solms) Asch., 1871 Enhalus acoroides (L.f.) Royle, 1839 Family Ruppiaceae Ruppia maritima L., 1753 Family Cymodoceaceae Halodule pinifolia (Isobe et al.) den Hartog, 1964 Halodule uninervis (Forsk.) Boiss., 1882 Syringodium isoetifolium (Asch.) Dandy, 1939 Cymodocea rotundata Ehr.. & Hempr. ex Aschers., 1870 Cymodocea serrulata (R. Br.) Aschers. & Magnus, 1870 Thalassodendron ciliatum (Forsskål) den Hartog, 1970 Family Zosteraceae Zostera japonica Ascherson & Graebner, 1907 Total In the North In the South + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 8 + 14 119 Vietnam is at the overlap of temperate and tropical seagrass species with Zostera japonica growing intertidally in the north and mixing with Halophila ovalis, while in the south the species composition is similar to the Philippines and Malaysia (Edmund and Frederick, 2003). Ruppia maritima is common in coastal zones in northern Vietnam, Halophila ovalis is widespread in coastal zones and around islands in north and central Vietnam, while Halodule pinifolia is particularly prevalent in southern areas of Vietnam. Seagrass beds are distributed along the entire coastline with meadows occurring from Vietnam’s northern border with China, through to the south-western border with Cambodia (Figure 6.1), but mostly from the middle of the southern sections. Species diversity tends to increase gradually from the north to the south. In particular, in the north, seagrass beds such as in Quang Ninh and Hai Phong provinces have the lowest number of species (5 species) and the smallest coverage area (100 ha). Moreover, the meadows in this area are usually single species. In the central part, seagrass beds in Tam Giang-Cau Hai and Lap An (Thua ThienHue province) have 6 species with 1100 ha coverage area. In the South, seagrass beds in Phu Quoc Island (Kien Giang province) are the most diverse with 9 species and coverage area of over 10000 ha. It is usual to find 3 to 4 seagrass species per square meter in Phu Quoc Island (Tu, 2009). 120 Dam Ha Tran island Lien Vi Ba Mun island Co To island Gia Luan Cat Hai Bach Long Vi island Kim Trung Thanh Long Xuan Hoi Vung Ang Cua Gianh Nhat Le Cua Tung Cua Viet Tam Giang – Cau Hai lagoon Lang Co lagoon Thu Bon Ly Son island Thi Nai Cu Mong O Loan Van Phong bay Nha Phu Thuy Trieu My Hoa Vinh Hao Phu Quoc island Phu Quy island Con Dao island Dugong recorded Dugong sighting Record of seagrass Figure 6.1. Map of seagrass distribution in Vietnam (source Nguyen (2004)) 121 2. Biodiversity in seagrass Very few studies have been undertaken to identify seagrass associated biota in Vietnam as well as in East Asia (UNEP, 2004). However, the demonstration site proposals from the seven countries of East Asia (China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines) participating in the Project “Reversing Environmental Degradation Trends in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand”, indicate that, along with 17 seagrass species, there are at least 25 species of epiphytic algae, 21 macrobenthic algae, 10 penaeid shrimps, 100 gastropods, 5 siganid fishes, 7 sea urchins, and 7 seahorses (UNEP, 2004). Most of the major commercial fisheries of the region occur immediately adjacent to seagrass beds (UNEP, 2004). In Vietnam, according to Nguyen (2010) density of macrobenthos inside seagrass is 1.5-5.2 times higher than in sediment without seagrass. This study also found 323 macrobenthos, 219 seaweeds, 214 fishes, 178 juvenile species (including fishes, crabs and shrimps), 60 gastropods, 10 sea cucumbers, 5 seahorses, 8 prawns (Penaeidae), 4 urchin species in the seagrass beds (Nguyen et al., 2010). Seagrass in Vietnam have another importance as it feeds endangered species such as dugongs (Dugong dugon) and green turtles (Chelonia mydas). Until recently, it was widely considered that the only remaining population of dugongs in Vietnam inhabited areas of Con Dao National Park, an archipelago of 14 islands in the southern province of Ba Ria-Vung Tau. The major threats to dugongs in Vietnam are hunting (not widespread), gill nets and starvation through habitat destruction. 3. Decline of seagrass in Vietnam Vietnam has at least 440 km2 of seagrass beds as determined from remote sensing and ground-truth surveys. Vietnam coastal zone has been heavily impacted by sedimentation and domestic and agricultural pollution (Edmund and Frederick, 2003). Seagrass meadows in Vietnam have suffered serious degradation, with approximately 40 to 50% of their areas lost over the past 2 decades (UNEP, 2004). Especially in the North Vietnam, some seagrass areas decreased by 85% as in Ha Coi (Quang Ninh province) and some completely disappeared as in Tien Yen (Quang Ninh province) by construction activities and coastal development. In 122 general, very little information on seagrass loss is available from Vietnam (Nguyen et al., 2010). 4. Use of seagrasses in Vietnam Seagrass in Vietnam are important either for direct use or as habitat. The majority of exploited seagrasses (particularly Zostera and Ruppia genus) are used as food for livestock and fertilizer. The main importance of seagrass, however, is for the use of associated biota, such as algae (e.g. Gelidiella acerosa, Gracilaria spp., Hypnea spp., Sargassum spp., and Turbinaria spp. are of commercial value), harvesting of the swimming crabs (Portunus pelagicus and P. sanguinolentus), sea cucumbers (commercially important species Holothuria scabra and Halodeima atra), finfish (at least 34 commercially important species), and seahorses (in particular Hippocampus kuda) (Tu, 2009). 5. Threats to seagrass in Vietnam Threats to seagrasses in Vietnam include both natural and human impact. However, the main threat is anthropogenic activities such as destructive fishing practices (e.g. explosive fishing, trawling, electric fishing, poisons), intensive aquaculture (rapid expansion of fish farming, shellfish culture, etc.), land reclamation (using tidal flats for agricultural purposes), and coastal development (e.g. construction of roads, bridges, houses and ports, dredging activities), which have resulted in sedimentation and land-based pollution. Pressure on seagrass beds stems from the lack of public awareness of their importance (UNEP, 2004). Natural threats include typhoons (Tonkin Gulf in northern Vietnam experiences an annual average of 35 typhoons), turbidity and sedimentation (river runoff from agriculture, forestry, and urban development) and freshwater runoff (particularly during the rainy season), climate change, sea-level rise. Tropical hurricanes are associated with heavy rainfall and runoff, which may have negative impact on seagrass distribution as a result of deteriorated light conditions due to suspended material and increased abundance of algae blooms induced by enhanced nutrient discharges (Carlson et al., 2010). As an example of the hurricanes effect on seagrass, Thalassodendron ciliatum species completely disappeared in Con Dao island after the Linda storm in 1997 (Tu, 2009). 