ANDERSON, S. MILES, AND A. C. CHARTERS. A fluid dynamics
ANDERSON, S. MILES, AND A. C. CHARTERS. A fluid dynamics
OLOGY LIMN May 1982 AND Volume OCEANOGRAPHY/ Ltmnol. Oceclnogr., 27(3), 1982, 399412 @ 1982, by the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Marine Science Institute, 3 Inc. A fluid dynamics study of seawater through Gelidium nudifronsl S. Miles Anderson Number 27 flow and A. C. Charters University of California, Santa Barbara 93106 Abstruct Gelidium nudifrons, growing in the s&tidal region of semiexposed coasts has a thallus composed of rodlike branches which are closely spaced, but the structure is sufficiently open so that water flows freely through it. The turbulence of the water before and after passing through the plant was measured by hot-film anemometry in a water tunnel in the laboratory and observed by a dye stream technique in the tunnel and in situ in the sea. The flow after passing through the plant was smooth at velocities up to a critical value, but turbulent for velocities above an abrupt transition. Turbulence in the flow entering the plant did not change this result. Analysis of the results demonstrates that the plant strongly suppresses turbulence in the flow entering its thallus and at the same time generates microturbulence of its own at velocities above critical values varying from 6 to 12 cm. SK’, depending on the diameters and spatial density of the branches, due to the formation of systematic vorticity in the wakes of the individual branches. The transition in the flow induced by the branches of a marine plant is probably a phenomenon of considerable adaptive significance, because the turbulence generated by the plant itself or by neighboring plants may be the only turbulence in water motion past the plant that is of the right scale to enhance nutrient uptakes and effect the exchange of gases and solutes. Water motion is important to the life processes of aquatic macrophytes. Currents and wave surge stress the plants, distribute their reproductive propagules, affect the adhesion of spores to substrates, and enhance the uptake of nutrients and the output of gases and other substances (e.g. see Charters et al. 1969, 1973; Gerard and Mann 1979; Koehl and Wainwright 1977; Westlake 1967; Wheeler 1980). Water motion affects an aquatic plant through the transport of mass, momentum, and energy from the main body of the fluid through the boundary layer to the plant’s surface. The transport rates ’ This research was supported ENG76-22720 and OCE79-09241. by NSF grants depend strongly on whether the flow in the boundary layer is laminar or turbulent, because the rates in turbulent flow with eddy diffusion are orders of magnitude greater than those in laminar flow with molecular diffusion (Prandtl 1935; Schlichting 1968). Thus, transition from laminar to turbulent flow would imply dramatic changes in hydrodynamic forces (transport of momentum) and in diffusion of nutrients (transport of mass). Gelidiunz is a bushy plant that grows in the subtidal regions of semiexposed coasts washed continually by wave surge. The seawater flows back and forth through the branched thallus of the plant. Whether the flow through its thallus is laminar or turbulent could influence the forces and the uptake of nutrients. If the flow entering the thallus is smooth, will 399 Gelidium jiuid bert Anchorage on the south side of Santa Cruz, the largest of the Channel Islands (33”59’N, 119”42’W), and studied the morphology of many representative specimens. They seemed similar in branching structure; the average diameter of 10 fronds selected from five plants was 0.046 cm (SD = 0.01 cm), supporting the view that G. nudifrons has a uniform morphology (Abbott and Hollcnberg 1976). Laboratory experiments were done in our low-velocity water tunnel (Charters and Anderson 1980; Fig. 2). In normal operation, the flow in the working section is steady and uniform. The velocity is constant across 80% of the diameter, and the turbulence level is low, 0.5% or less. A dye stream injected in the flow control section upstream of the working section flows down through the tunnel along its centerline as a fine, straight, unwavering line. In one series of tests, we artificially introduced turbulence into the flow by removing the honeycomb and screens from the flow control section and placing a large cylindrical object directly over the exit port from the reservoir to the flow control section. The turbulence thus gcnerated had a topology similar to that in the ocean (based on dye stream observations). The streamlines of the flow