+ + + + Disclaimer: While every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information in this map, the data are provided on an 'as-is' basis, without any warranty, guarantee or representation of any kind, whether expressed or implied. It is the responsibility of the user to check the facts before entering any financial or other commitment based upon this information. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + NORTHERN VANCOUVER ISLAND PROJECT + ++ + + + ++ + + + + + + + 1:500 000 GEOLOGY + NTS SHEETS 092E,F,K,L PART OF NTS SHEETS 092B,C,G,J;+ 102I + + + ET gb Q + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Paleogene ETs JKCy Garibaldi Group and unnamed equivalents: Olivine basalt flows, basaltic andesite flows and pyroclastic cones, rhyolite, dacite and andesite flows and domes; polymictic breccias and pyroclastics; gravel and sand. Alert Bay Volcanics: Basaltic to dacitic lava, tuff, breccia, conglomerate. JKLe Miocene volcanics including Skagit and Coquihalla Formations: Basalt and andesite flows; related breccia and tuff; minor dacite and rhyolite, conglomerate and siltstone. JKKy Paleogene sediments including Chuckanut, Kitsilano, Slatechuk, Tanzilla Canyon, Kishehn and Sophie Mountain Formations: Conglomerate, sandstone, siltstone, shale, marl, minor coal; minor tuffs and tuffaceous siltstone; basalt. )Ca *)Fl KQc *)Me KTc Metchosin Igneous Complex - Metchosin Formation: Basaltic pillowed flows, hyaloclastite breccia, tuff, massive basalt, rare limestone; subaerial amygdaloidal basalt flows, minor breccia. Kyuquot Group: Siltstone, shale, greywacke, calcareous grit and conglomerate. lKGa Triassic to Cretaceous Pacific Rim Complex: Mudstone- rich melange; pillow lava, tuff and chert; green, aphanitic volcanic breccia and massive flows, small diorite intrusions, grey limestone lenses. Harrison Lake, Billhook Creek, Kent and Camp Cove Formations; equivalents in the southern Coast Complex including the Whistler Pendant: Intermediate to mafic flows and pyroclastics, minor felsics; conglomerate, sandstone and argillite, minor carbonate. Bridge River Complex: Undivided ribbon chert, argillite, phyllite, quartz phyllite and pillowed to massive greenstone, with lesser amounts of limestone, gabbro, diabase, serpentinite, sandstone and pebble; conglomerate metamorphic equivalents; variably deformed granodiorite and orthogneiss; blueschist; locally includes minor amounts of Cayoosh Assemblage and Taylor Creek Group rocks. CJBr Ladner Group; Last Creek, Huckleberry Mountain and Spider Peak Formations; and unnamed equivalents: Sandstone, arkose, siltstone, argillite, slate, conglomerate, andesitic flows, mafic and intermediate volcanic breccia, tuff, minor limestone. lJBn Taylor Creek Group and unnamed equivalents: Sandstone, chert- rich sandstone, siltstone and shale; polymict pebble conglomerate; calcareous sandstone and shale; intermediate to felsic volcanic flows, tuff and crystal tuffs; volcanic breccia and conglomerate. Nanaimo Group: Boulder, cobble and pebble conglomerate, coarse to fine sandstone, siltstone, shale, coal. u=Cd