The Elkhart Echo October 2011 www.elkhartillinois.us Vol. 26 Issue 10 VILLAGE BOARD NEWS Mayor Steve Anderson called the meeting to order on October 3, 2011 at 6:30 P.M. in the Elkhart Village Hall. The meeting was opened with the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll call was taken. Answering present: Dave Barker, Lyle Fout, Brian Hinds, Peggy Lee, Lynnette Maske and Nancy Moore. Clerk Ann Curry and Treasurer Edie Fairchild were also present. Visitor present was Tom Overmyer. Motion by Brian Hinds, second by Nancy Moore to approve the minutes of the September 12, 2011 meeting. Roll call vote. All yeas. No nay. Motion carried. Motion by Nancy Moore, second by Lyle Fout to accept the treasurer’s report and authorize expenditures. Roll call vote. All yeas. No nay. Motion carried. Motion by Lyle Fout, second by Brian Hinds to approve employee reimbursements. Roll call vote. All yeas. No nay. Motion carried. In the next 3 or 4 weeks the coal mine road will be closed for about 4 hours due to work on the conveyor belt they are installing. Information will be posted on the village sign when we know the date. Environmental Management Inc. will be digging up the road near the old Texaco Station and replacing it. Steve passed out a Snow Emergency Declaration for the trustees to look over and it will be discussed next month. There was a discussing on the swapping of the truck route with the county. There was a question if we really wanted to take on the responsibility of the hill, and do we have equipment to remove the snow on it. Steve said our equipment would handle it. If we eliminate 99% of the heavy trucks on the truck route the road should last for years. We would be trying to eliminate trucks in town. But do we want to take on the coal mine road and its expenses. We haven’t spent any money on the coal mine road. Steve asked if we should keep going on the process of swapping the truck route. If we leave things alone we still will have the problem with the trucks tearing up the truck route. We will need to re-ordinance and re-sign the streets to be able to stop the heavy trucks and equipment from using Main Street. We will need to amend the ordnance so we can ticket the big trucks and heavy equipment that are tearing up the streets of the village. POLICE There were 12 traffic stops and 2 motorist assist. ATTORNEY No report. LIQUOR No report. TIF REPORT No report. WATER/SEWER DEPARTMENT There was a water main break in Hillview. A meter was split but it has been repaired. The water hydrant that was damaged in the village parking lot has been removed. Delinquent water bills were discussed. It was mentioned about going to quarterly bills instead of monthly, but it was decided that this would not be a good idea. We need to increase the water rates due to the fact that the water fund cannot afford it when unexpected bills arise. We had to borrow from the general fund until the water fund can catch up. Steve will check to see if any of the water retention tank expenses can come out of the TIF fund. Tom Overmyer presented the bid results for the retention tank rehabilitation. 3 bids were received, Neumann Co. Contractors Inc., $37,500.00; Maxcor, $53,300.00; and Walker’s Sandblasting & Painting, $26,000.00. Our estimate was for $27,000.00. Motion by Lyle Fout, second by Peggy Lee to accept Walker’s Sandblasting & Painting bid of $26,00.00; Petersburg Excavating for the mechanical work for $8,057.50; Lindsey Electric for the electrical work for $1,853.50 all for the retention tank rehabilitation. Roll call vote. All yeas. No nay. Motion carried. They will be able to get started on the project this fall. Tom will need to have a preconstruction meeting with the 3 contractors. Motion by Nancy Moore, second by Lyle Fout to allow President Steve Anderson and Clerk Ann Curry to sign contracts for the water retention tank project. Roll call vote. All yeas. No nay. Motion carried. STREETS/ALLEYS The parking lines have been restriped. BUILDINGS/VILLAGE PROPERTIES/EQUIPMENT No report. VILLAGE PARKS The Halloween Trick of Treat hours will be Monday October 31 from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm. SOLID WASTE No report. PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY A letter was to be delivered by the sheriff to Pat Fry about the condition of his property. We will see what kind of response we get from the letter and then go from there. We did get a return receipt on the letter that was sent to the owners of the Buttell Street property, but we haven’t heard anything from them yet. FINANCE No report. LOCAL EVENTS LIAISON The Historical Society will be hosting