Info for June 10th Swearing in Ceremony


Info for June 10th Swearing in Ceremony
California Division, Incorporated
JUNE 2016
Info for June 10th Swearing in Ceremony
The Vision Statement…
By Elizabeth Davis
The National Pony Express Association will keep the spirit and
memory of the Pony Express
During the Ride Selection Dinner you were given a coupon worth $10.00 off the Jerome
Family Catering New York Steak dinner. Please hand your coupon & balance due of $8.00
to the Caterer’s cashier to receive your discount. When Jerome’s Catering runs out of steaks
he will “close his doors”.
Swearing in will be promptly at 6:00PM. Ceremony will be held @ Pollock Pines-Camino
Community Center located at 2675 Sanders Drive, Pollock Pines. This location will be
crowded. Please come early.
June 10th events overview
Pollock Pines/Camino Community Center event will start @ High Noon. The Wagon Train
will leave Fresh Pond 11:30 exactly! If you would like to join the Wagon Train come to Fresh
Pond by 8:00AM to prepare yourself and your horse. After the Hwy 50 members have shuttled their rigs; Pony Express members may shuttle to Pollock Pines Community Center.
Make sure your horses and equipment are secure at Fresh Pond before leaving. The Shuttle will bring one person per rig back to Fresh Pond. The cost of the Shuttle Service is
$5.00. More information regarding this will be forthcoming.
FYI: The Wagon Train will be robbed in Pollock Pines and the Booty will be distributed to the
This event will continue from High Noon until 10PM. Two different bands; Cash Only during
the day and 120 West in the evening. Some of the many attractions will be Ponies and Pony
Theater, Western Antique Faire, Gold Panning, Beer and Wine Garden, and the Crowning of
Miss Pollock Pines. Remember to remove your Vest and Yellow Scarf before partaking in
intoxicating beverages!!! More info in the future!
We are in need of a head count for those riding with us from Fresh Pond on the 10th. Remember, you MUST be there no later than 8:00a.m. to prepare your horse for the ride.
The Mission Statement…
Our mission is to identify and
preserve the Pony Express
National History Trail today
and for the future generations
by partnering with others,
providing education and
creating public aware-ness
through an annual re-ride and
other activities...
In this Issue:
Swearing-In Ceremony: Pg. 1
Calendar: Pg. 2
National Trails Day: Pg. 3
Past Events Highlights: Pg. 4 & 5
Educational Form Information: Pg. 6
Duties of Riders & Ride Lieutenants: Pg. 8 & 9
President’s Message: Pg. 10
Please Contact Cindy Honn for
School Events 530-957-1585
4th Trails Days – Melba Leal
10th Escort HWY 50 Wagon Train from Fresh Pond to Pollock Pines
10th Swearing In Ceremonies 6:00PM @ Pollock Pines Community Center
15th &16th Re-ride June / NPS event
26th Board meeting/member meeting Bible stamping - 6:30 PM @ Denny’s Cameron Park
4th Parade Pollock Pines Cindy Shields
4th Folsom Rodeo Grand Entry and Cattle Drive Jessie Davidson/Cindy Honn
11th Sacramento History Camp – Old Sacramento – Rich Tatman
16th & 17th XP Corral weekend campout and ride
24th Board meeting/member meeting Elections
28th B/M BBQ- Michele and Andy Harris’ home - speaker Oregon/CA Trail Org
2nd through 5th Gold Rush Days
Board Meeting Only TBA during weekday
9th & 10th National Convention
11th – 18th - World Champion Gold Panning Competition
INVITED 12th Pollock Pines presentation w/horses Sportsman’s Hall (Heather)
INVITED 13th Placerville is hosting Parade of Flags – NPEA
INVITED 17th Pollock Pines hosting the event
INVITED 18th Placerville Fairgrounds Closing Ceremonies Color Guard
23rd B/M Christmas -Make Card boxes and Distribute to members
Boxes should be in all locations from Nov 1st and picked up no later than Nov 30th for envelope stamping
13th B/M Choose Christmas Card ride slots
30th Pick up Christmas Card Boxes no later than this date
1st Christmas card stamping party in evening location TBA
4th Christmas Parade Placerville
10th Christmas Card Ride
National Trail Day - June 4, 2016
By Melba Leal
Pony Express had the honor of placing and dedicating
one of our Pony Express Trail signs in the town of El
Dorado showing the original route the Pony Express
riders would have taken.
