January-February 2012
January-February 2012
JANVIER FEVRIER 2012:DJERAK/QUARK JULY-AUG 2006 2/18/12 11:57 AM Page 1 LOS ANY:LESI FA| KAJO{IKH FAMA|NQI T:{:KATOU LOS ANGELES ARMENIAN CATHOLIC COMMUNITY BULLETIN NOR <R+AN – JIU 7 - |OUN&-":TR&% 2012 NEW ERA – JAN.-FEB., ISSUE 7, 2012 S& GRIGOR LOUSAUORIC FA| KAJO{IKH :K:{:ZI SAINT GREGORY ARMENIAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 1510 E. MOUNTAIN STREET, GLENDALE, CALIFORNIA 91207 – TEL: (818) 243-8400 – FAX: (818) 243-0095 www.facebook.com/stgregoryarmenian – Website www.Stgregoryarmenian.org ARFIAPATIU MIQA|HL :PISKOPOS MOURAT:ANI ANDRANIK ØRFNAB:R A|Z:LOUJIUNE LOS ANY:LES This page is sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Vatche & Silva Elmedjian JANVIER FEVRIER 2012:DJERAK/QUARK JULY-AUG 2006 2/18/12 11:57 AM Page 2 AÂA+NORDIN PAFQI PATGAME ªՈչ միայն հացիւº (Մատթ, 4,4) Սիրելի եղբայրներ եւ քոյրեր ի Քրիստոս, Մէկ շաբաթէն պիտի սկսինք Մեծ Պահքի քառասնորդաց շրջանը: Շրջան մը որու ընթացքին կոչուած ենք մեր կեանքը քննելու, մենք զմեզ դնելու Տիրոջ առջեւ եւ կատարելու անաչառ գնահատումը մեր կեանքին՝ ճանչնալու մեր թերութիւնները եւ մեր քայլերը ուղղելու, իրականացնելու համար այն, ինչ որ Տէրը կը սպասէ իւրաքանչիւրէս: Բենեդիկտոս ԺԶ. Սրբազան Քահանայապետը շատ գեղեցիկ, պարզ եւ խիտ պատգամ մը ուղղած է բոլորիս այս ծիսական շրջանին համար: Կը խրախուսեմ բոլորդ ընթերցելու զայն եւ խորհրդածելու անոր մէջ նշուած յատուկ ցուցմունքներով ուղեգիծին վրայ. «Մեծ Պահքի քառասնորդաց շրջանը, կ'ըսէ Սրբազան Քահանայապետը, անգամ մը եւս առիթը կ'ընծայէ մեզի խորհրդածելու “ողորմութեան” մասին, որ քրիստոնէական կեանքի կեդրոնն է»: Յիրաւի այս Քառասնորդացի շրջանին կոչուած ենք խորացնելու մեր գիտելիքները Նազովրեցի Յիսուսի անձին մասին եւ աւելի սերտօրէն միանալու Անոր՝ Իր հետ ապրելու համար չարչարանքները մինչեւ արիւնաքամ մահը խաչին վրայ: Մեր ակնարկը կեդրոնացնենք Յիսուս Քրիստոսի վրայ եւ որպէս իր հարազատ աշակերտները հետեւինք իրեն, որպէսզի կարողանանք նաեւ Զատիկը տօնել Անոր հետ: Վերանորոգենք, կենսունակ եւ ամուր պահենք մեր հաւատքը Աստուծոյ Որդիին նկատմամբ որ մարդացաւ մեր փրկութեան համար: Կարեւորն այն է որ Քրիստոսն ըլլայ մեր կեանքին կեդրոնը, Ինքն է որ մեզ կ'ազատէ չարէն, Ինքն է Իմաստութեան Վարդապետը՝ Ինքն է «Ճանապարհը, ճշմարտութիւնը եւ կեանքը» (Յովհ 14, 6): Ինքն է հիմնաքարը մեր յոյսին: Եկէ՛ք հաւատարիմ մնանք Քրիստոսի ոչ միայն միտքով, այլ մեր ողջ կեանքով: Ուսկի՞ց սկսիլ: Ինչպէ՞ս հոգ տանիլ եւ օգտակար ըլլալ: «Ինչպէ՞ս կարող ենք հոգալ ծերերուն եւ երեխաներուն կարիքները, երիտասարդներուն եւ մեծահասակներուն, հիւանդներուն ու առողջներուն, մեր միջավայրին մէջ ապրող աղքատներուն եւ անոնց որոնք հեռու են մեզմէ»: Ի պատասխան այս հարցերուն, Եկեղեցւոյ աւանդական առաջարկները՝ աղօթքի, ողորմութեան եւ ծոմապահութեան, կը դառնան այժմէական աւելի քան երբեք: Հոգատարութեան առաջին ձեւը աղօթքն է: Աղօթքը մեզ փոխյարաբերութեան մէջ կը դնէ Աստուծոյ հետ: Որպէս հաւատարիմ հաւատացեալներ մենք պարտականութիւնն ու պատասխանատուութիւնը ունինք վկայելու՝ որ Աստուած էական է մեր աշխարհին համար: Բայց քարոզելէ եւ մեր հաւատքին մասին վկայութիւն տալէն առաջ, մենք պէտք է մօտենանք Անոր եւ պէտք է սորվինք ունկնդրել Իրեն. Աղօթե՛նք իրարու համար: Մեր մէջ՝ պէտք է հզօրացնենք եւ հրահրենք աղօթքը իրարու համար որպէսզի սորվինք նաեւ միասին ամէն ինչ ընել: Եկէ՛ք բանանք մեր սրտերը Տէրունական աղօթքին, Եկեղեցւոյ հասարակութեան աղօթքին: Թող Մեծ Պահքի շրջանը ըլլայ աղօթքի դպրոց մը, դպրոց մը փոխանակումի: Հոգատար ըլլալ կը նշանակէ նաեւ ծոմ պահել եւ ողորմութիւն ընել: Ասոնք խոնարհ եւ ծածուկ միջոցներ են որոնք կը կատարելագործեն մեր նուիրումը Աստուծոյ եւ ուրիշներուն: Ողորմութիւն ընելը կը նշանակէ բառնալ այլոց հարցերն ու խնդիրները՝ այն վստահութեամբ որ «ուրիշները» խոչընդոտներ չեն մեր ճամբուն վրայ, այլ՝ իսկական եղբայրներ: Այս շրջանին մեծագոյն ներդրումը պէտք է ըլլայ մեր մտահոգութիւնը ուրիշներուն կարիքներուն նկատմամբ, առանց ետ քաշուելու երբ եղբայրներէն մին մեր օգնութեան պէտք ունի հոգալու համար կեանքի անհրաժեշտ եւ հիմնական հարցերը: Պէտք է նաեւ աջակցինք հասարակութեան բարեգործական աշխատանքներուն՝ նպաստելով անոնց յաջողութեան մեր անհատական գործակցութեամբ: Գոյութիւն ունի նաեւ ուրիշ կարիք մըն ալ, որ դեռ աւելի անհրաժեշտ ու հիմնական է: Նիւթական միջոցներուն պակասը չէ, այլ հոգեւոր սնունդի աղքատութիւնն ու սնանկութիւնն է: Նուազեցումը կամ ալ աւելի գէշ՝ բացակայութիւնը այս էական կարիքին որ կը հայի մարդուն հոգիին՝ լուրջ տառապանք կ'առաջացնէ: Այս աղքատութեան ձեւը ակնյայտ է այն միջավայրերուն մէջ, որտեղ մարդիկ կ'ապրին նիւթապէս բարգաւաճ եւ ապահով, բայց առանց հոգեւոր առաջնորդութեան: Այս իրողութիւնը կը հաստատէ ճշմարտութիւնը Տիրոջ խօսքին թէ «միայն հացով չէ որ կ'ապրի մարդը, այլ ամէն խօսքով որ կ'ելլէ Աստուծոյ բերանէն» (Մատթ 4,4): Իւրաքանչիւր անհատ, իր սրտին խորքերը, ուղղութիւն մը կը փնտռէ. ամէն անձ սէր կը պահանջէ: Այս հոգեւոր սնունդի աղքատութեան առաջքը առնելու համար՝ կոչուած ենք կատարելու քարոզչութիւնը մեր հաւատքին՝ որ խօսքի բարեգործութիւնն է, զոր պէտք է փաստենք մեր կեանքի վկայութեամբ՝ ողորմութեամբ եւ բարի գործերով, հիմնուելով Քրիստոսի Աւետարանին վրայ, որ կը փրկէ եւ լոյս կը սփռէ տառապանքի խաւարին մէջ, որովհետեւ Աստուծոյ սէրը եւ ողորմածութիւնը կը հաղորդէ: Մեծ Պահքի «ժամանակաշրջանը պատեհ առիթ մըն է՝ սուրբ գրային ընթերցումներու եւ խորհուրդներու մատակարարութեան օգնութեամբ՝ նորոգելու մեր հաւատքի ուխտը, ըլլայ անհատական ըլլայ հասարակական գետնի վրայ: Ուղեւորութիւն մըն է դրոշմուած՝ աղօթքով ու բաժնեկցութեամբ, լռութեամբ ու ծոմապահութեամբ՝ ի պատրաստութիւն Զատկուայ ուրախութեան վայելումին»: Բարի եւ արդիւնաշատ քառասնորդաց շրջան բոլորիդ: Նիու Եորք, 12 Փետրուար 2012 ՄԻՔԱՅԷԼ ԵՊՍ. ՄՈՒՐԱՏԵԱՆ Առաջնորդ Տիրամայր Նարեկի Հայ Կաթողիկէ Թեմին Յ.Գ. -- ԲենեդիկäոÖ ԺԶ. Ñçբազան ñահանայապեäի ñաÉաÖնոçդաê շçÅանի պաäգամը կçնանò ընթեçêել հեäեíեալ կայòէÅին áçայ՝ http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/benedict_xvi/messages/lent/documents/hf_ben-xvi_mes_20111103_lent-2012_en.html 2 JANVIER FEVRIER 2012:DJERAK/QUARK JULY-AUG 2006 2/18/12 11:57 AM Page 3 BISHOP’S LENT MESSAGE “NOT BY BREAD ALONE THAT MAN LIVES…” (Matthew 4: 4) Dear Brothers and Sisters in Jesus Christ, Once again the Lenten season is before us, a time of verification of our lives which confronts us with the Lord and solicits us to an honest assessment of life to recognize our weaknesses and to walk towards the realization of what the Lord expects from each of us. Pope Benedict XVI has given us a beautiful message for this period, indicating a well-articulated path, a very clear and rich message with concrete indications which I invite you all to read and meditate: “The Lenten season,” says the Holy Father, “offers us once again an opportunity to reflect upon the very heart of Christian life: charity.” (Message of His Holiness Benedict XVI for Lent 2012) In fact, during this Lenten season we are invited to deepen our knowledge and acceptance of the person of Jesus of Nazareth to live and experience beside him his passion and bloody death on the cross. Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus Christ and follow Him as His disciples to be able to celebrate Easter with Him. Let us renew and keep alive and strong our faith in Him, the Son of God made man for our salvation. What is most important is to make Christ the center of our personal lives, the One who frees us from evil, the Master of Wisdom, "the way, the truth, the life" (John 14:6), the foundation of our hope. Let us adhere to Christ not only with the mind but with our whole life. Where to start? How to care? Lent is an important time to answer this question: “How do we care for the elderly and children, youth and adults, the sick and the healthy, the needy neighbors, and those far away?” In response to these questions the traditional proposals of the Church--prayer, almsgiving, and fasting--acquire great relevance. The first form of care is prayer. Prayer is to put oneself in a relationship with God. As faithful, we have the responsibility to witness that God is necessary in our world. But before we announce Him, we must approach Him and learn how to listen to Him. Pray for one another! Intensify the prayer to learn together to do everything! Let us open our hearts to the prayer of Jesus in us, to the prayer of the Church. Let Lent be a school of prayer, a school for sharing! Caring also means fasting and