May 2013 - The Checkerboardflyer


May 2013 - The Checkerboardflyer
Newsletter Editor: Bill Bitautas
April Meeting Notes:
May 2013
New Members
John Ferentz called the meeting
to order at 7:25. There were 15
club members present but no
models brought in for Show &
Tell. Jim & Gerardo have been
slacking off.
Gary Parenti gave the
Treasurers report and said that
since we really didn’t have a
meeting last month, there were
no raffle expenses, so the gift
certificates were carried over to
the April meeting. New member
Juan Alvarez was introduced.
He has been working the last 41
years and recently retired. Now
is his time to get back into
modeling. Welcome Juan!
Gerardo volunteered to help
Juan get started.
John reminded the gathered
membership of the upcoming 3
Fun Flys that are being held on
Sundays. Here they are:
May 19 - Gerardo Sulic
June 23 - John Eggum
July 21 - Jim Ansel
Hat Display
He also mentioned a plan to
have some “How to...” sessions
at club meetings. Members
would volunteer to talk about
some aspect of assembling a
model plane. Stay tuned.
Sounds like a great idea.
Brian Tomasiewicz brought in a
variety of airplane related hats
and talked about having hats &
Raffle Winners!
Gift Certificates from:
Al’s Hobby
$100 - Brian Tomasiewicz
$25 - John Nowikowski
We welcome new club members
Kevon Noreiga (top) and Juan
John talked about our plans for
Lionel Lusardi Day. Several
ideas were discussed including
getting information out to the
community, selling food items,
using buddy boxes to get new
people interested in the hobby,
and having club literature
available to hand out.
Next Meeting:
Quick Calendar Dates:
May 19 - Fun Fly - Noon
May 26 - Glider Event Palos R/C Club 9a
Brian brought in some sample
club type hats and talked about
T-shirt possibilities.
June 23 - Tri-Village R/C
Giant Scale Fun Fly
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May 16 - 7:00 PM
Forest Park Community
7640 Jackson Blvd.
Forest Park, IL.
Number to call to see if the
meeting room is open:
The Checkerboard Flyer
jackets made with the club logo.
That led to a discussion about
exactly what is our club logo.
Rudy and the Polish Masked
Ace were mentioned. Someone
said that the blue Checkerboard
T-shirt that had a biplane in
flight is the logo in question. Ed
Pickart volunteered to help
trace the artwork in preparation
for printing. Before that would
happen, we would need to
identify our logo. That is a
problem. I think that we don’t
have one.
Brian also alerted us to the
Cook County Day to be held at
the Daley Center. The County
has information booths setup to
disseminate information about
various activities. SAC, the
Suburban Aero Club, will be
present and Brian said that they
might be available to hand out
literature for our club as well.
We have a couple of pdf files;
one is a membership application,
the other has general
information about our club
including a map to show where
we fly and meet.
Gerardo At Work...
Steve Janninck picture.
Pics from last year’s April Fun Fly
Birthdays March:
Charlie Bauer
Bill Bitautas
Clifford Kotchka
Paul Park
Ed Pickart
Harry Salako
John Walts
Rudy club artwork from many
years ago.
Free Battery Chargers!!!
Bill 773-410-2150 or
[email protected]
Birthdays April:
John Eggum
John Ferentz
Carl Heller
Matt Kanzia
Pat Pszczola
Brian Tomasiewicz
That was it for the
administrative part of the
meeting. There was no Show &
Tell, so we took a break and
bought raffle tickets, then
reconvened and held the raffle.
A motion to adjourn was
accepted and we were on our
way into the night after some
chit chat. On my way home I
noticed that the Polar Bear is
open again. I didn’t stop, but
after the May meeting for sure.
Page 2
One Vision Peak Ultra, one
Hobbico Quick Field charger,
one Hobbico Accu-Cycle Elite.
The Checkerboard Flyer
A reprint from the past...Bob’s favorite.
Page 3
The Checkerboard Flyer
Event Calendar 2013
Jan. 1 Breakfast Fly - 10 AM
Mother’s Day Restaurant
8815 W. Cermak Rd.
North Riverside, Il. 60546
Jan. 17 Club Meeting
Feb. 21 Club Meeting
Mar. 21 Club Meeting
Apr. 18 Club Meeting
May 16 Club Meeting
May 19 Fun Fly - Noon
June 20 Club Meeting
June 23 Fun Fly - Noon
July 18 Club Meeting
Aug. 15 Club Meeting
Sept. 19 Club Meeting
Sept. 21 Family Picnic - Noon
Oct. 17 Club Meeting
Nov. 21 Club Meeting
Nov. 24 Chili Fly - Noon
Dec. 19 Meeting & Party
Meetings begin @ 7:00 PM.
Visitors are welcome. The times
and dates for Fun Flys will be
announced before the April
Interference Problem
We have continuing interference
on channels 16, 17, 24, 25,
26, & 35 at the field. If you
are using any of these
frequencies, change to a
different one ASAP. Or switch
over to a 2.4 GHz system.
Cook County Forest
Preserve District Note:
From the Cook County Forest
Preserve District:
“The flying of any form of model
aircraft within the Forest
Preserve District shall be
prohibited except in such areas
which have been designated as
“Model Airplane Flying Fields”.
The areas will be posted by the
District and other signs will not
be permitted. Each area shall be
available for the flying of all
types of model aircraft by any
and all individuals on a firstcome, first-served basis.”
“Model Airplane Flying Fields will
be maintained by the District on
a par with picnic and similar use
areas. Refined mowing by
individuals or groups is
Board Members
Vice Pres.
Field Marshal
John Ferentz
Mark Kanzia
Gary Parenti
Kim Kraft
ParkFlyers Note
ParkFlyers are welcome at
Checkerboard Field.
The Checkerboard Flyer
P.O. Box 6178
Broadview, IL 60155
Fly Market
2 sets GWS floats - Free!!!
Bill 773-410-2150 or
[email protected]
When you make a purchase at
Al’s Hobby Shop, tell them that
you belong to our club. Al’s
provides clubs with a rebate on
total club sales. It typically
Club Contact / Web Site
Checkerboard Field R/C Club
P.O. Box 6178
Broadview, IL 60155
Club Web Site: http://
[email protected]
Facebook: https://
Post message:
[email protected]
[email protected]