April-May-2016 - Cigar City Chapter


April-May-2016 - Cigar City Chapter
April / May 2016
Director’s Notes...
April / May 2016
Cigar City Chapter—0735
Harley Owners Group
Tampa, FL
Bill Madison, DIRECTOR,
Director Article
Cigar City Director
This Friday I had the opportunity to attend Final Friday at the dealership. What an
event! If you have not had the opportunity to attend any of the dealership events, try to
fit them into your schedule. They are having pancake breakfasts, grill and chills and
vendor villages on the 3rd Saturday of the month. The proceeds from the pancake
breakfast go to the chapter. Starting in April we will have a tent at the vendor village
for our chapter swap meet. Bring your items to sell and the Ladies of Harley will be
manning the tent.
Our Next Chapter
We now have a merchandise case for chapter items inside the dealership. Just see a
sales associate from Harley and you can purchase our chapter items any time. No more
waiting for chapter meetings.
Rainy season is just right around the corner. Put those rain suits in your saddle
bags. And think about taking the advance rider course in April. See Larry to sign up.
April 2 , 2016
May 7 ,2016
Officers/Board Members/ 2
Road Captains
News from the Dealership
Chapter Minutes
LOH News
Safety Corner
Membership Corner
Photo Shootin’ Gallery
Ride Safe
Bill Madison
Please support our sponsoring
Harley-Davidson of Tampa
Bill Madison - Director
George Smith
Frank Wattenbarger - Assistant Director
Paul Obie Oberholtzer
Denise Muth - Secretary
Gerry Rogers
Dede Clinch - Head Road Captain
Larry Blakley - Safety Officer
Jeannie DelGreco - Ladies of Harley
Road Captains
Orfita Ulmand- Membership
Head Road Captain
Lionel Arce - Editor
Dede Clinch
Neil Clinch - Webmaster
Greg Talamantez - Treasurer
Road Captains
Ed Rivera - Photographer
Jerry Ulmand- Activities
Karen Talamantez – Historian
Larry Blakley
Paul Parks
Larry Daniels
Carl Gilbert
Bill Madison
Jim Carilli
Russell Meyers
Frank Wattenbarger
Jim Fisher
Mike LaVoy
Cigar City HOG Chapter Meeting Minutes
February 6, 2016
Director Bill Madison called the meeting to order at 10:00 am and the Pledge of Allegiance was completed.
February Birthdays - No one admitted to birthday’s this month
Membership: Orfita reported that we had 74 members prior to today’s meeting. Five new members joined today for a new
Total of 79 members.
Ladies of Harley: Our next LOH Meeting is February 18th at the Brass Tap, 10019 N. Dale Mabry Hwy at 7pm. LOH is going
to begin choosing one chapter ride per month and will also lead the ride. Jeannie needs one more ‘sweep’ to become a road
captain. Hootie Hoot for Jeannie! If you wish to participate in LOH events, please email Jeanne at [email protected].
Activities: Jerry reported the chapter picnic will be Saturday, November 12th at the Shriners location (same as last year).
The requirements to earn a volunteer patch were solidified. Chapter members need to volunteer for 6 events to earn the patch.
The next pancake breakfast is on February 20th from 8am – 10am. As always, volunteers are needed. Please contact Jerry at
[email protected] if you would like to volunteer. You must volunteer for the entire 2 hours to count as an event worked (to
be counted towards volunteer patch). Please sign in any time you work an event to ensure you get credit.
We will now have a bowling night once per quarter as a Wednesday night dinner ride. The first one will be February 24th at
Royal Lanes in Land O’Lakes. If you don’t bowl you can still join us for the food and fun. Additional details will be included
in the weekly wrapper.
Road Captain: Dede reviewed the rides scheduled for February. Check cigarcityhog.com for updated ride calendar.
Today’s ride is the 3-30-60 to Cayman Cove. Larry was asked the meaning of 3-30-60. Below is the relevance from Larry.
3 = total of 3 miles from dealership
30 = will ride 30 miles to get to destination
60 = ride will take 60 minutes
Tomorrow- No Ride (Super Bowl Sunday)
February 14th- No Ride (Valentine’s Day)
DeDe asked for donations of Harley T-Shirts prior to the ride to Emeritus on Sunday, February 21st . Emeritus will use the Tshirts to have a penny auction for the residents.
