Annunci di cooperazione Cooperation Offers June 2011


Annunci di cooperazione Cooperation Offers June 2011
Annunci di cooperazione
Cooperation Offers
June 2011
Adding Value to Community Tourism
Borghi Rigenerati
GPS georeferenced atlas
Itinerary treks and e-marketing
Networking between territories and cultures influenced by Napoleon
Marketing and promotion of rural villages
Rediscovery and valorization of the Mediterranean Rurality II
Strategy for a sustainable tourism in preserved areas
Tourism in Aylesbury Vale
Turismo rurale di qualità: valorizzazione dei siti archeologici
Quality of life
Art and landscape
Business Management Chess Academy
Cross-border- network for rural solidarity
Day centres for disabled in rural field
EXPRESSION skills and youth
Farmers & Landscapes
Innovative Interpretation for Industrial Heritage
Joint hunting
OPUSS- Promotion of National Solar Equipment Solis”
Recovery of landscapes from the edge of watercourses
RED- Excellence Network of the Rural Districts
Rigenerazione e sviluppo
Theatre and music Laboratory for youngsters
Theatrical Nature
TRE-European rural territories
Youth and rural development
Local Products
Agro-alimentary District of quality “ Terre Federiciane” – Supply Chain of products
from Puglia & Basilicata- Supply Chain of products from Puglia & Basilicata
Bees and biodiversity : Together to stop pollinating insects decline and protect
Delicious Healthy European and Regional Cuisine
MeDIETerranea: Mediterranean Diet and Valorization of traditional products
Promoland- Innovative methodologies for the promotion of territories
and products
Valorization of native maize
Cooperations Offers per target EU Countries and not
Local products
Agro-alimentary districts of quality “Terre Federiciane”
Bees and biodiversity: together to stop pollinating insects decline
and protect biodiversity
Delicious Healthy European and Regional Cuisine
MeDIETerranea: the Mediterranean Diet and the enhancement of
traditional produce
Promoland - Innovative methodologies for the promotion of
Valorization of native maize
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Quality of life
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Art and lanscape
Business Management Chess Academy
Cross border network for rural solidarity
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Day centres for disbled in rural field
Expression skills and youth
Farmers and landscape
Innovative interpretation for Industrial Heritage
Joint hunting
Opuss - Promotion of national solar equipment Solis
Rigenerazione e sviluppo
Theatre and music laboratory for youngsters
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Recovery of landscapes from edge of watercourses
RED - Excelence network of rural districts
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Theatrical nature
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TRE - European rural territories
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Youth and rural development
Name of the LAG:
PLANED (Pembrokeshire Local Action Network for Enterprise and
Title of the project
Adding Value to Community Tourism
Description of the idea
To share best practice and to explore how partners across the EU
engage with rural communities to develop and promote sustainable
tourism experiences based on the local heritage and culture.
Existing partnership
Päijänne-Leader LAG ry, Finland; the Rural Development Trust,
Scotland; Rozmberk Society, Czech Republic; LAG Paphos, Cyprus;
Development Agency of Lemesos, Cyprus; LAG Istra, Slovenia
Partners searched
LAGs in Europe
Jane Howells,
Tel: +441834 862113
E-Mail: [email protected]
Kate Lindley,
Tel: +441834 862109
E-Mail: [email protected]
Name of the LAG:
GAL Tuscia Romana
Title of the project
GPS geo-referenced Atlas
Description of the idea
The project inteds to activate a marketing plan of the Leader areas
finilazing the creation of a Geo-referenced Atlas (by GPS) and
promotional and territorial marketing actions in the main European
capital cities.
Existing partnership
Touring Club, Gal Aniene Tiburtino, Gal Versante Laziale Parco
Partners searched
LAGs in Europe
GAL Tuscia Romana
Serena Magliano
[email protected]
Name of the LAG
Cilento Regeneratio Srl
Title of the project
Borghi Rigenerati
Description of the idea
Il progetto intende:
(1) valorizzare l’ambiente e I paesaggi allo scopo di rigenerare la
presenza umana attraverso lo sviluppo
(2) recupero e restauro di centri storici nell’area del Cilento, potenziale
destinazione di accoglienza turistica. Il progetto intende identificare
edifici con valore simbolico, architettonico e paesaggistico all’interno
dei centri storici o nelle aree rurali, per operare interventi di restauro
e facilitare il loro restauro, allo scopo di diffondere la formula
dell’albergo diffuso supportando il programma di azioni previsto per il
turismo rigenerativo.