almsgiving. These are humble and hidden ways, leading to the complete gift of ourselves to God and to others. Almsgiving means to bear the problems of others in the certainty that "others" are not a burden on our way but true brothers. In this period the great commitment is to be concerned for the needs of others without standing back if a brother needs our help to meet the basic necessities of life and to be available to support the charitable work of the community, contributing with our personal collaboration. There is another necessity not only equally basic but also much more serious: it is not the lack of the material means but the poverty of spiritual nourishment. The lack in this essential necessity that touches the spirit causes serious suffering. This form of poverty is evident in places where people live in prosperity, satisfied materially but spiritually without guidance. It confirms the word of the Lord in the desert: “Not by bread alone that man lives, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4). In the depths of his heart every person asks for a direction; every one demands love. This poverty is answered with the announcement (the charity of words), testified in the facts (the charity of works) of the Gospel that saves. It also brings light into the darkness of suffering because it conveys the love and mercy of God. This is a favorable time to renew our journey of faith both as individuals and as a community, with the help of the word of God and the sacraments. This journey is one marked by prayer and sharing, silence and fasting, in anticipation of the joy of Easter. I prayfully wish you a Blessed Lenten journey to you and your loved ones. New York, 2 12 2012 BISHOP MIKAEL MOURADIAN Eparchy of Our Lady of Nareg P.S. To read the full Message, of His Holiness Benedict XVI for Lent 2012, please go to: http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/benedict_xvi/messages/lent/documents/hf_ben-xvi_mes_20111103_lent2012_en.html 3 JANVIER FEVRIER 2012:DJERAK/QUARK JULY-AUG 2006 2/18/12 11:57 AM Page 4 FOWIUIN PATGAME ª:S :KA| ORPHSXI K:ANQ OUN:NAQ :U AÂATØRHN OUN:NAQº «Ես եկայ որպէսզի կեանք ունենաք եւ առատօրէն ունենաք» (Յովհաննէս 10: 10), կը սորվեցնէ մեզի Տէր Յիսուս: Ամէն մարդ կը փափաքի իր կեանքը լաւ ապրիլ, ուրախ անցընել իրեն իբրեւ պարգեւ տրուած օրերը: Ամէն մարդ ծրագիրներ կը մշակէ հանգիստ կեանք մը ունենալու այս աշխարհիս վրայ, նոյնիսկ երբեմն խորհելով թէ այս աշխարհի վրայ ապրած կեանքով ամէն բան կը սկսի եւ կը վերջանայ: Կը մոռնանք երբեմն թէ մենք ստեղծուած ենք զԱստուած փառաբանելու մեր ամէնօրեայ կեանքով եւ շարունակելու զայն նոյն ձեւով յաւիտենական կեանքին մէջ: Յիսուս Քրիստոս, մեր Աստուածը, առատ եւ պտղաբեր կեանքի Աստուած է: «Ով որ մնայ իմ մէջս եւ ես անոր մէջ, ան շատ պտուղ կու տայ» (Յովհ. 15: 5): Որեւէ արդիւնաւոր կեանք կախում ունի Յիսուսի հետ մեր ունեցած մտերիմ յարաբերութենէ, այսինքն եթէ Քրիստոս, Աստուծոյ կողմէ վերջին արտասանուած Խօսքը չպահենք մեր սրտերուն մէջ եւ չթողունք որ առատօրէն պտղաբերէ, մեր կեանքը ապրած չենք ըլլար լիուլի: Քրիստոս պէտք է ըլլայ մեր կեանքի առանցքն ու նպատակը, առանց Անոր մենք ոչինչ կրնանք ընել, որովհետեւ Ինքն է ամէն բանի սկիզբն ու վերջը (Յայտնութիւն Յովհաննու 1: 8): Այս տարի, 2012, Սրբազան Քահանայապետը հռչակած է Հաւատքի տարի որպէսզի կարենանք խղճի քննութիւն ընել եւ մենք մեզի հարցնել թէ ի՞նչպէս կ՛ապրինք մեր հաւատքը: Արդեօ՞ք լրջութեամբ առած ենք հաւատացեալ ըլլալու մեր հանգամանքն ու կոչումը: Ո՞րքանով կ՛արդարացնենք մեր հաւատացեալ ըլլալը: Հաւատացեալ ենք խօսքո՞վ թէ գործով, այսինքն կ՛ապրինք մեր կեանքը քրիստոսի խօսքերուն համաձայ՞ն թէ անոր հակառակ: Հաւատացեալ կը նշանակէ հաւատարիմ ըլլալ Աստուծոյ եւ Անոր պատուիրաններուն, զանոնք գործադրելով մեր ամէնօրեայ կեանքին մէջ: «Ինչպէս մարմինը առանց հոգիին մեռած է, այնպէս ալ հաւատքը՝ առանց գործի մեռած է» (Յակոբ 2, 26): Հաւատքը պէտք չէ վերացական ըլլայ, այլ գործունեայ որ մեր մէջ խոր համոզումներ ստեղծէ կերպարանափոխելու եւ բարելաւելու համար մեր կենցաղակերպը: Մեր գործերը պէտք է ըլլան ապացոյց մեր ունեցած խորին հաւատքին, արդարեւ գործերը աւելի պերճախօս են շատ մը ըսուած խօսքերէ եւ ըսի ըսաւներէ: Եթէ մենք մեզի պահ մը հարց տանք ինչո՞ւ աշխարհի բնակչութեան մեծամասնութիւնը անհաւատ է, այն եզրակացութեան կրնանք յանգիլ թէ ոմանք չեն հաւատար, որովհետեւ չեն կրցած տեսնել մեր մէջ Աւետարանին վկայող ուրախ անձեր: Սիրելի Համայնքի զաւակներ, բոլորս կանչուած ենք մեր կեանքը դարձնելու կենդանի Աւետարան մը որ իր շուրջը կը սփռէ Սուրբ Հոգիին կողմէ տրուած պտուղները. Սէր, ուրախութիւն, հաւատք, հեզութիւն, խաղաղութիւն, համբերութիւն, քաղցրութիւն, բարութիւն, ժուժկալութիւն: Աբրահամ իր հաստատուն հաւատքով եւ ապահով վստահութեամբ պատրաստ էր զոհելու Աստուծոյ իր Միածին Որդին: Իսկ մենք ի՞նչ բան պատրաստ ենք զոհելու մեր հաւատքին համար: ՀԱՅՐ ԳՐԻԳՈՐ ՇԱՀԻՆԵԱՆ Հովիւ 4 JANVIER FEVRIER 2012:DJERAK/QUARK JULY-AUG 2006 2/18/12 11:57 AM Page 5 PASTOR’S MESSAGE I HAVE COME SO THAT THEY MIGHT HAVE LIFE, AND THEY MIGHT HAVE IT MORE ABUNDUNTLY to God and His Commandments, and to apply them in his/her daily life. “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also” (James 2: 26). Faith is not merely an abstract. It must be practiced. It must be embedded in our convictions in order to transform and improve our conduct. Our deeds must reflect our faith. After all, actions are more telling than spoken words. We should ask ourselves, why don’t most people in the world believe? With self examination, we can conclude that some people cannot believe because they have not seen the acts of believers and they have not experienced the presence of true witnesses to the Gospels. Dear parishioners, we are all being called upon to transform our lives to living Gospels and spread the fruits given to us by the Holy Spirit. We must live and demonstrate love, happiness, faith, humility, peace, patience, charm, integrity and selfcontrol. Abraham, with his steadfast faith and confidence, was ready to sacrifice his only son for God. We should ask, what are we ready to sacrifice for our faith? Our Lord Jesus taught us “I have come so that they might have life, and they might have it more abundantly” (John 10: 10).Everyone wants to live a good life and fill his days with happiness. We all spend substantial time and effort planning for a comfortable life in this world, sometimes thinking that it all starts and ends with our lives on this earth. We forget that we are created to praise God with our daily lives and to continue to do the same in eternal life. Our God, Jesus Christ, is the God of the plentiful and fruitful life. “He who dwells in me, and I in him, brings forth much fruit” (John 15: 5). The level of productivity of our lives is a function of the intimacy of our relationship with Jesus. In other words, in order to live a full life we must plant the words of God in our hearts and allow them to flourish and guide our lives. Christ must be the path and destination of our life, without Him we can do nothing because He is the beginning and the ending (Revelation 1: 8). His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI declared 2012 to be the year of faith. His purpose is to prompt us to examine our conscience and ask ourselves how do we live out faith. Do we take our status and vocation seriously? How do we measure our commitment to our faith? Do we practice by words only or with our actions? In other words do we live in accordance with, or in conflict with, the words of Christ? An essential duty of a believer is to be faithful Fr. Krikor Chahinian Pastor 5 JANVIER FEVRIER 2012:DJERAK/QUARK JULY-AUG 2006 2/18/12 11:57 AM Page 6 ARTICLES |ØDOUA’N:R INCPH#S KRNANQ FA| MNAL&&& DOKT& FRAND AYHM:AN Ousouzcakan asparhxe am;rikafa\ dprozn;rou mh= k∞;njadrh patrast ellal amhn kargi taq ou pa[ arta\a\toujiunn;rou^ a,ak;rtn;rou ko[mh! Arta\a\toujiunn;r^ oronq ir;nz gitakiz kam angitakiz ;r;sn;row% q;x ke m[;n .orfrda‘oujiunn;rou ;u fraparak n;toua‘ farz;roun lou‘oum me b;r;lou 'nt®touqin! >øsqe% an,ou,t% ke w;rab;ri fa\ ousouzicin ;u a,ak;rtn;re^ a\s paraga\in^ nkati a®noua‘ ;n fa\;rhni dasapaf;rou enjazqin ir;nz oun;za‘ arta\a\toujiunn;row! Ousouzic-a,ak;rt \arab;roujiunn;rou ;u \aya. katarouo[ mtq;rou 'o.anakman ,r=agi‘hn n;rs a®ijn;r ke st;[‘ouin miasnabar oron;lou a\n mi=ozn;re% oronq a\s kam a\n ];uow krnan øgtakar fandisanal S'iu®qi mh= endfanraphs% a\s paraga\in^ Am;rika\i mh= masnauorabar% nor s;rounde fa\ paf;lou famaxga\in yigin! |aya. ke .