Russell Myers received Road Captain patch today. Awesome!
Susie A. received rider of the month. Note- Rider of the month can only be won by same member once every 3 months.
Web Master: Neil reported that cigarcityhog.com is now the official site for our chapter. Updates to the website are tweeted.
We have a new Facebook page and Facebook icon is located on cigarcityhog.com.
Larry advised that the Facebook page can be used to communicate information regarding events or rides. Larry will update the
cigarcityhog.com website providing details on how to get a text anytime there is a change to the Facebook page.
Safety Officer: Larry reported that a Safety page is now included in the cigarcityhog.com website. In addition, the February/
March Newsletter includes safety tips as follows-
Stop signs - when riding as a group, all riders should be stopped with feet down prior to the leader starting through the stop
sign. This allows us to begin through the stop sign as a group.
Lane changes – do not change lanes until the bike in front of you has changed lanes (unless a safety issue prohibits).
Chapter Meeting Minutes–
In the next monthly meeting training on how to pick up a dropped bike will be provided. Larry is also planning to begin
providing virtual riding/safety classes. Larry will update cigarcityhog.com will details.
New BusinessTom Allen met with Frank and shook hands on the issue related to the member directory. Tom wants to be able to communicate with the chapter members and proposed a voluntary list which has already been started. The list was also circulated at the
chapter meeting. For those that wish to be included but have not provided information, please send email to secretary, Denise
at [email protected]
Tom Allen would like for our chapter to continue supporting the Southeast Guide Dogs and provided forms today for those
that would like to make a donation. Allen Mevora offered to match all donations that were made at the meeting today. Awesome! The guide dogs are provided to their companion for life, free of charge. The guide dog and companion attend 28 days
of initial training. The chapter is planning to organize a ride to visit the Southeast Guide Dogs organization sometime this
Richie Nelemans is the new HDT GM and he attended the monthly meeting. He will be loading pictures associated with the
chapter on to the HDT website. He encouraged members to see him anytime and also offered an incentive for referrals. When
a member refers a customer to HDT that results in the sale of a bike, the member will receive a scratch off ticket worth $50 $250 in an HD gift card. The chapter has provided Richie with a free membership to the Cigar City HOG Chapter.
Billy provided information on the Cancer Charity ride on Sunday, February 28th to Coney Island in Brooksville. We will
meet at Hwy 54/41 at 9:30am and will ride as a chapter to Rasmussen College where the charity ride begins. Registration is
from 9am – 10:15am. This is a coupon ride. Coupon can be printed from cigarcityhog.com or clipped from the newsletter.
Drawing will take place at destination.
Frank/Assistant Director is recovering from back surgery and Dede/Head Road Captain is recovering from neck surgery.
Billy wished both a speedy recovery.
Nametag and Door Prize winners: Larry, John, Liz, Jim and Harold
50/50 Winner: Russell Myers ($148 total pot, $74 in winnings. Russell donated half of his winnings to the Southeast Guide
Dogs and was matched by Allen. THANKS!)
Note the Rider Hotline is 813.966.4838
The meeting adjourned at 10:50am
Respectfully Submitted,
Susie Arce (Cigar City HOG Interim Secretary)
Cigar City HOG Chapter Meeting Minutes
March 5, 2016
Bill called the meeting to order and attendees conducted the Pledge of Allegiance
March birthdays (those who would own up to it…)
Peggy Wattenbarger’s is in March.
Frank thanked everyone for the support during his back surgery and recovery. He now has doctor's release to ride his
two-wheeler! Yeah!!!
Membership Report
Orfita reported we have 86 members.
Jerry reported our inaugural bowling night held 2/24 was a big success. We had 12 bowlers in three lanes plus a
cheerleading group. Don’t forget this is also a great social opportunity since there is great food and beer available.