in the working section were recorded by dye stream photographs taken with a 35-mm camera and flash units backlighting a diffusion screen. The dye, a 0.05% solution of methyl blue in seawater, was injected into the flow upstream of the working section through an L-shaped hypodermic tube (see Fig. 2). The tube was so thin that its wake was smooth and laminar. The position of the tube was adjustable so that the dye stream could be positioned anywhere in the cross section of the tunnel. In tests with artificial turbulence, we injected the dye just upstream of the plant to prevent its dispersal by the turbulent flow. The exact location of the dye stream did not affect the topology of the flow; i.e. whether the emergent flow was laminar or turbulent did not depend on the location of the dye stream. Velocity and turbulence were mea- dz.pnmics 401 c Fig. 2. Sketch of low-velocity water tunnel. Axis of tunnel is vertical. Water flows from reservoir (H) at top, through a honeycomb (H), four fine Nytex screens (SC), and a convcrg,rc’ncc section into the working section, from thcrc through a second convergencc section to an orifice locntctl in the orifice plate valve (OPV), emerges from the orifice as a jet at ambient prossurc, and pours into the slunp (S). Water from the sump is returned to the reservoir 1)~ a pump (I?). Water also flows from the reservoir over a weir and returns directly to the sump, as shown. A scparatc hydrnlllic circuit circulates water from the sump through a chiller (C) to maintain wntcr temperatllre at a desired vall~:. Main circuit of the tunnel has a dye injector (DI) and an ancmometcr probe (AI?), which can 1~ placed in a calibrate position (CAL) above the GeZidizm plant (G) or in a test position (TEST) l~low the plant. Working section used is a plastic tube 5 cm in diamctcr and 100 cm long. Total height of tunnel from bottom of sump to top of reservoir is 3 m. 402 Anderson and Charters sured with a hot-film anemometer (McQuivey 1973; Hinze 1975). The anemometer probe was a cylinder (0.015 cm in diameter and 0.200 cm long) made of a quartz rod coated with a thin film of platinum and covered with a thin layer of quartz, which could be placed at several stations along the working section and moved across its diameter. The axis of the cylindrical sensing element was normal to the flow direction. The probe was heated with an electric current and cooled by the flow of water so that its temperature was determined by the balance between the two. The electric current was controlled by the anemometer circuit so that the probe’s temperature could be held constant at a preset value. The anemometer was connected to three output devices simultaneously: a strip-chart recorder for calibrating and monitoring, a true RMS meter for measuring the intensity of turbulence, and a frequency meter for measuring the frequency of velocity changes when they were sinusoidal. The output of the anemometer is a voltage that depends on the probe temperature, the water temperaturc, and the water velocity.. The velocity of the flow being measured is determinecl from the output voltage of the anemometer by calibrating the anemometer in a flow whose temperature and velocity are known. In practice, the temperatures of the probe and the water were held constant during the calibration and the run, and only the velocity of the water was varied during the calibration. The output voltage was measured by a digital voltmeter and recorded on a strip-chart recorder. The intensity of turbulence is defined as the root-mean-square value of the velocity fluctuations, namely where u’ is the intensity of turbulence and U is the velocity. Usually, the value of the turbulence intensity is given as a percent of the mean velocity, lOO(u’lu). The intensity of turbulence was determined from the fluctuations in the output voltage of the anemometer whose mean- square value was measured directly by a true RMS meter. The basic anemometer circuit (model 1053B), the averaging circuit (model 1047), and the hot-film probe (model 1210) were purchased from TSI, Inc. The digital voltmeter (model SOOOA) and the frequency meter (model 1900A) were purchased from the John Fluke Mfg. Co. and the strip-chart recorder (model Speed Servo II) from the Esterline Angus Corp. The true RMS circuit was designed and built in-house (UCSB, Physics Dept.). The frequency response of the complete anemometer circuit (probe, basic anemometer circuit, averaging circuit, and true RMS meter) was flat from 1.0 to 200 IIz; the lower limit was set by averaging circuit, the upper limit determined