Iodine and selenium deficiency associated with cretinism in northern Zaire13 Jean B Vanderpas, Kibambe Niambue, ABSTRACT Selenium demic-goiter the area reference nium Bernard Jacques and values in subjects Contempr#{233}, Ngidai L Duale, Willy Goossens, Ngo Dumont, Claude H Thilly, and Anthony T Diplock status was in a control determined area in the core area, ofthe northern (RBC-GPX) still two times iodine-deficient status was lower city was five of the moderately At Karawa normalized both the endemia ‘ moderate In a less severely (Businga), selenium linearly WORDS Iodine and Subjects the deficiency, RBC-GPX. selenium The goiter This deficiency, cre- Introduction Since the description layan valleys, guished. overt with of McCarrison two forms Endemic disease retardation frequently and normal growth, deficiency. Nepalese Hima- classically distin- is characterized and variable with function. deaf-mutism, More than tral (8), whereas Africa. Northern 4 million Zaire people 6% cretinism form [78-85% and is covered of the cretinism rate cretins goiter (9), mostly of cases Am J C/in Nuir l990;52: deficiency 1087-93. of the in Cenbelt rate affecting and at a 2- myxedematous ( 10, 1 1 )]. for a variable distribution unclear. It was recently selenium is uncommon prevalence could Printed ofboth proposed involve in USA. forms of cretinthat a combined the (Kikwit). the of the deficiency The same in Karawa and and in a Zairian selenium villages selenium endemic-goiter status was area in normal also compared. Karawa along same endemia. 9-18 y) and in two rural 2 (Botolo)] Zaire the and in a small Ubangi River In the first two 28 cretins villages close to Karawa ofthe endemic- in the core (aged town (Businga) villages, 3-25 was obtained according teachers, both parents, were language in local sex-paired subjects samples were obtained during blood collections verbal consent. In these of the from for Height median same area. 30 hospitalized medical places iodized Medical Team, Public In- custom. children community health was recorded and exheight of normal ageAt Businga adults checkups three examined. to local and the by the local of the nature of the study.) as the percentage of the at 90 at the border 52 schoolchildren y) were formed verbal consent (The village chief, the informed located biological (21-42 after oil has been years) informed available thyroid © 1990 American From the Cemubac Health School. Free Uni- versity of Brussels; Communaut#{233} Evang#{233}lique de l’Ubangi-Mongala, Karawa, ZaIre; Laboratorium van Hematologie, Gasthuisbergziekenhuis, Leuven, Belgium; Ecole de Sante Publique, Kinshasa, ZaIre; Bureau des Troubles dus a la Carence Iod#{233}e, Kinshasa, ZaIre; Institut de Recherche Interdisciplinaire en Biologie Humaine et Nucl#{233}aire,Campus Erasme, Free University ofBrussels; and Division ofBiochemistry, United Medical and Dental Schools, University of London. Guy’s Hospital, London. 2 Supported in part by the Centre d’Etudes M#{233}dicaleset Scientifiques de l’Universit#{233}de Bruxelles pour les Actions de Cooperation (Cemubac); the Academic Programs and Medicine Overseas (APMO), Brussels University; the Fonds de Ia Recherche Scientifique M#{233}dicale (contract FRSMULB 3.4507.87), Belgium; and the Wellcome Trust, London. 3 Address reprint requests to I Vanderpas. Clinique Louis Caty, 7420 Baudour, Belgium. Received October 6. 1989. Accepted for publication January 24. 1990. normal 50% by an endemic-goiter at a 65-85% prevalence The reason ism remains iodine neurological iodine of the and of northern (aged I of cretinism are neurological in Papua New Guinea (2), Latin America (3, 4), Vietnam (5), eastern China (6), Algeria (7), and Sicily in myx- by intellectual cretins show a severe neuand ataxic gait) and mental associated thyroid are cretinism stunted development. Endemic neurological rological impairment (spastic diplegia growth, iodine (1) in the of this myxedematous hypothyroidism, severe oflife to determine core in Businga) was conducted ofthe and is associated years methods 1 (Boyalulia) area leader