Existing partnership
Gal Cilento Regeneratio Srl;Gal Molise Verso Il 2000; Gal Marsica (Oggi
Terre Aquilane); Gal Valle Del Crocchio; Gal Oglio Po
Partners searched
Gal e non- Italia
Cilento Regeneratio Srl
[email protected],[email protected]
Name of the LAG:
ITINERANCE (Haut Languedoc et Vignobles, France)
Title of the project
Itinerary treks and e-marketing
Description of the idea
How crossing and linking trek tourism with economic touristic
activities and how selling them by Internet
Existing partnership
First exchanges with two Italian LAGs (Venezia Orientale and
Partners searched
Italian LAGs
ITINERANCE (Haut Languedoc et Vignobles, France)
Jean Bassède
[email protected]
Name of the LAG
G.A.L. Mongioie
Title of the projects
Creation of a network between areas and cultures influenced by
Napoleonic history
The project, which represents the sequel of a Leader+, intends to
create, around the local Napoleonic heritage, an integrated action of
tourist promotion that concurs in the consolidation of the economic
system at local level. The cooperation project consists of:
- meetings and workshops for the implementation of cooperation
and the involvement of local actors.
- information material about Napoleonic itineraries (publications
combining even ichnographically, the events and the places of
Napoleonic history)
- the promotion of the places where Napoleon was so that the
visitor can make up his personal itinerary to discover the territories
and events protagonist oh his story
- the organization of events concerning Napoleon, in order to
connect in a unique tourist offer, the memory of the historical
events with the territory where they took place
- the recovery and maintenance of crafts belonging to Napoleon and
their enclosure in the Napoleonic itinerary born with Leader+ and
in the transnational network of Napoleonic places
- the creation of panels in the show areas where the promotional
material will be translated in several languages (Italian, French and
Description of the idea
Existing partnership
Partners serached
Francesi o europei interessati dalla storia napoleonica
G.A.L. Mongioie Soc. Cons.le a r.l.
Giampietro Rubino
Tel. +39 0174 780268 – Fax +39 0174 782935
E-Mail: [email protected]
Name of the LAG
Colli Esini San Vicino Soc. cons. a r.l.
Title of the projects
Marketing and promotion of rural villages in the Marche inner areas
Description of the idea
The project aims to strengthen the tourist offer of the rural areas, by
valorizing the system of the small historical villages. It constitutes the
historical territorial armor of many rural and mountains areas,
representing a peculiarity and a heritage of exceptional value
(environmental, landscape, historical, architectonic) that because of
its abandonment it takes a concrete chance of progressive, but quick,
disappearing. As a result of the studies lead within Leader+ Initiative
(census of the villages, the urban-planning analysis of 10 case studies,
the setting of an economic model for the recovery and the
valorization) we agree to give rise to a promoting and marketing
action at national and international level, aimed to make grow the
interest around this heritage and to stimulate coherent investments
with the model and the identified criteria.
GAL Colli Esini San Vicino, GAL Sibilla, GAL Montefeltro, GAL Flaminia
Cesano, GAL Piceno
Existing partnership
Partners serached
LAGs in Europe
GAL Colli Esini San Vicino
Ing. Luca Piermattei – Direttore tecnico
Tel. +39-733-611141
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
Web site:
Name of the LAG
GAL Consorzio Alto Casertano
Title of the project
Rediscovery and valorization of the Mediterranean Rurality II
Description of the idea
Existing partnership
The project, started within Leader+ programming, aims to valorize and
promote at touristic level the marginal rural territories and to favor
their economic development and management with a sustainability
The cooperation project previews: to promote the adhesion of new
national and international territories with common features; to
organize a shared offer of the commercial proposals of the territory
concerning local/traditional; to create a new connection system
between territories and markets through the constitution of regional
Agencies for the Mediterranean Rurality; to realize a territorial
marketing initiative through a portal dedicated to communication,
promotion and the dissemination of the purposes and initiatives of the
project ; to constitute an organism in charge “to sell the territory” tout
court, from the tourist point of view, and of the typical agry –food
LAGs of Campania, Sicilia, GAL Greece, Calabria.
Partners serached
Mediterranean LAGs (Spain, France, Greece, Malta, Cypro, ecc.)
GAL Alto Casertano
Prof. Pietro Andrea Cappella – Coordinatore
Tel: +390823785869- +393337506873
E-mail: [email protected];[email protected];
[email protected]
Web site:;
Name of the LAG
Colli Esini San Vicino” Soc. cons. a r.l.