øsoui fa\ mnalou famar gl.auor ;rkou axdakn;rou masin^ l;xou ;u ogi& ke n,ouin tarb;r bana];uoumn;r^ l;xou ;u ogi% l;xou kam ogi% mia*\n l;xou kam mia*\n ogi! An]naphs l;xoui ;u ogii ,a[a.oumin fauatazo[ me ellalow \aya. a,ak;rtn;rous mh= k∞arjnzn;m krqot wiyabanoujiunn;r% tiro[ oro, y,martoujiunn;r \a\tnab;r;lou famar! Saka\n% mta‘;low or fasno[ s;roundin kar‘iqn;re ls;low phtq ch xanonq paf;l dasarani me cors pat;roun mh=% ,aradrouj;an niuj ke dar]n;m ;u a,ak;rtn;roun mta‘oumn;re k∞oux;m oun;nal jou[ji wra\ ar]anagroua‘! :rkar at;n mitqs xba[;zno[ farz me ;[a‘ h a\n^ or fska\ ;u ansafman xofo[oujiunn;row pafouo[ m;r axga\in warvarann;roun mh= inco#u kar;li cella\ fa\a.øs ;u axga\in gitakzouj;amb s;roundn;r faszn;l ;u \aya. fog;kan anfoun b;koum ke \a®a=ana\ fa\ ousouzci n;ra,.arfin mh=^ i t;s antarb;r ;u øtaraza‘ fog;banouj;amb a,ak;rtn;rou! :u nman \ousab;koumi ør;rhn mhke ke farzn;m a,ak;rtn;rous^ I#ncphs krnanq Fa\ mnal&&&! ªIm kar‘iqows% - ke grh Alin Maya®;an% - an]i me fa\kakanoujiune ir srthn ke b.i& a®a= ke kar‘hi jh mhke phtq couni l;xoun anpa\man .øs;lou% or ªFa\º nkatoui% ba\z fima kar‘iqs 'o.oua‘ h! An,ou,t jh fa\;rhn phtq h gitna\ an]e ;u a\d srthn b.a‘ ªFa\oujiunºe ;jh go\oujiun ouni an]i me mh=% ardhn ke n,anakh jh l;xoun gith% ke karda\ ;u f;taqrqroujiun zo\z kou ta\º! ªFa\ ellale mia\n fa\;rhn girq me oun;nale ch% a\l srtow ;u fogiow fa\ k∞ellas! Fa\ ellale fa\;rhn gitnale ch% ;jh fpart c;s kam fa\;rhn c;s .øsir! Fa\ ellale a\n h^ or ke k®ouis ;u ke n;[ouis% ;rb mhke axgid masin gh, ban esh! A*\d h Fa\e! <at Fa\;r kan a\s a,.arfin wra\% ba\z a\d Fa\;rhn oro#nq ;n or iraphs Fa\ ;nº% ke grh Ar'i :rhz;an! Am;rika ;u Fa\astan apro[ Fa\;rou tarb;rouj;an masin ke .øsi Lara Mirxa\;an^ n,;low& ªAm;rika\i nman ;rkroum apro[ Fa\e ,at tarb;r h Fa\astanoum apro[ Fa\iz! Fa\astani Fa\;re ma\r fo[i wra\ mi,t fa\;rhn ;n .øsoum ;u mi,t ir;nz Fa\ ;n xgoum! Am;rika\oum Fa\ mnale au;li dvouar h% orowf;t;u ,at ouri, axg;ri f;t .a®noua‘ ;nq% ouri, l;xouow ;rg;r ;u ‘ragirn;r ;nq ditoum f;®at;silizº! No\n farzin andrada®nalow 6 JANVIER FEVRIER 2012:DJERAK/QUARK JULY-AUG 2006 2/18/12 11:57 AM Page 7 ARTICLES |ØDOUA’N:R fand;r] Lix Foktan;an% fa\astanzi% dit;l kou ta\ jh^ ªIm kar‘iqow% am;nakar;uore% ªFa\i ogiº oun;naln h! :jh mhke srtanz ouxoum h Fa\ mnal% ir apra‘ t;[e n,anakoujiun couni! :jh 'oqr tariqiz ªFa\ºi xgazoume c;s oun;z;l ;u m;‘analou vamanak Fa\;ri patmouj;an kam n;rka\i masin c;s ls;l% an,ou,t c;s karo[ Fa\ mnal! Mia\n fa\;rhn kardalow ;u ªfaz ou panirº(1) ];uow .øs;low c;nq karo[ Fa\ mnal! :u am;nakar;uore% mia\n fa\ouj;an masin .øs;low ;u oc mi gor‘ can;low% oc mi ban ci 'o.oui Fa\;ri k;anqoumº! Ra``i Faroun% Poury Famout m;‘za‘ patani me% mate ke dnh a\laphs .orounk whrqi me wra\& ª+ard;rhn ;tq% Fa\;re sksan ga[j;l S'iu®qi a\laxan ,r=ann;re% incphs^ :uropa kam Mi=in Ar;u;lq! Anonq dimazan ]ouloumin dhm% no\nisk ;jh ir;nz f;t oun;zan Fa\r;niqhn girq me kam Astoua‘a,ounc mat;an me mia\n(2)% ba\z fpart xgazin Fa\ ellalnoun famar! Anonq ,at ;rkar ckrzan Fa\ mnal% orowf;t;u% ir;nz apra‘ ,r=ann;re fa\kakan ;k;[;zin;r% dprozn;r% kaxmak;rpoujiunn;r% ;ua\ln% cka\in! :rani@ a\n fin Fa\;roun gonh Fa\r;niqhn mia\n mhk ban oun;nalow oura. k∞ella\in% or Fa\ ;n! Isk fimakouann;#re% fe*! Ir;nz ];®qe dproz tour% Mioujiun tour% kaxmak;rpoujiun tour% fog;rnin ch! K∞;rjan \i,;al t;[;re% ba\z ard;øq inco#u k∞;rjan! Parxaphs^ vamanak anzen;louº! Miouj;nakan k;anqi mh= go\oujiun oun;zo[ t.our ;r;uo\ji me k∞aknarkh Armhn >acatr;an& ª:s fa\kakan dproz ;m gnoum% Fa\;ri mh= ;m ;u fa\;rhn gr;l - kardal ;m soworoum& masnakzoum ;m fa\kakan miouj;an% noriz Fa\;ri mh= ;m% ba\z ªfa\kakanº mioujiunoum ,at;re angl;rhn ;n .øsoum ;u am;rik;an soworoujiunn;r pafoumº! <afh Maxpan;an Fa\ mnalou miak grauakane ke nkath Fa\astan ;rjal apr;lou mh=& ª<at me mardik% manauand ‘;r;r% k∞es;n or Fa\ mnalou famar phtq h bolor Fa\;re a®n;n ir;nz oun;za‘e ;u Fa\astan ;rjan! :s a\s kar‘iqin ke fauatam% orowf;t;u ;rb øtar axgi me mh= k∞apris ;u \isoun tari fon mnaz;r ;s entaniqow% j;r;us doun krnas qou fa\oujiund paf;l% ba\z ke kar‘;#s% or qou xauakd krna\ ir fa\oujiune paf;l! A\s farzoumin patas.ane c;m oux;r tal% orowf;t;u ‘no[qhn ka.oum ouni ir xaukin fa\ mnale! :jh ‘no[qe Fa\oujiune mo®z;r h% ardhn ir xaukin foge cellarº! A\spisi to[;rou enj;rzoume% an,ou,t% qic me ke =;rmaznh fa\ ousouzci sirte ;u drakan aproumn;r k∞a®jh anor& saka\n ke mna\ to[;rou ;tin jaqnoua‘ a\n zauali iro[oujiune% or a\s to[;re gro[n;rou ;u takauin bolor miusn;rou a®ør;a\ .øsakzakan l;xoun angl;rhnn h^ toune% dproze% Miouj;an mh= ;u a\lour! Anfrav;,t h .øsqe gor‘i w;ra‘;l ;u w;ro\i,;al to[;rou endmh=hn \a\tnab;roua‘ mta‘oumn;re ;u xgazoumn;re gor‘adr;l% n;zouke oun;nalow tan% Miouj;an ;u fa\kakan or;uh fama.mboumi! I w;r=o\% dproze t;sak me fa\;lin h \i,;al wa\r;rh fauaqoua‘ ;ra.an;rou parxa‘ patk;rin! S'iu®qi a\s f;®auor a';roun fa\;rhna.øsoujiunn ou Fa\ou patkan;lioujiune bnakan ;u a®ør;a\ aproum dar]n;lou partakanoujiune ke pafan=oui ca'afasn;rhs! :u a\s^ amhnør;a\ krkno[ouj;an gnow% warvoujiun dar]n;low ;ra.a\in mh=! A\s ];uow fauanabar kar;li k∞ella\ darman;l <afhi matnan,a‘ ;r;uo\je% jh^ ª;jh ‘no[qe Fa\oujiune mo®z;r h% ardhn ir xaukin foge cellarº! Vamanake ch# darman;lou a\s ;r;uo\jn;re! (1) A\s bazatroujiune a®noua‘ h ª|a®a=ºi 1945 Ma\is 6-i jiui^ <auar, Misaq;ani ªWhrqin >oroujiuneº .mbagrakanhn% oroun ‘anøjaza‘ hr a,ak;rtoufin anz;al tari% fa\;rhni dasapafoun! (2) Aknarke ke w;rab;ri Simon Wraz;ani ªK;anqi ou[in;rowº fatorhn ªM;nq Fa\ :nqº grouj;an mh= \i,oua‘ Thmi,wora\i Fa\;roun! 7 JANVIER FEVRIER 2012:DJERAK/QUARK JULY-AUG 2006 2/18/12 11:57 AM Page 8 FRAV:<TI :R:KO| I PATIU ARFI& MANOUHL :PISKOPOS PAJAG:ANIN Fing,abi% |ounouar 19% 2012% ;r;ko\;an vame 7!30-in% Al Famra\i ª<h\. Wafipº kocoua‘ ya,aranin mh=% go[trik endoun;loujiun me t;[i oun;zau% i patiu Arfi& Manouhl :piskopos Pajag;ani! G;rapa\‘a®in møtik bar;kamn;re kaxmak;rpa‘ hin so\n ;r;kon! :r;sounh au;li n;rkan;r 'oujaza‘ hin ya,aran% o[=;rj ;u frav;,t ma[j;lou srbaxan før! Srti .øsqow fandhs ;kan Srbaxan Før bar;kamn;re! |ouxic hr na;u Kl;nth\li S& Grigor Lousauoric Fa\ Kajo[ikh ;k;[;zuo\ fowiu^ Fa\r Grigor <afin;ani .øsqe! An \i,;z% jh incphs% takauin d;®ati 11 tar;kan patani% ;rb Xmma®ou wanq mtau% G;rapa\‘a® Pajag;an m;‘auorn hr wanqin% ;u inq anor fa\rakan .namqin tak ,arounak;z ir ousoume! No\nphs ;rb F®om m;kn;zau bar]rago\n ousman f;t;u;lou famar% a\s angam^ F®omi L;uon;an En‘a\arani m;‘auorn hr dar];al Manouhl :ps& Pajag;ane! Isk ir qafana\akan ];®nadrouj;an famar% masnauorabar Ph\roujhn Sjoqfolm vamana‘ hr G;rapa\‘a®e% fa\r Grigori qafana\akan ø‘oume katar;lou famar! Fa\r Grigor \ouxoumna.a®n jonow me ,arounak;z& ªG;rapa\‘a® Manouhl Pajag;ane in‘i famar ;[a‘ h ;rkrord fa\r me% ;u ;s oura. ;m or ir ,ouncin tak fasak a®a‘ ;mº! Tiknanz Miouj;nhn^ Tik& S;uan Margar;an% \ou,anouhr me \an]n;z G;rapa\‘a® Før! No\nphs^ |aroujiun Srk& {axar;an% ir kargin \ou,anouhr me \an]n;z Manouhl :piskopos Pajag;anin! Fousk .