from the manufacturer’s specifications. The size of eddy (72)that can be measured is approximately related to the flow velocity (U) and frequency (f) of the velocity fluctuations as h = ulf. With a representative velocity of 10 cm. s-l, effective eddy diameters rccorded by the anemometer ranged from 0.05 to 10 cm. The hot-film anemometer is difficult to USC because the calibration is hard to maintain. The heat balance of the probe is sensitive to the condition of its surface, and the formation of a bubble or the accretion of debris on the surface changes the calibration. The manufacturer recommends that the probe be operated at 40°C above ambient water temperature, but we found that bubbles tend to form at this temperature and reduced the operating temperature to 20°C above ambient (a loss in sensitivity offset by a gain in stability). We also found it necessary to filter the water to a mean particle size of 0.45 p and an absolute size of 8 p on filling the tunnel and to continue filtering during operation (Browand pers. comm.; Reischman pers. comm.). If a bubble forms or debris collects on the surface of the probe, the output voltage decreases slowly from its undisturbed value. Re- Gelidium 5 4 1 fluid dynamics . 7- 0 6- t 5s -+ 0 0 403 - " I 4 I 8 I I 12 I 16 20 U, cm/set I I l 24 28 32 I 36 Fig. 3. Variation of intensity of turbulence, u’/u, in flow of water downstream of a Gelidium nuclifrom with water velocity, U, for smooth flow in the water tunnel (intensitv of turbulence < 0.5%). Lines indicate ;mlv mahnitudes of turbulence intensitv in fiow and &rugt transition from smooth to turbulent flow rather than exact variation of intensity with velocity. I cording the output voltage on a stripchart recorder (SCR) was invaluable in detecting incipient malfunction of the . anemometer. For tests in the water tunnel, individual plants were supported in the center of the working section by fine nylon line tied to the walls of the tunnel and to the base end of the stipe, which was severed just above the holdfast (see Fig. 2). Groups of five plants were composed by attaching individual plants to a fine nylon linc, one plant below another, and fastening the line to a yoke at the entrance to the working section; the group was distributed over the length of the working section . Two rods were tested separately in the water tunnel, spanning the tunnel’s diameter near the entrance of the working section, one of 0.19-cm diameter and another of 0. lo-cm diameter. All of the in situ flow observations were made at Albert Anchorage, a typical habitat for G. nudifrons. On the day WC made our observations, a gentle wave surge generated a slow flow of water back and forth, around and through the plants on the sea floor. Velocities were cstimatof 10 ed to range up to a maximum cm. s-l. Dye from a large hypodermic syringe was injected into the water near a plant and observed as the wave surge car- 43- 14.3 cm/s 2- 12.8 cm/s l- 0- 9.2 cm/s -1.0 0 +1.0 y/r Fig. 4. Variations of intensity of turbulence, u’/U, in flow of water downstream of a Gelidium nuclijhas across working section at three velocities for smooth flow in the water tunnel (intensity of tl&ulcnce < 0.5%). Abscissa is ratio of distance from ccntcr, y, to radius of working section, r. ried the clye stream through the water adjaccnt to it. Dye was also injected directly into the “bushy” thallus of a plant and observed as the water flowed through the plant and downstream. The experiment was rcpeatcd with three separate plants. Results Lnhorntory: Plant in smooth flowThe flow emerging downstream from the thallus of the plant was smooth at velocities < 12 cm. s- 1 and turbulent at velocitics > 14 cm. SK’. Figure 3 shows the anemometer measurements of turbulence intensity on the tunnel’s centerline 10 cm downstream of the plant. Figure 4 shows similar measurements across a diameter of the tunnel at velocities of 9.2, 12.8, and 14.3 cm. s-‘. The rapid transition from smooth to turbulent flow is evident in both figures. The lines drawn in Fig. 3 indicate only general levels of turbulence, because the actual values at velocitics above the transition will vary with lateral position (see Fig. 4); our intent is to illustrate the ordcr-of-magnitude increase in intensity of turbulence through transition from laminar to turbulent flow rather than to plot an exact variation of intensity with velocity. Patterns of the flow downstream of the Gelidium fluid 10 to 12 cm. s-l; with groups of plants it was lower, varying from 6 to 8 cm. s-l. The decrease in transition velocity on going from single plants