On hand to witness and document this event was
Mountain Democrat Reporter Dawn Hobson, Supervisor Brian Veerkamp, Placerville Parks & Recreation
Manager Vicki Sanders, and Sierra Community Access Television of El
Dorado, CA Channel 2 Reporter and photographer Marilyn Gillham.
From NPEA we had Jack Davis, Jerry & Melba Leal, Jeff Hallsten, Jim
Swigart, Larry Carpenter, Michelle Harris, and Ron & Diane Norton.
Jack Davis was our opening speaker
Thanking Supervisor Veerkamp, Vicki
Sanders & El Dorado County DOT for all of
their assistance in helping to make this
signage project a reality, as well as Jeff
Hallsten & his crew for their assistance in
placing the signs. Supervisor Veerkamp
expressed his thanks to NPEA for their
contribution to El Dorado County’s history. Larry Carpenter gave a brief history of 1860 Pony Express, and
Jim Swigart gave the history of the NPEA.
Marilyn from Channel 2 had NPEA adjourn to the El Dorado Post Office for a quieter space to do additional interviews. We will receive a
copy of the interviews, as well as the write up in the Mountain Democrat to share with our membership at a meeting in the near future.
Louisiana Schnell School Living History Days - Christine Starr
Louisiana Schnell School in Placerville invited Pony Express to come be a part of their yearly
Living History Days. The students participate in a two day event learning what it was like to live
as the pioneers would have lived back in the 1800’s, they move between stations that have been
set up by the teachers and parents learning everything from trapping, cooking, blacksmithing and
general store among other things. Pony Express was invited to show them how the mochila was
exchanged between riders and to deliver their
mail. Michelle and Andy Harris were the riders for
the exchange on May 12th, and when I arrived,
they were already saddled and down on the field
talking with the students and letting their horses
become acquainted with their surroundings.
Once the mail was delivered to us, we loaded the
mochila for the exchange. The students sat in
awe as they watched Andy ride in at full speed, come to a halt next to Michelle, and
exchange the mochila, and then watched as Michelle rode off with the mochila. Once Michelle and the mochila made the return
trip, I had the honor to play the part of Post Master and delivered letters to the likes of Hellen Keller, Davy Crockett, Sacajawea,
Andrew Jackson, James Madison, Robert E. Lee & Florence Nightingale just to name
a few.
We were also invited back on May 19th for the other 4th & 5th grade classes who
were also doing their Living History Days as well, and this time, I was joined by Dave
Preszler. Dave and I discussed how we were going to do this exchange with only one
horse, and decided that he would ride in from atop the hill after I had spoken to the
students about the mochila exchange. I explained that while we only had the one
horse and rider that day, they would not be disappointed. I waved to Dave and he
came in at full speed to which we then delivered the single piece of mail we had received , and then Dave rode off as if he were
leaving for the next station. Dave then came back and we had a question and answer session with the students to which the students of course ask every possible question , especially about the horses and how fast they can run as well as how and when they
sleep. They were amazed to hear about Pony Bob and his 105 mile ride, to learn the riders only made $25/ month and that many
of them were orphans just a little older then them.
I want to thank Andy and Michelle Harris and Dave Preszler for coming out on
such short notice to help bring what we do to life for these students, without
their help, Pony Express would not have been able to help these students understand how mail was delivered by young men who were not much older than
they are to those who had left their homes and families behind in search of
gold and a new life.
