Desktop microcomputers first became popular and widespread in
Desktop microcomputers first became popular and widespread in
CHAPTER 1 1.1 Operating System Basics 1.1.1 Overview of PC Operating Systems Desktop microcomputers first became popular and widespread in the early 1980s. Users of these early desktop PCs put their systems to work performing a variety of tasks. These tasks included word processing, home accounting, and computer gaming. Desktop PCs also appeared in the workplace, but their productivity was limited by their inability to share information easily with other systems. Figure shows how these early desktop PCs were electronic islands, unable to efficiently communicate with other PCs and the powerful mainframes and minicomputers that housed mission critical data. For the most part, the operating systems of these early desktop PCs were designed for the standalone system. These operating systems assumed that only one user would access system resources at any given time. The concepts of file security and user privileges were not necessarily built into desktop operating systems, since only one user could access the system at a time, and that user had to be physically present at the keyboard. 1.1.2 PCs and computer networks As desktop computing matured in the workplace, companies installed local-area networks (LANs) to connect desktop PCs so that the PCs could share data and peripherals, such as printers. Installing network adapter cards in the PCs and then connecting the adapters using copper wire created LANs. By networking computers, the problem of efficient communication was solved, but new problems were created. Early PC-based LANs needed a way to provide file security, multiuser access to resources, and user privileges. PC-based LANs also needed a way to communicate with the mainframes that were still the focal point of corporate computing environments. One approach to solving these problems was to develop operating systems that were specialized to work in a networked environment. These so-called network operating systems (NOSs) required more computing muscle than their desktop counterparts. A new breed of powerful PCs was pressed into service as network servers. These computers ran NOSs and became the focal point of the PC-based LAN. In a server-based network, client machines connect to and access resources on the server. These client machines can run desktop operating systems while the more powerful servers use a network operating system. Software companies such as Novell and Microsoft designed their network operating systems to control PC-based network environments. As network servers became more powerful, they began to take on the functions once handled by mainframes and minicomputers. Companies such as Sun Microsystems and Hewlett Packard (HP) modified the UNIX operating system to run extremely powerful servers. In the past, only expensive mainframes and minicomputers were trusted with mission critical applications and data storage. But like the Novell and Microsoft NOSs, UNIX could run on microcomputers. Today, virtually all organizations rely (at least in part) on microcomputers to store mission critical data and provide key applications and services. Computer networking is not confined to the workplace. Most home users expect to connect to the largest network in the world, the Internet. Web browsing, electronic mail (e-mail), and other Internet-related applications are now the focus of home computing. To provide these Internet technologies, companies such as Microsoft have retooled their desktop operating systems. The desktop OS now includes many of the features and services that were once reserved for NOSs. Figures , , and show the evolution of networking. 1.1.3 The kernel Whether designed for a standalone desktop computer or a multiuser network server, all operating system software includes the following components: • Kernel • • User Interface File System Kernel is the most common term for the core of the operating system. The kernel is a relatively small piece of code that is loaded into memory when the computer boots. This computer code contains instructions that allow the kernel to manage hardware devices, such as disk drives. The kernel also manages and controls memory allocation, system processes, and other programs. Application software and other parts of the operating system rely on the kernel to provide basic scheduling services and access to the computer hardware and peripherals. When using a UNIX or Linux system, a file named "kernel" may be present. In some cases, the kernel code may have to be customized and compiled. If this file were to become corrupted, the system would no longer function. On a Windows system, filenames that include the word "kernel" or "kern", such as "kernel32.dll" may be seen. These are critical files that are used by the core of the operating system. Figure shows the kernel32.dll file and where it is located within the Windows core system files. 1.1.4 The user interface The user interface (UI) is the most visible part of a computer operating system. The UI is the component of the OS that the user interacts with. It acts like a bridge between the user and the kernel. The UI is like an interpreter, translating user keystrokes, mouse clicks, or other input for the appropriate programs. Program output can be organized and displayed by the UI. On a UNIX or Linux system, a UI is typically called a shell. User interfaces fall into two general categories: • • Figure Figure shows an example of the Windows command-line interface (CLI) shows an example of the Windows graphical user interface (GUI) The first desktop PC operating systems used CLIs exclusively. The CLI provides the user with a visual prompt, and the user inputs commands by typing them. The computer outputs data to the screen typographically. In other words, a CLI environment is completely text-based and the user can only get things done by inputting commands with the keyboard. UNIX and Linux users can choose from a variety of CLIs, or shells, such as the Bourne shell and the Korn shell. UNIX shells are discussed later in this chapter. Today, all popular desktop OSs support GUIs. A GUI allows the user to manipulate software using visual objects such as windows, pull-down menus, pointers, and icons. The GUI allows the user to input commands via a mouse or other point-and-click device. End users prefer a graphical interface because it makes operating the computer easy and intuitive. A user can perform simple operations using a GUI without even knowing how to read. The tradeoff for simplifying the user interface comes in performance. Some GUI software can consume more than one hundred times the storage space that CLI software does. Since GUIs are more complicated than CLIs, GUI software requires significantly more memory and CPU time. Because the average end user prefers and expects a graphical interface when using a computer, GUIs are now considered a requirement for desktop OSs. However, network operating systems have not, traditionally, catered to the needs of inexperienced users. Several NOSs do not fully support GUIs. Today most NOSs support GUIs as separate modules, which can be loaded and used just as any other program that runs on the system. Most do not require these GUI modules to function, however it does make it easier and more attractive to the inexperienced user and more available to the public. System administrators are typically comfortable working in CLI environments, so they may choose to preserve server resources by not loading the GUI software. For example, UNIX and Linux both support GUIs, but when deployed as NOSs, UNIX and Linux are often configured without GUI components. In contrast, Windows servers always include the GUI and therefore make heavier demands on system resources. 1.1.5 The file system The file system of an OS determines the way files are named and how and where they are placed on storage devices, such as hard disks. Windows, Macintosh, UNIX, and Linux OSs all employ file systems that use a hierarchical structure. In a hierarchical filesystem, files are placed in logical containers that are arranged in an upside-down tree structure as shown in Figure . The file system starts at the root of the tree. UNIX and Linux call a container residing at the top-level of the tree a "directory". Containers inside each directory are called "subdirectories". Windows and Macintosh OSs use the term "folder" and "subfolder" to describe directories and subdirectories. The file system of an OS determines more than just how files and folders are logically organized. The type of file system used by the computer determines whether or not files can be secured from other users or programs. The file system also defines how data is physically arranged on the storage media, such as a hard drive. Some file systems use disk space more efficiently than others. One common type of file system is called File Allocation Table (FAT). FAT file systems are maintained on the disk by the operating system. The table contains a map of files and where they are stored on the disk. The FAT references disk clusters, which are the basic unit of logical storage on a disk. A given file may be stored on several clusters, but a cluster can contain data from only one file. These clusters may, or may not be next to each other. The OS uses the FAT to find all of the disk clusters where a file is stored. There are the three types of FAT file systems. There is the original FAT file system, which is referred to as “FAT” and the two other types. FAT16 and FAT32 are an advanced and improved version of the original FAT file system. The original FAT file system was used on the first versions of DOS, however it was not capable of being used with the larger hard disks and more advanced operating systems such as Windows 3.1, Windows 95, and Windows 98. The original FAT file system was limited in various ways such as being able to recognize file names up to only eight characters long. Other limitations of FAT were that it could not be a viable option to use on the larger hard disks and more advanced operating systems that were rapidly being developed. The original FAT file system could not properly make efficient use of space on these larger hard drives. This inefficient use of space was the same problem that FAT16 was faced with and a major reason FAT32 was developed. FAT16 was created for use on larger partitions up to 4 gigabytes (GB). Although larger disks can be formatted in FAT16, to do so is an inefficient use of disk space because in FAT file systems, larger partitions result in larger cluster sizes. For example, with a 512 megabyte (MB) partition, the size of the clusters, or the basic storage units, are 8 KB. This means that even if a file is only 1 KB in size, it uses 8 kilobytes (KB) of space because more than one file cannot be stored in a cluster, the extra 7 KB is wasted. To overcome this problem, FAT32 was developed. This 32-bit file system uses smaller cluster sizes on large disks. It supports partitions up to 2 terabytes (TB) in size. Figure shows the file systems of operating systems. Different operating systems use different file systems, and some operating systems can use more than one file system. For example, although Windows 3.x can use only the FAT16 file system, Windows 2000 can use FAT16, FAT32, or the New Technology File System (NTFS). The file system determines file naming conventions and the format for specifying a path, or route, to the file location. These rules for naming files vary depending on the file system and include several issues: • • • • • • Maximum number of characters allowed in a filename Maximum length of file extensions or suffixes Whether spaces are allowed between words in a filename Whether filenames are case sensitive Which characters are legal for use in filenames Format for specifying the path 1.1.6 Common desktop operating systems Over the past twenty years, desktop operating systems have evolved to include sophisticated GUIs and powerful networking components as shown in Figure . • • • • • Microsoft Disk Operating System (MS-DOS) is an obsolete OS that is still used to support legacy business applications. Windows versions prior to Windows 95 were essentially user interfaces for DOS. Microsoft Windows includes Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, and XP. Apple Macintosh OS (Mac OS) includes OS 8, OS 9, and OS X (OS 10). Linux includes distributions from various companies and groups, such as Red Hat, Caldera, Santa Cruz Operation (SCO), SuSE, Slackware, Debian, and others. UNIX includes HP-UX, Sun Solaris, Berkeley System Distribution (BSD), and others. Today, OS developers and users alike recognize that the Internet is at the center of computing. Because networking and the Internet have become such an integral part of using a computer, the desktop operating system is rapidly converging with the network operating system. Microsoft Windows and Mac OS can trace their roots back to early desktop PCs. The latest versions of these OSs have powerful NOS components at their core. Windows XP is built on Microsoft NOS technology (NT and 2000), while Mac OS is built around UNIX. UNIX is considered to be the first NOS. And like UNIX, the Information Technology (IT) industry has always considered Linux as a NOS first, and a desktop operating system second. Are Windows, Linux, and UNIX desktop software or network server software? The answer to that question depends on several factors, including the specific OS version, the components installed, and the system configuration. In the sections that follow, Microsoft Windows and Linux are discussed as desktop operating systems. Windows 2000 and Linux are discussed in terms of network operating systems later in this course. 1.2 Microsoft Windows 1.2.1 MS-DOS Microsoft released its first Windows product, Windows 1.0, in 1985. An example of what the user interface looked like in this first version of Windows is shown is Figure . Windows 2.0 was released in 1987. The earliest versions of Windows functioned as graphical user interfaces (GUIs) that ran "on top" of the native OS, which was called the Disk Operating System (DOS). Windows was a shell that allowed the user to manage the underlying DOS software. The Microsoft version of DOS (MS-DOS) was built on an OS called 86-DOS or Quick and Dirty Operating System (QDOS). Seattle Computer Products wrote QDOS to run on the Intel 8086 processor. IBM utilized the 8088 processor, a less expensive version in their new line of PCs. Microsoft bought the rights to QDOS and released MS-DOS in 1981. Figure shows an example of the MS-DOS user interface. MS-DOS began as a simple operating system with a text-based CLI. Designed to run on the 16-bit (8-bit data bus) Intel 8088 processor, MS-DOS was a 16-bit operating system, which could handle processing only 16-bits at one time. MS-DOS and 16-bit processing are obsolete in the Internet-based and graphically oriented desktop environments of today. Today, 32-bit operating systems are standard, and a handful of 64-bit operating systems are available for systems that have 64-bit processors. However, many corporations and small businesses continue to rely on MS-DOS to run legacy business applications in the workplace. A "legacy application" is outdated software that remains in use due to a previous investment. Some companies have made a significant investment in computer hardware, software, and training, and find that MS-DOS and its related applications still get the job done. There are several reasons for using MS-DOS: • • • MS-DOS is a simple, low-overhead operating system. Memory and processor requirements are very low. DOS runs readily on outdated hardware. MS-DOS is inexpensive. Not only is the operating system itself inexpensive, the cost of compatible hardware, as mentioned previously, also is low. MS-DOS is stable and reliable. Because it is not a multitasking operating system (that is, it runs only one program at a time), there is no need to worry about the conflicts and crashes caused by shared memory addresses. • • MS-DOS is easy to learn and use. Although it is not as intuitive as a GUI-based operating system, once a user masters the command syntax, DOS is relatively simple to use. Many programs are available for MS-DOS. Because it was a standard for many years, a large number of programs were written to run on DOS. Some companies continue to run the operating system because proprietary programs, custom-written for their business to run on MS-DOS, do not work properly on the newer operating systems. However, continuing to use this old operating system has many disadvantages. MS-DOS cannot run the sophisticated graphical programs written for modern 32-bit Windows operating systems. The MS-DOS FAT file system is insecure and ill suited for the privacy-conscious, multiuser environments of today. Networking with MS-DOS clients is problematic. In some cases, an MS-DOS user might be unable to connect to network resources that use long filenames (more than eight characters). And finally, the most obvious shortcoming of MS-DOS is its intimidating CLI. As the desktop PC evolved, Microsoft set out to address the limitations of MS-DOS, particularly the user interface. Windows 1.0 and 2.0 were the first step toward this goal. 1.2.2 Microsoft Windows 3.1 It was not until Windows 3.0 was released in 1990 that Microsoft established its user interface as a major force in the industry. In 1992, Microsoft released an upgrade to 3.0 called Windows 3.1. Shortly thereafter, Microsoft made a free upgrade to Windows 3.1, called Windows 3.11, available. This family of products is known collectively as Windows 3.x. Figure shows the initial screen that is shown when Windows 3.1 and Windows 3.11 bootup. Running MS-DOS with Windows 3.x will address many of the MS-DOS shortcomings. The Windows 3.x shell provides a GUI and supports cooperative multitasking, which enables users to run more than one program simultaneously. However, Windows 3.x still has significant disadvantages. While multitasking is good, cooperative multitasking is not the best way to implement it. Also, Windows 3.x is a 16-bit operating that does not provide the file security and built-in networking support that is now demanded by users. Cooperative and Preemptive Multitasking Cooperative multitasking is an environment in which programs share memory addresses and exchange information. In a multitasked environment, applications share the use of the processor by a method known as "time slicing". The application programs are written to give up the processor after a set amount of time so that other programs that are running simultaneously can use it. If the program is poorly written, it might monopolize the processor. If one program crashes, it might bring the other programs down. A more efficient form of multitasking first used in Windows 9x is called preemptive multitasking, now used by newer versions of Windows as well. The operating system controls the allocation of processor time, and 32bit programs run in their own separate address spaces. With preemptive multitasking, an unruly program cannot take over the system, and if one program crashes, it does not affect the others. Figure shows the Windows Task Manager for Windows 2000. Users can see how all the processes and programs running on the system have their own Process ID (PID) number, which the operating system uses to distinguish between running processes. Preemptive multitasking allows each of these processes. Networking with Windows 3.x MS-DOS and Windows 3.1 require that additional network client software be installed in order to connect to a network. Windows for Workgroups 3.1 (released in 1992) was the first Microsoft operating system to have networking components built in. Microsoft released Windows for Workgroups 3.11 in 1993. Windows for Workgroups was designed to allow users to share files with other desktop PCs in their workgroup. Figure shows the network setup screen, which is used to configure a Windows 3.11 system for network access. This kind of networking, where every computer plays an equal role on the network, is called peer-to-peer networking. Built-in networking and peer-to-peer capabilities were important additions to Windows, but other operating systems, such as Apple Macintosh OS, provided peer-to-peer networking long before Windows for Workgroups. Today, Windows 3.x is considered obsolete. More recent versions of Windows offer significant advantages, including improved networking. Windows 3.x and MS-DOS can be used to connect to a modern Windows NT or Windows 2000 network, but in such cases, Windows 3.x clients are likely to receive limited services. 1.2.3 Windows 9x Microsoft Windows 95 was designed for easy networkability, and the tradition was carried on and enhanced in Windows 98. These operating systems are referred to collectively as Windows 9x. Figure shows an example of the Windows 9x desktop with the task bar, which was a new feature that was added to the Windows 9x family of operating systems. Some of the other new features that were added to Windows 9x operating systems include the following products shown in Figure : • • • • • o o o o Windows 95a – The original release of the first Microsoft 32-bit desktop operating system. Windows 95b – Also called OSR2. It included enhancements such as FAT32 support but was only made available to Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) for installation on the computers they sold. Windows 98 – An upgrade to Windows 95 that added the Active Desktop technology, the Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI), support for the Universal Serial Bus (USB) and TV-tuner cards, and setup and maintenance enhancements. Windows 98 Second Edition (SE) – Provided the Internet Explorer 5.0 web browser, stronger encryption for dialup networking, and added support for Internet Connection Sharing (ICS). Windows Millennium Edition (Windows ME) – OS targeted specifically at home users. Since it builds on the Windows 9x code, Windows ME is generally recognized as part of the 9x family. Windows ME includes the following features: Enhanced multimedia support, making it easy to work with movies and digital photos Built-in disaster recovery features that enable a user to restore the system to a predetermined state Simplification of the configuration required to set up simple peer-to-peer networks Faster startup and shutdown (when using new hardware that supports the FastBoot technology) Networking with Windows 9x The Windows 9x operating systems include specialized networking client software. Client software allows the OS to participate in server-based networks. Clients take advantages of services that are offered by systems running NOS software, such as Windows NT or Novell NetWare. These services include authentication, file sharing, printer sharing, directory/naming services, mail service, and web services. Windows 9x includes client software for a variety of networks. Because of its connectivity features, Windows 9x is one of the most popular client operating systems in the business world. For several years, it has been the desktop operating system of choice for both small and large companies, for peer-to-peer networks, and for use as a client to Microsoft NT, NetWare, and UNIX servers. 32-bit Processing and Preemptive Multitasking Windows 9x supports 32-bit applications, but it also includes 16-bit code for backward compatibility with DOS and Windows 3.x programs. It uses Virtual File Allocation Table (VFAT) for long filename support, and Windows 95b and 98 can use FAT32 for more efficient disk use. Some advantages of Windows 9x as a desktop operating system and network client include the following: • • • • It is less expensive than Windows NT and Windows 2000. It runs a wide variety of DOS, 16-bit, and 32-bit Windows applications. Its interface is familiar to most PC computer users. Client software is available for Windows 9x to connect to most NOS types, such as Windows, NetWare, UNIX, and Linux. 1.2.4 Windows NT and Windows 2000 In the 1990s, Microsoft began developing an operating system that would meet the needs of a modern networked environment. The result was Windows NT. The NT stood for New Technology. Microsoft first released NT as version 3.0 in 1993. Windows NT 4.0 was released in 1996. Windows NT ran on an entirely new kernel. It did not rely on the old DOS-related code that other versions of Windows had been built on. The Windows NT software featured improved file security, stability, networking, and 32-bit support. To that end, Windows NT supported a new file system called NTFS. From the start, Microsoft positioned Windows NT as an operating system for high-end servers and powerusers. Windows NT was the first Microsoft network operating system. Because of the superior features of NT, Microsoft planned to unite their desktop OS (Windows 9x) with their NOS (NT) as a new family of products called Windows NT 5.0. The NT 5.0 project was eventually dubbed Windows 2000 after the year in which it was finally released. Despite the original intention of Microsoft to release a home user version of the software, Windows 2000 has remained an OS for power users, corporate desktops, and high-end servers. Figure shows a timeline of the Windows operating systems from NT 3.1 to the release of Windows 2000. 1.2.5 Windows XP Windows XP was released in 2001 and represents the first OS built on NT that was directly targeted toward home, as well as corporate, desktops. The Windows XP family is as follows: • • • Windows XP Home Edition – Targeted for home users Windows XP Professional – Targeted for power users and the corporate desktop Windows .NET server – Targeted for servers as a NOS While Windows XP and XP Professional share many components with their NT/2000 ancestors, they are still considered desktop operating systems. Despite this semantic distinction, Windows XP and XP Professional offer many of the key features associated with a NOS, including sophisticated file security and resource sharing, support for multiple user accounts, remote administration, and numerous networking components and services. Both Windows XP Home Edition and XP Professional support multiple user accounts but only Windows XP Professional supports remote access. Figures , , and show how different the Windows XP GUI is from the Windows 2000 GUI. 1.2.6 Windows GUI The Windows GUI is perhaps the most recognizable user interface in the world. The Windows 9x, NT, 2000, and XP operating systems all share common elements in their GUIs. Figure points out many of these similar features that all these versions of Windows have in common. • • • • • • Desktop (describe each element) Windows Taskbar Start Menu My Computer Icon Network Neighborhood (also known as My Network Places) Recycle Bin When using the Windows GUI, right-clicking on the My Computer icon, and selecting Properties from the popup menu will check what version of Windows is currently installing in the system. The version of the OS software will be displayed on the General Tab of the System Properties window. Figure shows an example of how to check the Windows version. 1.2.7 Windows CLI All Windows operating systems include a command-line environment that enables the user to enter common MS-DOS commands. Figure shows an example of the MS-DOS CLI interface. To access the command line in Windows 9x, select Run from the Start menu and enter the word, command, in the Run dialog box. This will open a window commonly referred to as a "Command Prompt". At the prompt, enter text-based commands and run programs. Output in the DOS box is also text-based. Note: In Windows NT, 2000, and XP machines, enter cmd instead of command to open a DOS box. Figure lists some common Windows CLI commands. 1.2.8 Windows Control Panel The Windows GUI includes an important configuration tool called the Control Panel. The Windows Control Panel is a central location for making system configuration changes. Figure shows an example of the various configuration tools that are available in the control panel. From the Control Panel, a user can perform the following key tasks: • • • • • Install and remove hardware drivers Install and remove software applications and other components Add, modify, and delete user accounts Configure an Internet connection Configure peripheral device settings (modem, mouse, printer, and so on) 1.3 UNIX and Linux on the Desktop 1.3.1 Origins of UNIX UNIX is the name of a group of operating systems that trace their origins back to 1969 at Bell Labs. Since its inception, UNIX was designed to support multiple users and multitasking. UNIX was also one of the first operating systems to include support for Internet networking protocols. The history of UNIX, which now spans over 30 years, is complicated because many companies and organizations have contributed to its development. During the 1970s, UNIX evolved through the development work of programmers at Bell Labs and several universities, notably the University of California, at Berkeley. When UNIX first started to be marketed commercially in the 1980s, it was used to run powerful network servers, not desktop computers. Today, there are dozens of different versions of UNIX, including the following: • • • • • HP-UX (Hewlett Packard UNIX) Berkeley Software Design, Inc, (BSD UNIX, which has spawned derivatives such as FreeBSD) Santa Cruz Operation (SCO) UNIX Sun Solaris AIX (IBM's UNIX) Despite the popularity of Microsoft Windows on corporate LANs, much of the Internet runs on powerful UNIX systems. Although UNIX is usually associated with expensive hardware and is considered user-unfriendly, recent developments, including the creation of Linux (described in the next section), have changed that image. Figure shows some of the various types of servers that UNIX and Linux systems are used for. 1.3.2 Origins of Linux In 1991, a Finnish student named Linus Torvalds began work on an operating system for an Intel 80386based computer. Frustrated with the state of desktop operating systems such as DOS, and the expense and licensing issues associated with commercial UNIX, Torvalds set out to develop an operating system that was "UNIX-like" in its operation but used software code that was open and completely free. Although it was not his original intention, Torvalds' work led to a worldwide collaborative effort to develop Linux, an open-source operating system that looks and feels like UNIX. By the late 1990s, Linux had become a viable alternative to UNIX on servers and Windows on the desktop. Figure shows a timeline of the major developments made with the Linux operating system. The popularity of Linux on desktop PCs has also contributed to interest in using UNIX distributions, such as FreeBSD and Sun Solaris, on the desktop. Versions of Linux can now run on almost any 32-bit processor, including the Intel 80386, Motorola 68000, Alpha, and PowerPC chips. As with UNIX, there are numerous versions of Linux. Some are free downloads from the WWW, and others are commercially distributed. The following are a few of the most popular: • • • • • • RedHat Linux, distributed by RedHat Software OpenLinux, distributed by Caldera Corel Linux Slackware Debian GNU/Linux SuSE Linux Linux is one of the most powerful and reliable operating systems in the world today. Because of this, Linux has already made inroads as a platform for power users and in the enterprise server arena. It is less often deployed as a corporate desktop operating system. Although GUI interfaces are available to make it userfriendly, most beginning users find Linux more difficult to use than Mac OS or Windows. Currently, many companies (such as RedHat, SuSE, Corel, and Caldera) are striving to make Linux a viable operating system for the desktop. Application support must be considered when Linux is implemented on a desktop system. The number of business productivity applications is limited when compared to Windows. However, some vendors provide Windows emulation software (such as WABI and WINE) that enables many Windows applications to run on Linux. Additionally, companies such as Corel are making Linux versions of their office suites and other popular software packages. Networking with Linux Recent distributions of Linux have networking components built in for connecting to a LAN, establishing a dialup connection to the Internet, or other remote network. In fact, Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) is integrated into the Linux kernel instead of being implemented as a separate subsystem. Some advantages of Linux as a desktop operating system and network client include the following: • • • It is a true 32-bit operating system. It supports preemptive multitasking and virtual memory. The code is open source and thus available for anyone to enhance and improve. Note: Although UNIX is more often implemented as a server operating system, UNIX machines can function also as network clients. In many cases, configuration and commands for UNIX are the same as they are in Linux systems. However, because both UNIX and Linux come in many different versions, the instructions in the following sections might not apply to every distribution of UNIX or Linux. Generally, use the man command to access the manual for the specific version being used. In this chapter, UNIX and Linux are discussed together because of their superficial similarities. In later chapters, the differences between these two operating systems will be explained. 1.3.3 Linux/UNIX GUI Both UNIX and Linux are capable of running GUIs. Because there are so many different versions of both UNIX and Linux, there are literally dozens of popular graphical interfaces from which to choose. For example, the default installation of Red Hat 7.x installs the GNOME Desktop Environment and uses GNOME as the default GUI for all users (see Figure ). Although other desktop environments, such as K Desktop Environment (KDE) can be configured and used with Linux (see Figure ), GNOME is rapidly gaining industry acceptance as a "standard" UNIX and Linux GUI. UNIX and Linux both rely on the X-Windows System to display the GUI. The X-Windows System is software that works with the system hardware and graphical applications including the "Window Manager”. The Window Manager is the software responsible for sizing, positioning, and rendering the graphical windows that programs run in. Windows includes borders that can be dragged to resize, and graphical buttons that can be clicked to minimize, maximize, restore, and close the window. Since Linux supports dozens of window managers, and each window manager can be customized, there is no one way a window will look or act. Figure some common window buttons and their function. shows Note: GNOME stands for "GNU Network Object Model Environment" and is pronounced "guh-NOME". GNU stands for "GNUs Not UNIX". GNU is a software project devoted to producing free, open source software for Linux. GNU is pronounced "guh-NEW", which is why GNOME is pronounced with a "g" sound. Despite this, it is acceptable to pronounce GNOME as "NOME". GNOME is not a window manager. In fact, GNOME can work with several different kinds of window managers. GNOME is a desktop environment. A desktop environment is a combination of programs, applications, and applets that make up part of the GUI. GNOME provides: • • • • Graphical panels that can be used to start applications or display status A graphical desktop that can be used to place applications, files, and menus A standard set of desktop tools and applications A set of conventions that enables applications to work together 1.3.4 Linux/UNIX CLI UNIX and Linux were designed to be extremely flexible and customizable. As a result, UNIX and Linux support dozens of user interfaces. The most common are the text-based interfaces called shells. Users type commands that are interpreted by the shell, which in turn relays the user instructions to the operating system and other programs. UNIX (and Linux) shells are difficult to learn because they rely on abbreviations and complex command syntax. Commonly used shells include the following: • • • • • Bourne shell Korn shell Bash shell C shell TC shell The distribution and configuration of the PC running UNIX or Linux will determine the shells that will be available to users. Although there are dozens of GUIs available for UNIX and Linux, the CLI environment is the only user interface available on many systems. If a UNIX or Linux GUI is being used, there may be several ways to access a CLI shell, such as opening a Terminal window, or "term". Enter the UNIX command, uname, on most systems to find out what version of the UNIX or Linux a computer is running. 1.3.5 Linux and UNIX system configuration tools The various versions of UNIX and Linux offer a variety of configuration tools similar to Windows Control Panel. Some of these tools are text-based, for CLI environments. Some of these tools, such as linuxconf for Linux or admintool for Solaris, can be used in the GUI. Figures and show examples of the two main GUI configuration tools that are used with Linux and UNIX. Using these configuration utilities, the following key tasks can be performed: • • • Add, modify, and delete user accounts Configure an Internet connection and network services Configure peripheral device settings (modem, mouse, printer, and so on) 1.4 Network Operating Systems Overview 1.4.1 Common network operating systems The limitations of early desktop OSs and the increasing demand to network PCs led to the development of more powerful NOS software. In contrast to early desktop PC software, NOSs provide built-in networking components and network services, multiuser capability, and sophisticated file security and file sharing technologies. NOSs must have a robust kernel to prevent crashes and downtime. It is especially important that the NOS kernel schedule and manage multiple processes so that each program is prevented from crashing other parts of the system. Because specialized administrators manage NOSs, they do not necessarily require resource-consuming graphical interfaces. NOSs have historically offered less than friendly user interfaces, especially when compared to their desktop counterparts. However, both Windows 2000 and Linux support fully featured GUIs and even web-based controls. Finally, a NOS requires a sophisticated file system that allows for efficient storage and maximum security. Instead of FAT, a NOS typically employs NTFS, UFS (UNIX file system), or another equally robust file system. Novell NetWare was the first NOS to meet these requirements and enjoy widespread deployment in PCbased LANs back in the 1980s. Since that time, Novell software has lost its position as the top PC-based NOS. Common NOSs in use today include: • • • • Microsoft Windows – Network operating systems offered by Windows are NT 3.51, NT 4.0, 2000, XP, and .NET. Keep in mind that NT 3.51 and NT 4.0 are being phased out as a result of the superior Windows 2000, XP, and .Net. Figure and Figure show Windows XP and 2000 operating system. Novell NetWare – Novell line of operating systems, which included NetWare 3.12, IntraNetWare 4.11, NetWare 5.0 and 5.1. Figure and Figure show examples of Novell operating system. Linux – Linux operating systems including Red Hat, Caldera, SuSE, Debian, and Slackware. Figure and Figure show Linux operating systems from Red Hat, and Caldera. UNIX – Various operating systems offered UNIX, such as HP-UX, Sun Solaris, BSD, SCO, and AIX. Figure shows Sun Solaris. Although the focus of this chapter is on Linux and Windows 2000, many of the same principals and configuration guidelines can be applied to other network operating systems as well. Figure is a drag and drop activity on popular NOS versions. 1.4.2 The client-server model Most network applications, including Internet-related applications such as the World Wide Web (WWW) and e-mail, are built around a client/server relationship. A specialized program called a server offers network services, such as e-mail to other programs called clients. (Server programs are typically called “daemons” in the UNIX community.) Once enabled, a server program waits to receive requests from client programs. If a legitimate request is received, the server responds by sending the appropriate information back to the client. Figure demonstrates how this interaction works. For example, once a web server program is running, it waits for client requests. A web browser is an example of a client program. Web browsers send requests to web servers. When the browser requests data from the server, the server responds, and the browser program receives a reply from the web server. The browser then displays the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) data it received in its window. In theory, any computer can act as a server as long as it is connected to the network and is configured with the appropriate software. In practice, most organizations put all of their key network services on high-end computers called servers running NOSs optimized for servicing remote clients. Figure shows a typical logical arrangement of how servers would be placed in a network. A typical server running a NOS can be configured to offer literally hundreds of services to clients. Moreover, most NOSs can communicate with various kinds of client platforms by following a universally understood set of rules or protocols. The Internet is built around a set of rules collectively known as Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP). Because of the importance of the Internet, the majority of network services and client programs use TCP/IP to exchange data. However, other protocols, such as Novell Internet Packet Exchange (IPX), Apple AppleTalk, and IBM System Network Architecture (SNA), are still used today. Most NOSs can be configured to communicate using one or more of these protocols as well as TCP/IP. One server running a NOS may work well when serving only a handful of clients. But most organizations find that they must deploy several servers in order to achieve acceptable performance. A typical design separates services so that one or two servers are responsible for e-mail, another server is responsible for file sharing, and so on. High-end servers running a NOS are typically configured to use the Internet family of protocols, TCP/IP, and offer one or more TCP/IP services. Servers running a NOS are also used to authenticate users and provide access to shared resources. 1.4.3 Evaluating customer resources and requirements One of the first things that must be taken into consideration when buying or building a new computer are the requirements that are needed to allow the system to efficiently provide the service. Determining the customer resources will also help decide on what type of system to build or buy for the customer. Most computers that are sold are not designed to have Linux run on them. Therefore, evaluating certain requirements such as hardware and software will help in every other step in configuring Linux for the system. Other requirements like determining if the system is going to be a workstation, server, or dedicated appliance will also help with subsequent steps of configuring Linux on the system. Careful planning of this step will help when deciding other issues such as installation, configuration, and administration, which will be covered later in this course. Workstations A Linux workstation, which is also known as a desktop computer, is a system that is typically a standalone computer consisting of one monitor, keyboard, and mouse. Most often a workstation will be configured with a network connection as well, but this is not a requirement for a workstation or desktop computer. Figure shows an example of a typical workstation that Linux can run on. When evaluating the proper requirements for a Linux workstation, it is important to keep in mind that the user will require specific hardware and software installed on the system. For example, the requirements for a lowend system, which an individual might just need for simple tasks like word processing, will not be a system that has a very fast central processing unit (CPU) or large amounts of memory and hard disk space. However, these requirements for a high-end system for an individual who needs to do more complex tasks, such as video editing or heavy-duty scientific simulations, will be much greater. This high-end system will in fact need to have a very fast processor as well as large amounts of fast memory and hard disk space. Other hardware requirements that will typically be found on workstations are audio hardware like a sound card, speakers, and in some cases a microphone might be needed as well. On a workstation a user might also need to have some high-capacity removable media drives. These drives can be either Zip drives, CD-R or CD-RW burners, and in some cases a DVD-ROM drive as well. Servers The requirements for a server are going to be very different than those of a workstation. Figure shows an example of what a typical Linux server may look like. As shown in Figure , servers generally look very different than workstation systems. Servers really have no need for the user-oriented features like large monitors, speakers, or sound cards. On the other hand, servers will need to consist of things like very reliable and fault tolerant hard disks. For this reason servers will have large, high-performance hard disks such as Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) disks as opposed to Extended IDE (EIDE) disks that would be installed in a workstation. This is because most servers make heavy use of their hard disk and therefore require disks that perform better. SCSI disks will provide these features and are especially useful when the user has multiple disks installed on a single server. The size of the network that the server will be supporting will help determine the CPU and memory requirements for a server. For example, if a user is installing a server in a large network environment that will be handling a lot of requests and services, having a system with a fast CPU and a large amount of randomaccess memory (RAM) will be a necessity. This will not be the case for a server that is in a small office and is only handling requests from a few users. In a Linux server, having large amounts of RAM can be more important because is has a feature that automatically stores recent accesses to the hard disk in memory. Linux can then read directly from memory rather than going back to the hard disk when a subsequent request comes in. This is called buffering disk accesses. Therefore, a Linux server with a lot of RAM can outperform a server with the same setup and less RAM. Another aspect to look at when determining requirements is what type of server this system is going to be. Is this server going to be a web or File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server, a Usenet news server, database server, or a time server? All of these questions will need to be addressed. For example, if the server is going to handle a website that is going to be accessed numerous times and provide many services, then the user would need to design a very powerful server. In some cases, the user might need to have more than one server providing the Web Services. Dedicated Appliances It can be difficult to make any suggested requirements for a Linux system running as a dedicated appliance. A dedicated appliance can be a Linux system running as a router, print server, or firewall for example. Figure and Figure show examples of how a Linux server might be used as a firewall or a print server. When building a system that will be used as a dedicated appliance, the user can often use recycled hardware that would be otherwise unusable. In some cases, these dedicated appliances may require very specialized hardware like custom motherboards or touch-screen input devices. Customer Resources Determining the customer's resources is a very important step in evaluating the requirements that are needed, as well as identifying any existing resources. These can include any existing hardware that can be used, budgetary constraints, and having the proper expertise available. Linux provides an excellent means for reusing existing hardware and extending the life of old and otherwise unusable systems. One reason for this is the fact that Linux has the ability to run without a GUI that can use up all the system resources. This is especially helpful if a user wanted a system to act as a firewall for a small or medium size network. For this firewall, the user could install Linux on an early Pentium or 486 system. A Linux system running as a firewall would not require a lot of CPU power or memory, as well as a minimum amount of disk space. This type of system could also be used as a print server or a file server if a little amount of RAM was added. Another instance where a system such as this might be used is as a terminal and even a graphical X terminal to other Linux or UNIX computers. Budgetary constraints are things that will always come into question when purchasing new computers or hardware. One way to deal with these constraints is to properly decide the proper hardware that is needed and what the user will need to accomplish the job. For example, hard disk space can always be added later. It might be a good idea to start off with an adequate size hard disk, which will be cost effective. More hard drives can always be added later as needed. Another area where careful evaluation and planning can help meet a budget is in CPU speeds. Today, the top-of-the-line CPUs are very nice but that does not mean that they are necessary for a users needs. For example, it would a waste of money to install a 2.4 gigahertz (GHz) Pentium 4 processor on a system that is mainly going to be used for word processing. Another factor that must be considered in handling budgetary constraints is that after the user has installed the computers or new hardware, there will be a need for a person with the proper expertise to provide support and training to the individuals using the new hardware and software. For example, if a system is integrated into an existing network, the users might need special training to access resources over the network. Other issues include access to storage media. In Linux, accessing the floppy or CD-ROM drive is different than the way it is done using Windows. CHAPTER 2 2.1 Benefits of Networking 2.1.1 File, print, and application services Computers can store, process, manipulate, and display vast quantities of information more quickly and efficiently than any previous technology. Because they are programmable, computers can take on many different tasks. They are multipurpose machines. The work accomplished with computers is of high value to users and organizations. The desire to share the valuable information was one of the driving forces behind the development of computer networks. Figure shows how the development of networks enabled multiple computers to connect together in order to share files and communicate via electronic mail (e-mail). Figure also shows how network devices such as printers could connect to the network so that multiple users could all share one printer. Although computer technologies continue to become more efficient and less expensive, there is still a substantial investment on the part of users and organizations. Along with the sharing of important information, networks enable the sharing of expensive devices. Rather than attach a printer to each computer, a network can enable shared access by many systems concurrently. 2.1.2 Mail services From the earliest days, computer networks have enabled users to communicate by electronic mail. E-mail services work like the postal system, with some computers taking on the function of the post office. A user's e-mail account operates like a post office box where mail is held for the user until it is picked up over the network by an e-mail client program running in the user's system. E-mail continues to be the single most widely used benefit of computer networks. E-mail works as a “storage-and-retrieval” application. Mail messages (and the identifying information such as the sender, receiver, and time-stamp) are stored on an e-mail server until the recipient retrieves the e-mail. When an e-mail account is created for a user on the e-mail server there will also be a post office box created for the user as well. When e-mail messages are received, the e-mail server will redirect the messages to the user's post office box where the e-mail message will remain until the user retrieves them. Typically, e-mail messages are short communications. Current e-mail systems also allow users to attach longer files of many different types (documents, pictures, movies) to their messages. These attachments can be retrieved or downloaded along with the e-mail message. In this way, e-mail services blend into file transfer services on the network. Although e-mail systems have evolved together with networking technology, the rapid growth of the Internet has allowed more and more people to connect online. This allows for immediate communication between users of the network. The storage-and-retrieval nature of e-mail systems does not require that the recipient be connected when the e-mail is sent. It can be picked up or retrieved at a later time. Besides e-mail, the Internet has spawned a variety of instant messaging systems that enable network users to "chat" with almost no delay in so-called "real-time", as long as they are connected to the network at the same time. Figure shows and example of the storage-and-retrieval process when an e-mail is sent. Figure is an example of the Microsoft e-mail client that comes with their office suite software. This e-mail client can be used to retrieve e-mail from the post office box on the e-mail server. Figure shows an e-mail client for Linux. 2.1.3 Directory and name services Another important benefit of networks involves the ability to find resources and devices wherever they may be located. In order to enable users and systems on the network to find the services they require, computer networks make use of directories and name services (see Figure ). Working like the telephone directory, the network assigns a name to users, services, and devices so that they can be identified and accessed. Knowing the name of a service on the network enables users to contact that service without having to know its physical location. In fact, its physical location can change and users can still find the service or device if they know its name. Directory and name services make a network easier for people to use. People work more easily with names for services and other entities. They can rely on network directory and name services to translate those names into the addresses used to communicate with the desired service. After the initial setup of the directory or name service, this translation takes place behind the scenes, or transparently (see Figure ). In addition to ease of use, this makes the network more flexible. Network designers and administrators can locate or move file, print, and other services with the assurance that users can still locate them by name. The advantages of directory and name services are as follows: • • • A standardized means of naming and locating resources on a network Text names are easier to remember than numeric addresses Network resources are not bound to a physical location 2.1.4 The Internet The Internet is a worldwide public network, interconnecting thousands of other networks to form one large "web" for communication. Many private networks, some with thousands of users of their own, connect to the Internet by using the services of Internet Service Providers (ISPs). These linkages enable long distance access to network services for information and device sharing. The Internet functions like a long distance "pipe" to facilitate exchange between geographically separated users, organizations, and branches of companies. The term "information superhighway" has been coined to describe the benefit of the Internet to business and private communication. The Internet is enabling the sharing of information around the globe almost instantaneously. Figure shows a graph that represents the extremely fast-paced growth of the Internet in the past few years. 2.1.5 Network administration The benefits of new technologies bring with them certain problems, issues, and costs. Often, the designers of a new technology cannot foresee all of the uses and implications of the new technology. Other major inventions like the internal combustion engine or the television have brought social and economic costs along with their benefits. In the same way, computer networks generate new issues even as they open new possibilities for business and entertainment. As businesses and individuals become more dependent on the use of computer networks for their daily activities, it becomes vitally important that these networks deliver the services that users expect. Even after engineers have completed the design and installation of a new network, the network requires attention and management to ensure that it continues to deliver a consistent level of service to its users. Computer networks need to be monitored and maintained to remain dynamic. They must also change and grow in response to new technologies and user requirements. The on-going task of maintaining and adapting the network to changing conditions falls to network administrators and support personnel. The responsibilities of network administrators range from setting up new user accounts and services to the monitoring of network performance and the repair of network failures. Very often, administrators rely on the skills of specialized support personnel to locate the sources of network problems and repair them efficiently. As networks grow, administrators must ensure that network availability is maintained while the network migrates to include new equipment and features that serve its users. Network administrators must be skilled in the use of a wide range of tools on a variety of different types of devices and systems. Network administrators face many decisions that often involve trade-offs, or as economists say, "cost-benefit analyses". As they evaluate new technologies and requirements, administrators must measure their benefits against the issues, costs, and problems the new features may introduce to the network. Figure lists some of the common issues a network administrator will be responsible. 2.2 Types of Networks 2.2.1 Overview In the design and construction of every new tool, from hammers to hammocks, spatulas to space stations, engineers follow the general rule that "Form Follows Function". The form or shape that a tool takes on is determined by its function. A hammer is shaped and built to bang in nails, a teapot to pour tea. Similarly, computer networks, as tools, take on different shapes and are constructed from different materials as a consequence of the different functions they perform. Some networks are designed to interconnect many users and systems in a relatively limited geographical region and to enable high-speed communication among them. Other networks connect a smaller number of devices that are separated by large geographical distances. To meet the requirements of these two broad categories of users, different types of networks have been designed. Local-area networks (LANs) meet the requirements of the first group of users. Wide-area networks (WANs) satisfy the requirements of the second. Figure provides examples to help further understand the difference between LANs and WANs. 2.2.2 Local-Area Networks (LANs) Local-area networks (LANs) connect many computers in a relatively small geographical area such as a home, an office, a building, or a campus (see Figures and ). The network connects each computer to each of the others by using a separate communications channel. A direct connection from one computer to another is called a point-to-point link. If the network were designed using point-to-point links, the number of links would grow rapidly as new computers were added to the network. For each computer added, the network would need a separate connection to each of the other computers. This approach would be very costly and difficult to manage. Starting in the late 1960s and early 1970s, network engineers designed a form of network that enabled many computers in a small area to share a single communications channel. By allowing the computers to share a communications channel, LANs greatly reduce the cost of the network. Point-to-point links are used to connect computers and networks in separate towns, or cities, or even across continents. The general shape or layout of a LAN is called its topology. When all the computers connect to a central point, or a hub, the network is a star topology. Another topology connects the computers in a closed loop, where a cable is run from one computer to the next and then from the second to its neighbor until the last one is connected back to the first. This forms a ring topology. A third type, called a bus topology, attaches each computer into a single, long cable. Each topology has its benefits and drawbacks. Today, most LANs are designed using some form of star topology, although ring and bus layouts are still used in some installations. Whatever the topology of the network, all LANs require the networked computers to share the communications channel that connects them. The communications channel that they all share is called the medium. It is typically a cable that carries electrical signals through copper, or it may be a fiber optic cable that carries light signals through purified glass or plastic. In the case of wireless networks, the computers may use antennas to broadcast radio signals to each other. On a LAN, the rules for coordinating the use of the medium are called the Media Access Control (MAC). Since there are many computers on the network but only one of them can use the medium at a time, there must be some rules for deciding how they will take turns to share the network. The MAC rules allow each computer to have its turn to use the medium so that there is a fair and efficient way to share the network. In the case of conflicts when more than one computer is contending for the media, the rules ensure that there is an agreed method for resolving the conflict. In later sections of this chapter, the major types of LANs will be reviewed, including their rules for sharing the medium. 2.2.3 Wide-Area Networks (WANs) For economic and technical reasons, LANs are not suitable for communications over long distances. On a LAN, the computers must coordinate the use of the network and this coordination takes time. Over long distances, computers would take more time coordinating the use of the shared medium and less time sending data messages. In addition, the costs of providing high-speed media over long distances are much greater than in the case of LANs. For these reasons, Wide-area networks (WAN) technologies differ from LANs. Figure shows an example of how a WAN is usually segmented into multiple LANs that make up a WAN. It also shows that the different segmentation of the WAN is still connected. The different locations of the WAN, which are shown in Figures and , use point-to-point, serial communications lines. These lines are called point-to-point because they connect only two devices, one on each side of the line. They are called serial lines because the bits of information are transmitted one after another in a series, like cars traveling on a single lane highway. Typically, individuals and companies do not build their own WAN connections. Government regulations allow only utility companies to install lines on public property. So, WANs make use of the communications facilities put in place by the utility companies, called common carriers, like the telephone company. Connections across WAN lines may be temporary or permanent. Using a telephone with a dialup line for example, will make a temporary connection to a remote network from a computer in a home or small office. In this case, the home or office computer makes a phone call to a computer on the boundary of the remote network. The telephone company provides the connection, or circuit, that is used for the duration of the call. After data is transmitted, the line is disconnected just like an ordinary voice call. If a company wants to transmit data at any time without having to connect and disconnect the line each time, the company can rent a permanent line or circuit from the common carrier. These leased lines are "always on" and operate at higher speeds than temporary dialup connections. In both temporary and permanent cases, computers that connect over WANs must use special devices called Channel Service Unit/Data Service Unit (CSU/DSU) at each end of the connection. This is the connection point where the user’s data coming from the computer or network interfaces with the WAN connection. The data that is being sent from the user, which is in digital format, needs to be converted into a form that can be transmitted on the WAN link, which is analog. The CSU/DSU or modem converts the user data into an acceptable form that can be sent over the WAN link. Again, the same must be done on the destination WAN link so the data can be converted into a form that the computer can translate. This device acts similar to a modem (modulator-demodulator). The transmitting end of the connection (a CSU/DSU or modem) transforms digital computer signals into analog signals. On the receiving end the reverse transformation is done. There are several different ways in which WANs can be connected. Figures , , and show different examples of how WANs can be connected. WANs normally operate at lower speeds than LANs. However, a WAN can provide the means for connecting a single computer or many LANs over large distances to enable networks to span whole countries and even the entire globe. 2.2.4 Peer-to-peer networks By using LAN and WAN technologies many computers are interconnected to provide services to their users. To accomplish this, networked computers take on different roles or functions in relation to each other. Some types of applications require computers to function as equal partners. Other types of applications distribute their work so that one computer functions to serve a number of others in an unequal relationship. In either case, two computers typically communicate with each other by using request/response protocols (see Figure ). One computer issues a request for a service, and a second computer receives and responds to that request. The requestor takes on the role of a client, and the responder takes on the role of a server. In a peer-to-peer network, the networked computers act as equal partners, or peers to each other. As peers, each computer can take on the client function or the server function. At one time, computer A, for example, may make a request for a file from computer B, which responds by serving the file to computer A. Computer A functions as client, while B functions as the server. At a later time, computers A and B can reverse roles. B, as client, makes a request of A, and A, as server, responds to the request from B. A and B stand in a reciprocal or peer relationship to each other. In a peer-to-peer network, individual users control their own resources. They may decide to share certain files with other users. They may also require passwords before they allow others to access their resources. Since individual users make these decisions, there is no central point of control or administration in the network. In addition, individual users must back up their own systems to be able to recover from data loss in case of failures. When a computer acts as a server, the user of that machine may experience reduced performance as the machine serves the requests made by other systems. Figure shows that a user shares the Docs folder with the others. After sharing the Docs folder, as shown in Figure , the user who is connecting to the server Constellation will be able to browse the Docs folder from the network. Figure shows how the folder will be viewed over the network once it has been shared. Peer-to-peer networks are relatively easy to install and operate. No additional equipment is necessary beyond a suitable operating system installed on each computer. Since users control their own resources, no dedicated administrators are needed. A peer-to-peer network works well with a small number of computers, perhaps 10 or fewer. As networks grow, peer-to-peer relationships become increasingly difficult to coordinate. Since they do not scale well, their efficiency decreases rapidly as the number of computers on the network increases. Also, individual users control access to the resources on their computers, which means security may be difficult to maintain. The client/server network model can be used to overcome the limitations of the peer-to-peer network model. 2.2.5 Client/server networks In a client/server arrangement, network services are located on a dedicated computer called a server, which responds to the requests of clients. The server is a central computer that is continuously available to respond to a client's request for file, print, application, and other services. Most network operating systems adopt the form of client/server relationships. Typically, desktop computers function as clients and one or more computers with additional processing power, memory, and specialized software function as servers. Servers are designed to handle requests from many clients simultaneously. Before a client can access the server resources, the client must identify itself and be authorized to use the resource. This is done by assigning each client an account name and password that is verified by an authentication service acting as a sentry to guard access to the network. By centralizing user accounts, security, and access control, serverbased networks simplify the work of network administration. Figure shows examples of different networking arrangements. Figure demonstrates how the information and data that is stored on a server can be localized to one server or it can be distributed across multiple servers. The concentration of network resources such as files, printers, and applications on servers also makes the data they generate easier to backup and maintain. Rather than having these resources spread around individual machines, they can be located on specialized, dedicated servers for easier access. Most client/server systems also include facilities for enhancing the network by adding new services that extend the usefulness of the network. The distribution of functions in client/server networks brings substantial advantages, but it also incurs some costs. Figures and outline some of these advantages and disadvantages. Although the aggregation of resources on server systems brings greater security, simpler access and coordinated control, the server introduces a single point of failure into the network. Without an operational server, the network cannot function at all. Servers require a trained, expert staff to administer and maintain. This increases the expense of running the network. Server systems also require additional hardware and specialized software that add to the cost. 2.3 Networking Standards 2.3.1 Proprietary versus open standards Traditionally, computer vendors have attempted to keep customers to themselves by building proprietary systems. Proprietary technologies are owned by one company and are generally not compatible with equipment sold by other vendors. Even today, some companies with a large share of a particular market seek to establish private, de facto standards so that other companies will have to follow their lead. De facto means it has become the industry standard just because the majority has chosen to implement it. But, with the proliferation of computer equipment and networking, it has become increasingly difficult for proprietary or de facto standards to survive. Computers from different vendors must communicate with each other and interoperate. Customers want flexibility and will no longer accept systems that limit their choices to a single vendor. Public standards for networking systems assure that equipment from different vendors will work together. Networking standards are developed by a number of organizations that specialize in developing standards for networking technology. Companies send their engineers to the standards committees to design and agree on a specification for a particular networking function. These specifications are then made public so that all vendors can build their systems to conform to the standards. There are some people within the computer industry that are not happy with the limitations that proprietary standards impose and prefer to use the open source standard instead. This was the main argument that Microsoft had to defend in its monopoly lawsuit. If a decision is made not to use proprietary software like Dell, Compaq, and Microsoft for example, there is an option to choose open source. Open source software is free and users are not bound to the copyright laws that might be broken when using proprietary software. Unlike most commercial software, the core code of such software can be easily studied by other programmers and improved. The only provision is that these improvements must be revealed publicly and distributed freely in a process that encourages continual innovation. A leader in the open source arena is Linux. They realized the potential and set standards for what open source can achieve. The Linux operating system will be discussed more thoroughly in other chapters. The debate about proprietary systems, like Microsoft, and open source systems, like Linux, remains a hot topic. Deciding which one is better depends on individual preference. Figure outlines some of the advantages and disadvantages to both proprietary and open source systems. 2.3.2 The OSI reference model In 1984, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) developed the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model to promote interoperability in networking. This model is an overall description of the functions performed in a computer network and the relationship between them. The intent of the model was to provide a framework within which more detailed standards would be developed for each function. The OSI model has served that purpose well, and its terminology is widely used as a common language among networking personnel. The OSI model divides the functions of the network into seven layers. Viewing the layers from top to bottom, it presents a service model. At each layer, the function provided depends on the services of the layer below it. The layers are separated by well-defined boundaries, or interfaces. Once a given layer has performed its function, it passes information across the boundary to the layer below. It then expects that layer to deliver its service. This works like the postal service. Once a letter is properly addressed and dropped in a mailbox (the interface), it is expected that the postal service will deliver it. The details of the delivery system (the layer below) are not important to the sender. In fact, the method of delivery can change as long as the service expected is still performed. Likewise, in the OSI model each layer expects a service to be performed by the layer below it, and each layer provides a service to the one above. Between two networked systems, each layer of the OSI model communicates with its peer layer in the other system. As a tool, the OSI model offers a framework, or architecture, for the development of protocols that implement the functions of each layer. The major functions of each layer are outlined below. Figure model. illustrates the 7 layers of the OSI reference Layer 7: Application The application layer, which is further defined in Figure , provides the connection point for applications. It specifies the details of how an application makes requests and how the application on another machine responds. A request for network services originates at this layer. FTP, Telnet, Ping, and e-mail are typical protocols at the application level. Layer 6: Presentation The presentation layer, which is further defined in Figure , specifies the arrangement, or syntax, of the data that the application expects. Since applications on different systems may represent or format their data in different ways, the presentation layer may include translations from one format to another. The presentation layer also includes security and efficiency functions. They are encryption and compression. This defines what application will be used independently of what operating system will be used to view the data. For example, .gif, .jpeg, .mpeg, and .avi are some examples of what the presentation layer recognizes to make data available to the user at the application layer. Layer 5: Session The session layer, which is further defined in Figure , establishes the rules of the conversation between two applications. Will they take turns speaking, or can then send and receive at the same time? The session layer also allows a number of copies of an application to communicate with other applications at the same time by identifying each instance of the application as a separate session. Layer 4: Transport The transport layer, which is further defined in Figure , provides delivery services for each session. It segments the data into more manageable parts. It can provide a reliable delivery service that guarantees that data arrives at its destination, or an unreliable best effort delivery service that transports the data without checking for errors. Layer 3: Network The network layer, which is further defined in Figure , specifies how addresses are assigned and how packets of data are forwarded from one network to another toward the destination. Routers operate at this level because they direct information to the correct location based on the type of routing protocol that is being used. Routing protocols are discussed further in the next section. Layer 2: Data Link The data link layer, which is further defined in Figure , specifies how packets of data are organized into frames on a particular type of network and the rules for inserting frames on to the network media. The data link layer is where hardware such as switches and bridges will operate. Switches and bridges do not perform routing functions. Instead, they send network data based on Layer 2 information, such as MAC addresses. Layer 1: Physical The physical layer, which is further defined in Figure , corresponds to the network hardware (cabling, media). This layer determines how binary data is translated into electrical, optical, or other types of physical signals transmitted between systems. Each layer of the OSI model provides specific functions. Layering simplifies protocol design and allows the implementations of one layer to change without affecting the other layers. By dividing a complex problem into modular units, the layering approach has accelerated the evolution of networking technology. Encapsulation The main functions of these OSI model layers are to efficiently and effectively transmit data from one computer to another computer via network media. Each one of these layers performs specific functions that allow and prepare the data for transmission. The process of this data being passed down the OSI model layers and these layers preparing the data for transmission is called encapsulation. Figure shows a graphical demonstration of the encapsulation process. Encapsulation occurs at every process of the OSI reference model. Data is created by the user's application system and passed through the application, presentation, and session layers. Then the data is passed on to the transport layer where the data is broken up into more manageable sizes. A header is added to the data units (pieces) for sequencing and error checking. The data unit is then known as a segment. A header is information that gets added to the data and it provides the control information that is added to the data. The transport layer then passes the segment to the network layer where a protocol header is added and the segment becomes a packet. The packet is then passed down to the data link layer where it gets packaged into a Layer 2 header and trailer, which now becomes a frame. 2.3.3 The DoD model Even before the publication of the OSI model, the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) sponsored a research network called ARPANET. This DoD network was a predecessor to the Internet. Figure outlines a timeline of events leading up to what we know as the Internet today. It connected hundreds of universities and government agencies over leased telephone lines. However, the DoD network protocols were not capable of keeping up with the rapid growth. Architecture that allowed networks to connect to each other in a seamless manner was required. The TCP/IP model evolved to meet this demand. Figure explains how the DoD model is broken down and how the layers compare to the layers of the OSI model. 2.3.4 The IEEE Among the many organizations that develop standards for computer networks, the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) has been most active in defining LAN standards. Through its "802" working groups, which began to meet in February (month 2) of 1980 (the "80" in 802), the IEEE has published standards for the most widely implemented LANs. These include Ethernet (802.3), Token Ring (802.5), fiberoptic networks (802.8), wireless LANs (802.11), and others. The IEEE has also defined a standard for providing error and flow control over different LAN types in its specification for Logical Link Control (LLC, 802.2). The IEEE LAN standards are now central for LANs used today. Devices like Network interface cards (NICs) that conform to the IEEE standards permit equipment built and sold by different manufacturers to interoperate on the same LAN. 2.3.5 The ITU The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) has defined standards for modems (the V.nn series), packet switching networks (X.25), directory services (X.500), electronic messaging (X.400), dialup devices (ISDN), and many other technologies for WANs. Under the auspices of the United Nations, the ITU has developed and maintained these WAN standards through its sub-committee called the Consultative Committee for International Telegraphy and Telephony (CCITT). 2.3.6 Other standards Other standards and trade organizations have been instrumental in developing the successful networking technologies in use today. The Electronic Industries Alliance (EIA) supports a large library of technical standards including the definition for serial connections for dialup modems (originally known as RS-232). This is one of a number of standards that define the interfaces between computers and communications equipment. The EIA also develops recommendations for cabling that are used by manufacturers of network media, and recommendations for networking wiring that are used by network installers. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) also contributes standards for a range of local area technologies, including Ethernet and Token Ring. The scope of ANSI standards includes character encoding (ASCII), programming languages (C, COBOL, and FORTRAN), and internal computer interfaces like the widely used Small Computer Systems Interface (SCSI). Figure lists some of the other Organizations and the standards that they have developed. Sometimes, these standards overlap and duplicate each other. Overall, the definition and coordination of standards for networking has been essential to its success. 2.4 Networking Protocols 2.4.1 Protocol suite Protocols are the engines of networks. The function of the OSI network model is carried out by the protocols that are active at each layer. When a set of protocols operates in a coordinated way to deliver a number of functions, they are grouped into a protocol suite. TCP/IP represents one such suite of protocols, Novell Internet Packet Exchange/Sequenced Packet Exchange (IPX/SPX) is another, and Apple AppleTalk another. A protocol is a controlled sequence of messages exchanged between two or more systems to accomplish a given task. Protocol specifications define this sequence, together with the format or layout of the messages that are exchanged. In coordinating the work between systems, protocols use control structures in each system that operate like a set of interlocking gears. Computers can then track the state of their protocols precisely as they move through the sequence of exchanges. Timing is crucial to network operations. Protocols require messages to arrive within certain time intervals, so systems maintain one or more timers during protocol execution, and take alternative actions if the network does not meet the timing rules. To do their work, many protocols depend on the operation of other protocols in the suite. Figure shows some of these protocols and briefly describes them. 2.4.2 TCP/IP The TCP/IP suite of protocols has become the dominant standard for internetworking. It was originally defined by researchers in the United States Department of Defense. TCP/IP represents a set of public standards that specifies how packets of information are exchanged between computers over one or more networks. Application Protocols The following protocols function at the application layer of the OSI model: • • • • Telnet – Telnet enables terminal access to local or remote systems. The telnet application is used to access remote devices for configuration, control, and troubleshooting. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) – FTP is an application that provides services for file transfer and manipulation. FTP uses the Session layer to allow multiple simultaneous connections to remote file systems. Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP) – SMTP provides messaging services over TCP/IP and supports most Internet e-mail programs. Domain Name System (DNS) – DNS provides access to name servers where network names are translated to the addresses used by Layer 3 network protocols. DNS greatly simplifies network usage by end users. Transport Protocols The following protocols function at the transport layer of the OSI model: • Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) – TCP is the primary Internet protocol for reliable delivery of data. TCP includes facilities for end-to-end connection establishment, error detection and recovery, • and metering the rate of flow of data into the network. Many standard applications, such as e-mail, web browsing, file transfer and Telnet, depend on the services of TCP. TCP identifies the application using it by a "port" number. User Datagram Protocol (UDP) – UDP offers a connectionless service to applications that do not want the overhead of TCP and can tolerate a level of data loss. Applications in network management, network file system, and simple file transport use UDP. Like TCP, UDP identifies applications by port number. Internet Protocols The following protocols function at the network layer of the OSI model: • • • • • Internet Protocol (IP) – IP provides source and destination addressing and, in conjunction with routing protocols, packet forwarding from one network to another toward a destination. Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) – ICMP is used for network testing and troubleshooting. It enables diagnostic and error messages. ICMP "echo" messages are used by the PING application to test remote devices. Routing Information Protocol (RIP) – RIP operates between router devices to discover paths between networks. In an Internetwork, routers depend on a routing protocol to build and maintain information about how to forward packets toward their destination. RIP chooses routes based on their distance, or hop count. Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) – OSPF, like RIP, enables routers to build forwarding tables. Unlike RIP, OSPF selects routes based on other characteristics of the links between networks, such as bandwidth and delay. OSPF is more suitable than RIP for routing in large internetworks. Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) – ARP is used to discover the local (MAC) address of a station on the network when its IP address is known. End stations as well as routers use ARP to discover local addresses. 2.4.3 IPX/SPX nternet Packet Exchange/Sequenced Packet Exchange (IPX/SPX) is the protocol suite employed originally by Novell Corporations network operating system, NetWare, and delivers functions similar to the ones included in TCP/IP. In order to enable desktop client systems to access NetWare services, Novell deployed a set of application, transport, and network protocols. Although NetWare client/server systems are not tied to a particular hardware platform, the native, or original, NetWare protocols remained proprietary. Unlike TCP/IP, the Novell IPX/SPX protocol suite remained the property of one company. As a result of the market pressure to move to the industry standard way of building networks, IPX/SPX has fallen into disfavor among customers. In current releases, Novell supports the TCP/IP suite. There are, however, a large number of NetWare networks that continue to use IPX/SPX. Native NetWare client/server systems include the following key protocols: • • • • • Service Advertisement Protocol (SAP) and Get Nearest Server (GNS) – These protocols work in tandem to make services known to NetWare clients and to enable clients to locate the services they require, such as print or file services. Sequenced Packet Exchange (SPX) – SPX functions much like TCP to provide a reliable, connection-oriented transport between client and server systems. Internet Packet Exchange (IPX) – Like IP, IPX controls network addressing and forwards packets from one network to another toward a destination. The Microsoft implementation of IPX is called NWLink. Also like IP, IPX depends on the forwarding tables built by a routing protocol. NetWare provided the two routing protocols RIP and Novell Link State Protocol (NLSP). Novell Routing Information Protocol (RIP) –- Novell RIP is the Novell version of RIP. It operates much like RIP in a TCP/IP environment, but with variations that make it unique to NetWare networks. Novell Link State Protocol (NLSP) – NLSP functions like OSPF in a TCP/IP environment to build and maintain routing tables. Also like OSPF, NLSP supports larger networks than RIP. 2.4.4 AppleTalk Like Novell, Apple Computer has also developed its own proprietary protocol suite to network Macintosh computers. In addition, there are still a sizeable number of customers who use AppleTalk to interconnect their systems. However, just as other companies have transitioned to the use of TCP/IP, Apple now fully supports the public networking standards. AppleTalk is comprised of a comprehensive suite of protocols that span the seven layers of the OSI reference model. AppleTalk protocols were designed to run over the major LAN types, notably Ethernet and Token Ring, as well as the Apple LAN physical topology called LocalTalk. There are several key AppleTalk protocols. • • AppleTalk Filing Protocol (AFP) – AFP allows desktop workstations to share files. Typically, files are stored on file servers, and clients use AFP to locate and transfer files by name. AppleTalk Data Stream (ADSP), Zone Information (ZIP), Session Protocol (ASP), and Printer Access Protocol (PAP) – All of these protocols function at Layer 5 to establish sessions. Depending on the task, the sessions are used to do different kinds of work. ADSP supports the flow of unstructured data between systems. ZIP maintains a correspondence between networks and the names of partitions, called zones. ASP establishes connections between clients and server so that sequences of messages can be associated with each other. PAP, as its name implies, enables clients to locate printers and controls the execution of print jobs on the network. The AppleTalk suite includes the Transaction Protocol (ATP) at Layer 4. This provides a reliable, connectionoriented transport, and the Name Binding Protocol (NBP), which associates network names for services with their addresses. For building and maintaining routing tables, AppleTalk uses the Routing Table Maintenance Protocol (RTMP). Finally, for diagnostic and troubleshooting purposes, the Echo Protocol (AEP) is used. AppleTalk moves packets of data, called datagrams, from one end point to another across a series of networks. All of the higher layer protocols rely on the Datagram Delivery Protocol (DDP) at Layer 3 to forward or route their datagrams between end points. DDP functions like IP in a TCP/IP Internet. Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) is used to reduce network collisions by listening to the network before broadcasting. The Collision Avoidance broadcasts to the network that it is preparing to transmit and warns others that it is preparing to use the network. CSMA/CA is a good method of avoiding collisions on a network. CSMA/CA actually increases network traffic because it has to broadcast before any real data is put onto the cable. The AppleTalk protocol may disrupt or cause network bandwidth to be extremely slow. For this reason, the AppleTalk protocol is not recommended for networks that run other protocols such as TCP/IP, IPX, RIP, or IGRP. If there are MAC systems that use AppleTalk on the network, use a router to isolate the AppleTalk protocol. An access list will prevent the AppleTalk protocol from going anywhere but to and from the specific Macintosh systems that require it. 2.5 LAN Architectures 2.5.1 Ethernet The Ethernet architecture is the most popular type of LAN link used today. It is based on the 802.3 standard. This specifies that a network that implements the Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) access control method must use a baseband transmission over coaxial or twisted-pair cable that is laid out in a bus topology (that is, a linear or star bus). CSMA/CD means that multiple stations will have access to the media, and before one station can access that media, it must first listen (carrier sense) to detect if another system is using the same media. If another system is using the media, then that system must wait before it can transmit. If both systems attempt to send data at the same time, then a collision will result. Standard transfer rates are 10 megabit per second (Mbps) or 100 Mbps. The new standards provide for Gigabit Ethernet, capable of attaining speeds up to one Gbps over fiber-optic cable or other high-speed media. Figure shows a table of main Ethernet specifications. 10BASE-T Currently, 10BASE-T is one of the most popular Ethernet implementations. It uses a star bus topology. The term Ethernet cable can be used to describe the unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) cabling generally used in this architecture. Shielded Twisted-Pair (STP) also can be used. 10BASE-T and 100BASE-X create networks that are easy to set up and expand. One advantage of 10BASE-T is that it is relatively inexpensive. Although a hub is required when connecting more than two computers, small hubs are available at a low cost, and 10BASE-T network cards are inexpensive and widely available. Note: Inside the Ethernet hub, the signaling system is a bus, as with coax Ethernet networks. Note: 10BASE-T specifications require a hub. However, if connecting only two computers (for example, for a home network), and UTP is preferred rather than thinnet, a crossover cable can be used. This type of cable has wire pairs that are cross connected. Crossover cables are also used to connect two hubs to each other if the hubs do not have uplink ports. UTP, which is the most commonly used twisted-pair cabling, is thin, flexible, and easier to work with than coax. It uses modular RJ-45 plugs and jacks, so it is easy to connect the cable to the NIC or hub. Another big advantage of 10BASE-T is the ability to upgrade. By definition, a 10BASE-T network runs at 10 Mbps. By using a Category 5 or above cable and 10/100-Mbps dual-speed NICs, upgrading to 100 Mbps can be accomplished by simply replacing the hubs. The disadvantages of 10BASE-T are that the maximum length for a 10BASE-T segment (without repeaters) is only 100 meters (about 328 feet). Also, the UTP used is more vulnerable to electromagnetic interference (EMI) and attenuation than other cable types. Attenuation is the decreasing of the signal, as it gets further away from the source. For example, in a 10BASE-T segment, the signal strength would be good for a distance up to 100 meters. From that point on, it would lose reliability without the use of a repeater. The high-bandwidth demands of many modern applications, such as live video conferencing and streaming audio, have created a need for speed. Many networks require more throughput than is possible with 10Mbps Ethernet. The next evolution is 100BASE-X, also called Fast Ethernet. 100BASE-X 100BASE-X comes in several different variations. It can be implemented over Category 5 UTP (100BASE-T), over 2-pair Category 5 UTP or STP (100BASE-TX) or as Ethernet over 2-strand fiber-optic cable (100BASEFX). • Advantages of 100BASE-X – Regardless of the implementation, the big advantage of 100BASE-X is high-speed performance. At 100 Mbps, transfer rates are 10 times that of 10BASE-T. Because it uses twisted-pair cabling, 100BASE-X also shares the same advantages as 10BASE-T. These include low cost, flexibility, and ease of implementation and expansion. • Disadvantages of 100BASE-X – 100BASE-X shares the disadvantages of 10BASE-T, which are inherent to twisted-pair cabling, such as susceptibility to EMI and attenuation. 100-Mbps NICs and hubs are generally somewhat more expensive than those designed for 10-Mbps networks, but prices have dropped as 100BASE-X has gained in popularity. Fiber-optic cable remains an expensive cabling option, not so much because of the cost of the cable itself, but because of the training and expertise required to install it. 1000BASE-T The new addition to the Ethernet family, 1000BASE-T is called Gigabit Ethernet. Although not yet in widespread implementation in production networks, this architecture supports data transfer rates of 1 gigabit per second (Gbps), which is many times faster than a T-1 line. • • Advantages of 1000BASE-T – The greatest advantages of 1000BASE-T are, of course, performance. At 1 Gbps, it is 10 times as fast as Fast Ethernet and 100 times as fast as standard Ethernet. This makes it possible to implement bandwidth-intensive applications, such as live video, throughout an intranet. Disadvantages of 1000BASE-T – The only disadvantages associated with 1000BASE-T are those common to all UTP networks, as detailed in the sections on 10BASE-T and 100BASE-T. Half Duplex versus Full Duplex When data is being transmitted over all these different media, it is either sent in half duplex or full duplex. Half duplex allows for only one direction that can be used at a time when data is being transmitted over the lines. This means that data can only be sent and received at separate times. Figure illustrates this concept by showing a transmission where only signals can be transmitted in one direction at a time. Full duplex allows for two simultaneous directions of data flow. From Figure a telephone conversation between two people is a good example of how full-duplex transmission occurs. In this case, both people are able to talk and communicate at the same time, sending signals in both directions simultaneously. With full duplex, data can be sent and received at the same time. The data will flow in either direction simultaneously allowing for faster data transfer rates through the network. Bus and star structures with bus hubs (CSMA/CD) cannot support full duplex. Consequently, the examples given must be half-duplex. The only way full duplex can be supported is if there are only two nodes connected together. Replacing the hub with a switch and using only one host on each switch port will permit full duplex to be used. 2.5.2 Token Ring Token Ring was originally developed by IBM and was designed to be a reliable network architecture based on the token-passing access control method. It is often integrated with IBM mainframe systems such as the AS/400, which is used with PCs, minicomputers, and mainframes. It works well with Systems Network Architecture (SNA), the IBM architecture used for connecting to mainframe networks. The Token Ring standards are provided in IEEE 802.5. The topology of Token Ring can be confusing. It is a prime example of architecture whose physical topology is different from its logical topology. The Token Ring topology is referred to as a star-wired ring. This is because the outer appearance of the network design is a star, with computers connecting to a central hub, called a Multistation Access Unit (MSAU). Inside the device, the wiring forms a circular data path, creating a logical ring. Figures and demonstrate the Token Ring process. Figure shows how a computer must wait its turn until the token is passed around the ring until it comes to the computer so it can transmit. Figure shows example how a Token Ring network is connected. Token Ring is named because of its logical topology and its method of token passing. The transfer rate for Token Ring can be either 4 Mbps or 16 Mbps. Token Ring is a baseband architecture using digital signaling. In that way it resembles Ethernet, but the communication process is quite different in many respects. Token Ring is an active topology. As the signal travels around the circle to each network card, it is regenerated before being sent on its way. The Ring Monitor In a Token Ring network, the first computer that comes online becomes the "monitor computer" and must keep track of how many times each frame circles the ring. It has the responsibility of ensuring that only one token is out on the network at a time. The monitor computer periodically sends a signal called a beacon, which circulates around the ring, as does any other signal. Each computer on the network looks for the beacon. If a computer does not receive the beacon from its Nearest Active Upstream Neighbor (NAUN) when expected, it puts a message on the network that notifies the monitoring computer that the beacon was not received, along with its own address and that of the NAUN that failed to send when expected. In many cases, this causes an automatic reconfiguration that restores the communications. 2.5.3 Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) is a type of Token Ring network. Its implementation and topology differ from the IBM Token Ring LAN architecture, which is governed by IEEE 802.5. FDDI is often used for larger LANs, such as those connecting several buildings in an office complex or campus. FDDI runs on fiber-optic cable and combines high-speed performance with the advantages of the tokenpassing ring topology. FDDI runs at 100 Mbps, and its topology is a dual ring. There are two rings with data traveling in opposite directions, one is the primary ring and the other is the secondary ring. Figure demonstrates how a FDDI network works and how the two rings enable a fault tolerant design while delivering fast data speeds. Normally traffic flows only on the primary ring, but if it fails, the data automatically flows onto the secondary ring, in the opposite direction. The network is said to be in a wrapped state when this occurs. This provides fault tolerance for the link. Computers on a FDDI network are divided into two classes: • • Class A – Computers connected to the cables of both rings Class B – Computers connected to only one ring Another difference between FDDI and 802.5 Token Ring is the allowed number of frames on the network. A FDDI network enables multiple frames to circulate on the ring simultaneously. As opposed to a basic Token Ring network, in which at any instant there is a single active ring monitor, which supplies the master clock for the ring, on FDDI networks, each interface that is connected to the ring has its own local clock. With each interface having its own local clock, out-going transmission will be permitted by each interface. The main reason that a FDDI network has this capability that a basic Token Ring does not is because of the much faster transmission speeds of fiber cabling. Also because FDDI uses two rings, the second ring can be used for data transfer as well. This is called shared network technology. Like 802.5 Token Ring, FDDI uses beaconing to detect and isolate problems within the ring. Another advantage that FDDI has over basic Token Ring is that FDDI rings can also support the transmission of synchronous data. An example of synchronous data transfer would be digitized voice. A FDDI dual ring supports a maximum of 500 nodes per ring. The total distance of each length of the cable ring is 100 kilometers (62 miles). A repeater is needed every 2 kilometers, which is why FDDI is not considered to be a WAN link. Note: These specifications refer to FDDI implemented over fiber-optic cable. It is also possible to use the FDDI technology with copper cabling. This is called Copper Distributed Data Interface (CDDI). The maximum distances for CDDI are considerably lower than those for FDDI. FDDI ring topology can be implemented as a physical ring or as a star-wired logical ring by using a hub. • • Advantages of FDDI – FDDI combines the advantages of token passing on the ring topology with the high speed of fiber-optic transmission. Its dual ring topology provides redundancy and fault tolerance. The fiber-optic cable is not susceptible to EMI and noise and it is more secure than copper wiring. It can send data for greater distances between repeaters than Ethernet and the traditional Token Ring. Disadvantages of FDDI – As always, high speed and reliability will generally be more expensive to implement. The distance limitations, though less restrictive than those of other LAN links, make it unsuitable for true WAN communications. Figure shows a table that compares the cabling types, transfer speed, access speed, and topology used in different networking architectures. CHAPTER 3 3.1 Configuring a Network Interface Card 3.1.1 What is a NIC? A network interface card (NIC) is a device that plugs into a motherboard and provides ports for the network media connections. It is the component of the computer that interfaces with the local-area network (LAN). When network interface cards are installed in a computer, the IRQ, I/O address, and memory space for the operating system drivers will be set automatically in order to perform their function. However, with older NICs these settings would have needed to be set manually. The following information is important to consider when selecting a NIC to use on a network: • The type of network – NICs are designed for Ethernet LANs, Token Ring, Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI), and others. A NIC designed for Ethernet LANs will not work for Token Ring networks and vice versa. • • The type of media – The type of port or connector on a NIC that provides network connection is media specific. The media types include twisted-pair, coaxial, fiber-optic, and wireless. The type of system bus – The Protocol Control Information (PCI) slots are faster than IndustryStandard Architecture (ISA). It is recommended that PCI be used with FDDI cards since an ISA bus will not be able to handle the speed required. 3.1.2 Setting the IP address In a TCP/IP-based LAN, PCs use Internet Protocol (IP) addresses to identify and locate each other. An IP address is a 32-bit binary number. This binary number is divided into 4 groups of 8 bits known as octets, each of which is represented by a decimal number in the range of 0 to 255. The octets are separated by decimal points. An example of an IP address is This type of address is described as a dotted decimal representation. Each device on the network that has an IP address is known as a host or node. A secondary dotted decimal number, known as the subnet mask, always accompanies an IP address. A subnet mask is a tool used by a system administrator to segment the network address that has been assigned to the network the technique of subnetting allows the entire network to be represented to the Internet by one address. An example of a subnet mask is The subnet mask is also used to determine whether a particular host IP address is local (on the same network segment) or remote (on another segment). There are several options for assigning IP addresses for hosts on a LAN: • • • Static – Assigned by the network administrator manually Dynamic – Assigned by a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server (DHCP servers are discussed in the next section.) Automatic – Private IP addressing If there are more than a few computers, manually configuring TCP/IP addresses for every host on the network can be a time consuming process. This also requires that the network administrator assigning the addresses understands IP addressing and knows how to choose a valid address for the particular network. An IP address is unique for each host. The IP address is stored in the Network Settings of the Operating System Software. It is commonly referred to as the logical address. TCP/IP addressing will be taught later in this course. In the Windows operating system, the IP address is manually entered into the TCP/IP properties dialog box. Figure shows the TCP/IP configuration box, which is used to set the address settings, or configurations that are entered, which include the following: • • • • An IP address A subnet mask Default gateway address Optional values including a Domain Name System (DNS) server address and Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) The default gateway address and the DNS are discussed in a later section. 3.1.3 DHCP servers Another way for computers on a network to obtain an IP address is through a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server. DHCP is a software utility that automatically assigns IP addresses to PCs. The computer running the software is known as a DHCP server. DHCP servers assign the IP addresses and TCP/IP configuration information to computers configured as DHCP clients. This dynamic process eliminates the need for manual IP address assignments. However, any devices requiring a static or permanent IP address must still have its IP address manually assigned. Figure shows an example of the tool, which a user would use to configure a server to run DHCP services to client systems on the network. When the DHCP server receives a request from a host, it selects IP address information from a set of predefined addresses that are stored in its database. Once it has selected the IP information, it offers these values to the requesting device on the network. If the device accepts the offer, the DHCP server will then lease the IP information to the device for a specific period of time. The IP address information that a DHCP server can assign to hosts that are starting up on the network includes the following: • • • • An IP address A subnet mask Default gateway Optional values including a DNS server address and WINS The use of this system simplifies the administration of a network because the software keeps track of IP addresses. Automatically configuring TCP/IP also reduces the possibility of assigning duplicate IP addresses or invalid IP addresses. For any computer on the network to take advantage of the services provided by the DHCP server, it must first be able to identify the server on the local network. The option to obtain an IP address automatically is selected on the TCP/IP Properties dialog box. Figure shows an example of the IP address configuration screen of a Windows client when it is configured with an IP address via DHCP. In other cases, an operating system feature called Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA) enables a computer to assign itself an address if it is unable to contact a DHCP server. 3.1.4 Domain Name System In a large scale LAN it is often challenging to remember the IP addresses of hosts. Most hosts are identified on the Internet by friendly computer names known as host names. The Domain Name System (DNS) is used to translate the computer names such as to the corresponding unique IP address. The name resolution process is demonstrated in Figure . The DNS software runs on a computer acting as a network server and it makes the address translations. DNS software may be hosted on the network by itself or by an Internet service provider (ISP). Address translations are used each time the Internet is accessed. The process of translating names to addresses is known as name resolution. The DNS server keeps records that map computer (host) names and their corresponding IP address. These record types are combined in the DNS table. When a host name needs to be translated to its IP address, the client contacts the DNS server. A hierarchy of DNS servers exists on the Internet with different servers maintaining DNS information for their own areas of authority, called zones. If the DNS server that is consulted by a computer does not have an IP mapping for the hostname that is being sought, it will pass the query to another DNS server until the information is obtained. If the name cannot be resolved to an IP address at the highest level DNS server, then an error is returned. Figure shows an example of the tool, which a user would use to configure DNS services in Windows 2000. DNS is not an absolute requirement to communicate on the Internet, but without it all communications must use IP addresses instead of hostnames. It is much easier to remember "" than In order for the computers on the LAN to access and make use of the DNS services, the DNS server IP address must be configured in the Network Settings. The DNS server IP address may be entered manually into the Internet TCP/IP properties dialog box which is shown in Figure , or it can be automatically configured by additional features used in DHCP. 3.1.5 Default gateway A computer located on one network segment that is trying to talk to another computer on a different segment across a router, sends the data through a default gateway. The default gateway is the nearside interface of the router. It is the interface on the router to which the local computer network segment or wire is attached. In order for each computer to recognize its default gateway, the corresponding near side router interface IP address has to be entered into the host TCP/IP Properties dialog box. Figure demonstrates how the default gateway would be set up and its relationship to the other router interfaces on the network. 3.2 Topologies 3.2.1 The network topology The network topology defines the layout of the network. It shows how devices on the network are interconnected. Devices on the network are termed nodes. Examples of nodes include computers, printers, routers, bridges, and other components attached to the network. The topology influences the way the network operates. In the following sections, the different types of topologies will be discussed. These types include the bus, star, extended star, ring, mesh, and hybrid topologies. A network has both a physical and a logical topology. Figure represents a diagram of a network topology that might exist on a typical network. Notice how several of the various types of network topologies exist in this network example. 3.2.2 Physical versus logical topology Networks can have both a physical and logical topology: • • Physical topology – The example in Figure shows the physical topology of a network, which refers to the layout of the devices and media. Logical topology – The example in Figure shows the logical topology of a network, which refers to the paths that signals travel from one point on the network to another (that is, the way in which data accesses media and transmits packets across it). These two terminologies can be a little confusing, partly because the word "logical" in this instance has nothing to do with the way the network appears to be functioning. The physical and logical topologies of a network can be the same. For instance, in a network physically shaped as a linear bus, the data travels in a straight line from one computer to the next. (Students will learn what a linear bus topology is in the next section of this chapter.) Hence, it has both a bus physical topology and a bus logical topology. A network can also have physical and logical topologies that are quite different. For example, a physical topology in the shape of a star, where cable segments can connect all computers to a central hub, can in fact have a logical ring topology. Remember that in a ring, the data travels from one computer to the next. That is because inside the hub, the wiring connections are such that the signal actually travels around in a circle from one port to the next, which creates a logical ring. Therefore, predictions about how data travels in a network cannot always be made by simply observing the physical layout. Token Ring uses a logical ring topology in either a physical ring or physical star. Ethernet uses a logical bus topology in either a physical bus or physical star. 3.2.3 Bus topology Commonly referred to as a linear bus, all the devices on a bus topology are connected by one single cable, which proceeds from one computer to the next like a bus line going through a city. The main cable segment must end with a terminator that absorbs the signal when it reaches the end of the line or wire. If there is no terminator, the electrical signal representing the data bounces back at the end of the wire, causing errors in the network. Only one packet of data can be transmitted at a time. If more than one packet is transmitted, they collide and have to be resent. A bus topology with many hosts can be very slow due to the collisions. This topology is rarely used and would only be suitable for a home office or small business with only a few hosts. Figure shows an example of a typical bus topology. Figure outlines some of the advantages and disadvantages of using a bus topology in a network. 3.2.4 Star topology The star topology is the most commonly used architecture in Ethernet LANs. When installed, the star topology resembles spokes in a bicycle wheel. It is made up of a central connection point that is a device, such as a hub, switch, or router, where all of the cabling segments actually meet. Each host in the network is connected to the central device with its own cable as shown in Figure . A star topology generally costs more to implement than the bus topology because more cable is used and a central device is needed, such as a hub, switch, or router. However, the advantages of a star topology are worth the additional costs. Since each host is connected to the central device with its own wire, only that host is affected when there is a problem with that cable. The rest of the network remains operational. This benefit is extremely important and it is the reason why virtually every newly designed network has this topology. When a star network is expanded to include an additional networking device, such as a hub or switch connected to the main networking device, it is called an extended star topology. Figure shows an example of a typical extended star topology. Most larger networks, like those for corporations or schools, use the extended star topology. This topology, when used with network devices that filter data packets, like switches and routers, significantly reduces the traffic on the wires. Packets are sent only to the wires of the destination host. Figure lists the advantages and disadvantages of a star topology. 3.2.5 Ring topology The ring topology is another important topology in LAN connectivity. As the name implies, hosts are connected in the form of a ring or circle. Unlike the bus topology, it has no beginning or end that needs to be terminated. Data is transmitted in a way that is unlike either the bus or the star topology. A frame, called a token, travels around the ring and stops at each node. If a node wants to transmit data, it adds that data and the addressing information to the frame. The frame then continues around the ring until it finds the destination node, which takes the data out of the frame. The advantage of using this method is that there are no collisions of data packets. There are two types of rings: 1. With single ring, shown in Figure , all the devices on the network share a single cable, and the data travels in one direction only. This means each device waits its turn to send data over the network. 2. With dual ring, shown in Figure , two rings allow data to be sent in both directions. This creates redundancy, or fault tolerance, meaning that in the event of a failure of one ring, data will still be transmitted on the other ring. The most common implementation of the ring topology is in Token Ring networks. The 802.5 standard is the Token Ring access method that is used. FDDI is a similar technology to Token Ring. It uses light instead of electricity to transmit data over a dual ring. It is important to know the advantages and disadvantages of choosing a ring topology as listed in Figure . 3.2.6 Mesh topology The mesh topology connects all devices, or nodes, to each other for redundancy and fault tolerance. It is used in Wide Area Networks (WANs) to interconnect LANs and for critical networks like those used by governments. The mesh topology is expensive and difficult to implement. Figure shows an example of how devices are connected in a mesh topology. 3.2.7 Hybrid topology The hybrid topology combines more than one type of topology. When a bus line joins two hubs of different topologies, the configuration is called a star bus. Businesses or schools that have several buildings, known as campuses, sometimes use this topology. The bus line is used to transfer the data between the star topologies as shown in Figure . 3.3 Media Types 3.3.1 Networking media Networking media can be defined simply as the means by which signals, or data, are sent from one computer to another. The signals can be transmitted through cable or wireless means. There are a wide variety of networking media in the marketplace. The following media types will be discussed: • • • Copper – including coaxial and twisted pair Glass – fiber optic Waves – wireless There are two grades of cable for each type of media, such as coaxial, twisted-pair, and fiber-optic: • • Plenum – The word plenum refers to the space between a false ceiling and the floor above it in a building. Network cabling that is laid in this space must be fire retardant. Plenum-grade cable, commonly called plenum cable, refers to cable with an outer jacket made of Teflon or another material that complies with fire and building codes. PVC – The outer jacket of nonplenum-grade cables is made with Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC). PVC is a less expensive protective material than plenum-grade materials. It does not meet most safety codes for installation in the area above the ceiling because it gives off a poisonous gas when burned. Check with the local building and fire code for the locations where PVC grade cable can be used. 3.3.2 Coaxial cable Coaxial cable uses copper shielding to resist interference from outside electrical sources. A braided copper shield surrounds the center conductor and constitutes one half of the electrical circuit. In some other types of shielded wire, the outer shield is not part of the circuit. Coaxial cable consists of four parts: 1. 2. 3. 4. Center conductor Insulation Shield Jacket Coaxial cable is a copper-cored cable, surrounded by a heavy shielding that is used to connect computers in a network. Figure shows the various components of coaxial cable. There are several types of coaxial cable, including thicknet, shown in Figure , thinnet, shown in Figure , RG-59 (the old CATV cabling standard), and RG-6 (the current standard cable for cable TV and used in video distribution as well). RG-6 has become the CATV industry standard due to the increase in home that use modems to access highspeed Internet offered by cable companies and the RG-6 cable is needed to run the cable modems. Thicknet has a very large diameter, is rigid, and difficult to install. In addition, the maximum transmission rate is only 10 Mbps. This is significantly less than twisted-pair or fiber-optic. The maximum length the cable can be run without the signal being boosted is 500 meters. A thinner version, known as thinnet or cheapernet, is occasionally used in Ethernet networks. Thinnet has the same transmission rate as thicknet. Figure lists the advantages and disadvantages of using coaxial cable. 3.3.3 Twisted-pair cable Twisted-pair is a type of cabling that is used for telephone communications and most modern Ethernet networks. Figures and show two examples of twisted pair cables. A pair of wires form a circuit that can transmit data. The pairs are twisted to prevent cross talk, the noise generated by adjacent pairs. Pairs of copper wires that are encased in color-coded plastic insulation are twisted together. All the twisted-pairs are then protected inside an outer jacket. There are two basic types: 1. Shielded twisted-pair (STP) (See Figure ) 2. Unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) (See Figure ) UTP Unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) cable is used in a variety of networks. It has two or four pairs of wires. This type of cable relies solely on the cancellation effect produced by the twisted wire pairs to limit signal degradation caused by electromagnetic interference (EMI) and radio frequency interference (RFI). UTP is the most commonly used cabling in Ethernet networks. STP Shielded twisted-pair (STP) cable combines the techniques of cancellation and twisting of wires with shielding. Each pair of wires is wrapped in metallic foil to further shield the wires from noise. The four pairs of wires are then wrapped in an overall metallic braid or foil. STP reduces electrical noise, both within the cable, termed crosstalk, and from outside the cable, termed EMI and RFI. Although STP prevents more interference than UTP, it is more expensive and difficult to install. In addition, the metallic shielding must be grounded at both ends. If improperly grounded, the shield acts like an antenna picking up unwanted signals. STP is primarily used in Europe. Most networks today are built using UTP cable. The connector on the end of the cable is known as an RJ-45 connector. After arranging the wires in the correct color code order, terminate it with a RJ-45 connector. A crimping tool is used to terminate a UTP cable in an RJ-45 connector. Figure shows and example of a crimping tool that is used to secure the RJ-45 connectors to a UTP cable. UTP comes in several categories based on the number of wires and number of twists in those wires as shown in Figure . Category 3 is the wiring used for telephone connections. It has four pairs of wires and a maximum data rate of up to 16 Mbps. Category 5 and 5e are currently the most common Ethernet cables used. They have four pairs of wires with a maximum data rate of up to 100 Mbps. Category 5e has more twists per foot than Category 5 wiring. These extra twists further prevent interference from outside sources and the other wires within the cable. Category 6 is the newer category and has been ratified by cabling industry organizations. Category 6 is similar to Category 5/5e except that a plastic divider to prevent cross talk separates the pairs of wires. Also, the pairs have more twists than Category 5e cable. 3.3.4 Fiber-optic cable Fiber-optic cable is a networking medium that is capable of conducting modulated light transmissions. To modulate light is to manipulate it so that it travels in the way that it transmits data. Fiber-optic refers to cabling that has a core of strands of glass or plastic (instead of copper), through which light pulses carry signals. Figure shows an example of the entire various components that make up a fiber-optic cable. Fiberoptic cable does not carry electrical impulses, as do other forms of networking media that use copper wire. Instead, signals that represent data are converted into beams of light. Fiber has many advantages over copper in terms of transmission bandwidth and signal integrity over distance. However, it is more difficult to work with and more expensive than copper cabling. The connectors are expensive as is the labor to terminate the ends of the cables. Figure shows an example of a fiber-optic cable with ends terminated. Figure shows advantages and disadvantages of fiber-optic. 