Gambier Group; Monarch Volcanics, Ottarasko Formation; and equivalents including the Cerulean Lake Unit: Conglomerate, sandstone, shale, argillite, minor limestone; basaltic andesite to rhyolite flows, crystal and lapilli tuff, tuffaceous sandstone, volcanic conglomerate and breccia; schist, graphitic schist. Mesozoic Carboniferous to Permian Bowen Island Group: Tuffaceous sandstone, tuffaceous siltstone, argillite, graphitic siltstone with minor interbedded carbonate, lapilli tuff, andesite flows and sills. Buttle Lake Group: Ribbon chert, cherty tuff, graphitic argillite, thinly bedded intercalated sandstone- siltstone- argillite, volcanic sandstone and conglomerate, massive crinoidal limestone, interbedded argillite and crinoidal limestone, pillowed basalt flows, olistostromal melange. May include significant volumes of Mount Hall Gabbro sills. CPBt Devonian Bonanza Group: Massive amygdaloidal and pillowed basalt to andesite flows, dacite to rhyolite massive or laminated lava, green and maroon tuff, feldspar crystal tuff, breccia; tuffaceous sandstone, argillite, pebble conglomerate and minor limestone and calcareous siltstone. Sicker Group: Pillowed and massive basalt flows, monolithic basalt breccia and pillow breccia; pyroxene- feldspar phyric agglomerate, breccia, lapilli tuff, massive and pillowed flows, felsic tuffs and crystal tuffs, dacite, rhyolite; massive tuffite, laminated tuff, polymictic breccia; chert, jasper and magnetite- hematite- chert iron formation. DSi Triassic Upper Triassic ET Paleozoic Lower Jurassic Queen Charlotte Group (includes White Point Beds): Sandstone; siltstone, mudstone and shale, locally with calcareous concretions, pebble sandstone and conglomerate, minor coal; feldspar- phyric andesite lava flows and pyroclastic rocks. Lower Cretaceous Mesozoic =KPa lmJLd Upper Cretaceous uKNa LT Lower to Middle Jurassic Leech River Complex: Slate, phyllite, quartz- biotite schist, quartzfeldspar- garnet- biotite schist, metagreywacke, meta- arkose; metabasalt, metarhyolite, chlorite schist, ribbon chert, cherty argillite. Cretaceous Carmanah Group: Siltstone, shale, sandstone, pebble to boulder conglomerate; molluscan faunas common. Flores Volcanics: Subaerial andesite to rhyolite welded tuff, ash- flow tuff, tuff breccia, dacite to rhyolite sills, minor basalt dikes. JHl JBi Point Grey Eruptives: Basalt sills, dikes and flows, minor pyroclastics. P Cayoosh Assemblage and Noel Mountain East Succession: Volcaniclastic sandstone, siltstone, shale and argillite; lesser amounts of pebble to cobble conglomerate, limy sandstone, limestone, tuff, greenstone, quartzite and fragmental metavolcanic rocks; micaceous quartzite, biotite- hornblende schist, garnet and staurolite schist, phyllite. Mississippian to Jurassic ETgb 30' Cadwallader Group; Grouse Creek Siltstone and equivalents: Sandstone, calcarenite, siltstone, shale, polymict conglomerate, pebbly mudstone, limestone- greenstone breccia, micritic limestone, coquina; pillowed to massive greenstone, mafic volcanic breccia, mafic tuff, minor rhyolite breccia and