

ovember 2011
Mandurah Over 55 Cycling Club Newsletter
From the President’s Desk
Inside this issue:
As you would know by now there has been a changing of the guard and it is my privilege to be now writing this section of Cyclemania. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Brian and his retiring committee for their efforts over this last year in
keeping our club moving along in a positive direction. Despite some declining attendance numbers, the high quality of our activities continues.
Your newly elected committee has had it first meeting and I am very impressed by
how quickly these members have smoothly transitioned into their new roles with enthusiasm and apparent commitment. Most of these people are relatively new to our
club and may bring in some refreshing adjustments to our activities. This club is
strong and has many accepted traditions which we intend to retain. There are not
likely to be any drastic or dynamic changes but some old habits may need to be addressed. We will keep this great club moving forward.
A number of away rides, the Albany week and the Christmas Dinner are all almost
upon us and require some considerable organisation. Your committee will do as much
as possible but will require some assistance by the general membership in order to
make these events successful. Think not what the Mandurah O55CC can do for you
but what you can do for the MO55CC ! Many members have always been involved
in assisting with these activities and I dare say this will continue. Most people can
feel some sense of personal satisfaction by being involved with small but meaningful
tasks helping Liz, the Social Coordinator, Mel the Ride Captain or Lorraine the Publicity Officer for instance.
I am looking forward to the challenges of the next year and still thoroughly enjoy my
weekly Tuesday rides with various groups for the interaction and cycling fitness.
Ride on.
Andy McLeavy
From the President’s Desk
From the Editor
Committee 2011
And from the Ride Captain...
Committee Meeting Notes
New Committee Members
Under the Pump
Melbourne Cup Photos
Melbourne Cup Lunch
Golden Wedding Anniversaries
The Riding Raconteur
Trekking for a Cause
Kwinana/Byford Away Ride
Looking After Your Lower Back
Coming up
Albany Tour dates please mark your
Sunday 20 ovember
Sunday 27 ovember
4th November
Andy McLeavy
7th November
Ron Smith
10th November
Geoff McKeowan
10th November
Kevin Baxter
November 2011
> First ~ Eventually you will reach a point when
you stop lying about your age and start bragging
about it.
> Second ~ The older we get, the fewer things
seem worth waiting in line for.
> Third ~ Some people try to turn back their
odometers. Not me; I want people to know 'why' I
look this way. I've travelled a long way, and some
of the roads weren't paved.
Mandurah Over 55 Cycling Club (Inc.)
PO Box 979 Mandurah WA 6210
From the Editor
It is with some trepidation that I take over the role of
Publicity Officer with the Mandurah Over 55 Cycle
Club - primarily as I have a huge pair of shoes to fill!
I know that every member of the Club will agree that
Anne has done a superlative job of compiling and publishing Cyclemania over the past two years. I know I
always look forward to reading about what’s happened
with the various members, what decisions have been
made, useful information relating to cycling, amusing
snippets and sayings, and seeing the photos from different activities that have taken place.
I am certain that I echo the sentiments of all Club
Members when I express sincere thanks to Anne for
the great job she has done.
And now for the present. I will do my best to continue
on where Anne has left off. On that note, I will be very
thankful for any information that Members can give
me that will help keep the newsletter informative and
entertaining. This includes items for the ”Riding Raconteur” section. I know that many of you hear or see
funny things while on your rides and others would like
to share these lighter moments with you. To make
Committee 2011
Andy McLeavy
9883 8387
[email protected]
Vice President: Dick Turner
9583 3236
[email protected]
Terry Lindley
9534 9973
[email protected]
Tony Edwards
[email protected]
Ride Captain:
Mel Tadier
9581 2629
[email protected]
Publicity Officer /ewsletter Editor
Lorraine ielsen
9582 2296
[email protected]
Committee Members:
Irene Beynon
Ros Blaszkow
Stan Blaszkow
November 2011
Brian Fairless
Geoff Newby
Liz Warren
things easier for you, I will place some slips on the
Notice Board for you to record what you may have
seen or heard and a box to place them in. Please don’t
forget to make use of these.
Our sincere thanks go to the members of the outgoing
committee who have given their time and efforts unstintingly to ensure that the MO55CC continues to be
successful in providing exercise and recreation for its
The new committee began its activities with energy
and enthusiasm, evident when their first brief informal
meeting became a two hour formal meeting that dealt
with a large number of issues. Evidence of what was
achieved is in the Minutes posted on the notice board.
I have given a brief overview on page 3. I have also
included a “gallery” of the new Committee Members
so that you will have no trouble identifying them.