øsq a®au G;rapa\‘a® Pajag;an& na. ,norfakaloujiun \a\tn;z ;r;kon kaxmak;rpo[n;roun% apa patgam;z mi,t 'ara‘ mnal ;k;[;zuo\ ;u a,.atil anor barørouj;an ;u pa\‘a®ouj;an! ª:s mi,t ];x piti \i,;m a[øjqn;rous mh=º% au;lzouz Srbaxan Fa\re! N;rkan;re% a=afambo\rh ;tq% o[=;rj ma[j;zin ;u gofounak srtow f;®azan wa\rhn! 8 JANVIER FEVRIER 2012:DJERAK/QUARK JULY-AUG 2006 2/18/12 11:57 AM Page 9 ARFIAPATIU G:RAPA|’A FA|R MIQA|HL :PISKOPOS MOURAT:ANI ANDRANIK ØRFNAB:R A|Z:LOUJIUNE VAMANAKAGROUJIUN Arfiapatiu Miqa\hl :ps& Mourat;an% Fiusisa\in Am;rika\i ;u Ganata\i Kajo[ikh Fa\oz A®a=nord n,anakou;lh ;tq% ir andranik a\z;loujiune touau Gali`ornia\i Fa\ Kajo[ikh fama\nqin! Ardar;u% 17 D;kt;mb;ri 2011-in% Mourat;an G;rp& ,r=apatoua‘ dpirn;row ;u sarkauagn;row ªFra,a'a®ºow% moutq gor‘;z Kl;nth\li S& Grigor Lousauoric Fa\ Kajo[ikh ;k;[;zi! Araro[ouj;an ir;nz masnakzoujiune b;rin^ Fa\astan;a\z A®aq;lakan :k;[;zuo\ Ar;umt;an J;mi A®a=nord^ Bar]r,& |ownan Arq& Thrthr;an% Miaz;al Nafangn;rou Ar;umt;an j;mi a®a=nord^ Bar]r,& Mou,;[ Arq& Martiros;an% Fa\ Au;taranakan ;k;[;zuo\ fowouap;t^ W;rapatou;li |owsh' Majos;an% asorin;rou ;piskopos^ Iuyin Gablan% ;u ;k;[;zuo\ fowiun;r^ Fa\r Grigor Wrd& <afin;an ;u Fa\r Arm;nak P;tros;an! Fa\ ;r;q kousakzoujiunn;rou n;rka\azouzicn;r ;u Libanani fiupatosoufi Tik& Matona {axal ir;nz n;rka\ouj;amb yo.azouzin fandisoujiune! Mourat;an :ps& bari galoust ma[j;lh ;tq fiur;roun ;u n;rkan;roun% kou® qarox me touau ;u bazatr;z ir apaga\ ‘ragirn;re! Apa% ;k;[;zuo\ ªÂh\mon ;u Ani Gou\oumy;anº srafin mh= t;[i oun;zau siro\ s;[an me% masnakzouj;amb bolor fiur;roun ;u fauataz;aln;roun! |a=ord ør% 18 D;kt;mb;rin% G;rapa\‘a® Fa\re% enk;rakzouj;amb Fa\r Arm;nak P;tros;ani a\z;l;z San Tihko\i S& Anton a®aq;loujiune% our mato\z fandisauor sourb patarag% oura.oujiun patya®;low norakaxm ‘ou.i andamn;roun! * * * :rkou,abji% D;kt;mb;r 19% 2011-in% a®auøt;an vame 9-in% G;rp& Miqa\hl :ps& Mourat;an a\z;l;z Anarat |[ouj;an Fa\ Qo\r;rou Warvarane! Qo\r Lousia^ Warvarani tnørhnoufin% manramasn t;[;koujiunn;r 'o.anz;z Arfiapatiu Før% Warvarani gor‘ounhoujiunn;roun masin! :piskopos Fa\re gofounak srtow m;kn;zau Warvaranhn% gow;low Fa\ a®aqinaxard Qo\r;rou fa\apafpanman famar tara‘ gor‘ounhoujiunn;re! No\n ør% a®auøt;an vame 11-in% Srbaxan Fa\re% Fa\r Grigor <afin;ani ;u Fa\r Arm;nak P;tros;ani enk;rakzouj;amb% a\z;loujiun me touau Ar;umt;an J;mi A®a=nordaran% our fandipoum me oun;zau |ownan Arq& Thrthr;anin f;t& siralir ;u =;rm mjnolorti me mh= ;rkou a®a=nordn;re oun;zan mt;rmik .øsakzoujiun% ;u acqh anzouzin fama\nqe f;taqrqro[ anzoudar];re% ;u apa |ownan Srbaxani ya,i fiure ;[au! :[ba\rakan o[=agouroumh ;tq G;rp& Fa\re f;®azau A®a=nordaranhn! * * * :r;q,abji% 20 D;kt;mb;r% 2011-in% khsørh ;tq vame 1!30-in% enk;rakzouj;amb Fa\r Grigor Wrd& <afin;ani ;u Fa\r Arm;nak P;tros;ani% Arfiapatiu Mourat;an :ps& a\z;loujiun me touin Los Any;lesi Kajo[ikh :k;[;zuo\ Arq;piskoposin^ G;rp& >oxh Komhxi! :[ba\rakan mjnolorti mh= enjazau fandipoume% orou enjazqin ar‘ar‘ou;zan Kajo[ikh ;k;[;zin ;u Fa\ Kajo[ikh fama\nqe \ouxo[ farz;re! Siralir endoun;loujiune w;r= gtau bar;kamakan mjnolorti mh=! * * * Vo[owrdap;t Fa\re^ Fa\r Grigor Wrd& <afin;an ;u 'o.-vo[owrdap;t Fa\r Arm;nak P;tros;an% no\n øre% ;r;ko\;an vame 7!30-in% Kl;nth\li ªQa®ous;lº ya,aran frauira‘ hin ;k;[;zuo\ bolor \an]na.oumb;rou andamn;re% orphsxi au;li møthn ‘anøjanan G;rapa\‘a® Før! 9 JANVIER FEVRIER 2012:DJERAK/QUARK JULY-AUG 2006 2/18/12 11:57 AM Page 10 ARFIAPATIU G:RAPA|’A FA|R MIQA|HL :PISKOPOS MOURAT:ANI ANDRANIK ØRFNAB:R A|Z:LOUJIUNE Akabe anzau =;rm mjnolorti mh=% ;u bolor \an]na.oumb;rou n;rka\azouzicn;re mhk a® mhk .øsq a®n;low% bazatr;zin ir;nz gor‘ounhoujiunn;re% a\sphsow \stak ga[a'ar me touin ;k;[;zihn n;rs taroua‘ a,.atanqn;roun! Fa\r Grigor .øsq a®n;low% ,norfakaloujiun \a\tn;z Srbaxan Før% or bar;faya‘ hr a\z;l;l m;r fama\nqe% ;u angam me ;us \a\tn;z ir oura.oujiune Mourat;an :piskoposin% or ir andranik a\z;loujiune ,norfa‘ hr Los Any;lesi Fa\ Kajo[ikh fama\nqin! Fousk% .øsq a®au G;rapa\‘a® Fa\re% ,norfauor;z ;k;[;zuo\ fowiun;re% ir;nz ansakark nouiroumin famar% .ra.ous;z bolor n;rkan;re ;u \an]narar;z \arakiz marminn;roun% orphsxi no\n ja'ow ;u korowow ,arounak;n ir;nz a=akzoujiune zouzab;r;l ;k;[;zuo\ bolor gor‘ounhoujiunn;roun% oronz ke ];®nark;n vo[owrdap;t Fa\r;re! * * * Cor;q,abji% 21 D;kt;mb;r 2011-in% enk;rakzouj;amb ;k;[;zuo\ fowiu^ Fa\r Grigor <afin;ani ;u Fa\r Dauij {axar;ani% incphs na;u Tiknanz Miouj;an At;nap;toufi Tik& Marivan Farmanta\;ani% G;rapa\‘a® Miqa\hl a\z;loujiun me touau Miaz;al Nafangn;rou Ar;umt;an J;mi A®a=nord^ Bar]r,& Mou,;[ Arq& Martiros;anin! Fandipoumin n;rka\ hin na;u Miu®on ’& Wrd& Axnik;an% Arv& T& {;uond Qfn\& Qirax;an ;u Axg& Warcouj;an at;nap;toufi^ Tik& Âima Pø[os;an! Bar]r,& Arq& Mou,;[ Martiros;an G;rapa\‘a® Før ou[[;z ,norfauoranqi .øsq;r ;u endfanour t;[;koujiunn;r touau Axg& A®a=nordarani masin! Frav;,thn a®a=% A®a=nord Srb& Fa\re fiur;re paf;z ya,i% ;u apa 'o.anak;zin \ou,anouhrn;r! Siralir mjnolorti mh= w;r= gtau fandipoume! * * * Fing,abji% 22 D;kt;mb;rin% khsørouan vame 12-in% G;rapa\‘a® Fa\re% enk;rakzouj;amb Fa\r Arm;nak P;tros;anin% a\z;loujiun me touau Maroni ;k;[;zuo\ fowiu^ Fa\r Aptallaf Xh\tani! An ‘anøjazouz Maroni fama\nqi wardap;tn;re Srbaxan Før! <at siralir endoun;loujiun me zo\z touau Fa\r Aptallan ;u fiur;re paf;z khsørouan ya,in! Drakan .øsakzoujiunn;r t;[i oun;zan fama\nqe ;u masnauorabar Libanane \ouxo[ farz;roun! Ya,hn ;tq% ;[ba\rakan =;rm o[=agouroumow bavnou;zan G;rp& Thre ;u wardap;tn;re! * * * <abaj% 24 D;kt;mb;r% 2011% Yragalo\z! Vam;rgouj;an araro[oujiun% masnakzouj;amb Srbaxan Før% oroun \a=ord;z ;k;[;zuo\ kaxmak;rpa‘ S& ’noundi .ra.yanqe ;k;[;zuo\ ªÂh\mon ;u Ani Gou\oumy;anº srafin mh=! Oura. mjnolort ke tirhr srafhn n;rs ;u akn\a\t hr bolorin oura.oujiune% orowf;t;u .ra.yanqin ke masnakzhr na;u G;rapa\‘a® Thre! Gi,;rouan vame 12-in% n;rkan;re ou[[ou;zan ;k;[;zi ;u f;t;u;zan S& Pataragin% xor mato\z G;rapa\‘a® Thre! * * * Kiraki% 25 D;kt;mb;r 2011% S& ’nound! Qa[aqamh=i Jagoufi Martirosaz Fa\ Kajo[ikh ;k;[;zuo\ mh= patarag;z ;u qarox;z G;rapa\‘a® Thre! Kou® ya®ow me \ordor;z n;rkan;re% orphsxi ,arounak;n ir;nz n;rka\ouj;amb ;u qa=al;ranqow n;zouk kangnin ;k;[;zuo\! Apa sraf mtn;low% a\z;l;z mhk a® mhk bolor s;[ann;re% møthn ‘anøjanalou famar ;k;[;zuo\ fauataz;aln;roun! Oura. hin n;rkan;re% or norø‘ :piskopose ir .yo[oua‘ vamanakafatoua‘in mh= a®ij gta‘ hr a\z;l;lou Jagoufi Martirosaz ;k;[;zin! 10 JANVIER FEVRIER 2012:DJERAK/QUARK JULY-AUG 2006 2/18/12 11:57 AM Page 11 ARFIAPATIU G:RAPA|’A FA|R MIQA|HL :PISKOPOS MOURAT:ANI ANDRANIK ØRFNAB:R A|Z:LOUJIUNE |a=ord ;r;ko\% :rkou,abji% 26 D;kt;mb;rin% ;k;[;zuo\ Tiknanz Mioujiune kaxmak;rpa‘ hr siro\ s;[an me% patou;lou famar G;rapa\‘a® Thre! G;rapa\‘a®e og;uoroua‘ ;u oura. tramadrouj;amb touau ir patgame& ª};xi famar oura.ali lour me ounim fa[ord;liq& a®a=in angam ellalow h or ke \a\tarar;m so\n loure! |o\sow ;m or A®a=nordarane møtalout apaga\in piti 'o.adr;m Los Any;lesº% esau ;u =;rm ‘a'afaroujiunn;rou arvanazau! Incphs na.ord ør% Miqa\hl :ps& dar];al mhk a® mhk a\z;l;z bolor s;[ann;re ;u t;[;kazau ;k;[;zuo\ anzoudar];roun! Gofounak srtow G;rapa\‘a® Thre bavnou;zau qa[aqamh=i ;k;[;zuo\ fauataz;aln;rhn! Fing,abji% D;kt& 29% 2011-in% G;rapa\‘a® Thre a\z;loujiun me ,norf;z M.ijar;an Warvaranin% ;u ga[a'an;rou 'o.anakoumn;r oun;zau warvarani tnørhn^ Fa\r Dauij {axar;ani f;t! |a=ord ør% Ourbaj% 30 D;kt;mb;r% enk;rakzouj;amb Fa\r Grigor <afin;ani% G;rapa\‘a® Fa\re a\z;l;z Âamkawar Axatakan Kousakzouj;an k;drone% our siralir fandipoumn;r oun;zau kousakzouj;an [;kawarn;roun f;t% ;u miasnabar ar‘ar‘;zin fama\nqe \ouxo[ farz;r! Bar;kamakan =;rm mjmolort tir;z a\z;louj;an enjazqin! <abaj% 31 D;kt;mb;r 2011% tarouan w;r=in øre% ;r;ko\;an vame 6!00-in% G;rapa\‘a® Fa\re patarag;z Anarat |[ouj;an Qo\r;rou møt! Nor tarouan% |ounouar 1% 2012% Miqa\hl :ps& Mourat;an% a®auøt;an vame 10!00-in% patarag;z angl;rhn l;xouow% oroun \a=ord;z khsørouan vame 12!00-i patarage% fa\;rhn l;xouow! |ounouar 2% 2012-in% Fa\r Miqa\hl :piskopos Mourat;an% enk;rakzouj;amb Fa\r Grigor <afin;ani ;u Fa\r Arm;nak P;tros;ani% \atouk vamadrouj;amb a\z;l;zin Sozial Fncak;an D;mokrat kousakzouj;an "asatina\i Alhn ja[i k;drone! N;rka\ hin kousakzouj;an k;dronakan marmni andamn;r^ Prn& Waxghn >otan;an% Tøqj& Ar,ak Gaxany;an% Prn& Gabrihl Molo\;an% ;u ouri,n;r! Mt;rmik .øsakzoujiun t;[i oun;zau% orou enjazqin 'o.anakou;zan axga\in farz;r% oronq ke \oux;n fa\oujiune! |ounouar 3-i% a®auøt;an vame 10-in% Los Any;lesi Libanani fiupatose a\z;loujiun me katar;z S& Grigor Lousauoric ;k;[;zin ;u t;sakzoujiun oun;zau Arfiapatiu G;rapa\‘a® før f;t! T;[i oun;zau mt;rmik .