123 6. Response to threats To date very little work has been done in response to the specific threats to seagrass in Vietnam as well as in the South China Sea Region. UNEP/GEF South China Sea Project (Seagrass monitoring in Vietnam was conducted as a part of the UNEP/GEF project “Reversing environmental degradation trends in the South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand” (2002-2008)), two Europe-funded projects (Prediction of the Recovery and Resilience of Disturbed Coastal Communities in the tropics (South East Asian) (code: IC18CT980292) (1998-2003) and Biodiversity assessment of the Ha Long Bay Heritage Area and proposition of management plans (2002-2003)) and one project funded by United States of America (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) (Monitoring of seagrass in Bai Tu Long, Quang Ninh Province (2003-2004) have recently been completed. The other projects attempted to predict the resilience and recovery of disturbed seagrass at two sites as Bai Bon (Maintaining seagrass beds for biodiversity, particularly endangered species) and Thuy Trieu (Community Based Management) (UNEP, 2004). In addition, indirectly a number of projects and programs that deal with coastal protection in Vietnam likewise promote the protection and conservation of seagrass habitats such as the establishment of fifteen marine protected areas (MPA) in Vietnam. 7. Research on seagrass in Vietnam There have been only 62 ISI-cited publications on the seagrasses of Southeast Asia in the last three decades and most work has been done on few sites such as Northwest Luzon in the Philippines and South Sulawesi in Indonesia (Ooi et al., 2011). There is very little quantitative data, especially long time series, from the tropical Indo-Pacific, in particular Southeast Asia and eastern Africa. Our understanding of the processes driving spatial and temporal distributions of seagrass species in these regions is rudimentary and has focused primarily on estuarine and back reef/lagoonal seagrass meadows, with little work on fore reef systems (see review in Ooi et al. (2011)). In Vietnam, there is also little research that has been undertaken on seagrass. Therefore, the seagrass is poorly understood in all terms of biodiversity, ecology and the natural and human impacts upon it. From 1999 up to now, only about 60 works have been published on seagrass ecosystems in Vietnam (see Annex 1). What is known is most often contained in reports and workshop and conference documents that are 124 not available to the wider scientific community. Most results of research are published in the Vietnamese language and are rarely referenced by other academics. The total number of ISI Web of Science publications on Vietnam seagrass until now are only three (Gacia et al., 2003; Huong et al., 2003; Marba et al., 2010). There are also a few works on Southeast Asia mentioning Vietnam seagrass (Morton and Blackmore, 2001; Kennedy et al., 2004; Ooi et al., 2011). In addition, the researches mainly refer to diversity studies while further studies on ecological processes in seagrass have been poorly studied. In general, seagrass ecosystems receive the least attention compared to other marine ecosystems such as coral reefs, mangrove forests. Knowledge of seagrass ecosystems is incomplete and the seagrass is gradually lost in Vietnam. 8. Management seagrass beds in Vietnam Managing seagrass meadows requires an integrated approach (Borum et al., 2004), including efforts to avoid excessive nutrient and organic inputs from agricultural, aquaculture, and urban sources and to prevent sediment loading, which causes a deterioration in the submarine light climate so critical for seagrass growth (Waycott et al., 2009). With reference from Duarte (2002) we propose some actions for management of seagrass beds in Vietnam (Figure 6.2). Society Managerial Scientific - Improved education - Monitoring programs - Increased knowledge Figure 6.2. Cooperative elements required to prevent present trend towards seagrass decline and efficiently conserve seagrass ecosystems (source: Duarte (2002)) 125 8.1. In terms of science More research effort and monitoring programs must be conducted. The research could be done towards: - Research on ecological drivers of seagrasses such as disturbance events, sediment characteristics, herbivory and light aims to understand the processes driving spatial and temporal distribution of seagrass species. - Research on habitat suitability models, habitat fragmentation and habitat loss in seagrass areas; particularly study the changes in the number, shape, size, quality, and species composition of seagrass. - Assess the future of seagrasses under the exponentially increasing pressure of population growth and development in coastal zones. - Research on genetic diversity and ecological seagrass including physical and biological characteristics such as the growth pattern, transfer of material, environmental regulation. A focused research effort on seed bank, seedling survival and various factors affecting the restoration process required. - Research on transplantation to restore seagrass beds in the areas where they totally disappeared. - Development of a set of criteria and indicators with an associated numerical scoring system, encompassing biological, environmental and socio-economic characteristics for assessment ecoquality of seagrass beds. The results of researches will be used for maintaining existing biodiversity or restoring degraded biodiversity to former levels, removing or reducing the causes, hence reducing the existing rates of degradation, or preventive actions that prevent the adoption of unsustainable patterns of use, before they commence. 126 8.2. In terms of management In Vietnam, marine and coastal resources law and policy have been ineffective in achieving goals for sustainable development. Marine policy has mostly focused on national security and sovereignty issues, with little emphasis on marine environmental protection (Nguyen, 2008). Vietnam needs to issue effective policies for conservation of seagrass in coastal management. Besides, it is urgent to establish seagrass protected areas in order to (1) to prevent remaining seagrass beds from negative impacts and threatened species living in this ecosystem from extinction; (2) to restore declining meadows; (3) to rationally use resources in seagrass beds. 8.3. In terms of society The lack of public awareness of seagrass losses contributes to continued decline of this ecosystem. Raising awareness of people living in the coastal communities in the field of protection, restoration and sustainable development of seagrass ecosystems is very important. More effective communication of scientific knowledge about seagrass ecosystem is required. Scientific understanding of the causes and consequences of ecosystem loss will be most effective in reversing the negative trajectories of coastal ecosystems if science is converted to public awareness, which is essential to ensure ecosystem conservation (Inglehart, 1995). Hence effective use of formal (e.g., school programs, media) and informal (e.g., web) education avenues and an effective partnership between scientists and media communicators are essential to raise public awareness of issues, concerns, and solutions for seagrass ecosystem. Only increased public understanding can ultimately inform and result in effective management of this ecologically important ecosystem (Duarte et al., 2008). 