3.3.5 Wireless A wireless network is an alternative method for connecting a LAN. These networks use electromagnetic waves such as radio frequency (RF), laser, infrared (IR), and satellite/microwaves to carry signals from one computer to another without a permanent cable connection. Since no permanent physical medium is necessary for this network, it makes this technology a very versatile way to build a network. A common application of wireless data communication is for mobile use. Some examples of mobile use include commuters, airplanes, satellites, remote space probes, space shuttles, and space stations. At the core of wireless communication are devices called transmitters and receivers. The source interacts with the transmitter that converts data to electromagnetic (EM) waves that are then received by the receiver. The receiver then converts these electromagnetic waves back into data for the destination. For two-way communication, each device requires a transmitter and a receiver. A lot of the networking device manufacturers build the transmitter and receiver into a single unit called a transceiver or wireless network card. All devices in wireless LANs (WLANs) must have the appropriate wireless network card installed. The two most common wireless technologies used for networking are IR and RF. IR technology has its weaknesses. Workstations and digital devices must be in the line of sight of the transmitter in order to operate. An infrared-based network suits environments where all the digital devices that require network connectivity are in one room. IR networking technology can be installed quickly, but the data signals can be weakened or obstructed by people walking across the room or moisture in the air. There are, however, new IR technologies being developed that can work out of sight. RF technology allows devices to be in different rooms or even buildings. The limited range of the radio signals will still restrict the use of this kind of network. RF technology can be on single or multiple frequencies. A single radio frequency is subject to outside interference and geographic obstructions. Furthermore, others easily monitor a single frequency, which makes the transmissions of data insecure. Spread spectrum avoids the problem of insecure data transmission by using multiple frequencies to increase the immunity to noise and to make it difficult for outsiders to intercept data transmissions. There are two approaches currently being used to implement spread spectrum for WLAN transmissions: • • Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS) The technical details of how these technologies work are beyond the scope of this book. Figure how the wireless networking technologies work. illustrates 3.4 Devices 3.4.1 Hubs and repeaters Many types of devices are connected to make up a LAN. These are called the LAN hardware components. This section will discuss some of the common hardware components that are used in a LAN environment. Typical LAN devices include repeaters, hubs, bridges, switches, and routers. Figures and show examples of hubs and repeaters. A repeater receives the signal, regenerates it, and passes it on. Repeaters are used mainly at the edges of networks to extend the wire so more workstations can be added. Hubs are actually multi-port repeaters. Figure illustrates what a typical Cisco Hub will look like. In many cases, the difference between the two devices is the number of ports that each provides. While a typical repeater has just two ports, a hub generally has from four to twenty ports. Figure shows an example of where a repeater might be placed between two objects to extend the signal strength of the cable. Additionally, hubs are most commonly used in Ethernet 10BASE-T or 100BASE-T networks, although there are other network architectures that use them as well. Using a hub changes the network topology from a linear bus, where each device plugs directly into the wire, to a star. With hubs, data arriving over the cables to a hub port is electrically repeated on all the other ports connected to the same Ethernet LAN, except for the port on which the data was received. Hubs come in three basic types: 1. Passive – A passive hub serves as a physical connection point only. It does not manipulate or view the traffic that crosses it. It does not boost or clean the signal. A passive hub is used only to share the physical media. As such, the passive hub does not need electrical power. 2. Active – An active hub must be plugged into an electrical outlet because it needs power to amplify the incoming signal before passing it back out to the other ports. 3. Intelligent – Intelligent hubs are sometimes called "smart hubs". These devices basically function as active hubs but also include a microprocessor chip and diagnostic capabilities. They are more expensive than active hubs but are useful in troubleshooting situations. Finally, it is important to remember these points about hubs: • • • All devices that are attached to a hub hear all traffic. Therefore, hubs maintain a single collision domain. A collision is described as a situation where two end stations send data over the network wire at the same time. Sometimes hubs are called concentrators. This is because they serve as a central connection point for an Ethernet LAN. Hubs operate at the physical layer of the OSI model. 3.4.2 Bridges and switches There are times when it is necessary to break up a large LAN into smaller, more easily managed segments. This decreases the amount of traffic on a single LAN and can extend the geographical area past what a single LAN can support. The devices that are used to connect network segments together include bridges, switches, routers, and gateways. Switches and bridges operate at the data link layer of the OSI model. Figure shows a bridge and a switch. The function of the bridge is to make intelligent decisions about whether or not to pass signals on to the next segment of a network. Figure shows how bridges and switches can be used to divide a network up into separate segments. Figure shows an example of a Cisco wireless bridge. When a bridge sees a frame on the network, it looks at the destination MAC address and compares it to the forwarding table to determine whether to filter, flood, or copy the frame onto another segment. This decision process occurs as follows: • If the destination device is on the same segment as the frame, the bridge blocks the frame from going on to other segments. This process is known as filtering. • • If the destination device is on a different segment, the bridge forwards the frame to the appropriate segment. If the destination address is unknown to the bridge, the bridge forwards the frame to all segments except the one on which it was received. This process is known as flooding. If placed strategically, a bridge can greatly improve network performance. A switch is sometimes described as a multi-port bridge. While a typical bridge may have just two ports, which link two network segments, the switch can have multiple ports depending on how many network segments are to be linked. Figure shows how a switch can be used to segment a network as well as be used as a central device for system to attach to the network. Figure shows a typical Cisco switch. Like bridges, switches learn certain information about the data packets that they receive from various computers on the network. They use this information to build forwarding tables to determine the destination of data being sent by one computer to another computer on the network. Although there are some similarities between the two, a switch is a more sophisticated device than a bridge. A switch has many ports with many network segments connected to them. A switch chooses the port to which the destination device or workstation is connected. Ethernet switches are becoming popular connectivity solutions because, like bridges, they improve network performance, or speed and bandwidth. Switches further help segment a network and reduce network traffic congestion by limiting each port to its own collision domain. Collisions on networks occur when packets are being sent over the network. This usually occurs when there is more than one device attempting to send a packet at a time. These collisions result in corrupt messages and excess bandwidth being used. For this reason, it is important that all networks implement devices to reduce these collisions. It is considered a domain because only the devices that are in the domain which are transmitting packets can have collisions. They will not interfere with any other device that is transmitting on another segment of the network. A switch which is capable of making each port its own collision domain can conserve resources on the network by limiting only the device connected to that port to its own collision domain. This will significantly reduce interference for that device as well as interference from other devices transmitting packets in other segments on the network. Although a switch can segment a network into multiple collision domains, it cannot segment the network into separate broadcast domains. Broadcast domains occur when a network is segmented into multiple parts, and no broadcast traffic is permitted to cross the segments. 3.4.3 Routers The router must make smart decisions on how to send data from one segment to another. Figure shows an example of a router. For example, from a computer on network segment 1, to a computer on network segment 3. Figure demonstrates how routers can be implemlemented to further segment a network. Routers are the most sophisticated internetworking devices discussed so far and they operate at the Network layer of the OSI model. They are slower than bridges and switches but make "smart" decisions on how to route packets received on one port to a network on another port. Routers, like switches, are capable of segmenting the network. Routers are capable of segmenting a network into multiple collision domains as well as into multiple broadcast domains. A broadcast domain is a logical area in a computer network where any computer connected to the computer network can directly transmit to any other in the domain without having to go through a routing device. More specifically it is an area of the computer network made up of all the computers and networking devices able to be reached by sending a frame to the data link layer. Each port to which a network segment is attached is described as a router interface. Routers can be computers with special network software installed on them or they can be other devices built by network equipment manufacturers. Routers contain tables of network addresses along with optimal destination routes to other networks. Figure shows Cisco routers. 3.5 Connecting to the Internet (WANs) 3.5.1 Synchronous and asynchronous serial lines Serial lines that are established over serial cabling connect to one of the computer standard RS-232 communication (COM) ports. Serial transmission sends data one bit at a time. Analog or digital signals depend on changes in state (modulations) to represent the actual binary data. To correctly interpret the signals, the receiving network device must know precisely when to measure the signal. Therefore, timing becomes very important in networking. In fact, the biggest problem with sending data over serial lines is keeping the transmitted data bit timing coordinated. Two techniques are used to provide proper timing for serial transfers: • • Synchronous serial transmission Asynchronous serial transmission Synchronous serial transmission Data bits are sent together with a synchronizing clock pulse. In this transmission method, a built-in timing mechanism coordinates the clocks of the sending and receiving devices. This is known as guaranteed state change synchronization. Guaranteed state change synchronization is the most commonly used type of synchronous method. Asynchronous serial transmission Data bits are sent without a synchronizing clock pulse. This transmission method uses a start bit at the beginning of each message. When the receiving device gets the start bit, it can synchronize its internal clock with the sender clock. PC serial ports and most analog modems use asynchronous communication methods, while digital modems (also called Terminal Adapters) and LAN adapters use the synchronous methods. The industry standard for the serial line interface is the Electronic Industries Association (EIA) RS-232C. PC and modem makers have developed single-chip devices that perform all the functions necessary for serial transfers to occur. These devices are called Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitters (UART). The synchronous devices are known as Universal Synchronous/Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitters (USART) and can handle both synchronous and asynchronous transmission. 3.5.2 Modems The modem is an electronic device that is used for computer communications through telephone lines. It allows data transfer between one computer and another. The UARTs convert byte-oriented data to serial bit streams. Blocks of data are handled by software (internal modems combine a UART and a modem on board). The modems convert digital data to analog signals and analog signals back to digital data. Figure illustrates an internal modem. The term modem actually derives from the function of this device. The process of converting analog signals to digital and back again is called modulation/demodulation (hence the term modem). Modem-based transmission is remarkably accurate, despite the fact that telephone lines can be quite noisy due to clicks, static, and other problems. There are four main types of modems: 1. Expansion cards are the most common. They plug into the motherboard expansion slots (ISA or PCI) and are called internal modems. 2. PCMCIA modems are a variation of modems designed for easy installation in notebook computers. Also known as PC cards, they look like credit cards and are small and very portable. 3. External modems can be used with any computer by simply plugging into a serial port (COM1 or COM2) on the back of the computer. Newer modems can also be connected through a USB port. 4. Built-in modems are used in some notebook, laptop, or integrated desktop computers. Internal modems simply plug into one of the expansion slots on the motherboard. They usually cost less than the ones that are plugged externally into the computer and do not take up extra space on the desktop. To configure them, jumpers may have to be set in order to select the IRQ and I/O addresses. No configuration is needed for a plug-and-play (PnP) modem, which is installed on a motherboard that supports PnP. A modem using a serial (COM) port that is not yet in use must be configured. Additionally, the software drivers that come with the modem must be installed for the modem to work. Figure illustrates the main features that a user would see on any typical external modem. External modems are typically a bit more expensive than the internal varieties. However, they connect to the computer simply by plugging into one of the serial ports. The computer case does not have to be opened. Newer USB modems are plugged into a USB port or hub. An external modem uses the IRQ and I/O address assigned to the serial port. A status light on the modem indicates whether or not the modem is online. Software must be installed in order for the external modem to work properly. Figure illustrates the modulation and demodulation process. In most current modem types, a phone line is plugged into a standard RJ-11 telephone jack. Other modem types and devices, such as cable modem and DSL, are discussed separately in a later section. 3.5.3 Dialup networking, modem standards, AT commands When computers use the public telephone system or network to communicate, it is called Dial Up Networking (DUN). Computers are able to connect to the phone network using modems. Modems communicate with each other using audio tone signals, which means that they are able to duplicate the dialing characteristics of a telephone. If a computer is running Windows 95 or a later version, for example, and a modem is being used to connect to a network (LAN or WAN), DUN establishes the connection. DUN actually creates a Pointto-Point Protocol (PPP) connection between the two computers over a phone line. In this process, PPP causes the modem to act like a network interface card. PPP is the WAN protocol that transports the actual networking protocol (TCP/IP, IPX/SPX, or NetBEUI) over the telephone line to allow network activity between the connected PCs. The modem must operate in the following two states in order to enable DUN: • • Local command state – The modem is off-line and is receiving commands and providing status information to the host computer to which the modem is installed. Online state – In this state, the modem is transferring data between the host machine and a remote computer via the telephone system. Three activities occur during the Local command and Online states. These include dialing, data exchange, and answering. The modem would normally shift between the two states if, for example, the system tells it to go online and dial out to another unit or if the modem receives an incoming call. After the line connection has been established, a "handshaking sequence" takes place between the two modems and their computers. This is nothing more that a flurry of short events that take place between the two systems. It establishes the readiness of the two modems and their computers to engage in data exchange. Dialup modems send data over the serial telephone line in the form of an analog signal. Analog signals can be drawn as waves because they change gradually and continuously. Recall that digital communications are based on binary. In this system, the digital signals represent 1s and 0s. These signals must be converted to a waveform to travel across telephone (analog) lines. They are converted again back to the digital form (1s and 0s) by the receiving modem so that the receiving computer can understand the data. The outcome of the handshake and negotiation between the sending and receiving devices is the establishment of a common modulation that is supported by both computers. This completes the process of a session negotiation so that effective data exchange can occur. Other devices may determine the actual speed of data transfer. As previously mentioned, there are small single-chip devices that run the COM port to which an external modem is attached. These are the Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) chips. The type of UART chip determines the top speed at which devices can communicate using the port. Current UART 16450 and 16550 chips enable speeds of up to 115,200 bps, and the 16650 chip supports a transmission rate of 230,400 bps. AT Commands All modems require software to control the communication session. The set of commands that most modem software uses is known as the Hayes-compatible command set (named after the Hayes Microcomputer Products Company, which first defined them). The Hayes command set is based on a group of instructions that always begins with a set of attention characters, AT, followed by the command characters. Since these attention characters are always an important part of any Hayes command, the command set is usually referred to as the AT command set as shown in Figure . Simply put, the AT commands are modem control commands. The AT command set is used to issue dial, hang up, reset, and other instructions to the modem. Most user manuals that come with modems contain a complete listing of the AT command set. This is just a summary of the most commonly used AT commands. The standard Hayes compatible code to dial is ATDxxxxx. Sometimes, a T is added to signify tone dialing. 3.5.4 ISPs and Internet backbone providers Services of an Internet service provider (ISP) are usually needed in order to surf the Internet. An ISP is a company that connects computers to the Internet and World Wide Web. The actual connection to the Internet is tiered. This means that the ISP may link to a larger regional ISP, which in turn connects to one of a number of nationwide computer centers. Therefore, by just sitting in front of a computer and browsing the Internet, a user can benefit from hundreds or even thousands of computers that are networked. This can enable access to all kinds of documents, music downloads, and videos from all over the world. When connecting to an ISP, the computer becomes a remote client on the ISP local network. It is amazing how far the Internet has gone towards turning the entire world into one global village. At the onset of the Internet era, a local computer or LAN had to have a direct connection to the Internet backbone, which was not affordable for individuals and smaller companies. Now, new technologies have led to easier and cheaper ways of building networks. The ISPs today play a critical role in providing Internet access to most homes and businesses in this country. ISPs use the more expensive and complex equipment to establish a point of presence, or access point, on the Internet. They either lease the dedicated high-speed lines from a telephone company or, in the case of large ISPs, actually install their own lines. Note that a very small, local ISP may not link directly to the Internet backbone. Instead, the small ISP might actually go through a larger regional ISP that is directly connected. Not all ISPs are created equal. The current U.S. Internet infrastructure consists of a commercial backbone and a high-speed service known as the Very High-Speed Backbone Network Service (vBNS). The vBNS connects five supercomputer networks across the United States and is used for scientific purposes (see Figure ). The commercial backbone is basically an internetwork of commercially operated networks. Companies that provide the commercial backbone include the following: • • • • • UUNET (a division of WorldCom) Cable and Wireless USA Sprint AT&T BBN Planet ISPs connect to the commercial networks. Usually the backbone providers and ISPs enter into agreements (called peering agreements), which allow them to carry one another network traffic. In the United States, much of the physical cabling is still owned by the Regional Bell Operating Companies (RBOCs). They then lease it out to the providers. The provider networks connect with T-1, T-3, or OC-3 lines. The ISP that cannot connect directly to the national backbone is charged a fee to connect to a regional provider (see Figure ) that, in turn, links to the national backbone through a Network Access Point (NAP). A NAP, which provides data switching, is the point at which access providers are interconnected (see Figure ). However, not all the Internet traffic goes through NAPs. Some ISPs that are in the same geographic area make their own interconnections and peering agreements. A Metropolitan Area Exchange (MAE) is the point where ISPs connect to each other and traffic is switched between them. MAE EAST (located in the Washington D.C. area) and MAE WEST (located in Silicon Valley, California) is the first tier MAEs in the United States. Figure shows how Internet components work. 3.5.5 DSL Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) is an always-on technology. This means that there is no need to dial up each time when connecting to the Internet. It is a relatively new technology currently being offered by phone companies as an add-on service over existing copper wire or phone lines. DSL comes in several varieties: • • • • • Asymmetric DSL (ADSL) currently is the most common implementation. It has speeds that vary from 384 kbps to more than 6 Mbps downstream. The upstream speed is typically lower. High Data Rate DSL (HDSL) provides bandwidth of 768 kbps in both directions. Symmetric DSL (SDSL) provides the same speed, up to 3 Mbps, for uploads and downloads. Very High Data Rate DSL (VDSL) is capable of bandwidths between 13 Mbps to 52 Mbps. ISDN DSL (IDSL) has a top speed of 144 kbps but is available in areas that do not qualify for other DSL implementations. IDSL is actually DSL over ISDN lines. Figure summarizes useful information on the different varieties of DSL. The generic term for DSL, including all its implementations, is xDSL. Transfer rates are often broken down into upstream and downstream rates. Upstream is the process of transferring data from the end user to the server. Downstream is the process of transferring data from the server to the end user. For instance, when a username and password is submitted to gain access to an email account, it is uploading, or transferring that data upstream, to the e-mail server. When the content of that mailbox is displayed on the web browser, that data is downloaded, or transferred downstream, to that computer. ADSL is currently the most commonly used DSL technology. Its fast downstream speed, typically 1.5 Mbps, appears to work in its favor because most Internet users spend the majority of their time doing tasks that require a lot of downloading, like checking e-mail and surfing the web. The slower upload rate does not work that well when hosting a web server or FTP server, both of which involve upload-intensive Internet activities. ADSL uses a technology called frequency-division multiplexing (FDM) to split bandwidth in order to create multiple channels. Other DSL implementations use another technique known as echo cancellation, which is more efficient but also more expensive. This ability to create multiple channels is the reason a user with DSL can be surfing the Internet while at the same time using the telephone to call a friend. 3.5.6 Cable modems A cable modem acts like a LAN interface by connecting a computer to the Internet. The cable modem connects a computer to the cable company network through the same coaxial cabling that feeds Cable TV (CATV) signals to a television set. Generally, cable modems are designed to provide Internet access only, whereas analog modems or ISDN adapters allow dial-in to any service provider or service in a remote access server. With a cable modem, the cable company must be used. The cable modem service, similar to DSL, is also an always-on technology. A standard cable modem has two connections. One port is connected to the TV outlet, and the other is connected to the subscriber PC. The cable modem will then communicate over the cable network to the Cable Modem Termination System (CMTS). The speed of the cable modem depends on traffic levels and how the overall network is set up. Although the server being contacted is at a remote location, the cable modem access is more like a direct LAN connection than remote access. Cable modems are capable of receiving and processing multimedia content at 30 Mbps, literally hundreds of times faster than a normal telephone connection to the Internet. In reality, subscribers can expect to download information at speeds of between 0.5 and 1.5 Mbps because the bandwidth is shared by a number of other users. The modem receives digitally altered signals. A demodulator is built into the modem and, if it is a two-way modem, a burst modulator is used for transmitting data upstream. Cable modems are available as internal and external units. Most internal cable modems are in the form of PCI cards. An external cable modem is a small box with a coaxial CATV cable connection. A splitter is used to divide the signal between the TV and the cable modem. The box is connected to an Ethernet card in the computer through UTP Ethernet. External USB devices may also be available, connecting the modem to the computer USB port without requiring an Ethernet card. There is currently no standard for cable modems in the cable access industry. As a result, there are many competing proprietary products. Cable service, speed, reliability, setup, and configurations may vary significantly from one cable company to another. Currently, the most common cable modem brands are from Cisco Systems, 3Com, Com21, Bay Networks, Motorola, RCA, Toshiba, Linksys, NETGEAR, and Terayon. Figure shows an example of a typical Cisco cable modem. 3.5.7 Cable modem versus DSL Internet technologies When it comes to comparing cable modem and DSL Internet technologies both have their pros and cons. DSL service can be added incrementally in an area. This means that the service provider can upgrade the bandwidth as the subscriber base grows. DSL is also backward compatible with analog voice and makes use of the existing local loop. This means that the DSL service works simultaneously with normal phone service. However, DSL suffers from distance limitations since most DSL services currently require the customer to be within 18,000 feet of the provider's central office location. Additionally, the longer and older loops present problems, and the best form of voice support is still being debated. Also, the upstream (upload) speed is usually considerably slower than the downstream (download) speed. Conversely, cable modem technology presents plenty of relatively inexpensive bandwidth. The downstream and upstream Internet channels are seen as just another premium TV channel by the system. This is a major advantage, especially when hosting a web server or FTP server, which involves upload-intensive Internet tasks. The use of fiber (hybrid-fiber-coax or HFC) solves some of the service shortcomings initially encountered with this technology. Unfortunately, the cabling infrastructure needed to support cable modem technology has been slow to be upgraded so most homes in the United States cannot use this technology. Upgrading is a big investment particularly for small providers. Figure lists the advantages and disadvantages of using a bus topology. CHAPTER 4 4.1 History of TCP/IP 4.1.1 Origins and growth of TCP/IP Inventions that begin in a government or military context often turn out to have great value in civilian life. For example, World War II stimulated the development of large computer systems. Similarly, military research sponsored by the U.S. Defense Department Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) produced the designs and experimental networks that evolved into the public Internet. DARPA also accelerated the spread of Transmission Control Protocol /Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) by including it in distributions of the UNIX operating system. In the competitive business world, private companies protect the technologies they develop by using patents and trade secrets to gain an advantage in the marketplace. A network system is called "closed" when one company owns and controls it. In contrast, the TCP/IP protocol suite is an open system. This means that the specifications for the Internet protocols were made publicly available so that any company could build computer hardware or software that implements them. This strategy allows customers to buy network products from different companies with the assurance that the products will work together or interoperate. Based on TCP/IP open standards, the Internet has been enormously successful. In the early 1980s, the Internet connected only a few hundred computers. By the year 1997, it connected more than 16 million computers, and it had doubled in size approximately every 10 months. Mathematicians call such growth exponential. Although the Internet cannot continue to grow indefinitely at this rate, no one can predict how large it can and will actually become. Today, corporations and individuals are increasingly dependent on the Internet to conduct business and the activities of daily life. Figure points out the evolution of the growth of the Internet. A look at the history of the telephone and the television can provide some insight into the speed at which TCP/IP technology has grown. Figure shows a graph that compares how fast the Internet has grown in relation to other forms of technology. It took more than 38 years for radio to achieve what is called universal service. Universal service means that almost all households in the technologically advanced world use and depend on access to the radio. Television is now taken for granted as a source of news and entertainment. The first TVs appeared in private living rooms in the late 1940s. However, it took fifty years to achieve universal service, where most homes have one or more TVs. By comparison, the Internet has achieved most of its explosive growth within the past ten years and is now beginning to absorb elements of the telephone and television systems. No other technology can match this achievement. Figure illustrates some graphs that shows how rapidly users, e-commerce, and web content has grown in. These graphs also show the dramatic cost savings that the Internet has provided for various companies. 4.1.2 The TCP/IP network model The TCP/IP network model closely resembles the OSI reference model and is the predominant protocol suite used in networking today. The TCP/IP network model contains four layers, unlike the OSI model, which contains seven layers. These four layers are the application layer at the top, followed by the transport layer, the Internet layer, and finally the network interface layer. Figure illustrates how the four layers of the TCP/IP model map to the OSI model. Application The application layer of the TCP/IP model defines many of the applications that are used in networks throughout the world. The application layer is NOT the application itself that is doing the communication. It is a service layer that provides these services. The application layer is responsible for doing many tasks. One of them includes determining protocol and data syntax rules at the application level. Some of these protocols that function at this level include File Transfer Protocol (FTP) and Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) are TCP/IP-based applications used for file transfer. Common TCP/IP-based e-mail applications are Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP), and Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3). Telnet, which is used for remote administration, uses the TCP/IP protocol stack as well. The Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) is also defined in the TCP/IP protocol stack. Other tasks performed are ensuring agreement at both ends about error recovery procedures, data integrity, and privacy. Session control is another major function that the application layer is responsible for. Session control includes features such as making sure that the other party is identified and can be reached and making sure that necessary communication resources exist. For example, is there a modem in the sender's computer? Transport The transport layer of the TCP/IP model defines many of the same functions as the transport layer of the OSI model. However, unlike the transport layer of the OSI model, which defines protocols like Novell SPX, the TCP/IP transport layer defines only Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Datagram Protocol (UDP). Later in this chapter, TCP and UDP functions will be covered in more detail. Briefly, the purpose of transport layer protocols is to provide reliability and flow control. Reliability is achieved through a sequence of acknowledgements that guarantee the delivery of each packet. Flow control is achieved through the use of a technique called windowing, which allows communicating hosts to negotiate how much data will be transmitted during a given period. Either TCP or UDP is used at the transport layer in TCP/IP networking, depending on the particular network environment and what type of data is being transmitted. The specifics of a TCP connection and a UDP connection will be covered later in this chapter. Port Numbers Both TCP and UDP use port numbers to pass data to the upper layers. Port numbers help define and keep track of all the different types of conversations that are taking place throughout the network. Each application layer protocol, including FTP, Telnet, SMTP, DNS, TFTP, SNMP, and Routing Information Protocol (RIP), has a specific port number that identifies and separates it from another protocol. The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) defines these well-known port numbers. Some of the most commonly used wellknown port numbers are FTP - 21, Telnet - 23, SMTP - 25, DNS - 53, TFTP - 69, SNMP - 161, and RIP 520. Figure lists some of the major preassigned ports, protocols used, and applications that are designed to use the specific port numbers. A system administrator should become familiar with the port number system and should closely monitor the types of traffic flow into and out of the network. The system administrator has the ability to specify which types of traffic will be allowed into a network by permitting or denying Internet traffic based on these port numbers. This process of filtering based on port numbers is usually accomplished with routers or firewall devices. There are risks associated with allowing traffic into a network based on port number. Many hackers use port scanners to find open ports in networks in order to gain unauthorized access. Internet Layer The Internet layer of the TCP/IP model defines addressing and path selection. This is the same function as the network layer in the OSI model. Routers use Internet layer protocols to identify an appropriate path for data packets as they travel from network to network. Some of the protocols defined at this layer are IP, Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), and Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP). IP provides the routers with the ability, or addressing, to move data to the desired destination. The ICMP provides control and messaging capabilities, which are used when there is a problem somewhere in the network. ICMP is used to send a message back to the host, informing it that the destination host was unreachable. Figure shows some of the responsibilities of the Internet layer. ICMP is also the basis for the ping and traceroute commands. ARP is used to find the MAC address of a host, switch, or router, when given its IP address. RARP is very similar to ARP. RARP is used when the MAC address of a host is known, but the IP address is not known. Figure outlines some of the major TCP/IP utilities that are available. Network Interface Layer The network interface layer of the TCP/IP model maps to the data link and physical layers of the OSI model. This layer defines TCP/IP-specific functions related to the preparation of data for transmission over the physical media, including addressing. The network interface layer also specifies what types of media can be used for the data transmission. 4.1.3 TCP/IP and network operating systems In the 1980s a number of companies designed and sold network operating systems (NOSs) that allowed LAN users to share expensive devices and information. Generally, these products employed a client/server model where client computers made requests for information or for the use of devices, and server computers responded to client requests. Companies like Novell, Banyan, Apple, IBM, and Microsoft competed for network customers. To carry the requests and responses between clients and servers, the NOS vendors designed their own special rules or protocols. Novell called its protocols IPX/SPX, Banyan called its protocols VINES, and Apple produced AppleTalk, while IBM and Microsoft used NetBIOS. Each of these solutions was closed, or proprietary, meaning that it was owned and controlled by one company. Customers could not combine systems from different companies in their networks because they used different languages (or protocols) that were incompatible with each other. Today, all NOS vendors have adopted the TCP/IP protocol suite for carrying data between client and server systems. Figure represents how the TCP/IP protocol is used to manage the communication exchange between two computer systems. Although the older proprietary protocols remain in use, TCP/IP is the standard that is implemented by all the NOS vendors. Understanding the components of the TCP/IP protocols is necessary in order to understand communication in a NOS environment. 4.2 IP Addressing 4.2.1 IPv4 addressing For any two systems to communicate, they must be able to identify and locate each other. Figure illustrates how IP addresses can be used to locate other computer systems when data must travel and be forwarded by other network hardware such as switches and routers. In everyday life, names or numbers (like telephone numbers) are often used as unique identifiers. Similarly, each computer in a TCP/IP network must be given at least one unique identifier, or address. This address allows one computer to locate another on a network. Figure provides a demonstration of how specific numbers are assigned to computers in order for them to locate and distinguish between one another. A computer may be connected to more than one network. If this is the case, then the system must be given more than one address, each address identifying its connection to a different network. Strictly speaking, a device cannot be said to have an address, but that each of its connection points (or interfaces) to a network has an address that allows other computers to locate it on that particular network. 4.2.2 IPv4 addressing overview TCP/IP is designed as an internetworking set of protocols. IP has the job of forwarding packets from the network on which they originate to the destination network. This addressing scheme, therefore, must include an identifier for both the source and destination networks. By using the network identifier, IP can deliver a packet to the destination network. Once the packet arrives at a router connected to the destination network, IP must then locate the particular point where the destination computer is connected to that network. Figure shows how the addresses represent the path to travel through the various media connections. This works in much the same way as the postal system. When the mail is routed, it must first be delivered to the post office at the destination city using the zip code, and then that post office must locate the final destination in that city using the street address. This is a two-step process. Accordingly, every IP address has two parts. One part identifies the network to which the system is connected, and a second part identifies that particular system on the network. This kind of address is called a hierarchical address, because it contains different levels and because of the fact that the address can be broken down into two parts, with each parts being used as an identifier. Another example of a hierarchical address is a telephone number. Each part of the telephone number is an identifier of the location of the phone. There is a “country” code that identifies which country the phone is in. The area code represents which city within the country the phone is located and the other parts of the number even further define where the phone is located. An IP address combines these two identifiers into one number. This number must be a unique number, because duplicate addresses are not allowed. The first part, called the "network part", tells which network the system is located on. The second part, called the "host part", tells which particular machine it is on that network. Figure illustrates this hierarchical addressing system and how it is used to identify computers systems across the network. Inside a computer, an IP address is stored as a 32-bit sequence of 1s and 0s. Figure shows an example of one of these 32-bit numbers. To make the IP address easier to use, it is usually written as four decimal numbers separated by periods. For instance, an IP address of one computer is Another computer might have the address This way of writing the address is called dotted-decimal notation. In this notation, each IP address is written as four parts separated by periods, or dots. Each part of the address is called an "octet" because it is made up of eight binary characters. For example, the IP address in binary notation would be 11000000.10101000.00000001.00001000. How does a user determine which portion of the address identifies the network and which portion identifies the host? The answer begins with the designers of the Internet, who thought that networks would be built in different sizes, depending on the number of computers (hosts) they contained. It was thought that there would be a relatively small number of large networks, possibly with millions of computers. The designers envisioned a larger number of medium-sized networks, with perhaps thousands of computers each. Finally, they saw a great number of networks having several hundred or fewer machines. Thus, the designers divided the available IP addresses into classes to define the large (Class A), medium (Class B), and small (Class C) networks as shown in Figure . Knowing the class of an IP address is the first step in determining which part of the address identifies the network and which part identifies the host. Figures and illustrate how the IP address ranges are classified. 4.2.3 Class A addresses In a Class A address, the first number (octet) is the network portion, and the last three numbers are the host portion. The format is Network.Host.Host.Host, or N.H.H.H. For example, in the address, the first octet (56) identifies the network, and the last three octets (1.2.3) identify the host on that network. Address identifies a different host (1.2.4) on the same network (56). The address identifies host 1.2.3 on network 57. Because of the way the address is stored in binary in the computer, the first octet will always fall between 1 and 127. If the first octet in an IP address falls in the range 1-127, it is a Class A address. Figure illustrates an example of a class A address showing the Host and Networks portions of the address. However, only 1126 is valid for Class A networks because network is reserved. The IP address is known as the "local loopback" address, and is used to test the NIC of the local system. 4.2.4 Class B addresses A Class B IP address divides the network portion from the host portion between the second and third octet. The format is N.N.H.H. The address represents network 165.5 and host 6.7. Because of the way Class B addresses are stored in binary, the first octet always falls in the range 128-191. If the first octet in an IP address is greater than 127 but less than 192, it is a Class B address. Figure illustrates an example of a Class B address showing the Host and Networks portions of the address. 4.2.5 Class C addresses A Class C IP address divides the network portion from the host portion between the third and fourth octet. The format is N.N.N.H. The address represents network 192.8.9 and host 10. Because of the way Class C addresses are stored in binary, the first octet always falls in the range 192-223. If the first octet of the IP address is greater than 191 but less than 224, it is a Class C address. Figure illustrates an example of a Class C address showing the Host and Networks portions of the address. 4.2.6 Class D and E addresses Class D and Class E addresses are used for special purposes. Class D is reserved for a technique called multicast, and Class E addresses are used for experimental purposes. Commercial organizations use classes A, B, or C addresses to identify networks and hosts. Figure shows an example of class D address architecture. 4.2.7 The IPv4 address crisis The designers of the early Internet could not have foreseen the explosive growth that the Internet has experienced. They naturally believed that the number of addresses required to identify interconnected networks and host systems would be sufficient for many years to come. They assigned addresses to companies and organizations as requests were made. By the mid-1980s, however, it became clear that unless some action was taken, the number of unused addresses would diminish rapidly and the Internet would face a crisis that would be the result of its own success. The total number of addresses that are available for use is called the address space. Think about what might happen if the telephone companies used up all the available phone numbers (that is, their address space) for identifying telephones, faxes, and other devices that allow communication over the phone system. No new phones could be connected to the system, and that would stop its expansion. The Internet was actually faced with this situation, when it appeared that growth would be limited or even stopped because the Internet address space could become exhausted. In response to this problem, Internet engineers developed a set of techniques to make more efficient use of the Internet address space. Among these techniques was the "subnetting" of networks. Figure shows an example of a network address that has been subnetted. Subnetting is the process of splitting a network portion of an IP address, which allows an administrator to partition or divide a network without having to use a new address for each network partition. By using subnetting techniques, the designers of networks could divide them, using the same network number, but each partition would be given its own subnet number. Remote systems could still reach the network by sending packets to the destination network address. Once the packets arrived at the boundary of the destination network they could be forwarded into the appropriate subnet within the network. This technique has been very successful in conserving the number of major network addresses and allowing for continued growth of the Internet. The basic idea is to take the IP address, which is divided into a network portion and a host portion, and then to divide it further by adding a third part, the subnet number. The result is an address that has the form network number, subnet number, and host number. As discussed earlier, the IP address is divided into the network portion and the host portion by knowing its class. When a subnet number is added in between the network and host portions, how is the part that identifies the subnet identified? To answer this question, it is important to understand the function of another number that was invented to go along with subnetting, called the subnet mask. Like the IP address itself, this new number is also written in dotted-decimal notation, as four octets that represent 32 bits. In the mask number, the "1" values are placed if the corresponding bit in the IP address belongs to the network or subnet part of the address. The "0" values are placed in the mask where the corresponding bit in the IP address is part of the host portion. So, if the class of the IP address is known and the subnet mask is known, it can then be divided into networksubnet-host. It takes some practice to thoroughly understand the process. Where the class of an IP address determines the size of the network part, the size of the subnet part can vary. The information needed to determine the size of the subnet part is contained in the mask. Write the mask in binary as 1s and 0s. This takes practice converting decimal numbers to binary. Next, continue to proceed as follows: • • • Identify the class of the address. Eliminate any "1" bits from the mask that correspond to the network part of the address. The remaining "1" bits in the mask indicate the bits in the address that are the subnet part of the address. Private IP Addresses When dealing with IP addresses, corporate networks, and home networks, it is important to know the difference between private IP addressing and public IP addressing. Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) and the amount of these available public IP addresses is quickly diminishing. The reason for this is that there is a limit to the amount of IP addresses that IPv4 can provide. To help reserve the amount of public IP addresses that are available, the concept of private IP addressing is used. The address ranges of the reserved private IP address are shown in Figure . What this means is that a corporation for example may have only a few IP address that are public or that are known. All of the IP address that the company uses within their network are contained within their network and are therefore considered private. They are considered private because they are only known to the company administrator and not known to the public. Figure illustrates an example of this process showing how the private IP network addresses are used within the WAN. Network Address Translation (NAT) The concept of public and private IP addressing is further explained through the use of Network Address Translation (NAT). NAT enables companies to keep their private addresses secure and not known to the public. NAT is enabled on a router or a gateway device, which translates all of the incoming and outgoing traffic through the known, or public IP addresses. Figure illustrates how the IP address structure might be displayed when using NAT. The Internal IP address is different and kept private from the external public address that is exposed to others through the Internet. The public IP addresses are what allow people with the company to access information and networks outside of the LAN by connecting to other public IP addresses. NAT also provides security by hiding the IP addresses of clients and servers within the company network. Assigning the public IP address to the NAT device does this. If an attempt is made to gain access to the network, they are directed to the NAT device and then are usually stopped by a firewall in place on the same system or device that NAT is configured on. IPv6 Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is the next generation protocol designed to replace the current version of the Internet Protocol, IPv4. The following is an example of how IPv6 Address will be numbered. IPv6 addresses are written in hexadecimal: 1080:0000:0000:0000: 0008:0800:200C:417A Leading zeros in each 16-bit value can be omitted. So, the same address can be expressed as the following: 1080:0:0:0:8:800:200C:417A Because IPv6 addresses, especially in the early implementation phase, may contain consecutive 16-bit values of zero, one such string of 0s per address can be omitted and replaced by a double colon. As a result, this address can be shortened: 1080::8:800:200C:417A Most of the Internet now uses IPv4, which is now nearly twenty years old. IPv4 has been remarkably resilient in spite of its age, but it is beginning to have problems. Most importantly, there is a growing shortage of IPv4 addresses, which are needed when new systems are added to the Internet. IPv6 fixes a number of problems in IPv4, such as the limited number of available IPv4 addresses. It will also add many improvements to IPv4 in routing and in various network configuration tasks. IPv6 is expected to gradually replace IPv4, with the two coexisting for a number of years during a transition period. Software is available that supports IPv6. This software is only available in the latest releases like Windows XP and some of the latest versions of Linux for example. Many common Internet applications already work with IPv6, and more are being adapted. 4.2.8 Subnetting It is impossible to cover TCP/IP without mentioning subnetting. As a system administrator it is important to understand subnetting as a means of dividing and identifying separate networks throughout the LAN. Figure illustrates an example of how a network can be subnetted. Figure shows how internally, networks can be divided into smaller networks called subnetworks, or simply subnets. By providing this third level of addressing, subnets provide extra flexibility for a network administrator. For example, a Class B network address provided by the American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN), can be broken up into many smaller and more manageable subnets. In the example in Figure , the three networks,, and are all subnets of the network It is not always necessary to subnet a small network. However, for large or extremely large networks, subnetting is required. Figure provides an example of why it is important to subnet a large network. Subnets are similar to the American telephone numbering system. This numbering system is divided into area codes, which are divided into exchanges, which are further divided into individual connections. Subnet addresses specify a network number, a subnet number, within the network, and a host number within the subnet. Simply stated, subnetting is a means to use the subnet mask to divide the network and break a large or extremely large network up into smaller, more efficient and manageable segments, or subnets. Figure provides an example of a 32-bit binary address that is subnetted. Subnet Masks An understanding of subnetting requires an understanding of subnet masks. The IP address for example, is a Class C IP address (remember, Class C addresses fall between the 192 -223 range). The corresponding default subnet mask will be, which is a Class C subnet mask. The method of identifying the network portion of the address from the host part of the IP address was discussed previously. The first three octets represent the network portion of the address. The last octet is reserved for the host address. Class A default subnet masks would be A Class B default subnet mask would be, and a Class C address range will have a default subnet mask of Figure lists the Class A, B, and C network masks. The subnet mask helps identify all computers that will be on the network. Therefore, all the hosts on this network would have an IP address of 210.168.1.X. They would all contain the same values in the first three octets of their IP address, but the "X" that represents the host portion of the address would be unique for every computer on the network. This is the value that will identify the host on network The IP address identifies a specific host on network The available maximum amount of hosts that are allowed on a Class C network is 254. The range of IP addresses that can be given to these hosts are - for a total of 254 hosts. The number of hosts on a particular subnet or network can be determined by using the formula (2N - 2). Here, N = the number of available octets for hosts addresses. There cannot be 255 hosts because that value is reserved for a broadcast address. For example, the IP address could not be used as a host address on the network because it is reserved as the broadcast address for that network. Example: In a Class C subnet mask (, only one octet is available for hosts. Convert these octets to decimal notation and get 8 bits (or one octet) left for a host address. Apply this formula: 28 - 2 = 254 hosts on a class C network For a Class B ( network there are 16 bits available for host address. Apply the formula: 216 - 2 = 65,534 hosts on a class B network For a Class A ( network there are 24 bits available for host address. Apply the formula: 224 - 2 = 16,777,214 hosts on a class A network The system administrator must resolve these issues when adding and expanding the network. It is important to know how many subnet/networks are needed and how many hosts will be allowed to be on that network. With subnetting, the network is not limited to the standard Class A, B, or C subnet masks and there is more flexibility in the network design. Refer to Figure for the quick reference chart. The following example will describe how to create a subnet for 1500 hosts. A Class B subnet mask will provide 65,534 hosts and a Class C subnet mask would only provide 254. However, only 1500 hosts are needed. Creating a subnet that provided 65,534 hosts would be a huge waste of space. It is possible to create a subnet mask that will give the required 1500 hosts but not use all 65,534. This is done by "borrowing" bits from an octet to create a subnet mask. A subnet is required that will provide 1500 hosts. A Class C subnet mask cannot be used so a Class B subnet is used instead. This will provide 65,534 hosts, but all the other host addresses should not be wasted. Use the (2N - 2) formula to determine what the subnet mask will be. Converting to the binary form was discussed in a previous section. For example, the subnet mask is equal to the following: 11111111.11111111.00000000.00000000 In order to create the subnet mask, it is necessary to conserve these IP addresses and need to borrow 5 bits from the third octet. By doing this, a subnet mask limits the amounts of subnets that can be used to 30. However, instead of having 65,534 available hosts, only 2046 hosts are available. This creates a subnet mask that provides the 1500 hosts needed. In this example, a user does not have to waste the rest of the IP addresses. The new subnet mask will be as follows: 11111111.11111111.11111000.00000000 = Now instead of 16, 11 bits are available for a host address. Remember that 16 bits are used for host addresses with a standard Class B subnet mask and 8 are used with a standard Class C address. This will allow more than 254 but less than 65,534 hosts. The (2N - 2) formula allows the calculation of how many hosts this subnet mask will provide. 211 - 2 = 2046 hosts 2046 hosts will provide the 1500 hosts we need, with 546 host addresses left over. If the left over hosts do not get used, then there are only 546 hosts that are wasted and not 65,534. From this example, a user can see that in a large network where the amount of IP addresses is limited, subnetting can help conserve IP addresses. 4.3 Name Resolution 4.3.1 Overview of name resolution IP address numbers are necessary to identify points of connection to a network, and they are designed to make possible the efficient operation of networked devices. But in their numerical form, addresses are difficult to remember and to manage. This is especially true when there is a need to change addresses to adapt to changing network conditions. Although network devices use numerical addresses, names are easy to work with. The technique that allows names to represent network addresses is called "name resolution". For example, the website "" can be accessed without knowing the actual IP address that the device at Cisco is configured to use. A name resolution service translates, or "maps", the name "" into an IP address to reach the destination device. A device can be named for its function or purpose, or even to attract attention. Networking names like "" or "" have become well known among users of the World Wide Web. Names are also used to identify the location or function of network devices. For example, a router named "San Jose" would indicate its location, or the hostname "Eng-Server" would indicate its function in the engineering department. Using names to represent addresses provides another advantage. Since users now can identify network devices by name, the address that corresponds to a given name can be changed without any disruption. Users of the network can continue to use the same name to refer to the device and leave it up to the name resolution service to find the new address that equates to that name. This makes the network much easer to use and to administer. Networks use host tables and the Domain Name Service (DNS) to associate names with addresses. Figure illustrates how the DNS server resolves the post office name of an e-mail address. 4.3.2 Hostnames and host tables On the network, each computer is given a unique name to identify it. This name is used to communicate with a particular computer. Figure shows an example of the host-name settings for a particular computer system. To reach another computer, the network needs to use the IP address of that computer. Host tables are lists that can be configured in each computer, associating the names of the computers in the network with the IP address host table. Figure is an example of a sample host table. The table includes the IP address and the name that is mapped to that address. On a computer using a host table, a user can refer to another computer by name, and the computer will look up the name in the host table and find its IP address. The IP address can even be changed, and that system can still be referred to by the same name. When a computer must reach the other system, it will find the new address in the host table. Although a host table allows communication with other computers by name, it has some disadvantages. For one, a host table must be configured in each separate computer to tell it the names and corresponding IP addresses of each of the other computers. In a large network with many computers, this requires much configuration. Second, when there is a change in the network (the addition of a new computer, for example), the tables must be updated in each and every computer to reflect the change. The task of maintaining accurate host tables in a large network can be time consuming and error prone. 4.3.3 The domain name system Using host tables requires a lot of maintenance. In contrast, the Domain Name System (DNS) assigns this task to servers in the network. Specialized servers within the network accomplish the work of translating names into addresses. Host computers are then relieved of keeping a listing of name-to-address mappings. This simplifies network maintenance and allows greater flexibility. The DNS works like directory assistance in the phone system. Using the phone system, a person's name and address may be known, but not their phone number. A call to the directory assistance operator produces the phone number that matches the name and address. If the phone number of a person in another country is needed, the operator may need to contact the directory assistance service in another country. DNS works in a similar way. The service is distributed across a number of systems. Each one knows the addresses for a set of names and knows how to reach other servers to find addresses for names outside its scope. For example, when an application on a computer in California needs to know the IP address of a computer in South Africa, the application sends its request to a DNS in California. The server in California may not know the answer, but it does know how to connect to the appropriate DNS server in South Africa. In order to guarantee that the full names of any two computers will be different, the Internet has adopted a naming system that uses additional strings of letters, or suffixes, after the names. The parts of a name are separated by dots. This is similar to IP addresses, but there is no relationship between the parts of a name for a system and its IP address. The Internet name, for example, might have the IP address The string marx is not related to the 128. Neither are any other parts of the name related to parts of the address. The whole name corresponds to the whole address. In the name, the final suffix, .edu, identifies the type of organization (an institution of higher education). The .uofr suffix identifies a particular university (University of Rochester). The .ps identifies a department (political science), and the name marx identifies a particular computer. Other common final suffixes include .com for commercial organizations, .gov for governmental agencies, and .net for network enterprises. The task of setting up and maintaining domain name servers falls to network administrators. In order to make use of the DNS, each host or client system must be configured with the address of at least one DNS server to contact for translating names into addresses. A program becomes a client of the domain name service when it sends a computer name to the local DNS server. The program is asking for the IP address of the system with that name. The local server may contact other servers to translate the name into an address, but the client receives the answer from the local server. Figure illustrates the process of a client system requesting DNS information form the server. 4.3.4 Name services and the NOS In NOSs, user programs can access network devices and services by name. Today, all NOSs use DNS to translate computer names into IP addresses. But before the general adoption of TCP/IP and the Internet domain naming system by the makers of different NOSs, other naming techniques were used to identify systems and services. In order to accommodate earlier naming schemes and the applications that use them, the NOS vendors have developed extensions to DNS that allow their own types of names to be associated with IP addresses. In this way, applications that use the older naming conventions can find the IP addresses of devices and services. One older but widely used service for communicating between client applications and network services is the Network Basic Input/Output System (NETBIOS). This service was developed by IBM in 1985 and is still used on Microsoft Windows computers. In order to translate the names used by NETBIOS applications into IP addresses, Microsoft developed an addition to DNS called the Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS). Figure shows an example of the DNS configuration page on a Windows 2000 system. 4.3.5 WINS The Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) is not a built-in part of the Internet DNS name-toaddress service. In order to "resolve" or map the NETBIOS names used by applications into IP addresses, Microsoft added WINS as an extension to DNS. WINS automates the process of translating NETBIOS names into IP addresses so packets can be properly delivered to devices or services. A WINS server dynamically associates NETBIOS names with IP addresses and automatically updates its database of name-to-address associations as systems enter and leave the network, so it does not require ongoing maintenance. Client systems, however, must be configured with the address of a WINS server that performs this translation. Figure shows an example of the WINS configuration page on a Windows 2000 system. In many networks today, NetBIOS is no longer used. For this reason, Microsoft is making efforts to phase out the WINS service. 4.4 TCP/IP Protocols 4.4.1 Overview of TCP/IP protocols A protocol is a set of messages that is exchanged between systems in a defined sequence in order to accomplish a specific networking task. The layout, or format, of the messages is strictly defined, and the rules for the exchange of messages between systems are strictly specified in standards documents. TCP/IP is a "suite" or collection of different protocols, each one performing a specialized task. In a well-functioning network, the individual protocols are coordinated so that, taken together, they deliver network services to application programs. Figures , , and show what protocols functions at the specific layers of the TCP/IP model. Like specialists on a construction team, each protocol performs its particular function at a particular time. Each one depends on the work of the others. The following section outlines the functions performed by each of the major protocols that compose the TCP/IP protocol suite. 4.4.2 Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) comes into play when a system begins a conversation with another host on a LAN. Figure illustrates the process of the communication process that occurs between systems using ARP. The first system knows that the second is located somewhere on the network (its IP address), but does not know its exact location on the network (its Ethernet address). The problem is similar to knowing that a particular person named Mary is in a classroom, but not knowing in which seat she is sitting. To discover Mary's seat number, the whole class could be asked, "If your name is Mary, please tell me where you are sitting". Assuming there is only one person named "Mary" in the room, Mary will raise her hand to identify her seat number. ARP consists of mapping network addresses with Media Access Control (MAC) addresses. When the source (system A) and destination (system B) systems are both attached to the same LAN, the source (system A) will broadcast an ARP request to find the MAC address of the intended destinations (system B) MAC address. Because the signal sent is a broadcast message all the the devices in the LAN broadcast domain will hear it, including the destination (system B) device. However, only the destination (system B) device will respond to the ARP request. System B will send an ARP reply message, which contains its MAC address to the source (system A) device. System A will then save the MAC address in its ARP cache. When system A needs to communicate with system B again it only needs to check the ARP cache to find the MAC address of system B and then it can send data directly without having to send an ARP request first. 4.4.3 Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) A network requires tools for reporting errors that may arise, and network administrators need tools for discovering the reasons for errors. The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) provides a set of error and control messages to help track and resolve network problems. Figure illustrates at which layer of the TCP/IP model ICMP operates. Suppose, for example, that a physical path in the network fails so that some hosts become unreachable. Figure illustrates the scenario in which ICMP is used to send a “destination unreachable” message when there is an error somewhere in the network that is preventing the frame or packet from being forwarded to the destination system or device. ICMP includes a type of message, called an Echo Request, which can be sent from one host to another to see if it is reachable on the network. Figure illustrates the scenario in which ICMP is used to send an “echo reply” message to test and see if the destination system or device is available and can be reached. If it is reachable, the destination host will reply with the ICMP Echo Reply message. The Ping program uses ICMP to send Echo Request messages and to receive the Echo Reply messages. As another example, suppose a remote host is reachable from a local computer, but the path that messages take to reach that host is unknown. ICMP allows the path, or route, from the local computer to the remote host to be traced using the Traceroute routine. The ICMP troubleshooting tools are part of almost every TCP/IP protocol stack. ICMP is also used in instances where an undeliverable packet might arrive at a server or router. If a router or server is unable to deliver a packet to its destination, the router sends an ICMP “destination unreachable” message back to the source to inform it of the problem. The router then discards the original packet. Destinations might be unreachable because the sending host specified a non-existent address, or although less frequent, the router may not know the route to the destination. If a router cannot deliver an ICMP message for whatever reason, the router will not send an ICMP message to report the failure. Doing so could flood the network with an endless saturation of ICMP messages. For this reason an undeliverable ICMP message will be discarded. Another important issue to know about ICMP messages is reachability. ICMP messages are also sent be systems and devices to test the reachability of another system or device across the network. Any TCP/IP host can send an ICMP echo-request. An ICMP echo-request is generated by the Ping command. 4.4.4 Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) Two programs may communicate with each other across a series of many interconnected networks. An e-mail application, for example, may send a message to a mail server in another city or country for the recipient to read. The Internet Protocol (IP) will forward the message from one network to the next, but it may not be able to deliver the message to the destination because of network problems. IP makes its best effort, but does not guarantee delivery of the message. The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) has the job of guaranteeing that messages arrive at their destination, or if they cannot be delivered, informing the application programs of the failure. Applications like e-mail must have the guarantee that TCP provides. This is also true of other applications, like web browsers, that require the reliable delivery service provided by TCP. Once a TCP connection is made between two applications, all the messages flow from the origin to the destination over that logical connection. Figure illustrates an example of how TCP establishes a logical connection. 4.4.5 User Datagram Protocol (UDP) Where some applications require a reliable, guaranteed delivery service, such as TCP, others do not. They need a service that makes its best effort to deliver messages, but does not guarantee delivery. Just as the post office makes its best effort to deliver the mail, but does not guarantee that letters will arrive at the destination, User Datagram Protocol (UDP) provides an "unreliable" service to applications that can tolerate a loss of some messages but still function. Applications that send streams of video or audio data fall into this category. They can experience a certain amount of data loss and still function in a way that is acceptable to network users. Other applications that use UDP include the DNS and some forms of file transfer, including TFTP. Each UDP message is sent independently of the others without first establishing a logical connection between the origin and destination. The characteristics that identify UDP protocol are as follows: • • • • Unreliable Fast Assumes application will retransmit on error Often used in diskless workstations 4.4.6 DHCP services The purpose of the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is to enable individual computers on an IP network to extract their configurations from a DHCP server. When a computer on the network needs an IP address, it sends a request to a DHCP server. The DHCP server can then provide the host computer with all the configuration information it needs, including IP address, subnet mask, gateway, DNS and WINS server, and domain. DHCP also allows for recovery and the ability to automatically renew network IP addresses through a leasing mechanism, which allocates an IP address for a specific time period, and then releases it and assigns a new IP address. DHCP is a widely used method for reducing the work necessary to administer a large IP network. Figure shows the process that takes place when a client requests a DHCP IP address from the DHCP server. . 4.4.7 Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP) The Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP) specializes in the transfer of World Wide Web pages between web browser client programs like Netscape Communicator or Internet Explorer, and web servers where web pages are stored. Figures and provide examples of two popular web browsers, Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator. HTTP defines the exact format of the requests that the browser sends as well as the format of the replies that the server returns. The content of web pages is organized using the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). The rules for transporting these pages make up the HTTP protocol. . 4.4.8 File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Where HTTP specializes in the transfer of web page files, the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is used to transfer any type of file from one system to another. This includes text documents, graphics, sounds, videos, or program files. FTP is a general-purpose protocol that can be used to copy all types of files from one computer to another. FTP makes use of the TCP reliable transport services to establish a logical connection between the systems. FTP is one of the most heavily used protocols on the Internet. Figure shows an example of an FTP client that has connected to an FTP server. On the left side is the local system files and on the left are the folders and files that are located on the FTP server which are available for download. . 4.4.9 Telnet In order to interact with and control a particular local computer or network device, users normally connect a monitor or terminal to the system and log on to it. The telnet protocol allows users to connect and log on to a system that is remote from their computers. Telnet enables interactive terminal communications with remote systems as if they were directly connected to the terminal, even though there may be many networks separating the terminal from the remote system. Using telnet, users can type commands to the system as if they were directly connected to it. Telnet uses the services of TCP for establishing a logical connection between the terminal and the remote computer. This connection is called a telnet session. Figure shows an example of an established telnet session that was made from a Windows 2000 workstation to a Linux Red Hat 7.2 server. . 4.4.10 SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is a protocol for sending e-mail messages between servers. Figure illustrates the relationship that an SMTP server has with a client system. This figure illustrates how a client system that sends e-mail must do so through the SMTP e-mail server. Most e-mail systems that send mail over the Internet use SMTP to send messages from one server to another. The messages can then be retrieved with an e-mail client using either Post Office Protocol (POP) or Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP). In addition, SMTP is generally used to send messages from a mail client to a mail server. Figure shows an example of how a user might configure a client system to use the SMTP server. This is why both the POP or IMAP server and the SMTP server must be configured in an e-mail application. After establishing the TCP connection to port 25 (used by SMTP), the sending machine, operating as the client, waits for the receiving machine, operating as the server, to talk first. The server starts by sending a line of text giving its identity and telling whether or not it is prepared to receive mail. If it is not, the client releases the connection and tries again later. If the server is willing to accept e-mail, the client announces from whom the e-mail is coming, and to whom it is going. If a recipient exists at the destination, the server gives the client the go-ahead message. Then the client sends the message and the server acknowledges it. If there is more e-mail, it is now sent. When all the e-mail has been exchanged in both directions, the connection is released. 4.4.11 POP3 Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3) is a common mail service protocol that is used by ISPs that provide Internet and e-mail service to home customers. POP3 permits a workstation to retrieve mail that the server is holding. Figure illustrates the relationship that an e-mail server has with client systems. This figure illustrates how a client system that receives e-mail must do so through the SMTP e-mail server. After the mail is retrieved, it can be deleted from the server. Figure shows a typical client interface that is used to configure the system to use a POP3 e-mail server to retrieve e-mail. 4.4.12 IMAP Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) is a newer e-mail protocol that is more robust than POP3. IMAP is offered by many ISPs, and some of them are even discontinuing their POP3 support. IMAP is a method for accessing electronic mail or bulletin board messages that are kept on a mail server. IMAP is fully compatible with Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) Internet messaging standards, and it allows message access and management from more than one computer. Also, the client software needs no knowledge about the server file store format. Figure shows a typical client interface that is used to configure the system to use a POP3 e-mail server to retrieve e-mail. CHAPTER 5 5.1 Network Services 5.1.1 An introduction to network/NOS services Networking operating systems are designed to provide network processes to clients and peers. Network services include the World Wide Web (WWW), file sharing, mail exchange, directory services, remote management, and print services. Remote management is a powerful service that allows administrators to configure networked systems that are miles away. It is important to understand that these network processes are referred to as services in Windows 2000, daemons in Linux, and Netware Loadable Modules (NLMs) in Novell. Essentially, they will all provide the same functions but the way that they are loaded and interact with the NOS is different in each operating system. Services, Daemons, and NLMs are covered in more detail in later chapters. Depending on the NOS, some of these key network processes may be enabled during a default installation. Most popular network processes rely on the TCP/IP suite of protocols. Figure lists some of the most popular TCP/IP based services. Because TCP/IP is an open, well-known set of protocols, TCP/IP-based services are especially vulnerable to unauthorized scans and malicious attacks. Denial of Service (DoS) attacks, computer viruses, and fast-spreading Internet worms have forced NOS designers to reconsider which network services are started automatically. Recent versions of popular NOSs, such as Windows 2000 and Red Hat Linux 7, restrict the number of network services that are on by default. When deploying a NOS, some key network services will need to be enabled manually. 5.2 Remote Administration and Access Services 5.2.1 What is remote access? Remote access is becoming more important as network users become more mobile and as companies expand their business to multiple locations or open their resources to selected outsiders without putting those resources on the Internet. Some popular uses of remote access include the following: • • • • • Connecting branch offices to one another Providing a means for employees to connect to the network after business hours Allowing employees to telecommute by working at home on a part-time or full-time basis Enabling employees who are on the road, such as traveling salespeople or executives on business trips, to connect to the corporate network Providing company clients or partners access to network resources In an expanding global economy, even small businesses frequently need to open offices at multiple sites. If these locations are able to connect to the network at headquarters, up-to-date information can be easily shared and resources can be easily pooled. When the need for access is infrequent, or when it applies only to a few computers, a dialup connection may suffice. Then, at the headquarters office, a networked computer can be set up as the dialup server. Users at the branch office can dial and connect to the network when necessary. For many corporate employees, the workday spills over into off-duty time. Executives and others often take work home. They may need to connect to the corporate network after business hours, especially if they have to work across time zones. With a remote access connection, employees can access the corporate remote access server and log in to the network with their regular user account. Employees can then use all the resources that would be available from the office desktop computer. Figure illustrates how this process is accomplished via a service provider. 5.2.2 Telecommuting A large number of employees, including creative personnel, technical writers, software programmers, salespeople, and clerical staffs, work from home all or part of the time. These workers telecommute to the office and stay in touch throughout the day through e-mail, live chat, and even audio and video conferencing. Telecommuting is attractive to employees because it saves travel time and other costs associated with working in an office, such as business attire, lunches out, and transportation costs. It saves the company money as well because office space for telecommuting employees is not required. Dialup access is the most common way for telecommuting employees to connect to the company LAN, although in some cases, a dedicated connection might make more sense. If a company has many telecommuting employees, the remote access server requires multiple modems (a modem bank) so that numerous connections can be made simultaneously. Of course, each modem requires its own separate telephone line, as shown in Figure . 5.2.3 Mobile users Business travel is becoming more prevalent as companies market their products on a national or international scale. Salespeople, recruiters, trainers, top-level management personnel, and others can spend a great deal of time on the road. The needs of mobile users are similar to those of after-hours users. It can be difficult or impossible to store all the files needed on a laptop or notebook computer. It is a security threat as well because the laptop and its contents could be physically stolen. A better solution might be for mobile users to dial in to the company LAN. Here, as shown in Figure , their user accounts are authenticated, and they can access the data here instead of copying it to their own hard disk. 5.2.4 Terminal emulation services Terminal emulation is the process of accessing a remote system via a local computer terminal (see Figure ). The local terminal runs software that emulates, or mimics, the look of the remote system terminal. Using terminal emulation, the local user can type commands and execute programs on the remote system. The terminal emulation program runs on the local system like any other program. On a Windows system, users can run a terminal emulation program in one window while running separate applications in other windows. Different types of terminal emulation are required for specific types of terminals. Listed below are some of the terminal types common in computer networking: • • • • IBM 3270 DEC VT100 AS/400 5250 TTY The most common terminal emulation application is Telnet, which is part of the TCP/IP protocol suite. Telnet provides a command-line interface (CLI) that allows clients to access a remote server. Windows, UNIX, and Linux NOSs support Telnet services. In addition to remote management, terminal emulation can be used to deliver applications and services to clients. For example, an organization can install a high-end application on the server, and then allow underpowered clients to access the application via terminal emulation. From the end user's point of view, the high-end application appears to run locally on the client machine. In reality, the application is run on the server, which probably has significantly more processing horsepower and RAM. 5.2.5 Telnet services Telnet is the main Internet protocol for creating a connection with a remote machine. It gives the user the opportunity to be on one computer system and do work on another, which may be across the street or thousands of miles away. Telnet provides an error-free connection. Telnet has the following security considerations. • • • • Hacking Password guessing Denial of Service (DoS) attacks Packet sniffing (viewable text data) Telnet will be covered further in Chapters 8 and 9 as it relates specifically to Windows 2000 and Linux. Figures and illustrate an example of a remote user accessing a Windows 2000 server using Telnet services. 5.2.6 Configuring remote access for a client Today most computers are connected to a network on a permanent basis through the systems network card. These types of connections are done through assigning IP addresses to the system, which was covered in Chapter 4, “TCP/IP Networking”. Sometimes establishing a remote connection to a computer must be done in other ways when the computer might be located somewhere that is not connected to a network. Therefore, a dialup telephone connection, ISDN, or broadband connection must be used to connect to the computer. Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) can be used to establish a TCP/IP link between two computers, using a modem. A PPP connection is designed to be in use for only short periods of time because it is not considered an “always-on” Internet connection. There are, however, some ISPs that offer full-time PPP links but this is not the recommended means of running a connection to a server. Some configuration is necessary to initiate and establish a PPP connection on a Linux system. The first step is making sure that the PPP daemon is installed, which is known as “pppd”. The PPP daemon can both initiate and respond to attempts to initiate a connection. Text-based PPP configuration There are two ways to create a PPP connection. One way to configure PPP is by using the text-based PPP utilities and the other is to use the GUI Dialer. If using a text-based version, it is required to first make an entry in the /etc/ppp/pap-secrets or /etc/ppp/chap-secrets file. Figures and show examples of these entries a user will see in these files. Editing these two files is done in the same format and they are used to provide authentication information between the two computers. The /etc/ppp/pap-secrets file uses the Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) and the /etc/ppp/chap-secrets files uses the Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP). The PAP and CHAP protocols are protocols that present the users username and password information. When editing these files, a user will have to put in the username and password information that is provided by the ISP. Users will also need to enter in the name of the server or computer that they are connecting to. This value can be substituted with an asterisk (*), which means that it will connect to any server or computer. The last piece of information that users will need for the secrets file is the IP address of the system that pppd is supposed to get when it connects. This value can be left blank, which will allow a connection to any IP address. Making a connection through the command-line also requires modifying a few scripts as well. These are the ppp-on, ppp-on-dialer, and ppp-off scripts. The pop-up and pop-up dialer scripts handle the start connections and the ppp-down script ends it. The first step in modifying these scripts is to copy them from the default directory which is /usr/share/doc/ppp-2.3.11/scripts, to a directory that is on a path like /usr/local/bin, for example. After coping these files to the new location the users will need to edit them with the information relevant to their ISP. The steps to accomplish this are: 1. In the ppp-on script, there are lines that start with TELEPHONE=, ACCOUNT=, and PASSWORD=. Enter the information on these lines that are relevant to the ISP. Figure shows an example of the ppp-on script. 2. Located in the ppp-on script is a variable that points to the location of the ppp-on-dialer. The default location is /etc/ppp. If it is not pointing to the correct location, change this location accordingly. 3. Located on the very bottom of the ppp-on script, find the “call to pppd” values. These values are difficult to interpret but the only information here that needs to be checked is that this script is using the correct modem device filename and speed. Typically serial modems will use /dev/ttyS0 or /dev/ttyS1 file name. The speed of the modem in most cases should be 115200, but 38400 is the default value. 4. Next, check the ppp-on-dialer script. A sample ppp-on-dialer script is shown in Figure . This script handles the “chat” sequence. The last two lines of this script will need to be modified with the information from the user’s ISP. This information is the dialog that is exchanged by the modem and ISP about the user’s username and account when signing on to the Internet. This is the information that a user will need to enter in the last two lines of this script to make it work. Alternatively, if the user’s ISP uses PAP or CHAP, these last two lines will just need to just be commented out by preceding these lines with a pound sign (#) so that they are not read when the script is executed and the backslash (\) will need to be removed from the connect line. After making all these changes, log on as root and type ppp-on from the shell. (The user might have to precede the command with the full-path.) If the scripts were edited successfully then the system should dial the modem and establish a connection. GUI Dialer PPP Configuration PPP configuration can also be done from the GUI using the GUI dialing utilities. The GUI PPP dialer that comes with KDE is the KPPP dialer. An example of the KPPP dialer is shown in Figure . To start the KPPP Window, type kppp at the shell or by selecting it from the KDE menu. The first time the KPPP dialer is started it will need to be configured. After all the configuration settings have been entered, all that needs to be done after the kppp command is executed is to select the ISP from the “Connect To” list and then enter the username and password. Follow these steps to configure the KPPP dialer: 1. Type kppp at the shell. This will start the KPPP dialer. 2. When the dialer starts, click Setup. This will start the KPPP configuration window. An example of the KPPP configuration window is shown in Figure . 3. Click New. This will create a new account. Note here that if the user is in the United States, the user will have to select the dialog box option and not the wizard because the wizard does not support U.S. ISPs. After selecting the dialog box option the New Account dialog box will open. An example of the New Account dialog box is shown in Figure . 4. In the “connection name” box type the name that this account is to be referred to. 5. Click Add, and then enter the ISP phone number, then click OK. Sometimes an ISP will provide more than one number to dial. In this case, repeat this step for additional numbers to dial. 6. On the Authentication tab, select the type of authentication that the ISP uses, either PAP or CHAP. Then click OK to close the New Account dialog box. 7. Last, view the modem and device tabs to confirm that the correct Modem Device and Connection speed is selected. Connecting using ISDN An alternative to using analog telephones lines to establish a connection is ISDN. Figure illustrates an example of a logical representation of an ISDN connection. ISDN has many advantages over using telephones lines. One of these advantages is speed. ISDN uses a pair of 64 kilobits per second (Kbps) digital lines to connect, which provides a total of 128 Kbps throughput. This is much better than using a telephone line that connects at a maximum speed of 56 Kbps, and often it does not even reach that high in some areas. Although ISDN is better than using telephones lines, an even better alternative to ISDN is DSL or cable modem services. DSL and cable modem services are discussed in the next section. Instead of using a modem to connect to a remote computer, ISDN uses a terminal adapter. The terminal adapter essentially performs the same role that a modem plays in a PPP connection. Establishing a connection with the terminal adapter is done the same way as with a modem and a PPP connection. Therefore, just follow the same instructions outlined in the previous section on PPP connections to configure an ISDN connection. A terminal adapter is an external device that acts much like an external modem does. However, a user can use an internal device that plugs into one of the PCI slots in the computer. These internal ISDN devices are called ISDN modems. Keep in mind that the user will need to have the proper drivers installed in order for the ISDN modem to function properly in Linux. Another important thing to remember about using ISDN modems is that unlike regular modems that dial to a telephone line, ISDN modems cannot use the /dev/ttyS0 file name. Instead an ISDN modems must use the /dev/ttyI0 file name and the subsequently numbered device filenames. Connecting via DSL and Cable modem Service A popular means of establishing a remote connection to a computer these days is via DSL or cable modem service, or sometimes just referred to as high-speed remote access or broadband remote access. Figure illustrates an example of how a DSL or cable Internet connection is made. This service is still provided by an ISP but offers some advantages over PPP and ISDN connections. First, DSL and cable have much higher speeds that PPP and ISDN. Where PPP connects at a maximum of 56 Kbps and ISDN at 128 Kbps, DSL and Cable connect at a range of 1000 Kbps to 3000 Kbps. The rate of speed will vary depending on several factors like Internet traffic. These higher connection speeds also allow for video, voice, and digital data transmissions rather than just data. PPP and ISDN connections are simply too slow to allow for anything other than just regular data transmissions. Another advantage that high-speed remote access allows is that a permanent connection is established. This means that the connection can be used 24 hours a day and users do not need to go through any dialer configuration or even have to enter a command to initiate the connection. There are two exceptions to this rule that will be discussed shortly. Again, when dealing with Linux, compatibility issues will arise when using a DSL or cable modem service. These two issues being hardware compatibility and the IP address assignment method. Hardware, compatibility issues arise when choosing the proper modem to use with Linux. Most DSL and cable modems are external and interface with the computer via an Ethernet port. This is the preferred method of connection that will be the most compatible with a Linux system. However, some external DSL or cable modems use a USB interface. Alternatively, they may be internal modems. Using these two types of DSL and cable modems require the use of special drivers in a Linux system that are rare and hard to find. There are four ways that a broadband ISP will assign IP addresses. These are with a static IP address, DHCP, PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE), or PPP over ATM (PPPoA). If the ISP provides the user with an incompatible modem, then the best idea is to replace it with one that is compatible. If the user’s ISP uses a PPPoE or PPPoA, the user will have to enter in some configuration to setup the connection. The user will also have to enter commands at the shell to initiate the connection and end the connection. The asdl-start command will initiate the connection and the asdl-stop command will end it. 5.2.7 Controlling remote access rights When setting up a server for remote access, it is important to maintain a strict access rights policy. This can be a major network administration operation. The Linux operating system provides many options to choose from when controlling remote access rights. When setting up remote access controls, it is a good idea to use a combination of at least two of these options. The reason for this is that should one fail or go down the user will always have a back up. Firewalls A firewall acts a barrier between one network, like the Internet for example, and another network. This other network could be the network that the user is in charge of controlling security for. The firewall is placed between where these two networks interface, thus blocking unwanted traffic. Setting up a firewall can be done in a variety of different fashions. One of the traditional ways is to install a router that can block and control undesired traffic in and out of a network. Other types of firewalls include dedicated external firewalls like Cisco PIX Firewall, or having just a regular computer acting as a firewall. Linux provides a distribution called Linux Router Project ( that can be installed on a regular computer that will provide firewall capabilities. All network traffic flowing in and out of the network does so by using ports. A packet filter firewall restricts traffic based on these port assignments. This type of firewall examines the source and destination port number and the source and destination IP address. For example, if a Samba server is running on the internal network, the administrator would configure the firewall to block the port used by Samba on the firewall. This would prevent any unwanted access to the server from a malicious hacker outside the network. As mentioned previously, the Linux operating system alone can be configured to provide firewall services. Linux uses the ipfwadm, ipchains, and iptables tools to configure firewall functions. Firewall functions can be configured either manually, by using a GUI configuration tool, or via a website. Manually Should a user decide to configure the Linux system as a firewall, it is recommended that the user first read up on the subject. There are complete books that deal with this subject and it can be very difficult to do so. It involves writing scripts, which can be complicated and could result in the firewall not functioning properly. GUI Configuration Tool Some of the GUI configuration tools that can be used for firewall configuration are Firestarter ( or Guarddog ( The latest distributions of Linux are now being shipped with these programs. These tools allow for a much easier means of controlling network ports as well as client and server protocols that a user would want to control. These tools also generate the scripts for users that can run automatically when the system starts up. Website Configuration This tool is available at ( This tool functions like the GUI configuration tools and allows users to enter the necessary information to the system, and the website generates the firewall scripts for them. TCP Wrappers TCP Wrappers are used in conjunction with inetd. Keep in mind that inetd is no longer used with Linux Mandrake or Red Hat. These two distributions use xinetd. TCP Wrappers use a program called tcpd. Without tcpd running a server would call another server directly with inetd. When using the tcpd program, the inetd program calls tcpd first. The tcpd program will first check to see if the client is authorized to access the server and if it is, then the tcpd program will allow the client to access the server. There are two files that are used to configure the TCP Wrappers, /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny. Figures and show examples of these two files. By editing these files and adding hostnames to the files, users can either allow or deny access to the system. Hostnames entered in the hosts.allow file specify what systems are allowed to gain access to the system. If an attempt is made to access the system and the hostname is not entered in the hosts.allow file, then it is denied access. In contrast, hostnames entered into the hosts.deny file are denied access to the system. The entries in these files consist of lines like the following: • • • • • daemon-list: client-list – The daemon-list specifies the names of servers that appear in /etc/services. These are the servers/services to which access will either be granted or denied. The client-list specifies which clients are granted access or denied access to the server in the corresponding daemon-list. Entries in the client-list can be by hostname or by IP address. Xinetd – As mentioned before, the Mandrake and Red Hat Distributions of Linux no longer use inetd or TCP Wrappers. Instead they use xinetd. Mandrake and Red Hat control access by editing the /etc/xinetd.conf file. Figure shows an example of the xinetd.conf file. These edits that are made in the xinetd.conf file make calls to other files located in the /etc/xinetd.d directory. Figure lists some of the daemons that are in the /etc/xinetd.d directory. These files are in the /etc/xinetd.d directory and are what control the access to the different daemons running on the system. Configuration is done on a server-by-server basis by using the bind, only_from, and no_access parameters. Bind – This tells xinetd to listen to only one network interface for the service. For example, adding the entry bind = to the file will cause a router to only listen to that specific Ethernet card address on the network. only_from – This works similar to the hosts.allow file in that the user can specify IP address, Network addresses, or hostnames on this line to allow connections only from those particular entries listed in the file. no_access – This works similar to the hosts.deny file in that entries listed on this line will be denied access to the server. Passwords Passwords are a very useful method to control remote access to a server. Passwords are very useful when specifying who has access to servers such as e-mail, FTP, and Telnet severs for example. Enforcing a password forces the user to authenticate themselves in some way to the servers to gain access to the server resources. Although passwords can be an effective means of preventing access to a server, they also have some security issues that should be known as well. Unless the passwords are sent in an encrypted form, it can run the risk of an experienced user being able to read them. The FTP, POP, IMAP, and Telnet protocols send password information in an encrypted form by default, others do not. There are ways however, to securely encrypt the passwords and even the data. One such method is by using the SSH protocol. The SSH protocol is designed to be secure and prevents a password from being used even if it is intercepted. SSH provides another means of providing secure authentication to a server. SSH is capable of storing a special key on the server and one on the client. The client uses this key, and not a password, to authenticate to the server. Although this configuration provides a secure means of authentication there are some security risks involved as well. For example, if for some reason an intruder were to gain access to a user’s client computer then they would be able to gain access to the server. It is also important to mention the “r-commands” when discussing password authentication. The “rcommands” comprise the rlogin, rsh, and rcp commands. These commands allow a user on a UNIX or Linux system to login to, run programs on, and copy files to and from another UNIX or Linux system without having to be authenticated. This is accomplished by creating a rhosts file in the users home directory. This file contains lists of other hosts that are trusted. These hosts that are trusted can gain access to a server without having to be authenticated. Again, there can be some security issues breeched by using this form of authentication and particular care should be taken when determining which hosts will be trusted. File Permissions File permissions can be useful to give general access to files or certain directories without having to specify any particular user. Basically, anyone can login and gain access to the server. However, the file permissions can limit what files or directories they will have access to. For example, if there was an FTP, Telnet, or SSH server that people needed to have access to, the administrator could specify a directory or a group of directories that these users will have access to once they login. An even better example would be allowing anonymous access to a FTP server. The anonymous access control specifies that anyone can gain access to the server but they will only be able to access the particular directories and files that have the appropriate file permissions to do so. 5.2.8 Remote administration to Linux system One benefit of using the Linux operating system on a server is that it provides many ways to remotely administer the system. This is the reason that it is so important to control access rights. As with any type of remote access to a system there are some security risks that need to be addressed. Many of these were discussed in the previous section. However, remote administration can be very convenient and also necessary in some cases. Linux provides several tools for remote administration. These include, text-mode logins, GUI logins, file transfers, and dedicated remote administration protocols. Text-Mode Logins A text-mode login consists of logging into a system via Telnet or SSH. A user can use Telnet or SSH to remotely administer the Linux server from any system running any operating system like Mac OS or Windows for example. It does not have to be a Linux operating system. This is typically done by logging in with a regular user account and then using the su command with the root password to gain superuser privileges. At this point, users can really do anything that they could do from the shell prompt at the main console. The correct command syntax for using Telnet in Linux is telnet hostname, where hostname is the DNS name of the system that the user is attempting to gain access to. Figure illustrates an example of the telnet command being used. SSH works the same way, however it does not use the login: prompt. Users do not need to specify a username or password. Instead SSH passes the current username to the system that the user is attempting to access remotely to authenticate the user. However, the user can login to an SSH server with a different username and password by using the –l username parameter. The output is as follows: (note that in the following output hostname represents the DNS name of the remote system). $ ssh hostname -l jsmith jsmith@hostname password: Last login: Wed Feb 18 08:34:23 2002 from hostname [jsmith@hostname jsmith]$ Once the user has successfully gained access to the system, the user can do just about anything that can be done from a shell prompt on the main console. To remotely administer a Linux server via a GUI login, first, users will need to install some software on the systems that they are making the remote administration attempt from. The software that they will have to install is X server. If they are making the attempt from a Linux system, then X server should already be installed. Users can also use a Windows system with X server installed on it to remotely administer a Linux server via a GUI. Just like with Telnet and SSH, once users have logged on, they can use the su command with the root password to acquire root privileges. File Transfers Generally, file transfer is not what a person could call remote administration. However, it is in fact a way to edit and configure files remotely. A file transfer tool such as FTP can be used to transfer files from one system to another, edit them, and then send them back. For example, a user could have a Linux server that is configured as a print server. Since this server is a print server it might not have the proper editing and configuration tools needed to edit files on the print server, which would make telneting to the server pointless. If FTP, NFS, or Samba were installed on the print server, then a user could log in to the print server remotely and transfer the file to a system that has the proper editing and configuration tools, edit the file, and transfer it back to the print server. Keep in mind, however, that it is not recommended to grant direct access to the target directory of the configuration files, like the /etc directory using NFS or Samba. This makes is easier to transfer the file to the correct location but can leave the server vulnerable to attacks. Instead, the best practice would be to transfer the file using a general user account that would place the file in that user account home directory. Then use a remote login protocol like SSH to copy the file to the appropriate directory. Remote Administration Protocols Linux provides several tools to enable an administrator to remotely manage a computer. To do this, the user will need to install the server version of these tools onto the client computer, which is the computer that the user is planning to manage remotely. The user will need to install the client version of the particular tool being used on the computer that the user plans to use to do the administration. Most of these tools use web browsers as a means of doing the remote administration, which is helpful in an environment that has multiple operating systems such as Macintosh or Windows. The system does not need to be a Linux system in order to remotely manage it from a Linux system. A few of these tools are mentioned below: • • • SNMP Samba Web Administration Tool (SWAT) Webmin SNMP This protocol will be discussed in detail in later chapters. It is important to note here however that this has never been the remote management tool of choice for Linux systems like it has been in the Windows environment. The reason for this is that it requires a lot of complicated configuration on the systems that are to be administered. Samba Web Administration Tool (SWAT) This tool is a web-based tool that is used to administer a Samba server. After configuring SWAT, users can access the server remotely using a web browser. SWAT uses port 901 and to access the SWAT administration page, users would type the URL of the server they wish to access remotely, followed by port 901. For example, users would type Figure provides an example of the SWAT page. Keep in mind that SWAT only allows users to administer the Samba functions of the server. Users will not be able to perform any other administration tasks with SWAT. However, users will have complete control of Samba on the remote server. Webmin Webmin, like the name implies, is another web-based remote administration tool. Webmin was designed with the main concept being that it can be used on all the Linux distributions as well as UNIX systems. When Webmin is installed, configuration files specific to that particular distribution of Linux or UNIX is installed. Webmin uses port 10000. To access the Webmin administration page, users would type the URL of the server that they wish to access remotely, followed by port 10000. For example type 5.3 Directory Services 5.3.1 What is a directory service? As intranets continue to grow in size, the complexities of these networks are also rapidly growing. Modern intranets can feature thousands of users, each needing different services and various levels of security on the network. The task of managing this logistical challenge has grown beyond the capacity of the NOS alone. Many system administrators now use “directory services” to supplement the management tools of a NOS. Figure shows the basic concepts of how a directory service is built. The top object in a directory, which holds all the other objects, is called the “root” objects. A directory service provides system administrators with centralized control of all users and resources across the entire network. They provide an administrator with the ability to organize information. They help to simplify the management of the network by providing a standard interface for common system administration tasks. This feature is important when a large network is running multiple operating systems and various network protocols. With a single directory service in place, the network administrator can centrally manage all such resources with a defined set of tools instead of manually attending to each device separately. These directory services can be local, which means they are restricted to one machine or the directory information can be spread across multiple machines. This is referred to as distributed directory database. In the computing world, a directory can be a different thing. Students are probably familiar with the term "directory" as it relates to computer file systems, in which a directory is a collection of files grouped under an identifying name. Directory services used by a NOS are different but related concepts. In this context, a directory is a special type of database. It can contain varying types of information. Benefits of Using a Directory Structure The benefits of using directory services on a network include the following: • • • The data can be easily organized. The data can be easily secured. The data can be easily located and accessed. There are advantages to using directory services to access network resources. Traditionally, shared files and folders were stored on the hard drives of individual workstations or file servers. To connect to the shared files, the user needed to know where they were located. A directory service eliminates this requirement. Shared resources are published to the directory. Users can locate and access them without ever knowing on which machine the resources physically reside. Figure illustrates how this process is intended to work. The files, directories, and shares that users access from a single point can be distributed across multiple servers and locations using distributed directory and replication services. The following two methods can be used to browse the entire distributed directory from a single location. • • Browse the Microsoft Windows Network in the traditional way – Browse each individual machine to locate shared files. Browse the Directory – This option displays all resources published to the Active Directory. Figure illustrates how to use Microsoft Windows Explorer to browse the directory. 5.3.2 Directory service standards It is necessary to conform to a standard when creating distributed directories. To operate within a NOS, different directory services need to have a common method of naming and referencing objects. Without these standards, each application would have to use its own directory, which requires more disk space. Additionally, the products of one vendor cannot use the databases compiled by the products of another vendor. Without these standards, it would be impossible to have a functioning directory structure. Standards compliance directory service vendors design their services so they are compatible over a broad range of platforms and with other directory services. X.500 X.500 defines the Electronic Directory Service (EDS) standards. The directory services described in X.500 are designed to work in conjunction with X.400 messaging services. An X.500-compliant directory has three primary components: • Directory System Agent (DSA) – Manages the directory data • • Directory User Agent (DUA) – Gives users access to directory services Directory Information Base (DIB) – Acts as the central data store, or database, in which directory information is kept The X.500 standards address how information is stored in the directory and how users and computer systems access that information. Security of data, the naming model, and the replication of directory data between servers are all defined by X.500. X.500 specifications define the directory structure as an inverted tree, and the database is hierarchical. An X.500-compliant directory service uses Directory Access Protocol (DAP), which is discussed next. DAP and LDAP DAP enables the DUA to communicate with the DSA. DAP defines the means by which the user can search the directory to read, add, delete, and modify directory entries. DAP is a powerful protocol, but the associated overhead is high. Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) was developed as a subset of DAP to simplify access to X.500-type directories. LDAP has become a popular standard because it integrates directories from different vendors. LDAP is designed to use fewer system resources than DAP, and it is easier to implement. The current version of LDAP is LDAPv3. LDAPv3 offers several major improvements over earlier LDAP versions. Enhanced security is a primary focus of the new version. LDAPv3 supports Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption between client and server and enables X.509 certificate authentication. LDAPv3 also enables the server to refer the LDAP client to another server if it is not able to answer the client query. Figure illustrates an example of a typical DAP and LDAP directory service. 5.3.3 Windows 2000 Active Directory With the release of Windows 2000 Server, Microsoft made fundamental changes to its networking components that are even more drastic than those made by Novell in the transition from NetWare 3 to 4. The Active Directory is central to these changes. Where the Novell NDS functions as a service that works with the NOS, the Microsoft Active Directory functions as an application that is deeply integrated with the operating system. The following sections discuss the structure of the Active Directory database, Active Directory integration, and Active Directory information. Active Directory Database Structure The Active Directory information is stored in three files: • • • Active Directory Database Active Directory Log Files Shared System Volume The database is the directory. The log files record changes made to the database. The Shared System Volume (called Sysvol) contains scripts and group policy objects on Windows 2000 domain controllers. Group Policy is the means by which Windows 2000 administrators control user desktops, automatically deploy applications, and set user rights. Windows 2000 Domains The logical structure of the Active Directory is based on units called Domains. Although the same terminology is used, domains in Windows 2000 function differently from those in Windows NT. In both Windows NT and Windows 2000, a domain represents a security and administrative boundary, as well as a replication unit. However, Windows NT uses a flat domain structure, and Windows 2000 arranges domains in hierarchical domain trees. The hierarchical tree concept works differently in Active Directory than in NDS. NDS does not divide the network into domains. Windows 2000 networks can have multiple domains, organized into domain trees. Additionally, these trees can be joined to other trees to form forests. Figure shows a Windows 2000 domain structure with two domain trees (with root domains and joined in a forest. A forest is the term that Microsoft uses to call a collection of the entire different domain trees that is included in the Active Directory hierarchical structure. Windows 2000 Organizational Units (OUs) Active Directory, like NDS, uses Organizational Units (OUs) to organize resources within domains. Administrative authority can be delegated to individual OUs. In contrast, NT networking enables administrative privileges to be assigned only at the domain level. Active Directory and DNS Active Directory uses DNS naming conventions and is dependent on DNS to operate. There must be a DNS server on every Windows 2000 network. In addition, DNS zone information updates can be integrated with Active Directory replication, which is more efficient than traditional DNS update methods. Windows 2000 supports Dynamic DNS (DDNS), which enables the automatic updating of the DNS database. Active Directory Servers To use Active Directory, at least one server must be configured as a Domain Controller (DC). It is recommended that there be at least two DCs in each domain, for fault tolerance. Configuring the first domain controller on the network creates the directory for that domain. Unlike Windows NT servers, Windows 2000 Servers that are running Active Directory, have no primary domain controller (PDC) or back-up domain controller (BDC). In Windows NT domains, only the PDC would contain a full read/write copy of the directory of user accounts and security information. The PDC would authenticate usernames and passwords when members log into the network. The BDC would maintain a read-only backup of the PDC's master directory and thus any changes would need to be made on the PDC. Windows 2000 servers that are running Active Directory approach the domain controller concept a little differently. Unlike Windows NT Server, where a PDC must be accessible to make changes to the directory, Windows 2000 Server relies on Active Directory multimaster replication model to update all the domain controllers within the Forest when a change is made to any other Domain controller. There is no PDC or BDC. All domain controllers are equal. All Domain Controllers contain a read/write copy of the Active Directory partition. This information is kept up to date and synchronized through the process of replication. This process is discussed in the next section of this chapter. Active Directory Replication Replication is the process of copying data from one computer to one or more other computers and synchronizing that data so that it is identical on all systems. Active Directory uses multimaster replication to copy directory information between the domain controllers in a domain. Changes can be made on any domain controller, and those changes are then replicated to the others, except during the performance of a single-master operation. Windows 2000 administrators can establish replication policies that determine when and how often directory replication takes place. This enables optimum use of network bandwidth. Controlling the replication schedule is especially important when domain controllers are located on opposite sides of a slow link, such as a 56K WAN link. Active Directory Security Each object in Active Directory has an Access Control List (ACL) that contains all access permissions associated with that object. Permissions can be either explicitly allowed or denied, on a granular basis. There are two different types of permissions: 1. Assigned permissions – Permissions explicitly granted by an authorized user. 2. Inherited permissions – Permissions that apply to child objects because they were inherited from a parent object. Permissions can be assigned to an individual user or a group of users. Windows 2000 enables administrators to control this process. Note the checkbox at the bottom of the object security properties sheet in Figure . Active Directory Compatibility Active Directory is dependent on the operating system and runs only on Windows 2000 servers. Because Active Directory is LDAP-compatible, services and information can be accessed or exchanged with other LDAP directory services. Microsoft also provides tools for migrating information from other directories, such as NDS, into Active Directory. 