to groups of plants suggests that the transition value depends on the density of branches in the flow path, not only on a single dimension characteristic of the plant’s morphology. Laboratory: Plant in turbulent flowArtificial turbulence was generated in the flow through the control and working sections, and the previous experiments were repeated. The intensity of artificial turbulence in the flow upstream of the plant is shown as a function of velocity by the dashed line in Fig. 6. With turbulent flow in the tunnel, the condition of the flow emerging downstream of the thallus was the same as with smooth flow in the tunnel; that is, the emerging flow was smooth at velocities < 12 cm * s-’ and turbulent at velocities > 14 cm. s-l with either smooth or turbulent flow entering the plant. Figure 6 shows the anemometer measurements of the intensity of turbulence on the tunnel’s centerline 10 cm downstream of the plant. Figures 3 and 6 show the same rapid transition from smooth to turbulent flow downstream regardless of whether the flow entering the plant is smooth or turbulent. Again, the solid lines drawn in Fig. 6 indicate only general levels of turbulence. Patterns of flow downstream of the plant were marked with dye streams as in the previous experiment, and the flow patterns observed resembled those in Fig. 5: both dye stream patterns and anemometer records show that the emergent flow from the thallus of this particular plant is smooth at velocities < 11 cm * s-l and turbulent at velocities > 14 cm. SC’, regardless of turbulence in the entering flow. Laboratory: Rod in smooth flow-The dynamics of the flow around a slender, circular cylinder oriented with its axis normal to the direction of a uniform flow depends on the Reynolds number: Re = dUlv where Re is Reynolds number, d is rod 405 dynamics 2l0 0 I 4 u I 6 Y I 12 I 16 I 20 I 24 I 28 I 32 I 36 U. cm/set Fig. 6. Variation of intensity of turbulence, t&‘/U, in flow downstream of a Gdidium nudifrons (0) with water velocity, U, for turbulent flow in the water tunnel. Intensity of turl~ulcncc in flow in working section upstream of plant is shown 1,~ triangles and dashed line. Solid lines indicntc only magnitudes of turbulence intensity in flow and abrupt transition from smooth to turMent flow, rather than exact variation of intensity with velocity. diameter, U is flow velocity, and v is kinematic viscosity (the dynamic viscosity divided by the density). The Reynolds number is a measure of the ratio of inertial to viscous forces in the flow field: at low Reynolds numbers, viscous forces predominate; at high Reynolds numbers, inertial forces are controlling (Prandtl 1935). In our experiments, a dye stream impinging on the rod showed that the flow passed smoothly around the rod, converged a short distance behind, and left a smooth , laminar wake free from discrete vortices at low Reynolds numbers up to a value of about 40. When we increased the Reynolds number to a value a little >40, the dye stream showed a dramatic change in flow pattern. A series of vortices formed at the rear of the rod, first a vortex on one side and then a vortex on the other. The vortices separated from the rod and traveled with the flow, forming an evenly spaced series alternating from side to side of the wake. The series of periodic vortices is shown in Fig. 7; it is similar to a phenomenon known as the Karman vortex street (Karman 1911, 1912). The velocity fluctuations generated in the wake by the vortices were sinusoidal Gelidium fluid incremental change with the onset of vorticity in the wakes of the fronds. The energy in the turbulence also varies directly with the square of the velocity. IIcnce, the intensity of turbulence, defined as the ratio of the root-mean-square of the velocity fluctuations to the mean vclocity, is suppressed uniformly at all velocities, and this process is not velocity-dependent. The two processes seem to act independently, and the net cffcct is the sum of the two. If the turbulence of the entering flow is suppressed strongly, as it was in our experiments, the only turbulence in the flow leaving the thallus is the microturbulence generated by the plant itself at velocities above the critical value. Turbulence in the entering flow therefore has little effect on whether the flow leaving the thallus is laminar or turbulent. Our hypothesis is based on the unique morphology of this plant. The slender, rodlikc segments of the fronds are its basic units, and the structure of the plant can bc viewed as a three-dimensional, irregular latticework of short, slender rods. Our