9. My contribution to Vietnamese seagrass My knowledge acquired during the implementation of my thesis would be helpful for understanding seagrass in Vietnam. The new method of determining seagrass biomass by photo will be applied in Vietnam. Besides, the study of parasites in marine organisms with new approaches such as population dynamics, health of benthic communities will be proposed and implemented. 127 In Vietnam, for the moment, there is not any study on the application of biotic indices in the assessment of ecological quality of coastal environment. Although some multimetric indices such as M-AMBI, BAT (Benthic assessment tool) and at a much lesser extent MISS have been developed in many countries, testing these indices applicability now in Vietnam is necessary. Of course, though some modifications must be done (reference conditions, determination of tolerant and sensitive species, etc.), the successful application of these indices will bring great significance in assessing the quality of coastal ecosystems in Vietnam. 128 Chapter 7- General discussion - Conclusion Chapter 7 - General discussion - Conclusion 1. Benthic macrofauna and Zostera noltii seagrass Seagrasses are habitually used as biological indicators of ecosystem health (Montefalcone, 2009). Our study confirmed a higher abundance (Fonseca et al., 1990; Orth, 1992; Boström and Bonsdorff, 1997; Cottet et al., 2007; Fredriksen et al., 2010), biomass (Stoner, 1980) and diversity of macrofauna (Fonseca et al., 1990; Edgar et al., 1994; Boström and Bonsdorff, 1997; Patricio et al., 2009; Fredriksen et al., 2010) in the seagrass beds compared to unvegetated areas. Seagrass occupation induces rapid modification of benthic community structure, but it would be subjective to conclude whether this is a positive or a negative change. The present study highlighted the complexity in determining if seagrass presence leads to an increase in ecosystem quality. In chapter 2, for example, we concluded that the presence of seagrass considered as the sign of “good health” of the ecosystem had a “moderate impact” in terms of macrobenthic biotic indices and a “rather negative effect” on cockle population fitness. Seagrasses are vulnerable ecosystems (Holmer and Marba, 2010). Even though, water quality of Arcachon Bay can be considered as satisfactory (Lavesque et al., 2009), seagrass in the lagoon have declined since 2005 (Plus et al., 2010). The observed variations in ammonia (N-NH4) in the inner part of the lagoon are a symptom of the seagrasses disappearance and thus, a first sign indicating a change in the Arcachon Bay ecosystem towards more instability and vulnerability (Plus et al., 2010). Our study also detected the decrease of seagrass biomass in ten out of twelve sampled stations in 2010 compared to in 2002. Seagrass absence is usually related to low values of macrobenthos abundance, biomass and species richness (Hemminga and Duarte, 2000; Deegan et al., 2002; Hughes et al., 2002; Airoldi et al., 2008). Our results showed that seagrass decline was correlated to a moderate change of macrofauna, with lower abundance and species richness. Seagrass cover was reduced by 25% over the whole lagoon (Plus et al., 2010), resulting in seagrass fragmentation but still at levels below the thresholds at which benthic communities decline dramatically. The effects of habitat loss 129 Chapter 7- General discussion - Conclusion are mainly strong and negative, whereas habitat fragmentation results in weaker effects on diversity that can be both positive and negative (Fahrig, 2003; Arponen and Boström, 2012). The benthic macroinvertebrate fauna in Arcachon Bay in 2002 differed from that in 2010 in certain ways that would be expected in a system that had been subjected to increased environmental stress. Seagrass loss was associated with other features that would indicate that environmental stress had increased, such as a greater variability in composition among samples and a reduction in diversity at all sites (Wildsmith et al., 2011). It is proposed that the changes undergone by the benthic environment in Arcachon Bay are also due to a combination of anthropogenic effects rather than to a single factor (seagrass loss). However, it is difficult to unambiguously distinguish the anthropogenic disturbance effects from the natural temporal variability (Elliott and Quintino, 2007; Patricio et al., 2009; Prato et al., 2009; Borja and Tunberg, 2011), especially in estuarine and lagoon systems where eurytolerant organisms are adapted to dynamic conditions and naturally high organic loading (Rakocinski, 2012). Therefore, methods for discerning effects of anthropogenic from natural stressors using macrobenthic process indicators will need to be developed (Rakocinski, 2012). However, it appears that only long-term study can determine whether the putative anthropogenic impact is ‘‘real” or merely part of a long-term natural cycle. Many short-term pollution monitoring surveys are of limited value since they fail to address natural temporal variability. It is always critical to isolate the natural from the artificial (see review in Dauvin (2010)). In this study, explaining the changes of macrobenthic communities was limited because the temporal scale is only eight years (from 2002 to 2010). Z. noltii is very sensitive to sediment disposal (Han et al., 2012) and it will take years or decade for seagrass to recover to its former state after such an event (Bryars and Neverauskas, 2004; Cardoso et al., 2005). In our study, seagrass had totally disappeared six months (or less) after this destruction. After that, seagrass needed five years to recover in the site covered by mud while it was still absent in the site covered by sand. As a result of seagrass destruction, abundance, biomass and diversity of the benthic community in the disposal sites have decreased after deposition. However, the macrofauna needed only three years to show substantial recovery. According to Verissimo et al. (2012), although benthic communities tend to