- Morehead-Cain
- Morehead-Cain
YIR Cover v2_Layout 1 12/1/10 11:13 AM Page 1 Y E A R I N R E V I E W, 2 0 0 9 – 2 0 1 0 MORE. TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 4 6 10 14 2 Letter from the Executive Director 18 The Year in Review 2009–2010 The Morehead Alumni Forum Final Selection Weekend Sir Christopher Meyer, the Morehead-Cain Alumni Distinguished Visiting Professor for Honors Senior Dinner 22 22 23 The Lists New Nominating Schools Summer Enrichment Program Placements 30 30 36 56 60 64 68 Accomplishments Scholar Achievements Senior Write-ups Class of 2011 Class of 2012 Class of 2013 Class of 2014 72 73 76 84 90 92 Acknowledgments MCSF Board of Directors Donor Lists Selection Volunteer Lists Morehead-Cain Trustees Morehead-Cain Staff MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION WE ARE — WE DO — MORE. It’s a bold claim, we know. But after two years of institutional stock-taking: revisiting our mission and researching how we are perceived and known, it’s one we’re comfortable making. By turns an invitation or question, an expectation or description, a goal or promise, More became the centerpiece of our new communication—one of the highlights of the Foundation’s activities for the academic year 2009 – 2010. If you haven’t visited our website recently (www.moreheadcain.org), I hope you’ll take a moment to do so. It is here that More comes to life through the words of Scholars and Alumni themselves—words excerpted from blog entries, summer travel journals, news articles, and e-mails and letters to the Foundation. These “snapshots” of the lives, interests, thoughts, and pursuits of our Scholars and Alumni do more to express the qualities that distinguish the Morehead-Cain from other scholarship programs and elite collegiate experiences than any institutional descriptions could hope to. In this manner, we aim to give prospective Scholars, their parents and counselors, and other visitors to the site the opportunity to experience the Morehead-Cain in a way as close to firsthand as we can offer it. And as a Program at home with firsts, we think firsthand is only fitting. We are pleased to have heard from many of you that your own experience browsing the new site has been a palpable reminder of your days as a Scholar at Carolina, as well as an unintentionally time-consuming activity as you read one after another of the compelling, thoughtful, often riotously funny snapshots you find there. 2009–2010 marked the 65th year of the Morehead-Cain. In this year, as in our first, we kept in view our long-ago defined purpose—to identify, invest in, and inspire promising leaders. The following pages offer the highlights of a year marked by remaining true to that purpose. The year proffered success in identifying a premier new class of Scholars (see page 68 for your first look at the Class of 2014). Current Scholars once again returned on our investment in them by impacting Carolina and communities around the world in ever better and more far-reaching ways. Scholars and Alumni inspired each other through the fifth triennial Alumni Forum—the best-attended Forum so far (see page six for a recap of Forum highlights). You will also, as always, see your own essential part in fulfilling the purpose of the Morehead-Cain. As your names fill the lists of volunteers for our selection process, you helped us identify the extraordinary group of promising leaders that make up the Class of 2014. Your names also fill pages of those who invested in the Program and, through us, in Carolina (see page 76 for the year’s Honor Roll of Giving). And many of you—too many to list—served as sponsors for our Summer Enrichment Program, as participants in our Alumni-in-Residence and Alumni Speaker Series programs, as panelists, speakers, and volunteers for the Alumni Forum, and as Alumni readers in our selection process. Inspiring, indeed. Thank you for all you do to make the Morehead-Cain More. We look forward to another great year in 2011, and hope to see you in Chapel Hill—and on the website—soon. Charles E. Lovelace, Jr. '77 Executive Director YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 3 THE YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 AUGUST 18, 2009 Alumni Reception Chicago, Illinois at the home of Linda Tarrson, Vice Chair of UNC’s Board of Visitors AUGUST 24, 2009 Freshman Orientation and Picnic AUGUST 25, 2009 Fall Semester Classes Begin Check Day SEPTEMBER 3, 2009 All-Scholar Kick-off SEPTEMBER 25, 2009 Alumni Reception Baltimore, Maryland OCTOBER 1, 2009 Morehead-Cain Scholarship Fund Board of Directors Meeting OCTOBER 2, 2009 Parent Open House Genevieve B. Morehead Rotunda Morehead Planetarium Building OCTOBER 21, 2009 Fall Break for Scholars 4 MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 5 THE YEAR IN REVIEW CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 OCTOBER 22–25, 2009 Fifth Triennial Morehead Alumni Forum Chapel Hill, North Carolina OCTOBER 29, 2009 Interviewing Workshop with Philip Blackett ’07 Morehead-Cain Foundation Offices NOVEMBER 12, 2009 Fall Banquet Morehead Banquet Hall Morehead Planetarium Building NOVEMBER 22, 2009 Libby Longino ’10 and Henry Spelman ’10 named Rhodes Scholars (the Morehead-Cain’s 26th and 27th) British Alumni Reception Winston House, London NOVEMBER 23–24, 2009 British Selection Interviews Dartmouth House, London DECEMBER 1, 2009 Sir Christopher Meyer, Morehead-Cain Alumni Distinguished Visiting Professor for Honors lectures on “Multilateral Diplomacy: Myth and Reality” DECEMBER 9, 2009 End-of-Semester Scholar Social Morehead-Cain Foundation Offices 6 MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION The Fifth Triennial Alumni Forum saw Carolina and the Morehead community at their finest. With more than 400 Alumni, guests, and current Scholars in attendance, and nearly 100 Alumni participating as panelists, speakers, or planners, the weekend—advertised for relaxation and refreshment—was marked by energy and excitement. How very Morehead. Read on for a taste of all the weekend provided attendees. YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 7 SNAPSHOTS OF THE ALUMNI FORUM The following are excerpts taken from a new feature of this year's Forum: our "Seven" talks. We gave each speaker seven minutes to expand on the topic of his or her choice, asking only that some words of wisdom be shared along the way. Please read on for a taste of what the morning offered, and visit the MC Network (www.m-c-network.org) Alumni Forum page to view these talks, as well as additional Forum coverage, in full. 8 JENNIFER LLOYD HALSEY '94 KATHRYN REKLIS '01 STEVEN ALDRICH '91 Co-founder and managing director of Asanté Partners, a boutique investment bank focused on mergers, acquisitions, and strategic financings in the medical technology industry. Director of Theological Initiatives and senior adviser to the president of Union Theological Seminary in New York City and a PhD candidate in Religious Studies at Yale University. President and CEO of Posit Science, the leader in delivering clinically proven brain fitness software. Just to illustrate the extent of my struggle . . . even after I started my own firm, I quit twice in an effort to achieve balance . . . once to get married and then to have our sons, who are now four and three. Side lesson: quitting does not achieve balance. It creates imbalance in the other direction. And what’s the point of owning your own business if you have to quit? The upshot of the new noble vampire—the gentleman vampire, the vegetarian vampire, the existential-lost-soul-on-the-path-toward-redemption vampire—is not only that it's hard to be scared of these vampires. It's often hard to imagine one good reason why one wouldn't want to be a vampire oneself. So what to do at this juncture? The self-help gurus will tell you: slow down, lower your expectations, learn to say no . . . but these words don’t resonate with Morehead-Cain Scholars. For me, the solution was not at all profound. It was very simple. It just took a few years to grasp. Don’t quit the firm . . . change the firm. And if you don’t like the answers in front of you, change the question. They are super fast, super strong, super-sensory beings who all happen to be astonishingly attractive. And imagine how many skills one could learn, much less all the books one could read, the languages one could speak, the art one could appreciate, if one lived forever. MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION Without the downside of eternal damnation or the surrender to predatory rages, what's not to love? The question then was what to do. I was a newly minted MBA. I didn’t feel as if I really had the ability to start a company, but the mentors, they said, “No, you can do it, and even if you fail, you’ll be farther along in your life than if you don’t try this.” So what did we do? We pulled together a diverse team—an engineer, a marketer, and myself—and we decided that what we would do was create this thing called Insure Market. As my wife would say, we would’ve been successful if we’d stopped there, but we wanted to change the world. When I talk to folks who are baby boomers and above, they fear two things: they fear outliving their money, which, given the current economic situation, is not surprising, and then they fear outliving their minds. And those fears are actually not unfounded. We peak in almost any measure of cognitive performance in our twenties. From that point, by the time you hit fifty, you’re operating at half of your peak performance, and every decade after that you lose some, until, if you’re lucky enough to live until you’re ninety, you’re operating at less than ten percent of your brain capacity. And the question, when I began to look at this space, was, “Is this inevitable?” And you’re going to be happy to learn that the answer is “no.” DAVID GARDNER '88 ROBYN HADLEY '85 RICHARD VINROOT '63 Co-founder of The Motley Fool, the worldwide investment and financial advisory services company that educates, amuses, and enriches more than 30 million people each month. Founder and executive director of What’s After High School?, a college access and career awareness program for the Alamance-Burlington School System in North Carolina. Attorney with the law firm of Robinson, Bradshaw & Hinson for forty years and the former mayor of Charlotte, North Carolina. So my friend some years ago had a difficult time with his son’s first birthday party. The young lad selected a purple piñata, so they got a great big purple horse. And they took a big wiffle bat, and gave it to a big kid, who spiked it, crushing the thing, and as the purple horse piñata broke open, my friend told me, nothing came out. Why did nothing come out? Because he and his wife hadn’t filled it. Why had he and his wife not filled it? Because they didn’t know you needed to buy the candy, toys, and trinkets to fill a piñata. Why didn’t they know that? They didn’t know that because their experience of piñatas up to that point in their lives was that whenever you hit it . . . Why middle school? It’s when you get ready for algebra. It’s when you really understand why you have to manage anger in your emotions. It’s when you’re ready to dream and take action. In reality, it’s when you decide whether you’re going to be a good girl or a bad girl. It’s when you decide if you’re going to be a good boy, or a bad boy. It’s about building character. It’s about enduring bullying. It’s about time management and organizational skills—all the things you have to do in order to be successful as a high school student and, I would suggest, it’s all the things you had to be able to do and to know successfully in order to become a Morehead Scholar. If you would, for a moment right now, sometime today or sometime before you return to life as you lead it outside this room, would you take some time to reflect on what you were like as a sixth grader, seventh grader, or eighth grader. And I know for some of us there are some things you did at that age you hope no one ever remembers. Sometimes I worry or wonder that we as Americans think that at the end of our lives, our financial lives, whether it’s social security, the lottery, or what have you, there will be something in that piñata when we hit it. But the truth is, just like my friends discovered, you have to fill it yourself. So I ask you. Spend some time. Go into middle schools and preferably the one that produced you. Show them how you became what you are. Don’t just tell them. Take your passport—show them the stamps in it. Take some pictures. If you don’t do DVDs, find a child. Pay them in cash, food, or athletic tickets, and they will produce a DVD for you. I was at one time the mayor of the city of Charlotte and I got humiliated fairly early on in that process— there were other humiliations to come—but this one was one in which I was speaking at a place and I was very proud to be there, to be invited, and there were several thousand people there. And as I went in to make my talk, I went into the restroom and this one had, not towels, but hand-dryers. And somebody had put over the hand-dryer, “Push this button for a few words from Charlotte’s mayor.” I called Coach Smith one time, who was one of my heroes. I was one of the worst players who ever played in Chapel Hill. I sat a lot. I had called Coach Smith 15 years ago or so. I had gotten a call from a prominent banker in south Florida who said, “There’s a kid at West Palm Beach High School who is one of the best players in the country and he wants to go to Chapel Hill.” And he said, “For whatever reason, Coach Smith visited [the player’s] home and he never called [him] thereafter.” He said, “You need to call Coach Smith and tell him he needs to get this kid. He’s going to play in the NBA someday.” And I called Coach Smith and he said, “You’re right. He’s a great player. He’s one of the best three or four players in the country.” He went on to become an All-American at Florida, and he went on to play 15 years in the NBA. He was a great player. Coach Smith said, “He’s got a great reputation in terms of his playing ability. He’s got great statistics. But I went into his home and I did not like the way he treated his mother. I’m not going to recruit him to Chapel Hill.” YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 9 THE YEAR IN REVIEW CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 JANUARY 4 –14, 2010 North Carolina Regional Interviews JANUARY 11, 2010 Spring Semester Classes Begin Check Day FEBRUARY 18, 2010 Morehead-Cain Scholarship Fund Board of Directors Meeting FEBRUARY 19 – 20, 2010 Canadian Selection Interviews Toronto FEBRUARY 27– MARCH 1, 2010 Final Selection Weekend FEBRUARY 27, 2010 Alumni-in-Residence: “Notes to Self” Lauren Agrella ’00 David Bernath ’89 Amit Gupta ’08 Elizabeth Kistin ’04 Wendell McCain ’92 10 MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 11 SNAPSHOTS OF ALUMNI-IN-RESIDENCE What advice would you give to your eighteen-year-old self? ELIZABETH KISTIN ’04 DAVE BERNATH ’89 After taking a break from her studies as a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford University to work on Barack Obama’s presidential campaign in her home state of New Mexico, Liz is working on her PhD dissertation (on the effects of transnational water cooperation in southern Africa) for the Department of International Development Studies at Oxford. As the executive vice president for program strategy and multiplatform programming at Comedy Central, Dave has brought some of the network’s biggest hits to the small screen. Before joining Comedy Central in 2005, he served as Vice President of Programming at BBC America and was instrumental in bringing the original version of ‘The Office’ to the U.S. I think the real crux of it is about staying open to opportunities, and really being willing to chase after things you never thought you were going to end up doing. I had some help with this when I came to Carolina. I walked in the door, and I had a schedule that sort of reflected things I was good at in high school. So it was a schedule that had calculus and statistics and physics and stuff like that. I was lucky enough to walk into the office of an advisor. . . and walk out taking Spanish literature, and English literature, and a classics course. It was a good push right out the door. So I think that really is the crux of it. . . to be open to all sorts of things that you never dreamed of doing. 12 MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION “The first thing that popped into my head, actually, was to get my parents to leverage everything they owned and buy as much Apple stock as possible.” LAUREN AGRELLA ’00 AMIT GUPTA ’08 WENDELL McCAIN ’92 Lauren has taught middle school English, coached track in New Mexico, and led outdoor trips around the world. She now serves as the director of Muddy Sneakers, an Appalachian-based non-profit providing outdoor science education to public school students. A second-year student at the UNC School of Medicine, Amit somehow finds time to serve as a Representative of Student Affairs in the Whitehead Medical Society, interpret for Spanish-speaking patients at the SHAC free health clinic, play soccer, and salsa dance. During his time as a Morehead-Cain Scholar, Amit interned at the World Health Organization in Geneva and conducted health education clinics in rural Ghana. As a founding partner of Parish Capital Advisors, Wendell helped grow the investment firm into a billion-dollar enterprise and one of the largest minority-owned asset management companies in the world. He currently serves as chairman of Worldwide Distribution, LLC, a Norfolk-based construction supply firm. I came into Carolina and knew that I wanted to be a journalist, so I went to work for the Daily Tar Heel and then went to the Detroit Free Press for this internship. And I hated it—hated it—and I had a little panic attack. I had put myself into that little box already; I had thought “this is my skill set, and this is what I want to do, and now I’m doing it” and then it was like . . . *gasp*. So I would say to myself: it’s amazing to be able to stop and say, “You know . . . organic farming sounds really fascinating . . .” and maybe look into that. Like Lauren, and Wendell, and Dave, and Liz, I’ve spent the last couple of days thinking about this question, but unlike them, instead of thinking about what I would say, I was just hoping I wouldn’t be the last one to answer it. Because now I’m just going to say the same thing that all four of them did. It’s rare in your life that you get four years to explore and do so much. You have four years to just immerse yourself, and just BE. My college experience was so much better when I was more relaxed and could be more like a sponge, just absorbing things. But don’t be like a sponge on a dry countertop where there’s nothing to absorb. Set a good environment. Carolina’s a great environment for that. Meet as many people as you can, and let their ideas be inspiration for your ideas. YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 13 THE YEAR IN REVIEW CONTINUED FROM PAGE 10 MARCH 4, 2010 Reception in memory of Eve Carson ’08 Morehead-Cain Foundation Offices MARCH 17, 2010 Scholar and Alumni Reception and Lecture featuring Morehead-Cain Alumni Distinguished Visiting Professor for Honors Sir Christopher Meyer MARCH 19, 2010 Alumni Speaker Series: Kevin Massey ’01 Broadway Actor Morehead-Cain Foundation Offices MARCH 19 – 21, 2010 British and Canadian Class of 2014 Scholars’ Visit MARCH 30, 2010 Christopher Sopher ’10 named 2010 Truman Scholar APRIL 2, 2010 Spring Break for Scholars APRIL 6, 2010 Hogan Medlin ’11 sworn in as UNC Student Body President 14 MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 15 MORE ON AMBASSADOR SIR CHRISTOPHER MEYER Morehead-Cain Alumni Distinguished Visiting Professor "SETTING THE CAT AMONG THE PIGEONS," SO TO SPEAK Morehead-Cain Alumni E-News by Eric Johnson, January 31, 2010 Barely halfway through his first UNC class, Sir Christopher Meyer beamed with mischievous glee as students tried to guess who might’ve been the most boring dinner party guest in late ’90s Washington, D.C. Meyer’s wife, Lady Catherine Meyer, was answering a question about diplomatic spouses when she mentioned the agony of being cornered at embassy parties by one particularly dull American official. “I don’t know if I can name names . . .” Lady Catherine demurred. But Sir Christopher, as students are already calling him, would have none of it. “Give clues, give clues!” he urged as the class burst into laughter. Before long, it emerged that Alan Greenspan was the renowned bore, refusing to talk about anything other than commodities trading. At this revelation, Sir Christopher turned sternly toward the class and summoned all the seriousness of a former British ambassador to the United States. “If you ever find yourself sitting next to Alan Greenspan,” he warned the undergraduates of Honors 353, “now you know what to talk about.” And so it went for more than an hour, as the first Morehead-Cain Alumni Distinguished Visiting Professor held forth on everything from British journalism to the byzantine complexity of American government. By the end of class, it was easy to forget that Meyer and his wife were speaking from London, linked