pressed cretinism study km from tinism Endemic (severe goiter was in the deficiency in cretins and [villages combined iodine and selenium deficiency could be associated with the elevated frequency ofendemic myxedematous cretinism in Central Africa. Am J Clin Nutr 1990;52:l087-93. KEY endemic subjects first selenium was supplementation and work living Zaire the (14). present iodine without concentration up to a value of 15 U/g Hb at greater selenium selenium of the Thorpe, during of Zaire in a population belt of northern in 52 schoolglutathione activity aim status 13) observed cretins The sele- endemic- in schoolchildren 0.004). RBC-GPX villages, serum lower = (P same altered. associated with serum selenium 1 140 nmol/L and leveled offat concentration. times in cretins (12, edematous Roger in- Society for Clinical Nutrition 1087 Downloaded from by on August 6, 2009 and volution enwith serum Zaire goiter belt (Karawa villages) was seven times lower children and similarly low in 23 cretins; erythrocyte peroxidase an Compared of a noniodine-deficient living in ofZaire. Bebe, 1088 VANDERPAS to pregnant Nine women medical attending and the paramedical prenatal workers iodine-deficient area (Kikwit, Bandundu control The protocol was approved subjects. ofthe hospitals ofKarawa and of the Ecole de Sante Publique committee of the Erasme region) A). and The University 2 mo with were [50 g International, B) or with schoolchildren placebo the Se/d the next 4 mo into as selenomethionine) as 2 (group of each a supplemented and a placebo was of sumed/2 wk). before Selenium the end that the results children study because function, 12 tablets interrupted oflogistical tablets. iodized oil [0.5 period group. were chi-square 17 d linear France)] was adto all school- in tubes for erythrocyte treated determination with enzyme ethylenediamine of hematological surement of erythrocyte tubes for measurement lenium concentration. with adenine citrate activity indices and for mea- thyroid status the was serum and at Baudour, free VILLAGE thyroxine Belgium, I Day6O113N+1Or1 I I I 1 I 6 I obtained was subdividing performed by the by a model of analysis was per- the independent of subjects in the variables three analysis. The multifactorial of the endemic area who the All Statistical by one- in the same variance of the statistical groups) analysis were relabiological procedures Package for Social were Sciences mc, Chicago). I shows in the subjects high at Kikwit + of Businga (4.53 P < epidemiological and and Kikwit. mol/L) 0.001); cretins and it was trend. the adult Compared patients with and of Karawa Mean urinary moderately extremely in schoolchildren (0.20 mol/L) The indices ofthyroid function graphical N the baseline schoolchildren mol/L; similar mol/L). Kikwit, [ f13N+7crJ of means and calculated after the SPSS, comparison were com- Belgium. and in the and urinary mean (geo- (ANOVA) was concerning with The measures (homoscedasticity). adult VILLAGE 1100 ug Se] i-I Month homogeneous (0.38 total I TI ___________ tables. number with Serum TSH as geometric + b). Multifactorial by multiple-regression limited to the subjects Table by (T4 , FL1), 26N+17’l DayO measured FRG) in Leuven, ± 1 SD in the text = ax and was values plasma, and sera were kept which were performed within determined total were of frequencies same elim- Glucose-6-phosphate Results 1 mo. The (ie, (SPSSPC+, at -4 #{176}C until their arrival at Brussels enzyme activity was determined on the same day. Erythrocyte lysate, frozen for the other measurements, measuring by ANOVA gluta- after to Beutler acid- selenium concentration, and in plain of serum thyroid indices and serum seAll samples were immediately stored in box and kept h. Erythrocyte (y (15). and (16). of variance regression tertiles conducted mea- tetraacetic The into tively and repeated comparison regression formed Lipiodol kinase Mannheim, as means in text when test. variables collected pyruvate by analysis The con- to the mL i ± 1 SD) performed way ANOVA difficulties According and platelets and as i ± 1 SEM in the figures. concentrations