Title of the project
Strategy for a development of the sustainable tourism in the territory of
the protected areas
The European Charter for Sustainable Tourism (ECST) is a tool devised by
Europarc Federation for the Protected Areas that means to engage in the
development of a sustainable tourism compliant of the natural and
cultural resources of the places. The Park that adheres to the “European
Charter of the Sustainable Tourism” aims to work with the local actors to a
more sustainable development of the tourism in its territory, that
considers the environmental, social and economic impacts which tourism
can generate and the needs of the visitors (current and potential), of the
enterprises, of the environment and of the local people. Such strategy
demands an active role of the Park in local tourist politics and the
strengthening of the cooperation forms and Co-planning among the local
actors. In order to define its own strategy, the Park must pursue the
increase of the sense of local identity and of the knowledge of the local
resources from the visitors, the improvement of the quality of territory
and of life. Therefore, with the project we aim:
- to promote forms of shared planning and of partnership among the
various socio-economic actors, by identifying development lines for a
sustainable tourism and a programme of actions
- to arrange a communication tool in order to make accessible and to
share the adopted strategy in order to carry out a role of inner and
external marketing
- to identify the involved actors and to conduct a census of the territory
resources according to the logic of the tourist row, connoting the
tourist and the visitor of the Park through the behaviors, styles of life
and tendency to the expenses
- to verify the coherence of the tourist offer on the territory of the Park
in relation to the principles of the Charter.
Description of the idea
Existing partnership
Partners searched
LAGs in Europe (at least 2)
GAL Colli Esini San Vicino
Ing. Luca Piermattei – Direttore tecnico
Tel. 0039-733-611141
E-Mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
Name of the LAG
Aylesbury Vale, Milton Kenes and Chilterns Lag
Title of the project
Tourism in Aylesbury Vale
Description of the idea
The project wants to improve tourism to the area by:
 Creating a coherent and marketable identity
 Extolling the benefits of local food as destination
 Encouraging local food producers to run visits and educational
 Link with historic buildings and medieval rural history
 Encourage farmers and others to offer good quality
The cooperation objectives are:
1. To learn from other Lag areas that have created an identity or a
tourist area that encompasses
2. Local food/farmers Markets/ Farm Visits/ Improved and
Accommodation/Historic Landscapes and buildings
3. Has gained local commitment to a common identity
4. Develop marketing strategy that has proved effective in
encouraging tourism
Existing partnership
Partners searched
Aylesbury Vale, Milton Kenes and Chilterns Lag
Nick Phillips
[email protected]
Tel. 01844210447
Nome del GAL
Gal Valle Del Crocchio
Titolo del progetto
Descrizione dell’idea
Turismo rurale di qualita’: valorizzazione aree archeologiche
Partenariato esistente
Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Calabria, Università della
Calabria - Centro Herakles per il turismo culturale, Regione Sicilia
Assessorato Regionale dei Beni Culturali e dell'Identità Siciliana,
Centro Regionale per la Progettazione e il Restauro di Palermo
GAL Italiani
Partner ricercati
Creare un modello efficace di cooperazione interterritoriale,
individuare strategie di valorizzazione dei beni appartenenti al
patrimonio paesaggistico, storico, archeologico, artistico e culturale,
favorire rapporti di collaborazione per attività didattiche, di ricerca, di
mobilità studentesca, incentivare politiche di sostegno economico e
sociale, promuovere lo scambio e l’integrazione nell’ottica della
creazione di un sistema integrato di partecipazione attraverso il
confronto tra le esperienze di governance più significative realizzate
nell’ambito dei rispettivi territori. Pertanto l’intento è quello
finalizzato alla realizzazione di un processo di valorizzazione dell’intera
area GAL che porti alla fruibilità delle importanti aree archeologiche
presenti sul territorio. A partire da questi siti il progetto mira a
costruire una proposta di fruizione che tenga conto della polisemicità
del territorio, pregevole anche per altre tipologie di beni culturali, per
le risorse ambientali, per le tipicità enogastronomiche e artigianali
Indirizzo: GAL Valle del Crocchio-C.da Pedecandela – 88051 Cropani (CZ)
Tel. e Fax 0961/965615-965709
e.mail: [email protected]
Presente all’Evento: Direttore GAL- Pantaleone Mercurio
Name of the LAG
Gal Ogliastra
Title of the project
Description of the project
The project aims to strengthen, to disseminate and to transfer the
musical repertoire belonging to the popular tradition of the different
partner territories which adhere to the initiative and to conjugate it in
a modern musical context by confronting with the sounds of other
cultures belonging to the ethnic-popular tradition for the research of
that universality which subtend the essence of the people life.