respond rapidly to environmental change, recovery processes are generally slower, and may require from two to more than twenty five years. In general, it is 130 Chapter 7- General discussion - Conclusion impossible to draw a general conclusion about the impact of dredged material deposition on the benthic community structure (Harvey et al., 1998). While there appears little generality in the response of benthic community structure to dredged material disposal, perhaps functional attributes such as productivity show a more predictable response; however only by an increased number of comparable studies which include production estimates can we begin to attempt to address this (Bolam et al., 2011). Crisp (1984) also pointed out that the most integrative parameters of population health are certainly the secondary production. In fact, our results showed both the structure and function need to be analyzed in order to further understand the responses of macrofauna to sediment disposal. However, the function features of macrofauna perhaps respond more slowly than structure features with recovery events. 2. Seagrass and bivalve health Parasites have a major impact on ecosystem health through their impact on driving biodiversity and ecosystem organization (Hudson et al., 2006). Our study confirmed that level of trematode infection in cockle population in Arcachon Bay remained low compared to known thresholds and should have a low impact. Indeed, cockles in the lagoon were considered healthy and lightly stressed (de Montaudouin et al., 2010). Another exploited bivalve species in the lagoon, Manila clams seemed moderately stressed (de Montaudouin et al., 2010). Arcachon Bay does not provide the best conditions for Manila clams, like prolonged emersion time (Dang et al., 2010b), but the local population seemed to develop resistance patterns, at least against metal aggression (de Montaudouin et al., 2010). Our result also confirmed that environmental factors such as organic matter, temperature, and salinity contribute to spatially heterogeneous distribution of the parasite and that salinity is not the major factor explaining disease (perkinsosis, Brown Muscle Disease, trematodiosis) distribution in this lagoon. 3. Seagrass and biotic indices Our study demonstrated that the single indices as AMBI (AZTI's Marine Biotic Index), BOPA (Benthic Opportunistic Polychaetes Amphipods Index) and BENTIX could not exhaustively assess ecology quality status (ES). 131 Chapter 7- General discussion - Conclusion One disadvantage of AMBI in such ecosystems (lagoons, estuaries) is that mistakes can occur during the grouping of the species into different groups according to their response to pollution situations. Once it draws on the response of organisms to organic inputs in the ecosystem, it does not detect the effects caused by other types of pollution (Marin-Guirao et al., 2005; Pinto et al., 2009). The use of a single sensitivity/tolerance list in different geographical areas (such as in AMBI Ecological Groups (EG)) is not appropriate (Gremare et al., 2009). The species sensitivity/tolerance levels change with geographical location (Smith et al., 2001; Prato et al., 2009). Therefore, AMBI classifications and local expert classifications should be the focal point for additional investigation, both locally and internationally (Teixeira et al., 2012). Further autoecological studies are nevertheless clearly needed to make clearer the actual sensitivity/tolerance levels of the species. Moreover, it is important to establish the degree of sensitivity of each species to different sources of pollution (de-la-Ossa-Carretero et al., 2012). In addition, AMBI cannot clearly distinguish locals with high trophic diversity but composed of a relatively high percentage of detritivore species, typical of places where an accumulation of fine sediments and organic matter occur. This is the case in seagrass beds, which are usually places presenting high species richness and high trophic diversity (Gamito, 2008; Gamito and Furtado, 2009; Gamito et al., 2012b). Faunal composition of healthy benthic communities from naturally organic enriched sediments, and especially at stabilized seagrass beds such as Zostera spp., do not reflect the theoretical model for the expected distribution of ecological groups at unpolluted situations as described by Borja et al. (2000). At these habitats, the relative proportion of abundance of ecological groups is more evenly distributed, with no clear dominance of sensitive species (EG I) over the remaining groups, and also with a typical presence of opportunistic species (EG IV and V) (Gamito et al., 2012a). The weaknesses of AMBI could be improved with adjustments to the index calibration by (1) improving species classification (Teixeira et al., 2012); (2) applying a data transformation (Warwick et al., 2010; Muxika et al., 2012; Teixeira et al., 2012); (3) adjusting thresholds for condition categories (Teixeira et al., 2012); (4) using different types of input data, specifically numerical abundances (NAMBI), biomass (BAMBI) and production (PAMBI) (Warwick et al., 2010); (5) using a multivariate AMBI approach (MAMBI) (Teixeira et al., 2012). 132 Chapter 7- General discussion - Conclusion Warwick et al. (2010) suggested that pre-treating data prior to calculating the indices, using a spectrum of power transformations (square root, fourth root, logarithm, presence/absence) such as are routinely used in nonparametric multivariate analyses, might usefully down-weigh the influence of dominant species and give a better overview of the status of assemblages (see review in Muxika et al., 2012). Ecological indices based on relative abundances of species are often over-sensitive to the superabundance of one or a few dominants. Moreover, it is usual to find high variation in numerical abundance, even between replicate counts of the same species, which can affect the robustness of the index (Warwick et al., 2010). As a result, some authors support the transformation of the data, especially prior to multivariate analyses, in order to down-weigh the dominant species (Clarke and Warwick, 2001; Warwick et al., 2010). However, Muxika et al. (2012) stated that it is not yet feasible to determine if it is better to calculate AMBI from abundance data, from biomass data or from production data, or if the subsequent index will be more sensitive to pressures or impacts if the input data are pre-treated or not. In fact, all the indices react to changes in pressures in a similar way and follow similar improvement or degradation paths after those changes. As similar with AMBI, BENTIX was based on the pollution resulting from organic enrichment, their application in other pollution cases may not be successful (Marin-Guirao et al., 2005; Dauvin, 2007; Elliott and Quintino, 2007; Dauvin et