are expressed metric cretins. in tubes a refrigerated within 48 ( and fractions CA). Se- (RBC-GPX) according as deter- in London peroxidase measured of leukocytes tables iodide (group plus 4 The compliance every 2 wk and was of selenium as anticoagulant surement, for to the samples dextrose all subjects time (Guerbet, Aulnay-sous-Bois, at the end of the 2-mo study and Blood 6-mo supply ofthyroid per os one ministered for were measured S were the various Fullerton, by spectrofluorimetry mercial kits (Boehringer, Values are expressed was supplementation ofthe impeded initial K3 sufficient was A, A2 , and the of Businga low low normal were values euthyroid 9 Crj I 14N+4rj I I I tPIacebol I FIG I . Study design of the selenium supplementation (Se) or placebo normal schoolchildren (N) and in cretins (Cr) oftwo villages of Karawa. 2 (groups A-F) are also indicated. was at Businga at Karawa IPlacebo J1ooiigse in the iodide and and in cretins (0.16 followed the same geo- II I biological and administration (one tablet per day per os) in The corresponding groups described in Table observed but in an Downloaded from by on August 6, 2009 considered concentration Hemoglobin glutathione dehydrogenase for mo it was measured reductase ination (100 zg Se po/d [village 1, 6 mo 2 wk. tablets was Erythrocyte 1 group (group D) and 2 mo selenium plus 4 mo placebo E); village 2, 6 mo placebo (group F) and 2 mo placebo iodide (14). lenium in village selenium selenium (group C)]. Each child received 1 5 tablets every was verified by counting the remaining Urinary reported (group thione globby radioimT4, FF4, T3, Corp, Los Angeles; TBG, Behring, Diagnostic, Chavannes-de-Bogis, mined by electrophoresis on agarose, and were calculated by densitometry (Beckman, subdivided subgroup subgroup thyroxine-binding serum for B’). The village Diagnostic Product FRG; rT3 , Serono Switzerland). as selenomethionine UK)] (T3 , ri’3), and thyrotropin (TSH) concentrations in duplicate with commercial kits (for and TSH, Marburg, in the two supplemented Surrey, triiodothyronine previously in all the subjects per os (po) reverse ulin (TBG), munoassay Brussels. were AL and staff supplementation, cretins in village cretins volunteered was organized Leatherhead, and 1984. in a non- by the medical Hospital, measured and selenium (Wassen (group RBC-GPX schoolchildren since Kikwit, by the medical authorities of Kinshasa, and by the ethical A trial ofselenium supplementation villages close to Karawa (Fig 1). Before selenium clinics of a hospital ET IODINE TABLE 1 Baseline values of subjects living in the northern Zaire AND goiter SELENIUM belt (Karawa, Group A, Karawa Normal children Age (y) 13.8 2.1tCD ± Sex ratio, M/F G6PD 1 U/g Hb < RBC GSH-reductase (U/g Hb) RBC pyruvate kinase (U/g Hb) Hemoglobin A2 3.5% (n) > Hemoglobin S 20% (n) > ofsubjects, I ± RBC, red blood cell; G6PD, 1 SD, or geometric mean glucose-6-phosphate with range proportion schoolchildren roidism and severe ofgoiter presented the cretins hypothyroidism. enzyme drogenase, dehydrogenase hemoglobin (hemoglobin moglobin A2 consistent four selenium and markedly lower ± 355 ofKikwit in both (n = 29), nmol/L [343 (n than P < (n concentration = was also children [red measured. [304 ± 176 0.001] similar blood RBC (< nmol/L 0.1] patients P of Businga in volunteers In Karawa 0.001]. < twice (1 ± 1 and was as low in cretins < cell, I 140 control (RBC)] It was similarly (n RBC = 12)] deficient areas. The relationship between lenium and of RBC-GPX range in school- > or than = 9), almost Belgian ± 1 33 nmol/L ± 156 nmol/L nium were < 2.2 U/g to that of 20 adult Hb). Erythrocyte was of he- [ 1.7 ± 1 .8 U/g Hb (n = 27) vs 3.3 ± 2.4 U/ = 0.004] and was markedly lower than at U/g Hb (n = 25), P 0.001] or at Kikwit Hb (n = 8), P 0.00 1]. This last value was as in schoolchildren U/g dehyof glu- similar = 23), P in adult subjects (1 5.0 selenium extremely (n = 27)] of Karawa Group C, Businga Adult patients [28] ± 2.8 concentration low and compared (by ANOVA nmol/L), the relationship 34.0 ± 10.6 [9] 2/7AjB Not done 