tests of a slender rod in the water tunnel, under flow conditions similar to those of the rodlike segments of the plant, gave us an immediate familiarity with the flow around a rod. The fact that our results were in excellent agreement with those of Kovasznay (1949) and Roshko (1954) supported our belief that flow in the tunnel’s working section is suitable for fluid dynamics tests-a belief previously based only on measurements of velocity and turbulence (Charters and Anderson 1980). A rod segment, more favorably oriented than its neighbors, probably gcneratcd the vortex street shown in Fig. 5 (center). The Reynolds number, based on the average branch diameter of 0.046 cm and the flow velocity of 12.8 cm-s-l, was 59, a value above the critical value of 40. A dye stream impinging on a leading branch showed systematic vorticity in the wake at a velocity of 12.8 cm. s-r. The shedding frequency was estimated to be dynamics 407 34 Hz; the shedding frequency of the Karman vortex street of a 0.046-cm-diameter circular cylinder normal to a flow of water at 12.8 cm-s-’ would have been 38 Hz (Roshko 1954). The vortex pattern differs from the Karman vortex street (cf. Figs. 5 and 7), but the difference is probably due to the finite length of the branch segment. The circular rod tested in the tunnel spans the tunnel and is effectively infinite in length, because the vortices in its wake can terminate on the tunnel walls. The branch segment does not span the tunnel and is finite in length; hence, the vortices in its wake cannot terminate on the tunnel’s walls and must form a continuous, interlocking pattern of loops with one vortex joined to the next, as seen in Fig. 5, because vortex lines cannot begin or end in the fluid but only on its boundaries (Goldstein 1965). Increasing the flow velocity from 12.8 to 14.3 cm. s-l brought the Reynolds numbers of many branch segments above their critical values, and vortex streets were generated in many regions of the thallus. These vortex streets merged and interacted to produce turbulent flow (Roshko 1976; Liepmann 1979). The branches were closely spaced and turbulent flow probably began well within the thallus. Multiscreen analog of plccnt-Our view of the plant as a three-dimensional latticework of short, slender rods suggests that a mechanical analog of the plant would be a structure consisting of several screens spaced one after another in the direction of flow. Thus, we can compare our experimental results for plants with theoretical results for a set of screens. Each screen is a substructure composed of two sets of evenly spaced, parallel, circular rods; the sets arc oriented perpendicular to one another. The series of screens gives the structure its threedimensional form. The plant differs from its analog in the arrangement of the basic units -the rods: a disorderly arrangement in the plant, an orderly arrangement in the screen analog. 408 Anderson and Charters Screens have been used for many years to produce or suppress turbulence in wind tunnels. The flow through a screen exhibits the same two fluid dynamics processcs that we postulate for flow through a G. nudifrons. There is a transition from laminar to turbulent flow downstream of a screen at a critical Reynolds number (Dryden and Schubaucr 1947; Schubauer et al. 1950). At low Reynolds numbers, the flow passes smoothly through the screen and the rods of the screens leave smooth wakes free from discrete vortices. At a critical Reynolds number, the rods of the screens generate vortex streets, which merge to generate turbulent flow a short distance downstream. The mcasurements of Schubauer et al. (1950) of turbulence intensity in the downstream flow show a transition that is almost the same as that shown in Fig. 3 (their fig. 8). The value of the critical Reynolds number depends not only on the diameter of the rods (d) but also on the spacing between rods (M, mesh spacing); the critical value decreases from 65 at M/d = 9.5 to 30 at M/d = 2.8. Turbulence is also suppressed in flow passing through a screen (Dryden and Schubauer 1947; Schubaucr et al. 1950; Taylor and Batchclor 1949; Townsend 1951). The energy of the turbulence is dissipated by the resistance of the screen to the flow passing through it and by the action of the screen in straightening the flow. The energy of the main flow is dissipated also and this loss of energy generates a pressure drop across the screen, if the screen spans the flow passage (as it does in the control section ofthe water tunnel: see Fig. 2). A series of screens both damps the turbulence and generates