another dinner lecture on October 7, 2011. OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS None RESOLUTIONS None ORDINANCE None ADJOURNMENT Motion by Lyle Fout, second by Brian Hinds to adjourn at 8:14 p.m. Voice vote. All yeas. No nay. Motion carried. Submitted By Ann Curry Village Clerk If anyone wants to reserve the park pavilion or apply for a building permit, they are to contact Ann Curry at 737-4982. NEWSLETTER INFO All material for the October newsletter should be turned in before 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 9 th , 2011 Please email your article to [email protected] If there is any event that needs added to the calendar, Please call (899-5306) or e-mail the information. NOTE TO ALL ELKHART BUSINESSES and ORGANIZATIONS We would like to invite all the businesses and organizations in Elkhart to be involved and take advantage of the additional potential customers that will be in the village during the Elkhart Historical Society dinner/lectures. The dates for activities for the remainder of the Fall of 2011 are: Nov. 4, and Dec. 3. Please let us know if you want us to place your information in our publicity to advertise for you. Publicity releases are being coordinated now! Contact Peggy Lee, [email protected] or 947-2046. ******************************************************************************************************* Violin Lessons Violin Lessons from and experienced teacher who has spent years playing with the Illinois Symphony and can teach Classical and Fiddle. Lessons will be offered at Birdsong. Call Jean Tweet @ 691-7966 Information about group lessons in Springfield is also available. ******************************************************************************************************* NAG A big thank you to the citizens of Elkhart for supporting our first Annual NAG Breakfast Fundraiser. Over $1300 was raised for new lighting at the Library. Thanks to Hudson's Talk of the Town for not only their fabulous facility, but sausage, coffee and various other items that made the breakfast a success. Molly Gleason and Bev Boyer won the fall door prizes. Our landscaping project has also begun at the Library so stop by and check it out. Without the generous support of the community these projects would not be possible. Thanks to Marlene Lanterman for all her hard work this summer keeping the flower pots looking fantastic. Mark your calendars for December 3rd for our Annual Bake Sale and Santa visit. Horsefeathers antiques & gift shop Specializing in an eclectic blend of vintage goods, antiques, handmade items, gifts and decorative accessories Open Tuesday - Sunday 10AM – 4PM 104 Governor Oglesby St, Elkhart, IL Phone (217) 947-2100 Feel Good Again Massage Therapy Services Allison Anderson, LMT 4 Elizabeth Court, Elkhart 217-620-6216 MAJIC WAND CLEANING REASONABLE RATES, 20 YRS. EXPERIENCE, REFERENCES, WE GO TO ELKHART, MT.PULASKI, WILLIAMSVILLE, SHERMAN, AND SURROUNDING AREAS. FREE ESTIMATES. CALL PAM AT 217-314-0162 Vintage Clothing, Linens, Antiques and Really Great Books Open Wednesday thru Saturday 11:30 am – 4 pm 111 Governor Oglesby St In Historic Elkhart Illinois Phone: (217) 691-7966 ZION LUTHERAN ELKHART CENTER Available for business meetings, family reunions, graduation parties, birthday parties, Open gym, picnics, retirement dinners, youth groups, baseball leagues, etc. FOR INFORMATION CALL Kathy Wilham 792-5877 or Jill Saulsberry 454-3347 Mission Statement: "Supporting our nation's armed forces by sending blank handmade greeting cards to write home on, as well as cards of gratitude to encourage them." Our son recently spent 6 months in Afghanistan, and many friends and family members received handmade cards from him, one day I happened to notice the stamp on the back of the card said "Operation Write Home" with the name of the person who had made the card. Curiosity got the best of me so I Googled (www.operationwritehome.org) it and decided that I wanted to be a part of this organization. For those without a computer to research it let me explain briefly what they do; blank message handmade cards are boxed and sent to our military all over the globe so they can in turn send a special card back to their families and friends - most of them do not have access to Hallmark, etc. to purchase a card so this is the next best thing! I have already made over 100 cards and have lots of time to be creative and make more, which now brings me to why I am sharing this information with you. I am in need of some new fresh designs to make the cards, what I would like to ask - if you have rubber stamps that I may borrow to create card fronts I would