5.3.4 The Novell Network Directory Service (NDS) Versions of NetWare up through 3.x use a directory database called the bindery. The biggest drawback of this directory service is its local nature. Each NetWare server on a network has to maintain an individual database, and a user has to have an account on each server to access those server resources. The following sections discuss the structure of the NDS database, NDS security issues, and NDS compatibility within various operating systems and hardware platforms. Figure displays the Novell login box that is used to log into Novell NDS. The NDS Database Structure NetWare introduced NDS in version 4. NDS is a global database that is replicated between servers on the network. With it, users can log onto any server and access resources. Figure illustrates how the NDS Database structure is organized into a hierarchical database. The NDS database is hierarchical and uses the inverted tree arrangement. It includes two basic types of objects, container objects and leaf objects. As the names imply, a container object can contain other objects within it and a leaf object is the endpoint of a branch or the resource. Shared files and printers are examples of a leaf object. OUs are examples of a container object. NDS Security NDS permissions to access objects are assigned to OUs, and users and groups are placed into OUs. Moving the account from one OU to another can change user permissions. For example, if the john doe user account is moved from the Training OU to the Sales OU, that user will no longer have the access permissions assigned to Training. However, the user will acquire all permissions granted to Sales. This is different from the way in which permissions work in Microsoft Windows NT and Windows 2000 networks. Assigning permissions will be discussed in later chapters. NDS Platform Compatibility NDS can run on a variety of platforms, although it is generally associated with the NetWare NOS. Novell provides NDS for the following platforms: • • • • • • NetWare 4 and 5 Microsoft Windows NT and Windows 2000 IBM AIX and OS/390 Caldera OpenLinux SCO UNIX Sun Solaris The NDS Directory is the Novell cross-platform solution for integrated enterprise computing with directoryenabled applications. NDS enables the use of a variety of protocols to access directory information, including the following: • • • • • Novell Directory Access Protocol (NDAP) LDAP HTTP (when using a web server) Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) API Active Directory Services Interface (ADSI) 5.3.5 Network Information Service (NIS) Linux uses its own version of Directory Services called the Network Information Service (NIS). NIS provides a simple network lookup service consisting of databases and processes. NIS is a service that provides the information required on all machines on the network. There is support for NIS in Linux standard libc library, which is referred to as "traditional NIS". NIS, unlike Active Directory in Windows, can be installed by default when the Operating System is installed. However, this option is only available on certain distributions. NIS is a Daemon that has to be loaded after the OS is installed. Configuring NIS on the system will allow the Linux Sever to obtain information about user accounts, group accounts, file systems, and other databases located on other servers throughout the Network. NIS functions in much the same way for Linux, as NDS does with Novell and Active Directory does with Windows. A system using NIS will be able to access files and information from any system on the Network. To correctly establish this relationship, NIS will often work in conjunction with Network File System (NFS). NFS running on Linux allows a user to mount file systems that can be located on any server in the Network to a user’s local directory. The NIS Structure In a NIS configuration, the network will consist of the NIS server, slaves, and clients. The NIS server is where the NIS database is created and maintained. The NIS slaves act the same way as NDS servers act in Novell. The NIS databases are copied to all the NIS slave servers. The slaves are then capable of providing NIS directory information to clients, but any changes made to the database must be performed in the NIS server. The NIS clients are the systems that will request database information from the servers and slaves. The NIS slaves perform the Load Balancing for the NIS servers. Figure shows an example of the logical layout of a Linux NIS topology. Configuring NIS on a Client If a user is configuring NIS during the installation of Linux, then all that will need to be done is to select the option when it is presented. Then the user will have to select the NIS domain name as well as the IP address of the NIS server. It is important to note here that the NIS domain name is not necessarily the same as the DNS domain name. To configure NIS after installing Linux, the user uses the linuxconf utility to configure an NIS client. Figure shows an example of the linuxconf utility. At this point, the user will need to enter the NIS domain name and the IP address of the NIS server. 5.4 Other NOS Services 5.4.1 Mail Mail may be the most important network process of all. Mail provides users with a mechanism to send and receive electronic mail (e-mail). Mail services come in various forms. Over the years, many companies have developed proprietary methods of exchanging e-mail. Today, virtually all mail services rely on TCP/IP or can at least act as a gateway between proprietary and TCP/IP mail services. Figure represents how one client can send mail to another client through the Internet using TCP/IP services. It is a misconception to think that mail is sent from one user's computer directly to another. While this scenario is possible, it can only occur if both PCs are acting as mail servers. Most of time, the sender's mail is sent to a mail server that belongs to their ISP or employer, not directly to a destination. The mail server then forwards the mail (if necessary) to a server used by the recipient. For example, Maria types an e-mail to [email protected]. Maria's mail program forwards the mail to a mail server used by Maria. This is typically a mail server run by Maria's ISP or her company. Maria's mail server then attempts to forward the message to a mail server used by John. Maria's mail server uses the information after the @ symbol in John's address to determine where to send the message. In this case, Maria's server looks for mail servers that handle mail for Once the message arrives at the mail server, it waits there until John's e-mail program retrieves it. Mail services are comprised of a combination of the following components: • • • Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) Mail User Agent (MUA) Mail Delivery Agent (MDA) Sendmail is the name of the most popular MTA used on UNIX and Linux servers. Sendmail relies on Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) to receive mail from clients and forward mail to other mail servers. SMTP is part of the TCP/IP suite of protocols. Popular mail clients (MUAs) include Microsoft Outlook, Eudora, and Pine. MUAs can compose and send mail to MTAs, such as Sendmail. Mail clients send mail to servers using SMTP. An MDA is a program that is responsible for routing received mail to the appropriate mailboxes on the mail server. Some MDAs include security features and filters that can prevent the spread of e-mail viruses. E-mail is not usually read while a user is logged on to a shell account on the mail server. Instead, software is used to retrieve mail from a mailbox, which resides on the server. To retrieve mail from a mail server, remote mail clients use two common protocols: • • Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3) Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3) A simple protocol that is used by mail clients to authenticate mail servers and retrieve mail. POP3 does not encrypt usernames and passwords, so it can be a security risk on some LANs. Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) A complex protocol that typically results in higher server overhead than POP3. IMAP can encrypt passwords and other features. IMAP implementations are typically designed to store e-mail on the mail server and allow users to access from multiple clients. When implementing mail services, remember that clients send mail to servers using SMTP and retrieve mail from servers using POP3 or IMAP. Additionally, many mail servers include other features, including support for other activities: • • Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) provides corporate address book sharing Web interface programs allow clients to read and compose mail using a web browser It is not necessary for every NOS on a network to run the mail service. Typically, only one server on a network is needed to perform duties that are related to e-mail for all users. This server runs the mail service at all times, and users connect to the server when sending and reading e-mail. Figure is a drag and drop activity on common mail agents. 5.4.2 Printing Although the world is quickly headed into an electronic era, a need still exists for physical printouts of data. In large and some small networks, it is impractical to provide every workstation computer with a printer. The solution is to provide networked printers to support all users within a physical location. For this reason, network administrators use print services to help manage these network printers and their respective print queues. When a user decides to print in a networked printing environment, the job is sent to the appropriate queue for the selected printer. Print queues stack the incoming print jobs and service them using a "First In, First Out" (FIFO) order. That is, when a job is added to the queue, it is placed at the end of the list of waiting jobs and is printed after all other previous jobs before it. The wait for a print job can sometimes be long, depending on the size of the print jobs entered into the queue before it. Thus, a network print service will provide system administrators with the necessary tools to manage the large number of print jobs being routed throughout the network. This includes the ability to prioritize, pause, and even delete print jobs that are waiting to be printed. Print services are usually confined to a local intranet environment for the sake of maintenance and manageability. Figure shows an example of the print job manager for Windows 2000. 5.4.3 File sharing The capability to share files over a network is an important network service. There are many file sharing protocols and applications in use today. Within a corporate or home network, files are typically shared using Windows File Sharing or the Network File Sharing (NFS) protocol. In such environments, an end user may not even know if a given file is on a local hard disk or on a remote server. Windows File Sharing and NFS allow users to easily move, create, and delete files in remote directories. In contrast to file sharing within a home or office network, file sharing on the Internet is often done using the File Transfer Protocol (FTP). FTP is a client-server protocol that requires clients to log in before transferring files. Files are always available with Windows File Sharing and NFS but FTP sessions are made only for the duration of the file transfer. Most TCP/IP-capable NOSs include FTP services, although the commands supported by each NOS may vary slightly. Today, many end users share files using peer-to-peer protocols over the Internet. Gnutella is an example of a peer-to-peer networking protocol. Peer-to-peer protocols work without a central server. Each host that participates in the peer-to-peer network is considered equal to every other host. Peer-to-peer networking is popular among home users, but the technology has yet to be deployed as a widespread business solution. Peer-to-peer networks often rely on common TCP/IP protocols to share files. For example, Gnutella peers use HTTP to download files from one peer to another. Figure shows an example of a domain with the shared directories and files that can be accessed via a peer-to-peer connection. 5.4.4 FTP (File Transfer) web services Many organizations make files available to remote employees, customers, and to the general public via the File Transfer Protocol (FTP). FTP services are made available to the public in conjunction with web services. For example, a user may browse a website, read about a software update on a web page, and then download the update using FTP. Smaller companies may use a single server to provide FTP and HTTP services, while larger companies may choose to use dedicated FTP servers. Figure shows a typical FTP program, which can be used to download files from a remote server. Although FTP clients must logon, many FTP servers are configured to allow anonymous access. When users access a server anonymously, they do not need to have a user account on the system. The FTP protocol also allows users to upload, rename, and delete files, so administrators must be careful to configure an FTP server to control levels of access. FTP is a session-oriented protocol. Clients must open a session with the server, authenticate, and then perform an action such as download or upload. If the client's session is inactive for a certain length of time, the server disconnects the client. This inactive length of time is called an idle timeout. The length of an FTP idle timeout varies depending on the software. FTP connections are established through GUI programs or using the following standard CLI command: ftp hostname or IP_address Examples include the following situations: ftp or ftp FTP services are typically not enabled by default on NOSs. This is to prevent administrators from unknowingly making restricted files available for download. Also, FTP server programs have historically been a target of DoS and other malicious attacks. Attackers attempting to prevent legitimate users from gaining access to a service, such as a FTP service, characterize a DoS attack. Examples include: • • • • Attempts to flood a network preventing legitimate network traffic Attempts to disrupt connections between two machines preventing access to a service Attempts to prevent a particular individual from accessing a service Attempts to disrupt service to a specific system or user A network administrator should be prepared to monitor this type of activity before deploying a high-profile FTP service. Figure displays common FTP commands. Chapters 9 and 10 will describe specifically how to configure FTP services on Red Hat Linux 7 and Windows 2000. 5.4.5 Web services The World Wide Web is now the most visible network service. In less than a decade, the World Wide Web has become a global network of information, commerce, education, and entertainment. Figure shows a graph representing the exponential growth of the Internet. Millions of companies, organizations, and individuals maintain websites on the Internet. Websites are collections of web pages stored on a server or group of servers. The World Wide Web is based on a client-server model. Clients attempt to establish TCP sessions with web servers. Once a session is established, a client can request data from the server. The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) typically governs client requests and server transfers. Web client software includes GUI web browsers, such as Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer. Figure shows an example of the Windows Explorer web browser. Web clients can also be text browsers. A text browser can display a web page using typographical characters, but not graphics. Examples of text browsers include Lynx (used on UNIX/Linux systems) and wireless web (cell phone) browsers. In the early 1990s, HTTP was used to transfer static pages composed of text and simple images. These early web pages were written almost exclusively using HyperText Markup Language (HTML). As the World Wide Web developed, the role of HTTP has expanded. The websites now use HTTP to deliver dynamic content and transfer files. HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is an extension to the HTTP protocol that is used to support data sent securely over the Internet. HTTPS is designed to send individual messages securely. An example of Web Application that might use HTTPS is a bank that has websites for their customers that allows them to perform financial transactions. Web pages are hosted on computers running web services software. The two most common web server software packages are Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) and Apache Web Server. Microsoft IIS can only be run on a Windows platform, while Apache Web Server is typically used on UNIX and Linux platforms. There are dozens of other web server programs. There is some kind of web service available for virtually all operating systems currently in production. The most obvious use of web services is to communicate using the Internet. Companies advertise and sell their products using websites, organizations make information available, and families post pictures and online journals to share with friends. However, web services are also used on public or private networks to deploy computer applications, collaborate on projects, and manage remote systems. The following sections discuss private World Wide Web networks, called Intranets, as well as web-based remote management. Figure shows an example of the Netscape Navigator web browser. 5.4.6 Intranets Web services play a significant role on private and corporate networks. An organization can deploy a private World Wide Web network for a variety of purposes: • • • • • • • Internal information, memoranda, and reports Staff and employee directories Calendars and appointment schedules Application and software deployment Payroll information Employee services Collaborative tools Organizations typically do not want such information and services to be made public on the Internet. Instead, organizations build web servers to create a private intranet. The Latin prefix "inter" means "between", and so the word Internet can be thought to literally mean "between networks". This literal meaning makes sense, as the Internet provides a way to interconnect different networks of computers around the world. Figure provides an example of a logical representation of an Intranet. There are several networks that are located throughout the world that are connected and use there own Intranet to exchange information and display web pages, which is a much more secure alternative to displaying it on the external Internet. The Latin prefix "intra" means "within", thus an intranet is a network within some boundary or limitation. Intranets use the same technology used by the Internet, including HTTP over TCP/IP, web servers, and web clients. The difference between an intranet and the Internet is that intranets do not allow public access to private servers. One approach to building intranets is to configure them so that only on-site users can access the intranet servers. This is typically accomplished by using an Internet firewall. However, because many employees work at home or on the road, organizations have found ways to extend intranets beyond the geographical boundaries of the office building or campus. This type of intranet, which allows outside users to connect to the private web servers, is sometimes called an Extranet. Extranets are configured to allow employees and customers to access the private network over the Internet. To prevent unauthorized access to the private network, extranet designers must use a technology such as virtual private networking. Figure provides an example of a logical representation of how a Virtual Tunnel is established via the Internet in order to provide a secure remote connection to a company internal network. A virtual private network (VPN) makes it possible for employees to use a web client connected to the Internet to access the private network securely. VPNs rely on encryption software, usernames, and passwords to ensure that communication occurs privately, and only among authorized users. Figure illustrates how a VPN can also be used as a secure means of transferring data in a secure manner to another remote branch office using the Internet as a means of transport. 5.4.7 Extranet Extranets are an emerging technology that many of the largest corporations in the world are beginning to build. They provide a means of including the outside world such as customers and suppliers, as well as a means of gaining valuable market research. For example, a company intranet can be linked to their external website (or extranet). This can allow them to gather information about a customer surfing their website. The information would include where they are looking on the site, which products they sample, what processes produce requests for technical support, or what parts they are buying. Extranets are intranets taken to the next step. An intranet is company-wide while an extranet can be worldwide. Extranets can partition off and separate company data contained in the company intranet from the web services offered to the world via the Internet. A few advantages of an extranet for a company could be e-mail and program sharing. It can extend the capabilities of the company to provide customer support, as well as e-commerce and online sales. One of the obvious dangers of extranets is security, however it is possible to provide security with firewalls and encrypted passwords. This does not guarantee that an extranet is safe. Figure outlines some of the various types of networks that have been discussed. 5.4.8 Automating tasks with scripts services Modern NOS software provides system administrators and users with many built-in tools and automated features to increase productivity. Sometimes these features and commands are not enough to perform certain tasks efficiently. For this reason, most NOSs include support for "scripts". A script is a simple text program that allows the user to perform many automated tasks at once. Depending on their design, scripts can range from single lines of code to lengthy amounts of programming logic. Scripts are considered to be much simpler than the standard programs and applications found in a NOS. The operating system sequentially processes the lines of code in a script file whenever the file is run. Most scripts are designed to execute from the top of the file to the bottom without requiring any input from the user. This process is somewhat different from regular programs, where lines of code are compiled into executable files, and user interaction typically plays a key role. However, the average user or system administrator does not have time to develop such complex applications and often has no need for the additional programming power they provide. Scripts provide a nice middle ground, offering the ability to use standard programming logic to execute simple and non-interactive tasks. Many different scripting languages exist, and each offers their own advantages to the user: • • • Visual Basic script (VBScript) – A very popular Microsoft scripting language based on the Visual Basic programming language. VBScript is considered easy to learn and is widely used in Windows 2000. JavaScript – Another popular scripting language that is based on the Java programming language. JavaScript is most often used in web pages, allowing a web browser to execute the script and providing web users with added functionality. Linux shell scripting – Specific to the Linux NOS, these shell scripts consist of many Linux commands and programming logic to perform a series of commands at once. • Perl, PHP, TCL, REXX, and Python – Many other scripting languages exist with varying degrees of difficulty and intended purposes. Most users are not experts in all such languages and instead focus on learning only those that best accommodate their needs. Although differing in functionality and syntax, these scripting languages provide users with the tools necessary to customize the NOS. NOSs now typically support several of these different scripting languages and provide users with flexibility in determining which scripting language to implement. Script Solutions Most average NOS users will not create and execute their own scripts. The majority of scripting is performed by system administrators and experienced users who are comfortable with the concepts of programming. They tend to build such scripts for the purpose of automating specific tasks through the execution of a single script file. These script files can then be scheduled to run at set times, to run when an event occurs, or to be executed manually by the user. The following examples demonstrate common scenarios where scripts are an appropriate solution: • • • • Logging on to the NOS – A system administrator can use scripts to perform additional tasks when users log on to the network. These include configuring default settings, initializing services, and connecting to other network drives, devices, and printers. Printing messages to the screen – Customized scripts are often created that display messages to the users of a network. These messages typically notify users of events such as the arrival of new mail, the status of a print job, or the shutting down of a network server. Installing software – A typical software installation process requires system administrators to select and confirm many options. Scripts can be created to automate this process and reduce the amount of time necessary to install the software on countless PCs across a network. Automating complicated commands – Some tasks often involve a series of complicated commands that must be repeated quite often. To simplify this process, scripts are created that contain all of these commands, thus allowing the user to execute only the script file and perform all of the tasks automatically. Writing a script in Windows 2000 and Linux will be covered in a Chapter 10. Figure outlines some of the major programming language that are used in some of the major operating systems discussed in this course. 5.4.9 Domain Name Service (DNS) The Domain Name Service (DNS) protocol translates an Internet name (like, for example) into an IP address. Many applications rely on the directory services provided by DNS to do this work. Web Browsers, e-mail programs, and file transfer programs all use the names of remote systems. The DNS protocol allows these clients to make requests to DNS servers in the network for the translation of names to IP addresses. (See Figure ) Applications can then use the addresses to send their messages. Without this directory lookup service, the Internet would be almost impossible to use. Hostnames Hostnames and the DNS services that computer systems run are all linked together. The Internet name that the DNS resolves to the IP address is also called the Hostname. For computer systems it is easier to work with numbers, so computers can very easily and quickly distinguish between different computers and locate different computers by using a binary IP address. It is a far more difficult process for humans to be able to do this. This is the reason that hostnames are resolved to IP addresses via the DNS services. For example, if a user were given two IP address for two computers like and, it would be hard to distinguish which computer system these IP addresses represented. Especially if DHCP services were enabled which means that the IP address might change at times. It would be impossible for a system administrator or end users to keep track. On the other hand if the system administrator or end users could find this computer by using a hostname like fileserver_A or fileserver_B for example, the user could very easily and quickly distinguish between computer systems. Hostnames also make it easy to locate specific systems like web severs or FTP servers on the Internet because it is much easier to remember a name rather than and IP address. There are a few rules that are important to know regarding hostnames. Hostnames are comprised of two parts, similar to how an IP address is made up of two parts. The first part of the hostname is called the Machine Name and the second part is called the Domain Name. The machine name refers the actual computer while the domain name refers to the collection of computers to which the specific computer belongs. The domain names are unique and are registered names for use by individuals, small businesses, and corporations, which can assign the machine names to systems within the domain and link those machine names to IP addresses. To understand how this process works between machine names and domain names, it is necessary to understand the hierarchal structure of Internet domains. The structure is made up of Top-Level Domains (TLDs), which are considered to be the top of the “domain-tree”. Examples of TLDs are things like .com, .edu, .gov, or .mil, for example. Users are probably familiar with these names if they have ever been on the Internet. Within each TLD are various registered domain names that represent specific individuals, small businesses, corporations, and organizations like or for example. These domains even breakup into smaller subdomains within the domain like or for example. The domain and subdomain structure represent logical groupings of computers within companies or organizations. Even subdomains can be divided into smaller subdomains. Hostnames are usually assigned by system administrators or they will have a specified naming conventions which is used to identify computers by who uses them, what they are used for, or what department they are in. The system administrator usually makes this naming convention so that every computer in the domain can be easily identified. For this reason it is very rare that any computer on a network that is part of the domain will have its hostnames configured by the user. There are also some instances that, if DHCP is being used, hostnames can be assigned automatically. However, this is not usually done since hostnames are usually controlled by the system administrator and must be manually configured. 5.4.10 DHCP The purpose of Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is to enable individual computers on an IP network to extract their configurations from the DHCP server or servers. These DHCP servers have no exact information about the individual computers until information is requested. The overall purpose of this is to reduce the work necessary to administer a large IP network. The most significant piece of information distributed in this manner is the IP address that identifies the host on the network. DHCP also allows for recovery and the ability to automatically renew network IP addresses through a leasing mechanism. This mechanism allocates an IP address for a specific time period, releases it and then assigns a new IP address. DHCP allows all this to be done by a DHCP server which saves the system administrator considerable amounts of time. Linux has the capability to use any one of three different DHCP clients, pump, dhclient, or dhcpd. Not all distributions of Linux will contain all three of these. Some will have all three, some will have just two, and others will have only one. However, all distributions have a default DHCP client that is used, if the user chose the option to use DHCP during the installation process. The distributions that come with multiple DHCP clients allow them to be swapped out by removing the old package and simply installing the new one. The Linux DCHP client is started when the system is booted. The configuration information is stored in a startup file called Network or Networking. In this file is located a line of text that indicated whether or not to run the DCHP client. The line of text can be viewed below: BOOTPROTO=”dhcp” The Red Hat distribution of Linux stores this information in the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 file. By deleting the “dhcp” in the above line of text will stop the DHCP services. 5.4.11 Domains A domain is a logical grouping of networked computers that share a central directory or database. The directory or database is installed on computers called Servers. A server usually manages all security-related and user-related domain interactions. It also provides a centralized place from which to administer these services. The concept of a domain does not simply include computers that are next to each other, or in a specific location, or even on the same LAN, although it can. It can also include computers and servers located in different locations throughout the world that can communicate with each other with various types of connections to maintain a synchronized database. The idea of a domain is not physical, but rather a logical grouping of company computers and servers (see Figure ). Domains have several advantages: • • • Centralized administration since all user information is stored centrally. A single logon process that enables users to access network resources, such as file, print, and application resources as well as specify permissions that control who can and cannot access these services. A domain provides the ability to expand a network to extremely large sizes throughout every corner of the world. CHPATER 6 6.1 Characteristics of a Network Operating System 6.1.1 Overview of NOS characteristics The function of an operating system (OS) is to control the computer hardware, program execution environment, and user interface. The OS performs these functions for a single user or a number of users who share the machine serially rather than concurrently. An administrator may set up accounts for more than one user, but users cannot log on to the system at the same time. In contrast, network operating systems (NOSs) distribute their functions over a number of networked computers. A NOS depends on the native OS in each individual computer. It then adds functions that allow access to shared resources by a number of users concurrently. Figure compares how a client-server relationship is designed compared to other typical environments. NOS computers take on specialized roles to accomplish concurrent access to shared resources. Client systems contain specialized software that allows them to request shared resources that are controlled by server systems responding to a client request. Figure illustrates the concept of how data that is stored in servers is made available to the requests of clients. 6.1.2 Differences between PCs and a NOS PCs function as clients in a NOS environment. By using the functions of the PC native operating system, the user is able to access resources that are local to the PC. These include applications, files, and devices that are directly attached such as printers. When a PC becomes a client in a NOS environment, additional specialized software enables the local user to access non-local or remote resources as if these resources were a part of the local system. The NOS enhances the reach of the client PC by making remote services available as extensions of the local native operating system. Although a number of users may have accounts on a PC, only a single account is active on the system at any given time. In contrast, a NOS supports multiple user accounts at the same time and enables concurrent access to shared resources by multiple clients. Servers must support multiple users and act as repositories of resources that are shared by many clients. Servers require specialized software and additional hardware. Figure illustrates this concept further. The server must contain several user accounts and be capable of allowing more than one user access to network resources at a time. 6.1.3 Multiuser, multitasking, and multiprocessor systems In order to support multiple concurrent users and to provide shared access to network services, resources, and devices, NOS servers must run operating systems with characteristics that extend beyond those of client PCs. A number of operating systems such as Linux, Windows NT/2000/XP, and Novell NetWare can integrate the features that are required to function as a NOS server. A system capable of operating as a NOS server must be able to support multiple users concurrently. The network administrator creates an account for each user, allowing the user to connect to and logon to the server system. A user account on the server enables the server to authenticate the user and to allocate appropriate resources the user is allowed to access. Systems that provide this capability are called multiuser systems. UNIX, Linux, and Windows NT/2000/XP all support this multiuser capability. A NOS server is a multitasking system. Internally, the OS must be capable of executing multiple tasks or processes at the same time. Server operating systems accomplish this with scheduling software that is built into the execution environment. The scheduling software allocates internal processor time, memory, and other elements of the system to different tasks in a way that allows them to share the systems resources. Each user on the multiuser system is supported by a separate task or process internally on the server. These internal tasks are created dynamically as users connect to the system and are deleted when users disconnect. Another feature of systems capable of acting as NOS servers is the processing power. Ordinarily, computers have a single central processing unit (CPU) that executes the instructions which make up a given task or process. In order to work efficiently and deliver fast responses to client requests, an OS that functions as a NOS server requires a powerful CPU to execute its tasks or programs. Single processor systems with one CPU can meet the needs of most NOS servers if they have the necessary speed. To achieve higher execution speeds, some systems are equipped with more than one processor. Such systems are called multiprocessing systems. They are capable of executing multiple tasks in parallel by assigning each task to a different processor. The aggregate amount of work that the server can perform in a given time is greatly enhanced in multiprocessor systems. Figure illustrates a typical multitasking server that is running multiple instances of network services which are being accessed by multiple client systems. Servers of this nature are sometimes referred to as enterprise servers because of their capacity to handle large and multiple services. Enterprise servers are also capable of running concurrent copies of a particular command. This allows them to execute multiple instances of the same service or program call threads. A thread is a computer programming term that describes a program which can execute independently of other parts. Operating systems that support multithreading enable programmers to design programs whose threaded parts can execute concurrently. 6.1.4 NOS server hardware In a NOS environment, many client systems access and share the resources of one or more servers. Desktop client systems are equipped with their own memory and peripheral devices like a keyboard, monitor, and disk drive. In order to support local processing, the server systems must be equipped to support multiple concurrent users and multiple tasks as clients make demands on the server for remote resources. Typically, NOS servers are larger systems with additional memory to support multiple tasks that are all active, or resident, in memory at the same time. Additional disk space is also required on servers to hold shared files and to function as an extension to the internal memory on the system. Also, servers typically require extra expansion slots on their system boards to connect shared devices, such as printers and multiple network interfaces. On multiprocessor servers, additional CPUs enhance processing power. Since NOS servers function as central repositories of resources that are vital to the operation of client systems, the servers must not only be efficient but also robust. The term robust indicates that the server systems are able to function effectively under heavy loads. It also means the systems are able to survive the failure of one or more processes or components without experiencing a general system failure. This objective is met by building redundancy into server systems. Redundancy is the inclusion of additional hardware components that can take over if other components fail. Redundancy is a feature of fault tolerant systems that are designed to survive failures and even be repaired without interruption while they are up and running. A NOS depends on the continuous operation of its servers. Therefore, the extra hardware components justify the additional expense. 6.1.5 Choosing a NOS The main features to consider when selecting a NOS include performance, management and monitoring tools, security, scalability, and robustness/fault tolerance. The following section briefly defines each of these features. Performance A NOS must perform well at reading/writing files across the network between clients and servers. It must be able to sustain fast performance under heavy loads when many, perhaps hundreds, of clients are making requests. A NOS must respond to client requests for access to server databases. For example, a transaction request to extract records from a database housed in the NOS server system. Consistent performance under heavy demand is an important benchmark for NOS. Management and Monitoring The management interface on the NOS server provides the tools for server monitoring, client administration, file and print management, and disk storage management. The management interface provides tools for the installation of new services and the configuration of those services. Additionally, servers require regular monitoring and adjustment. Security A NOS must protect the shared resources under its control. Security includes authenticating user access to services to prevent unauthorized access to the network resources. Security also performs encryption for the protection of information as it travels between clients and servers. Scalability Scalability is the ability of the NOS to grow without degradation in performance. The NOS must be capable of sustaining its performance as new users join the network and new servers are added to support them. Robustness/Fault Tolerance A measure of robustness is the ability to deliver NOS services consistently under heavy load and to sustain its services if components or processes fail. Redundant disk devices and balancing the workload across multiple servers can improve NOS robustness. 6.1.6 Types of NOSs Choosing a NOS can be a complex and difficult decision. Every popular NOS has its strengths and weaknesses. A NOS may cost thousands of dollars more than desktop operating systems, depending on the number of clients that will connect to the server. It is important to know the basics about popular NOS families. Many networks now include more than one server type, and knowing how to get these diverse systems to interoperate is an important skill for a network administrator. Operating systems on the network have their own language. Different NOS vendors use the same terms in different ways. For example, in a UNIX environment, “root” refers to the master administrative account, but in NetWare networks, it is used to identify a Novell directory services (NDS) object. In Windows, root can relate to the domain at the top of a Windows 2000 or XP domain tree or to the basic component of a Distributed File System (DFS). Figure shows examples of some of the different types of NOSs that will be discussed in this course. In the following sections, the following popular NOS-based networks are discussed: • • • • Linux Windows NT and Windows 2000 Windows XP NetWare 6.2 Windows NT and Windows 2000 6.2.1 Windows terminology Windows server-based networks that run Windows NT Server or Windows 2000 Server are based on the concept of the domain. A domain is a group of computers and users that serve as a boundary of administrative authority. Windows NT domains and Windows 2000 domains, although similar in function, interact with one another differently. Microsoft uses the term "domain" to describe groups of computers, users, and resources that form an administrative boundary. Microsoft uses the term "domain controller" to describe the logon authentication servers that hold a copy of the security accounts database. Also specific to Microsoft networks is the distinction between the printer, used to describe a logical software construct, and the print device, which refers to the actual piece of hardware that prints the document. Windows 2000 networking terminology is familiar to those who have worked with Windows NT 4.0. However, some terms and concepts, such as the domain tree and forest, might be new to NT administrators. In addition, administrators who come to Windows networking from a NetWare environment might find that some familiar terms, such as "tree", now have different meanings. In the following sections, specific characteristics of Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000 are examined. Figure illustrates an example of the various ways that computers can be arranged in a network. They can be either stand-alone, a member of a single-group domain or multiple-groups domain. 6.2.2 Windows NT 4.0 Windows NT Workstation was the first Microsoft desktop operating system that was aimed at the corporate market. The latest version of the NT operating system is NT 4.0, which has a user interface similar to the one in Windows 95. Prior to the release of NT 4.0, Microsoft released NT 3.x, which has the Windows 3.x interface. Windows NT was designed to provide an environment for mission-critical business that would be more stable than the Microsoft consumer operating systems. When the first version of Windows NT was released, Microsoft said the acronym stood for "New Technology". More recently, the company has stated that "NT" stands alone and is not an acronym. Some advantages of Windows NT Workstation as a desktop operating system and network client include the following: • • • It is a true 32-bit operating system, and it supports preemptive multitasking and greater system stability. It includes file-level security and data compression on a file-by-file basis. It is backward compatible with many 16-bit programs, without sacrificing reliability. NT runs DOS and older Windows programs in Virtual Machines (VMs). Using this method, if one application crashes, it does not affect other applications or require a reboot of the operating system. Network integration is a primary focus in the design of Microsoft Windows NT. NT includes support for common network interface cards (NICs) as well as software needed to connect to Microsoft and NetWare networks. Also built in is the capability to function as a remote access client or server. Windows NT Domain Structure The domain structure of Windows NT is entirely different from the domain structure in Windows 2000. Instead of Active Directory, Windows NT provides an administrative tool called the User Manager for Domains. Figure provides an example of the Windows NT User Manager for Domains account management screen. It is accessed from the domain controller and is used to create, manage, and remove domain user accounts. The User Manager for Domains allows the administrator to create new user and group accounts, to rename, modify and delete accounts, to assign passwords, set account policies, and set restrictions on users. Restrictions on users include specifying when and from which workstations they can logon. Each NT domain requires one (and only one) Primary Domain Controller (PDC). This is a "master" server that contains the Security Accounts Management Database (often called the SAM). A domain can also have one or more Backup Domain Controllers (BDCs), each of which contains a read-only copy of the SAM. The SAM is what controls the authentication process when a user logs onto the domain. When a user attempts to log on, the account information in sent to the SAM database. If the information for that account is stored in the SAM Database, then the user will be authenticated to the Domain and have access to the workstation and network resources. Users can log on and receive authentication by either the PDC or a BDC. However, changes to the SAM can be made only on the PDC. These changes are then replicated to the BDCs on a regular basis. BDCs balance the load of authentication traffic and serve as backups in case the PDC goes down. If the PDC goes down permanently, a BDC can be "promoted" to become the PDC. 6.2.3 Windows 2000 Operating Systems Windows 2000 is one of the Microsoft operating systems for the corporate desktop. Like the Windows 2000 server products, it is based on the NT kernel and includes many enhanced features. For example, Windows 2000 Professional provides a high level of security and stability for mission-critical tasks. Windows 2000 Professional supports plug-and-play technology. It can be installed on hard disks, which can use either FAT32 file system or NTFS, and includes file encryption for securing data on the hard disk. Plugand-play technology is a very useful tool that allows an administrator to quickly and easily add components to the system. The OS will automatically recognize and install the drivers for the device. Essentially, once the component is plugged into the system, it will play automatically without additional configuration from the administrator. Previously, when a new component was added, drivers had to be installed and the device needed to be configured manually. Windows 2000 comes with a huge database of drivers for common plugand-play devices. Other advantages of Windows 2000 Professional as a desktop operating system and network client include the following: • • • • • • It offers better support for mobile users through Advanced Power Management (APM) and ACPI. Windows NT does not support ACPI. It provides for more secure virtual private networking with the Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) and IP Security (IPSec). Earlier versions of Windows supported only the Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) for VPNs. L2TP is an extension to the PPP protocol that enables ISPs to operate Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). IPSec is a set of protocols developed in order to support secure exchange of packets at the IP layer, which is also used in VPN connections. The offline folders feature enables users to copy and synchronize documents from the network to the local system so that they can be accessed when the computer is not connected to the network. The Internet Printing Protocol (IPP) enables users to print to a URL and manage printers through a web browser interface. Built-in disk defragmenters and other tools and utilities help users maintain and manage the operating system. These have to be purchased separately from third parties for Windows NT. It supports Kerberos security (developing standard for authenticating network users), and the features of a Windows 2000 domain as an Active Directory client. Account Administration in Windows 2000 Administrative tasks in Windows 2000 use a common framework, the Microsoft Management Console (MMC). This tool uses snap-ins, which are modules that contain the tools for specific administrative functions. Users and groups are created and managed with the Active Directory Users (ADUs) and Computers MMC snap-in. The MMC can be accessed by choosing Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Active Directory Users and Computers. Windows 2000, unlike Windows NT 4.0, enables objects such as users and resources to be placed into container objects called Organizational Units (OUs). Administrative authority over each OU can be delegated to a user or group. This feature allows more specific control than was possible with Windows NT 4.0. Figure provides an example of the Active Directory Users and Computers Management Console. Notice all the different types of objects that are managed using this console. 6.2.4 Windows 2000's family of Operating Systems The Windows 2000 family of operating systems includes Windows 2000 Professional, Windows 2000 Server, and Windows 2000 Advanced Server. The specific needs of the network will determine the best version of Windows 2000 for the installation. Windows 2000 Professional The design of Windows 2000 Professional is based on the technology that Microsoft developed with their previous client-based network operating system, Windows NT. Windows 2000 combines the technologies from Windows NT and adds many new features and enhancements. Windows 2000 Professional is not designed to be a true NOS. It does not provide a domain controller, DNS server, DHCP server, or render any of the services that can be deployed with the Windows 2000 server family. Its main purpose is to be part of a domain as a client-side operating system. The type of hardware that can be installed on the system is limited. For example, many servers require multiple processors and NICs. Windows 2000 Professional can support up to two processors. If the system needs to do a lot of data-crunching, then a system that supports more than two processes would be required. Windows 2000 Professional can provide some server capabilities for small networks and peer-to-peer networks. For example, Windows 2000 Professional can serve as a file server, a print server, a FTP server, and a web server. However, an FTP site or website that is going to receive a lot of simultaneous traffic will need to be upgraded to Windows 2000 Server or Windows 2000 Advanced Server. Windows 2000 Professional will only support up to ten simultaneous connections at one time. Windows 2000 Server Windows 2000 Server includes all of the features in the Windows 2000 Professional section as well as many new server-specific functions. Windows 2000 Server can also operate as a file, print, web server, as well as an application server. What separates Windows 2000 Server from Windows 2000 Professional is a complete set of infrastructure services based on Active Directory services. Active Directory, similar to Novell NDS, serves as a centralized point of management of users, groups, security services, and network resources. Windows 2000 Server also supports four-way Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP) systems and allows up to 4 gigabytes (GB) of physical memory. Symmetric multiprocessing is a computer architecture that provides high performance by making multiple CPUs available to individual processes. Symmetric multiprocessing allows multiple processors to work in parallel and still use a single operating system image, common memory, and disk I/O resources. Simply stated, Symmetric multiprocessing is when multiple processors work together to share the workload in a computer. It includes the multipurpose capabilities required for workgroups and branch offices as well as for departmental deployments of file and print servers, application servers, web servers, and communication servers. Windows 2000 Server is intended for use in small-to-medium sized enterprise environments. Some other enhancements that come with Windows 2000 Server are built-in support for the major network protocols that are in use throughout networks today like TCP/IP and IPX/SPX. Windows 2000 Server provides integrated connectivity with Novell NetWare, UNIX, and AppleTalk systems. A Windows 2000 Server configured as a communications server can provide dialup networking services for mobile users. Windows 2000 Server can support up to 256 simultaneous inbound dialup sessions as opposed to Windows 2000 Professional, which can provide support for only one dialup session at a time. Windows 2000 Advanced Server Windows 2000 Server and Windows 2000 Advanced Server are the same except Advanced Server provides hardware and software support that a system administrator will need in an enterprise and extremely large network that may include several WAN links to offices all over the world. Advanced Server is a more powerful departmental and application server operating system that includes all of the functions of Windows 2000 Server and adds the advanced high availability and improved scalability required for larger networks. Windows 2000 Advanced Server supports eight-way SMP, which would be ideal for database-intensive work. Advanced Server also provides support for higher-end hardware supporting an enterprise network. For example, Advanced Server provides support for more than 4 GB of physical memory. Windows .NET Server Microsoft has developed Windows .NET Server with the ability to provide a secure and reliable system to run enterprise level web and FTP sites in order to compete with the Linux and UNIX Server operating systems. With the growing emergence of e-commerce, web-based companies, and companies that are expanding their services to the Internet, there is a need for a server that is capable of providing secure and reliable web and FTP services. Windows .NET Server, which is built on the Windows 2000 Server Kernel, is specifically tailored to provide these types of services. The Windows .NET Server provides XML web services to companies which run medium to high volume web traffic. .NET server will provide support for companies just getting started in this new generation of business as well as businesses that have been providing Internetbased business solutions for some time. Figure provides a comparison of the Windows 2000 family of Operating Systems. 6.3 Linux 6.3.1 History of Linux Linux is an operating system similar to UNIX. It runs on many different computers. Linux was first released in 1991 by its author Linus Torvalds at the University of Helsinki. Since then, Linux has grown in popularity as programmers around the world embraced the idea of building a free operating system, adding features, and fixing problems. Linux is popular with the current generation of computer users for the same reasons early versions of the UNIX operating system enticed fans more than 20 years ago. Linux is portable, which means versions can be found running on name brand or clone PCs, Apple Macintoshes, Sun workstations, or Digital Equipment Corporation Alpha-based computers. Linux also comes with source code, so the user can change or customize the software to adapt to their needs. Finally, Linux offers many features adopted from other versions of UNIX. Figure shows a timeline the UNIX/Linux development. The Open Source Initiative The Open Source Initiative provides a trademark for software developers who want to share, modify, and redistribute their code. To use the trademark, the software must meet certain criteria. It must be freely distributed without restriction and the source code must be available. Examples of compliant software include Linux, the Berkeley Software Design (BSD) version of UNIX, the X Window System, and applications developed under the GNU project. 6.3.2 What is UNIX? It is important to mention the features and uses of UNIX when discussing Linux. The UNIX NOS was developed in 1969, and it has evolved into many varieties. The source code is opened, that is, available at no cost to anyone who wants to modify it. Additionally, it is written in C programming language so businesses, academic institutions, and even individuals can develop their own versions. UNIX operating systems are used on high-end workstations such as Silicon Graphics and Sun machines. UNIX can run as a command-line operating system or with a graphical user interface (GUI) such as X Window. Figure provides an example of the UNIX X-Window GUI. UNIX Operating Systems There are hundreds of different versions of UNIX. Some of the most popular are the following: • • • • • Berkeley Software Design, Inc, (BSD UNIX, which has spawned variations such as FreeBSD) Santa Cruz Operation (SCO) UNIX Sun Solaris AIX (IBM's UNIX) HP-UX (Hewlett Packard UNIX) Open source code is both the strength and the weakness of the UNIX operating system. Developers are free to improve and customize the operating system. Although this results in a lack of standardization that can be frustrating to users, administrators, and application developers, there is a large body of application software that can be used across multiple UNIX and Linux platforms. Despite the popularity of Windows and NetWare in corporate LANs, much of the Internet still runs on powerful UNIX systems. UNIX is usually associated with expensive hardware and is considered "userunfriendly" but recent developments have changed that image. In particular, the emergence in the 1990s of Linux has brought UNIX computing to the PC world. 6.3.3 Linux Operating System Linux is sometimes referred to as "UNIX Lite", and it is designed to run on Intel-compatible PCs. However, Linux will run on other machines as well. Linux brings the advantages of UNIX to home and small business computers. As with UNIX, there are numerous distributions of Linux. A distribution includes elements such as an installation program, a kernel, startup scripts, configuration files, and critical support software. The different distributions may use completely different versions of any or all off these features, which will produce a clearly different look and feel. In all, there is anywhere from 24 to 36 different major distributions available. In addition to that, there are several other less popular and specialized editions of Linux. Some of these distributions are free downloads from the World Wide Web, and others are commercially distributed. The following are a few of the most popular. Red Hat Linux ( Red Hat Linux is one of the older versions of Linux and has been one of the most influential distributions as well. Red Hat Linux is famous for creating the RPM format that is now used by other distributions that are not even based on Red Hat. Red Hat contains a GUI installation process as well as GUI configuration tools. Red Hat is compatible with various CPUs including x86, IA-64, and Alpha. A sample graphic of the Red Hat Linux packaging is shown in Figure . Linux Mandrake ( Mandrake is a French-based version of Linux and probably the most similar version to Red Hat Linux. Mandrake was originally developed as a version of Red Hat with the K Desktop Environment (KDE). Since then Mandrake has developed an identity of its own which has a GUI installation process as well as different features for its server configuration. For example, Mandrake uses Postfix, rather than Sendmail as its mail server. Mandrake is compatible with various types of CPUs including x86, IA-64, SPARC, Alpha, and PowerPC. A sample screenshot of Mandrake Linux is shown in Figure . Notice how it does not look all that different than Red Hat. Caldera eDesktop and eServer ( As noted by their names, this version of Linux is released by Caldera, much like Red Hat releases Red Hat. Also Caldera Linux has two releases, one of which is targeted to workstations alone and the other is targeted to servers alone. Like Red Hat, Caldera Linux is RPM-based and has very sophisticated GUI configuration tools. However, the Caldera distribution of Linux is not derived from Red Hat at all. Caldera Linux is only available on an x86 CPU. A sample screenshot of Caldera Linux is shown in Figure . Debian GNU/Linux ( This distribution of Linux is different from the other distribution in that it is solely built for non-profit uses. The other distributions are built mainly for profit companies. This makes Debian Linux a very popular choice for many of the users who like the open-source imitative. It also gives the users the ability to customize these files to their own liking. Debian uses many of the GUI configuration tools used by the other versions of Linux. Debian Linux can be used on x86, PowerPC, Alpha, SPARC, and 680x0 Processors. Figure shows a screenshot of Debian Linux. Corel Linux ( The Corel Linux distribution is based on Debian GNU/Linux but it has some user-friendly features that have been added like a new installation process and new GUI configuration tools. By doing this, however, executing traditional Linux commands from the command line will not always work. Corel Linux is designed mainly for desktop/workstation use and is targeted to Linux beginners who are familiar with using Microsoft Windows. Corel Linux is only available on an x86 CPU. A sample screenshot of Corel Linux is shown in Figure . LinuxPPC This distribution of Linux is specifically designed for the use on systems with a PowerPC CPU. The PowerPC CPU is the CPU that is used a every modern Macintosh system and therefore LinuxPPC is also designed for the Macintosh market. This distribution is a derivative of Red Hat that is intended for use on Macintosh PCs. A sample screenshot of LinuxPPC is shown in Figure . Slackware ( Slackware is a distribution of Linux that is very similar to Debian Linux in that it is intended for advanced users who prefer the standard UNIX environment in Linux. Slackware uses all text-based configuration tools and does not use any GUI for these configuration purposes. It is also the oldest Linux distribution available and it is the only distribution that relies tarballs for package management. Slackware can run on x86, Alpha, and SPARC CPUs. Storm Linux ( Storm Linux is distributed by Stormix. Like Slackware, Linux is a variant of Debian Linux. Storm Linux is also similar to Corel Linux in that it adds GUI configuration tools to the Debian core. However, Storm Linux differs from Corel Linux in that it is not as dependent on these tools as Corel Linux is. Storm Linux can only run on x86 processors. SuSE Linux ( This distribution of Linux is popular in Europe and is produced by a German Company. Like Red Hat Linux, SuSE Linux can use RPMs, but other than that it is not based on Red Hat. SuSE uses DVD-ROM software to open packages, if the system has a DVD-ROM drive. Unlike the other distributions, SuSE Linux is shipped with about a half dozen CD, which contain just about every package that a user could ever want for the Linux system. It can be difficult at times having to search through these CD to find the package needed. SuSE Linux also comes with the essential GUI configuration and installation tools as well. SuSE Linux can be installed on systems using x86, IA-64, PowerPC, and Alpha processors. Turbo Linux ( Turbo Linux is strictly targeted towards the server market and is derived from Red Hat Linux. Turbo Linux contains strong support for Asian Languages. Turbo Linux can be installed on x86, IA-64, and Alpha processors. Yellow Dog Linux ( Yellow Dog Linux is similar to LinuxPPC in a couple ways. First, it is derived from Red Hat Linux too and it is mainly designed to run on PowerPC processors, which make it mainly for Macintosh systems. A recent trend has been to create versions of Linux that fit on one or two floppy disks. One such trimmed version is called "Linux On A Floppy" (LOAF), which fits on one disk. DOS Linux is another small Linux NOS and it can be installed on an existing DOS system. A third, Coyote Linux, is a small, specialized distribution designed for Internet-connection sharing. With all the different distributions of Linux available on the market it may be difficult to choose which one to use. But some of the obvious factors, such as the processor that the computer system is using, will help when deciding which distributions to choose from. Other factors like if the computer the choices even more. Some of the other factors that can help narrow down the decision are what type of system the user is building. If the system is a server then the user might want to think about Caldera eServer or Turbo Linux, which are specifically targeted toward the server market. However, keep in mind that many of the other distributions of Linux can be used for running servers as well. Another factor that might determine which version to use would be if the user were interested in using a GUI or not. Lastly, the users might want to think about their experience levels. If they are new to Linux then Caldera eDesktop, Corel, or Mandrake Linux might be a good option for them. 6.3.4 Linux clients Windows clients can access resources and Linux servers. The client/server file system used by most varieties of Linux file servers is a Network File System (NFS), which was developed by Sun Microsystems. It can be installed on Windows clients using software such as Solstice Network Client by Sun. NFS requires TCP/IP, or other NFS client software, for file transfer. Windows operating systems do not include an NFS client. Windows clients can access Linux servers without client software if the UNIX servers run Samba, which is a program that uses the Server Message Block (SMB) application layer protocol. Windows computers use SMB for file access across the network. Samba permits them to see the Linux file system. Figure illustrates how a Samba server will allow different types of systems to access the Samba file server. 6.4 Determining Software Requirements for a Linux NOS 6.4.1 Workstation software and programs Most of the software and programs that a user would find on a Linux workstation are designed to help the user get work done. A Linux Workstation will not need any of the programs or software that the user would typically find on a Linux system configured as a server. If any mail server software or programs were installed on a Linux workstation it would be a mail server, which provides local services for sending and receiving e-mail. The X Window System The X Window System (or just X for short) is what comprises the Linux GUI environment. Linux is capable of running without a GUI, however, if a user is configuring Linux as a workstation then the user would most likely want to make sure that the X Window System is installed. The X Window System is usually installed though the Xfree86 package. Installing and configuring X Window and the Xfree86 package will be covered in detail in later chapters. There are several reasons why the X Window System must be installed on a Linux workstation. The most important reason is because almost every workstation program requires X Window in order to run. There are several additional tools that are also part of the X Window System that help the GUI operate and run smooth. These include Window Managers, which provide borders and control around the windows, and Desktop Environments. Desktop Environments includes several additional utilities that help a user customize and control their working environment. Two of the most popular Desktop Environments that come with Linux are the K Desktop Environment (KDE, and the GNU Network Object Model Environment (GNOME, Office Tools Having efficient office suite software is a must for any workstation, especially if the workstation is part of a network and is in a company. If Linux has had any shortcomings, it has been in its lack of providing office suite software that runs on Linux but is as good as Microsoft Office. However, Linux does have the capability of running office suite software. Corel’s WordPerfect and Sun StarOffice are the top two office suite software capable of running on Linux. StarOffice can be a popular choice on Linux because it can also be used on Windows. This can help prevent any compatibility issues in an environment where there are both Linux and Windows computers. Other office suit alternatives include Applix’s ApplixWare ( Figure shows an example of the ApplixWare office suite. There also single packages rather than full office suits that come shipped with Linux and some are installed by default during the installation process. Some examples of these are LyX ( and AbiWord ( Figure shows an example of the LyX word processing tool. Figure shows an example of the AbiWord word processing tool. These are two popular word processors that can be installed without having to install a full office suite. Network Clients A workstation running on an enterprise network or even a small network will need to be capable of accessing networking resources. Workstations use a variety of network client software to accomplish this. Examples include web browsers such as Netscape or Opera, mail readers like KMail, and FTP clients like gFTP. There are a wide variety of network clients that are shipped with every distribution of Linux that a user might need. However, if there is a network client that is needed that is not shipped with the installation CDs, they are easily downloadable from the Internet. Audio/Visual Programs and Software With the amount of multimedia functions that computers are now capable of doing, a workstation could not be compete unless it provided the programs and software available for viewing, playing, and editing video, graphic, and music files. These features are not only important to the home user but also can be important in a business as well. Graphic Artists, Web Designers, and Architects will all need to have these features available on their systems. Some of the popular audio and visual programs available for Linux include tools for viewing and editing graphics like XV ( and GIMP (; multimedia players like Xanim (; audio/video editors like Broadcast ( and Linux Video Studio ( Figure provides an example of some of the editing tools that are available with GIMP. Audio/Visual programs are another area that Linux, in past years, has not been able to compete, just like with the office suites. However, since then, better software has begun to emerge that has become capable of providing these multimedia features to a Linux user. 6.4.2 Server software and programs Software and programs that are installed on a server are done so with the purpose of supplying some sort of service to other computer systems that are attached to it through a network. The software and programs that are running on a server are used differently than software and programs that are installed in a workstation. Users do not directly use the software or programs that are on the server. Typically, the server administrator will be the only user that uses the software and even then it will not be used very much. Instead, software and programs that are installed on servers are running constantly in the background on the server. When a client computer makes a request, the server will respond to that request. Web Servers One of the most popular uses of a Linux system in the world today is a web server. Web server software uses Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) to deliver files to users who request them, using a web browser from their workstation. The most popular web server software available for Linux is Apache (, an open source program that come included with the installation CD. Other web server software available for Linux is Roxen and thttpd. Roxen is designed as a high-powered commercial web server and thttp is more for small, low-traffic web sites. Mail Servers A Mail Server is a system that is configured with the proper programs and services that enable the server to handle the exchange of e-mail that are being sent from one client to another. This exchange will be discussed in later chapters. Every distribution of Linux is shipped with a mail server. One version that is popular and comes with Red Hat is Sendmail ( Other popular mail servers available for Linux include Exim( and Postfix ( These mail servers use a variety of protocols in order to receive the incoming mail and then distribute the outgoing mail to the proper locations. For example, the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is used to deliver mail between mail servers over the Internet. SMTP is also used on local-area networks (LANs) to transfer mail as well. Every Linux distribution ships with the Post Office Protocol (POP) and Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) servers. These protocols are used to send the mail to the end users or destination computer within the LAN. Many Linux servers rely on the SMTP protocol for other services as well. For example, the SMTP is used to deliver important system status reports to the system administrator. For this reason, it is recommended that the SMTP server on a Linux system never be disabled, even if it is not a mail server. Remote Login Servers Accessing a server remotely as well as the many different programs that could be used was covered in Chapter 5, “Overview of Network Services”. The most widely know remote login server is Telnet. In Linux, the telnetd or in.telnetd server runs the Telnet protocol. The Telnet server is included with every distribution of Linux. However, it is not enabled by default. Never use the Telnet protocol on a Linux system, and keep it disabled because of security issues. Telnet is not a secure protocol and is susceptible to being intercepted while files being transferred between two systems and thus compromising sensitive data. Other more secure remote login servers are available but a better alternative to Telnet altogether is the Secure Shell Protocol (SSH). SSH encrypts all data being sent between two systems thus making intercepted data useless. File Access Servers The Linux operating system provides an excellent means of a file server either in a Linux environment or in a cross-platform environment consisting of Windows, Macintosh, UNIX, or OS/2 workstation. The reason for this is because Linux supports many file-sharing protocols that can be configured to allow access via all these operating systems. A Linux file server allows users to read and write files and directories from a remote location. There are several protocols that can be used to accomplish this. The File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is more of a traditional means of transferring files to a file server. There are other protocol, software, and programs that can be installed on a Linux server that will allow one computer to treat files and directories located on the file server as if they were local. Sun Network File System (NFS) is an example of this type of program, which can be used for file sharing between UNIX and Linux systems. The Server Message Block (SMB) works almost the same as NFS but is used to allow other OSs such as DOS, Windows, NetWare, Macintosh, and OS/2 systems access a Linux file server. DOS and Windows systems use the SMB protocol. NetWare uses the mars_new and lwared packages. Macintoshes use Applshare through Netatalk. Other Linux Servers The different types of Linux servers and programs that are installed and mentioned above are the ones that a user will mostly find on a majority of servers in any medium to large sized company. However, this list is far from complete. Many of the other types of servers that are used may not be as widely used or simply cannot be classified into any specific category. Some examples of these types of servers include Squid (, which is a Linux proxy server. Proxy servers control things like network security by restricting access to the Internet. DHCP and DNS servers fall into this category as well. It is also important to mention the ipchains and iptables tools here, even thought they might not be considered actual servers. These tools are used when configuring a Linux system as a firewall, which was covered in previous chapters. These tools are security tools that can block access to the server based on IP addresses or port numbers. The difference between the two is that ipchains is used on Linux systems running the 2.2.x kernel series and iptables works with the newer 2.4.x kernels. 6.4.3 Additional software and programs The previous two sections discussed many of the essential programs and software that are necessary to be installed on either a workstation or a server. However, there are some programs and software that are essential to add to a Linux system regardless of whether it is configured as a workstation or a server. These programs will help a user perform the common user tasks on their workstation but allow an administrator to properly administer a system. Text Editors Text editors are a valuable tool that will receive a lot of use in any Linux system, whether it is a workstation or a server. Some examples of text editors available in Linux are vi, jed, pico, or Emacs. How to use these text editors will be discussed in detail in later chapters. These text editors are essential for performing any type of maintenance tasks that a user or an administrator may need to do. The four text editors mentioned above are all text-based editors, a couple of them have some X extensions, which allows them to be run in a GUI environment. An example of these X extensions is XEmacs (, which is an enhanced version of Emacs. Figure provides an example of the XEmacs text editor. There are other test editors as well that are designed as strictly GUI text editors. Nedit (, which is shown in Figure , gEdit (runs with GNOME), which is shown in Figure , and KEdit (runs with KDE), which is shown in Figure , are all examples of GUI text editors. These GUI text editors may be easier to use. However, there are some instances in which these cannot be used and a nonGUI text editor must be used. Therefore, it is a good idea to get comfortable with using one of the non-GUI text editors as well. One example of when this might occur is when a user is telneting to a remote server. When the user telnets to the server, the user will be restricted to text mode only and thus he/she will be forced to use one of the text editors. Another instance is that not all Linux system has X Window installed. If the GUI is not installed altogether, the option of using a GUI text editor will not be available. Programming Tools Programming tools are very helpful to any administrator that is running Linux servers as well to specific users at workstations if they are programmers. These programming tools are also referred to as compilers or interpreters. A complier converts the program source code, which is written by the programmer into binary form in which the computer can read. If the programming language is interpreted then the programming language is not converted, it just gets translated into machine code right away. Linux is shipped with a variety of different types of compliers. The best known and important of these compliers is probably the GNU C Compiler (GCC). However, as an administrator, if an administrator is installing these compliers on a workstation for a user, it is a good idea to ask the user what specific programming tools he/she will need. Some other types of programming tools are worth mentioning because depending on the users or the type of server, it may be necessary to install these other programming tools. Some of these types of programming tools are called scripting languages. Common scripting languages include Javascript, Python, and Perl. These programming tools can be used by both programmers using a workstation to create scripts for software they might be developing or by administrators using a server to run scripts on. Libraries Libraries are not typically thought of as software but they are sets of routines that are used by the software. Linux code is primarily written in C programming code. Every Linux system relies on a library called the C library (libc). Linux systems rely on the C library for the routines that are necessary for C programs to run in Linux. If a user is attempting to install a package, the user must also have the appropriate library installed in order for the program to run. If the user do not have the proper library installed, an error message will be generated to warn the user about the problem. 6.4.4 Verifying software compatibility For the most part, when installing software on a Linux system from packages that are included on the CD, the packages will work. Some packages have a dependency, which means that they require other packages to be installed as well in order for it to run correctly. All the major distributions have package managers, which was discussed in previous chapters, that track this and when it notices a package being installed that has dependencies, a message will appear providing a user with information on which additional packages will need to be installed. Extra measures may need to be taken when packages that are not shipped with the distribution CD are installed. It is always good practice to check the manufactures website or in the packages documentation to see what requirements may need to be installed. Some of these requirements include supported operating systems, supported distributions, CPU requirements, library requirements, and developments tools and libraries. Supported Operating Systems When installing a package, the first step should be to always check and make sure that the operating system supports the package. Generally, any Linux software and packages can be installed on any UNIX-like operating system. However, this is not always the rule. It is always a good idea to check first. UNIX software and packages should generally run in most Linux systems because it will be able to compile the source code. However, care should be taken when doing so as this is not always the case. Sometimes if a package is too large, the installation may run into some problems if it is not explicitly designed to run with Linux. Supported Distributions The same rules that apply to checking for operating system compatibility apply to distribution compatibility. Generally, it is possible to install packages that designed to be installed on one distribution, to run in another distribution. Often this process is simple and other times the user will have to install a series of dependencies just to get a package to work when it is not explicitly designed to run in that particular distribution. CPU Requirements It is important to verify CPU compatibly when installing software that comes in source code and must be complied by the CPU. The main reason for this is that not all CPU are capable of compiling software correctly. An example of this is binary-only programs that will only run on x86 or PowerPC CPUs. Library Requirements Libraries were discussed in the previous sections and it was also mentioned how certain packages require certain libraries to be installed in order to run. It is a good practice to check which library a particular package requires. Development Tools and Libraries Development tools and development libraries are not something that the everyday user will need to worry about. These are tools for programmers that wish to compile programs by themselves. The main concern here to be aware of is that a user needs to be certain that the correct development tools and libraries are installed. For example, if a program is written in C++, the user will need a C++ compiler. CHAPTER 7 7.1 Preparing for the Installation 7.1.1 Installing a NOS Network operating system (NOS) installation refers to the process of creating and copying NOS system files to a hard disk. System files are the files that allow the operating system to function. Many vendors ship computers with the operating system already installed. This is especially true with desktop computers. Preinstalled operating systems (OSs) or NOS software has several advantages. By purchasing a PC or server with a preinstalled OS, a customer avoids the complex process of installation and configuration. Also, an OS that is preloaded on a system is typically optimized for the particular hardware configuration of that system. The drawback of preinstallation is that a customer may not be able to control the exact features, packages, and configuration of the OS or NOS. While it is possible to make changes to an OS after the installation process, there are some configurations that cannot be undone or that can only be modified with extreme difficulty. Despite these drawbacks, some customers may want the server vendor to install a NOS before shipping the system. However, most organizations install the NOS themselves. Doing the installation in-house ensures that the server is optimized for the specific functions of the organization. Also, NOS administrators usually prefer to have direct control of software versions, updates, and patches installed on the system. Figure illustrates an example of specific settings that an administrator may need to set. If the system were to come with a preinstalled operating system certain settings such as the Linux Loader (LILO) boot loader configurations may not be set properly. 7.1.2 Planning the system The NOS installation should be carefully prepared. First, inventory the system hardware. There is no one NOS that works with all computer hardware, so determine whether the currently available hardware will work with the NOS. Second, determine whether or not the NOS supports all application software that will be loaded on the system. Third, become familiar with the NOS itself. As part of the installation process, important (and sometimes irreversible) configuration decisions will have to be made. Each NOS manufacturer sets what are called "minimum hardware requirements" for their software. Minimum hardware requirements typically focus on the central processing unit (CPU) type and speed, amount of RAM, and the amount of available hard disk space. The next section provides a review of these key components. It is relatively easy to determine whether or not a system meets NOS minimum requirements. Also determine if the NOS can support the system hardware peripherals. This is especially important for expensive or mission-critical peripherals such as high-end video equipment or high-capacity storage hardware. When planning to install a NOS, perform a complete hardware inventory. In production environments, a formal, written inventory should be compiled. Once completed, check with vendor websites, support staff, and even news groups to determine whether the inventory hardware is supported. Software drivers or firmware updates may need to be downloaded and installed before hardware will work properly with the NOS. Inventory any applications that will run on the server itself. If the organization relies on custom software or legacy software, check with vendors to ensure compatibility. Software is considered legacy software if it is old and cannot be upgraded, but it is still in use because some network components need the services this software provides. Most administrators choose to load and test applications on the NOS before introducing a NOS to a network. Finally, know the basics about a particular NOS before installing it. For example, know how a particular NOS handles drive partitioning, disk formatting, and administrative accounts. The following is a system planning checklist: • • • Inventory the system hardware and determine compatibility with the NOS. Verify all desired software applications are supported by the NOS. Research the NOS and become familiar with the installation procedure before actually installing it. These topics are covered later in this chapter. 7.1.3 Planning hardware installation The first step that the server hardware specialist should attempt is to verify that everything specified in the installation plan is ready and available before beginning the installation. Verification activities include the following: • • • • Verify that the location where the server is to be installed is ready for the installation. Verify that the power outlet for the network server is available and active. (Test with a volt/ohm meter.) Verify that the network connection is available and active. Verify that all the hardware for the network server has arrived and that the hardware is as specified in the installation plan. Verifying the Installation Site After reading and verifying the installation plan, the server hardware specialist should visit the installation site and verify the readiness of the location. One of the first things to look at is the room itself. The room needs to be modified to ensure that the life of the server will not be limited. The two things that have the largest impact on the server are the temperature and humidity. Power availability, floor space, flood and fire suppression are a few other elements that need to be looked at before getting started. Verifying the Power Source The server hardware specialist should verify that the power needed for the network server is actually available and live. Be sure to check that the voltage for the power source is correct by using a volt/ohm meter or a digital multimeter. The correct voltage for North America and Latin America is a nominal 120 volts. The correct voltage for Europe, the Middle East, and Africa is a nominal 230 volts. The power source also should be on a power circuit unto itself. Also check that the power source has the correct amperage rating and that power plug is of the correct configuration. Because the uninterruptible power supply (UPS) is the component that is to be plugged into the power source, this information can be found in the UPS documentation. The UPS may require a 20-amp or a 30-amp circuit, instead of the more common 15-amp circuit. The UPS also may have a special locking power plug, which of course would require a special power socket. In addition to these key areas, create an inventory of peripherals and expansion cards used with the system, as described in the next section. Verifying the UPS Size The UPS should be of adequate size to keep the network server running long enough for it to perform a normal shutdown. This time period is usually 5 to 10 minutes. An undersized UPS will keep the server running only a very short time. An oversized UPS will not only keep the network server operational for a longer period of time during a power backup but will also allow for growth of the network server (adding components to the network server over time). The UPS should be large enough to support all the components of the network server that are connected to (plugged into) the UPS. The size of a UPS is specified with a volt-amp (VA) rating. The larger the VA rating of the UPS, the longer the UPS can keep the network server running in the event of a power failure. A larger VA rating also allows additional network server components to be added. Adequate Temperature in a Server Room The site should have adequate air-conditioning capacity to handle the addition of the network server to be installed. The installation plan should state the heat output of the devices that will be part of the network server installation (chassis, monitor, UPS, and so on). It may be difficult to ascertain the current heat load (measured in British Thermal Units, BTUs) of the room where the network server is to be installed. An adequate indicator of the available cooling capacity of the room where the network server will be installed is the room temperature. If the temperature of the room is more than 72 degrees Fahrenheit without the new network server being installed, it is doubtful that there is adequate cooling for the new network server. This is why it is a good idea to have a dedicated air conditioning unit just for the server room. Most network servers use internal fans for cooling. For these fans to work properly and provide adequate cooling there has to be adequate clearance around the server for proper airflow. According to most specifications, a three-foot area in the front and back of the server will provide adequate cooling. Figure illustrates an example of a server with the proper space around it. This will allow proper airflow and temperature to pass through the server. Verifying the Network Connection The correct type and speed of the connection to the server needs to be determined prior to the actual server being installed. The user can test this by using another computer system with the proper network adapter installed to see whether the network connection that will be utilized by the network server is working and correct. 7.1.4 Server hardware components First the network administrator needs to check the components that will be used to assemble the network server. Some network server vendors do not assemble all the hardware for a network server when they are ordered. The network administrator must be able to take all the components and assemble them into a working network server. Server Chassis Verify that the server chassis is the correct model that was ordered and the correct form factor. Most server chassis are either of a tower configuration, a wide- or “fat-” tower configuration, or a rack-mount configuration. Make sure that if a model X in a tower configuration was ordered, that indeed Model X in a tower configuration is delivered, and not Model X in a rack-mount configuration. Figures , , and provide examples of the different styles of servers. Which one is best will depend on various things includes how much space is available for the server. Server Rack A rack-mount server chassis must be mounted in an equipment rack designed for rack-mounted hardware. Most server vendors that sell servers in a rack-mount chassis also sell the server rack. Server racks generally come in several sizes (heights). Server rack size is measured in rack units (U). A standard rack unit is 1.75 inches. A new network server will either be installed in an existing server rack or a new server rack will be purchased for the new network server. Server racks generally have both front and rear doors and side panels to form a completely enclosed unit. The doors and side panels help form both a secure environment and also are designed to aid in cooling the equipment in the rack by controlling airflow patterns. Most cases, multiple server racks can be joined together to form an installation space for a large number of servers. Figure shows an example of a server rack without doors. Figure shows an example of a server rack with doors. A rack-mounted server installation conserves space in the room where the servers reside. If it was decided to go with a rack-mounted configuration, generally, all equipment must be designed to fit into the server rack. This includes the UPS, the keyboard/mouse, and the monitor (either LCD or CRT) for the server. The equipment installation in the server rack should be done to the server vendor specifications. Several server vendors offer software to aid in the proper placement of the equipment into the server rack. For example, all server vendors recommend that the UPS be installed on the bottom of the rack. This is done for several reasons, including the weight of the rack-mount UPS and the need to avoid the possible damage to a network server caused by a leaking UPS battery. Processor(s) Network servers commonly have more than one processor. Verify that the correct number and type of processors are available for the network server. Some server vendors install all the processors that were ordered. Other server vendors supply the server with zero or one processor installed, and the network administrator must install any additional processors. Verify that the processors are of the same type, speed, and stepping (version). Also verify that each processor has the same size of L2 cache. Follow the network server vendor instructions for installing additional processors. Memory Network servers generally require a considerable amount of memory for them to adequately perform their function. Some server vendors install all the memory that was ordered. However, other server vendors supply the server with a standard amount of memory, and the network administrator must install the memory above the standard amount. Verify that the server has the amount of memory that was ordered. If some of the memory must be installed, verify that the memory is the correct type for the server and follow the server hardware vendor instructions for installation of the additional memory. This is a critical step. Some servers require that memory be installed in groups of 2 or 4 memory modules. (Check the server vendor documentation to see whether memory modules must be installed in groups of 2 or 4, instead of singly.) Failure to install the memory correctly will result in the server either not recognizing all the memory installed or the server failing to start at all. Disk Drives Many network server configurations require that a large amount of disk storage be available in the server. Verify that the disk drives are the correct size, speed, and type (IDE/ATA, EIDE/ATA-2, SCSI, SCSI-2, SCSI3). The disk drives may come installed in the server chassis or they might be shipped in separate cushioned boxes to avoid damage. The installation plan will specify which disk drives (size, speed, and type) should be installed in the network server. Monitor, Keyboard, and Mouse Verify that the monitor for the network server is as ordered. In general the monitor should support VGA resolution of at least 1024 by 768 dots per inch (dpi). The monitor can be the traditional CRT type or one of the newer LCD flat-panel monitors. If the monitor is to be rack mounted, a special monitor shelf will need to be purchased. Special rack-mounted LCD flat-panel monitors are available. These often include a keyboard/trackball or touch pad (substitute for a mouse) combination in a single rack drawer. Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Verify that a UPS is available for the network server. The UPS should be of adequate size to support the network server for a short period of time, which will allow a graceful shutdown of the server. Rack-mounted UPSs are available for rack-mounted network server installations. All UPSs should be capable of being monitored by the network server, through a USB or serial communications cable. If the UPS is to be monitored via the serial connection, make sure that a serial connection is available on the network server. Through the purchase of additional hardware for the UPS, the network administrator can usually monitor a UPS through the network. Top-of-the-line UPSs often enable the network administrator to monitor them via an SNMP management console or a built-in web interface. This will allow the network administrator to track the USP from any Internet connection, a plus feature for an administrator. Backup System Verify that the backup system is as specified in the installation plan and that it is adequate to support the backup of the network server. The backup system is generally a magnetic tape drive of one form or another. The tape drive should be capable of backing up the contents of the disk drives on the network server in a timely manner. The capacity of the tape drive and the speed that data can be transferred to the tape drive are both of critical importance. If the network administrator determines that given the specifications of the tape drive, a full backup of the network server would take 10 hours and the network administrator only has 4 hours to perform the backup, for example, the tape drive is inadequate for the job. The network administrator also can back up other devices, such as hard disk drives, CD-R devices, and CD-RW devices. The backup devices should be installed on a separate controller from the disk drives of the network server, to provide peak performance during the backup process. SCSI Cables Verify that the correct cables have been delivered to connect the SCSI channel controller to the SCSI devices (disk drives). SCSI cables differ distinctly from each other (for example, SCSI-1, SCSI-2, and SCSI3). The wide versions of SCSI-2 and SCSI-3 utilize different cables. Internal SCSI cables are generally ribbon cables, with pin 1 identified by a colored (usually red) strip on the edge of the ribbon cable. External SCSI cables are generally in a round bundle. Verify that the SCSI cables have the correct number of connectors for the network server configuration. Make sure that the SCSI cables do not exceed the SCSI channel length maximums. Also make sure that the SCSI cables have enough connectors to allow all the SCSI devices to be attached. If the network administrator needs to attach four SCSI disk drives to a SCSI channel, for example, the SCSI cable needs at least four connectors for the disk drives, plus one where it can be attached to the SCSI adapter. SCSI Adapter(s) Verify that the correct SCSI adapter is available. Many network servers have one or more SCSI adapters built in. Additional SCSI adapters may be required to support the number of SCSI devices that will be used with the network server. Make sure that the SCSI adapter and SCSI devices are of the same type of SCSI (SCSI-1, SCSI-2, SCSI-3, and so forth). Make sure that the SCSI adapter interface matches the bus that is in the network server for example, EISA, PCI, or PCI-64. Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks (RAID) Controller(s) If the network server is going to use the hardware version of RAID, verify that the RAID controller is available. The RAID controller should be delivered with configuration software. The RAID controller must be configured before the network operating system can be installed. Most RAID controllers are designed to support some version of SCSI disk drives. Make sure that the RAID controller matches the bus that is in the network server for example, EISA, PCI, or PCI-64. Fibre Channel–Arbitrated Loop Host Bus Adapter If the network server is going to be using Fibre Channel–Arbitrated Loop (FC-AL) disk systems, verify that the correct Fibre Channel host bus adapter (HBA) has been delivered. Fibre Channel may use either fiberoptic cable or copper wire for the connection media. Make sure that the HBA has the correct connection (fiber optic or copper) and that the correct cables are included. The vast majority of FC-AL installations have the disk system external to the network server chassis. Network Interface Card(s) Verify that the network interface card (NIC) for the network server is available. Some network servers have the NIC built in to the network server. If redundant NICs are required for the network server, verify that all NICs are available. Make sure that the NIC supports the type of network where the network server is going to be installed (Ethernet, Token Ring, and so on). Multiple NICs might also be installed in a single network server if it is to be attached to multiple networks. Miscellaneous Hardware Other hardware might be required for the network server. The network server does require a video adapter to support the network server monitor. There is no reason to spend a lot of money getting a fancy video adapter that has a large amount of video memory to support extremely high video resolution and billions of colors. The video monitor on a network server is generally utilized only to perform administrative functions on the network server. A video adapter that can support VGA resolution of up to 1024 by 768, and 65,536 colors should be adequate for most network servers. Many server hardware vendors have a specialized server management adapter that can be purchased and installed in their network servers. These devices generally monitor the health of the server hardware and can be used by server management software running on a designed management computer. Some of these devices have a built-in modem, which will allow monitoring of the server hardware via a dial-in connection. A rack-mounted network server might include a keyboard/video/ mouse (KVM) switch to allow one keyboard, one video display, and one mouse to be utilized by multiple network servers that are in a single rack. The KVM switch allows the keyboard, mouse and video display to switch (usually from the keyboard) among the network servers in the rack. This saves space in the rack, because each network server will not require its own keyboard, mouse, and monitor. Some cost savings also is associated with sharing the keyboard, mouse, and monitor, because the network administrator does not have to buy them for each server. A network server also should have some devices commonly found on most desktop computer systems, such as a 3.5-inch floppy disk drive and a CD-ROM drive or a DVD-ROM drive. These devices are required to install operating system software, hardware drivers, and other software onto the network server. 7.1.5 Hardware requirements The most current versions of popular NOSs, such as Windows XP and Red Hat 7, can only run on certain hardware configurations. Figures , , and outline the minimum system requirements for Windows and Linux operating systems. When choosing an NOS version to install, verify that the key elements of the system hardware meet the minimum requirements of the NOS. These key areas are CPU type (architecture), CPU speed (measured in megahertz [MHz] or gigahertz [GHz]), amount of RAM, and amount of available hard disk space. NOS vendors publicize these minimum requirements so that administrators can plan their systems. Some NOS installation programs will not complete if they detect a system that does not meet the minimum hardware requirements. In addition to these key areas, create an inventory of peripherals and expansion cards used with the system, as described in the next section. Microsoft has made its Upgrade Advisor tool available to the public on their website: pro/howtobuy/upgrading/advisor.asp This tool checks system hardware and software to see if it is ready for an upgrade to Windows XP. Figure provides an example of a Windows XP feature that will automatically check to see if the system has sufficient resources to be upgraded to Windows XP. The Windows XP CD-ROM also includes this utility. 7.1.6 Creating a hardware inventory The hardware inventory should be created before any installation programs are run or before any attempt to prepare the hard disk for installation. If necessary, open the system case and examine the expansion cards in order to determine the manufacturer and chipset that are being used. If manuals have come with the system, consult these as well. Finally, if another operating system is already installed on the system, use the system utilities, such as Windows Device Manager, to get information on the installed hardware, which is shown in Figure . The hardware inventory should include the following information for each device: • • • • • Device type Manufacturer Model number Device driver version BIOS revision number A hardware inventory also lists all expansion cards and peripheral devices attached to the system. Some installations may require more details about the hardware, such as the slot where an expansion card is located, or even the jumper settings on a particular card. Most of this information can be obtained by using a utility such as Device Manager. Figures , , and show the different screens that are used to view the properties, extra details, and resources that the device is using. The latest versions of most software and NOSs use various methods to automatically detect and configure the hardware. However, older expansion cards and software may not be compatible with these automatic detection methods, such as plug-and-play. In some cases, it will be necessary to physically inspect the expansion card to record its jumper settings and slot number. Figure displays a sample hardware inventory. 7.1.7 Identifying hardware using Device Manager Previously, the devices were installed only if the user installed the device drivers. Today, PCI-based plugand-play is the new method. It is still easy to see which devices have not had drivers installed. In the Windows 2000 OS, the device will appear with a yellow question mark next to the device name in Device Manager. An example of this is shown in Figure . Windows 2000 In Windows 2000, the easiest way to identify if the hardware driver has not been installed is to look at the device and see if it has a question mark in a yellow circle next to it. This icon means Windows 2000 recognized the device but could not find a suitable driver for it. In Device Manager, the user has the option to update driver. The user can tell Windows 2000 to search the CD or the Internet for the most suitable driver. The user can also delete the driver and reboot the PC and Windows will prompt the user again to search for a suitable driver. 7.1.8 Checking hardware compatibility lists After completing the hardware inventory, check with the NOS and hardware manufacturers to verify that the hardware is compatible with the NOS. While software and hardware manuals may contain compatibility information, the most up-to-date source of this information is the World Wide Web. The hardware manufacturer website provides the latest information about a particular expansion card or peripheral. These websites typically include software drivers, firmware updates, and, if applicable, information about jumper settings. The Red Hat website offers a hardware compatibility list, as shown in Figure . The Microsoft support page can be used to find compatibility information on specific third-party hardware. The latest hardware compatibility list for the following network operating systems can be found at the following websites: • • • • • Microsoft Windows NT and Windows 2000 – default.asp Linux (Red Hat) – support/hardware/ Linux (SuSE) – LANG=en_UK&PHPSESSID= 82afbdf72c0c31537924627 564e4c66c Caldera OpenLinux – support/hardware/ IBM OS/2 – os2ddpak/html/index.htm 7.1.9 Verifying the network The network configuration consists of selecting the network protocol and configuring it to operate correctly on the network. Most network servers use either the TCP/IP protocol or the IPX/SPX protocol or both. To configure TCP/IP, the user needs the following information: • • • • IP address Subnet mask Default gateway IP address of DNS server(s) The user can use the following commands to view or change the network configuration for various network operating systems: • • Windows NT/Windows 2000 Server – ipconfig UNIX/Linux – ifconfig Verifying Network Connectivity To test network connectivity when using the TCP/IP protocol, all network operating systems use the ping command. A successful ping command using a TCP/IP address in a Windows system should look like the image shown in Figure . A successful ping in Linux would resemble the image in Figure . An unsuccessful ping command in Windows is shown in Figure and the unsuccessful ping command in Linux is shown in Figure . The best IP address to ping is the IP address of the default gateway, because it should always be available to return the ping request if the system is properly configured to access the network or Internet. This is a common troubleshooting technique that is used when a system is not connecting to the network to determine if the problem lies within the system itself or elsewhere on the network. 7.2 The Installation Process 7.2.1 Installation media After selecting the NOS that meets network and hardware requirements, the installation medium must be determined, such as a CD-ROM, the network, or floppy disks. Typically, a NOS is installed using a CD-ROM that contains the system files and an installation program. In some cases, an NOS is installed via floppy disks. Installation using floppy disks has become increasingly uncommon as operating systems have grown in size and CD-ROM drives have become standard on virtually all PC models. If a high-speed Internet connection is available, it may be possible to install a version of Windows, UNIX, or Linux over a network. With a LAN connection, it is possible to install most NOSs using the local network. The following list summarizes the most common installation methods. Bootable CD-ROMs If the system has a CD-ROM drive and can boot from the CD, a local CD-ROM installation can be performed. This method is relatively fast and is the simplest method of installation. It may be necessary to download patches and other updates from the manufacturer website before placing the computer in production. Floppy Boot and CD-ROM If the system has a CD-ROM drive but cannot boot from the CD, a local CD-ROM installation can still be performed after booting from a floppy disk (or, in some cases, a hard disk). When booting from a floppy, make sure that the CD-ROM software drivers are loaded either from the boot disk or from some other source. Without the software drivers, the CD-ROM cannot be accessed. Booting from a floppy and then installing from a CD-ROM has the same advantages and disadvantages of booting directly from the CD, with the added complication of the need to create the boot disk first. Most NOS manufacturers provide programs that create the appropriate installation floppy disks. Floppy Only Some older or very small NOSs can be loaded entirely from a series of floppy disks. One advantage of this method is that no CD-ROM is required. The obvious disadvantage is that copying files from multiple floppy disks is incredibly slow. Floppy/Hard Drive/or CD Boot and Network Installation In this case, the system is booted via a floppy and the NOS are then installed from a local network server. This method can also be used when booting from a hard drive or CD. Network installations can be fast and convenient, but they do require complex setup and testing. In order for this method to work, an administrator must load a copy or image of the NOS on a server and configure the server to allow client access. Typically, network installations rely on either the Network File System (NFS) or File Transfer Protocol (FTP). A few NOSs allow the option to boot via a floppy disk (or even a CD-ROM) and install the latest version of the NOS via the Internet. The advantage to this method is that the latest version of the NOS is installed. Another minor advantage is that the installation can be performed even if the system does not have a CD-ROM drive. However, this method does require a relatively high-speed Internet connection. Also, installing via the Internet is typically complex and unreliable. 7.2.2 BIOS settings Particularly with older motherboards and older operating systems, the Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) settings play a large part in the installation process. The system BIOS typically resides in ROM on the motherboard and is the first program run when a system is powered on. It is responsible for testing hardware devices using a process called Power-On Self Test (POST). The BIOS also loads the operating system from various media, including hard disks, floppy disks, and usually CD-ROMs. When configuring older systems, information about each connected disk drive may have to be manually entered in the BIOS setup utility. With hardware and operating systems that are new or only a few years old, the system BIOS is capable of automatically detecting disk drives and other hardware. For CD-based installations on these newer systems, the only BIOS setting that is important is the setting that allows the system to boot from the CD-ROM. Figure shows the BIOS setup utility for an Award BIOS. For this BIOS, the "Boot Sequence" option determines whether or not the system will boot first from the CDROM, the hard disk, or the floppy disk. 7.2.3 The installation program An installation program controls and simplifies the installation process. Depending on the NOS, the installation program prompts the user for configuration information. Most installation programs allow partitioning and formatting of the hard disk before copying system files. Partitioning and formatting are discussed in the next few sections. In Windows, the installation program is called setup.exe. On a Red Hat Linux system, the installation program is currently called Anaconda. These programs guide the user through the NOS installation process. The installation program will ask a series of questions. Figures and provide examples of how the Red Hat 7.X installation program asks what language and keyboard layout to use. These questions are typical of installation programs. Installation programs also give the user the option to install a default set of components or choose each component manually. Figure shows the Linux installation screen in which users would choose if they wanted to customize their installation options. If installing a NOS for the first time, or installing a NOS on a non-production server, consider using one of these defaults. Using a default setting simplifies the installation process and ensures that a crippled or non-functioning system will not be created. If the server is going to be put into production, strongly consider a custom installation. Manually choosing the components and features will guarantee that the system is built for the specific tasks required in a specific environment. 7.2.4 Disk partitions In order to efficiently use the storage space on a hard disk, the disk is divided into sections called partitions or slices. Each partition, or slice, is a logical division of the hard disk. A disk can have one or more partitions. Typically, a network server is configured with multiple partitions before installing the NOS. A system with multiple disk partitions has the following advantages: • • • Multiple operating systems can be installed on the same disk. Data can be physically separated from the system files to provide security, file management, and/or fault tolerance. A specific partition, called a swap partition, can be created in order to supplement the system RAM and enhance performance. Once a disk is divided into partitions, each partition must be formatted so that data can be stored there. On a Windows system, formatted partitions on a hard drive are labeled using a letter of the alphabet. The first partition is labeled with a C, the second partition, if present, is labeled with a D, and so on. There are three types of partitions that can exist on a hard drive. A primary partition is the same as an original partition. Extended partitions are variations of a primary partition, which acts as a placeholder for logical partitions. Logical partitions are partitions that are created within the extended partitions. On any operating system, there can be up to four primary partitions or three primary partitions and one extended partition. The layout of the partitions is stored in the partition table. Figure provides a logical representation of how a sample partition table is laid out. From this example, the two logical partitions (hda5 and hda6) are contained in the extended partition hda2. The partition table is located in the first sector of the hard disk on which the operating system is installed. This sector of the hard disk is known as the Master Boot Record (MBR). Figure illustrates how the MBR contains information on all the other partitions that are created. This section also contains certain parameters and code, which the computer needs to run after the BIOS initializes. Even though the logical partitions are stored within the extended partition, which is outside of the MBR, it is still considered part of the partition table because they do define partition locations. Requirements for Linux Partitions Linux handles the primary, extended, and logical partition schemes a little differently than other operating systems. Linux numbers its primary and extended partitions one to four and the logical partitions are numbers from five and up. For example, if the user created two primary partitions and one extended partition, the primary partition would be numbered one and two respectively and the extended partition would be numbered four. The extended partition would be numbered four and not three because the slots one though three are reserved for primary partitions even if they are not all used up. In the case above, there was only two primary partitions created, thus only slot three was omitted. On the other hand, logical partitions are always numbered 5, 6, 7, and so on, regardless of the amount. However logical partitions will always start at five. Linux has a root partition, which is the partition in which the OS is installed on and boots from. Figure shows an example of the root files being installed on the root partition. At a minimum, Linux needs to have at least one partition in order for the operating system to be installed and allow it to boot up. The root partition is also identified as /. This is referred to as the root partition because the entire file structure is identified by its location relative to /. Partition Options When partitioning a disk in Linux as well as other operating systems, there are several options and choices that are available to the administrator. There are several advantages that come with partitioning a hard drive other than just having one giant root partition. Multiple Disks When installing multiple disks, the user must by default create more than one partition. The user must create at least one partition for every disk that is installed. The advantage to doing this is that the root partition can be installed on one disk while another directory, such as the /home directory can be installed on the other disk. Putting the /home directory disks would contain all the users data that is saved in their home directory and that data would be saved in the event that the drive with the root directory fails. Better Security Options Partitioning a hard disk can improved security on the drive as well. The security access for one partition can be greater or less than the security access for another. For example, if the /home directory was located on its own partition, the administrator could have stricter security for access to that partition containing users home directories. Data Overrun Protection Anyone who uses any operating system has learned that errors or attacks will occur. Sometimes one of these errors can cause a file to continuously grow to huge sizes thereby taking up all the space in a partition and causing the file system to seize up or crash because it can no longer create files or directories in that partition. Partitioning a hard drive can help reduce the amount of damage done and sometimes allow an administrator to catch the problem before this can cause too much damage. This is accomplished because it reduces the amount of hard drive space this runaway process can consume. Disk Error Protection Partitioning a disk can also help in the event that a sector on the hard drive goes bad or that a virus corrupts a portion of the hard drive the user will only lose the data in that hard drive that has not been backed up elsewhere. If the user had not partitioned the hard drive then all the data on the entire drive could be lost. Ideal File Systems Partitioning a disk can be useful in the event that the user needs to use multiple file systems. The user can have one file system in which the operating system is installed on and boots from and then the user can have another file system in another partition that certain files or programs might need to operate. Depending on the OS, partitioning is done either before running the installation program or from the installation program itself. Partitioning can be done manually or automatically. Many installation programs allow automatic partitioning. While this option is helpful for novice administrators, automatic partitioning may not result in a system optimized for specific needs. In order to manually partition a disk effectively, it is important to understand what types of partitions are required by the NOS. How the server will be used also dictates how a server is partitioned. For example, if configuring a Linux server to be a mail server, take care to ensure that the appropriate partition is large enough to contain every user's unread mail. 7.2.5 Partitioning a disk Information about the number of partitions, their size, and their location on the disk is kept in the first sector of the disk. This information is called the partition table. Partition tables can conform to one of several formats, including DOS and BSD/Sun. On systems that use a DOS-type partition table, such as Windows and Linux, the first sector of the disk is sometimes called the Master Boot Record (MBR) or the Master Boot Sector. DOS-type partition tables can describe up to four primary partitions. On BSD and Sun UNIX, the first sector of the hard drive is called the disk label, or Volume Table of Contents (VTOC). The Sun-type partition table can describe up to eight primary partitions. Figure provides an example of a sample partition table outlining up to eight partitions. The partition table includes information that tells the OS which partitions are bootable. A bootable partition is a partition that contains an operating system. When manually defining partitions, a partition must be configured to be bootable in order to be able to boot from it. The MBR or disk label contains a program that locates the first sector of a bootable operating system and then turns control of the system over to that OS. If the MBR or disk label is corrupted or otherwise lost, the system will no longer boot properly. For this reason, a copy of the MBR/disk label should be kept as a backup on a floppy disk. Partitioning Tools Before an operating system can be installed on a hard drive it must be properly partitioned. There are several tools available that will enable a user to partition a hard drive. However, there are only a few that should be used if the user is installing Linux on the hard drive. FDISK Most NOS installation software includes a program called FDISK. FDISK stands for fixed disk. FDISK programs are designed to manipulate the partition table of a hard disk. A FDISK program can be used to create partitions, delete partitions, and set partitions as “active”. Figure displays the options that are available for disk management using the fdisk tool on a Linux system (using the -l switch). Microsoft provides a version of the FDISK program that is readily available. The program provides a textbased means of creating partitions on a hard drive that Linux can use. Linux provides a version of FDISK as well, although the version that Linux uses is fdisk, with all lowercase letters. The Linux version of fdisk is test-based as well but provides a more flexible means of partitioning a hard disk than does Microsoft version. Linux Install-Time Tools Linux provides its own tools that can be used when installing a Linux-only system. These are GUI tools that are much more easier to use than fdisk. This is probably the best way and easiest way to partition a Linux system. Third-Party Partitioning Tools There are some third party tools that can be used to partition a Linux system. The best-known tool for doing this is PowerQuest PartitionMagic ( PartitionMagic is a GUI-based tool that can be used to partition a hard drive formatted with a variety of file systems including FAT, NTFS, HPFS, ext2, and ext3. PartitionMagic is DOS-based but it comes with a floppy disk that can be used on operating system other than windows. It provided and excellent means of partitioning a disk that has more than one type of operating system or file system on it. PartitionMagic is also helpful for doing other things as well. It can be used to change the size of a partition without damaging the files within the existing partition. FIPS First Nondestructive Interactive Partitioning Splitting (FIPS) is included in the installation CD that come with most of the Linux distributions. FIPS is a large partitioning tool that can be used to split a FAT partition into two partitions. FIPS is most commonly used on Windows systems that need to make a separate partition to install Linux on. FIPS does this by first splitting the existing FAT partition. Then the user can delete that partition and installing Linux on that new partition. Figure provides an example of the FIPS partitioning tool. General Guidelines for Partitioning There are some general rules that are important to know when partitioning a hard drive. Following these rules will save lots of time spent troubleshooting or repairing a file system down the road. Generally, any OS can be installed on any partition that is created by any partitioning tool, provided that the tool uses the standard x86 partition table. However, this does not always work. There are two rules that generally should be followed when portioning a hard drive. 