øsakzoujiun% our ar‘ar‘ou;zan Libanane ;u libananafa\oujiune \ouxo[ farz;r! "oqr fiurasirouj;nh ;tq% fiupatosoufin gofounak srtow f;®azau ;k;[;zihn! No\n ;r;ko\;an% Fa\r Miqa\hl :ps& Mourat;an% a\z;loujiun me touau F&|&D& P;lmonji k;drone% our t;sakz;zau F&|&D& K;dronakan Komithi andamn;roun f;t% gl.auorouj;amb^ Prn& Au;tiq Ixmirl;ani! Siralir endoun;loujiun me t;[i oun;zau% oroun enjazqin ar‘ar‘ou;zan fa\ ga[ouje ;u fa\r;niqe \ouxo[ farz;r! T;sakzoujiune ,at siralir mjnolorti mh= w;r= gtau! Cor;q,abji% 4 |ounouarin% Arfiapatiu G;rapa\‘a® Miqa\hl :ps Mourat;an% enk;rakzouj;amb Fa\r Grigor Wrd& <afin;ani% a\z;l;zin FF Fiupatosarane% our fandip;zan fiupatos^ Grigor |owfannis;anin ;u fiupatosarani an]nakaxmin! Bar;kamakan mjnolort me tir;z t;sakzouj;an t;uo[ouj;an enjazqin% our ar‘ar‘ou;zan xanaxan farz;r! <abaj% |ounouar 7% ;r;ko\;an vame 7-in% ;k;[;zuo\ ªÂh\mon Gou\oumy;anº srafin mh=% kaxmak;rpouj;amb ;k;[;zuo\ fowiun;roun% patou;lou famar ;rgca.oumbi andamn;re% mt;rmik enjriq me t;[i oun;zau% orou enjazqin% G;rapa\‘a® Fa\re au;li møthn ‘anøjazau ;rgca.oumbi gor‘ounhoujiunn;roun! Apa ir .øsqin mh=% ,norfauor;z [;kawar^ Krhk Saro\;ane ;u bolor andamn;re! Oura. mjnolort tir;z ;r;ko\i enjazqin! Kiraki% |ounouar 8-in% Astoua‘a\a\tnouj;an tøne% b;®nauoroua‘ ør me ;[au! G;rapa\‘a® fa\re% a®auøt;an vame 9!30-in% patarag;z angl;rhn l;xouow% apa vame 11-in% fa\rap;takan patarag mato\z ;u \auour pat,ayi qarox;z ørouan niujin masin! "oqrik knqafa\rn hr Yh\ms Yapou®;an% isk vame 1!00% a\s angam arab;rhn l;xouow patarag;z araba.øs fa\;rou famar! :rkou,abji% |ounouar 9% 2012-in% a®auøt;an vame 10!00-in% G;rp& Fa\re ;u fowiun;re% a\z;l;zin Fiusisa\in A m;rika\i Fa\ Au;taranakan ;k;[;zuo\ fowiu |owsh' Majos;anin! <at siralir endoun;loujiun me t;[i oun;zau! :r;q,abji% |ounouar 10% a®auøt;an vame 10-in% G;rp& Fa\re m;kn;zau Niu :orq! 11 JANVIER FEVRIER 2012:DJERAK/QUARK JULY-AUG 2006 2/18/12 11:57 AM Page 12 PICTURES NKARN:R 12 JANVIER FEVRIER 2012:DJERAK/QUARK JULY-AUG 2006 2/18/12 11:57 AM Page 13 PICTURES 13 JANVIER FEVRIER 2012:DJERAK/QUARK JULY-AUG 2006 2/18/12 11:57 AM Page 14 FOG:XMA|L FOG:UOR FAM:RG Ardhn auandakan dar]a‘ S& ’nnd;an fog;uor fog;parar fam;rge% a\s tari ;us% m;‘ 'a\low famak;z fauataz;aln;roun fogin;re! Ardar;u% S& Grigor Lousauoric Fa\ Kajo[ikh ;k;[;zuo\ ªA\ten;anº ;rgca.oumbe% ir fmout [;kawarin^ Krhk Saro\;ani ypotin zouzmounqn;roun f;t;u;low% m;‘aphs tpauor;z n;rkan;re! Fam;rge b‘a.ndrørhn patrasta‘ hr ;rgca.oumbi [;kaware% entr;low ørouan pat,ay ;rg;r ;u .mb;rgn;r! Fay;li noroujiun hr m;xi famar ounkendr;l ir isk \ørina‘ .øsq;row ;u ;[anakow ;rkou g;[;zik ktorn;r^ ªMsourin mh=º ;u ªTiramør m;‘aranqºe! ’noundi ;u |a\tnouj;an fa\kakan auandakan ;rg;r ;u .mb;rgn;r ;rgou;zan% incphs^ ªNn=;a* ord;akº% ªAm;nafra,º% ª>orfourd M;‘º% ;ua\ln! M;‘ endoun;loujiun gtau na;u italakan .emb;rge^ ªTu Schendi Dalle Stelleº, oroun m;n;rgicn hr famakr;li ;u a,.o\v ;ritasard^ Ma\q Arap;ane! A\s .mb;rgn;re m;‘ .andawa®ouj;amb ;u \ouxmounqow enkalou;zan fauataz;aln;roun ko[mh! M;n;rgo[n;re^ (Tik& Søsi Qh,i,;an ;u Ma\q A- rap;an) g;raxanzørhn n;rka\azouzin ir;nz ktorn;re^ ªO*w Xarmanaliº% ªTiramør M;‘aranqºe% ;ua\ln% ;u arvanazan orotendost ‘a'afaroujiunn;rou! Akn\a\t hr n;rkan;roun møt oura.oujiune! :rg;foni wra\% arf;stawarv da,nakafaroufi Tik& Âija Qh,i,;an-J;rx;an anj;ri katar;z ir;n wstafoua‘ a®aq;loujiune! Fay;li hr t;sn;l S& >oranin wra\ ;rgca.oumbi andamn;re% oronzmh ,at;roun ‘anøj chinq! Srtanz ke ,norfauor;nq bolor andamn;re an.tir% oronq ;rkar tarin;r% ansakark ;u an]nouraz nouiroumow% fauatarmabar% amran tøjin kam ]m®an zourtin% mhkdi dra‘ ir;nz fangiste% kou gan ou ke ‘a®a\;n ;k;[;zuo\! M;nq anonz mia\n krnanq es;l^ ªWar]q;rnid katar% sir;li ;rgca.oumbi andamn;rº! Prn& Saro\;ani 'a'aqn h or \a=ord tarouan S& ’noundi srbaxan fam;rgin ir;nz masnakzoujiune b;r;n ;rgca.oumbi nor andam-andamoufin;r! Anonq oronq ke 'a'aqin andamakzil% jo[ bar;fayin kap kap;l vo[owrdap;touj;an% kam .mbawar^ Krhk Saro\;ani f;t! 14 JANVIER FEVRIER 2012:DJERAK/QUARK JULY-AUG 2006 2/18/12 11:57 AM Page 15 ST. GREGORY ARMENIAN CATHOLIC CHURCH is pleased to present … ESCORTED TOUR TO HOLY LAND AND JORDAN in the company of Father Krikor Chahinian WHATS INCLUDED Dates: MAY 6, 2012 thru MAY 19, 2012 ALL Inclusive $ 3700 -Round-trip flight, all meals, Entrance fees to: (Capernaum, Boat ride, Mt. Tabor, Pater Noster, Chapel of Ascension, Israel Museum, Bethesda, Galicantu, Bethany, Qumran, Caesarea, Tel Jericho, Jerash, Madaba, Mt. Nebo, Petra), also includes bus trips in Israel and Jordan. The rates exclude: Entry visa fees if applicable and border taxes, Medical insurance, Personal expenses and tips. HOW TO REGISTER: TRANSPORTATION: Motor coaches are fully air-conditioned everywhere while touring. Group airport transfers on arrival and departure. RESERVATION: Reservations are made upon receipt of $500 per person; balance is due 75 days before your departure date along with a copy of your valid passport. TOUR DIRECTOR: INSURANCE: We strongly recommend the purchase of travel insurance for your tour to cover trip cancellation and any additional coverage you choose. Price of travel insurance offered at $150. The services of a professional, multilingual Tour Director will be provided throughout. CONTACT US: To register or for any additional information, please contact Sevan Markarian at 818 – 445 -7918: St. Gregory Armenian Church at 818-243-8400. ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 15 JANVIER FEVRIER 2012:DJERAK/QUARK JULY-AUG 2006 2/18/12 11:57 AM Page 16 ARTICLES |ØDOUA’N:R WARDANANZ F:ROSAMARTE FA|R ARM:NAK P:TROS:AN Fa\astani mh= Ar,akoun;az jagauorouj;an ankoumhn ;tq 428 jouin% parskakan arqouniqin wara‘ qa[aqakanouj;an f;t;uanqow% ;rkire ke sksi korsnzn;l n;rqin inqnouro\noujiune ;u nmanil parskakan soworakan nafangi! 449 jouin% Parsiz arqouniqi \atouk frowartakow% fa\;rhn ke pafan=;n fravaril qristonhouj;nh ;u endounil Parsikn;roun krøne^ xrada,takanoujiune (krakapa,toujiune)! Ba\z Fa\;re lau githin% or ;jh korsnzn;n ir;nz axga\in krønqe% anor f;t ke korsnzn;n na;u ir;nz l;xoun ou m,ako\je& a\l;us ke dadrin Fa\ ellalh ;u ke da®nan Parsik! A\s wtanghn axat;lou mhk ];u kar mia\n^ k®ouil& jo\l ctal or |axk;rti xørq;re mtn;n Fa\astan! Sparap;t Wardan Mamikon;an ir ,our= fauaq;z Fa\ na.ararn;rn ou xorq;re! :u afa 66 faxarnoz fa\kakan banake qal;z dhpi parskakan safmane! Parskakan banake Fa\astan k∞ar,auh 451i garnan! Fa\oz xørq;re ke fauaqouin Auara\ri da,te! J,namiin banake ouv;[aza‘ hr f;‘;laxørow! Anonq fasan Waspourakani Artax gaua®e ;u banak drin T[mout g;ti mius a'in! Yakatamarti na.ør;akin% Wardan ir 66 faxarnoz banake bavn;z ;r;q mas;rou ;u a®an]nazouz paf;staxøre! Jouaphs fa\;roun ;r;q angam g;raxanzo[ j,namin ir gl.auor ouv;re k;dronazouza‘ hr a= j;uin! Yakatamarthn a®a=% Wardan Mamikon;an% |owsh' Kajo[ikos ;u {;uond :rhz j,namiin dhm qa=abar martnc;lou koc erin! 451 Ma\is 26i wa[ a®auøt;an% fa\oz f;‘;laxøre anzau T[mout g;te ;u m.ryou;zau j,namii martakargin mh=! Minc;u irikoun fa\ xinouorn;re k®ou;zan m;‘ qa=ouj;amb! Wardan Mamikon;an øgnouj;an fasau fon% our ir xinouorn;re ke tkarana\in 'i[;roun ;u af;[ xørq;roun dimaz! Parskakan oro, gound;r nafan=;zin! Wardan ,r=anz;z j,namin ;u faroua‘;z paf;staxøre! J,namii ,arq;roun mh= ,'oj \a®a=azau% saka\n Parsikn;re ,outow w;radasauor;zin ir;nz ouv;re ;u ,r=apat;zin sparap;tin 'oqrajiu xøramase! Anfauasar k®ouin mh= inkau Wardan Mamikon;an ;u anor f;t baxmajiu na.ararn;r ;u f;rosi mafow xofou;zan baxmajiu fa\ martikn;r ;us! Fa\;re `ixiqaphs c\a[j;zin Auara\ri mh=! Ba\z |axk;rtn al ckrzau ir kamqe partadr;l fa\ vo[owourdin! Parsik arqouniqe sksau fa\;re sira,af;lou qa[aqakanoujiun war;l! Anonq fravar;zan krøna'o.ouj;an partadranqhn! I w;r=o\% anonq stipou;zan endounil% or Fa\;re paf;n ir;nz krønqn ou l;xoun! Qa=n Wardan ;u ir enk;rn;re m;®an f;rosi mafow% orphsxi apri Fa\e! :u afa% 16 dar;rh i w;r% fa\ axgn al ir srtin mh= sirow ou fpartouj;amb k;ndani ke pafh anonz sourb \i,atake! 