November is a very busy month with a number of
away rides scheduled as well as the usual club rides.
There’s the Kwinana/Byford Ride, the Mystery
Breakfast Ride, The McCallum/Guildford Ride and of
course, the Albany Tour. I have taken part in a number of these away rides and thoroughly recommend
them. They give members an opportunity to meet riders from other groups and build up a camaraderie that
otherwise may not happen. I would particularly encourage slower riders to participate; I fit into that category and still have lots of fun when I take part in these
The Melbourne Cup Luncheon was a great success
and our thanks go to our new Social Coordinator, Liz,
her team of helpers and to those who brought food or
assisted in any way.
A number of Members have undertaken some very
challenging rides over the last month or so. Geoff
Newby and Ruth Haslam completed the Harvey Rotary-Lions South West Trek raising money for the
Children's Leukaemia and Cancer Research Foundation. Barb and Mike Burrows, Pat Every, Bill Clare
and George Pawloff completed an 18 day, over 1000
km ride through the South West. Congratulations to
you all!
Thank you to all those who gave me contributions for
this month’s newsletter. These make my job so much
Got any news, cycling photos, or suggestions for future articles? Please pass them on to me at the club,
by phone (9582 2296), or email to:
[email protected]
Lorraine ielsen (Ed.)
Page 2
And from the Ride Captain…
The event has been running for 9 years and during
that time has raised over $400,000. Next year is the
10th anniversary of this ride and it is planned to
encourage as many people as possible to participate
so that the target of $50,000 can be raised.
My first month as Ride Captain is shaping up to be a
busy one with the Melbourne Cup on 1st Nov, then
three away rides: Kwinana/Byford on 4 November,
Breakfast Ride with 8 am start on 11 November and the
McCallum Park/Guildford Ride on 18 November. At
this time the destination of the Breakfast Ride is still a
mystery, even to me. McCallum Park/Guildford may
be a bit close to the Albany Tour which starts on 20th
November, but I'm sure that there are plenty of club
members not going to Albany who will enjoy this
If you are going on the Albany Tour, you
should book your accommodation now.
I took part in the Ocean Ride for MS from Freo to
Hilary's recently. It was a great ride with about 2,000
participants. I know that there are quite a few club
members who enter these events and I urge anyone
able to do so, to have a go.
As I am given to understand, we should have 6 First
Aid Kits which Group Leaders are supposed to carry
on club rides. Would those of you who have one
please let me know.
Congratulations to Geoff Newby and Ruth Haslam for
completing the Mandurah to Augusta Ride for the Children’s Leukaemia and Cancer Research Foundation.
Safe riding, Mel Tadier
Committee Meeting otes
Matters arising from 4 October Committee Meeting: •
Terry is to organize the updating of the Mandurah Over
55 Cycling Club sign attached to the club building with
the new President’s landline phone number included.
Concerning the use of the trailer, a motion was passed
that “A Member of the Mandurah Over 55 Cycling Club
may use a club bike trailer for an independent event on
the condition that the event then becomes recognized as •
an official event to be inserted into the club ride calendar
and made open to other members through the usual ride
calendar promotion. The Secretary is to add this to the
By-Laws as a “part b of Rule 17.
Tony is to pay three accounts outstanding - Phoenix
Insurance for Public Liability cover to October 2012,
rent to City of Mandurah and reimbursement to Lionel
Savill. Members need to be aware that all rides must
be documented in the Ride Calendar to ensure that
events occurring outside the normal Tuesday/Friday
rides are covered for incidents that lead to damage/
injury to another property/party.
Tony reported that the present annual member fee
revenue adequately covered the expenses for the past
twelve months. Based on this information, the Committee agreed to leave the existing $45 annual membership fee unchanged for 2011/12.
General Business
Matters Arising from the AGM, 11 October 2011:
The following relates to the matter of brakes on the
chuck wagon. Terry is to check the aggregated weight of
both Club trailers as set down in their licenses and Third
Party Insurance. Andy has agreed to contact Lionel as
the designer of the chuck wagon and seek his advice on
the matter. Both the chuck wagon and the bike trailer,
should be taken, fully loaded to the City of Mandurah
weighbridge before deciding whether upgrade of brakes
is required. The Committee requests that a club member
with a suitable towing vehicle volunteers to undertake
this task.
Proposal 1 (2010 AGM) that “ future the position of
Social Coordinator be a nominated position and not just
delegated to a Committee Member.” was discussed and
carried. Liz Warren has accepted the position of Social
Coordinator for the next twelve months.