to UNC through the high-tech gadgetry of Peabody Hall. Students asked questions and cracked jokes as Meyer peered down from two giant projector screens. Cameras mounted on the wall of the classroom ensured that Meyer could see all of the action in Chapel Hill. 16 MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION “A monstrous regiment of Tar Heels!” Meyer exclaimed as students greeted him through the video link. It was a dazzling start to Ambassador Meyer’s tenure teaching “Empire & Diplomacy,” a course designed in conjunction with UNC-Chapel Hill English Professor Ted Leinbaugh. Thanks to the generosity of Morehead-Cain Alumni, about forty students—including several current Morehead-Cain Scholars—will spend the semester enjoying the wit and wisdom of one of Great Britain’s most distinguished former diplomats. “This is a special course,” Leinbaugh promised on the first day of class. “We’re inventing it as it goes along, basically.” Leinbaugh and his students will have plenty of material to work with. The syllabus runs from the Akkadian Empire to the current war in Afghanist ny topic in between. In addition to his time as ambassador to the United States from 1997 to 2003, Meyer has served as ambassador to Germany, held posts in Spain and the Soviet Union, and served as press secretary to Prime Minster John Major. In recent years, he has been thrust into the limelight of British politics by his controversial memoir, DC Confidential. The book, first published in 2005, recounts vivid details of Meyer’s time in Washington, including the run-up to the Iraq War. Students are reading the memoir for class and have found that Meyer does not pull punches. “Meyer’s Washington reminiscences are sensational,” wrote Simon Jenkins in the Guardian newspaper in 2005. “He portrays the prime minister [Tony Blair] as a starstruck wimp and his cabinet as a bunch of ‘pygmies.’” Not surprisingly, the publication of DC Confidential caused a significant uproar for the British government. Or, as Meyer put it to the class, the book “set the cat among the pigeons.” How the book made it through a pre-publication review by Britain’s Cabinet Office was discussed at length during class. Meyer told students that he expected at least some push-back from government reviewers and was thoroughly surprised when none came. “I thought to myself, ‘Damn! I should have put more sex in it!’” Matt Garza ’09, one of the student members of the committee that selected Meyer for the Morehead-Cain Alumni professorship, said the ambassador’s easy rapport with students was a key factor in selecting him for the award. “You really get the sense that he loves to interact with students,” Garza said. “Even though he’s been in the highest reaches of international politics and leadership, he’s drawn to an academic and educational environment.” Leinbaugh agreed, telling of Meyer’s enthusiasm when the idea for the “Empire & Diplomacy” class was first broached. Meyer will teach remotely from London for the next several weeks, with Leinbaugh leading half the sessions. In mid-March, following Spring Break, Meyer will travel to Chapel Hill to spend at least two weeks on campus. After a well-attended series of public lectures in December, when Meyer traveled to UNC for the first time, Leinbaugh is already working to coordinate a number of campus events for the March visit. “It’s such a remarkable opportunity,” Leinbaugh said. “We want to get the most out his time.” MORE ON HOGAN MEDLIN ’11 Then Student Body President-elect MEDLIN PREPS FOR 2010–11 ISSUES The Daily Tar Heel by Andy Thomason, February 17, 2010 At the beginning of his first day as Student Body President-elect, Hogan Medlin was reminded of his new and improved status at UNC. “I woke up this morning to like, 87 e-mails,” he said. Most were congratulatory, but several were from former UNC student body presidents with advice for the junior on how to prepare himself for next year, he said. During this almost two-month transition until his April 13 inauguration, Medlin, who defeated fellow junior Shruti Shah in the runoff election Tuesday with 61 percent of the vote, said he will spend time with Student Body President Jasmin Jones to discuss her experience as president. Along with talking with eliminated student body president candidates about their ideas and deciding which of Jones’ projects he will continue, Medlin said he will look for insight on what might be the University’s most pressing issue next year—tuition. The 2010 –11 school year will likely see a more intense budget process than past years, with trustees calling for larger tuition increases and a continuing state budget crunch. As a result, Medlin’s role in the talks could take on even more prominence, as he will have to represent students’ interests through a series of potentially heated talks. Some members of the Board of Trustees have expressed concern that UNC’s tuition increases were too low in light of budget problems. After voting unanimously for a 5.2 percent tuition increase this past year, trustees said UNC was too resistant to higher tuition hikes. The board voted on that increase on the same day the University of California system raised tuition by an unprecedented 32 percent. The student body president is one of two chairmen on the tuition and fee advisory task force, which sends fee proposals to the chancellor, who then makes a recommendation to the Board of Trustees. The president is also the sole student representative on the Board of Trustees. Medlin—who said he is interested in a transparent process and affordable tuition—said he will begin working on the issue next week because he believes it will be especially prominent next year. Eventually, Medlin said he hopes to hold several town hall meetings to allow students to voice their concerns about tuition. “I don’t like the idea of closed door conversations about tuition,” Medlin said. Along with outlining his vision for next year’s tuition process, Medlin said he will spend the coming months understanding his role as leader of the student body. Jones said the transition period is a time for the president-elect to acquaint himself with the role. But Medlin said he will focus mostly on understanding the character of Jones’ relationships with other student leaders and administrators. “Until she walks out of that office, I’m going to be picking her brain,” he said. YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 17 THE YEAR IN REVIEW CONTINUED FROM PAGE 10 APRIL 10, 2010 Mike Mian ’11 named 2010 Udall Scholar APRIL 21, 2010 Senior Dinner Morehead State Dining Room APRIL 22, 2010 Morehead-Cain Class of 2014 Announced See page 68 for a look at our newest class of Scholars MAY 9, 2010 Commencement and Open House for Graduating Seniors and their Families JUNE 9, 2010 Libby Longino ’10 and Jimmy Waters ’10 named to USA Today’s All-USA College Academic First Team (two of only twenty students across the country) Henry Spelman ’10 named to USA Today’s All-USA College Academic Second Team JUNE 17, 2010 Foundation endows the Eve Marie Carson Carolina Way Scholarship 18 MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 19 MORE ON THE EVE MARIE CARSON CAROLINA WAY SCHOLARSHIP CARSON REMEMBERED WITH MOREHEAD-CAIN SCHOLARSHIP The Daily Tar Heel by Katia Martinez, June 17, 2010 Former Student Body President Eve Marie Carson will be honored by a Morehead-Cain scholarship in her name. The foundation that brought Eve Marie Carson to UNC now has plans to help carry on her legacy. The Chapel Hill-based Morehead-Cain Foundation has endowed a merit scholarship with $400,000 to honor the former student body president, who was killed in March 2008. The Eve Marie Carson Carolina Way Scholarship will accept one student every four years. It will cover the full cost of tuition, fees, room and board. Its first recipient is expected as early as the 2011–12 school year. “Eve Carson embodied everything that phrase (Carolina Way) represents,” said Megan Mazzocchi, associate director of the Morehead-Cain Foundation. “In simple terms, the Carolina Way is ‘excellence with a heart.’ That is what Eve was all about.” Carson was a Morehead-Cain Scholar from Athens, Ga. She studied abroad in Cuba and spent her college summers in Wyoming, Ecuador and Egypt on trips funded through Morehead-Cain summer enrichment programs. The scholarship will give preference to out-of-state applicants. 20 MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION Current UNC students believe that the scholarship is an appropriate way to honor Carson’s memory. “It’s something that a lot of people care a lot about,” junior Paige Smith said. “And I think it’s great to incorporate the issue with helping students.” Some students see it as a good way to promote education. “I think that’s great,” junior Melissa Auton said. “The more people that can have the ability to attend UNC, the better.” Those involved with the foundation hope that eventually the Carolina Way scholarship will be able to accept more scholars into the program. “As the Eve Marie Carson Carolina Way Scholarship Endowment Fund grows, the number of scholars will also be able to grow,” Mazzocchi said. “The fund is set up so that others can make donations if they would like to help us honor Eve by bringing some of the nation’s best students to the Carolina campus.” The Carolina Way Scholarship will center its selection basis on having a well-rounded individual. It will select its recipient based on similar ideals as the Morehead-Cain Scholarship does. “Recipients will be chosen for academic excellence, observable optimism and enthusiasm, and a proclivity to connect and engage diverse people,” Scott Ragland, UNC director of development communications, stated in an e-mail. It will also provide the recipient with special programming, including research grants, summer enrichment opportunities and study abroad. Mazzocchi hopes to use the scholarship as a vehicle to share Carson’s character and the “Carolina Way” with incoming and future students. This is the second UNC scholarship to honor Carson. The first, the Eve Marie Carson Memorial Junior-Year Merit Scholarship, funds a summer experience for students after their junior year and financial aid for their senior year. “There will never be another Eve Carson,” Mazzocchi said. “However, with the Eve Marie Carson Carolina Way Scholarship, we are hoping the University will be able to attract students who share Eve’s remarkable intelligence, enthusiasm and optimism.” “Learn from every single being, experience, and moment. What joy it is to search for lessons and goodness and enthusiasm in others.” —EVE MARIE CARSON YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 21 INTERNATIONAL African Leadership Academy Johannesburg, South Africa Frankfurt International School Oberursel, Germany King's Academy Madaba-Manja, Jordan Saint John's School San Juan, Puerto Rico The British International School of Jeddah Jeddah, Saudi Arabia NEW NOMINATING SCHOOLS 2009–2010 The Koc School Istanbul, Turkey OUT-OF-STATE Archbishop McNicholas High School Cincinnati, Ohio Briarcliff High School Briarcliff Manor, New York Brookwood High School Snellville, Georgia Calvary Christian Academy Fort Lauderdale, Florida Calvert Hall College High School Baltimore, Maryland Carroll Senior High School Southlake, Texas Castilleja School Palo Alto, California Christian Academy of Louisville Louisville, Kentucky Cistercian Preparatory School Irving, Texas 22 MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION Columbus Alternative High School Columbus, Ohio Delbarton School Morristown, New Jersey Emma Willard School Troy, New York Greenville Technical Charter High School Greenville, South Carolina Greenwich Academy Greenwich, Connecticut Hoover High School Hoover, Alabama John F. Kennedy High School Cedar Rapids, Iowa King Low Heywood Thomas Stamford, Connecticut Lick-Wilmerding High School San Francisco, California Rainier Scholars Seattle, Washington Regents School of Austin Austin, Texas River Hill High School Clarksville, Maryland Saint Ann's School Brooklyn, New York St. George’s Independent School Collierville, Tennessee Saint Paul's School Covington, Louisiana St. Stephen's Episcopal School Austin, Texas Sycamore High School Cincinnati, Ohio The Branson School Ross, California The Episcopal Academy Newtown Square, Pennsylvania Manchester Essex Regional High School Manchester-by-the-Sea, Massachussets The Haverford School Haverford, Pennsylvania Marietta High School Marietta, Georgia Trinity High School Louisville, Kentucky Memorial Senior High School Houston, Texas Trinity Valley School Fort Worth, Texas Mississippi School for Mathematics and Science Columbus, Mississippi Villa Duchesne Frontenac, Missouri Palmer Trinity School Palmetto Bay, Florida Paxon School for Advanced Studies Jacksonville, Florida Piedmont Governor's School for Mathematics, Science, and Technology Collinsville, Virginia Wakefield High School Arlington, Virginia Washington High School Pensacola, Florida Woodcrest Christian High School Riverside, California SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM PLACEMENTS 2009–2010 OUTDOOR LEADERSHIP PUBLIC SERVICE NOLS Absaroka Backpacking Alaska Backpacking Alaska Sea Kayaking North Cascades Mountaineering Pacific Northwest Backpacking Wild River Wilderness Wind River Mountaineering African Impact Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe Outward Bound Alaska Mountaineering and Sea Kayaking Colorado Mountaineering and Rock Climbing Colorado Rockies Mountaineering Maine Canoeing and Climbing Maine Coast Sailing Maine Sailing and Canoeing Maine to Bermuda Schooner Sailing Minnesota Boundary Waters Canoeing and Backpacking Minnesota Boundary Waters Wilderness Canoeing Minnesota Canoeing Minnesota Wilderness Canoeing N.C. Backpacking, Rock Climbing, and Whitewater Canoeing North Cascades Mountaineering Northwest Sea Kayaking and Mountain Expedition Oregon Mountaineering, Rafting, and Rock Climbing Oregon Rafting and Mountain Expedition Sierra Nevada Alpine Backpacking Southwest Mountain, Canyon, and River Expedition Amy Biehl Foundation Cape Town, South Africa Anti-Violence Project New York, NY Breakthrough Collaborative Santa Fe, NM; San Juan Capistrano, CA; Coral Gables, FL Centro Evangelico de Medicina Lubango, Angola Child Family Health International Quito, Ecuador Cultural Exchange Program with Inuit Children Pangnirtung, Nunavut, Canada East Meets West Foundation Da Nang, Vietnam Experiential Learning International Buenos Aires, Argentina; Iganga, Uganda; Chennai, India; Puerto Lopez, Ecuador Foundation for Sustainable Development Jodhpur, India; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Masaka, Uganda; Magamaga, Uganda The Foundation of the Argentine Catholic Commission for Migrants Buenos Aires, Argentina YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 23 HEALTH Inc. Ladakh, India Maventy International Anivorano Nord, Madagascar Mediapila Bella Vista, Argentina Music as a Tool for Teaching Social Studies and English to Rwandan Children Kigali, Rwanda New York City Department of Education New York, NY Openmind Projects Tanol Dak Village, Siem Reap, Cambodia Operation Blessing / Water Missions International Lima, Peru SNAPSHOT AMANDA CLAIRE GRAYSON | CLASS OF 2013 Blog post from Argentina, June 28, 2010 http://moreheadcain.org/about/snapshots/amanda_claire_grayson/ Much like the open-air train at the Birmingham Zoo, you can see tons of plants, animals, and even parts of the waterfalls. Once reaching the destination, we hiked through jungle and across the river to the edge of the Devil’s Throat, an incredible site you get so close to that your camera, sunglasses, and entire body are misted by the waterfall’s spray. Tons of people were wearing ponchos for this, but I personally think that’s weak sauce. POEAO Ipero, Brazil ProWorld Belize City and San Ignacio, Belize ProWorld Service Corps San Ignacio, Belize Robin Hood Foundation New York, NY Shyira Hospital with Drs. Caleb ’82 and Louise ’88 King Shyira, Rwanda St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Memphis, TN 24 MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION Sustainable Bolivia Cochabamba, Bolivia Trinity Wall Street New York, NY UNC Malawi Program Lilongwe, Malawi UNICEF Freetown, Sierra Leone United Planet Cusco, Peru USAID / Land O’Lakes Dairy Cooperative Kigali, Rwanda Voluntario Global Buenos Aires, Argentina WorldTeach Cape Town, South Africa; Quito, Ecuador; Oshakati, Namibia; Hunan Province (Changsha, Nanyue, Zhuzhou), China INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH A Discussion of the State of Affairs of the Irish Blasphemy Law Ireland, England Exotic Exile: Literature and Ethnicity in the Caucasus Mountains Ukraine, Russia Exploring Arabic Music in Cairo Cairo, Egypt A Global Look at Poverty Reduction and Culture through Nonprofit, Government, and Religious Agencies Argentina, Chile, Spain The Financing, Sustainability, and Goals of Global Immunization Programs Atlanta, GA A Quantitative Real-Time PCR Assay for Plasmodium Falciparum Using DNA from Dried Blood Spots Chapel Hill, NC Global Sport and Global Issues: How International Sport Transcends the Playing Field France, Germany, Netherlands, South Africa, Spain Across the Pond: Youth Media Trends in France and England, and What We Can Learn from Them France, South Africa How We Remember Washington, DC; France, England After Auschwitz, to Write a Poem is Barbaric: The Ethics of Post-War Art France, Germany, Czech Republic, Austria, Belgium, Poland Human Trafficking: Exploring the Victim Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos Is the Larger Equity vs. Excellence Debate Internationally Coherent with Gifted Education? Berlin, Germany Carbon Markets: A Top-to-Bottom Relational Investigation Indonesia, United States (Seattle, San Francisco, New York) Lively Stages, Living Audiences: Opera as a Publicly Accessible Art Form in 21st-Century Europe England, Belgium, France, Italy, Germany, Austria Constructing Global Policies that Support Juvenile Justice Systems Centered around Reformation Scotland On the Ground in the Granite State: Politics of an Open Midterm Race in New Hampshire’s Second Congressional District Concord, NH Cultural Conceptions of Family Planning in Mali and Senegal Mali, Senegal Evolution of Ballet in the Twentieth Century: The Influence of Choreographer and Dancer France, Italy, England YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 25 Oral Histories of Bhutanese Refugees Nepal Port Development in South Asia India, Singapore, Malaysia Regaining Relevance: NATO in the 21st Century England, France, Italy Sustainable Cities England, Scotland, France, Spain, Denmark, Sweden HANNAH NEMER | CLASS OF 2014 The Water’s Width: The Scottish Diaspora, Orality, and Homelandscape Canada, Scotland Letter to the Foundation, August 5, 2010 Train Stations as Public Spaces in Europe Spain, France, Italy, Netherlands To be surrounded by the mountains is to be surrounded by an overwhelming sense of the world. Water Bears and the Google Lunar X Prize: International Collaboration in Private Space Exploration Italy, China Yet small feats, like catching and preparing fish, somehow did not pale in comparison. Water Quality and Healthcare in Tanzania and Egypt Tanzania, Egypt 26 SNAPSHOT MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION http://moreheadcain.org/about/snapshots/hannah_nemer_NOLS_Wind_River/ Every action, more deliberate, felt more significant. NONPROFIT/GOVERNMENTAL A Wider Circle Silver Spring, MD Bolivia Burn Hospital Cochabamba, Bolivia Bruno Lab Research San Cristobal, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador Environmental Protection Agency San Francisco, CA For Zion’s Sake Jerusalem, Israel GlobalGiving Ethiopia, Malawi, Zambia HOPE International Maharashtra, India Immigration Equality New York, NY Innovations for Poverty Action Kampala, Uganda King’s College London, England National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health Washington, DC Plimoth Plantation Museum Plymouth, MA POEAO Ipero, Brazil Smithsonian Museums Washington, DC Society for Democratic Initiatives Freetown, Sierra Leone The Matunkha Center for Community Health, Education, and Rural Development Rumphi, Malawi UNC School of Medicine, Genetics Lab of Scott Magness Chapel Hill, NC UNC Malawi Cancer Research Lilongwe, Malawi UNC Malawi IUD Research Lilongwe, Malawi World Health Organization, Global Buruli Ulcer Initiative Geneva, Switzerland SNAPSHOT TORI STILWELL | CLASS OF 2012 Biweekly Report, June 2010, interning at the Concordia Sentinel One cool thing about where I live is that the Mississippi is basically in my backyard. It’s only about three streets over, and I cross it every day to get to the newspaper office. Natchez sits on a bluff that I’ve run along and gotten a nice view of the river. Apparently Natchez is the second-oldest city along the Mississippi, behind New Orleans by a year or two. The Office of Portfolio Planning of the New York City Department of Education New York, NY YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 27 PRIVATE ENTERPRISE Abingdon Theatre Company New York, NY Accenture Development Partners Dar es Salaam, Tanzania; London, England Albright Stonebridge Group Washington, DC