stockfield village news - Stockfield Community Association
stockfield village news - Stockfield Community Association
Stockfield Event Group are delighted to Announce The 10th Anniversary of the Community Fun Day STOCKFIELD VILLAGE NEWS The quarterly Newsletter from Stockfield Community Association Issue 42 Summer 2015 Stockfield Park will once again 0lay host to the Community Fun Day. The free event will run from 11.00am- to 3.30pm and there will be lots of fun activities for everyone including: football, bouncy castle, sports day games, face painting, cake stall In Bloom, Drum Together Brum and of course our famous raffle (with all proceeds going to local charity) Everyone is welcome and admission is free. So please come along for a day of fun and activities for children and adults alike Stockfield Community Association tenants have a new repairs contractor Family Housing who will attend to their urgent, routine and out of hours repairs. Their contact number is 0121 766 1115. This is a direct line to their contact centre and should also be used for out of hours calls. Emergencies are attended to within 24 hours Urgent Jobs are attended to within 7 days Routine jobs are attended to within 31 days When you call please give all relevant information so that the contact centre can pass the repair request to Family Housing with the minimum of delay. 7KH6WRFNÀHOGGHGLFDWHG2IÀFHUVDUH 3&90DQOH\DQG3&62/DUJH 7RPDNHGLUHFWFRQWDFWZLWKXVFDOO 0845 113 5000 DQGGLDOH[WHQVLRQQXPEHU $OWHUQDWLYHO\HPDLOXVDW HQKSDFRFNVJUHHQ#ZHVWPLGODQGVSQQSROLFHXN WKHQHLJKERXUKRRGWHDPZHEVLWHLV KWWSZZZZHVWPLGODQGVSROLFHXNQSEHOJUDYHURDGQDVS &RQWDFWDQ\RI\RXUORFDOUHVLGHQW'LUHFWRUV $PDQGD0LOOZDUG 3DP6PLWK 2I¿FH1XPEHU KRXUVDQVZHUSKRQH 'RJ:DUGHQ7HO WRUHSRUWDQ\ SUREOHPVZLWKGRJVDQGIRXOLQJ 8VHIXO7HOHSKRQH1XPEHUV 672&.),(/'&$7(1$176 \RXU+RXVLQJ2I¿FHULV-DVPLQD$KPHGRI%LUPLQJKDP&LW\&RXQFLO+RXVLQJ7HDP 1(:180%(5)257+,67($0 %520)25'7(1$176 - your Housing Manager is *HUDOGLQH&XQQLQJKDP '(%7%(1(),76$'9,&()RU'HEW$GYLFHSOHDVHFDOOWKHKHOSOLQHRQ. )RU%HQH¿WV$GYLFHFRQWDFWWKH1HLERXUKRRG2I¿FHRQ 672&.),(/'&$7(1$1765(3$,56)DPLO\+RXVLQJLVWKHUHSDLUFRQWUDFWRU (19,5210(17$/:$5'(16 %8/.58%%,6+&2//(&7,21 $&2&.6*5((132/,&(67$7,21[LQHPHUJHQF\ is a company limited by guarantee. Registered in England and Wales No. 02588109. Registered Charity No. 1003108 The RHS have given Britain in Bloom a new theme for the next three years: GREENER STREETS – BETTER LIVES. An attractive environment certainly improves people's lives and your Village in Bloom team is striving to do exactly that! Fran Lee – Co-ordinator on behalf of Acocks Green Village in Bloom team Contact: [email protected] Telephone: 0121 706 0076 Acocks Green has been entering the Britain in Bloom campaign since 2012 and a team of volunteers work hard every year to help make the most of our area. Britain in Bloom is organised by the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) and was introduced 51 years ago to raise interest in flowers and plants and to encourage people to improve their environment. It was inspired by the floral enhancement that is commonplace in France and the RHS aim to encourage Britain to do the same. Every area that enters the campaign, will receive a visit from the RHS Judges who award marks to each area. Marks are awarded for horticultural excellence and improvements to the environment, with great importance being placed on community participation. The Acocks Green Village in Bloom team engage with local schools and churches, the businesses in the village, the Scouts, Birmingham City Council, and other neighbourhood groups. The aim is to raise the profile of the campaign and encourage local people to improve their surroundings. More importantly it inspires different parts of the community to work together, not only to bring about change and improvements but, in days of a faster pace of life, it also helps people to communicate with others in their community and promote a feeling of belonging. The Acocks Green Bloom team will be at Stockfield Fun day to talk to locals about the work which is being carried out in our area to make it a better place for people to live. We are always looking for more people to join in the campaign, so please come along and meet the volunteers. There will be a chance to sow some seeds to take away, a great introduction to gardening for new gardeners. Plant Swap There will also have a Plant Swap. If you have too much of a certain type of plant in your garden then dig some up and bring them along (with a label). Share your successes with your neighbourhood. In turn you may be rewarded with new varieties for your garden.
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