Paula bowled high-score 175 and Kevin bowled a 4-banger (four strikes in a row). Orfita also scored seven gutter balls in
a row. May is the next event and everyone is welcome. Our Weekly Wrapper will advise that you need know to contact
Jerry. Note, if you are bowling, Jerry needs to know to make reservations two days in advance. March 19th is the
pancake breakfast and volunteers are needed. Contact Jerry at [email protected] and we will have a reminder in
the Wrapper. The volunteer shift starts at 8am until 10:30am - these times include set up and clean up.
Larry noted Paul Gallo has suggested a VA parade participation ride on Veteran’s Day in November. Need 10-12 bikes.
Will be in the newsletter and more details online as the day draws closer. There was significant response from the
attendees to participate.
Larry reported that Monday, March 7th he will be offering a webinar at 7pm covering group riding training and will
feature some animations and other key points. Check our website for the link to join. You can log in as early as 6:45pm.
The class starts promptly at 7pm. If your computer does not have speakers, you can connect by telephone as well. If
this goes well, expect to see more classes like this one. To join, simply go to the calendar, click the link within the event.
Larry is also planning on scheduling advanced rider training, by show of hands, roughly 10 folks are interested. We
are also considering offering a First Aid/CPR class at $45 per person. That is pretty much a standard price, since registering the card alone is $20. There were roughly 6-8 folks interested in that class. Note the class will also include
AED training. If you are already certified, contact Denise with your credentials and expiration date.
Road Captain
Dede reported that Obie won for participation points – but he already left for Daytona and will receive his prize
when he gets back. We have a lot of great rides planned. Take a look at the calendar on our website cigarcityhog.com. If anyone that is not a road captain has a desired destination and/or ride idea, get with a road captain to
develop a route. If you want to be a road captain, let her know.
Question: when at the website, how can you see our photos? Click on the flicker icon (blue and pink dots)
Click on the blue and pink dot FLICKR icon
Chapter Meeting Minutes–
Dealer Report
Richie thanked the chapter for our support of his recent promotion to General Manager. He is now also a member of National HOG and our Cigar City chapter! He is pleased with some of the activities taking place, such as the Final Fridays
event. Last month’s was very successful and they sold two bikes that Friday and 17 over the weekend. Richie also noted that
if we send any referral’s to the dealership and they purchase a bike, we get a scratch-off ticket with prizes valued up to
Richie reminded us that on Pancake Breakfast days, he has offered us the opportunity to have a swap meet. If we are interested, contact Jim Moore. Richie also advised to help the chapter, he will be buying pancake breakfast for the staff at a reduced rate but to help with proceed. Orfita asked for assistance with advertising the event.
Today is a busy day at the dealership, with New Owner Orientation this morning, our Chapter meeting, and the vendor fair,
as well as the Carrollwood Burger Fest today as well. Richie thanked us again and said he has more changes planned and
welcomes our suggestions.
Safety Demonstration –How to pick up a bike
Using a Sportster, Richie and Marie demonstrated the proper techniques to pick up a bike – no matter your size or
how big or small you are. Afterwards, several chapter members gave it a try.
New Business
Frank reported that the Florida State HOG Rally is the last weekend in October at the Sun and Fun location. Many
from the Chapter were there last weekend at the Carlisle Auto Auction. Sun and Fun will be excellent venue for this
year. Noted that there is gravel parking, bring your puck. We also have a great interest in hosting the State Rally in the
Tampa market in 2017. Frank has been making a lot of contacts to put us in the forefront. Next month's chapter
meeting will have the Rally coordinator present to discuss the event and discuss volunteer opportunities. Stay tuned
for more information.
Door Prizes
Name tag draw winner: Dede
Door prizes of $20 gift cards were awarded to: Denise, Larry, Karen, and Carl
Debbie and Rosemary each won a HOG desk plaque and pin
Paul won a poker set
The meeting adjourned at 10:47am with a motion from Lorrie and second from Karen. Motion carried. Our next
meeting will be Saturday, April 2nd.
Nine Ladies of Harley (and one special guest) met on March 24 at Grimaldi’s. This group is so
much fun. We enjoy our time together and miss those of you who could not attend. Real business
occurred in between chatter, jokes, drinking (hey! We’re all over 21...ish), and eating (try the
white garlic pizza if you are ever at Grimaldi’s!)
