Bird Banding in our Outdoor Classroom Welcome Back to another
Bird Banding in our Outdoor Classroom Welcome Back to another
August/September 2016 Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Florence, MT 59833 Permit No. 3 Florence-Carlton School District 15-6, 5602 Old Hwy 93, Florence, MT 59833 Home page: -a line of communication between school, parents & community membersDistrict office 273-6751 • HS Office 273-6301 • MS Office 273-0587 • Elementary Office 273-6741 Welcome Back to another School Year The start of the school year is just around the bend and I’m looking forward to the 20162017 school year. Middle School Fall Sports Meeting - August 31st (same night as Open House) 6:00 in the New Gym. Following is information you might find helpful: Changes in the Middle School this year: Open House - August 31st 6:00-8:00 PM Please come! This is an opportunity to pick up middle school student schedules, pay middle school or high school fees (lunch, activity, class, yearbook, pick up a lock-no charge), and most importantly meet your child’s teachers. High school schedules are posted online through Family Link. Paper schedules are available upon request the night of Open House. Middle School students needing additional help in math will be assigned to a Math Lab. Students will attend the math lab during PE or Elective classes two to three periods a week. Parents will be made prior to scheduling students. New high school as well as new seventh and eighth grade students and parents will have an opportunity to attend an orientation during Open House. Incoming sixth grade students and parents may attend an orientation presented by the sixth grade teachers during Open House. Locations and times will be included in a School Messenger phone contact before August 31st. Eighth grade Academic Extension class will no longer be a study skills class. In fact, the name of the class has changed to STEAM. STEAM is an educational approach to learning that uses Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics as access points for guiding student inquiry, dialogue, and critical thinking. This will be a graded project based class. Since the change occurred over the summer after eighth grade students submitted their elective choice last spring, students wishing to make a schedule change to band or choir, may make that request through the Middle School Office. Family Link: This is a handy way of tracking your child’s academic progress, check attendance records, etc. through our school website. If you do not have the access info for your child, please contact the High School or Middle School Office. New teachers Mr. Greg Chambers - Elementary/Middle School Art Mrs. Amy Miller - Middle School Teacher Mr. Scott Marsh - Middle School/High School Math/ 7-12 Activities Director Middle School supply lists are online at the school website. Click on Middle School and then click General Middle School Information. Miscellaneous Information: High School classes will continue to be on a block schedule and Middle School will continue to follow an eight period day schedule. High School 8:10- 3:13 Middle School 8:10-3:22 Middle School and High School Picture Day is September 15th in the morning. The student insurance application will be available online within the next few days. I’m looking forward to getting reacquainted with students and parents after being out on summer break. It will be good to see everyone again and will be good to meet new students. This year I hope to continue to provide encouragement and support to the students, parents, and teachers as we all work together toward the common goal of providing the optimum education for Florence high school and middle school students. At Florence, we will dare students to be the best they can be, encourage positive risks while having fun, and challenge them academically to achieve their greatest potential. I believe that the middle school and high school years are a thrilling time for all involved. Please feel free to email me or stop by for a visit. I am pleased to be a part of the Florence-Carlton school family. Thank you, Audrey Backus Florence-Carlton 6-12 Principal Bird Banding in our Outdoor Classroom Cumulative Banded Bird Summary for the Outdoor Classroom, 2010-2016 Species # Individuals # Years American Goldfinch 2 1 American Robin 5 3 Black-capped Chickadee 8 3 Brown-headed Cowbird 1 1 Calliope Hummingbird 1 1 Cedar Waxwing 3 1 Chipping Sparrow 1 1 Downy Woodpecker 2 2 House Sparrow 1 1 Lazuli Bunting 4 2 MacGillivray’s Warbler 2 1 Pygmy Nuthatch 1 1 Red-breasted Nuthatch 1 1 Red-naped Sapsucker 1 1 Western Wood-Pewee 3 3 Yellow Warbler 7 3 Total 44 Individuals, 17 Species Since 2010, Mrs. Bolton’s and Mrs. Beierle’s kindergarten students have been bird banding in our Outdoor Classroom with David Lockman from the USFS. Students learn how researchers catch the birds in a mist net, and store them safely in a cloth bag until they are observed, measured, and banded. David shares interesting bird facts about brood patches, feather release, skull development for age identification and wear on wing feather tips, all while holding the birds in his hand. Students are allowed to release the birds with gentle hands and a little bit of bravery. Those woodpeckers and chickadees love to peck your fingers! This year we enjoyed a western wood peewee, a downy woodpecker, chickadees, a chipping sparrow and a red-breasted nuthatch. The Florence-Carlton parents, school and community will provide a safe, respectful environment that strives to prepare all students to become responsible, lifelong learners by empowering them with the integrity, knowledge and skills to contribute to a changing world. School News Board Approves Safety Upgrades The Florence-Carlton Board of Trustees set a goal to make improvements to the school facilities for the safety and welfare of the students, staff, and community. Last year hand rails were installed on the new gym bleachers and sidewalks were repaired to prevent trip hazards. This summer the board approved the installation of new bleachers on the football field that would meet safety codes and be handicap accessible. The old bleachers were dangerous and more than one person had been injured in the last year. The new bleachers will have hand rails in the aisles and a sidewalk from the field entrance that goes