tuff. Late Cretaceous: granodiorite (gd), granite (gr), quartz diorite (qd), and quartz monzonite (qm). mK Mid-Cretaceous: diorite (dr), gabbro (gb), granodiorite (gd), quartz diorite (qd), quartz monzonite (qm), and tonalite (to). EK Early Cretaceous: diorite (dr), gabbro (gb), granodiorite (gd), and orthogneiss (og). LJ Middle to Upper Triassic mu=Va LK J MJ Vancouver Group and equivalents: Basalt pillowed flows, pillow breccia, hyaloclastite tuff and breccia, massive amygdaloidal flows, minor tuffs, interflow sediment and limestone lenses; grey to black, micritic and stylolitic limestone, calcareous siltstone, minor oolitic and bioclastic limestone, garnet- epidote- diopside skarn; thinly bedded black argillite, siltstone and shale, calcareous argillite, grey and black limestone, shaly limestone, coralline limestone, minor tuffaceous sandstone, grit and breccia. EMJ =gb Cretaceous: granodiorite (gd), and quartz diorite (qd). Paleozoic: serpentinites (us); CJus, Pus, >us Age Unknown Age unknown or poorly constrained: diorite (dr), gabbro (gb), and orthogneiss (og). Also: >Jg, >:og METAMORPHIC ROCKS Mesozoic Mesozoic: undifferentiated metamorphic rocks (m); =Jm, :m Age Unknown Age unknown or poorly constrained: lower-amphibolite facies rocks (ml), and undifferentiated metamorphic rocks (m); >Jml, >:m Jurassic to Cretaceous: diorite (dr), gabbro (gb), granodiorite (gd), granite (gr), quartz diorite (qd), quartz monzonite (qm), tonalite (to), and orthogneiss (og). Jurassic: quartz diorite (qd). Late Jurassic: diorite (dr), granodiorite (gd), and quartz diorite (qd). Middle Jurassic: quartz diorite (qd). Early to Middle Jurassic: granodiorite (gd), and feldspar porphyry (fp). Triassic: gabbro (gb). Location Map YUKON TERRITO RY National Topographic System . U. S A. 102P Queens Sound BRITISH COLUMBIA ALBERTA Stewart ! ! 102I Cape Scott 092M Rivers Inlet 092L Alert Bay 092N Mount Waddington 092K Bute Inlet Mineral deposit (selected) 092O Taseko Lakes 092J Pemberton Prince George 092F Port Alberni 092G Vancouver ! ! ! ! Populated place (unclassified) ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! c Pa ifi cO a ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Æ ! ! ! Normal ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Thrust (teeth on upper plate) Extension ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Mineral deposit data P B.C. Geological Survey (2013): MINFILE BC mineral deposits database; B.C. Ministry of Energy, Mines and Natural Gas, URL < > [January 2013] ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Road (unclassified) ! ! ! Railroad (unclassified) ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Province of British Columbia border ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! + + + 7 7 7 MAP 2013-NVI-1-1 Geology and topographic data Massey, N.W.D, MacIntyre, D.G., Desjardins, P.J. and Cooney, R.T. (2005): Digital Geology Map of British Columbia: Whole Province; B.C. Ministry of Energy and Mines, Geofile 2005-1, URL < -1.aspx > [November 2007] GEOLOGY NORTHERN VANCOUVER ISLAND PROJECT Acknowledgments ! ! ! ; ; ; ! ! Geoscience BC is an industry-led, industry-focused, not for profit society that works to attract mineral and oil and gas investment to British Columbia through collection and marketing of geoscience data Cartography by Fion Ma, Geoscience BC Geoscience BC is funded through grants from the Provincial Government of British Columbia. 