really appreciate it (anything from Birthday to Christmas)? And please know that I will take very good care of them and will return them after I have stamped the designs. If you have any questions, please contact me either by cell (217) 737-1448 or email at [email protected]. Thanks, Cherri Reeley ********************************************************************************************************* KidzBeat KidzBeat after school program for kids ages K-5th grade. Wednesdays from 3:45 to 5:15pm at the Elkhart Christian Church. Please join us for crafts, skits, singing, snacks and lots of fun! Logan County Genealogical and Historical Society Who: Logan Co. Genealogical & Historical Society What: John Hiezer will be presenting a program entitled "How to Restore Tombstones" When October 17, 2011 @ 6:30 p.m. Where: 114 N. Chicago St. in Lincoln Welcome: Public ******************************************************************************************************* AUXILIARY NEWS The ladies of the Auxiliary will be meeting on Thursday afternoon, November 3, at 1:30pm in the Village Hall. Hope to see a lot of you there. Just as a reminder, your 2012 dues are now due as we have 37 of our 54 members paid. We would like to get them all paid before the end of the year 2011.Thanks for your help. We have also signed up two new members, so if you can help us get more, let me know. Gwen Rosenfeld, Treasurer and membership chair. ******************************************************************************************************* Upcoming classes for the Dragonfly Art Studio Oct 11 Oct 27 Nov 8 Nov 16 Fall still life with pumpkins, squash & bittersweet 10-2pm $35 Watercolor fall landscape 10-2pm $30 Painting doves around a fountain 10-2pm $35 Portrait of an angel, all day workshop, starting at 9am $55 ********************************************************************************************************* Humane Society of Logan County Pet of the week Hi, I'm Megan. I am a seven year old female Chihuahua mix. My family could no longer take care of me, so I am in an HSLC foster home. After seven years in the same home, I am a very scared young lady, so it takes a little while to convince me that you can be my friend. Once that is done, I am very loving and very sweet. I like to be petted, go for slow walks, and just hang out with my family. I like other dogs and cats, and I would like a forever home. Call 217-737-4042 to meet me. You can go to the shelter to meet many cats and kittens who also need a forever home. We are all spayed/neutered, up to date with our shots, and micro chipped. “The Scully FamilyFarming the Prairie” Presented by Paul Beaver The final Elkhart Historical Society dinner/lecture of 2011 will be November 4 at The Wild Hare Café. Paul Beaver, local author and historian, will be the featured speaker. Many know Beaver as a nationally recognized authority on Abraham Lincoln, but his knowledge of another local individual, William Scully, will be the focus of his November presentation. He is the author of “William Scully and the Scully Estates of Logan County, Illinois.” Beaver’s early research explored the vast farmland holdings of the Scully family in Illinois and other parts of the Midwest. Scully began to drain his Illinois prairie land around 1870, using big open ditches similar to the type he was familiar with in Ireland. He was the first to use a drainage system in Logan County, and Scully tenant farmers were able to get into their fields two weeks earlier than the other farmers as a result. His son, Thomas, continued the vast drainage system, enlarging and maintaining it by adding grass waterways, small dams and promoting conservation and improvement of the soil. Reservations must be received by October 31, 2011. Dinner begins at 5:30 p.m., followed by the lecture from 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. The cost of the dinner is $25 per person and includes the meal, beverage (coffee or tea), dessert, tax and gratuity, and the presentation. Diners are welcome to bring their own wine for the meal. More information and the online printable reservation form are available on www.elkharthistoricalsociety.org , by calling 217-947-2046 or at Horsefeathers. “The Scully Family – Farming the Prairie” Elkhart Historical Society Dinner Lecture Series Friday, November 4, 2011 5:30 – 8:00 p.m. At The Wild Hare Café in historic downtown Elkhart, Illinois RESERVATION FORM Reservations must be received by October 31, 2011 PLEASE PRINT THIS FORM, then fill it in and mail it with your check to the address below. Thank you. 1. Your name _______________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________ Phone ___________________________ Town/State/Zip _____________________________ *Email ____________________________ (We will send your reservation confirmation by email.) 