Winter 2013 - Baltimore International Seafarers` Center


Winter 2013 - Baltimore International Seafarers` Center
St. Nicholas’ Bag
The Newsletter of the Baltimore
International Seafarers’ Center Winter 2013
Ministry in Many Modes
BISC’s family ministry this summer and fall included praying with a seafarer whose father recently had a stroke, blessing a man heading home to get married, and reuniting a seafarer with his sister-­in-­law and other relatives.
Crisis ministry included facilitating a confidential meeting of crew members with International Transport Worker Federation liaison Arthur Petitpas, who resolved a salary issue, and arranging emergency medical care for a sea-­
farer after an allergic reaction: his crewmates greatly appreciated Associate Chaplain Allene Taylor’s hours of pastoral care.
And lighter moments included a trip to Camden Yards, provided by Pastor Gerry Rickel (funded by Seafarers & International House), for Taiwanese Orioles’ fans from the Ever Diadem.
An e-­mail from a grateful crew:
Hi Allene. We want to thank you for your help with assisting at the emergency visit at Baltimore Washington Medical Center last time we were in Baltimore. Your fast handling when calling the ambulance and the assistance at the hospital made it a lot easier for us since we are not used to the American medical system. . . . Thank you for your great service to us seafarers in Baltimore.
A visit to Camden Yards in June.
A family reunion in late May.
Christmas at Sea Couldn’t Happen Without You!
Baltimore International
Seafarers’ Center
Current Board officers & members:
Bud Nixon, President
Allene Taylor, Vice-President
Volunteer Associate Chaplain,
Baltimore International Seafarers’ Center
Donald Carroll
Michael Derby
Wallenius Wilhelmsen Logistics
The Very Rev. Van Gardner
Dean Emeritus of the
Cathedral of the Incarnation
Capt. Michael Flanagan
Association of Maryland Pilots
The Rev. Lois Nehmer
Capt. Michael Reagoso
McAllister Towing of Baltimore, Inc.
Douglas Stevenson Esq.
Center for Seafarers’ Rights,
Seamen’s Church Institute
of New York and New Jersey
Leland Van Koten Esq.
Volunteer ship visitor,
Baltimore International Seafarers’ Center
The Rev. Canon Angela Shepherd
Episcopal Diocese of Maryland
Gregory Waidlich
Operations Manager,
Atlantic Container Line
Non-voting officers:
The Rev. Mary Davisson, Secretary
John Thompson, Treasurer
In 2012, chaplains and volunteers from the Baltimore International Seafarers’ Center once again gave away over 1100 Christmas boxes to over 50 crews. Our grateful thanks go out to the following donors for their generous purchases of gifts and loving assembly of Christmas boxes:
Lutheran congregations (in the Baltimore area unless otherwise noted): St. Paul’s (Aberdeen), St. John’s (Westminster), St. Paul, Good Shepherd (Bel Air), Christ (Millersville), St. Luke’s, Hope, St. Michael’s, Faith (Cockeysville), Lord of Life, Trinity (Reisterstown), St. Andrew’s, Zion, St. John’s (Linthicum), St. Mark’s (Hampstead), Grace (Westminster), Jerusalem (Westminster), Our Redeemer (Glen Burnie), New Life, St. Luke (Dundalk), St. John’s (Pimlico), Augsburg Lutheran Village, Ascension (Towson), St. John’s (Parkville), St. Luke’s (Hampden), Salem (Catonsville), Holy Comforter, St. Martin’s (Annapolis).
Episcopal congregations (in the Baltimore area unless other-­
wise noted): Middleham and St. Peter’s (Lusby), St. David’s, Nativity, St. Mark’s (Highland), Redemption, Holy Trinity (Essex), Sherwood (Cockeysville), St. James (Lothian), Christ Church (Port Republic), Old St. Paul’s, St. Matthias, St. Thomas (Owings Mills), Holy Comforter, Holy Cross (The Rocks), St. Mark’s (Lappans), St. John’s (Kingsville), Redeemer.
Lynn Calvarese, Allene Taylor, and Chuck Calvarese with some of the ninety Christmas boxes prepared by Old St. Paul’s Episcopal Church for seafarers.
Others: Salem United Methodist (Keedysville), Catholic Daughters, Pfefferkorn, Mary Davidson, Starbucks employees in Sterling and Cascades (VA), Baltimore Maritime Exchange staff, Maryland Port Administration staff, Terminal Shipping Company, Rukert Terminals, the Rev. William Fallowfield, Ms. Maureen Dow, Mr. Jim Miller, Propeller Club. No Two Days in the Port Are Alike!
The Baltimore International Seafarers’ Center normally serves foreign crews of con-­
tainer ships, car carriers, bulk ships, etc. But late last sum-­
mer, we had a new opportunity: to take American crewmembers from the Tug Barney shopping on Boston Street in Canton.