Existing partnership
GAL Ogliastra
Partners searched
Any territory which presents the common characteristics with the
Sardinian musical tradition and the “Canti a Tenore (Tenor Songs)”.
Gal Ogliastra
tel. - fax 0782/34068 - 0782/34068
e-mail [email protected]; [email protected]
Name of the LAG
Pays Val de Garonne Gascogne / Commune de Meilhan sur Garonne
Title of the project
Art and landscape
Description of the idea
Art and culture exchange among professionals and amateurs,
information awareness activities about land art
Existing partnership
Partners searched
GAL Montagna Leader / comune di Caneva
Pays Val de Garonne Gascogne
Catie Sarnel
Mairie – 1, place de Neuf-Brisach – 47180 Meilhan sur Garonne
0553943004 / [email protected]
Name of the LAG:
Nature & Culture LAG
Title of the project
Business Management Chess Academy
Description of the idea
The project is dedicated to all who want to master business
management and leadership skills, also to young children from 8-10
years old to teach bases of managing, self-development. This goal is
attained by using unique concept of analogy between real life rules
and chess game rules. Learning by practical implementation of chess
techniques to business management, personal development, leading
projects and social activity.
Participants don’t need to be chess players and they don’t even need
to be able to play chess before beginning of the training program.
Existing partnership
Expression of interests from 4 Poland LAG
Partners searched
LAGs in Europe
Nature & Culture LAG
Headquarters in Wiązowna (near Warsaw)
Wiesław Wójcik Poland,
Tel: +48 602695508
E-mail: [email protected]
Name of the Lag
GAL Piana del Tavoliere
Title of the project
Cross-border network for rural solidarity
Description of the idea
The cross-border network for rural solidarity aims to pursue rural
development in the areas in question via the instrument of multifunctionality in agriculture. The cooperation project proposes:
Existing partnership
Partners searched
- to create a network of rural services: formation of a network
- to create a “manual” of multi-functionality in agriculture (services
and good practices inherent in the diversification of agricultural
activity) that it will be supported by ICT.
- to create a tourism guide for multi-functionality in agriculture
where all the agricultural businesses in a position to supply tourism
services are indicated (e.g. gardens, lodgings, horse riding, hunting,
educational and social farm tours) that will be supported by ICT.
- to create “education on rural life” through work groups, round
tables, seminars & workshops, educational and folklore tours and
then a calendar of the seasons and rural events.
Italy: LAGs from Puglia, Centro Studio Tradizioni Popolari Terra di
Capitanata Italia, Università degli Studi Di Foggia Dipartimento DSESM,
Associazione SUD- Solo Uguali Diritti, H.E.A.R.T. Academy; Bulgaria: 12
LAGs, ONG Export Support Association (ESA), International
Qualification center Ltd.; University of National and world Economy,
Italian Chamber of commerce in Bulgaria, Sestante Ltd.; Serbia:
Agenzia Regionale per lo Sviluppo Economico di Regione Sumadija e
Pomoravlje; Alma Mons Ltd. Kosovo: Quendra Social educative Don
Bosco; Moldavia: State Agrarian University of Moldavia; ALDA (LDA
Albania, Serbia, Macedonia)
LAGs in Romania, Balkans or Eastern Europe: Poland, Hungary, Czech
Republic, Croatia, etc.
GAL Piana del Tavoliere
Assunta di Matteo – Direttore Tecnico
Tel.Fax.: +39 0885 402552 - +39 0885 425065
E-mail: [email protected]
Name of the LAG
GAL Serre Calabresi – Alta Locride
Title of the project
Day centers for the job of the disabled persons in the field of the
Description of the idea
To introduce disabled persons in the field of the rural development,
defining and experiencing adequate forms for professional integration.
Special attention is aimed to the topic of the transformation of some
agricultural productions, to the system of the rural reception, to the
promotion of the sustainable tourism in the inner areas
Existing partnership
GAL Kroton, GAL Batir…
Partners searched
LAGs in France, Great Britain, Spain
GAL Serre Calabresi – Alta Locride
Guido Mignolli, direttore tecnico del Gal
Tel: +39 0967 998023
E-Mail: [email protected]
Web site:
Name of the LAG:
LAG Kalakukko ry (,
LAG Mansikka ry (
Title of the project
Description of the idea
EXPRESSION skills and youth
Existing partnership
Field of activities: Puppets, dance, acting, street theatre for young
people. Set up joint transnational project between Italy and Finland
(other partners possible as well).