0/OtABC [9] 99.9 ± 34.1 [9] 21.8 ± 2.2jAB [9] 12.8 ± 2.9 [9] 1.82 ± 0.41 [9] 270 ± 42 [9] 2 (l-4)tAB [9] 4.53 (0.65-31.36) [9] 5.92 ± 0.94 [7] 2 [9] 4.52 ± 2.00 [8] 10.75 ± 3.39 [8] 5 [9] 2 [9] ± TSH and urine variables iodide); normal in school- the total number ofcases in brackets. Multifactorial was limited was P curve well. § 0.05, < P 0.01. < At greater were selenium leveling off at a regression. not The is known a significant Table to affect effect RBC-GPX (data did After interruption of selenium of the (see trations with non- after 6 mo. and thereafter the C) and of serum multiple multifactorial indices (17), analysis, did not disclose the of the selenium of selenium effect of iodine or and subjects for 4 mo 6 mo serum (group between reached similar in the RBC-GPX accidental selenium the a normal placebo (group to those observed supple- before mean for 2 mo end concen- D) of selenium those and those RBC-GPX By contrast, supplemented with status supplementation 17 d before mean supplementation. to increase concentrations effect or in the was normal whereas value. As a result ofthe intermediate The in a mul- of RBC-GPX The supplementation 2 mo ofselenium after 0.05); < modify 2 mo Methods), at 4 (group were not the evolution B), serum selenium about halfthe normal study TSH. in the A was not shown). of Karawa. (group reached (P ANOVA the thyroid and 3 shows subjects of age effect by ANOVA effect and in the to ensure regression. determined T4, VF4, addition area the main multiple TSH and supplementa- endemic and for serum significant of iodine As expected, a supplementary for serum was which only effect selenium of the ofRBC-GPX analysis observed selenium subjects in ANOVA significant tiple-regression 2) of the (before ofvariance. effect statistically (Table observed supplementary GPX 0.001, hormones to the of iodine mentation both < of RBC-GPX analysis homogeneity [279 values of serum se3. In the low-sele- values on thyroid a relative was P value. selenium tion) test): t fit a linear-regression concentrations, in cretins between Group D, Kikwit Adult control subjects 4.5D [30] lO/2OtAfB Not done 7/4tA [30] 99.9 ± 41.7 [30] 22.3 ± 2.9AtB [30] 14.4 ± 4.1 [30] 1.51 ± 0.62A [30] 197 ± 150 [30] 1 (0.4-4)tAB [30] 0.37 (0.18-0.78)tD [17] Not done Not done 4.86 ± 1.41 [25] Not done 8 [30] 4 [30] or chi-square continued the individual is given in Figure 29.0 (for serum erythrocyte of abnormal trait) 2) was g Hb (n 46), P Businga (8.7 ± 4.7 ± normal concentrations (Fig groups ± 347 nmol/L [2555 RBC-GPX [1 5.0 similar and a fl-thalassemia in cretins of Karawa ± 188 nmol/L = 52) vs 443 the the mean increased concentration SD n [753 the groups. Serum children with letter(s) glucose-6-phosphate and the prevalence deficiency S and in parentheses of juvenile hypothysigns of extremely hand, kinase, reductase) 9.5tCD area (Kikwit)5 GSH, glutathione. by capital In Karawa pattern biological On the other activity (pyruvate and glutathione cose-6-phosphate in the was present. a clear showed noniodine-deficient B, Karawa Cretins 28 [28] 9/3tA [28] 10.8 ± 8.1tACD [25] 30.3 ± 4.2 [20] 0.79 ± 1.31tACD [25] 0.91 ± 0.6OtACD [25] 3 ± 1tACD [20] 246 (l05-578)CtD [25] 0.16 (0.07-0.35)CtD [24] 6.51 ± 1.61 [23] 2 [25] 5.10 ± 1.89 [25] 9.88 ± 3.14 [25] 2 [25] 7 [25] dehydrogenase; t Significantly lower than the group(s) indicated II A calculated for subjects not deficient in G6PD. elevated and in a Zairian concentration with E) presented at 2 mo, selenium RBCwhereas Downloaded from by on August 6, 2009 Number S ± 1089 17/1 1 26tB [53] 41/12 [53] 66.3 ± 39.3tCD [53] 25.8 ± 4.8B [53] 8.86 ± 5.59tCjJ) [53] 1.94 ± 0.51 [53] 1 19 ± 99tCD [51] 10 (2-69)tB [53] 0.20 (0.09-0.464CtD [48] 6.49 ± 1.33 [51] I [52] 4.51 ± 1.13 [52] 10.08 ± 2.52 [52] 4 [52] 6 [52] (U/g hgb) RBC G6PD 13.1 41/12 Stature < local median Goiter, total/visible Serum 1’4 (nmol/L) Serum TBG (mg/L) Serum VF4 (pmol/L) Serum T3 (nmol/L) Serum rT3 (pmol/L) Serum TSH (mUlL) Urine iodide (zmol/L) RBC Businga) Group [53] DEFICIENCY VANDERPAS 1090 RBC-GPX (U/g ET AL 20.0 21 hgb) 16.0 12.0 8.0 4.0 <0.2 SERUM SELEMUM 3000 2500 nmoIII) 2000 1500 1200 < 0.2 800 nmol/I .:;!:. 