Ok, on to the info. Suggestions were made for outings with the group, either in conjunction with
LOH meetings, ride destinations, or as social events. One suggestion is for LOH to meet at
PAINTING WITH A TWIST in Carrollwood . There is a $35 charge for that event. Many showed
interest in the outing. No specific plans have been made, as we would like to hear from other
members who might be interested. Reservations are required. Please let us know if you would be
interested in such an outing.
A second suggestion was put forward to tour BIG CAT RESCUE in Citrus Park. There is also a
charge for this tour and reservations for a large group must be made in advance. We are considering making this a ride destination and would like to hear thoughts from any Group members.
One member asked whether or not there is a chosen charity for the Ladies of Harley in 2016. The
answer is that there is not. A suggestion was made for PACE Center for Girls and a request to consider veteran’s charities. This item will be reconsidered at the next meeting when the information
concerning the organizations has been obtained. If any LOH member has a suggestion for this
year’s recipient (s) please attend our next meeting.
The last order of business was finding volunteers to “mind the store” if Cigar City Hog opened a
booth at the Dealer event April 16th. Two members have volunteered.
The next meeting is scheduled for April 21st, place to be determined. Keep an eye out on The
Weekly Wrapper for more info. Until then, Ride Safe and Keep the Shiny Side Up.
Activities Coordinator
It’s hard to believe that three months have already gone by in 2016 and our Chapter has
already logged in a lot of volunteer time. Without the dedicated help from those who
volunteer, our once a month pancake breakfast would not be a success. Certainly not
everyone can volunteer due to other commitments, etc., but for those who can and do,
the Chapter appreciates every minute of your work. Also, know that the board has decided if you volunteer from the beginning of an event through to the end for a total of six
times, you will earn your new Cigar City Volunteer patch. The patch depicts strength in
our volunteers and soon you will start to see them on members’ vests.
As far as activities, we had our first dinner ride for a bowling night. We had twelve bowlers as well as some spectators, and all had a really great time. There were a lot of gutter
balls, but that didn’t matter, Kevin F. rolled four strikes in a row for a nice 4 bagger, and
Paula L. rolled a 175 for a high game. We will have a dinner ride/bowling night once a
quarter with the next one in May, watch for the details in the wrapper. Keep in mind,
you do not need to bowl to join in, this is a dinner ride (so to speak) and the bowling alley serves some pretty good food as well. So whether you bowl or not, come and enjoy
a really fun evening.
Another event that’s just around the corner, literally since it’s in Lakeland, is the Florida
HOG Rally. This one should be a lot of fun since there’s some really good riding in the
Lakeland and north area. When you register for the rally you can volunteer to work
different support areas where they always need help, if you volunteer for something,
please let me know so we can count that toward your patch and volunteer time for our
Jerry Umland
Keep the wind in your face.
Safety First
Larry Blakely, Cigar City HOG Safety Officer
Previously we explored preparing ourselves to ride. See the Jan 2016 Newsletter or this post: http://
cigarcityhog.com/safety/safety-first-riding-gear/ . Now let’s take a look at preparing our motorcycle for a ride.
If you’ve ever met an airplane pilot – commercial or private – you know they go through a written pre-flight
checklist on EVERY flight. Several thousand feet in the air is not when you want to find out you have a mechanical issue.
We may keep our wheels on the ground but we “get high” on riding. A good equipment check is essential to
ensure our safety. Ideally we should go over a checklist before every ride. Even if we do not complete a written
checklist we should know the basics to ensure our motorcycle is ready.
Luckily we do not need to create our own checklist. The Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) provides an inspection checklist for T-CLOCS. Let’s go over the highlights. A link to the full checklist is at the end of this article
It only takes a few minutes to do a basic visual inspection:
T – Tires & Wheels
Tire tread, air pressure (memorize what it should be, don’t rely on the owner’s manual), rims free of cracks or
loose spokes, brakes in good working order. Here in FL we do not have the temperature extremes like other
parts of the country. I have seen my tire pressure vary 10 or more lbs simply because the outside air temperature dropped. Remember those small patches of rubber are all that is providing traction. Improper inflation of
tires has a larger impact than poor gas mileage and increased tire wear.
