Divadlo Husa na Provázku and the "Absence" of Czech
Divadlo Husa na Provázku and the "Absence" of Czech
Divadlo Husa na Provázku and the "Absence" of Czech Community Author(s): Dennis C. Beck Source: Theatre Journal, Vol. 48, No. 4, Eastern European-Transitions (Dec., 1996), pp. 419-441 Published by: The Johns Hopkins University Press Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/3208837 . Accessed: 28/01/2015 13:51 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. . The Johns Hopkins University Press is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Theatre Journal. http://www.jstor.org This content downloaded from on Wed, 28 Jan 2015 13:51:27 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions Divadlo Husa na Provazkuand the "Absence" of Czech Community Dennis C. Beck willthenationsuffer intellectual andmoralimpotence Whatprofound followtomorrow, ofitsculture effects onsociety willoutlast today?I fearthatthebaneful ingthecastration thatgaverisetothem. interests political bymanyyearstheparticular -Vaclav Havel,"Letter toDr.GustavHusAk," 19751 A new generationofCzech smalltheatresemergedat thebeginningofthe1970sin response to the politicaland culturalconditionsimposed afterthe Warsaw Pact's divadla(authorialtheatres), these suppressionofthePragueSpring.Knownas autorskMi fivecompaniesled theCzech theatrein innovationand politicalengagementforthe nexttwentyyears.2PetrOslzly,artisticdirectorand dramaturgofthemostimportant Divadlo Husa na provaizku(TheatreGoose on a String),has pointed of thesetheatres, autorskd divadlasustained"a community oftheintellect out thatthe and thespiritwith theiraudiences at a timewhen societywas being atomizedand people were withdrawing into the securityof theirown homes."3As theydeveloped increasingly effectivedramaturgicaltechniquesto avoid the effectsof censorshipand hence to condoned ideologicalframework, these alternativethespeak outside the officially atresbegan to serveas "small islandsof relativespiritualfreedom,"surroundedby a sea of totalitarian authority(101). Carefullymaintainedduringtheyearsof Sovietoccupation,thisrolelaterallowed an equallydecisiveroleduringthe"Velvet"Revolution theautorskM divadlato perform of 1989.As Oslzly notes, oftheatre an enclaveofmoralfreedom, [t]hecommunity peopleandspectators, formerly forfreedom. now becamethecenterof thestruggle The humantiesand mutualtrust createdovera longtimebetweenactorsand publicnow paid off,ensuring efficiency therevolution. amongthosemaking [100] DennisBeckis a Ph.D. candidateat theUniversity a Fulbright Fellow ofTexasat Austin.He is currently in theCzechRepublicconducting dissertation research on thehistory and dramaturgy ofCzechoslovak theatres duringtheperiodfrom1968 to 1990. He servesas coeditor ofthejournalTheatre InSight. VAclavHavel,"Letterto Dr. GustavHusak,"in Vdclav ed. JanVladislav Havel,orLivingin Truth, (London:Faberand Faber,1987),23. wereDivadloHusa na provazkuand HaDivadlo,bothin Brno;StudioYpsilon, 2 The fivetheatres whichbeganinLiberecbutwas pressured tomovetoPraguein 1978;Divadlona bythegovernment industrial townofUistion the okraji,inPrague;andbinohernistudioUstina Labem,in thenorthern Labe river.As we shallsee,it'simportant to notethatfourofthesefivetheatres outside originated Prague. "On StagewiththeVelvetRevolution," TheDramaReview 34.4(1990):100. 3 PetrOslzly}, I TheatreJournal48 (1996) 419-441 @ 1996 by The JohnsHopkins UniversityPress This content downloaded from on Wed, 28 Jan 2015 13:51:27 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 420 / DennisC. Beck The Czech small theatresrealizeda dreamsharedby manytheatreradicalsof the 1960s-to establishcommunionwiththeiraudiencesand to help change the world outside the theatre.But then,having fulfilledthe purpose for which they had theautorsMa divadlafoundthemselvesfacedwitha crisis developed theirdramaturgy, of purpose. They also saw the communitiestheyhad helped to forgedissolve in politicaland culturalsituation. responseto a verydifferent ofthesetheatresraiseseveralsignificant circumstances The past historyand current theatre vital role Is the playedby duringtheyearsofSovietoccupationfrom questions. 1968-1989and duringthe"Velvet"Revolutionitselfone thatcan be sustainedunder Did communistrule inadvertently recreatea communal democraticcircumstances? in modern,capitalist, social dynamicthatRobertCorriganhas called "anachronistic" societies?4I will considerthesequestionsby tracingthehistoryof Divadlo Husa na oftheautorska divadla provazku-(TheatreGoose on a String),thenthemostinfluential Czechoslovakiaand now one of themostimportant theatresin the in pre-revolution Czech Republic. Death of the Author/Birthof the Authorial In 1968, Czechoslovakia became a unifiedcommunityonce again. During the Prague Spring,which lasted from5 Januaryto 21 August 1968, the state (stat, in a way unequaled since collective)began tojoin withthenation(narod,community) of theFirstCzechoslovak of 298 the formation, domination, years foreign following "social the in 1918. However, homogeneity [gave]rise although community's Republic also to a certainethicaldemocracy,"it was still ensconced in the wider political collectiveof the Soviet bloc.5In August, that collectivedecided that the Czech its "leadingrole"-its role as the communistpartyhad gone too farin surrendering authorof society'stext. whichbegan a four-year Soviet tankshelped installa new government, period it Undertheleadershipof GustAvHusik, who became party dubbed "normalization." were reimposed.Carefully FirstSecretaryin 1969,hierarchicalorderand structure timingits actionsto avoid arousingattentionin theworld outside,the government closed some theatresand broughttherestundercentralizedcontrol.By mid-1971the ofCzech theatre individualswho had been mostresponsiblefortheartisticflowering in the1960s-writerslikeViclav Havel and Pavel Kohout,and directorslikeOtomar Krej'a and JanGrossman-had been bannedfromworkingin thetheatreor exiledto theprovinces.Moreover,theconditionsthatprevailedafter1968did not inspirenew writingtalentattunedto theissues oftheday to writefora mediumfromwhichany conditionswould be excluded. ofcontemporary accuratereflection As in 1948, the Czech theatrefaced a break in its development.Unlike 1948, and helped however,no wave ofpopularopinionsupportedthenew powerstructure enforceitspoliciesin spiritas well as letter.Conditionsmorecloselyresembledthose of the Nazi occupation,in which the populace joined its artistsin resistingand thepowerof therulingstructure. circumventing 4 Robert of the Individual in the Modern Theatre,"in TheTheatrein Corrigan,"The Transformation Searchofa Fix (New York: Delacorte,1973), 192. The Restoration 1969-1976,trans.by of Czechoslovakia, of Order:The Normalization s Milan ?imeeka, A. G. Brain (London: Verso, 1984), 149. This content downloaded from on Wed, 28 Jan 2015 13:51:27 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions DIVADLO NA PROVAZKUAND CZECH COMMUNITY / 421 Theatreartistswere able to findlimitedways to expresstheirviews throughsuch non-verbalstatementsas set designs depictingdepressingand destroyedenvironwere allowed to expressonly the ments.For the mostpart,however,performances an or at most what seemed line innocuous universalism,Althoughnever party declaredas an officialpolicy,censorshipwas stronglyexercised.6 In the 1960s,Czech theatrehad again embracedpluralism,freedomof expression, and thetheoriesofLudwigWittgenstein deferredinterpretations, (upon whichCzech absurdismis based).' The theatremoved into a realm of poststructural semiotics, which can be definedbrieflyas a semioticsthatshuns Frenchstructuralism's privileging of the universal or collectiveand its tendencyto assume a single and determinablerelationshipbetweensignifierand signified-qualitiesvisible both in socialist realism.In communistpoliticalpracticeand in its aestheticcounterpart, in the free a which contrast,poststructural semioticsopens up space play ofsignifiers or intrinsic constraints but is bounded notby determinable biological,psychological, or communal whose extrinsic social factors-factors and, therefore, by ambiguous or understanding butwhose onlythrougha typeofsympathy saliencyis determinable "code" can be comprehendedonly throughmetaphorsand metonyms.Withinan interpretivecommunity,such metaphors have definiteand varied signifieds.8 Poststructural refusesto close meaning,to privilegea single semiotics,therefore, ideology,to totalize.As such it stood in ideologicaland practicaloppositionto postLeninistcommunistperspectives;it threatenedto underminethe "leading role" of totalitarianism. ideologicaland structural Though normalization'sbans and censorshiplargelyended poststructural experitheautorskd mentation divadlacarriedon thetradition'sspirit,ifnotits by playwrights, form,by developinga dramaturgy thinking. thoroughly groundedin poststructural Like all theautorskd divadla,Divadlo Husa na provizku(Provizekin thenominative case) was foundedand operatedon the physicaland Derridianmargins-or what Provazek directorPeter Scherhaufercalls the "borders."''The original Husa na provizku began in 1967as an open associationof professionaltheatreartists,theatre ofotherarts.The grouptookitsnameand symbolic students,and youngpractitioners from a of six experimental collection departurepoint scriptswrittenfortheatre,film, As Oslzyhasnotedwithbitter thisleftCzechtheatre envious ofPoland,where creators irony, wasofficial andtheatre therulesandthereasons behind censorship peoplecouldatleastdistinguish 27July andbans.PetrOslzly,interview 1995. closures CzechRepublic, HorniDubenky, byauthor, 6 inthetext.Unlessotherwise to thisinterview willbe includedparenthetically Subsequentreferences alltranslations aremine. indicated, werenotnew to theCzechs.BeforeWorldWarII, thePragueSchoolhad 7 Such ideas,however, developeda