1. A good idea is to use a cross-platform partitioning tool like PartitionMagic. As described before, this partitioning tool can be used to partition a hard drive for use with just about any operating system. 2. If using a third-party partitioning tool is not an option then the next best idea is to use the partitioning tool that come with the OS. Linux and Windows 2000/XP come with their own partitioning tools that can be used during the installation of the OS. 7.2.6 Swap files A swap file is an area of the hard disk that is used for virtual memory. Virtual memory is hard disk space that is used to supplement RAM. Refer to Figure for an example of the Windows Virtual Memory Settings. Data is written to the swap file (also called a paging file) when there is not enough RAM available. Data is then swapped between RAM and the swap file, as needed. If the system has sufficient RAM, the swap file may be small and used infrequently. If RAM usage increases, the swap file may grow larger and swaps may occur more frequently. This allows programs to be run that the system would otherwise be unable to support. Although Windows uses a swap file, it does not have to be configured. The swap file is created as a file in the NOS partition. UNIX systems typically dedicate an entire partition to swap space. This partition, or slice, is called the swap partition. The minimum size of the swap partition should be equal to twice the computer RAM, or 32 MB, whichever amount is larger, but no more than 128 MB on a Red Hat Linux system. It is important however, to manage swap space usage because if the system begins to run out of swap space the OS may begin to seize up. Configuring Swap File(s) Network operating systems that use virtual memory (Windows NT, Windows 2000, UNIX, and Linux) have a swap file on the network server disk drive. For optimum performance, the swap file should be installed on or moved to a different physical disk drive from the disk drive that contains the operating system files, or frequently accessed application files (such as databases). The following sections identify the swap file names and default sizes for various network operation systems. Windows 2000 Server Microsoft Windows 2000 Sever defaults include the following: • • • Swap file name: C:\PAGEFILE.SYS Default size: Amount of RAM in server times 1.5 One swap file is allowed per volume To change the number of page files or to change the size of a paging file, select Start > Settings > Control Panel > System > Advanced > Performance Options > Virtual Memory Change button. Linux Using the free command in Linux will allow the user to check the systems memory. Figure provides an example of the output of this command. This command will display the systems total memory use. There are several options that can be issued along with this command to manipulate the output from the command. These are shown in Figure . Using this command can be very useful when determining a systems overall performance and also when RAM might need to be added. By evaluating the totals, used, and free columns First Nondestructive Interactive Partitioning Splitting can see how much RAM the system has, how much is being used, and how much is currently being used. If the used column begins to approach the same value as the total column, then it might be a good idea to add more RAM. The last row of this output displays swap file space and usage. The same principles apply for evaluating whether or not to add more swap space as it does for adding more RAM. The only difference being that it is hard to get an estimate of swap file usage just by looking at this output for a few seconds. A better evaluation needs to be made over a period of time when the system is being regularly used. A way to do this is to capture the output and save it to a text file that can be read and evaluated later. To do this the user would use the –s option that was discussed earlier along with the > command which will redirect the output to a text file. The command to do this would appear as: free –s 900 > swapeval.txt This would cause the output to be displayed for 900 seconds and then the output of the swap file usage over a period of 900 seconds would be directed to a text file that could be read later. Adding a Swap File One way to add swap space is to add a swap file. The way to add a swap file to a Linux system is as follows: 1. The first step that needs to be done is to create a file that will take up the space equal to the size of the swap file that is going to be created. To do this, the user will need to use the dd command. The output is as follows: # dd if=/dev/zero of=swap.swp bs=1024 count=131072 This command states that bytes will be copied from /dev/zero and then will create a swap.swp file that is 128 MB in size. 2. Next, the swap.swp file that was created will need to be initialized so that the Linux system can use it to swap memory to disk. By using the mkswap command the user can enable Linux to be able to use the new swap file but it will not be active. The output for this command is as follows: # mkswap /swap.swp 3. To make this swap file active the user will need to use the swapon command. To make this swap file inactive simply use the swapoff command in place of the swapon command. The output is as follows: # swapon /swap.swp This swap file that was just created will not be used the next time the system is rebooted unless that entry in made in /etc/fstab (see Figure ). The user will need to list the complete path of where the swap file is located in this file. Adding swap space using this method is definitely the quickest and easiest way. However, it does have some drawbacks. By creating this swap file on a partition that is already being used, then the file can become fragmented as the partition gets used more and more. This will cause the swap file to become fragmented across the partition as well, which degrades performance. The only other option that can be done is to create an entirely new swap partition. However, this is much more complex and is not recommended unless it is absolutely necessary. 7.2.7 Formatting the disk After the partitions have been created, they will need to be formatted. Typically, the installation program will prompt with available format options. Partitions can be formatted with various utilities, such as Windows FORMAT.EXE. The formatting process defines the file system of the partition. Figure shows the GUI for selecting partitions in Red Hat. Within each partition, the operating system keeps track of all the files that are stored there. Each file is actually stored on the hard disk in one or more cluster or disk spaces of a predefined uniform size. When formatting a partition on a Windows NOS, choose between the following file systems: • • • New Technology File System (NTFS) (Recommended for network servers) FAT32 FAT When formatting a UNIX or Linux partition, choose between the following file systems: • • UNIX File System (UFS) EXT3 Other notable file systems include HFS (H File System), which is used with OS/2. 7.2.8 Creating initial administrative accounts One of the most important parts of any NOS installation is the creation of the administrative user account. As discussed in earlier chapters, a NOS is a multiuser system. The administrative account has unrestricted access to create and delete users and files. Figure displays the capabilities of an administrator in Windows XP. For this reason, the administrative account is called the "super user account" on some systems. Figure presents a partial list of the names given to the administrative user account by common NOSs. When installing the NOS, the installation program will ask the user to create an administrative account. Since this account is very powerful, it is critical that a “strong” password be assigned. A password is considered strong when it contains eight characters or more and does not use recognizable names or words found in a dictionary. Strong passwords also use a combination of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and other characters. 7.2.9 Completing the installation After providing the installation program with the necessary information, the program will create the NOS system files on the hard disk. Other basic applications and components will also be copied to the hard disk, as determined by the installation program. Depending on the size of the NOS, the number of selected components, and the speed of server, it can take from a few minutes to over an hour to complete the copying process. Once the copying process is complete, the installation program may ask some final configuration questions before it reboots the system. After the system reboots, the administrator should be able to login to the newly installed NOS using the administrative account created during the installation process. 7.3 The Boot Process 7.3.1 The stages of the boot process The boot process of the Windows 2000 operating system is very different from Windows 9x. The Windows 9x boot process is much simpler and straightforward. Both Windows 9x and Windows 2000 have completely different files that are used to start the operating systems. While Windows 9x has a few files that load the startup programs and check for device drivers, the Windows 2000 boot process is much more involved and requires the use of many more files. Windows 2000 requires a few extra steps and files because of the added features it offers, like the security features and logon features. In addition, many of the features that are supported in Windows 98, like specific device drivers, are not supported by the Windows NT/2000 operating system. Windows 2000 goes through a series of steps as it boots the computer. If everything is working, the user will not care much about the details of the process. However, when troubleshooting boot problems, it is helpful to understand how the boot process works. As shown in Figure , the Windows 2000 boot process occurs in five stages: • • • • • The pre-boot sequence The boot sequence The kernel load The kernel initialization The logon process Learning about the boot process and the files that are used in the stages of this process will help to effectively troubleshoot problems with the operating system. Note: This section covers the boot process as it relates to the Windows 2000 operating system. Keep in mind that while the Windows 2000 boot process is discussed here, the same steps take place in Linux although the files names will be different. The Linux boot process is discussed in later chapter. 7.3.2 Basic files required Before looking at the details of the boot process, it might be a good idea to get a look at the files that are required to complete a successful boot and to see where these files must be located. Figure lists some of the major files that a Windows 2000 system needs in order to boot properly. It is important to note that this chapter is referring to an Intel-based boot process. The boot process will be slightly different on non-Intel based systems because NTLDR is not needed. On these systems, there is a file called OSLOADER.EXE that performs this function. The NTDETECT.COM file is not needed on non-Intel based systems as well, because that function is performed during the POST, and the information gathered from the POST is given to NTOSKRNL.EXE through OSLOADER.EXE. From that point on, Intel-based and non-Intel based systems boot the same way. 7.3.3 BIOS interaction The boot process cannot function without the BIOS because the BIOS controls all aspects of the boot process. The instructions and data in the ROM chip that control the boot process and the computer hardware are known as the Basic Input/Output System (BIOS). During the boot process, the BIOS performs a series of interactions with the system hardware. These include checking the necessary hardware to make sure that it is present and operational. This occurs during the Power-On Self Test (POST). During the POST, a computer will test its memory and verify that it has all the necessary hardware, such as a keyboard and a mouse. This information is used by the BIOS to control all aspects of the boot process. When there is a problem during the POST, BIOS produces audio and video error codes. The BIOS provides the computer with basic instructions to control devices in the system during the boot process. The BIOS also locates any BIOS codes on expansion cards and executes them during the boot process. Finally, the BIOS locates a volume or boot sector on the drives to start the operating system. Figure provides an example of the screen that appears during the boot process when the POST has completed and verified that all the necessary hardware is present. 7.3.4 Detailed steps of the boot process Step 1: Pre-boot Sequence After the power is turned on, the first step of the boot process is the POST. This is actually something that every computer will do, regardless of its operating system. After the computer completes the POST, it will allow for other adapter cards to run their own POSTs, such as a SCSI card that is equipped with its own BIOS, for example. After the POST routine is complete, the computer will locate a boot device and load the Master Boot Record (MBR) into memory, which in turn locates the active partition and loads it into memory. The MBR allows the operating system to load into RAM. Up to this point, the computer hardware has played an important role, and without properly functioning hardware, the operating system will not load. At this point the computer loads and initializes the NTLDR file, which is the operating system loader, and begins to load the operating system. Figure shows a screenshot of pre-boot sequence. Step 2: Boot Sequence Once the computer loads NTLDR, the boot sequence begins to gather information about hardware and drivers. NTLDR uses the NTDETECT.COM, BOOT.INI, and BOOTSECT.DOS files. The BOOTSECT.DOS file will only be used in the event that the computer is set up to dual-boot. A major function provided by NTLDR is switching the processor into 32-bit flat memory mode. Until this point, the computer was running in real mode, just like the old 8086/8088 CPUs. Next, NTLDR starts the file system, either FAT or NTFS, so that it can read the files from the disk. NTLDR will now read the BOOT.INI file to enable the display of the boot menu on the screen. This is where the user will be able to select which operating system to load if the computer is set to dual-boot. If an operating system other than Windows 2000 is selected, NTLDR then loads the BOOTSECT.DOS file and passes control to it, which then boots the other OS. Figure shows a sample boot menu. If Windows 2000 is selected or if the computer is not dual booting, then NTLDR runs NTDETECT.COM, which will gather information about the computer hardware. It is also in this step that F8 can be pressed for troubleshooting and advanced startup options. NTDETECT.COM will detect the following hardware components: • • • • • • • • • • Computer ID Bus/adapter type Keyboard Com ports Parallel ports Floppy disks SCSI adapters Mouse/pointing devices Floating-point coprocessor Video adapters – Once NTDETECT.COM has collected the hardware information, NTLDR will load NTOSKRNL.EXE and pass it that information. Step 3: Kernel Load The kernel load phase begins with NTOSKRNL.EXE loading along with the file. At this point NTLDR still plays a role in the boot process. NTLDR will also read the system registry key into memory, and select the hardware configuration that is stored in the registry. It will load the configuration needed for the computer to boot. At this point of the boot process, it is possible to select which hardware profile is to be loaded, provided there is more than one hardware profile to choose from, as shown in Figure . Next, any device drivers that have a start value of 0x0 will be loaded from the registry by NTLDR. After this step all of the kernel files have been loaded into memory. Step 4: Kernel Initialization The initial kernel load phase is now complete and the kernel will begin to initialize. This simply means that it is recognizing everything that was loaded previously so that NTLDR can now give control to the operating system kernel. The operating system can now begin the final stages of loading. The graphical user interface (GUI) is now seen and it will show a status bar indicating that the GUI is now loading. Four additional steps will now take place: 1. The hardware key is created. Once the kernel has completed the initialization process, it uses the information collected during the hardware detection phase to create the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ HARDWARE. This registry contains all the information about the hardware that is located on the computer motherboard as well as the interrupts used by the hardware devices. 2. The clone control set is created. The kernel references the registry subkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SYSTEM\Select and then creates a clone (or copy) of the Current Control Set value in the registry. The computer then uses this clone to maintain an identical copy of the data used to configure the computer so this registry value will not reflect changes made during the startup process. 3. Device drivers are loaded and initialized. During this step, the kernel first initializes the low-level device drivers that were loaded in the kernel load phase of the boot process. Now the kernel must scan the registry subkey HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\ Services for device drivers with a value of 0x1. This device driver value indicates at what point in the process that the driver will load. This is the same for the device driver value in the kernel load phase as well. 4. Services are started. The final step that needs to be completed is starting the Session Manager. The Session Manager is started when the SMSS.EXE file is loaded. The Session Manager is responsible for loading the programs in its BootExecute Registry Entry. The Session Manager also loads the required subsystems, which start the Winlogon.exe file. This file starts the Local Security Administration (LSASS.EXE) file, and the Ctrl + Alt + Delete window appears, as shown in Figure . The Service Controller (SCREG.EXE) will check the registry for services with a start value of 0x2 and will load them. Services with start values of 0x3 are started manually, and services with start values of 0x4 are disabled. Step 5: Logon The logon screen, as shown in Figure , begins the final step in the bootup process. Although this is the final step, it is not considered a completed or successful boot until a user logs on. Once the user has logged on, the clone of the Current Control Set value from the fourth item, in Step 4, is copied to the Last Known Good control set value in the registry. This is a safety measure that the OS performs so a user can reboot the computer if a problem arises where the boot process becomes corrupt. An example would be if a bad device driver gets loaded and it will not allow the user to log on. Selecting this value during startup loads the last successful boot configuration that was saved without this bad device driver, allowing the user to log on. 7.3.5 Linux boot process The boot process between Windows 2000 and Linux is very similar. Obviously one main difference is the file types that are used. The names of the files types that are used to boot the two systems may be different, but they essentially perform the same functions. For example, Windows 2000 uses the NTLDR file as the main file that gets the system stated until the operating system takes over the process. In Linux the LILO files performs this function. Figure provides an example of the LILO screen, which is used to boot the operating system. This screen is also where a user would decide which operating system the user wants LILO to begin booting if the user is dual booting. Both systems start the boot process by locating the master boot record and loading it. Next, in Windows 2000, the kernel files (NTDETECT, NTOSKRNL, and HAL) are loaded by NTLDR. In Linux the same process occurs, using the Linux Kernel. At this point in both systems, the root files are being loaded to prepare the operating system to take over. The next step of the Windows boot process is loading the services, which is done by the SMSS.EXE file. In Linux this process is done by INIT. At this point the boot processes take separate paths while Linux begins to load its operating system and Windows loads its. In the end, both systems will come to a logon prompt that will ask for a username and password to authenticate into the system. 7.4 Troubleshooting NOS Installation 7.4.1 Unable to boot from installation media If the system will not boot from the installation media (such as a CD or floppy disk), then the installation program will not run. There are several steps to take if the system will not boot from a CD-ROM: • • • • • • • Consult the system BIOS setup menu as shown in Figure . A hotkey sequence is generally required to enter the BIOS monitor. The key sequence varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. The BIOS is built in software that contains all the code required to control the hardware devices in the system. These can include the keyboard, monitor, hard drives, parallel and serial ports, and a number of other functions. The PC BIOS on computers today is standardized, so aside from differences in manufacturers, they will all work in much the same way. Make sure that the BIOS is capable of supporting and booting from a CD-ROM, and that the correct boot sequence is configured in BIOS. If the system BIOS cannot support or boot from a CD-ROM, the system will have to be booted using a bootable floppy. Consult the documentation that came with the CD. Make sure the CD contains system files and is designed to be bootable. Some CDs contain the installation files, but are not bootable. If this is the case, try booting from a floppy disk. Check that the CD is recognized by the operating system and proper device drivers are available. Check to see if another system can boot from the CD or read the CD. If another system cannot read the disc, then the problem is most likely with the disc itself. If another system can, then the problem is most likely a faulty CD drive. Inspect the data side for scratches, fingerprints, or dust, if it is suspected that the problem is with the disc itself. Clean the CD by using a dry cotton cloth and gently wiping from the center of the disc to its edge. Repeat this process until the entire surface of the CD appears clean. Replace the CD in the drive and try booting again. If the boot fails, obtain another copy of the installation disc. Determine if the problem is with the CD-ROM drive. Do this by turning off the power, opening the case and inspecting the cable connection between the CD-ROM drive and the motherboard. Make sure the cable is plugged in firmly at both ends. After checking the cable, verify the CD-ROM configuration settings such as master/slave, cable select, SCSI ID, or SCSI termination, depending on the type of drive. If the CD-ROM still fails, replace the drive or the cable. If booting still fails, consult the hardware documentation before proceeding. 7.4.2 Problems during the installation process Occasionally, something goes wrong during the installation process. If an incorrect choice is made while using the installation program, look for a “back” button or key so that the configuration can be reversed. Here are some other common problems. Partitioning or formatting the hard disk fails. Check the BIOS settings and hard disk documentation to troubleshoot this problem. The hard disk may be faulty. Checking the page in the BIOS that contains the information about the hard drives installed in the system will allow a test to be done to see if the system is recognizing the disk. The system "hangs" during the installation process. A hang is defined as a period of several minutes during which there is no discernable activity on the system. This means that the installation screen appears frozen or black, and the hard disk drive activity LED is not blinking. Wait at least five minutes under these conditions before declaring a hang. If the system hangs, turn the power off and then back on again. After turning the power back on, the installation program may give the option to resume or repair the previous installation. If it does not, then start the installation process over. If the hang occurs again at the same point during the installation process, there is most likely a hardware compatibility problem. Check the hardware inventory against the vendor compatibility list. The installation media cannot be read at some point during the installation process. This problem occurs when installing with a CD that is dirty or scratched. In some cases, the problem is a "bad burn", which is a CD-RW that has had the installation files copied onto it incorrectly. If cleaning the CD does not correct this problem, then obtain another copy of the installation files. 7.4.3 Post-installation problems After installing the NOS, the system may not load the NOS properly or will not allow a logon. If the system fails to load the NOS, consult the manufacturer website and documentation. First time load failures are difficult to troubleshoot. Very specific information about the system and the NOS will need to be gathered. If the system reports specific errors, write those down and search for information about those errors on the web or in the documentation. If necessary, call a technical support line and ask for help. If unable to logon, the problem is usually forgotten administrator account information that was configured during the installation process. Remember that, in many systems, the usernames and passwords are casesensitive, so check to make sure that the keyboard Caps Lock is not on. Figure illustrates a sample error message a user would receive when the user leaves the Caps Lock key on during the login process. CHAPTER 8 8.1 Installation 8.1.1 Installing the OS There are a few things to consider before installing Windows 2000. First, check to make sure that the hardware is capable of running Windows 2000. Microsoft recommends that users observe the following requirements prior to installing the operating system: • • • • • • Pentium 133 MHz or higher microprocessor 64 MB RAM 2 GB hard drive or partition with a minimum of 1 GB of free space VGA monitor 12X CD-ROM, minimum Network card Microsoft has a tool called the Hardware Compatibility List (HCL) that can be used to verify that the hardware will actually work with Windows 2000. Microsoft provides tested drivers for only those devices that are included on this list. Using hardware that is not listed on the HCL might cause problems during and after installation. This HCL can be viewed by opening the Hcl.txt file in the Support folder on the Windows 2000 Professional CD-ROM, or by visiting Figure shows an example of the HCL text file that can be viewed on any Windows 2000 system. Understanding the Steps in Windows 2000 Installation There are four main steps in the Windows 2000 installation process. The installation begins when the Setup program runs. This prepares the hard disk and copies files. Setup then runs a wizard that provides informational pages, which are used to complete the rest of the installation. There are four steps in the Windows 2000 installation process: • • • • The Setup program The Setup wizard Installing Windows networking Completing the Setup program The Setup Program The first step of the installation process is to prepare the hard drive for the other stages of installation. Files that are needed to run the setup wizard are copied and the text portion of the setup is displayed. The Windows 2000 installation can be started by either using the Setup Boot Disks or by booting from the CDROM. If the Setup Boot Disks are chosen, insert the first disk into the computer and turn it on. Follow the steps to insert the other three disks to begin copying the files. Using the Windows 2000 Professional CD-ROM can be much easier. After booting from the CD-ROM, a minimal version of Windows 2000 is copied into memory, which is used to start the Setup program. This is where the text-based portion of Setup starts. The administrator will do the following: • • • • Read and accept the licensing agreement Reconfigure the hard disk partitions or delete a partition if necessary Create and format a new partition to install Windows 2000 or reformat an existing partition Select either FAT or NTFS as the type of file system Setup will then format the partition with the file system selected. The type of file system selected can be FAT or NTFS. Figure shows the options available during the installation process. Remember that FAT can be converted to NTFS but NTFS cannot be converted to FAT without reinstalling the OS. This is one of the security features that NTFS provides. When installing the OS on a network, NTFS is preferred because of the file system security for the user and system administrator. Once the partition has been formatted, the Setup program will begin to copy the necessary files to the hard disk and save configuration information. Setup will then automatically restart the computer and start the Windows 2000 Setup wizard. By default, the Windows 2000 operating system files are installed in the C:\Winnt folder. The Setup Wizard The Setup Wizard begins the Graphical User Interface (GUI) portion of the installation process and prompts the administrator through the next stage of the installation process. Figure shows an example of the Windows 2000 GUI Setup screen. It gathers information about the administrator, the organization, and the computer. This step installs the security features and configures the system devices. The administrator will then be prompted through a series of setup screens in which the Windows 2000 Setup wizard asks for some information: • • • • • • Regional settings – Windows 2000 was designed to be a global operating system. This is where the information designed to customize language, locale, and keyboard settings must be entered. Windows 2000 can be configured to use multiple languages and regional settings. Name and organization – Enter the name of the person who is going to be the user of the computer and the organization to which this copy of Windows 2000 Professional is licensed. Product key – Microsoft ships every copy of Windows 2000 with a specific 25-character Product Key that is usually located on the back of the CD case. Computer name – When connecting the computer to a network, each computer on the network will need a unique name so it can be identified on the network. A computer name must be entered. It can be no longer than 15 characters. The Windows 2000 Setup wizard will display a default name, using the organization name that was entered earlier in the setup process, but it is recommended that this be changed. Password for the Administrator account – Windows 2000 has the capability of having many different profiles for the users of the computer. There is also a built-in administrator account that includes privileges to make any changes to the computer. At this point the administrator must supply the password for the administrator account. This password can be changed later, but only by the user that has local administrative privileges to the system. Modem dialing information – Because modern networks use high speed LANs and network cards, this option will first depend on whether a modem is being used. Most laptops still use them, so it could be necessary to enter information here. First select the country or region where the computer • is located. Often this is already completed, based on the selected regional setting. The area (or city) of the computer location must also be entered as well as the number for obtaining an outside line. Finally, select whether the phone system is tone dialing or pulse dialing. Date and time settings – The correct date and time as well as the time zone must be specified. Whether or not Windows 2000 automatically adjusts the computer clock setting for daylight savings changes can also be selected. Installing Windows 2000 Networking Since Windows 2000 was designed to be a Network Operating System (NOS), installing the network settings is a major step in the installation process. After gathering information about the computer, the Windows 2000 Setup program automatically installs the network software. Figure shows the network setting screen that is used to configure the system for network access during the installation process. Windows 2000 Professional installs networking components in a series of steps: • • Detect network adapter cards – The operating system first needs to detect the network cards. If no cards are installed, this step will be skipped. Install networking components – There are necessary files that must be installed to allow the computer to connect to other computers, networks, and the Internet. The Setup program prompts the administrator to choose whether to use typical settings or customized settings to configure the following networking components. If typical is chosen, the system will install the default settings. By choosing the customized option, the administrator can enter the information that is specific to the company network. For example, Client for Microsoft Networks allows the computer to gain access to network resources. File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks allows other computers to gain access to file and print resources on the computer as well as allow the local computer to gain access to shared files and printers on the network. TCP/IP is the default networking protocol that allows a computer to communicate over Local Area Networks (LANs) and Wide Area Networks (WANs). At this stage, other clients, services, and network protocols can be installed if the network requires them. These can include NetBIOS Enhanced User Interface (NetBEUI), AppleTalk, and NWLink IPX/SPX/NetBIOS-compatible transport. • • Join a workgroup or domain – The administrator needs to decide whether or not the computer will be part of a domain or workgroup. This information should be known before this step. If a computer account is created in the domain for the computer during the installation, the Windows 2000 Setup wizard prompts the administrator for the name and password to join the domain. Install components – The last step is to install and configure the networking components that have just been selected. Completing the Setup Program Once the networking components have been installed, the Setup wizard copies additional files to configure Windows 2000 Professional. The Setup program will automatically start the fourth step in the installation process. There are four basic steps to the final stage of the installation process, which is shown is Figure : 1. Install Start-menu items – This is where all of the shortcut items that appear on the start menu are installed. 2. Register components – Windows 2000 begins to apply the configuration settings that were specified in the Windows 2000 Setup wizard. 3. Save the configuration – After the configuration settings are applied, they need to be saved in the registry so that they are used every time the computer is started. 4. Remove temporary files – While the operating system is being installed, many files need to be copied in order to run these installation steps. After installation, the files are no longer used. The setup wizard will automatically delete these files. After this step is complete the computer will automatically restart and the administrator can then log on to finish the installation procedure. Windows 2000 Setup Options The installation steps that are mentioned in the section above are the typical or default installation procedures. There are three other setup options that can be selected when installing Windows 2000: • A Typical installation is the basic type of installation that was presented in the previous section. • • A Portable installation will install the options that might be needed with a portable computer, such as a laptop. A Compact installation should be used when installing Windows 2000 on a computer with a limited amount of hard drive space. A Custom installation should be chosen if customized selections for the device configurations are needed. For example, if non-Plug-and-Play 8.1.2 Installation of OS add-on options After successfully installing the Windows 2000 operating system, the user may need some features that are considered add-on options. For example, Internet Information Services (IIS) should be installed if the user will set up an FTP or web server. Most of these add-ons can be installed from the installation CD from which the operating system was initially installed. When starting these services, the user will be prompted to insert the CD so that the necessary files can be copied to the hard drive. The process is automated, and all the user will need to do is insert the CD. Other post-installation add-ons include service-packs or updates to the operating system that have been made since the installation CD was purchased. These can be downloaded and installed from the manufacturer website at any time. Updates and service-pack installations are usually installed immediately following the operating system installation to prevent errors from occurring later. Figure provides an example of the Adding or Removing Windows Components screen. 8.2 Administrator/User Interface 8.2.1 Log in procedures The first step in using any Network Operating System (NOS) is to log on to the system. Windows 2000 implements a Graphical User Interface (GUI) and allows a user to log on to the system using the Log On to Windows screen, which is shown in Figure . After first booting the computer into Windows 2000, users may be prompted to press the Ctrl, Alt, and Delete keys simultaneously to display this window. The required user name and password can be entered on this screen, as well as more detailed information, such as the network domain assigned to the user. For security reasons, password characters are masked with asterisks (*) as they are typed. Note that only the password is case sensitive and should be entered exactly as created. If the password is entered incorrectly, the system will prompt the user to reenter the account information until it is correct. 8.2.2 Graphical user interface (GUI) At this point the user should already be familiar with basic Graphical User Interface (GUI) navigation, such as how to operate a mouse. From here, the user is ready to explore the Windows 2000 NOS by pointing the mouse and clicking on the various elements of the interface. Windows 2000 has several basic elements. Icons Icons are the most basic feature of Windows 2000. Icons are small images with text names that are used to represent larger functionality. Figure shows a few common icons of Windows 2000. By double-clicking an icon, the user invokes the functionality represented by that icon. For example, double-clicking the My Computer icon opens a system window, while double-clicking the Internet Explorer icon runs the Microsoft Internet Explorer program. Other icons may represent files or documents stored on the computer, and double-clicking on them will both run the appropriate program and display the contents of the file. In this case, double-clicking the icon for British History.doc will both launch Microsoft Word and open the document within the program. Buttons Buttons in Windows 2000 are very similar to icons with a few important differences. First, buttons come in a wider variety of shapes and sizes than standard icons. They can have text only, images only, or both text and images. They are usually designed into the interface of an application as a control for the user to perform a specific task. For example, buttons can be used to confirm a choice with an OK button, or to save a document with a Save button. Windows In most popular GUI systems, users interact with the system through displays known as windows. Figure shows a window that is displaying the contents of directory C:\WINNT. The importance of this concept (first conceived by Xerox and used by Apple during the early 1980s) is reflected by the name given to the Microsoft line of operating systems. A window functions very much like its real world counterpart as a portal for viewing other areas. In the case of GUIs, windows provide the user access to the data and programmed functionality of the operating system and its applications. If a program calls for user interaction, as do most Windows 2000 applications, it is typically displayed in a window with controls for user input. Multiple windows can be viewed simultaneously by arranging and sizing them as needed, thereby allowing the user to multitask more efficiently. In the case of Windows 2000, the OS itself has the responsibility of creating, managing, and closing these windows. Menus A very common feature of all programs that use windows is the Menu. These groups of text buttons are usually found lined at the top of windows and offer specific functionalities related to that particular window. For example, a word processing program might have a menu heading named Tools, under which there is a menu option named Word Count. The menu choices available will change from window to window as well as between different sections of the same window. The most common menu headings are File and Edit, where the user can issue commands to open, close, and save documents as well as copy and paste data. Other important Windows 2000 menus include the Start menu (click the Start button located on the taskbar) and the right-click menu (found by right-clicking almost anywhere with the mouse). Taskbar Usually found at the bottom of the screen, the Windows 2000 taskbar performs many important functions. The Start menu (for launching applications) and the system tray (showing background programs and the clock) are located on the taskbar. Most importantly, the taskbar keeps track of all open windows. Figure shows examples of a menu and the Windows 2000 taskbar. A horizontal button displaying the application icon and title represents each open window. Users can click on these buttons to navigate between the various windows and restore any that have been minimized. This tool is particularly useful to users who work with many windows at once. The last basic Windows 2000 feature is the ability to power down the PC. This option is available under the Start menu Shut Down command, where users can also choose to Log Off and Restart the computer. Figure shows the window used to properly shut down a computer running Windows 2000. 8.2.3 Command-line interface (CLI) The Windows 2000 command-line interface (CLI) is based on the previously popular MS-DOS operating system of the 1980s. It is now referred to as the "Windows 2000 command interpreter" although many users probably still think of it as classic MS-DOS. Figure shows the Windows 2000 command interpreter. Regardless, its basic functionality is nearly identical to that of MS-DOS with the exception of a few new commands added and a large number of outdated commands removed. The command interpreter runs on top of Windows 2000 to provide users with all the benefits of a CLI within the Windows 2000 GUI. As shown in Figure • • , the command interpreter in Windows 2000 can be launched in several ways: On the taskbar, select Start > Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt. On the taskbar, select Start > Run. In the Open box type cmd. After opening a command interpreter window, the user will be given a prompt for entering commands. The default command prompt can vary depending on how the command interpreter is launched, but typically it will look something like this: C:\>. The appearance of the command prompt may change, but its functionality will always be the same. It is simply a place for the user to type commands on the screen. The basic process of entering commands is very simple. Type the command at the prompt, press the Enter key on the keyboard, and view any output on the screen. This process is the standard flow of user activity for nearly all CLI systems. One helpful command to remember is the doskey command. It has no output, but once it is executed, the user can press the up arrow on the keyboard to scroll through previously entered commands. If a user is spending a great deal of time with the command interpreter, another helpful tool is running the window in full screen mode. By pressing Alt + Enter on the keyboard, the display will switch to fill the entire screen with the Windows 2000 CLI. This greatly improves the readability of the interface and is reminiscent of the MS-DOS days. To close either the full screen or windowed command interpreter, type the exit command. This command will immediately close the command interpreter and return the user to the Windows 2000 GUI. Closing this window manually with the mouse is considered improper by Windows 2000. 8.2.4 Windows Explorer navigation Windows Explorer is an important component of Windows 2000 and of every other Windows operating system since and including Windows 95. This is not to be confused with Internet Explorer, which is used for browsing the Internet. Windows Explorer is used for navigating the entire file system. Windows Explorer provides system administrators with an easy way to view all the files that are on the network or are located on a server. Collapsing and expanding folders will display all of the content in the right side window. All folders and directories are located in the left side window, which makes it easy to navigate through any drive that is installed on the system that may contain directories or files. There are a variety of methods to open Windows Explorer. Users can always find a link to it in the Start menu by going to the Programs section and opening it. Right-clicking on the Start menu button and choosing Explore can also open Windows Explorer. Another way to open Windows Explorer regardless of what window the user is currently in is to press the Windows key and E key on the keyboard at the same time. The Windows key is the key that is located between the Control and Alt keys on the keyboard. Figure shows the Window Explorer. 8.3 User Accounts 8.3.1 Adding users Before logging on to any Windows 2000 client, a user account must first be created on the appropriate network server. This account will allow the user to log on to a specific network domain using the account information created by the system administrator. The task of creating this account in Windows 2000 is performed with the Computer Management tool. Select Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Computer Management to display this window. Figure shows the Computer Management tool. The Computer Management tool allows a system administrator to manage all aspects of a particular computer, including authorized users, and in the case of a network server, the authorized users of a network domain. To create a new user for a local machine, expand the directory tree on the left to reveal System Tools, Local Users and Groups. Click the Users icon to display the entire existing user accounts in the right half of the window. Under either the action or right-click menu, select New User… to display a screen that prompts for all the necessary account information. Figure shows the window for adding new users. The User name is a required field. It cannot be longer than 20 characters in length, and cannot contain the symbols below. / \ [] : | < > + = ; , ? *. Both the Full name and Description are for informational purposes only and are not required. After entering all account information and pressing the Create button, the new user will be created and can immediately log on to the computer with the user name and password specified. 8.3.2 Managing user accounts As previously discussed, the Computer Management tool is the primary means for a system administrator to add and manage users in Windows 2000. These tasks should be much more intuitive in this GUI environment in comparison to a CLI such as Linux. Instead of memorizing command names, Windows 2000 users can carry out these operations in a number of ways, ranging from simple menu selections to keyboard commands. The simplest user management technique is to right-click the user name listed in the right half of the Computer Management window and select the appropriate task from the menu. Figure displays the options available after right-clicking on a user. From here, the system administrator can instantly choose to Set Password, Delete, or Rename the user. Selecting Properties can also disable the account and checking the Account is disabled box. Figure shows the options available in the account properties window. These and other user management options can be found by navigating the remaining menus of the window. Great care should be taken when using the Delete option since there is no way to undo such a change. 8.4 Managing the File System 8.4.1 Creating and sharing folders One important task of a system administrator is to create folders and directories that users throughout the network will share and use to backup files. To accomplish this in Windows 2000, the administrator must first navigate to the directory where the shared folder will be created. Once in that directory, the administrator will right-click on the desktop and choose New then select Folder. The administrator will name the folder. To share this folder the administrator will right-click on the folder and select Sharing. The program properties box will display, and the administrator will select the sharing radio button, as shown in Figure . The administrator will choose a name for this directory. This is the name it will be known as on the network. The administrator selects the Permissions tab to assign which users or groups will have permission to access this directory. The folder will display a hand under it. This indicates that the folder has been shared. Another way to share a folder on a network is to create a drive on the server. Clients are able to map to a network drive, which provides access to that drive on the server to save and backup their files. This is a more advanced way of accomplishing the task, but it is the recommended way for a system administrator to create shared folders on the network. Typically in this arrangement, the drive will be shared and a password will be set on the drive. Then folders are added to that drive and permissions can be set on those folders. Certain users or groups may be given access to the directories. Figure shows a shared network drive with various shared folders available to network users. 8.4.2 Creating groups and adding users Windows 2000 allows system administrators to create groups of many different types and uses. One such type is "local groups". A local group exists only on a single computer and is comprised of various users of that computer. Other more network-oriented groups found in Windows 2000 include global groups, domain local groups, and universal groups. The different types of groups vary in both scope and functionality and are used by Windows 2000 system administrators to manage large numbers of users on a network. In contrast, local groups are not used across a network but do provide a sufficient example of how to use groups in Windows 2000. During the installation process, Windows 2000 creates default local groups such as the Administrators and Users groups. Each of these groups has differing levels of control over the local system. In addition, users can create new local groups using the Computer Management tool (found by selecting Start > Programs > Administrative Tools). Expanding the directory tree on the left reveals the Local Users and Groups tool, where the Groups folder displays all existing groups on the system. Using the right-click or Action menu of this window will allow the user to select the New Group menu choice. After specifying a name, description, and members, the group will be added to the local system. Any users listed as members will be allowed the same access and restrictions of that group. To add more users, rename, or delete the group, simply rightclick the group name in the window and select the appropriate menu choice. The New Group window is displayed in Figure . 8.4.3 Passwords and permissions Maintaining a network of countless users can pose serious security issues for a system administrator. As mentioned earlier, security is one of the primary considerations for all system administrators, and steps must be taken to ensure that users do not abuse or accidentally interfere with network operations. The most basic user-related security tools available to an administrator are passwords and permissions. In the Internet-based society of today, most users readily understand the concept of passwords. A password is a secret collection of characters that only one user knows. All users have their own passwords, which are often chosen by the individual user so that it can be remembered easily (as opposed to a randomly generated system password that may be difficult to remember). Passwords are used in conjunction with a user name when logging on to a NOS to verify the identity of the user. A good password will be at least five characters in length and will be alphanumeric (will include a combination of letters and numbers or special characters). Figure shows examples of good and bad passwords. Passwords do not necessarily need to be unique among users but should be kept secret to ensure network security. System administrators often require network passwords to be frequently changed, much to the annoyance of some users. However, if a user's password were made public, anyone could use it to logon to the network and operate under that user's identity and access level. This threat is a big concern for system administrators, who attempt to control such access through the use of permissions. Types of Permission Permissions are restrictions created by the system administrator that enable and disable the actions a user can perform on the network. For example, a system administrator usually has full permissions, that is, no restrictions, and retains full access to all parts of the network. A financial executive may have full control over certain financial directories on a server but no control over human resources data. This division of access enforces tight network security, as each user is only granted access to specific, necessary areas. Permissions are assigned to users during the account creation process and are typically broken down into the following categories: • • • Read permission – This is the ability to read the contents of a file or directory. Write permission – This is also referred to as "change" or "modify" permission. This allows the user to edit and save changes to a file or add and delete files from a directory. Execute permission – This allows the user to run a file or enter a directory. The above permissions can typically be assigned to individual users or groups of users in any combination. For example, a financial executive may be allowed to enter and view the contents of a human resources directory (execute and read permissions) but cannot modify the directory or save changes to any of its files (write permission). Permissions provide an effective tool for system administrators to enforce security on the network and will be discussed in more detail later. 8.5 Services 8.5.1 Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Configuring Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) services on Windows XP is the same as configuring HTTP services on Windows 2000. By enabling the HTTP service on a NOS, the computer becomes a web server capable of sending out information over the World Wide Web (WWW). In prior versions of the Windows NOS, separate programs were necessary to allow the system to handle such operations. However, with the release of Windows 2000, the tools to perform Internet services are included and built into the software. As previously discussed, these services are activated and configured through the use of the Internet Information Services (IIS) tool found under the Start > Programs > Administrative Tools menu. Launching this tool displays the current computer and the list of available Internet services. The HTTP web service is found here under the name Default Web Site. Figure shows the IIS window with the Default Web Site selected. Selecting this icon or clicking the plus sign to expand the navigation tree reveals the many default directories and files included with this service. Right-clicking the Default Web Site icon displays a menu enabling the administrator to start, pause, or stop the service, in addition to configuring its various properties. Some of these properties are fairly self-explanatory based on their descriptions, but the majority will require an experienced system administrator to properly and securely configure the HTTP service. Once this web service has been started, users can view the system default web page by submitting the address below to their web browser. This IP address is referred to as the "loopback" address. It is a networking standard address that always points to the local computer. Unless a Domain Name System (DNS) entry exists for the IP address of the NOS system, either this loopback address or the true IP address of the system will be necessary to access these pages via the World Wide Web. By default, Windows 2000 will display the file named "localstart.asp" when receiving an incoming information request from a web browser. If the HTTP service of the NOS is enabled for the purpose of web page hosting, the system administrator will likely update the majority of these files and settings. 8.5.2 File Transfer Protocol (FTP) In the earlier versions of Microsoft Windows NOS, providing users with File Transfer Protocol (FTP) service was only possible through the installation of a separate program. With the release of the current Windows 2000 NOS, this service has been included as a standard feature that can be easily configured. Before initiating the service, it must be determined if the appropriate tools have been loaded during the Windows 2000 installation. Specifically, the Internet Information Services (IIS) tools are necessary to run both the FTP and HTTP services (among others) for Windows 2000 computers. To determine if the Internet Information Services package needs installing, select Start > Settings > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs. Click the Add/Remove Windows Components button and make sure that the IIS box is checked, indicating that it is ready for use. If the box is not checked, a system administrator must check the box and provide the necessary Windows 2000 software to upgrade the NOS to include the component. Once the IIS component of Windows 2000 is added, the FTP service is ready to be configured. Launching the Internet Information Services tool does this. Select Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Internet Services Manager to display the window. Clicking the plus sign next to the computer name reveals the various Internet related services this tool maintains, including the FTP service for Windows 2000. By opening the right-click menu on the Default FTP Site icon, the system administrator can start, stop, and pause the service in addition to configuring its various properties. Figure shows the options available for the Default FTP Site and Figure show the properties window for the Default FTP Site. Once the FTP service is started, authorized users are able to remotely connect and transfer files. 8.5.3 Telnet Before a Telnet connection can be established with a remote Windows 2000 computer, the system must be configured to accept incoming Telnet sessions via the Telnet Server Administration tool. Select Start >Programs > Administrative Tools > Telnet Server Administration. Here the telnet service can be started, stopped, and configured by a system administrator. Figure shows the options available to administer the Telnet Server. For security reasons, only a user with administrator privileges can manage the Telnet server on a Windows 2000 machine. Enabling these Telnet sessions presents a potentially serious security issue that system administrators must always consider. Without the appropriate users, groups, and permissions in place, the Telnet server can become a backdoor for unauthorized access to the system. Once the Telnet server is activated, access is controlled using the local user accounts created on that machine. For a user to Telnet to a Windows 2000 machine, the user must also be able to log on to that machine locally. By default, the Windows 2000 Telnet server is configured to use Windows NT LAN Manager (NTLM) for user authentication. This means that users are not prompted to manually enter their user names and passwords but are instead verified through the log on information previously submitted when the current Windows 2000 session was started. With NTLM, the logon process takes place automatically, and authorized users are instantly given a command prompt. This feature can be turned on or off through the Telnet Server Administration tool by selecting menu option 3 to change Registry settings and then menu option 7 to specify a new NTLM value. Figure shows valid NTLM values. If the system administrator wishes to restrict telnet access to specific local users, a local Telnet Client group can be created. Windows 2000 will automatically recognize this group and only allow its members (and system administrators) to log on remotely via Telnet. Once a local user is successfully logged on, the user will be granted file and directory permissions through the command interpreter based on NTFS file system security. Figure shows a sample of an active telnet session. Note that only two incoming Telnet connections are permitted per Windows 2000 Telnet server. 8.5.4 E-mail server/client relationship Typically in a network environment there will be an e-mail server. Microsoft uses Exchange as the e-mail server. The client side of the e-mail service can be a variety of office suite products. Again, the most widely used client software is Outlook, which is distributed by Microsoft and works with Exchange. Other examples of a server and client e-mail system are Novell Groupwise, which can also be accessed by Microsoft Outlook, and Lotus Notes. The e-mail server controls all of the e-mail that is sent and received. When a user sends e-mail to another user, it is sent first to the server where it will be placed in the recipient's mailbox. The user who is receiving the e-mail opens the e-mail program and reads the e-mail from the mailbox. Once the user deletes the email, it will be removed from the server. E-mail services work like the postal system with some computers taking on the function of the post office. Figure shows the process of sending an e-mail. The user's e-mail account operates like a post office box where mail is held for the user until it is picked up over the network by an e-mail client program running on the user's system. E-mail continues to be the most widely used function of computer networks in many parts of the world. E-mail works as a store-and-forward application. Mail messages (and their identifying information, such as the sender, receiver, and time stamp) are stored on an e-mail server (post office box) until the recipient retrieves the mail. Typically, e-mail messages are short communications. Current e-mail systems also allow users to attach larger files of many different types (documents, pictures, movies) to their messages. These attachments can also be retrieved or downloaded along with the e-mail message. In this way, e-mail services blend into file transfer services on the network. E-mail systems have evolved along with networking technology. The rapid growth of the Internet has allowed more and more people to connect online. This allows for immediate communication between users of the network. The store-and-forward nature of e-mail systems does not require that the recipient be connected when the e-mail is sent. The recipient can pick up the e-mail at a later time. In addition to e-mail, the Internet has spawned a variety of instant messaging systems that enable network users to chat with little delay. This capability is referred to as real time, and is used when two or more users are connected to the network at the same time to chat. 8.5.5 Printing in Windows 2000 In addition to sharing important information in directories and setting up an e-mail server/client relationship, networks enable users to share expensive printing devices. By implementing print services, a network can make an expensive high-speed printer accessible to many users as if it were directly attached to their own computers. The network can carry print requests and copies of documents from many users to a central print service where these requests are processed. Multiple printer services, each offering a different quality of output, can be implemented according to the requirements of users. Under administrative control, users can select the service they need for a particular job. In this way, networks allow for a more efficient use of expensive printing devices without duplication. A print server is a computer dedicated to handling client print jobs in the most efficient manner. Since it handles requests from multiple clients, a print server is usually one of the most powerful computers on the network. A print server should have the following components: • • • A powerful processor – Because the print server uses its processor to manage and route printing information, it needs to be fast enough to handle all incoming requests. Adequate hard disk space – Print servers often capture print jobs from clients, place them in a print queue, and feed them to the printer in a timely fashion. This requires the computer to have enough storage space to hold these jobs until completed. Adequate memory – The server processor and Random Access Memory (RAM) feed print jobs to a printer. If server memory is not large enough to handle an entire print job, the job must be fed from the hard drive, which is much slower. The role of a print server is to provide client access to print resources and to provide feedback to the users. When using printers that connect directly to the network, the print server "routes" print jobs to the proper printer. With host-based printing technology, the print server acts as the interpreter between the client and the printer to which it is directly connected. If configured properly, the print server can also send clients the printer driver software needed to access the printer. Since print servers manage print jobs through a print queue, they can also provide feedback about the printers to the users on the network. This feedback can include a confirmation message that a print job has been completed and an estimated time of print job completion. It can also report any errors that may have been encountered in the printing process such as printer out of paper, wrong paper type, paper jam, out of toner/ink, and so on. Sharing a Local Printer To share a printer that is attached to the local computer, go to the Printers folder, which is accessible through the Control Panel, and then right-click, the printer name. Choose Sharing, click Shared as the option button, and then either enter a share name or accept the default. Figure shows this process in Windows 2000. Connecting to a Shared Printer There are two ways to connect to a shared network printer. A user can use the Add Printer Wizard or use the net use Command at the command line. In the following sections, each method is examined in detail. Using the Add Printer Wizard The easiest way to use a remote printer in Windows is to add it with the Add Printer Wizard. To do so, double-click the Add Printer icon in the Printers folder and follow the instructions of the wizard. Note: Microsoft uses wizards, which are made up of a systematic series of dialog boxes, to guide users through many administrative tasks. When the wizard is finished, the network printer appears in the Printers folder, and users can print to it from their applications as if it was a local printer. Print jobs are spooled (stored in memory or on the hard disk) to wait in line to be printed. The list of pending print jobs is referred to as the print spool. Using the net use Command to Capture a Printer Port The net use command can be used to capture a printer port and redirect print jobs from the local port (LPT1) to the network printer. The syntax for the command, which is entered at the command prompt, is as follows: net use LPT1: \\computername\ printername The print server computername is the print server to which the printing device (printername) is physically attached. 8.5.6 Scripts Windows 2000 can accommodate many types of scripting languages using its built-in Windows Script Host (WSH). This component of Windows 2000 and XP enables users to create scripts using either the VBScript or JavaScript languages. WSH can also recognize any other scripting language the user desires. When a text file is created, the user simply names the file with the appropriate file extension to indicate its scripting language to WSH. For example, a VBScript file would have a .vbs file extension, whereas a JavaScript file would end with the .js extension. Figure displays a file with a .vbs extension in Windows 2000. When either script file is run, WSH handles the code based on these file extensions. Although scripting languages are considered easier to learn than standard programming languages (such as Microsoft Visual C++), the ability to create functional scripts in Windows 2000 and Windows XP requires specific training and practice. Although both VBScript and JavaScript offer similar functionality, each consists of differing syntax and coding structure. Becoming proficient in VBScript will not necessarily increase one's ability to create proper JavaScript code, and vice versa. Many users will not have the proper training to take advantage of scripting in Windows 2000, but system administrators are more likely to spend the necessary time studying these languages. Doing so allows many of the common administration tasks mentioned earlier to be both simplified and automated. A Simple Windows 2000 Script To see how scripts function in Windows 2000 and XP, a simple "hello world" script can be created easily. Users can open the Notepad text editor (Start > Programs > Accessories > Notepad) to edit this and other scripts. In Notepad, the following line of code is all that is necessary for the script to operate: msgbox "Hello world." Saving this file with the .vbs file extension (Hello World.vbs) indicates to WSH that it is a VBScript file. By double-clicking the file, the script is executed, and a single message box appears with the previously coded message. The error message is shown in Figure . This example is extremely simple and does not illustrate the complexities of the VBScript language, but it does provide a glimpse into the inherent power behind Windows 2000 scripting. CHAPTER 9 9.1 Pre-Installation Tasks 9.1.1 The boot method In the previous chapters, the various steps to prepare for the installation of the Linux operating systems were covered. This included determining hardware and software needs as well as compatibility. The various Linux distributions and choosing the appropriate distribution for the installation were also covered. After making these decisions the next step is to actually begin installing the operating system. Installing Linux using this method will require the system first to be booted using bootable floppy disks or a bootable CD-ROM. These disks are sometimes bundled with the Linux distribution that is being installed. Using this method is useful for installing that particular distribution of Linux only, as well as performing maintenance on the system. This method also requires that proper configuration be done in the systems BIOS first. There is a configuration setting in the BIOS that will tell the system which medium to boot from. Some of these choices are a floppy disk, hard drive, CD-ROM, a network drive that has the files stored on a server, or a high capacity removable drive like a Jaz or Zip drive. Figure provides an example of the Boot device order section screen in the BIOS. Of these choices, typically the only ones that will ever be used to boot a system is either the floppy disk, CD-ROM, or Existing OS Bootstrap method. When booting the system using a floppy drive, the BIOS will need to be set first. Every distribution should be shipped with bootable floppies. If the floppies are not shipped, a bootable floppy can be created. Sometimes the manufacturer will not ship bootable floppy disks because the CDs that contain the OS are bootable and the disks are not needed. This method will be covered next. Once the proper settings have been set in the BIOS, the floppy needs to be inserted into the drive. The system will then need to be started, which will start the installation process. If the CDs are bootable, just as in the floppy disk method, the proper settings will need to be configured in the BIOS. All that needs to be done is to insert the CD into the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive and start the system. At this point the installation should begin. Another way for booting a system to begin the installation process is by using the existing OS bootstrap method. This is an easy way to do an installation if the OS is to be dual booted or if the existing OS that is currently on the system is to be replaced. Most distributions come with this option on the installation CDs. The only thing that needs to be done is to insert the CD into the drive and the program should start automatically. The program will shut down the OS that is currently running. When the system starts, it will begin the installation process. 9.1.2 Installation media The first step in the Linux installation process is determining from which media the installation will be performed. A variety of choices are available to install Linux including CD, network server, floppy disks, or from a hard disk that has the CD files copied to it. This course uses the CD method. The easiest and quickest way to do an installation is with the installation CD. Currently every distribution of Linux comes on CD. Some distributions, such as SuSE Linux, ship some of their installation files on DVDROM instead of CD. In previous chapters it was noted that SuSE Linux ships with just about every package that is available. The DVD-ROM can hold the equivalent of multiple CD-ROMs, which allows SuSE Linux the ability to include all those packages. A DVD-ROM would be needed instead of a CD-ROM in this case. Linux may also be installed from a Network connection. This method is only recommended if there is a fast network connection. The system will have to be booted from a floppy disk first, and then choose the option to install the OS over the network connection. The path to where the installation files are located would need to be known. Installing Linux over the network is a good choice when it is installed on a system that does not have a CD or DVD-ROM installed. In this case the CD-ROM drive of another system on the network can be shared, by connecting to that system’s CD-ROM drive over the network, the installation files can be accessed. One drawback with this method is that it can be slow and it is not always reliable. If the network or the remote connection goes down the installation would have to be started all over again. Linux can be installed from files that are located on a different partition, even if this partition has a different OS running in it. This is known as installing from a hard disk. If the OS was downloaded into a partition that is running Windows for example, the other partition could access those files and install Linux from that partition. Floppy disks were used to install Linux on some old distributions, however this is seldom seen today. There is one distribution that still uses a floppy to install the OS. Although not a real OS, the Linux Router Project ( is a Linux OS that is installed from a floppy and can be installed on an old computer that will make it a network router. 9.1.3 Selecting the appropriate parameters for installation These are the first steps that will be taken after the proper installation method has been selected and the system has been booted. Some of the first screens displayed will give options for selecting certain parameters for the operating system. These choices include things like the language that will be used, and the hardware detection phase. All of these procedures provide a means for applying the parameters that the system will need so that the system can be prepared for the next phase, which will be selecting the proper packages to install. Language One of the first options to be displayed will be the choice of what language is to be used. Figure provides an example of the language selection screen that is used during installation. This should be a fairly simple step. Obviously, the choice to make here would be to select the language of the person who will be using the system or the language of the person installing the OS on the computer. License Terms Although not as strict with Linux as it might be with other operating systems like Microsoft, license terms are important and it is just as important that the person who is doing the installation read these terms. Although Linux is open source there is sometimes proprietary software that might be bundled with the distribution. Therefore, by not following the terms of this license agreement there could be the possibility of copyright violations. Installation Class Once the license terms have been accepted, the next step will be to select the type of installation to be done. Depending on which distribution is being installed this phase will be different to some extent. Some distributions will prompt the user to select a recommended or expert installation at this point. Other distributions, such as Red Hat, will give an option of choosing to do a Workstation, Server, or Custom Installation. When installing Linux for the first time, choosing the recommended type installation may be the easiest method. However, by choosing this method, there will not be the options to make any choices about the type of installation that is being done. If the workstation option with Red Hat 7.2 is chosen, this will install the basic features that a workstation might need including The X Window system. It will not install server features such as FTP, HTTP, or Telnet daemons. If the server installation is chosen, these features will be installed, however The X Window system will not. This means that the command line will only be an option for administering the server. The custom installation option will allow the choice of what options are to be installed. For example, choose to have the X Window system installed as well as some of the daemons that might be needed for a server like FTP, HTTP, and Telnet. Mouse and Keyboard After selecting the appropriate type of installation class, the system will go through a step in which it will detect the systems hard disks. Then the system will detect the system mouse and keyboard. Linux can autodetect the mouse and keyboard and the correct one will most likely be selected. A window will be displayed to choose the type of mouse and keyboard that is attached to the computer if it is not auto detected. Figures and provide examples of the keyboard and mouse selection screens. Features like the number of buttons the mouse has and if it has a wheel or not can be selected. Linux supports many kinds of keyboards as well and the correct option should be selected. There are not many options here besides choosing if it is a US keyboard or US Keyboard (International). Choose US keyboard if the keyboard was sold in the United States. Choose US Keyboard (International) if it was not. 9.1.4 Creating the Linux file system After specifying the proper parameters for the installation, partition the hard drive and choose which file system is to be on this Linux system. Figure illustrates an example of the screen that is presented during installation, which is used to determine the partitioning method that is wished to use. Partitioning the hard drive will not be covered in this section because partitioning a hard drive for a Linux operating system is covered in full detail in Chapter 7. Formatting the hard drive was mentioned in Chapter 7 as well, however this was not covered in detail. Basically when Linux creates the file system, it is formatting the hard drive. This is the process in which the ext2, ext3, or Reiser file system will be written to the partition. Keep in mind that formatting the hard drive will completely erase any data that is currently on the drive or partition that is being formatted. Therefore, make certain that the data on the drive is either backed up or is no longer needed. Formatting the hard drive is unnecessary. Sometimes these file systems may have already been created with another partitioning and formatting tool like PartitionMagic. Another situation where the hard drive might not need to be formatted or partitioned is when upgrading or dual booting with another OS installed. If the user were performing a fresh install of Linux, then formatting the hard drive would be desired. One option that is included with most distributions of Linux when formatting is the option to perform a ’bad block check’. This is an advanced option that will check every sector on the disk or partition to make sure that it can hold data before formatting it. This check will take longer than a regular format, but it can save time in the long run. If during the check, bad blocks are found, it is a good idea to replace the disk. This is a sign that the disk is beginning to fail. Low-Level and High-Level Formatting There are two types of formatting that may be done. A Low-Level format redefines the physical sectors on the hard drive. A High-Level format will actually create or recreate the file system. Normally hard drives will be shipped with a low-level format; in most cases there is no need to format the disk. In Linux, using the fdformat command will perform a low-level format and the mkfs command will perform a high-level format. To learn more about these commands view their man pages by typing man fdformat or man mkfs at the command line. 9.1.5 Selecting packages to install After partitioning and formatting the hard drive, a list of packages that can be installed will be displayed, as shown in Figure . There are many packages to choose from, depending on which distribution is being installed. Keep in mind here that there is a limited amount of disk space that is available. Installing all of these packages will consume disk space. For example, many of the packages in particular from KDE or GNOME workstation can consume hundreds of megabytes of disk space. Some distributions will display how much space will be needed for the particular package that will be installed. Other distributions will not show this until after the package has been selected and the installation process has proceeded to the next step. Some distributions such as Mandrake will allow the option of selecting all or part of a package to install. This is helpful if some of the features of a particular package are wanted. If this option is selected, the ability to browse through the package and select the particular features wanted is possible. Some of these individual features of packages have a dependency, which means that that other individual programs or features will need to be installed in order for them to work. Installing one of these packages without installing the dependency program or package, the system will indicate that the other packages must be installed. After the packages are selected, the installation process will proceed to the next step. This is where the actual installing of the operating system takes place. 9.2 Installing and Configuring Linux 9.2.1 Linux hardware requirements Like the Windows 2000 Professional installation, the Linux installation will go through a number of steps to complete the installation. The Linux boot process is similar to the boot process of Windows 2000. The file names are different but these files essentially perform the same operations in both systems. Linux does have a few installation steps that are not found in Windows. For example, Linux is primarily intended to be a server-based network operating system (NOS). There is the option to do a workstation or server installation. The next step is to examine the system hardware to determine if it will actually run the OS once it is installed. Some of the basic hardware requirements for a successful Linux installation include an Intel compatible processor. Linux can be installed on all Pentium class processors. There are still systems running on 80386 and 80486 processors, however, this is not recommended. A floppy disk or a CD-ROM and a hard drive with at least 900 MB of free disk space will be required. The minimum requirement for RAM is 16 MB, but 64 MB of RAM minimum is preferred. 9.2.2 Starting the installation In this course and in the accompanying lab, students will be installing Linux from a CD. The installation will start once the CD is inserted and the BIOS is configured to boot from the CD. Select the settings for the system, for example, the language to be used. Next, choose what type of mouse and keyboard are being used. The installer will be prompted to choose the type of installation. The choices will be either a server or workstation installation. X Window System GUI will not be available if the server installation is chosen. The server installation will install the various tools needed for a server like file and web server tools. The next step is to partition the hard drive. Note: If the server installation is selected, all data will be erased on the system and the drive must be partitioned and reformatted accordingly. When the workstation installation is selected, another operating system can be installed, however, Linux will have to be on its own separate partition. After the drive is partitioned, the network settings must be configured and the time zone selected. At this point the main root account and password are set up as well as any other accounts that need to be installed on the system. For security purposes, the root account should not be used. It is recommended that a second account be created to administer Linux. In the accompanying labs, the root account will be used, however, this should not be done in a working environment. For a server installation the next step is to install the operating system. If the workstation installation is selected, the installer will be prompted to first configure the X-Windows Environment before the installation will begin. This environment includes things like selecting the proper monitor and videocard settings, as well as the resolution and color setting of the system. When the installation process is complete there will be a prompt to create boot disks. Once this is done, the installation process is complete. 9.2.3 Configuring appropriate security settings Some of the more important security settings to be chosen are the user account, root account, and passwords. Chapter 10 covers in detail how to create user accounts in Linux. This section focuses on the security aspects important to the installation process. Users that are familiar with Windows 2000 know that in order to log on to a system there must be a user account stored locally in the computer or in Active Directory. Linux works the same way, in that the user accounts are the main security feature controlling who can log on to the system. Linux uses the root account, which is similar to the administrator account in Windows 2000. The root account has privileges to perform any task on the system including adding and deleting other user accounts. During the installation process there will be a prompt to create the root password, and then an option to create user accounts that are to be added to the system. However, user accounts do not need to be added at this point. This can be done later and will be covered in Chapter 10. If there is only one user, the administrator, a separate user account should also be created. Security issues may arise if only the root account is used. See Figure . Root Account Options The Root account in Linux is also known as the superuser or system administrator account. This account is mandatory, during installation the user will be prompted to enter the password twice to protect against typing errors. See Figure . Corel Linux is the only major distribution that does not require the Root password to be set during installation. Most Linux distributions have rules concerning password length and content. The rules will vary depending on the distribution. Passwords must be at least four to eight characters long and they cannot be common terms that will be found in the English dictionary. Some distributions will have other rules such as at least one or two characters other than letters, like numbers or a punctuation mark for example, should be used. Defining User Accounts during Installation There are advantages and disadvantages in creating user accounts during the installation. Understanding these will help any administrator determine which is best based on the security implementations that have been planned. It was stated earlier that at least one user account should be created during installation for the system administrator to use, even if no one else is using or accessing the system. The disadvantage of creating user accounts during installation is many of the options such as setting up non-standard home directories, account expiration, and defining group policies is not available. Password Options Although not configurable during the installation process, it is important to discuss shadow passwords at this point. They are valuable to a Linux system’s security. Most Linux distributions use either MD5 or DES password encoding methods. Some use MD5 by default because it is newer and it has better security than DES. Typically, Linux and UNIX systems store account information and passwords in encrypted form in a file called /etc/passwd. This file needs to be accessed by all users because various other tools need to access this file for non-password information. By using shadow passwords the passwords are stored in a different file that is inaccessible by normal users which greatly improves security. 9.2.4 Configuring network settings During the installation, the option of configuring the Network settings will be displayed. This may be done after the installation but it is recommended to do so during the installation. When selecting the option to configure network setting during the installation process, the first choice that will need to be made is, to have the system auto-detect what type of network connection is being used. Options for types of network connections include a normal modem connection or a LAN connection. As in the previous step, the installation process will auto-detect which type of mouse or keyboard is connected. The same is true for the type of network card that is installed in the system. Normally the system will detect the network card. The steps to do this may be slightly different depending on the distribution of Linux that is being installed. At this point a prompt will be displayed for manually configuring the network settings such as the IP address, subnet mask, host name, DNS server, and default gateway. The other option is to select DHCP. If the system is connected to a DHCP server it will provide the information automatically. The DHCP configuration screen is shown in Figure . Some distributions will have other network configuration settings that may need to be set at this time depending on what type of network the system is on. An example would be a proxy server. These servers protect a network by limiting network access in and out of that network. If the network uses a proxy server, enter the IP address to this server at this point as well. 9.2.5 Other configurations and settings At this point, most of the initial installation process should be completed with the exception of some final configuration and settings. These include items such as the Time Zone, Printer, Service Configuration, and Boot Options. Configuring Time Zone Again, the specifics on configuring the time zone setting will vary depending on which distribution of Linux is being installed. When this point in the installation process is reached, a screen will appear that will allow the selection of which time zone the system is located. Figure shows the time zone configuration page for Red Hat 7.2. From this screen the user may scroll through the different time zones and select the one that fits the location. Some distributions have the option to set the clock to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), the time in Greenwich, England. In traditional UNIX and Linux systems this is known as Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), which is adjusted for daylight saving time. Systems that have this option will set their local time based on the UTC time, and then store this information in memory or in their hardware clocks. When the system boots up it reads this information and then sets the local time based on the time zone that was selected on the UTC time that is stored in memory. If the Linux is the only operating system on the computer, and the distribution that is being installed has this option, select yes when asked if the clock is set to GMT. This will greatly reduce the chances of the time being off during daylight saving time. If the system dual boots with another OS like Windows for example, do not set the system clock to GMT. Printer Configuration Configuring a Linux system for a printer is covered in detail in later chapters. This section covers how to do so during the installation process. Keep in mind that not all distributions of Linux will provide this option. Linux Mandrake provides the capability to install a printer during installation. There are two printing systems that Mandrake provides, Common UNIX Printing System (CUPS) or the lpr printing system. The installation program will install additional packages from the CD after selecting the printing system. The installation program will require additional information such as the connection type, either a local printer, a remote UNIX or Linux print server, or a remote Windows print server. The details of the connection such as the printer port will also need to be specified. If the printer is located on a remote print server then specify the print server name, queue name, and in some cases a username and password. Finally, the printer type will need to be defined. A hardware list will be displayed. Select one of the options. Service Configuration Linux systems will have different services running on them. If the system is going to be a workstation, Web server, or mail server the appropriate services will need to be installed on the system. Some of these services can be installed during the installation. When this screen appears during the installation process check the boxes that are appropriate. The services that were selected will now be installed. Boot Options Selecting and configuring the system to use the proper boot loader is another part of the Linux installation process. Linux uses one of the following two programs: Linux Loader (LILO) or Grand Unified Bootloader (GRUB). Figure provides an example of the installation screen that is used to select the Bootloader. These two programs boot a Linux system from the hard drive. Most Linux distributions use LILO and some offer GRUB as an alternative. After selecting which boot loader to use, there will be an opportunity to adjust some of the features. Some of these options are as follows: • • • • • • • Most distributions will allow the selection of whether to use a graphical or text-based menu. LILO stores its boot time code in the boot device. If Linux is being installed on an EIDE drive, the file will be located in /dev/had. If Linux is installed on a SCSI drive, it will be stored in /dev/sda. This is fine if Linux is the only operating system installed on the drive. If this system is dual booting, LILO or GRUB will need to be placed on the Linux boot partition. The delay that LILO uses before booting may be adjusted here as well. There is also a compact boot option that can be selected. This will speed up boot times. It is possible to configure the video card settings for the boot loader. If not configured, the default resolution will be used, however, it is possible to change the resolution for the boot loader. Linux stores temp files in the /tmp directory. It is possible to configure the boot loader to clean this directory out every time Linux is started. In some instances, Linux will not detect the proper amount of RAM. Meaning that Linux might only detect 64 MB of RAM when there really is 128 MB installed. A precaution to take against this is to enter the amount of RAM installed manually. When all the configurations have been entered, the installation program will proceed to the next step. As this happens, the system will present a summary of the boot loader options. These options will vary depending on the configurations that were entered and if the system is configured to dual-boot with another operating system. 9.3 X Server 9.3.1 Video card chipset At this point Linux should be fully installed and operational. In order to get the full functionality from the Linux system, become familiar with how to install and configure the systems X server. This is especially true if using the GUI interface. The initial installation is only the first part of installing an operating system. There are also other configurations that will need to be completed once the initial operating system has been installed. The importance of learning how to install and configure X server cannot be underestimated. First, it is the one problem that will present the most problems. Other reasons are that users will want to be able to adjust and modify the user environment to their own preferences, such as screen size or resolution. If at some point the system’s video card is upgraded, it is important to have the knowledge of how to configure the appropriate settings for the card to work with the Linux system. Finding out what chipset the video card uses is important. It can be difficult to find what chipset the video card has, unless a new card is being installed and the box or book that comes with the card can be viewed. More often than not, the video card will be installed in the system making it difficult to know what the chipset it. There are other ways to go about getting this information. The first way is when the system automatically detects the video card. Another way is to run the X configuration tool after installation. Another means to finding the chip set of the video card is by reading the products documentation. This is not always the best method, not every video card manufacturer will say what their chip set is and it can be difficult to find. If the system dual boots with another operating system like Windows for example, go into the device manager and open the dialog box for the hardware properties for the video card. Figure shows an example of the device manager driver properties for a graphics card in Windows. Sometimes the chipset of the video card will be listed there. Lastly, and probably the least time consuming is to actually take the video card out of the computer and examine it. Some video cards will have the chip set listed right on the video card itself. Some other important things to keep in mind when searching for the chip set version of a video card is that it is not always consistent. This is because the chip set often has more than one name. The name of the video card manufacturer might be found instead of the chip set version. When this happens it is a good idea to look for the drivers under both of the names that are found. When the name of the manufacturer is found, be careful, because some manufacturers produce the card while another manufacturer produces the chip set. Therefore, when the name of the manufacturer on the card is found, it does not necessarily mean that the name of the chip set manufacturer is found. 9.3.2 X server options Xfree86 ( is the free X server that comes with every major distribution that supports a GUI interface. It is a good idea to visit this site because it contains useful information regarding video card chip sets. The latest version of X server is version 4.0.3. Most Linux distributions that are shipped after the year 2001 come with the 4.0.X version of Xfree86. There are some compatibility issues that this latest version has with some video card chip sets. There are still some chip sets that are not supported in the latest release. The previous version of Xfree86 was version 3.3.X. This version must be used if any compatibility issues with supported video card chip sets arise. However, if using the older version of X server, the support programs and libraries from version 4.0.X may still be used. A good practice when dealing with unsupported video card issues is to check the manufacturer’s website for the appropriate drivers. Although the appropriate drivers may not have been shipped with the video card, the manufacturers will have the drivers available to download from their website. With the growing popularity of Linux, many of the manufactures have made drivers available that will be supported by Xfree86. This is not to say that every manufacturer will have the supported drivers but it is worth checking. Another reason to check the manufacturer’s website is that many video cards today have accelerated features. To be able to use these accelerated features the proper driver might need to be obtained from the manufacturer’s website. By doing this a substantial improvement in video card performance should be seen. In some cases Xfree86 will not support the video card at all. This is even after taking all the steps mentioned previously. In the event that this occurs there are still a few other measures to take. The first option might be to use the frame buffer Xfree86 driver. The Linux Kernel has some video card drivers that can be used. However, the kernel must include frame buffer support for the video card that is installed. Another approach to take is to not use Xfree86 but instead use a third party commercial X server. Some third party examples are Xi Graphics ( and Metro Link ( One of these commercial X servers might include support for the video card. Finally, if the card is not supported at all by Xfree86, just replace the video card with what is supported. 9.3.3 Installing X server The actual installation of X server is not that difficult. The easiest way to install X server is to do so during the installation of the operating system. This is not always the case and sometimes this will be done after the installation process. Installing Xfree86 is just a matter of using the system package manager to install the correct package. Keep in mind that the X server comes with many packages. Only one of these packages will contain the actual server, the other packages will be the support libraries, fonts, utilities, and so on. Depending on the distribution that is installed, the name of the package may vary, but it will have the name Xfree86 in it. The name should look something like XFree86-server or xserver-xfree86. Again, depending of the distribution of Linux that is being used, XFree86 will be installed using RPMs or Debian Packages. If the distribution is using RPMs the command to install X server will look like the following: # rpm –Uvh XFree86-server-4.0.2-11.i386.rpm If the distribution used uses Debian packages then the command that is entered at the command line will look like the following: # dpkg –i xserver-xfree86_4.0.2-7_i386.deb After the package is installed the generic X server, XFree86, will be installed. The server files are stored in /usr/X11R6/bin. The other files that X server requires are the driver modules, which are stored in /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers. Using the manufactures drivers instead of the one that comes with XFree86 has many advantages. The manufacturer will usually provide directions for installing their own drivers. The driver will most likely need to be placed into the XFree86 driver directory. The driver will sometimes be a package that will place the driver in the proper directory once installed. As mentioned in the previous section, unsupported video cards may work with the latest 4.0.X version of X server. It was also stated that the previous version of X server, version 3.3.6, would need to be installed. There are some special installation procedures that need to be covered for installing the 3.3.6 version of XFree86. First, the name of the package will be different than the 4.0.X version. Version 4.0.X of XFree86 comes with all the supported driver files in the package. This means that for any video card that is installed in the system, there is only that one package that will need to be installed. The packages for version 3.3.X work a little differently. For this version, the package that goes with the specific chip set of the video card will need to be installed. This is why its very important to know the name of the chip set before installing X server. For example, the package named “XFree86-S3-3.3.6-19.i386.rpm” will need to be installed for the chip sets that are made by S3. Installing this package would install an X server named XF86_S3. Using this server instead of the 4.0.X version would allow the video card to be used. 9.3.4 Configuring X server Configuring X server will be done differently depending on which version of X server is installed. Using either version 3 or version 4 as well as what type of X server is being used, either XFree86 or one of the commercial versions, will determine the configuration. To configure X server, use the XF86Config configuration file which is located in the /etc or /etc/X11 directory. Figure provides an example of the XF86Config file. The name of this file for version 4 of XFree86 is XF86Config-4. The names of the configuration files for version 3 will be different than version 4. This makes an easy distinction between the configuration file for version 3 and version 4. If you are using one of the third parties commercial X servers, they will have a configuration file of their own that will be used. Consult the manufacturer’s documentation for instructions on how to use their X server configuration tool. Covered in more detail in the next section is how to configure the various hardware for X server. Along with configuring the actual server, information for input devices such as the mouse, keyboard, video card, and monitor will also need to be provided. Different Methods for Configuring As with most Linux configurations there are two ways to configure X server. One way is to use the graphical configuration tools, which is used to make the necessary changes, then the operating system automatically writes these changes to the XF86Config text file. The XF86Config file is a text file that can be manually edited. This requires using a text editor to open the file and manually make the changes. Unless the user is experienced with using a text editor, this is not the recommended way. Any mistakes made could render the X server inoperable. This method is usually used for adjusting a working configuration to get better performance and not to initially configure the X server. Again, this should not be attempted unless the user is experienced in doing this. Regardless of which method is used the process will usually involve making a change, testing it, and repeating this process until the correct results are obtained. Testing the Configuration When doing any type of configuration it is also necessary to test the configuration. As mentioned before, this might be a repetitive process that may take testing the configuration a few times before it is right. Testing the configuration of the X server needs to be done a specific way. One way to test the configuration is to restart the system to see if the modifications are present. This can be time consuming and is unnecessary. The recommended way to test the X server configuration is to switch run levels. Run level 5 will start the X server automatically when the system starts up. Switching to run level 3 will shut down the X session that launched during startup. To switch to run level 3 use the telinit 3 command. After changing to run level 3 the X Window session will end and the system will go into text mode with a login prompt. From here, log on and configure the X server settings manually. The startx command can also be used to start the GUI and make changes to the setting using a configuration tool. Then, restart the GUI using the procedure just explained. If the results are fine, then exit the GUI. At the command line type telinit 5 to switch back to run level 5. This will launch the GUI upon startup. If the results are not what are desired, repeat the steps above until the desired results are obtained. XFree86 3.3.X Configuration Tools There are three configuration tools that are used with XFree86 3.3.X they are listed and explained below: • • • Xf86config Xconfigurator XF86Setup Xf86config This is probably the hardest configuration tool to work with. It operates entirely in text mode and its basic process is to ask a series of questions about the hardware in the system and the configuration preferences. This tool provides no means for correcting errors. If mistakes are made the user must start from the beginning. Xconfigurator This tool can be used in either text mode or GUI mode. It depends in which mode it is launched from. This goes through a series of menus that allows the appropriate settings to be chosen. However, it does so in a set order just like xf86config. If mistakes are made, the menus will need to be run through a second time. An example of the Xconfigurator screen is shown in Figure . XF86Setup This tool can only be used in GUI mode. This means that The X Window system must be running to use this tool. XF86Setup can be used to reconfigure the X environment while it is in a non-operational mode. Unlike the other two configuration tools that step through the process with menus, XF86Setup can make changes at any time and does not have to be redone if a mistake is made. Some guidelines to follow when using these tools is to use the Xconfigurator when setting up a system for the first time. This is because the general setting can be set with this tool easily. Then, after X is initially setup use XF86Setup to make adjustments to the GUI. XFree86 4.0.X Configuration Tools There are three configuration tools that are used with XFree86 4.0.X. These are listed and explained below: • • • XFree86 Xconfigurator Xf86cfg XFree86 The X server, by itself, can be used to make modifications to the GUI environment. Use the XFree86 – configure command to generate a file called /root/ This file is used to make manual modifications to the X server environment. Xconfigurator This is the same tool that is used in the 3.3.X version of XFree86. Xf86cfg This tool is similar to the GUI configuration tool that is used in 3.3.X. This tool can only be used once the GUI is operational. This tool is similar to the XF86Setup, the user interface works a little differently though. The xf86cfg tool interface has graphical pictures of the different hardware that is attached to the system. Clicking on the specific hardware that needs to be configured will display the menus that are used for making adjustments. 9.3.5 Hardware configurations It was mentioned earlier that input devices and hardware that interact with The X Window system and the X server needs to be properly configured. The tools used to do this have been covered as well. Some of the main hardware devices that need to be configured with The X server are the keyboard, mouse, monitor, and video card. If any one of these devices is not configured correctly the X server will not operate at optimal performance or may not work at all. Keyboard There are not many settings that need to be configured or changed for the keyboard. The default settings should work fine. There is one setting that should be changed though. This is the AutoRepeat feature. When holding down a key on the keyboard, the character will continuously repeat. This feature may cause problems and be annoying at times. It is a good idea to disable this feature. This can be done using one of the GUI tools. Editing the AutoRepeat line in the configuration file can change it. Changing the delay and rate values for this will change the rate at which keys repeat when they are pressed on the keyboard. The delay value is the time, in milliseconds, that the system will wait until the key is repeated. The rate is the interval at which the key is repeated once the system starts repeating it. An example of this configuration file is shown in Figure . Another important keyboard configuration is the model and keyboard layout. These values are set during installation and usually will not need to be changed. There also might be an instance when the language layout for the keyboard will need to be changed. This would happen if some other user will be using the system whose native language is not that of the current keyboard configuration. Mouse The section of the XF86Config file that controls the mouse settings is the InputDevice section in the 4.0.X version, which is shown in Figure . The mouse settings are referred to as the Pointer settings in the 3.3.X version. These settings will be set during installation and should not need to be configured. Some important areas to note in the InputDevice section is the Protocol section. This is the portion of the file that tells what kind of mouse is attached to the system, either USB, PS/2, serial, Microsoft, Logitech, and so on. The Device section of this file displays the file that the mouse is associated with. If the mouse is a PS/2 the name of the file will be /dev/psaux, /dev/usbmouse for a USB mouse, and /dev/ttyS0 or /dev/ttyS1 for a serial mouse. Monitor The monitor settings can be the most important of these settings that will need to be configured. Without these settings being configured exactly, it might not work and there will be no display. The Monitor section of the XF86Config file contains the settings for the monitor that the system is using and is shown in Figure . Most of these settings will be set during installation. Some of the important lines in this file are the Identifier, HorizSync, VertRefresh, and Modeline settings. The Identifier line does not contain any crucial settings that will affect the monitor. The ModelName line is there as an identifier that can be edited to have anything in there. This is for the administrator’s reference, so that they know what model type the monitor is. Changing this value will not have any affect on the system. 9.3.6 Window managers The foundation of the X Window environment begins with the X server. This was covered previously in this chapter. The X server provides driver files for the various input devices that are used to manipulate the GUI interface such as the monitor, mouse, keyboard, and video card. The Windows Manager is another component of the X server, which enables the user to control individual windows. The Window Manager that is selected runs separately from the Desktop Environment. Recall from previous chapters that common Desktop Environments like KDE and GNOME control interaction with the shell and run the desktop. Window Managers are separate from this and only control the windows that are being used with KDE or GNOME. The window managers control things such as window borders. This will allow users to resize or drag the window to a different area on the desktop. Window managers also control the window focus. To give a window focus means that it is the particular window that is being used or is accepting input from the keyboard or mouse. Other types of focus models that are available are focus-follows-mouse and click-to-focus. Figure provides an example of a Window Manager configuration screen. If selecting focus-follows-mouse, the user drags the mouse over the window to give it focus. Moving the cursor to the window and then clicking on it gives focus for click-to-focus. The window manager also controls when a window is moved over or on top of another window. This usually occurs when that particular window is in focus. Another feature of window managers include paging functions. This allows users the ability to have multiple workspaces or desktops open that can be switched back and forth with one mouse click or by selecting the appropriate screen from a menu. This feature is helpful in organizing a user’s desktop into specific areas in which they are working. For example, a user can have one workspace that has a word processor open, another workspace for web browsing, and another workspace that they use programming tools on. Linux Window Managers There are a several different window managers to choose from in Linux. The limits for choosing a window manager that is available are for the particular Linux distribution that is being used. Generally all the window managers perform the same functions. Window managers differ in other aspects like how elaborately they support the features. Some window managers are very simple and have simple controls. Others have many options for elaborate menus, pagers, and so on. There are plenty of window managers that Linux supports. Some of the more popular window managers that are used today include the following: • • • • KWM – This is the window manager that comes with the K Desktop Environment (KDE). The K Window Manager is popular because it is used with KDE. Sawfish – Some experienced Linux users might know this window manager as sawmill, which is what it used to be called. This is the default window manager for GNOME. However, sawfish can be used with other desktop environments like KDE for example. Enlightenment – This was previously the default widow manager in GNOME before sawfish. This window manger is one of the graphical window managers that are available. IceWM – This window manager is one of the smaller and simpler window mangers that do not use intensive graphical displays. IceWM does however provide the basic features such as paging and customizable appearance. Keep in mind that this is only a short list and that there are several other choices of window managers to choose from. A good idea is to check out the web site for Linux Window managers at to find out more about the other window managers Linux has to offer. Some other popular windows mangers include FVWM and TWM. These are older window managers that have since been replaced by some of the windows mangers previously mentioned. There is no window manager that is best. Choosing a window manger is like choosing which distribution of Linux to use. It depends on what the user’s needs are, as well as what distribution or desktop environment the user is using. Also things such as how important graphical features are to the user will determine which window manager to use. Running a Window Manager When installing X server on the system, at least one window manger was installed. The first part of running the window manager is to install it first. Again, this should have been done automatically, but if there is a particular window manager that needs to be used then check to see if it was installed. If a window was not installed, then it may be this time. When the system boots up and the GUI starts, the window manager should start too. It is good practice to check and see what window managers are currently installed in the system and which one is currently the default. This makes is easier to determine if a new one is needed or if the default window manager will work fine. In most instances the default window manager will be fine. An administrator usually will not have to install the window managers. In most cases, all that may need to be done is to change the default window manager that starts when the system boots up. The file and location of the file that is used to change the default window manager will differ depending on which distribution of Linux is being used. Some of these files that are used in the various distributions are: • • • • /etc/X11/Xconfig /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc/ /etc/X11/xdm/Xsession /etc/sysconfig/desktop Another way to select which window manager is to select it during log on in the login screen. Both KDE and GNOME use this login screen when the X server is running and using a GUI login. On the menu there will be a session type menu that can be used to select which window manager to use after logging in. 9.3.7 Desktop environments It was learned in the previous section how window mangers run completely independent of the desktop environment. The window manager will help manage the windows and keep the desktop in a working order. The window manager runs independently of the desktop environment. It cannot perform all the tasks that a user will need. Users that are familiar with other GUI based environments like Windows or MacOS know that they have an abundance of tools that are integrated into the GUI environment. These include tools like file managers and system configuration tools. Linux has these tools as well, but in Linux they are not integrated or designed to be compatible with each other. This has to do with that fact that Linux is an open source operating system and Windows and MacOS are not. For example, the default fonts that are used in one program in Linux may not be available in another program. The Linux Desktop Environment solves these compatibility issues. The Linux Desktop Environment is built from window managers but is designed to maintain integrated programs, utilities, and tools that will solve these incompatibility issues. Linux Desktop Environments Just as there are many different window managers to choose from, there are several different desktop environments to choose from as well. The following is a list of the more popular ones in use today. KDE The K Desktop Environment (KDE) is one of the most popular environments used in Linux today. KDE will also be found in most Linux distributions. KDE is built upon its own window manager, KWM. KDE has been around for some time and is one of the more advanced and complete desktop environments available for Linux. An example of the KDE desktop environment is shown in Figure . GNOME This desktop environment is the major competitor to KDE. It is newer than KDE and is not as complete as KDE. GNOME is growing fast in popularity. Some distributions like Red Hat and Debian have GNOME as its default desktop environment. An example of the GNOME desktop environment is shown in Figure . CDE Although not as common on Linux systems, the Common Desktop Environment (CDE) is the GUI of choice on commercial UNIX systems. There is a version available for Linux for users that have used CDE with UNIX systems. The version of CDE for Linux is known as DeXtop. An example of the CDE desktop environment is shown in Figure . Xfce This desktop environment is very similar to CDE. However unlike CDE, which is used for commercial UNIX systems, Xfce is entirely open source. Xfce is not as advanced or complete as KDE or GNOME. Xfce uses fewer resources on the system because it does not use as much disk space or memory. An example of the Xfce desktop environment is shown in Figure . There is no one desktop environment that is better. The decision on which to use will come down to the user’s needs, as well as, which distribution of Linux is used. As an administrator, the decision might come down to which one will be supported. Most distributions come with KDE and GNOME; the user may decide which one they want to use. Keep in mind that installing both desktop environments may consume large amounts of disk space. It is a good idea to make sure that the disk is large enough to accommodate both. The desktop environments that were mentioned are open source except for CDE. It is a good idea to have both KDE and GNOME installed. This is because many of the latest applications have dependencies that require both to be installed. 