C – Controls
Hand and foot controls in working order. No loose connections, frayed cables, etc. You checked the brake pads
under “T” now check the levers to make sure they engage the brakes.
L – Lights & Electronics
Lights, battery condition, switches. We only have a few switches on our motorcycles. Do they do their job
when used? If not, find out why. Proper lighting is vital to seeing and being seen. Don’t find out after dark that
you have a bad light.
O – Oil & Other Fluids
Most people will comment about a Harley Davidson “marking its spot” with fluid leaks. That may be an apt description for older models but a modern HD should not be leaking fluids. If it does, get it serviced. Gas isn’t the
only fluid you should be able to add yourself. Learn how to check your oil and transmission fluids. Have a “wet
head”? Learn about the radiator coolant.
Safety –
C – Chassis
The chassis – frame, seat, suspension, drive belt – carries you down the road. Look for obvious cracks, loose
bolts, proper air in the shocks (like air pressure, memorize your preferred setting for air shocks).
S - Stands
Most people only have a “jiffy” or “side” stand. When parked that small piece of iron is the only thing holding
up your motorcycle. Look for bends, cracks, or a worn spring (loose tension putting the lever up and down).
Most people will trade their motorcycle before normal wear will break the spring. But if you’re on a ride and it
breaks the stand will fall. The spring tension actually holds it in the up position. A friend and a zip tie will hold
it in place so you can safely reach a dealer for a replacement or home. That same friend will come in handy
when it’s time to get off motorcycle and put the stand back down.
Next time we’ll go over “the ride”, SEE:
S – Search
E – Evaluate
E - Execute
Until then – Ride Safe, ride often.
Reference materials from The Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF):
Safety –
Rain Gear
Larry Blakely, Cigar City HOG Safety Officer
The only way to be sure you will not need your rain gear is to not ride.
Of course it’s easier to put the gear on before we begin our ride but let’s be honest, that usually doesn’t happen. Usually we begin a ride not expecting rain or expecting to be back before then rain.
Here’s a tip for getting rain paints on without taking off your boots.
Keep a few plastic grocery bags stored with your rain gear. An easy way to store them is to fold them down
into a triangle: https://youtu.be/cidF66-LXng . When you need to put on your rain paints, open one of the
bags, put your foot into the bag, and then through the pants leg. This will help the boot slide through smoothly
and not get the inside of the pants wet or dirty. Later the bag can be used to keep the wet gear aware from
other items in your bags.
Bonus tip: If you do not have rain boots to cover your riding boots, put a plastic bag on over your sock and then
back in your boot. Your boot will get wet but your feet will stay (mostly) dry. This tips isn’t just for rain, it also
helps for cold weather.
Ride Safe, ride often.
Send in those “After Action Reports”
Our chapter supports many activities each month: rides, activities, dealer events, socials. Did you participate in
one that you really enjoyed? Have a story to share from something that happened at one of the activities?
Share with everyone.
It would only take a few minutes to write up an “After Action Report” and send to the newsletter editor, [email protected], for the newsletter or add to the chapter website. You’d be amazed how easy it can
be to write a story about something that gave you pleasure or excited you. Give it a try! We’d love to hear your
story. Also would appreciate any pictures you took during your rides and travels that you would like to share
with the chapter.
RIDE BIGGER! HAVE MORE FUN! The rally season is here, and this year brings some fantastic opportunities to enjoy
great riding experiences with other H.O.G.® members.
It all kicks off March 31 with the Louisiana H.O.G. rally and continues with The Brew City Experience; Rollin on the
River; the Pacific Northwest rally, Iron Adventure Run, Back to the Bay, History in the Hills, and the Open Road
West—just to name a few. If you want a cross-border experience, there are rallies in Canada and Mexico, as well.
And new for this year, some of the rallies will have the Harley-Davidson demo experience! Please visit hog.com for a
full list of rallies.
In all, there are more than 30 H.O.G. rallies planned for 2016 in the US. And, while rallies offer great fun and riding,
they also present a challenge as a number of these rallies share the same dates. For example, in June there are five
rallies on the same weekend. This forces members to choose between rallies, or sometimes opt out of attending
altogether. When you add the additional opportunities for members to participate in Chapter rides, overnight rides,
dealer events, and other non-H.O.G .events, you can see there’s a lot of competition for members’ free time.