al., 2010; Muxika et al., 2012). In addition, this index also showed some limitations when applied to estuaries and lagoons where the natural conditions favour the presence of tolerant species in very high densities (Simboura and Zenetos, 2002; Borja et al., 2004; Blanchet et al., 2008; Prato et al., 2009). Indeed, the present study showed that BENTIX always give a low quality for the undisturbed sites such as Banc d’Arguin. BOPA is actually widely criticized because it takes into account only three categories of organisms – opportunistic polychaetes, amphipods (except Jassa) and other species – but only the first two have a direct effect on the index calculation (Pinto et al., 2009) and notably, the sensitivity to pollution for the same taxonomic group differs from one species to another (Afli et al., 2008). Another point is that it does not consider the oligochaete influence, which may also include opportunistic species (Pinto et al., 2009). Our results also proved that AMBI, BOPA and BENTIX rarely agree in assessing ecological status (ES). Differences in ES assessment with AMBI and BENTIX were proven by some previous studies (Prato et al., 2009; Simonini et al., 2009). Prato et al. (2009) gave 133 Chapter 7- General discussion - Conclusion some explanations: (1) Discordances on assignment of ecological groups to many species. Despite the recent efforts of the indices authors to revise the libraries of the species list, some taxa resulted as ‘sensitive’ according to AMBI, while are ascribed as ‘tolerant’ according to BENTIX. The assignment of ecological group to species is often arguable since it is based on field remarks rather than correct knowledge of their autoecology and this may vary between scientist and geographical area. Moreover, species react differently depending on interspecies interaction and environmental conditions. (2) The incompleteness of check-lists. This difficulty could lead to an exclusion of large number of individuals in applying biotic indices. (3) The misclassification of species to EG leads to differences between AMBI and BENTIX owing to the differential weight each index puts in the different ecological groups. BENTIX tends to reveal extreme values in the ES because species are ascribed only to 2 EG rather than 5 EG of AMBI. In the case where communities are dominated by tolerant species, the BENTIX index assesses a lower ES rather than AMBI. The difference was found in a transitional system where communities were dominated by ‘EG III’ by AMBI and ‘2’ by BENTIX and therefore the ES final assessments were always lower for BENTIX index. (4) Features of indices pertaining to the boundary limits among quality classes. The indices AMBI and BENTIX are widely utilized in assessing the ES in marine environments, but their correct application in transitional systems would depend on a resettlement. As a matter of fact, thresholds settled in the biotic index scale values need to be modified according to the natural variability of transitional waters referring to abiotic conditions and the abundance of opportunistic species (Prato et al., 2009). Although many benthic indices were successfully validated during the last decade, most indices and assessment scales were developed for local geographic regions, and often only for specific habitats within the region. Using benthic indices for assessment over large geographic areas can be problematic because species composition and reference conditions change naturally with ecoregion and habitat (Borja et al., 2009b). BIs (BENTIX, BOPA) used in this study were originally developed for subtidal communities. For intertidal environments, the thresholds between ES classes should be revised, and ‘Acceptable’ and ‘Not acceptable’ redefined (Blanchet et al., 2008). The establishment of reference conditions is a key process and should be habitat-specific in order to properly reflect natural benthic gradients (Dauvin et al., 2007; Blanchet et al., 2008; de Paz et al., 2008; Puente et al., 2008; Teixeira et al., 2008a; Gamito et al., 2012a). Thresholds of benthic indices used to define ecological status should 134 Chapter 7- General discussion - Conclusion be calibrated for hydrographically and/or biogeographically different estuarine or transitional ecosystems (Chainho et al., 2007). However, it is also difficult to determine a reference status for estuarine (transition) and coastal waters (Dauvin, 2007; Elliott and Quintino, 2007; Teixeira et al., 2008b). In the future validation of the reference conditions, by using data from similar systems, both degraded and healthy conditions should be undertaken (Borja and Tunberg, 2011). Our result also confirmed that setting the reference condition is an important step in assessing ES. Moreover, these indices must be tested for different ecosystems, geographies, hydrological regimes and diverse pressure types. Several studies across the world demonstrate that none of the available indices should be considered ideal to measure biological effects of pollution, because every index was originally developed for one or a few stressors (Quintino et al., 2006; Salas et al., 2006; Chainho et al., 2007). Therefore, biotic indices must be validated for other stressors such as physical disturbance and chemical pollution (Labrune et al., 2006; Patricio et al., 2009). Moreover, the use of single univariate indicators to assess ecological quality is a too reduced perspective of environmental complexity (Van Hoey et al., 2010). Complex ecosystems, such as estuaries and lagoons, can also show more complex responses in some indicators. Our study demonstrated that MISS or d-MISS including several indices would give a better, although far from perfect, result than univariate indices in ES assessment. Combining several metrics, each of them providing information on a biological attribute, in such a way that, when integrated, determines the systems’ overall status and condition. This is the main strength of biotic indices, since they allow the integration of the ecosystem’s information and parameters, providing a broader understanding of the system’s processes (Pinto et al., 2009). In addition, the use of multimetric tools allows overcoming the sensitivity of single metrics by combining several indices (Buckland et al., 2005; Teixeira et al., 2008b). Consequently, the application of multi-metric methods (compared to single metrics) increases the probability of a correct evaluation of the ecological conditions of the system (Quintino et al., 2006; Borja et al., 2007; Afli et al., 2008; Lavesque et al., 2009; Van Hoey et al., 2010; Gamito et al., 2012b). Although benthic invertebrate fauna presents a lot of advantages for assessing ecological quality (Dauvin, 2007; Borja and Dauer, 2008; Dauvin et al., 2012), we agree that there are several disadvantages of the existing benthic