structuralist theorythat,in contrastto the French"school,"allowed formultiple and the existenceof an interpretive Nascent meanings,social contextualization, community. hadbecomepartoftheCzechintellectual and aesthetic therefore, thought, poststructural heritage by 1968.See, forexample,PeterSteiner,ed., ThePragueSchool:SelectedWritings, 1929-46(Austin: ofTexasPress,1982);F. W. Galan,Historic Structures: ThePragueSchoolProject, 1928-1946 University ofTexasPress,1985). (Austin:University FelixVodic'kadevelopedtheoriesof reception and interpretive communities 8Czech structuralist fourdecadesbeforeStanleyFishclaimedandpopularizedtheideasintheEnglish-speaking world.See 4 (1972):5-15. oftheLiterary Process,"Poetics Vodi&ka's"TheIntegrity interviewby author,Brno,Czech Republic,21 August1994.Subsequent 1PeterScherhaufer, references to thisinterview willbe includedparenthetically in thetext. This content downloaded from on Wed, 28 Jan 2015 13:51:27 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 422 / DennisC. Beck and circus in the early 1920s by JiriMahen, a Brno writerand dramaturgof the NationalTheatre.The groupadoptedtheartisticattitudeofMahen'sHusa Na Provdzku whichwas composedofopen workscombiningdiffering (A Gooseona String), genres, fine and forms, populararts,each pushingtheboundariesofacceptedrepresentation. Out of the largerassociation,studentsof BofivojSrba formedthe theatrecompany, Divadlo Husa na provazku.The core companyincluded the directorsEva Tailskai, and the actors Boleslav Polivka, and Jifi Zdenek Pospifil,and Peter Scherhaufer, were soon Pecha. They joined by composers,writers,designers,and later theatre graduatesfromtheJanacekAcademyof theFineArtsand fromMasarykUniversity. witha numberof The companyis not exclusive,but maintainsa close relationship artistswho workregularlywitha coregroupwhich,in turn,is notregularizedintoa single entitybut branches into divisions of pantomime,informationallectures, directors. theatreforyouth,and theworkofa handfulofdistinctive children'stheatre, Provazekencouragedbetweenthevariousartsand theatrical The cross-fertilization witha regimethatsought,throughstrictlicensingand artswas a bone ofcontention to compartmentalization, keep interactionand the flow of ideas to a minimum. Nonetheless,threefactorshelped thecompanyto stayjust at theperipheryof official controlled vision.Itbeganin Brno,thecapitalofMoraviabutremovedfromthetightly It formed was by politicalcenterof Prague, birthplaceof all Czech revolutions. studentsa generationyoungerthantheindividualswho challengedthesystemduring theatreforitsfirstfouryears;sinceitdid the1960s.And itremainedan amateur-status and not requireattention-provoking subsidies,it remainedunimportant government in the officialview. Provazek was able continuefunctioningon the uninfluential margin for twentyyears despite growing internationalattention,however,due primarilyto its dramaturgy. Bofivoj Srba, who taught the Provazek membersdramaturgyat the Janatek programdesignedto fight Academy,helped thecompanyarticulatea dramaturgical in more visible theatres,with its own with the censors and not, as was the case conscience.Srba's own teacher,E. E Burian,had helped shape his view that the is its strictregulagovernment greatestthreatand theAchillesheel of authoritarian tion.10Srba reckonedthatif censorship'sjob was to regularizethinkinginto safe, acceptedchannels,thenitsgoal could be subvertedby developinga methodthat,by and hencecontrol.He outlinednotonlywhathe itsverynature,defiedregularization, but also a fullprogramof called "irregulardramaturgy"(nepravidelzn dramaturgie) and structure Provaizek's that included theatre practices. extra-dramaturgical irregular is its avoidance of convenof irregulardramaturgy The mostsalientcharacteristic to are texts such Because texts. tional,dramatic subject priorcensorship,theyhave of theatre focus been the traditionallypreferred regularization."Censorshipthat "I Burian had sufferedunder and worked to circumventNazi and communistcontrol over his thinkingin the 1940s. His student Srba, then, constitutesa direct link between Czech interwar/ inverse postwar traditions and Provazek. Moreover, for Provazek's program, Srba took as his inspirationthe Czech experience of strictlyenforcedcultural "regularization"under the Austrian Prince Metternichin the early nineteenthcentury.During this phase of Hapsburg occupation, the theatressustained Czech communal consciousness by defyingthe officiallanguage (German) and cultureof the Hapsburg Empire. ii See ZygmuntHiibner,Theatreand Politics(Evanston:NorthwesternUniversityPress, 1992), 25 ff. This content downloaded from on Wed, 28 Jan 2015 13:51:27 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions DIVADLO NA PROVAZKUAND CZECH COMMUNITY / 423 invisibleto thepublic at precedesthestagingofa theatricalworkremainseffectively with delimits In it shares self-censorship-their temporalpriority large. this, qualities thegrowthof thepossibleso deeplybecause theydeformthechildat themomentof conceptionratherthanat birth.Provaizeksoughtto avoid thisconceptualcensorship by beginningwith an idea or themeoutside the textualreach of the censorsand ofwhatevermaterial-be it and theimportation developingit throughimprovisation music or fictional,historical,and poetic texts-suited the evolving creation.As "when censorshipwantsour text,we have none, Scherhaufer notesin his interview, because we're creatingour own text." "At the time,"accordingto Oslzl?, "we were not aware thatwe were takingthe torchfromthe writers."12As "normalization"silencedthe playwrightsof the 1960s with increasingeffectiveness, however,irregulardramaturgy helped companieslike forcreatingtextsand publiccommentary Provazekassume responsibility on commurealities. and nal, spiritual, political in performance Provazek couched its commentary stylesthatdepartedradically ofsocialistrealism.The departurewas morethanjustaesthetic.As fromtheregularity Mikl6sHarasztihas pointedout in TheVelvetPrison,therewas fortheparty in fact,onlyonetaboo:therecognition ofa variety ofrealities is forbidden, including any ofone'sown."Realism" thiswaynotbecauseitdoesnotwishto separatereality operates knowaboutreality. You do notneedmuchtheoretical torealizethattherecanbe training no "real"reality wheretherearemanyrealities.13 was redeployedas a governmentalweapon against pluralism. Realism, therefore, the Stylisticregulationand textualcensorshipallowed forthe policingof plurality, of realities. Aesthetics were a not mere formal correlative to the multiple suppression but influenced the content and ramifications of what could be said as message, directly well as thedepthor forcefulness withwhichitcould be expressed.Aestheticscame to in VaiclavHavel's definition) content.14 signifypoliticaland moral("pre-political," Provizek's marginalposition,however,allowed ita degreeoffreedomin theuse of style;it was the larger,morevisible,state-subsidizedtheatresthatcame under the strictest aestheticpressure.Provizek consistently exploredtheborderseparatingthe ideal offreedomand theconcrete, limitsoffreedompossiblein theCzech performable totalitariansystem.In his interview,Peter Scherhauferstressesthat the company createdand continuesto createa position"on theborderbetweenwhat is possible, what is not possible;what is permissible,not permissible."In oppositionto realistic indeterminism became one of Provizek's most seadeterminism,poststructural worthyships forexploringpreviouslyunchartedand forbiddenwaters. It requiredsensitivesailing,however,to "develop a theatricallanguage forour to productionsthatwould be veryclear to sympathetic spectatorsbut unintelligible thetotalitarian betweenthecensors' watchdogsof culture."'5In fact,therelationship and spectators'understanding was muchmoresubtleand multi-faceted thanOslzly's Oslzl, "On Stage," 99. Mikl6s Haraszti, The VelvetPrison:ArtistsUnderState Socialism(New York: Farrar,Straus and Giroux, 1989), 121. 14 See VAclavHavel, "The Power of the Powerless," trans.P. Wilson, in Livingin Truth,36-122. I5 Oslzly, "On Stage," 99. 12 13 This content downloaded from on Wed, 28 Jan 2015 13:51:27 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 424 / DennisC. Beck words suggest. The censors were rarelystupid, though they were oftenblinkered by strictmandates to follow orders and shun independent thought and by the ideology they served. It was precisely their lack of sympathy for an expressed idea that often kept them fromrealizing the resonance a moment could create within the community of sympathetic spectators. Anatomicum(1973) illustrates the dynamic of Provizek's production of Theatrumt in as as the which well the company used indeterminismas an way comprehension to counter the censors' moves. The piece's outer frame was the endgame strategy a of a about the body (politic), story illegal dissection and display of human prosection bodies in the anatomical theatresof the late sixteenthand early seventeenthcenturies. Inside this framewas nested another piece drawn froma more recenthistory-the tale of Rudolf H6ss, which allowed the company to consider the Nazi concentration camps. At the piece's core, however, was a criticismof Czechoslovakia's contemporary political anatomy.As Oslzly explains in his interview,"there were not, fromour point of view, any differencesbetween fascism and communism. . .. Two very similar socialistic ideas .... ExtremeLeft,extreme Right,it's the same." Observing spectator reactions to this popular piece, the censors understood that its actual subject was the contemporary situation and communist rule. However, because the regime was officially anti-fascist and because the anti-fascist theme replayed a common and popular communist theatricalmotifof the immediate post-war years, the production was, ostensibly,in the best