16 JANVIER FEVRIER 2012:DJERAK/QUARK JULY-AUG 2006 2/18/12 11:57 AM Page 17 COMMUNITY NEWS FAMA|NQA|IN LOUR:R Commencement of St. Anthony The visit of His Excellency Armenian Catholic Mission Bishop Lars Anders Arborelius In San Diego As Armenian Catholics it is our mission to grow and spread our culture and Catholic faith wherever we can. In San Diego, we are beginning to accomplish that at St. Anthony Armenian Catholic Mission, which is a group of San Diego Armenians coming together once a month to celebrate mass. His Excellency Bishop Mikael Mouradian celebrated mass with this community for the first time on December 18th 2011 and expressed his happiness to see the enthusiasm and faith within the large group of parishioners in attendance. In Bishop Mouradian’s homily he explained the importance of helping each other to carry out Jesus’ mission of evangelization represented by the horizontal side of the cross and building our relationship with God represented by the vertical side of the cross. He expressed how God just asks us to take an hour from our lives to celebrate mass together and even though we at times complain over long drives and not having enough time in our busy lives we must always remember God. As Catholics we should become sharers of the Church or sharers of the Body of Christ. In making God our number one priority we should exemplify our lifestyles and spread our Catholic faith. After the mass parishioners were invited to attend a Christmas dinner at Habibi’s restaurant in Escondido everyone was filled with so much joy to be able to gather together in preparation for Christmas. There was 120 people in attendance to welcome our newly appointed Bishop and gather as a growing community and parish. Our goal is to build a place for future generations to worship in. God willing one day we will be able to have a Church or a chapel built in San Diego. Mass in San Diego is held every third Sunday of the month at 3:30 pm at St. Timothy Church in Escondido and all are welcome to join in the mission of growth of Armenian Catholics. His Excellency bishop Lars Anders Arborelius, the bishop of Stockholm, Sweden, visited our Parish from January 28 through January 30. His Excellency met with our parishioners after both Holy Masses on Sunday January 29 and gave them a beautiful testimony of faith, hope, and love. We wholeheartedly thank His Excellency for his visit. Lars Anders Arborelius (born 24 September 1949) is the Roman Catholic bishop of Stockholm. Arborelius was born in Sorengo, Switzerland, of Swedish parents, and grew up in Lund in southern Sweden. He converted to Catholicism at the age of 20 and entered the Carmelites. He studied in Bruges and Rome and was ordained a priest in 1979. When Arborelius succeeded Hubertus Brandenburg as Roman Catholic bishop of Stockholm (currently the only Roman Catholic diocese in Sweden and covering the entire country) in 1998, he became the first ethnically Swedish Catholic bishop in Sweden since the Reformation. (Most Catholic bishops in Scandinavia in the last century have been German or Dutch.) 17 JANVIER FEVRIER 2012:DJERAK/QUARK JULY-AUG 2006 2/18/12 11:57 AM Page 18 COMMUNITY NEWS FAMA|NQA|IN LOUR:R WARDANANZ "AÂATØNI |A+O{ }:ÂNARK Bars;[ Garjal;an |asmik {oukas;an F& Grigor <afin;an Â& Qh,i,;an-J;rx;an F& {arip;an M& Margar;an <abaj% 4 ";trouar 2011-in% ;r;ko\;an vame 7!30-in% Kl;nth\li S& Grigor Lousauoric Fa\ Kajo[ikh ;k;[;zuo\ mh= t;[i oun;zau \a=o[ ];®nark me% og;koc;lou Srboz Wardananz pat;raxmi \i,atake! :k;[;zuo\ M,akouja\in \an]na.oumbe% b‘a.ndrørhn patrasta‘ hr kokik \a\tagir me! Fandisawaroufin^ ta[anda,at Tik& |asmik {oukas;an% bari galoust ma[j;lh ;tq% fakiry% saka\n imastaliz .øsq;row bazatr;z Wardananzi imaste% m;rj end m;rj mh=b;r;low Jhqh;ani ª>orfourd Wardananzºhn fatoua‘n;r! Apa b;m frauir;z famakr;li ;rkou ;ritasardn;r^ Marq Margar;an (kija®) ;u Frand {arip;an (=oujak)% oronq :rgca.oumbe^ [;kawarouj;amb Krhk Saro\;ani nouag;zin ;rkou ktorn;r% arvananalow bou®n ‘a'afaroujiunn;rou! Nouagin \a=ord;z Fa\ Qo\r;rou Warvarani 7rd dasarani a,ak;rtn;roun .mbakan artasanoujiune (Xar;an)! Apa ªA\ten;anº ;rgca.oumbi fmout [;kawar Krhk Saro\;an% bazatr;z ªNorafra,º ,arakane% jargmanoua‘ a,.arfabari% xor katar;zin dar];al Fa\ Qo\r;rou Warvarani 7rd dasarani a,ak;rtn;re! Fandisawaroufin am'o' to[;row n;rka\azouz ga[oujis fanra‘anøj mtauorakan^ Prn& Bars;[ Garjal;ane% talou ir patgame! |arg;li bana.øse na. erau patmakane Wardananz pat;raxmin% nkaragr;z fa\ xinouorn;rou anw;f;r qa=oujiune ;u an]nouraz nouiroua‘oujiune fa\r;niqin i .ndir! Parx;z ørouan fratap farz;row xba[o[ imastoun ;rr;aki^ W®am,apouf jagauori% Safak Kajo[ikosi ;u M;srop Ma,tozi gor‘ounhoujiunn;re% oronq anfatnoum yig ja';zin% ;u ir;nz wastakow satar;zin Wardananz Pat;raxmi baro\akan \a[janakin! |i,;z mhk a® mhk% pat;raxmin masnakzo[ xofoua‘ nafatakn;roun anounn;re ;u tofm;re% oronq m;xi ktak;zin fa\apafpanN;rkan;rhn t;saran me man famar m;r amhnør;a\ pa\qare ,arounak;lou kamqe! Prn& Garjal;an ;xra'ak;z ir patgame f;t;u;al .øsq;row& ªM;nq m;r fauatqin famar% au;li fa\azouzinq Qristose% qan^ An m;x qristonhazouz! Fandisawaroufi Tik& |asmik {oukas;an asmounq;z Wafan Jhqh;ani ª>orfourd Wardananqºe! Dar];al b;m frauirou;zan ;rkou ;ritasard arou;staghtn;re ;u katar;zin 3 ktorn;r! Masnauor ou,adrouj;an arvanazau 3rd ktore^ ª+oujaki Parºe! Apa% ;k;[;zuo\ ;rgca.oumbe% [;kawarouj;amb .mbawar Krhk Saro\;ani% fandhs ;kau ;r;q ;rg;row! Na. n;rka\azouz Vag |akob;ani .øsq;row ;u Krhk Saro\;ani da,nauoroumow% ªWardananqº sqanc;li .mb;rge% arvananalow ‘a'o[=o\nn;rou& apa ªGaroun bazou;zº ;u ªKilikiaº ;rg;row .andawa®;z n;rkan;re% .l;low baxmajiu ªp®awøºn;r! Fousk% .øsq a®au vo[owrdap;t fa\re^ Fa\r Grigor <afin;an% or .ra.ous;z ;ritasardn;re% wa® paf;lou Wardananz patgame ;u ,arounak;lou ka®ca‘ mnal fa\kakan ir;nz va®angouj;an! Yartarørhn% da,namourow fandhs ;kau ,norfali Tik& Âija Qh,i,;an-J;rx;an! Throunakan a[øjqow w;r= gtau ;r;kon! 18 JANVIER FEVRIER 2012:DJERAK/QUARK JULY-AUG 2006 2/18/12 11:58 AM |ØDOUA’N:R Page 19 ARTICLES ’AÂA|:L ASTOU’O| >ORANIN Kiraki^ es;l h iura\atouk ør me qriston;a\ fauataz;aln;roun famar% orowf;t;u bolors gitakiz ;nq Astoua‘a,ounci grouj;an% or k∞esh^ Astoua‘ 7rd øre fangstazau! Our;mn% a\d øre^ Kirakin% nouiroua‘ h Astou‘o\! Qriston;a\ fauataz;aln;re Kiraki ør;re ;k;[;zi ke \aya.;n ;u ir;nz a[øjqn;re ke bar]razn;n a® Astoua‘% ke w;ranorog;n pataragi endmh=hn Qristosi anmaf Sourb xofe .acin wra\% isk a\d vamanakami=ozin ‘a®a\o[n;rn ;n m;r fauatarim spasauorn;re! Sourb Grigor Lousauoric Fa\ Kajo[ikh ;k;[;zuo\ .oranin ‘a®a\o[n;rn ;n 4 spasauorn;r ;u 18 øgnakan spasauorn;r% oronq f;rjakanouj;amb% amhn Kiraki ;u tønakan ør;roun k∞apafow;n ‘a®a\oujiune S& >oranin! Spasauorn;re b‘a.ndrørhn% minc;u a\sør ke ‘a®a\;n S& >oranin! M;xi famar ‘a®a\oujiune% manauand Astou‘o\ ;u ;k;[;zuo\% fog;kan gofounakoujiun ke patya®h! St;[‘oua‘ ellalow Tiro= ‘a®a\;lou famar ;u snan;low ;k;[;zakan git;liqn;row% m;nq al m;r kargin ke patrast;nq fa\ ;ritasardn;r ;u patanin;r% ‘a®a\;lou Astou‘o\ ;u ;k;[;zuo\! Qa=al;r;zh*q ;u wstaf;zh*q ];r xauakn;re m;xi% orphsxi anonq al masnakzin ;k;[;zakan araro[oujiunn;roun% ‘a®a\;low sourb s;[anin% .oranalow fauatqi mh= ;u da®nan Qristosi 'arose% stanalow anor a®ataba,. ,norfqn;re% 'a®auor;low xinqe% katar;low ir kamqe ;u inco#u ch da®nan apaga\in fa\ krjøya.i% fauatqi ;u krønqi dastiarakn;r! ANJOUAN PHXY:AN CHRISTMAS EVE DINNER As every year, St. Gregory Armenian Catholic Church’s Youth Group joined together to plan and host a lavish Christmas Eve dinner dance in the Raymond and Ani Kouyoumjian Hall. This year was especially important due to the presence of his Excellency Bishop Mikael Mouradian. Over one hundred and forty guests took part in the celebration and enjoyed delicious Mediterranean cuisine, danced the night away with music by DJ Leo, and the children even had a visit from Santa Clause. At midnight the guests, along with other parishioners, headed to church for a solemn mass. This was truly a very successful event for all ages. I would personally like to thank Sevag Kazarian, Joseph Kaskanian, Alina Missirian, Andrew Rahal and Lara Kumjian for dedicating their time and effort in organizing the celebration of our Saviour’s birth. In addition, I would like to thank Robert Mezagopian and Father Krikor Chahinian whose guidance protected us from hitting any bumps on the road. Organizing this event was a great way for the members