Baltimore International Seafarers’ Center
Meet Chris Keegan
Most of us don’t get to work with those whose first, or even second, language is not English. So we don’t quite understand how it feels to be surrounded in a strange environment with no easy communication. Working at the Center, I’ve been lucky enough to help communicate with those whose English limited, or who just want to relax and speak their own language. Recently, a volunteer brought back a crewmember from Montenegro to our Center. She had trouble explaining to him how the phone card worked, so I offered to take over. Somehow, I recalled what little Croatian I knew from when I travelled there and helped him connect with a friend back in Serbia. Though he wasn’t at the Center for long, he was clearly grate-­
ful. And I was grateful too, for the hum-­
bling experience of trying to communicate in a language unfamiliar to me in order to help another. Chris Keegan comes from Rochester, New York. As an Episcopal Service Corps intern placed at the Baltimore International Seafarers’ Center, he is serving seafarers 35 hours/week, drawing on his major in anthropology as well as his Russian-­language skills.
Another day, early in my internship, our director brought back three crewmembers from a vessel with a mixed crew. One of these, a Russian who spoke only a little English, was onboard a ship with only one other person who spoke Russian. I didn’t get to speak with him long, but he was so thankful for some conversation in his own tongue that he invited me to come visit him in Russia! While I was glad to have made a con-­
nection with someone in such a short time, I also learned a lot from this. I recalled my own experiences in Russia, when I was often surrounded by those who did not speak English. Most of us can’t imagine sailing for many months on end with only one other person who speaks our lan-­
What has been most eye-­opening is how grateful and generous seafarers can be, regardless of what country they come from or what language they speak. All of us who volunteer at the Center have been invited to share meals with crews, even when they’re low on supplies, and we’ve appreciated seafarers’ grateful thanks and gracious conversa-­
tion. These occasions, always profoundly rich, remind us of our common humanity, and the needs that come along with that. While all of us enjoy a well-­cooked meal, we rarely consider how much we enjoy and need the company of others, even if only in passing.
BISC Staff
Director: The Rev. Mary H.T. Davisson
Associate Chaplain (volunteer): Allene Taylor
Treasurer: John Thompson
Office volunteers: The Rev. Tony Hollis, Jim
Johnstone, Jane Parker
Seafarers and International House of New
York chaplain (Lutheran): The Rev. Gerry Rickel
Baltimore Baptist Association chaplain: Pastor
Don Bryant
Episcopal Service Corps Intern: Chris Keegan
Volunteer ship visitors: Capt. Suresh Ahluwalia,
Capt. Darrell Dempster, Capt. Mike Flanagan,
Bob Garske, The Rev. Linda Hollis, Larry Long,
The Rev. Ed Munro, Lee Van Koten
St. Nicholas’ Bag Newsletter:
Editor-in-Chief: Mary Davisson
Designer & Production Editor: Ed Davisson
Webmaster: Martin Reisinger
St. Nicholas’ Bag — Winter 2013
Magazines Matter to Crews!
A few months ago, a BISC chaplain visited a crew on board a coal ship . After two weeks crossing the Atlantic and a week at anchor waiting for space at the coal pier, they had less than 48 hours at their dock. They weren’t allowed to go ashore. (Members of bulk ship crews often don’t have time or money to get U.S. visas, and they don’t know in advance where their ships will go.) They couldn’t even watch TV (reception is non-­existent at sea and poor in port). And this crew’s next port was in Asia-­-­six weeks away.
So a bag of a prayer folder and six free magazines was a welcome novelty! Please, keep those magazines coming, so we can place an appealing assortment on every vessel we visit.
Volunteer Jim Johnstone (from Old St. Paul’s, Baltimore) willingly assembles many magazine bags every week. He also enjoys hosting crew if they have time to come to our Center.
Pre-­sorting Matters Too!
Over 2,000 ships dock annually in Baltimore. We have enough chaplains and volunteers to serve just over half of these crews. Many depend on us for transportation ashore, since most termi-­
nals do not provide free security escort from the vessel to the terminal gate. Even though some vol-­
unteers work up to nine hours without a lunch break, we often have to respond “sorry, we’re booked” to multiple requests from crews for visits or rides.
We can spend more time interacting with seafarers when our donors spend time sorting magazines before bringing them in.
Please bring us: Time, Sports Illustrated, People, and similar titles up to a few months old;; Readers’ Digest and consumer magazines up to a year old;; National Geographics up to a few years old.
Please don’t bring us: out-­of-­date magazines, technical and alumni journals, catalogues, and other unsorted mail. On behalf of seafarers from all over the world, thank you!
Unfortunately, we have no more space for books (except Bibles in modern English). Please limit your donations to those requested above.