interestsof the Husaik leadership. Therefore,the censors had no justifiablereason forforbiddingthe H6ss sequence. Oslzly happily relates the censors' visible anguish during the meeting following the special rehearsal meant to determine the production's fate. Each side knew that a demand to cut the sequence would be tantamount to admittingparallels between the Czech experiences of fascist and communist rule. The section remained. The example also suggests how much Provaizek's dramaturgy depended on its community to empower its articulationof the unspeakable. To the autorskaidivadla,in fact, the two "practices" became mutually supportive, if not dependent. Provaizek's theatrical language was far fromincomprehensible to the watchdogs of culture, but the effectivenessof this language depended on the learned and shared understandings of a particular interpretivecommunity.Dramaturgy depended on community.True membership in this community,in turn,could be gauged by the personal, emotional, even spiritual involvement with the true but hidden subject of performance. Such communities cohered throughemotional understandings-through historical,moral, and spiritual identification.And these communities depended on dramaturgy,in turn, to bring such understandings and identificationsinto the open, where they could be recognized as communal. Communityversus Collective In 1973, just as the Czech autorskidivadla were beginning to come into their own, Robert Corrigan undertook an explanation of why remarkably similar ideas of communityvisible in the work of such leftistUS companies as the Living or the Open theatres were doomed to failure. Speaking of the firstworld without making much attempt to distinguish it from the second, Corrigan suggested that the kind of "communion" for which contemporary practitioners searched "cannot exist in the This content downloaded from on Wed, 28 Jan 2015 13:51:27 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions DIVADLO NA PROVAZKUAND CZECH COMMUNITY / 425 modernworld;itis a lingering He reasonedthatdue to the"self-sufficient phantom."16 finitudeofman" stressedsincetheRenaissance,modernindividualslivein a collective societyratherthan in a communalworld. Membersof communitieswere linked togetherby commonoriginsand enjoyedrelationshipsthattended to be personal, "because those forceswhich bind men together-values,attitudes,customs,traditions,rituals,and habits-are handed down as a commonheritagefromgenerationto generation"(192). Modern collectiveson the otherhand-that is, politicalparties, labor unions,largecorporations-donot derivefromthepast. Theyare,in contrast, directedtoward the futureby theirmembers'and leaders' designs. As a result, individualsin moderncollectiveshave onlyideas,projections, and imposedcollective goals, to linkthem-tenuouslyand unemotionally-toeach other.Collectivesdo not fosterpersonal relationships;these would reduce efficiency and make governing difficultdue to conflicting loyalties.Instead,collectivesidentifytheirmembersby and ultimatealienation of function-leading to the standardization,anonymity, individuals.Reduced to representing a only specialized functionwithinthe larger in which"humanqualitiestend collective,theindividualundergoesa transformation to atrophyand his personalityundergoessevere psychicand moral changes,and eventuallyhe comes to lose all sense of his own identity"(195). Identityand identification, therefore, appear relatedto,ifnotdependenton,a senseofcommunity. communal bonds,collectivesalso severecordsthatnourishidentity By undercutting Behind the Iron Curtain,dissidentVAclavHavel recognizeda similarcontrast betweenthe communaland thecollective,but he consideredit anythingotherthan inevitable.In his 1975"Letterto Dr.GustavHusik," Havel arguedthatthe historically demands of technologicalcivilizationand thedecliningawarenessof forcesbeyond This tendency, humanlyconstructed systemshad led to a "crisisofhumanidentity."" moreover,was severelyexacerbated,Havel argued,by the typeof societythatthe Husak government and centralizedfromabove. Community, had restructured which had begunto breakthroughtheofficial crustduringthe1968PragueSpring,had been in ways thatechoed Corrigan'sdescripreplacedby a concretestructure, functioning tionofcollectives-a standardizedsystemin whichindividualswereexpendableand The automizationofthesystemhad had a "deeplyinjuriousinfluence interchangeable. on the general spiritualand moral state of society"(22). Organizationsthatover decades had developed into communitieswith shared values, attitudes,and customs-such as theWriters'Union,of whichHavel was a member-werereplacedby new organizationsdirectedfromabove and forcedto expressthepartyview. Such a mechanisticsystemwas opposed totheorganicstructures oflifein Havel's view: "Life rebelsagainstall uniformity and leveling;itsaim is notsameness,butvariety"(23-24). Life itself,therefore, and pluralism.Constructedsystems gives rise to multiplicity fostercollectiveuniformity. cannotbe stampedout completely, however.Havel and others Organicstructures nurture a Czech that had helped community slipped underground,representedby divadlaproductions,and the offhandremark.Havel's samizdatpublications,autorskd experiencehad taughthim that collectivesand communitieswere not mutually 16 17 Corrigan,"Transformationof the Individual," 192. Havel, "Letterto Husak," 15. This content downloaded from on Wed, 28 Jan 2015 13:51:27 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 426 / DennisC. Beck coexistedand even helpedcreateone another. exclusive;collectivesand communities social structureand an intellectualcontextthattended to Ensconcedin a different on theotherhand,Corriganheld to theidea that privilegeprogressivehistoriography, one form-the collective-mustevolve fromand replace another-the community. This differencein understandingunderscoresa differencein the definitionand in theCzech and Western(particularly functionofcommunity US) contexts. also generatedcontrasting of the in understanding This difference interpretations in and state. Conditions Czechoslovakia of the between were, society relationship course,farfromdemocratic.As a result,Czechs generallydid not regardthe state apparatus as being in service to societal needs; rather,they perceived the state was notan therefore, Community, (collective)tobe theenemyofsociety(community). but a livingpresencein activepoliticaland moral ideal lost in the mistsof history, betweenCzech Anotherkeydifference oppositionto an imposedcollectivestructure. with in the Czech idea of its association and Westernconceptionsof community lay narod(or "nation").Accordingto thisconcept,thenationstandsless fora physically bounded countrythanit does fora people-its culture,heritage,values,and history. As such,narodhas servedas theconceptualbarricadesfromwhichCzechs have fought offculturalerasureby colonialpowerssince1620." betweencommunaland collectiveforcesinevitablyinfluencedthe The relationship The same yearin whichHavel senthis roleand alliancesof theCzech smalltheatres. Ivan art historian Czech to letter Husik, Jiroustheorizedthe existenceof a open "second culture"in Czechoslovakia,which he characterizedas "a communityof mutualsupport"composed of people "who want to live differently.... [and as] a or on thehierarchyof culturenot dependenton officialchannelsof communication, was calling for Benda the establishment."19 values of By 1978,philosopherVaiclav intoa to themselves social structures but isolated hidden Czechoslovakia's organize and beneficial the of necessary "supplementing generally "parallel polis" capable and wherepossible,to use those functionsthatare missingin theexistingstructures, to humanizethem."20 In responseto Benda,thatsame yearHavel existingstructures, he raisedthestakesintotherealmof which wrote"The Power of thePowerless,"in it may be said, representthe most moralityand ethics:"These parallel structures, articulatedexpressionsso far of 'living withinthe truth."'21Havel definedliving withinthetruthas anymethodby whicha personor grouprevoltsagainstmanipulaand conscienceto a tionand resiststheabdicationofhis or herreason,responsibility, In a systemthatdemandssuchabdication,withitsinherent rejection higherauthority. ofmultipleviews and pluralism,livingwithinthetruthworksas a kindof "bacterioofwhichderivesfromitssmallbeginningsbut logicalweapon" (58),theeffectiveness the conceptof 18 In the Czech context(and the contextin Poland, where a similarconceptfunctions), nationalismsuch as thataffectingthe narodhas not served thepurposes ofa blind,genocide-justifying formerYugoslavia as much as a returnto Czech traditionsof freeintellectualendeavor,democracy,a freemarket,and non-violence.Today, however,having outlived its overtpolitical usefulness,Czech "nationalism"has transformedinto concernover a less militantkind of culturalerasure. 19Ivan Jirous,quoted in H. Gordon Skilling,"Introductory Essay" to CivicFreedomin CentralEurope, ed. Skillingand Paul Wilson (London: McMillan, 1991), 6. 20Viclav Benda, "The Parallel Polis,"in CivicFreedomin CentralEurope,36. 