2. Number of reservations for your group _____ 3. Select your meal(s) Dinner package includes meal, dessert, drink (coffee or tea), tax and gratuity, and the presentation. Diners are welcome to bring their own wine for the meal. Price= $25.00 per person Beef with red wine/mushrooms Number of people in your group eating this meal _______ White Lasagna Number of people in your group eating this meal _______ 4. Mail this form and your payment before October 31, 2011. Make checks payable to: Elkhart Historical Society. Mail to: Elkhart Historical Society, PO Box 255, Elkhart, IL 62634. 5. Please tell us how you learned about our dinner/lecture series! ____ Lincoln Courier ____ Elkhart Echo ____ SJR ____ IL Times ____ EHS web site or email ____ Lincoln Daily News (LDN) ____ Other (please explain: ____________________________) Questions? Call 217-947-2046 Sponsored by the Elkhart Historical Society. Join us on December 3 for our annual Christmas Candlelight Chapel Service at the St. John the Baptist Chapel. For information and the online printable reservation form see http://www.elkharthistoricalsociety.org/ What’s happening on the corner? Soon, you will notice some activity on the southeast corner of Oglesby and Bogardus streets, at the corner of the parking lot across from the Village Hall! This area is being developed by the Village as a display area for our two Lincoln Heritage signs and an informational sign about Elkhart. The Lincoln Heritage signs are part of the Illinois Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission program and were designed during the 2009 celebration of Lincoln’s 200th birthday to celebrate and recapture the legacy of Abraham Lincoln’s involvement in Logan County. One sign depicts the history of Lincoln and the Kentucky House in Elkhart, the other sign depicts the connection between Lincoln, John Dean Gillett and Elkhart. The Elkhart sign will recount the history of Elkhart and its historical significance. This will be one of the nicest displays for the Lincoln Heritage signs existing in Logan County! The Lincoln Heritage signs have been in storage for close to two years due to the lack of funds required to design and install an adequate display area for them. Recently we received some funds to begin the project, but not enough to complete the display. HOW CAN YOU HELP? Help Needed! We need help building the display roof and staining the wood. We need help with putting the shingles on the display roof – it will be about 4’ x 8’. Any contribution would be very much appreciated! We would be thankful for whatever you can do to help us make our goal of completing the display area this fall. If you’d like to help, call 947-2046. Thank you! ********************************************************************************************************* Historical Society’s Candlelight Chapel Service Elkhart, Illinois – The annual Christmas Candlelight Service held at the St. John the Baptist Chapel in Elkhart will be Saturday, December 3, with services at 2:00, 4:00, 5:30 and 8:00 p.m. To obtain tickets, call 217-947-2238 starting November 7. Once your reservation is confirmed by phone, then fill out the online printable form at www.elkharthistoricalsociety.org and mail your check with your reservation form. The cost is $10 per person. Seats cannot be held without payment. For more information, see www.elkharthistoricalsociety.org The Elkhart Historical Society’s 2012 calendar commemorates the remaining sections of Edward’s Trace. The year 2012 marks the 200th year anniversary of the War of 1812 and the first time the ancient trail was identified as “Edward’s Trace.” The calendar will be available in time for Christmas giving. A Historical Society membership includes a free calendar with the annual membership dues. Calendars can be individually ordered by calling 217-947-2238. Village of Elkhart Word Search Courtesy of Gwen Rosenfeld Our thanks and congrats to last month’s puzzle winner "Toots" Davis. Good luck to all of you on this month's puzzle Businesses Past and Present After the clue, there is a number (0), this is how many letters are in the answer, the lines signify how many words. Please return your answers back to me by October 25 and if you can't find them all, you could still win, just send what you found. The prize is a $ 10.00 gift certificate from Talk of the Town. Gwen - 405 South Gillett N O S D R A H C I R L L E H S F E C I F F O E N O