Short description, aims etc.:
Exchange of experience, ideas, culture, trainers and trainees,
international joint shows and events
LAG Karhuseutu ry; Finland
Partners searched
Italy and France
LAG Kalakukko ry
LAG Mansikka ry
Kaavin 4H –yhdistys,
Address: Kaivotie 1, 73600 Kaavi, Finland
Contact persons and organizations:
Ms. Raija Korhonen, email. [email protected]
tel. +358 44 290 9636 (manager of 4H-organization)
Ms. Päivi Puustinen, email: [email protected] ,
(international coordinator of LAG) tel.+358 40 1722726
Ms. Jaana Mälkki, email [email protected], (international
coordinator of LAG) tel. +358 44 0926926
Name of the LAG:
Title of the project
Description of the idea
Pays Voironnais
Farmers & Landscapes
Produce a movie aiming at raising awareness on questions related to
agriculture and food (local food systems, organic food …) and
landscapes. A daily event will then be organized with various partners
around the theme “Farmers & Landscapes”.
The project wants to:
- organize a youth festival with the production of films around
the theme « Farmers & Landscapes »
- produce movies around a common theme (local food
systems?), broadcast them in the different territories
Existing partnership
Partners searched
Peri-urban area, concerned by themes around peri-urban agriculture
and interested by town / countryside and farmers / inhabitants
Pays Voironnais
Camille MATZ (LAG’s coordinator)
Email : [email protected]
Tel: +33 476 279 441
Fax: +33 476 279 418
Name of the LAG:
Title of the project
Description of the idea
East Peak Innovation Partnership
Innovative Interpretation for Industrial Heritage
The project wants to develop a range of innovative approaches to
interpreting industrial heritage sites, focussing particularly on sites
where there are potential issue with more traditional approaches
(such as interpretation boards or information plaques). The project
will utilise a range of new digital techniques( including audio-tours,
digital and 3 D imaging, GPS systems and mobile and smart phone
technology) alongside more traditional methods to improve
interpretation at a range of different industrial heritage sites, and to
make that heritage accessible to as a wide range of people as possible
in new and exciting ways.
The main objective are to:
Find new and exciting ways of recording and interpreting industrial
heritage in response to a number of unique challenges posed by that
heritage (including the scale of some remains and the nature if the
sites themselves)
To improve access to the East Peak’s important industrial heritage and
make this heritage more widely available to a range of different
To develop and share best practice in innovative methodologies for
interpreting industrial heritage.
Existing partnership
Partners searched
Partners who have experienced of using digital media and innovative
interpretation methods for heritage sites
East Peak Innovation Partnership
Name of the LAG:
LAG Kalakukko ry (,
Title of the project
Description of the idea
Joint Hunting
Field of activities:
Hunting, youth, hunters, kennels activities, game caring
Short description, aims etc.:
Exchange of experiences, information, HUNTING, best practises, ideas
for youth activating for nature activities, hunting and kennel activities
Existing partnership
Partners searched
Italy and Germany
LAG Kalakukko ry
Contact Information:
Hunters´club of Soitun Eräpojat ry
Address: Koirajärventie 3, 71200 Tuusniemi, Finland
Contact Persons and organizations:
Mr. Martti Hätinen, email: [email protected]
tel. + 358 50 5448683 (hunters´club Soitun Eräpojat)
Ms. Päivi Puustinen, email: [email protected],
(international coordinator) tel.+358 40 1722726
(LAG Kalakukko, )
Name of the LAG:
Association “ Capital – Work – Development”
Title of the project
"Promotion of National Solar Equipment Solis” OPUSS
Description of the idea
The project aims at promotion of renewable energy sources, raising
awareness of the possibilities of using solar energy for domestic hot
water, space heating.
Existing partnership
LAG and associations from Poland, Spain, Hungary
Partners searched
LAG and associations from Poland and other countries
Association “ Capital – Work – Development”
ul. Berka Joselewicza 3
08-110 Siedlce, Eastern Poland, Poland
Tel. +48 600 890 058 and +48 25 644 04 18
e-mail: [email protected]
Name of the LAG:
Pays Val De Garonne-Gascogne
Title of the project
Recovery of landscapes from the edge of watercourses
Description of the idea
Development of a tool (such guide) about recovery from the edge of
watercourses taking into account:
- the landscape dimension of management practices;
- the environmental dimension “biodiversity” by adapting to the
specificities of the local environment;
- and tourism though the implementations of thematic trails.