21 Havel, "The Power of the Powerless," 102. This content downloaded from on Wed, 28 Jan 2015 13:51:27 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions DIVADLO NA PROVAZKUAND CZECH COMMUNITY / 427 growing,indirectengagementwith the regime and with the totalitariansystem inculcatedwithinindividuals.22 can be observedin Havel saw cultureas "a spherein whichthe'parallelstructures' theautorsku divadlaprovidedthe theirmosthighlydeveloped form"(101). Certainly, could gathertogether-andgatheras parallelpolis a place in whichitsconstituency In an environment thatMilan Simeekahas more thanjust a theoreticalcommunity. in all ofEasternEurope,"in called "themostrepressiveand ideologicallyconservative divadlaprovided a countrywhere freedomof assemblywas forbidden,the autorsku which a forum could take as well in as political/ institutional public place, space aestheticcontentfortheforumto consider.23 InstitutionalDeconstructions Divadlo na provizku (Theatreon a In 1972,Divadlo Husa na provizku-or rather, rename a home,government had been forced to itself-found as it subsidy, String), it foughtthesystemfrom and professionalstatusin Brno'sHouse ofArt;thereafter, Givenonlya bare exhibitionhall withwhichto work,thecompanybegan a within.24 series of experimentsin irregularspatial arrangementsthat included not only the space to suit each production,but experimenting with irregular reconfiguring In with the audience. a Provizek the audience area also relationships production, in various the Actors address serves as performance audience ways. space directly, take part in the and spectatorsare sometimescalled upon to createsound effects, withspatialrelationships and action,or offeropinionsand suggestions.Experiments in as interaction served not the distinctions explorations breakingdown, spectator between performer and spectatoras personsplayingdiffering roles but, rather,the distancethatkeeps thetwo frombeingperceivedas partofa singlecommunity. Provizek also conductedexplorations outsidethelimitedspace oftheHouse ofArt. While remainingunder the aegis of the municipalart hall, the companymoved to alternative,irregularperformance spaces in Brnoeleven timesin twentyyears.For each move itdevelopedstudies,plans,and projectsforthenew space. In one instance it relocated to an abandoned bakery,in another,to a formerfishmarket.These dislocationsand relocationsextendedProvazek'sattemptto returnto theessentialsof theatrethroughirregularmeans.The unconventional of the spaces and arrangement the associations inherentto them pushed the group to explore each location's possibilitiesforaestheticand politicalstatements.Like the theatresof Kantorand Grotowskiin Poland,Provizek could traveleasilyand performalmostanywhere. Na provizku Seeking to diversifyand deregularizetheiractivitieseven further, began the firstof a long line of tours and collaborativeinternationalfestivaland 22On the other hand, Havel's essay also discusses the difficultyindividuals face in resistingthe temptationto "surrendertheirhuman identityin favorof the identityof the system,. . so thatthey may be pulled into and ensnared by it, like Faust with Mephistopheles" ("The Power of the which retellsthe Faust legend in a modern Czech context, Powerless," 52). Havel's play, Temptation, may be considered his artisticexpressionof the same idea. 23 Milan Simerka,in CivicFreedomin CentralEurope,110. 24 Shortly after Husik became First Secretaryin 1969, it was suggested that Divadlo Husa na provazku remove the husa (goose) fromits name. No furtherexplanation was given, but one was hardly needed; the Czech word fora gander is husak. This content downloaded from on Wed, 28 Jan 2015 13:51:27 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 428 / DennisC. Beck theatreprojects.International also recognitionconstitutesa weapon of irregularity used by Kantorand Grotowski.Sovietbloc governments wereloathto tightlyrestrict groupsor individualswhose actionswerecloselywatchedfrombeyondthecountry's In 1975 Provizek also made its firstvisit to Prague; the companywas borders.25 and returnedroughlyonce a year thereafter. receivedenthusiastically Most importhe attended the that same World Theatre Festival of tantly, year company Experimenand popularlysuccessfulthat tal Theatresin Nancy,France,whereitwas so critically invitationsfor visits fromaround the world. it subsequentlyreceivedthirty-five allowed it to acceptonlya fewof theseinvitations, AlthoughtheCzech government Provazekhad begun to develop a usefulinternational reputation.By 1989,Provizek had completedalmosta score of international tours;today it is the most-travelled dramatictheatrein Czech history. to resistthe Meanwhile,Provizek continuedto develop strategiesof irregularity Each theatrewas requiredto submita proposed demandsoftheauthorities. structural season ofworks,a "dramaturgic plan," to a culturalcommitteeforapproval.For the entailed this autorsk4divadla, supplying for each work a title,description,and a list of materialsfromwhich it would probablybe well as as performancedates, of those the names and personswho would workon theproject.Provizek's composed realmmightbe thoughtof as an exercisein in this extra-dramaturgical irregularity conceived of a strategy-onefurther Srba Derridiansupplementarity. developed by his hand-pickedsuccessor,Petr Oslzly--thatOslzly called "the tacticof the small white dogs."26 The tactic,whose name derives fromGoethe's Faust,consisted of includingin a list of proposed works,all of which the dramaturgknows to be blatantprovocation.The as to constitute unacceptable,a play or playsso controversial watchdogsof cultureeagerlyhuntedthe yappingwhite dog runningahead of the pack, killed it,and thenrelaxed,contentthattheyhad purgedthe season of rabid of thistacticwas enhancedby partypressureon the subversion.The effectiveness theircriticalrigor.Even in a groupofthemostinnocuous committeesto demonstrate worksimaginable,somethinghad to be forbiddento ensurethatCzechoslovakiawas being made safe forsocialism.Provaizeksimplyprovidedthe sacrifice.Oslzly also worksprovocativetitlesand labeledprovocative foundthatifhe gave uncontroversial worksas neutrallyas possible,he could getapprovalfora greaterpercentageofworks thatspoke to thecontemporary situation;he called thistactic"thestrategyofthefalse whitedogs." Sometimeseven one word in a titlecould play therole of whitedog. In 1977,the a proposedproject censors-ever sensitiveto thebuzzwordsof formalism-rejected based, as the titleindicated,on TheNonsensePoetryofEdwardLear(Poezienesmyslu EdwardaLeara).The censorsobjectedto theword"nonsense"in thetitle,and theykept on objectingforsix consecutiveseasons. Finally,in 1983,Oslzly changedthe titleto Storiesof theLong Nose (Pfib~hydlouhihonosu). The text,of course,remainedunHiibner,Theatreand Politics,36-37. This and the followingthreequotationsare frommy interviewwithOslzly. Srba chose Oslzly, his dramaturgystudentat Masaryk University,to take his place as Provizek's dramaturgin the early 1970s,when Srba was forbiddenby the regimeto teach or practicetheatre.Srba relocatedto Prague, where he was allowed a job in the Instituteof Historyand eventuallybecame a theatrehistorian,as one of the country'sbest theatretheoreticians. well as, accordingto Oslzly,, 25 26 This content downloaded from on Wed, 28 Jan 2015 13:51:27 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions DIVADLO NA PROVAZKUAND CZECH COMMUNITY / 429 word"nonsense"in thetitle,thecensorsfoundthe touched,butwithouttheoffending the productionhas remained to sensible enough stage (see cover illustration); piece in Provizek's ever since. continuously repertory In 1977,Oslzly took the theoryof excess to an extremeby submittinga season titleshe proposed,he expected composed entirelyofwhitedogs. Of thetwenty-eight six or seven to be approved-enough for the followingseason's addition to the of twentyor so works.Instead,he was grantedpermissionforonlytwo.A repertory withwhomhe was allowed to plead his case, bit shaken,he wentto thecivicofficer with whom he adopted an attitudethat was ofteneffectivein dealing with the authorities-making"stupidmenofourselves."Playingthegood soldierSchweik,he proclaimed, Itis impossible orI amtotally Orweall,allourtheatre is poisoned. Notonlywe, poisoned. but also our audienceis poisoned.We are crowdedwiththeaudience.Not onlywe creators-wecould be poisonedby someWesternthinking-butit'snotpossiblethatthese youngpeople in theaudience,thestudentsare poisoned.You cannotbelieve this.Ifyou believe this,you mustsay all societyhereis poisoned.Butit couldn'tbe. Arguingin thisway put the censorsonce again in a double-bind.Althoughthey sensed thatsocietywas "poisoned" and mostpeople opposed them,theycould not totalitarian rule.Oslzly was able to wrest verywell acknowledgean unrepresented, to revealtheactual permissionto producea fullseason by challengingtheauthorities division between nation and state,communityand collective.Provaizekused its as a leverwhose effectiveness derivedfrom positionas spokesmanforthecommunity theauthorities'unwillingnessto openlyacknowledgea nationfromwhichtheywere excluded.One ofthecompany'sprimarygoals,to represent and servetheinterests of the community,became with time one of its primaryweapons against external regulation. itsstrategies, however,itwas forcedtodevelopnew Justas Provizekwas perfecting ones. In January1977,a documententitledCharter77 was released to the Western press and Czech authorities.Draftedin largepartby Vaclav Havel and philosopher JanPatocika,itcalled on theCzech leadershipto honorin itsown countrytheUN civil and humanrightscovenantsas well as theHelsinkiFinalAct it had recentlysigned. The Charternotonlyconstituted a seriouschallengeto theregime,italso revealedto theworldan undergroundoforganized,uncontrolled activityin Czechoslovakia.The communistgovernment reacteddecisivelywitha re-restoration oforderin theformof a programof public vilification of Charteristsin the media, arrests,and increased surveillancein all areas of life,particularly thearts. A new TheatreLaw was enactedon 1 January1978thatmade it illegal to open a theatreor close down an existingone.27In addition,all theatresnot currently under directstatecontrolwere made subservientarms of larger,statetheatres.Divadlo na prov~izkuwas removedfromthemunicipalcontrolofBrno'sHouse ofArtand made thesixtharmoftheStateTheatrein Brno."As a thirdmeasureofcontrol,theatresnot alreadyled by a memberof the communistpartywere given new artisticdirectors. See BarbaraDay,Ed. Introd.toCzechPlays(London:NickHern,1994),xii. HaDivadlo(Bmo'sotherauthorial