H P E L E T O L E S U O H Y K C U T N E K A R K & J T A M O R D N U A L O T D H I N D S B U S S E R V I C E C A Z S N O S D N A S A C U L F H R J S K R O W R E T A W M L A A T N R E V A T R E N R O C I R M G R A I K C O U E Z I L I L L I E C I F E Y L L T A Y L E R Y A A D C L M I O T N O O I P W B K N L R O O A O C M E R S A R A T N N I N F E O C E R E D M A J H B O A R D W D T S Z E P T R Y U T I A G T Y R E T R E F W L V N N A A T I B A N K D I I H D W E O T S O P H S T L N D R E S F E S A K N S O R S R T M W N R N U A M A V H O U S E E I O P E H E D W A R D C R C P U S N T N A R & A G C L L R S S T E M T F N A I B E O I A N A E E I S A A L N O V I E A R T K N R L C X E T U M A A O C B E A G R I L L H K O E E T F O N R B L U S C Z R S E 1. The _____ Song (4) 2. The Blue _____ Bakery (4) 3. __to__ Antiques (1) (1) 4. The _____ Moon (4) 5. ___________Repair (10) 6. ______ Construction (6) 7. __ _ __ Construction (3) 8. We have the largest one in Logan County.___ ___(13) 9. It has a fantastic lunch menu.__ __ __ (12) 10. Grand opening was in 1972.__ __ (10) 11. Kirk will serve you here.___ ___ (10) 12. Great drinks, Great friends, Great food.__ __ __ __ (13) 13. Elkhart ________ (10) 14. They got us here and back again.__ ___ ___ (15) 15. A big insurance Company.__ ___ (9) 16. The Village _______(5) 17. The Village got our very own in 1940.___(10) 18. He really knew his numbers.____ __________ (16) 19. The lumber ____ closed in 1982(4) 20. ______Designs was here for 16 years (5) 21. It was a four star restaurant, The__ ___ (10) 22. The_________ Bumpkin (7) 23. Elkhart ___ Company (3) 24. The _____by the side of the Road (5) 25. _ _'s grocery (2) 26. Cliff Pickett was one for years.___ (6) 27. Hank was the guy behind the bar at the____ Tavern. (4) 28. The Elkhart ______. (5) (1960's) 29. Buck and Agnes had the _______ _______ (12) 30. 50 cents to wash, 25 cents to dry at the_______(10) 31. _______Service Station (4) 32. ___________Service station (5) 33. ______Service Station (6) 34. ___________Service Station (8) 35. ______Grocery in 1950 (4) (plural) 36. Coonies _____Hall (4) 37. More than 51 years the best place to see all your friends.___ ___ (11) 38. The last owners of the 'old' town tavern and the name of it was _ _ _. (3) 39. Get your new stove at ___ _______ (15) 40. In the 1930's, we had one here for the kids.___ ___ (11) 41. ______Trucking Service. (5) 42. We went there cause most of us did not have one at home___ ____ (15) 43. Bill Johnson sold ______ products. (4) 44. Need nails or a new hammer; buy them at__ _____ (16) 45. We watched the free ___ behind Taylors Store (5) 46. They sold radios and supplies__ __ __ (12) 47. Our resident doctor back in the 1870's was Dr. __ (6) (family later also had a grocery) 48. Our first hotel, built in 1828 was called the____ _____.12) 49. Probably our first restaurant, (1877) was called _____ _____(9) 50. Lippott's Blacksmith took care of our great-grandparent’s means of transportation, which was a ___ (4) 51. Today you can buy yours on the hill. (3) 52. Always was and always will be our greatest commodity. The ______ (6) Elkhart Public Library District 121 Bohan Street PO Box 170 Elkhart, IL. 62634 www.elkhartlibrary.lib.il.us 217-947-2313 October 2011 Hours: Monday 4-8 pm, Tuesday 9-11 & 12-4pm, Wednesday & Thursday 9-11 & 12-8 pm, Friday 9-11 & 12-4 pm, Saturday 9-1 pm Book Club 10 am – 11am Call 947-2313 for more information Know what is going on at your library Become a fan of Elkhart Public Library District on Facebook! FACT SHEET FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Shayne Squires, American Cancer Society 217-523-4503 or 494-6274 [email protected] Event Information The American Cancer Society will hold the 12th annual Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walks in Illinois, with a goal of raising $2.8 million to save lives by helping people stay well and get well, by finding cures and by fighting back. Strides events will be held in 16 locations in Illinois: Montrose Harbor (Chicago), Glencoe, Orland Park, Wheaton, Libertyville, Hoffman Estates, Aurora, Cary, Joliet, Belleville, Rockford, Carbondale, Champaign, Effingham, Springfield, Quad Cities, . More than 30,000 participants ‐‐ including breast cancer survivors, volunteers, friends and family touched by the disease ‐‐ are expected at the Illinois events. In Springfield, Strides will take place rain or shine at 9 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 15 at the Illinois State Fairgrounds, starting at the Commodities Pavilion, in Springfield. Participants will be admitted free to “Memorial’s Be Aware Women’s Fair” going on that same