
Pride Sponsors
Pride Pins On Sale
Pride Festival Pins
are now on sale.
Pins are $20
(value $150). Pin
holders get exclusive access to
many Pride Festival events
through the week. On top of that,
they get discounts to local merchants and special events. See
TennesseeValleyPride.com for full
Chattanooga CARES Prevention Education Department is now offering two
new Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention interventions for HIV positive individuals. For more information
regarding these interventions, contact
Volume 2, Issue 3
P R I D E E d i t i o n 2 00 8
Bringing Pride To the Tennessee Valley and Beyond
In the past Tennessee Valley Pride
has successfully held two regional
pride events each year, but major
changes are on the way. The pride
organization based in Chattanooga,
TN will combine its efforts into one
week long pride festival. In partnership with Chattanooga CARES,
Pride Week Festival 2008 is planned
for October 12 – 19, 2008. In addition, past pride events have been
held shortly outside the conserva-
Volunteers Needed
tive city of Chattanooga. This year
the pride festival on October 19
will be held at Miller Plaza in
downtown Chattanooga, TN, just
blocks from City Hall. This year’s
pride theme will be “Carnivale.”
Already many local, state, and
national organizations and businesses have agreed to be apart of
the festival and lend what ever
support is needed.
“I think the climate of the city is
slowly changing. As Chattanooga
grows, open minded ideals are
starting to effect changes being felt
all over the city. This is the perfect
time to step up to the next level as
a pride organization and GLBT community,” Joseph Smith, Marketing
Director for Tennessee Valley Pride
said. “It will be tough at first; since
it will be the first major full public
vote really does count. The 2000
presidential election was the
closest election in the United
States to date. Polls indicate that
the upcoming election could be
even closer yet.
Jerry Evans @ 648-9916. Healthy Relationships is a multisession, small group, skillsbuilding program for men and women
living with HIV/AIDS. The program is designed to reduce participants’ stress related to safer sexual behaviors and disclosure of their serostatus to family, friends,
and sex partners. The program is based on
Social Cognitive Theory, which states that
persons learn by observing other people
successfully practice a new behavior.
access event in Chattanooga. We
may loose some participation from
the closeted crowd, but it is important that we show all of Chattanooga
that the GLBT community is strong
and represents a growing segment of
the population that has, for along
time been ignored”, Smith said.
To help fund the weeks events pride
festival pins will be sold. The pins are
$20.00 each and will be available
starting September 4, 2008. While
many of the events and the pride
event in the park are free and open
to the public, some events will have
a charge. By purchasing a pin most
events will be free or will be sharply
discounted. “We are making every
effort to make as many events free
to the public, but we still have to
maintain an operating budget”,
Mario Forte, TVP President said.
12th Annual Cut Up For Life
Cut Up for Life is a collaborative
in being a
effort of local beauty salons and
Pride FestiTVP Singers
spas, their stylists, nail technival Voluncians and massage therapists who
The TVP Singers will
teers? We
give their valuable time and skills
be having our first
need it all; setup, cleanup, stage
to raise money for people afPublic Performance runners, security, & many more.
fected by HIV.
at the St. Elmo
Contact Chuck Hill
This year the event will be on
United Methodist
Email: volunteer@
Sunday, September 7th from 12Church during morning service on
5pm and will take place at the
September the 14th. We are hoping
We have a volunteer position for
you will come out and support our
Chattanooga Market First Tennesweb designer and MySpace coordigroup.
see Pavilion. Participating salon
nator. Contact Chuck Hill for details logos will be added to the webIn addition we will be kicking of
Pride week on October 12 at the
Chattanooga Little Theatre with a
Your Voice, Your Rights, Vote!
performance of the Atlanta Gay
Why vote??? First and foremost,
Dates to Remember:
Men's Choir “Panache”. We will be
opening for the group. On Sunday
voting is a civil right, hard-won for
Oct. 6 2008 – Last
October 19th we will be performing
women, African Americans, and
day to register to
at Miller Plaza for the Pride Week
other citizens, and the foundation
Festival. We hope everyone will
of our democracy. Secondly, milOct. 15 – 30 2008 –
lions of people around the world
Early Voting
We are always looking for new
have no say in who governs them,
voices. Please come out to see us
Nov. 4 2008 – Day to Vote
so don't squander your own
and consider joining our group.
power. And thirdly, every single
Jan. 20 2009 – George W. Bush’s
New Prevention Program
Tennessee Valley Pride
T en n es s eeV a lleyPr i d e .co m
LAST day in office!