of the ACYO to get closer and appreciate each other’s company and hard work. CHRISTINE HARMANDAYAN 19 JANVIER FEVRIER 2012:DJERAK/QUARK JULY-AUG 2006 2/18/12 11:58 AM CHRISTMAS GIFT Page 20 NOUHRN:R^ S& >ORANIN Due to your continuous and generous financial contributions and your support of the St. Gregory Armenian Catholic Parish’s activities, on December 23, 2011, our parish received the best Christmas gift. His Excellency Bishop Mikael Mouradian and Fr. Krikor Chahinian signed the refinancing documents of the Church’s mortgage (see photo). As you have seen the thermometer in Kouyoumjian Hall, the mortgage balance is at $1,500,000 as of December 31, 2011, down from $1,870,000. Since his appointment as the pastor of the Armenian Catholic Church, Fr. Krikor with the help of Fr. Armenag, assistant pastor, made the reduction of the debt their major priority, and we can say they have succeeded. Obviously, this wouldn’t have been possible without the parishioners’ commitment to the “Debt Free Campaign.” Kiraki% |ounouar 1% 2012-in% a®auøt;an vame 11 pataragi auartin% ;k;[;zuo\ fowiu^ Fa\r Grigor <afin;an% .oran frauir;z ;k;[;zuo\ fauatarim fauataz;aln;rhn Tik& Mari Famal;ane% anor ,norfakaloujiun \a\tn;lou ir katara‘ nouiratououj;an famar! A\s a®a=in angame ch% or Tik& Mari øgtakar ke fandisana\ ;k;[;zuo\ pa\‘a®ouj;an& ir a®ata];®n nouiratououjiunn;row% a\sør S& Grigor Lousauoric Fa\ Kajo[ikh ;k;[;zuo\ S& >orane øvtoua‘ h baxmajiu ouri, spasn;row! Ardar;u% Tik& Mari Famal;ane ;k;[;zuo\ nouira‘ h tapanak ou.ti% q,ozn;r grakal% ørfn;al =ouri sa'or% S& fa[ordouj;an pnakn;r% ;rkou m;‘ a,tanakn;r% bourwa®akal ;u S& pataragi skif! A\s srbaxan a®arkan;roun ørfnoujiune katar;z Arfi& Miqa\hl :ps& Mourat;an! Pataragi auartin% F& Grigor ørfnouj;an gir me \an]n;z Tik& Mari Famal;anin% a® i ;ra.tagitoujiun ir katara‘ øvandakoujiunn;roun! Tik& Mari Famal;an mi,t patrast h jikounq kangn;lou ;u ir ‘a®a\oujiunn;re i spas dn;lou Kl;nth\li S& Grigor Lousauoric Fa\ Kajo[ikh ;k;[;zuo\! Tik& Mariin ke ma[j;nq qa=a®o[=oujiun% ar;u,atoujiun! Jo[ Am;nakal Barin Astoua‘ faxarapatik war]afato\z enh axnoua'a\l ;u bar;pa,t fa\oufin% or ;rb;q ci xlanar ir masnakzoujiune b;r;lou ;k;[;zuo\ kariqn;roun ;u fama\nqin barørouj;an! I .oroz srti ke ,norfauor;nq Tik& Mari Famal;ane! With our excellent rapport with the Bank, we presented to them our financial statements and requested the refinancing of the outstanding balance. The bank agreed to refinance the loan at a reduced rate of 4.2% (fixed for 5 years), down from 5.75%. We also chose a shorter term of amortization: 8 years instead of 20 years. With these changes, while the monthly payment goes up by about $900 to $18,450, the amount of monthly interest would be to around $5,000 and the rest of the payment will be applied against the principal balance. Consequently, the total interest for the year 2012 will be around $60,000 and the loan will be reduced by about $161,000. This represents a reduction of interest expense by $22,000 a year. With this refinancing, and if we continue our payments of $18,450 a month, after five years, the balance of the loan will be about $622,000. At this time, we have setup a restricted fund account in which we will accumulate contributions made to reduce the mortgage balance. These funds will be used to pay off the remaining balance at the end of the fifth year. Thank you again for your generous support of your church. If you need any additional clarification, please do not hesitate to contact Fr. Krikor, Fr. Armenag or Gerard Mekhsian, Chairperson of the Finance Committee. GERARD MEKHSIAN 20 JANVIER FEVRIER 2012:DJERAK/QUARK JULY-AUG 2006 2/18/12 11:58 AM ’ISAGITOUJIUN Page 21 LENT LITURGY On February 20, 2012 the Lent period starts in the Armenian Catholic Church. Lent is a period of fasting and repentance traditionally observed by all Christians. The length of the Lenten fast was established in the 4th century as 40 days. During this time, participants eat sparingly or simply give up a particular food or habit. Ash Monday for the Eastern Churches or Ash Wednesday for the Western Church and Lent began as a way to remind all of us to repent of our sins in a manner similar to how people in the Old Testament repented in sackcloth, ashes, and fasting (Esther 4:1-3; Jeremiah 6:26; Daniel 9:3; Matthew 11:21). Lent focuses on three important acts: Almsgiving, Prayer, and Fasting. These three acts are interrelated. Almsgiving Giving alms, Jesus teaches, means making the needs of others our own, especially the needy of our world. And what shall we give? Some time, some of our talent, material resources, perhaps. Almsgiving is not just for the rich. Poor or rich, we all have something to give. Whatever we give, though, should be something of ourselves, something that costs us. Prayer The Lenten season calls us to pray. But prayer, Jesus teaches, is much more than saying words. “Go into your room, and close the door, and pray to your Father in secret.” Before you pray, enter the inner room of your heart. Shut the door to the noise. In the quiet place of your heart, with faith as your guide, speak to your God. Fasting “When you fast do not look gloomy,” Jesus says. Today’s consumer society looks on fasting itself as gloomy. Urging everyone to eat, drink, and buy more and more, our world today has made fasting unfashionable. This Lent, recognizing the hold things have on us , let us try, with God’s help, to keep them in their right place. Some reasonable abstaining from food, drink and entertainments can help us do that. What should we give up for Lent? 1. Give up complaining – Focus on gratitude – 2. Give up bitterness - Turn to forgiveness – 3. Give up worry – Trust in God 4. Give up discouragement – Be full of hope – 5. Give up hatred – Return good for evil. – 6. Give up anger – Be more patient. –7. Give up gossiping – Control your tongue& – 8. Give up laziness – Dedicate more time to prayer. – 9. Give up depression – Be more hopeful. – 10. Give up indifference – Be compassionate. :k;[;zin pafqe ;rkou ];uow ke gor‘adrh& min^ `ixiqakan-snndakan pafqow% miuse^ ‘isakan kam ;k;[;zakan pafqow! ~IXIQAKAN-SNNDAKAN PAFQ ~ixiqakan kam snndakan pafqe ke ka\ana\ oro, vamanakow inqxinq oro, snoundh xrk;lou mh=% oro, k;rakourn;r cout;lou mh=% apa,.aranqi ditauorouj;amb! Pafq ba®ow endfanraphs `ixiqakan pafqe k∞emb®n;n! ’ISAKAN :K:{:ZAKAN PAFQ ’isakan^ ;k;[;zakan pafqe ke ka\ana\ apa,.aro[akan a[øjqn;rou kataroumow! Snndakan pafqe animast h a®anz fog;uor kam ‘isakan paf;zo[ouj;an% or a[øjqn h! A\s ou[[ouj;amb^ Pafoz ør;re ir;nz \atouk sa[mosn;re% ,arakann;re% a[øjqn;rn ounin% oronq jr‘oua‘ ;n apa,.aro[akan fogiow% mardoun m;[ancakan wiyakin gitakzouj;amb% x[=oumi% w;r=in datastani afow% >aci 'rkagor‘ xørouj;an lo\sow ;u Astoua‘a‘ni bar;.øsouj;amb! Snndakan ;u ‘isakan ;rkou pafq;re mi,t miat;[ ke gor‘adrouin! Saka\n kan ør;r% our min miushn k∞an=atoui ;u mia\n snndakan pafqe ke mna\% minc a[øjqn;rn ou araro[oujiunn;re throunakan ke katarouin! Qa[oua‘^ Fa\r Andranik ’& Wrd& K®an;ani ªFa\ ’isakan Pa,tamounqeº fatorhn 21 JANVIER FEVRIER 2012:DJERAK/QUARK JULY-AUG 2006 2/18/12 11:58 AM Page 22 BISHOP’S VISIT TO OUR LADY QUEEN OF MARTYRS BISHOP MOURADIAN CELEBRATES CHRISTMAS MASS AT OUR LADY QUEEN OF MARTYRS With the choir singing “Hrashapar” the procession entered the church at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Armenian Catholic Church on Christmas Day 2011. It was 11:00 in the morning and the parishioners had filled the pews in our Los Angeles parish waiting to start the celebration of the birth of Christ. Solemn Mass was being celebrated by our new Eparch, His Excellency Bishop Mikael Mouradian, with Fr. Andon Panossian and Fr. Armenag Bedrossian at his sides. After readings form the epistles and the Gospels, His Excellency delivered his Christmas message to the parishioners. He emphasized the message of peace brought to us by Jesus Christ and urged the community to live up to the teachings of Christ. He congratulated the parish of Our Lady Queen of Martyrs and commended