Mel Tadier has accepted the position of Ride Captain for
the next twelve months on the understanding that he
would be absent for approximately 5 months in 2012
and will therefore need the assistance of other committee
Members during this time.
November 2011
Andy and Dick to attend the Peel Community Grants
Expo on Thursday 27 October.
Stan to provide a TV monitor for the Melbourne Cup
lunch if the previous years’ arrangement with Lionel
Savill is not available this year.
List for those wishing to participate in the Albany
Tour to be posted on notice board.
A proposal was carried that for the 2011/12 summer
ride season, the 8.00 am start time should begin on the
first Tuesday in December and should continue until
the end of March 2012. A further extension of the
8.00 am start time, to include November, will be considered for 2012.
Amendments to be made to the Ride Calendar and
included in this newsletter.
Dick to approach Keith Jenner with a request that he
maintain an up to date, detailed list of club members.
Dick to continue in his role of introductory mentor for
new club members.
For your information, full minutes of the meetings
are displayed on the club notice board.
Page 3
(or Rogues’ Gallery)
9883 8387
9583 3236
President: Andy McLeavy
Vice President: Richard Turner
9534 9973
9581 2746
9581 2629
Terry Lindley
Tony Edwards
Ride Captain:
Mel Tadier
0428 148 260
Social Coordinator:
Liz Warren
9581 7938
Committee Member:
Stan Blaszkow
November 2011
9582 2296
Publicity Officer:
Lorraine ielsen
9535 1750
Committee Member:
Irene Beynon
9581 7938
Committee Member:
Ros Blaszkow
9535 2965
9535 1750
Committee Member:
Brian Fairless
Committee Member
Geoff ewby
Page 4
Under the Pump
opportunity of seeing all sorts of
places and things [from Hayman
Island to Hobart and from Byron
Bay to Adelaide] on that side of this
wonderful country we live in.
… .Tony Edwards!
On returning to Perth, I joined a nationwide manufacturing public company as
Finance Director, and after a restructuring of the Company in 1992 joined
WA’s then largest rural Cooperative as
CFO. Both jobs were very interesting
and challenging, with the Coop 5 year
contract being my last job!
I was born in Oxfordshire in England
in 1944 and arrived in Australia in
1950. It was February and bloody hot
and I remember asking a kid across the
road “where was the school? ” He said
something like “down the road and thru
the bush”. Coming from England, I
thought a bush was a hedge , and so the
next day I set off with my pommy sandals on and found myself looking at
500 metres of sand and scrub, and
within no time at all, I was hopping
from [little] bush to bush to avoid the
boiling hot sand,. So much for my introduction to Australia!!!
We lived in Manning which was then a
State Housing estate with gravel roads
and a dunny out the back – a far cry
from London. I got my “leaving” at
Aquinas College, played in Manning’s
first Perth district premiership winning
side in 1961, and met Lyn in 1963.
I started studying accounting, went up
north [for money of course], married in
1966 and headed off to Sydney. We
stayed there for 2 years then off to Rabaul in PNG for 4 years where I finished my studies by correspondence
and became a qualified accountant.
Derek, our first son was born back in
Perth in 1972, and Mark, our second
son was born in 1974. Both boys live in
Perth. Derek is now an insurance broker and Mark a financial planner.
I held a number of junior accounting
positions and in 1979 got promoted
within a major international engineering group and was off to Sydney again.
I later joined Westpac in Sydney as
GM Finance and Admin in their Venture Capital division, and in 1988 we
decided to come back to Perth. We had
enjoyed our time in the east, and over
the years, Lyn, the boys and I had the
November 2011
Favourite time of the year
I really like both Autumn and Spring.
To get away from the relative harshness of our summer and winter periods, and enjoy beautiful sunny days in
the low 20s is my idea of feeling good
about being alive. Great for bike riding
as well.
Favourite holiday destination
On retirement Lyn and I moved to Mandurah and have grown to really appreciate the benefits of living here [other
than the mozzies]. We have been boating about the estuary and caravanning
to both the north and east of Australia but it always comes back to the old saying that there is no place like home. Lyn
has a brother and a sister living here and
we have met a lot of lovely people since
coming to Mandurah, particularly in the
Cycle Club.
My Bike:
I ride an Avanti, Blade 3.0 Sounds impressive I must say, but I don’t seem to
be able to go any faster with it – it must
be me!!!!