More info can be found at the following:
site soon. The
services that
they are providing will also be
listed. Please
check them out
and decide who you want to see!
Tickets for the event are $20 per
service and can be purchased in
the salons or by calling Sarah at
648-9912. The event is facilitated
by Chattanooga CARES which receives the proceeds of the day.
SCC Events
down the
Ocoee with
Chattanooga. Sept. 12 & 13. The
cost is $100, including lodging,
rafting, and a BBQ dinner.
Oct. 31 & Nov. 1st is our Annual
Hoedown at Chucks. Costume
party on the 31st.
November 14th is the Chattanooga Showgirl pageant at
Join TVP For Our 1st Pride Week Festival
Pride Week Basics
Events include many free
events and several fee based
events. Event pins are on sale
for $20.00 at Images in Chattanooga TN starting September
4, 2008.
Sunday October 12th – Choral Concert
The concert will feature The Atlanta Gay Men’s
Chorus Panache and TVP Singers. The event
will take place at Chattanooga Theatre Centre
located in Chattanooga, TN. Tickets are $15.00,
but with the purchase of a pride festival pin,
the concert is free.
Sunday October 12th – Candlelight Vigil
Sunday evening VIGIL of East Tennessee and
Spectrum of UTC will host a candle light vigil at
7PM. This event will mark the 10th anniversary
of the death of Mathew Sheppard. The event is
free and open to the public.
Sunday October 12th – Lipstick/Dipstick Pageant
The lipstick/ dipstick pageant searches for the
area’s best feminine and masculine lesbians.
Standard pageant rules apply. The pageant
starts at 10PM sharp and admission is free
with a pride festival pin.
Monday October 13th – Comedy Night
Images Show bar will host a special performance-one night only event with a nationally
recognized and local grown comic. The show
starts at 9PM and is free with a pride festival
Monday October 13th – Laramie Project
The Ensemble Theatre of Chattanooga (E.T.C.)
will present the LARAMIE PROJECT by Moises
Kaufmann and the Tectonic Theatre Project. THE LARAMIE PROJECT will play Monday
October 13th as part of the Tennessee Valley
Pride Festival, with encore performances on
Friday 17th and Saturday 18th. Tickets will be
$10.00, $7.00 for those with pins.
Tuesday, October 14th – Family Night
Tuesday night is family night. With the purchase of a pride festival pin several of the
area’s family friendly attractions will offer
discounts for admission.
Wednesday, October 15th TVP Night Out
Wednesday will feature food and community
with TVP’s first Dining out event. With the purchase of a festival pin, several of the area’s restaurants and clubs will offer discounts towards
food and door charges.
Thursday, October 16th Karaoke Idol
Thursday night will feature Chattanooga’s own
Karaoke Idol. The conclusion of this talent search
event will result in the winner taking the Miller
Plaza on festival day. Images will host the event
starting at 9PM. Complete rules and qualifying
information is available at mirage-complex.com.
Cost is $5.00, but free with a festival pin.
Friday, October 17th Pre Pride Bar Bash
Join TVP as they celebrate Pride Weekend at
IMAGES for their Pre-Pride Party. Lots of music,
dancing, great show, and door prizes. Cya there!
Saturday, October 18th - Bowling Competition
Saturday kicks off at 2PM with a bowling competition sponsored by the Pride Bowling and Rainbow
Leagues. The competition is set up for all play
levels and is $20.00 or $10.00 with a festival pin.
Holiday Bowl on Brainerd Road will host the competition.
Saturday October 18th – TVP Halloween Party
Saturday night will feature two events for those
looking to get out of the house. The Lookout
Bears of Chattanooga invite everyone to their
annual Halloween Party 8PM - till at the Lookout
Bears clubhouse. Cost is $20.00 or free with a
festival pin. The theme is carnivale and everyone
is encouraged to come dress in carnivale attire.