1:250 000 NTS SHEETS 092E,F,K,L PART OF 1:250 000 NTS SHEETS 092B,C,G,J; 102I Northern Vancouver Island Project is funded in partnership with the Island Coastal Economic Trust 1 : 500,000 ! 092B Victoria 0 5 10 15 20 25 50 km Albers Projection, Central Meridian 126° W, Latitude of origin 45° N, First standard parallel 50° N, Second standard parallel 58.5° N, False easting 1,000,000; North American Datum 1983 ce n Map Area ! ! Northern Vancouver Island airborne geophysical survey outline 092C Cape Flattery ! Fault Unknown 092E Nootka Sound geology data on this map is from the British Columbia Geology Survey and has been cartographically * The prepared by Geoscience BC as part of a suite of maps for the Northern Vancouver Island Project. Legend Vancouver \ VICTORIA E RIC ES OF AM UNITED STAT + ++ + + + + + 1200000 Devonian: granodiorite (gd). D Early Tertiary: gabbro (gb), granodiorite (gd), quartz diorite (qd), diabase (db) and undifferentiated intrusive rocks (g). Cretaceous to Tertiary: granodiorite (gd), granite (gr), quartz monzonite (qm) and undifferentiated intrusive rocks (g). JK + + ET db Paleozoic KT K + 650000 500000 Q 1150000 124°W Late Tertiary: quartz diorite (qd), and quartz monzonite (qm). A GEOSCIENCE BC - NORTHERN VANCOUVER ISLAND - GEOLOGY* 400000 + + 6v Quaternary cover: Alluvium, glaciofluvial gravels and sand, till. Jurassic 600000 + + mKqd + + LTAb 30' 550000 + + + + LTQGb Jurassic to Cretaceous Cenozoic + + mKgd + + + + Sooke ! P ET db + + + + + + + Neogene to Quaternary Paleozoic to Mesozoic + + i ve + + LT QG + + 450000 b INTRUSIVE ROCKS Cenozoic + + + ++ + + + + + ET db ET g Victoria ! P ET gb )Ca ET gb ++ + + + b + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + ++ + + + + + + + VOLCANIC AND SEDIMENTARY ROCKS Q 1100000 125°W + + + + + A R + r >:og rd R + + 7 Hu r le yR R IV E EKog + + AT CPB t + HG Pow + + Orfo + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + ; 7 + + INL ET JKg d JKgd ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; + + + + ; ; ;; 7 7 + 7 + + U EMJ g + + ;iv;e ; + ; + 7777 7 77 7 7 + + ++ 650000 + ER + + + + + )Ca Q ++ + ; ; ; ; ; ;; ; ; d + + Le ! P ET g b 30' + + r + + + + CPB t + + ve ET gb ++ + JK d + + + + + + + *)Me +++ ; + + JK Esquimalt + s + + + + + + + >Jg ++ ++ + i + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + + + ++ + ; + + + + + ET gb River Jordan + + + LKgr + *)Me + LKgr ! P + + + JKLe lJBn >Jg Saanich + EMJgd + Juan Riv er Sa n Q + + + + + + + + ; ; ;; ; + + + + mu =V a + ++ + + + Q + + ; + + ; + + + + + + + + + + + + + Q + + + + + + Oy + + + + + + + + ; + + + + EMJgd lJBn + + ++ + + + + ++ + + ++ + + + + + + EMJgd + + + ++ + As + + + + + + lJBn DSi + + ++ + ++ + + + + + + ++ + + + + + + +++ + + + ++ + + + + + ++ + + + + + + + + + + i ver + + + Sidney ! P CPBt DSi + + + uKNa + ++ + + + + + ++ tR + + + DSi + + + mu =V a + =gb CP Bt 1 ¢ ¡ uK Na + + + + EMJgd DSi Fulford ! P Harbour + =gb uKNa lJBn Dgd DSi + + + uKNa + + ++ ++ + + + CP Bt + + Duncan ! P + +++ + + + + + + R + + + + + + + + ETs ++ + + ++ + + + + + + + + + 7 + + uKNa + ; ;; ++ + + + + =gb R iv er Dgd DSi uKNa Q Ganges ! P + + + ++ + Dgd + =gb =gb uKNa an Q + s uK Na + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ + + ++ + + + + + + + Ri ! P + ; + + ; + T + nu uK Na + + + A uK Na + + + + I + + + + + + + + + ++ + + G + + + + + + R 49°N + 7 7 + + + + + O + ++ 7 7 7 7 + + + + 7 7 + 7 + Q + ; ; ;; + mKgd LJgd ++ ; + + + + ; + Riv er + + + ; ; ; ; ; ; 7 7 7 7 + + ++ ; + e dy + ; + Ken n + ; ; ; ; ;; mu = Va + ; ; ; CPBt + ; + + + + ; ; ;; + + + ; ; ; + + ; mu= Va + + + mu= Va CPB t ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + ai r lJBn ET gb *) Me + mKqd Vancouver E January 2013 D R A F T + + + + + + :m LJgd Bowen ! P Island r ! P DSi mu=Va Port Renfrew + + + JBi mKdr Kd ET gb 1050000 + + + + + + + + + + + 600000 + 550000 + + 500000 + + 400000 + G Chemainus DSi *)Me 30' + DSi Q 1000000 126°W + wi ch CP Bt )Ca 30' + DSi EMJgd ! P 950000 + + m mu=Va )C a 127°W + 450000 + + + + + + + + + + + + ++ Co lJBn d + ! P =gb lJBn EMJ g + m + =gb CPBt ET gb 900000 + + + + + uK Na EM CPB Jgd t ET qd 30' + CPBt 30' 850000 128°W ++ JBi LJgd LJqd F 30' uK Na DSi Va >Jg ! P 30' d + + )Ca JKLe + Kq gd + + + a EM J O + >Jg CP Bt EMJgd lKGa m u= lJBn Q Q =gb n lJBn EMJgd DSi EMJgd + mu=Va lJB lJBn EMJgd + EMJgd lJBn mu=Va + mKqd r EMJgd lKGa o R i ve >Jg CPBt ! P mKdr lKGa mKqd uKNa uK Na EMJgd Lake Cowichan mu=Va mu=Va Nitinat Lake =gb DSi lKGa lKGa JBi mKgd i l an lJBn T Ladysmith DSi uKNa EMJgd lJBn Q d mKdr + ++ + + + COWICHAN LAKE lJBn EMJ g CP Bt Q p Ca EMJgd gd + a mu=Va + JBi LJgd + + + JBi I + + u= Va EMJgd )Ca lKG + in N it lJBn Q EMCPBt J Q + + + lJBn = b Q A CPBt gb s River Ch ea k a mu DS i ++ uKNa mu=Va QG LT d Jg EM + ! P EMJgd CP Bt Na uK >J g Bamfield DSi lKGa mKqd + LJgd JBi Q + ++ mu=Va CPBt LJqd + e m EMJgd CPBt lJBn EMJgd R Va EMJgd mu=Va VE lJBn mu= uK Na uKNa gd EMJgd LJqd Q + Ch EMJgd ++ EMJgd uKNa mKdr Britannia P mKgb Beach ! LJqd R LJ qd LJqd mKgd LTQGb ! P + EMJgd mu=Va DSi EM J + lKGa JBi Nanaimo ++ >J g mu=Va mu=Va EMJgd lJBn EMJgd =gb T + mu=Va EMJgd EMJgd lJBn Sechelt + ! P ET qd mu=Va EMJgd Squamish lKGa JBi + mu=Va CPBt uKNa ET qd d *)Fl E g EMJ Jgd EM EMJgd Ucluelet Q =KPa EMJgd lJBn lJBn >Jg >J g >J g =gb lJBn a =V mu >J g EMJgd lJBn *)Fl uKNa d Tq t ET g EMJgd EMJgd EMJgd >J g EMJgd ET g lJBn Q mu=Va uKNa Q lKGa mKgd uKNa mu=Va = uK Va Na ET qd d Henderson Lake EMJgd DSi ET qd mu=Va mu=Va DSi EMJgd EMJgd EMJgd Q 49°N EMJgd lJBn >J g =gb u m K Na u mu=Va =gb uKNa CPB >J g =KPa Q DSi uKNa qd ET >J g ET qd g EMJ ! P lJBn gd CPBt uK Na Q lJBn a =V mu >J g ! P Q lJBn mu=Va RI EMJgd >J g Tofino =KPa ET g r iv e >Jg oR Q >J g DSi Port Alberni EM J LTQGb lKGa Parksville CP Bt Q LTQGb lKGa Q ! P ! P LJqd ! P JKdr lKGa i JB EMJgd LJgd S lKGa LTQGb Q :m JBi mu=Va 50°N lKGa lKGa CPBt t =KPa