400 KARAWA SCHOOLCHILDREN BUSINGA ADULT PATiENTS KARAWA CRETINS KIKWIT ADULT CONTROLS FIG 2. Comparison of individual values and mean concentrations SEM) of erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase (RBC-GPX) and of serum selenium in normal schoolchildren and in cretins of Karawa, northern Zaire (severe iodine deficiency), in adult hospitalized patients of Businga, northern Zaire (moderate iodine deficiency), and in adult normal volunteers ofa noniodine-deficient area (Kikwit, Central Zaire). (±1 serum selenium had decreased than before supplementation. After 2 mo ofselenium increase nounced than and 6-mo cebo = 24), was selenium group 2 mo, = 8)]. Hb(n ± 285 the evolution similar in cretins RBC-GPX selenium and at 6 mo, 3.0 ± 2.7 U/g = 9) n greater selenium was more nmol/L (n ofserum and were at 2 mo, = 23), 301 ± 1 1 1 nmol/L Hb (n 27), and = in schoolchildren. in the pla- nmol/L (n (n 6); RBC-GPX at 6 mo, 3.5 ± 3.3 at U/g 479 ± 233 = = an osteoarthropathy pro- selenium not modified FIG 3. Relationship of RBC-GPY and serum selenium in normal schoolchildren and cretins of Karawa, northern Zaire (crosses and open circles), in adult hospitalized patients ofBusinga, northern Zaire (closed triangles), and in adult volunteers ofKikwit, central Zaire(open triangles). The analyses were performed before selenium supplementation. The hatched area represents the range of values in European countries. The equation of the linear regression for the selenium values < 1000 nmol/ L is y - 0.O2lx - 4.8 (r 0.63; P < 0.001); for the selenium values > 1000 nmol/L, the coefficient ofthe slope was not statistically different from zero and it was considered that the linear regression could fit the equation y = constant (r = 0.05; P > 0.5). Selenium deficiency has been endemic diseases, a cardiomyopathy = and [serum the serum nmol/L, [944 supplementation, RBC-GPX Serum barely was true for RBC-GPX [10.33 ± 5.31 U/ ± 2.19 U/g Hb (n 24), P < 0.05]. After P 4- and ± 547 in schoolchildren = 0.002]; the same g Hb (n = 9) vs 5.76 to values supplementation, ( 1 724 in cretins markedly SELENIUM lenium in these called affected associated called Kashin-Beck populations in China with Keshan disease disease was still two and (19). Serum se- lower than the TABLE 2 Multifactorial analysis of the effect of iodine (urinary iodide) and of selenium status [serum selenium and red blood cell glutathione peroxidase (RBC-GPX)] on thyroid indices by ANOVA and multipleregression analysis5 Dependent Analysis of variance: values) Urinary iodide RBC-GPX Serum selenium variable main Serum T4 Serum FT4 Serum T3 Serum TSH 13.5t 12.4t 1.4 1.6 2.7 1.2 4.6 1.3 1.9 0.4 1.9 0.42t 0.5 It 0.07 0.09 1.5 -0.58t 0.67t 29t effects (F Discussion These data clearly in the core mean concentrations times lower of the China northern a very Zaire goiter selenium selenium belt. deficiency At Karawa the three to seven lower than in nondeficient areas (1 8). They than in New Zealand (mean serum selenium were definitely 600 nmol/ barely of serum severe were L), considered were document to be marginally greater considered than the to be severely selenium values observed selenium ‘ deficient, and in some deficient (18). areas Multiple-regression r of iodine analysis Multiple r of iodine + RBC-GPX F value (multiple r vs r) they of S The effect of age and serum ANOVA or in the multiple-regression t P < tP<0.05. 0.001. 0.48t i4t selenium was analysis. 