Ovarian Vein Embolisation as Treatment for Pelvic Congestion


Ovarian Vein Embolisation as Treatment for Pelvic Congestion
Pelvic Congestion Syndrome:
Technique And Results
Lindsay Machan, MD
University of British Columbia
Vancouver , British Columbia
Lindsay Machan, MD, FSIR
• Stock: A4L, Calgary Scientific, Endologix,
Harmonic Medical, Ikomed, Lombad
Medical, Middletoe Industries, Inc., NDC
•Consultant/Advisory Board: Boston
Ovarian Vein Reflux
Clinical presentations
Pelvic congestion syndrome
Varicose veins
Thrombosis – acute pain
Incidental finding
Ovarian Vein Reflux
Clinical presentations
Pelvic congestion syndrome
Varicose veins
Thrombosis – acute pain
Incidental finding
Pelvic Congestion Syndrome
• SIR endorsed definition - chronic pelvic pain
> 6 months
– secondary to PVI
– associated pelvic venous distention
• Esp. multiparous, pre-menopausal women
– 20’s – 40’s
• 13 to 31% of patients with CPP
Pelvic congestion syndrome –
“classical” clinical features
chronic pelvic pain
Absence of other pelvic
pelvic pain worse
Pre - menstrual
Fatigue / end of the day
relieved by laying supine
Ovarian vein reflux and lower
extremity varicosities
• Varicose veins
– Recur / persist after surgery
– Labia or buttocks
– Unusual distribution leg
• Increased importance with EVLT
Consultation with gynecologist
Minimal lesion endometriosis
Treatment – cauterization and medication
Pre-procedure imaging in patient
with suspected ovarian vein reflux
Chronic Pelvic Pain NYD
Transvaginal duplex
Dilated pelvic veins
Abnormal accentuation
with Valsalva
Left Renal Venogram
Selective Left Ovarian Venogram
Infusion of tetradecyl sulphate
• Infuse sclerosant until stasis
• 3% TDS / 0.5 cc contrast
• 4 – 10 cc typical
Coil Left Ovarian Vein
38 -8-10 MR Eye Coil (Cook, Inc)
Right Ovarian Venogram
Left Internal Iliac Venogram
Right Internal Iliac Venogram
Right Internal Iliac Embolization
Gelfoam / Lipiodol Slurry
Internal Iliac Vein Embolization - TDS
Internal Iliac Vein Embolization - TDS
Internal Iliac Vein Embolization - TDS
Infuse TDS / contrast
until stasis
Durability of Symptom Relief
Kwon et al - 67 patients coil embolization for PCS
• F/U 3 months – 6 years
• 55 (82%) satisfied
– 5 (8%)complete absence of pain
– 50 (75%) sufficient pain reduction satisfied the
• 10 (15%) no change
• 2 (3%) pain worse
Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 2007. 30:655-661
Durability of Symptom Relief
Kwon et al - 67 patients coil embolization for PCS
• 12 (18%) no change or increase in pain
– 9 surgical treatment
• 7 hysterectomy and uterosacral nerve ablation.
• 2 adhesiolysis
• 7 / 9 significant reduction pain
– 3 medical management
• 3 / 3 persistent pain
Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol (2007) 30:655–661
Durability of Embolization
Durability of Embolization
• 28 women age 40 – 75 (mean 53.5)
• 25.5% of Rx group
• Mean follow-up 7.5 years
– 11 - complete elimination all reflux
– 7 - elimination all truncal reflux
• minor reflux in vulval veins
– 6 - minor reflux 1 truncal vein
– 4 - significant reflux > truncal veins
Phlebology, 2015
Embolization PCS with Foam
• Technical success 100%
• 12-month follow-up
– No recurrent varicoceles
– Statistically significant improvement symptoms
Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol (2008) 31:778–784
Conclusion –ovarian vein embolization
Pelvic congestion syndrome
remains controversial
Patients with unexplained chronic
pelvic pain and ovarian vein
varicosities can be safely
Which of the following statements is true
regarding pelvic congestion syndrome?
• 1.
Pelvic congestion is the most common cause of
chronic pelvic pain in women.
• 2.
Pelvic, labial and lower limb varicosities are
unrelated entities.
• 3.
The SIR endorsed standard definition of pelvic
venous congestion syndrome refers to a condition of
chronic pelvic pain of greater than 6 months duration
secondary to PVI and associated pelvic venous
• 4.
The typical patient is nulliparous.
Which of the following statements is true
regarding pelvic congestion syndrome?
• 1.
Pelvic congestion is the most common cause of
chronic pelvic pain in women.
• 2.
Pelvic, labial and lower limb varicosities are
unrelated entities.
• 3.
The SIR endorsed standard definition of pelvic
venous congestion syndrome refers to a condition of
chronic pelvic pain of greater than 6 months duration
secondary to PVI and associated pelvic venous
• 4.
The typical patient is nulliparous.
• Reference: Durham JD, Machan L. Pelvic congestion
syndrome. Semin Intervent Radiol. 2013 Dec;30(4):37280.
Which of the following statements about ovarian /
pelvic venous reflux is not true?
• 1. Pregnancy is associated with recurrent pelvic vein reflux in
women previously treated with coil embolisation.
• 2. Relying solely on vein diameter is not suitable for the
diagnosis of ovarian vein reflux.
• 3. Pelvic venous reflux is a major contributing cause of varicose
veins recurrent after surgery.
• 4. There is Level 1 evidence for the role of embolization in
pelvic congestion.
• 5. Chronic pelvic venous ectasia is normal after pregnancy.
Which of the following statements about ovarian /
pelvic venous reflux is not true?
• 1. Pregnancy is associated with recurrent pelvic vein reflux in
women previously treated with coil embolisation.
• 2. Relying solely on vein diameter is not suitable for the
diagnosis of ovarian vein reflux.
• 3. Pelvic venous reflux is a major contributing cause of varicose
veins recurrent after surgery.
• 4. There is Level 1 evidence for the role of embolization in
pelvic congestion.
• 5. Chronic pelvic venous ectasia is normal after pregnancy.
• Reference: Phillips D, Deipolyi AR, Hesketh RL, et al. Pelvic
congestion syndrome: etiology of pain, diagnosis, and clinical
management. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2014 May; 25(5):725-33.