a pressure drop in the flow through the series, as does a single screen, but the series is more effective than a single screen in damping turbulence, even though the series of screens is designed so that the cumulative pressure drop through the series is the same as the pressure drop through the single screen. Dryden and Schubauer (1947) gave an example in which a single screen reduced the turbulence intensity by a factor of 0.3, and 10 screens, having the same pressure drop as the single screen, reduced the turbulence intensity by a factor of 0.03, ten times greater than the single screen. Theoretical fluid dynamics model of the plant-The multiple screen analog can be carried a step further by designing the screens on the basis of dimensions of the plant. The analog then becomes a fluid dynamics model of the plant amenable to quantitative analysis. The model may be useful in studies of the flow of seawater through plant communities on the sea floor. The properties of the flow through the model can be determined theoretically from published studies: damping of turbulence from the work of Schubauer et al. (1950) and Drydcn and Schubauer (1947), turbulence generation from that of Townsend (1951), Stewart and Townsend (1951), and Batchelor and Townsend (1948). The properties of the flow through the model are determined from theory; the properties of the flow through the plant were measured in the water tunnel. Hence, comparison of the flow properties computed for the model with those measured for the plant will validate the model. The first step is to determine the diameter of the rod and the total length of rod available for manufacture of the screens. The rod diameter is assumed to be the average diameter of the plant’s branches. The total length of rod is assumed to be equal to the combined length of all of the branches; its value can be computed from the weight of the plant, assuming that all branches have the same diameter and that the material of the plant has the density of water. The second step is to determine the shape and size of each of the screens. It is reasonable to assume that the external contour of the model approximates the envelope of the thallus. A representative plant filled the cross section of the working section of the tunnel (see Fig. 1, right); accordingly, the area of each screen is assumed equal to the cross-sectional area of the working section; however, the shape of each screen is assumed to be a square (in order to simplify the Celidium fluid calculation). This step determines the length of each rod and the total number of rods. The third step is to determine the spacing between rods. The value of the ratio of rod spacing (M) to rod diameter (cl) is assumed equal to 16:3. This value is arbitrary and is not directly related to the plant’s morphology, in contrast to our previous assumptions, but is a value used in many experiments reported in the literature. Thus, the assumption of 16:3 for the spacing ratio greatly facilitates computation of the fluid dynamics properties of the model from published results. Comparison of computed (model) and measured (plant) values will assess its validity. This step dctcrmines the numbcr of rods in each screen and the number of screens. The final step is to determine the spacing between screens in the streamwise direction. The streamwise spacing is not critical to the fluid dynamics performance of the series of screens as long as it is greater than a few mesh spaces. The streamwise distance from the first to the last screen is assumed to be twice the screen width (see Fig. 1, right). Computing the spacing between screens checks that the spacing is several mesh spaces or greater. Model design exercise-The following exercise illustrates the design of a multiple-screen model of one of the plants tested in the water tunnel (Figs. 1, 3, 4, 5, 6). The measured value of the average branch diameter was 0.046 cm (using 0.04663 cm will simplify the calculations); the plant weighed 1.80 g; hence, the total length of rod should be 1,054 cm. The cross-sectional arca of the working section of the tunnel was 19.6 cm; hence, the width of each screen is 4.43 cm, the length of each rod is also 4.43 cm, and 238 rods should be used to build the screens. If we assume that 17 rods are spaced across one dimension of each screen (34 rods per screen), the spacing between rods is 0.246 cm, because the walls of the tunnel bound the flow and w = M(n + l), where w is screen width, M is mesh spacing, and n is half the num- 409 dynamics ber of rods per screen. Hence, the spacing ratio