Sunday, October 19th Pride Festival
Sunday is Pride Festival Day. The festival is from 1
-5 PM and will feature food and beverage vendors, entertainment and give a ways scheduled
throughout the day. Admission is free and open
to the public. TVP has vendor, entertainment and
sponsorship opportunities still available.
Sunday October 19 – Mr/Miss Tennessee Valley
Pride Pageant
The Mr/Miss Tennessee Valley Pride pageant
starts at 10PM. Cost is $5.00, but free with a
festival pin. Complete rules and qualifications for
the pageant are available on the Images website
at mirage-comlex.com.
Got a “Shout OUT”, send them to
[email protected]
Next Publication is scheduled for Dec. 1
Announcement: Our next General Board Meeting is
Sunday, November 9 at 6:30 PM at Lookout Bear Clubhouse (99 Tuxedo Circle). See website for directions.
This meeting is open to the public. Meet and Greet
with the Board of Directors before and after the meeting. Nominations are now being accepted for Board of
Directors. Contact
[email protected] for details.
Skate Party
Tennessee Valley Pride presents Private Roller Skate Party on Sunday,
Sept. 7. This event will start at 5:15
PM until 7:15 PM at Hamilton Skate
Place behind Wal-mart on Gunbarrel
Road. Tickets are $10 for Children, $15 for Adults, and
$25 for Couples. Admission and Rental fees are covered in the tickets. Fun for the whole family.
Currently, TVP is accepting applications for
vendors and entertainment. For more information, about TVP, applications, or
events listed, visit our website.
Chattanooga’s Semi-Pro Football Team
Calling all football fans! Do you know Chattanooga has a semi-pro football team? Well,
we do. It’s the Chattanooga Locomotion.
The Locomotion are a women’s full contact
football team that plays by NFL rules. 2008
is their 8th year and they won their division,
in the Women’s National Football Association. They play teams from all over the
country and have a growing fan base. The
Locomotion are a team of women from all
different parts of town who are career professionals. These women are; mothers,
daughters, sisters, and aunts,
who all share a love of football. This is smash
mouth football, that requires a dedication to
the sport. The Locomotion ages range from
18—50 and we even have a grandma on the
roster. The 2008 season came to a close in
July, with the championship at Memphis, TN.
They start tryouts in September at Red Bank
High School on Saturdays with practice beginning in January. Put us on your calendar. We
are back in pads and hitting other teams by
the beginning of April. — GO LOCOS!!!
What’s New At IMAGES
IMAGES has started the
summer off with a bang
and loads of Club improvements, the biggest being our covered Patio, new outside
signs, renewed planting areas in front and
repaired and painted siding, to mention a
few. More changes are coming inside, to
include the biggest. We are a 21 and older
and smoking Club again. It was purely a
business and economic decision, made with
a great deal of thought, which included a
vote by all the employees. September 21,
starts our 2009 Pageant Season, with the
winner of the Miss IMAGES Pageant, winning a 3 month booking contract. Each
month will bring a new and different pageant on the 3rd Sunday of the month. The
other Sundays will be retooled a bit to afford a more fun and different night for both
the customers and entertainers. We are
even considering booking winners of Star
Search Talent Nights on Fridays. Drop by
and give us your ideas too!! Thursday
Nights Crazy Karaoke, has turned into a
blast of beer specials and singing with
Stephen and Darvin. Fridays and Saturdays
at IMAGES are still the best times to cool
off during the long hot summer. We conADVOCATE
tinue to bring in guest performers, for
your pleasure and plan to increase the
Chief Editor: Randy Roark
numbers in the near future. IMAGES is
Editors: Jenny Mikeworth, Mike Kelly, Joseph Smith,
gearing up, in conjunction with, Tennessee Valley Pride for Chattanooga’s Pride
Sarah Spencer, John Blewett, Chuck Hill
Week October 12 thru 19. It will be a
week to remember. As the only true Gay
P.O. Box 8116
Dance/Show Bar in Chattanooga, IMAGES
Chattanooga, TN 37414
offers the best all around party place in
Chattanooga and the only place to get
Samantha’s Samarita and John’s Monkey
[email protected]
Juice in IMAGES neon souvenir shakers.