Allen & Company New York, NY Bank of America Charlotte, NC SNAPSHOT EMMA DIN | CLASS OF 2011 Biweekly report, May 2010, interning at CNN, New York My boss doesn’t believe in treating interns like mere interns and, consequently, she’s thrown me headfirst into broadcast journalism. I’m never bored. Baylor Health Care System Dallas, TX BBC London, England BlackRock Princeton, NJ The Boston Consulting Group New York, NY Bristol-Myers Squibb Princeton, NJ Brookwood Associates Atlanta, GA 28 MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION Burt’s Bees Durham, NC CDK New York, NY CNN Medical Unit New York, NY Columbia University Medical Center New York, NY Concordia Sentinel “Cold Case Truth & Justice Project” Ferriday, LA Credit Suisse New York, NY Duke Energy Cincinnati, OH EMI Music Christian Music Group Nashville, TN Evolution Robotics Retail Pasadena, CA Freedman Foods, Inc. Dallas, TX Frontline Solutions New York, NY Genzyme Corporation Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; São Paolo, Brazil; Santiago, Chile Goldman Sachs New York, NY SNAPSHOT SARAH BUFKIN | CLASS OF 2013 Final Report, Summer 2010 http://moreheadcain.org/about/snapshots/sarah_bufkin_india2/ I traveled, I saw, I ate, I loved, I hated, I raged, I praised. This summer, I discovered that I possess not only a thirst for knowledge (which I’ve known since preschool), but a thirst for experience—for hard, gritty, cow-ridden, mango-infused experience . . . Palomar Neurosurgery Center San Diego, CA Posit Science San Francisco, CA J.P. Morgan London, England Public Defender Service for the District of Columbia Washington, DC Major League Soccer New York, NY Quintiq Reston, VA MapsNet Boston, MA Richard Frankel Productions New York, NY Mirabilis Advisory Delhi, India San Francisco Giants San Francisco, CA Morgan Stanley New York, NY Smithsonian Networks Washington, DC The Motley Fool Washington, DC Terra Plana London, England New York Yankees New York, NY Top Up TV London, France, Italy, United States (New York) Internship with Nicholas Sparks New Bern, NC Novartis Basel, Switzerland Wall Street Journal Online New York, NY Williams & Connolly Washington, DC YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 29 AWARDS AND PRIZES David Strauss Baron The Ernest L. Mackie Award, presented to the man of the junior class who has been judged most outstanding in character, scholarship, and leadership Elizabeth Blair Longino USA Today’s All-USA College Academic All-Star (First Team) APPLES Service-Learning Program Award for Undergraduate Excellence Michael Altaf Mian Political Science Department’s William Scott Bryant Award JNO Award in Entrepreneurial Studies Marion Celia Boulicault Athletic Director’s Scholar-Athlete Award SCHOLAR ACHIEVEMENT 2009–2010 Alex Wolfe Lassiter Second Place, Rice University Business Plan Competition Michael Niekrash Morrill Terry Sanford Prize for Excellence in Political Science Christopher Patton Nickell William McDaniel Bondurant Swimming and Diving, Osterneck Family Unsung Hero Award Third-Place Male Vocals, National Teachers of Singing Association (NATS) Competition Catherine Shepherd Burns Field Hockey, Osterneck Family Unsung Hero Award Evan Kershaw Rose The Albert Suskin Prize in Latin Emily Dare Carter The Peter C. Baxter Memorial Prize in American Studies Keith Michael Grose Cellar Door Magazine Second Place in Fiction Award Ashley Chaunté Harrington The National Pan-Hellenic Council Award Sydney Elizabeth Hartsell Connected Learning Program Outstanding Mentor Award and Outstanding Community Contribution Award Helen Elizabeth Koch APPLES Service-Learning Program Award for Undergraduate Excellence Sexuality Studies Undergraduate Research Prize Communication Studies Department Outstanding Achievement in Scholarship Award The Willie Lavonsa Moore Prize in Creative Non-Fiction, First Runner-up Jennifer Lynn Sawicki Carolina Leadership Academy 3-D Leader of Distinction Award Varsity Fencing Most Valuable Player and Most Outstanding Player Henry Lawlor Spelman The Eben Alexander Prize in Greek, presented by the Department of Classics to the undergraduate who presents the best rendering into English of selected passages of Greek not previously read USA Today’s All-USA College Academic All-Star (Second Team) Natalie Shelayne Sutton UNC Dance Marathon #1 Overall Fundraiser Communication Studies Department Award for Service and Leadership Brendan John Yorke $10,000 Davis Projects for Peace Grant Amber Micole Koonce Girl Scouts of America Young Woman of Distinction James Joseph Waters The Undergraduate Prize in Economics Undergraduate Award for Mathematical Decision Science Michael James Johnston James H. Maguire Memorial Award presented to an outstanding and academically gifted junior honors student majoring in chemistry 30 MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION Most Outstanding Economics Thesis Award USA Today’s All-USA College Academic All-Star (First Team) SCHOLARSHIPS AND FELLOWSHIPS CAMPUS ACTIVITIES / LEADERSHIP David Strauss Baron Net Impact Fellowship Amy Caroline Abramowitz Founder and President, Carolina Neuroscience Club Amber Micole Koonce Harvard Kennedy School of Government and Public Policy Leadership Fellow David Strauss Baron Founder and Coordinator, HOPE Garden Chapel Hill (Homeless Outreach Poverty Eradication) Elizabeth Blair Longino Rhodes Scholarship Erin Elizabeth Becker Vice President, Club Cross Country and Track and Field Anthony Eric Dent Chairman, College Republicans CEO and Director, Carolina Liberty Foundation Selena Howard Elmer Co-Chair, Carolina Microfinance Initiative Kelsey Rushing Farson Co-Founder, Politics, Philosophy, and Economics Club Joshua Michael Ford Founder and Co-President, GenerAction Gregor Campbell MacLennan Phillips Ambassadors Scholarship Co-Director, Center for Arts and Cultural Policy, Roosevelt Institute Michael Altaf Mian Morris K. Udall Scholarship Mikhail Mikhailovich Belikov Treasurer, Roosevelt Institution Gregory Forest Randolph Phillips Ambassadors Scholarship William McDaniel Bondurant Co-Chair, Student Government Speakers Committee Adam Michael Glass Executive Co-Chair, North Carolina 10 Years Ahead Conference Christopher Knight Sopher Harry S. Truman Scholarship Head Manager and Director of Meet Operations, UNC Varsity Swimming and Diving Executive Treasurer, Carolina Firsts (formerly First-Generation College Students) Henry Lawlor Spelman Rhodes Scholarship Adam David Brawley Business Manager and President-Elect, UNC Clef Hangers Marissa Rachael Gluck President, General Alumni Association 2013 Class Commission Kaitlin Marie Carr Co-Chair, Campus Y Coalition for College Access (C4CA) MONOGRAM AWARDS Emmett Feldman Gilles Captain, UNC Men’s Novice Rowing Team Jessica Lauren Gregory Co-Chair, Campus Y Project Literacy Marion Celia Boulicault Fencing Christopher Lee Carter Co-President, Honors Program Student Executive Board Co-Chair, Student Government Academic Affairs Committee Joël J. Hage Co-founder, South Africa Scholarship Fund Catherine Shepherd Burns Field Hockey Emily Dare Carter Lead Chair, Campus Y Big Buddy Sydney Elizabeth Hartsell Founder, UNC Chapter of Swing for Life Grayson Elliott Cooper Vice President, Roosevelt Institute Danielle Marguerite Heider Co-Chair, Campus Y Helping Youth by Providing Enrichment (HYPE) Rebecca Joy Crabb Women’s Soccer Jennifer Lynn Sawicki Fencing Wesley Lawrence Crouse Special Projects Coordinator and Director-Elect of Programming, Campus Y Erik Mason Davies Co-Founder and Communications Chair, UNC Chapter of Liberty in North Korea Ying Hua President, Chinese Undergraduate Student Association Ricardo Alcides Hurtado Co-Chair, Campus World Micro-Market YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 31 Lisa Elizabeth Jeffries Vice President of Enrichment, General Alumni Association Student Membership Program Elizabeth Landon McCain Freshman Member-at-Large, Minister of Information, and Co-President-Elect, Campus Y Michael James Johnston Founder, Envirothon Team Gregor Campbell MacLennan Captain, UNC Men’s Rugby Adam Jutha Rules and Judiciary Chair, Student Congress Anthony Morris McClenny President-Elect, Black Student Movement Amber Micole Koonce Co-Chair, Campus Y Criminal Justice Action and Awareness Eve Stefanie Georgia McTurk Co-chair, Student Undergraduate Teaching and Staff Awards Selection Committee Holly Virginia Kuestner Co-Founder, UNC Orienteering Club Director for Student Outreach and Secretary, North Carolina 10 Years Ahead Conference Mark Muriithi Laichena Director, Campus Y Nourish International Hunger Lunch Hogan Eastwood Medlin Student Body President-Elect Vice President for Partnerships and Policy Implementation, Roosevelt Institute Alumni Coordinator, UNC Clef Hangers Joel Katende Semakula Co-Chair, South Africa Scholarship Fund Matthew James Miller Vice Chairman, Student Government Distinguished Speaker Series Tara Gayatri Seshan Freshman Executive Officer, Campus Y Nourish International Elizabeth Nicole Monier Founder and Co-Chair, Campus Y World Micro-Market Steven Paul Shorkey, Jr. Student Coordinator, C-START Undergraduate Teaching Program William Griffin Morrel IV Co-President, Carolina Hispanic Entrepreneurship Center Co-President, UNC Golf Alex Wolfe Lassiter Co-Founder and President, North Carolina 10 Years Ahead Conference Nicholas Mark Lennon President, Carolina Sport Business Club Charlotte Clement Lindemanis Director, Roosevelt Institute Center for Social Justice Policy Research Charlotte Jo Lloyd Vice President, Turkish Student Association Elizabeth Blair Longino President, Roosevelt Institution Sarah Lynn MacDonald President, UNC Rotoract Brent Ford Macon Vice President, Student Government Interfraternity Council Michael Niekrash Morrill Director of Finance, Students for Students International (S4Si) President, Club Squash MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION Gregory Forest Randolph Outreach Chair, Campus Y Nourish International Lily Margaret Roberts Founder and National Co-Coordinator, Women’s Policy Caucus Director, UNC Women’s Policy Affairs Center Elizabeth Meade Rodenbough Treasurer, Students for Carolina for Kibera Oliver Brennan Rose Treasurer, Student Leadership Advisory Committee to the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Morgan Jane Skiperdene Founder and President, UNC Kiteboarding Club Christopher Knight Sopher Founding Vice President, National Chapter, Strive for College Founder and Director, UNC Chapter, Strive for College Olivia Paige Myrick Executive Board Secretary, Pauper Players Musical Theater Henry Lawlor Spelman Student Leader, Amnesty International Rachel Maureen Myrick Academic Affairs Co-Chair, Honors Student Executive Board Founder and Head, SAT Solutions Katherine Marie Novinski Director, Eve Marie Carson Junior-Year Scholarship Joseph Moore Terrell Outreach Committee Co-Chair, Campus Y Nourish International Daniel Mark Peterson Business Manager, Tar Heel Voices 32 Colby James Ramsay Conductor, Tar Heel Voices Thomas Varkey Thriveni Co-Founder, North Carolina 10 Years Ahead Conference PUBLICATIONS / MEDIA William Harris Thomason Founder, Acappellaboration Nicholas Kenneth Hinzy Andersen Senior Writer and Study Abroad Columnist, The Daily Tar Heel Robert Hudson Vincent Co-Founder and Co-President, Justice International Erin Elizabeth Becker Managing Editor, Campus BluePrint Secretary, General Alumni Association 2013 Class Commission Nida Waheed Co-President, MOSAIC James Joseph Waters Co-President, Campus Y Cody Matthew Welton Treasurer, Club Ice Hockey Kevin Michael Whitfield President, Carolina Mock Trail Sebastian Cain Williams Senior Class Vice President Vivian Wenyi Xue Co-Founder and Vice President of Finance, Heelprint Communications President, E.nitiative Brendan John Yorke Founder and Exchange Coordinator, Postcards for Progress Sarah Margaret Bufkin Editor-in-Chief, Campus BluePrint Geoffrey Jarrard Cole Photo and Multimedia Editor, The Daily Tar Heel Grayson Elliott Cooper Editor-in-Chief, Roosevelt Institute Southern Region Anthony Eric Dent Senior Editor, Carolina Review Amanda Claire Grayson Writer, The Hill Elizabeth Cusick Hazeltine Writer and Photographer, The Siren Hadley Alisha Heath Writer, Virtuous Woman Magazine Anasa Samantha Hicks City Desk Writer, The Daily Tar Heel Molly Alexandra Hrudka Copy Editor, Campus BluePrint Calvin Young Co-Founder and Co-Chair, Campus Y Technology Without Borders Ying Hua Founder and Co-Editor-in-Chief, Evergreen Magazine Amy Rebecca Zipursky Co-Chair, Campus Y Nourish International Eliza Simpson Kern Assistant University Editor, The Daily Tar Heel Emily Frykman Zuehlke Freshman Member-at-Large, Campus Y Executive Board Kevin Robert Kiley University Editor, The Daily Tar Heel Michael Thomas Lawson Copy Editor, Campus BluePrint Charlotte Clement Lindemanis International Conflicts Editor, UNC Undergraduate Law Journal Staff Writer, The Daily Tar Heel Logan Chambers Mauney Copy Editor, Campus BluePrint Michael Altaf Mian Writer, The Hill Rachel Maureen Myrick Writer, Campus BluePrint Ronald Jayson Nemeyer Special Projects Coordinator, Insight Out Magazine Chelsea Erin Phipps Managing Editor, Campus BluePrint Elizabeth Meade Rodenbough Writer, Campus BluePrint Evan Kershaw Rose Assistant City Editor, The Daily Tar Heel Christopher Knight Sopher Senior Writer, The Daily Tar Heel Henry Lawlor Spelman Editor-in-Chief, Cellar Door Victoria Stilwell Assistant City Desk Editor, The Daily Tar Heel Anthony Rees Sweeney-Taylor Advertising Manager, Cellar Door YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 33 SENIOR MARSHALS UNDERGRADUATE HONOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA FELLOWS PROGRAM Sebastian Cain Williams, Senior Class Vice President Calvin Young, Web Designer Ashley Chaunté Harrington Jessica Lauren Lynch William Aaron Manning Janel Natasha Monroe Vice Chairs John Wesgaard Danello Travis Johnson McElveen, Chair-Elect James Patrick Ryan Troy Gregory Smith Terrence Levon Wilson (Designed to recognize and encourage leadership potential) Mikhail Mikhailovich Belikov Nina Sophia Bryce Sarah Margaret Bufkin William McElwee Clayton Joshua Michael Ford Elizabeth Cusick Hazeltine Kelsey Michaela Jost-Creegan Amber Micole Koonce Laurence Deschamps-Laporte Elizabeth Landon McCain Travis Johnson McElveen Michael Altaf Mian Abigail Faye Nix Lindsay Elizabeth Rosenfeld Philip Alexander Rouse Joel Katende Semakula Jacob Gerald Sharp Gregory Richard Smith Joseph Moore Terrell William Harris Thomason Nida Waheed Emily Frykman Zuehlke STUDENT ATTORNEY GENERAL’S STAFF Scott Davis Gallisdorfer, Student Attorney General Managing Associates Mikhail Mikhailovich Belikov Sarah Anne Core, Senior Managing Associate and Student Attorney General-Elect Marco Sabatino Romeo, Chief Counsel-Elect Kevin Michael Whitfield, Deputy Student Attorney General-Elect Counsels Elizabeth Blair Longino, Senior Counsel Thomas Joseph Bolek Jonathan James Branch Sarah Margaret Bufkin* Erik Mason Davies, Best New Counsel Award Amanda Claire Grayson* Michael Altaf Mian Olivia Page Myrick Andrew Montgomery Sawyer Noland Henry Laurence Ross* Joel Katende Semakula James Joseph Waters * 2009–2010 Initiates 34 MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION Members Margaret Elizabeth Anderson* Alexis Meredith Cribbs* Logan Mauney Chambers* Emma Henriette Din Dale Louis Hoff Brent Ford Macon Andrew Montgomery Sawyer Noland Sarah Kathleen Osborne* Austin Thomas Shaw* Emily Rebecca Sheppard* Steven Paul Shorkey, Jr. Natalie Shelayne Sutton Robert Hudson Vincent* Kim Thien Vuong* Carroll Wesley Wollard III PHI BETA KAPPA ORDER OF THE BELL TOWER Erin Elizabeth Becker* Mikhail Mikhailovich Belikov William McDaniel Bondurant* Marion Celia Boulicault* Kaitlin Marie Carr* Christopher Lee Carter* Emily Dare Carter* Wesley Lawrence Crouse* Vikram Ajay Dashputre Scott Davis Gallisdorfer Keith Michael Grose* Dale Louis Hoff Charlotte Jo Lloyd* Elizabeth Blair Longino* William Aaron Manning* Travis Johnson McElveen* Michael Altaf Mian* Michael Niekrash Morrill Courtney Elizabeth Patterson Steven Paul Shorkey, Jr.* Henry Lawlor Spelman Alexander Maxwell Stephens Anthony Rees Sweeney-Taylor* James Joseph Waters Kerry Anne Williams* Calvin Young* Amy Rebecca Zipursky* (Student Division of the General Alumni Association whose members strive to connect past, present, and future Tar Heels through alumni relations, recruiting efforts, and community service) Mark Muriithi Laichena Kara Maria Simpson* ORDER OF THE GOLDEN FLEECE (Honorary society recognizing outstanding and lasting contributions that have benefited the entire University) William McDaniel Bondurant* ORDER OF THE GRAIL-VALKYRIES (Honorary society recognizing scholarship, leadership, character, and service) Elizabeth Blair Longino* Michael Altaf Mian Henry Lawlor Spelman* Thomas Varkey Thriveni James Joseph Waters* ORDER OF THE OMEGA (Honorary society limited to the top three percent of the fraternity and sorority community who have shown outstanding leadership within the UNC and fraternity/sorority community) Janel Natasha Monroe Blair Julia Powell* Thomas Varkey Thriveni Sebastian Cain Williams YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 35 THE CLASS OF 2010 Lynzentia Anka-Lufford Anne Lewis Baer London, England, The Latymer School; BSBA/Business Administration, Public Policy Minor; Dean’s List; Tar Heel Devotions Fellowship Co-Group Leader; Kabari Drama Troupe; Zankilliwa Dance Troupe; Minority Business Student Alliance (MBSA) Founding Member, Secretary; Organization for African Students’ Interests and Solidarity (OASIS) Secretary Chapel Hill, St. Paul’s School; BS with Distinction/ Mathematics/Political Science; Dean's List; Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior Honors Programs; Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity Rush Co-Chair; Student Government Renewable Energy Special Projects Committee Co-Chair; Rainbow Soccer Coach; Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools Tutor; Math Department Undergraduate Peer Tutor; Fluid Lab Research Assistant; Varsity Rowing Team MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Outdoor Leadership: Outward Bound: Alaska Glacier Mountaineering & Rafting Public Service: Global Volunteer Network, Ghana International Research: Orphans International WorldWide, New York Private Enterprise: Advinus Therapeutics, Bangalore, India IMMEDIATE PLANS: To attend the European Finance Graduate Program at AkzoNobel and train to be an accountant MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Outdoor Leadership: NOLS: Wind River Wilderness Public Service: WorldTeach, Poland International Research: Greener Education: A Global Perspective on Universities and the Environment (New Zealand, Australia, Hong Kong) Private Enterprise: Congressional Office of Jim Cooper, Washington, DC IMMEDIATE PLANS: To teach secondary mathematics with Teach for America, Phoenix, Arizona Senior portraits by Mary Moore McLean 36 MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION Mikhail Mikhailovich Belikov Marion Celia Boulicault Catherine Shepherd Burns New York, NY, The Hotchkiss School; BA with Highest Distinction/Political Science with Honors/Economics, Creative Writing Minor; Dean's List; Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior Honors Programs; North Carolina Fellows Program; Phi Beta Kappa; Pi Sigma Alpha Political Science Honor Society; Omicron Delta Epsilon Economics Honor Society; Student Government Academic Affairs Committee; Student Attorney General’s Staff Managing Associate, Counsel; Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools Creative Writing Mentor, ESL Volunteer; Bowman and Gordon Gray Professorship Selection Committee; Chi Phi Fraternity Social and Philanthropy Chair; Department of Economics Teaching Assistant; Roosevelt Institute Treasurer; Club Wrestling; Club Boxing Travel Team London, England, Henrietta Barnett School; BS with Highest Distinction/Environmental Science with Highest Honors/Philosophy, Chemistry Minor; Dean's List; Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior Honors Programs; Phi Beta Kappa; Morris K. Udall Scholarship; 2010 Athletic Director Scholar-Athlete Award; APPLES Service-Learning Alternative Winter Break Co-Chair; Native Health Initiative Student Coordinator; Seagraves Service Grant Selection Committee; Varsity Fencing Women’s Foil Squad Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill Senior High School; BA/Political Science/International Studies, Spanish Minor; Dean’s List; Field Hockey Unsung Hero Award; Carolina Leadership Academy Veteran Leaders Program; Student-Athlete Advisory Council Team Representative; Carolina Dreams; Varsity Field Hockey; NFHCA National Academic Squad; ACC Academic Honor Roll; National Hockey Festival Player; National Indoor Tournament Player MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Outdoor Leadership: Outdoor Leadership—NOLS: Wind River Mountaineering Public Service: Breakthrough Collaborative, New Orleans International Research: Conflict, Development, and Stability: The Case of the Caucasus (Switzerland, Georgia, Azerbaijan) Private Enterprise: J.P. Morgan, London, England IMMEDIATE PLANS: To work as an investment banking analyst with Bank of America Merrill Lynch, New York MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Outdoor