thefifth; constituted theotherfourpartsconsistedof theatre) and "regular"dramatictheatre. Ballet,Opera,Operetta, 27 28 This content downloaded from on Wed, 28 Jan 2015 13:51:27 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 430 / DennisC. Beck JaroslavTuiik, a partymemberwho knew littleabout the theatrebut had always wanted to learn, was assigned to the company in this role in order,explains "to breakus fromthisirregularpositionto the regular in his interview, Scherhaufer cutthecompany'soperatingbudgetin a After tortuous yearin whichTudcik position." in an the half, unexpecteddirection.As Tuc'ik'sdaily work breakingbegan-but the with him company'smethodsand intentions,his views began to acquainted in which they could be honestlyexpressed.By the a forum find to change-or himtoourside,"and created"ourPygmalion." "reworked had Provaizek year following butunderthegreatersafetyof its thecompanyresumed irregular activities, Thereafter, controland umbrella.Moreover,tightenedgovernment administered Tu'ik's officially "radicalizedus morethan theemergenceof a visibleopposition,recallsScherhaufer, before." After1978, Provizek concentratedon collaborativeactivitywithin the theatrecontacts. oppositionmovementand increasednationaland international Prova'zekfocused its effortsin three main areas of theatricalactivity.Within Czechoslovakia,Provizekand otheralternativetheatresbegan to meetat an annual festivalof professionaltheatresheld alternatelyin the towns of Cesky Budejovice and carefullyarrangeddiscussions (Bohemia) and Preov (Slovakia). Performances a loose associationof oppositional of for the formation provided an opportunity the1980s. influential become would theatresthat throughout increasingly professional theatres. amateur the with itsties Provaizekalso strengthened country's In addition Provaizekbegan projectsit called Theatrein Movement(Divadlo v of what would later become the Center for Pohybu),the incipientmanifestation an Theatre, organizationbegun in collaborationwithHaDivadlo. AcExperimental Centerseeks to be the to its declaration, cording in forresearch ofeverykindofartandalternative forprojects an umbrella culture, projects and social in thefieldofphilosophy, thefieldofourculturaltraditions, anthropology, It will seek fortheir and foreducational projectsin therelatedhumanities. history, andinterrelationships.29 connections of a CentralThe Centertakesas itsstartingpoint,thesearch,studyand restoration and the cultural of a It seeks cultural continuity resumption identity.30 European order,"as well as thecreationofan atmosphereofcultural "renewalofan interrupted artsmanagement, tolerance.Itscreationsand actionsfallintotheareas ofproductions, and researchofexperidocumentation an alternativetheatreschool,amateurtheatre, mentaltheatreand CentralEuropeanculture,and creationof open space forartistic and culturalactivities.Its declarationinvitesand encouragesgroupsfromaroundthe world to join theCenterin itswork. Finally,Provizek shiftedfrommerelytouringto activelycollaboratingacross nationalborders.In 1978 the companytravelledto Wroclaw,Poland, as one of the Divadla, 1993),5. Divadlo v Pohybu(IV) - Brno93 (Brno:CentrumExperimentailniho The recentethnicfightingof Bosnians and Serbs,among otherfactors,makes "Central-European can perhaps cultural identity"a problematicconcept.The impulse behind its formation/restoration best be understoodby consideringthatCentralEurope has been the battlezone and bargainingchip between powers in the East and West for900 years. Predominantly,its lack of cohesion is said to account foritspoliticalweakness. As a conscious movement,thequest fora Central-Europeancultural identitydates fromthe nineteenthcentury. 29 30 This content downloaded from on Wed, 28 Jan 2015 13:51:27 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions DIVADLO NA PROVAZKUAND CZECH COMMUNITY / 431 in collaborativestreetaction,called Hope,performed creatorsofthefirstinternational Festival Fools. The of the of under the company'sparticipation auspices Copenhagen oforder, almostended beforeithad begun,however.As partofits1977re-restoration Provizek to west of the Iron Curtain. In the governmentforbade perform response, and hid thethirtyrenamedthepiece a "work-in-progress" Danish festivalauthorities in the "workshop"portionof the festivalprogram.Thus able to two performances Provizek was able to make the firstof three documentthatit wasn't "performing," Provizekbegan visitsto theFestivalofFools.Also as a resultoftheHopecollaboration, anothercollaborativeprojectwithcompaniesfromWales,Denmark,Poland,Czechoslovakia,Hungary,and Sweden thatculminatedat the 1983Festivalof Fools witha svetaa rdjsrdce), ofLabyrinth oftheWorldandParadiseoftheHeart(Labyrint performance based on a workby Comenius(see fig.1). Provizek'spositionin relationto theCzech While all theseactivitiesstrengthened authoritiesand allowed it to extendthebordersofthepermissibleforitselfand other intimaterelationshipwith theatregroupsin therepublic,thecompany'sincreasingly much its After Charter77,theleaders that of Czech dissidentsgave meaning. position a of Provdizek began to meetsecretlyonce monthwithHavel and otherdissidents.31 but generallyrecognizedleadersof the dissidents Havel and Provaizek,as unofficial and theoppositionaltheatres, begantoharmonizegoalsand practices.As respectively, a result,irregulardramaturgybecame, in a sense, one of the most visible and widespreadof thedissidents'weapons in thewar againsttotalitarianism. The meetingscontinueduntilshortlybeforetherevolutionand werecomplemented and Oslzlybeganproducingnew playsby byanotherformofassociation.Scherhaufer banned Czech authors,declaringthemselvesthejointauthorsof record.Provizek's irregulardramaturgyfurthershielded the playwrightsby "dematerializing"their worksin progress,therewas texts-since theplays were "developed"as fragmentary never at any time a "script"completeenough to hand to the censors. Provizek produceda numberofplaysusingthismethod,includingfourbybannedplaywright Milan Uhde (who laterled theCzech parliamentuntilJune1996).And thecompany was performingHavel's latest play on 17 November 1989, the evening that the "Velvet"Revolutioncame to life. Cries of Freedom, Steps Toward Democracy Provazekand HaDivadlo had travelledto Praguein mid-November to performan "On entitled of their created "issue," Democracy," livingmagazine,Rozrazil jointly The Brno had the (Breakthrough). companies begunbringing news-and-issue-oriented with to the national because Brnoreceived capital increasingfrequency performances Viennese televisiontransmissionsand was therefore aware of events outside the EasternBloc,whereasthecitizensofPraguelivedin whatScherhaufer describesas an "information otherthan thatwhich ghetto,"havingno directaccess to information had been sanctionedby the communistgovernment.32 As part of theirmagazine, Provizek performeda short, semi-documentaryplay, nominally authored by 31 They rendezvoused in the Gothic Black Tower of Vy'ehrad-the site of Prague's original castle; here,at least, Oslzly notes in his interview,no bugging devices were likelyto be placed. interview.Voice of America was sometimesreceivable in Prague at 5:00 and 10:00 32 Scherhaufer, P.M.,but the Communistgovernmentscrambledthe transmissionwhenever possible. This content downloaded from on Wed, 28 Jan 2015 13:51:27 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 432 / DennisC. Beck ...... ..----------..---- -----------------------------------------------------..... .............. .............. ..... ....... ........... ......... ..... ....... ....... ........ ........... ... .... .... ....... .......... .. .. ...... .. .. . ............ ..... ....... .... . ........... . ...... ..... ........ . ...... ........ .. .... ... ...... ....... ...... : . ... ...... ....... .. .... ..... . .......... .......... ..... .... .... . ..... .........ii~~' :iiiii::: . ...... .... ~i........ .~, ... .... ...... ........ . ... ...... ...... ... in the1985Divadlona provhzku Figure1. ThePilgrim(PetrOslzly,inforeground) at theBrnoHouse ofArtofLabyrinth andParadise oftheWorld oftheHeart, restaging basedon a workbyComenius.Photo:Pavel?toll. We WillRun (Zftrato spustfine), dramatizedthe Scherhauferand Oslzly. Tomorrow activitiesof Czech insurgentsthat led to the foundingof the FirstCzechoslovak Republicin 1918,The piece was blatantlynationalistic-inthecommunal,as opposed sense-and uncannilypredictedevents as they would unfold to state-collective, Revolution.Its realauthor,thewriterwho would help foundand the "Velvet" during become presidentof the second autonomousCzechoslovak Republic,took as his subject the writerand statesmanAlois Rasin, who had helped found the first autonomousCzechoslovakRepublic,also byworkingfromwithintheoccupiedlands. On 17 November,soon aftertheWhiteHelmetsoftheCzech government policeand on a their attack theRed Beretsofan anti-terrorist military regiment began procession of students requestingaccess to Wenceslas Square fromNational Boulevard, a bloodied drama studentburst into the theatreclub on Chmelnicistreetand ran backstage to reportthe event to the visitingcompanies of his hometown'stwo alternativetheatres.Oslzl} thennotifiedtheaudience thatthenextarticlein Rozrazil would be an interviewwith a studentwho had been attackedby police (one of thathe had helpedfound).Followingthestory, Oslzlf's pupilsin thesecretuniversity and HaDivadlo stopped theirperformance, which shocked the audience,Provwizek a in of such national the face that drama, the theatre'sdrama had no declaring meaning. This content downloaded from on Wed, 28 Jan 2015 13:51:27 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions DIVADLO NA PROVAZKUAND CZECH COMMUNITY / 433 The nextday,shortlyfollowingthedeclarationofa studentgeneralstrike,leaders