day at the Orr Building. Participants are asked to collect a minimum of $200 in donations and pledges for the noncompetitive walk. Since 1993, seven million walkers across the United States have raised more than $400 million to help fight breast cancer through Making Strides Against Breast Cancer events. In 2010, nearly 800,000 participants in 225 locations raised more than $60 million to help fight this disease To sign‐up, go to makingstridesspringfield.com or call 271‐523‐4503. How the American Cancer Society “Pinks Differently” in the Fight Against Breast Cancer Strides helps fund American Cancer Society programs to help cancer patients and their families in every Illinois community year‐round. Patient Navigation Services is designed to fill a critical void in health care and social services by acting as a full‐service navigator to anyone touched by cancer. Information is available anytime at 800‐227‐2345 or www.IllinoisCancerHelp.org. While some organizations support only breast cancer research, the American Cancer Society funds research for all types of cancer. Discoveries in one area often yield answers in another. Anyone can walk at Making Strides Against Breast Cancer – no training is necessary at these family friendly events. Participants can make a difference in just one morning instead of training and walking for several days. The American Cancer Society has been Involved in Every Major Breast Cancer Breakthrough in the Last Century, Including: Breast‐saving lumpectomies Establishing mammography as the gold standard for early detection. Discovering the lifesaving treatments (such as Herceptin) to improve breast cancer survival and drugs (such as Tamoxifen) to reduce the risk of second or first breast cancer. Discovering genes for inherited breast and colon cancer. Knowledge that genetics, diet, lack of exercise and alcohol abuse can increase cancer risk. Breast Cancer Facts It is estimated that one in eight women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime, while one in 35 will die of the disease. Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among Illinois women, accounting for nearly 30 percent of all invasive cancers found in women living in the state. This year in Illinois, more than 9,850 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer and approximately 1,880 women will die. African‐American women in Illinois have the third highest breast cancer mortality death rate of all racial and ethnic groups in the country. Elkhart United Methodist Church October 2011 RECYCLING—Saturday October 8th –Parking Lot--8 ‘til 10. See you there! The Elkhart Christian Church will host Senior Citizens on Wednesday, October 19th. Our UMW Sunday (September 18th) was special—our Special Recognition Pin was awarded to Harold Pankey for all his years of service to our church. Welcome to our special group, Harold!!! Vi Cook led the program with an impressive review of our many activities that support our mission: "To Support the Needs and Interests of Women, Youth and Children". Janet Hickey will give the program, "Finding Peace Through Action" at our October 17th UMW meeting to be held at the home of Kay Hanner. Five members from our unit attended the Immanuel Lutheran breakfast on Saturday, Sept. 10th. A member of the Bloomington Quilt Guild presented a program on quilts and their history through the past two centuries. She brought and showed handmade quilts that represented the many changes. Immanuel Lutheran Ladies are very gracious hosts and we appreciate their invitation to join them in fellowship and learning. Second Sunday Fellowship following worship will be hosted by Earline Miller and Billie Bock. We will again be collecting non-perishable items for the Lincoln/Logan Food Pantry on the Fifth Sunday— October 30th. Just a Reminder: Time changes November 6th – set your clocks back one hour!!!! OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES: 1st - Irene Hall (#93) 7th - (A) Terry and Nancy Moore 8th - Marie Pickett (#85) 9th - Duane Gieseke PRAYER CONCERNS: Marcus Tobias, Imo McCray, Donald McMillan, Cindy Edwards Davis Talk of the Town News The leaves are not the only things that are changing color this fall. The Talk of The Town has had a new color of paint for its walls. We have added an evening menu to every evening of the week. You no longer have to work hard all day and then come home and make a meal. Just call in orders to ToTT or stop in and let us serve you dinner Monday thru Friday from 5:00 to 8:30. We will continue with our Wednesday Chicken Nights and our Friday Fish nights. You will have to drop in and see what special we may have