Leadership: Outward Bound: Southwest Mountaineering, Rafting & Canyoneering Public Service: Foundation for Sustainable Development, Uganda Private Enterprise: Public Defender’s Office, Washington, DC International Research: Case Studies of Community-Based Conservation in Southeast Asia (Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos) Outdoor Leadership: Outward Bound: Sierra Nevada Mountaineering Public Service: Cross-Cultural Solutions, Peru International Research: The Legacy of Italian Fascism (Italy, Germany) Private Enterprise: British Oval, London, England IMMEDIATE PLANS: To work on the gubernatorial campaign of Andrew Cuomo, New York IMMEDIATE PLANS: Following a summer undergraduate research fellowship (SURF) in philosophy, to graduate in December 2010 YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 37 37(79%) GRADUATED WITH DISTINCTION* *Overall grade point average of 3.5 or more Timothy Guy Campbell Kaitlin Marie Carr China Grove, South Rowan High School; BA/History; Tar Heel Voices Singer, Arranger; Playwrighting Studio Actor in 365 Plays/365 Days; Pauper Players Actor; TRI-Serve Co-Founder, Officer Clinton, Clinton High School; BA with Highest Distinction/ Public Policy with Honors, Business Administration Minor and Spanish Minor; Dean's List; Phi Beta Kappa; Public Service Scholar; Campus Y Coalition for College Access (C4CA) Co-Chair; NC-C4CA Statewide Summit Planning Committee; Scholars´ Latino Initiative (SLI) Assistant Director, Service Chair, Mentor; Rainbow Soccer Head Coach; Frank Porter Graham Elementary School Study Buddy; Mujeres Aprendiendo por Nuevas Oportunidades (MANO) ESL Tutor; Study Abroad Madrid, Spain; Girl Scouts Volunteer; UNC Shag Club MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Outdoor Leadership: Outward Bound: Boundary Waters Canoeing, Climbing & Backpacking Public Service: WorldTeach, China International Research: The Early Years of Samuel Beckett and Their Influence on the Writing of Waiting for Godot (United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Germany) Private Enterprise: Smithsonian Network, Cambridge, Massachusetts IMMEDIATE PLANS: In progress MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Outdoor Leadership: Outward Bound: Maine Whitewater Canoeing & Rock Climbing Public Service: Foundation for Sustainable Development, Ecuador International Research: Inching Towards Change: Reducing the World’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Australia, New Zealand) Private Enterprise: Accenture Development Partnerships, London, England IMMEDIATE PLANS: To work with Stockamp Practice at Huron Consulting 38 MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION Emily Dare Carter Stephen James Crawford Vikram Ajay Dashputre Garner, South Johnston High School; BA with Highest Distinction/American Studies with Honors/Biology; Dean’s List; Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior Honors Programs; Phi Beta Kappa; The Peter C. Baxter Memorial Prize in American Studies; Campus Y Big Buddy Lead Chair, Co-Chair, Health Focus Committee; Scholars’ Latino Initiative (SLI) Development Committee; U.S. Committee on Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) Family Sponsor; C-START; UNC Refugee Assistance Program; UNC Gillings School of Global Health, Water Quality Test for Developing Countries Research Assistant; UNC Center for Competitive Economies Roanoke Colony Indigenous Village Research Assistant; UNC School of Social Work Housing First Research Assistant; King's College London Women’s Basketball Suwanee, GA, North Gwinnett High School; BSBA with Highest Distinction/Business Administration with Highest Honors, Spanish for the Professions Minor; Dean’s List; Beta Gamma Sigma Business Honor Society; Medlin Business Scholarship Award; Student Body President Platform Committee; UNC-NOW Volunteer; Movement of Youth Director of Mentoring, Executive Assistant, Mentoring Coordinator; Carolina Challenge; Carolina Public Service Scholars Program; Business School Investment Fund; GOLD-N-LOVE; Common Sense Foundation Wilmington, John T. Hoggard High School; BSBA with Highest Distinction/Business Administration/Economics; Dean’s List; Freshman and Sophomore Honors Programs; Phi Beta Kappa; Beta Gamma Sigma Kenan-Flagler Business School Honor Society; Student Government Student Advisory Committee to the Chancellor; Campus Y Freshman Executive Board Member-at-Large, External Treasurer, Special Projects Coordinator, Executive Committee Member; UNC-CH Oxfam Click Drive Co-Director MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Outdoor Leadership: NOLS: Alaska Sea Kayaking Public Service: Global Volunteer Network, Ghana International Research: The Treatment and Prevention of Malaria in Southeast Asia (Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Malaysia) Private Enterprise: Piedmont Health Services, Carrboro, North Carolina MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Outdoor Leadership: Outward Bound: Appalachian Mountains Backpacking, Rock Climbing & Whitewater Canoeing Public Service: Habitat for Humanity, Chile International Research: Where Michael Jackson Got His Moves: The Afro-Caribbean Impact on Western Music and Dance (Trinidad, Tobago, Dominican Republic) Private Enterprise: IBM, Atlanta Outdoor Leadership: Outward Bound: Colorado Rockies Backpacking Public Service: Foundation for Sustainable Development, Argentina International Research: Department of State, Spain Private Enterprise: Morgan Stanley, New York IMMEDIATE PLANS: To join the healthcare investment banking group with Morgan Stanley, New York IMMEDIATE PLANS: To work as an energy analyst with the Ewing Bemiss Investment Bank, Richmond, Virginia IMMEDIATE PLANS: To attend graduate school in global public health YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 39 20 (43%) GRADUATED WITH HIGHEST DISTINCTION* **Overall grade point average of 3.8 or more Tiffany Kim Dixon Amos James Espeland San Diego, CA, Mira Mesa High School; BS/Psychology; Dean’s List; Freshman and Sophomore Honors Programs; Student Television’s “Off the Cuff” Actress, Writer, Director, Cameraman; Carolina Production Guild Line Producer, Co-Director, First Assistant Director, Production Assistant; Wun Hop Kuen Do Self-Defense Club Ranked Intermediate Student, Treasurer, Tournament Coordinator, Self-defense Instructor Winston-Salem, North Forsyth High School; BA with Distinction/Philosophy with Honors; Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior Honors Programs; Phi Sigma Tau, Philosophy Honor Society; Student Government Safety Committee Chair MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Outdoor Leadership: NOLS: Wind River Wilderness Public Service: WorldTeach, South Africa International Research: The Social Role Theory, Deviance, and Feminism in South Korean Women Private Enterprise: Denver Film Festival, Denver, Colorado IMMEDIATE PLANS: To attend film school 40 MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Outdoor Leadership: NOLS: Alaska Sea Kayaking Public Service: United Nations High Commission on Refugees, Tanzania International Research: A comparative study of program implementation in Peru and Uruguay, One Laptop Per Child (Peru, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay). Private Enterprise: MIT One Laptop Per Child Project, Peru IMMEDIATE PLANS: To complete an independent study in philosophy at UNC-Chapel Hill for one year before attending graduate school in philosophy Scott Davis Gallisdorfer Jessica Rae Hanson Ashley Chaunte Harrington Lewisville, Forsyth Country Day School; BA with Highest Distinction/Public Policy with Honors/English; Dean’s List; Freshman and Sophomore Honors Programs; Phi Beta Kappa; UNC Student Attorney General, Staff Counsel, Managing Associate, Senior Associate; Campus Y Health Focus Committee; Chapel Hill Elementary Schools Writing Tutor; Roosevelt Institute Health Policy Center Director; Student Undergraduate Teaching and Staff Awards (SUTASA) Committee; Student Body President Campaign Staff; Student Government Committee on Student Conduct; Public Policy Majors Union Secretary, Executive Board Member; Public Policy Department Student Grader Raeford, North Carolina School of Science & Mathematics; BA with Distinction/Latin American Studies, Chemistry Minor and Business Administration Minor; Dean's List; Anthony and Hope Harrington Institute for the Study of the Americas Scholarship; El Centro Latino/Hispano Transition Volunteer; Carolina Language Partnership (CLaP) Tutor; MoreheadCain Scholarship Fund Scholar Delegate Chapel Hill, East Chapel Hill High School; BA with Distinction/Public Policy/International Studies, Hispanic Studies Minor; Dean’s List; Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior Honors Programs; Gamma Sigma Alpha Greek Honor Society; Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship Finalist; Student Government Town and External Relations CoChair; Greek Affairs Co-Chair; Senior Marshals Homelessness Committee; Theta Pi Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Service Chair; National Pan-Hellenic Council Social Chair MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Outdoor Leadership: Outward Bound: Montana Alpine Backpacking Public Service: Global Volunteer Network, Ghana International Research: Institution Building: The Develop ment of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom (England, Ireland) Private Enterprise: Public Defender Service in Washington, DC MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Outdoor Leadership: NOLS: Alaska Backpacking Public Service: WorldTeach, Ecuador International Research: The Role of Communication in Effective Medical Treatment: Native and Immigrant Care in Developing and Developed Countries (United States, Mexico, Spain) Private Enterprise: The Albright Group, Washington, DC IMMEDIATE PLANS: To intern with the with the Immigration Justice Project of San Diego, San Diego, California MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Outdoor Leadership: Outward Bound: Montana Backpacking & Canoeing Public Service: Breakthrough, Philadelphia International Research: An Exploration of Franco-Arab Identity (Morocco, France) Private Enterprise: Congressional Black Caucus, Washington, DC IMMEDIATE PLANS: To attend New York University School of Law IMMEDIATE PLANS: To attend the University of Virginia School of Law on a Dean’s Scholarship YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 41 11 (23%) GRADUATED WITH HONORS* 12 (26%) GRADUATED WITH HIGHEST HONORS* †To begin a senior honors thesis, a student must have an overall grade point average of at least 3.2. Under faculty guidance, the Scholar conducts a research or creative project, which results in an honors thesis. The thesis is defended before a faculty committee and successful candidates are recommended for graduation with honors. The additional accolade of graduation “with highest honors” indicates the exceptionally accomplished student and a thesis that exemplifies the highest possible level of undergraduate scholarship. Not every department recommends a candidate for “highest honors” each year. Hadley Alisha Heath Dale Louis Hoff Shelby, Shelby High School; BA with Distinction/Journalism and Mass Communication/Economics; Dean’s List; Freshman and Sophomore Honors Programs; Phi Mu Sorority Chaplain, Model Phi Mu 2008, Model Phi Mu 2009; Student Government Summer Reading Selection Committee; Campus Y Cornerstone Spring Break Trip 2009 Leader; Campus Crusade Cornerstone; Christ Community Church Student Organization Founder; Shelby Summer Children's Theatre Choreographer; Star Heels Dance Team; Pauper Players Musical Theatre; Virtuous Woman Magazine Writer; Sustainable Living-Learning Community Student Coordinator; Carolina Week Campus TV News Reporter Wilmette, IL, New Trier Township High School; BA with Highest Distinction/Mathematics/Geography; Dean’s List; Phi Beta Kappa; Student Government Undergraduate Curriculum Committee Student Representative, Miscellaneous Subcommittee Student Representative; Student Undergraduate Teaching and Staff Awards (SUTASA) Committee; Undergraduate Honor Court; Quiz Bowl; Chess Club; Carrboro Parks and Recreation Volunteer; UNC Young Democrats; UNC Sports Marketing Volunteer MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Outdoor Leadership: Outward Bound: Sierra Nevada Backpacking Public Service: Missionaries of Charity, India International Research: Radio and Television in a Changing World: Modern Broadcast Media (United Kingdom, France, Germany, Spain) Private Enterprise: Independent Women’s Forum, Washington, DC IMMEDIATE PLANS: To work as a policy analyst with the Independent Women’s Forum in Washington, DC 42 MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Outdoor Leadership: NOLS: Yukon Backpacking Public Service—ProWorld, Peru International Research: Preservation for the Future: A Study of the Protected Areas Systems of Four Southeast Asian Nations with Respect to Economic Benefit (Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia) Private Enterprise: Africare, Soroti, Uganda IMMEDIATE PLANS: To travel in Latin America before taking actuarial examinations Ying Hua Kevin Robert Kiley Pasadena, CA, John Marshall Fundamental Secondary School; BA with Highest Distinction/Economics with Highest Honors, Business Administration Minor and Mathematical Decision Science Minor; Dean’s List; Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior Honors Programs; Student Body Treasurer Executive Assistant; Frank Porter Graham Elementary School Tutor; Evergreen Magazine Founder, Co-Editor-in-Chief; Chinese Undergraduate Student Association President; UNC Dance Marathon Finance Committee Sub-Committee Chair Cary, Green Hope High School; BA with Distinction/Journalism and Mass Communication with Highest Honors/Political Science; Dean’s List; Freshman and Sophomore Honors Programs; Student Undergraduate Teaching and Staff Awards (SUTASA) Committee; The Daily Tar Heel University Editor, Assistant University Editor, Senior Writer, Staff Writer; UNC Dance Marathon; North Carolina 10 Years Ahead Conference; McClatchy Interactive Content Strategy Task Force; Marathon Club MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Outdoor Leadership: Outward Bound: Colorado Mountaineering and Climbing Sampler Public Service: Teaching in Rural China International Research: Culture Influences on Market Strategies of Chinese Companies in Europe (Germany, Italy, France, United Kingdom) Private Enterprise: Goldman Sachs, New York IMMEDIATE PLANS: To work as an equity analyst with Goldman Sachs, New York Outdoor Leadership: NOLS: Alaska Sea Kayaking Public Service: The Mayhew Program, Bristol, New Hampshire International Research: More Than Just a Game: How Soccer Helps Explain Social, Political, and Economic Changes in Europe (United Kingdom, Belgium, Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Poland, Croatia) Private Enterprise: The News & Observer, Raleigh, North Carolina IMMEDIATE PLANS: To work with The Arizona Republic on a Pulliam Fellowship YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 43 17 (36%) WERE INDUCTED INTO PHI BETA KAPPA Alex Wolfe Lassiter Alexander Lim Charlotte, Providence Senior High School; BSBA with Distinction/Business Administration with Honors; Dean’s List; BSBA Leadership and Service Award; Rice University Business Plan Competition Second Place; Order of the Omega; Gamma Alpha Sigma; National Society for Collegiate Scholars; Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity Vice President, Alumni Coordinator; Student Government Public Service and Advocacy Committee; Campus Y Big Brother Big Sister; North Carolina 10 Years Ahead Conference Founder and President; Consulting Club President; AT&T State Customer Advisory Panel; Roosevelt Institute Graham Center for State and Local Policy Center Director; Triathlon Club Oxford, England, Winchester College; BA/Economics/ Political Science, French Minor; Dean’s List; Freshman and Sophomore Honors Programs; Rainbow Soccer Head Coach; Club Tennis MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Outdoor Leadership: NOLS: Wind River Mountaineering Public Service: WorldTeach, China International Research: Jazz and Political Expression: Jazz as a Vehicle to Escape Repression in America and Europe (Switzerland, Italy, France) Private Enterprise: Bain & Company, Atlanta IMMEDIATE PLANS: To work with Bain & Company, Atlanta 44 MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Outdoor Leadership: Outward Bound: Appalachian Mountains Backpacking, Rock Climbing, and Whitewater Canoeing Public Service: Association Meridionale de Tennis de Saint Pierre (AMTSP), La Reunion, French Polynesia International Research: The Realized and Projected Effects of EU Immigration (Poland, Czech Republic, Turkey) Private Enterprise: CDK, London, England IMMEDIATE PLANS: To work as an analyst with Credit Suisse, New York Elizabeth Blair Longino Jessica Lauren Lynch Dallas, TX, The Hockaday School; BA with Highest Distinction/Public Policy with Honors/English; Dean's List; Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior Honors Programs; Phi Beta Kappa; Order of the Grail-Valkyries; Rhodes Scholarship; USA TODAY All-USA College Academic Team; Student Attorney General's Staff Senior Counsel; Reformed University Fellowship; Duke University Dance Department; Roosevelt Institute President, Outreach Coordinator Burlington, North Carolina School of Science & Mathematics; BA/Economics/Public Policy; Dean's List; Carolina Public Service Scholars Program; National Society of Collegiate Scholars; Burch Field Honors Research Semester; “Household Wealth In Freefall” Center for American Progress by Weller, Christian and Lynch, Jessica; Kenneth Lewis 2010 Senate Campaign Campus Liaison; UNC Movement of Youth Program Mentor; Kappa Omicron Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Social Action Chair 45 (96%) MADE THE DEAN’S LIST MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Outdoor Leadership: Outward Bound: Washington Sea Kayaking, Rock Climbing & Backpacking Public Service: People Empowerment through Microcredit and Training and Vietnamese Alliance to Combat Trafficking, Vietnam and Taiwan International Research: “Learning the Conflicts: Religious Minorities and the State” (Israel and Turkey) Private Enterprise: Molo Songololo, South Africa MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Outdoor Leadership: Outward Bound: Boundary Waters Canoeing, Climbing & Backpacking Public Service: Amigos de las Americas, Dominican Republic Private Enterprise: Parchman, Vaughan & Company, Baltimore, Maryland IMMEDIATE PLANS: To work as an adviser with the National College Advising Corps, Chapel Hill IMMEDIATE PLANS: To pursue a master’s degree in comparative social policy at Oxford University on a Rhodes Scholarship YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 45 Sarah Lynn MacDonald Michael James Mahoney William Aaron Manning Miramichi, New Brunswick, Canada, Miramichi Valley High School; BA with Distinction/Communication Studies; Dean’s List; Lambda Pi Eta Communication Studies Honor Society; Student Government Student Life Committee; Campus Y Project Heal Special Projects Chair; Advocates for Human Rights; Ephesus Elementary School ESL Tutor; Carrboro High School Girls on the Move Coordinator; Chapel HillCarrboro City Schools Tutor; UNC Rotoract President; Academic Enhancement Program; UNC Team Handball National Championship, President Fayetteville, Western Harnett High School; BA/Journalism and Mass Communication, Music Minor; Dean’s List; Campus Y Homeless Near and Far Benefit Festival Coordinator; UNC Vinyl Records Artist Development & Repertoire Representative Columbia, Columbia High School; BS with Highest Distinction/Biology, Chemistry Minor and Spanish for the Professions Minor; Dean's List; Phi Beta Kappa; Senior Marshal; School Reading Partners; UNC Hospitals Volunteer; Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity Philanthropy Chair; Carolina Undergraduate Research Enrichment Program; McLeod Lab Research Assistant; Club Baseball MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Outdoor Leadership: Outward Bound: Sierra Nevada Backpacking Public Service: Cross-Cultural Solutions, Costa Rica International Research: Gross National Happiness: Nirvana in the Himalayas and the Land of Smiles (Cambodia, Thailand) Private Enterprise: Allen & Company, New York IMMEDIATE PLANS: In progress 46 MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Outdoor Leadership: Outward Bound: Oregon Mountaineering & Rafting Public Service: Foundation for Sustainable Development, India International Research: Metropolitan Music Culture: An Analysis of the Multi-Faceted Music Scenes in Tokyo and London (Japan, England) Private Enterprise: Rogers & Cowan, Los Angeles IMMEDIATE PLANS: To work at Yep Roc Records/Red Eye Distribution, Chapel Hill MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Outdoor Leadership: NOLS: Alaska Sea Kayaking Public Service: i-to-i, Thailand International Research: Access and Affordability of Health Care for Middle- to Low-Income Citizens in South American Countries (Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Peru) Private