DSi Va CPBt LJqd LJqd mu=Va B CP >J g H mKgd LJgd ! P 19 ( ! uK Na mu= ET g IS lKGa LJgd Va u= Sproat Lake DSi M ! P Gibsons a =V mu Æ Catface lJBn mu=Va JKgr Clowhom Lake m DSi gd EMJgd CPB t a =V mu >J g l DSi a =V mu Q SQ UA Q EK gd EMJgd EM J JKgr LJdr uKNa JHl LJqd Q JKdr LJqd mu=Va ! P lKGa LTQGb mKqd ; *) F >Jml lKGa JBi EKgd Whistler LTQGb LJqd uKNa a =V mu Q >J g > EMJgd mu=Va Ri ve r EKdr LTQGb lKGa LJqd Qualicum Beach p N l DSi EMJgd EMJgd EMJgd EMJgd t ETg CPBt CPB >J g Jm EMJgd mu=Va S uKNa m >Jg *)Fl EMJgd DSi LTQGb lKGa LJdr LJqd lKGa Q lKGa LJdr EKgd ; ET g mu=Va Great Central Lake l et mu=Va uKNa ta ml >J ml DSi EKdr Q Na uK >J g >J g >J mu=Va CPBt EMJgd mKgd >:og lKGa JBi EKgd lKGa EKdr LJqd JBi EKdr ; Q Q mu=Va >J ml r EMJgd EMJgd ve l h Ri >J m LJdr mu=Va uKNa Q lKGa LJdr 7 JKgd LTQGb mKgd g gd uKNa lKGa mKqm >: o mKqd LJdr JHl 6v LTQGb mKgd JBi LJdr mu=Va LJdr Q ! P ;; Q ; !P; ;Cumberland ; ;; ; uKNa ;; ;; ; ;; ; ; LTQGb J EM Comox Lake EMJgd DSi JKqd Q EMJgd v is ; mu=Va CPBt >J g EKdr In LJdr JKgd ; Va u= >Jg Lois Lake JKdr Kgd ; m )C a )Ca JKdr JKqd Q ; >Jg d JKg ; ET qd EKdr LJdr JKqd EKdr EKdr r Courtenay ! P JKdr LTQGb JKto Q JKdr EK dr Q Kgd Comox + mKqm lKGa JKqd Kgd uKNa mKgd mKqd mKqd JKq d Haslam Lake r Je lKGa JBi JKqd r Ri ve Q d P Powell ! River + JKgd LJdr mKgd KT gr EKdr JK q EKdr lKGa + LTQGb LTQGb LJdr mKqd lKGa r uKNa EMJgd ET qd Myra Falls JKgd EKdr d JK d JK ET qd =gb Æ Va um >:og lKGa EK d EKdr 30' Kqd JKgd 6v >:og JKqd lKGa EKdr KT gd Kgd Q JKqd mKdr a JKgd EKgd Q ; EMJgd = mu ; 7 7 T JKqd mKqd ; EMJgd EMJgd d ; ETqd ;; Q A 7 7 ET qd 7 7 ;; >Jml =gb CPBt E ;; ET qd ET qd mKgd lKG JKqd EKgb ; ;; CPBt l C C R =gb mu=Va Q CPBt EKdr Q l CPBt uKNa CPB t >Jg lJBn lJBn so CP Bt Q JKdr EKdr Q uKNa DSi >Jg O t er CPBt ! P EKdr Q ?dr 6v LTQGb r 7 Gold River >Jg >J g i DS CPBt JKgd EKgd 7 mu=Va Q CPBt CPBt 30' ET qd >Jg Q EMJgd Q Q 7 77 >J g Buttle Lake Bt CP mu=Va Q >J m I mu=Va lJBn )Ca F uKNa lJBn >Jml I lJBn EKdr JKdr ! P ; ; ; ;r ; uKNa iv e r mu=Va Powell Lake JKgd ; EMJgd >Jg EMJgd lJBn ; R el l JKgd EKdr EKgd ER >:og JKqd JKdr JKgd LKqm + JKqd lKGa ; )Ca uKNa EMJgd EMJgd Q EMJgd CPBt Q Q Campbell River >:og JKgd g JK CPBt lJBn >Jml Upper Campbell Lake ; ; ET qd >J g ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ;; lJBn >Jml ET qd Va Va mu=Va lJBn EMJgd EMJgd ;; CPBt ! P lJBn Q CPBt EMJgd lJBn = mu u= m y JKK lJBn JKqd 6v JKqd + JKgd JKqm RIV LTQGb Q JKqd ET LTQGb JKdr r LKgd 6v lKGa JKgd ; JKqm JKqm mu=Va lJBn mu=Va Tahsis JKKy EMJgd Q mu=Va EMJgd JKdr lKGa OO JKCy 6v JKqd JKdr JKqm LL LTQGb El a h d Q JKdr JKgd ; ; ; ; ; ; ; EMJgd EMJgd ! P C d g JK R ETqd JKqd JKgd Q EMJgd EKdr JKqd Campbell Lake Q d JKqm EK d LI lKGa JKqd JK g u=Cd lKGa lKGa LTqd lKGa JKqd LTqd LTQGb ETgd JKgd JKqm JKdr JKgd JKdr JKdr EMJgd EMJgd Zeballos EMJgd A MJqd VE gd lJBn Q P q JK JKgd Q JKgd >:og >:og lKGa EKgd lKGa TO lmJLd JKCy u=Cd lKGa lKGa >:og JKdr JKqm >:og KTc LTQGb lKGa lKGa JKdr JKdr JKdr JKqd JKgd JKdr mu=Va Q JKqd r Kgd lKG a >:og LKgd LTqd >:og JKgd JKdr lKGa u=Cd LTqm >:og Q >:og JKqm d MJqd Q JKqd JKgd d