during the rest of the week. The other way to find out a special is to text 217-750-1368 to ask for the daily special. If you are in need of a special place to host a party or maybe you need one catered, be sure to call Curt at the Talk (217-947-2770) to get quotes. Any Saturday or Sunday, you could book the TOTT to host a private party. Again, call Curt or Dana for prices. Thanks N.A.G. for taking the time and efforts to host the breakfast and raise money for the library. All of you did a great job of making it a wonderful success. We have some new faces at Talk of The Town. Abby Fletcher is now full time during the day. You never know who might be behind the bar in the evenings or what the entertainment will be. Be sure to come to the Talk – not be the Talk. Hometown Realty News Hometown Realty no longer has specific office hours. If you would like to make an appointment, please call 217-750-1368 to set a private appointment. Lois Olson will be hosting an open house at 700 North Vine Street which is a move-in-ready charmer is centrally located in Mt Pulaski. Look at the big fenced in back yard with the deck and just imagine the enjoyable gatherings and memories created in this nice back yard. With winter coming, it will be great to live here with the two car attached garage. Come on in through the mudroom and head to the family room to start that crackling fire as you prepare a meal. Each room has a thermostat, so you can adjust the heat to everyone's pleasure. The calming paint colors and cozy floor plan make this the perfect house. All you have to do is bring your things. Call for a private showing today. All information is deemed reliable but not warranted. The open house will be from 12 to 2 on Sunday October 23. Dana Hudson will be hosting an open house at 230 Heritage Avenue in Lincoln on the same day. Never have a wet basement again! This well maintained, all electric house has tons of storage. The drive thru one car attached garage permits access to the completely wired 3 car garage at the back of the property. The attached garage has a pull down ladder with a place for even more storage. The extra-large family room has a fireplace for the chilly winter nights and patio doors to walk out to the patio to enjoy summer days with family and friends. The master bedroom suite has an enormous walk-in closet. The main bathroom is easily accessible from any room in the house. If you are looking for a ranch with no basement, lots of storage, this is what you have been waiting to find. Make your appointment today. The water heater was new in July of 2011. This house has had a home inspection and will be shared with all preapproved home buyers. Price negotiable; bring offers. If there is any home in Illinois that you would like to schedule a private showing just call Dana (217)750 1368 or Lois (217) 306 2205. Dana is the managing broker at Hometown Realty and Lois is a sales agent. If you are relocating and need help finding a reliable REALTOR in another state, Dana and Lois can assist you. Everything at our office is confidential and professional. We look forward to helping you with all of your real estate purchases. Mt. Pulaski Community Unit District #23 School Board September 19, 2011 President Martin called the meeting to order at 6:00 in the Unit office. Roll call was taken. Present were Mike Toohey, Jeff Beccue, Joe Olson, Diane Deppe, Kathy Boward and Doug Martin. Todd Cyrulik was late. Motion by Mike Toohey, second by Kathy Boward to enter executive session for employment, evaluation of personnel and bus transportation contract. Roll call vote. All ayes. No nays. Motion carried. The board entered executive session at 6:01 p.m. Motion by Mike Toohey, second by Diane Deppe to exit executive session. Roll call vote. All ayes. No nays. Motion carried. The board exited executive session at 6:48. Motion by Jeff Beccue, second by Diane Deppe to accept executive session minutes as reviewed in executive session. All ayes. No nays. Motion carried. Motion by Diane Deppe, second by Kathy Boward to accept Kristi Anderson’s letter of resignation as the high school cheerleading sponsor. All ayes. No nays. Motion passes. Motion by Diane Deppe, second by Jeff Beccue to employ Kathleen Ellison as the high school cheerleading sponsor. All ayes. No nays. Motion passes. Motion by Diane Deppe, second by Todd Cyrulik to set a special meeting tentatively for October 3rd at 7:00 p.m. to discuss the superintendent search. All ayes. No nays. Motion passes. Motion by Mike Toohey, second by Joe Olson to open the budget hearing at 7:00 p.m. All ayes. No nays. Motion passes. Motion by Todd Cyrulik , second