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T H E U LT I M AT E C O N F E R E N C E A N D B A N Q U E T I N G E X P E R I E N C E WEMBLEY STADIUM Event produced by M-is ( Photos supplied by kind permission of NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement THE BOBBY MOORE ROOM For the ultimate Grand Ball Wembley’s grandest space offers event organisers the luxury of accommodating any occasion, from Grand Gala events, to the most lavish Fashion Parade. Wembley Stadium is the natural home for great events. In the shadow of the imposing arch, one of London’s most iconic landmarks, pass through the dedicated entrance and there you’ll find the capitals most tempting array of beautiful, flexible and inspiring conference and banqueting spaces, each unique in design and decor. Add superb facilities, our creative food policy and an outstanding event management team and you have the ultimate venue. The Bobby Moore Room 3,480m2 Capacity: Banquet 1,800. Cocktails 3,250. Theatre 1,050 (lower) Banquet with dance floor 1,400. Cocktails with dance floor 2,890. The Bobby Moore Room - Mezzanine 55.58m S TAIR S S TAIR S 12.06m 16.95m 4m FIRE EXIT 54.30m 16 .00m F IR E EX IT FIR E EXIT 17.07m FI R E E XIT/KITCHEN FIRE E XIT/KITCHE N 19.00 m B AR V IE W OF PITCH ACCE S S TO P ITCH S E AT ING ACCE S S TO P ITCH S E AT ING 37 .97m 2.39m2 Min. height of ceiling - Approximate overall room size - 1390m2 Three phase power available upon request The Bobby Moore Room - Lower 55.58m EN TR ANCE F IR E EX IT EN TR ANCE FI R E E XIT V IEW OF OLY M PIC WAY FIRE EXIT ST RS AI AI RS ST FIR E EX IT KITCHE N KITCHE N 46.71m F IR E EX IT FIR E E XIT F IR E E XIT FIRE EX IT – 5.22 m H – 2.44 m A – 2090 m2 BAR request 37.16m Min. height of ceiling in void - 5.22m Height of ceiling under mezzanine - 2.44m2 Approximate overall room size (including mezanine) - 3480m2 Three phase power available upon request THE GREAT HALL For the ultimate Banquet or Exhibition Event produced by M-is ( Photos supplied by kind permission of NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement Feast on the sheer magnitude of this truly glorious room. The vast depth and enormous capacity allows organisers space to build in any visual surprises, exhibit or dance the night away. The Great Hall 2,080m2 Capacity: Banquet 1,090. Cocktails 2,000. Theatre 1,800. The Great Hall 58.00m V IE W OF OLYMPIC WAY E NTR ANCE E NTR ANCE FIR E E XIT F IR E E XIT 39 .9 5m KI TCHE N KITC HE N B AR BAR KITC HE N KIT CHE N FIR E E XIT FIR E E XIT 42.00m Min. height of ceiling - 5.20m Approximate overall room size - 2080m2 Three phase power available upon request THE WEMBLEY SUITE For the ultimate Reception An intimate space, the Wembley Suite rises to any occasion where the atmosphere is private and the mood charming and elegant, perfect for prestigious lunches and dinners. The Wembley Suite 616m2 Capacity: Banquet 400. Cocktails 500. Theatre 300. The Wembley Suite & Reception 40.50m TO ATR IUM TO ATR IUM FIR E E XIT FIR E E XIT FIR E E XIT THE R E CE PTION ROOM FE MALE TOI LE TS MA LE TOI LE TS 1 5 0.6 m E NTR ANCE CLOAKROOM KI TCHE N 26.68m 6.00m Height of ceiling - 2.62m Approximate overall room size Height of ceiling -–616m 2.62m2 B AR ACC E SS TO PITCH S E ATING 34.80m ACC E SS TO PITCH S E ATING 2 Approximate Reception room size - 150m A Three phase power available upon request The Atrium 1,400m2 Capacity: Banquet 600. Cocktails 1,300. Theatre 700. THE ATRIUM For the ultimate Conference An inspiring setting allows for flexible configurations of tables and seating. Buffet style dining adds an element of informality where delegates can communicate comfortably. The Atrium E NTR ANCE 52 .50m FIRE E XIT FIRE E XIT FIRE E XIT FIR E E XIT KI TCHE N KI TCHE N B AR B AR FIR E E XIT FIR E E XIT TO WE MB LE Y SU ITE 40.65m TO WE MB LE Y S UITE H Height of ceiling - 2.80m Approximate overall room size -1400m2 Three phase power available upon request 2 9.4 2m 6.14m FIR E E XIT THE PITCH VIEW ROOMS & BOXES For the ultimate Board Meeting For Boardroom Meetings, an AGM or formal gathering, these rooms offer exclusive views over the famous pitch, where corporate executives and statesmen alike can take time to reflect. The Pitch View Rooms 313m2 Capacity: Banquet 150. Cocktails 250. Theatre 100. 5.50m 3.2 5m K FIRE EXIT 5.1 4m MALE TOILETS WO F PI VIE 5m CL OA KR OO M K 5 .1 4m DE S OA KR OO M FEMALE TOILETS CL m 3 .2 The PItch View Rooms South-East 5m FIRE EXIT 5. 50 4.9 4m BAR FIRE EXIT KITCHEN 3.25 m BAR 5 7 .0 TCH BAR 1m 7 .0 3 .2 3.2 5m 0m MALE TOILETS OO M ENTRANCE DES CL OA KR 7 .0 1 m ENTRANCE VIE W OF P ITC CLOA KROO M 5 7. 0 0m H FEMALE TOILETS KITCHEN BAR 4.9 4m FIR E EXIT The Pitch View Rooms South-West Height of ceiling - 2.60m Approximate overall room size - 313m2 Three phase power available upon request WEMBLEY STADIUM - THE ULTIMATE VENUE WEMBLEY STADIUM T H E U LT I M AT E V E N U E Postal Address: PO Box 1966 London SW1P 9EQ T: + 4 4 2 0 8 7 9 5 9 6 6 0 F: +44 208 795 9609 E: [email protected] W : w w w. w e m b l e y s t a d i u m . c o m W : w w w. d e l a w a re n o r t h . c o . u k Front cover Stadium photograph ©