Enterprise: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Washington, DC IMMEDIATE PLANS: To attend the University of North Carolina School of Medicine on an Alumni Scholarship 26 (55%) PARTICIPATED IN THE FRESHMAN HONORS PROGRAM 26 Colleen Shannon McGary Lewisville, West Forsyth High School; BS with Distinction/ Chemistry (Biochemistry Track) with Highest Honors, Social and Economic Justice Minor; Dean’s List; Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior Honors Programs; Carolina Public Service Scholars Program; Alpha Chi Sigma Professional Chemistry Fraternity Big/Little Coordinator, Pledge Class Service Chair; Chapel Hill High School Young Life Leader; Presbyterian Campus Ministries; Blank Canvas Dance Company Choreographer, Dancer; Department of Pathology Research Assistant for Dr. Alisa Wolberg; Great Decisions Lecture Series Teaching Assistant; UNC Dance Marathon Middle School Outreach Sub-Chair, Operations Sub-Chair, Hospital Committee, Dancer; Boomerang High School Student Support Staff; Extreme Makeover: Home Edition Student Intern; Carrboro Elementary School Mathematics Teaching Assistant; Chapel Hill-Carrboro YMCA U6 Soccer Coach MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Outdoor Leadership: NOLS: Wind River Mountaineering Public Service—WorldTeach, Namibia International Research: The Spirit of South America: A Comparative Examination of the Missions and Impacts of FaithBased and Secular Medical Humanitarian Groups (Peru, Bolivia) Private Enterprise: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, Washington, DC (55%) PARTICIPATED IN THE SOPHOMORE HONORS PROGRAM 17 (36%) PARTICIPATED IN THE JUNIOR HONORS PROGRAM IMMEDIATE PLANS: To work as a research assistant and apply to graduate schools in biomedical sciences YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 47 26 (55%) WERE INVOLVED WITH THE CAMPUS Y 25 (53%) PARTICIPATED IN STUDENT GOVERNMENT Eve Stefanie Georgia McTurk Jasmine Renee Mitchell Ayr, Scotland, Mainholm Academy; BA with Distinction/History with Honors/Political Science; Dean’s List; Junior Honors Program; Student Undergraduate Teaching and Staff Awards (SUTASA) Committee Co-Chair; North Carolina 10 Years Ahead Conference Director of Student Outreach; Haven Ally Program; APPLES Service-Learning Program Alternative Fall Break Trip Leader; Study Abroad Corvinus University, Budapest, Hungary; Graham Center Co-Chair, English Tutor; Rainbow Soccer Coach; Club Field Hockey Chesapeake, VA, Ben L. Smith High School; BA/Economics, African and AfroAmerican Studies Minor; Dean’s List; Office for Student Academic Counseling Peer Minority Adviser; Economics Department Undergraduate Teaching Assistant for Economics 101; The Learning Center Peer Tutor for Economics and Spanish MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Outdoor Leadership: Outward Bound: Boundary Waters Canoeing, Climbing & Backpacking Public Service: Cross-Cultural Solutions, India International Research: The Lasting Implications of the Scottish Empire in Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore (Australia, New Zealand, Singapore) Private Enterprise: Parish Capital, London, England IMMEDIATE PLANS: To work as an analyst with BlackRock, Princeton, New Jersey 48 MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Outdoor Leadership: Outward Bound: Maine Sailing and Backpacking Public Service: Sketch, Canada IMMEDIATE PLANS: To attend graduate school Janel Natasha Monroe Michael Niekrash Morrill Andrew Montgomery Sawyer Noland Fayetteville, Terry Sanford Senior High School; BA with Distinction/Communication Studies/Interdisciplinary Studies (Cultural Studies); Dean's List; Order of Omega; Carolina Public Service Scholars Program; National Society of Collegiate Scholars Leadership Institute; Lambda Pi Eta Communication Studies Honor Society; Miss Junior Black Student Movement; Gamma Sigma Alpha Honor Society President; Kappa Omicron Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Social Chair; Fayetteville Area Volleyball Association Assistant Volleyball Coach; Senior Marshal Public Relations Committee; Club Volleyball Farmington, CT, Choate Rosemary Hall; BA with Highest Distinction/Political Science with Highest Honors; Dean’s List; Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior Honors Programs; Phi Beta Kappa; Terry Sanford Prize for Excellence in Political Science; Chi Psi Fraternity Vice President; Student Government Student Congress Finance Committee Chair; Students for Students International (S4Si) Director of Finance; Club Squash President Louisville, KY, Dupont Manual Magnet High School; BS with Distinction/Business Administration; Dean's List; Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior Honors Programs; National Merit Finalist; Zeta Beta Tau Fraternity Brotherhood Development Director, Academics Chair, Executive Board; Student Attorney General’s Staff; CoachWrite Tutor; East Chapel Hill High School AVID Program Volunteer MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Outdoor Leadership: Outward Bound: Maine Sailing and Sea Kayaking Public Service: Global Volunteer Network, El Salvador International Research: Afro-Latin Americans: Embrace or Disgrace? (Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Nicaragua, El Salvador) Private Enterprise: Georgetown Institute on Philanthropy and Voluntary Service, Washington, DC MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Outdoor Leadership: NOLS: Pacific Northwest Backpacking Public Service: Breakthrough, Sacramento International Research—A Comparative Examination of Judicial Systems (England, France, Denmark, Japan) Private Enterprise: San Francisco Public Defender’s Office Outdoor Leadership: NOLS: Yukon Backpacking Public Service: Breakthrough Collaborative, Miami International Research: Exploring the Roman Empire (Italy, Tunisia, France) Private Enterprise: Williams & Connolly, Washington, DC IMMEDIATE PLANS: To pursue a JD/MBA on a QFEBickman Scholarship at the University of Louisville IMMEDIATE PLANS: To apply to law school IMMEDIATE PLANS: To work as a National Teaching Fellow with Citizen Schools, Charlotte YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 49 Courtney Elizabeth Patterson Colby James Ramsay Jennifer Lynn Sawicki Charlotte, Providence Day School; BA with Highest Distinction/English with Honors/Economics, Mathematics Minor; Dean’s List; Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior Honors Programs; Phi Beta Kappa; Omicron Delta Epsilon Economics Honor Society; Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity President, Recording Secretary, Initiate Advisor; Campus Y Cabinet Coordinator, Executive Board, Membership Coordinator; UNC Dance Marathon Operations Committee, Event Donations Committee Sub-Chair, Hospital Chair, Dancer Naramata, British Columbia, Canada, Penticton Secondary; BA/Journalism and Mass Communication/Communication Studies (Media Studies & Production); Dean’s List; Tar Heel Voices Conductor, Assistant Conductor; UNC Vinyl Records Graphic Designer, Videographer, Student Artist (recorded, produced and released debut album “The Study of Animal Magicality” under artist name “My Boy Rascal”); Club Wrestling St. Petersburg, FL, The Culver Academies; BSBA/Business Administration; Dean’s List; Freshman and Sophomore Honors Programs; Carolina Leadership Academy 3-D Leader of Distinction Award; Carolina Leadership Academy CREED, Veteran Leaders; Student Athletic Advisory Committee Representative; Sierra Club Coal-Free Campus Campaign, Media Editorial Volunteer; Kenan-Flagler Business School Vice President of Executive Development; Morrison Community Government Public Relations Committee; Varsity Fencing (Four Varsity Letters), Captain, Most Valuable Player, Most Outstanding, ACC Honor Roll MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Outdoor Leadership: NOLS: Alaska Backpacking Public Service: Orphanage Outreach, Dominican Republic International Research: Progressive Environmental Policy in Practice (New Zealand) Private Enterprise: United States Treasury, Washington, DC IMMEDIATE PLANS: To teach secondary math with Teach for America, Memphis, Tennessee MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Outdoor Leadership: Outward Bound: Colorado Rockies Mountaineering Public Service: Art Joy Love Orphanage, Ethiopia International Research: What Happened to Indie Music? (France, Spain, Italy, Belgium) Private Enterprise: Universal Mastering Studios, Los Angeles IMMEDIATE PLANS: In progress MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Outdoor Leadership: Outward Bound: Southwest Mountaineering, Rafting & Canyoneering Public Service: Foundation for Sustainable Development, Uganda International Research: Force Versus Public Policy: Approaches of the Thai and Burmese Governments in Address ing Local Insurgencies (Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, Vietnam) IMMEDIATE PLANS: In progress 50 MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION Christopher Knight Sopher Henry Lawlor Spelman Annandale, VA, Annandale High School; BA with Distinction/ Public Policy Analysis/Political Science; Dean’s List; Harry S. Truman Scholarship; The Daily Tar Heel Senior Writer, Multimedia Editor; Strive for College National Chapter Founding Vice President, UNC Chapter Founder and Director; College Democrats of North Carolina Communications Director; UNC Young Democrats Communications Director Swarthmore, PA, The Hill School; BA with Highest Distinction/Classics with Highest Honors, Creative Writing Minor with Highest Honors; Dean’s List; Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior Honors Programs; Phi Beta Kappa; Order of the Grail-Valkyries; Rhodes Scholarship; The Preston H. and Miriam L. Epps Prize in Greek Studies; The Blanche Britt Armfield Prize in Poetry; The Eben Alexander Prize in Greek 2009 and 2010; The Albert Suskin Prize in Latin; The Herrington Scholarship for Excellence in Ancient Greek First Two-time Recipient; American School of Classical Studies at Athens Alumni Scholarship; Cellar Door Editor-in-Chief, Poetry Editor; Amnesty International Group Leader, Student Area Leader, National Refugee Program Steering Committee Member; SAT Solutions Founder and Head; Club Squash Assistant Captain MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Outdoor Leadership: Breakthrough Collaborative, San Jose, CA International Research: Researching How Young People Get News and Civic Information (France, England) Private Enterprise: The American Prospect, Washington, DC IMMEDIATE PLANS: To graduate in December 2010 and work in public policy in Washington, DC, before pursuing a master’s degree in public policy on a Truman Scholarship 21 (45%) PARTICIPATED IN ATHLETIC PROGRAMS (other than intramural) MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Outdoor Leadership: NOLS: Pacific Northwest Backpacking Public Service: United Nations High Commission for Refugees, Tanzania International Research: In the Footsteps of Herodotus: Oral Narratives and the Dawn of Written History (Greece, Turkey) Private Enterprise: United Nations High Commission for Refugees, Tanzania IMMEDIATE PLANS: To pursue a master’s degree in Classics at Oxford University on a Rhodes Scholarship YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 51 Alexander Maxwell Stephens John Raymond Stevenson III Anthony Rees Sweeney-Taylor Athens, GA, Clarke Central High School; BA with Highest Distinction/Latin American Studies, Spanish Minor; Dean’s List; Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior Honors Programs; Phi Beta Kappa; Sigma Delta Pi National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society; Student Body President Campaign Core Member; Scholars’ Latino Initiative (SLI) Mentor; Marian Cheek Jackson Center for Saving and Making History Assistant Director for Documentary Initiatives; Que Rico Latin Dance Team; Frank Porter Graham Lecture Series Selection Committee; UNC Men’s Club Soccer Team 2008 NIRSA Region II Champions; UNC Women’s Varsity Soccer Practice Team Birmingham, AL, The McCallie School; BA with Distinction/ Economics/Spanish; Dean’s List; Reformed University Fellowship Student Cabinet; Koinonia Neighborhood Tutoring Program; Frank Porter Graham Elementary School Volunteer Groton, MA, Groton School; BA with Highest Distinction/ Russian Literature with Honors; Dean’s List; Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior Honors Programs; Phi Beta Kappa; Cellar Door Advertising Manager; SAT Preparation Instructor; Club Squash MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Outdoor Leadership: Outward Bound: Colorado Rockies Mountaineering Public Service: Peru Mission, Peru International Research: From Oppressor to Liberator: Steps towards Racial Reconciliation by Reformed Churches in the Wake of Apartheid (South Africa) Private Enterprise: Denver School of Science and Technology, Denver, Colorado Outdoor Leadership: NOLS: Alaska Backpacking Public Service: Cross-Cultural Solutions, Russia International Research: Exotic Exile: Russian Writers in Ukraine and the Caucasus (Ukraine, Russia) Private Enterprise: Farrar, Strauss and Giroux, New York MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Outdoor Leadership: NOLS: Absaroka Backpacking Public Service: Shoulder-to-Shoulder, Honduras International Research: The Secular and the Sacred: Tourism and Roman Catholic Pilgrimage in Europe (Italy, Switzerland, Spain) Private Enterprise: Rust Communications, Cape Girardeau, Missouri IMMEDIATE PLANS: To work as the associate director for Documentary Initiatives at the Marian Cheek Jackson Center for Saving and Making History, Chapel Hill 52 MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION IMMEDIATE PLANS: To work with Teach for America, Denver, Colorado IMMEDIATE PLANS: To graduate in December 2010 25 (55%) WERE MEMBERS OF AT LEAST ONE (USUALLY MORE) HONORARY SOCIETY Thomas Varkey Thriveni James Joseph Waters Salisbury, Salisbury High School; BA with Distinction/Economics, Chemistry Minor; Dean’s List; Freshman and Sophomore Honors Programs; Order of the Grail-Valkyries; Omicron Delta Epsilon International Economics Honor Society; Order of Omega; Sigma Chi Fraternity Annotator, Alumni Coordinator; Student Government Academic Affairs Committee Member; North Carolina 10 Years Ahead Conference Co-Founder; Student Undergraduate Teaching and Staff Awards (SUTASA) Committee; Newman Catholic Student Center Intergenerational Small Faith Group; Habitat for Humanity Honduras Trip Volunteer; Roosevelt Institute State and Local Policy Center Director; South Road Pedestrian Bridge Task Force; UNC Memorial Hospital Volunteer Morehead City, West Carteret High School; BS with Highest Distinction/Mathematical Decision Science with Highest Honors/Economics with Highest Honors; Dean’s List; Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior Honors Programs; Phi Beta Kappa; Order of the Grail-Valkyries; Undergraduate Prize in Economics; Undergraduate Award for Mathematical Decision Science; Most Outstanding Economics Thesis Award; USA TODAY All-USA College Academic Team; Omicron Delta Epsilon Economics Honor Society; Pi Mu Epsilon Mathematics Honor Society; Student Government Public Service and Advocacy Committee Co-Chairman; Student Attorney General’s Staff; Campus Y Co-President, Executive Board Member, Chief Information Officer; Campus Y Nourish International Director of Ventures, Executive Board Member; Newman Catholic Student Center; UNC University Band Saxophone; UNC Spanish House Co-Director; UNC Hospitals Spanish Patient Interpreter; Relay for Life Team Captain; Club Track and Cross Country MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Outdoor Leadership: NOLS: Alaska Backpacking Public Service: WorldTeach, Ecuador Private Enterprise: The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, New York Private Enterprise: McColl Partners, Charlotte IMMEDIATE PLANS: To work as an analyst with McColl Partners, Charlotte MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Outdoor Leadership: Outward Bound: Alaska Glacier Mountaineering & Rafting Public Service: Foundation for Sustainable Development, Nicaragua International Research: The Historical Significance and Present-Day Impacts of the Pacific Theatre of World War II from the Japanese Perspective (Japan, Ryukyu Islands, South Korea) Private Enterprise: Mirabilis Strategic Consulting, Delhi, India IMMEDIATE PLANS: To serve as an International Program Coordinator for the Foundation for Sustainable Development in Nicaragua and to conduct economic research as an adviser to the Nicaraguan National Commission for Free Trade Zones YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 53 5 (11%) RECEIVED CHANCELLOR’S AWARDS Sebastian Cain Williams Terrence Levon Wilson Robbinsville, Robbinsville High School; BA/Economics/Public Policy, Music Minor; Dean’s List; Order of Omega; Delta Sigma Phi Vice President, Events Coordinator; UNC Class of 2010 Senior Class Vice-President; UNC Athletic Bands Drum Major; Marching Tar Heels; UNC Symphony Ensemble Saxophone; Ultimate Frisbee Club Richmond, VA, St. Christopher’s School; BA with Distinction/ Psychology with Honors, Social and Economic Justice Minor; Dean’s List; Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior Honors Programs; Mu Zeta Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Vice-President, Director of Educational Activities, Chaplain; National Pan-Hellenic Council Parliamentarian; Student Government Undergraduate Honor Court Vice Chair; Campus Y Carolina United Co-Director, Counselor; Criminal Justice Action and Awareness Committee; UNC Psychology Department African-American Families and Children Together Research Study, Research Assistant MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Outdoor Leadership: Outward Bound: North Cascades Mountaineering, Climbing & Leadership Expedition Public Service: Openmind Projects, Thailand International Research: Tracing the Origins of Latin Music Culture (Argentina, Uruguay) Private Enterprise: Accenture, Oxford, England IMMEDIATE PLANS: To work as a technology growth and development consultant with Accenture, Charlotte MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Outdoor Leadership: NOLS: Alaska Sea Kayaking Public Service: San Diego Youth & Community Services, San Diego, California International Research: Release through Music: The Voice of the Masses (Trinidad, Tobago, Dominican Republic) Private Enterprise: Baylor Healthcare, Dallas IMMEDIATE PLANS: To attend law school 54 MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION Calvin Young Amy Rebecca Zipursky Apex, North Carolina School of Science & Mathematics; BS with Highest Distinction/Computer Science with Highest Honors/ Business Administration; Dean's List; Freshman and Sophomore Honors Programs; Phi Beta Kappa; Kenan-Flagler Business School Ewing Schleeter Harris BSBA Scholarship; Beta Gamma Sigma National Business Honor Society; Student Government First-Year Focus Council Co-President; Technology and Web Services Committee Co-Chair; Campus Y Technology Without Borders Co-Founder and Co-Chair, Big Buddies Volunteer; UNC Symphony Orchestra; Kamikaze UNC Hip-Hop Dance Team; Residential Computing Consultant; Habitat for Humanity Honduras Spring Break Build; APPLES Service-Learning Alternative Fall Break Trip Leader, Latino Issues, Alternative Spring Break Participant, Katrina Relief; Public Service Scholar; Ping Pong Extraordinaire Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Branksome Hall; BA with Highest Distinction/Psychology, English Minor; Dean’s List; North Carolina Fellows Program; Phi Beta Kappa; Eve Marie Carson Scholarship Fund Executive Board Member; Student Government Student Life Committee; Nourish International National Organization Student Representative to Development Task Force; Campus Y Nourish International Co-Chair, Awareness Committee Chair, Freshman Executive Officer, International Projects Committee, Ventures Committee; Campus Y Cabinet Member, Hold ’Em For Hunger Charity Poker Tournament Sales and Marketing Committee; Just Class Ballet Club; Student Undergraduate Teaching and Staff Awards (SUTASA) Committee; North Carolina Fellows Program Summer Reading Committee; UNC Behavioral Neuroscience/Psychology Research Student in Dr. Fuchs’s Lab; Undergraduate Environmental Law Research Project Contributor; Student Global Aids Campaign Member; Sailing Club MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Outdoor Leadership: Outward Bound: Appalachian Mountains Backpacking, Rock Climbing & Whitewater Canoeing Public Service: Foundation for Sustainable Development, Bolivia International Research: The Effect of Institutional Factors on the Efficacy of Microfinance Organizations (India, Uganda) Private Enterprise: Google, Mountain View, California IMMEDIATE PLANS: To work as a software engineer with Google, Mountain View, California 3 (6%) EARNED MONOGRAM AWARDS MOREHEAD-CAIN SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAM Outdoor Leadership: Outward Bound: Maine Sailing and Sea Kayaking Public Service: Mother Teresa AIDS Orphanage, Ethiopia Private Enterprise: Soul of Africa, London, England Non-Profit Internship: Orygen Youth Health, Melbourne, Australia IMMEDIATE PLANS: To apply to medical school YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 55 Amy Caroline Abramowitz Charlotte, North Carolina Myers Park High School Robert Joseph Ackerman Andrews, North Carolina Andrews High School Eva Jacqueline Archer Chapel Hill, North Carolina Chapel Hill Senior High School David Strauss Baron Atlanta, Georgia Woodward Academy Edmund Theodore Baxa III Winter Park, Florida Winter Park High School Erin Elizabeth Becker Cedar Rapids, Iowa Washington High School Thomas Joseph Bolek North Potomac, Maryland Thomas Sprigg Wootton High School William McDaniel Bondurant Atlanta, Georgia The Westminster Schools Laura Elizabeth Brentnell Greensboro, North Carolina Ragsdale High School Christopher Lee Carter Elkin, North Carolina East Wilkes High School Sarah Anne Core Four Oaks, North Carolina South Johnston High School Wesley Lawrence Crouse Candler, North Carolina Enka High School THE CLASS OF 2011 56 MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION Laurence Deschamps-Laporte Repentigny, Québec, Canada Cégep Régional de Lanaudière à l’Assomption Emma Henriette Din Atlanta, Georgia Henry W. Grady High School Thomas Michael Golden Freehold, New Jersey Peddie School Keith Michael Grose Chapel Hill, North Carolina North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics Elizabeth Cusick Hazeltine Charleston, South Carolina Bishop England High School Anasa Samantha Hicks Bloomfield Hills, Michigan Cranbrook Kingswood Upper School Ricardo Alcides Hurtado Sanford, North Carolina Lee County Senior High School Lisa Elizabeth Jeffries Fayetteville Jack Britt High School Michael James Johnston Swan River, Manitoba, Canada Swan Valley Regional Secondary School Anna Virginia Krueger Trion, Georgia Darlington School Mark Muriithi Laichena London, England Christ’s Hospital Ann Mills Lassiter Winston-Salem, North Carolina R. J. Reynolds High School Alexander Christopher Laurence Lee Ringwood, Hampshire, England Wellington College Evan Chen Lien Huntersville, North Carolina North Mecklenburg High School Justin Charles Loiseau Charlotte, North Carolina Charlotte Country Day School Travis Johnson McElveen Greenville, South Carolina Christ Church Episcopal School Hogan Eastwood Medlin Eden, North Carolina John Motley Morehead Senior High School Michael Altaf Mian Concord, North Carolina North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 57 THE CLASS OF 2011 Elizabeth Nicole Monier Boerne, Texas Keystone School Alastair James Rushton Monty London, England Marlborough College Olivia Paige Myrick Charlotte, North Carolina Charlotte Catholic High School Ronald Jayson Nemeyer Jacksonville, Florida The Bolles School Katherine Marie Novinski Irving, Texas The Hockaday School Julia Blair Powell Wilmington, North Carolina New Hanover High School Marco Sabatino Romeo Toronto, Ontario, Canada Upper Canada College Evan Kershaw Rose New York, New York Phillips Exeter Academy Bryanna Nicole Schwartz San Diego, California Westview High School John Avery Scotton Liberty, North Carolina Eastern Randolph High School Sarah Alena Shapiro Cullowhee, North Carolina Smoky Mountain High School Steven Paul Shorkey, Jr. Charlotte, North Carolina Myers Park High School Mathanawi by Laurence Deschamps-Laporte SNAPSHOT LAURENCE DESCHAMPS-LAPORTE | CLASS OF 2011 Discovery Fund Final Report, May 2009 Imad Sabri, one of Damascus’s greatest artists, agreed to give me private lessons on Arabic calligraphy. It was a wonderful experience, and I was very lucky, as he does not normally take students. Over the classes we became friends, and he took me to exhibitions and we explored the Damascene art scene together. I learned so much. Not only about art, but I also practiced doing calligraphy with Arabic poetry. These classes were so inspiring, and I feel I know much more. I have improved my artistic style tremendously. 58 MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION Gregory Richard Smith Charlotte, North Carolina Myers Park High School Maria Christine Solitario Charlotte, North Carolina Providence Day School Natalie Shelayne Sutton Chapel Hill, North Carolina Durham Academy Nida Waheed Goldsboro, North Carolina Charles B. Aycock High School Bradley Anson Waters Burlington, North Carolina Walter M. Williams High School Kevin Michael Whitfield Winterville, North Carolina South Central High School Robert Casper Wiggins Mooresville, North Carolina Lake Norman High School Kerry Anne Williams New Bern, North Carolina Kent School SNAPSHOT CHRIS SOPHER | CLASS OF 2010 http://moreheadcain.org/about/snapshots/chris_sopher_voltaire_chair/ Blog post, July 7, 2010 Proof that Voltaire was a genius. This chair, on display at the Carnavalet Museum of Paris History, was apparently designed for philosopher Voltaire at the end of his life, when he was too ill to be mobile. Because Voltaire was determined to continue writing and reading literally until his death, the chair has a book container/table and writing stand, both of which swing out from the chair. I really want one in my apartment. YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 59 Nicholas Kenneth Hinzy Andersen Milford, Michigan Cranbrook Kingswood Upper School Jessica Nicole Anderson Durham, North Carolina North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics Kate Josephine Baustian Cedar Rapids, Iowa Washington High School Adam David Brawley Charlotte, North Carolina Ardrey Kell High School Hampton Hunter Bruton Sneads Ferry, North Carolina Dixon High School Susan Eleanor Clark Annandale, Virginia Thomas Jefferson High School of Science and Technology William McElwee Clayton Raleigh, North Carolina Needham B. Broughton High School Geoffrey Jarrard Cole Athens, Georgia Athens Academy Tyler Johnson Cook Graham, North Carolina Graham High School Grayson Elliott Cooper Sylva, North Carolina North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics Rebecca Joy Crabb Omaha, Nebraska Westside High School Alexis Meredith Cribbs Jacksonville, North Carolina Jacksonville High School THE CLASS OF 2012 60 MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION John Wesgaard Danello Charlotte, North Carolina Myers Park High School Erik Mason Davies Charlotte, North Carolina The Asheville School Anthony Eric Dent Lumberton, North Carolina Lumberton Senior High School Selena Howard Elmer Portsmouth, Rhode Island St. George’s School Kelsey Rushing Farson Davidson, North Carolina DiVinci Academy Joshua Michael Ford Palmyra, New York Palmyra-Macedon High School Shenise Nicole Gilyard Raleigh, North Carolina Southeast Raleigh High School Adam Michael Glass Asheboro, North Carolina Asheboro High School Jessica Lauren Gregory Rockingham, North Carolina The O’Neal School Sydney Elizabeth Hartsell Salt Lake City, Utah Rowland Hall-St. Mark’s School Allison Colleen Hawkins Brevard, North Carolina Brevard High School Danielle Marguerite Heider Garner, North Carolina West Johnston High School Eliza Simpson Kern Bethesda, Maryland Walt Whitman High School Amber Micole Koonce Charlotte, North Carolina Providence Senior High School Holly Virginia Kuestner Bothell, Washington Lakeside School Nicholas Mark Lennon Lincoln Park, New Jersey Don Bosco Prep High School Todd Patrick Lewis Oxford, New Jersey Blair Academy Gregor Campbell MacLennan Glasgow, Scotland Fettes College YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 61 THE CLASS OF 2012 62 Brent Ford Macon Winston-Salem, North Carolina Mount Tabor High School Russell James Westcott Martin Buckinghamshire, England Sevenoaks School Elizabeth Landon McCain Raleigh, North Carolina Needham B. Broughton High School Anthony Morris McClenny Charlotte, North Carolina Zebulon B. Vance High School Adam Migliore Meyer Raleigh, North Carolina Raleigh Charter School Matthew James Miller Florence, South Carolina Lawrenceville School William Griffin Morrel IV Cary, North Carolina Cary Christian School Christopher Patton Nickell Sewickley, Pennsylviania Sewickley Academy Abigail Faye Nix New Orleans, Lousiana Isidore Newman School Christina Adams Olson Greensboro, North Carolina Walter Hines Page High School Caroline Wills Ott Midlothian, Virginia St. Catherine’s School Laura Taylor Paschall Gastonia, North Carolina Highland School of Technology Gregory Forest Randolph Raleigh, North Carolina Needham B. Broughton High School Lily Margaret Roberts Shaker Heights, Ohio Hathaway Brown School Spencer Norman Scheidt San Rafael, California Marin Academy James Phillip Scotton Liberty, North Carolina Eastern Randolph High School MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION Joel Katende Semakula London, England St. Angela’s and St. Bonaventure’s Sixth Form Centre Evgeniya Serdetchnaia Newmarket, Ontario, Canada Newmarket High School Jacob Gerald Sharp Morganton, North Carolina Freedom High School Siyuan Peter Sheng Chapel Hill, North Carolina East Chapel Hill High School Katherine Battle Shintay Charlotte, North Carolina Myers Park High School Elizabeth Anne Smith Jacksonville, Florida Bolles School Troy Gregory Smith Deep Run, North Carolina South Lenoir High School Ann Emmad Soltan Rocky Mount, North Carolina Rocky Mount Senior High School Victoria Stilwell Hickory, North Carolina Hickory High School William Harris Thomason Cary, North Carolina Cary Senior High School Kim Thien Vuong Charlotte, North Carolina North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics Carroll Wesley Wollard III Hagerstown, Maryland Saint James School SNAPSHOT JOSH FORD | CLASS OF 2012 http://moreheadcain.org/about/snapshots/josh_ford_henry_kissinger/ So he’s way across the room. No one has nametags, but I got close enough to see that he’s got this VIP badge. It’s a special FIFA badge, and it says, “Henry Alfred Kissinger.” So I walked over, and I was like, “Hey! It’s good to see another American.” He got so excited! He gave his cane to his wife, and shook my hand. I figured I should probably gracefully walk way and not bother him anymore. But we ended up having this six-minute conversation about . . . everything. Politics, soccer, South Africa. Just all sorts of things. I wanted so bad to ask him what he was doing after that game. But the game didn’t end until about 11:30, and Henry Kissinger is, you know, like 88 years old. YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 63 Margaret Elizabeth Anderson Durham, North Carolina Durham Academy Upper School William Johnston Barbour Boone, North Carolina Watauga High School Jonathan James Branch Greensboro, North Carolina Southern Guilford High School Nina Sophia Bryce Durham, North Carolina North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics Sarah Margaret Bufkin Atlanta, Georgia Henry W. Grady High School Anastasia Elise Bury Marquette, Michigan Marquette Senior High School Oswaldo Antonio Contreras Siler City, North Carolina Jordan-Matthews High School Seth Bachman Crabtree Gastonia, North Carolina Forestview High School Leah Rose Downey Asheville, North Carolina Asheville High School Jason Allen Dunn Atlanta, Georgia Woodward Academy Ariel Christina Eure Yorktown, Virginia York High School Emmett Feldman Gilles West Hartford, Connecticut Conard High School THE CLASS OF 2013 64 MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION Marissa Rachael Gluck Fayetteville, North Carolina North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics Amanda Claire Grayson Birmingham, Alabama Mountain Brook High School Joël J. Hage Colfax, North Carolina Northwest Guilford High School Zealan Taylor Hoover La Jolla, California The Bishop’s School Molly Alexandra Hrudka Chapel Hill, North Carolina East Chapel Hill High School Ryan Robert Jepson Winter Park, Florida Winter Park High School Sarah Katherine Johnson Siler City, North Carolina Jordan-Matthews High School William Grant Johnston Charlotte, North Carolina Covenant Day School Kelsey Michaela Jost-Creegan West Roxbury, Massachusetts Milton Academy Adam Jutha Thornhill, Ontario, Canada Upper Canada College Nayab Hasan Khan Missouri City, Texas Phillips Academy Monisha Kumar Reading, Berkshire, England The Abbey School Audrey Ann LavalléeBélanger Brossard, Québec, Canada Ecole Internationale AntoineBrossard Michael Thomas Lawson Lewisville, Texas Cistercian Preparatory School Charlotte Clement Lindemanis Charlotte, North Carolina Gaston Day School Sunny Chang Huang Fayetteville, North Carolina North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics Melissa Ashley-Marie Martinez Espanola, New Mexico United World College Costa Rica YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 65 THE CLASS OF 2013 66 Logan Chambers Mauney Tucson, Arizona University High School Jordan Elliot Meer Englewood, Colorado Cherry Creek High School Rachel Maureen Myrick Charlotte, North Carolina Myers Park High School Sarah Kathleen Osborne Torrance, California South High School Daniel Mark Peterson Cedar Rapids, Iowa Washington High School Grace Stevens Phillips Bozeman, Montana Bozeman High School Chelsea Erin Phipps Sylva, North Carolina Smoky Mountain High School Julia Victoria Ramos Fuquay-Varina, North Carolina Fuquay-Varina Senior High School Elizabeth Meade Rodenbough Greensboro, North Carolina Grimsley High School Oliver Brennan Rose Buffalo Grove, Illinois Adlai E. Stevenson High School Lindsay Elizabeth Rosenfeld Hickory, North Carolina St. Stephens High School Henry Laurence Ross New Hartford, Connecticut The Hotchkiss School Melinda Helen Roth Cleveland Heights, Ohio Hathaway Brown School Philip Alexander Rouse London, England Tonbridge School James Patrick Ryan Houston, Texas St. John’s School Raymond Donnell Sawyer Camden, North Carolina Camden County High School Tara Gayatri Seshan New Fairfield, Connecticut New Fairfield High School Austin Thomas Shaw Wake Forest, North Carolina Wake Forest-Rolesville High School MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION Emily Rebecca Sheppard Wilmington, North Carolina Eugene Ashley High School Kara Maria Simpson Gastonia, North Carolina Hunter Huss High School Morgan Jane Skiperdene Rodanthe, North Carolina North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics Parris Matthew Smallwood Durham, North Carolina North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics Joseph Moore Terrell High Point, North Carolina High Point Central High School Robert Hudson Vincent Atlanta, Georgia The Lovett School Cody Matthew Welton Lindsay, Ontario, Canada Lindsay Collegiate Vocational Institute Erika Mayfield Wesonga Rocky Mount, North Carolina Rocky Mount High School SNAPSHOT JOSEPH TERRELL | CLASS OF 2013 http://moreheadcain.org/about/snapshots/joseph_terrell_free_lunch/ Blog post, June 6, 2010 I ate lunch at the table next to Don Cheadle’s. I was hugged by a man in a gorilla costume. I met a bunch of chain-smoking Peace Corps volunteers. I narrowly escaped participating in a small riot. And I shook the hand of the Rwandan president, Paul Kagame. Sloan Patrice Whiteside Rutherfordton, North Carolina Rutherfordton-Spindale High School Vivian Wenyi Xue Pasadena, California John Marshall Fundamental Secondary School Brendan John Yorke Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada Cobequid Educational Centre Emily Frykman Zuehlke Waxhaw, North Carolina Charlotte Latin School YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 67 THE CLASS OF 2014 Zoe Claire Ackerman Charlottesville, Virginia Charlottesville High School Elise Nicole Bare Arden, North Carolina T. C. Roberson High School Joshua Dylan Barrett Wichita, Kansas Wichita Collegiate School Burak Basogul Manisa, Turkey The Koc School Anna Gertrude Bobrow Charlotte, North Carolina Providence Day School Taylor Joseph Boone Lewisville, North Carolina Forsyth Country Day School Emily Renard Bowe Dallas, Texas The Hockaday School Rachel Emily Burns St. Petersburg, Florida Shorecrest Preparatory School John Hadley Burrows Brevard, North Carolina Brevard Senior High School Diego Carlos Camposeco** Burgaw, North Carolina Pender Early College Marie Elise Clements Louisville, Kentucky Assumption High School Ellen Corbitt Currin** Raleigh, North Carolina Needham B. Broughton High School Elizabeth Rebecca Davis Statesville, North Carolina South Iredell High School Alexander Izaak Earnhardt Raleigh, North Carolina Cary Academy Sara Ashraf El-Bohy* Shelby, Michigan United World College-USA Akilah Monet Ffriend Bronx, New York Deerfield Academy * returning from 2009–2010 Gap Year ** taking a Gap Year in 2010–2011 68 MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION Aubrey Moran Germ Cleveland Heights, Ohio Hathaway Brown School Stephan Franz Grabner* Wien, Austria United World College-USA Patrick Clifton Gray Kitty Hawk, North Carolina First Flight High School Ashley Virginia Gremel Rockford, Michigan Rockford High School Arthur Clifton Guyton Memphis, Tennessee Memphis University School Kathleen Mary Hayes Wilmington, North Carolina Cape Fear Academy Grant Patrick Heskamp Charlotte, North Carolina Charlotte Catholic High School Troy Clifton Homesley III Mooresville, North Carolina Mooresville Senior High School Sakibul Huq Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Mt. Lebanon High School Michael Paul Jacobs Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada Fredericton High School Akhil Arvind Jariwala Raleigh, North Carolina North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics Carolyn Danielle Jeffries Pasadena, California Flintridge Preparatory School Alexander Edward Karsten Raleigh, North Carolina Raleigh Charter High School Michael Kayemba Masaka, Uganda African Leadership Academy Cameron Joseph Kneib Shoreline, Washington Lakeside School Kelsey Danielle Knight Robbinsville, North Carolina Robbinsville High School Ella Winthrop Koeze** Grand Rapids, Michigan St. Paul's School Christopher David McCartney Lambden Shepton Mallet, Somerset, England Millfield School * returning from 2009–2010 Gap Year ** taking a Gap Year in 2010–2011 YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 69 THE CLASS OF 2014 Kayacan Lordoglu Istanbul, Turkey Robert College Katherine Blair Matthews Williamston, North Carolina Williamston High School Brandon Michael Mayfield Summerfield, North Carolina Northern Guilford High School Laura Kathryn McCready* Charlotte, North Carolina St. Andrew’s School Taylor Meredith Moquist Woodbury, Minnesota Woodbury High School Lorna Louise Morris Surbiton, Surrey, England The Tiffin Girls’ School Stephanie Hanna Najjar Montréal, Québec, Canada Collège Stanislas Hannah Sare Nemer Mendota Heights, Minnesota Henry Sibley High School Helen Bobbitt Powell Burlington, North Carolina Walter M. Williams High School Lauren-Kristine Blanks Pryzant* Houston, Texas The Texas Academy of Leadership in the Humanities George Edmonds Ramsay Raleigh, North Carolina William G. Enloe High School Melanie Ferguson Rio Chapel Hill, North Carolina Carrboro High School Camille Imani Adé Robinson Elizabeth City, North Carolina Pasquotank County High School Nicole Doris Roscoe Pittsboro, North Carolina Chatham Central High School Laura Nataly Rozo Morrisville, North Carolina Panther Creek High School Maximillian Peter M. Seunik Mississauga, Ontario, Canada Gordon Graydon Memorial Secondary School Patrick Joseph Short* Raleigh, North Carolina Sanderson High School Cameron Michael Smith St. Louis, Missouri John Burroughs School * returning from 2009–2010 Gap Year ** taking a Gap Year in 2010–2011 70 MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION Charles Fletcher Smith Dunn, North Carolina Triton High School Rohan Ayinde Smith London, England Richmond upon Thames College Kaddu Martin Ssekibakke Kiteezi, Uganda United World College-USA Anna Elizabeth Sturkey Charlotte, North Carolina South Mecklenburg High School Megan Nichole Thomas Monroe, North Carolina Piedmont High School Nathan Spencer Tilley* Greensboro, North Carolina Greensboro Day School Georgia Catherine Titcomb Hickory, North Carolina St. Stephens High School Margaret Carey VanDeusen Baltimore, Maryland Roland Park Country School Nicola Michelle Vann Atherton, Californa Menlo School Madhulika Vulimiri Morrisville, North Carolina William G. Enloe High School Jacqueline Grace Wallace Prides Crossing, MA Phillips Academy Daniel Patrick Warren Greenville, North Carolina Junius H. Rose High School Edward Jocelyn Warren Rockwood, Ontario, Canada Tabor Academy Cora Margaret Went** Mill Valley, California Marin Academy Andrew John White Rome, Georgia Darlington School Thomas Ingram Wolf New Orleans, Louisiana Isidore Newman School Zoe Jewell Wolszon Austin, Texas The Liberal Arts and Science Academy High School Francis Anthony Wong Greensboro, North Carolina The Early College at Guilford * returning from 2009–2010 Gap Year ** taking a Gap Year in 2010–2011 YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 71 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Dear Alumni and Friends, It has been a great honor to serve as the first Alumni chair of the Morehead-Cain Scholarship Fund. During my time as chair I have seen the Fund grow to $14 million due to the generous contributions of our donors, a board of directors committed to maintaining the preeminence of the Program, Trustees and staff that uphold the vision of the Foundation while encouraging innovation, and a talented group of Scholars poised to lead and impact the world. Charged with receiving and managing contributions for the support and enhancement of the Morehead-Cain, each year the Fund distributes annual fund gifts and investment revenue to support scholarships, programming, summer enrichment experiences, Scholar selection, and administrative costs—costs that total about $9 million annually. We are proud to report that that since its inception the Fund has distributed $3.6 million to the Morehead-Cain Foundation. This year 900 donors contributed almost $930,000 through the annual fund, Alumni Forum sponsorships, and endowment gifts with total contributions growing by 13 percent. We are grateful for the support and generosity of so many Alumni, parents, and friends who choose to invest in the future of Morehead-Cain leaders through outright and deferred gifts. But just as we ask more of our Scholars and challenge them to use their gifts to have a positive impact on the world, we too, need to do more. In a time of economic uncertainty and increasing higher education costs, your contributions make a difference. I look forward to seeing the continued growth of the Scholarship Fund as I place it in the charge of our new chair, Keith Cowan ’78, and a talented board of directors who are devoted to ensuring that the Morehead-Cain endures as the unparalleled undergraduate merit scholarship program. I thank you for joining me in investing in impact. Francis H. Craighill III ’61 First Alumni Chair Morehead-Cain Scholarship Fund 72 MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION 2009–2010 BOARD OF DIRECTORS As the first Alumni Chair of the Morehead-Cain Scholarship Fund, Frank Craighill ’61 championed the use of professional research as the basis for strategic direction in marketing, programming, and Francis H. Craighill III ’61 Chair Keith O. Cowan ’78 Chair-elect Timothy B. Burnett ’62 Vice Chair, Morehead-Cain Foundation Trustees Bruce W. Carney UNC Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost Mary Roff Long ‘84 Alan C. Stephenson ‘67 fundraising. His leadership in these areas yielded innovations in communications and Jennifer Steinbrenner Swindal ’81 Jessica R. Hanson ’10 Scholar Delegate William M. Bondurant ’11 Scholar Delegate Scholar enrichment. Frank C. Sullivan ’83 joined the board in fall 2010 Elizabeth L. McCain ’12 joined the board as a Scholar Delegate in fall 2010 YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 73 GIVING TO CAROLINA THROUGH THE MOREHEAD-CAIN WHY CHARITABLE CONTRIBUTIONS ARE SO IMPORTANT . . . The Morehead-Cain Foundation continues to advance its founding vision—to identify, invest in, and inspire promising leaders. Your investment is important because it allows for the advancement of these Scholars, who are charged to use their gifts to make a positive and profound impact at Carolina and beyond. And it is a purpose that is not without challenges: THE COSTS OF THE MOREHEAD-CAIN Morehead-Cain Scholar Stipends In-State Out-of-State* UNC Tuition $ 3,865 $ 3,865 Student Fees $ 1,761 $ 1,761 • Investment performance must cover the distribution required of private foundations (5 percent) and academic inflation (6 percent) just to break even. In this uncertain economic environment, it is improbable that investment performance will consistently exceed this benchmark. Books and Supplies $ 1,000 $ 1,000 Room $ 5,250 $ 5,250 Board $ 3,420 $ 3,420 • The tuition rate at UNC for in-state students increases approximately 5 percent per year while out-of-state grows even faster. Miscellaneous $ 2,128 $ 2,128 Total Stipend for Tuition and Fees $17,424 $17,424 Summer Enrichment Program $ 7,500 $ 7,500 Average Annual Discovery Fund Grant $ 1,300 $ 1,300 Total Enrichment $ 8,800 $ 8,800 Total Annual Costs per Scholar $26,224 $26,224* • A budget provision enacted by the North Carolina General Assembly in 2005 allows all full-scholarship recipients to be considered in-state for tuition purposes, a measure that enables the Foundation to offer approximately one-third more Scholarships than it otherwise would be able to fund. However, this provision is not permanent and could be repealed at any time. • The University announced an unexpected 18 percent increase in tuition that will add $220,000 in additional expenses for the academic year. • Although a provision permitting us to pay in-state tuition for our out-of-state Scholars has allowed us an annual savings of $2 million (the equivalent of 10 scholarships) in recent years, this provision remains uncertain as long as state budget challenges persist. Morehead-Cain Scholar Enrichment & Advising *Without the in-state tuition provision, total annual costs for each out-of-state Scholar would be $44,112 74 MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 75 HONOR ROLL OF GIVING Acknowledging gifts to the Morehead-Cain from July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010. CORNERSTONE SOCIETY CHANCELLOR’S CLUB We offer a special thank you to our donors who have made generous contributions in the fiscal year 2010 to qualify them as members of the University of North Carolina’s Chancellor’s Club. The leadership giving levels recognized are: Cornerstone Society: Gifts of $25,000 or more Chancellor’s Circle: Gifts of $10,000 to $24,999 Carolina Society: Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 1793 Society: Gifts of $2,000 to $4,999 ($1,000 for undergraduate alumni in the classes 2000– 2004; $500 for undergraduate alumni in the classes 2005– 2009; $250 for undergraduate students) 76 MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION Barbara Rosser Hyde ’83 and Joseph Reeves Hyde III Sallie Lee Krawcheck ’87 Peter G. C. Mallinson ’82 George Michael Steinbrenner III Jennifer Steinbrenner Swindal ’81 G. Kennedy Thompson ’72 James D. Weaver CHANCELLOR’S CIRCLE Anonymous David Joseph Ballard ’78 Ronald Gail Boatwright ’81 Thomas Francis Darden II ’76 Jennifer Lloyd Halsey ’94 Ann Martinelli Livermore ’80 L. Joseph Loveland, Jr. ’73 David Stewart McCue ’77 Patricia and Thomas Graham Myrick Barbara and Frank C. Sullivan ’83 Shelayne D. and W. Frank Sutton Margaret W. Weaver William Anthony White, Jr. ’53 (Business) Stacey M. and Mark W. Yusko CAROLINA SOCIETY Michael Kevin Alford ’86 Jonathan Granger Atkeson ’95 Kristin Lynn Breuss ’90 and Geoffrey Pritchard Burgess ’90 Jane A. and Timothy B. Burnett ’62 Robert Marshall Campbell ’74 Lynn Gantt Davis ’80 and Scott Bradford Davis ’80 In memory of Robert B. Gantt Howard Gibson Godwin, Jr. ’66 Anthony Stephen Harrington ’63 David Anthony Hermer ’89 David Wolters Kohl ’74 Mary Ann and Allen Drew Lassiter ’70 In memory of Eve Marie Carson ’08 Michael Cameron Lunsford ’90 N. Roderick McGeachy III ’91 Jill Jacobs Olson ’93 Robert Louis Rosiello ’79 Alan Clements Stephenson ’67 Ramsey and William O’Brien White III ’99 1793 SOCIETY Julia and Stephen Allred Willie Edward Alston, Jr. ’00 Brian David Bailey ’88 Barry Winfred Baucom ’77 Mary Grady Koonce Bell ’85 and Victor Eros Bell III ’79 J. Michael Brown ’68 Lucien Dallam Burnett III ’75 Franklin St. Clair Clark ’69 Elton Hendrie Click ’01 Francis Hopkinson Craighill III ’61 Donald Baxter Craven ’63 W. Frank Dowd ’78 Michael Joseph Egan III ’78 Margaret McKinnon Gardner ’88 and David Herr Gardner ’88 William Elwood Garrett, Jr. ’70 Divya Gopal ’05 Amit Gupta ’08 John Candler Hamilton ’84 James Jerome Hartzell ’72 Thomas Franklin Henley ’64 Mary Alice and William Colvin Hubbard ’62 Donald Perry Kanak, Jr. ’75 David Meade Kern ’75 Mary Roff Long ’84 and Robert Wilburn Long, Jr. Karen C. and Charles E. Lovelace, Jr. ’77 Michael Cameron Lunsford ’90 Joanna Elin Lyndrup ’00 Antonio Levon McBroom ’08 Thomas Gerald McCarter, Jr. ’88 Christopher Clark McIsaac ’82 Valerie and Charles Edward Merritt ’91 Amanda Boenish Methvin ’02 and Patrick Brandon Methvin ’01 Douglas Durrell Monroe III ’78 Andrew Montgomery Noland ’10 Bettie and Steven Robert Olson P. Harold O’Tuel, Jr. ’60 Leslie and William J. Petter In honor of Lissa Petter ’07 Bradford Lee Picot ’02 Andrew Charles Pike ’04 Betty C. and J. Dennis Rash ’62 W. Keith Rollins ’69 Gay Todd Shackelford ’85 and Daniel Owen Shackelford Robert Wayne Simmons ’80 Patrick Joseph Simpson ’89 Patricia Timko Sinclair ’82 William Woodruff Taylor III ’66 Lindsay Parris and Charles P. Thompson ’05 Campbell and John Robbins Wester ’68 Michael David Zimmerman ’69 ALUMNI DONORS BY CLASS CLASS OF 1958 Michael Spencer Tanner CLASS OF 1959 Robert Wilson Carter Richard Gordon Cashwell Dave McAlister Davis MOREHEAD-CAIN PARTNERS We honor and celebrate the most generous and loyal supporters of the Morehead-Cain Scholarship Fund as Morehead-Cain Partners. Through cumulative annual gifts and deferred gift commitments, Morehead-Cain Partners have each contributed $100,000 or more to the Morehead-Cain Scholars Fund—which is equal to the value of a Morehead-Cain Scholarship today. Jane A. and Timothy Brooks Burnett ’62 Joseph Malcolm Craver ’63 Thomas Francis Darden II ’76 Barbara Rosser Hyde ’83 Walter Steven Jones ’74 CLASS OF 1960 William Crutchfield, Jr. Bennette Eugene Geer Keys P. Harold O’Tuel David Norfleet Parker Hugh Lester Patterson Richard Hill Robinson, Jr. William Converse Stem James Lynch Williams CLASS OF 1961 Rhodes Thomas Corbett Francis Hopkinson Craighill III George Marvin Eargle Robert Vernon Fulk, Jr. Louis Haynes Gump Donald William Hearn Russell Joseph Hollers Roger Edward Palmer David Eugene Price Charles Monroe Whedbee Sallie Lee Krawcheck ’87 Peter Glyn Charteris Mallinson ’82 Sherwood Hubbard Smith, Jr. ’60 (Law) Jennifer Steinbrenner Swindal ’81 Kathylee and George Kennedy Thompson ’73 Lawrence Crumpler Walker, Jr. ’57 David Newton Webb ’75 CLASS OF 1962 Timothy Brooks Burnett Thomas Roberts Cannon James Reuben Copland III John McLeod Griffiss William Colvin Hubbard John Ward Purrington James Dennis Rash Robert English Sevier A. Pope Shuford Larry Milton Stacey CLASS OF 1963 Hugh Inman Allen Donald Baxter Craven Thomas Ernest Cummings Frederick Knowles Dashiell, Jr. Charles Marvin Ferguson Anthony Stephen Harrington Stephen Jackson Hill William Barker Riley, Jr. John Anderson Sherrill William Ross Sullivan CLASS OF 1966 Lawrence Albert Ehrhart III Howard Gibson Godwin, Jr. John Randle Hamilton Wade Hampton Logan III David McDaniel Moore II John Richard Steele William Woodruff Taylor III William Neil Thomas III Spencer Felton Tinkham George Lindeman Wainwright, Jr. CLASS OF 1964 Anonymous Charles Henry Battle, Jr. Robert Beale Bennett William Davidson Brunson, Jr. Joseph Waldo Griffin, Jr. Thomas Franklin Henley William Royal Phillips Charles Milton Shaffer, Jr. Philip Logan Smith Gray Temple, Jr. William Marshall Waring CLASS OF 1967 Michael James Crosswell John Henry Hanan III Michael Ray Knowles Donald Alexander Leslie, Jr. Lorenzo Lewis, Jr. Alan Clements Stephenson Grant Bernard Varner, Jr. George Cole Venters William Lane Verlenden III Richard Fenner Yarborough, Jr. CLASS OF 1965 Newton Franklin Adkinson, Jr. Rowland Lea Girling William Albert Graham James Arlyn Rogerson John Daniel Shelburne James Fielding Smith Robert Worthington Spearman Richard Stockton Trenbath CLASS OF 1968 John Michael Brown William Thurston Cobb Robert Feaster Coleman III Kent Sheldon Hedman William Edwin Hollan, Jr. Walter Winburne King III Petrie Morrison Rainey John Robbins Wester Leon Festus Woodruff, Jr. CLASS OF 1969 John Garling Callan Franklin St. Clair Clark III Randolph Boyd Cooke Noel Dunivant W. Keith Rollins Michael David Zimmerman YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 77 CLASS OF 1970 Anonymous Robert Vincent Bode William Elwood Garrett, Jr. Allen Drew Lassiter In memory of Eve Marie Carson ’08 Robert Hart Lee Lee Trammell Newton, Jr. Peter Emmett Powell Robert Gilroy Spratt III James Creekmore Wann, Jr. CLASS OF 1971 Edward Smoot Finley, Jr. Peter Hafner Jost Michael Everett Kelly Joel Ivan Kronenberg Philip Aloysius McMunigal III Joe Ansley Paget, Jr. Oswald Beechmond Watson III CLASS OF 1972 William Prigmore Aiken, Jr. James William Blue, Jr. Kevin Robert Dungey Leslie Holland Garner, Jr. James Jerome Hartzell Jeffrey David Katz Barton Matthew Menser Randall Neal Pittman James Howard Wright In memory of Marguerite Perry CLASS OF 1973 David Benson Adams Anonymous Francis Charles Clark Douglass Charles Ellerbe Farnsley Don Parks Foster Henry Lockhart Hinkle Cary Frederick Irons III Lewis Joseph Loveland, Jr. Acknowledging gifts to the Morehead-Cain from July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010. 78 MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION William Ernest Lucas II Michael Terry Medford Michael Collins Miller Frederick Montgomery Morris III Delbert Bruce Shortliffe Gary Randolph Stafford George Kennedy Thompson Timothy Jackson Whitener CLASS OF 1974 William Michael Begley Robert Marshall Campbell Robert Clarence Cone James Franklin Gilliam David Wolters Kohl James Parker Lumpkin II John Klauminzer Molen Robert Jay Moore William Joseph O’Brien III Cornelius Theodore Partrick, Jr. Allen Wade Pridgen Thomas Comstock Seitz, Jr. Robert Wilkerson Suttles Hal Duane Tolan Gregory Howard Tuttle William Alfred Walker Stephen Lee Wallenhaupt Harold Lafayette Waters, Jr. Adrian John Michael Wood CLASS OF 1975 Harry Alexander Allen III Lucien Dallam Burnett III Robert Hodges Hackney, Jr. Donald Perry Kanak, Jr. David Meade Kern Lary Shane Larson Todd Liddell Parchman Peter Carey Rawlings Peter Lawrence Saviteer David Newton Webb Michael Glenn Winters CLASS OF 1976 Jerry Wayne Askew Charles Lee Babington George Williams Braun Thomas Francis Darden II Warner Lee Wells Edmundson Peter Gilmore Michael Keith Kapp Richard Glen King Randolph Carlos Metcalfe Robert Brookes Peters IV CLASS OF 1979 James Lawrence Alexandre Charles Clark Alston Victor Eros Bell James Wright Henry Geoffrey Michael St. John Hoare Robert John Kendall Mark William Merritt Ann Knops Nader Robert Louis Rosiello Karen Leslie Stevenson CLASS OF 1977 James Rushton Barnes Barry Winfred Baucom Mark Bissette John Franklin Campbell Harvey Hill Carrow, Jr. William Edward Hooper Bruce Gary Gellin Michael Barry Kastan Charles Edward Lovelace, Jr. David Stewart McCue Mark Carpenter McPherson Mark William Mohney CLASS OF 1980 Anonymous Scott Bradford Davis In memory of Robert B. Gantt Virginia Gantt Davis In memory of Robert B. Gantt G. Steven Felts Jeremy John Olivier Harwood Ann Martinelli Livermore Eleanor Green Long Robert Allen Long, Jr. Manley Woolfolk Roberts Charles Alan Ross Robert Wayne Simmons Thomas Flake Skipper Stacy Elizabeth Stubbs William Reid Thompson III CLASS OF 1978 David Joseph Ballard John Murmon Clarkson III Keith Osburn Cowan W. Frank Dowd Michael Joseph Egan III James Wilson Hulbert Joseph Thacher Inglefield III Douglas Durrell Monroe III William Howard Moss David Brian Layton Royle Lee Lynn Zia CLASS OF 1981 Byron Clifford Abels, Jr. Louis Adams Bledsoe III Ronald Gail Boatwright Christopher Michael Holmes Dinita LeAnne James Theodore Charles Kerner, Jr. Terrence Dewitt Morton, Jr. Franklin Thomas Roberts Vanessa Washington Rowland Barry Ferguson Saunders Jennifer Lynn Steinbrenner Swindal David John Vandenbergh CLASS OF 1982 Elbert Lee Avery Charles Alan Bryan William Matthew Detmer Beverly Harrington Falls Peter G. C. Mallinson Christopher Clark McIsaac Jennifer Watson Roberts Patricia Timko Sinclair Jefferson Maurice Sommers Frank Clark Spencer CLASS OF 1983 John Michael Cumpsty Wendy Walters Dufour Sarah Klemmer Girardi Scott Michael Granowski Barbara Rosser Hyde Vicki LeGrand Latham Wylie Donald Lowery, Jr. ElChino Miro Martin William Wyatt McNairy Thomas Edwin Davenport Millspaugh John Carlos Rossitch Frank Charles Sullivan Grace Emerson Terrell CLASS OF 1984 Edwin Osborne Ayscue III George Hadley Callaway John Candler Hamilton Robert Quayle Kelly Mary Roff Long Gair B. McCullough Jonathan Thomas More Reckford Kenneth Gaines Smith Andrea Emily Stumpf Burnet Carlisle Tucker CLASS OF 1985 Mary Grady Koonce Bell Edward Michael Cox, Jr. Garth Kleber Dunklin Reynolds Cuthbertson Faulkner Carolyn Griffin Hall Tonja Wynn Hampton Sarah Hester Mayo Amy Fonville Owen Susan Culp Sanders Gay Todd Shackelford Jane Sommers-Kelly Julia Anne Spicer CLASS OF 1986 Michael Kevin Alford Keith Vinson Bradsher Allene Smith Cooley Amy Smith Ende Roy DeVonne Flood, Jr. Anson Bradley Ives Marymelda Hall Kizer Kimberley Barrett Kwok Catherine Montgomery Moeller Elizabeth Longino Portland Maurice Gene Radford, Jr. Jennifer Ayer Sandell David Martin Schnorrenberg Kirby Pfeiffer Sheridan Susan Camp Stocks James Michael Wilmott CLASS OF 1987 Francesca Varcoe ColloredoMansfeld Rudolf Josef Colloredo-Mansfeld Richard Walsh Crawford Carolyn Roff Henry John Gill Holland Alexander Putnam Hudnut FOUNDING MEMBERS OF THE JOHN MOTLEY MOREHEAD SOCIETY HONORED AT ALUMNI FORUM “. . . the most important investment that can be made for a people is that which is made in the education and training, as leaders, of those who have been endowed . . . with the capacity for leadership.” Written in 1945, these are the words and vision of John Motley Morehead III—a vision that has become a permanent legacy as the Morehead-Cain stands today as the nation’s first and most prestigious merit scholarship. Partnering with Mr. Morehead in this legacy are the founding members of the John Motley Morehead Society. The following individuals were the first to let the Foundation know that they had included the Program in their estate plans. Honored at the 2009 Alumni Forum, we are pleased to again recognize their investment in the Morehead-Cain: Jim Alexandre ’79 Ken Epps Spurgeon Mackie ’73 Charles Brown ’64 Walter Graham ’66 Pat and Robert Maggard Dick Cashwell ’59 Robert Hackney ’75 David Moore ’66 Lucy Chatham Keith Kapp ’76 Jim Sink ’72 Bob Coleman ’68 Jeremy Kelly ’90 Larry Walker ’57 Frank Craighill ’61 Keith Cowan ’78 John Westall ’71 Joe Craver ’63 Trey Loughran ’90 Leon Woodruff ’68 Fred Howell Jones Sallie Lee Krawcheck Mark Hersey Pavao John Douglas Smith Michael Francis Soboeiro David Jordan Zubkoff CLASS OF 1988 Garth Quinn Ainslie Brian David Bailey MargEva Morris Cole Lucy Vanderberry Fountain David Herr Gardner Margaret McKinnon Gardner Lisa Armsrees Gillespie Victoria Donovan Lackey Edward Carwile LeRoy, Jr. Thomas Gerald McCarter, Jr. Norman Edward Sharpless CLASS OF 1989 Rainey Lee Astin Jody Keith Beasley Robert Scott Boatwright Juan Pablo Caceres Charles Pierre Carrière IV Anne-Lynne Davis Charbonnet Stephen Nathaniel Cole James Douglas Dean Mary Margaret Dillon David Burton Fountain David Anthony Hermer William Patton McDowell Michael Kendrick Reiter Patrick Joseph Simpson Stephenie Beth Winter A planned-giving society established in 2007, the John Motley Morehead Society pays tribute to the founder of the Morehead-Cain Scholars Program. Mr. Morehead established a trust in 1945 to support the Scholars Program, and turned his commitment into a permanent legacy through a substantial additional gift by bequest in 1965. Membership in this Society is open to all Alumni, parents, and friends who document a bequest, retirement plan designation, charitable trust, or gift annuity to benefit the Morehead-Cain Scholarship Fund. Because any gift to the Morehead-Cain Scholarship Fund is a gift to UNCChapel Hill, donors also receive recognition in the University’s Charles Gerrard Legacy Society. YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 79 GRADUATE AND PROFESSIONAL SCHOOL DONORS MOREHEAD SCHOLARS 1951–1960 Class of 1953 William Anthony White, Jr. (Business) Class of 1954 Cornelius Theodore Partrick (Medical) Class of 1960 Sherwood Hubbard Smith, Jr. (Law) MOREHEAD FELLOWS 1966–1983 Class of 1970 Raleigh Alexander Shoemaker (Law) Class of 1975 John Stephen Nelson (Graduate) Class of 1978 Joan Levitan Blanksteen (Business) Dewey Michael Jones (Law) Peter Alan Schlesinger (Medical) Class of 1979 Joseph Leon Turner (Business) Class of 1982 Lynn Wilson McGee (Business) Class of 1984 Sheldon Jordan Fox (Business) Class of 1985 Paul Joseph Schoofs (Graduate) Acknowledging gifts to the Morehead-Cain from July 1, 2009 to June 30, 2010. 