9.4 Post-Installation Configuration and Tasks 9.4.1 Post-installation of applications and programs As in the Windows OS installation, there will be some post-installation add-ons that might be needed for running specific services. For example, if using Linux Red-Hat 7.X, the linuxconf file is not added to the system by default. An example of the linuxconf tool is shown in Figure . This file may be added after the installation is complete by loading it from the installation CD. The latest released sources for e-mail client like Elm, for example, should be loaded before configuring the system for e-mail. There are three main types of package managers that a Linux administrator needs to be familiar with. The Red Hat Package Manager (RPM), Debian Packages, and Tarballs are used to install and remove applications and programs in Linux systems after the installation process has completed. Tarballs are files that are collected together using the tar program. Red Hat Package Manager (RPM) RPM is the most popular type of package manager. Although created by Red Hat, RPM is supported by just about every major distribution of Linux. RPM provides the necessary tools such as package databases that are needed to install and remove programs, however, not all applications or programs use RPM. Some applications and programs use the Debian packages and some use tarballs. Each of these package managers will be covered in detail later in this section. The package database is a system that checks for conflicts and ownership of files by keeping track of the entire RPM database of files once they are installed in the system. The package database is stored in the /var/lib/rpm directory. The database provides features such as the following: • • • • Package Information – This stores all information about a package once it is installed on the system. Information like manufacture date, description, and version number is copied to the package database directory. If the package is removed, the information about the package will remain in the database. File Information – This keeps information on all files that are installed on the system using RPM. This includes being able to keep track which package a specific file belongs to. This will also keep track of file permissions. Any changes made to files installed with RPM may be tracked to the person who made the changes. Dependencies – Dependencies were covered previously in this chapter. The database is where the dependency information for a package installation will be stored. Provision Information – Some packages that are installed provide features for other packages that are installed. A mail client, for example, needs to have a mail server to be able to retrieve and send mail. This is a type of dependency. RPM Diversity Red Hat released the RPM software under the General Public License (GPL). This means that even though RPM was created by Red Hat, it was available for any Linux distribution to be included as part of that distribution. For this reason most of the major Linux distributions support RPM. Some distributions such as Mandrake, Yellow Dog, TurboLinux, and LinuxPPC are all based on Red Hat and use RPM. SuSE and Caldera Linux are not based on Red Hat and they use RPM as well. RPM provides compatibility across the different distributions much in the same way as XFree86. RPM is supported on non-Linux or UNIX systems as well. These systems do not rely on RPM as its primary package distribution system, but it is still supported and used. RPM is popular and diverse because it is supported by multiple CPUs. It was covered in previous chapters that certain distributions of Linux are capable of running only on certain CPUs. This makes it possible for RPM to be compatible with many of the Linux distributions and why many of those distributions use RPM. RPM Compatibility RPM has proven to be very diverse, but there are some compatibility issues that need to be addressed. Some of these issues include the following: • • • • • It is important to be certain that the version of RPM being used is the same in both distributions. An RPM package that is working on one system may not work on another. This may be because the dependency packages might not be installed on one of the systems. If trying to install a package that cannot recognize the dependency package name, then the package will not work. An example is when installing the samba-client package that depends on the sambacommon package. If the distribution installing the samba-client package uses a different name for the package other than samba-common, then the package will not work. Some packages can only be installed on certain distributions. Certain files in the package might be compatible with only one particular Linux distribution and that distribution might be the one that package may be installed. Linux servers having packages that contain distribution specific scripts or configuration files that are installed in certain folder so that they are run automatically. Despite the compatibility issues that arise when using RPM packages across multiple distributions, they seldom occur. If there are compatibility issues, it is recommended to try and find a comparable package included with the Linux distribution that is being used. Upgrading RPM It was mentioned in the compatibility section that two different distributions of Linux having different versions of RPM running, could not install the same package on both systems. When Red Hat releases a new version of RPM, the packages associated with that version will be used on that distribution. The user must upgrade the system in order to use the new packages. For example, Red Hat Linux 7.0 uses version 4 of the RPM utilities, these version 4 packages cannot be installed on systems with previous versions of RPM. One problem arises when trying to upgrade to the newer release of RPM. It is impossible to upgrade to the newer version 4 without having version 4 installed first. This presents a problem for systems that do not have version 4 installed. The only option is to upgrade the entire operating system. Red Hat has released an upgrade that will allow an upgrade from a previous version without having to upgrade the OS. RPM Commands Distributed along with the Linux installation CD’s are hundreds of additional RPMs. Once the installation of Linux is complete, these RPMs may be installed from the CDs using the rpm command. For example, choosing not to install the graphical program Gimp during the installation of Linux will still be possible by installing the RPM file from the CD. First, the CD that contains the RPM needs to be mounted, and then navigate to the directory that contains the rpm command for Gimp. The commands to accomplish this are as follows: mount /mnt/cdrom mount /mnt/cdrom rpm –UvH gimp-1.0.4-3.i386.rpm The mount /mnt/cdrom command will mount the CD. The cd /mnt/cdrom/RedHat/RPMS command is the directory where the RPM is located, and the rpm –UvH gimp-1.0.4-3.i386.rpm command is the name of the Gimp RPM package that needs to be installed. This RPM package may be confusing to someone seeing it for the first time. Once the parts are broken down and explained, as shown in Figure the RPM package is easier to understand. Debian Package Manager Debian packages are very similar to RPM packages. Debian contains a package database that has the same features as the RPM database, however, the Debian database is stored in the /var/lib/dpkg directory. The difference between Debian and RPM packages is that they are not interchangeable. Debian packages cannot be used on a distribution that supports RPM packages, and vice versus. A Debian package will look similar to the RPM package and it is installed in much the same way. A Debian package looks like the following: # dpkg –i samba-common_2.0.7-3.deb After remembering what all these parts of the package mean from the RPM section, it will be easy to understand what these parts of the Debian package represent. They mean the same thing, however, Debian packages use dpkg instead of RPM to identify itself. Debian packages also use switches that may be placed in the beginning of the command to specify instructions to the package. An example is –i, this is used to install the package. Other examples that can be used are –r, which will remove the package but leave its configuration files. The -P switch removes the package and its configuration files, and -B disables packages that rely on a package being removed. Debian Package Diversity The Red Hat Package Manager originated from Red Hat, the Debian Package Manager originated from the Debian distribution of Linux. The evolution of the Debian package manager came about in much the same way as RPM. Other distributions that are based on Debian such as Storm Linux, Corel Linux, and Libranet use Debian packages. Debian packages and distributions have not been as popular because of Debian Linux not emphasizing a GUI installation or configuration tools, which has made it difficult for the inexperienced user. Storm and Corel Linux have added some of these GUI features that make it more appealing. The Debian Linux approach has been traditionally focused towards the more open source principles than has distributions that rely on RPM packages. Also similar to RPM packages, Debian packages may be used across multiple distributions and are compatible with various CPUs. It is rare to see a Debian package used on any system other than Linux. Tarballs Tarballs are by far the most widely supported type of package available with Linux. Tarballs, just like RPM and Debian packages, are a collection of compressed files that can be uncompressed and installed on a Linux or UNIX system. Tarballs are uncompressed with the compress or qzip utility. Every distribution can use tarballs to install or remove applications and programs. However, tarballs is not as advanced as RPM or Debian packages. First, tarballs do not maintain a package database. This makes it difficult to remove programs that are installed using tarballs because there is no database that keeps track of where all the files are located. Tarballs has no dependency information. This can make it difficult to determine what other program might need to be installed in order for the program currently installed to work. It may even be difficult to know if it is even a dependency issue that is causing the problem. RPM and Debian packages will notify immediately of any dependency issues. Tarball packages are identified by the tar command. Originally tarballs were used to archive files to a tape backup device and were know as “tape archiver”. Tarballs are an excellent means of backing up and compressing files on a hard drive. Performing a backup with the tar command will be covered in later chapters. The tar command is used in conjunction with a compression utility such as compress, gzip, or bzip2. The most popular of the three is gzip. Files are first compressed with one of these compression utilities, and then archived using the tar command. As a result the file will have two extensions such as .tar.gz. Tarballs are similar to zipped files with the WinZip utility in Windows. An example of a tarball package that is being uncompressed and installed is shown as follows: # tar –xvzf samba-2.0.7.tar.gz It was previously mentioned that tarballs could be used as a package distribution mechanism on any Linux distribution. However, Slackware is a distribution of Linux that primarily uses only Tarballs. Slackware is the oldest of the major Linux distributions. Like Debian Linux, Slackware does not use fancy GUI configuration or installation tools. Slackware tends to favor a simpler approach rather than using the any of the package management tools that come with RPM and Debian packages. 9.4.2 Installing and reconfiguring the boot loader The installation and configuration of the Boot Loader is initially done during the installation process. However, there are times when the boot loader will need to be reconfigured. For example, after the installation of the operating system a user might need to make adjustments to the time that the boot loader delays until the Linux kernel is loaded. The user may be adding another operating system to dual boot and will need to make the necessary adjustment to the boot loader. Often the boot loader’s configuration files will need to be edited to make these changes. Other times boot loaders may need to be changed. Linux provides more than one boot loader. GRUB and LILO are the two main boot loaders that are used in Linux today. It is a very easy process to install a new boot loader or switch from GRUB if using LILO or from LILO when using GRUB. The Purpose of the Boot Loader It is important to understand the role that the Bootloader plays in the boot process. Chapter 7 covers the details of the Windows boot process and cites the Linux boot process as well. The boot process in Linux is very similar to Windows. Also covered was that LILO could be used to boot the Linux operating system. Linux is capable of using other boot loaders other than LILO. The Linux boot loader program resides on the Master Boot Record (MBR) on a hard or floppy disk. The MBR is on the first sector of the disk and is what is used to boot the operating system. This first sector of a hard disk that controls the boot process is known as the Boot Sector. In Linux systems the Linux Loader (LILO) is one program that controls the boot process. GRUB, OS Loader, and System Commander are examples of other types of boot loaders and will be covered in the next section. LILO is more complex compared to ones found in other operating systems such as Windows. LILO is capable of being configured to boot single or multiple operating systems on a hard drive. LILO can be used to boot other operating systems other than just Linux. However, LILO must always be installed on the Linux partition because it will damage most non-Linux file systems. Other Linux boot loaders include the following: • • • GRUB – The GRand Unified Bootloader is the newest bootloader for Linux. It is actually the default bootloader for Red Hat. OS Loader – This bootloader is the bootloader that is found on Windows and DOS systems. It is also known as NTLDR. This bootloader cannot boot Linux directly but it can boot a disk that contains LILO and therefore boot Linux indirectly. System Commander – This is a very advanced bootloader with many advanced features and configurations. Like NTLDR, it cannot boot Linux directly but it can indirectly. Configuring the LILO Bootloader The first thing any system administrator needs to know about configuring the LILO bootloader is the lilo.conf file, which is shown in Figure . This is the file that defines how a system will be booted. Every line in this file contains information about how the system is booted. It defines which partition to boot from, which is the default OS to boot if there is more than one, and how long the LILO screen will delay when booting up. To reconfigure LILO, is the user must have some knowledge about the information contained in this file and how to make the changes necessary to reconfigure LILO. The sections of the lilo.conf file are described as follows: • • • • • boot=/dev/hda – This section of the file defines where LILO will install itself. In this case LILO will install itself in the MBR of the first EIDE disk. The hda portion indicates this. To change the location of where LILO is located simply change this portion of the file to a value that represents another Linux partition. Prompt – By adding this line to the file LILO will prompt the user to select an OS to boot before booting the OS. This line can be removed if no user prompt is wanted. delay=50 – This represents the time in tenths of a second that LILO will delay until LILO boots the default operating system. default=linux – This defines the default operating system that will be loaded. lba32 – Adding this line to the lilo.conf file specifies that LILO can boot kernels located past the 1024th cylinder of the hard disk. There are a few other things that are important to know about the LILO bootloader. The lilo.conf man page is another good place to find out more about the lilo.conf file. After making changes to the lilo.conf file, the lilo command must be entered at the command prompt to activate the changes that have been made. It is important to not forget this step or the system will continue to use the old boot loader. Configuring LILO for Two Operating Systems There are two things to consider when adding or installing another operating system. First, it is a good idea to use LILO because LILO can be used to boot the other operating system. The second thing to consider is that configuring LILO for Linux and a second OS is not that difficult. It requires making the necessary changes to the lilo.conf file that was covered in the previous section. To configure LILO for two Linux operating systems, enter new information into the lilo.conf file. This new text will look exactly like the text that is currently there for the existing OS. If the new Linux OS has a different kernel version, the only part of this text that will need to be changed is the image line. The correct root partition for the new OS will need to be specified as well. The correct procedure for doing this can be a little tricky, but it is not all that difficult. First, the second Linux operating system’s root partition needs to be mounted within the existing Linux file system, then configure the new root partition to point to the second Linux system’s kernel. This is actually simple to do. All that is required is to add the appropriate line to the lilo.conf file to point to the new Linux system’s kernel. The second root partition needs to be installed into a directory on the existing system’s partition like /linux2 for example. Then, the image line for the second OS in lilo.conf needs to be changed to something like image=/linux2/boot/bzImage-2.2.17. Configuring LILO for another OS besides Linux is a simpler process. Again, the proper text needs to be added to the lilo.conf file. Adding the other parameter to the file does this. For example, add the following text to the lilo.conf file when configuring LILO to dual boot with Windows: Other=/dev/hda3 lable=windows table=/dev/hda Installing a New Boot Loader The process is fairly easy to do when using the LILO boot loader and replacing it with another boot loader like GRUB. First, the grub.conf file will need to be configured. This file is similar to the lilo.conf file in that it contains the information required to boot the operating system. This file should already exist and be configured with the default settings on the system depending on which distribution is used. Once the grub.conf file has been configured with any changes to be made, the user must then decide where the GRUB boot loader is to be installed. To install the GRUB boot loader on the MBR of the first hard drive enter the following command at the prompt: # grub-install /dev/hda This will enable the MBR to now boot using GRUB instead of LILO. Now, reboot the computer and the GRUB boot screen should now be seen. If the user is initially using LILO and now wants to use the GRUB boot loader, use the same process as before, but use the lilo.conf file instead. Then, use the lilo command to write the new MBR and have the system boot by using LILO. 9.4.3 Kernel issues The operating system’s kernel has been mentioned a few times in the previous section. However, it has never been fully explained what the kernel is or what it does for the system. The kernel is essentially the engine that runs the operating system. An operating system’s kernel provides functions such as memory management, low-level hardware drivers excluding X video drivers and printer drivers, scheduling when specific processes get access to the CPU, allow programs to access the network, and controls access to the file system on a hard drive. A typical user will not use the kernel directly and many users will not know that it exists. The programs that are installed interact with the kernel on a constant basis. There are only a few reasons that an administrator would need to be concerned with the kernel. An administrator must make sure that the kernel version is upto-date. If the version is too old, then certain hardware devices may not work. Then a new version would need to be installed if the one that is currently installed is not working. The system must also be configured to boot the proper kernel. This was covered in the previous section. Kernel Numbering A typical Linux Kernel version might look something like Linux 2.4.3. This does not do much for the inexperienced user. However, as an administrator knowing what each of these numbers represents will help determine when to upgrade the kernel. The first number is the major number. This number will not change because it represents a major or significant change in the kernel. The second number indicates if the version is a stable or experimental version. If the number is even then the kernel is a stable kernel, and should be safe to install. If the number is odd, then it is still in experimental stages and it is not recommended for release or to be installed. The third number represents any small or minor fixes usually done to an already stable kernel version. This can be done when bugs have been fixed or maybe when drivers have been added. Recompiling the Kernel Upgrading the kernel sometimes needs to be done just like any other program might need to be upgraded. Installing a package, just like with any other program can do this. Some Linux administrators prefer to compile their own kernel from source code. Compiling the kernel can offer several advantages including the following: • • • Optimizing the kernel – Optimize the kernel for maximum performance by compiling the kernel for the systems specific CPU. Individual driver configuration – By manually compiling the kernel, select what drivers are to be added. A database of drivers does not need to be installed. Ability to apply patches – Manually compiling the kernel will allow patches or updates to be applied. Generally, it is not necessary to compile the kernel manually, however, it may offer some added benefits. 9.4.4 Environment variables Environmental Variables contain information about the computer system that programs use to get a status report on the current condition of the computer. The Environmental Variables in a Linux system contain information such as the user’s home directory, disk space, hostname, the name of the current shell, or just to find out what resources are available on the system. Programs that are installed contain some of their own environmental variables that are used to tell where their configuration files are located or how to display information. Common Linux Environmental Variables There are many different types of environmental variables that can be set for a Linux system. To see a list of all the ones that are currently set, type the env command at the prompt. The output of this command is displayed in Figure . Some of the variables are as follows: • • • • • • • • PATH – This is one of the most important environmental variables that is on a Linux system. This variable contains a list of directories that the system will search for executable programs when they are entered at the command prompt. TERM – This variable represents the current terminal type. The TERM variable contains information that allows a Linux system to know what commands the terminal supports. DISPLAY – This is the variable that will identify the display used by The X Window system. PWD – Displays the current working directory. USER – This is a variable that is maintained by the system that allows it to know what user is logged on. HOSTNAME – This is used to display the current TCP/IP hostname of the computer. LD_LIBRARY_PATH – Libraries were covered previously in this chapter. This is the variable that some programs use to indicate the directories in which the libraries can be found. PS1 – This variable represents the default prompt for the bash shell. It is used to identify the bash shell from other shells that might be running on the system. These are only a few of the many environmental profiles that can be set on a Linux system. However, these are the most important ones and the ones that will be used most often. Sometimes a program that is installed after the installation of the operating system will require certain environmental variables to be set. In this case, set them in /etc/profile/ or in any user configuration files that the program can access. 9.4.5 Verifying proper application functioning and performance The final stage of the installation process consists of testing and verifying that the programs, applications, and operating system is functioning properly. After the initial operating system has been installed and the post-installation configurations and installations have been set, it is important to test the settings before deploying the system. Proper testing will save an administrator time in troubleshooting problems later. Problems are unavoidable and will happen after testing for proper functioning and performance. How to fix these problems will be covering in Chapter 13, this section focuses on how to go about testing applications on a test system as well as on a production system. Verifying in a Test Environment There are many reasons to test applications and programs before installing them into a production environment. Say that an entire operating system upgrade is being done. For instance, a company wants to upgrade all of its Linux systems to Red Hat 7.2. It is a good idea to install the operating system first in a test network. Then install all the programs and applications onto the system and verify that everything will work properly. Even if it is just a single application or an upgrade to an application, it is not wise to go and install it right away on a production system. Doing so can introduce bugs, configuration changes to file formats, and compatibility with other programs. Testing and evaluating the new software on a test system helps reduce these problems. In order to set up a proper test environment, recreate as close as possible the existing system or systems. This includes having the exact operating system and programs installed on the system as well as making certain that the test system has all the same configuration files and settings that the production system has. This includes having the exact hardware in the test system as in the production system as well. If possible, it is a good idea to copy the image of the production systems hard drive to the test systems hard drive. If an upgrade is being done it is a good idea to install the old version on the test system and perform the upgrade just as it would be done on the production system. In some instances, creating an exact replica of the production computer is not an option. This is not entirely bad because most software that is installed does not which hardware is installed. However, the correct version and distribution of Linux must be installed on the test system that will be on the production system. This is because different Linux distributions can contain very different package collections, which contain specific drivers. Therefore, if this rule is not followed, when the software is used on a production system, it could fail. A single program may simply involve testing a few times and may take very little time. A major installation of software or package such as a new web server or operating system should require more extensive and formal tests. A good practice when doing the installation or upgrade in the test environment is to take good notes to refer back to when doing the real job in the production environment. Verifying in a Production Environment Once the proper tests have been performed in the test environment and everything has been verified that it is working properly, it is time to install the software in the production system. A good practice here is to backup everything on the destination system first in the event that something does go wrong. Another good practice is to establish performance benchmarks prior to the upgrade. These can be compared after the upgrade is complete to test if the system can effectively handle the new software. This should be covered in the test environment, remember that it is not always possible to establish a complete replica of the production system. With the files backed up it is possible to restore the system back to it original configuration. Even if the tests passed, anyone who has done installations and upgrades on computers knows that problems do occur and nothing works 100 percent of the time. Some important issues to keep in mind is that the production system will most likely need to be taken offline in order to do the upgrade or installation. It is sometimes a good idea, so that, if something does go wrong other computers that are connected to the system are not affected. Another important thing to keep in mind is that there might be other computers or users of those computers that rely on the system that is being upgraded. This is especially true if the system is a network server. For example, if the system is a file server that holds the companies files that employees need access. If this is the case, then the best time to schedule the upgrade is during times when users are going to be using the server the least. Another good idea might be to keep the test system available to temporarily replace the production system while it is being upgraded. Lastly, it is important to notify users of the work being done so they are aware and can prepare for the server downtime in advance. Once the installation or upgrade has been completed and the production system is back online and running, it is a good idea to run through a series of tests. This is to ensure that the system will function properly. A good practice at this point is to establish post installation or upgrade performance benchmarks and compare them with the benchmarks taken before. As part of the verification in a production environment comes ongoing monitoring for days and even weeks if the installation or upgrade was major. In a Linux system use the ps command to verify that the process is still running. It is a good idea to check the system log files to monitor the systems performance over a period of time. The log files on Linux systems are usually stored in the /var/log directory tree. CHAPTER 10 10.1 User Interface Administration 10.1.1 Log in procedures Users can log on to a Linux operating system using the Command-Line Interface (CLI), which is similar to the Windows 2000 interface. An example of the text mode login screen for Linux Red Hat is shown in Figure . The Linux console is referred to as a CLI and will be discussed in further detail later in this chapter. Instead of displaying textboxes and buttons like the Windows 2000 GUI, the Linux CLI provides the user with successive text only prompts to enter a user name and password. No additional domain information is required. Unlike Windows 2000, Linux passwords are masked completely as they are typed, making it important to pay close attention while entering them. Users should also be careful not to enter invalid account information continually. This is because some system administrators implement security functions to lock or reboot the system after a number of failed attempts. Once account information has been successfully submitted, the user will be logged on to the system, taken to their home directory, and given a command prompt. When the system is configured to boot into the Graphical User Interface (GUI), a username and password will need to be entered in order to authenticate the user to the network. 10.1.2 GUI interface The differences between a Command-Line Interface (CLI) and a Graphical User Interface (GUI) were discussed previously. Recall that Linux uses a CLI with text based commands entered at a command prompt. While this format has its advantages, there are also advantages to the GUI used by Windows. In 1984, a team of software experts from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) created a graphical interface named "X Window" that allows Linux to operate similar to the other GUIs. Due to the powerful design of the Linux operating system, the look and feel of X Window can be easily customized and programmed an infinite number of ways. In the Windows 2000 OS, the main elements of the user interface for icons, menus, the taskbar, and so on, are identical for all users. Linux users can completely customize their X Window interface to meet their specific needs and desires by installing different programs called "Window Managers" and "Desktop Environments". Discussing all of these different software packages is beyond the scope of this course, so instead the focus will be on the underlying similarities found in all X Window systems. Similarities to Windows 2000 A typical X Window interface will look somewhat familiar to a Windows 2000 user. A mouse is used as a pointing device. There also is usually a taskbar, icons representing data, and windows displaying information to the user. An example of the X Window GUI is shown in Figure . While the sizes, shapes, and colors of these elements may vary, the basic principles are very similar to the Windows 2000 GUI. This familiar design is intended to help users quickly become productive with the X Window system and is typically the standard approach. But again, the flexibility of Linux also allows programmers to create new and innovative X Window interfaces that could radically differ from anything seen before. Learning the Basics First time users of X Window should become comfortable with the various elements of the system. Determine if icons are launched by a single click or double-click. Click on the taskbar to investigate the various tools it contains. Practice how to resize, minimize, and close the window. Once users feel comfortable navigating the X Window interface, they are ready to begin learning its basic functions. No matter what colors, styles, and functionality an X Window desktop environment may have, the command line console is one important element that will always be constant. The command line console remains constant. Remember that Linux is a CLI, and X Window is really a graphical representation of this CLI. Therefore, it makes sense that an X Window user will probably want to interact with a Linux command console at some point. This can typically be done in two ways: terminal window and main console. Terminal window A terminal window displays a standard Linux command prompt in a small window on the screen. An example of a Linux terminal window is shown in Figure . The standard X Window terminal program is named xterm. Running xterm displays a Linux terminal window for the user to input commands. Look for xterm or any other terminal program on the X Window taskbar menu. Main console In addition to running a windowed Linux CLI within X Window, users can also switch their displays to the full screen main console. Remember that when booting up the computer, Linux is loaded first followed by X Window, the window manager, and then the desktop environment. Because Linux itself is always running in the background, it is possible to switch the system from X Window to the Linux CLI using hotkeys [CTRL + ALT + (F1 – F6)]. The main console and terminal windows function identically. Using one over the other is usually a matter of personal preference. It is possible to run two X sessions at one time as well as using virtual terminals. X runs in virtual terminal 7, and as stated before, it can be switched to any of the CLI virtual terminals by using the [CTRL + ALT + (F1 - F6)] command. A second X session can be started in virtual terminal 8 by using the [startx - :1 vt8] command. While many common Linux tasks can be performed using the graphical X Window applications, there are many more that are only available to users with the command prompt. For this reason it is important to know how to reach a Linux command prompt from within X Window. In later sections we will look more closely at the Linux CLI and its basic commands. The last basic X Window skill to understand is the ability to exit the system. Depending on which desktop environment is currently running, this is typically done in a very similar manner to Windows 2000. Simply locate the taskbar menu and one of the first menu selections will be the option to Log Off. Selecting this option will allow the user to shut down or restart Linux. 10.1.3 CLI interface The Linux command-line interface (CLI) allows the user to interact with the system in the same manner as the Windows 2000 command interpreter. After logging on to Linux, the system navigates to the user's home directory and presents the command prompt. Users can now type commands, press the Enter key, and view any output on the screen. Although Linux operation follows the same basic flow as the Windows 2000 command interpreter, the command syntax between the two is usually quite different. To help get better acquainted with using Linux, users should try entering the basic commands shown in Figure at the prompt. An example of the output of the whoami command is shown in Figure . Some of the different uses for the cd command are shown in Figure . It is not recommended that users attempt to randomly guess commands, since such careless activity could have serious impacts on the system. Most CLI operating systems assume that users know what they are doing and do not verify the intent of their commands. Therefore, users should always be precise and alert when issuing commands to the system to prevent undesired results. Man Pages Users can learn more about any command through the use of man pages, which is short for manual pages. These help files display detailed information about any available Linux command to the user. The man pages describe what users need to know about the system online commands, system calls, file formats, and system maintenance. The online man pages are part of the Linux OS and are installed by default. Man pages are in the form of simple character based screen displays and are not graphical. To access the man pages, users need to be at a command prompt. Users can log in at the command line or open a Terminal window in the KDE interface and start with a command prompt. Man pages are helpful when users want to use a command or utility and they have forgotten the syntax or they just need some information about how to use it. The man pages provide information on how to enter the command, a description of its purpose, and what options or arguments are available. Some commands will not work with all three shells. The man pages tell which commands will work with which shells. They refer to the Bourne shell as (sh), the Korn shell as (ksh), and the C shell as (csh). Students will learn about these different shells in the next section. The man Command The man command displays online man pages for any of the hundreds of Linux commands that are available. A listing of all the Linux commands with a brief description of what they do can be obtained by entering man intro at the command line. A man page can even be displayed on the man command itself by typing man man. The man command can be used in several ways. The basic form is man name, where name is the name of the command for which the user wants information. There are several useful options to use with the man command for performing keyword searches and displaying specific sections of the Programmer Manual. There are several different ways to use the man command as showing in Figure . Figure illustrates an example of using the man command to get help with the mkdir command. Working with Man Pages Man pages are a quick and convenient way to check on Linux command syntax while at a command prompt. Man Page Headings A number of different headings or informational areas are in a typical man page. The more common ones are included in the list shown in Figure . These headings are displayed in the man page output in all capital letters. Depending on the command and its purpose, the man page might not contain all headings. For example, the print working directory (pwd) command does not have an option or operands information heading because no options or operands can be used with the command. All commands will have at least a name, a synopsis, and a description. A common Linux command is cd, which allows users to change directories. The results of the man page for the ls command are shown in Figure . Notice the different headings that previously were discussed. Some of the output has been omitted because the output from the cd man page is normally about nine pages long. The ls Command One of the more important commands that will be used when navigating around the Linux filesystem in the Command Line Interface is the ls command. The purpose of the ls command is to list the contents of the current directory. The syntax for the ls command is as follows: ls [options] [files] Once the man page for the ls command has been viewed then the numerous options that can be used along with this command will be known. Some of the most common options that are used with the ls command are shown in Figure . The ls command can be issued with the [options] and the [files] list to display the contents of a specific directory. However these are optional and when the ls command is issued without these options then the contents of the current directory will be listed. Also more than one filename can be given so that the ls command will list the contents of multiple directories. Figure illustrates some of typical navigation tasks performed with the ls command. 10.1.4 The Linux shells The Linux shells operate as a "command interpreter". The Linux shells function in much the same way as the program functions for MS-DOS. The Linux shells take the input that the administrator types in and uses that input to launch commands and control the operating system. However, these are the only similar functions of the Linux shells and the MS-DOS command interpreter. For example, in Linux the shell is only loaded into the system when the user requests it or if the user logs on to the shell. In MS-DOS, the command interpreter is integrated into the kernel and is always running. In Linux, the shell runs as any other program does and it is not integrated into the operating system kernel. Another main difference of the Linux shells is that the user may choose from many different shells. With Linux, a shell that suits the preferences or environment can be chosen. The Bourne Shell This is known as the original UNIX shell. The program name is (sh) and is known as the bash shell in Linux systems. This shell provides all the (sh) functions as well as shell programming using shell script files. The C Shell This shell is not widely used because it is one of the more complicated shells to work with. It uses a much more complex syntax for shell programming than some of the other shells. For this reason the C shell is not recommended for shell programming or for creating shell programs. The Korn Shell This is a shell that was written by David Korn. It combines the interactive features that make the C shell popular with the easier to use shell programming syntax of the Bourne shell. An example of the syntax used to change to the Korn Shell and the Korn shell prompt is shown in Figure . Born Again Shell As stated before, this shell was created as an enhanced extension of the Bourne Shell. This shell is referred to as the bash shell and is used for many "UNIX-like" systems, such as Linux. Figure provides an example of the bash shell prompt. 10.1.5 vi Editor The majority of all Linux administration is done from the command line by using the various commands, configuration, and script files to perform these functions. Often these commands, configuration, and script files need to be edited and changed so that they can function in the manner that is suitable to the network environment. Linux includes a powerful editing tool called the vi Editor that allows the editing of the configuration and script files as well as creation of some configuration and script files. An example of the vi editor display screen is shown in Figure . Doing any type of system administration with a Linux server requires the administrator to have a working knowledge of the vi Editor. The flexibility of the vi Editor allows for interaction with system applications in a manner that will virtually provide an administrator any needed functionality. The vi Editor may seem difficult to understand because it does not work like Microsoft Word for their office-suite software or other text editors. When vi Editor is opened and typing is attempted nothing will happen except that the system will just "beep". This is because vi Editor is in "command" mode when first opened. The correct command must be typed in order to enter the "edit" mode, entry mode, where entering text can begin. Enter "edit" mode by choosing the command i. The vi Modes The three modes of operation in vi Editor are command, edit/entry, and last-line. Understanding the function of these three modes is the key to working with vi Editor. All commands available with vi Editor can be classified in one of the three modes. Figure lists the modes and gives a brief description of each. The important thing to know about the vi Editor is that it will not work like a typical text editor. Any kind of text can be typed but it does not function like a What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) editor like Microsoft Word. The vi Editor does not contain any formatting features. If the user wants a string of text to be indented, the vi Editor contains no means do this. The user must type the command that will make the indent. This output will be in the printed copy. To gain a complete understanding of the vi Editor and what its capabilities are would go beyond the scope of this course. There are complete books and classes that deal with the vi Editor alone. However, the full potential of a Linux server cannot be achieved without having knowledge of the vi Editor and some of the basic commands that are used to navigate and edit scripts and configuration files. The accompanying labs provide some examples of opening the vi Editor and running some of these commands to edit some text and create a script file. 10.2 User Accounts and Group Accounts 10.2.1 User and group accounts in a Linux environment Before getting into the actual user and group account administration, it is a good idea to learn the concepts and implementation details of user accounts in a multiuser system. Understanding these concepts can help any administrator in planning effective user and group account security. User Accounts in a Multiuser Environment User accounts in a Linux system allow several people to be logged into the system at the same time or at different times without interfering with each other. A user can even have multiple logins active at one time. Before doing administrative tasks with user or group accounts, it is important to understand what user accounts allow a multiuser to be done on the Linux system, and how different users and groups are identified. There are several important terms that need to be learned in order to understand the language dealing with user account administration. First, the term user and account are sometimes used interchangeably. For example, the term to "delete an account" or "delete the user" may be heard. For this purpose they mean the same thing, to delete the user’s account or access to the system. There are several other important terms that will need to be learned. Some of these are shown in Figure and discussed below. Username This is a unique name that is given to each person permitted to login to the system. It is a good idea to have rules regarding usernames in order to make it easier to identify a user by their username. Common usernames are the first letter of the user first name and the entire last name. For example, John Smith’s user name would be jsmith. Login Privileges After a username and password have been given to a user and they are allowed to login to the system, users are only granted access to certain directories. Users are also limited as to what they are allowed to do on the system. The login privileges state what kind of right a user will be granted once they access the system. Password Protection Along with a username, the users must supply a password to log on to a Linux system. The password is hidden unlike the username, which is publicly known. Many Linux systems have rules regarding passwords such as the length or types of characters used. Permissions The file system controls who has permission to access files and run programs. File permissions will be covered in detail in this chapter. Home Directory In a Linux system, every user account has a home directory associated with it. This is a directory in which the user has complete access to. The user can add or delete files from this directory or they can just use it to store files. User and Group IDs These are numbers that the Linux operating system uses to identify a user or group. Linux does not use names. The operating system uses numbers so it uses the user ID (UID) to identify users and a group ID (GID) to identify groups of users. Default Shell When a user logs into a Linux system and they enter commands at the command line, they are doing so from the shell prompt. This is what is used to interpret these commands to the Linux kernel. There are several shells to choose from. The default shell is the shell presented to the user when they log in. All this information for user accounts are stored in two configuration files on a Linux system: the /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files. The purpose and difference between these files were explained in the previous chapter. User Accounts in a Multitasking System The Linux operating system is both a multiuser and multitasking system. The nature of Linux user accounts is such that multiple users can be logged into one Linux system at one time. Users can be logged in locally or remotely by way of a network. For this reason, a multitasking system that is being used by simultaneous users will require network connectivity. These users can be using more than one program at a time and can even use the same program at the same time. For example, one user can be logged in and using XEmacs, another user can be logged in using the web browser, and two other users can be logged in using a text editor at the same time. It is possible to configure Linux to be a multiple user OS that multiple users can log into using a single user account. However, this is not recommended for several reasons. Providing each user with their own user account gives an administrator the ability to control security on a user by user basis. Keep in mind that although Linux is a multitasking system, it cannot support an unlimited number of simultaneous users. If a large number of users are logged on to the system and many of these users are all attempting to use the same program, they will experience a performance decrease. The actual amount of users that a single Linux system can support depends on various factors. It depends on what programs are being used at the time. Some programs take up more system resources, such as RAM, CPU time, or disk I/O than others. For this reason, other factors include how much of these resources the system has. A system with more RAM, a faster CPU, faster disk speed, and more disk capacity can handle more simultaneous users. The Superuser Account The most important user account in a Linux system is the Superuser account. This is also referred to as the root account. Recall from the previous chapter, this account is created by default during the installation process. This is the account that is used by the system administrator to perform any administrative tasks on a Linux system. The Superuser account can be used in several ways • • root login – The root account can be used to login to the computer right from the main console. In fact, logging in as root in this manner can only be done from the main console. Once logged in, any actions that are performed on the system will be done as root. This can pose security threats so it is recommended this be done for brief periods of time then log out from the Superuser account. Su – The su account can be used to temporarily acquire superuser privileges on a Linux system to perform administrative tasks or to run a command that requires superuser privileges. Type the command and press Enter. There will be a prompt for the superuser password and if enter correctly root privileges will be given. To return to the account with normal user privileges type exit. The su command can also be used to switch to another users account. For example, type su jsmith to take on the jsmith account role. If logged in already as root then there will not be a prompt for jsmith’s password. This is because when logged in as root access to any user account on the system will be given. • • Sudo – This command allows an administrator to select certain commands that can be entered without having to be root, that otherwise would require superuser privileges. This is done by editing the /etc/sudoers file and specifying which users and commands these users can enter in the command line without having to be root. SUID root files – It is possible to select a file to execute as if it where run by root, but can be executed by any users on the system. It is important to be very cautious when using the superuser account because of the security issues and damage it can cause to the computer. For this reason, it is not recommended that the root account be used as a regular account even for the system administrator. A simple typographical error when executing a command can cause serious and unintentional damage to the system. For example, suppose the /home/jsmith/tempdir is to be deleted. The rm –r /home/jsmith/tempdir command would be entered to do so. However, suppose a mistake was made and the wrong command was entered. Instead rm –r / home/jsmith/tempdir is entered by mistake, putting a space between / and home. This would cause the computer to delete all files in the / directory as well as in the /home/jsmith/tempdir. If this were to happen while logged in with a regular user account, there would be a prompt to change to the superuser account to perform this and the error would be caught before completing this command. Group Accounts Groups on a Linux system are used for the same purposes as in other operating systems. Groups provide a means for linking similar users together for productivity and making user account administration much easier. Group accounts are similar to user accounts in that they are defined in a single file, /etc/groups, similar to the /etc/passwd file for user accounts. Second, groups have names as well, similar to usernames for user accounts. Last, as mentioned previously, groups are tied to an ID (GID). Group accounts however, are not user accounts. Group accounts are a means of grouping together a collection of similar users for security purposes. For example, it is possible to group together the executives of a company that might have certain access to files and group together other employees, which may not have access to these files. Recall that Linux controls access to hardware through files. Groups can be used to limit use of a system’s hardware to a specific group of users as well. More detail including creating groups and adding users to groups will be covered later in this chapter. 10.2.2 Adding users The first user account created during a Linux installation is the "root" account. This superuser account is used by the system administrator to create all other user accounts on the system. By default and for security reasons, no other users have the power to add users except for root. The process of creating a fully customized Linux user can be fairly complex, so only the necessary basic commands, flags, and parameters will be discussed here. The useradd Command The root user creates other Linux users with the useradd command. An example of this process is illustrated in Figure . When this command is entered at the prompt, Linux performs many simultaneous tasks to create the user account, such as creating a home directory and assigning default permissions. The basic syntax of the command is shown as follows: useradd username -c "real name" For example: useradd jdoe -c "John Doe" This entire string is typed at the Linux command prompt before pressing the Enter key. The username parameter will be the login name for the new user when logging on to the system. It is case sensitive and should always be typed in all lowercase characters. The -c flag is used to enter the comment field, which in most systems is used to store the real name of the user. Other flags and parameters exist for the useradd command and can be found by viewing its man page. The output of the man page for the useradd command (man useradd) is displayed in Figure . System administrators will typically use many more of these command options to fully customize their new users. However, the example demonstrates the basics of the command with primarily default settings. The passwd Command Once a new user account has been created, it must be given a password before the user can log on to the system. This is done in Linux with the passwd command. Users can perform this command to change their own passwords, but the root user can also use it to modify the passwords of all users. Therefore, after a new account is created, the following command is entered by the root user to create the new account password: passwd username For example: passwd jdoe The root user will be prompted to enter a new password and confirm it by retyping it. Once this process is complete, the new user will be ready to log on to the system with the newly created user name and password. After logging on for the first time, the password should again be changed with the passwd command. Do this without the username parameter, to one that is more private and unknown by the system administrator. 10.2.3 Managing user accounts With the Linux CLI, user management is again performed through various text commands, flags, and parameters, as shown in Figure . In particular, changing a user name, changing a password, or deleting an account can be done with minimal commands. However, the process of disabling an account requires a bit more effort. The system administrator must edit the file that stores all user information on the system and manually disable the user's password. This procedure is not as difficult as it may sound. In most Linux systems, user passwords are stored in a central file known as the "shadow" file, which is located in the /etc directory. This file can be edited with a text editor like vi Editor. The command to edit the shadow file would read as follows: vi /etc/shadow Figure shows an example of the /etc/shadow file shown in the vi editor. Pico, another text editor, allows the use of the arrow keys on the keyboard to navigate the list of user accounts until the account to be disabled is found. User information is listed continuously on a single row with a colon (:) separating each field. The first field is the user name, and the second is the user's encrypted password. To disable the account, the system administrator can simply place an asterisk (*) at the beginning of the encrypted password. This will make the password impossible to correctly enter when logging on, therefore effectively disabling the account until the system administrator manually removes the asterisk again. To save the shadow file, press CTRL–X to quit pico and press the Y key to save the changes. 10.2.4 Creating groups and adding users to groups Every group on a Linux system can have anywhere from no members to as many members as there are user accounts on the system. Recall from the previous section, group membership is controlled by the /etc/group file. This is the file that contains a list of all the groups and members of those groups on a Linux system. Each user, when logging on to a Linux system, logs into their primary group. This is the group that specifies default group membership and is set in the user’s configuration file. When a user is logged into their primary group they can access files and run programs that are associated with that particular group to which they belong. If a user wants to access files or programs that are not in their primary group, they can switch to the group with which the particular file or program is associated. However, the user must be a member of that group in order to switch to that group. This is an excellent means of controlling security on a Linux system. To change to a different group after logging into the system use the newgrp command. The syntax for this command is as follows: newgrp group name For example: newgrp engineering In a Linux system, only the root account, superuser, has the power to create and manage groups. These tasks are performed using simple commands for creating, renaming, or deleting groups from the system. Most Linux users are assigned to a group during the account creation process. The following syntax is used to create a group on a Linux system: groupadd groupname For example: groupadd engineering This command creates the engineering group. After the group has been created, users can then be added to the group. This can be done with the following commands. One way to add a user to a group is to do it when creating the user account. The following syntax is used to expand on the useradd command: useradd -g group username -c "real name" For example: useradd -g executives jdoe -c "John Doe" To add a user to more than one group, the following command is also necessary: gpasswd -M username group The gpasswd command can be used to modify existing groups. Some other options that are available to use with the gpasswd command are shown in Figure . This command can be entered without any options in which case it will allow the group password to be changed. This is the password that can be used by users to become temporary members of a groups should they need access to files or programs associated with that group. The groups command can then be used to display the current groups to which a user belongs. Notice that the root user is a member of all groups by default. Linux system administrators should be sure to consult the man pages for all of these commands to learn more about their other group related functions. 10.3 Files System and Services Management 10.3.1 Creating/sharing directories Just like navigating the Linux file system, creating files and directories in Linux is simply a matter of knowing the proper commands and how to use them. The commands presented here will allow the user to create, copy, move, rename, and delete files, directories, or both. Notice that some of the commands use the same syntax for both files and directories, while others are different. Like all CLI systems, this requires the user to memorize and understand when to use each command. When using any of these commands for the first time, especially the delete commands, it is a good idea to try the commands on test files and test directories. Notice that users can only modify files and directories for which they have the necessary system permissions. This prevents users from maliciously or accidentally modifying data, such as deleting important Linux system files. Permissions will be discussed in a later section. 10.3.2 Passwords and permissions The Linux system of permissions is much more difficult than that of Windows 2000. System administrators are given more control with the use of three distinct permission categories of read, write, and execute. An example of some Linux files with detailed explanations of the default file and directory permissions are shown in Figure . In Windows 2000, the read permission controls a user's ability to enter and view a directory. This functionality is split into two separate permissions in Linux. Therefore, the execute permission controls the ability of a user to enter a directory, while the read permission controls its readability. This allows for very detailed control of system permissions. It also makes the need for security even more important as inexperienced users may not be aware of any security holes they have unintentionally created. The chown Command File and directory permissions in Linux are controlled through the use of the two very important chown and chmod commands. The chown command is performed by all users to specify the user and group ownership of a file or directory and follows the format: chown filename For example: chown jdoe.executives report_01 In this example, the user jdoe and the group executives are now the owners of the file named report_01. The chmod Command File and directory ownership is an important concept in Linux because permissions are declared for both users and groups based on this ownership. For example, if the file report_01 allows full user access and denies all group access, then jdoe will be able to access the file, but members of the executives group will be locked out. These permissions are declared through the use of the chmod command: chmod mode filename For example: chmod 700 report_01 This sample command has now granted the user all permissions of read, write, and execute, while giving its group and all other users no permissions. This is specified in the mode of the command, which in this case is 700. Each digit of the number represents the three different types of users on the system. Starting from the left, the first digit represents the user or owner, the middle digit represents the group, and the right most digit represents all other users on the system (user-group-other). The three permission types of read, write, and execute are given numerical values as shown below: • • • Read = 4 Write = 2 Execute = 1 To give particular user specific permissions, the appropriate numbers are added together and then listed in the proper order. For example, to give the owner read and execute permissions, the group execute permission, and all other users write permission, the appropriate number would be 512. And of course, to give no permissions, a zero is listed for that user category. Assigning permissions in Linux is somewhat more tedious than the menu driven Windows 2000 interface. However, the flexibility of Linux does provide greater control to the experienced system administrator. 10.3.3 Mounting and managing files systems The two commands that Linux uses to mount and unmount file systems and partitions are mount and umount. The syntax for the mount command is as follows: mount[-alrsvw] [-t fstype] [-o options] A list of the common parameters that can be used along with the mount command follow. Keep in mind that this is not a complete list of all the parameters that can be used with the mount command. To find a comprehensive list, it is recommended to consult the mount man page. Some of the options that can be used along with the mount command are shown in Figure . The -o option takes a comma-separated list of the options, which are shown in Figure . An administrator more often than not will just use the default argument with the mount command. The syntax would look like the following: mount/dev/hda4/mnt/ITEss2 This command would mount the contents of /dev/hda4 to the /mnt/ITEss2 directory, auto-detecting the filesystem type and using default options. Using umount Command Using the umount command is simpler than using the mount command. The syntax for using the umount command is as follows: umount[-anrv] [-t fstype] [device | mountpoint] The parameters that are used with the umount command are very similar to the ones used with the mount command. Some of the major differences are shown in Figure . The same rules for mount apply to umount with regards to who is allowed to execute these commands. Only the root user can use the umount command. This is unless a specific user or owner listed in the /etc/fstab/ file has permission to use the umount command to unmount a partition, filesystem, or device. Using the df Command The df command is a useful command used to help manage filesystems on Linux machines. An example of the output of the df command is shown in Figure . The df command will display information about a hard drive or partition that includes total, used, and available hard disk space. There are many parameters that can be used with this command as well. Some of the important ones are shown in Figure . The df command can be used alone or in combination with these parameters to display information on any file system that is mounted on a Linux system. Information can be displayed on a specific device or partition by adding the device on which the partition resides or any file or directory on the file system, which will limit the output to one specific partition. Using the du Command The df command is a very useful command that can be used to display information about file systems and partitions that are mounted on a Linux system. However, sometimes it is necessary to find information about individual directories and files that are located on one of these partitions. For example, if space needs to be freed up on a hard drive, use the du command to display information about a specific user’s home directory to make a decision on which files to either move or delete to make room. An example of the output of the du command is shown in Figure . Using the du command could give information on the entire partition or drive but not on a specific directory. As with the df command, there are several parameters that can be used along with the du command. Some of them are shown in Figure . This is not a complete list of all the parameters that can be used with the du command. To find a comprehensive list, it is recommended to consult the mount man page. The du command can be used alone or in conjunction with these parameters to display information on any file or directory that is mounted on a Linux system. 10.3.4 File system configuration files There are two types of configuration files for the Linux file system. They are User and System configuration files. The user configuration files store information that is specific to an individual user such as desktop icon placements, window manager preferences, and scripts that are set to run automatically. User configuration files are essential components that make up a multiuser system. These files store information for each user so when they login to use the system, all of their settings remains intact. System configuration files control settings for the entire system. These are files that control services that are set to run for each user that logs into the system. Knowing where to locate these files and edit these files will help any administrator solve a variety of problems associated with the Linux operating system. User Configuration Files Because these files control settings for each individual user, the files that store these settings are stored in each user’s home directory. The user configuration files are stored as dot (.) files. Figure provides an example of a sample home directory with the dot (.) files visible. For example, the user settings for the KDE interface are stored in the .kde and .kderc files. These dot files are hidden and are ignored by most Linux tools. If the ls command is used to list the contents of a user’s home directory, these files will not be listed. They can be listed by adding the –A parameter to the ls command. The Linux OS makes these files hidden so that they are not distractive and appear to run in the background. Some important user configuration files are shown in Figure . These are only a few of the user configuration files that are stored in a Linux system. While looking through the home directory more will be noticed and as programs are installed and run, even more may show up. There are many configuration files that are associated with programs that store information specific to an individual user as well. System Configuration Files The system configuration files control aspects of the operating system that are related to the entire system as opposed to any specific user. These files are usually found in their corresponding subdirectory located in the /etc directory. For example, the configuration files for Samba can be found in the /etc/Samba directory. There are a few different categories of system configuration files. Some run as the system is starting up, others control the system after it has started, and others control specific servers on a Linux system. Startup Configuration Files The main program that is used to run the startup configuration files is the init program. This program uses the /etc/inittab configuration file to store the settings of how the system should startup. Red Hat Linux uses the /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit initialization script, which is specified in the /etc/inittab configuration file to run a series of startup scripts that indicate how the system is supposed to boot. Specifically, these scripts are run according to the system runlevel. Runlevels will be covered later in this chapter. At this point just understand that the system is always started at a particular runlevel, either 0-6. If the system is configured to start at runlevel 5, then all the scripts that are configured to run in the /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit initialization script start when the system starts in runlevel 5. All of the servers and system utilities that are configured to run at a particular runlevel are stored in files according to the particular runlevel at which they start. In Red Hat Linux, the name of this file is /etc/rc.d/rc#.d, where # is the runlevel number. The scripts that are stored in these files are configured to either start or kill a particular server or system utility when the system is started at that particular runlevel. The result of these startup configuration files is that an administrator can configure a system to control what servers and system utilities are started at any given runlevel automatically as the system is started up. System Function Configuration Files System function configuration files control system functions after the system has been booted up. Unlike the startup configuration files, these files are not scripts. They are files that are used by other programs. Some of the more important system function configuration files are shown in Figure . These are just a few of the many configuration files that control system functions once the system has been booted up. There are many more but most of which will never need to be configured. Depending on the particular distribution of Linux that is being used, the exact locations or names of these files might be slightly different. However, they all usually will perform the same functions. Configuration Files for Specific Servers The server files are located in the /etc directory as well. These files control programs that run in the background, most often unnoticeable to the user. These files are usually configured to start the server or to change its behavior in some way if the server has been already started. Some of the more important servers an administrator will use are shown in Figure . Again, there are many other servers that are placed in the /etc or a subdirectory of /etc. However, these servers are the most popular ones that will be configured on a Linux system. It is possible as well for server configuration files to be located in other directories. It is usually easy to match a particular server with the name found in the directory. As can be seen, like with the httpd.conf file for example, it makes sense that this would have something to do with the web server. Editing Configuration Files Understanding the difference between user and system configuration files and where these files are located is only the first step in being able to properly administer a Linux system. A Linux system administrator will have to be able to properly edit these files in order for them to properly configure a Linux system. There is not a way to explain to someone how to edit any of these files. This is because depending on the system itself, the user, and many other factors, how these files are edited can be completely different from one system to the next. A better approach to take to is to explain the format of these files and how all the lines in the following configuration files will change what the system will do. By taking this approach, any system administrator can configure these files to their own needs. Keep in mind that these files can be edited using any text editor like vi and more information can be found on these commands by looking at their man pages. The /etc/inittab File The /etc/inittab file was described in the previous section. Recall that the /etc/inittab file is responsible for controlling init processes, which runs the startup scripts on a Linux system. There are two types of lines that will be found in the /etc/inittab files: comment lines and control lines. Comment lines are typical types of lines that will be found in all scripts in any operating system. These are the lines that are commented out using a pound sign (#). These lines are ignored and not processed. Control lines are the lines that are read by the program. Control lines in the /etc/inittab file are displayed in the following format shown in Figures and . id:runlevel:action:process Look at Figure to see that the id part of the file is displayed in the n format, where n is the runlevel (0-6). This represents the action to be taken when switching to a new runlevel. Refer back to Figure , to see that runlevel can be displayed using a single runlevel or multiple runlevel and can be used here like 2345 for runlevels 2-5. There are various reasons why an administrator would need to edit the /etc/inittab. One of the more common reasons is to change the systems default runlevel. Runlevels will be covered in more detail in section 10.3.6. The /etc/fstab File As learned in the previous section, the /etc/fstab file provides access to disk partitions and removable media devices. Linux supports a unified directory structure which means that every directory in located somewhere in relation to the root of the tree which is /. Any device or partition that is mounted on a Linux system is located in this directory structure as well. For example, files on a cdrom that is mounted can be found in the /mnt/cdrom directory. Directories that are located off of this root (/) can be other partitions, disks, or directories. A Linux system will treat them all the same. The /etc directory should be on the same directory as root but other directories like users home directories can be stored on another partition or disk that root is not on. The /etc/fstab handles this by allowing a Linux system to know where these files are located so that they can be accessible to the operating system. The structure of the /etc/fstab is as shown in Figure . Look at this file and notice that there are six columns that are separated by spaces. See the commented line on the top, which indicates what each of these columns represents. Again, any line that begins with a pound sign (#) will be commented out and ignored. The meanings of each of these columns are shown in Figure . 10.3.5 Managing runlevels Runlevels have been mentioned in the previous sections of this chapter. Up to this point all that has been mentioned about the runlevels is that they control what predetermined set of programs will run on the computer when the system starts up. In other words, there are programs that only run in specific runlevels. What runlevel the system is booted up in will determine what programs are loaded on the system. The same rule applies here for runlevels as does with configuration files. As an administrator, it is not enough to simply know what runlevels do. The knowledge of how to effectively manage runlevels on a Linux system is also needed. Proper management of runlevels is one method a system administrator can use to change what services are offered on a system. For example, a Linux system can be set to boot with two different configurations. One configuration could be with all the network servers and the other could be a more limited set of system services in which other tasks such system maintenance needs to be done. Instead of manually having to stop all these services, a different runlevel can be booted and none of the system servers would load. Using the X Window system is another example where the runlevel can be used. Booting to a text mode interface or to a GUI interface can be done automatically by booting up with different runlevels. Changing the Runlevel It was also mentioned in previous sections of this chapter that the init program controls runlevels on a Linux system. The settings that control how the system boots and what runlevel to boot up into is stored in the /etc/inittab file. The init program reads the settings in this file and therefore sets the systems initial runlevel. Once the system has been booted up it is possible to change the runlevel using the init or telinit program. The syntax for these two commands is as follows: telinit runlevel init runlevel Most of the time, for runlevel, just enter the runlevel that it is to be switched to, either 0-6. However, there are also a few codes that can be entered here as well instead of a number. For example entering S or s will switch the runlevel to single user mode and Q or q will read over the /etc/inittab file and implement any changes that have been made to the file. To find out what the current runlevel is, use the runlevel command. This command will display the previous runlevel of the system, as well as the current runlevel. A useful parameter to use with the telinit or init program is –t time. This will delay the switch until the time specified. This parameter can be useful because when switching runlevels many of the systems processes will be killed. Initially, the systems attempts to do this with the SIGTERM command. The SIGTERM command allows a program to manage its own shutdown process thereby doing it in a safe manner. However, if the process does not get shut down, the system will use the SIGKILL command that will immediately end the process and could cause damage to the system. Using the –t time parameter can delay the process for a period of time to give all the systems processes time to shut themselves down. Switching to runlevel 0 is a special case because it requires shutting down the computer and halting it. Depending on the distribution of Linux that is being used, changing to runlevel 0 will either shut the system down as well as all power to the system or it will shut the system down where it is safe to manually turn the power off. Switching to runlevel 0, to shut down the system, can be done with the telinit or init command. However, it is recommended to use the shutdown command instead because of the many options it gives. The syntax for the shutdown command is: shutdown [-t sec] [-arkhcfF] time [warning-message] These parameters for the shutdown command are explained as shown in Figure . Changing the Default Runlevel To change the default runlevel on a Linux system permanently is a very simple process. It just involves editing the /etc/inittab file. Specifically, the id:3:initdefault: line. This line indicates a system that is set to runlevel three (3) by default. To change this, just change the 3 to the desired runlevel the system is to startup in. After making this change, use the init q command to scan the /etc/inittab file and implement the change. 10.3.6 Documenting a Linux system configuration A very important step to remember for any administrator, when changing any type of configuration settings on a Linux system, is to document the changes that have been made. Documentation is an extremely important step, especially when administering a Linux system. As learned throughout the previous steps, most of all Linux configurations take place by editing the various configuration files. It can be impossible to keep track of all the changes that have been made to systems without keeping good documentation. Without proper documentation changes that have been made can be forgotten, which can lead to problems in the future. Proper documentation will save valuable time in troubleshooting the system later on. For example, if configuration changes were made to a startup script to launch a server upon startup, then later a server is upgraded or replaced without updating the configuration of the startup script, serious errors could result causing the system not be able to startup. Proper documentation of the system would have saved a lot of time and trouble. The configuration changes that were made could have been seen and then changed accordingly. System Maintenance Log Many administrators keep an administrators log in which they keep track of any configuration changes that they make to their systems. It is generally a good rule to keep an administrator’s log in a notebook that can be written in and not electronically on a computer. This makes it easy to reference, but also makes it available even if the computer that it is stored on goes down. There are several important things to document in an administrator’s log. A few of these items are listed as follows, but this may be different depending on the network and system configuration. • • • • • • Initial configuration Package installations Configuration file edits Filesystem changes Kernel recompilations Hardware changes Initial Configuration It is important to document how the system was originally configured during the installation process. This can include things like the hardware that was installed in the system. Also, include any hardware configurations that were done, any hard drive information like partitioning schemes, the Linux distribution version number, and also what installation options were installed such as packages. Package Installations It is important to record what software packages were install on the system. This is especially important if the packages installed are tarballs or if the package is one that was manually compiled. There is no database that is kept about these packages so it is important to keep one. Configuration File Edits There have been many files that have been discussed in this chapter that require configuration edits to be made. It is a good idea to keep track of these changes in the logbook. If the change is small, then writing down the exact change that was made is fine. If it was a big change to the configuration file, then it is usually best to write down an overall description of what change was made. Filesystem Changes There are often many changes that must be made to filesystem. These changes could be files or directories that need to be moved or when the filesystem needs to be resized. Kernel Recompilations If and when the Linux kernel ever needs to be recompiled or upgraded, it is always a good idea to make notes about the changes. These changes should include the version number, any features that were added or deleted, as well as the name of the new Kernel. Hardware Changes Whenever any hardware changes are made it is important to make notes on the changes that will be made to the /etc/fstab file for the hard drive and to the X server configurations with the video card. The logbook should be easily accessible but also be stored in a safe place. The documentation of the configuration changes will save an administrator time when doing upgrades and installing any new hardware or software. This practice is invaluable to any good system administrator. Backing Up the /etc Directory Another means for documenting any configuration changes is to back up the entire /etc directory. Using the tar command it is possible to back up the /etc directory to any mounted device. Doing this essentially preserves a copy of the system documentation. This can be used to go back and used as reference to see what configuration changes have been made. The command syntax to do this is shown in Figure . In this example, in place of the xxxx, put whatever device the directory was backed up in. Backing up the entire /etc directory is sometimes a good idea to do right before making any extensive configuration changes. This way, if a mistake is made the old directory can always be restored from the back up. Keep in mind however, that this method is not a substitute for keeping a maintenance log. It is just another means to help when making configuration changes. Keeping a log can lead directly to a configuration change that was made. However, if there were only a backup, all those files would need to be gone through to find the configuration change that was made. 10.4 Daemons 10.4.1 Introduction to Linux daemons It might not be entirely correct to call all of these Network/NOS processes services. Maybe a more generic, operating system independent term might be more correct. This is because if users refer to these functions as services, they are using the term that Microsoft uses to refer to these network processes. If users were using Linux, they would refer to these services as daemons. Novell refers to these services as Netware Loadable Modules (NLMs). Services, daemons, and NLMs all perform essentially the same tasks. They enable the operating system to provide functions like the Internet, file sharing, mail exchange, directory services, remote management, and print services. However, they work a bit differently in Windows as opposed to Linux or Novell. The functions that are called services in Windows and Netware Loadable Modules (NLMs) in Novell are referred to as daemons in Linux. Examples of Linux daemons are FTPD and HTTPD. Daemons are not integrated into the operating system as services are in Windows. Daemons run as a background process. They run continuously without producing any visible output. For example, the FTP daemon (FTPD) will run in the background. As it processes incoming requests, it will send out files as needed, but it will not display anything on the screen. The activities of daemons are recorded on a log file. Many daemons can run on a Linux system at any given time. There are several common Linux daemons: • • • • HTTPD – This daemon is responsible for web browser requests. Inetd – This daemon will wait for an incoming request to be made and then forwards that request to the appropriate daemon. Crond – This daemon will run scripts at a specified time. Syslogd – This daemon will record information about currently running programs to the system log file. Daemons can be loaded or unloaded into memory at any time. They can also be restarted without having to restart the entire system. Figure shows an example of the xinetd.d daemon being started. With Microsoft, the system must be rebooted when an application or service is installed. Both Novell and Linux can load, unload, and restart a daemon or NLM without requiring an administrator to reboot the system. 10.4.2 Starting, stopping, and restarting daemons Before getting into descriptions and examples of specific Linux daemons and how to configure them, it is first necessary to learn how to start or stop these services. When a Linux system is running and even when there is nothing on the screen but a login prompt, there are still several programs and services that are continuously running. Some of these are simple programs that handle things such as text based login prompts. There are other more complex services that are running which make the system available to other, outside systems. In a Linux operating system, many of these services that are started and stopped are referred to as daemons. These daemons need to be started in some way and on certain occasions they even need to be stopped or restarted. Linux provides several different ways to configure a system to start daemons and programs. Using Sys V Scripts to Start and Stop Linux Services and Daemons Sys V scripts can be used to start, stop, or restart Linux daemons. The scripts are located in particular directories, most commonly in the /etc/rc.d/init.d or /etc/init.d directory. To execute these scripts, they need to be followed by options such as start, stop, or restart. The status option can be used on some scripts as well to get feedback on what the current state the daemon is in. For example, the following command will restart the Apache Web server daemon on a Red Hat 7.2 system. # /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart Refer to Figure to see text that refers to the daemon being stopped and then started again. If for some reason this script is executed and if it returns with a Failed message, it indicates that there is something wrong with the configuration. There are some things that are important to know when manually starting or stopping a daemon this way. First, depending on which distribution of Linux is being used, the exact name of the script may be slightly different. For example, in some distributions the Samba server uses the smb script and in others, it uses the samba script to manually start, stop, or restart the Samba daemon. Another instance in which the name of the start up script might not be standardized is when there are scripts that perform complex operations which start several other programs along with the program or daemon that is intended to be started with the script. The Network or Networking script is an example that is included in some distributions that is used to initialize many network functions. Second, the Sys V startup scripts are designed to run on particular distributions of Linux. A Red Hat Sys V startup script will not work on other Linux distributions. Third, it was mentioned before what a Failed message indicates when the script is executed. However, sometimes a script will execute and appear to be working correctly even though it is not operating correctly. If the daemon is not functioning properly check the log file, usually located in the /var/log/messages file. This log file can provide some indication of what errors are being generated. Forth, it is always a good idea to read the specific daemons documentation for the different options that the script recognizes. This is because some scripts support different options than others. For instance, some daemons need to be restarted when a configuration change has been made. To do this, simply run the script with the restart option. Some scripts do not need to be restarted but rather they need to be completely stopped and then started again. Some daemons have commands that just reread the configuration without having to restart it. Permanently Starting or Stopping a Daemon or Service with Sys V scripts To be able to effectively start or stop a service or daemon running on a Linux system, a good understanding is needed of what runlevels are. Understanding how runlevels can be used to control what services, programs, and daemons the system automatically loads when the system starts up is also needed. Refer to section 10.3.5 to review runlevels. It was also mentioned previously in this section that the Sys V startup scripts that are used to temporarily start, stop, and restart daemon are located in the /etc/rc.d/init.d or /etc/init.d directory. There are also several directories within the Linux directory structure that contain symbolic links to these scripts. These symbolic links are associated with the different runlevels. When a Linux system is booted up into a specific runlevel, these symbolic links that are associated with a specific runlevel, reference the Sys V scripts to load services, programs, and daemons permanently. These directories that contain the symbolic links are typically named /etc/rc.d/rcx.d or /etc/rcx.d. The x is the specified runlevel number, which was covered in section 10.3.5. The symbolic links in these directories contain files that execute the Sys V scripts when the system boots up into the corresponding runlevel. These file names are in the form of Kxxdaemon or Sxxdaemon, where xx is a two digit number and daemon is the name of the daemon. When the system enters a specified runlevel the Kxxdaemon and Sxxdaemon scripts are executed and the daemons or services that begin with S get the start command passed to them. The scripts that begin with K get the stop command passed to them. Therefore, daemon and services can easily be started or stopped permanently and automatically when the system boots up by renaming these scripts in the symbolic link directories with either an S or K. The two digit number represents the order in which the daemons or services are started or stopped. The system will execute the scripts with the lower number first. This can be important because some services should be started or stopped before others. For example, the Apache web server daemon should be started after the basic networking services have been started. The xinetd.conf and xinetd.d Files Sys V scripts are ideal for running daemons and services that need to be constantly running all the time. However, running these daemons and services permanently, take up valuable system resources and memory even when they are not being used. The xinetd.d file is what is known as a super-server. The main concept behind super-servers is to listen for requests for any of the daemons and services on the server. Then, load the daemon or service into memory only when a request has been made and it is in use. Until the request is made, the daemon would not be running or consume any memory. One problem with the superserver arrangement is that it can take a little more time to access the server. This is because the daemon or service needs to be loaded into memory first. The two types of super-servers that are used in Linux are inetd.d and xinetd.d. This course covers only xinetd.d because this is the super-server that is used in Red Hat 7.2. Red Hat did use inetd.d before switching to xinetd.d. The xinetd.d super-sever provides additional security features that are similar to TCP wrappers. Recall that TCP wrappers were covered in previous chapters. The xinetd.conf file, which is shown in Figure , is the configuration file that controls xinetd.d. The xinetd.conf file contains configurations and directives to files that are stored in /etc/xinetd.d. Each daemon and service that has been configured to run will install a file in /etc/xinetd.d with its own configuration options. The following sections describe how to configure individual servers for run using xinetd.d. Using Custom Startup Scripts There is yet another way to automatically start a daemon or service when the system boots up. By placing the proper text in the /etc/rc.d/rc.local script, it is possible to start any daemon or process. This script runs after the Sys V startup scripts run and loads what is specified in this script. This method may be practical to use when performance is an issue or when the daemon or server cannot be run in a Sys V startup script. For example, to start the Apache web server in the /etc/rc.d/rc.local script, which is shown in Figure , place the following line in the file: /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start It is important to understand that starting and running a daemon or service this way does not provide any means for stopping the service as can be done by using the stop command. The only way to stop a daemon that has been started by placing an entry in the /etc/rc.d/rc.local script is to use the kill or killall command after locating process ID (PID) number using the ps command. 10.4.3 HTTP The Linux NOS is not capable of providing the HTTP daemon to users. Instead, a separate and extremely popular web-hosting program named Apache is the common solution. Apache provides the same HTTP daemons for Linux that the Internet Information Services (IIS) tool does for Windows 2000. The difference between the two implementations is that the CLI text based configuration of Apache differs from the menu driven options found in Windows 2000. In addition, Apache tends to be much more complex, providing a deeper level of customization and power to system administrators. A typical Apache web server setup is shown in Figure . Notice how the graphic demonstrates how any user running any operating system can access the web server. They do not have to be running a Linux system to access the Apache web server daemon because the Apache web server is accessed by the HTTP protocol, which is operating system independent. The added complexity of Apache often requires a solid understanding of web hosting and security issues before system administrators attempt to configure its HTTP service for Linux. The configuration process takes place by editing four setup files httpd.conf, srm.conf, access.conf, and mimes.types. These are found in the /conf directory of the Apache installation. These files contain all the initialization settings for Apache, such as the types of data to serve and web directory structures. Only experienced system administrators should attempt to edit these files on a web server, as an improper configuration could create security holes in the system. Apache, like Linux, is available for download at no cost to users. Apache is available at Different versions of the program are configured, packaged, and shipped with most of the popular choices of Linux, such as Red Hat Linux. In such cases, Linux automatically starts Apache and the HTTP service (HTTPD) in addition to other daemons such as FTP (FTPD) every time the system boots. Users of an HTTP enabled Linux system are typically given a special directory within their home directory for placing public web files. This directory is often named "public_html" and automatically becomes the user's root web directory. An example of this page is shown in Figure . For example, if a user named jdoe exists on a Linux system with an IP address of, the user would also have a default web address: Directories or files placed in the public_html directory and given the proper permissions, the "other" category must have read and/or execute permissions, are also visible via the Internet. For example, a subdirectory named "images" and a file within it named "mom.jpg" would be visible at the following web address: mom.jpg 10.4.4 FTP While the Windows 2000 FTP service may or may not be available by default, the Linux FTP service (FTPD) needs no configuring. This setting is found in the /etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd with the line shown in Figure . If a system administrator wishes to disable the service, a pound sign (#) can be placed at the start of the line. Otherwise, Linux automatically starts the FTP daemon (FTPD) during the boot process, and users are able to remotely FTP to the machine at any time. When logging on to a Linux machine using FTP, users are often immediately taken to their home directory. In other cases, system administrators can create a special directory to serve as a system entry point for all users. This virtual root directory appears to the FTP users as the top of the system directory structure and does not allow higher access within the system. Implementing this method provides a system administrator greater control over data and provides tighter system security. It also provides a central location to create public directories where data can be freely shared among FTP users. Remember that the same file and directory ownership and permissions apply in the FTP environment as they do in any other Linux environment. For example, users wishing to get a remote file located in a specific directory must either have user, group, or other permissions for that directory. Otherwise, access to the directory will be denied much like it would be at a standard Linux command prompt. 10.4.5 Telnet Telnet allows a remote user to log in to a system for the purposes of issuing commands and accessing files using a Command-Line Interface (CLI). Telnet was developed so that end users could access powerful mainframes from dumb terminals. Today, administrators use Telnet to remotely manage network servers, printers, and other devices. Figure illustrates a remote user that is using Telnet to manage remote devices. The convenience of remotely managing a system does not come without a price. By configuring a NOS to accept Telnet connections, administrators create a potential security problem. Telnet must be configured so that only authorized users are able to access the server. Setting a password is often not enough. When a daemon is configured, such as Telnet, the server is forced to listen for requests. Upon discovering that a server is listening for Telnet requests, a hacker can try to use brute force to break into a system. A brute force attack may involve using a program that guesses the password, using a dictionary as the source of its guesses. Even if a hacker cannot break into the system using brute force, a listening server may still be vulnerable to Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. A DoS attack typically involves flooding a server with fake requests, preventing the server from replying to legitimate sources. The Telnet protocol itself is not especially secure. For example, Telnet sends usernames and passwords in clear text, which can be read by other hosts on the network. A more secure alternative to Telnet is Secure Shell (SSH). Many organizations deploy SSH in place of Telnet daemons because SSH encrypts passwords and provides other security features. Most UNIX systems run Telnet daemons by default. However, because of the security issues noted above, the administrator must manually enable Telnet on Red Hat Linux 7. Configuring Telnet daemons on Red Hat Linux and Windows 2000 is discussed in the following sections. There is a standard CLI command to open a Telnet connection to a remote computer: telnet hostname | IP_address For example: telnet or: telnet 10.4.6 Server Message Block (SMB) protocol The Server Message Blocks (SMB) protocol is designed to be a file sharing protocol. It has since been renamed to Common Internet Filesystems (CIFS) but is still used for file and printer sharing. This protocol is used to allow non-Linux or UNIX systems to mount Linux filesystems and printers over the network. The SMB protocol allows a Windows client to do this the same way as if they were connecting to another Windows system. This provides an easy way for client systems running windows to access a Linux file or print server. Linux includes a tool to do this called Samba that provides the Linux system the ability to interact with the Windows systems that use SMB/CIFS. Samba comes with all major Linux distributions. Samba uses two client programs called smbclient and smbmount. The smbclient is a program that allows a non-Linux or UNIX client to access shares on a Linux system using a text mode login and interface. Where server is the name of the Linux samba server to be accessed and share is the drive or directory to be accessed, type smbclient //server/share. The smbclient uses the login name as the username but a password will still need to be supplied in order to access the share. Once authenticated, use commands to transfer files and obtain file and directory listings the same way as if connected using FTP with the dir, get, and put commands. The smbclient program is very useful when restricted to a text mode interface. However, SMB/CIFS was intended for direct access for file sharing and using the smbmount utility. This will actually mount the share in Linux. The syntax is similar to the smbclient command. For this, the location of the Linux mount point needs to be added to the command. Type smbmount//server/share/mnt/xxx, where xxx is the location of the Linux share. Using the smbmount utility has many advantages in that it mounts the share directly on the system so the user can have access to it as if it were a local drive. The user can open a document, edit it, and then save it on the server. Another way to access SMB/CIFS share is to use the mount command to mount the smb share. The smbfs filesystem type will need to be specified with the mount command. The syntax for the command is as follows: # mount –t smbfs// server/share/mnt/xxx The Samba server is configured with the smb.conf file that is located in /etc/samba. The default Samba configuration will work. However, there are a couple items that might need some further configuration before Samba will work completely. First, if the client system is part of a workgroup or domain, this workgroup or domain name must be listed in the smb.conf file with the workgroup parameter. Second, some newer version of Windows use encrypted passwords but Samba’s default to it use unencrypted passwords. If a version of Windows is being used that uses encrypted passwords, then set the encrypt passwords parameter to yes in the smb.conf file. Then, to add a password for the user, use the smbpasswd command. The syntax for this command is as follows: # smbpasswd –a jsmith This will set an encrypted password for jsmith. Then, finally define what the shares will be on the Linux system. The default configuration allows users to access their home directories. More information can be found at and there are entire books that just deal with the Samba server itself. 10.4.7 NFS Similar to the SMB/CIFS protocol, NFS is used as a means to share files between multiple computer systems connected on a network. However the main difference with NFS is that is designed to work on UNIX systems. Since Linux systems architecture closely resembles that of UNIX systems, NFS can be used to exchange files between Linux systems connected over a network and is actually the preferred method of sharing files between Linux systems. NFS is the preferred method of sharing files between Linux and UNIX systems. This is because client systems are able to access NFS shares on a NFS file server with regular Linux file access utilities. For example, to access a NFS share from a client workstation the user only needs to mount the location of the share using the mount command. This command has been covered throughout this chapter as well as in the previous SMB section. Using this command, Linux client systems can access NFS shares on the file server and use the share as if it where stored locally on their system. The syntax used from the client workstation to mount the NFS share is as follows: # mount /mnt/xxx To unmount the drive a user would type: # umount /mnt/xxx There are some steps that the administrator must do prior to the user being able to mount the NFS share this easily. The shares need to be mounted on the file server and made available first. This is done using the mount command as well but the syntax is slightly different. The syntax for this command is as follows: # mount server:/home/jsmith/mnt/xxx In this command, replace server with the hostname of the server. The xxx is the location of the share in the file server. Keep in mind that regular users will not be able to use the mount command by default. Recall that by editing the /etc/fstab file it is possible to enable a command normally only available for the root account to be used by regular user accounts. Specifically, the following line would need to be added to this file: server:/home/jsmith/mnt/xxx nfs user,noauto,exec 0 0 By adding this file, any user could mount and unmount the NFS share by using the commands mentioned previously. Other options for adding this line to the /etc/fstab file is to leave out the user, noauto section. This would automatically mount the share every time the system boots up. There is no password that will have to be used to access the share. The server relies on the client-side security to control access to the share. 10.4.8 Mail client When setting up e-mail on the Linux system, the administrator will have a wide variety of choices. The type of e-mail selected will depend on whether a dialup modem is used to access the ISP or if there is a permanent connection to the Internet using a LAN connection. The way users send and receive e-mail will determine what configuration is chosen to set up e-mail on a Linux system. To set up the e-mail daemon on Linux, the administrator will need to set up a mail user agent, also known as the mailer, the mail transfer agent (MTA), and the transport protocol. The mailer provides the user with an interface for reading and composing messages. The mailer uses the MTA to transfer the mail from the sender to the recipient and back. The MTA uses a transfer protocol to make the transfer. When setting up mail on a Linux system, the administrator will first need to select which type of MTA to use. The two major MTAs are SMTP and Sendmail. Once the MTA is configured and the protocol is determined, a mailer must be configured. An example would be IMAP or POP3. There are several popular mailers to choose from, such as Elm, Pine, or Netscape Messenger. 10.4.9 Printing in a Linux environment Setting up printers in a Linux environment can be a very complicated task because it requires knowledge about editing and configuring specific print files. It is not a step-by-step process like with a Windows 2000 system. The set up can be very complicated since it is necessary to know what commands and text to enter in the appropriate file. The process works in a similar fashion to Windows 2000 but is not as straight forward. A printer can be set up locally, or a print server may be set up that handles all the printing requests and forwards those requests to the appropriate printer. Components of Linux Printing As with other operating systems configured as print servers, the main component of Linux printing is the print queue. The print queue is what resides on a Linux print server that handles all of the incoming print jobs directed to network printers. Print queues can be set up in a variety of different ways on the print server. Usually, there will be one print queue for every printer that the print server is serving. However, it is possible to configure multiple print queues for one printer. This is helpful when there may be one queue that prints one sided sheets and another queue that prints two sided sheets. The Linux utility that is used to print is called lpr. This command can be entered manually at the command line to specify a print job be sent to the print queue or other programs may call this command that allows them to print files. The Line Printer Daemon (lpd) program is what manages print queues on a Linux print server. When lpr or remote computers send a print request to a queue, the lpd program accepts the print job, and directs it towards the correct printer. The lpd program also monitors print queues and also directs print jobs from print queues to multiple printers. To accomplish this, the lpd program uses the /etc/printcap configuration file, which will be discussed in the next section. Another important aspect to know about printing with a Linux system is that it can be difficult to work with sometimes because it is essentially unidirectional. This means that the print jobs originate in an application and blindly sends the information to the printer without ever knowing what kind of printer it is sending the print job too. Linux sends its print jobs using PostScript printer language, however not all printers are capable of handling PostScript printer language. The /etc/printcap Configuration File When setting up the Linux print server, which will most often be the case in a working environment, the administrator will need to know about the LPRng print spooling system. The LPRng software provides the server with the ability to handle multiple printers and queues as well as provides the security that will be needed in a large network. When a print job is sent to the server, the line printer daemon (lpd) will process the request. The other main component of the LPRng software is the /etc/printcap file. An example of this configuration file is shown in Figure . This is the file that is edited to define printers on the network. By using the /etc/printcap file entries, Linux will know which printers are online and available for printing. The recommended procedure for editing the printcap file is to use the printtool command, a print system manager. The command printtool will be covered later. These steps are the most complicated tasks when it comes to administering a print server. Editing these files correctly will allow the administrator to specify things like permissions and security on a printer. As a system administrator, it is going to be important to know how to edit the /etc/printcap file. This is because this is the file that is at the core of the LPRng printing software. This file can be used to configure multiple printers in the file, however different printer names must be used. The components of the /etc/printcap file are shown in Figure . After making any changes to this file, the printer daemon will need to be restarted. Keep in mind that it is a lot easier and more common to configure a printer with the printtool GUI interface utility. However, it is important for any administrator to understand what all these components of the /etc/printcap file do. This is because it allows an administrator to make any changes they might need to do that are available using the GUI tool. Also, because not all Linux distributions use a GUI interface, it will be necessary to be able to recognize the features of the /etc/printcap file. The printtool GUI Utility Red Hat comes with a GUI tool that can be used to setup printers called printtool, which is shown in Figure . To use the tool, type printtool at a shell prompt. This will launch the GUI printer configuration tool. This is a more straightforward means of configuring a printer and print queue on a print server. This tool aids in configuring a client workstation to connect to a printer either locally or to a print server over the network. This tool provides step-by-step menus to select and enter the features specific to the printer that is being installed. To set up a printer on a print server to be used by multiple users, first add the printer locally to the computer that is going to be the print server. The process to do this is in the accompanying lab. Once a printer has been added to the print server, Microsoft, Novell, and UNIX systems can print to the printer by configuring the Linux print server to allow these systems to do so. Linux users will be able to print automatically just by giving them permission. This is done by editing the /etc/lpd.perms file. The Ghostscript Translator Printing administration in a Linux system is very different from that of other operating systems that might be more commercially well known or that familiar. In other operating systems such as Windows or Macintosh, the printer interfaces with the operating system use a printer driver. In other words, the printer driver allows for the application on the OS to communicate with the print queue. In Linux, the printer driver works in a slightly different manner. The printer driver in a Linux or UNIX system is part of Ghostscript. Ghostscript is part of the Linux print queue. However, keep in mind that some applications and printers will not need to use Ghostscript. Ghostscript is a translator that allows Linux and UNIX systems, which use the PostScript printing language, to print to non-PostScript printers. Just about every printer that is available today uses PostScript as the main printing language. Therefore, the Ghostscript translator will not need to be used because the printer will be able to interpret the output from the Linux system. However, some printers do not support PostScript printing language. Therefore, without Ghostscript, Linux and UNIX systems would be unable to print to PostScript printers. The reason that Linux and UNIX systems need to use Ghostscript is because they do not have drivers that work the same way the Windows style drivers do with print queues. Programs written for Windows were developed to interface with the printer driver. However, Linux programs generate PostScript and send this output to the Linux print queue. If the printer is a non-PostScript printer, then the information will not print. This is combined with the fact that laser printers have become very popular and became the printer of choice for UNIX and Linux systems. Therefore, programs written for Linux and UNIX systems use PostScript language by default. The problem with UNIX and Linux programs that only generate PostScript is that it is not commonly used in low and mid range priced printers. This is not much of a problem for UNIX systems, which will almost always use an expensive laser printer that is compatible with Postscript language. However, Linux systems are often used with smaller, less expensive printers that do not support PostScript printing language. So in order to allow programs on a Linux system that generate PostScript output to print, a translator is needed, like Ghostscript. As mentioned before, Ghostscript resides in the Linux print queue and can interpret PostScript language for non-PostScript printers. 10.4.10 Scripts The Linux operating system can also accommodate many different scripting languages. The most common and basic of these is its built-in shell scripting abilities. A sample script is shown in Figure . Keep in mind that this is a very simple and short script. Often scripts can be very long and complex and will contain numerous lines of code that executes various automated tasks. A shell script is a text file that contains any number of Linux commands listed successively. Like the scripting languages of Windows 2000, Linux executes a shell script in a top down fashion. Each command is executed in turn exactly as if it had been typed at the command prompt. Shell scripts can also contain programming logic such as looping and conditional statements. All of these could be entered manually at the command prompt. By creating a script file, users and system administrators can combine a series of commands and parameters into a single, simplified script command. The best way to understand this process is to again create a simple hello world script in Linux. Using any text editor, such as vi, the following line of code can be entered and saved. echo Hello world Unlike Windows 2000, Linux shell scripts are not required to follow any particular naming conventions. Therefore, the user can assign any standard Linux filename to the script such as hello, helloworld, or The file must then be assigned the appropriate execute permissions for the user. It can then be run at the command prompt by entering the relative directory path and the filename: ./hello This prints the previously coded message to the screen as expected. This basic functionality behind shell scripts is attractive to both inexperienced users and system administrators. Because Linux is primarily a command driven NOS, users can easily create script files by listing multiple commands in such a text file and viewing the scripted output. Once these basic concepts are familiar, additional programming logic and syntax can be learned with ease. CHAPTER 11 11.1 Backups 11.1.1 Overview of backup methods One of the most important duties of a system administrator is to protect the information that is stored on network servers. This data could be damaged in many different ways, including human error, hardware failure, software problems, or even natural disasters. Often, the users of a network will accidentally delete important data that is stored on a server. It is the job of a system administrator to attempt to restore these lost files. Such recovery is made possible through a regular procedure known as system backup. The backup process involves copying data from one computer to some other reliable storage medium for safekeeping. Once the data has been archived by such a device, the system administrator can then restore data to the system from any previously recorded backup. These alternate storage devices do not need to be extremely fast or easily accessible. There are other considerations that are more relevant: • • • • Cost Size Manageability Reliability Cost Backups are performed quite often and require cost-effective storage. Fortunately, with the rapid advances in modern technology, storage devices are simultaneously becoming both faster and cheaper. Size Servers typically can store extremely large amounts of data. As a result, it is important to select a backup medium that provides comparable storage capacity. Manageability Despite their importance, system administrators cannot afford to spend multiple hours each day on system backups. Each device must be efficient and easily managed to help accommodate the process. Reliability System backup is only beneficial if the data can be successfully restored at some point in the future. If a storage medium easily wears out or becomes unreadable, the effort taken to backup the system is wasted. Commonly used backup devices include tape drives, removable disk drives, recordable compact disc (CD-R) drives, and other hard drives. Figure illustrates the most common backup devices that are available. These devices vary, and system administrators should select the appropriate tools to meet their particular needs. Large system backups can be very time consuming and are usually only performed for critical computers, such as network servers. To avoid tying up limited server resources, backups are usually run during off-peak network hours, which are usually in the middle of the night. They are most effective when performed at regular intervals and are commonly scheduled as often as once a day. Without a regular schedule of system backups, the potential risk of losing data is much greater. Types of Backups The most common type of backup procedure consists of the administrator placing a backup tape in a tape drive and copying the data to a tape backup. For example, the administrator can specify which data is backed up and at what points that data gets backed up. The backups use a type of backup "marker", which serves as an archive attribute that marks a file when it has changed since the last time the file was backed up. The backup method chosen can use this attribute to determine whether or not to back up the file. When the file is backed up, the attribute is cleared. There are four types of backup procedures that define how the backup will take place: • • • • Full Partial Incremental Differential Full A full backup, also known as a normal backup, will backup everything on the hard drive at the scheduled point in the day. It will do this every day. A full backup does not use the previously mentioned "markers" or archive attributes to determine which files to back up. When a full backup is performed, every file marker is cleared and marked as being backed up. Normal backups speed up the restore process, because the backup files are the most current. Partial A partial backup backs up selected files. Partial backup types include copy and daily backup. A copy backup will back up any files and folders that an administrator selects to be backed up. This type of partial backup is useful for backups that can be done without clearing the markers. A copy backup does not find and clear markers when the backup is performed. A daily backup is a useful partial backup method that an administrator can do to select all the files and folders that have changed during the day. Incremental In an incremental backup, only the files that have changed since the last backup will be selected for back up. The files are selected based on whether they have changed recently or not, instead of an arbitrary selection based on directory or file names. Differential A differential backup will back up files created or changed since the last normal or incremental backup. It does not mark files as having been backed up. A differential backup will not clear the markers. All files, even those that have not changed since the last backup, will be backed up. 11.1.2 Installing backup software The following sections discuss how to perform backups within Windows 2000 and Linux. Installing backups Windows 2000 comes with its own backup software produced by Veritas. Veritas has a new release with a Windows 2000 product that is much more powerful, useful, versatile, and offers more backup features than its predecessor, Windows NT. For more information on Veritas and what the product has to offer in Windows 2000 visit the Veritas Software website at Some network operating systems provide a rudimentary backup system, which does not provide a lot of advanced features. These lack of features often requires the purchase of a third-party backup software package. The backup software should be certified with the operating system being used. For example, when using Windows 2000 Server as the operating system, the backup software should be checked to see if it is Windows 2000 certified. This will insure the registry being properly backed up. When installing the third party backup software, the user should follow the backup software vendor’s installation instructions. Backups Within Windows 2000 With the release of Windows 2000, the backup utility that existed with Windows NT was greatly enhanced. This Windows 2000 tool has replaced RDISK, and it is now used to back up the Registry. It is no longer confined to only tapes as output media, and it offers a number of other possibilities as well. Figure shows the backup utility in Windows 2000. To perform a backup in Windows 2000, follow the steps outlined below: 1. Click Start > Programs > Accessories > System Tools, and then Backup. 