Favourite ride:
I always enjoy riding south from the
Club alongside the ocean and back beside the estuary. Some of the ride can be
a little taxing if you have had a late evening the night before, but the scenery is
always fantastic irrespective of the
Best time I ever had on a bike :
Riding for me has to be fun, so nearly
every time I set out it is a good time.
But I guess the most memorable ride I
have had was during the Busselton tour
of 2009. A number of us set off to ride
to Cowaramup on a wet but not too
windy morning. I knew I was well short
of being the best rider and from time to
time I found it a bit hard going, but I
pushed on enjoying the scenery and
trying not to fall too far behind the top 3
ahead. I was determined to finish no
worse than 4th. Eventually we got there
and I had achieved my objective – I was
By the way, did I mention there were
only 4 of us on the ride !!!!!!!!!
I’ve seen a lot of Australia, and before
and after retirement, have been fortunate to see quite a number of places
overseas as well. I think I am a bit of a
city person and when I look back,
there are 2 places in particular that I
have really enjoyed – Sydney for its
buzz and location, and London for its
history and just about everything else.
I could go to those two places anytime
[as long as I had enough money].
Best book :
I don’t think I have a best book, but I
do like to read thrilling and intriguing
novels by authors such as Wilbur
Smith, John Le Carre, and Robert
Ludlum. I found Ken Follett’s historical stuff pretty interesting, but got
really tired of the Jean M Auel sequence of novels about our ancestors
of 30,000 years ago.
Favourite movie :
Again, I don’t think I have a favourite
movie, but I do like a good story that
can be interesting or funny or have
you sitting on the edge of your seat.
I’ve liked quite a number of Russel
Crow’s work including A Brilliant
Mind, Gladiator, Cinderella Man and
Master and Commander. I also enjoyed the Bourne movies and for
something a bit different Burn after
Reading was a hoot.
When not on the bike I enjoy :
Sport, listening to music - current favourite is Sarah Brightman but also
like a lot of the stuff from the 60s. I
also enjoy reading, honing up on history, and contemplating [I can’t think
of a better printable word] the current
political and economic scene.
Page 5
And the Winner Was….?
November 2011
Page 6
Melbourne Cup Lunch
About 50 members sat down to a scrumptious
Melbourne Cup Lunch on Tuesday 1st November. Great food was organised by Liz Warren
[the new Social Coordinator] and Ros Blaszkow, with salads and desserts being made by
club members.
The sweeps were once again organised by Ray
Edwards and his helpers. Everyone looks forward to the chance of winning a place. Val was
seconded to give out the prizes, and she had to
run nearly as fast as the horses to keep up with
Ray reading out the prize winners.
The hat parade was dismal in number as only
three ladies paraded their hats. One of these
was a well thought out number by Moyra Naughton which was a folded piece of newspaper.
Come on girls - lets go all out next year.
During the course of the proceedings Andy and
Liz did the Raffle draws. Many prizes were
given away and it turned into a “Chook” raffle as
extra chickens were added to the prizes.
Once again a lot of fun was had by all. Many
thanks to everyone who helped in anyway to
make it another great day.
By Pat Garrett
50 Years Together - What a Wonderful Milestone
November 2011
Page 7
The Riding Raconteur
During a club ride a few
weeks ago Group 4 arrived at
ino’s for their coffee, to
find one of the speedy groups
already settled in. Bob L
who had a cut in his neck,
explained the wound was the
result of a shonky razor while
shaving. The question was
asked, “Did Pat apply a tourniquet to stem the bleeding?”
The coffee guzzlers, at their
morning tea stop out near
The Cut, were discussing a
recent ational Press Club
Address televised on ABC
TV. Not sure if we got it
right but the Ambassador for
Menopause was mentioned in
the context of the program.
Quick to respond Lawrie
asked, “How did she get a
flush job like that?”
On a recent Tuesday ride at
coffee time, the conversation
turned to heart problems, at
which point Charles faked a
collapse and had some of usfooled. From there, the dis-
cussion went to resuscitation
and how the present trend is
for chest compressions rather
than mouth to mouth.
Charles, at first very enthusiastic about the new method,
completely lost interest when
he learned that it involved
hand to chest contact rather
than chest to chest!
During Thursday rides, it is
usual for some of the riders to
go over the sand hills while
others take a more direct
route. Doug was heard to say
that he wouldn’t go over the
dunes on that particular day
as he had “a wobbly cluster”!
Trekking for a Cause
Two of our members, Geoff Newby and Ruth Haslam,
recently completed the Harvey Rotary-Lions South
West Bike Trek, 2011. The aim of the Trek is to raise
money for The Children's Leukaemia and Cancer Research Foundation.