We can also use action/adventure DVD’s, but no VHS cassettes, please.
BISC Goes to Philadelphia
The BISC was well represented at the August 2012 North American Maritime Ministry Association Conference, which took place in Philadelphia. Director Mary Davisson (NAMMA Board member) and Associate Chaplain Allene Taylor (Life Member) attend annually. This summer, they were joined by Baptist pastor Don Bryant and his wife Chris Bryant, Lutheran pastor Gerry Rickel (funded by Seafarers and International House of New York to work in the Port of Baltimore), and long-­time Lutheran volunteer Capt. Darrell Dempster (USN Retired). Thank you to Chris for her photography!
From left to right: Gerry Rickel, Don Bryant, Mary Davisson, Allene Taylor, Darrell Dempster
Baltimore International Seafarers’ Center
Thanks for Supporting Our Work in the Port
The Baltimore International Seafarers’ Center is thrilled to announce that we were chosen by the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland as the 2013 beneficiary of the annual Bishops’ Cup Charity Golf Tournament. Held this year at Compass Pointe Golf Course, Pasadena, on September 28, the event netted $17,000 for BISC! We extend our deep-­
est thanks to The Rt. Rev. Eugene Sutton, Bishop of Maryland, to Ms. Sharon Tillman, event coordinator, and to all our sponsors and participants, especially: Propeller Club of Baltimore, McAllister Towing of Baltimore, Church Insurance Agency Corporation, Kissinger Financial Services, St. Margaret’s Church (Annapolis), Balterm LLP, Association of Maryland Pilots—and many more who helped make this year’s tournament the best ever! The Bishops’ Cup Golf Tournament was initiated in 2009 to support ministries in the Diocese of Maryland. For more information, contact Sharon Tillman at still-­
[email protected] or 410-­467-­1399.
The Baltimore International Seafarers’ Center grate-­
fully acknowledges a $10,000 grant from the George E. The team from Ceres Marine Terminals, Inc., pictured with Babylon Jr. and Ruth J. Babylon Charitable Foundation, %LVKRS6XWWRQULJKWWRRN¿UVWSODFH3KRWRDQGLQIRUPDWLRQ
as well as very special donations from: St. James courtesy of Sharon Tillman and Episcopal Diocese of Maryland.)
Episcopal Church in Monkton, Propeller Club of Baltimore, The Marion I. and Henry J. Knott Foundation, Emmanuel Episcopal Church in Baltimore (in support of cell phone loans), Rukert Terminals, Mr. Kalevi Olkio, American Marine & Cargo Inc., Ports America Chesapeake, St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Highland, the Baltimore Community Foundation, Atlantic Ro-­Ro Carriers, the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland, and $5,000 from the Friendly Inn. In addition, an anonymous family interested in seafarers donated $6,000!
And our thanks go out as well to the following donors in the second half of 2012: the Rev. Timothy Grayson, the Rev. Herbert Lodder, Ms. Mary Warfield, the Rev. Wes Wubbenhorst, Mr. James Johnstone, Krause Marine Towing, the Rev. Walter Simmons, APS East Coast, Ms. Jane Johnson, the Rev. Lance Gifford, Capt. Greg Lukowski, Capt. Randy Bourgeois, Capt. Mark Fithian, Mr. Edwin S. Davisson, the Rev. Janice Gordon-­Barnes (in honor of Bud Nixon), Ms. Kathy Broadwater, Ms. Dawn Kua, Ms. Allene Taylor, Ms. Helen Wheeler, Capt. Suresh and Dr. Pat Ahluwalia, Ms. Fay Willey, Capt. Michael Flanagan, Ms. Jane Parker, James and Amy Degenhard, the Revs Linda and Tony Hollis, Christ Episcopal Church in Columbia, Ms. Alice Hartge Wilson (in memory of Bobby Hartge), St. George’s Episcopal Church in Mt. Savage, the Rev. William and Ms. Margaret Dunning, Mr. James Johnstone, Ms. Nora Garman, Lt. Col. Sheldon and Ms. Anne Slater, the Rev. Ronald and Ms. Mary Miller, Ms. Gloria Jeanne Petit-­Clair, Ms. Margaret Smith Stedman, Ms. Jane Howard, Google Matching Gifts Program, Canton Port Services, Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church (Millersville), Mediterranean Shipping Company, Ms. Randi Donselar, Ms. Alice Bockman, Mr. Walter and Ms. Barbara Clifford (in honor of Bob Garske), Capt. George Miller, Ms. Elizabeth Biliske, Ms. Helen Wheeler, Mr. Steuart Thomsen, Augsburg Lutheran Community, the Association of Maryland Pilots, Terminal Shipping Company, Mr. Wayne Dornbirer, Ms. Cynthia Cocke, Mr. James Ridenour, Capt. Paul and Ms. Jean Whitin, Lutheran Church of the Holy Comforter, Mr. John and Ms. Ashby Thompson, the Vane Brothers Company, Capt. C.S. Yearwood, Ms. Sidney Turner (in honor of Lee VanKoten), Capt. Mike Prenger, Mr. John B. Gillett, Ms. Janet and Mr. Craig Merson, the Rev. Scott Slater, Mr. Donald W. Carroll, Mr. Gislin Dagnelie, the Rev. Ellie Thober, Amports, John S. Connor, Inc., Mr. Hamilton Whitman, Mr. Doug and Ms. Eloise Brown, and the Rev. Mary Davisson.