0.59t 24t not significant (P > 0.3) in the Downloaded from by on August 6, 2009 .::. SERUM IODINE TABLE 3 Evolution of selenium status before AND and after selenium SELENIUM 1091 DEFICIENCY supplementation5 Serum selenium RBC-GPX nmo//L A: before selenium B: 2 mo selenium C: 2 mo placebo supplementation 4 mo selenium + 374 1 163 777 ± 839 ± 542 ± D: 6 mo selenium E: 2 mo selenium 1 5 SD. Ratio ± tf of the number Significantly value ofthe studied, GPX, lower subjects even 4 mo placebo + than of normal the group with undetectable were in good health; of RBC- in the absence of specific in tropical areas, cases of Keshan disease. The public health benefit ognized in the extreme By contrast, the uncertain and these tation corrects tween the activity different for the serum selenium 30 d for the 4 mo In the after stopping present deficient (Businga) area and by serum status. as one severity selenium hospitalized reflect patients, bias, we the selenium of age on negligible, and believe normal. populations foods, whatever on cassava and content ofthese live Metabolic an interaction function? goiter (Karawa), assessed deficiency subjects of these volunteers). Despite measured of the general population. exclusively studied (3-42 populations on The this locally staple ev- y) is (21). produced the socioeconomic level. maize in the three products is directly places studied. The selenium dependent on the geograph- food is based status has [Guatemala without investigations element Africa? deficiencies 2) Does areas cretinism (QinghaI is more it status described Zealand and deficient (19), high (23, 24). population was the to oxidize of thyroid peroxide detoxifying described on here issue, apical enzyme (12). is one more argument function deiodinases converting could showed the plementary iodine The interact main effect is that hydrogen per- cells is nec- and lead The in the forof an excess of a lack of hydrogen to a progressive geographical in favor dele- association ofthis and selenium deficiency function); it does not hypothesis causes constitute an a have clearly established interactions hormones. The effect of selenium could be mediated T4 into precise with postulated. analysis effects deficiency of thyroid gland would gland the thyroid ciency io- (Velingara, = it is known the proof. Animal experiments of selenium with thyroid (32). and membrane in a stimulated combined iodine loss of thyroid tissues nutritional 20) (AT Diplock 1988). In summary, tyrosyl residues of thyroglobulin hormones (3 1 ). The synthesis peroxide effect (n previous in another to be normal of selenium second at the hydrogen Clinical and rule. the generated malnutrition and Sudan good whole blood observations, association not study concentration found se- Interestingly, province than (28), relatively Selenium iodinewith deficiency. present their (30). The Shanxi provinces), Low selenium iodine in the are the iodine part (25). in this in Finland and for a small province) frequent of associated children on previously New only acting on selenium the (Guizou, Heilongjiang, and cretinism is predominant. status dine-deficient terious elements data is rather overlap trace Besides (13), demonstrated proteocaloric respective association of two trace 1) Is it specific to Central ± selenium evidence Businga The geographical raises two issues: Zaire of the than initially Multifactorial apart). ± [46/26] also been reported in proteoenergetic (26), Eastern Zaire (27), Jamaica ical nature of the soil (22). Great variations in selenium status were observed in places that are close together (eg, Karawa and are 90 km ± the of China lenium-deficient myxedematous (ie, that irreversible effect two question, countries areas essary mation accurately The in these Concerning three the are scarce. or marginally deficient oxide the range of age and the living in rural villages, variables first in eastern certainly either 3.84tCD [24/9] 4.29 [10/2] 6.44 [9/10] 5.36CtD [7/5] 0.05. < areas a geographical area there 2.3OtBCDE ± between the endemic-goiter P Senegal, 1 1 16 ± 1 56 nmol/L and JN Lazarus, unpublished a noniodine- the almost of (18). from the selenium status in the range at least in nonselenium-deficient These by the (1 d selenium conof RBC-GPX deficiency, The hospital that status imply thyroid (29)] § 0.01, < examination 6 mo supplementation ofselenium or RBC-GPX. After release their the stability places were heterogeneous concerning life conditions (schoolchildren, cretins ident (18). progressed be- of RBC-GPX explained of selenium was entirely tissues explain selenium study, is best pools two be- discrepancy that P in eastern China