oftheoppositiontheatresin fromCzechoslovakia'stheatresgatheredat theinvitation theRealisticTheatre(today'sLabyrinththeatre)to discussthesituationand themost effective theauthorities response.Whentheatreleadersunaccustomedto confronting began to worryfortheirsafetyand waver in theirconvictionthata generaltheatre strikewould be the best course of action,Oslzly and ArnoitGoldflam,HaDivadlo directorand writer,declaredthatalthoughtheyhad a performance beginningin ten minutes,theywere resoluteand would not play: "If you decide therewill be no withus and with generalstrike,we willbe alone and veryweak. Ifyou have solidarity othersof us who will do thesame,we mustdo it all together." Promptedby theatre had sharpenedtheirsensitivity to theneeds ofthemoment, artistswhose dramaturgy theassemblydeclaredthegeneralstrike,an actionOslzlysees as a hiddenbutdefining momentin thevulnerable,firstdays of therevolution.33 In thefollowingweeks thenation'sstagesbecamecivicforumsas membersofthe parallelpolis used thetheatresto vocalize openlyideas theyhad been developingfor overa decade. Divadlo na provaizku becamethecenterofrevolutionary activityforthe and thoseof othertheatresoutsidePragueproved South Moravianregion.Its efforts particularlyimportantin spreadingtheideas and hopes animatingthe revolutionto thesmall townsand industrialareas whereno collegesor universities existedto help Throughoutmostofthenation,thesmall groupsofperformers provideinformation. sent by the theatresinto the countrysideensured that the revolutionwould be media. representedin a perspectiveotherthanthatprovidedby thestate-controlled Aftertwentyyears of indirectengagement,the forcesof the Czechoslovak social those of the statecollectivedirectly, and the theatres communityfinallyconfronted and and embodied communal ideals, values,customs, openly aggressivelyexpressed and ethics.All thenation'stheatres, forthefirsttime,adoptedovertlytherolethathad been played covertlyby theautorskd divadlafortwo decades. Not onlyhad thetheatresbecome a cohesivecommunity. Withtherevolution,the trueextentoftheircommunity ofspectatorsrevealeditself.Enormouspublicdemonstrationswere directed-as much as theycould be-by authorialtheatreartists.In opening theirstages,theatresacross the countryexercisedthe essence of irregular dramaturgy-to representand express communal views, and to resist external, authoritarian regulation.And thistime,thecommunity theyhelped awaken did not compromisewith the representativesof collectivegovernment.Communitytriumphed,and theatrepeople were swept up in thetriumph.Chantsof "long live the actors"greetedthem,and theywerecelebratedas prophetsofa bettertomorrow. The however,forit seemed theculminationof all triumphcast a shadow intothefuture, theautorskd divadlahad laboredfor.The theatresexperiencedwhat,to borrowHavel's analogy,Sisyphus mighthave feltif suddenly his boulder came to rest atop the mountain.34 Post-PartumDepressions Havel was electedpresidenton 29 December1989.35 The communistpartyretained controlof the militaryand many otherstate institutions, however,until general The precedingaccount of events inside the theatresis drawn frommy interviewwith Oslzly. VAclavHavel, "The Velvet Hangover," Harper'sMagazine,October 1990, 18-21. 35 Havel summoned Oslzly to act as his advisor on culturalaffairs. 33 34 This content downloaded from on Wed, 28 Jan 2015 13:51:27 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 434 / DennisC. Beck electionsin June1990.Duringthesesix tensemonths,theatresacrossCzechoslovakia most popularlythose of the produced plays by previouslyforbiddenplaywrights, new president.Thoughthedramaoutsiderivaledthaton stage,worksbyMilanUhde, Pavel Kohout,Ivan Klima,and otherpreviouslyforbiddenplaywrights keptCzechoto slovak audiencescomingto thetheatres, see what had been denied for eager they twentyyears, Afterthe Juneelections,however,the tensionin the air and the mystiqueof the theatres'oppositionalpositionbothdissipated.Theatreaudiencesalreadyhad fallen As nearlyanyCzech theatre afterJune,thedropbecameprecipitous. offsinceJanuary; the theatres overtookany theatriof life outside will the explain, theatricality person theatres could manufacture. The could not the competewitha freepress, cality stage a fledglingdemocraticgovernment,and daily, unexpecteddevelopmentsin the politicaland social realms.They had become a diversion,a warm-upact forgotten once the main attractionbegins.Theatrepractitioners quicklyrealized thattheatre had substituted withinthetotalitarian before1990,and especiallytheautorskti divadla, venues in a democraticsociety. collectivefor activitiesfulfilledthroughdifferent to be theatre. Theatrewas freeagain, as Czech theatreartistsrecountthetransition, What thatmeantin a countrywhose theatricaltraditionshad been closely tied to aspirationsof nationalautonomyand thestrugglefordemocracyforover 150 years, however,was anybody'sguess as thedecade began. Manyhoped thatthenew conditionsoffreedomwould fostera culturalspringlike thatof1968.The parallelwas, however,sadlyinexact.Not onlydid eventsin 1989give theatrecreatorslittletimeto considertheirnew reasonsforexistenceor the human purposestheycould serve,butas ideologicalpressuresslackened,economicpressures took hold. Ironically,theatresfound themselvesforcedto grapple with material problemsthey had never needed to confrontunder the mandates of dialectical PrimeMinisterVAiclav materialism. Klaus,forexample,had no doubtsaboutculture's role in the new situation.In a now infamousmetaphor,he observedthatwhen the Fixed fundsthat apartmentneeds cleaning,thebooks mustgo out on thebalcony.36 of Culture the had channeled been directlyto individual through Ministry previously of Finance the now shuttled theatresare (which Klaus controls). through Ministry a sum earmarkedforculture, receive lump Regional and municipalgovernments situation fortheatres, with fit. What was once a stable whichtheydivide as theysee in a to competition, dependablesubsidiesfromyear year,has become nerve-wracking its can threaten theatre which a city'sneeds formuseumreconstruction companies with extinction.Extremestories,however,are relativelyrare.A few municipalities have evictedresidentcompaniesfromtheirpriorhomesunderthebeliefthatreducing staffand rentingfacilitiesto visitingcompanieswill generatemoreincome,but other citieshave increasedtheatreand culturalfundingin an attemptto attractnationaland internationalcommercialinvestment.The numberof professionaltheatresin the stableat about seventy-five. Czech Republicnow remainsrelatively This does not mean,however,thatfinancialworriesare a thingof the past. State theatreallocationshave been held at 1989-90levels,causing an approximately5036 VAiclavKlaus, as quoted by Scherhaufer,interview.Other theatrepractitionersoftencite Klaus's metaphor. This content downloaded from on Wed, 28 Jan 2015 13:51:27 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions DIVADLO NA PROVAZKUAND CZECH COMMUNITY / 435 ofCultureended subsidiesto threeof percentdropin realterms.In 1994,theMinistry thefourtheatrevenues it stillsupported,retainingonlytheNationalTheatre.Of the other three,the Laterna Magika now relies on the touristtrade,the State Opera strugglesto findpublic and privatesponsors,and theTheatreBeyondthe Gate-to in honorofthe whichthepost-revolution declareda moralresponsibility government of endured founder Otomar by Krej'a-has folded.Further, twentyyears prohibition althoughthe Ministrynow awards small grantsforindividualartsprojects,it bars companies-thebackboneofCzech theatre-fromapplyongoingensemblerepertory ing forsuch support.To make mattersworse,while ministry policieshave increased independent,parliamenthas failed pressureon theatresto become morefinancially eitherto pass legislationthatwould encourageprivatedonationsto culturalinstitustatus. tions,or to granttheatresnot-for-profit Once divided aroundtheissue ofwhatitmeansfortheatreto be theatrepolitically, the Czech theatrecommunityis now splitintotwo camps by opposingconceptions not only of the best way to grapple with difficult financialdilemmas,but, more of for to what it means theatre be theatre. On one side standstheidea broadly, simply of theatreas a livingorganismcomposed of individualswho workas an ensemble, usuallyunderstrongleadership,witha continually evolvingmethod,aestheticvision, to theinnerneeds ofCzech society.Provizek,naturally, and sensitivity subscribesto thisposition,whichalso represents-broadly and speaking-the traditionalstructure functionof Czech theatre.On the otherside stands the conceptionof theatreas a constructedsystemresponsiveto externaldemandsand the materialrealitiesof the forthe "new" market,popular taste,and fashion-whichusuallymeansa sensitivity as it evolves in mass culture.Of course,thestrictseparationof thesetwo camps is a discursiveconceit;muchofthehardshipand theongoingtransitional characterofthe currentCzech theatrestems fromthe difficulty the majorityof theatreshave in necessarilystandingwitha footin each camp. The separationdoes, however,clarify, two prevailingtendencies. Commercialtheatresthathave arisenor adapted theirprogramsto caterto tourist tradeconstitutethemostblatantexpressionofthesecond tendency. Theyare marked their which ticket exceed those of other most theatres by byeighttimesor more. prices, TheatresproducingWesternhitsand musicalsfallintothiscategory, ofcourse.But so do the Black Lighttheatres,whichhave adopted LaternaMagika's language of the stage to visuallyrelatestoriesof old Prague,theGolem,Alice in Wonderland,etc.To an increasingdegree,LaternaMagika itselfhas joined this group. The indigenous Czech puppet theatrealso has adapted to commericalpressures. Over the past six years, these theatreshave refinedtheir ability to produce Broadway or touristfare,but many of the productionsseem to