El Dorado Adventist School - By Christine Starr
Business Name
I was approached by one of my daughter’s teachers asking if I would be willing to come into her 8th
grade history class and give a history lesson about Pony
Express and what exactly we did back in the 1860’s. I explained that I would be happy to do one better and I would
put together a live demonstration showing an actual
mochila exchange. She became all excited & the only
two questions she asked was “You can actually do that?”
and “Ok, what will it cost?” I explained that we are a
group of volunteers who are dedicated to preserving and
re-enacting the history of the Pony Express. She then
asked if it
would be possible to include the whole school, as this is something
that all the students have studied or will soon be studying. I explained that if the other teachers were interested, we would be happy to include the rest of the school
in our presentation. I received an email the following
morning that the other teachers were just as excited and
they would break the school into two groups, 7th –12th
grade and K-6th grades with the Jr High & High School
group being first, and would like for us to do our presentation on Friday, May 20th.
Cindy Honn and Jessie Davison came out with the horses, my daughter and member Chantel Starr
was released from her class so she could assist
us. The 7th-12th grade students came out to the
field around 10:15AM, and after a small introduction to what we would be doing, I waived Cindy
in from the back of the field for the mochila exchange. Chantel who played the part of station
master was standing with Jessie called out
“Rider In” as Cindy approached, held the horses
as the mochila was exchanged and called “Rider
out” as Jessie rode out. We answered some
questions and asked a few of our own to see
how much they had learned in class. We repeated the process with the younger classes at 11:00AM, and of course the whole school was very
interested in what it is we do, full of questions and answers to our questions. They were full of energy and excited to see this presentation, but even more excited when we explained that we will be
doing the Re-Ride in June, and even some of the parents were asking about our local stations &
bringing the kids out to see more of what we do.
California Pioneer History Day in Coloma
~ By Christine Starr
National Pony Express Association California Division was invited to be part of
the Inaugural California Pioneer History Day on May 21, 2016 which was sponsored by The California Pioneer Heritage Foundation in conjunction with the
Sacramento Public Affairs of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
It was overcast with a chance of rain, we were supplied with a tent, chairs and a
table to set up just behind the Wap House . We were in good company with
many re-enactors around us, the sponsors were wonderful, coming by to check on
us to make sure we were comfortable and let us know if we needed anything, all
we needed to do was ask. Luckily the rain held
off, to which we were told by the sponsors there were 200 people
who’s only job was to pray to keep the rain away. It worked, they
had over 2000 people throughout the day, and we stayed quite busy
at our booth answering questions, explaining how we carry the
mail and working on recruiting new members.
We had three riders in the parade, Elizabeth Davis, Kayla Tindell,
and Denise Luckart, and Ron & Thais Fritzemeier, Jessie Davison
and Christine Starr manned the booth. We had a great turnout for the mochila exchange, which we
held across Hwy 49 behind the Mormon House, and for her first time doing a mochila exchange,
Kayla did an amazing job showing how a rider would have changed horses with the mochila had
there been no other rider available at the station. Christine then asked and answered questions loud
enough for the crowd to hear. We hope next year to be able to have enough participants that we can
do several mochila exchanges throughout the day, as we had many folks stop by asking when we
would be doing another one.
A number of groups were honored for their part in the history of
California, and Christine and Jessie on behalf of National Pony Express Association California Division were honored to accept the
recognition for the contribution the National Pony Express Association has had on our great state, not just during the 19 months Pony
Express was in operation, but for the continuing work we do to keep
the spirit alive today.
Education Forms
~ By Michele Harris
Did you know you can help California Division National Pony Express Association put funds
in the bank and be reimbursed for mileage with the proper use of our Education Report
Form? Read on as Michele explains how each member can help...
Please use the attached copy, and be sure to ask Michelle Harris for additional forms at the
meetings if needed. The following are some of the guidelines for use of this form:
1. The National Park Service will reimburse for EDUCATING the public about Pony Express
2. Reporting is done QUARTERLY:
January 1 - March 31
April 1 - June 30
July 1 - September 15
September 16 - December 31
The last date of each quarter is when forms MUST be received by National for reimbursement that quarter. Forms from pervious quarters are considered expired (un-reimbursable).