Existing partnership
Partners searched
Italian or Spanish LAG
Pays Val De Garonne-Gascogne
Emilie DA ROS
 05 53 64 96 63
 [email protected]
 05 53 64 96 62
 [email protected]
Name of the Lag
Gal Monti Reventino Soc. Coop. Ar.L. – Calabria - Italia
Title of the project
R.E.D. – Excellence Network of the Rural DIstricts
Description of the idea
The so-called RED Project (“RED” means in Italian “Excellence Network
of the Rural Districts) is an enterprise created by a group of Italian
GALs, in which the GAL Reventino is the leader (please look at the
attached file), whose aim is to explore, by means of a strict
comparison among different realities, the possibility to create a set of
instruments which would predispose a benchmarking way for an
always new and innovative evolution of the GALs themselves toward a
steady organizational union form in order to support the rural
development of each area. The main aim is to create a system made of
the best experiences and good practices that can be observed both in
the national Italian context and in the EU countries where unions
exist, which are assimilable to each other (as said before), in order to
create a co-operation network for informational exchange and best
Gal Monti Reventino Soc. Coop. Ar.L. (Calabria); Gal Valle Del Crocchio
(Calabria);Gal Innova Plus (Molise);Gal Terre Shardana (Sardegna)
Existing partnership
Partners searched
European Lags
Gal Monti Reventino
Matteo Guccione – [email protected] – 347/8108348
Nome del Gal
Cilento Regeneratio Srl
Titolo del progetto
Descrizione dell’idea
La Strategia di Sviluppo Locale del Gruppo di Azione Locale
Cilento Regeneratio (Soggetto Capofila del progetto di
Cooperazione Interterritoriale) è incentrata
sull'implementazione di un modello innovativo di sviluppo locale
basato sul "turismo rigenerativo", motore ed anima per le aree
rurali collinari interne del PARCO NAZIONALE DEL CILENTO.
La ruralità delle aree, congiuntamente alle caratteristiche sociali
, culturali ed ambientali, favorirebbero la rigenerazione psicofisica e spirituale, sinonimo di "rinascita", intesa, da un lato,
come recupero del benessere psico-fisico e spirituale dell'uomo
moderno che, pressato dai ritmi frenetici, è spesso soggetto a
problemi di ansie, stress, depressioni e malattie similari,
dall'altro, come riqualificazione dell'identità storica, culturale ed
ambientale del territorio cilentano. Questo progetto di
cooperazione interterritoriale si propone di incrementare e
consolidare il concetto di rigenerazione e sviluppo insieme,
accrescendo la cultura reale di "qualità della vita".
Partner esistenti
GAL Valle del Crocchio, GaL Appennino Bolognese, CIRPA (
Centro Interuniversitario di Ricerca sulla Psicologia Ambientale )
dell'Universita' della Sapienza di Roma l' ONU per i paesi in via di
sviluppo (Progetto ISL LEDA).
Partner ricercati
Lags and not-
Cilento Regeneratio Srl
[email protected],[email protected]
Name of the LAG
Title of the project
Description of the idea
“Colli Esini San Vicino” Soc. cons. a r.l.
Theatre and music 'interdisciplinary laboratory for the young people
The project was born with some pedagogical and artistic foundations:
- the theatre as a valid development instrument for the young
people and modalities in order to face liminal state and critical
- the theatre as a “wedge” in order to introduce itself critically and
positively in the social work
- the theatre as an expressive and therefore representative
language; without forgetting the function about innovation that
the new generations can give to the classic and tradition theatre
- necessity to innovate creative, dramaturgical, technical and
technological modalities in the new artistic-cultural space that is
the European Union.
The objectives of impact on “making and seeing culture” are the
- a multidisciplinary artistic laboratory, as a growing, aggregation
and exchange of experiences place
- the creation of a young people company that produces theatre,
music and performance with an innovative language, as a
cultural development occasion for the young people and their
reference community
- a Festival of contemporary theatre composed above by young
companies in cooperation between the participating countries..
Existing partnership
Partners searched
LAGs in Portugal Spain, France, Greece (max 4 partner)
GAL Colli Esini San Vicino
Ing. Luca Piermattei – Direttore tecnico del
Tel: +39-733-611141
E-Mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
Web Site:
Name of the LAG:
Gal Ogliastra
Title of the project
The theatrical nature
Description of the idea
Experimentation in the partner territories of the art - nature binomial
through the activation of productive residences of artists called to put
up, through an itinerant laboratory, the places, the history, the
tipicality and the excellence of the territories involved by carrying out
at the same time a promoting function of the reference area, through
the articulation of events and shows that will have as stage the main
attractors of the landscape that characterizes the rural territories.