2. Choose the Backup tab and select the files/directories to be backed up. 3. Specify a backup media (destination) for the backup, and then click Start Backup. Backups with Linux The Linux OS includes two utilities that can perform backups. They are tar and cpio. The tar utility, which is a tape archiever, combines multiple files into a single file that can be copied to the media. The syntax for tar is as follows: tar {options}{target_.le}{source_.les} Both the target file and source files can be paths (such as /dev/tape). The options include: • • • • • • • • • • c – To create a new file d – To compare contents and display the differences between the target and source f – To specify a file p – To keep the permissions r – To append to an existing file t – To show the names of the files in the tar file u – To add only files that are new v – To run in verbose mode x – To extract files z – To compress files Examples of common commands include: tar cvf /dev/tape {.les} The command above is to create a new tar file on the tape in verbose mode. tar xf feb.tar The command above is to extract/restore the files from the FEB.TAR backup file. The cpio utility is used to copy in/out. It can perform three basic actions, one of which must be specified: • • • -i – To extract from an archive -o – To make a new archive -p – To print/pass (through the files) Use following options with the cpio utility: • • • • • d – To create directories, if necessary f – To specify a file t – To show the contents u – To overwrite existing files v – To run in Verbose mode Examples of common commands include: • • cpio -iv </dev/tape – This reads files from a tape and displays them as it is operating (verbose mode). .nd /-name kad*| cpio -pdv /home/kad – This finds all files on the system starting with "kad" and copies them beneath the /home/kad directory. This creates all the needed sub-directories in the process. 11.1.3 Back hardware To perform a backup, which is the copying of the data and software on a network server, some backup hardware must be available on the network server. The most common backup hardware device in use is some form of magnetic tape drive. Other backup hardware devices can be used for backup operations, but these are much less common than tape drives. A backup hardware device is a required part of any network server installation. Backup hardware devices can be expensive to purchase. However, it can be much more expensive if there is no backup hardware device on a network server making a backup copy of the data and software on the network server. Tape Drives Tape drives are most commonly used as the device for backup of the data on a network server disk drive. Tape devices are known for their long-lasting performance, which is partly due to the tape drive mechanics that some systems include. There are a variety of tape devices that use different tape formats for storing data. Many tape drives can also compress the data before it is stored on the tape. In most cases the compression ratio is 2:1 which has the effect of doubling the storage capacity of the tape. Quarter Inch Cartridge In 1972 3M created the Quarter Inch Cartridge (QIC, pronounced “quick”), which is a tape standard. As the name implies, the tape used in QIC is one-quarter inch wide. There have been many versions of the QIC tape drives over the years. Figure summarizes QIC standards. Early QIC tape drives actually attached to the floppy disk controller in the computer. Later versions could be attached to the parallel port on the computer. Still later versions used the IDE hard disk drive interface. The QIC standard has limited storage capacity and is used only in entry-level network servers. Travan Cartridge Tape The Imation company, which is a 3M spin-off, introduced the Travan cartridge tape standard in 1994. While Travan is based on QIC technology, these drives have a higher storage capacity than the older QIC tape drives due to hardware compression schemes. These drives are either read or write compatible with some QIC tape cartridges, or it is read compatible with QIC cartridges. Travan tape drives have the capacity to back up low-end network servers, but they are relatively slow. Backup speed is about 1MBps. Figure summarizes the Travan tape standards. 8mm Tape Exabyte Corporation pioneered tape technology that uses the 8mm tape. The technology uses a tape similar to 8mm videotape and the same helical scan system used by a VCR. Figure reviews 8mm tape technologies. Mammoth 8mm tape technologies are an improvement on the original 8mm tape technologies with higher storage capacities and faster transfer speeds. Figure reviews Mammoth 8mm tape technologies. Advanced Intelligent Tape Advanced Intelligent Tape (AIT) technology was originally developed by Sony and introduced in 1996. AIT technology uses 8mm tapes that use the helical scan recording hardware, which is much like a VCR. AIT tapes actually have memory in the tape cartridge, known as Memory-In-Cassette (MIC). This stores the tape log to facilitate locating a file location on a restore operation. Figure summarizes AIT tape standards. For more information about AIT technology, see the AIT Forum web site at Digital Audio Tape The Digital Audio Tape (DAT) tape standard uses 4mm digital audiotapes to store data in the Digital Data Storage (DSS) format. There are currently four different DDS standards. Figure summarizes DAT tape standards. Digital Linear Tape Digital Linear Tape (DLT) technology offers high capacity and relatively high-speed tape backup capabilities. DLT tapes record information on the tape in a linear format, which is unlike 8mm a tape technology that uses helical scan recording techniques. DLT tape drives support high storage capacity. Depending on the media used, it would allow up to 70 GB of compressed data along with a fast transfer speed. However, DLT tape drives are expensive. Figure compares DLT tape formats. Linear Tape-Open Hewlett-Packard, IBM, and Seagate developed the Linear Tape-Open (LTO) technology. LTO comes in two distinct forms. One is designed for high storage capacity (Ultrium), and the other is designed for fast access (Accelis). Figure reviews the LTO tape formats. For more information about LTO tape technology, see the LTO web site at Tape Arrays Several network server vendors offer an array of tape drives with fault-tolerance characteristics. Most of these technologies use four identical tape drives and implement the tape version of RAID, which is called redundant array of independent tapes (RAIT). RAIT can be used for mirroring of tape drives, or implemented as data striping with parity with at least three tape drives. The result is that if a tape is damaged or lost, data recovery can still occur. Tape Autochangers A tape autochanger, which is also known as a tape auto loader, allows the tape drive to load a new tape when the current tape gets full while performing a backup. This relieves the operator from having to remove one tape and insert a new tape. This is very handy, because backups are usually performed in the middle of the night. Most tape autochangers support unloading and loading of ten or fewer tapes. Tape Libraries A tape library is usually an external system that has multiple tape drives, tens or hundreds of tapes, and an automatic mechanism for locating the tapes. It can load the tapes into the tape drives and return the tapes to the proper location. Tape libraries are the high ends of backup systems, and they are expensive. Disk Drives Disk drives can also be used for backup operations. Performing a backup to disk drives is a faster operation than performing a backup to a tape drive. However, unless the “backup disk drives” can be hot swapped, there is no provision for off-site storage of the backup. Having the backup hard disk drive in the same room as the network server does not provide much protection in the event that the network server room is destroyed by fire. Other Backup Devices Some sites use other devices for backup, such as CD-Recordable (CD-R) or CD-ReWritable (CD-RW) compact discs. Although these are acceptable backup devices, the writing of compact discs is a relatively slow operation, and the slowness might not be acceptable in all environments. 11.1.4 Backup strategies There are several backup strategies to prevent data loss resulting in power outages, disk drive failures, virus infections, and others. Implementing careful planning and reliable equipment makes file recovery much less time consuming. Normal, incremental, or differential backup combinations will make up the backup strategy. A backup strategy not only involves developing a plan of when to perform and which type to use. There is also a need to consider how often to test the data and the equipment to verify that it is all working correctly. All the data that has importance to the users should to be backed up. All archived files can then be restored if there is a need. Grandfather-Father-Son backup method There are several accepted backup strategies, and many of them are based on this popular GrandfatherFather-Son (also known as Child-Parent-Grandparent) method. This backup strategy uses three sets of tapes for daily, weekly, and monthly backups. Figure shows how to implement this method. For the Grandfather-Father-Son backup method, the actual number of tapes required in each media set will vary depending on how much data needs to be backed up. Of course, the method can be modified to fit the needs and requirements, but this is a reliable and logical place to start. Six-Cartridge Weekly Backup Principle A simpler and more cost-effective implementation of Grandfather-Father-Son is called the Six Cartridge Weekly Backup. Perfect for small businesses, this backup principle requires daily backups and a single weekly off-site backup copy to provide a data history of up to two weeks. Friday backups are full backups. Monday through Thursday backups are incremental. Here are the steps to perform a six-cartridge backup: 1. Label six cartridges with FRI 1, FRI 2, MON, TUE, WED, THU. 2. On Friday, start the backup of the entire hard disk onto cartridge FRI 1. 3. On Monday, use the MON cartridge and do an incremental backup, which means only the files that have been created or modified since the last backup (FRI 1). This tape should be stored on-site. 4. Repeat Step 3 using the incremental method on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Use their corresponding cartridges. 5. On Friday, take data cartridge FRI 2, and perform the second full backup. This will complete a full rotation. Be sure to store this data cartridge at an off-site location. 6. The weekly process continues by repeating Step 3 and Step 4 using the same MON, TUE, WED, THU data cartridges. Implement Step 5 by alternating cartridges FRI 1 and FRI 2 and taking them to an off-site location. The Tower of Hanoi This method will use 5 sets of media for this rotation. Label them “A, B, C, D, E” and follow the steps below: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The first day, back up to A. Reuse A tape every other day. The second day, back up to B. Reuse B tape every four days. The fourth day, back up to C. Reuse C tape every eight days. The eighth day, back up to D. Reuse D tape every sixteen days. The sixteenth day, back up to E. Reuse E tape every thirty-two days. The Tower of Hanoi only requires five tapes, assuming the capacity of one backup is not exceeded. Tape E could be an off site tape. For two months of back up, another tape called F could be made. Then every sixtyfour days back up. Tapes and letters to the tapes can be added for as much history as needs to be backed up. Document the Backup Having the records of the backup history will make it easier to locate the correct tape(s) to restore the files if the system goes down. This is especially true if the company has a large number of tapes stored. 1. Be sure to label each cartridge with the appropriate criteria. For example, put the backup date, type of backup (whether it was normal, incremental, or differential), and what information it contains. A well-labeled tape will make it easier to locate when someone needs to reuse it or restore it. 2. The names of all backed-up and restored files and directories are stored as log files. The log files can be very useful when restoring the data. The user is able to read or print the file from any text editor. Keeping the printed logs would be a good idea to help in staying organized. It will also save time when locating a specific file. 3. Most of the software that comes with the backup system includes a mechanism for cataloging the backed up files. The catalog is typically stored on the tape itself and temporarily loaded into memory. These catalogs are created for each set or collection of backups. Verifying the Backup Before one attempts any upgrade operation; the entire network server should always be backed up. It cannot be overstated how important a full backup of the entire system is for the successful completion of an upgrade. The backup should be verified. During verification, the contents of the tape should be checked against that of the corresponding files on the disk drives. Performing a verification of the backup is usually an option that can be selected as part of the backup process. Verification effectively doubles the time that it takes to perform a backup, but there is the assurance that the contents of the disk drives and the backup tapes match exactly. 11.1.5 Automating backups System backups should be performed at regular intervals to provide consistent data protection. These routine backups can be extremely time consuming if a system administrator must manually attend to every step of the backup process. Therefore, automation not only increases backup consistency but also gives system administrators more time to address other important network issues. Depending on the size of the system data and type of backup device used, the automation process can range from a simple software solution to intricate hardware setup. For example, if data is regularly backed up onto another network hard drive, the automation process can be implemented very easily using standard backup software. However, if a server routinely backs up vast quantities of data onto a tape drive, a mechanical tape-changing device may also be necessary to fully automate a single backup process. The most common automated backup procedure consists of a system administrator inserting a tape into the drive at the end of the day. The system performs the regularly scheduled nightly backup of data onto the tape. Then the system administrator ejects that tape the next day and stores it for a predetermined period of time. This pattern can be repeated indefinitely, and the previously used tapes are eventually circulated back into the rotation. Specific methods of performing automated backups in both Windows 2000 and Linux will be discussed in the following sections. 11.2 Drive Mapping 11.2.1 What is drive mapping? Drive mapping is a useful tool that allows an administrator to share resources that are stored on a server. Mapping is a two-stage process that requires first defining the path to the network resource, and then assigning a drive letter to that resource. Drive letters are locally significant only, which means that different drive letters on different client computers could represent the same network resource solution to intricate robotic devices. Figure shows an example of a mapped network drive on a Windows operating system. 11.2.2 Mapping drives in Windows networks Mapping a network drive in the Windows NOS can be accomplished in one of two ways: • • By using Windows Explorer By using the net use command Mapping a Drive with Windows Explorer To map a drive with Windows Explorer, navigate to the folder on the remote system in Windows Explorer by selecting Network > Neighborhood > Server name > Shared folder name. An example of Windows Explorer is shown in Figure . Another way to do this is to choose the Tools menu, and then choose Map Network Drive, as shown in Figure . Note that if Internet Explorer 4.0 or a later version is installed, another option is to right-click the shared folder name in Windows Explorer and then choose Map Network Drive from the right context menu. The mapped drive appears as the assigned drive letter in the left pane of Explorer, along with the floppy drives, CD drives, and hard disk partitions. It can be accessed from Windows Explorer, My Computer, or from the desktop if a shortcut has been created. Mapping a Drive with the net use Command Another way to map a drive in Windows operating systems utilizes the Universal Naming Convention (UNC) path. Using the following syntax can identify the shared drive: \\computername\ sharename To map a network drive to the shared resource, enter the following at the command prompt: net use <driveletter: \\computername\ sharename The net use command can be used instead of mapping drives through Windows Explorer. Net use can also be incorporated into a login script that automatically runs when the user logs in to the network. 11.2.3 Mapping drives in Linux networks Mapping a drive to a Linux server is done using one of two methods. If the clients are using Windows, then the Samba daemon will need to be loaded onto the Linux server. The Samba daemon loads the SMB protocol, which allows communication between Linux and Windows computers. Once the Samba daemon has been loaded and has configured the proper directories to be shared, then the Windows clients can map a drive to the shared directory on the Linux server, just as if they were to connected to a Windows server. The user would follow the steps outlined previously to map to the shared directory. A client computer running Linux must be mapped in a slightly different way. First, use the mount command to establish a connection to the shared directory on the server. Entering the syntax will map a drive to a Linux/UNIX share. The syntax is as follows: mount servername:/directory/ subdirectory/ localdirectory The local directory designation that points to the remote share denoted by the first part of the command is called the directory mount point. The mount point location must already exist before a share can be mapped to it. This means that the mount point must first be established on the Linux server that will be sharing the resources. 11.2.4 Mapping drives in Novell networks Mapping a drive to a share on a NetWare server can be done using Windows Explorer. If the NetWare client machines are running Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000, or XP, follow the same process for mapping drives on a Microsoft network that was described previously. Also, a drive can be mapped at the command line by using the map command. The syntax is as follows: map driveletter:= server \ volume: directory \ subdirectory This map command can also be put in a login script that executes automatically as the user logs into the network. The Novell client software also has drive-mapping functionality that allows a drive to be mapped as a root drive or as a search drive. 11.3 Partition and Processes Management 11.3.1 Using fdisk, mkfs, and fsck Chapter 9 covered partitioning and using the partitioning tools to create Linux partitions during installation. This section of Chapter 11 focuses on the management of partitions and the filesystems that are stored in the partitions. The main tools in a Linux system that are used to manage disk partitions are the fdisk, mkfs, and fsck utilities. The fdisk Utility Chapter 7 covered the basics of what the fdisk utility does. However, the details of how to use fdisk and all the options were not covered. The Linux version of fdisk operates very differently from the version used with Windows and DOS systems. Like most Linux utilities, fdisk is a text-based and requires the use of one-letter commands to manipulate the options. To obtain a list of the commands that can be used with fdisk, type m or ? at the fdisk prompt. Some of the most commonly used commands are listed in Figure . The command syntax to use fdisk is fairly simple. The fdisk command is used along with the particular device filename associated with the partition. For example, the following command must be issued first in order to use any of the options above: fdisk /dev/hda2 Once this command is used, it is a good idea to first use the p option to display the information about the partition. From this point, any of the commands listed above can be used to make changes to the partition. Keep in mind that not only is it a good idea to know what information is on the partition, but that all is backed up first. Once the partition is deleted, so is all the data on that partition. Some of the options listed in Figure will require additional information such as when new partitions are created. Then information about the new partition parameters should be entered. The mkfs Utility Creating a new partition or making changes to the partition is only the first step in partition management. Once the partition changes have been made, a filesystem must be created on the partition. This is also referred to as formatting the partition. Use the mkfs utility to create a filesystem in Linux. In Chapter 9 it was explained that this utility was used to create the filesystem and format a partition. However, the details of this utility are described in this section. The syntax for the mkfs utility is as follows: mkfs [-V] [-t fstype] [options] device [blocks] The parameters for this command are defined in Figure . Once this command has been issued, the filesystem or formatting process will begin. This process can take a short period of time or a long period of time depending on the size of the partition and whether or not file systems check was specified. Once this process is complete, the partition is ready to store data. The fsck Utility The fdisk and mkfs utilities are important to know. An administrator at some point will have to either install a new hard drive, partition a new hard drive, or format the drive or partition. However, these two utilities will seldom be used. The fsck utility will be used much more often. It is used to check file systems for errors, which occur more frequently than the need to add, remove, or format partitions. There are many things that can cause a file system to become corrupt. Operating system bugs, viruses, power failures, and hardware failures can all corrupt data on a disk or partition. These file system errors can go unnoticed. However, if nothing is done about them, they can eventually cause severe data loss. This is why it is a good idea to use this utility often to check for file system integrity. The syntax and parameters that are used with the fsck utility is outlined below and the descriptions for parameters are shown in Figure : fsck [-sACVRTNP][-t fstype][–][fsck-options] filesystems Normally fsck will just be used with the filesystems option and any other parameters can be used as needed. Some other important things to know about file system checks are that in ext2 file systems, a check is performed during startup when the system has not been shut down properly. Also, if the system has gone longer than six months without a check, then the system will perform one automatically. Sometimes an automatic check will run if the file system has been mounted more than twenty times since the last check. The new file systems such as ext3, XFS, or ReiserFS do not perform file system checks during startup, even if the system had not been shut down properly. These types of file systems use a journaling system, which keeps a log of operations that need to be performed in the event the system crashes or a power failure occurs. These pending operations can be done or undone to keep the integrity of the file systems intact. This process is done automatically every time the file system is mounted. Keep in mind that these file systems still need to have check programs like fsck to run periodically in the event other things like operating system bugs, viruses, power failures, or a hardware failure should occur. 11.3.2 Managing system processes with Cron jobs The way to schedule tasks to run at regular intervals on a Linux system is with Cron Programs. The Cron Programs, also known as Cron jobs, schedule system maintenance tasks that are performed automatically. For example, the /tmp directory gets filled with useless files created by the users that log into the system. It is possible to schedule a task that empties this directory at scheduled time intervals. The Responsibility of the Cron Cron is controlled by the entries in the /var/spool/cron and /etc/cron.d directories and the /etc/crontab file. It executes its commands based on whether there is an entry specified in these files to do so. Cron is not a command, but rather it is a daemon that runs constantly in the background like an FTP or HTTP server. It is constantly running and scanning the system for events that might enable it. The Cron daemon works slightly differently from other daemons in that it runs once every minute, scans the three previously mentioned configuration files, and performs any tasks specified in these files. The first of two types of Cron jobs that can be scheduled are the System Cron jobs. These are the jobs consisting of essential system maintenance tasks that keep the system running as efficiently as possible. These include tasks such as the one mentioned above about cleaning out the /tmp directory on a regular basis. Another example of a System Cron job is log rotation. Log rotation changes the names of the log files and deletes the old log files routinely in order to prevent them from growing too large for the hard drive. The second type of Cron jobs are called User Cron jobs. User Cron jobs can be created by regular users to perform certain functions that they need to run for a specific program that they use. System Cron Jobs can only be ran by the root user. However, it can be useful to run a User Cron job as root to run a task during a time that is specified by the administrator. System Cron jobs tend to be fairly rigid in the time in which they are scheduled to run. This leaves very little flexibility. User Cron jobs can be run in a much more flexible manner. Creating a System Cron Job System Cron jobs are controled via the /etc/crontab file, which is shown in Figure . The file begins with a set of environmental variables. These set certain parameters for the Cron jobs such as the PATH and MAILTO, which implies to whose address the output of the job is mailed. The other lines in this file, as shown in Figure , specify things like the minute, hour, day, month, and day of the week the System Cron job will run. Keep in mind that these time values are entered using the 24hour time clock. The values are indicated by the numbers in Figure . The asterisks (*) indicate that all possible values of the variable will take affect. The next variable in this file indicates the account name that will be used to run the program. For example, in Figure “root” is indicated, which will usually always be the case in a System Cron job. The last variable indicates which command to be run. Using Figure again for reference, run-parts /etc/cron.daily is one of the commands that will be run in this job. So, according to Figure , all the scripts in /etc/cron.daily will be run at 4:02 am every day. By using this example, it is easy to understand how to create System Cron jobs. Model other System Cron jobs after the existing Cron jobs. If it is necessary for a job to run at a different time than is specified in this file, then just edit it according to the correct time. A User Cron job can also be created, which is explained in the next section. Creating a User Cron Job User Cron jobs are created using the crontab utility. This is not to be confused with the /etc/crontab file, because they are two different things. The crontab utility is a command that is entered at the prompt and the syntax for this command is as follows: crontab [-u user] [-l | -e | -r] [file] The crontab utility can be used with or without the -u user parameter. If this parameter is used with this command, then a User Cron job will be created for the user specified in the parameter. If no user is specified with this parameter, then the User Cron job will be created for the current user. It is a good practice on a Linux system to always use the -u user parameter to specify the user for the Cron job that will be created. For example, the su command could be used to change to the current user and then the crontab command could be entered without the -u user parameter. However, this sometimes confuses the crontab utility, and can produce unpredictable results. It is even recommended that the -u user parameter be used even if creating a User Cron job for the individual user. The other parameters associated with the crontab utility are used for viewing, editing, and creating User Cron jobs. Specifically, the –l, –e, and –r options are used for working on current User Cron jobs. The –l, option will display the current User Cron job. The –e option will open an editor, so that the current User Cron job can be edited. The –r option will remove the current Cron job. To create a new User Cron job, the crontab command must be entered using the file parameter. For example, the command crontab –u jsmith js_cronjbs will create a new User Cron job called "js_cronjbs "for jsmith’s Cron jobs. The syntax for creating a User Cron job will be the same as for a System Cron job that was talked about in the previous section. Environmental variables will still be used to indicate where and how the job is to be run, and the syntax for creating a command to be run at a specific time will be the same as well. The only difference will be that the user does not need to specify the username used to execute the Cron job because the owner of the Cron job already indicates this information. 11.3.3 Core dumps Another important aspect of managing processes on a Linux system is how to deal with software crashes. When such crashes occur, they often generate errors of potential causes. These errors are contained in a core file that is created. These core files are also referred to as Core Dumps. It is important to understand what Core Dumps can provide an how to manage them. Once the error or errors have been identified, they can be replaced or repaired. Repairing error prone software requires advanced programming skills that go beyond the scope of this course. However, if the administrator or the user understands the programming language that the software is written in, then the user can attempt to repair the program without having to replace it. Understanding What a Core Dump Is The purpose of Core Dumps is to allow programmers to study the file to figure out exactly what caused the program to crash. Without a Core Dump being created, there would be no way of going back and examining the state that caused the system to crash. After the program has crashed, all of its processes are removed from memory. Programmers can study the debugging code to trace back through the steps that led to the crash, which makes it easy to identify what caused the crash. The size of the Core Dump will depend on the size of the program that produced it. A large program that uses a lot of system resources and memory will produce a Core Dump file much larger than a smaller program that uses less memory and system resources. In either case, the file will be created in the same directory in which the program that crashed is located. However, in some cases a Core Dump file will not be created. For example, a user may not have write permissions to the directory, or there might be a limit to the size of Core files that are generated. Limiting the size of a Core file can be useful, so that the free space in the directories does not get used up. The syntax for limiting the size of Core files is as follows: ulimit –c [size] The size parameter is specified in kilobytes and insures that no Core file will be created larger than that specified size. If a core file is larger than the size specified, then it will be shortened to this size. These abbreviated Core files are usually not very useful. If a zero is put in for the size parameter, then no Core files will be generated at all, and the unlimited parameter can be used that will place no limits on the size of Core files that are generated. Locating and Deleting Core Files Unless the user has access to the root account on a Linux system, locating and deleting Core files will be a troublesome task. Without root account access, regular users will not be able to access all the directories in which these files are located. This will result in not having access to all the Core files on a system. The command used to locate the Core files on a Linux system is as follows: # find / -name core It is also important to keep in mind that this command will return some files and directories that are not necessarily Core Dump files. For example, the /dev/core is a device file and /proc/sys/net/core is a directory. After issuing this command and locating the specific Core files that are looked for, what do users do with it now? As stated before, unless users are familiar with the programming language the program is written in, they will not be able to understand most of the content in this file. Most of this content will be useful to programmers who are familiar with the programs source code that created the file. However, an advantage to Linux is that most of the source code for the programs that are used on a Linux system is readily available to anyone with the ambition to learn how to read it, and thus be able to debug the problems outlined in the Core file. There are a few things in these files that users might want to be aware of that may help figure out what created the Core file and to determine whether the file is useful or not. For example, it may be helpful to become familiar with the following properties of the Core file: • • • The Owner of the file states who executed the program. Finding out the owner of the Core file is useful when determining whether or not to delete the file for various reasons. For example, a user might be currently writing programs to the system, and Core files were located with this user as the owner. It would be a good idea to check with that user first before deleting them, because he may need them for some reason. The Creation Date of the Core file is simply the date at which the crash occurred, and when the Core Dump was created. Identifying the creation date of the file is useful. It can further help determine which ones to delete or keep. Usually the older files are no longer of any use and can be deleted. The Creating Program properties of Core files will tell which program crashed and generated the Core Dump files. This however is found out indirectly through the use of a different command. To find out which program created the Core files, use type gdb –c core. This command launches the GNU debugger, which displays various outputs about the Core file including the program that crashed. To exit the GNU debugger type, exit. Caution should be taken before moving or deleting any Core files, because as stated earlier, there might be Core files and directories that are not the particular Core files the user might be looking for. Deleting one of these files can cause other programs not to work. It was covered earlier that it is possible to include the find command, with a User Cron job. If the MAILTO environmental variable is set properly, all of the Core files on the system will be reported every time the Cron job is scheduled to run. It can be useful to generate this report once or twice a month to keep alert of any types of Core files that might need to be inspected. Critical and Non-Critical Processes In order to effectively manage system processes on a Linux system, it is important to be able to determine what processes are running on a system and which process are critical and non-critical. This concept is important to understand in a Linux system because of the fact it is a multiuser and multitasking system. A process on a Linux system is any program that is currently running. Since many users can be logged into any one Linux system at one time and using the same program, it is possible for a Linux system to have two or more processes running the same program at the same time. For example, if two users were logged in and they both were using the vi editor to edit a configuration file, the system would show two processes of vi are currently running. A process is launched in a Linux system from the shell, and the shell in turn launches the process. This is known as parent-process and child process. The original process is known as the parent process. Any sub-processes launched from within the parent-process are child-processes. This initial relationship can be traced back to the init program, which spawns the login process, which in turn spawns the shell in which commands are entered. The ps Command The processes that are currently running on a Linux system can be viewed by using the ps command. This is one of the most important commands that an administrator will need to know concerning process management on a Linux system. It can be particularly useful when the system might be running slowly, to terminate processes that are consuming too much of the system resources. As with most Linux commands that have been covered in this course, the ps command has a variety of options that can be used with the command to manipulate its output. Some of these options are outlined in Figure . It is also important to mention that these options can be used together to display the output wanted using the ps command. The ps Command Output There can be some considerable output that is generated when the command such as ps –A –forest command is entered as shown in Figure . The ps –A –forest command displays important information listed shown in Figure . The top Command Another informative command, which is similar to the ps command, is the top command. This functions much like the Windows 2000 Performance tool by providing detailed information regarding CPU and RAM usage. Figure displays the output of the top command. Such information includes the number of users currently logged onto the system, the amount of available memory, and the percentage of the CPU being used for various tasks. These tasks are sorted in descending order, which allows the system administrator to quickly see which users are consuming the most CPU cycles. By default, the output is refreshed every five seconds to provide continually updated data to the user. System administrators will typically run this command quite often to monitor the levels of activity on the system and make certain that enough resources are available to its users. Killing Processes Sometimes a process will cause the system to lock up. Also, it can begin consuming all of the system resources, so that the system begins to run slowly. This makes it impossible for users to run any other programs.. In the event that this should happen, the kill command can be used to terminate the process. There are a few different parameters that can be used with the kill command, which determines how the process is ended. The generic syntax for the command is as follows: # kill –s signal pid The signal option represents the specified signal that is sent to the process. There are approximately sixtythree (63) different parameters that can be entered for the signal that is sent to the process. Each one of these will terminate the process in a different manner. For example, the user can either enter the name of the signal like SIGKILL or the corresponding number for SIGKILL, which is nine (9). Signal 9 will kill the process without performing any shutdown tasks. Figure shows all of the possible signal parameters that can be entered. This menu that is shown in Figure can be displayed by entering the kill –l command. If the user does not specify a signal, then the default signal 15 will be used, which is SIGTERM. Signal 15 will kill the process but will allow it to close any open files that it might be using first. The previous section explained what a pid is and what pid a specific process is using by using the ps command. The pid must be entered for the process that is to be terminated. Another option available to kill a process is to use the killall command instead of just kill. The killall command is used to kill every process by name rather than by its pid number. For example, to kill all instances of vi running, enter killall vi. This would kill all vi processes currently running, regardless of the pid number. There might be times when it is necessary to kill all processes except for one. To do this, use the killall command with the –i option. For example, if the user types the command killall -i vi at the prompt, the system will confirm each instance of vi that is running. Then the user can terminate them all except for the one that he wants to still run. 11.3.4 Assigning permissions for processes One of the final areas of essential process management on a Linux system is to be able to control who has the ability to run certain programs by assigning the appropriate permission. Typically, programs have the same types of permission and can read the same files as the user who runs that program. There are however certain programs that require additional permission in order to be run by certain users. The su command is an example of this. The su command allows a user to switch to another user and execute programs with another user account. Regular users cannot execute the su command, because it requires root account privileges. Programs such as these are run using the SUID or SGID bit, which allows these programs to be run under the permission of another user. In this example the su command would have a root SUID bit in order to allow regular users to execute it. The Set User ID (SUID) is used with executable files on a Linux system. It tells the operating system to run the program with the permission of whoever owns the file, instead of the user who executes the program. As in the example with the su command, the SUID bit was set as the root account, which means any users could execute this program using the root account permission. The Set Group ID works the same way, but it sets the SGID bit for the group that the program is associated with. Using these features can be helpful and sometimes necessary to in order to allow users to execute specific programs that require permission that they normally do not have. It is important to limit this ability to as few files as possible because of the security risk that it poses. If this option for the su command is enabled, as in the example above, that would give users the ability to assume the identity of other users on the network. SUID and SGID Security Risks There are a few security risks involved when using the SUID or SGID bit to allow programs to run with the permission of other users: • Allowing users to execute certain programs such as su, cp, or fdisk is one risk. Applying the SUID root permissions for the fdisk command could allow a user to completely erase the hard drive of the server. Doing this for the cp command would allow a user to copy any file from the server. This could cause serious security threats should a user copy a sensitive file such as the /etc/shadow, which contains other user’s password information. • Another security risk is if there are bugs in any of the SUID or SGID programs. If these programs contain problems or bugs and they are executed by users who should not have the permission to do so, they could potentially cause more damage to the system than if they were executed with the normal privileges. For example, if a program is executed that has an unknown bug that attempts to delete any files that are in the directory, this could cause much damage to the system. There will not be much damage done if a user with normal privileges executes this program. However, if this program had SUID root privileges, the entire directory or more could be damaged. These two examples are worst-case scenario examples and are unlikely to ever happen. This is especially the case with the program that has bugs and wipes out all the files in a directory. It is very common that programs contain bugs, but it is very uncommon that such a bug will begin deleting files. However, files can become corrupted causing them to no longer work. In any event, it is always a good idea to take particular caution to which programs are assigned with a SUID or SGID bit permission and minimize the amount of programs that have these special permissions. 11.4 Monitoring Resources 11.4.1 Disk management A good system administrator is constantly aware of the many critical resources of a NOS. These resources should be monitored on all-important network computers such as the various servers of an organization. If a computer runs low on any particular resource, the system administrator must be aware of the issue and immediately correct it before a serious problem occurs. Disk management is one of the most common and important tasks performed by the system administrator. By regularly using error-checking and defragmentation programs and continually managing free disk space, the system administrator can maintain a healthy hard drive (or drives). Figure shows the Windows 2000 Disk Management screen. The available disk space on a hard drive is a limited resource that can be quickly used up on network servers. Each user of a network is typically granted full write permission to either a home directory or some other central network storage. User behavior can be very unpredictable. When many users store their data on the same hard drive, the disk can become full rather quickly. The consequences of running out of disk space are sometimes unpredictable and could even include unexpected program failures on that server. Routine disk space management can be performed in several ways. One method includes regularly inspecting the status of the disk and making any necessary adjustments manually. Another more practical solution uses automated alert messages to notify the system administrator when the available disk space falls below a predetermined level. Such alerts can be great tools that save time and help to manage not only disk storage, but also all resources of the NOS. One preventive disk management tool available to system administrators is the use of "quotas" for user accounts. A quota acts as a storage ceiling that limits the amount of data each user can store on the network. Using this tool, a system administrator can better plan and manage the available space on the network hard drive. If a quota is not implemented, users can typically store as much data as desired on the network disk. While this method provides greater flexibility to users, it also forces the system administrator to closely monitor the current level of available disk space. Ultimately, the disk management methods that a system administrator employs are a combination of both personal preference and the needs of users. 11.4.2 Memory usage Another critical resource that a system administrator must manage is Random Access Memory (RAM). Whenever an application runs on a computer, information is read from the hard drive and placed into the temporary storage of RAM. The computer uses this portion of its RAM to execute the program and eventually frees the space once the program exits. RAM is much faster than a hard drive, but is also much smaller in size. As a result, it is possible to use 100 percent of system RAM simply by running several programs at once. A lack of available RAM can severely impact the performance of a computer, especially one functioning as a network server. When memory is low, it severely hinders the processing power of the system and can produce negative side effects such as program crashes. In the case of a network server, poor memory performance can even prevent users from logging on to the server. It is the duty of a system administrator to monitor the memory usage of applications and to prevent these events from occurring. Memory diagnostic tools that allow RAM intensive applications to be discovered, and stopped if necessary, are typically built into most NOS platforms. Figure shows the task manager used to check memory usage. Because RAM is usually a limited resource, system administrators can compensate for the lack of memory through the use of "virtual memory". Virtual memory allocates space on the hard drive and treats it as an extension of the system RAM. Although hard drive access is significantly slower than standard RAM, virtual memory helps prevent RAM shortages by greatly increasing the total amount available. Most NOS software will provide the ability to manage virtual memory directly with built-in tools. A system administrator can choose to increase the default amount of virtual memory if the NOS continually has memory shortages. 11.4.3 CPU usage The Central Processing Unit (CPU) acts as the brain of a modern computer. All information used by the NOS, including the NOS itself, is processed millions of times per second by the CPU in order to display information to the user. Every application that is running, whether visible or in the background, consumes valuable CPU cycles of processing. Most operating systems prioritize these tasks, allowing the CPU to service them according to importance. However, the CPU can occasionally become overloaded with large amounts of processing being performed simultaneously. This is especially common for network servers, where many users attempt to access the computer resources at the same time. As more users request information from the server, the CPU must work harder to meet those demands. Like all other resources of a NOS, built-in tools are commonly provided to allow system administrators to monitor the current level of CPU activity. This feedback is often presented in terms of the percentage of the CPU currently being used and is refreshed at frequent intervals. Figure shows CPU usage over the period of one week. Additionally, applications are usually listed individually with their respective usage statistics. If a particular application or user is causing the system excessive processing strain, the system administrator can choose to terminate the cause of the problem. Although it may seem unpleasant to force a user to disconnect or halt a program in midstream, the reality is that such actions are often necessary to maintain acceptable processing performance for all users. 11.4.4 Reviewing daily logs An important aspect of monitoring the resources on any computer system is to review the system log files. Most computer programs, servers, login processes, as well as the system kernel, record summaries of their activities in log files. These summaries can be used and reviewed for various things, including software that might be malfunctioning or attempts to break into the system. To help create a report of these events, "logs" are automatically generated by the system and its applications. These files typically consist of text statements detailing specific information about the event that occurred. For example, most web servers maintain a log file that details every information request made to the server. Information regarding the time of the request, the IP address of the remote computer, and files accessed are stored as unique records of the log. These records provide the system administrator with feedback and statistical data necessary to make improvements to the operations of the server. In Windows 2000, the Computer Management tool allows users to browse the logged events generated by the NOS. Figure displays an example of events logged in Linux. Two categories beneath the System Tools heading store logged information. They are "Event Viewer" and "Performance Logs and Alerts". Several different types of logged events are recorded here, including Information, Warnings, and Errors. Doubleclicking any of these entries displays the logged information in further detail. Using Operating System Log Files Most operating systems provide a means of automatically writing to a system log file. This file details device failures, failed communications attempts, and other error conditions. The information is a useful starting point for troubleshooting problems. For example, Windows NT and Windows 2000 provide the Event Viewer. If a specific event is selected, such as a TCP/IP error for example, more details about the event can be seen. The information that will be displayed indicates that an IP address conflict occurred, which could explain why this computer is not able to communicate on the network. Locating System Log Files on a Linux System Monitoring and viewing logs on a Linux system is done very differently than in a Windows system. Linux uses log daemons to control the events that are entered in the system log. The first step to being able to view log files on a Linux system is to be able to locate them. Most of the Linux systems log files are located in the /var/log directory. The log files that are located in this directory are maintained by the system log daemon (Syslogd) and the kernel log daemon (klogd). These two daemons are configured using the syslog.conf file, which is shown in Figure . As shown in this example, most of the entries specify the log to be sent to a log in the /var/log directory. Many of the servers on a Linux system, such as Samba for example, maintain their own log files. The location where these files are stored can be configured with the server native configuration file, such as smb.conf with Samba. The logfile parameter in the smb.conf files controls where the log file is located. However, it is normally found in the /var/log directory or one of its subdirectories by default. Identifying Important Information in Log Files There are several log files on a Linux system. It can be difficult to determine which files are important or what important information should have the most attention in these files. Most of the log files would never need someone to be concerned with or even look at them. There is, however, some important information that is contained in some of these files. For example, the log files in a Linux system maintain logins made by the root account and attempts to use the su command to gain root privileges. Log files also maintain information about attempts to open or access ports that have been closed by the firewall or failed attempts to access servers or xinetd programs. It is rare that a Linux system will ever need to be shut down, so any unauthorized startup or shutdown could be suspicious. For example, unauthorized restarts of the server could mean a successful intrusion to the system. For this reason logs are kept of all system startups and shutdowns. Error logs are kept, which usually occur when a strange error message might pop up on the screen. More often than not, this is just a result of a misconfiguration in the server, but sometimes it can mean that an attempt to break into the system was made. Other important log files to pay attention to are the kernel log files. Sometimes the kernel will get bugs, or hardware failure can result in what are called kernel ooppes. Depending on the distribution of Linux that is used, the log files will be different. For example, there are no log files for sendmail in Mandrake or Debian Linux, since these distributions use other mail servers. There are other reasons for becoming familiar with the log files and the information that is entered in the log files that are in the Linux system. Most importantly because a user will be able to make a better determination of what events are logged as normal events and what are not. This is so the ones that are not can be easily identified and examined further. Log File Analysis Tools The log files on a Linux system can become very large and difficult to manage, which makes doing any productive analysis of these files very difficult. There are several tools on a Linux system that will help manage the system log files and make analysis of the files much easier. It was previously explained about Cron jobs and how they can be used to rename old log files. This is so that new ones can be created and the old ones deleted on a regular basis to keep the log files from continuously growing to unmanageable sizes and taking up unnecessary hard drive space. This log file rotation can be set to occur daily, weekly, or monthly depending on the activity on the system and how long the files are kept on the system. Another Log file analysis tool that can be used is Logcheck ( Some distributions include this tool by default such as Mandrake and Debian Linux. It is easier to use when it comes preconfigured with the distribution of Linux. When using a distribution that does not include Logcheck, it will have to be configured to run on the system. It is best to check the documentation for specific instructions on how to configure this on a Linux system. The main file that must be edited is the file, which is installed with the package. This file must be configured to check the log files that are to be monitored. Features, such as which user receives reports when a violation has been found, can be adjusted. Usually this is set to root by default. After the Logcheck has been configured, a Cron job must be created, which schedules intervals when it is run and to whom the reports will be e-mailed back. 11.4.5 Checking resource usage on Windows 2000 and Windows XP System resources are monitored in Windows 2000 and Windows XP with the Performance Tool as shown in Figure . This application is found under the Start menu > Programs > System Administration > Performance menu option. The menu tree on the left presents the "System Monitor" and "Performance Logs and Alerts", which is the same option found in the Computer Management Tool options. Selecting the System Monitor displays an empty graph by default. Users can then right-click on the graph and select Add Counters to specify which system resources to monitor in the graph. Figure illustrates the process of adding monitored resources to the Windows 2000 Performance tool. For example, to monitor the current RAM usage of the system, use the "Performance Object" dropdown menu to select the memory choice. Next, the user can decide which aspects of memory usage to view by selecting from the counter list and pressing the Add button. Multiple additions can be made to the graph from this window, and a description of each resource is available by clicking the Explain button. Clicking the Close button and returning to the Performance Tool displays the statistics of the selected resources using a line graph by default. The line graph provides a visual history of the resource activity. This includes information on its current, average, minimum, and maximum values. To further configure this display, users can right-click on the graph and select Properties. The System Monitor Properties dialog box appears where users can select alternate views of the data such as a Histogram or a text-only report. Various other customizable options are found here, the most important of which is the "Update automatically..." checkbox. Checking this option allows the Performance Tool to refresh the display automatically at the specified interval. It should be noted that a faster refresh rate would increase the amount of data provided to the user, but at a significant cost. Ironically, the Performance Tool itself uses valuable system resources to monitor and report these very same resources. Specifying a frequent rate of updates could have a slightly negative impact on the resources available to Windows 2000/XP and other applications. 11.4.6 Checking resource usage on Linux The most common Linux tools used to investigate resource usage consist of several text-based commands entered on the command line. Figure displays common commands for displaying resource usage. For details regarding the various parameters of these commands, users can view their respective manual pages by entering man command at the prompt. However, these commands are relatively simple to use and are extremely informative to system administrators with no additional parameters specified. They typically do not generate graphical information such as the charts featured in Windows 2000. Instead, detailed lists of textual information are displayed in an organized fashion to enable the user to interpret the data. The tools commonly used are discussed below. The df Command The first of these is the df command. It is used to display the amount of disk space currently available to the various filesystems on the machine. Figure displays the output of the df command. Its output is organized into six columns. These include filesystem, blocks, used, available, capacity, and mounted. Each filesystem is listed on individual lines along with its corresponding usage information. This command provides a highlevel look at the disk usage of the system. If a particular file system is growing unnecessarily large, the system administrator will first learn of the problem here. The du Command However, if further tracking of disk resources is necessary, the du command can then be used to determine the exact location of the problem. When a directory name is specified, the du command returns the disk usage for both the contents of the directory and the contents of any subdirectories beneath it. Figure displays the output of the du command. Running it for high-level directories with many subdirectories can result in a very large set of output. This command is best used within the lower levels of the directory structure to help locate specific areas of the file system that are consuming large amounts of disk space. The top Command The third and perhaps most informative command available for basic Linux resource management is the top command. This functions much like the Windows 2000 Performance Tool by providing detailed information regarding CPU and RAM usage. The output of the top command was displayed previously in this chapter. Such information includes the number of users currently logged onto the system, the amount of available memory, and the percentage of the CPU being used for various tasks. These tasks are sorted in descending order, which allows the system administrator to quickly see which users are consuming the most CPU cycles. By default, the output is refreshed every five seconds to provide continually updated data to the user. System administrators will typically run this command quite often to monitor the levels of activity on the system and make certain that enough resources are available to its users. 11.5 Analyzing and Optimizing Network Performance 11.5.1 Key concepts in analyzing and optimizing network performance The administration of a computer network is often a busy, high-pressure job. This is true in a large information technology support department for an enterprise-level network or in a small company with a single LAN administrator. Because there may be little time available for network personnel, many administrators find themselves operating in a reactive mode. That is, they address problems as they occur, which leaves no time to implement measures that would prevent those problems from occurring in the first place. The network administrator should make time to devise a proactive plan for managing the network. This plan enables the detection of small problems before they become large ones. If potential trouble spots are anticipated and measures are taken to correct them, a great deal of time and money can be saved. The three key concepts in analyzing and optimizing network performance include the following: • • • Bottlenecks Baselines Best practices The following sections take a closer look at each concept and discuss Internet connection speed, which is another important factor in evaluating and optimizing a network. Many of the important terms that relate to performance-monitoring issues will be defined. 11.5.2 Bottleneck A bottleneck is exactly what the name implies. It is the point in the system that limits the data throughput, which is the amount of data that can flow through the network. A bottleneck can be caused by a problem with a component or by the inherent limitations of the component. An example might be a network that has 10/100-Mbps hubs and switches and computers with 10/100-Mbps network cards, but only Category 3 twisted-pair in the cabling infrastructure. Since Category 3 twisted-pair cable does not support a high data transfer rate, the cable is the bottleneck that slows down the network. It is doubtful that all network components can be fine-tuned so precisely that they all operate at exactly the same speed. Nonetheless, optimizing performance involves finding the bottlenecks and upgrading, reconfiguring, or replacing the components to bring their performance up to or above the level of the rest of the network components. This process almost inevitably creates a new bottleneck elsewhere, but with good planning the new bottleneck should be less restrictive than the old one. To be able to diagnose which network server component is causing a system bottleneck, there must be performance-monitoring software tools specific to the network server operating system. Most network server operating systems have at least a basic performance-monitoring software package included with the operating system. Third-party vendors also have performance-monitoring software tools available for most network server operating systems. Examples of performance-monitoring software tools for various network server operating systems include the following: • • Performance – For Microsoft Windows 2000 Server sar, iostat, vmstat, ps – For UNIX/Linux The primary performance-monitoring tool for Microsoft’s Windows 2000 Server is just called Performance, which is shown in Figure . Performance can monitor nearly all hardware and software components on a Windows 2000 server. The monitoring can take the form of creating a real-time chart of resource utilization, or it can take the form of a log file for later analysis. The log file can be analyzed or exported in a format that can be used by other software, such as a standard statistics software package for analysis or Microsoft Excel to generate charts or statistics. Windows 2000 Server Tool (Performance) is a snap-in to the Microsoft Management Console. The NT 4.0 performance monitor appearance is slightly different, but the basic functionality is almost identical. The various versions of the UNIX/Linux operating systems have command-line utilities that can be used to monitor performance of the UNIX/Linux network server. The primary tools are sar, vmstat, iostat, and ps. The flags used by these commands can vary among the different versions of UNIX/Linux. Use the UNIX/Linux man command to get specifics about the use of these commands. The information displayed by the man command also tells how to interpret the output generated by the command. The UNIX/Linux System Activity Reporter, or sar command, collects and reports system activity, which includes processor utilization, buffer utilization, and so forth for the UNIX/Linux network server. The UNIX/Linux Virtual Memory Statistics, or vmstat command, provides information about the virtual memory system on the UNIX/Linux network server. The UNIX/Linux Input/Output Statistics, or iostat command, provides information about disk subsystem input/output on the UNIX/Linux network server. The UNIX/Linux Processes (ps) command lists all the processes that are running on the UNIX/Linux network server. Processor Bottlenecks Use the performance-monitoring tools available for the network server operating system to monitor the utilization of the processor(s) in the network server. The two counters to watch most closely are the percent processor utilization and the processor queue length. The percent processor utilization is the percentage of the time that the processor is busy. If the processor utilization percentage is constantly greater than 70%, the processor is the bottleneck in the network server. The processor queue length is the number of processes waiting for the processor. If the processor queue length is constantly greater than 2, the processor is the bottleneck in the network server. Alleviate the processor bottleneck by doing any of the following: • • • Upgrade the existing processor to a faster processor. Add an additional processor to the network server. Move applications or services from this network server to another network server. Memory Bottlenecks On network servers with operating systems that do not support virtual memory, memory bottlenecks are rather easy to detect. Memory shortages manifest themselves on these systems as the inability to load additional software or the lack of “buffers”, which is the temporary storage between the system and its disk drives. The buffers are easily detected using standard server management software. The solution to a memory shortage is to add more memory. On network servers with operating systems that do support virtual memory, several indicators or counters should be monitored. The first counter is the amount of available memory, or memory that is not being used, after all the network server software has been loaded. To totally prevent paging or swapping of memory pages to the disk, just have more actual or physical memory than is needed by all the software running on the network server. The other counter that should be monitored to check for memory bottlenecks is the number of pages that are read from or written to the paging file on the disk in one second. The number of pages per second that is acceptable depends on the speed of the processor. Generally the number should be less than 2,000 per second. Heavy paging often manifests itself as high disk utilization, because the memory pages are written to the disk when the memory is needed by another program. Another indicator of lack of memory is the number of page faults generated per second. A page fault is the condition encountered when there is an attempt to access a program page, the page is no longer in memory, but it must be retrieved from the disk. A page fault problem is indicated if the number of page faults per second is more than double the number of page faults recorded on the server baseline measurements taken under a normal workload. To alleviate a memory bottleneck, add more memory to the network server. Paging performance can often be improved by placing the paging file, or the swap file, on the fastest disk in the network server. Also, this disk must not contain the network server operating system or the data files used by the major application running on the network server. Disk Subsystem Bottlenecks The disk subsystem can cause system bottlenecks, especially when the network server has the role of a network server requiring a fast disk subsystem as in a database server. The disk subsystem counters that should be monitored are disk subsystem utilization and disk queue length. A disk subsystem utilization percentage should not be constantly greater than 90%. This very high disk subsystem utilization rate indicates that the disk subsystem is the bottleneck. The disk subsystem queue length indicates how many items are waiting to be written to the disk subsystem. A disk subsystem queue length that is constantly greater than two indicates that the disk sub-system is too slow. Several things might improve disk subsystem performance: • • • • • • Defragment the disk drive. Having fragmented files on the disk drive can drastically reduce disk performance. Move the network server operating system paging file to the fastest disk drive in the network server and off of the disk drive where the network server operating system is located. Move the application causing high disk utilization to another network server. Replace the disk controller with a disk controller that has a built-in memory cache. Replace the disk drives with disk drives with a higher rotational speed and, therefore, faster access time. Replace the entire disk subsystem, which includes the controller and disk drives, with a faster disk subsystem. Network Subsystem Bottlenecks Network subsystem bottlenecks are perhaps the most difficult to detect and solve. Typical performancemonitoring software can supply counts of packets sent and received and little else. To analyze network performance, a network analyzer for hardware or software is needed. A network analyzer can actually capture packets on the network for later analysis. The percent network utilization, a very valuable indicator of network performance, can be determined easily. A network analyzer can also determine the type of network packets (for instance, broadcasts, multicasts, or unicasts) and the protocols that are consuming the most network bandwidth. A network utilization percentage that is constantly greater than 65% is generally considered to be high utilization and can constitute a bottleneck. Solutions to a network subsystem bottleneck are generally expensive and include the following: • • • • Replace the network subsystem with a faster network sub-system. Replacing a 10 Mbps Ethernet network with a 100Mbps Fast Ethernet network will likely eliminate the network subsystem as a bottleneck. Replace Ethernet hubs with Ethernet switches. In an Ethernet hub, all the available network bandwidth is shared. Using an Ethernet switch instead of a hub provides each port a full amount of bandwidth, which means there is no sharing of the bandwidth. If the bottleneck appears to be caused by too many clients trying to get to the network server, consider using adapter teaming to increase the network bandwidth available to the network server. This requires multiple NICs to be installed in the network server and a Fast Ethernet switch that supports bandwidth aggregation to be installed. Eliminate unnecessary protocols from the network. When multiple protocols are installed on a network server, announcements sent from the network server are sent once for each installed protocol. This increases network traffic. The following are a couple of well-known network monitoring and analysis tools: • • Microsoft Network Monitor Novell LANalyzer for Windows 11.5.3 Baselines The baseline measurements should include the following statistics: • • • • Processor Memory Disk subsystem Network – Network queue length The first step in determining how efficiently a network is performing involves comparing various measurements to the same measurements taken at an earlier time. These measurements may include the number of bytes transferred per second, the number of packets dropped, or a number of other indicators of network performance. When this comparison is made, a number of questions can be answered: • • Has performance improved or degraded? What is the effect on the performance of implementing a new service or feature? The only way to know the answers is to have a valid measurement against which to compare the current readings. This point of comparison is called a baseline, which is the level of performance that is acceptable when the system is handling a typical workload. A baseline reading should be made at a time when the network is running normally. The measurement should not be made at the busiest time of the day, nor should it be made when the network is not in use at all. A baseline should be established by measuring network performance during typical usage. A good way to do this is to take several separate readings at spaced intervals and then average them. Using the utilities available for the various network operating systems, baseline measurements can be performed. The baseline measurements should include the following statistics: • • • • • • • • Processor – Percent utilization Processor – Processor queue length Memory – Hard page faults Memory – Soft page faults Disk subsystem – Percent disk utilization Disk subsystem – Disk queue length Network – Percent network utilization Network – Network queue length In addition to helping to identify bottlenecks that may be developing, a baseline helps: • • • • Identify heavy users Map daily, weekly, or monthly network utilization patterns Spot traffic patterns related to specific protocols Justify the cost of upgrading network components These items will be discussed in detail in the sections that follow. Identifying High Usage It is not unusual to find that a few network users are using a disproportionate percentage of the bandwidth. When these heavy users are identified, it becomes possible to: • • • Advise heavy users of ways to conserve bandwidth. Restrict their usage through software controls. Plan around their heavy usage and find ways to prevent the usage from affecting the efficiency of the network. Of course, the option chosen depends on who the heavy users are, their roles in the organization, and the purpose of their heavy use. Note: Some software applications, for example, backup programs and server-based anti-virus scans, also use a great deal of bandwidth. These should be scheduled to run during low-usage periods. Mapping Utilization Patterns Monitoring also enables the mapping of utilization patterns. Not only is it possible to determine where heavy usage occurs, but also when it occurs. This makes it easier to allocate bandwidth for expected high-usage days or peak hours. It also makes it easier to schedule network maintenance and server downtime at a time when it will have less effect on the network users. Pinpointing Protocol-Specific Traffic Patterns Network monitoring devices and software enable the pinpointing of traffic patterns based on protocol. It is also possible to determine what ports are being used. A network administrator is able to see if bandwidth is wasted on non-business activities like gaming or Web surfing. Network monitors are often referred to as protocol analyzers. Most analyzers are software-based, and they enable the capture of individual packets (also called frames) as they travel over the network. A more detailed discussion of protocol analyzers can be found in the "Network Monitoring and Management Tools" section later in this chapter. Only as many statistics should be captured as are actually needed to evaluate network performance. Network-monitoring software should only be used during low-usage periods, because the monitoring software itself has an effect on system performance. 11.5.4 Determining Internet connection speed If a network is connected to the Internet, it may be useful to determine the connection speed. The fact that a 56-kbps modem is used to connect does not mean that a 56-kbps connection is actually established. It is likely, depending on line conditions, that the connection speed will be 50-kbps or below. In fact, some telephone company services such as AT&T TrueVoice prevent a 56-kbps modem from connecting at its optimum speed. Note: In the United States, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) limits the amount of electrical power that can be transmitted through phone lines. This limits the speed of a 56-kbps modem to about 53kbps, even if all other conditions are optimal. Data throughput can vary because of factors such as the use of hardware or software compression. This compression makes it possible to get 112-kbps throughput with a 56-kbps modem over an analog phone line. The speed of a connection is limited by its lowest-speed component or the bottleneck. This means that even if the equipment is capable of a 50-kbps connection, the connection will be at the slower speed if the remote modem supports only 33.6-kbps. The dialup networking component of an operating system may indicate a connection speed, usually in bits per second (bps). For example, a 50-kbps connection is often shown as 50,000 bps. This might not give a true indication of actual throughput, because it measures only the initial connection rate between the local modem and the remote modem. Throughput normally fluctuates during a connection session. Note: The connection speed can be displayed as either the port speed (which is the modem-to-computer speed that includes compression) or the actual connection speed (the modem-to-modem rate). Windows can display speed in either of these formats, depending on the modem driver that is installed. During a file download over the Internet, download speed is usually shown by the browser or FTP software. This is often shown as kilobytes per second. There are eight bits per byte, so a 50 Kilobits per second (Kbps) connection will probably display a download speed of around 6.25 Kilobytes per second (KBps). Downloading a five-minute music file and using this connection speed might take a user fifteen to twenty minutes. Figure shows the time required to download five minutes of music in an MP3 file. This information can be used to determine the difference that higher and lower Internet connection speed will make. There are several websites that purport to test download speed. These sites use Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), the overhead of which will affect the download speed. The results of different sites can vary. However, they are useful for rough comparisons. Sites that measure connection speed include the following: • • • MSN Speed Test is available at the following address: High-Speed Internet is available at the following address: Internet Service is available at the following address: There are many reasons for a slow Internet connection: • A poor connection to the ISP remote access server can be caused by modem problems on either end and noisy lines • • • A slow web server, FTP server, or any server on the Internet to which requests are being sent Congested conditions on the primary backbone lines, which can occur during events of national or international importance Shared bandwidth on the LAN or within the ISP network Occasional temporary slowdowns are to be expected, and there is little that can be done about them. If overall connection speed is unacceptable on a continual basis, it may be necessary to switch to broadband or other high-speed access. 11.5.5 Network monitoring software Many software packages are available to assist in monitoring and managing a network. Some are included with a network operating system, and some are downloadable from the World Wide Web as freeware or shareware. Many of these packages are both costly and sophisticated. In the following sections, some popular monitoring and management programs are examined. Network management service providers are also discussed. These are networking professionals who are hired on a contractual basis to manage the network of an organization. Network monitoring software ranges from simple to complex and from free to expensive. Modern operating systems such as Windows NT and Windows 2000 have built-in monitoring tools. These are not as sophisticated or full-featured as third-party products, but they can be useful in establishing performance baselines or troubleshooting network problems. Sophisticated network monitoring tools are called protocol analyzers. Protocol analyzers capture the packets or frames that are transmitted between two or more computers or network devices. The analyzer then decodes (interprets) the packets so that the data may be viewed in English (or in another language) as opposed to binary language. A sophisticated protocol analyzer also provides statistics and trend information on the captured traffic. The term "sniffer" is often used to refer to any program that enables "eavesdropping" on network traffic. Network Associates makes the product trademarked as Sniffer and its enhanced version, Sniffer Pro. Both products are network analyzers. Sniffing programs have a bad reputation in some circles, because hackers and crackers can use them to extract usernames and passwords that are sent across a network in plain text. These credentials are then used to gain unauthorized access to systems. However, sniffers have many legitimate uses for network administrators: • • • Connectivity problems analysis Performance analysis Intrusion detection Microsoft System Monitor and Microsoft Performance Monitor System Monitor in Windows 2000 and Performance Monitor in Windows NT 4.0 measure the performance of a large number of system components, including counters for network components. These monitors can display values in graph format, save data to a log, and compile reports. Measurement can be viewed in real time, updated automatically, or updated on demand. Performance Monitor and System Monitor can configure alerts and send notification when a specified value goes above or below a predefined limit. To identify network bottlenecks, network interface counters such as the following should be monitored: • • • Total bytes per second Bytes sent per second Bytes received per second These protocol layer object counters can also be monitored: • • • • Segments received per second Segments sent per second Frames received per second Frames sent per second Monitoring these counters helps in planning for appropriate bandwidth capacity. For example, if the total number of bytes transferred per second is close to or equal to the maximum capacity of a network media, either equipment should be upgraded (such as from 10-Mbps Ethernet to 100-Mbps Ethernet) or network usage should be reduced. Microsoft Network Monitor System Monitor measures performance-related network values. To actually capture and analyze packets as they travel across the network, a different tool must be used. Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000 include a "light" version of the Microsoft Network Monitor, which is part of the Microsoft System Management Server (SMS). SMS will be discussed in the Network Management Software section of this chapter. The network monitor that comes with Windows NT and Windows 2000 is a functional and useful tool for performing routine protocol analysis. Figure shows Network Monitor monitoring network utilization, frames per second, and additional network statistics. Network Monitor can be used to display the individual frames of captured data. The figure shows that packets for several different protocols have been captured, including TCP, UDP, and SMB. Sniffer Technologies The popular Sniffer network analyzer has evolved into a complex suite of network tools: • • • • Sniffer Pro LAN and Sniffer Pro WAN Sniffer Pro High-Speed Gigabit Sniffer Pro The Sniffer Distributed Analysis Suite The Sniffer products enable sophisticated filtering based on pattern matches, IP/IPX addresses, and so on. Sniffer Pro includes a traffic generator to assist in testing new devices or applications. It can be used to simulate network traffic or to measure response times and hop counts. Sniffer uses a dashboard-style interface, as shown in Figure . Sniffer includes built-in TCP/IP utilities such as ping, traceroute, DNS lookup, and more. The Sniffer display is highly configurable. Packet information and protocol distribution are displayed in chart form and shown in Figure . Sniffer includes Expert Analyzer to assist in diagnosing network problems. Multiple instances of the program or its individual tools can be run simultaneously. Novell LANalyzer The Novell LANalyzer network analysis tool runs on Windows, and it includes basic network monitoring and troubleshooting capabilities for Ethernet and Token Ring networks. In addition to capturing packets, the product makes specific recommendations for troubleshooting and optimizing the performance of the network. LANalyzer supports Novell Directory Services (NDS) and works with NetWare, AppleTalk, NFS, SNA, and TCP/IP. The LANalyzer graphical interface uses a dashboard style similar to that of Sniffer Pro, and it identifies network components by name and by MAC address. 11.5.6 Network management software The difference between network monitoring software and network management software is the latter is generally more comprehensive. While it does include monitoring components, it can do much more. Managing network services is a large part of any network administrator's job, and this is especially true in the enterprise-level environment. A network administrator should be familiar with the tools that can make this task easier. This includes the management features that are built into modern network operating systems and the software products offered by operating system vendors and third parties. Managing the network includes a number of tasks: • • • • • • Documenting the devices on the network and the status of each Creating an inventory of network software that allows deployment of software and updates over the network Metering software to provide data on what applications are being used and how, when, and by whom they are being used Managing software licensing Remotely controlling client machines and servers over the network and managing remote desktops Notifying administrators of events such as failure of network components or a predefined disk capacity that is reached or exceeded There are several network management programs (or, more accurately, suites of programs) on the market. In this section, a few of the most popular are examined: • • • • Microsoft SMS Novell ManageWise IBM Tivoli Enterprise Hewlett Packard OpenView These products are designed with the large, multi-site enterprise network in mind. Network management software that is appropriate for the small to medium-sized LAN includes LANExplorer and Lanware Network Monitoring Suite. Microsoft Systems Management Server (SMS) Microsoft SMS is a high-end network management package that provides hardware and software inventory by installing the client agent on target computers. Figure shows the Hardware Inventory Client Agent properties box. SMS also allows for remote diagnostic capabilities, remote desktop control, and software deployment. SMS also includes a more robust version of Microsoft Network Monitor than the one built into the Windows NT and Windows 2000 operating systems. For example, the SMS Network Monitor adds the capability to find routers on the network and to resolve addresses from names. One of the most useful features of SMS is its software distribution feature. With it, a distribution package is created. The package contains the information used by SMS to coordinate the distribution of the software as shown in Figure . SMS uses Microsoft SQL server for storing data, which means the data can be easily exported to Microsoft Access. SMS includes support for Macintosh clients, and it can be easily integrated into a Novell NDS environment. Novell ManageWise Novell ManageWise consists of an integrated group of network management services that can be used to manage NetWare servers or, with the addition of an add-on agent, Windows NT servers. Components include network traffic analysis, control of workstations and servers, and administration of network applications. The ManageWise console also includes the ability to map network drives. Like SMS, ManageWise can create an inventory of network devices. In addition, it includes an alarm/notification feature. ManageWise includes NetWare LANalyzer agent, the management agent, Intel LANDesk Manager, and LANDesk virus protection. ManageWise includes Desktop Manager, as shown in Figure . Desktop Manager allows the hardware and software inventories of the workstation to be viewed. It also enables file transfer, chat, remote control, and rebooting of the workstation. IBM Tivoli Enterprise Tivoli Enterprise is a popular network management package that includes tools designed to provide asset management, availability management, change management, operations management, security management, service management, and storage management. Tivoli Enterprise makes it easy to implement these components in phases. Tivoli Enterprise is capable of providing a complete view of the network topology. Reporting tools enable customization of the view in which the data is presented, and "smart sets" can be created that group data logically and that help analyze the health of the network. IBM Tivoli Enterprise is shown in Figure . Tivoli also offers solutions for small businesses with Tivoli IT Director and for medium-sized organizations with Tivoli management suites. Hewlett Packard OpenView Hewlett Packard OpenView management tools include OpenView Enterprise for large-scale enterprise solutions and OpenView Express for medium-sized companies. OpenView Enterprise is designed for networks that have thousands of servers,and more than 5000 workstations that run Windows NT, Windows 2000, or UNIX network operating systems. OpenView Express provides web server management, management of Exchange mail servers, and Windows NT and Windows 2000 mixed-mode networks. The OpenView ManageX component is a server and performance management tool that can be used in NT and NetWare environments. 11.5.7 Management software for small and medium-sized networks In addition to the network management products offered by major software companies such as Microsoft, Novell, IBM, and Hewlett Packard, numerous smaller companies make products aimed at the small to medium-sized network market. These include Lanware Network Monitoring Suite (NMS), which uses Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). NMS provides features such as the capability to restart services, schedule events, and reboot servers. NuLink ViewLAN is another relatively simple SNMP-based management and monitoring tool. In the following sections, SNMP and Common Management Information Protocol (CMIP) are discussed. These protocols are the basis of many of these simple software solutions. SNMP SNMP is a protocol that is included in most implementations of TCP/IP. It has several advantages as a network management solution: • • • • • Simplicity Low cost Relative ease of implementation Low overhead on the network Supported by most network hardware devices SNMP uses a hierarchical database called a Management Information Base (MIB) to organize the information it gathers about the network. Software called the SNMP manager is installed on a host computer that is used to collect the data. SNMP agent software is installed on the computers on the network from which the data is collected. Freeware versions of both SNMP managers and agents are available for various operating systems. CMIP CMIP was designed to improve on SNMP and expand its functionality. It works in much the same way as SNMP, but it has better security features. Also, it enables notification when specified events occur. Since the overhead for CMIP is considerably greater than that which is required for SNMP, it is less widely implemented. CMIP is based on the OSI protocol suite, while SNMP is considered part of the TCP/IP suite. 11.5.8 Management Service Provider (MSP) A new development in network management is the Management Service Provider (MSP). A company subscribes to an MSP service, which provides performance monitoring and network management. This saves the organization the cost of buying, installing, and learning to use monitoring and management software. An example of a company that provides outsourcing of network management tasks is Luminate.Net, which provides a web-based interface for interaction with customers. 11.5.9 SNMP concepts and components SNMP is the Simple Network Management Protocol. Running at port 161 by default, it is the only way to obtain true statistics of network usage under TCP/IP. SNMP enables network administrators to remotely troubleshoot and monitor hubs and routers. Much of SNMP is defined within RFCs 1157 and 1212, although many more RFCs discuss SNMP. SNMP can be found, along with other RFCs, on various web sites, including Also a search can be performed on SNMP or RFC and find more specific information related to a specific part of SNMP. Using SNMP, information can be found about these remote devices without having to physically be at the device itself. This can be a very useful tool if understood and used properly. Some examples include the following: • • • • IP address of a router Number of open files Amount of hard drive space available Version number of a host (such as Windows NT) Before setting up SNMP, it is necessary to have IP addresses or host names of the systems that will either be the initiators or those that will respond to the requests. Microsoft’s SNMP Service, for example, uses the regular Windows NT host name resolution, such as HOSTS, DNS, WINS, and LMHOSTS. Therefore, when using one of these resolution methods, add the correct host name to IP address resolution for the computers that are being setting up with SNMP. The types of systems on which data can be found include the following: • • • • • • Mainframes Gateways and routers Hubs and bridges Windows NT servers LAN Manager servers SNMP agents SNMP uses a distributed architecture design to facilitate its properties. This means that various parts of SNMP are spread throughout the network to complete the task of collecting and processing data to provide remote management. An SNMP Service by Microsoft enables a machine running Windows NT to be able to transfer its current condition to a computer running an SNMP management system. However, this is only the agent side, not the management tools. Various third-party management utilities are available, including the following: • • • IBM NetView Sun Net Manager Hewlett-Packard OpenView SNMP Agents and Management There are two main parts to SNMP: 1. Management side – The management station is the centralized location from which users can manage SNMP. 2. Agent – The agent station is the piece of equipment from which issuers are trying to extract data. The following sections discuss each part. The SNMP Management System The management system is the key component for obtaining information from the client. At least one management system is needed to even be able to use the SNMP Service. The management system is responsible for “asking the questions”. As mentioned earlier, it can ask each device a certain number of questions, depending on the type of device. In addition, certain commands can be issued specifically at the management system. Figure generic commands not specific to any type of management system directly. shows the Usually, only one management system is running the SNMP Service per group of hosts. This group is known as a community. However, more management systems may be wanted for the following reasons: • • • Multiple management systems can make different queries to the same agents. Different management sites may exist for one community. Different management systems may be needed to help differentiate certain aspects of the community as the network grows and becomes more complex. The SNMP Agent Previously, it has been explained what the SNMP management side is responsible for and can specifically do. For the most part, the management side is the active component for getting information. The SNMP agent, on the other hand, is responsible for complying with the requests and responding to the SNMP manager accordingly. Generally, the agent is a router, server, or hub. The agent is usually a passive component only responding to a direct query. In one particular instance, the agent is the initiator, acting on its own without a direct query. This special case is called a "trap". A trap is set up from the management side on the agent. But the management does not need to go to the agent to find out whether the trap information has been tripped. The agent sends an alert to the management system telling it that the event has occurred. Most of the time, the agent is passive except in this one occasion. 11.5.10 SNMP structure and functions Now that the management system and agents have been covered, we will explore the different types of query databases. Management Information Base (MIB) The data that the management system requests from an agent is contained in a Management Information Base (MIB). This is a list of questions that the management system can ask. The list of questions depends on what type of device it is asking about. The MIB is the database of information that can be queried against. The type of system it is determines what specifically can be queried. The MIB defines what type of objects can be queried and what type of information is available about the network device. For example, there are MIBs for routers, hubs, switches, computers, and even some software packages, such as data base systems. The MIB contains a list of the items that can be managed by SNMP on the device associated with the MIB. A variety of MIB databases can be established. The MIB is stored on the SNMP agent. These MIBs are available to both the agent and management systems as a reference from which both can pull information. The Microsoft SNMP Service, for example, supports the following MIB databases: • • • • Internet MIB II LAN Manager MIB II DHCP MIB WINS MIB MIB Structure The namespace for MIB objects is hierarchical. It is structured in this manner so that each manageable object can be assigned a globally unique name. Certain organizations have the authority to assign the namespace for parts of the tree design. The MIB structure is similar to TCP/IP addresses. Get only one address from the InterNIC and then subnet it according to what is needed. It is not necessary to contact them to inquire about each address assignment. The same applies here. Organizations can assign names without consulting an Internet authority for every specific assignment. Installing and Configuring SNMP SNMP allows an SNMP management console to manage devices that have an SNMP agent installed on them. SNMP was designed to make it possible to manage network devices, such as routers. However, the use of SNMP has been expanded to allow it to be able to manage practically any device, including a computer, attached to a network. Install the SNMP agent on the network operating system. To install the SNMP agent on the network operating system, follow the instructions that come with the network operating system. After the SNMP agent is installed, it must be configured with an SNMP community name. The default SNMP community name is Public. Always change this to something other than Public. The community name is a primitive password mechanism. SNMP management console and SNMP agents with the same SNMP community name can exchange information. If the SNMP community names differ, they will not be able to communicate. The SNMP agent knows what to monitor on the network device by looking at a Management Information Base (MIB) for the device. Each unique network device has a unique MIB defined. For example, there are MIBs for routers, hubs, switches, computers, and even some software packages, such as database systems. The MIB contains a list of the items that can be managed by SNMP on the device associated with the MIB. What SNMP is Really Doing The following example tracks a sample of SNMP traffic between a manager and the agent. Remember in real life, management software, such as HP’s OpenView will be used. This software enables users to see the MIBs and query without knowing all the numbers. 1. The SNMP management system makes a request of an agent using the agent’s IP address or host name. • • • • The request is sent by the application to UDP port 161. The host name is resolved to an IP address. If a host name was used, using host name resolution methods; localhost, HOSTS file, DNS, WINS, broadcast, or LMHOSTS file, the SNMP packet gets set up with the listed information inside, and it routes the packet on the agent’s UDP port 161. The command for the objects: get, get-next, set. The community name and any other specified data. 2. An SNMP agent gets the packet and puts it into its buffer. • • • • • The community name is checked for validity. If it is not correct or is corrupted, the packet is rejected. If the community name checks out, the agent checks as to whether the originating host name or IP address is correct as well. If not, it is thrown out. The inquiry is then passed to the correct dynamic link library (DLL) as described in the preceding section on MIBs. The object identifier gets mapped to the specific application-programming interface (API) and that call gets made. The DLL sends the data to the agent. 3. The SNMP packet is given to the SNMP manager with the requested information. SNMP Communities A community is a group of hosts running the SNMP Service to which they all belong. These usually consist of at least one management system and multiple agents. The idea is to logically organize systems into organizational units for better network management. Communities are called by a community name. This name is case sensitive. The default community name is “public” and generally all hosts belong to it. Also by default, all SNMP agents respond to any request using the community name “public”. By using unique community names, limited security and segregation of hosts can be provided. Agents do not accept requests nor respond to hosts that are not from their configured community. Agents can be members of multiple communities simultaneously, but they must be explicitly configured as such. This enables them to respond to different SNMP managers from various communities. Security There really is no established security with SNMP. The data is not encrypted, and there is no setup to stop someone from accessing the network, discovering the community names and addresses used, and sending fake requests to agents. A major reason most MIBs are read-only is so that unauthorized changes cannot be made. The best security is to use unique community names. Choose Send Authentication Trap, specify a Trap Destination, and stipulate Only Accept SNMP Packets from These Hosts. Also, traps can be set up that let users know whether the agents receive requests from communities or addresses not specified. This way, unauthorized SNMP activity can be tracked down. SNMP Security Parameters Several options can be set that affect the security of the SNMP agent. By default the agent responds to any manager using the community name “public”. Because this can be inside or outside the organization, at the very least the community name should be changed. SNMP Agent In some cases other aspects of the SNMP agent will be configured. These set the type of devices that users will monitor and who is responsible for the system. The options available on this screen are as follows: • • The contact name of the person to be alerted about conditions on this station. In general, this is the user of the computer. The location is a descriptive field for the computer to help keep track of the system sending the alert. The last part of the screen identifies the types of connections/devices this agent will monitor. These include: • • • • • Physical – Managing physical devices such as repeaters or hubs. Application – Set if the Windows NT computer uses an application that uses TCP/IP. Check this box every time. Just by using SNMP, it should have TCP/IP set up. Datalink/Subnetwork – for managing a bridge Internet – Causes the Windows NT computer to act as an IP gateway, or router. End-to-End – causes the Windows NT computer to act as an IP host. Check this box every time, as the user is most likely an IP host. Any errors with SNMP are recorded in the system log. The log records any SNMP activity. Use Event Viewer to look at the errors and to find the problem and possible solutions. Remote Notification The single best way to be notified of situations when they arise is through SNMP, which was discussed earlier. SNMP is an application of TCP/IP and available for any network utilizing TCP/IP as its network protocol. This makes it available for Windows 2000, Windows NT, Linux, OS/2, and so on. Understand that notification is possible using SNMP. It will vary on an operating system–by–operating system basis. Within Windows 2000, for instance, users can establish thresholds to send notification when conditions exist, such as when the available memory on a machine drops below a specified level. CHAPTER 12 12.1 Hardware Terms, Concepts, and Components 12.1.1 Overview of hardware components Throughout this course, you have learned to install, maintain and troubleshoot hardware in a Windows environment. You have also discovered that Linux/Unix environments are different from that of a Windows environment. Thus, in this chapter, you will learn how to properly identify, install, maintain, and troubleshoot hardware as it relates specifically to a Linux system, since Windows and Linux systems can be very different. One of the first items that need to be taken into consideration when gathering hardware to install in a Linux system is compatibility. Linux has made progress in providing support for a lot of hardware. However, Linux is not as compatible with as many pieces of hardware as a Windows system is. This is especially true with video cards, network cards, SCSI host adapters, and sound cards. These components have various compatibility issues with Linux systems. Doing some research into getting the correct hardware that will work on a Linux system can save a lot of time and trouble in the future. Until now most of this course has focused primarily on administration of Linux software. However, software is only one aspect of the duties for which a system administrator will be responsible. Linux hardware administration is just as important as the knowledge of how to administer the Linux operating system. At least half a system administrator’s time is spent administering hardware. Therefore, it is best to first provide a rundown of the various hardware components the administrator will use or find in a Linux system as they relate to Linux systems specifically. The first piece of hardware that needs to be mentioned is the motherboard, as shown in Figure . The motherboard is the component that other components either plug into or run. Even external devices, which connect through USB, serial, or parallel ports, connect off of the motherboard. Other pieces of hardware can be replaced without causing the system to crash if they fail. However, if the motherboard fails, the system will not operate. The motherboard also determines what type of CPU and RAM users must install in their systems. This is particularly important if a user is selecting a motherboard to install in a Linux system. As mentioned in previous chapters, certain distributions can only use certain processors. This makes choosing the correct motherboard for a Linux system a very important step. The CPU is what is known as the brain of a computer system because it is what does all the thinking or computations. It is important to choose a CPU that is compatible with the Linux system. Memory is another crucial hardware component in any computer. The term memory is usually referring to RAM. When installing RAM, shown in Figure , users really do not have to be concerned with Linux compatibility. The user can install any RAM from any manufacturer on a Linux system. The only compatibility issues with RAM are that the user must install the correct type of RAM for the motherboard the user selects. For example, if the user selects a motherboard that only supports synchronous dynamic RAM (SDRAM), the user must purchase and install SDRAM. Similarly, if the motherboard only supports Rambu DRAM (RDRAM) or DDR-RAM, then the user must install that type of RAM. After selecting the motherboard, CPU, and memory bundle for the Linux system, think about the other hardware that needs to be added to the system. The type of hardware needed depends a lot on the use of the Linux system or if the system is intended to be a server. If the system will only be used for basic word processing, e-mail, and Internet access then the needed hardware is a small capacity hard drive, shown in Figure , a CD-ROM drive, shown in Figure , and an inexpensive video card, shown in Figure . The user might need more expensive hardware if the user needs a system for editing video, CAD, other architectural drawing software, or if the user needs a system for doing a lot of mathematical computations. These systems will need features such as: • • • • • • • Faster processors More RAM More expensive video cards Faster and larger capacity hard drives Better monitors CD-RW and DVD-RW drives Speakers If the system is a server, then high-end monitors, speakers, or video cards will not be needed. However, high-end processors, RAM, hard drives, or RAID controllers may need to be installed on servers. The main consideration with Linux systems is compatibility and drivers support. This is most important when installing video cards and sound card for reasons that have already been discussed in previous chapters. It is also important to remember that if an administrator is installing SCSI hard drives or other SCSI devices, the administrator will need to install drivers for the SCSI controllers. 12.1.2 Central Processing Unit (CPU) The types of CPUs that are compatible with the different major distributions of Linux was covered in the previous chapters. This section deals with the specifics about these processors and how they generally relate to Linux systems. The main processors that a Linux system will be installed on are Intel, AMD K6 series, Athlon, and Duron processors. Originally, Linux was developed for Intel 80x86. This system was also known as the x86 processor. Linux was developed on the 386 system and can still run on that system today. The uses for such a system were mentioned in previous chapters. Linux is also compatible with Intel subsequent family of processors like the 486 and entire class of Pentium class processors. Other x86 compatible chips by other manufacturers such as the Athlon, Duron, and AMD K6 processors are also compatible with Linux. Figure shows an example of a processor. Other manufactures also produce x86 compatible processors. However these processors lag substantially in speed and performance. They will not be covered in this course. In previous chapters it was learned that other distributions could run on other types of processors as well. It is generally most cost effective to use x86 processors and Linux seems to run best on x86 processors. It is recommended to use x86 processors on Linux systems whenever possible. CPU performance is rated by clockspeed. This speed is calculated by the number of pulses the CPU produces in a specific amount of time. These pulsation rates are measured in megahertz (MHz) or gigahertz (GHz, 1 GHz is equal 1000 MHz). Thus, different processors pulsate at different rates. For example, a 2.4 GHz Pentium 4 processor is faster than a 1.3 GHz Pentium III processor. Earlier CPUs where measured in megahertz because it was unthinkable that anything above the 1000 MHz or 1 GHz level was possible. This measurement is helpful when determining the performance of one processor over another. It is also important to note that when comparing two processors from different manufactures (even though they may have the same advertised clockspeed) it does not mean that they are both equal. For example, a 1.5 GHz Pentium processor might be faster than a 1.5 GHz AMD processor. If comparing two processors from different manufacturers look at the MIPS (Millions of Instructions Per Second) value or a benchmark test that is relevant to the type of work to be done with the processor. The MIPS value will have a better representation to compare two processors from different manufactures of equal clockspeed. 12.1.3 Video hardware Selecting and configuring video hardware, Figure , for a Linux system is a more complicated task. Linux systems that are only to be used as servers do not necessarily need to be concerned with what video card is installed. An inexpensive, low-level video card that the Linux kernel already supports can be installed. The type of video card is only a concern when the X server component is installed. The X server provides the GUI. However, this task is not so simple when designing a system for users. What tasks this user will be doing with the system will depend on which video card is selected. This makes choosing a video card that is compatible with Linux a difficult process. This also causes documentation about Linux installation difficult. The drivers that a Linux system uses to operate the video card in the GUI are not located in the kernel. They are part of the X server. Compatibility issues will arise when finding a video card and X server combination. For this reason it is wise to research the video cards that are compatible with the X server being used. Start by determining whether the default and open source X server, XFree86 is being used, or if one of the commercial X servers that were mentioned in previous chapters is being used. Do not plan on using one of the new video cards on the market unless using one of the commercial X servers. This will narrow down the selection slightly. Generally, drivers are made available for commercial X server support before XFree86 releases compatible drivers. Depending on the needs of the user, a commercial X server may be a better choice if a particular video card is needed. Another important video card feature that will help determine what kind of video card to install is how much RAM the video card has. Video cards manufactured today have substantial amounts of RAM installed in them. This is intended to take the load off of system RAM. Operating system GUIs and games have advanced so much that they require a decent amount of RAM just to handle the workload. Without having RAM installed on the video card itself, the system RAM would be consumed, leaving no memory left for applications and processes. This would cause the system to either run at extremely slow speeds, rendering itself useless, or lockup altogether. 12.1.4 Miscellaneous hardware and components Most of the hardware installed into a Linux system will work because it is typically known as operating system independent hardware. This is also true when installing the Linux operating system on an existing system where the hardware is already installed. Operating system independent hardware simply means that regardless of which operating system is used there will be little or no configuration, and very few or no compatibility issues. One example of operating system independent hardware is the computer case. When selecting this piece of hardware pay close attention to its compatibility with the other hardware that is going to be installed in the system. For example, first make sure that the motherboard will fit into the case so that the slots and ports on the back of the motherboard line up with the slots on the back of the case. Also, make sure that there are enough drive bays for the amount of CD, DVD, CD-R, DVD-R, removable hard drives, or fans that need to be installed. Make sure that the case is going to provide enough room for the type of hard drive array that is to be installed. Most cases will provide enough space for at least two hard drives. If there are more than two hard drives, or if a server is being built that may have multiple hard drives, obtain a computer case that has the necessary room. Other examples of operating system independent hardware are mice, keyboards, monitors, floppy drives, and tape drives. These pieces of hardware work independently of the operating system that is installed. They should not require any configuration or pose any serious compatibility problems. Some hardware will require special configuration if they are installed in a Linux system. The following devices may require special drivers or configurations before they operate properly with Linux: USB Devices In a Linux system, install a driver for each USB device installed. Some of the latest Linux kernels provide support for some USB devices. However, the support is not universal. This means that other drivers are often needed. To find out what USB devices are supported visit Figure shows an example of a USB CD-ROM drive. Sound Cards Previous sections have already stated that Linux does have some compatibility issues with sound cards. There are several sound cards that the kernel supports, however unsupported soundcards can still be used as long as the correct drivers are obtained, installed and configured properly. Figure shows an example of a typical sound card. Video Capture Cards Video capture cards are a relatively new area that is become increasingly popular. This includes digital video and still cameras as well as internal cards that accept television input signals. Linux support for these devices is spotty at best. However, work is currently being done to research video capture cards and provide more support for this type of hardware. The Video4Linux project is currently working to develop tools and support for these devices. To learn more, visit their website at Always check to be sure the hardware is supported before purchasing and installing expensive equipment. Internal Modems As previously mentioned, Linux does have problems with some internal modems as well. This is because the internal modems today are software modems which rely on the CPU to do some of the modem work. These types of modems require drivers that may not be supported in Linux. It is best to use an older modem or check to see if the manufacturer has drivers for Linux systems. Figure shows an example of a modem. The main focus when installing hardware on a Linux system is compatibility. Knowing which hardware is fully supported by Linux and which hardware Linux does not have the latest drivers to support will save time and frustration. Be cautious about adding hardware to a Linux system without first checking compatibility. Finding hardware in which Linux drivers have been written for by manufactures can be difficult. Therefore, it is a good idea to be certain the correct drivers can be located for the hardware device before purchasing or installing any hardware on a Linux system. 12.1.5 Hardware monitoring devices Most hardware devices that are used for network monitoring and management are merely dedicated computers that run proprietary protocol analysis or network management software. These are often portable computers. Some devices that can be useful in troubleshooting network problems include the following: Tone generator/locator (fox and hound) The ’fox‘ portion can be attached to one end of the cable, and a tone is generated. A locator, or the ’hound‘, at the other end receives the tone. This shows that the correct cable has been identified. Figure shows an example of the fox and hound. Crossover cable The crossover cable is an Ethernet Unshielded Twisted-Pair (UTP) cable in which two of the wire pairs are crossed. Normally in UTP, pin 1 connects to pin 1 on the other end, pin 2 connects to pin 2, and so on. With the crossover cable, pins 1 and 2 connect to pins 3 and 6 on the opposite end, and pins 3 and 6 connect to pins 1 and 2. The crossover cable is used to connect two computers without going through a hub. It is also used to connect two hubs when there is no uplink port. Figure shows the coloring scheme for one end of a crossover cable. Time domain reflectometer (TDR) With a TDR, a sonar-type pulse is sent through the cable. The pulse is measured to locate shorts or breaks in the cable. Figure provides examples of typical TDRs. Hardware loopback This device is connected to the serial port to send data, which is then "looped back" to be received by the same computer. This makes a test of the serial port possible without a modem or other device attached to the computer. Digital volt-ohm meter The volt-ohm meter, or voltmeter, is used to measure electronic pulses through cable and to determine if there are shorts or breaks in the cable. Figure shows an example of a digital volt-ohm meter. Cable tester A cable tester is used to detect breaks and shorts. An advanced cable tester can display additional information about the cable condition and properties. Figure shows an example of a cable tester. Oscilloscope An oscilloscope is used in electronics calibration. It is also used to measure the signal voltage that passes through a cable. The display is output to a small monitor as a waveform. This can show attenuation caused by shorts or crimped wires in the cable. Figure shows an example of an oscilloscope. LAN meter A LAN meter can check for broadcasts, collisions, usage levels, and errors on Ethernet and Token Ring LANs. It can measure throughput across WANs. A LAN meter also can identify devices connected to the network. Figure shows an example of a LAN meter. 