The trek lasted for six days, during which the riders
followed a rather circuitous route, beginning at Mandurah, then on to Pinjarra, Harvey, Bunbury, Busselton, Margaret River and finally, Augusta.
Nine participants began in Mandurah and others
joined along the way, for varying distances and
amounts of time. Twelve Waroona high school students - one a VIP student who rode tandem with his
deputy head master - joined in the ride from Pinjarra
to Harvey. This was quite a challenge for them as they
had to contend with strong wind for much of the way.
Another thirty students, this time from Harvey Primary School, joined the ride for about five kilometres.
More importantly, these kids had raised $2000.00 off
their own bat for the Foundation. A great effort. Two
Bunbury Rotary members joined the ride from Harvey
to Bunbury.
The Trek could not have been so successful without
the support of the Lions and Rotary Clubs of Mandurah, Pinjarra, Waroona, Harvey, Bunbury,
November 2011
Busselton, Margaret River, and Augusta, as well as
the local Seniors Group at Binningup. These organisations provided food and accommodation for the
riders throughout the journey.
Also supporting the fund raising effort of the group
were the Managements of the Camp Grace Caravan
Park in Busselton and the Sheoak Chalets in Augusta
who provided accommodation free of charge.
As well as the money raised by individual riders, donations were received by various clubs, Councils, and
other organisations along the way.
In Geoff's own words:
"This Trek was a very enjoyable time, and more
importantly, it raised a lot of money to help
some very sick kids. I personally have done it
three times now and hope to go again next year.
This will be the tenth anniversary of the Trek
and the organisers are hoping to reach
$500,000 as a total of money raised over the
time it has been held. Anyone interested in participating in 2012, please contact me.
All the Best - Geoff ewby."
Page 8
Kwinana-Byford Away Ride
On Friday 4 November, 10 members enjoyed the ride from
Kwinana to Byford.
Seven of us took the softer option and caught the train to
Kwinana, while three stalwarts, Dick, Colin and Phil rode to
Mortimer Road and joined the train travellers there.
The ride to Byford was very pleasant with no rain and the
wind at our backs. I might add that the riders who had cycled from Mandurah had got a thorough soaking on the
way. It was an easy ride, so we were able to take in the rural
scenery along the way and enjoy the company and congenial banter with different members of the group as we rode.
We arrived at Byford in very good time and were sitting
eating lunch about
wind to contend with. It was great to see the stronger riders
assisting the slower riders. I speak for Lyn and myself when
I say, “Thanks very much - we appreciate it”.
It would be great to see more riders on these away rides.
They’re a great way to get to know other people in the
MO55CC and have fun at the same time.
The trip back to Wellard was not so fast as we had a head
By Lorraine ielsen
Looking After Your Lower Back
(Adapted from article by Christine Sproule)
In preparing yourself to achieve your cycling goals whether they be ambitious or modest, recreational or competitive, don’t neglect giving your lower back some attention. Your lower back needs to be flexible and strong to be in
good working order. Below are some exercises and stretches that will help keep your lower back in good working
November 2011
Page 9
Coming up...
Amendments or updates to the calendar will be posted on the club
notice board. You can also check the upcoming events on the club’s
website at
Tuesday 1 November
Club ride and Melbourne Cup Lunch
Halls Head
9:00 am
Friday 4 November
Away Ride
9.00 am
Tuesday 8 November
Club Ride and Committee meeting
Halls Head
9:00 am
Friday 11 November
Breakfast Ride
Social Ride: as fast as slowest rider
Leave from Rotunda
8.00 am
Friday 18 November
Away Ride
McCallum Park-Guildford
9:00 am
Sunday 20 November to
Sunday 27 November
Albany Cycle Tour
(Programme available 20 Nov in
Please note that from 1 December 2011, all rides will start at 8.00 am
Friday 2 December
Away Ride
Woodman Point-Cottesloe
Tuesday 6 December
Club Ride and Committee Meeting
Halls head
8.00 am
Friday 9 December
Christmas Dinner Party
Dudley Park Bowling Club
6.30 pm
Tuesday 20 December
Club Ride followed by Morning Tea
for Supporters
Halls Head
8.00 am
Club ride every Tuesday
Social Ride (as fast as the slowest rider) from the Rotunda every Friday
Free advertising for members! If you’ve got cycling gear or other items to BUY or SELL you
might like to advertise in this Newsletter, or on the For Sale page of our website. Please contact the
Editor on (08)9582 2296, or email [email protected] with details.
Safe Cycling, and may the wind be always at your back
November 2011
Page 10