where neurological supplemen- The and (Kikwit) to an intermediate-severity to a severe iodine-deficient area was a progressive is remains is intermediate RBC-GPX) RBC-GPX studies have shown that some tent very slowly; this can also during deficiency selenium selenium of supplementation half-lives of the supplementation, (19). in humans As expected, of serum selenium, is rec- ofChina the selenium of the deficiency altered after 2 mo metabolic conditions where situations. evolution f 0.001, moderately (20). the severity two misdiagnosed supplementation of supplementation controversial At Karawa tween < supply Zealand, benefit actually ofselenium environmental in New moderate, were ± 7.00 1 1.02 13.61 7.61 in brackets. P Concerning that fre- 2.76 of iodine by a modulation T3 and into mechanism thyroid (ANOVA, and rT3 in extrathyroidal by function which may multiple selenium on of the selenium be more regression) on thyroid deficomplex of the function effect of iodine on T4, fT, and TSH. A supof RBC-GPX was seen by multiple regression Downloaded from by on August 6, 2009 observed t ( 1 8). All children clinical criteria, it is not possible to rule out the possibility some cases of cardiomyopathy in northern Zaire, a disease quently ± ANOVA): concentrations nevertheless, 185tBCD [52/23] 512 [23/9] 174tB [10/3] 28ltB [9/9] 279tBjDE [7/5] ± and of cretins (one-way ( 1 52 nmol/L) of Karawa those schoolchildren indicated U/g Hb 1092 for VANDERPAS the same thyroid indices multiple-regression whereas the in the present could explain powerful tion. ANOVA treats analysis). that test further the graphical on in the province speculated This seems dehydrogenase anemia trait Kivu China (25), The may geo- deficiency Lake) in (13), and the first represent deficiency function genetic diseases exert an in at least known not because to be as- Nitiyanant more frequent trait, in cretins. was twice serum could The RBC- concentrations. genetically in cretins sickle as low as in school- selenium is determined (33) be a marker after selenium supplementation, to normal in cretins, rendering 9. 10. and RBC- and a lower of this disease; enzymatic this hypothesis activity was unlikely. 1 1. 12. It is more likely that the lower RBC-GPX reflected a lower selenium supply in cretins; RBC-GPX is a better indicator of longterm selenium data it is not cretins supply possible should foods than be lower; of handicapped hypothyroidism is serum selenium. to determine small why differences children could in six subjects ofa From the core reinforces edematous selenium of the the endemic-goiter hypothesis cretinism. be an explanation. Severe of supplementation in and this coun- activity with public area (1 14. in 15. Zaire, which endemic myx- health remains benefit to be 13. = 17.8 was documented northern of an association clinical in to some nonselenium-deficient belt The supply in accessibility try (Belgium) did not modify the RBC-GPX ± 2.3 U/g Hb). In conclusion, severe selenium deficiency the the present selenium of 16. N 17. deter- mined. We greatly appreciate the participation of Ignace Ronse and Anne Slimbroek, Businga Hospital, and of Ren#{233} Snacken, Kikwit Hospital, Zaire, and the skilled technical assistance in London of Sue Peach, in Leuven ofleanine Lauwers, and in Baudour ofRaymond Pawlak, JeanPierre Hut, and Jacques Lalinne. The selenium supplement and placebo tablets were generously provided by R Matthews, Wassen International, Leatherhead, Surrey, UK. 18. 19. cretinism. demic Wiley, 3. DeLong In: Stanbury cretinism. Iodine lB. Hetzel nutrition BS, eds. in health Endemic and in the Chitral lB. Endemic goiter disease. New and en- York: 1980:395-421. GR, Stanbury JB, Fierro-Benitez R. Neurological signs in Eastman Squatrito S, Delange in Sicily. Thyroid research. Amsterdam: Excerpta CI, Nagataki 5, eds. Recent and A, progress in Dumont 20. JE, Delange F, Trimarchi F, Lisi I Endocrinol Invest F, Ermans AM. E, Vigneri R. Endemic 1981;4:295-302. Endemic cretinism. In: Stan- bury lB. ed. Endemic goiter. 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