For some time now our rally attendees have asked us to consider a more regional approach, meaning fewer and
larger rallies. We put this concept to the test over the last few of years with significant success. One example is in
the Pacific Northwest, where the Washington, Idaho and Oregon rallies were combined. The net result was an 80%
increase in attendance, significantly more miles ridden, and increased attendee satisfaction.
In light of this, we are evolving both our rallies and the rally proposal process to facilitate more regional H.O.G. rallies. We’re confident that H.O.G. members will like both the approach and the execution of rallies as we move forward.
But for now, keep in mind that pre-registration is open for 2016 rallies; don’t miss out on the fun!
See you on the Road!
Tim Budzien
Director H.O.G.®
and Membership Programs
There are 17 opportunities for H.O.G.® members to ride and collect a commemorative event pin during 2016. Events range from two days to eight days in length and cover 13 different states. Event
details, including exact locations and times, will be in the latest edition of HOG Magazine, the HOG
Insider e-mail newsletter and on the H.O.G.® website.
I encourage all members to have their H.O.G.® membership card with them, as this will make receiving an event pin an easy and seamless process with the new tablet based equipment. At several of
the events, H.O.G.® staff will be looking for assistance from local Chapter members.
Daytona Bike Week
Laughlin River Run
Thunder Beach Spring Rally
Myrtle Beach Bike Week
Ohio Bike Week
Rolling Thunder
Laconia Motorcycle
National Bikers Roundup
Sturgis Motorcycle Rally
KC Open House
Milwaukee Rally
Tomahawk Open House
York Open House
Bikes, Blues & BBQ
Reno Street Vibrations
Daytona, FL
Laughlin, NV
Panama City Beach, FL
Myrtle Beach, SC
Sandusky, OH
Washington, DC
Lake George, NY
3/5 - 3/12
4/28 - 4/30
4/27 - 4/30
5/14 - 5/21
5/27 - 6/4
5/28 - 5/29
6/8 - 6/11
Laconia, NH
Little Rock, AR
Sturgis, SD
Kansas City, MO
Milwaukee, WI
Tomahawk, WI
York, PA
Fayetteville, AR
Reno, NV
Daytona, FL
6/13 - 6/18
8/3 - 8/6
8/6 - 8/13
8/26 - 8/27
9/1 - 9/4
9/16 - 9/17
9/22 - 9/24
9/21 - 9/24
9/22 - 9/24
10/13 - 10/15
As the New Year begins and thoughts turn to the riding season, a little self-reflection can’t hurt. We are
very lucky to get to travel all over this great land, lucky to be able to do it on the back of the best motorcycle in the world and lucky to have our brothers and sisters in H.O.G. ® But with all this fortune a
nagging question seems to linger…WHO ARE WE?
Well on the surface it seems simple—we are the Harley Owners Group®. That bonds us as owners of
and enthusiasts of Harley-Davidsons. Digging just a bit deeper we are the “Official Riding Club of Harley-Davidson,” which makes it clear we are a riding club and that we are a riding club connected to
Harley-Davidson Motor Company. So again…simple…we ride Harley-Davidson® motorcycles.
So I think the real question starts when we start digging into the real reason we exist. Do we exist to
administrate? Do we exist to raise money? Do we exist to lead meetings? The answers here are not
so clear or easy. Many of our members think we spend entirely too much time focused on those
things that do not have to do with riding.
Think back to when you first got your Harley®—the excitement, the fear, the attitude—it was a new
world with endless possibilities and all you had to do was ride. No one ever bought a Harley to administrate, to raise money, to go to more endless meetings…NO, they bought it to ride.
As we travel and talk to members, current and former, we hear lots of reasons as to why we have lost
our way. We all have big hearts. We all want to do good deeds, but what seems to take over is everything except the ride. Our guiding principles found in the H.O.G.® Chapter Charter keep it pretty simple. It seems to be the local tribal wisdom getting in the way of most Chapters fulfilling the goals of
most riders. Keep it simple…Ride and Have Fun.