3. Only the driver of a vehicle claims MILEGAE for an event. Each participant at the event
claims HOURS on an individual form.
4. Fill out forms completely, noting education provided, and SIGN.
5. Submit monthly to Michele Harris at the meeting or by sending snail mail to:
2390 Apple Tree Lane, Camino, CA 95709
6. Pick up more blank forms at the meeting.
Participate in sharing the story of Pony Express and let the association know about
your time!!
Ride Lieutenant Duties
"The Ride" is divided into sections as needed under the direction of the Ride Captain.
Ride Lieutenants will work with, and for the Ride Captain. Each Lieutenant is responsible for their section of the ride.
The Lieutenants shall be responsible for ensuring riders are in place, and ready to take
their ride, and for ensuring rider safety to the greatest extent possible. This is through
recruiting assistants to act as escorts, or doing escort duties themselves, where and
when it is needed.
Do not allow additional vehicles (XP members) to fall in line and hold up escort vehicles.
This causes problems and frustration for motorist on the highways as well as law enforcement.
When traffic is heavy and stacks up behind escort vehicle have the rider pull over, and if
need be, stop to allow traffic to proceed.
Work with the Ride Captain to resolve any issues that might arise. Keep the Ride Captain appraised as ride progresses.
Know your area of responsibilities from point to point
Number one priority – protect the horse and rider
Escort Rider when necessary for safety
Check to be sure next Rider is on location, saddled, and ready to go
Assist with mochila transfer as needed
Jerry Leal
Ride Captain
June 2016
Rider Requirements
- Know Your Ride
- Pre-Ride as many times as possible
- Ride under the circumstance that will exist during the re-ride i.e., day & night
- Be at your ride location
a. At least 30 minutes prior to your scheduled departure time
b. At least one hour ahead of scheduled time, east of Pollock Pines
c. Be in uniform, horse saddled and ready to go
- Be sure your horse and tack are ready for your assigned ride
- Know the pace necessary to meet your obligation
- The pace is generally 10 M.P.H.
- Don't bite off more than your horse can chew
- Don't plan on two, or back to back rides if the horse is not in condition for it
- Consider time of day and temperature during your ride
- When on a road, ride and stay as far to the right of the road as possible
- When on a road, if there may be more than one rider, stay in single file
- Be safe - Have fun - We Want and Need You!
Jerry Leal
Ride Captain
June 2016
Message from the President
Howdy from the trail! Our swearing in ceremony is this Friday in Pollock Pines at the Pollock Pines/ Camino Community Center, information is
on the front page of your newsletter., please remember, we will be swearing in at exactly 6:00pm, so plan to be early as it will be crowded. I
am looking forward to seeing everyone there!
I wish to thank Melba & Jerry Leal, Jack Davis, Jim Swigart, Larry Carpenter, Michele Harris, Ron & Diane Norton and Jeff Halsten for their
hard work on getting coverage for our sign dedication on National Trails Day this past Saturday, and to Jeff Halsten and his crew for placing our
signs. Great job everyone!
Next Wednesday is our Annual Re-Ride, and our Ride Captain Jerry Leal has included the responsibilities of the Rider and Ride Lieutenants in
this newsletter. Please be sure to read them, and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask, that is what he is here for.
Our next meeting will be held June 26th at 6:30pm at the Denny’s in Cameron Park, please bring your Re-ride reports to turn in and we will also
be stamping Bibles and don’t forget, elections are coming up in July, more information to follow soon.
Christine Starr is currently working on getting our webpage and other media sites updated with our current events, so we can let folks know
what we are doing, along with keeping our online calendar updated with our upcoming events.
Don’t forget, August 28th B/M BBQ- Michele and Andy Harris’ home, and we will have a speaker from the Oregon/CA Trail Organization present.
Thank you to all of our members and associates for all you do to keep the memory of Pony Express alive, without you, there would be no Pony
~ Elizabeth Davis
National Pony Express California Division
P.O. Box 236
Pollock Pines, CA 95726