JK u= Va RI J EM EMJgd EMJgd VE RI JKgd JKdr JKgd EKgd LKqd LTqm JKqd ETgd JKCy Downton Lake LKgd LTqm JKdr Q Pus + LTQGb LTQGb Q >:og JKqm Q JKqm LTQGb lKGa Carpenter L + ?gb LTqm LTQGb LKqd + u=Cd KTg LTqm ETgd JKqm q JK m r JKqd JKqd JKgd JKdr Q Q JKdr Q lJBn LKgd Pus 6v og JKgd CPBt EMJgd JKdr JKqd lKGa JK d JKdr Va u= Kgd r EMJgd JKdr JKqd JKdr Kgd N EMJgd Q ?dr >:m JKdr JKgd JKqd m JKgd iv e Q mu=Va JKgd KTgd 6v =Jm LKgd LKqd LKqd JKgd JKdr JKqd JKqd Kgd d KTgd Q KTqm KTqm LTQGb lKGa JKdr TE BU Q JKgd Q Jg JKgd JKqm d JKg JKqd mu=Va O JKdr JKgd d er eR SA LM Q r ve 6v >: JKdr mu =V a Q CP Bt >:og JKdr mu=Va JKdr ! P EMJgd EM EMJgd lJBn lKGa JKgd mu=Va JKq Sayward R Ev v n EMJgd mu=Va LKgd EKog d m da EMJgd RIVER Woss Lake + SO JKdr Q JKqd mu=Va lJBn Q 50°N JKgd JKqd lJBn Q Q EMJgd Ri >Jg Pa K I SH ?og + JKqm JKdr JKgd JKdr JKqd JKgd mu =V a EMJgd EMJgd lJBn lJB =K MP JKgd Q JKdr Q EMJgd EMJgd d EMJgd EMJgd Q a Q lJBn ik EMJgd d Q NI mu=Va EMJgd er Jg EMJgd g EMJ lJBn EMJgd lJBn n EM Q lJB mu=Va lJBn lJBn A iv JKdr JKqd lKGa JKqd JKdr JKgd Q EM EMJgd d Jg er mu=Va JKqd JKdr JKqd JKto mu=Va mKgd Q JKgd JKqm JKto S t r a i t JKgd JKdr JKdr JKqd Q Bonanza Lake NIMPKISH Q LAKE gd EMJgd Q Q =Jm LJqd JKdr >:og JKqd JKdr JKgd JKqd T si t Q Va Riv EMJgd VictoriaEMJgd Lake J EM u= lJBn lJBn ! P lJBn EMJgd h lJBn Q mu=Va mu=Va Port Alice JKto J o h n s t o n e EMJgd is EMJgd lJBn Q JK Ky LTAb JKgd mu=Va lJBn JKdr JKqd mu=Va EMJgd Q EMJgd ! P k EMJgd Q m c KQ Va u= JKKy LTAb Alice Lake JKgd JKto JKdr Ko m EMJgd lJBn EMJgd Qu mu=Va nd Sou ino ats Q LTAb ! P JKqd mu =V a JKqd u= Va Va u= lJBn EMJgd lJBn uK Na JKto lJBn JKgd JKqd JKqd JKdr m m KQc JKKy 30' Island Copper KQc lJBn iv lJBn Alert Bay JKgd g JK Q Æ xe w e R i v e r Cl u lJBn Va Port McNeill JKdr JKgd JKqd Q JKqd JKdr JKqm er lJBn KQc mu= JKgd r lJBn R KQc Q mKgd >:m 6v + LKqd JKCy Br CJ lJBn Q JKdr JKto JKdr >: o g >:og >:m JKgd JKgd 6v LTqm KTgd + + + LKqd lKGa >:og d JK Q JKKy JKKy JKdr >: m >:og JKto lJBn u= Va mKgd JKdr 1200000 + Cy JK m n Q JKdr JKgd mu=Va gh lJB EMJgd JKgd JKto Q 1150000 123°W d JL mu=Va lJBn EMJgd EMJgd eo iv er Q JKqd JKdr A I T JKqd >: m JKgd JKdr EKog LKqd JKgd JKgd JKgd qd 30' lm Æ Hushamu lJBn JKdr LJ >:og m >: eR ! P EMJgd lJBn K lJBn lJBn Q JKqd JKgd Q >:m >:og JKdr JKqd mu=Va S T R Port Hardy mu=Va mu=Va San J os uKNa JKto JKto JKdr B ear JKdr JKqd d Q r LKqd >:m lKG a >:m >:og a =V mu mu=Va Q EMJgd JKKy T T E JKgd >: m JK d >: m JK q JKdr JKqd >:m JKdr JKgd g lJBn r mu=Va L O JKqd LKqd LJqd >:og JKqd m 124°W Br CJ lJBn Ri ve mu=Va Q EMJgd A R JKto >:og JKqd JKdr o >: R. LTAb mu=Va JKqd JKdr JKgd JKto JKto JKgd JKgd >:og 30' 1100000 LJqd JK q og s Fi KQc mu=Va rman C H JKto JKog JKqd JKqd JKqd JKdr lJBn EMJgd JKdr JKqd JKgd a JKdr JKgd d JKgd Q mKto >:m r 1050000 r he mu=Va JKdr JK q lJBn mKgd JKto JKqd JKdr JK d e iv KQc JKgd >:og 125°W >: EMJgd ltti R i v e r hu S t r a nb y Q mu=Va mu=Va JKdr 30' R N EMJgd JKgd JKog lJBn lJBn JKqd JKog JKqd EMJgd 950000 126°W 1000000 + Q mu=Va EMJgd 900000 30' m >: QUEEN CHARLOTTE SOUND 127°W + 850000 30' + 128°W + 30' + + + +