In addition, the churches and groups where Director Mary Davisson has spoken or preached (p. 7) continue to support us.
St. Nicholas’ Bag — Winter 2013
Ministry in Many Modes, Part II
BISC chaplains continued to respond to diverse needs throughout the fall of 2013:
The Rev. Gerry Rickel was delighted to conduct an on-­board worship service on short notice. Tight work schedules and security rules make it very difficult for seafarers to go ashore to church.
The Rev. Linda Hollis agreed to provide transportation for an Indian officer and his wife, who was traveling with him. It turned out that the wife had been injured in a South American port and was disembarking in Baltimore, where she would receive medical care and stay with a relative who lives in the area. The family appreciated Linda’s assistance and concern.
The Rev. Mary Davisson was transporting two Filipino seafarers back to their vessel after they had spent a couple of hours using our center’s internet. When she asked one man if he had been able to contact his family, she learned that he had not been able to speak directly with his wife because she was busy giving birth! Other family members kept the man updated on his wife’s condition. We added the family to our prayer log.
It Takes a Village to Mail a Newsletter . . . Happy to support the
important work of the
Baltimore International
Seafarers' Center
Official Fumigators for the Port of Baltimore
(610) 595-2100 or 800) 542-1542
Twice a year, Ms. Brenda Kovacs (farthest from camera) assembles an ecumenical team to fold, label, address, and stamp the St. Nicholas’ Bag. Most of our mailers come from Locust Point. Brenda is an active member of the Episcopal Church of the Redemption, Locust Point, half a mile from BISC. When not guest-­
preaching elsewhere, Director Mary Davisson assists with Sunday morning worship at Redemption.
Baltimore International Seafarers’ Center
Out and About in Maryland
During the second half of 2012, Director Mary Davisson preached at the following Episcopal churches: Church of the Messiah, Copley Parish Joppa, Church of the Redemption, and St. John’s Kingsville. Episcopal Service Corps Chris Keegan visited Catonsville Presbyterian and the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, and Lutheran Pastor Gerry Rickel visited Salem United Methodist in Keedysville.
We thank all these congregations for their support! In addition, Mary was interviewed on WYPR in July;; the interview was re-­broadcast on December 31.
The new “50-­foot berth” at Seagirt Marine Terminal in Dundalk has attracted considerable publicity as an example of public-­private sector cooperation, result-­
ing in accommodations for the larger container ships anticipated to begin docking here in 2014 after the expansion of the Panama Canal is complete. Pastor Gerry Rickel gave the invocation at the dedication of one of Seagirt 4’s new cranes in memory of Capt. Lorenzo DiCasagrande of Mediterranean Shipping Company. The Captain’s family, Congresswoman Helen Delich Bentley, and Mark Montgomery of Ports America were also in attendance.
Sailabration 2012 and BISC
Remember all the tall ships and navy ships which visited the Port of Baltimore during the June 2012 “Star-­Spangled Sailabration”? BISC Volunteer Capt. Suresh Ahluwalia worked nearly round the clock during that week, meeting and greeting, transporting seafarers, and helping to orient volunteers less familiar with the port. Much of his work was with the RGA Argus (British Navy) and USS San Antonio.
Suresh and his wife Pat Ahluwalia enjoyed extensive interaction with the USS San Antonio, shown, as well as several other crews.
St. Nicholas’ Bag Winter 2013
The Baltimore International Seafarers’ Center
1430 Wallace Street | Baltimore, MD 21230
410.685.1240 | [email protected] |
We depend on your donations
to help seafarers.
Please make out checks to:
Baltimore International Seafarers’ Center,
1430 Wallace St., Baltimore MD 21230.
The Center is a 501(c)3, and contributions are tax-deductible.
In Touch at Christmas . . . And All Year Round!
Emailed greetings to BISC from a seafarer we visited while docked in Baltimore:
Hello Mary,
May this Easter Day bring lots of happiness and joy in your life.
with peace and happiness forever.
Wishing you and your family joy, love, and peace on Christmas.
BISC provided gifts, visits, and rides to this crew.
Baltimore International Seafarers’ Center