is 5.28 (sufficiently close to the assumed value of 16:3 = 5.33 for design purposes), and the number of screens is 7. If the streamwise distance from screen 1 to screen 7 is twice the screen width of 4.43 cm, then the strcamwisc spacing between screens is 1.5 cm, a value equal to six mesh spaces. The damping of turbulence by the seven-screen model can be computed from data on the pressure drop across a screen given by Schubauer et al. (1950) and from values of the turbulence reduction factors given by Dryden and Schubauer (1947). Our calculations give a turbulence rcduction factor for the model of 0.11; the measured turbulence reduction factor for the plant was 0.13 (see Fig. 6). Computed and measured values for turbulence damping are in good agreement. At flow velocities corresponding to supercritical Reynolds numbers, the intcnsity of turbulence generated by the downstream screen, its principal source, can be computed from the formula developed by Batchelor and Townsend (1948) for a screen with a mesh spacing to rod diameter ratio of 5.58. The formula gives the variation of the_reciprocal of the intensity of turbulence, U/u’, with the ratio of the distance downstream of the screen, X, to the mesh spacing, M, namely (l%~‘)~ = 147[(x/M) - (x,/M)] where the quantity, x0/M, is an arbitrary constant which dcpcnds on the Reynolds number of the mesh spacing, Re,+l = MU/v (U, velocity; v, kinematic viscosity). The smallest value of Re, in the experiments of Batchelor and Townsend was 2,800, for which they list x,/M = 20. Using x,/M = 20 and x/M = 37, corresponding to the distance of the hot-film anemometer probe downstream from the bottom of the plant, we compute the intensity of turbulence to bc 2.1%. The measured value of turbulence intensity at the highest value of Re, = 836, corresponding to U = 34 cm. s-l, was 3.2% (see Fig. 6). The value computed from Batchelor and Townsend’s formula agrees with the measured value if x,/M = 29, an 410 Anderson acceptable number considering the difference in Re, and the fact that their measurements show an increase in x,/M with decrease in Re, (see table 1: Batchelor and Townsend 1948). Hence, computed (model) and measured (plant) values for the intensity of turbulence generated by the screen are in satisfactory agreement, as arc computed and measured values of the damping of turbulence, thereby validating our model. Possible effects of transition on the hiology of Gelidium nudifrons and similar macroalgae-The effects of transition from smooth to turbulent flow in the flow of seawater through G. nzrdifrons or similar macroalgae on the uptake of nutrients and other life processes arc a matter of conjecture. A careful survey of the litcrature of both marine and terrestrial plants has left us with few guidelines. The most evident fluid dynamics effect is the ordcr-of-magni tude increase in transport rates with transition from smooth to turbulent flow, but fluid dynamics is only one aspect of the complex of interactions of the mechanical, chemical, and biological systems of living organisms. Estimating the change in transport rates caused by transition is difficult because suitable examples are lacking. Most studies of mass transfer are concerned with the flow over streamlined bodies or through pipes at high Reynolds numbers (Eckert and Drake 1959; Schlichting 1968). The flow through the thallus of a macroalga, on the other hand, involves flow over a bluff body at low Reynolds numbers. The change in mass transport with transition from laminar to turbulent flow in a smooth, round tube may serve to illustrate the effect of transition, even though the flow configuration is entirely different from the case in hand. Flow in a tube offers the opportunity to study the effect of transition alone, apart from the effects of changes in the dimensional parameters of velocity and diameter, because the flow may be either laminar or turbulent in the same tube at the same velocity under circumstances depending and Charters on the condition of the flow entering the tube (Schlichting 1968). A formula for the ratio of mass transport in turbulent flow to that in laminar flow can be derived from the theory presented by Eckert and Drake (1959): JT/JI, = (0.0064)Re7/8 SP where JL is mass transfer rate for laminar flow and JT is mass transfer rate for turbulent flow; Re is Reynolds number, defined by Re = Udlv, where U is velocity, d is diameter of the tube, and v is kinematic viscosity; SC is the Schmidt number, defined by SC = v/D, where D is the diffusion coefficient for the solute (nutrient) in water and v