be motivatedby nothing other than commercialinterests.Moreover,commercialexigencies have structuredsuch enterprisesaccordingto the capital-intensive, Westernproduction model, in which artistictalentis jobbed in as each particularshow demands. The take precedence over the developmentof ideas, product and its marketability aesthetics,or relationshipsover time.Responsiveabove all to the momentand its readily apparentneeds, these theatresprovide no forumfor reflectionor for the and developmentof theartistictalentand visionenabledby experiment, continuity, dialogue. For manytheatrepeople,thechoiceto avoid thisWesternmodel hingeson a questionofvalues. This content downloaded from on Wed, 28 Jan 2015 13:51:27 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 436 / DennisC. Beck A relatedpressureto attendprimarilyto the materialexigenciesof the moment, however,also has affectedtheworkoftheensemblerepertory companies.After1990, a new sense of anxietyspread throughthese theatresas theircontinuedexistence of became uncertainand directors began to shufflefromtheatreto theatre.The flurry the form of and now takes has continued Manypeople multipleemployment. activity worknow in twoor threetheatresand takeadditionaljobs in othervenues.As a result, the thoughtand care necessaryto develop work thatmakes an impactis in short supply,and an intangiblequalityof depthor relevanceis oftenmissing. has diversifiedCzech of theatre'spurposein thenew environment Interpretations in securingfunding, theatreas stronglyas have financialpressures.Despitedifficulty a group of new, small theatresrun by young artistshas grown up, attractinga youthfulaudience-that is, spectatorswho came ofage shortlybefore predominantly or aftertherevolution.Unlikethesociallyorientedtraditionoftheiroldercolleagues, on personalissues.Generation-specific concentrates theworkoftheseyoungdirectors an unforeseen mark in fact, venues, by-productof freedom.They reflect,most and perhaps unbridgeablehistoricalexperiencesbetween a divergent significantly, rulewas an ambiguouschildhoodconditionquickly totalitarian to which generation and the older the into generationsforwhichit was a lived experience past receding influence to thatcontinues perceptionsand possibilitiesin the present.These older theatres. Theyproduceworkthatis now free generationsstillstaffthelargerrepertory the "prisonof formerideas, within still of mandatedpoliticalagendas,but trapped situation and social ideas thatwerevalid fortheenvironment then,notnow."37 a fewyoungdirectorshave drawn thegreatest In thesmallersubsidized theatres, Theatreand PetrKracikat the amountof attention.Marie Buresovaiat theLabyrinth TheatreUnderthePalm have producedclassicand periodworkswithfreshperspectives.PetrLebl, theleadingdirectorand artistichead ofTheatreon theBalustradewhere Havel and directorJan Grossmanworked in the 1960s-has garneredthe He employsa satiricand highlyimaginative, imagistic, postmodern recognition. greatest audiences and divided opinionsalong a deeper divide attracted that has approach thanthemerelycommercial.One side sees in Lebl's highlyvisual stylean embraceof the primacyof aestheticsand a rejectionof social commentary, which,theyargue, befitstheatrein a democraticenvironment. Opposing thisview stands a group of theatreartistsand spectatorswho continueto believe thattheatrehas a significant social,even spiritualroleto play.Divadlo Husa na provazkucontinuestobe one ofthe leadersof thisgroup.38 Communityof Absence/Absence of Community The sense of communityand mutual understandingthathad characterizedthe experiencein thetheatreand societyquicklydissipatedafter previoustwenty-years' the electionsof June1990 as nation conflatedwith state and communitylost the externalpressurethathad keptit unified.PresidentHavel seemed to be addressing 37 Helena Albertova,formerdirectorof the Czech Theatre Institute,interviewby author,Prague, Czech Republic, 18 July1995. to stuffthe 38One of the company's firstactions afterthe outbreakof the "Velvet" Revolutionwas goose back into its name. This content downloaded from on Wed, 28 Jan 2015 13:51:27 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions DIVADLO NA PROVAZKUAND CZECH COMMUNITY / 437 Czech societyas much as the Westernreluctanceto assist EasternEurope when he wrote in ForeignAffairs:"[T]he world used to be so simple: therewas a single adversarywho was more or less understandable,who was directedfroma single center,and whose sole aim in itsfinalyears... was to maintainthestatusquo.... All thathas vanished.The world has suddenlybecome unusuallycomplexand farless intelligible."39 The disappearanceofthisclearlyvisibleadversaryhas resultedin thedissolutionof sinceno apparentstrugglethreatens to crushit.PeterScherhaufer theold community, that and conflict remain what has changed believes,however, struggle ever-present; so apparent.Czech community are theexternalconditionsthatoncemade community to see or has not ceased to exist,Scherhaufer suggests;rather,it has becomedifficult could proveitsundoing,however, sense in thecurrentsituation.Thatveryinvisibility as individualslose sightofsharedvalues. Divadlo Husa na provazkuand a fewother studio theatrescontinueto searchout the strugglesand the communallinks that to makecommunity surroundthem,in an effort visibleagain. Theirsearchcombines theirpre-revolution goal of saving the nationwith the post-revolution necessityof maintainingtheiraudiences.40 divadlaundertookthesearchforsuch communallinkswhen in 1990it The autorsWkd became clear thattheyhad been broken.ProvAzek'sstrongpre-revolution position and threatsto individual enabled it to maintainits traditionalfocuson difficulties itspracticeon theborder values,and in thisway to transform rightsand community ofsearchingoutthebordersofthesocially ofthepoliticallypermissibleintoa strategy denied,and taboo. problematic, The companyconcededtheeffective loss ofitspoliticaland informational roles,but has not forsakenthespiritual.The churchesin theCzech Republiccannotfulfillthe havingrehearsedtheirrole spiritualneeds ofCzechs today,arguesPetrOslzly;rather, as islandsofrelativespiritualfreedom,theatresarepoised to addressthenonmaterial needs oftheCzech people. Provizek,therefore, has focusseditsattentionon issues of the and Like feels thattheseare theareas ofsociety Havel, company morality identity. and theindividualpsychethathavebeenmostdamagedbydecades ofpressureto live believes, externally accordingto conscience-denying, imposedmandates.Scherhaufer have that and sufferedin similarways in the recent moreover, identity morality In his interview, he tellsthestoryofthehead physicianof a capitalisticenvironment. Czech hospitalwho, financially motivated,regularlyneglectshis Czech patientsfora week to go to Vienna"to clean theass of one old person."Scherhaufer asks himself how he is to teachhisstudentswhenrolemodelssetsuchexamples,thensuggeststhat audiences,too,need alternativemodels and lessons. 3 Vaclav Havel, "A Call for Sacrifice:The Co-responsibilityof the West," ForeignAffairs73.2 (1994): 2. 40 As attendance at many other theatresdropped to as low as 10 percentat some performances, Provizek stillretained83 percentof capacityin itsworstseason (1990-91). These percentagesdo need to be relativized,however: at performancespriorto 1990,Provizek had been turningaway a hundred or more people at thedoor. The theatrehas neverofferedsubscriptions,promptedby thedesire to play each timeforan audience compelled to visitthetheatrebecause itneeds to experience,at thatmoment, what only the theatrecan offer. This content downloaded from on Wed, 28 Jan 2015 13:51:27 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 438 / DennisC. Beck Shortlyafterthe revolution,as if expoundingon Havel's writing,Scherhaufer stageda productionofFaustthatexploredtheextentoftheCzech people's collaboraof the precedingtwentyto fortyyears,and hence the tion with the totalitarianism extentof theirshared culpability.He followedthis productionwith one entitled at thecore of whichwas a stagingof Hamletusing III (ManStorm), Shakespearomanie but justifiableperwere replayedfromdiffering Scenes translations. different eight The Hamlet. and six and actors-male productionsugfemale-played spectives, in myriad can be interpreted "faithfully" gestedthatthesame experience/history/text into a single interpretive interpretations ways, and that combiningsuch differing event necessitatesdisjunctionsand discontinuities.Scherhaufertried therebyto as he put itin his interview, problemsofindividualand communalidentity; highlight theproductionasked thequestionof "how to be or notto be in thissituation." In 1993, in conjunctionwith Denmark's Den Bla Hest and Poland's Teatr 77, to Delphi,whichconsistedof an Provaizekundertooka theatreactioncalled Journey thetheatre'sfutureand society's about the oracle to ask to trek overland actual Delphi at the were needs. (They Yugoslav border.) Late in 1993, stopped by fighting at thecompany's de of the a directed production Scherhaufer Marquis Sade's Justine novel concernsethical of de misfortunes new theatre.41Subtitled"the virtue," Sade's in Czech values whether to choices; Scherhaufershaped his production question societywere changingforthe worse under the influenceof consumerism.He also someofHavel's wordsina way thatpointedup thedistancebetweenthe incorporated and politicalrealities.42 pronouncements president's By 1995, Helena AlbertovAand otherssensed that theatreaddressingissues of ethicalchoiceand the problemsof individualand communalidentityhad begun to concernan increasinglylargertheatreaudience. Czechs were growingweary of or inuredto thesensationalismofWesternmass culture,and audienceshad returnedto Albertovamuses, thetheatresstrongly. likeat it'ssomething life.I think I think thatpeoplewanttolistentowhattodo withtheir