12.2 Hardware Installation, Configuration, and Maintenance 12.2.1 Locating hardware drivers for Linux The previous sections discussed certain pieces of hardware used in computer systems, installation, and configuration of some hardware in the Linux systems, like printers. It was acknowledged that installing and configuring hardware in Linux is not as easy and straightforward as it is with a Windows system. An example from a previous chapter was that printers operate externally and the drivers are located in Ghostscript. Installing and configuring hardware on a Windows system is not always the easiest thing to do. Occasionally compatibility issues may arise, but for the most part support will always be available. Because the Windows operating systems are commercially popular, hardware manufacturers need to ensure that their products have drivers that support the Windows family of operating systems. Along with this wide-range of hardware support for Windows systems, detailed installation instructions are also provided with the hardware. The instructions come with the device or can be located on the manufactures website. This support and widerange compatibility of hardware is not as prevalent, and in some cases is non-existent for the Linux systems. Most users must find their own way to install and configure hardware on the Linux systems. Some hardware manufacturers do not even have drivers available for Linux. Even when drivers are available, sometimes they do not come with the product. The drivers need to be located from third-party suppliers, or found elsewhere. Documentation about installation on configuration on the Linux systems is also much harder to find. There are several possible sources of hardware drivers for a Linux system. In a Linux system, the kernel will serve as the interface between the operating system, which is the software, and the hardware. Most Linux drivers are either located in the Linux kernel initially, or added to it in some way. Some hardware such as printers, scanners, and video card drivers are not located in the kernel. These devices reside externally in non-kernel software. An example of a hardware drivers is the printer drivers on a Linux system. They are located in the Ghostscript print queue software. Possible locations of Linux drivers are listed as follows. New Kernel Drivers New drivers are made available for hardware that is downloaded from manufacturers websites. Sometimes these updates are made available through new kernel release. Linux Kernel As previously mentioned, many Linux drivers are located in the main kernel tree. The kernel should be the first place to check for drivers. Most distributions will not compile these drivers directly into the kernel so it is sometimes necessary to recompile or upgrade the kernel to get access to the drivers. Hardware/Device Manufacturers As previously mentioned, it can be difficult to find drivers for Linux because some manufacturers do not make drivers that are supported in Linux operating systems. However, more manufacturers are beginning to make drivers for Linux systems. USB devices The kernels that come with the latest distributions of Linux provide wonderful USB driver support. These distributions support a wide variety of USB devices including keyboards, mice, external modems, printers, zip drives, and printers. Remember that some USB devices such as scanners and printers require secondary packages. The secondary packages include drivers for things like Ghostscript. For more information about USB compatible devices with Linux go to Ghostscript As mention previously in this chapter, printer drivers are located in the Ghostscript printing software. Software Modems There are two types of modems, external and internal. External modems are compatible with Linux standard serial port driver. Internal modems or software modems have limited driver support in Linux systems. A good reference when installing any software modem in a Linux system is This site contains more information about software modem drivers for Linux. Sound Card Drivers The Linux kernel that comes with most distributions of Linux support various sound cards. However, there still are sound cards that are not supports, which makes Linux’s sound support very weak. There are two projects that are currently being developed to improve sound card support for Linux systems. First, the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA),, is an open source initiative. The second, Open Sound System (OSS),, is a commercially led initiative to develop better sound card support for Linux systems. Scanners The drivers for scanners are not located within the Linux kernel. There are also open source and commercial project initiatives for scanners driver support for Linux. The Scanner Access Now Easy (SANE),, project is the open source initiative. The OCR shop,, is the commercially led initiative. OCR works independently of SANE. X servers There is more than one X server to choose from to install on a Linux system. Video card driver support for these X servers can be found at their corresponding websites. XFree86, which is the default X server for Linux, has drivers at it site Sometimes the video card installed will not work with the drivers for XFree86. Remember to use other commercial X servers that will support the video card being used. Examples of these include Accelerated X, , and Metro-X, There are other drivers that may require special drivers, such as software, to allow the user to use the device. These other drivers are mentioned because of their increasing popularity today. Examples of hardware are CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, or DVD-RW drives. CD-R and CD-RW drives require other software such as X-CD Roast, , to burn CDs. This software should come with the installation disks. gPhoto,, is software for digital cameras. These software packages contain low-level drivers, such as SCSI or USB drivers. The low-level drivers allow the device to interact with the Linux kernel. However, it is the software that allows the user to use the device and essentially allows it to work. 12.2.2 Configuring hardware in a Linux system Configuring hardware in a Linux system can be complex, so it requires special attention. Some hardware can be easy to install on a Linux system because it does not require going through multiple steps. The steps to configure hardware on Linux will be covered in this section. A proficient Linux administrator will be able to install any hardware on a Linux system. Whether or not this configuration will be an easy process or a complex one depends on various factors, such as the type and model of hardware that is being used. Hardware Replacement Much of the hardware configuration that needs to be done is done when a new device is installed. New devices can be installed to add for a user or to replace existing devices. In either case there are some specific steps and precautions that need to be followed when configuring hardware in a Linux system. Different procedures are required depending on the type of hardware to be installed. Examples are external devices, internal devices, or internal expansion cards. External devices are currently available for many devices. Some of the external devices are hard drives, CD, CD-R, DVD-R drives, digital cameras, scanners, and printers. This is not a conclusive list. External devices are attached to the system through USB ports, SCSI ports, serial ports, or parallel ports. The connectors on these devices are very specific. They can only be plugged into their corresponding ports. For example, an external USB device plug will only fit into a USB port. This makes it very difficult to not hook the device up to the system correctly. External devices will also have a second plug that will plugs into a wall outlet for power. All these devices, with the exception of USB devices, should be plugged into the system when the system is shutdown. Internal devices are also attached to the system with two cables. These devices are typically attached to the motherboard or to the expansion card. One cable is used for data and the other is used for power. The power cable is easy to install. It plugs into one of the plugs on the power supply and there is only one way to connect the cable. The data cable can be confusing as to where it plugs into to the motherboard. Consult the device documentation for the correct placement of the data cable. Internal devices are sometimes attached to the system with screws. Sometimes the installation requires removing other devices to install the new device. Document how the system was configured or installed before removing any devices. This will make it much easier to reassemble the system. Internal expansion cards are fairly easy to install into the system motherboard. They simply slide into their corresponding slot in the motherboard as seen in Figure . Soundcards, Video Cards, Software modems, SCSI cards, and RAID controllers are all examples of internal expansion cards. Again, only a certain card type can be inserted into each slot making almost impossible to not install the device correctly. For example, and ISA card will only fit into an ISA slot on the motherboard. Always shutdown the system before installing any internal expansion card. Resource Allocation There is one important thing to know about installing hardware in any system, including Linux. There are a limited number of resources that are allocated to the devices that are installed on a system. These resources include: • • • The interrupt request (IRQ), which signals the CPU when a hardware event occurs The Direct Memory Address channel (DMA), which is what allows the transfer of data The Input/Output port (I/O) that is also a means of data transfer Each device requires at least one IRQ, DMA, and I/O port assignment. If too many devices are installed, resource allocation conflicts may occur. Some devices can share these resources. However if configuring the devices to share resources, make sure that they are not devices that will need to allocate the resources at the same time. To view the resource allocations on a Linux system view the /proc/interrupt, /proc/dma, /proc/ioports files. Using the cat command, see what devices are allocated. Figure shows the I/O range assignments. As seen in the example in Figure , each IRQ number on the left corresponds to a device on the right. If using a GUI interface like KDE for example, view the resource allocations by using the GUI Control Center tool. Figure shows the GUI Control Center tool. Referring to the assignments in Figure before installing new hardware is important. Referring to the files can help to determine what resources are still available, if any are available. This will not work when installing a SCSI or USB device. Devices that use these ports do not use typical IRQ, DMA, or I/O ports. These types of devices use ports that are already installed so resource allocation is not a concern. This makes SCSI or USB devices good alternatives for systems that have a lot of hardware. It makes adding new hardware a much simpler process. Jumper Configurations Another aspect of configuring hardware is setting the proper jumpers for a device, as shown in Figure . The jumper is a small metal bridge made up of female pins, covered by plastic. By removing or installing the jumper on the device’s male pins, the operating parameters of a device can be changed. For example, moving jumpers can be used to enable or disable features, such as setting a master or slave drive. You should not have to set any jumpers for expansion cards today because most expansion cards today use plug-and-play technology instead of jumper settings. Jumpers are mainly used to adjust settings on hardware such as CD-ROMs, floppy drives, and hard drives. Jumpers are also used to adjust settings on motherboards, such as the CPU speed. Jumpers also can sometimes be used to control things such as IRQ or DMA assignment as well. Plug and Play Configurations Since the mid-to-late 1990s most hardware devices have been configured through plug-and-play (PnP) technology instead of using jumpers. The purpose of the Plug-and-Play device is to be able to plug the device in, and have the entire configuration done automatically by the operating system. As with most configurations with Linux, there are a few extra steps that might need to be done. The two ways that PnP is handled in Linux systems is the isapnp program and through an ISA configuration option in the Linux kernel. The isapnp program is used to read PnP configuration options from a file to set options for PnP devices when they are installed. Most distributions are configured to automatically start this program when the system starts up. It should be automatically detected and configured using the PnP technology. Another way PNP is handled by Linux is by an ISA configuration option in the Linux kernel. The 2.4.X Linux kernel includes ISA PnP support that does not require the isapnp program. This is the most likely option with the version of Linux that is being used with this course. Linux distributions that use this version of the Linux kernel auto-detect ISA PnP devices. They are configured by the kernel. It is important to remember that there is no PnP support for PCI hardware devices because the Linux kernel or the BIOS configure these devices automatically. Loading Drivers and Setting Options The final step of configuring hardware on a Linux system is being able to load the appropriate drivers and setting the correct options related to the driver. This can be the most critical step of configuring hardware on a Linux system because without the correct driver loaded the hardware will not work. In some cases having the wrong driver loaded will cause the system to quit working altogether. There are two ways that a driver can be loaded in a Linux system. The driver may be included in the Linux kernel or drivers may be loaded from modules. Other drivers such as Ghostscript or SANE drivers that are not associated with kernel can have drivers loaded within the application. They must be loaded separately. This process is very typical with Ghostscript drivers that are not located within the kernel and must be loaded from the Ghostscript application. SANE drivers are typically loaded from modules. The second method is the more simple of the two ways that a driver can be loaded. If the driver is located within the Linux kernel, then the driver should automatically load when the hardware that is uses the specific driver is installed. The Linux kernel does have many drivers that are included within the kernel. It is possible to add drivers to the kernel. However to do so requires recompiling the kernel. It is not recommended that inexperienced users attempt to recompile the kernel, especially on a production system. Recompiling the Linux kernel was covered in previous chapters. The next section will discuss loading Linux Kernel Modules. There will be some cases in which the drivers loaded will need to have some extra options set. The majority will not need to set any options but might need to define specific hardware settings for the driver. In some cases the driver may need to be told that two identical pieces of hardware, such as network cards, have been installed. The two ways that options can be set for drivers are through kernel options and module options. To set driver options through the kernel, reconfigure specific configuration files that pass these options directly to the kernel. For example, to specify a different IRQ and I/O assignment for a network card other than the driver default, edit the /etc/lilo.conf, Figure , configuration file which passes these options to the kernel. To change the IRQ to 10 and the I/O port to 6200 that the Ethernet card uses add the line, append=”ether=10,0x6200,eth0” to /etc/lilo.conf. If the driver is loaded through a module, then enter the driver options in the /etc/modules.conf file. This method is covered in the following section. 12.2.3 Linux kernel modules It was mentioned in the previous section that there are two ways that drivers are loaded in a Linux system. They are either included in the kernel or they are loaded from applications or modules. When the drivers are included in the kernel, they are installed and available to the system when the operating system is installed. Kernel modules are very similar to driver files that load in other operating systems, such as Windows. The first step in understanding how to load and unload kernel modules is to know what the kernel module configuration files are and where they are located. There are two files in a Linux system that handle module configuration. The first file, /etc/modules.conf, contains information about modules that are used for specific tasks, as well as information about how the kernel loads and unloads modules. The second file, /lib/modules/x.x.x/modules.dep, contains information about modules dependencies that rely on other modules in /etc/modules.conf. The x.x.x in the file above is the kernel version that is being used. Loading and Unloading Kernel Modules The latest distributions of Linux include kernel module loader support. One of the latest distributions of Linux is the version of Red Hat Linux that is used in this course. Kernel module loader support means that the kernel has the ability to load and unload drivers as it needs them. When a device is being used, such as a USB device, the kernel will automatically load the appropriate module and then the kernel will unload it when the device is no longer in use. This system works well for devices that have drivers or modules loaded into the kernel or in /etc/modules.conf. Figure shows an example of drivers loaded into the modules.conf file. When a device is installed or needs to be used and the kernel cannot automatically load or unload modules for it, other programs will need to be used to load and unload the appropriate driver or module. These programs can be included in startup scripts so that they are loaded when the system is booted up. They can also be run from the command line when the device is needed. It is recommended that the startup script method be used to avoid having users load and unload drivers. The insmod program The insmod program, Figure , is used to insert a single module into the kernel. The syntax for this command includes adding the name of the module that is being loaded along with any of the options listed in Figure . For example, the following command will load the parport module. This module is used to provide core functions for sharing a parallel port with multiple devices. # insmod –k parport Module names on the hard drive are characterized by a trailing .o. For example, the filename for the above module is parport, but actual module name would be partport.o. These modules are stored in subdirectories of /lib/modules/x.x.x, where x.x.x is the kernel version. The insmod program is a very useful tool, however it has some limitations. First, it can only be used to load one driver or module at a time. Also, as previously learned, there are many drivers and modules that have dependencies on other drivers or modules being loaded in order for the drivers and modules to work. Using the insmod program, load each one of these manually. If using a startup script to load the drivers and modules, place an entry in the script for each module that is a dependency of the driver or module that needs to be loaded. The modprobe Program The modprobe program, Figure , reduces this administrative overhead by automatically loading any dependencies a module has. All that must be done is to load the module needed. The modprobe program uses the contents of modules.dep to determine what modules must be loaded to use the intended modules. There are several options that can be used with the modprobe program. For example the –k option used with insmod is also used with modprobe and performs the same function. A few of the additional options are listed in Figure : For example, the following command will load the parport module and all the modules on which this module has dependencies. This module is used to provide core functions for sharing a parallel port with multiple devices. # modprobe –k parport The rmmod Program The rmmod program, Figure , can be used to remove drivers or modules. The modprobe program with the -r or --remove option will also remove modules. However, using this program instead of the option with modprobe allows some other options to be entered. The rmmod program provides a more flexibility when removing modules than if using the -r or –remove option with the modprobe command. Examples of the options that can be used with this command are shown in Figure : This command, as the other previous command, should not need to be used on a regular basis. Any commands to load necessary modules should be placed in a startup script that will load them when the system is booted up. After that, there should be no reason to use any of these commands other than for troubleshooting purposes. This is more the case with the rmmod program than the others. Using this command is a good troubleshooting tool that can be used to remove modules if there is suspicion that there is a problem. The lsmod Program The lsmod program, Figure , is used for different purposes that the other commands that were just mentioned. The other commands are used for loading and unloading modules. lsmod is a useful command because it reveals what modules are currently being used and what device is using them, as well as other information. lsmod also lists the sizes of the modules and the dependency modules. Refer to Figure , notice that there is other important information that is revealed with this command. Notice which modules are currently loaded but are unused. This means that they have been loaded without the –k option so the modules just remain loaded even when they are not in use. 12.3 Checking and Confirming Hardware Configuration 12.3.1 Power cables One of the first things that will need to be checked is the cabling. There are several devices that use various cables. Cables are used to link the device to the motherboard or to a controller card on the motherboard. Depending on what device is being installed, these cables can be entirely internal or external. As we will discuss in this section, proper cable installation can be the difference between a device working or not working. Some types of cables have some specific requirements. There are two types of power cables. The first power cable is the one that connects the wall outlet, Figure , surge protector, or uninterrupted power supply (UPS) to the back of the computer. This cable is external and is not necessarily the power cable of concern when installing a hardware device. The other type of power cable is internal. This cable connects the internal power supply to one of the hardware devices, Figure . These cables connect to and are used to give power to the motherboard and other disk devices such as hard drives, floppy drives, or CD-ROMs. These power cables have various types of connectors, which are used to connect to different devices. Most power supplies will have approximately six of these power cables that extend from the internal power supply. There will be one cable that has a connector that plugs into the motherboard, one that plugs into the CPU, and others that will plug into the various disk devices. Check and confirm that a proper connection has been made to each device that requires a connection from one of these power cables, after it has been installed. A loose or unstable connection will cause a device to not function. Internal Cables Other types of internal cables are data cables. These cables enable the devices to send data from one device to another. Usually the cables will extend from a controller card or the motherboard to a disk or tape drive, which stores the data. The most common form of data cable that is used is ribbon cable. Figure shows a typical ribbon cable. Some of these cables have distinct features that distinguish them from other ribbon cables. Some have different widths and lengths. Others have a twist in them, which is used to identify the floppy data cable. Just like with power cables, check and make sure that a proper connection has been made. This is probably more important in data cables than in power cables. It is much more likely to make a mistake connecting data cables than power cables because power cables can only be plugged in on one way. Data cables look the same on all sides making it more difficult to understand which way they should be connected. Some cables have pieces of plastic on the end of the cable called safeguards. The safeguards prevent the cables from being installed backwards. The only way to be certain that the data cable is installed properly is to first locate the red strip in the data cable. This identifies the pin #1 side of the cable. The corresponding pin #1 in the slot on the motherboard needs to line up to the pin #1 in the data cable. Once these have been located the cable can be inserted. Be certain that a firm connection has been made because some of these cables can be tight and difficult to completely attach. Without a proper connection the device will not work. When installing SCSI devices some of the data cables will not connect to a device at all because there might be more cables than available devices. For example, if two SCSI drives were installed with a cable with four connectors on it. One end would connect to the SCSI controller card and two others would connect to the drives, leaving one extra cable. Figures and show example of common SCSI cables. There are other types of cables that carry data besides ribbon cables. When installing a CD, CD-R, or CDRW drives connect a 3-wire cable from the audio output of the drive to the soundcard This cable will enable sound to be played from CDs in the drive. There are also cables which link the motherboard to components on the front panel of the computer box, such as the power button, the reset button, and the hard disk activity. External Cables External Cables are referred to as the cables that connect the computer to the external devices such as keyboards, mice, monitor, printers, scanners, and network connections. With any of these devices it is important to install the correct cable into the correct space on the computer box. Some of these cables have mechanisms that snap into place to ensure a tight connection and others have screws that attach to the computer case. Some cables, such as USB, Figure , or keyboard cables do not have anything to ensure a tight connection. It is important to make sure these cables are properly connected. One of the most important concepts when attaching external cables is to be certain that the cable is plugged into the proper port. This is particularly true with serial ports because most computer cases have more than one. Also, when plugging in the speakers to the soundcard ports, make sure to use the proper ports. The port for the speakers looks the same as the one for a microphone or for audio inputs. Most of the computer cases have color-coding on the ports indicating which is the keyboard and which is the mouse port. These two ports look exactly the same so it is important to plug the proper cable into the proper port. Otherwise the device will not work. 12.3.2 IRQ, DMA, and I/O settings Most hardware, specifically ISA and PCI controller cards, that are inserted into the motherboard use hardware resources located on the motherboard. These resources are called the Interrupt Request (IRQ), Direct Memory Access Channel (DMA), and the Input/Output (I/O) port. These resources are limited, which means that there are only so many given out. There are a total of fifteen (15) IRQs. Each IRQ is reserved for a specific device. Figure shows all the IRQ numbers and the corresponding devices. There are also a limited number of DMA channels. There are more I/O ports available than DMA channels or IRQs, but conflicts can still occur with I/O ports. The motherboard uses the IRQ to send a signal to the CPU that a device is about to perform a function and it needs the attention of the CPU. The IRQ assignments prevent conflicts from occurring by keeping the CPU requests separate. The DMA channels and I/O ports are used to transfer data from the motherboard to the CPU or to memory. Figure shows examples of I/O ports. When installing any device it is important to check and confirm that there are no IRQ, DMA, or I/O port conflicts. Two ISA boards using the same IRQ can result in one board not working or causing the system to crash. PCI boards can sometimes share the same IRQ number, but this is not recommended unless it is absolutely necessary. Conflicts may occur which can cause the system to crash or cause the hardware not to work properly. Most boards today have the IRQ, DMA, and I/O port numbers configured automatically in the BIOS or configured using software. Old ISA boards can have the jumpers set manually by setting the jumpers. The advantage to having the jumpers set manually is that adjusting the jumper could fix any conflicts that may arise. The new configuration of these boards require the system to be booted up first. This makes it impossible to tell which hardware resource the boards will use until the systems has been started. If a resource conflict occurs, it could prevent the system from booting altogether. Chapter 13 discusses the steps to take when this problem occurs. 12.3.3 EIDE devices EIDE devices are usually hard drives, floppy drives, CD-ROMs, and other types of disk and tape drives. There are several different types of EIDE devices to choose from. The differences are in the data transfer speeds. The low-end devices usually start at 8 MB/s. The high-end devices usually top out at 100 MB/s. Some common speeds for data transfer are 33 MB/s, 66 MB/s, and 100 MB/s. The EIDE devices are referred to by various names, which include the speed in the name. The UltraDMA33and the ATA66 are both common names of devices available on the market. One thing to check and confirm when installing EIDE devices is that they are set to the proper Master or Slave setting. It is possible for two devices to both use the same EIDE cable because the cable provides three connections. One connection connects to the motherboard or controller. The other two connections connect to EIDE devices. Both EIDE connections do not have to be used, but are there if the need should arise. The amount of EIDE interfaces on the motherboard is limited. This is a good way to install two devices and only use one interface on the motherboard. If two devices will be used, configure one device as the master and the other device as the slave. To do this, manually set the jumpers on the device itself accordingly. Without checking and confirming the proper master and slave jumper settings, the devices will not work. In Linux, the master drive takes on the lower device letter in its /dev/hdx filename, where x is the device letter. For example the master drive would be /dev/hda and the slave drive would be /dev/hdb. Figure shows the allocation of EIDE devices on a computer running Linux. Most motherboards will have two EIDE interfaces on the motherboard, which will allow four EIDE devices total in the system. It is possible to install EIDE cards, which will allow more EIDE devices to be installed. It is also important to know that if both EIDE interfaces are being used, one EIDE interface on the motherboard will be the primary EIDE interface and the other will be the secondary EIDE interface. It is recommended to put the drive that contains the Master Boot Record on the primary EIDE interface. 12.3.4 SCSI devices Installing SCSI devices can be a little confusing, especially if there are many devices being attached to the SCSI chain. There are several factors that need to be confirmed when doing a SCSI installation. The first factor that needs to be checked is the SCSI variant. There are many different types of SCSI interfaces that can be used ranging from the slower, 5 MB/s, SCSI-1 to the much faster, 160 MB/s, Ultra3 Wide SCSI. This variance in SCSI types can cause problems in the SCSI configuration. It is possible to hook two different SCSI type devices together, however it is not recommended. This can degrade performance and lead to other problems causing the configuration to fail. The second important factor is the SCSI IDs. Each SCSI device that is installed needs to be assigned a number, or SCSI ID, Figure , which the computer uses to identify the device. The number of IDs that SCSI devices are allowed to have depends on which SCSI standard is being used. For example, older SCSI standards that use a bus that is 8-bits wide use SCSI ID numbers that range from 0 to 7. The newer SCSI standards use 16-bit busses, which can use SCSI ID number that range form 0 to 15. The SCSI host adapter uses one of these ID numbers to identify itself leaving the rest of the ID numbers for the devices. Typically, setting jumper pins configures the internal SCSI devices ID numbers. External devices have a switch or dial on the device that is set. It is important to check and confirm that two devices do not share the same jumper setting. This can cause one device to “mask” the other device, or cause both devices to not work. Some new devices can have their IDs set using the SCSI Configured Automatically (SCAM) protocol. This allows SCSI devices to acquire their SCSI IDs automatically. The third factor that must be checked and confirmed when installing SCSI devices is termination. At the end of each SCSI chain, there needs to be a terminating device so that the signals do not keep bouncing back continuously. There are different types of termination that are used depending on what type of SCSI variation is being used. Some examples of types of termination are passive, active, and low-voltage differential (LVD). Some SCSI devices can be terminated using a jumper setting. Check the manufactures documentation to determine which type of termination is used. The fourth factor that must be checked and confirmed in a SCSI configuration is cable quality. SCSI devices and installations are more expensive than other options. The reason for this is that SCSI devices offer more speed and quality. There are some devices that are currently being tested but have yet to make a big impact on the market. These new devices will be challenging the superiority of SCSI devices. However, since they have not hit the market yet, SCSI devices are still known as the fastest and highest quality devices available. For this reason it is imperative that only quality SCSI cables be used when installing SCSI devices. This is particularly true when chaining together multiple SCSI devices. A quality SCSI cable can cost approximately fifty dollars ($50) apiece. This can be expensive, however it is not wise to spend a lot of money on an expensive piece of SCSI hardware and find out it will not work because of a inexpensive cable. The last factor to check and confirm when doing a SCSI device installation is cable length. Again, depending on the SCSI variant that is being used, the maximum cable length for the entire SCSI chain ranges from 1.2 meters to 12 meters. This distance includes the entire cable length including both internal and external cables. 12.3.5 BIOS settings A computer system Basic Input/Output System (BIOS) is a very important component. The BIOS plays a big role in configuration and installation of hardware. The BIOS is software that runs at the lowest level of the computer. When the system is booting up the CPU runs the BIOS code, which allows the BIOS to configure the basic aspects of the system before the operating system loads. The BIOS also provides tools, which help load the Linux kernel into memory. The BIOS may be different in different systems. It is generally based on the motherboard that is installed. Two systems that have the same motherboard may run the same BIOS software. Another aspect of the BIOS that will differ from one system to another is the Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS), Figure , setup utility. The CMOS is the memory component of the BIOS were lowlevel configurations and options for certain hardware are saved so that they can be retrieved everytime the system is booted up. For example, there are options in the CMOS to control which device the system boots from. There are also options to change options for the CPU, hard drives and other storage media, and Video cards. It is important to check and confirm that the BIOS settings are configured correctly using the CMOS setup utility. If the hardware BIOS settings are not set properly then it will not work. In some cases a wrong BIOS setting can cause the system to not even boot up. Most computer systems will display a prompt when the system is starting up which tells what key to press to enter the CMOS setup utility. It is also important to check the BIOS setting of other hardware that may have their own separate BIOS settings. For example, most SCSI adapters have their own BIOS settings that can be used to configure settings specifically related to the SCSI adapter and devices. There are many settings in the BIOS that are used most often and are particularly important. The first setting is the disk settings. Whenever a new hard disk is installed, erased, or reformatted adjust the disk settings in the BIOS to remind the system of a few important things about the drive. The system will need to know the capacity of the disk. This can be set manually or by using an auto-detection feature that most disks have. The other common setting that needs to be made is how the BIOS interprets the disk cylinder/head/sector addresses. Remember when using SCSI disks that these disk settings will have to be configured through the SCSI adapter card BIOS settings. Another important BIOS setting is the On-board ports. There are various ports on a motherboard. Many of these have been previously discussed. Three examples are serial, parallel, USB, and EIDE. These ports can be configured in the BIOS by changing the IRQ that they use and even enabling or disabling them. Disabling a port in the BIOS settings can free up IRQs when experiencing resource conflicts. PCI Settings can also be configured in the BIOS settings. These settings are useful to adjust if there any IRQ conflicts because how the system assigns IRQ assignments to PCI cards can be configured. The BIOS settings allow for different passwords to be set. This prevents the system from booting without the correct password being entered. This is helpful in an environment in which security is a factor. It is also possible to set a password that prevents someone from entering the CMOS screen and changing any of the BIOS settings. There are ways to bypass the password that prevents the system from booting. However, the password can stop most unwanted intruders. Various memory settings can be configured as well. For example, BIOS settings can be configured so that parts of the information on the system or information stored on other devices can be copied to RAM. This process is known as shadowing. This process speeds up the system access to DOS because it can access it straight from RAM. This is helpful in DOS/Windows systems, which use the BIOS for input/output. However, this process does not serve much purpose in a Linux system because Linux does not rely on DOS very often. Therefore, in a Linux system this feature can be turned off, which leaves more memory for system processes. There are various other memory settings on a computer. Experiment with the other memory settings to find an appropriate one. The last important feature that can be configured in the BIOS settings is the previously mentioned boot devices. The system can be booted up from many different devices. Using a setting in the BIOS, the system can be configured to boot from the hard drive, a bootable floppy disk, a bootable CD-ROM, or a bootable zip disk. The boot devices settings can be configured to boot from a specific device or a set of devices in a specified order. When the system boots, it checks each medium in turn. If the device is not present, or is not bootable, it moves on and tries the next one. Experiment to determine what is the best configuration for the BIOS settings. This will vary depending on what hardware is installed and what CMOS options the BIOS will have. Some BIOS have more CMOS settings than others. However, it is recommended to experiment with changes on a system that is not currently in use so that these changes can be tested properly. 12.3.6 Diagnosing and troubleshooting devices Most Linux systems use EIDE hard drives and CD-ROMs that attach to the motherboard Enhanced Integrated Device Electronics (EIDE) port. Advanced Technology Attachment (ATA) and ATA Packet Interface (ATAPI) are other names that EIDE devices go by. It is important to be able to properly diagnose and troubleshoot problems with these devices. Problems occurring with these devices can prevent Linux from booting and can also destroy valuable data that is stored on the EIDE/ATA hard drives. There are several common types of problems that can occur with EIDE/ATA devices. One problem occurs when a sector becomes damaged. Linux can fail to boot or cause data to be damaged. In some instances, these problems can cause the Linux loader (LILO) to fail and not be able to boot Linux. Another common problem related to Linux system is when EIDE/ATA controllers have bugs in them. Many of the Linux kernels, and the newer kernel in particular, ship with fixes to many of these common bugs. As long as the system contains common controllers then there should be no problems. If a new controller is installed in which the kernel does not have fixes for, then problems may occur. Some of these problems include getting unusual file system errors. For example, newly created files can become corrupt and the existing file system may have errors in it. In other cases these bugs can cause the system to crash. A system crash is only in rare and extreme cases. Easy solutions to these problems include recompiling the kernel with the appropriate fix for the controller that is being used, or completely upgrade the kernel altogether. Another suggestion is to use a different controller with a kernel that already contains the fixes. In some cases EIDE/ATA devices can produce very slow data transfer speeds in Linux systems. One possible reason for the slow performance is the use of wrong drivers. Linux kernel contain drivers that support just about every EIDE/ATA controller on the market. However, to get optimal results, specialized drivers are needed for the particular EIDE/ATA devices or controller that is being used. In a Linux system, the hdparm utility can be used to test disk speeds as well as set several options. This can improve performance. Read the hdparm man page to find out more information about the complete set of options that can be used with this utility. A few of the more common options that are used with this utility are described below. Figure shows all available options for the hdparm utility and Figure shows the description for those options. Extreme care should be taken using these options with the hdparm utility. If they are used incorrectly it could seriously damage the systems filesystem. Also some of these options can be used in some systems with no problems, and the when the same option is used in another system serious problems occur. In most cases there will not be a need to use the hdparm utility because most systems are capable of automatically configuring themselves for optimal performance 12.3.7 SCSI devices Another option that is available in most systems is Small Computer Systems Interface (SCSI) devices. The benefits to using SCSI devices over IDE or EIDE devices have been mention in previous sections. The major complaint that people have with SCSI devices is that the devices can be difficult to install and troubleshoot. However, this is not always true. When done correctly, SCSI devices are simple to configure. There are several problems that can come up with SCSI devices. Since SCSI devices are so commonly used, it is important to be able to properly diagnose and troubleshoot these problems. Some of these SCSI issues were briefly discussed in the previous section, however this section specifically deals with how to properly diagnose and troubleshoot SCSI devices. Termination SCSI device termination, Figure , was described in the previous section. In any SCSI chain there needs to be a terminator put in place at each end to keep the signal from continuously bouncing back. Some SCSI devices are capable of self-termination by setting the proper jumper or switch. There are several different types of termination of which a system administrator must be aware. Different types of SCSI devices and standards require different types of termination. Improper termination and termination type selection can lead to various data transfer errors. Placing a terminating adapter on a device that is not at the end of the SCSI chain can cause problems as well. Remember that the SCSI adapter is considered a SCSI device too, and therefore must be terminated when it is an end device in the chain. Most SCSI adapters have BIOS. BIOS allows the system administrator to terminate if needed. Forked Chains SCSI adapters typically have 3 connectors. There are two internal connectors and one external connector. The two internal connections, Figure , are for wide or narrow internal SCSI connections. A SCSI chain should be one-dimensional. This means that the SCSI chain should run in a continuous line with one device connecting right to the next one. The SCSI adapter is one of these devices either in the middle or at the end of the chain. A forked chain is a SCSI chain that deviates from this rule by starting another chain off the adapter. Starting another chain should not be done and can cause the configuration to fail. Other SCSI Issues Other SCSI issues include proper SCSI ID selection, proper cable length, and cable quality. These were covered in the previous section. Diagnosing and troubleshooting SCSI device problem can almost always be traced to termination and cable issues. Some good troubleshooting techniques for SCSI devices include ways to simplify the SCSI chain. For example, when a SCSI configuration includes two hard drives, a CDROM drive, and a tape drive. Only one of the hard drives needs to be connected in order for the system to boot. First try removing all the devices except for the disk that will boot the operating system. See if the system will boot. If it does, then most likely the problem has to do with cable length or one of the devices. It is also important to know that Linux does not have support for SCSI adapters like it does for EIDE devices and controllers. Therefore, the appropriate drivers need to be installed for the SCSI adapter that is being used. Some distributions do ship with SCSI adapter drivers, however it is best to confirm that support for the adapter can be found before installation. Unlike EIDE/ATA drives, SCSI adapters will run at optimum performance constantly, so there is no need to use a utility like hdparm to adjust SCSI drive performance. The hdparm utility can be used to check for the presence and the performance of a SCSI hard drive. 12.3.8 Peripheral devices Peripheral Devices are devices that connect to the computer through an external or internal port and controlled by the computer. Examples of external peripheral devices are mice, keyboards, monitors, printers, and scanners. Peripheral devices are generally thought of as only external devices. However, some internal devices can be classified as peripheral devices. Examples of internal peripheral devices are hard drives, CDROMs, and tape backup devices. These internal devices are thought of as peripheral devices because they could also be attached externally. There is a broad range of peripheral devices and therefore a broad range of problems that can exist with peripheral devices. Most peripheral problems can be broken down into three categories, problems with the device, problems with the cables that connect the device to the computer, or problems with the port or interface on the computer. Peripheral Device Problems When experiencing problems with the peripheral device on a Linux system, the first thing that should be checked is the device. When a device is not working in a Linux system the problem will most often be a driver issue. Driver issues are a problem because of the lack of driver support that is available for Linux systems. Make sure that the peripheral device that is being installed has drivers that will work in Linux. Not all devices will have driver support available for Linux. This is an unfortunate fact with using Linux. The reasons for the unavailable driver support have been discussed in previous sections. One approach to follow when diagnosing and troubleshooting problems with peripheral devices on Linux systems is to check the devices that typically have the most problems. Most of the common devices such as monitors, keyboards, mice, external modems, EIDE, and SCSI devices usually work without problems. The printers, scanners, and digital cameras are some of the devices that typically present the most problems. There is another useful approach to take when diagnosing and troubleshooting peripheral device problems. Take the device to a system that is running a Windows operating system and see if the device will install properly. Almost every peripheral device available on the market is compatible and supported by Windows. Therefore if the device works in the Windows system and will not work in the Linux system then most likely the problem is probably with a driver not the device itself. This approach also helps diagnose other problems also. If the device does not work on the Windows system then the problem could be a bad cable or interface on the device. Peripheral Cable Problems Problems associated with cables are usually the easiest to test. Simply replace the cable with a new one. The process can be a little more difficult with SCSI cables because they are much more expensive. It is not always possible to buy a new SCSI cable just for testing purposes. Some devices have built-in cables, such as keyboards and mice. However these devices are inexpensive so it is easy to replace the entire device. Sometimes cable problems are not the result of bad cables, but improper installation. Most cables can only be installed in one direction. However, as discussed in the previous section, some cables can be inserted backwards. Floppy drive cables are unusual because they have a twist in the cable. This twist plays an important role in how the floppy drive is installed. It is important that the first floppy drive or the only floppy drive, depending on the system, be installed after the twist in the cable. If it is installed before the twist, the drive identifiers will get confused and cause problems. Peripheral Interface Problems The ports or interfaces that peripheral devices, Figure , use to connect to the computer have been previously discussed. Diagnosing and troubleshooting problems with EIDE and SCSI devices were covered in great detail. However, there are several other peripheral interfaces which need to be covered to be able to fully diagnose and troubleshoot peripheral device problems. Other peripheral device interfaces are listed below. Floppy Most computer systems include controllers to support up to two floppy drives. There will seldom be any configuration or compatibility issues with floppy drives in a Linux system because the kernel will almost always have drivers to support any floppy drive that is installed. If the floppy drive is not being detected, check the BIOS. The port for the floppy drive must be turned on in the BIOS in order for the floppy drive controller to work. If the port is turned on in the BIOS and the floppy still does not work, then the problem is most likely a bad controller or floppy drive. It is easy to replace a floppy drive. However, it can be difficult to replace a floppy drive controller on motherboards because they are a permanent fixture on the board. If the controller goes bad then the only solution is to replace the motherboard, or search for an expansion card that has a floppy drive controller on it. Figure demonstrates the correct method for inserting a floppy disk into the floppy drive. Monitor The interface for the monitor resides on the system video card. As previously discussed, any configuration problem with the monitor usually has to do with the X server that is being used. Hardware problems are usually easy to detect because the monitor will not turn on or the image on the screen is distorted. Unfortunately, monitors are sensitive pieces of hardware that can be damaged easily if dropped, or turned on near a magnet or light source. Images can be burned in the screen if the monitor is left on without a screensaver being activated. An easy way to test monitor failure is to replace it with one that works to see if the problem goes away. Keyboard Keyboards are fairly standardized pieces of hardware. Just like floppy drives, there should be no configuration or compatibility issues with keyboards. Any problems with keyboard interfaces will be strictly hardware related. Either the interface itself could be damaged or the keyboard could be defective. PS/2 mouse A PS/2 mouse is a mouse that connects to the computer via the PS/2 interface. The PS/2 interface is usually located next to the keyboard interface. USB mice are typically sold today. However, there are many systems that still use PS/2 mice and therefore it is important that they be covered. PS/2 mice drivers in Linux are fairly standard. The drivers for the mouse do however need to be included in the kernel or compiled as modules to work. If the actual PS/2 interface is damaged, then one option is to use a USB or serial mouse instead. Parallel Parallel ports are commonly used for printers, but are also used for other devices like scanners, cameras, and other external media drives. There are two types of drivers that a Linux system requires for a parallel port device to be enabled. The first driver is for low-level parallel port hardware and the other driver is for hardware that is attached to the parallel interface. As long as the drivers are in some way included in the kernel there should be no configuration problems with the parallel interface. Should the interface itself go bad, install an ISA or PCI expansion card that has a parallel interface. Another option would be to use another port. Some newer printers and scanners can connect through USB ports as well as parallel ports. One configuration item to check with parallel interfaces is to make sure that the port is turned on in the BIOS. If the port is not turned on in the BIOS, then the device will not work. RS-232 serial Devices that use serial ports are becoming obsolete because they are considerably slower than parallel or USB ports. Driver support for RS-232 serial ports is fairly standard in Linux systems and therefore there should not be any configuration problems with this particular interface type. If the interface is not working, check the BIOS settings. USB The Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface is becoming the popular choice for connecting external devices to a computer system. The USB interface is popular because it provides faster speed and more flexibility than RS-232 serial or parallel ports. Many of the problems that Linux systems have with USB interfaces depend on which kernel is being used. For example, Linux systems that are using the 2.2.17 or earlier kernel will have very limited support for USB interfaces. To have the best USB support for a Linux system upgrade to the 2.2.18 or 2.4.X kernel or upgrade to a distribution of Linux which includes this kernel version. Any Linux distribution that was sold after the year 2001 will include added support for USB devices, however there will still be some devices that are not supported. Do the appropriate research before purchasing any USB device. It is also important to check the BIOS setting and make sure that the USB interfaces are enabled. IEEE-1394 IEEE-1394 is the latest standard for high-speed external interfaces, known as "firewire", Figure . This interface is much faster than USB. In some cases firewire is considered to be a successor to SCSI interfaces. However, because it is such a new technology, many of these devices are still not widely used. Firewire devices will continue to grow and may eventually become standard. The support for the IEEE-1394 standard is still very limited in Linux system, but work is being done to expand Linux support for this technology in the future. Some of the latest motherboards available on the market will have a firewire interface built in, but many systems will not. An expansion card can be purchased and installed with a firewire interface. Network Network ports can be included on network interface cards (NIC) or sometimes the network port will be built into the motherboard. Linux provides a wide-range of support for most network cards, but not all of them. If the network card is a new card then Linux may not have drivers to support it. Most of these interfaces listed are fairly standard and should present no major problems with Linux systems. However, the network, USB, and firewire interfaces and devices that are not standard in Linux systems might cause some problems. 12.3.9 Core system hardware The core system hardware refers to the RAM, CPU, and motherboard, the most critical hardware on a system. If any of these devices are not working properly or are damaged then they entire system may not work. This is almost always the case with the CPU and RAM. The motherboard can have sections that fail, which would cause only a certain device or interface not to function. For example, if the parallel port was damaged then the system would most likely work except for the particular parallel interface and the device attached to the interface. If there is a problem with any of the core system hardware, the system will tell the user when the system is starting up. Every time the system is started, the system performs a Power On Self Test (POST). During the POST the system looks to see if devices such as the RAM, the keyboard, and the video card are present and functioning properly. When the system boots up it beeps one or two times. This is what the system uses to show if the system passes the POST or if any devices failed the POST. A different “beep-code” will be heard for different devices that fail. These “beep-codes” are not standardized so check the motherboards documentation for each system. If the system fails the POST, first, check to make sure all of the hardware is properly installed. The second step would be to reconnect all of the devices or at least the devices that are suspected to not be working. On most systems the POST is accompanied by on-screen indicators, which can be monitored, to see if any of these core system hardware devices are not functioning properly. For example, the memory progress indicator will show how much RAM the system is recognizing. If the indicator stops halfway through, then there is a good chance the system has found defective RAM. In a Linux system, some problems associated with core system hardware do not make themselves known until after the system boots up. An on-screen message indicating the problem will appear when a Linux system detects a problem with core system hardware. These are known as kernel “oopses”, which were mentioned in previous chapters. The summary that is displayed will include the word “oops” which shows the hardware problem. The “oops” generally shows a hardware problems such as defective RAM, an overheating CPU, or a defective hard-drive. Another helpful indicator to properly diagnose and troubleshoot core system hardware problems is to identify when the error occurs. Does the problem occur right when the system starts up or does the problem come up after the system has been running for a period of time? If the hardware is failing after the system has been running for a period of time then it may just be that the system or hardware is getting too hot. It is important to check the heatsinks on the hardware and make sure that the system has proper ventilation so that it does not overheat. This is a problem that most people overlook or think that is not a major concern. However, more hardware fails as a result of overheating than anything else. 12.4 Laptop and Mobile Devices 12.4.1 Power management Installing Linux on laptops is another area that requires special attention. Linux was not initially designed to run on a system in which things like power management or swapping PC cards was needed. The most frustrating part of using Linux on a laptop is the installation. It can be difficult to get the XFree86 configuration to work properly with the liquid crystal displays (LCDs) that the laptops use. Laptops work essentially the same way as regular desktop computers and include all the same hardware that desktop computers do. The software also works in much the same way as it would on a desktop computer. There are some limitations that are present when installing Linux on a laptop computer. These limitations are as follows. Modem Most laptops that are available today have built-in modems. Although having the modem built-in is convenient, this poses problems because most often these built-in modems are usually software modems for which drivers are rare in Linux systems. To get around this problem install the proper drivers after Linux has been installed, if there are drivers available. Another option is to purchase an external USB or serial modem. However, be certain that the modem purchased will be supported in Linux. Networking Just like modems, network and Ethernet devices are now built-in devices in laptops. Find out what chipset the built-in Ethernet device uses and make sure that it is supported by Linux. If it is not supported in Linux then it is possible to purchase an external Ethernet adapter. Display The biggest problem to be concerned with when installing Linux on a laptop is getting the GUI to display properly. The LCD screens that are used on laptops accept only a narrow range of horizontal and vertical refresh rates. This makes it difficult or even impossible to get the GUI installer to run. When it is time to configure the X server, it can be hard to find a configuration that works on the laptop. Even if the GUI does work, it may not work at the system’s optimum resolution. It is important to know that the graphics chipset in laptops cannot be removed or replaced, so it is vitally important that the laptops chipset must have support in order for the GUI to run on it. If it is necessary to install Linux on a laptop, visit the Linux on Laptops Webpage, The site contains some useful information about configuration procedures as well as other useful information that can help when installing Linux on a laptop. Power Management Laptop computers run off of battery power when they are not plugged in. Understanding laptop power management and how it relates when Linux is installed is important. Laptops can only run for a temporary period of time until the battery power runs out. For this reason laptops are equipped with many extra power management tools. Power management tools help reduce battery usage and extend the battery life. The two main power management tools that are included in the Linux kernel are Advanced Power Management (APM) and Advanced Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI). Both of these tools require systems BIOS support in order for them to work. Remember that although these tools were intended for laptops, they are used on desktops as well. Linux uses these tools to power off a system when it shuts down. The purpose of these power management tools is to tell the system when to enter “power-conserving” states. In order for this to work, the apmd package needs to be installed and started. This package could come included in the distributions installation disks or it could be installed automatically. The apmd program runs as a daemon and should be configured to start automatically when the system starts up. To start a daemon automatically when the system starts edit the /etc/rc.d/rc.local file and enter a line of text that references the program in the /etc/rc.d/init.d/ directory. For example, place the following line of text in the /etc/rc.d/rc.local/ configuration file. Figure shows the /etc/rc.d/rc.local/ configuration file. /etc/rc.d/init.d/apmd This line of text may not need to be added to the /etc/rc.d/rc.local/ configuration file because it may already be there. In some cases it is put there when the operating system is installed, or when the daemon is installed. The apmd program will monitor the system to see when the system battery power is getting low. When needed, the apmd program will start and switch the system into suspend mode. Suspend mode is where most of the system programs and functions will be shutdown and only the system RAM will be maintained. The apmd program also suspends the system hard disk if it goes unused for a specified period of time. The hdparm program can control hard drive power management more directly, as learned in previous sections. It is also possible to manually control the APM tool by typing the command apm at the shell. Typing this command will display basic power management information, such as how much battery power is left. The –s parameter can be used with this command which will cause the system to go into suspend mode. The –S parameter will put the system into standby mode. The differences between these two modes are subtle. Suspend mode will shut down programs and power off devices except for the CPU and memory, which only run at minimal levels. Standby mode leaves devices powered up so that the system can recover power quicker but takes more battery power than suspend mode. Depending on what type of battery the laptop has, the system can remain in suspend mode for a day or more without needing to be recharged, but it can only remain in standby mode for several hours. Check the laptop manual or documentation to see if it has a “hotkey” sequence that will force the system into suspend or stand-by mode. 12.4.2 PC card devices Laptops do not have the ability to add and remove devices like regular desktop systems can do with ISA or PCI cards. To get around this problem, manufacturers developed a standard for expansion cards that can be easily inserted and removed from the laptop. The cards were named PCMCIA cards, Figure , after the industry group that developed them, Computer Memory Card International Association (PCMCIA). Since then, the name is often shortened to PC cards, to help reduce having to use the PCMCIA acronym. Some Linux systems and other manufactures still use the PCMCIA acronym. There are several different types of PC cards that can be used on laptops. The difference between the PC Cards is their size and use. The three types of PC Cards are Type I, Type II, and Type III. Type I cards are the thinnest and Type III cards are the thickest. Type I cards are most often used in applications such as memory expansion. Type II cards are the most common type of PC cards and are used with Ethernet cards or modems. Type III cards are the rarest type of PC cards and these are used for with hard drives or other devices that have internal moving components. To find out more about these cards visit the PC card website at Like any other hardware that is installed in a Linux system, the proper drivers for the hardware need to be installed. Some kernels do not come with the PC Card driver package installed, so first get the drivers package and install it. The PC card driver package can be downloaded at Fortunately, most Linux distributions come with these packages included so there should not be any need to download them. If support is needed for a new device, or if the decision is made to upgrade the kernel by manually recompiling it, then download this package and install it. The main problem of using PC Cards on a Linux system is that these PC cards are designed to be inserted, or removed at will. This forces the driver to be mounted and unmounted whenever the card is inserted and removed from the laptop. Linux drivers and modules do not work this way. They are not capable of being mounted and unmounted whenever a PC cards is inserted or removed from the laptop. However the PC card driver package includes a feature called Card Services, which helps to smoothly mount and unmount drivers from the kernel in a way that is safe for the system and prevents it from crashing. For example, the Card Services will help smooth the process of automatically starting and stopping Network services each time the Ethernet card is inserted or removed. The /etc/pcmcia directory, Figure , contains configuration files that the Card Services feature uses. These configuration files allow a variety of PCMCIA cards to be configured for the laptop. These configuration files are actually scripts that run and tell the system to load certain drivers for different types of services such as network or ide, when the PC card is inserted into the laptop. These scripts should work without problems, and there should be no need to edit them in order for them to work. CHAPTER 13 13.1 Identifying and Locating Symptoms and Problems 13.1.1 Hardware problems When a distressed user experiences system problems, it is not enough for him or her to wail, "This computer does not work!" The problem may be real, and the emotions expressed about it sincere, but not enough information has been supplied to enable one charged with fixing it to know where to start. Although a few problems are due to a combination of factors, most can be isolated in origin to one of the following: • • • • • Hardware – A component of system hardware has malfunctioned, or is expected but not present. Kernel – A bug or lack of functionality in the system kernel sometimes causes problems of ambiguous origin. Application software – User level application software or command utilities may behave strangely, or simply collapse. Configuration – System services or application software may be misconfigured. User error – One of the most frequent sources of error conditions is caused by computer users attempting to do something the wrong way. Every sort of error condition may be categorized one of two ways, either consistent or inconsistent. • • A problem that is consistent is one that is reliably and demonstrably occurring again and again. Inconsistent problems are those that occur only sporadically, or under indeterminate conditions. The latter type is much more difficult to attack, because unknown factors cause the problem. Before a solution may be found, it is necessary to have a clear definition of all conditions that may be related. For example, if the user of a piece of office software selects a menu choice and the program crashes every time, leaving a core dump, this is a reproducible problem. On the other hand, if he selects that choice and it works sometimes, while at other times it crashes, it suggests something unknown might be involved about the path the user took to that state. More information is needed to see what else he or she might have done that may have caused the problem. Some hardware errors will be obvious. If a disk drive begins rattling or ceases to be heard at all, if smoke is detected, or if equipment lights are not lighting up as they normally do, there is likely a physical device problem. If a print job on a printer that has been working well turns out faded, blank, or with strange colors, the printer might need a new cartridge, not different driver software. Other hardware leaves traces that the kernel detects and records. Assuming an error is such that it does not crash the system, evidence might be left in the log file /var/log/messages, with the message prefixed by the word oops. An example of this log file is shown in Figure . The presence of such a message is not necessarily a hardware error, although this is a possibility. 13.1.2 Kernel problems Released Linux kernels are remarkably stable, unless experimental versions are used or individual modifications are made. Loadable kernel modules are considered part of the kernel as well, at least for the time period they are loaded. Sometimes these can cause difficulties, too. The good news with modules is that they can be uninstalled and replaced with fixed versions while the system is still running. Module problems often identify themselves in the course of using an application that addresses them. For instance, if a user attempts to play a sound file that requires a module that has not been loaded, the kernel will report that the driver or a function it calls is not present in memory and needs to be loaded. 13.1.3 Application software Errors in application packages are most identifiable in that they occur only when running the application. This is in contrast to hardware and kernel conditions that affect an entire system. Some common signs of application bugs are failure to execute and program crash. Failure to execute The program will not start up at all, suggesting that its main file might not have permission to execute. Or it may seem to start, but fails to initialize entirely, and either exits or stalls part way up, sometimes with an error message displayed in a window, on the command line, or in a log file. Program crash When a running program crashes, it usually does so without saving the data or files a user is working on. Sometimes error messages are recorded in one of the customary places. At other times a core file is left behind, which is a definite sign that the application itself suffered a catastrophic failure. A core file can be examined with a debugger by someone knowledgeable in the application and happens to have source code available. In emergency situations, though, core files are generally of little use. A variant of this scenario is a locked up program. The application is left running, but unable to proceed in any way. This requires that the process be killed from a command line. Sometimes killing it with signal 3 (SIGQUIT) will cause it to terminate and leave an image of its memory in a core file. This file may be sent to the software vendor with a problem description in hopes of getting a response and a long-term solution. The reality is, however, that most software vendors are unresponsive to the needs of unfortunate users who have been victimized by their failing software. Some applications are designed to display a backtrace upon receipt of certain signals, which can be informative, sometimes even without the availability of source code. Unfortunately, this has to be known before the problem arises. Resource exhaustion System resources refer primarily to CPU time, memory, and disk space. An application may consume too much system memory and ultimately begin to swap so badly that the whole system is affected. It may spin in a loop that takes up a lot of space in the CPU. Or it may begin to write files that grow boundlessly, running a file system out of space. Such misbehavior is generally the fault of the application, not the system. Program-specific misbehavior Some errors are caused by things that have to do with the running program itself. For example, if a word processor has a function that allows the user to jump to a certain page in the document, and it is told to go to page 999999999999 and crashes, the application likely lacks code to check for integer overflows. 13.1.4 Configuration Many packages can and must be tuned up for a local installation before being used. Simply having the software installed on the system is not enough. Configuration problems tend to affect whole subsystems, such as the graphics, printing, or networking subsystems. For example, if an expensive SVGA terminal is attached to a high-end graphics adapter card in a desktop system and it shows only the grainiest lowresolution graphics, it is likely that the X graphics subsystem is misconfigured. Perhaps the Xconfigurator program needs to be run. Programs that depend on networking services are particularly liable to cause problems. If the system is rebooted and a remote file system that was once present is not, the first place to look is in the configuration file /etc/fstab to see if the file system is supposed to be mounted at boot time. An example of the /etc/fstab file is shown in Figure . If e-mail is being sent, but mailq shows that outgoing mail just sits in a queue and never leaves the system, it might be necessary to investigate the configuration for the mail transport agent. Where a configuration problem occurs in application software, it should be determined whether it happens system wide, or to only one user. Most configurable software includes system default configuration files and allows individual users to customize program behavior to their own taste. For example, if a system browser works well for everyone except for one user who sees both text and background in the same color. It is likely that this person has been experimenting with the browser properties and may need a little assistance restoring reasonable functionality. 13.1.5 User error It is forgivable to make a mistake in using a computer program or to be ignorant of the right way to do something. It is only unforgivable to insist on remaining stubbornly so. There is more to know about the intricacies of operating almost any software package than everyday users will ever care or attempt to learn. Unless a user has a particular interest in a program and an extra amount of time to spend exploring features they may never have use for, they may have to settle for getting by with what works. Therefore it is rarely a surprise when users get stuck with software or simply find they are unable to get from point A to point B. Assume: "You cannot get there from here." Sometimes a little instruction is all that is needed to get someone over through a problem. 13.1.6 Using system utilities and system status tools Linux operating systems provide various system utilities and system status tools. These tools are useful in helping identify or diagnose certain problems with the operating system. The following utilities return information about the current configuration of the system and in some cases allow the configuration to be changed if it needs to be fixed. It is also important to know that these utilities are useful to an extent that they will return information about how the system or a file “should” be configured, but they do not provide information on what exact file or system configuration is misconfigured. • • • setserial – This utility provides information and set options for the serial ports on the system. The serial ports on a Linux system are typically /dev/ttyS0 and /dev/ttyS1. By entering the setserial – a /dev/ttyS0 command at the shell, the system will return detailed information including the type of hardware that is attached to the particular serial port, the port speed, and the hardware resources used by the port. An example of the output of the setserial – a /dev/ttyS0 command is shown in Figure . lpq – This command helps resolve printing problems. The command will display all the jobs that are waiting to be printed. It is helpful because it can be used to determine if there is a problem with the printer queue, or determine if the Linux system cannot find the printer at all. It the print job that was submitted disappears from the queue then there is something wrong with the print queue. However, if the print job remains in the queue then the problem is most likely that the system is having trouble finding the printer. An example of the output of this command is shown in Figure . ifconfig – This utility and its uses will be covered in more detail later in this chapter. However, this command can be entered at the shell to return the current network interface configuration of the system. This command will return the current IP address of the system, subnet mask, default gateway, DNS server, DHCP server, whatever IRQ the network card uses, and so on. An example of the output of the ifconfig command is shown in Figure . • route – This utility and its uses will also be covered in more detail later in this chapter. This command displays or sets the information on the routing of the system, which it uses to send information to particular IP addresses. This command can be useful to get information that can be helpful in solving network connectivity problems. An example of the output of the route command is shown in Figure . There are several other types of system utilities and status tools that can be used to examine problems with a Linux system that have already been covered throughout this course. These include commands like the hard disk utilities du and df, the top command, as well as the file system utility fsck. 13.1.7 Unresponsive programs and processes Sometimes there are programs and processes that for various reasons can become unresponsive or “lock up”. Sometimes just the program or process itself will lock up and other times can cause the entire system to become unresponsive. One method of identifying and locating the unresponsive program and effectively troubleshooting the problem is to kill or restart the process or program. Some of the issues covered in this section have been discussed in other chapters, however there are some other troubleshooting considerations to take into account with unresponsive programs and processes. 13.1.8 When to start, stop, or restart a process As mentioned in previous chapters, it is sometimes necessary to terminate a process when it has become unresponsive to its normal functions. When a process has become unresponsive it can really do a lot of harm to a computer system. Most importantly these “hung” processes can consume all of the systems resources by taking control of CPU time. Eventually these unresponsive processes can cause the entire system to crash if not dealt with properly. It is important to be certain that a process has locked up before killing it although it may appear to be, some processes will get hung up for a short time when they are processing data. Other reasons for needing to terminate unresponsive processes are if it begins to run out of control and is consuming the systems disk space, memory, and RAM. It is easiest to terminate a program by using the kill command Other processes need to be terminated by editing the Sys V startup script that was covered in Chapter 10. The reason that some programs and processes need to be stopped by editing the Sys V startup script instead of just using the kill command is, some programs use other files called lock files. The lock files indicate that the program is using a resource that it should not be. If a program is terminated using the kill command, the lock file will be left behind and when the program is run again it will most likely fail. Should this happen an error message will be generated. The system log files can be viewed to determine the presence of a lock file. If an error message is displayed then it is recommended that the program documentation be checked to determine where the lock file is stored. The lock files can simply be deleted and the problem is solved. When restarting a program, service, or daemon it is best to first consult the documentation because different programs have to be restarted in different ways. Some support using the restart command, some need to be stopped completely and then started again, and others can simply reread their configuration files without needing to be either stopped and started again, or restarted. 13.1.9 Troubleshooting persistent problems Programs that are giving persistent problems and need to be constantly restarted might generate recurring troubleshooting calls. This usually means that the program has some internal problem or bug. One of the first things that can be done is to check with the manufacturer and see if any updates or patches have been released. Another problem that may be causing a program to have recurring problems is a hardware problem. Problems with the CPU, RAM, motherboard, and other hardware components can cause problems for some programs. In some instances of a hardware failure the entire system or the operating system filesystem may crash. The best way to fix programs that crash repeatedly is to replace them with new software or with a different kind of software that performs the same task. Replacement software may not be an option or even available, though. The solution for this is a much more difficult one. If it is possible, try using the software in a different way or if there is a particular keystroke or command that causes the program to fail, stop using it. Most times there will be replacement software available. If it is a daemon that is crashing regularly try using other methods of starting it and running it. The various methods for starting daemon on a Linux system were described in Chapter 10. 13.1.10 Examining log files Log files were first mentioned and introduced in section 11.4.4 of Chapter 11. The various activities of a Linux server, the operating system kernel, and system utilities are recorded in log files. Also mentioned in section 11.4.4 of Chapter 11 is that most log files are located in the /var/log directory or a subdirectory. Some of the more important log files on a Linux system are the /var/log/messages, /var/log/secure, and the /var/log/syslog log files. Figure shows all of the log files that are located in the /var/log directory. Examining the log files can be helpful in identifying several problems with a Linux server. The system log files can be used to monitor system loads such as how many pages a web server has served. They can also check for security breaches such as intrusion attempts, verify that the system is functioning properly, and note any errors that might be generated by software or programs. There are several different types of information that are good to know, which will make identifying problems using the log files a little easier. Some of these things are listed below. Monitoring System Loads Servers are designed and built to accept incoming requests internally from other users on the local area network (LAN) or externally from remote users or from the Internet. The server needs to be built so that it can handle these requests efficiently. Log files can be used to determine what requests are being made that might cause the server to run slowly. If the server receives a large increase in the number of incoming requests or the files transferred increase in size, then appropriate measures will need to be taken to increase the ability of the server to handle the load. This might include adding another server, router, or switch, instead of only upgrading an existing one. Keep in mind that these log files will keep track of increasing loads on the server specific programs only. This means that it will only log the events of the programs and services that are running on the server and not any problems that are caused by increasing workstation demands. However, it can be easy to determine if workstation demands will be increasing because a system administrator would know if the users are going to be using more resource intensive programs. Intrusion Attempts and Detection It can be difficult to detect an intrusion into a network or server. Proper examination of system log files can help in finding out how and where the intrusion occurred, as well as what changes the attacker made to the system or network. When a person breaks into a system, they will attempt to modify system tools and utilities. This affects the server performance or reliability. Intruders may just delete important files and delete log files to make it difficult to find out what damage they may have done to the system. For this reason it is a good idea to continuously monitor the log files so that any changes or unusual entries will be noticed. Normal System Functioning The log files can also be examined to ensure that the system is functioning in a normal state. If there is something wrong with the system, the information in the log files can help identify and eliminate possible problems. For example, a Linux system may be configured as a DHCP server in which it is supposed to distribute IP addresses to client workstations. The log files can be examined to see if the server is receiving requests and is distributing IP address leases. If the requests are being received the problem can be narrowed down to a client side issue and not a problem with the server. Missing Entries If any of the log files are missing entries this can indicate that something on the server is not functioning properly or is misconfigured. Missing entries in log files can also indicate a problem somewhere other than the server. For example, a file server is configured to run Samba so that clients using Microsoft Windows can access the Linux server, and Samba is configured to log access attempts to the server. Suppose the log is checked later to see who is attempting to access the server and it is found that there are entries missing. These missing entries can indicate that there is a configuration error with the Samba daemon on the server. It could also mean that there is a problem externally on the network with a router or firewall that is preventing access. Which means that the server might not be the problem at all. Error Messages Many of the log files on a Linux system will contain various error messages that can be used to help locate and identify any problems or misconfiguration with the server. For example, a log file can contain information about an authentication error. This error message would be helpful because it tells a system administrator where troubleshooting efforts should begin. Many programs and server utilities can be configured to log specific information, which may help troubleshooting efforts as well. It is recommended to consult the programs documentation as to the configuration options that are available because they can vary depending on the particular program. Examining log files can be helpful in identifying various problems such as kernel, application, configuration, and user problems as well. The log files can be most helpful when trying to identify and locate software problems with the kernel, server, user login tools, and other system utilities. 13.1.11 The dmesg command Some of the most important and helpful information recorded in the log files that can be useful in troubleshooting and identifying problems are kernel startup messages. These messages can be particularly helpful in identifying hardware and kernel issues. The dmesg command can be used to display the recent kernel messages, also known as the kernel ring buffer. An example of the output of this command is shown in Figure . Notice that when the system boots up and Linux is starting to load, a series of messages in the kernel ring buffer scroll down the screen as the system is initializing the devices and services. These messages contain important information about the hardware installed in the system and the drivers. The information in these messages relates to whether the drivers are being loaded successfully and what devices the drivers are controlling, such as EIDE or SCSI controllers, for example. There are various instances in which the dmesg command can be very useful. Think about a server that contains two Ethernet cards, one of which is not working. By typing the command, dmesg | less, after the system starts up information about the two Ethernet cards that are installed in the system can be viewed. By looking at the kernel messages in the log file it can be determined if there is an entry for the non-functional card or not. If there is not an entry for the card, the issue could be that the driver is not loading or it could be the wrong driver for the card. If there is an entry for the card but it still does not work, the issue lies somewhere in the network configuration of the card. Use variables with the dmesg command to narrow down the amount of messages that will be displayed. For example, by using the grep command, only the lines that pertain to the non-functioning Ethernet card will be shown. The command used to perform this operation would be dmesg | grep ethX, where X is the Ethernet device in question. The information that is contained in dmesg is so valuable to a Linux system that most distributions automatically send the output to the /var/log/boot.messages log file. If the distribution does not do this, it can be fixed by placing the line, dmesg > /var/log/boot.messages in the /etc/rc.d/rc.local script. 13.1.12 Troubleshooting problems based on user feedback Sometimes the best way to identify a problem with a computer system is to locate the individual who uses the system most often or the person who used the system when the problem was reported. Not all users have the ability to properly convey the correct information about what the problem is or what they were doing when they began experiencing the problem. Therefore, any information that is elicited from users should be used as a point to start from but it is recommended that the problem be investigated and reproduced in order to be certain of what the problem is. Many problems that users report come simply from their lack of understanding and knowledge of how computer systems work. There are several different types of problems that users report. Some of the most common ones are described in this section. Login Problems One of the more common types of problems that users complain of is that they cannot log on to the system. Frequently when this happens it is not because any problem has occurred but rather they forgot their password, typed it incorrectly, or the password has expired. Remember that passwords in a Linux system are case sensitive. If the password has expired then it needs to be re-enabled, so that the user can change the password or a new one can be assigned. File Permission Problems File permission problems are not as common as login problem however there might be a user that is having problems accessing a shared file. This is not normally a problem if the user works with files in their own directories, but it can be a problem when users need access to files in other directories. In some cases, it may be necessary to explain how the Linux filesystem permissions work in order to prevent these types of problems. Removable Media Problems Linux handles removable media very differently than other operating systems, like Windows. Users will often have many complaints. Even though the GUI interface may look like it can access removable media like floppy drives and CD-ROMs by just inserting the media and searching for the files, it cannot. They still have to be mounted and unmounted. It is important to point this out to users and explain to them how to properly use the mount and umount command. Also, since only the superuser account can use the mount and umount commands it may be a good idea to modify the /etc/fstab file so that users can mount and unmount removable media themselves. An example of the /etc/fstab file is shown in Figure . The floppy drive can be ejected without first unmounting it, which can lead to corrupted files. Most devices, though, like CD-ROMs will lock up so they cannot be ejected unless they have been unmounted first. The other types of media that cannot be ejected unless it has been unmounted can lead to many unnecessary troubleshooting calls unless it has been explained to the users how to properly mount and unmount removable media drives. E-mail Problems E-mail should work for users when it has been configured correctly. This is particularly true if all the user has to do is pull their mail off the SMTP server locally. However, if there are remote users it might be a good idea to instruct them as to how to configure their mail accounts so that mail can be retrieved with no problems. Program Errors Users will often report that a program crashed. The best option is to approach this on a case-by-case basis because each program will require a different approach to troubleshoot it. Obtain as much information from the user as possible as to any error messages that may have popped up or what they were doing when the program crashed in order to recreate the events that caused the error. Shutdown Problems Linux should always be shutdown using the shutdown command. This was explained in previous chapters. However, only the root user can use this command. Users that experience problems shutting down should be shown how to use the GUI shutdown option that will let non-root user shutdown a Linux system. It is important that users know how to properly shutdown the Linux system because improper shutdown can cause various problems such as lengthy startup processes, serious file system corruption, and data loss. If users complain of such problems then it may be suggested that the system be properly shut down. 13.2 LILO Boot Errors 13.2.1 Error codes The LILO boot loader was first mentioned in Chapter 9 so there should be a firm understanding of what the Linux loader (LILO) does in a Linux system. The LILO boot loader is the first piece of code that takes control of the boot process form the BIOS. It loads the Linux kernel, and then passes control entirely to the Linux kernel. There are many instances that will cause LILO boot errors. The BIOS system for most x86 processor driven computers were first designed for systems in which maximum hard drive capacity was a mere 40 MB. For these systems, 32-bit or even 64-bit programs and operating systems that are becoming available were things of fantasy and science fiction. However, we know today that computer hardware technology evolved with astonishing speeds, and as a result the BIOS technology has evolved as well. The technology changes combined with the needs of LILO can unfortunately lead to LILO not working properly. When LILO is not functioning correctly it can be frustrating because it usually means that the system will not boot. The error messages or codes that LILO produces can be difficult to interpret. Understanding how to fix and work around these problems can help repair LILO error and return the system to working order. It is important that it is understood how LILO is installed and configured before proceeding with this section so it might be a good idea to review the particular section in Chapter 9. It is also important to mention that even though other boot loaders can be used to boot Linux, LILO is discussed here because it is the one that is used on x86 systems. These are the systems that will be used in this course and it is the boot loader that is installed in this course. LILO is not used on non-x86 processor systems. The first step in understanding LILO boot errors is to be able to understand and interpret the various LILO error codes that may be generated. When there is a problem with LILO an error code will be displayed. Some of the various error codes that can be displayed are listed and explained below. • • • • • • • None L error-code LI LI101010… LILLIL? LILO None If there is no error code then this means that LILO has not loaded. This may be because LILO was not installed or it may have been installed in the wrong location. Check the /etc/lilo.conf file and make sure the configuration is correct, then use the lilo command to install LILO. In order to get a better understanding of what the lines in the /etc/lilo.conf file mean it is a good idea to take a look at the man page for lilo.conf, which is also shown in Figure . LILO may have been installed on a different partition, in which case that partition in which LILO is installed will need to be made the boot partition. All these topics are covered in Chapter 9. L error-code This means that LILO has started to boot but it is unable to boot the second stage boot loader. The errorcode generated is a two-digit number that is generated by the BIOS. The codes that these numbers represent are detailed in the LILO documentation. Most of the error codes represent hardware failures such as a bad hard drive or a discrepancy in how LILO and the BIOS agree on how to treat disk addresses. If the hard drive is bad then take appropriate measures to confirm if the hard drive has failed. If LILO and BIOS settings are different in how they treat disk addresses then make the necessary changes in the BIOS or in the /etc/lilo.conf file. LI The means that LILO has started and the first and second stage loaders have been loaded, but the second stage loader will not run. This type of error code is usually the result of the same symptoms as the L errorcode condition. LI101010… This means that LILO has been loaded and running properly but it cannot locate the kernel image. This error code will usually be seen when a new kernel has been loaded or upgraded and the lilo command was never used to reinstall LILO. LIL This means that the first and second stage loaders have been successfully loaded and are running properly. However, LILO is unable to read the information that it needs in order to work. This error code is usually the result of some hardware failure or disk geometry mismatch between LILO and the BIOS. This problem can be fixed by setting or correcting the necessary option in /etc/lilo.conf or making the necessary changes in the BIOS. An example of the /etc/lilo.conf file is shown in Figure . LIL? This means that the second stage boot loader has been loaded correctly but is at an incorrect address. This problem can be caused by moving /boot/boot.b, which is the second stage boot loader file, without using the lilo command to reinstall LILO or by a disk geometry mismatch between LILO and the BIOS. LILThis means that the disk descriptor table (/boot/map) is corrupt. This problem can be caused by moving /boot/map, which is the second stage boot loader file, without using the lilo command to reinstall LILO or by a disk geometry mismatch between LILO and the BIOS. LILO This means that LILO has successfully been loaded and is running. At this point there should be no problem with LILO that is causing the system not to boot. If the system still does not properly boot at this point then the problem lies elsewhere, possibly with the kernel, its drivers, or system configuration files. Notice that the majority of these errors are the result of LILO not being able to read files that have been modified or moved. Any changes made to LILO that include files being moved or changed must be followed by the lilo command to reinstall LILO in order for any of the changes to take affect. Other means to boot Linux without LILO are described below. 13.2.2 Booting a Linux system without LILO There might be some instances in which LILO cannot be used at all to boot the computer because it has failed altogether. When this happens another form of booting the system is needed. There are a few methods in which to boot the system without LILO. Using the Emergency Boot System and using an Emergency Boot Disk to boot a Linux system instead of LILO are covered in the next two sections. However, a simpler approach might be tried first. There are few options listed below which can be used. • • • LOADLIN Raw kernel on a Floppy LILO on a Floppy These options are discussed in more detail in the following paragraphs. LOADLIN This is a DOS utility that can be used to boot Linux. This utility usually comes with the installation CDs and is located in the dosutils directory. In order to use LOADLIN use a DOS partition or a DOS boot disk, a copy of LOADLIN.EXE, and a copy of the Linux kernel. First boot DOS and then type LOADLIN VMLINUZ root=/dev/rootdevice ro, where VMLINUZ is the name of the kernel and root=/dev/rootdevice is the name of the root partition such as /dev/hda1. Raw kernel on a floppy It is possible to boot Linux if the raw Linux kernel is written to a floppy disk. If this method is chosen, copy the kernel to the floppy disk by using the dd if=vmlinuz of=/dev/fd0 command, where again vmlinuz is the name of the kernel. After the kernel has been copied to the floppy disk then just insert the floppy disk into the drive and start the computer. Be sure that the BIOS is configured to boot from the floppy drive. There is one other step that is needed to confirm that this will work. First configure the kernel so that it knows the location of the root partition. To do this use the rdev /dev/fd0 /dev/rootdevice command, where /dev/rootdevice is that name of the root partition. Keep in mind that these disks will appear to be unformatted in DOS or Windows and will not be able to be mounted in Linux because they do not have any filesystems. LILO on a floppy This is one of the more preferred methods because it is the fastest. It is much faster than using the LOADLIN or the Raw kernel on a Floppy method because kernel is still on the computer. In order to install LILO on a floppy disk edit the lilo.conf file. The boot line in the file should be changed to boot=/dev/fd0. After this, type lilo so that LILO will be reinstalled. Keep in mind that this line will need to be edited back in to install LILO back onto the hard drive. There are some general rules and extra information that is helpful when using these techniques to boot a Linux system without LILO. The LOADLIN technique is generally thought of as the most flexible because it allows the creation or modification of a boot disk using DOS, by using a default kernel from a Linux installation CD. The Raw kernel on a floppy method is simple technique because it does not require any configuration so that it knows where the boot partition is located. However, should the system configuration specifically change where the boot partition is located on the system, modifications will need to be made to the kernel on the floppy. If this is not done the system will not boot with the configuration on the disk. Using the LILO on a floppy method is the least useful but it can help in some instances. For example, some people prefer to configure the boot partition to boot to a non-Linux operating system. Then when the system needs to be booted to Linux all they need to do is insert the floppy disk that has LILO on it. Figure shows an example of the LILO configuration page that is presented to the user during installation. From this screen a LILO boot floppy disk can be created which can be used to boot Linux from LILO using the floppy disk. 13.2.3 Emergency boot system Linux provides an emergency system copy of LILO, which can be used to boot Linux in the event that the original LILO boot loader has errors or is not working. This is known as the Emergency Boot System. In order to be able to use this copy of LILO configuration changes must be made in lilo.conf. The steps to take to make these changes are listed as follows. • First, change where the regular disks root partition is mounted. It is recommended to mount it somewhere in the emergency boot system like /mnt/std. Figure be done. shows an example of the GUI configuration screen in which this procedure can • Second, make sure that the /boot directory is in its own partition. Mount it instead of or in addition to the root partition. • The last configuration changes that need to be made are to change the kernel images and other boot options to what is normal. For example, the boot and root options should point to the regular hard disk. After completing these steps need to use the lilo command in order to reload LILO. If everything was configured correctly, the boot loader should install itself normally. It is possible that this may not work. If the version of LILO that the emergency system uses is different than the version that is currently installed on the regular system, then the LILO installation may not work. If this should happen then use the LOADLIN method, which is explained in the previous section and then reinstall LILO using the regular system tools. 13.2.4 Using an emergency boot disk in Linux There are some other instances in which a Linux system will not boot. There are several reasons and errors that can cause a Linux system not to boot, besides LILO problems. For example, the /etc/fstab file which is used to map partitions to the file system may be corrupt. Startup script errors can cause the system to lockup or shutdown at times. Other reasons include hard disk failure and replacement of the disk from a backup. All these are common errors that will show up in Linux system from time to time, and LILO is not the culprit. In order to work around these sorts of problems and successfully boot the system obtain or create an Emergency Boot Disk. An emergency boot disk will enable the system to be booted without using any part of the main partition. Emergency boot disks can be either a single floppy disk that hold a minimum amount of system files with which to boot the system, or complete Linux installations that are stored on high-capacity removable media like CD-ROMs. A system administrator must know how to properly create an emergency boot disk so that they are capable of performing the necessary troubleshooting calls. It is also important to know what tools are on the disk and how to use them to properly troubleshoot a Linux system that is not able to boot up. Finding an Emergency Disk There are several options to choose from when it comes to finding a ready-made emergency boot disk for Linux, most of which are available for download off the Internet. The following Linux emergency boot disks are easy to use and often require no configuration to use them. Some of the more popular emergency boot disks available for Linux are listed below. The Linux Installation Disks One of the most obvious places to look is in the installation disks or media that was used to install the operating system in the first place. Most distributions include an emergency boot disk system that can be accessed as an option when loading the installation media. For example, when starting the installer program to load Red Hat Linux, the linux rescue command would be typed at the lilo: prompt. If a different distribution is used, consult the documentation regarding how to use the emergency disk included with the installation media. Tom’s Root/Boot Disk The official name for this emergency disk distribution is tomsrtbt, which stands for “Tom’s floppy, which has a root file system and is also bootable”. This can be downloaded from the Internet and can fit onto a single floppy disk. It is a complete bootable Linux system that can only be used from command line. The GUI is not supported. This comes in packages for DOS as well. To obtain a copy and find out more out Tom’s Root/Boot Disk, go to ZipSlack This is available for Slackware Linux. This can be installed on a small partition or on a removable drive like a zip disk because the 100 MB size of this emergency boot disk is slightly larger than the capacity of a floppy disk, which is only 1.4 MB. The advantage to having a larger version of Linux than what is available on a single floppy is that it is easier to customize with commercial backup tools and custom kernel drivers. Demo Linux This is one of the better emergency boot disk utilities available because it is the most complete. It is larger than the 100 MB ZipSlack and it must be burned on a CD-R. The 650 MB file can be downloaded from the web at This offers a complete version of Linux to work with that even allows the X GUI to run on most video hardware. SuSE Evaluation This is very similar to Demo Linux in that it is about the same size and must be burned onto a CD-R. However, this is an evaluation version of SuSE Linux that can be downloaded from the web at Keep in mind that these are only a few of the options available for emergency boot disks on a Linux system. To find out what other ones are available go to This page and the webpage for Tom’s Root/Boot contain other links to find small and specialty distributions to use for emergency boot disks. Creating an Emergency Boot Disk For the most part, the emergency boot disks that are mentioned above will be sufficient for any purposes. However there are some instances in which a custom emergency boot disk will need to be made. For example, if the system being worked on contains hardware that needs special drivers, or uses a special filesystem, special networking features, or any other configurations that would not be normally supported in any of the common emergency boot disks, they will need a custom boot disk. Creating a custom emergency boot disk can be an easy or difficult task depending on the requirements of the system that needs to be booted and how the task of creating the disk is approached. The simplest and most recommended method for creating a custom emergency boot disk to suit the needs of an individual computer system is to modify one of the existing boot disks. The existing disk can be modified so that the special features that a system may require can be added. The ZipSlack boot disk is one of the better options to choose when creating a custom emergency boot disk. ZipSlack acts much like a regular Linux distribution, however it lacks some features such as a GUI. ZipSlack also allows a user to recompile its kernel, add any necessary tools that might be needed, or configure many other aspects to suit the Linux system that needs to be booted. Another feature that makes ZipSlack a good choice is that there is some space to make additions to it on a 100 MB Zip disk. It is also possible to strip away any programs that will not be needed which can free up a little more space. Another option would be to use a 250 MB Zip disk to save ZipSlack on which would leave a lot of space for any additional programs or configuration changes that needed to be made. It is not recommended to use any of the other emergency boot disk options to make a custom boot disk for various reasons. Tom’s Root/Boot disk is far too small to do so. With this emergency boot disk fitting on to a tiny 1.4 MB floppy disk, there is not much room to add anything or make any changes. Another issue is that because these distributions are so tiny, many of the program files have already been changed so that they are optimized for this tiny amount of space. This makes changing or adding anything a very difficult process because it is almost impossible to do so without exceeding the maximum space on the disk. The distributions that can be burned on to a CD are difficult to create a custom emergency disk because of the fact that no changes can be made to files on CD. In order to make a custom emergency disk with one of the distributions that are burned onto a CD, the contents must be copied on to a hard drive of a functioning system, and then changes must be made before burning the files onto CD again. Recovery Tools Regardless of the emergency boot disk that is used there are several types of recovery tools that should be included that can help in the repair process. The following list of recovery tools is fairly standard and will be familiar Linux programs. Keep in mind that in the event that the particular system which is being booted up with the emergency boot disk may have some special programs installed or configuration which may require a special recovery tool besides one that is listed below. Drivers It is important to remember that drivers for any hardware and filesystems that are supported on the Linux system must be included in the emergency boot disk. It can be difficult to include all of them on one of the distributions that fit onto one floppy because the drivers tend to consume more disk space than what is allowed on a floppy disk. Including drivers for the hardware and supported filesystems is important because they will be needed if it is necessary to use or troubleshoot any piece of hardware or the filesystem after to boot the system with the emergency boot disk. This is particularly important if the system has SCSI adapters and hard drives or some other unusual hardware. A text editor It is important that some sort of text editor such as vi be included so that configuration files can be viewed and edited properly. Every emergency disk distribution should include a text editor and vi is a good choice to include because it is not very large. Some of the larger distributions of the emergency boot disks will have larger text editors to choose from. Disk Utilities The emergency boot disk should have the necessary disk utilities such as fdisk, mkfs, and fsck, which can be used to format a hard drive so that Linux can be installed on it. Figures , , and show examples of these three utilities. An emergency boot disk with these utilities can be valuable in the event of a filesystem failure or a problem in which the hard drive or partition needs to be erased and prepared for Linux to be installed. The fsck utility can be used to repair damaged filesystems. Backup Software It is always important to include some sort of backup software utility. If a change or repair to some configuration files need to be made it might be a good idea to first back them up. Most of the distributions mentioned above come with some sort of backup utility like tar, restore, cpio, and possibly others. The man pages of these three utilities are shown in Figures , , and . In the event that there is a different commercial or third party backup software being used then it will need to be included in the emergency boot disk. Network Software Having network software or utilities included on the emergency boot disk is necessary if a network connection needs to be established. Some networks will have data stored on servers that can be accessed through a network connection and downloading it from the server can restore the data. Both drivers will be needed for the network hardware that is installed in the system as well as a network client or server package. One last thing that is important to mention about booting a system with an emergency boot disk is that some recovery disk methods require unusual features to access the boot disk itself. For example, if ZipSlack is being used from a zip drive, which is attached via a parallel port, it must be booted from a kernel stored on a boot floppy. That kernel must include support for parallel zip drives. 13.3 Recognizing Common Errors 13.3.1 Various reasons for package dependency problems Package dependencies were discussed in previous chapters so there is an understanding of the concept already. When a package is installed in a Linux system there might be other packages that need to be installed in order for that particular package to work properly. The dependency package may have certain files which need to be in place or it may run certain services which need to be started before the package that is to be installed can work. In any event, this process usually runs rather smoothly. Linux will often notify the user if they are installing a package that has dependencies so that they can be installed as well. There are sometimes when this process does not proceed smoothly and problems occur. Usually the problem relates to unsatisfied dependencies or conflicts between packages. This is more likely to happen when installing packages from different venders. As a system administrator, it is important to understand how to recognize these errors and know how to properly resolve them. There are various reasons in which dependencies and conflicts can arise in a Linux system with RPM, Debian, and tarball packages. Only RPM and Debian packages have the ability to notify the user of dependency issues, tarballs do not have this ability. A few examples of events that can cause dependency problems and conflicts are listed below. Missing libraries or support programs This problem happens to be one of the more common types of problems that are the cause of most dependency problems. Libraries are a type of support code that can be used by many different programs on a Linux system. All of the different programs can use the libraries as if they were part of the program itself. When or if libraries are missing, programs that are installed will not work. Support packages work in much the same way as do libraries. For example, all KDE programs rely upon a support program called Qt, which is a support program in which all the KDE programs are built. If the Qt support package is not installed then no KDE packages can be installed using RPMs. Incompatible libraries or support programs It is important to understand that there are different versions of libraries and support programs available. These different versions correspond to the current and past versions of programs that are installed. If a library or support program is installed it needs to be the correct version that corresponds to the programs that are running on the Linux system. It is possible to have multiple versions of libraries and support programs installed, to enable support for programs with competing requirements. For example, if a program requires Qt 2.2, but the Qt 1.4 version is installed, then version 2.2 needs to be installed. Remember to keep version 1.4 so that other programs that are installed can still run. Duplicate Files or Features Sometimes two different packages will include the exact same files or a package that is about to be installed will include files or features that may already be installed on the system. When this happens it can occasionally cause the programs to not function correctly. Finding the exact cause of a package dependency error can be difficult. There may be an error message that is produced which can be useful in determining what package is causing the problem and to which category the problem lies. Sometimes these problems will not cause any harm but some can be very real and serious. Having missing libraries and support programs can cause several programs to fail and cause the system to become unresponsive. When installing RPM or Debian packages, the process of finding the exact cause for the package dependency problem can be a little easier because of the error message that is produced. Tarballs do not produce any error when a package dependency error has been detected. The problem will only be seen when the system attempts to run the program. For this reason, the problem may manifest itself right away and produce a message that it is unable to locate a library or specific file. They may just cause programs to crash or become unresponsive. For this reason, when installing tarball packages, it is best to use the “keep-old-files” option so that existing files are not overwritten. Using this option will allow the package to be uninstalled and restore the system to its original working condition. 13.3.2 Solutions to package dependency problems Now that the various errors that cause package dependency problems have been identified, it is time to discuss the steps to take to provide solutions to package dependency problems. There are several ways to provide a solution, however the correct one to take will depend on the situation. Review all possibilities before making a decision about which approach to take as some solutions work better than others. Some of the possible solutions that will be covered include forcing the installation, modifying the system to meet the dependency, rebuilding the problem package from source code, and finding a different version of the problem package. Forcing the Installation One such solution to solving package dependency problems is to simply ignore the error message and forcibly install the package anyway. Although it can be risky, there are instances in which doing so is appropriate. If the error is on a package in which the user has manually compiled the source code, then installation could be forced. In order to force the package installation and ignore failed dependencies with RPM packages use the – nodeps parameter. In order to force the installation over other errors such as conflicts with existing RPM packages use the – force parameter. For example, the syntax for these parameters is shown in Figure : Note: The xxxxxxxx.rpm represents any rpm package. It is also important to note that these parameter options will be slightly different for Debian packages. Debian packages are identified by dpkg instead of rpm. When using Debian packages use the following parameters shown in Figure to force the installation of packages. Note: where package is the name of the package Modifying the System The correct and recommended method for providing solutions to dependency problems is to modify the system so that it has the necessary dependencies that are needed to run properly. For example, if the package being installed requires an updated library or support program then the updated version must be installed. If Qt 1.44 is currently installed and the package requires Qt 2.2 then the updated version must be installed. Locate the updated version from the distribution installation CDs if that is where the package is being installed. The installation CD should have updated libraries and support programs that the packages require for that distribution. All that needs to be done is to install the update libraries and support programs from the CD. There are a few precautions to be aware of when taking this approach. Pay particular attention to what packages and modifications are being made and make certain that any packages and/or updates that are installed are in fact intended for the particular distribution version that is being used. For example, programs that use libraries and support packages for Red Hat 6 will not necessarily work with Red Hat 7 libraries and support packages. A package that contains updates for libraries and support packages and is installed for a particular distribution will have certain requirements that make it compatible only with programs on that specific distribution. If distribution A (Red Hat 6) is currently running, but an update is installed that was built for distribution B (Red Hat 7), the programs will produce an error message stating the dependency problems it has in terms of distribution B’s files, libraries, and support packages when it is actually running on distribution A. The appropriate version updates may in fact not be available for distribution A, but if distribution B’s version of libraries and support packages is installed; there can be conflicts with the other packages that are already installed in distribution A. In some cases if the appropriate updates are not installed for the right distribution version there will be no problems at first. However, there could be problems in the future when other programs are installed or when the particular distribution of Linux that is being used is upgraded. When that is the case the incorrect libraries and support packages that were upgraded will no longer be recognized and in some cases they will not even be able to upgrade to the new distribution version. This may seem a little confusing but it is actually a simple concept. In other words, if the system is going to be modified in any way, like the libraries and support packages are being upgraded, then it is necessary to make sure that the correct updates are being installed. This means that if Red Hat 6 is being used, the updates for Red Hat 6 should be used and not another version of Red Hat like Red Hat 7. In the event that updates are not available for the distribution that is being used, then it might be a better idea to just upgrade the entire distribution version. Doing so would insure that the necessary updates should be installed. Rebuilding the Problem Package from Source Code In some instances it may be necessary to rebuild the package from source code if there are dependency error messages showing up. However, it is important to understand the dependency conditions that result in needing to do so as opposed to other dependency conditions in which it would not be necessary to rebuild the package itself. For instance, some dependencies are the result of the libraries and support packages that are currently installed on the computer, and not from requirements of the other packages and software on the system. This often results when the software on a Linux system has been recompiled. When the software is recompiled, this will cause the dependencies for various programs to change. Therefore, it is much easier to rebuild the package from source code to overcome this change than it would be to try and forcibly install new packages or modify the system in anyway. It is actually a fairly simple process to rebuild an RPM package. In order to rebuild an RPM call the rpm with the – rebuild command. The command syntax used to rebuild an RPM package is as follows. It is possible to rebuild tarballs from source code however it is a much more difficult process. Instead of having to run one simple command like above, about ten different commands will have to be entered to configure the compilation scripts, the software will need to be recompiled, and then the software can be installed. There will also be some configuration files that will have to be edited manually. For this reason it is best not to try and attempt to do this with tarball packages. In any event read the packages documentation that comes with the package to find out more information about the package. # rpm – rebuild packagename-version.src.rpm packagename-version.src.rpm is the name of the RPM which needs to be rebuilt. This command extracts the source code and executes whatever commands are necessary to build a new package or sometimes several packages. Depending on the speed of the computer and the size of the package that is being rebuilt, the process to recompile the package can take from a few seconds to a few hours. After the process is complete, there will be several RPMs in binary form placed in /usr/src/distname/RPMS/arch, where distname is the code that represents the system distribution, like RedHat or OpenLinux. The arch represents the CPU architecture of the system, like i386, i586, x86, or ppc. Once these files have been placed in /usr/src/distname/RPMS/arch, they can be moved to any location and then installed like any other RPM package. One other thing that is good to know if a package is going to be recompiled in order to rebuild it is that an appropriate compiler for the software will be needed. This is true for whichever package type is being recompiled (RPM or Tarball). Usually the GNU C Compiler (GCC) will work just fine. Some programs will also need to have the appropriate header files installed, so that it will recompile properly. This is usually the case for most X-based programs. Header files are special files that are needed when compiling a program so that the program will use the correct libraries and support packages. In some cases multiple libraries can be installed on a Linux system and the program will need to know which one it is supposed to use. The header file packages can be installed just like any other package, however it is necessary that the header files that are installed match the library that the compiled program uses. If the header file versions do not match the library versions then it either will not compile or it will not work once it has been compiled. Rebuilding a program or package from source code is not the easiest method and it does not always work. There are several reasons why the program may not work after it has been recompiled. The appropriate header files may be missing, or the proper compiler and other development tools may be the wrong ones or are missing altogether. Other times the source code relies on features that are not present in the libraries that are installed on the system. If any of these problems are identified and error message will pop up when the system is recompiling the package. If this happens then the best idea is to try some other means of fixing the dependency problem. Finding a Different Version The easiest way to fix dependency problems with packages is to locate a different version of the package that is causing the problems. Another option is to look for a newer version of the package. It is also possible to look for an older version as well and even another option would be to use the same package version but one that is built for the specific Linux distribution that is being used. To look for other packages that can substitute for alternatives visit RPM Find ( or Debian’s package listing site at ( These two websites can be helpful in locating alternate versions of packages to use. Other locations to check are on the systems Installation CDs and on the particular distribution Web or FTP site. This option usually works well and is easier than rebuilding a package by recompiling the software. However, one problem is that sometimes the only acceptable package is the one that is not working. The package may contain special features that need to be installed or it may be a patch that is meant to fix important bugs with the software, in which case it would be almost impossible to find a replacement. Other versions might not be available so at this point it may be better to just try different software. 