Always remember to ask yourself, is what we are doing promoting more diverse riding opportunities for
our members? More chances to go to new and interesting places? More time to hang out with the people we choose to hang out with? Always remember why we bought the best motorcycles in the world—
to ride. Always remember who we are—The Harley Owners Group, The Official Riding Club of HarleyDavidson.
Todd “Thor” Robinson
H.O.G.® Regional Mgr
Remember, you must maintain your national HOG
membership to
maintain your membership in the Cigar City HOG Chapter.
Call 1-800-CLUB HOG to renew it! Any member who lets their national HOG
membership expire will be put as “inactive” in the Cigar City Chapter and will no
longer be eligible to receive the newsletter!!
Chapter membership forms can be found on the Chapter website at
If you know of any Chapter Member that is ill, in the hospital, or has a family emergency, please contact:
Denise Muth ([email protected])
Please keep Paul Parks, Jeanie Del Greco, Jim Fisher, Dede Clinch and Tom Allen in your thoughts
and prayers. Hope they all have a quick recovery and look forward to seeing them back in the saddle
Peggy Wattenbarger
Photo Shootin’ Gallery
***More Photos Here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/cigarcityhog/sets/***
Photo Shootin’ Gallery
Contact your Road Captain or Ride hot line 813-966-4838
April 2016
◄ March
May ►
Road Capt. Meet
New Owner Meet
Chapter Meet
All at Tampa HD
Meet at s at
Hwy 41 and
SR 54 kickstands up at
Larry Daniels
Group Rider Training
Safety officer
Larry Blakely
Social Dinner
Spaghetti Warehouse
In Ybor
Ride– Antonio,s
Pizza in Micanopy
Meet at HWY 41 &
Russell Myers
Rally Thunder Beach
Panama City FL
April 27—30
Dinner ride Quaker
Steak & Lube
Frank W.
Pancake Breakfast
Dealer Event
Gears & Girls
All at Tampa HD
LOH Meeting
Grimaldi’s @ Citrus
Park Mall
Ride—Sea Breeze
And Gecko Tail
Meet at Tampa HD
Larry Blakely
Ends at Brandon HD
Ride-Front Porch
Kickstands up at
Meet at HWY 41
and 54
Mike Lavoy
Bike Fest
Meet @ Tampa HD
Frank W.
Dealer Event
Final Friday
Tiki Hut @ Tampa HD
CigarCity Board
Meeting @ Tampa
Remember to cut out the coupons for the ride on TBD .Must have coupon to be eligible for entry in the
Ride Coupon
Name ____________________
Ride Coupon
Name ____________________
Contact your Road Captain or Ride hot line 813-966-4838
May 2016
◄ April
June ►
Rally Thunder
Panama City FL
Social– Quarterly
Bowling Nite at Royal
Lanes in Lutz
Contact Jerry Umland
Ride– Red’s Restaurant Hernando Fl
80+ miles
Meet at HWY41 &54
Kickstands up at
Frank W.
Social—Dinner @
Tampa Bay Brewing
Contact Frank W.
Name ____________________
Pancake Breakfast
Dealer Event
Gears & Girls
All at Tampa HD
Dealer Event
Final Friday
Tiki Hut @ Tampa HD
CigarCity Board
Meeting @ Tampa
Coupon Ride
Woody’s River Roo
Ellenton Fl
Kickstands up @
10am Meet @ TPA
HD Frank W.
Ride Coupon
Ride– The Yearling
Restaurant in Hawthore FL 150+
Meet @ HWY 41 &
Kickstands up at
Ride from
Frank W.
LOH Meeting
Grimaldi’s @ Citrus
Park Mall
Road Captain
Meet 8:15am—
New Owner Orientation 9am-10am
CigarCity Chapter
Meet 10am-11am
All at Tampa HD
Ride– JB Boondocks
In Howey In The
Meet HWY 41 & 54
Kickstands up at
Mike Lavoy
Ride Coupon
Name ____________________
Cigar City Chapter, Inc. #0735
6920 N. Dale Mabry
Tampa, FL 33614
Our Next Chapter Meetings— April 2 / May 7
Tampa Harley Davidson
6920 N. Dale Mabry
Tampa, FL 33614
Social Hour at 9:00 AM - Meeting starts at 10 AM