Existing partnership
Toscana: GAL Etruria; Spain: Andalusia; Liguria: rural areas from La
Spezia; Corsica: Calvi’.
Partners searched
LAGs in Europe
Gal Ogliastra
tel. - fax 0782/34068 - 0782/34068
e-mail [email protected]; [email protected]
Name of the LAG
ASviR Moligal
Title of the project
TRE - Terre Rurali d'Europa (European Rural territories)
Description of the idea
Recovery and integrated valorization of the territory of one or more
LAGs for the creation of a permanent natural park aimed at avoiding
the depopulation from the rural areas.
Exsisting partnership
A.Svi.R Moligal, Gal Pays Dignois, Gal Adezos, Gal Raia Historica,
Molise Verde De Campobasso, A.C.I.D.D
Partners searched
Italian and European LAGs interested in the development of the
territory .
ASviR Moligal
Nicola Di Niro
Tel. +39 3880508135
E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected]
Web Site:
Name of the LAG
Gal Sulcis Iglesiente Capoterra e Campidano di Cagliari
Title of the project
Youth and rural development
Description of the idea
The project aims to create a path of reconstruction and study of
identity codes that favour the permanence of young people in the
area and provides improved prospects for their quality of life via the
creation of new professional opportunities and an increased active
participation in the politics of rural development.
Exsisting partenership
Partners searched
LAGs in Italy Belgium, Estonia, France, Bulgaria, UK.
GAL Sulcis Iglesiente Capoterra e Campidano di Cagliari Nicoletta
Piras – Direttore
Tel. 328 2924549
E- Mail: [email protected]
Name of the LAG
GAL Piana del Tavoliere
Title of the project
Agro-alimentary district of quality “ Terre Federiciane” – Supply
Chain of products from Puglia & Basilicata.
Description of the idea
Based on the experience of the districts, the LAGs and the supply chain
put into action in Basilicata and Puglia, the project intends to create a
model of “Agro-alimentary districts of quality – Terre Federiciane”
supply chain of products in order to promote and develop agricultural
products and the territory itself and to rationalise the supply chain of
products, uniting them with the Balkan model of territorial
organisation and productivity. The cooperation project proposes:
- the constitution of a district Task Force with the aim of sharing the
planning activity and the coordination of the same
- to raise awareness and knowledge of the economic operators in
the area (study seminars and/or workshops with the local
operators focused on the traditional produce of the participating
territories, etc)
- to promote the project to inform of the principle local initiatives
and promote the globalisation of products and to develop
innovative activities in production companies in the District
- to diffuse and promote the planning and realisation of promotional
events in the District.
Puglia LAGs, Basilicata LAGs, Sistema Produttivo Locale del Pollino –
Lagonegrese Basilicata, Distretto Agroalimentare di Qualità del
Metapontino Basilicata, Distretto Rurale della Collina e Montagna
Materana, Distretto Agroindustriale del Vulture, C.C.I.A.A. Foggia,
C.C.I.A.A. Matera/Potenza, Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche,
Matematiche, Statistiche Università degli Studi di Foggia, Camera di
Bulgaria, Commercio Italo-Bulgara, LAGs, Romania LAGs
LAGs in Romania, Balkans or Eastern Europe: Poland, Hungary, Czech
Republic, Croatia, etc.
GAL Piana del Tavoliere
Francesco Contò
Tel.Fax.: +39 0885 402552 - +39 0885 425065
E-mail: [email protected]
Exsisting partnership
Partners searched
Name of the LAG:
Pays Voironnais
Title of the project
Bees and biodiversity: together to stop pollinating insects decline
and protect biodiversity
Survival of over 80% of plants species depends directly on pollinating
insects, and most particularly on bees. Honey bee colony losses that
are being observed worldwide are therefore raising great ecological
and economic concerns. The goal of the project is therefore to work
together with local and European partners to develop a common
strategy aiming at protecting pollinating insects and biodiversity.
Common work could lead to actions like :
- Promoting environmental friendly practices in the fields of
agriculture, green area maintenance …
- Leading awareness raising actions towards urban and rural
populations on the importance of honey bees protection
- - Organizing events and meetings, ….
