Why are Vereco homes so comfortable?
Why are Vereco homes so comfortable?
Why are Vereco homes so comfortable? About Smart Green Homes At Vereco, we balance economics (smart) with sustainability (green). We treat the application of green technologies as an investment. We will design your home based on your economic and sustainability goals. ns nadia a C s p s. o h el home n e e Verec r g smar t build Vereco Homes Inc 442 Saskatchewan Cres Sarilia, SK www.vereco.ca Ronn Lepage [email protected] (306) 261-4542 Ian Loughran [email protected] (306) 713-0795 Comfortable by design Low VOC paints High quality CO2 sensors Dehumidification systems Heat recovery ventilation Advanced exhaust systems High quality air filters Contamination control during construction Vehicle emissions protection Opening windows LED lighting Window placement Window specifications Passive solar design Super insulated building envelope Air tight construction High quality heating and cooling systems Upgraded windows Thermal mass Air Quality Temperature Lighting Acoustics Super insulated building envelope Quiet appliances Window placement Vereco homes are more comfortable by design. Our homes are cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter. Our airtight construction ensures that there are no unwanted drafts. The added insulation and careful placement of the windows result in a quieter home. We use natural lighting supplemented by LED systems to provide the highest quality lighting. Vereco’s passive solar design restricts the harsh summer sun but enables the sun to light your home in the winter months. We achieve high indoor air quality with a combination of passive and active systems.