by Jeff Beccue to close the budget hearing. All ayes. No nays. Motion passes. Recognition of the Public – Tina Johansson came to discuss student athletes’ transportation riding the bus to and from games. A petition was also submitted by Steve Hayes for next month’s agenda. President Doug Martin read a letter from Steve Hayes regarding student athletes riding the bus to and from games. Motion by Mike Toohey, second by Todd Cyrulik to approve consent agenda items, A) Approve August 15, 2011 school minutes which clarifies Sangamo Conference motion to be effective for the 20122013 school term and b) approve payment of bills. All ayes. No nays. Motion passes. Reports A. Abe Lincoln Dinner & Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 6, 2011, at 5:00 p.m. Pawnee High School. B. The County Sales Tax Amendment was passed this summer. The key provision is that the County Board no longer has a role in putting the sales tax question on the ballot, or voting to impose the amount of the tax. Unfinished Business A. The school district budget is presented for approval. Cathy Shull should be publicly commended for her extra work and attention to detail in finalizing the budget. The delinquent state payments make it very hard to show accurate revenue figures. Motion by Mike Toohey, second by Joe Olson to approve the school district budget for the 2011 – 2012 school year. All ayes. No nays. Motion passes. New Business The school district health insurance renewal at a 5% increase with Health Alliance is presented for approval. As a part of the contract the school district pays $435 towards the premium of the employee. Motion by Diane Deppe, second by Todd Cyrulik to approve the group health insurance renewal. All ayes. No nays. Motion passes. Motion by Todd Cyrulik, second by Kathy Boward to approve the annual ISBE Recognition of Schools application for each building. All ayes. No nays. Motion passes. A new law passed in July has increased the cost of liability insurance for our bus contractor without notice. Motion by Doug Martin, second by Mike Toohey to pay 50% of the $6,500 liability insurance increase for the 2011 - 2012 bus contract. Also, pay $3,250 of that liability insurance cost for the 2012 - 2013 bus contract. Answering aye: Mike Toohey, Joe Olson, Kathy Boward, Diane Deppe and Doug Martin. Answering nay: Jeff Beccue and Todd Cyrulik. Motion passes. The school board discussed the issue of students riding the bus to and from extracurricular activities. No action was taken. This will be an agenda item for October. Items of Information Students of the Month for the Grade School 8th Grade: Elizabeth Siebert - Daughter of Rob and Jill Siebert of Mt. Pulaski 7th Grade: Hailey Moore - Daughter of Adam Moore of Clinton and Andrea Brady of Mt. Pulaski 6th Grade: Abby Howard - Daughter of Heath and Lisa Howard of Elkhart The High School Senior of the Month is Audrey Maske. Motion to adjourn by Jeff Beccue, second by Kathy Boward. Voice Vote. All ayes. No nays. The meeting was adjourned at 7:54 p.m. Submitted by Diane Deppe School Board Secretary ************************************************************************************************************************************* On October 6, 2011, Mt. Pulaski Grade School PASE (People Acting to Support Education) sponsored an anti‐bullying bmx assembly. Bill Nitschke and Tyler Sparr from Wonder Wheels in Indianapolis, IN, performed flatland and ramp bmx stunts for the entertainment of the Mt. Pulaski Grade School and Zion Lutheran students. The demonstration took place in front of the grade school with students intensely focused on the stunts and the message. The riders stressed that students have a goal for their future. Furthermore, they discussed the importance of not letting a bully get in the way of achieving and having fun reaching their goal. Students were given ideas for how to react to a bully. The athletes also spoke to any students who may be bullying others and indicated the importance of how to treat others. The athletes challenged the students to rid their schools of bullying altogether. The assembly concluded with awesome bmx stunts! Bill also discussed the importance of bike safety which includes the proper protective equipment and supervised practice. If you need more information on bullying, including prevention, ways to respond, how to get help, or how to be sure your child isn’t bullying others, contact your child’s school guidance counselor or go online to stopbullying.gov. If you are interested in information regarding Wonder Wheels BMX shows, go to www.wonderwheelsbmx.com. Submitted by: Heather Fricke, PASE Secretary