is kinematic viscosity, as before. For nutrient solutes in water, D has the order of magnitude of lo-” cm* * SC’ and v of 10Pz cm”. s-l; hence, SC has the order of magnitude of 1,000. The flow is always laminar for Reynolds numbers ~2,000 (Schlichting 1968); hence, Re = 2,000 is the minimum value for turbulent flow. With SC = 1,000 and Rc = 2,000 WC find that the value ofJT:J, is 16, indicating that the mass transport rate in turbulent flow will bc an order of magnitude greater than in laminar flow for the case of flow in a smooth, round tube. Oceanic waters are nearly always turbulent (McLellan 1965). How might suppression of this turbulence benefit the plant? The answer to this question depends on the scale as well as the intensity of the turbulence, because fluid turbulence is like light in that its complete specification involves not only the intensity but also the spectral distribution of energy. For turbulence to interact with the flow around or through a body, the scale of the turbulence must be comparable to that of the body. For example, if the scale is much larger than the dimensions of the body, the turbulence will not affect the fluid dynamics processes in the immediate neighborhood of the body; the magnitude and direction of the main flow will vary in response to its large-scale turbulence, but the flow in the boundary layer, where the transport Gelidium fluid of fluid properties takes place, will retain the same character, laminar or turbulent, that it would have had if the main flow were completely smooth (Dryden and Schubauer 1947). Aeronautics provides a cogent example. To quote from Drydcn and Schubaucr (1947, p. 221): “In free flight it has been found that there are no disturbances of sufficiently small scale to produce appreciable aerodynamic effects-i.e., the turbulence of the atmosphere may be regarded as zero.” The similarity of the fluid atmospheres of air over the earth’s surface and of water over the sea floor leaves us with a disturbing thought. For a plant like G. nudifrons, whose representative dimensions have the order of 0.1 cm, the flow due to currents and wave surge may be completely smooth insofar as the effects of turbulence are concerned. Hence, the only turbulence with a scale small enough to modify the transport process may be the turbulence gcnerntcd by the plant itself or by neighboring plants. Should this be the case, the transition due to the generation of periodic vorticity in the flow over the plant’s branches could play a critical role in the life processes of the plant, because this turbulence may be the only source of eddy diffusivity available to it. Othcrwisc, molecular diffusivity will prevail, because the oceanic water motions have effectively zero turbulence and the flow in the boundary layers of the plant will always be laminar at the small Reynolds numbers involved. Conclusions The latticework structure of bare branches comprising the thallus of G. nudifrons interacts with the water motions of waves and currents by modifying the turbulence of the flow passing through the plant’s structure. If the external flow is turbulent, this turbulence is damped as the water flows through. At the same time, turbulence is generated in the flow through the plant if the velocity of the flow is greater than a critical value. Because turbulence in the entering flow is dynamics 411 actually heavily damped, the net effect is a smooth internal and exiting flow at velocities below the critical value and an abrupt transition to turbulent flow at velocities above. The critical velocity ranges from 6 to 12 cm* s-l depending on the spacing density of the branches. A series of screens placed one after another both damps and generates turbulence in the flow through them, as the plant does. The screen analog can be developed into a fluid dynamics model of the plant by designing the screens from the plant’s morphology. The simulation is quantitative, and the model is amcnablc to numerical analysis. How transition from smooth to turbulent flow will affect the life processes of the plant is not known. Experience with mechanical systems suggests that transition may enhance the uptake of nutrients an d exchange of gases and other substances. In any case, it is possible that the only effective turbulence experienced by the plant may bc that generated by the plant itself or by neighboring plants. No disturbances are of sufficiently small scale to produce appreciable aerodynamic effects and the turbulence of the atmosphere can bc regarded as zero. 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