indices based on benthic organisms: (1) they represent a static expression of an ecological condition, (2) they are not explicitly 135 Chapter 7- General discussion - Conclusion linked to changes in ecological function, (3) they may not be specific with respect to different kinds of stressors, (4) they are subject to underlying taxonomic changes across estuarine gradients, (5) their use can be labour intensive, and they are not applied consistently across bio-geographic provinces (Dauvin et al., 2012). Many previous studies confirmed that benthic macrofauna are good indicators of ecosystem health (Dauer et al., 1993; Warwick, 1993; Reiss and Kroncke, 2005; Dauvin et al., 2010; Verissimo et al., 2012). Our study showed that although seagrass has been decreased by 1/3rd of the occupied surface since 2005 (Plus et al., 2010), macrofauna only changed a little in this period. Seagrass development/regression and benthic fauna structure do not always evolve in the same way. 4. Conclusion In fact, only one group the macrofauna is not enough to explain all of the changes in environmental status. Some investigations have demonstrated the fundamental advantage of a multi-species approach, with the inclusion of many taxonomic and functional groups that have a broad range of sensitivities to any given environmental regime (Attrill and Depledge, 1997; Patricio et al., 2012). For example, macrofauna and meiobenthic nematodes may provide different but complementary types of information, depending on the indices used and the different “response-to-stress” times of each benthic group. Optimally, both groups should be used in marine pollution monitoring programs (Patricio et al., 2012). Coastal lagoons are complex systems, with considerable habitat heterogeneity and often subject to high temporal dynamics, which constitutes a great challenge for ecological assessment programs (Gamito et al., 2012a). The present study suggests that the necessity to integrate numerous parameters (macrofauna, motile megafauna, meiofauna, fishes, etc.) to assess this ecosystem. Finally, we agree that the next studies undertaken should continue to establish ecological thresholds in order to forecast the ecosystem trajectory. The critical ecological thresholds exist in the structural patterning of biogenic ecosystems that, when exceeded, cause abrupt shifts in the distribution and abundance of organisms (Boström et al., 2011). A quantitative analysis of seagrass trajectories will be critically important to forecast the likely cumulative effects of the known and emerging stressors of seagrasses (Orth et al., 2006). 136 References Afli, A., Ayari, R., Zaabi, S., 2008. 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Hội nghị toàn quốc về Môi trường và Bảo vệ nguồn lợi Thủy sản). Nguyen Huu Dai, Pham Huu Tri, Nguyen Thi Linh, Nguyen Xuan Vy, 2002. The decline of seagrass beds in Khanh Hoa and their resilience. The collection papers of National Workshop on South China Sea, Nha Trang 16-19/9/2002, p. 359-368 (in Vietnamese: Sự suy giảm các thảm cỏ biển ở Khánh Hòa và khả năng phục hồi chúng. Tuyển tập Báo cáo Khoa học hội nghị Khoa học toàn quốc về Biển Đông). Nguyen Huu Dai, Pham Huu Tri, Nguyen Thi Linh, Nguyen Xuan Vy, 2006. Chapter VIII Solutions to protect and restore seagrass ecosystems. Summary of the Project: "Research solutions to protect and restore coral reef ecosystems, seagrass and pollution environment" in the Collection of the main results of the sea survey program and technology application. Vol II. Code KC.09, p. 149-168 (in Vietnamese: Các giải pháp bảo vệ và phục hồi hệ sinh thái cỏ biển. Tóm tắt Báo cáo Đề tài: “Nghiên cứu giải pháp bảo vệ, phục hồi hệ sinh thái rạn san hô, cỏ biển và khắc phục ô nhiễm môi 172 trường tự sinh” trong tuyển tập các kết quả chủ yếu của chương trình Điều tra cơ bản và nghiên cứu ứng dụng công nghệ Biển. Quyển II. Mã số KC.09). Nguyen Thi Thu và Nguyen Huu Phung, 2002. Young-of-the-year fish species composition in Tam Giang – Cau Hai lagoon. Annual collection of works on Marine Environment and Resources. Publishing House for Science and Technology, Hanoi, IX, p. 283-294 (in Vietnamese: Thành phần nguồn giống cá trong đầm phá Tam Giang-Cầu Hai. Tuyển tập Tài nguyên và Môi trường Biển). Nguyen Thi Thu và Nguyen Manh Ha, 2008. Young-of-the-year fish, crab and shrimp in seagrass beds in Phu Quoc Island. Report of UNEP/GEF/SCS project (in Vietnamese: Nguồn giống tôm, cua, cá trong thảm cỏ biển Phú Quốc. Báo cáo chuyên đề - Điểm trình diễn San hô, Cỏ biển đảo Phú Quốc thuộc Dự án UNEP/GEF/SCS). Nguyen Thi Thu, 2001. Young-of-the-year fish, crab and shrimp in seagrass beds in Lang Co. Annual collection of works on Marine Environment and Resources. Publishing House for Science and Technology, Hanoi, VIII, p. 211-219 (in Vietnamese: Nguồn giống tôm, cua, cá trong thảm cỏ biển Lăng Cô. Tuyển tập Tài nguyên và Môi trường Biển). Nguyen Van Quan, 2006. Preliminary studies on fishery resources in the seagrass beds in Phu Quoc Island, Kien Giang province. Report Workshop on Science, Technology and Maritime Economy for the industrialization and modernization of the country, Do Son, Hai Phong, 25-26/10/2006, p. 126-135 (in Vietnamese: Bước đầu nghiên cứu nguồn lợi cá trong thảm cỏ biển đảo Phú Quốc, tỉnh Kiên Giang. Báo cáo Hội thảo Khoa học, công nghệ và kinh tế biển phục vụ sự nghiệp công nghiệp hóa và hiện đại hóa đất nước). Nguyen Van Tien, Le Thanh Binh, Nguyen Huu Dai, Tran Hong Ha, Tu Thi Lan Huong, Do Nam, Dam Duc Tien, 2004. Towards managing seagrass ecosystems Vietnam. Publishing House for Science and Technology, Hanoi, 132 p. (in Vietnamese: Tiến tới quản lí hệ sinh thái cỏ biển Việt Nam). Nguyen Van Tien, 1996. Data on species composition and distribution of seagrass in Thua Thien-Hue-Da Nang coastal. Annual collection of works on Marine Environment and Resources. Publishing House for Science and Technology, Hanoi, III, p. 263-270 (in 173 Vietnamese: Dẫn liệu về thành phần loài và phân bố của cỏ biển vùng ven biển Thừa Thiên Huế-Đà Nẵng. Tuyển tập Tài nguyên và Môi trường biển). Nguyen Van Tien, 1998. Preliminary studies in seagrass ecosystems Journal of Vietnamese Environment, Association for the Protection of Nature and Environment of Vietnam. Publishing House for Science and Technology, Hanoi, II, p. 41-50 (in Vietnamese: Bước đầu nghiên cứu hệ sinh thái cỏ biển ở Việt Nam Tạp chí Môi trường, Hội Bảo vệ thiên nhiên và Môi trường Việt Nam). Nguyen Van Tien, 1998. Species composition and distribution of seagrass in Viet Nam. Abstracts 3-rd International seagrass biology Workshop (ISBW). Quezon city, Philippines, 19-26 Apr. 1998: p.88. Nguyen Van Tien, 1998. Species composition and distribution of seagrasses in Quang Ninh. Annual collection of works on Marine Environment and Resources. Publishing House for Science and Technology, Hanoi, V, p. 