80 MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION CLASS OF 1990 CLASS OF 1992 Kristin Lynn Breuss Kimberly Kaufman Brooks Geoffrey Pritchard Burgess Tamara Rorrie Campbell Carolyn Volpe Cunningham Christopher John DiGiano Sujata Vijay Ghate Michael Worth Hinshaw, Jr. Nancy Elizabeth Johnson Charles Richard Jones III Keith Chae Kim Michael Cameron Lunsford William Aaron Pizer Jon Kurka Rust Sean Maxwell Sumner James Leon Tanner, Jr. William Harrison Ulfelder II Leslie Anne Williams Carrie Culp Abramson Zara Anishanslin Bernhardt Michael Owen Ferguson Shilpi Somaya Gowda Michael Joseph Hostutler Jennifer Foster Johnson Shane LeGrande Johnson Benjamin Noah Rosenberg Jennifer Wing Rothacker Michael Newport Ulku-Steiner In honor of Chuck Lovelace Henry George James Stevens CLASS OF 1991 Allison Glosser Aldrich Steven Philip Aldrich John Granville Alley, Jr. Bret Allan Batchelder William Joseph Craver Elizabeth Brakeman de Bord Donald Ralph Esposito, Jr. Robert Carlton Evans Christopher Dennard Ingram Rafael Otilio Martin Neill Roderick McGeachy III Charles Edward Merritt Reena Kara Schellenberg Thomas Robert William Silk Matthew Lewis Soule CLASS OF 1993 Ibrez Rafiq Bandukwala Patrick Russell Burnside Courtney Miller Cavatoni Paula Dianne Dickerson Christy Grigg Johannes Erika Gantt Lumsden Jill Jacobs Olson Julie Konneker Szeker Carrington Wells White Serena Bowen Wille CLASS OF 1994 Nicholas Warren Eaton Jennifer Lloyd Halsey James Spencer Holm Douglas Stephen McCurry Alexander Frew McMillan David Ryan Moore Julia Konerding Padgett Carolyn Renee Reinglass Judith McCullough Romero Susan Wooten Sumner Susan Killian VanderKam CLASS OF 1995 Jonathan Granger Atkeson Jennifer Fae Eames Carlin Bullard Hollar Ki Soo Jung Dana Burgess O’Donovan Robert Jackson Powell IV Wendy Elizabeth Sarratt Brian Hamilton Styers David Everett Ward CLASS OF 1996 Anne Hudson Angevine Anonymous Stacey Michelle Brandenburg Caroline Carver Cheek-Hill James Clifton Guyton Anna Coffin Hunter Robert Alexander Miller III Pamela Alston Oliver Alison Christina Roxby John Michael Sides Bryan Myerson Ward CLASS OF 1997 Clay Baker Burleson Parrish Hayes Daughtry Bernard Guy-Marcel LaRue Kelly Walton Muir Susanna Matsen Nazarian In honor of Chuck Lovelace Linwood Ladell Robbins CLASS OF 1998 Robin Berholz Cory Sharon Crutchfield Dotger Benjeil Zurishaddai Edghill Sherry Honeycutt Everett Charles Joseph Harris Taylor Clifton Harris Jed Lin Lau Patrick Edwin Link CLASS OF 1999 Bradford Blaise Briner Courtney Griffiths Davis Jamie Everhart Deis Alison Leigh Fischer Ellen Greer Harris Kristy Renee Huffman Melissa Lynne Johnson Alyssa Wilson Leggoe Shalanda Macon-Jaliwa Miller Adam Dale Short Angela Merritt Verdery William O’Brien White III CLASS OF 2000 Lauren Jean Agrella Willie Edward Alston, Jr. Thomas Alasdair Geddes Jerri Anne Kallam Jason Matthew Knott Aaron David Levine Charles Edward Lord Joanna Elin Lyndrup Erik Ivan Mikysa Sarah Wells Slechta Tamaurus Jerome Sutton CLASS OF 2001 Kristen Lee Campbell Elton Hendrie Click Matthew Todd Jones Rebecca Lea Jones Hassan Terrance-Craig Kingsberry Craig John MacDonald Patrick Brandon Methvin William Gardner Morris III Todd Mischa Pugatch Frank Michael Torti CLASS OF 2002 CLASS OF 2005 CLASS OF 2010 Jennings Lambert Clingan Corrie White Conrad Patrick Timothy Fox William George Laxton, Jr. Corinne Marguerite MacLaggan Amanda Boenish Methvin Bradford Lee Picot Courtney McCarthy Ramey Elizabeth Gillikin Whitworth Callie Taintor Wiser Divya Gopal Alexa Nicole Kleysteuber Frederick Franklin Kramer V William Edward Poe III Jared David Sokolsky Meredith Lentz Williams Vikram Ajay Dashputre Jessica Rae Hanson Alex Wolfe Lassiter Jessica Lauren Lynch Michael James Mahoney Andrew Montgomery Sawyer Noland Courtney Elizabeth Patterson Thomas Varkey Thriveni Calvin Young CLASS OF 2003 CLASS OF 2006 Scott Andrew Burr Lucile Moore Denson William Jeffreys Hortman Emily Elizabeth Vasquez David Donald Werry Aaron Herschel Hiller Nell Pollard Johnson Britt Ashley Lake Kelly Jo Landreth Christian Halsey Leckerling Dana Messick Ledyard Julie McManus Werry Scott Samuel Werry Zachary Scott Clayton Maile Cathleen Lesica Jonathan David McNeill Sarah Ashley Morris Amanda Woollen Shintay CLASS OF 2004 CLASS OF 2008 Ann Upchurch Collier William Mark Craig, Jr. Kasey Poole Decosimo Camilo Durana Justin William Fitzpatrick Pamela Johnston Kirkpatrick Julia Schlafly Lilly Angela Marie Liu Richard Thackston Lundy Andrew Charles Pike Tung Siu Jonathan Philip Slain Catherine Elizabeth Varner Anonymous Fletcher Harrison Gregory IV Amit Gupta Tristan Thomas Heinrich Antonio Levon McBroom Joel Leon Moore, Jr. CLASS OF 2007 CLASS OF 2009 Kaylan Alyssa Christofferson George Bennett Hodgin John Andrew Hulbert Emily Elizabeth Nix Eleanor Rousseau Oxholm In memory of Eve Marie Carson ’08 Caroline Catherine Schneider SENIOR CLASS CAMPAIGN 2010 Top-ranked schools and programs. Global experience through study abroad. Access to rare library collections. Admission to world-class performances. These are just some of the amazing benefits of being a Tar Heel; benefits that students are learning are largely provided by private giving. Through the Senior Campaign for Carolina students are aware of this fact now more than ever and are becoming donors themselves. Since 2007, in place of a class gift, seniors are encouraged to support the school, unit, student organization, or scholarship of their choice, helping them understand the importance of giving and how to make an impact where it means the most to them. Fifty-five percent of Morehead-Cain senior Scholars participated in the Senior Class Campaign, raising just under $1,500 to support areas such as the Chancellor’s Fund, Carolina Covenant, University libraries, the Eve Carson Scholarship Fund, and the Morehead-Cain. Morehead-Cain Scholars are challenged to give back and we very much appreciate the Class of 2010’s support of the Carolina and Morehead-Cain communities. YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 81 DONORS: FRIENDS OF THE PROGRAM 82 MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION Anne Battle Ainslie Mark Eldridge Anderson Melissa Crowe Andrews Katrina Howard Avery Cynthia Tyson Beasley Ellen Dimmock Begley Janet H. Blue Cheryl Sunderhaus Briner Frank Ardath Brooks III Gordon Cain Bruce W. Carney Lucy Hanes Chatham Harvey Clodfelter, Jr. Sally Boyette Cone William G. Crudup Patricia S Crutchfield Joan Barber Davis Joseph Edward Decosimo Martha Robbins Sadler Dungey John Francis Ende Kenneth W. Epps Mary Ruth C. Faulkner Virginia Doughton Finley Suzanne Brennan Firstenberg Jeri Fisher Flood Jeannie C. and Robert W. Fuller III Katrina Jolly Garner Holly Cluett Gwynne-Timothy Augusta Brown Holland Stephen Winkler Holmes, Sr. W. Howard Holsenbeck Jared and Niki Hoyle Mary Alice Hubbard Christopher Howal Hunter Joseph Reeves Hyde III Michelle Nicole Ingram Karen L. James In honor of the Class of 2010 Richard Nelson Johannes, Jr. Sally Cunningham Johnson Billy David Jolley Jennifer De Jonge Jones Laura Letterman Jung Lisa Motsinger Kerner Annie and John A. Larkin III In honor of David and Louise Cutler; John and Jean Dobson; Peter and Ashley Larkin Robert Wilburn Long, Jr. Karen Christopher Lovelace Virginia Kash MacDonald Jay and Megan Mazzocchi In memory of Eve Marie Carson ’08 Betty Ray McCain Ann Macon McDermott Margaret Regis McGuinn Lindsay Gray Merritt Valerie Grazioso Merritt Donna Jacobi Miller Ashley Stewart Mohney Sally Stewart Mohney Mary McGranahan Moss Colin Bradley Mutter Joseph A. Nader Maria Morris O’Brien Kevin Christopher O’Donovan Emily Oliver K. Dale Owen, Jr. A. Vaden Padgett Heidi Palad Lindsay Morgan Parris Amy Elizabeth Pattishall Deborah Vick Peters Angela Smith Pridgen Jacqueline Cartledge Radford John Miles Ramey Betty Chafin Rash Ashley Richards Reckford Roy Frederick Reed Martha Wilkerson Roberts Cornelia Boardman Royle Daniel Owen Shackelford David Sklar In honor of Carolyn Reinglass ’94 Ben McClellan Snyder Sarah Chenault Southward Patricia H. Spearman George Michael Steinbrenner III Linda Korsen Stern In honor of Karen L. James Cynthia Rahal Styers Barbara Sullivan Eric Szeker Lynne Santy Tanner Linda Tarrson Donald and Jenise Tate, Jr. Jean Dillin Temple Charles P. Thompson Elizabeth A. Thompson Beril Suzan Ulku-Steiner Vivian Harris Varner Deanna C. Vejvoda Carol McChesney Wainwright Patricia Miller Wann James D. Weaver Margaret W. Weaver Campbell Lucas Wester Ramsey Rives White Gina and Heber Windley III Gerald Killian Worsley Mark and Stacey Yusko DONORS: PARENTS OF SCHOLARS AND ALUMNI Stephen and Julia Allred Alan and Halina K. Alter Mark Quayle Andrews Kamran and Kory Barzin Dale and Margaret Basinger In honor of Robert Basinger ’04 Laurie Chess John Doggett Bobbie Pope Dubose Gale Garza In honor of Matthew Garza ’10 and Chuck Lovelace Robert A. Gouldin Brian Hrudka and Claire Preston-Hrudka David Aaron Johnson, Jr. William Dean Johnson Edward and Patricia Kiley Thomas and Sandy Kling Allen and Mary Ann Lassiter In memory of Eve Marie Carson ’08 Robert and Jane Lassiter Benjamin H. Layne and Sherry K. Gaines Joseph McCullough Joel Leon Moore Thomas and Patricia Myrick William and Violet Nix Gregory and Brenda Novinski Randall and Donna Oberembt Steven and Bettie Olson Richard and Rebecca Ott William and Leslie Petter In honor of Lissa Petter ’07 LaSalle Petty, Jr. Philip and Trudy Polka John Rathgeber Peter and Mary Shintay David and Darla Smallwood Robert and Carolyn Stephens John and Lyn Streck Stephen Wolfe Sutker Frank and Shelayne Sutton Jeffrey and Laverne Vance Angel Mariano Vasquez Samuel and Jerri Wesonga CORPORATION AND FOUNDATION DONORS Anonymous Atlanta Christian Foundation Bell Family Foundation Bessemer Improvement Company Cairo Fund, Inc. Central Carolina Community Foundation Chatham Foundation Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro Community Foundation of Louisville Community Foundation of Western North Carolina Cowan Foundation Daly Charitable Lead Unitrust East Tennessee Foundation Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Greater Houston Community Foundation Hyde Family Foundations Inman Foundation Jameshenry1, LLC Jewish Foundation of Greensboro McCue Corporation Olson Foundation Patton McDowell & Associates, LLC Pinehurst Medical Clinic, Inc. Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving U.S. Charitable Gift Trust Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 83 Mr. James S. Allred ’07 Dr. Linda A. Dykstra Student, University of Virginia School of Law, Charlottesville, Virginia William R. Kenan, Jr. Distinguished Professor, Department of Psychology; Director of Distinguished Scholarships, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill Dr. Valerie S. Ashby CENTRAL SELECTION COMMITTEE MEMBERS Gordon and Bowman Gray Distinguished Term Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill Dr. Anne T. Egan ’87 Pediatrician, The Carithers Pediatric Group, Jacksonville, Florida Mr. Brian D. Bailey ’88 Managing Partner, Carmichael Partners, Charlotte Mr. Stephen M. Farmer (Section Chairman) Mr. John C. Boger (Section Chairman) Associate Provost and Director of Undergraduate Admissions, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill Dean, School of Law, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill Mr. Corey J. Ford ’00 Mr. Terry G. Bowman ’85 Senior Director, Labor Policy and Implementation, New York City Department of Education, New York, New York Fellow and Lecturer, Stanford Institute of Design, Stanford, California Dr. Alison R. Fragale Ms. Kristin L. Breuss ’90 Theology Student, St. Paul’s Theological Centre, London, England Mary Farley Ames Lee Fellow and Assistant Professor of Organizational Behavior, UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School, Chapel Hill Mrs. Laura D. Burrows ’89 Mrs. Margaret M. Gardner ’88 Principal, Two B Public Relations Winston-Salem Writer, Alexandria, Virginia Dr. Bruce G. Gellin ’77 (Section Chairman) Mr. John B. Buxton ’92 Founding Principal, The Education Innovations Group, Raleigh Mr. David C. Chance ’79 Chairman, Top Up TV Limited, Richmond, England Dr. Frank C. Church Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, UNC School of Medicine, Chapel Hill 84 MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health and Director, National Vaccine Program Office, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. Dr. Karen M. Gil (Section Chairman) Mr. Mark W. Merritt ’79 Mr. James L. Tanner, Jr. ’90 Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill Attorney/Partner, Robinson, Bradshaw & Hinson, PA, Charlotte Partner, Williams & Connolly LLP, Washington, D.C. Dr. Burton B. Goldstein Ms. Shirley A. Ort (Section Chairman) Professor of the Practice, University Entrepreneur in Residence, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chapel Hill Associate Provost and Director, Office of Scholarships and Student Aid, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill Mrs. Michelle S. Gyves ’06 Ms. Roberta A. Owen (Section Chairman) Attorney, Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP, New York, New York Ms. Robyn S. Hadley ’85 Distinguished Professor, Department of Dramatic Art; Senior Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill Founder and CEO, Youth Enrichment Series, Inc., Graham Dr. Bradford L. Picot ’02 Dr. Joseph L. Templeton Francis Preston Venable Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chapel Hill Mr. Thomas A. Thekkekandam ’04 Mr. Pearce A. Landry ’95 Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida Mrs. Julie M. Werry ’03 Mr. David B. L. Royle ’78 Director of Individual Giving, Teach For America, Cambridge, Massachusetts Executive Vice President, Programming and Production, Smithsonian Networks, Washington, D.C. Ms. Leslie A. Williams ’90 Ms. Sallie L. Krawcheck ’87 President, Global Wealth and Investment Management, Bank of America, New York, New York Dr. Tony G. Waldrop ’74 Dentist/Owner, SouthEnd Dentistry, Charlotte Mr. Donald P. Kanak, Jr. ’75 Chairman, Prudential Corporation Asia Hong Kong JD/MBA Candidate, Duke Law School/Fuqua School of Business, Durham Writer, Newton, Massachusetts Dr. Geoffrey Sayre-McCord Morehead Alumni Distinguished Professor and Chairman, Department of Philosophy, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill Dr. Elaine Y. Yeh Research Associate Professor, Department of Biology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill Principal, Granville Capital, Inc., Greensboro Mrs. Gay T. Shackelford ’85 Mrs. Dana M. Ledyard ’03 Baltimore, Maryland Program Manager, International Youth Foundation, Baltimore, Maryland Mr. Frank C. Sullivan ’83 Mrs. Margaret E. Lee President and CEO, RPM International, Inc., Medina, Ohio Community Volunteer, Charleston, South Carolina Dr. James L. Leloudis (Section Chairman) Associate Professor, Department of History; Associate Dean for Honors; Director, Johnston Center for Undergraduate Excellence, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 85 ASHEVILLE CHAPEL HILL CHAPEL HILL II Ms. Lauren Jean Agrella ’00 Mr. Michael Kevin Alford ’86 Mr. Bret Allan Batchelder ’91 Brevard Jacksonville Raleigh Mr. Robert Scott Boatwright ’89 Mr. Sukanto Neil Bagchi ’99 Mr. Bruce Tracy Cunningham, Jr. ’70 Chapel Hill Southern Pines Asheville NORTH CAROLINA SELECTION COMMITTEE MEMBERS Ms. Jan Y. Bolick Ms. Mary Margaret Dillon ’89 Mrs. Courtney Cecilia Miller Cavatoni ’93 Chapel Hill Raleigh Bristol, Virginia Ms. Catherine H. Burnett Mr. Donald Ralph Esposito, Jr. ’91 Chapel Hill Raleigh Dr. John Randolph Crutchfield ’94 Mr. Gerald Morris Cohn ’84 Mr. Richard Van Fletcher III ’99 Asheville Chapel Hill Raleigh Dr. Amy Elizabeth Smith Ende ’86 Ms. Andrea Felder Asheville Chapel Hill Mrs. Lucy Whitehurst Vanderberry Fountain ’88 Ms. Heather W. Goldstein Mr. David Burton Fountain ’89 Asheville Raleigh Mr. Fred Howell Jones ’87 Dr. Scott Keenan Garrison ’88 Franklin Raleigh Dr. David John McClain ’78 Mrs. Debra D. Ives Asheville Chapel Hill Mrs. Karen Patricia Bailey Ramshaw ’81 Dr. Timothy W. Marr Raleigh Ms. Marianne Gingher Chapel Hill Ms. Kimberly Hinson Hampstead Mr. Eric David Johnson ’02 Durham Chapel Hill Asheville Dr. David Scott Kushner ’85 Raleigh Dr. Cristen Parker Page ’96 Dr. Paul Jay Saenger ’72 Durham Asheville Mrs. Dana Ann Burgess O’Donovan ’95 Wilmington Ms. Lucera Blount Parker Mr. Wyatt S. Stevens Raleigh Asheville Ms. Alice Robbins Pinehurst Mr. Nicolas Parrish Robinson Mrs. Kimberly Anne Huffman Whitley ’90 Chapel Hill Hickory Ms. Jane Sommers-Kelly ’85 Ms. Friederike Seeger Chapel Hill Chapel Hill Dr. Dan F. Thornton Chapel Hill Mrs. Susan Trotter Wooten Sumner ’94 Mr. William O'Brien White III ’99 Goldsboro Chapel Hill Mr. Roland Harris Vaughan III Dr. Stephenie Beth Winter ’89 Wrightsville Beach Raleigh 86 MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION CHARLOTTE GREENVILLE WINSTON-SALEM Mr. Willie Edward Alston, Jr. ’00 Dr. Cathy Paparazo Doty ’89 Mr. Thomas Marion Brinkley Charlotte New Bern Winston-Salem Mr. Christian O'Neal Avery ’92 Dr. Miller Walton Gibbons ’77 Charlotte Wilson Dr. Mary Jennings Lambert Clingan ’02 Mr. Winston Louis Bissette III ’91 Dr. Alice Taylor Evans Humphreys ’94 Ms. Sarah Lindsay Goins Creed ’02 Greenville Winston-Salem Mrs. Alicia Christina Almeida Bowers ’94 Dr. Bennie Lea Eure Jarvis ’81 Mrs. Ashley Parrott Dunham ’98 Charlotte Rocky Mount Charlotte Mr. William Hugh Fuller III ’89 Mr. Joseph Thomas Jenkins Dr. Robert Nevill Gates ’79 Charlotte Elizabeth City Greensboro Mr. Charles Joseph Harris ’98 Mr. James Moye Lilley ’85 Dr. Carol Parks Geer ’89 Charlotte Rocky Mount Winston-Salem Mr. Joseph Francis Kenny ’87 Mrs. Sarah Caldwell Hester Mayo ’85 Ms. Frances Heather Griffin ’89 Winston-Salem Charlotte Charlotte Mooresville Greenville Mr. Eric Locher Charlotte Mr. Charles Richard Jones, III ’90 Dr. Stanley Preston Oakley, Jr. ’78 Greensboro Farmville Dr. Cindy Ygerne Hoffner Moss ’81 Dr. Ki Soo Jung ’95 Mount Holly Mrs. Donna Ray Gooden Payne ’87 Mount Holly Dr. John Carlos Rossitch ’83 Greenville Dr. Theodore Charles Kerner, Jr. ’81 Mrs. Mary Brown Fletcher Pena ’02 Winston-Salem Raleigh Dr. George Stephan Lensing, Jr. Concord Ms. Jennifer Lynne Wing Rothacker ’92 Charlotte Carrboro Mr. Robert Jackson Powell IV ’95 Ms. Timika Shafeek-Horton ’90 Greenville Charlotte Dr. Terrence Dewitt Morton, Jr. ’81 Mooresville Ms. Michele Sherburne Mrs. Eloise Kirby Pfeiffer Sheridan ’86 Rocky Mount Mr. Albert Dane Perry ’70 Concord Winston-Salem Dr. Heather Anne Brown Smith ’89 Mr. Mark Howard Shelburne ’93 Charlotte Raleigh Ms. Julie Konneker Szeker ’93 Mr. Richard Michael Smith ’90 Charlotte Mooresville Mr. David Calep Wright, III ’80 Dr. David Wharton Charlotte Greensboro YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 87 BRITISH MOREHEAD-CAIN SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE Mr. Henry G. J. Stevens ’92, Chairman and Treasurer Mr. James D. Dean ’89, Vice Chairman BRITISH COMMITTEES All British secondary schools are eligible to participate in the selection process for the Morehead-Cain. Administration of the British Programme and selection process is coordinated by the London-based EnglishSpeaking Union (ESU), an international educational charity. Working in collaboration with the ESU, the British Morehead-Cain Scholarship Committee, established by British Morehead Alumni, funds and oversees the selection process in Great Britain. The scholarship committee designates a selection committee, which interviews nominees in London and selects two to four students to interview as finalists in Chapel Hill. Mr. Andrew J. Balgarnie ’86 Ms. Laura E. Bolton ’01 Ms. Michelle J. Chan ’96 Ms. Rhiannon K. Fisher ’03 Mr. William D. Hayles ’07 Mr. Craig J. MacDonald ’01 Mr. Thomas R. W. Silk ’91 BRITISH MOREHEAD-CAIN SELECTION COMMITTEE Semifinal Level Mr. James D. Dean ’89 Mr. Nicholas S. M. Johnston ’96 Mrs. Megan M. Mazzocchi Mr. James A. C. Whittle ’97 Mr. Henry G. J. Stevens ’92 Ms. Michelle J. Chan ’96 Mr. Robert J. Mocatta ’83 Mr. Edward J. C. Perkins ’09 Final Level Mr. Henry G. J. Stevens ’92, Chairman Mr. James D. Dean ’89 Mrs. Megan M. Mazzocchi Ms. Victoria-Louise Mitford ’86 Mr. Thomas R. W. Silk ’91 Mrs. Yvonne Theobald, Student Liaison English-Speaking Union Mr. Edward Gould, Deputy Chairman Ms. Katherine Plummer, Head of Education Programmes 88 MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION CANADIAN COMMITTEES Any graduating student in Canada’s 5,600 accredited high schools and cégeps may either be nominated for the MoreheadCain Scholarship by his or her institution or apply for the Scholarship as an individual. Application forms are distributed on behalf of the Canadian Morehead-Cain Program by the Canadian Merit Scholarship Foundation (CMSF). Candidates may come to the Canadian Morehead-Cain Program either directly or through the CMSF area committee system. Finalists are chosen in December by a reading and interviewing committee in Wellington, Ontario; interviews of ten finalists are conducted by the Canadian Central Committee in Toronto in mid-February. PROFESSIONAL APPLICATION-READING TEAM CANADIAN MOREHEAD-CAIN ADMINISTRATION Dr. Robert Cluett, Trustee and Executive Officer Ms. Catherine L. Fowler, Administrative Officer CANADIAN CENTRAL COMMITTEE Interviewers Ms. Balkees N. Jarrah ’00 Dr. Jeffrey M. Pike ’99 Mr. Jean Robert Ms. Freida Ross Assessor Ms. Holly Gwynne-Timothy Mrs. Julia D. Allred Ms. Jennifer A. Becker Ms. Elizabeth A. Bobst Mr. Richard G. Cashwell ’59 Ms. Anne Corrigan Mrs. Arrington M. Dutton Ms. Bonnie A. Fitzpatrick Mrs. Mary Catherine Geradts Mr. Rex B. Jarrell Dr. Nancy E. Johnson ’90 Mrs. Ann M. Smith Mrs. Rose P. Smith YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 89 (listed in order of appearance) MOREHEAD-CAIN TRUSTEES 2010–2011 Mr. David C. Wright, III ’81 General Counsel Ms. A. Holly Cluett Gwynne-Timothy Mr. G. Kennedy Thompson ’73 Mr. Timothy B. Burnett ’62 Vice Chairman Ms. Lucy H. Chatham Chairman Mr. John A. Larkin III Mr. James D. Weaver Ms. Margaret W. Weaver 90 MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION YEAR IN REVIEW 2009–2010 91 MOREHEAD-CAIN STAFF 2010–2011 DIRECTION AND DEVELOPMENT Chuck Lovelace Executive Director ENRICHMENT AND ADVISING SCHOLAR SELECTION Matt Proto Director 92 MOREHEAD-CAIN FOUNDATION Megan Mazzocchi Associate Director Karman Kent Program Assistant Diane Dorney Director Karen James Director Deanna Vejvoda Annual Fund and Special Events Manager Steve Michalak Treasurer COMMUNICATIONS AND ALUMNI RELATIONS Mariah Keller Program Assistant Eric Johnson Program Assistant Kelly Almond Director