13.3.3 Backup and restore errors Another type of common error that is important to be able to recognize and effectively troubleshoot is backup and restore errors. Providing a successful and reliable backup strategy will be one of the more important tasks of any system administrator. Without a reliable backup system, the company’s data could be at risk of being compromised at any moment. This not only includes valuable and often irreplaceable data and/or costly server or Internet downtime, but also hardware theft or failure, and even human error. One thing for certain is that these problems are not completely preventable. However, with a tight and reliable backup and restore program implemented, these problems are not permanent. Another unfortunate and inevitable thing about backups is that they are not immune to errors themselves. It is important to understand how to identify these errors as well as the solutions to backup and restore errors so that they are ready to use in the event that the backups are needed. It is also important to note that the worst time to discover that the backup and restore plan has errors is when they need to be used in a critical situation. For this reason it is always a good idea to test the backup and restore procedures before an actual event in which they need to be used. There are various methods and types of media available for backup and restoration procedures. Tape backups are the most common type found on Linux system and other large server environments because of how easy they are to use. And they can be reused a number of times until they go bad. For this reason most of the problems and solutions in this section apply to tape backups. There are several other ways to backup and restore data such as CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD-RW, as well as various RAID technologies that back up data directly to other hard drives. Another reason why tape backups are sometimes used is because RAID technologies tend to be rather expensive. Tape backups provide a reliable and affordable means for providing a backup solution. The first thing to understand about tape backups that will save a lot of time and help prevent backup and restore errors are that tape backups should be replaced after they have been used 100 times. This will keep them from becoming unreliable. Backup and Restore errors can occur at different points. Some errors will occur when the system is actually performing the backup. This means that the backup of the system may not even work. Other times errors will occur during the restore process when the system is attempting to recover data. Some of the most common types of problems are listed below. Driver Problems As with any other piece of hardware on a system, back up devices need to have the proper drivers installed. Be cautious about the various driver issues that have been covered in this course with Linux systems. Usually the EIDE/ATAPI or SCSI tape backup device will require support from a controller or host adapter. If the drivers are installed as modules then the drivers for the controllers or device need to be loaded into memory when the backup up is performed, otherwise the system will be unable to do any backup. Tape Drive Access Errors A tape backup device will usually use the /dev/ht0 or /dev/nst0 files to provide access to the tape drive. A root user should be able to use these files to access the tape backup device for both reading and writing. If for some reason the device cannot be accessed then there is likely an error with the device files being used or the wrong driver files have been loaded. File Access Errors File access permissions can be a complicated thing and backups are no different. The type of backup that someone can do on a Linux system will depend on what type of file access they have. For example, any user will be able to do backups of their own files because they will have both read and write access to them. However, in order to backup the entire file system on the computer a person needs to have full read access to all the files. This is the reason that most backups are done as root. A non-root user that is doing a backup will be able to back up most system files, but not other people’s files and certainly not protected files like /etc/shadow. This works the same way with restoring a system as well. To perform a restoration on the entire system the user will need to be root as well because they will need to have full read and write access to all the directories that are being restored. Only the root account will have such file access rights on a Linux system. Media Errors One of the worst kinds of backup errors is when the actual media develops errors. Sometimes the actual tape backup, CD-R, DVD-R, or secondary hard drive will become damaged and any attempt to restore data will not work. There are several things that can damage a tape backup, CD, or hard drive. A lot of times the backup media will become damaged when it has been in storage for a long time. This is especially the case when the environmental conditions of the storage room are not at the appropriate settings for proper backup media storage. One of the worst things for any type of backup media is a storage room that does not have proper air circulation or temperature regulation to keep the room at a comfortable room temperature. Another fail-safe idea would be to make a back up of the backup media, in case one media fails, there will be another. Files not Found errors This is another type of error that can sometimes be associated with backing up and restoring data on a Linux system. On Linux systems, when restoring data from backups using the tar command-line utility, it will sometimes be unable to restore specific files. This is because the tar command-line utility stores files without the leading /, which means that when restoring files with tar the leading / should not be included when restoring specific files and directories. (If the -P (– absolute-paths) parameter is used with tar, then it will backup files and include the leading /.) For this reason it is recommended that the user always be at the root (/) directory when restoring any data. If the file which needs to be restored cannot be found but it has been backed up and is on the backup media, then using the -t (– list) parameter with tar which will list the contents and allow a manual search for the file. This can be very time consuming and if there are many files on the backup media, it will take a long time to do the search. An alternative would be to use a more sophisticated compression and backup tool other than tar that will provide additional searching features when a file needs to be found manually. Some of these added features include things like an index of files on the backup media, along with other features that will allow only selected files to be restored, which will prevent things like mistyping the filename and then having to manually search through an entire backup without finding the file. There are various types of errors that can happen when backing up and restoring a Linux computer system. These errors can be associated with the backup process itself, the hardware involved in the backup procedure, or with the backup media. For this reason it is important that after any backup or restoration of data has been made that the backup or restoration is verified as well. On a Linux system it is possible use a backup-time verification option that will perform a check right after the data has been backed up. It is possible that during this verification check that some files will be returned with errors, but they may just be files that have legitimately changed and therefore the error message may be ignored. Many backup devices include a verification option that will check the data immediately after it has been rewritten. However, it is still important to run a complete verification check after all the data has been backed up. Other verification techniques include comparing the information on the drive or backup against any summary information available. For example, after a restoration it is important to verify that the same packages are installed as before by comparing it to the RPM database. (Recall from previous chapters that some package managers such as Red Hat and Debian have databases that store information about the packets that are stored or installed on a Linux system.) To do this, use the rpm –Va command. Keep in mind that there might be legitimate variations due to the fact that some changes may have been made. 13.3.4 Application failure on Linux servers It can be difficult at times to detect software problems and application failure on a Linux server. This is mainly because these sorts of problems do not present themselves in a way that is obvious. An error message will not just appear after an option has been clicked on telling of a problem or the nature of the problem. It has been stated in previous chapters that by using the system log files, a lot can be learned about any problems the server might be having. There are several things however that can provide some indication of an application failure or software problem on a Linux server. Some of these are listed below. Failure to Start A first sign indicator that there is something wrong would be if the application has failed to start. There are many things that can cause a server or application not to start. Most of the time it is due to a configuration error in /etc/xinetd.d or by an incorrect Sys V startup script. Usually any problems associated with Sys V startup scripts are the result of a script name for a given runlevel that is causing the server or application to stop rather than to start. This process was discussed in previous chapters. Failure to Respond At other times the program will start or will be running but will fail to respond. This might be an indication that there is some sort of problem with access through the system firewall or a hardware firewall on the network. It also could indicate a misconfiguration in /etc/xinetd.d, or any other processes that is preventing or blocking access control to the program. It is important to check the specific application or server configuration files to determine if it has a block. For example, the configuration file of the FTP daemon must be changed to allow it to work. Without making this configuration change the FTP daemon may run but it will not respond to requests. Slow Responses There are several reasons why slow server response times may be experienced. If complaints are coming in from various users that they are getting slow response time from the server check external problems first. The problem could be a router or switch issue on the network or some other overloaded Internet backbone. If after checking the various external conditions slow response times are still being experienced, start checking internal reasons. For example, the Linux server network connection may be slow, or the hardware such as CPU, RAM, or hard drive is inadequate for the job. It is also a good idea to inform users that there are some instances in which the server might be running slowly for a reason. Some application and servers such as mail servers have slight delays before responding. This is used to try and slow down SPAM e-mail from using the mail server as a relay point. Unexpected Reponses Usually the cause of a server generating unexpected responses is due to the fact that the application or server is not configured correctly. If anonymous access to the FTP site has been allowed but is not being granted, check the configuration to see if the anonymous access has been enabled. Another example might be if a user accesses the Web server and sees pages that are not supposed to be there or does not see expected pages. This may be the result of a configuration error but it could also mean that the HTML files have been placed in the wrong location. Crashing Application or Server Identifying and providing solutions to an application or server that crashes on a Linux system has been thoroughly covered in this course. It is rare that a Linux server will “crash”, but there are instances in which it will happen. Most of time, once the application or server has been configured properly it will run without crashing. If an application or server is continuously crashing it might be the result of a hardware failure, a configuration error, or a bug in the software. Providing solutions to all of these problems has been covered in previous chapters. A good general rule when troubleshooting applications and servers on a Linux system is to check the system logs. The system’s log files are usually the place to find most error messages that are generated because they are not always displayed on the screen. 13.4 Troubleshooting Network Problems 13.4.1 Loss of connectivity Despite the best preventive efforts, it is inevitable that an administrator will encounter problems with the network. These range from gradual slowdowns that annoy users to a complete loss of connectivity across the entire network that brings the work of thousands of employees to a halt. All products that have been discussed can be used in troubleshooting network problems. Because most modern networks run on TCP/IP, several useful troubleshooting utilities are available on every Linux system. They can be used without the need to purchase, install, and learn a complex and expensive network management product. This section discusses some troubleshooting basics, how to use log files in troubleshooting, and the TCP/IP analysis tools and utilities included on most distributions of Linux. This section also covers the use of these tools in troubleshooting network connectivity problems. Finally, detailed network troubleshooting guidelines are provided that can be used by a network administrator to track down and solve network connectivity and performance problems. The most basic networking problem is the inability of one computer to communicate with another. Loss of connectivity can be hardware and/or software related. The first rule of troubleshooting is to check for physical connectivity. This simple explanation should never be overlooked. More than one networking professional has spent hours reconfiguring protocols, reinstalling software, and even reinstalling the operating system, only to discover that the reason the computer could not communicate over the network was that the cable had been unplugged from the NIC. Therefore, before embarking on a complex troubleshooting mission, ensure that the cables are properly plugged in at both ends, that the network adapter is functioning by checking the link light on the NIC, that the hub status lights are on, and that the communication problem is not a simple hardware malfunction. 13.4.2 Operator error Another common cause of network problems is operator error. Perhaps the reason the workstation cannot see the rest of the network is that the user logged in to the local machine and did not connect to the network. Be sure that users are using the correct username and password and that their accounts are not restricted in a way that prevents them from being able to connect to the network. For example, logon times might be limited to business hours on weekdays, or the user might be restricted to logging on only from a specified workstation. Note: One of the most common reasons that a user's password does not work is because of the casesensitive nature of passwords on most operating systems. Accidentally pressing the Caps Lock key before entering the password will cause the password to be rejected. Hardware problems are relatively simple to deal with once they are discovered. Software problems can be much more difficult to track down and remedy. Software misconfiguration is a common culprit. Software settings might have been changed by the installation routine of a recently installed program, or the user might have been experimenting with settings. Missing or corrupt files can cause problems of many kinds, including network connectivity problems. Users accidentally, or purposely, delete files, and power surges or shutting down the computer abruptly can damage file data. Viruses can also damage system files or user data. Whatever the suspected origin of the problem, following a set of steps for each troubleshooting scenario ensures that all bases are covered. The following sequences of troubleshooting steps are recommended for efficient problem solving. While the first six steps might seem like common sense, many network professionals skip steps 7 and 8. Once the problem is fixed, they believe that the job is over. However, the last two steps are critical in a networking environment. After spending two days troubleshooting a problem and finally solving it, forgetting the details would seem impossible. But a network administrator's life is a busy one, and it is likely that when the same problem occurs again, perhaps a year later, the only things that anyone will remember is that it happened before and somehow the problem was resolved. Documenting the problem solving steps will not only save time in the future, but will also prevent a great deal of frustration. Providing feedback to users is also important. Users should be educated whenever possible. This is a key element in problem prevention. The user may not seem to care what was wrong, only that it has been fixed. However, most people appreciate information, especially if that information can help change their habits or allow them to understand what signs of trouble to look for and report before the problem becomes worse. User feedback should always be provided in language that is appropriate for the user's technical knowledge. Note: Feedback should always include instructions for the user if the problem happens again. If it is a simple matter and the user can correct it, step-by-step instructions should be provided, preferably in writing. 13.4.3 Using TCP/IP utilities In the following sections, several categories of TCP/IP utilities are examined. There are those that test connectivity, those used for configuration, and those that provide information that can be useful in troubleshooting network problems. Connectivity Testing Utilities The first step in troubleshooting a lost connection is to determine whether it is really lost. Less experienced network users may be quick to assume that they are unable to connect to a particular Web site with their browser, when the site server itself may be down. The most common TCP/IP tool found on Linux, UNIX, and Windows systems which is used to test connectivity to another machine is the command ping. ping and pathping The ping utility stands for Packet Internetwork Groper. This command is a simple utility that sends a message called an Echo Request to a designated destination computer using Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP). The destination computer responds by sending an ICMP Echo Reply. The first step in checking for a suspected connectivity problem is to ping the host. If the Internet connection could be the problem a reliable host on the Internet, such as, is a good target for the ping. If a reply is received, the physical connection between the two computers is intact and working. The successful reply also signifies that the calling system can reach the Internet. Figure shows an example of a ping request and response. The preferred order in which to run test on TCP/IP is as follows. 1. Hostname – The first step in checking for a suspected connectivity problem is to ping the host. This prints the name of the network server. If a reply is received, the physical connection between the two computers is intact and working. 2. ipconfig – Prints the current TCP/IP configuration. UNIX/Linux systems use the ifconfig command rather than ipconfig. Note the IP address and subnet mask of the network server for future reference. If the IP address of the default gateway displays, note it also. 3. Ping – Ping the loopback address to see whether TCP/IP is installed correctly. If any error message appears, it is time to remove and reinstall the TCP/IP protocol on the network server. 4. Ping own IP address – This tests that TCP/IP can communicate with the network adapter in the network server. The IP address of the network server displays in the output of the IPCONFIG command. 5. Ping default gateway – This tests that the network server can communicate from the network to another system on the network, in this case the router. The IP address of the default gateway or router displays in the output of the ipconfig command. 6. Ping remote host – A remote host is a computer on the other side of the default gateway or router. This tests that the router is doing its job and forwards the TCP/IP packet to a computer system on the other side of the router. 7. Ping own IP name – This tests that the network server can resolve its own IP name. 8. Ping remote host IP name – This tests that the DNS server is working and resolving the host IP name of a remote computer. The ping command can be issued using either the IP address or the DNS hostname of the destination computer. The IP address should be used to test connectivity. If a ping by IP address is successful, but a ping by name is unsuccessful, this indicates a problem with the name resolution (DNS) server or configuration. Such a problem might occur when the user's computer is assigned a static IP address, rather than obtaining one through DHCP, but does not have a DNS server defined in the /etc/resolv.conf file. When the workstation is a DHCP client, the DHCP server usually assigns the DNS server address. The term ping time refers to the amount of time that elapses between the sending of the Echo Request and receipt of the Echo Reply. A low ping time indicates a fast connection. ping can also be used to test whether the TCP/IP stack is properly installed and functioning on the computer. To perform the test, ping the loopback address, which is given the hostname localhost in the /etc/hosts file. If a response is received, the stack is working. A command-line version of ping is included with the TCP/IP stacks of all Windows operating systems and with UNIX and Linux distributions. On a NetWare server, two versions are included, which are loaded as NLMs (Netware Loadable Modules) at the server console. Pathping is included with Windows 2000, but not with Windows 9x or NT. It combines the features of ping with those of tracert and provides additional information that is not displayed by either utility. With pathping, it is possible to detect which routers are causing problems on the network and to measure how many packets are lost at a particular router. Tracing Packet Routes Tracing utilities are used to discover the route taken by a packet to reach its destination. The usual way to determine packet routing in UNIX systems is the traceroute command. Figure shows typical output of traceroute on a UNIX system. traceroute shows all the routers through which the packet passes as it travels through the network from sending computer to destination computer. This can be useful for determining at what point connectivity is lost or slowed. Configuration Utilities Connectivity problems often turn out to be configuration problems. Perhaps the IP address assigned to the computer is not in the correct subnet range, or perhaps the subnet mask, default gateway, DNS address, or other pieces of configuration information were entered incorrectly. If any of these entries is wrong, or is accidentally deleted, the computer cannot properly communicate on a TCP/IP network. Ifconfig /sbin/ifconfig, standard on all newer UNIX systems, allows viewing and changing the configuration of a network interface, such as IP address, hardware address, broadcast address, and subnet mask associated with a given ethernet device. Netconfig Red Hat Linux includes the utility /usr/sbin/netconfig which allows an administrator to either select DHCP IP configuration, or to specify a static IP address along with the associated netmask, gateway, and primary nameserver. lsof While not strictly a networking utility, lsof is able to identify networking related resources and what processes may be locking them up. The lsof (LiSt Open Files) lists information about files that are opened by the running processes. An open file may be a regular file, a directory, a block special file, a character special file, an executing text reference, a library, a stream, or a network file (Internet socket, NFS file or Linux/UNIX domain socket). Windows NT and Windows 2000 – ipconfig The ipconfig command is used in Windows NT and Windows 2000 to display the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway for which a network adapter is configured. See Figure for more detailed information, the /all switch is used. Figure shows the results of using the ipconfig /all command on an Windows NT server. If the computer is configured as a DHCP client, two additional switches can be used with ipconfig. The first is /renew. It causes the lease for the IP address to be renewed. The second is the /release switch, which causes the IP address to be released so that the DHCP server can reassign it. Other TCP/IP Utilities Testing connectivity and checking configuration information are the most common uses of the TCP/IP utilities when troubleshooting network problems. However, UNIX systems include additional tools, shown in Figure , that can be used to gather specific information. 13.4.4 Problem-solving guidelines Troubleshooting a network requires problem-solving skills. The use of a structured method to detect, analyze, and address each problem as it is encountered increases the likelihood of successful troubleshooting. Troubleshooting should always be done in a step-by-step manner. Good problem solving skills are not specific to computer networking. Consider the way in which a doctor approaches a perplexing medical problem or the way in which an investigator solves a crime. Regardless of the field, the steps are similar. Gather information A physician takes a medical history and asks the patient to describe symptoms. A police detective questions victims and witnesses. Both rely on their own observations and might have to turn to books or other experts to research specific facts involved in the case. A network troubleshooter should learn to listen as users describe their experiences. Good questions are an essential part of gathering the information needed to diagnose the problem. Analyze the information This is where experience and knowledge come into play. The most obvious possible causes should be eliminated first. If a patient complains of headache, the doctor does not begin by performing brain surgery, but first considers the simpler factors from which the symptoms can originate. As possibilities are eliminated, the search is narrowed. Formulate and implement a "treatment" plan Create a plan to rectify the problem. Every plan should include a contingency plan, in case the first attempt does not work. Proceed with the plan in an organized fashion. Try only one solution at a time. Test to verify the results of the treatment It is essential that the success of the troubleshooting actions be confirmed. It is also important to verify that the "cure" did not have side effects that caused additional or different problems. Document everything The details of the problem and the steps taken to correct it should be recorded, ideally with a filed hard copy. This documentation of the trial-and-error process could save a future administrator a great deal of time. Realistic goals and priorities are critical during the network troubleshooting and optimization process. A costbenefit analysis can help determine which problems should take precedence. Costs are not always monetary. Although priorities can be dependent on issues including budgets, efficiency, time pressures and deadlines, even internal politics can be cost factors. Troubleshooting is one of the most difficult jobs of the network administrator. It is also the area in which a good administrator proves his or her worth and earns both the salary and the title. 13.4.5 Windows 2000 diagnostic tools The network diagnostic tools for Microsoft Windows 2000 Server include Ipconfig, Nbtstat, Netstat, Nslookup, Ping, and Tracert, which are similar to their Windows NT counterparts. Windows 2000 Server also includes the Netdiag and Pathping commands, which were not available in Windows NT Server. Netdiag The Windows 2000 Server netdiag command runs a standard set of network tests and generates a report of the results. The Windows 2000 Server netdiag command is not part of a standard Windows 2000 Server installation. It must be installed from the Windows 2000 Server CD-ROM from the Support Tools folder. The Windows 2000 netdiag command has one very nice feature, it can be used without any flags at all and it will perform a complete set of network tests. A server hardware specialist just needs to analyze the output from the netdiag command looking for the word “Failed” to find possible network problems. Even though the netdiag command can be used without any flags, several are available. The flags that can be used with the Windows 2000 Server netdiag command are as follows in Figure . pathping The Windows 2000 Server pathping command is a combination of the ping command and the tracert command. The flags that can be used with the Windows 2000 pathping command are as follows in Figure . 13.4.6 Wake-on-LAN Some network interface cards support a technology known as Wake-On-LAN (WOL). The purpose of WOL technology is to enable a network administrator to power up a computer by sending a signal to the NIC with WOL technology. The signal is called a magic packet. When the magic packet is received by the NIC, it will power up the computer in which it is installed. When fully powered up, the remote computer can be accessed through normal remote diagnostic software. The WOL technology also enables a computer to power up so that it can have the data on its hard disk drives backed up to tape over the network. In the Windows NT Server 4 NT Diagnostics, for example, it is possible to see information from a select computer. If the computer that being examined using NT Diagnostics is not powered up, however, the examination cannot be performed. If that computer has a NIC with WOL technology, it can be powered up remotely by sending the WOL magic packet to that NIC. After the computer is powered up, it is possible to run NT Diagnostics on that computer. 13.5 Disaster Recovery 13.5.1 Risk analysis “Why do I need to do a risk analysis?” is a common question asked by technical staff. After all, is that not what the business people are for? The last thing a technical person wants to be doing is dealing with the processes, procedures, and paperwork involved in doing a risk analysis. And a risk analysis is not usually something a technical person can complete without some input from the business people. As far as a reason why a risk analysis is important, think about driving a car. If a complete disaster-recovery plan were to be done for a car, it would be stocked with spare parts for any component that might fail. So in addition to the spare tire, there should also be a spare rear-view mirror, a spare steering wheel, and a spare windshield. This is an extreme example to illustrate the point. In a car, a tire is the most likely thing to fail that might have a chance of being repaired. With a server, not only is it necessary to know what components are most likely to fail, are repairable, or can be dealt with by using high-availability techniques, but it is also necessary to understand what the value of the information is. So the first response is probably something along the lines of “Well I already know what is important, so why do I have to go through all this analysis?” No one really understands this risk analysis stuff anyway. Take a look at what a risk analysis really is, and discuss why it is really needed. A good risk analysis can be broken into the following four parts. 1. Identify business processes and their associated infrastructure. For example, communications is a business process that involves a mail server, a network connection, and the end-user workstation. Remote access is a process that might involve modems, modem lines, a RAS server, and a network connection. It is absolutely critical that someone from the business be involved in this part of the analysis. In a perfect world, the IT department would be fully cognizant of all the processes and procedures used by the business. The reality is frequently that the IT department builds the infrastructure, but is not completely sure how the business is using it. And even if it is not known what the infrastructure is being used for, the value of the business process is generally not well understood. In many cases the risk analysis will be the first time anyone thought to place a value on processes and services. 2. Identify the threats associated with each of the business processes and associated infrastructure. This could be anything from a hard drive in the mail server to a failed modem line on the RAS server to a network cable going bad. Try to be specific and thorough. Be sure to list all the threats, and not just the ones that can be addressed easily. 3. Define the level of risk associated with each threat. This includes the likelihood of the threat occurring, as well as the severity of the threat. Do this by ranking the threats on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is unlikely and 5 is very likely. The severity scale would also be from 1 to 5, where 1 is minor impact to the business and 5 is major impact to the business. If possible, associate costs with each threat. This will make justifying the disaster-recovery plan much easier. 4. Rank the risks based on severity and likelihood. One method that works fairly well is to add the scores of the two levels. The higher the score, the more important that risk is to avoid. Low scores can generally be placed at the end of the list and are usually the last risks to be planned for. Now comes the fun part. There is now a list of potential threats. If a thorough job has been done, the odds are pretty good that there are things on the list that would not have been thought of if known issues had been started with. Also, there is now a valuable tool for justifying the costs of the disaster-recovery plan. It is much easier to justify that server cluster for the company Web server when management can be shown that a 4hour outage will cost the company $100,000 in lost business. If there is still any question about why to invest time and effort in a risk analysis, think about this. When the risk that management decided was not worth the cost actually happens, and they inevitably do, and they start looking for someone to blame it on, it will not be the person who has the risk analysis documentation and management’s refusal to make the necessary investment. Now determine how these threats can be avoided, and provide the kind of availability the company needs. Start by talking about some of the more basic building blocks of disaster recovery. These would be the use of redundant components, clustering, scalability, and high availability. 13.5.2 Understanding redundancy, clustering, scalability, and high availability Because the topic of this course is servers, one of the best places to start discussing some of the mechanisms for ensuring high availability is to look at some of the server components that can fail from time to time. The most common component to be implemented in a redundant fashion is that of the server hard drives. Redundancy Redundancy is the ability to continue providing service when something fails. For example, if a hard disk fails, a redundant hard disk can continue to store and serve files. First we will focus on RAID types. Following the sections on RAID, the focus will move to some other components that are candidates for redundancy. RAID 0 RAID 0 also known as disk striping, it writes data across two or more physical drives. This type of RAID has no redundancy. If one of the drives fails than all the data is lost. For a company to recover they would have to implement a tape backup procedure or use RAID 0+1. This is discussed later. RAID 1 RAID 1 also known as disk mirroring, this requires the use of two disk drives and one disk controller to provide redundancy. To further increase performance add a second controller, one for each disk drive. Each drive is completely mirrored, an exact copy of each other. This provides 100% redundancy. If one of the disk drives fails, put in a replacement and the data will just be copied over to the new drive. RAID 5 RAID 5 also known as disk striping with parity. Parity is an encoding scheme that represents where the information is stored on each drive. RAID 5 is similar to RAID 0 in that it writes data across disks but it adds a parity bit for redundancy. Three drives are required to implement this type of RAID. If a drive fails the data can be recovered using the parity bit and the other two drives. RAID 0+1 RAIS 0 +1 offers the best of both worlds, the performance of RAID 0 and the redundancy of RAID 1. Four disk drives and a disk controller are required to implement. This is an expensive solution because of the number of drives it requires. Other system components A number of other components in the server can be configured in a redundant manner, including the following. • • • • • Power supplies Cooling fans Network interface adapters Processors UPS The following paragraphs discuss those components in more detail. Power supplies Most high-end servers will come with an option to install additional power supplies. This allows the server to shift the power load when a power supply fails. Cooling fans A server can get hot after it has been running for a while. To ensure the server stays cool, look for a server that utilizes redundant cooling fans. Not only does this allow the server to avoid overheating in the event of a fan failure, but the server also benefits from the additional cooling while all the fans are running. Additional cooling fans are usually part of the server configuration, and are not usually ordered as an option for the server. Network interface adapters Network interface cards (NICs) are things that are frequently not installed in a redundant manner, in large part due to the challenges with many operating systems in configuring them in a truly redundant form. Because each NIC, particularly in a TCP/IP environment has its own address, it is usually difficult to configure a reliable failover method for NICs. If truly redundant NICs are wanted, buy cards with drivers specifically designed for redundant use. For example, 3Com Corporation makes an EtherLink Server 10/100 PCI Dual Port network interface card specifically for load balancing and resiliency in a server environment. Be sure to order the correct type of NIC if you want redundant network interface cards. Processors Processors are a relatively easy component to implement in a fault tolerant way. If a multiprocessor server is bought from most of the major vendors, the server will continue to run, albeit with a degradation in performance, with a failed processor. UPS Even if there are four power supplies in the server, they are only as good as the power available. To add an additional layer of redundancy to the power supplies, an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) can continue to provide power in the event of a power outage. Be sure to calculate the amount of power needed, and the duration that it is needed for, and make sure the UPS can accommodate the requirements. The main point to take out of this section is that with the exception of the system board, any critical components in the server can generally be configured in a redundant manner. And if the data is so critical that it might need an additional motherboard, it is time to think about clustering. 13.5.3 Clustering A cluster is a group of independent computers working together as a single system. This system is used to ensure that mission-critical applications and resources are as highly available as possible. High availability is discussed later on. These computers are managed as a single system and are specifically configured to tolerate component failures, as well as to support the transparent addition or removal of components. If the cluster is configured correctly, a bowling ball can literally be dropped on one of the servers in the cluster and no difference will be seen in user performance. Windows 2000, Novell NetWare, and most types of UNIX all support some form of clustering. Figure illustrates this clustering concept. Notice how multiple computers are configured to handle the Web traffic. The advantages to running a clustered configuration include the following. • • • • Fault tolerance – A cluster of computers is very fault tolerant because it can support the failure of components up to a complete computer without impacting the capability of the cluster to support the mission-critical applications. High availability – One step up from fault tolerant is high availability. What high availability indicates is that not only can the system remain running in the event of a fault, but also the cluster will not be unavailable for other reasons such as maintenance, upgrades, or configuration changes. Although 100% availability is not always possible, a correctly configured cluster will come very close. Scalability – A cluster is considered scalable because as additional resources become necessary, resources can be added to the cluster transparently to the system users. Easier manageability – Because the servers can be managed as a group, the number and amount of management tasks are dramatically reduced when compared to an equivalent number of standalone servers. There are a few downsides to using clusters. First, clusters can be significantly more expensive than the equivalent standalone servers, due to the additional software costs, and in some cases the need for specialized hardware. Second, clustering is generally more complex than setting up a server. The latest generation of clustering software has done a lot to reduce this complexity, but it is still very different from setting up a single server. There are two different types of cluster models in the industry, the shared-device model and the nothing-shared model. Shared-device model In the shared-device model, applications running within a cluster can access any hardware resource connected to any node/server in the cluster. As a result, access to the data must be carefully coordinated. This function is coordinated by a distributed lock manager (DLM), which handles the arbitration of resources in the event of a conflict. The coordination of the access adds significant over-head to the cluster, as well as making it much more complex to design, configure, and maintain. This model can also suffer issues with scalability, because of the amount of coordination required between nodes. Nothing-shared model In the nothing-shared model, each node has ownership of a resource, so there is no competition for the resources. In this model, two servers share a disk resource, but one of the servers owns the resource, and the other server takes ownership of the resource only if the primary server fails. 13.5.4 Scalability Scalability refers to how well a hardware or software system can adapt to increased demands. In other words, a scalable email server can start with 10 mailboxes, but can easily expand to accommodate an additional 1,000 mailboxes. In the mid-1990s when America Online was gaining popularity, its dial-in network was an example of a system that was not scalable. Busy signals, dropped users, and mandatory disconnects became common for AOL users because the network could not handle the load of users who wanted to get on. How is a system designed to be scalable? In the case of most clusters, it is relatively easy, because additional nodes can be added to enlarge capacity. When dealing with a standalone server, however, it becomes a little more complex. To ensure the server is scalable, two things need to be done. First, ensure that the server is configured with excess capacity. If it is known that a 5 GB of disk space is needed today, plan on needing more in the future. Be sure to put the additional storage in the server at the outset. If a 5 GB today is needed today, put in 10 GB. If the application will need a single Pentium III 850MHz processor, put in a GHz processor, or dual processors. In the long run spending the money at the outset is far cheaper that trying to add components later. The second thing that needs to be done is to ensure the server is scalable is to make sure that additional resources can be added if necessary. If a single Pentium III processor is being put in the server, it is a good idea to purchase a server that can handle multiple processors, so that an additional CPU can be added if needed. Do not fill every drive bay in the server if it is not necessary. Leave the ability to add a couple of 72 GB drives if more storage is needed in the future. The question is how much extra capacity should be built in, and how much additional capacity can be added once the server is installed? Although capacity planning is frequently more of an art than a science until there are some historical numbers to plan from, it is usually a good idea to add an additional 25% to any new server configurations to ensure scalability. Try to leave some capacity for each of the components in the system. Do not fill all the card slots, memory slots, drive bays, or CPU slots if it is not necessary. Additional capacity might need to be added on later, and taking out hardware to upgrade it is an order of magnitude more difficult that just adding additional capacity. Figure illustrates the scalability concept. 13.5.5 High availability The final concept covered relating to clustering and fault tolerance is the concept of high availability. High availability is by definition the designing and configuring of a server to provide continuous use of critical data and applications. Highly available systems are required to provide access to the enterprise applications that keep businesses up and running, regardless of planned or unplanned interruption. When discussing high availability, systems that are available nearly 100% of the time are being talked about. It is not uncommon for mission critical applications to have an availability requirement of 99.999%. Do the math for 24 ×7 ×365 installation, this means there can be no more than 5 minutes of downtime in that year. Some organizations will even include scheduled maintenance in those calculations, and that means there would only be time for only one maintenance reboot in the course of a year for a system that requires 99.999% availability. The need for high availability is not limited to 365 ×24 ×7 environments. In many companies, the availability requirements might pertain to business hours only. For example, a customer service desk at an electronics firm might need access to their knowledge base during normal business hours but not after hours, when the system can be taken down as needed. However, a system outage during the required hours might be catastrophic. Now that the concept of high availability is understood, consider some of the types of components that might be used to ensure that high availability. 13.5.6 Hot swapping, warm swapping, and hot spares The types of components that might be kept on hand in case of a problem are broken into these three basic categories. Hot swap (also known as hot pluggable) A hot-swap component has the capability to be added and removed from a computer while the computer is running and have the operating system automatically recognize the change. This occurs with no disruption to I/O requests and transactions on the system and no powering down of any part of the system except the failed component. From a user’s perspective, the server is never down, and operations outside of the failed component are never interrupted. Some examples of this might be recognized for the PC is made up of PCMCIA adapters and Universal Serial Bus peripherals. An example of components that are frequently capable of hot swap in a server is hard drives. This is particularly useful in conjunction with a hardware RAID controller. Warm swap Warm swap is a compromise between hot swap and using a hot spare. Warm swaps are generally done in conjunction with the failure of a hard drive. In this case, it is necessary to shut down the disk array before the drive can be replaced. All I/O for that array will stop until the drive is replaced and the drive array is restarted. While the drive array is offline, users cannot access the system. This is referred to as a warm swap because the server does not have to be powered down to replace the drive. This eliminates the delays associated with powering up the system after the replacement, and is normally available only in conjunction with a hardware RAID controller. In other words, warm swap falls between hot swap and hot spare. The server is down, but can be brought back online faster than shutting down the server and using a hot-spare part. Hot spare/redundant components A hot-spare component is a component that can be kept on hand in case of an equipment failure. Examples of this include disk drives, RAID controllers, NICs, and any other critical component that could be used to replace a failed component. In some mission-critical environments, entire servers are designated hot spares, and are used bring a server back online quickly in the event of a failure. Now it is known how these components can benefit the user and how they can be used as part of the disaster-recovery process. As part of the risk analysis, components should have been identified in the servers that are at risk for failure. As part of the mitigation process for providing steps to recover from this potential threat, it is necessary to identify replacement parts. Make sure the underlying technologies involved are understood. Are hot-swap hard drives needed for that server, or can it be down for an hour while the drive is replaced from stock? This is where the cost-versus-benefit calculations come into effect. If it is determined that your company loses $40,000 for every hour the server is down, get the best hot-swap drives on the market. If the server is a backup DNS server, a spare drive can most likely be used. Be sure to have some spare parts on hand for the critical application servers. Hot-plug components are great if it is necessary to keep the server up and running while a fault is corrected, but just having parts on hand when one fails can reduce downtime by hours. 13.5.7 Creating a disaster recovery plan based on fault tolerance/recovery All right, here is where it can be put together. There are many different ways to ensure that a system is fault tolerant, as well as a number of ways to ensure that an outage can be recovered from using anything from fault-tolerant technologies to keeping spare parts on hand. This section teaches how to turn that information into a disaster-recovery plan. The first thing to recognize is that just using fault-tolerant configurations is not the complete picture from a disaster-recovery plan perspective. The first piece of the plan is to create the fault-tolerance portion of the disaster-recovery plan, follow these steps. 1. From the risk analysis, identify the hardware failure-related threats. These should include the possibility of the failure of any of the components of the server. 2. From the list of components, identify the components that place the data at the most risk if they were to fail. Remember, if all access to data is lost, the users are inconvenienced. If data is lost, there could be problems. 3. Take each component and make a list of the methods that could be used to implement it in a faulttolerant configuration. List approximate costs for each solution and the estimated outage time in the event of a failure for each component. Keep in mind that clustering or other server high-availability solutions should be considered at this time. 4. Take any components that can be implemented in a cost effective manner, which varies from server to server, and depends on the cost of an outage, and start documenting the configuration. 5. Take any components that either cannot be implemented in a fault-tolerant configuration or that for which a fault-tolerant configuration would be cost-prohibitive, and determine whether a spare part should be kept on hand in the event of an outage. If the answer is yes, prepare a list with part numbers and costs for those components. If the answer is no, try to plan what would be done in the event that part fails. This could be something like using a hot-spare server, making sure the server and its components remain under warranty, or making sure it is known where to get a new part. 6. Now that the hardware needed has been identified for the disaster-recovery plan, here comes the fun part, documentation of the plan. The disaster-recovery plan should include documented contingencies for any of the threats identified as part of the risk analysis. The purpose of this is threefold. First, it gives management a good feeling when they realize that the disaster-recovery plan is in a folder next to the server and is ready to go in the event of a problem. Second, anyone can get the process started. Third, right now as this is being documented, there are no alarms going off and no VPs screaming to get the server fixed. This is an excellent time to figure out what will need to be done in the event of an outage so that when the day comes that someone is paged at 2 a.m. they are not trying to remember the command to rebuild the RAID array. It will be part of the disasterrecovery plan. 7. After all this information has been documented, place the orders and get ready to start configuring the server. A hardware failure can now be dealt with. 13.5.8 Testing the plan After the plan is finished it will need to be tested. Make sure that the plan is workable, and also ensure that everyone who has a role in a recovery understands what that role is. Because every disaster-recovery plan is different, this section covers some of the areas that should be reviewed periodically, and then perform a couple of step-by-step exercises to test specific areas of the plan. Some of the things that should be tested for include the following. • • Have someone check the documentation to ensure that it is understandable and that it is complete. Do a “dry run” of each of the components of the plan. For example, take the procedure for recovering from a hard drive failure and run through it. Make sure spare drives can be located, if applicable, and that replacement parts can be ordered from the vendor. • • • Test the notification processes. In any good disaster-recovery plan it should be documented who is to be notified in case of an outage. If the company e-commerce site crashes, there is a good bet that the boss, and his boss, and possibly her boss, will want to know about it immediately. Check the locations of any hot spare equipment or servers. Are all the spares still in storage? Is the server identified as a hot spare still available, or has it been redeployed as a development server. Are all of the numbers for all of the vendors available, and are they still in business? Verify that any support contracts that are on equipment are still in effect, that all the contact numbers are available, and any other information that is needed to open a call with them is fully documented. Test the tape backups at least once a week, and if possible perform a full restore to a different machine quarterly, to ensure the process is working, and that the administrators understand the process. Testing the RAID configuration should be done at least twice a year, and any administrators on the system should perform the test at least once to ensure that they are familiar with the process and understand the documentation. In some larger companies, yearly full tests of disaster-recovery plans are done. This can include bringing hot sites, which are discussed in a later section, online and ensuring business continuity is maintained, deploying replacement hardware, and basically tying up the IT staff for days of planning and execution to ensure that, in the event of a catastrophic outage, the business systems will remain available. 13.5.9 Hot and cold sites Now that all the facets of recovering from a server outage are understood, consider one final topic. What should be done when the facility is down? This could be due to a natural disaster such as an earthquake or a flood, sabotage such as a bomb, or even just an extended power outage. Find a place to resume critical business activities. This is where disaster-recovery sites come in. Two types of disaster-recovery sites are commonly used in the industry. Hot sites A hot site is a commercial facility available for systems backup. For a fee, these vendors provide a facility with server hardware, telecommunications hardware, and personnel to assist a company with restoring critical business applications and services in the event of an interruption in normal operations. These facilities provide an in depth disaster recovery capability, but this level of recovery is very expensive. Be sure to weigh the cost of the service against the risk and cost of a major outage. Cold sites A cold site, also known as a shell site, is a facility that has been prepared to receive computer equipment in the event that the primary facility is destroyed or becomes unusable. This solution is significantly less expensive than a hot site, but relies on an ability to supply hardware, software, and personnel in the event of an outage. This location could be an unused office facility, a warehouse, if prepared suitably, or an unoccupied data center. CHAPTER 14 14.1 Developing a Network Security Policy 14.1.1 Accessing security needs Secure networking is a hot topic in the information technology world. Intrusions into government and business networks, widespread attacks of computer viruses, and high-profile criminal cases involving computer hackers are constantly in the news. From multinational enterprise networks to home computer users with dialup Internet accounts, almost everyone who is "connected" is also concerned, to some degree, about the possibility of unauthorized access. Security means different things to different people. The word security according to the American Heritage Dictionary is synonymous with guarantee and warranty. In the context of networking, security is never absolute. The only completely secure system is the one to which no one has access. This is obviously unworkable. The Microsoft Press Computer and Internet Dictionary define computer security as, the steps taken to protect a computer and the information it contains. No guarantees are implied in this definition. Because the entire purpose of computer networks is to share resources there must always be a delicate balance between security and accessibility. The more secure a network, the less accessible it is. The more accessible a network is, the less secure it is. Figure security of the system. illustrates how increased accessibility decreases the Security issues can make the network administrators relationship with network users an adversarial one. Users generally prefer more accessibility and administrators prefer more security. This chapter details the security needs of a particular network, how to assess existing and potential threats to security, and how to implement the appropriate security measures. Also, the workings of security components and advanced identification and authentication technologies will be discussed. When it comes to a computer network, how much security is enough? The answer depends on the organization. The first step in developing a viable plan for protecting the network data is to assess its security needs. There are several factors to consider: • • • The type of business in which the company engages The type of data stored on the network The management philosophy of the organization Type of Business Some businesses, such as law or medicine, by their very nature generate confidential data. Law protects the privacy of a patient's medical records and attorney-client communications. If sensitive documents are stored on the network, it is imperative that a high level of security be maintained. To do otherwise puts the organization at risk of civil liability and even criminal charges. There are other organization types that often produce sensitive data: • • • • • • • Law enforcement agencies, courts, and other governmental bodies Educational institutions that store student records on a network Hospitals, mental health facilities, and substance abuse facilities Companies that contract with the military or that perform other national security-related work Organizations that gather data under a guarantee of confidentiality Organizations that produce a product or provide a service in a highly competitive industry or field of research Organizations whose networks are connected to the Internet Type of Data Regardless of the type of business, certain types of data are considered to be private and should be protected. These types of data include the following: • • • Payroll records and employees' personal information Accounting and tax information Trade secrets such as original code, plans, diagrams, recipes, and business strategies If these types of information are stored on a network, a security plan should be implemented to protect them. Management Philosophy If the data on the network is not subject to privacy laws, the security level might depend on the personal philosophies of the business owners or managers. In some organizations, everyone is considered to be part of one big, happy family. Accessibility and ease of use enjoy a higher priority than privacy and security. Other organizations operate on a "need to know" principle. Management prefers that information be accessible only to those whose jobs require it. Neither policy is right or wrong. The network administrators simply needs to know and must be willing to implement network security that keeps with the management style of the organization. 14.1.2 Acceptable use policy The first step in creating a security policy for a company network is to define an acceptable use policy (AUP). An acceptable use policy tells the users what is acceptable and allowed on the company network. This can include things like acceptable websites to visit as well as what times are acceptable for browsing the Internet. For example, the acceptable use policy can include information on installing software or hardware. The system administrator can determine the scope of what to include in an acceptable use policy. The system administrator can include anything that could be harmful to the network if used improperly. To view some examples of acceptable use policies please visit the websites shown in Figure . 14.1.3 Username and password standards Usually, the system administrator will define the naming convention for the usernames on a network. A common example is the first initial of the person's first name and then the entire last name as shown in Figure . It is recommended to keep the username naming convention simple so that people will not have a hard time remembering it. A complex username naming convention is not as important as having a complex password standard. When assigning passwords, the level of password control should match the level of protection required. A good security policy should be strictly enforced and include, but not be limited to, the following: • • • • Passwords should expire after a specific period of time. Passwords should contain a mixture of letters and numbers so they cannot easily be broken. Password standards should prevent users from writing down passwords and leaving them unprotected from public view. Rules about password expiration and lockout should be defined. Lockout rules apply when an unsuccessful attempt has been made to access the system or when a specific change has been detected in the system configuration. 14.1.4 Rules for network access A system administrator who assigns the proper permissions on the shared drives and directories defines the rules for network access. By assigning the proper security permissions on the network, the system administrator should know who has access to specific directories. Proper maintenance by the system administrator will be required to examine auditing logs of attempts that have been made to access the network shares. 14.1.5 Policy for disposal of materials Hardware, software, and data should never just be thrown away. There are strict regulations that should be followed to control the disposal of computer components. The system administrator is responsible for developing a policy based on environmental and safety guidelines for hardware that no longer works. This policy should include the proper procedure for disposing hardware or the physical destruction of the hardware. Recycling used hardware is the best option if it is still in working condition. There are places willing to accept good hardware. Other options include storing the hardware for replacement parts. To view some examples of the disposal of materials policies please visit the websites shown in Figure . Warning: Back up all data and completely erase any component that contains data before recycling, disposing, or destroying it. A system administrator should keep a room or cabinet to store old software that is no longer being used. It may be needed in the future and it is often impossible to purchase software that has been discontinued. It is a good idea to maintain an inventory of software that the company might have used in the past in addition to the software that is currently in use. 14.1.6 Virus protection standards Proper virus protection standards require that current virus protection software be installed on all the systems on the network. Place proper filters and access lists on all the incoming gateways to protect the network from unwanted access. In order to prevent viruses, e-mail policies also need to be developed that state what may be sent and received. These policies may be met with resistance because users generally like to chat and send non-business oriented e-mail while they are at work. Users need to be aware of the security issues and the effect that security violations can have on the network as well as users' data. The websites in Figure provide sample e-mail policy standards. In addition, it is important to have a procedure that requires all virus warnings come from one central administrator. It would be the responsibility of one person to determine if a virus alert is real or if it is a hoax and then to take the appropriate action. A virus hoax may not be as malicious as a virus but it can be just as frustrating. It takes valuable time and resources if a virus hoax is not identified. An excellent resource to determine if a warning is real or a hoax is the website 14.1.7 Online security resources In late 1988, a 23-year old graduate student at Cornell University released a self-replicating worm on the Internet. A worm is a self-replicating virus that does not alter files but resides in active memory and duplicates itself. In a matter of hours, the rapidly spreading worm resulted in the shutdown of over 60,000 UNIX computers at universities and military facilities. The worm was eventually eradicated after a group of researchers from across the United States worked together to decompile the program. For many network administrators the November 1988 Internet worm was a warning. The National Computer Security Center facilitated a series of meetings to explore ways to prevent and respond to future Internet attacks. The heightened awareness of Internet security issues following the 1988 worm led to the formation of the Computer Emergency Response Team Coordination Center (CERT/CC). The purpose of CERT/CC is to discover and study Internet related security vulnerabilities. CERT/CC posts security alerts on its website, CERT/CC also studies long-term trends in Internet security. Web-based resources offer critical information and powerful tools that can be used to protect a network. Some of the best online security resources are the NOS manufacturer websites. To view some examples of the online security resources please visit the websites shown in Figure . Also, Internet newsgroups can be an invaluable forum for the exchange of information concerning security related issues. 14.1.8 Server room security An important consideration of server installation is server security. The removable media are vulnerable and need to be secured. The following sections detail how to physically secure a network server. To protect computing resources, make sure that there is a locked door and four walls between the server and the rest of the area. There are a variety of ways to permit or deny access to that area after it has been secured. These methods of access include all of the items shown in Figure . Lock and Key The lock and key is a tried and true method for physically securing the server environment. Figure illustrates an example of lock and key security method. This method works great if there are a limited number of people who need access. However, management of a large server environment is a real issue. The lock and key method is frequently the most cost-effective solution. However, the cost savings diminish once the lock has been re-keyed two or three times and new keys have been issued. The cost savings become a less compelling reason not to implement a more expensive solution. The following steps will assure effective and secure management of keys: 1. Keys should only be accessible to people whose official duties require them. Giving a secretary a key to the phone/server room to let the phone technicians in is not effective key control. The secretary’s job does not require access to the phone/server room. 2. Key control for a high-security access area should include a plan for annual replacement of the locking mechanism. This plan can include a cabinet lock, a padlock, or in extreme cases, the lock on the door. This is especially important in an area with high employee turnover, unless the tracking and access to keys is closely managed. 3. Keys being issued to secure areas should be kept to an absolute minimum. Keys can be maintained centrally and be issued to access an area or device. This could be a cabinet key, a key to a server rack, or the key to a secure area. Use the preventative steps shown in Figure to secure the management of issued keys. 4. Keep track of all keys. Know how many keys have been made for each lock and to whom they have been issued. Keep track of where the spare keys are stored and whether the lock is on a building master key. Also know who has access to the master key. Ensure that there are effective key control measures in effect for the building master keys. An excellent idea is to make users sign for their keys. 5. Inventory keys at least once a year. 6. Make sure returning keys is on every exit checklist for departing employees. Make sure that the list of keys issued to an employee matches the list of keys returned. 7. Only one person should be authorized for the tasks shown in Figure . Combination Locking Mechanisms Using a combination locking mechanism is similar to a lock and key. The advantages to this method are listed in the following: • • • Keys no longer have to be distributed Key control lists no longer have to be maintained Combinations can also be reset when needed The one drawback to this model is that it is very easy to share a combination with someone who is not on the authorized users list When using combination locks to secure access to rooms, servers, or media cabinets in an organization, the following five steps will help with effective and secure key management: 1. A good combination should not be made up of the guidelines shown in Figure . Figure illustrates an example of combination locking mechanisms. 2. Never use fixed combination locks to secure sensitive systems or data. Sensitive data should be secured by a configurable combination lock. Change the lock frequently if a configurable lock cannot be used. 3. Only give the combinations of locks to people whose official duties require access to those locks. 4. Keep track of who has been given combinations. These combinations should be documented. Keep track of the users who have access to an area. Make sure the proper people are notified when there is a combination change. Also, have a written policy concerning disclosure of a combination without authorization. If possible, have the person sign the policy and have the document stored in their Human Resource records. 5. Change the passwords whenever someone leaves the company for another company. The company could suspect that a person might have learned other combinations while working. Card Readers and Proximity Readers Card readers are the most common of the access control mechanisms. They work by reading a magnetic signature off an access card or token, as illustrated in Figure . The advantage of this system over a key system is authorization and removal of access. This access comes from the central authentication server. Access can be denied by turning off the access card or token in a card reader system. A key system has many steps to deny access to the user, which are listed in Figure . Card readers provide a more secure environment than the previous mechanisms. There is also the added benefit of being able to track access based on access tokens. The system can tell what token was used to access an area. Biometrics Biometrics is the most promising access control technology on the horizon for future use. In fact, some of these products are available today. As the cost comes down, more and more of these systems will be put in place. A biometrics based access control system uses measurable physical characteristics to authenticate users into an environment. Examples of biometrics that might be used to authenticate a user include fingerprints, retinal patterns, or speech. Figure illustrates an example of biometrics security method. There have even been some discussions about using DNA or a person’s scent as the biometric key for these systems in the future. The field of biometrics is still in its early stages. Many people believe that biometrics will play a critical role in future computers and especially in electronic commerce. There are some concerns from privacy advocacy groups that these types of authentication systems are an invasion of privacy. All the security measures previously mentioned are the best way to keep the general public away from equipment. In the following section other things that should be done to secure a server will be discussed. 14.1.9 Anti-theft devices for server hardware Now that the perimeter of the server has been secured, consider some of the following security measures. Server Security (inherent) One of the most common security measures is the locking mechanism included as part of the server itself. Most high end servers enable the case to be locked, and in many cases to lock the drives into the server chassis. It is always a good idea to keep production servers locked with a good key management program in place. That way the proper key can be found when the time comes to get into the server. Server Racks The logical follow up to securing the server is securing the rack in which the server is mounted. Almost all rack systems include locking front and back doors. There is trouble when companies decide to save some money and not order the back door or the side panels for the server rack. This is like putting a deadbolt on the front door of a new house, and forgetting to build the back wall of the house. The server rack is another instance where good key control is critical. Access should be available if there is a problem with the server. Add-On Server Security In addition to the built-in security of the server itself, some additional devices might help to ensure the server remains secure. Removable media drive locks are locking devices. These devices fit over the floppy drive, zip drive, and CDROM drive to prevent unauthorized access. Information cannot be loaded or copied without bypassing this additional hardware. As an example, Kensington makes a product for securing floppy drives called "FloppyLock", which can be found at Additional server case locks are provided. Some servers are shipped with holes in the cases, which are predrilled for a padlock. There are also third-party products that can be added to secure a server. In an office environment, it is sometimes worth the money to invest in the cabling security products. These cabling security products tie the server physically to a desk, similar to the way a bicycle lock works. Alarms are the final add-on, and best suited for the shared office environment. This is an adaptation of a notebook security product. If there is concern that someone is going to physically remove the server, add a motion sensitive alarm to the server. The alarm will sound when the server is moved. This is only a recommendation for extremely open environments with a history of thefts. It is not needed in most environments. 14.1.10 Securing removable media The final subject with regard to physical security is the security of removable media, which includes the following: • • • Removable disks, floppy, Zip, Jaz, LS120, CD-RW Removable hard drives Backup media, tapes As discussed in the preceding section, devices are available to secure the drives for this media. What about the media itself? Several methods are typically used to ensure the security of removable media, which are listed in the figure. 14.2 Threats to Network Security 14.2.1 Overview: Internal/external security As the networking industry has matured over the last decade, security has become one of the greatest concerns of Information Technology. Today, networks carry billions of financial transactions, private documents, and personal records. Many sensitive exchanges of such information occur over the public Internet. From a security standpoint, the Internet presents numerous challenges. First, the Internet relies on the wellknown open protocols that make up the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol suite (TCP/IP). These protocols, including IP itself, were not designed with a worldwide public network in mind. Although the TCP/IP suite has scaled to meet the demands of the global Internet of today, these protocols have a notorious lack of inherent security. In other words, the Internet essentially works by following rules that are open to the public. If one studies the rules enough, one is bound to find loopholes and weaknesses that can be exploited. Unfortunately, there appears to be no shortage of individuals willing to find and exploit these weaknesses, either for profit or just for fun. A second security concern surrounds the nature of Internet connections. The number of individuals, organizations, and institutions connected to the Internet are growing. These large groups of Internet connections have become essential for businesses in many developed parts of the world. But connecting to the Internet opens the door to network intruders. Typically, an Internet connection is a two-way street. If a user connects to the Internet, then the hosts on the Internet can connect to that user. Virtually all Network Operating Systems (NOSs) have some degree of TCP/IP support. Windows 2000 and Red Hat Linux offer a full compliment of IP services. This chapter focuses on TCP/IP related security issues because TCP/IP is the dominant network protocol today. By running TCP/IP and connecting to the Internet, a company faces significant outside threats. In addition to outside threats from the Internet, corporate networks face numerous inside security concerns. Common services such as file sharing and e-mail must be secured on a corporate network. This measure is taken so that only authorized users have access to sensitive and personal information. Just as confidential paper files are kept in locked file cabinets in locked offices, electronic records must also be secured. Inside security lapses can also result in outside attacks. Legitimate users can inadvertently infect the corporate network with a virus just by reading e-mail or browsing the web. Some corporate users may, intentionally or otherwise, install unauthorized software that can open a system or an entire network up to attack. And, of course, disgruntled or disloyal employees can pose a security threat from both inside and outside the corporate network. Well implemented security policies can minimize the risk posed by these scenarios. 14.2.2 Outside threats Early forms of NOSs used a variety of network protocols, some proprietary and some not. The explosive growth of the Internet, which began in the late 1980s, fueled the demand for TCP/IP capable software and services. In order to bring the Internet to users' desktops, network administrators had to deploy TCP/IP. TCP/IP proved capable in the area of corporate networking. Network administrators began to move away from using other protocols, such as AppleTalk and IPX/SPX. By the late 1990s, all of the major developers of NOSs, including Apple and Novell, built their software around TCP/IP and Internet services. It has become increasingly uncommon for an organization to deploy a NOS without also having an Internet connection. Remember, an Internet connection can act as an open door. The rules of the Internet are open, well known, and full of weaknesses. If TCP/IP services are run on a NOS connected to the Internet, there are potential risks. Data theft occurs when an unauthorized party or software program illegally obtains private information that is stored or transmitted on a network. Data theft can come in many forms, including packet sniffing and system break-ins. Typically, data thieves steal information that can be used to generate a monetary profit, such as credit card information, financial account information, and even corporate secrets. However, someone who illegally breaks in to a mail server to read employee mail is also stealing information. Recently, a high profile case of stealing a sensitive instant message chat log resulted in serious financial consequences. The destruction of data occurs when an unauthorized person or software program breaks into a system and deletes data. The deletion of data may also involve replacing it with erroneous data. In some cases, the unauthorized entity may be malicious software that is installed on a system. Malicious software can be installed as the result of direct attack, an e-mail attachment, a virus, or a worm. A denial of service (DoS) attack is designed to degrade server performance or remove it off the network completely. The goal of such an attack is to prevent other hosts from using the server or, denial of service. A downed or inaccessible server can cost some companies thousands of dollars an hour. Several outside sources can be the cause of these attacks, which are listed in Figure . Hackers Hackers Definitions of the term "hacker" are controversial. The mainstream media and general public typically use hacker as a negative term that describes any person who performs computer break ins and tampers with computer data. However, within the so called hacker community, there is a distinction between those that break in and those that break in with intent to inflict damage. For some, the term hacker refers to someone that is an expert in computer systems. According to this definition, a hacker may break in to a system in order to explore it and expand their knowledge. The true hacker desires to dissect systems and programs to see how they work. This contrast with those labeled as "crackers". Crackers Those that break in to computer systems to tamper with, steal, or destroy data are called crackers. The hacker community refers to a cracker as a "black hat", after the archetypal villain in a melodrama or an U.S. television western. Benign hackers are sometimes called "white hats". Viruses A virus is a piece of programming code that is usually disguised as something else. It causes some unexpected and usually undesirable event. A virus is often designed so that it is automatically spread to other computer users. Viruses can be transmitted as attachments to e-mail notes, as downloads, or be present on a diskette or CD. The source that just received the e-mail note, downloaded file, or diskette is often unaware of the virus. The effects of some viruses are experienced as soon as their codes are executed. Other viruses lie dormant until circumstances cause their codes to be executed by the computer. Some viruses are playful in intent and effect and some can be quite harmful, erasing data or causing complete system failure. Worms A worm is a self-replicating virus that does not alter files but resides in active memory and duplicates itself. Worms use parts of an operating system that are automatic and usually invisible to the user. It is common for worms to be noticed only when their uncontrolled replication consumes system resources, slowing, or halting other tasks. Trojan horse programs A Trojan horse is a program that presents itself as another program to obtain information. For example, there is a Trojan horse that emulates the system login screen. When users type in their account name and password, the information is stored or transmitted to the originator of the Trojan horse. The username and password can then be used to gain access to the system. 14.2.3 Denial of Service (DoS) A DoS attack occurs when the targeted system cannot service legitimate network requests effectively. As a result, the system has become overloaded by illegitimate messages. DoS attacks come in many forms. Common DoS attacks try to take advantage of weaknesses with TCP/IP, or weaknesses in NOS software code. DoS attacks originate from one host or a group of hosts. When the attack comes from a coordinated group of hosts, such attacks are called Distributed DoS (DDoS). A common DoS attack is to overload a target system by sending more data than it can handle. For example, an attacker sends a large volume of packets to a target. The sheer volume of resulting traffic may overwhelm the target software, causing the software to crash. Moreover, a large enough volume of DoS traffic may fill up a target link to the Internet. As a result of such an attack, the target is essentially pushed off the Internet. There are several specific types of DoS attacks: A buffer overflow attack is designed to overwhelm the software running on the target system. Software applications are written so that they can hold incoming and outgoing data in a memory buffer. In some cases, it may be possible to send more data than a buffer can hold. It may also be possible to send data that is formatted in such a way as to confuse the program or its buffer. If the software code is not written to handle a buffer overflow properly, the program can crash. The so-called ping of death is a well known buffer overflow DoS attack. To execute a ping of death attack, the attacker sends an Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo requests that are illegally large to the target. Older TCP/IP software could not properly handle such pings and therefore crashed. Buffer overflows typically take advantage of specific weaknesses in NOS software. The TCP synchronization (SYN) attack exploits the TCP protocol three-way handshake. This is illustrated in Figure . The attacker sends a large volume of TCP synchronization requests (SYN requests). These requests represent the first part of the three-way handshake. The target system responds with the second part of the handshake and then awaits a reply. The reply is the third and final part of the handshake. The target will not wait forever. The target must wait long enough to allow legitimate sessions to be established. The attacking system does not reply, but instead sends additional SYN requests as quickly as possible. The resulting volume of half-open connections may be too much for the target to handle, causing its software to crash. Even if the target does not crash, it may be so busy with the half-open connections that it cannot effectively service legitimate SYN requests. In 1997, a variation of the TCP SYN attack, called land, was discovered. The land attack uses a program that alters the IP header of the SYN request. This alteration makes the SYN request appear to be sourced from the target itself. Altering the IP header to hide the source is spoofing or forging. The target receives the false packet and attempts to reply to itself, only to crash or hang almost immediately. When first discovered, several TCP/IP enabled systems were affected, including Windows 95/NT, BSD UNIX, and Solaris. Network devices can be configured to block TCP SYN attacks from a single source. One defense against TCP SYN attacks includes increasing the number of half-open connections allowed by the software. Another defense against TCP SYN attacks can be decreasing the amount of time the software waits for a reply. Today, TCP SYN attacks, including land, are well known and mostly preventable: Teardrop is the name of a program that takes advantage of the way IP handles fragmentation. The rules of TCP/IP allow a large IP packet to be broken into smaller, more manageable fragments if needed. The fragments are each sent as individual packets. Each fragment packet contains the information needed so that the larger packet can be reassembled by the destination. Teardrop sends fragments that have overlapping reassembly information, which confuses the target software causing a crash. Teardrop is known to affect Windows 3.1, 95, NT and some versions of Linux. Today, virtually all OSs contain code to protect against this attack. Like land, the Smurf attack relies on spoofing the IP packet header. Smurf also relies on ICMP or ping. Many organizations use firewall technology to block ping requests from outside networks. However, ping replies are usually allowed into a network so that inside hosts can use ping to test outside connectivity. If an organization allows ping replies to enter its network, it may be vulnerable to Smurf. In a Smurf attack, the attacker sends a large volume of ping requests to a target network. This may, or may not, be the same network that the target host resides on. The attacker spoofs the IP headers of these ping requests so that they appear to have originated from the target. Once the hosts on the target network received the ping request, they direct all of their replies to the target host. Consequently, the target host and/or its network connections can be overloaded, effectively denying service. The examples listed here are all well known vulnerabilities. OS software is now written with these attacks in mind. For example, most systems are now immune to land and Teardrop. Known vulnerabilities in software represent holes in the system. These holes can be repaired, or patched, by installing software updates when they are made available by a vendor. When installing any OS, check with the manufacturer to determine if any security patches are available for the OS. Certainly, there are additional vulnerabilities waiting to be discovered. It is wise to check with security authorities on the World Wide Web, such as CERT/CC, on a regular basis. 14.2.4 Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Most DoS attacks work by overloading a target with packets. Hardware and software developers have come up with ways to identify suspicious traffic patterns sourced from an individual host address. Once suspicious traffic is identified, a filter or firewall can block traffic sourced from that address. In the late 1990s, DoS attacks underwent a disturbing evolution. Hackers developed ways to coordinate multiple hosts in an attempt to deny service. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks can be very difficult to stop because they can originate from hundreds or even thousands of coordinated hosts. How can a target differentiate between legitimate and illegitimate requests? In some cases, the only difference between legitimate packets and bogus or false packets is their intent. Determining the intent of a packet can be extremely difficult, if not impossible. The classic DDoS attack begins with weeks or even months of hacking. The Tribal Flood Network DDoS attack is illustrated in Figure . Before the hacker can attack the ultimate target, a "fleet" of systems must be coordinated for the attack. A fleet is made up of "zombie" hosts. A zombie is typically an unsecure host with a permanent high-speed Internet connection. The hacker takes advantage of the zombie's lack of security. The hacker breaks in to the system either directly or through an e-mail virus. The goal of the break in or virus is to install software on the zombie system. The installed software gives partial control of that system to the hacker. The next step for the hacker is to gain partial control of a large number of zombies. The hacker uses the zombies to launch a DDoS attack on the ultimate target. A recent trend in DDoS attacks is the use of Internet Relay Chat (IRC) technology to control zombies and trigger attacks. Building a fleet of zombie systems has proved all too easy for some DDoS attackers. The proliferation of residential broadband Internet service has fueled DDoS attacks. Millions of home users now have permanent high-speed Internet connections. Home users are notoriously susceptible to e-mail viruses. By opening an email attachment, the user may unwittingly turn their home PC into a zombie. Computers on university and other school networks are also likely candidates to become zombies. Campus networks are notoriously large and difficult to manage. Many school networks suffer from lax security policies, insecure wireless access, and unregulated student access. 14.2.5 Well known exploits DoS attacks focus primarily on widespread weaknesses common to many TCP/IP implementations. Outside attacks can also be focused on specific system software, including the NOS itself. Each combination of NOS and application software contains its own unique set of vulnerabilities and weaknesses. If a cracker is skilled, knowledgeable, and diligent enough, chances are that some of the attacks against a specific system will eventually be successful. The only 100 percent effective measure to protect against outside attacks is to disconnect from outside networks. Fortunately, there are relatively few highly skilled crackers. Many network security experts agree that one of the most significant threats to network security comes from individuals with sophisticated tools. However, these individuals have relatively weak technical abilities. These individuals are often called "script kiddies". Script kiddy is a negative term used to describe immature individuals that use scripts, software programs, or techniques created by other, more skilled crackers. Script kiddies can be even more dangerous than their more refined counterparts. Script kiddies are not likely to understand the consequences of what they are doing. Thus, a script kiddy may randomly attack dozens of systems in attempt to have fun. Script kiddies and novice crackers turn to hacker websites and chat rooms to look for tools that can be used to attack targets. These tools can be simple software programs or even just a procedure that can be used against a target. A specific attack is often referred to as an exploit. An exploit takes advantage of system weaknesses. There are many well known exploits that rely on the following programs. These exploits are listed in Figure . 14.2.6 Inside threats Security threats that originate from inside a network can be more harmful than outside threats. Inside threats are especially dangerous and can often be overlooked by network administrators. Computers that reside on the inside network typically have a high degree of access to inside resources. Also, employees and trusted users are likely to have critical information about the network, including passwords. High profile inside threats include disloyal and disgruntled employees who use their inside access to destroy, steal, or tamper with data. These types of attacks cannot be completely protected against. However, well defined security policies can minimize the risks from this type of threat. For example, organizations should avoid using just a handful of passwords to protect all computer resources. Large companies should establish clear procedures for removing employee accounts and passwords in the event that an employee leaves the company. The most harmful inside threat is a typical end user of a network. Unaware end users can crash a network by carelessly opening e-mail attachments, installing unauthorized software, mounting disks from home, or even browsing the web. The typical cause of inside attacks is an end user who opens an e-mail attachment only to copy a virus to the computer. Many viruses thrive on the corporate network. E-mail viruses typically mail themselves to accounts listed in e-mail address books. Many corporations keep staff e-mail lists loaded on every computer, where a virus can quickly spread to all members of a company. Viruses can also seek out and infect shared files and folders, which are common on corporate networks. A growing problem for corporate networks is the widespread popularity of instant messaging and peer-topeer file sharing. Employees may download instant message software, such as Microsoft Messenger or America Online (AOL) Instant Messenger. The instant message software is used to chat in real time with co workers, friends, and family. Other users may download peer-to-peer file sharing software based on Gnutella or some other technology. Both instant messaging and peer-to-peer file sharing programs can be used to transfer virus-infected files to the local computer. Both of these types of programs listen for connections originating from the Internet. Chat and file sharing applications may be vulnerable to other forms of exploitation. Note: In addition to a well-planned security policy, organizations should provide training programs for all employees who use the computer network. Since employees are often targeted as a way into the Intranet, it is important to instruct them on how to prevent viruses, DoS attacks, data theft, and so on. Damage is more likely to occur out of ignorance, not incompetence. Corporate Espionage Corporate espionage is the most sophisticated type of internal security threat. Theft of trade secrets is big business. Companies can become overnight successes or failures because of stolen trade secrets. Employees can be approached by competing companies and offered lucrative rewards for delivering secret information of an organization. In other instances, employees of other companies can procure a job with the user's company to infiltrate and gather data to take back to the competitor. They then get to draw a paycheck from both companies simultaneously. There are freelance corporate spies who take assignments on a contract basis. In highly competitive industries these spies can steal the data on their own and then sell it to the highest bidder. "Data kidnappers" can even hold confidential data hostage. They promise not to release the data to another company in exchange for a ransom payment. Corporate spies are often intelligent, highly skilled, technically sophisticated individuals. They are usually well financed and can evade detection until it is too late. A business can be a part of a field of industry in which corporate espionage is common. Company success relying on being the first to market innovative products and services are vulnerable toward corporate espionage. Security measures designed to thwart these professional spies must be of the highest level. Businesses might need to call in consultants who specialize in protecting corporate networks from such infiltration. Rebellious Users Internal security breaches can also be the result of users who disagree with security policies. These users believe the security policies are too restrictive. While not accidental, these breaches are not designed to cause harm. Instead, they are intended to enable the user to do something that cannot otherwise be done. The company response to rebellious users will depend on the policies and the degree of security required on the network. Implementing tighter controls might be appropriate. It might be appropriate to evaluate whether the security policies are too stringent and whether users should have more legitimate access. 14.3 Implementing Security Measures 14.3.1 File encryption Protecting network data often requires that a combination of security methods be applied. This section examines how sensitive data can be encrypted, either in files on the disk or in packets that travel across the network. Technologies available to secure e-mail messages are the focus of this section, since e-mail is one of the most widely used network applications. It is also the form of network communication that is most likely to contain confidential information. This section details how security measures are implemented and how these measures actually work. Encryption involves converting data into a form that cannot be easily understood by others. The technical aspects of encryption are discussed in more detail in a later section. File encryption is a way of encrypting data stored on a computer disk so that it is unreadable to anyone but the creator of the data. Some operating systems, such as Windows 2000, include a file encryption function. Windows 9x and Windows NT do not supply a file encryption function. Third party encryption programs are available for OSs: • • • PC Guardian Deltacrypt Winzap When documents are encrypted on the disk, only a user who has the correct key can view them. If others attempt to access the file, it will not open. However, if the file does open, the data will appear as a series of scrambled, meaningless characters. Warning: Sensitive data should be protected by both access permissions and encryption. 14.3.2 IP security File encryption protects data stored on a disk. However, file encryption does not offer security for data as it is sent over a network. The IP Security (IPSec) protocol was developed to remedy this shortcoming. IPSec secures data at the packet level. Since IPSec works at the network layer of the Open System Interconnection (OSI) reference model, applications are not aware of it. Cisco Systems includes support for IPSec in its routers.Windows 2000 includes IPSec in its TCP/IP stack. Authentication Header (AH) and Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP).are the two protocols IPSec uses. The Authentication Header (AH) enables verification of the sender identity. Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) ensures the confidentiality of the data itself. These two protocols can be used separately or together. IPSec can operate in either the transport mode or the tunnel mode as shown in Figure . However, the packet headers will differ. Transport mode provides end-to-end security. This means that the encryption is in place from the source computer to the destination computer. Tunnel mode protects the data from the exit point of one network to the entry point of another. 14.3.3 Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is another way of securing communications on the network. The disadvantage of SSL is that because it operates at the application layer, it must be supported by the user application. Figure explains how SSL works. SSL was developed by Netscape to provide security for its web browser. It uses public and private key encryption. Public and private key encryption is discussed in a later section. 14.3.4 E-mail security Many computer users have a false sense of security about network communications in general. E-mail messages are a particular problem in this instance. Users assume that only the recipient of an e-mail can read the message. E-mail users behave as if they have the same expectation of privacy when sending email as they do when sending a letter through the postal service. A more accurate expectation would be to assume that the e-mail is like a postcard that can be read by anyone who handles it during its journey from sender to recipient. E-mail messages are very easy to intercept as shown in Figure . They often travel through dozens of nodes or servers on their way from sender to recipient. When a message is sent to someone within the local network, a copy of the message is stored on at least three machines. These machines include the sender's computer, the recipient's computer, and the internal mail server. E-mail sent over the Internet can pass through several servers as well. Unless it is encrypted or digitally signed, the message can be easily read, copied, or altered at any point along the way. Note: Deleting the message on the user's machine does not guarantee that there is not still a copy of it on one or more servers. Many software products have been developed to address this problem. These products are designed to accomplish many goals, which are listed in Figure . An important factor in e-mail protection software is ease of use. If users must perform complex or time consuming tasks to send or read secured e-mail, they are likely to abandon the security software altogether. Popular e-mail protection programs include the following items listed in Figure . Most e-mail protection software uses public key encryption and digital signatures to provide data confidentiality and identity authentication. 14.3.5 Public/private key encryption Although it is often referred to as public key encryption, the more accurate term is public/private key encryption. This is because this type of encryption uses two keys. One key is published and is widely available. The other key is private and known only to the user. Both keys are required to complete the secure communication. This type of encryption, as illustrated in Figure , is also referred to as asymmetric encryption. With this type of encryption, each user has both a public and a private key, called a key pair. The following example discusses the use of public/private encryption. Carol and Ted exchange their public keys. It does not matter that this is done in an insecure manner, because the messages cannot be deciphered with just the public key. Carol wants to send a message to Ted, so she encrypts the message using Ted's public key. A public key is associated with only one private key. To decrypt a message that was encrypted using a public key, the associated private key is required. The reverse also applies. To decrypt a message that was encrypted using a private key, the associated public key is required. Ted, using his private key, can decrypt the message since it was encrypted using his public key. Notice that only Ted's keys, public and private, were used in this encryption process. If Carol had encrypted the message using her private key, anyone could decrypt the message using her public key, which is available to everyone. Both keys of the same key pair must be used for this encryption to work, and there is no need for anyone to know the private key of anyone else. A good way to understand this type of encryption is to think of the two pieces of information required to enter a home protected by a digital combination lock. If someone wants to enter the house, both the street address and the number sequence to enter into the locking device must be known. The address is public information that is published in the telephone directory. It is available to anyone, just as the user's public encryption key is available to anyone. The lock combination is analogous to the user's private key. Only the owner of the house knows it. Both keys are unique to that particular home, but one is made known to the public while the other is kept secret. 14.4 Applying Patches and Upgrades 14.4.1 Finding patches and upgrades Check with the manufacturer website to find the latest security patches and other updates. Do this check as a part of routine maintenance. Patches are fixes to existing software code. A NOS manufacturer typically provides security patches. These patches are available once vulnerabilities or even potential vulnerabilities are discovered and fixed. Depending on the software developer, patches may be called "updates". The term update is a vague term that can be used to describe a security fix, or a complete application upgrade. Microsoft now includes the option to use software called Windows Update with its operating systems. This also includes Windows 2000 Server as shown in Figure . Windows Update periodically checks for software patches and upgrades by contacting Microsoft through the Internet. When software updates are found to be available, Windows Update can alert the user. Windows Update can also be configured to automatically download and install the new software. Automatic installation makes sense for most home users. However, system administrators typically prefer to perform all installations manually. NOS manufacturers may offer partial or complete upgrades of the operating system. Unlike security patches, upgrades may significantly change the way an OS handles a particular task. For example, an upgrade may include an entirely new web browser. 14.4.2 Selecting patches and upgrades Software makers recommend installing software security patches immediately. This is done to reduce exposure to known vulnerabilities. Software venders release security updates as soon as they are available. Periodically, software makers will collect a group of security updates and package them together into a larger update. Microsoft calls these collections of bug fixes and security updates Service Packs. Most updates and security patches should be installed. However, there might be circumstances where the update is not warranted. Understanding the effect on the system will help determine if an update, fix, or patch is necessary. Use caution before installing a software patch on a production server. A software vender patch or update can be specifically written to fix a security issue. The patch will most likely not adversely affect the production system. However, software makers sometimes post security and bug fixes alongside major software upgrades. Major software upgrades should not be installed on a production server without testing the results first. As a rule, new software should be loaded on a test server and checked for compatibility issues. With smallsized, tight-focused security updates, testing is not essential, but is recommended. Major revisions or upgrades of software should always be tested to avoid network downtime. This is done in the event of a compatibility issue. 14.4.3 Applying patches and upgrades Periodically, NOS vendors issue updates to their network operating systems. These updates have various names: • • • Microsoft Service Packs IBM Fixpacs Novell Patches The websites that provide information on updates and patches are listed in Figure . These updates usually fix bugs or close security holes that have been found in the released version of the OS. Download the updates from the network operating system vendor’s website. Immediately install the updates on the network operating system. To install the update, follow the network operating system vendor’s instructions. Prior to installing the update, make sure that a full back up has been performed. This is vital even if the update has been tested on another system. Be aware that some network applications such as, Microsoft Exchange Server or an e-mail server) require installation of a specific service pack level. Identify the service pack level before installing the network application. Such an update is required for the network application to operate correctly. It is important to keep a record of the patches and upgrades installed on a system. Maintain a logbook for each NOS server and record any changes to the system configuration. This includes the installation of security patches and service packs. 14.5 Firewalls 14.5.1 Introduction to firewalls and proxies The key defense against Internet attackers is an Internet firewall. A firewall is specialized software, hardware, or a combination of the two. The purpose of an Internet firewall is to prevent unwanted or malicious IP packets from reaching a secure network. Over the last decade, firewall technology has evolved significantly. Early firewalls filtered packets based on addressing information. These firewalls were built and maintained by large organizations. Today’s desktop OSs such as Windows XP, include built-in firewall capabilities geared toward the average home user. The increasing number of hacker exploits and Internet worms make firewall technology an essential aspect of any enterprise network. The term firewall is used loosely to refer to several different approaches to protecting networks, as described in the sections that follow. Packet Filters Typically, an Internet firewall is a host running IP packet filtering software. Most LANs run IP packet filters on a router or a specialized host. A specialized host also performing routing. Home users can run IP packet filtering on an end system, such as a Windows PC. Access Control Lists (ACLs) Packet filters are sometimes called access control lists (ACLs). An IP packet filter begins with a list of rules. The rules tell the router or host how to handle packets that match the specified criteria. For example, a packet matching a particular source address can be dropped, forwarded, or processed in some special way. There are several aspects of common matching criteria: • • • IP address, source and destination TCP/UDP (User Datagram Protocol) port number, source and destination Upper layer protocol, HTTP, FTP, and so on A host configured with an IP packet filter checks packets that come in or out a specified interface or interfaces. Based on the rules defined, the host can drop the packet or accept it. This approach is also referred to as rules-based forwarding. Using this approach, administrators can configure routers to drop unwanted or potentially harmful packets. Administrators configure the routers before the packets reach the secure LAN. Proxy Services In networking, a proxy is software that interacts with outside networks on behalf of a client host. Figure illustrates the proxy server that responds to workstations. Figure illustrates a proxy server with internal web servers. Typically, client hosts on a secure LAN request a web page from a server running proxy services. The proxy server then goes out on the Internet to retrieve the web page. The web page is then copied to the proxy server. This process referred to as caching. Finally, the proxy server transmits the web page to the client. By using the services of a proxy, the client never interacts directly with outside hosts. This protects clients from potential Internet threats. Administrators can configure proxy servers to reject certain client requests or outside Internet responses. For example, schools can use proxy servers to control what websites can be accessed. Since all web requests are directed to the proxy, administrators have tight control over which requests are honored. Microsoft makes a comprehensive proxy service available for its NOS, called Microsoft Proxy Server 2.0. Proxy servers work to insulate LANs and protect hosts from outside threats. The ability of the proxy server to cache web pages is important. The benefit is the use a proxy service for HTTP. Multiple clients can access the HTTP content with significantly improved response time. Caching the frequently accessed HTTP content on a local server is responsible for the improved response time. Network Address Translation (NAT) Network Address Translation (NAT) is a process that runs on a router. Typically, a router acts as a gateway to the Internet. A router running NAT rewrites the addressing information contained in IP packets. Administrators use NAT to alter the source address of packets originating from a secure LAN. This allows secure LANs to be addressed using private IP addresses as shown in Figure . Private IP addresses are not routed on the Internet. An outside hacker cannot directly reach a computer with a private address. Of course, hosts with private IP addresses cannot directly reach Internet hosts either. However, a NAT router can take a packet originating from a host with a private address. The NAT router then replaces the packet's source IP address with a public, globally routable address. The NAT router records this address translation in a table. Once the addressing information is rewritten, the NAT router forwards the packet toward the destination host. When the outside destination replies, the reply packet is routed back to the NAT router. The NAT router then consults the translation table. Based on the entries in the table, the NAT router rewrites the addressing information. Once the address is rewritten, the packet can be routed back to the original, privately addressed host. NAT is often deployed in conjunction with proxy services and/or IP packet filters. It is also becoming an important technology in homes and small offices. This is because NAT allows hundreds of computers to borrow a single public, globally routable IP address. This process is sometimes called "many-to-one" NAT, address overloading, or port address translation (PAT). Popular desktop operating systems include built-in NAT services such as, Microsoft Windows Internet Connection Sharing. NAT services are also included in NOSs. Red Hat Linux uses the ipchains program to perform NAT. Other NAT programs include ip masquerade ( and natd ( Some experts make a distinction between NAT and a firewall. Others look at NAT as part of a comprehensive firewall solution. Regardless, a NAT can have the effect of protecting the network from an attack. This is because outsiders may not be able to send packets directly to inside targets, or use scanning techniques to map the internal network. 14.5.2 Packet filtering The most basic firewall solution is an IP packet filter. To configure a packet filter, a network administrator must define the rules that describe how to handle specified packets. An example of a set of rules, or an access list, is shown in Figure . The first packet filters the filtered packets based on the addressing information contained in the packet header. Namely the source and destination IP address. At the time the IP packet header operated at layer 3 of the OSI model. At the same time, the packet filters worked only at layer 3. Later, packet filters were designed to base decisions on information contained in the TCP or UDP header at layer 4. Both TCP and UDP use port numbers to address specific applications running on a host. Layer 4 access lists can be configured to permit or deny packets. This configuration is based on source or destination ports as well as IP address information. For example, a layer 4 access list can be configured to permit traffic destined for a specific IP at port 80. This is a well known port that web servers listen on. The firewall can also be configured to examine the TCP code bits. The six TCP code bits are used to establish connections between hosts using a three-way handshake. A layer 4 firewall can identify whether a packet is the first part of a three-way handshake, or part of an already established connection. In other words, the firewall can keep uninvited traffic out, while allowing invited traffic in. This technique only works with TCP, because the firewall is examining the TCP code bits. A firewall has to be smart. The firewall must be able to keep uninvited UDP traffic out while allowing invited UDP traffic in. Also, an IP can be used without TCP and UDP at layer 4. For example, ICMP ping does not use a layer 4 header. There is no way to determine if a datagram is part of an established connection. This is because IP and UDP are both connectionless. There are no established connections with these protocols. As a reminder, a datagram is an IP packet without a TCP header. Firewall software must guess at what connectionless traffic is invited and what connectionless traffic is not. Intelligent firewalls do this by monitoring what kind of connectionless traffic originates from the secure LAN. The UDP source and destination ports are noted and stored in a table. The IP source and destination addresses are also noted and stored in a table. A firewall can detect connectionless traffic that looks like it is invited. When this detection is made the UDP ports and IP addresses match a flow of traffic recently detected from an inside host. The firewall then lets the traffic pass through. This type of packet filtering is called stateful packet filtering. It is called this because the firewall keeps track of the state of conversations, but for only a short period of time. That period of time can sometimes be only a few seconds. Such firewalls are dynamic. The rules that are used to determine which packets are allowed into a network vary. They are based on the traffic flows originating from the inside hosts. The most comprehensive form of packet filtering examines not just the layer 3 and 4 headers, but the layer 7 application data as well. Layer 7 firewalls look for patterns in the payload of the packet. This is done in an effort to determine what application is being used, such as HTTP, FTP, and so on. Layer 7 stateful packet filtering has many advantages. This includes the ability to filter a particular application regardless of the TCP or UDP port number used. However, this type of packet filtering only works with software that is preprogrammed to recognize a given application. Therefore, not all applications will be supported. Also, this type of packet filtering adds a significant amount of delay and overhead to the routing process. 14.5.3 Firewall placement Knowing where to deploy an Internet firewall is just as important as knowing how to configure packet filtering rules. Figure shows the classic firewall placement. A boundary router connects the enterprise LAN to its ISP or the Internet. The boundary router LAN interface leads to a network designed for public access. This network contains NOS servers that provide the World Wide Web, e-mail, and other services to the public Internet. This public network is sometime referred to as a "dirty LAN" or "sacrificial LAN". The public network is referred to these terms because public requests are allowed on the network. It is also commonly called the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ). The DMZ acts as a buffer area. The boundary router should include an IP filter that protects against obvious vulnerabilities. For example, the management protocol, SNMP, should not be allowed into the network from the outside. The NOS servers in the DMZ should be tightly configured. The boundary router should allow only specific types of traffic to these servers. In Figure , the boundary router should only allow HTTP, FTP, mail, and DNS related traffic. A dedicated firewall solution, such as a Cisco Private Internet eXchange (PIX), connects the DMZ to the protected LAN. This device performs additional IP filtering, stateful filtering, proxy services, NAT, or a combination of these functions. The DMZ is designed to keep the inside network clean. The example shown in Figure presents a very simple configuration. Complex variations on the principles discussed here are common. 14.5.4 Common firewall solutions There are several common firewall solutions that can be used. An appliance is a device that is stand-alone and easy to configure. The most popular firewall appliance is the Cisco PIX. The Cisco PIX includes NAT and stateful packet filtering capability in an all in one appliance. The PIX Firewall is rack-mountable. The model chosen determines the amount of RAM and flash memory received. Figure shows the PIX Firewall 515. The 515 models use TFTP for image download and upgrade. It has a low profile design, 128,000 simultaneous sessions, and 170 Mbps thru-put. Figure shows the PIX Firewall 520. This model uses a 3.5-inch floppy disk drive to load the image and upgrade. It has an enterprise chassis design, 256,000 simultaneous sessions, and 240 Mbps thru-put. The PIX Firewall is secure right out of the box. The PIX Firewall default settings allow all connections from the inside interface access to the outside interface. The PIX Firewall can also block all connections from the outside interface to the inside interface. The PIX Firewall needs just a few installation procedures and an initial configuration of six general commands. The PIX Firewall is now operational and ready to protect the network. The Cisco PIX also offers support for IPSec and VPN. Most routers can be configured to filter packets and run NAT. The Cisco IOS Firewall Feature Set provides stateful packet filtering. Figure shows a Cisco 3600 Series router that has some firewall capabilities. Another firewall solution is a UNIX host. The UNIX host serves as a router, running packet filtering software such as ipfw, and/or NAT. There is a potential drawback of this solution. It is that the hardware and software involved is not necessarily optimized for switching and filtering packets. Therefore, this option may not be suitable for an enterprise that cannot tolerate high latency. There are dozens of proxy service software packages on the market. One of the most popular is Microsoft Proxy Services 2.0. Home users have a variety of firewall options available, such as ZoneAlarm from Zonelabs, McAfee Firewall, or Norton Firewall from Symantec. These are software firewalls, which are installed on the home machine. 14.5.5 Using an NOS as a firewall This chapter has explained that the NOS can function as part of a firewall solution by filtering packets, running NAT, or acting as a proxy server. In high-traffic environments, a specialized packet filtering and NAT solution is recommended. A specialized device such as a router or firewall appliance is designed to switch packets and manipulate them very quickly. A NOS running on ordinary hardware may be able to do the job. However, it is not without adding latency and overhead on the server. In low traffic environments, such as small offices and home networks, a NOS firewall solution is a good choice.