couldwriteplayson whattodo,howto That'swhyChekhov theendofthelastcentury. Thesenseof tothemselves. withpeople,theyputthesequestions live.Ifyou'respeaking we feel there's but we have Now ... something missing.43 everything why.Why? thismissing ProvAzekis engaged in an ongoingsearchto rediscoverand re-present for its with is theatre's The however, search, irony, experience tinged something. thisabsence. alreadyrepresents freedfroma clearlydefinedand containing Suddenlyand somewhatunexpectedly intotheavailable space afterthe theatre Czech and Czech expanded society danger, "Velvet"Revolution,movingaway froma centerthathad been definedin opposition 41 Provazek's new building is an impressivestructure;it incorporatesan award-winning,versatile offices,a cellar theatre,and the town theatrespace, an outdoor Elizabethan-styletheatre-cum-cafe, house in which AustrianEmpress Maria Theresa (1717-80) stayed when visitingMoravia. of Havel angered Oslzly, still functioningas his culturaladviser in 42 The production's treatment Prague. AlbertovAnotesthataudiences began returningto the theatresin increasing 43 Albertova,interview. numbersat the end of 1992-interestingly,the time at which the problematicCzechoslovak identity became a thingofthepast withthedivisionofthefederationintotwo nationson 1 January1993.In the 1994-95 season, attendancelevels finallymatchedpre-revolutionfigures. This content downloaded from on Wed, 28 Jan 2015 13:51:27 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions DIVADLO NA PROVAZKUAND CZECH COMMUNITY / 439 othersimplystopped existing,and the to the "single adversary."The long-familiar invertedreflection of theselfthatit providedsuddenlyvanishedfromthemirrorof culturaland personal definition.In the rush of possible alternativesto fillup the reflective vacuum,theatrecompaniesand individualslosttheirpriorsense ofidentity and purpose. Divergencecharacterizedevery dimensionof experience,fromthe economicand politicalto thepsychologicaland filial.The removalof thecommunist statealso removedits polar counterpart: theparallelpolis. The death of thebipolar broughtabout thebirthoftheplural.Pluralismand deferredmeaningwereno longer containedby thestate'sstructural apparatus;thebody turnedinside-out. Provazekhas feltthe violenceof thebody suddenlyextrovert as stronglyas any Czech institution. Whereaspreviouslya dramaturgically freedom ofexpresprotected sion allowed a qualified pluralityto flourishin the theatre,the pluralism now confronted has dissolveda "commonlanguage... and now bytheatreand community we musttalkand talk."Regularaudiencequestionnairesrevealedthatat everypoint theircommunitywas "very,verydivided" (Scherhaufer, interview).Withthe body turnedinside-out,Provizek,whose workon themarginshad allowed it to becomea centerofcommunaldialogue,saw itsborderpositionvanish,and withit,theefficacy of itspoststructural, irregularmethods. Under structuraltotalitarianism, Provizek had used the idea of the freeplay of but bounded that with an increasingly definedinterpretive signifiers, play community. That community, of course,differedfromthe one to which Provizek would point when discussingitsproductionswithcommunistauthorities. In thoseconfrontations, Provizek would gesturetoward the officially recognizedcommunity(actuallyan externallylinkedcollective)of devotedcitizensof a communiststate.The unmarked to whichProvazekplayed,however,was composedofindividualsbound community Czech self-determination, and cultural togetherby similarbeliefsconcerningliberty, and nationaltraditions.The signifiers activelydeveloped by thecompany,therefore, unmarked,wheretheycould lay in therealmof thecommunallyrealbut collectively be kept relativelysafe fromthe censor's knife,sharpened as it was to excise determinable"pro-rightist" markings.Now, however,diversityand diversionhave undercutthetiesthatbound thiscommunity. An unboundedmultiplicity ofinterpretationsunbindsan interpretive community. BothProvazekand itscommunity have suffered undertheloss.44 Aftertwentyyears beliefs the and for the spentdeveloping techniques expressingthem, post-revolution elementin itsidentity. companysuddenlylostarguablythemostimportant Although has focused since on ethical and moral issues as a way of addressingan Provizek 44 Thecompanymembers makea concentrated effort tostandclosetotheircommunity outsideas well as inside the theatre.In his interview,Oslzly stressed the importancethe company places on livinga "normal" lifeso thatartistscan remainsensitiveto the issues thataffectthewhole of society. By living as otherslive-going to pubs, ridingbuses, having children,listeningclosely to the topics that arise-Provazek artistsimmersethemselvesin the flow of society's common life in order to be personallyaffectedby itspredominantcurrents.Throughthe irreduciblesensitivitysuch a lifeaffords, they speak and create frompersonal experience,yet in a way inherentlygrounded, so theirhistory attests,in common social issues. All Czech theatreis inevitablycreated in this stream,of course,but Provazek has set itselfthe task of expressingits currentsinstead of,as much theatredoes, expressing a reactionto them.Its course, therefore, has been particularlyexpressiveof communal patternsand, thus,of the disunitiesthatattendpluralism. This content downloaded from on Wed, 28 Jan 2015 13:51:27 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 440 / DennisC. Beck itis notyetclearwhetheritsattemptscan invisibleor absentcommunity, increasingly re-createwhat the strugglewith a commonlyrecognizedenemyhelped form.In a passage thatseems to echo Havel, Peggy Phelan remarkson the impossibilityof whollyautonomousself-definition: a relation toan other-which is tosay,itis a formof is perceptible onlythrough Identity theboundary theother, andclaiming wheretheselfdiverges from bothresisting declaring Inthedeclaration ofidentity withtheother. andidentification, is always there andmerges on thatotherforselfloss,thelossofnotbeingtheotherand yetremaining dependent seeing,self-being.45 ofpost-revolution selfThe lostrelationto an otherand theconsequentlostpossibility notonlyProvizek,butCzech theatrein general.Oslzlydescribesit seeinghas affected In as an ongoingloss: "The theatreis in a crisis,a real crisisof its own identity."46 addition to the loss of the opposing pole of othernessin the bipolar system,the to thepresentcrisis. absenceofa homepole ofoppositionhas also contributed selfdivergedfromtheotherof The boundaryon whichthecommunallyidentified the state apparatus formedthe unmarkedcontentand shaped the methodological principleof Provizek's productions.That borderskirmishwas, most simply,the democracyand pluralism.As such,it formedthecenter struggleforthenonexistent: and purpose around which the communitygathered.The nationassembled in the lay space aroundan absence.Atthecenterofeach Provizekperformance performance the community'slack of freedom,the absence of pluralism,the nonexistenceof meth"summonedfreedomby differing theatreperformances Alternative democracy. ods" into a virtualpresence,a communaldream sustainedby the community's "commonprayersfora freelife" (28). Today,however,thisfreedomis marked,all pervasive,externalto the communityand not createdactivelyby it. It formsthe atmospheresurroundingeveryCzech. The absencethatgave thealternativetheatres has dissipatedin thisatmosphere. itsdefinition theirpurposeand thecommunity Sustainedby an audience thatafterseven yearshas begun to sense "thatthereis somethingmissing,"Provdizekhas refinedits searchfortoday's unmetcommunal need(s), the absence around which communitycan again be conjuredinto being. role.Oslzly arguesthat a metaphysical on performing Todaythetheatreconcentrates such a role formsthe primalbasis of theatre.Theatreexpressiveof its own deepest purpose, he believes, createsa "holy circle" that encompassesthe audience and a linkbetweenthecommunity who serveas priests,as itwere,facilitating performers, he admits,"therewas no and a "metaphysicalhorizon"(27-28).Aftertherevolution, commonmetaphysicalprincipleto whichartistsand communitycould return"(28). Provaizeknow worksto createtheconditionsin whichsucha returnmightbe possible. of what Oslzlf calls the clay idol of Marxist Seven years followingthe destruction dustremainsin theeyes ofCzechs,obscuringtheirvision itsmaterialist materialism, of a common metaphysicalhorizon.OslzlL concludes that theatre'scurrentrole, is to searchforand attempttocreatetheatreritualsthatelicitthe"tearsofjoy therefore, or pain [withwhich]it is possibleto wash out thisdust fromour eyes" (28). ThePoliticsofPerformance 4- Peggy Phelan, Unmarked: (London: Routledge,1993), 13. My discussion is also indebtedin general to Phelan's treatmentof the concepts "marked" and "unmarked." 41 Petr Oslzly, "Divadlo ve svatem kruhu!?,"Proglas,January1995,28. This content downloaded from on Wed, 28 Jan 2015 13:51:27 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions DIVADLO NA PROVAZKUAND CZECH COMMUNITY / 441 Communityremainsa centralfactorin creatingsuch rituals.In providingfueland a reststop to humanitarianaid trucksheaded fortheformer Yugoslavia,in devoting of in its lobbyspace to theartwork Bosnianchildren,and increasingits international tours to one every month or two, Provizek demonstratesthat its definitionof communityhas expanded,notshrunk,sincetherevolution.At home,a 1995producKarlValentinaddressed tionbuiltaroundtheinterwarcabaretsofGermanperformer but alluded to the forcedexpatriationof not only the deficienciesof materialism, Czech citizensafterWorldWarII. Questionsofmorality millionsofGerman-speaking thecenterofProvdizek's and identity thuscontinuetoconstitute concerns,and to serve as the meansby whichit hopes to wash thedust of materialismfromtheeyes of its past and possiblypresentcommunity. 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