183-190 (in Vietnamese: Thành phần loài và phân bố của cỏ biển ở Quảng Ninh. Tuyển tập Tài nguyên và Môi trường biển). Nguyen Van Tien, 1998. Seagrass ecosystem management approach in Vietnam. Annual collection of works on Marine Environment and Resources. Publishing House for Science and Technology, Hanoi, V, p.: 220-229 (in Vietnamese: Tiếp cận quản lý hệ sinh thái cỏ biển ở Việt Nam. Tuyển tập Tài nguyên và Môi trường biển). Nguyen Van Tien, 1999. Data on species composition and distribution of seagrass in Vietnam. Annual collection of works on Marine Environment and Resources. Publishing House for Science and Technology, Hanoi, VI, p. 192-207 (in Vietnamese: Dẫn liệu về thành phần loài và phân bố của cỏ biển Việt Nam. Tuyển tập Tài nguyên và Môi trường biển). Nguyen Van Tien, 1999. Seaweed-seagrass research situation in Vietnam. Publishing House for Science and Technology, Hanoi, VI, p. 169-181 (in Vietnamese: Tình hình nghiên cứu rong-cỏ biển ở Việt Nam. Tuyển tập Tuyển tập Tài nguyên và Môi trường biển). 174 Nguyen Van Tien, 2000. Seagrass of Vietnam. Journal of Biology Today's the biology Vietnam, VI, 3(21)/2000, p. 44-45 (in Vietnamese: Cỏ biển Việt Nam. Tạp chí Sinh học Ngày nay của Hội các ngành sinh học Việt Nam) Nguyen Van Tien, 2001. Seagrass of Hai Phong. Hai Phong Journal of Science and Economy, 5, p. 4-5 (in Vietnamese: Cỏ biển Hải Phòng. Tạp chí Khoa học & Kinh tế Hải Phòng). Nguyen Van Tien, 2003. Seagrass survey methods (Chapter XI). In the book "Handbook of investigation and monitoring of biodiversity." WWF Indochina Programme. Transport Publishing House Company Limited, p. 333-352 (in Vietnamese: Phương pháp điều tra Cỏ Biển (chương XI). Trong sách Sổ tay hướng dẫn điều tra và giám sát đa dạng sinh học. Chương trình WWF Đông dương. Nhà in Giao thông Vận tải). Nguyen Van Tien, 2003. Researches in distribution of Vietnamese seagrasses. Publishing House for Science and Technology, Hanoi, X, p. 66-88. Nguyen Van Tien, 2004. Data on seagrasses in Quang Ninh and Thua Thien Hue province waters. Proceedings of the Vietnam-Italy scientific conference: Biodiversity conservation in the coastal zone of Vietnam. Publishing House of Vietnam National University, Hanoi, p.107-112. Nguyen Van Tien, 2005. Propose measures to protect seagrass resources in Tam Giang-Cau Hai lagoon. Proceedings National Conference of Thua Thien-Hue, 24-26/12/2005 (in Vietnamese: Đề xuất các giải pháp bảo vệ nguồn lợi cỏ biển đầm phá Tam Giang-Cầu Hai. Kỉ yếu Hội thảo quốc gia về đầm phá Thừa Thiên-Huế). Nguyen Van Tien, 2005. Seagrass ecosystems management in Phu Quy Island, Binh Thuan province. Proceedings National Conference on Research in Life Sciences. Hanoi, 3/11/2005, Publishing House for Science and Technology, p. 1098-1101 (in Vietnamese: Quản lí hệ sinh thái cỏ biển đảo Phú Quí (Bình Thuận). Kỉ yếu Hội nghị toàn quốc về nghiên cứu Cơ bản trong Khoa học Sự sống). Nguyen Van Tien, 2005. Reasonable using of seagrass in Vietnam. Proceedings National Conference on Environmental Protection and Aquatic Resources, Hai Phong 14- 175 15/01/2005. Agriculture Publishing House, Hanoi: p. 426-433 (in Vietnamese: Sử dụng hợp lí hệ sinh thái cỏ biển Việt Nam. Kỉ yếu Hội nghị toàn quốc về Bảo vệ Môi trường và Nguồn lợi Thuỷ sản). Nguyen Van Tien, 2005. Degradation of seagrass ecosystems in Vietnam and propose mitigation measures. Proceedings National Conference on Environment. Hanoi, 2122/4/2005: p. 840-844 (in Vietnamese: Suy thoái hệ sinh thái cỏ biển ở Việt Nam và đề xuất các giải pháp giảm thiểu. Kỉ yếu Hội nghị Môi trường toàn quốc. Hà Nội). Nguyen Van Tien, 2005. Seagrass ecosystem degradation and propose a number of management tasks. Journal of Environmental Protection, Issue 1+2/2005, p. 41-43 (in Vietnamese: Suy thoái hệ sinh thái cỏ biển và đề xuất một số nhiệm vụ quản lí. Tạp chí Bảo vệ Môi trường). Nguyen Van Tien, 2006. Vietnam seagrass ecosystems. Journal of Fisheries, 11, p. 33-36 (in Vietnamese: Hệ sinh thái cỏ biển Việt Nam. Tạp chí thuỷ sản). Nguyen Van Tien, 2009. Some issues in marine ecosystem management in Vietnam. Proceedings National Conference on Marine and sustainable development. Do Son, Hai Phong on 28 - 29/11/2009. Publishing House for Science and Technology, Hanoi, p. 152 – 157 (in Vietnamese: Một số vấn đề về quản lí hệ sinh thái Cỏ biển Việt Nam. Kỉ yếu Hội nghị toàn quốc về Sinh vật biển và phát triển bền vững). Nguyen Van Tien, Dam Duc Tien, 1996. The seagrass beds from some remote islands in Vietnam. Abstracts 3th international congress on the Marine Biology of the South China Sea (PACON). 8 Oct.-1 Nov. 1996, the University of Hong Kong. Nguyen Van Tien, Dam Duc Tien, 1997. Species composition and distribution of seagrass in Con Dao. Publishing House for Science and Technology, Hanoi, IV, p. 263-269 (in Vietnamese: Thành phần loài và phân bố của cỏ biển Côn Đảo. Tuyển tập Tài nguyên và Môi trường biển). Nguyen Van Tien, Dam Duc Tien, 2000. Preliminary studies on seagrass in the Spratly Islands. National Conference Proceedings biology: basic research problems in biology. Hanoi, 7-8/10/2000, p. 293-296 (in Vietnamese: Bước đầu nghiên cứu cỏ 176 biển ở quần đảo Trường Sa. Kỉ yếu Hội nghị Sinh học Quốc gia: Những vấn đề nghiên cứu cơ bản trong Sinh học). Nguyen Van Tien Dang Ngoc Thanh, 2003. Ecological characteristics of seagrass beds (Chapter 12). In the book "East Sea", Volume IV, Marine Biology and Ecology, Vietnam National University Publishing House, Hanoi, p. 254-267 (in Vietnamese: Đặc trưng Sinh thái các bãi cỏ biển (chương 12). Trong sách “Biển Đông”, tập IV, Sinh vật và Sinh thái Biển). Nguyen Van Tien Dang Ngoc Thanh, Nguyen Huu Dai, 2002. Vietnam Seagrass. Species composition, distribution, ecology, biology. Publishing House for Science and Technology, Hanoi, 165 p (in Vietnamese: Cỏ Biển Việt Nam. Thành phần loài, phân bố, sinh thái, sinh học). Nguyen Van Tien, Le Thi Thanh, 2001. Data on red algae (Hypnea) in west coast of Tonkin Bay. Annual collection of works on Marine Environment and Resources. Publishing House for Science and Technology, Hanoi, VIII, p. 197-210 (in Vietnamese: Dẫn liệu về rong đông (Hypnea) bờ Tây vịnh Bắc Bộ. Tuyển tập Tài nguyên và Môi trường biển). Nguyen Van Tien, Le Thi Thanh, 2003. Some research results of seagrass recovery by growing in Ha Long Bay, Quang Ninh province Annual collection of works on Marine Environment and Resources. Publishing House for Science and Technology, Hanoi, X, p. 262-268 (in Vietnamese: Một số kết quả nghiên cứu trồng phục hồi cỏ biển ở vịnh Hạ Long (Quảng Ninh). Tuyển tập Tài nguyên và Môi trường biển). Nguyen Van Tien, Le Thi Thanh, 2007. Seagrass ecosystems management in Phu Quoc Island, Kien Giang province. Proceedings National Conference on Research in Life Sciences, Qui Nhon in 10/8/2007. Publishing House for Science and Technology, Hanoi, p. 603 – 606 (in Vietnamese: Quản lí hệ sinh thái Cỏ biển ở đảo Phú Quốc, tỉnh Kiên Giang. Kỉ yếu Hội nghị toàn quốc Nghiên cứu cơ bản trong Khoa học sự sống). Nguyen Van Tien, Le Thi Thanh, 2008. Firstly propose on protect areas of seagrass in Vietnam. Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development, March/2008, p. 12-18 (in 177 Vietnamese: Bước đầu đề xuất các khu bảo tồn cỏ biển ở Việt Nam. Tạp chí Nông nghiệp và Phát triển Nông thôn). Nguyen Van Tien, Le Thi Thanh, Tu Thi Lan Huong, 2007. Seagrass ecosystems management in Quang Nam province. Proceedings National Conference on Ecology and Biological Resources, Hanoi in 26/10/2007, Agriculture Publishing House, p. 141-147 (in Vietnamese: Quản lí hệ sinh thái Cỏ biển ở tỉnh Quảng Nam. Kỉ yếu Hội nghi quốc gia về Sinh thái và Tài nguyên Sinh vật). Nguyen Van Tien, Le Thi Thanh, Tu Thi Lan Huong, 2002. Seaweed in Phu Quoc Island, Kien Giang. Annual collection of works on Marine Environment and Resources. Publishing House for Science and Technology, Hanoi, IX, p. 189-194 (in Vietnamese: Cỏ biển đảo Phú Quốc, tỉnh Kiên Giang. Tuyển tập Tài nguyên và Môi trường biển). Nguyen Van Tien, Nguyen Huu Dai, 2002. Studies on seaweeds in Viet Nam. Annual collection of works on Marine Environment and Resources. Publishing House for Science and Technology, Hanoi, p. 67-75. Nguyen Van Tien, Nguyen Huy Yet, Le Thi Thanh, 2003. First data on resource of pharmaceuticals from marine life in Vietnam. Conference Proceedings First National Medicine. Hanoi 11-12/3/2003, p. 95-99 (in Vietnamese: Dẫn liệu bước đầu về nguồn dược liệu từ sinh vật biển Việt Nam. Kỉ yếu Hội nghị Dược liệu toàn quốc lần thứ nhất). Nguyen Van Tien, Nguyen Xuan Hoa, 2008. Seagrass resources in Thi Nai lagoon, Binh Dinh province. Annual collection of works on Marine Environment and Resources. Publishing House for Science and Technology, Hanoi, XIII, p. 194-203 (in Vietnamese: Nguồn lợi thảm cỏ biển đầm Thị Nại, tỉnh Bình Định. Tuyển tập Tài nguyên và Môi trường biển). Nguyen Van Tien, Tu Thi Lan Huong, 2005. Ecology and management measures to restore seagrass in Lap An lagoon, Thua Thien-Hue. Proceedings National Conference on Environmental Protection and Aquatic Resources. Hai Phong 14-15/01/2005. Agriculture Publishing House, p. 547-554 (in Vietnamese: Giải pháp sinh thái và quản 178 lí nhằm phục hồi thảm cỏ biển đầm Lập An, Thừa Thiên Huế. Kỉ yếu Hội nghị toàn quốc về Bảo vệ Môi trường và Nguồn lợi thuỷ sản). Nguyen Van Tien, Tu Thi Lan Huong, 2008. Seagrass research methods. Publishing House for Science and Technology, Hanoi, 102 pages (in Vietnamese: Phương pháp nghiên cứu cỏ biển). Nguyen Van Tien, Vo Si Tuan, Nguyen Huy Yet, 1997. The results of seaweeds and seagrass study in Spratly Archipelago during RP-VN. JOMSRE-SCS96. Proceeding of Scientific Conference on RP-VN JOMSRE-SCS 96. Ha Noi, Vietnam 2223/April/1997: p.102-113. Nguyen Xuan Hoa and Tran Cong Binh, 2002. Monitoring seagrass and dungongs in the Con Dao 1998-2002. The collection of works in South China Sea Science Conference Report-2000, Nha Trang, 16-19/9/2002. Agriculture Publishing House, p. 626-637 (in Vietnamese: Giám sát thảm cỏ và dungongs ở Côn Đảo giai đoạn 1998-2002. Tuyển tập Báo cáo Hội nghị Khoa học Biển Đông-2000). Nguyen Xuan Hoa, Nguyen Huu Dai, Pham Huu Tri, Nguyen Thi Linh, 1999. The seagrass beds in South of Vietnam. Anthology of Science Report of 4th Science and Technology Conference on National Sea, p. 967-974 (in Vietnamese: Các thảm cỏ biển phía nam Việt Nam. Tuyển tập Báo cáo Khoa học, Hội nghị Khoa học Công nghệ Biển toàn quốc lần thứ IV. Trang: 967-974.) Nguyen Xuan Hoa, Nguyen Huu Dai, Pham Huu Tri, Nguyen Thi Linh, 2000. Study the variation of seagrass Enhalus acoroides (L.f.) Royle, Thalassia hemprichii (Ehrenb.) Asch., Cymodocea serrulata (R.Brown) Asch. and Magn. in Khanh Hoa province. Anthology of Science Report of Science and Technology Conference on National Sea, 2000, p. 179-180 (in Vietnamese: Nghiên cứu sự biến động các thảm cỏ biển Enhalus acoroides (L.f.) Royle, Thalassia hemprichii (Ehrenb.) Asch., Cymodocea serrulata (R.Brown) Asch. and Magn. ở vùng biển ven bờ tỉnh Khánh Hòa. Tuyển tập Báo cáo Khoa học Hội nghị Khoa học Biển Đông). Tran Duc Thanh Dinh Van Huy, Nguyen Van Tien, Nguyen Huy Yet, the 1998. First results using satellite imagines in study distribution of seagrass, coral and seaweed in central 179 Vietnam. Annual collection of works on Marine Environment and Resources. Publishing House for Science and Technology, Hanoi, V, p. 94-102 (in Vietnamese: Kết quả bước đầu sử dụng tài liệu ảnh vệ tinh nghiên cứu phân bố cỏ biển, rong biển và san hô ở miền Trung Việt Nam. Tuyển tập Tài nguyên và Môi trường Biển). Tu Thi Lan Huong and Nguyen Van Tien, 2005. Some ecological characteristics of the seagrass beds of Kien Giang province. 1st National Workshop on Biology and Ecology in Hanoi, p. 758-763 (in Vietnamese: Một số đặc điểm sinh thái của các thảm cỏ biển tỉnh Kiên Giang. Hội nghị Sinh học- Sinh thái Quốc gia lần I tại Hà Nội). Tu Thi Lan Huong and Nguyen Van Tien, 2008. Monitoring of seagrass resources in Bai Bon Beach, Phu Quoc Island. Report of the project: "Prevent the trend of environmental degradation in South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand" (in Vietnamese: Giám sát nguồn lợi cỏ biển ở điểm trình diễn Bãi Bổn, đảo Phú Quốc. Báo cáo thuộc dự án: “Ngăn chặn xu thế suy thoái môi trường Biển Đông và vịnh Thái Lan). Tu Thi Lan Huong, 2005. SeagrassNet: some results of seagrass monitoring in The Vang Island, Quang Ninh province. Annual collection of works on Marine Environment and Resources. Publishing House for Science and Technology, Hanoi, IX, p. 189-195 (in Vietnamese: SeagrassNet: một số kết quả giám sát cỏ biển đảo Thẻ Vàng, tỉnh Quảng Ninh. Tuyển tập Tài nguyên và Môi trường Biển). Tu Thi Lan Huong, 2006. An overview for seagrass managers. Journal of Environmental Protection Agency, 10, p. 19-20 (in Vietnamese: Một cái nhìn tổng quan về cỏ biển cho các nhà quản lý. Tạp chí của Cục Bảo vệ Môi trường). Tu Thi Lan Huong, 2007. The role and value of seagrass ecosystems. Vietnam Sea Magazine, 3, p. 31-32 (in Vietnamese: Vai trò và giá trị hệ sinh thái cỏ biển. Tạp chí Biển Việt Nam). Tu Thi Lan Huong, 2008. Comparing the seasonal fluctuations of the populations of seagrass Halophila ovalis in Vietnam coastal. 2nd National Scientific Conference on ecological and biological resources, Hanoi 26/10/2007, p. 437-441 (in Vietnamese: So sánh sự biến động theo mùa của các quần thể cỏ biển Halophila ovalis ở vùng triều ven biển 180 Việt Nam. Hội nghị Khoa học Toàn quốc lần thứ 2 về sinh thái và tài nguyên sinh vật). Tu Thi Lan Huong, Nguyen Van Tien, 2010. Seagrass in Vietnam with the challenges of climate change. ( (in Vietnamese: Thảm cỏ biển Việt Nam với những thách thức trong điều kiện biến đổi khí hậu). 181