Description of the idea
Existing partnership
Partners searched
All LAGs or organized territories concerned by this problematic
Pays Voironnais
Mail: [email protected]
Téléphone : +33 476 279 430
Fax : +33 476 279 418
Camille MATZ, animatrice du GAL
Mail: [email protected]
Téléphone : +33 476 279 441
Fax : +33 476 279 418
Name of the LAG:
Association “ Capital – Work – Development “
Title of the project
Delicious Healthy European and Regional Cuisine - SZREK
Description of the idea
Existing partnership
The project focuses on promotion of Polish and European regional
cuisine. The project aims to increase the promotion of the local
gastronomic offer not only in local restaurants but also in households.
It aims to promote traditional and healthy dishes as it is possible.
In the long term, the project will contribute to increase the sale of
food products at regional level. The project is aimed to a wide range of
social and professional groups wishing to cultivate local and European
culinary traditions.
It consists of a creation of a website for the promotion of the project
and for the information ex-change among all partner, of training
programmes and experience exchanges, opinions and preferences of
tourists and local people to preserve culinary heritage, setting a
cookbook and a common culinary calendar, organizing culinary
workshops aimed to award the title of “Ambassador of Good Taste”.
Six Polish LAGs
Partners searched
Foreign partners
Association “ Capital – Work – Development “
Ul. Berka Joselewicza 3
08-110 Siedlce
Tel. 600 890 058, 048 25 644 04 18
E-Mail: [email protected]
Name of the LAG
GAL Sulcis Iglesiente Capoterra e Campidano di Cagliari
Title of the project
MeDIETerranea: the Mediterranean Diet and the enhancement of
traditional produce
Description of the idea
Existing partnership
Recently the Unesco has recognized the " Mediterranea Diet” as an
immaterial world-wide heritage of the humanity. The European
Commission and some European and Mediterranean countries have
strongly supported this initiative. The fundamental matter is that the
Mediterranean diet is not only considered as food. It is a philosophy
and a way of life, eco-friendly, love for the traditions, and research of
the roots of the good food but also “right” .
The project aims to improve the promotion and commercialization of
traditional produce, via means of a strong collaboration between
producers and tourism operators on one side and be-tween the
participating territories on the other.
The project furthermore, aims to diffuse forms of sustainable tourism
that allows tourists to see, taste and purchase traditional pro-duce
whilst learning about the traditional production techniques.
Partners searched
LAGs in Italy, Spain, Greece
GAL Sulcis Iglesiente Capoterra e Campidano di Cagliari Nicoletta
Piras – Direttore.
Tel. 328 2924549
E- Mail: [email protected]
Name of the LAG
Colli Esini San Vicino” Soc. cons. a r.l.
Title of the project
PROMOLAND: project for the experimentation of innovative
promoting methodologies of the territories and products.
Description of the idea
The overall objective of the project is to improve the promoting ability
of the territory through the introduction of best practices relating to
innovative activities within the promotion of the territories and the
products already experienced in other European contexts. The LAG
has at this point matured some experiences about the territorial
marketing tying the products to the territories. But these activities risk
to remain patrimony of a single territory or to be inefficient due to the
small scale.
We want therefore to valorize, to put the innovative practices and to
create a critical mass in order to make the offer credible on the
international markets.
The selected best practices will channel to a common promoting
action even through WEB and WEB 2,0 tools which have the
characteristic of an integrated offer (territory/product).
Exsisting partnership
GAL Colli Esini San Vicino, GAL Sibilla, GAL Montefeltro, GAL Flaminia
Cesano, GAL Piceno
LAGs in Europe
Partners searched
GAL Colli Esini San Vicino
Ing. Luca Piermattei – Direttore tecnico
Tel. +39-733-611141
E-Mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
Web Site:
Name of the LAG
Colli Esini San Vicino” Soc. cons. a r.l.
Title of the project
Valorization of the native Maize species
Description of the idea
The project aims to strengthen the local agricultural systems of some
European regions through the protection and the valorization of the
traditional maize varieties defining a system of molecular traceability
and the guide lines for the conservation in situ. The implementation of
the project, through the realization of the various phases, contributes
to pursue the following objectives:
- to promote the conservation of the local maize varieties;
- to improve the incomes of the areas where there are traditional
- to spread to the market the derived products from local maize
- to diversify the agricultural productions
- to maintain and to recover the biodiversity.
Exsisting partnership
Searched partnership
Romania, Portugal and Spain (3 partners maximum)
GAL Colli Esini San Vicino
Ing. Luca Piermattei – Direttore tecnico
Tel. +39-733-611141
E-Mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
Web site: