Elia`s presence at charter rally - New York State Association of
Elia`s presence at charter rally - New York State Association of
Sections &$3,72/&21),'(17,$/ /$7(67 1(:6 )520 7+( 7,0(6 81,21 &$3,72/ %85($8 1<687(OLD¶VSUHVHQFHDWFKDUWHUUDOO\µVHQGVWKH ZURQJPHVVDJH¶ %\ &DVH\ 6HLOHU &DSLWRO EXUHDX FKLHI RQ )HEUXDU\ DW 30 (GXFDWLRQ &RPPLVVLRQHU 0DU\HOOHQ (OLD ZLWK ILUVW JUDGHUV DW 3LQH +LOOV (OHPHQWDU\ 6FKRRO LQ $OEDQ\ LQ 0D\ -RKQ &DUO '¶$QQLEDOH 7LPHV 8QLRQ New York State United Teachers thinks state Education Commissioner MaryEllen Elia’s appearance at Tuesday’s Charter Advocacy Day “sends the wrong message at a time when she should be fully focused on working with the Board of Regents to immediately fix the state’s broken testing system and urging legislators to approve a significant state aid increase,” the union said in a very long sentence. Elia spoke very briefly roughly a halfhour before reporters where told she would appear — two things that will tend to reduce coverage of her appearance. Nevertheless, NYSUT was less than pleased: Meeting with parents to gather input is one thing, but “The commissioner’s appearance today at a political rally sends the wrong message entirely,” said NYSUT President Karen E. Magee. “The commissioner is creating a distraction and sending the wrong message to the Legislature. The Common Core Task Force issued 21 recommendations that, as a whole, would put New York on a path toward ending the era of testandpunish. Some 96 percent of students in public education attend traditional public schools. Parents and teachers are running out of patience with the pace of change. They expect the recommendations to be adopted by the Regents with fidelity — immediately. That should be the commissioner’s focus.” Magee added, “Traditional public schools that serve the state’s neediest students have been devastated by budget cuts. The state still has not fully funded the Campaign for Fiscal Equity settlement. The commissioner should be rallying instead for the billions in state aid that our schools are owed.” On the contrary, Magee noted, charter schools are flush with cash and do not need additional funding increases. A March 2015 NYSUT report found that the state’s charter schools held $282.2 million in cash and $392.1 million in unrestricted net assets. The 200 charters studied held an average of 25.3 percent of their annual budgets in cash reserves. NYSUT’s statement comes in the wake of a strongly worded letter to Elia condemning her refusal to lessen testing days for students as the Common Core Task Force recommended. http://www.nysut.org/news/2016/february/nysutblastssedsplanfor2017 stateassessments NYSUT Vice President Catalina Fortino said, “The commissioner should demand that charters stop excluding students with special needs and those who are English language learners, while making it clear that the practice of keeping ‘got to go’ lists and pushing out students is unconscionable. Traditional public schools embrace the opportunity to serve every child. Too many charters do not.” Senate Majority Coalition sortofcoleaders John Flanagan and Jeff Klein addressed the group after Elia, and promised to fight for increased resources including colocation of charters within traditional public school spaces. “Having choice, having access, having funding, having the proper setting, and having leaders in Albany and in places like the City of New York continue to act like adults is the most important thing,” Flanagan said. Here’s the conclusion of Flanagan’s comments: 3URPRWHG6WRULHV $ MDZGURSSLQJ PRQWK LQWHUHVW UDWH FUHGLW FDUG KDV EHHQ DQQRXQFHG 3URPRWHG E\ 1H[W$GYLVRU +RPHRZQHUV $UH LQ IRU D %LJ 6XUSULVH LQ «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¶V 0RUH WR ,W WKDQ <RX 7KLQN $EUHYD '(& SURELQJ SRVVLEOH LOOHJDO GXPSLQJ LQ +RRVLFN 7LPHV 8QLRQ /RFDO 1HZV <RX UH ,Q )RU D %LJ 6XUSULVH ,I <RX 2ZQ $ +RPH /HQGDJHFRP &RSV 6WUHHW SHUIRUPHU EHDWHQ LQ 6DUDWRJD 6SULQJV 6DUDWRJD 6HHQ 7KH &KLOOLQJ 7KLQJ , )RXQG 2XW $ERXW 0\ 5HWLUHPHQW 3ODQV 7KH +XIILQJWRQ 3RVW &OLQWRQ WDNHV ,RZD EHDWLQJ EDFN 6DQGHUV VWURQJ FKDOOHQJH 7LPHV 8QLRQ )RUJHW WKH %LJ 1DPHV ± 7KHVH $UH WKH %HVW &ROOHJHV LQ $PHULFD >6OLGHVKRZ@ )RUEHV 1HZV 9LGHR RI 8$OEDQ\ EXV ILJKW HPHUJHV 7LPHV 8QLRQ /RFDO 1HZV 5HFRPPHQGHG E\ /HDYHD5HSO\ 1DPH UHTXLUHG 0DLO ZLOO QRW EH SXEOLVKHG UHTXLUHG :HEVLWH 1RWLI\ PH RI IROORZXS FRPPHQWV E\ HPDLO 68%0,7&200(17 1RWLI\ PH RI QHZ SRVWV E\ HPDLO 5HVSRQVHV 1RUWKHUQ 1< VD\V )HEUXDU\ DW SP It’s like this. Cuomo hates public schools. His Wall St. connections want to privatize for profit, and give Andy campaign $. Andy wants to be President and is considering a run in 2020 if the Repubs win this one. Andy doesn’t want to lose the backing of the 1%ers giving him cash. Elia doesn’t want to lose her $250,000 a year job after getting canned in Florida, so she’ll do whatever Andy says. If that means the person who represents public schools gives a pep talk to private, for profit schools, so be it. Got it? 5HSO\ ([6WDWH :RUNHU VD\V )HEUXDU\ DW SP Northern NY is correct. All these Commissioners are Governorappointed puppets on a string. They don’t move without marching orders. If she’s there, it’s because she’s wanted there acting at the behest of her benefactors. .QXFNOH 'UDJJHU VD\V )HEUXDU\ DW SP “All your base are belong to us” NYSUT 5HSO\ 'DOH *ULEEOH VD\V )HEUXDU\ DW SP Misquoted. It is Zero Wing, NYSUT DFWXDOO\ VD\V )HEUXDU\ DW SP “All your base are belong to us” NYSUT Where did you see this quote? Whoever you are quoting can’t write. It makes no sense. &DVH\ 6HLOHU &DSLWRO EXUHDX FKLHI VD\V )HEUXDU\ DW SP It’s a meme — a very, very old meme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8fvTxv46ano &DVH\ 6HLOHU &DSLWRO EXUHDX FKLHI VD\V )HEUXDU\ DW SP More analysis: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7O5JY4uhI 'DUWK 6WDWHZRUNHU VD\V )HEUXDU\ DW SP ““All your base are belong to us” NYSUT” – Knuckle Dragger Take if from a Darth – you don’t speak geek very well. ]RUNDPXQGR VD\V )HEUXDU\ DW DP Thank you for some daijobe moments of Zen! VPEDOOSOD\ VD\V )HEUXDU\ DW SP Is it a surprise NYSUT doesn’t like the choice charter schools allow? 5HSO\ 'DOH *ULEEOH VD\V )HEUXDU\ DW SP The choice that Charter schools allow, are which students they are willing to take. No Special Needs. No ESL kids. They also don’t hold their teachers to nearly the same standard as public school teachers. They also under pay their teachers. But it is no wonder they can tout their success rate, when they don’t have any autistic kids, no kids with mental deficiencies, not ESL kids. Charter schools hand pick which kids they want to take based on how well it will make Charter schools hand pick which kids they want to take based on how well it will make them look & how much of a profit their corporate share holders can fleece!!!!! VPEDOOSOD\ VD\V )HEUXDU\ DW SP Dale, obviously you don’t like choice. Can you return a couple links supporting all the money being made off charter schools? Thanks. 5HHS'DJJOH VD\V )HEUXDU\ DW SP Not surprising at all. NYSUT cares about the kids. Charters care only about the bottom line. The only entity with “choice” is the charters themselves, who can pick and choose the students to attend their forprofit school that’s funded by taxpayers, but not accountable to them. Parents can apply, but the choice of acceptance is not theirs. The funniest part is that for all their ability to pick and choose the smartest kids and send the rest back to the underfunded public schools, on average, the charters aren’t delivering on their promise of superior education. Knowing that you’re going to ask for evidence (you know, the kind that you NEVER provide when asked to support your own odd, strange and curious pronouncements), here’s one. There are probably other sites with differing conclusions, but to refute me, you’ll have to actually find and cite one. Your usual “because I said so” attitude won’t cut it. http://www.centerforpubliceducation.org/MainMenu/Organizingaschool/Charter schoolsFindingoutthefactsAtaglance “Some charters do better; the majority do the same or worse. CREDO also moved beyond individual student performance to examine the overall performance of charter schools across multiple subject areas. They found that while some charter schools do better than the traditional public schools that fed them, the majority do the same or worse. Almost onefifth of charters (17 percent) performed significantly better (at the 95 percent confidence level) than the traditional public school. However, an even larger group of charters (37 percent) performed significantly worse in terms of reading and math. The remainder (46 percent) did not do significantly better or worse.” VPEDOOSOD\ VD\V )HEUXDU\ DW SP Reep, you do ramble. Try to focus now. I don’t believe anyone is making money off charter schools. Please send me some real data to support your opinion. Thanks. 3ODLQ*X\ VD\V )HEUXDU\ DW SP NYSUT does not care about kids. They care about keeping as many union members happy and sending their garnisheed union dues so they can keep the lights on in their super nice building up on Route 7. They don’t want anything to get in the way of their gravy train. HOPHU VD\V )HEUXDU\ DW SP Teachers care about kids. NYSUT cares about its members, unless it is violating the prime obligation of a union. VPEDOOSOD\ VD\V )HEUXDU\ DW SP Elmer, of course teachers care about kids. Right after their personal wellbeing. Of course union cares about members. Right after they satisfy their own financial requirements. ,QVLGH2XW VD\V )HEUXDU\ DW SP Boy, you must have had some really bad teachers if you believe what you say. Sad. My teachers would do anything to help us succeed and I continue to believe that the vast majority of them do the same today. The vitriol is just incomprehensible. VPEDOOSOD\ VD\V )HEUXDU\ DW SP Inside, no need to personally attack. How about excellent teachers who taught me how to properly evaluate data. 5HHS'DJJOH VD\V )HEUXDU\ DW SP Fine, I’ll play along a little bit. NYSUT doesn’t care directly about kids. It cares about it’s members, teachers, who care about kids and, thanks to NYSUT, can spend more of their time focusing on the kids instead of haggling with districts over all of the other issues that form the employer/employee relationship, like pay, benefits, work environment, etc., etc.. Better? I’m not sending links about the profit issue, because none are necessary and you’ll argue about them anyway. Many charters are owned by for profit corporations that have a legal obligation to increase profits for their shareholders. If education isn’t the reason for the corporation’s existence in the first place, for what other reason do they own and/or manage a charter school if not to fulfill their legal obligation? and/or manage a charter school if not to fulfill their legal obligation? Once again, you demand proof from everyone but yourself. schdyres1 has asked you to provide data to back up YOUR claim about NYSUT’s priorities. Should we expect you to put up, shut up, or just ignore the question as is typical. VPEDOOSOD\ VD\V )HEUXDU\ DW SP Ok reep, which corporations with those stockholders invest in charter schools to make money? . Teachers care first about their own wellbeing; then most I believe are concerned about their students. HOPHU VD\V )HEUXDU\ DW SP Reep–no I issue that corporations have obligation to maximize shareholder value. The same way a union had an obligation to maximize membership value. No difference. NYSUT can’t (absent membership consent) forego teacher interests “for the kids”. Doesn’t make them bad, just fulfilling their reason for being. 5HHS'DJJOH VD\V )HEUXDU\ DW DP Surprising to no one, small, you opted to ignore the call for you to back up your own claims, so you could spend more time demanding it of others. You bragged to Inside Out about the “excellent teachers who taught [you] how to properly evaluate data”. So how come the only evidence you ever offer is “because I said so”? Could it be that the “data” you evaluate exists only in your own imagination? Yes, small, I know, I “ramble so”. But at least I don’t pretend to be something I’m not. 'DQ 0F&RQQHOO VD\V )HEUXDU\ DW SP Unsurprising. In 2013, President Obama proclaimed a Charter School Appreciation Week that not only fell on the alreadyexisting Teacher Appreciation Week, but wrapped the original MonFri recognition with a longer SunSat week. If these messages aren’t intentional, I’d be surprised. 5HSO\ VFKG\UHV VD\V )HEUXDU\ DW SP Plain guy and smllballplay: please supply data that support your claim that NYSUT and teachers care more about making money, than educating students. You would benefit from visiting present day schools, and observing what teachers do day, after day. Better yet, volunteer and help mentor students who are in need of role models. Hard to believe teachers would choose teaching, of all professions, merely to make money. These days it is one of the most thankless, unappreciated professions. The rewarding part is when a student, or students, display that look on their faces signifying that they now understand a concept that had previously eluded them. No one can take that away. 5HSO\ .QXFNOH 'UDJJHU VD\V )HEUXDU\ DW SP Public schools are for profit, the profit of nysut, csea, sanny’s and NYScoss. Believing otherwise demonstrates a polyanish view of the world that can’t be remedied by trolling. Thanks for the meme explanation Mr. Seiler. I notice some posters include images or YouTube links. Is there a guide page, my Googlefoo is weak in that. VPEDOOSOD\ VD\V )HEUXDU\ DW SP Schd: you want a list of some union and teacher job actions taken to advance their own financial positions to the detriment of the children? Come on, that’s what happens. It’s a natural order. . I have friends and relatives who have taught in public schools for many years. I have done presentations in public schools many times. So, I’m somewhat familiar with what goes on. ]RUNDPXQGR VD\V )HEUXDU\ DW DP Not all teachers are only in it for the money. As an example I refer to a good friend who recently retired as the principal of Lackawanna HS. I understand the antiNYSUT sentiment expressed here but don’t think even NYSUT can stamp out the dedication that most of their rankandfile teachers exhibit. As one who picketed my own national union headquarters during the Eastern strike, I can also understand the rankandfile frustration with NYSUT politics. But I believe that NYSUT must continue to play hardball against the likes of Cuomo and SED leadership. VFKG\UHV VD\V )HEUXDU\ DW DP Knuckle Dragger: Whichever definition of “trolling” you are applying here, none is appropriate. Branding someone else’s view as Pollyannish because it does not fit your view, does not elevate your view. view, does not elevate your view. Public schools are not for profit for investors who know little or nothing about teaching, and do not receive salaries for their work in education. Charter Schools are many times at least partially funded by such investors, who look forward to a return on their investment. Smballplay: How is “the natural order of things” proof of your description of the detrimental (to students) actions of unions and teachers and to financially advance themselves? You paint with such a broad brush. With your presentations in schools in your background, you might consider voluntering in the schools in a more personal relationship with students. 0DUYLQ VD\V )HEUXDU\ DW SP Apparently the State Education Department has its own set of problems. Remember a few weeks ago there was a fight of some kind between an employee and a supervisor, the agency went on a lockdown, yet it seems that staff may not have known about the situation until it was released in the media. Maybe the focus should be on personnel issues, nepotism, and inter departmental relationships rather than on charter schools. 5HSO\ ]RUNDPXQGR VD\V )HEUXDU\ DW DP We have not had an update on that incident – and probably will not, either. Sad, but we will never find out what really happened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¶V DQ HOHFWLRQ \HDU :DWFK +HDVWLH 4$ RQ WD[ SODQ SHQVLRQ IRUIHLWXUH DQG PRUH &XRPR 7KHUH¶V PLOOLRQ DYDLODEOH WR GHYHORS WD[ VDYLQJ LGHDV %XIIDOR WR KRVW VWDWH 5HSXEOLFDQ FRQYHQWLRQ 'HPRFUDW :LOO <DQGLN MRLQV 1< UDFH (QWHUFLW\VWDWHRU=,3 &DWHJRULHV 6HOHFW&DWHJRU\ 5HFHQWFRPPHQWV 1<687 (OLD¶V SUHVHQFH DW FKDUWHU UDOO\ µVHQGV WKH ZURQJ PHVVDJH¶ 5HHS'DJJOH 6XUSULVLQJ WR QR RQH VPDOO \RX RSWHG WR LJQRUH WKH FDOO IRU \RX WR EDFN XS \RXU RZQ FODLPV VR \RX $VVHPEO\ 'HPRFUDWV LQWURGXFH ELOO WR LQFUHDVH PLOOLRQDLUHV¶ WD[ HDUQHG LQFRPH FUHGLW XSGDWHG $QGUHZ 6DPP\ DQG \RX MXVW GHVFULEHG (9(5< SXEOLF XQLRQ WR D 7 %XIIDOR WR KRVW VWDWH 5HSXEOLFDQ FRQYHQWLRQ VDPP\ :K\ GRQ¶W WKH\ KROG WKHLU FRQYHQWLRQ RQ :DOO 6W" 7KHQ WKHLU RZQHUV ZRQ¶W KDYH WR WUDYHO 2Q *URXQGKRJ 'D\ $VVHPEO\ SDVVHV SDLG IDPLO\ OHDYH ELOO DJDLQ IOR\GLDQVOLS )XOO\ VXSSRUW 3)/ EXW WKHUH QHHGV WR EH VRPH SURYLVLRQ ZKLFK VWDWHV WKDW WKH EHQHILW LV DFWLYDWHG RQFH 'HPRFUDW :LOO <DQGLN MRLQV 1< UDFH VDPP\ ,V <DQGLN DV VWURQJ D SURSRQHQW RI VWRSSLQJ WKH &RUUXSWLRQ RI %LOOLRQDLUHV EX\LQJ HOHFWLRQV DV =HSK\U $0 5RXQGXS 5HWXUQ RI WKH PLOOLRQDLUH WD[ RU ,W¶V DQ HOHFWLRQ \HDU WUXWK +RZDUG =HPVN\ SUHVLGHQW RI WKH (PSLUH 6WDWH 'HYHORSPHQW FRUSRUDWLRQ VDLG KH IHHOV EDG WKDW 6WDUW8S 1< ³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