the community for continuing its attendance of services and involvement in activities in support of the church. After the conclusion on Holy Mass, His Excellency exited the church in a procession with priests, deacon and ushers while the choir sang “Khorhourt Medz yev Eskantcheli”. Parishioners in attendance were especially pleased to celebrate one of the most important holidays in the company of our new bishop. RECEPTION AT OUR LADY QUEEN OF MARTYRS FOR BISHOP MOURADIAN In order to provide the opportunity for His Excellency Bishop Mikael Mouradian to meet the parishioners at Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Armenian Catholic Church, the Ladies’ Guild organized a reception and dinner in Grigorian hall in the evening of December 26, 2011. About one hundred and twenty parishioners were in attendance. The ladies had already arranged for painting and decoration of the hall before Christmas, the setting they prepared for dinner made the hall look even more welcoming. His Excellency entered the hall accompanied by Fr. Anton Panossian and Fr. Krikor Chahinian and was greeted with joyful applause. Mrs. Susie Chakalian, the president of the Ladies’ Guild, delivered the opening remarks and welcomed the Bishop while wishing him success in his mission. After dinner, the Bishop went around the tables and was introduced to the parishioners who expressed delight at seeing him in our parish and asked that this visit be repeated in the near future. Bishop Mouradian then delivered his message to the parishioners. He announced that he intends to move the seat of the Eparchy of the Armenian Catholic Church in the USA and Canada, to California to be in close proximity to the majority of Armenian Catholics in the eparchy. He also emphasized that this parish has a long history and should be commended for the support it has given the Armenian Catholic Church. During and after dinner, there were several breaks for entertainment. Music was provided by our church choir director, Kiko Kasparian and musicians Nazo Brounsouzian and Greg Hosharian. There were recitations and poems by Stephanie Khatchigian, Sarin Kaloghlian and Sevag Kazarian. Attendees also enjoyed special songs by Izabelle Manoukian and Charles Gevoian. It was a very pleasant and fruitful evenings for all in attendance. Special thanks to the ladies’ guild who organized this successful event. ARA AROYAN 22 JANVIER FEVRIER 2012:DJERAK/QUARK JULY-AUG 2006 2/18/12 11:58 AM Page 23 COMMUNITY ADS ’ANOUZOUMN:R SCHEDULE OF MASSES AT GLENDALE SAINT GREGORY ARMENIAN CATHOLIC PARISH MONDAY TO SATURDAY: 8:30 A.M. SUNDAYS: EARLY MASS: 9:30 AM SOLEMN MASS: 11:00 A.M. FA|:RHN L:XOUI :U QRISTONHAKANI DASENJAZQN:R Kaxmak;rpoua‘^ • English-Arabic-Armenian Mass: Every 2nd Sunday of every month at 1:00 p.m. • San Diego Mass: Every third Sunday of the month September 18, 2011 Armenian Rite Mass at Saint Timothy Church, 2960 Canyon Rd. Escondido at 3:30 p.m. • San Francisco Mass: Every fourth Sunday of the month Armenian Mass at Our Lady of Angels Church, 1345 Cortez Ave., at Burlingame 12:00 Kl;nth\li S& Grigor Lousauoric Fa\ Kajo[ikh Vo[owrdap;touj;an ko[mh! Dasenjazqn;re t;[i k∞oun;nan% Fokt;mb;r amishn sks;al% amhn Kiraki a®auøt;an% vame 11!00-in! ’no[n;re krnan ir;nz xauakn;re (4-10)% ar]anagr;l% dim;low^ ;k;[;zi (818) 243-8400 KL:NTH|LI S& GRIGOR LOUSAUORIC FA| KAJO{IKH VO{OWRDAP:TOUJ:AN PATARAGI VAM:R SCHEDULE OF MASSES AT OUR LADY QUEEN OF MARTYRS ARMENIAN CATHOLIC CHURCH MONDAY TO SATURDAY: 8:00 A.M. SUNDAYS: EARLY MASS: 9:30 AM SOLEMN MASS: 11:00 A.M. 1327 Pleasant Ave., Los Angeles 90033 :RKOU<ABJIHN <ABAJ! A®au& vame 8!30-in KIRAKI! A®au& vame 9!30-in – Angl& ;u fa\;rhn A®au& vame 11!00-in – }a\nauor Pat& Angl;rhn-Arab;rhn Patarag amhn amsouan ;rkrord Kirakin k&;& vame 1!00-in KL:NTH|LI S& GRIGOR LOUSAUORIC FA| KAJO{IKH VO{OWRDAP:TOUJIUNE KE |AN}NARARH FAUATAZ:ALN:ROUN% OR FOG:FANGIST >NDR:LOU FAMAR% KAR:UOR H DIM:L VO{OWRDAP:TOUJ:AN GRAS:N:AKE^ :RKOU<ABJIHN <ABAJ ØR:RE AÂAUØT:AN VAME 10!00-HN 4!00! KIRAKI ØR FOG:FANGISTI >NDRANQ CENDOUNOUIR! JAGOUFI MARTIROSAZ FA| KAJO{IKH :K:{:ZUO| PATARAGI VAM:R :RKOU<ABJIHN <ABAJ^ A®au& vame 8!00-in KIRAKI! A®au& vame 9!30-in – Jiu Patarag A®au& vame 11!00-in – }a\nauor Patarag 1327 Pleasant Ave., Los Angeles 90033 (818) 243-8400 BAPTISM – Arrangements must be made in advance with the Church Office, Sponsor should be 16 or older, and must present a Sponsor Certificate if from another parish. MATRIMONY – Couples must contact the Church office (818)243-8400 before any other arrangements are made and at least six months before the wedding. COMMUNION CALLS – will gladly bring Communion to any parishioners who cannot attend Badarak because of age, sickness or disability. Please call the church at (818)243-8400 ANOINTING OF THE SICK – Emergency calls will be taken any time and at all hours. Please notify the priest immediately of any serious illness. To be most effective and beneficial, the Anointing of the Sick should be received while the patient is sill alert and conscious. ALTAR BOYS – All boys and young men are welcome to serve on the Altar. We ask that you arrive for Badarak by 10:45 A.M. Please call the church for further information. HOUSE BLESSING – Arrangements must be made in advance with Father Krikor Chahinian, pastor and Father Armenag Bedrossian Assistant pastor. Please call the Church office at (818)243-8400. 23 JANVIER FEVRIER 2012:DJERAK/QUARK JULY-AUG 2006 2/18/12 11:58 AM Page 24 PUBLICATION OF THIS BULLETIN IS SUPPORTED BY |A+O{ WALANJA|NI ØR ";trouar 11% 2012-i ;r;ko\;an% \a=o[ Walanja\nºi fandisoujiun me t;[i oun;zau ªÂh\mon ;u Ani Gou\oumy;anº srafin mh=! N;rka\ hr fo‘ baxmoujiun me% or ,at fay;li vamanak anzouz% arab;rhn ;rg;rou fanra‘anøj m;knaban^ Ma\qel A,qari f;t! R A T E S A R E W A Y D O W N !!! OMEGA FUNDING 3.875 % 30 yrs fixed Call Vartan Missirian (626) 797-4648 GEMSTEP CONSTRUCTION Inc Kitchen & Bathroom Remodeling Home Renovation Steve Farajian (909) 392-3555 HERMITAGE JEWELRY Sarkis Harmandayan Fine Jewelry Montblanc & S.T. Dupont dealer (213) 489-3818 Mr. and Mrs. Kevork and Dikoug Bastekian VLT JEXPO CONSTRUCTION John Chadarevian Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling BAPTISMS We welcome into the Community of the Church through the waters of baptism: Alex Tiflizyan December 09, 2011 Nellie Cholet Grigorian December 10, 2011 Chloe Nayeri Grigorian December 10, 2011 Erica Sarkisyan December 23, 2011 Edi Sarkisyan December 23, 2011 Beleen Rueda December 25, 2011 Jordyn simone williams January 15, 2012 Gregory Andrew Schmidt January 20, 2012 Joseph Fredreic Koussa February 5, 2012 Alex Aghajanian February 5, 2012 Carly Melikian February 11, 2012 Natalie Lauren Manukyan February 12, 2012 WEDDINGS Congratulations to the following couples who have joined in Holy Matrimony Roman Avanesian and Edit Alverdyan Dec. 17, 2011 Adam Chistopher Khalil & Jahel Lara Salazar Jan. 5, 2012 Armand Gary Canyon & Zoila Vanessa Giordani Jan. 7, 2012 Bahij Ghazal and Maria Khoury Jan. 8, 2012 Artour Chaharmahali & Melani Artoun Livaskani Jan. 14, 2012 Alex Grigorians And Alina Markari Feb. 4, 2012 THEY SLEPT IN ETERNAL LIFE Irene Khalatian Elias Laow December 21, 2011 January 10, 2012 Ms. Lilly Kargodorian Ms. Yeran Orchanian Apartments for Rent Vatche Chadarevian (714) 429-1950 Tel: (714) 375-0722 Ms. Sossy Garabedian Mr. & Mrs. Harry and Sema Keshishian Shant Jaburian Ms. Elizabeth Voskian Immigration Attorney (213) 251-1733 Deacon Haroutioun & Seta Ghazarian Mr. & Mrs. Garo & Varteni Momjian Gerard Mekhsian CPA (818) 449-5700 Mr. & Mrs. Khatchig and Takouhi Jaburian The Kalioundji Family VITECH ELECTRIC Mr. & Mrs. Viken & Vartouhi Tavoukjian Mr. & Mrs. Garo and Betty Nercessian Mr & Mrs. Garo & Seta Boyadjian Mr. & Mrs. Varant & Sevan Markarian Mr & Mrs. Garo & Seta Boyadjian Mr. & Mrs. Varant & Sevan Markarian Residential & Commercial Vatche M. Iskenderian (818) 720-2545 TO ADVERTISE IN THE BULLETIN, CALL VARTAN MISSIRIAN AT (626) 255-2537
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