all the way across the front of the bleachers. The labor for the sidewalk and dirt work was donated by Duane Zeiler, Luke Zeiler, and the crew from One Horse Construction, along with help from Will Zeiler, Rick Bailey, Jewel Zeiler, Jacob Scully, Drew Scully, and Russell Guenther. Dennis Burns put in many hours doing the demolition work on the old bleachers. The Board of Trustees also approved the repair of the old gym ceiling that has the backing of the insulation falling off. This has been a problem for years and it is where our students eat their lunch every day. Innovative Insulation Systems from Victor will be doing the work. They will add more insulation to the ceiling using a blanket system. Usually projects are done at the end school year with monies left over but the board wanted to be proactive on this project and get it done right away. Rich Jessop rearranged his crew’s schedules to give our project top priority. The new boiler system is being installed after almost two years of delays due to costs and securing enough funds to cover them. This new system should serve the district for many years and cut down on the annual costs for heating. As part of the District’s Strategic Plan we will continue to improve our facilities to provide the best possible facilities for the students, staff, and community. Page 2 Florence Wins Academic Excellence Award Montana High School Association releases the 2015-2016 winners of its NorthWestern Energy Academic Excellence Awards. Florence-Carlton High School has received academic excellence for Class “B” schools. FlorenceCarlton High School averaged a GPA of 3.432 with 103 participants. The winners are determined who take part in athletic, music and/or speech/drama programs by averaging their grades for the 2015-2016 school year. Congratulations to all who took part in the program and for winning the 2015-2016 Class “B” Academic Excellence Awards. Free and Reduced-Price School Meals Page 3 Free/Reduced Lunch Program Children need healthy meals to learn. Florence-Carlton School offers healthy meals every school day. Elementary students may purchase breakfast for a $1.00; lunch for $1.85. Middle school and high school students may purchase breakfast for a $1.00; lunches will cost $2.15. Your children may qualify for free meals or reduced price meals. Reduced breakfast prices are $.30 and lunch for .$40. Please take the time to fill out the Free/ reduced lunch application. Federal grant monies for our school is based off our free and reduced hot lunch participation numbers. The higher our percentage of free and reduced participates the more federal funding that becomes available to our district. Free and reduced applicants are an integral part of FlorenceCarlton Food Service, Title One, and E-Rate programs. Florence-Carlton School is concerned that children who are eligible to receive a free or reduced price meal, are not participating in the program. By taking a few minutes to fill out an application, you may be helping your children and school. You will find an enclosed copy of the 2016-2017 Free/Reduced Lunch Application in this issue of the Falcon View. To apply for free or reduced price meals for your child complete this application & return it to the District Office. If you need help filling out this form, please contact Louise Warila at 273-6751 ext. 101. Federal Eligibility Income Chart for School Year 2016-2017 Household Size 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Each additional person: Annual Monthly Twice a Month Every Two Weeks Weekly 21,978 29,637 37,296 44,955 52,614 60,273 67,951 75,647 7,696 1,832 2,470 3,108 3,747 4,385 5,023 5,663 6,304 642 916 1,235 1,554 1,874 2,193 2,512 2,832 3,152 321 846 1,140 1,435 1,730 2,024 2,319 2,614 2,910 296 423 570 718 865 1,012 1,160 1,307 1,455 148 Florence-Carlton School announces the 2016-17 policy for Free and Reduced-Price School Meals for students whose schools participate in the U.S. Department of Agriculture [National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program]. The complete policy is on file in the central office and may be reviewed by any interested party. Households who receive assistance from Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP); Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR); or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) are eligible for free meals and no application is required. Children who meet the definition of homeless, migrant, runaway, and foster are also eligible for free meals. The school district will send a notice to your household about free meal benefits. If you do not receive a notice of eligibility or there are children living in your household who are not listed, please contact the school district. If you are eligible for unemployment compensation, you might also be eligible for free or reduced price school meals. Children from households whose income is within the limits of the chart below may be eligible for free or reduced-price meals. To apply, households must fill out the application and return it to the school. Applications may be submitted at any time during the year. Program officials may verify information submitted on the application. Households will be notified of eligibility determination. Households who choose to decline free meal benefits should contact the school district. Households dissatisfied with the ruling of the officials have the right to a fair hearing. This may be done by calling or writing: Edward Scully 5602 Old Hwy 93, Florence, MT 59833 406-273-6751 In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.), should contact the Agency (State or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English. To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027) found online at:http:// filine_cust.html, and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: (1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; (2) fax: (202) 690-7442; or (3) email: [email protected]. This institution is an equal opportunity provider. Page 4 General Information Graduation Matters Montana Coming next fall….. Florence-Carlton is launching its own Graduation Matters What is Graduation Matters Montana? Superintendent Juneau launched a statewide effort in the spring of 2010 to ensure Montana's public schools graduate more students prepared for college and careers. Objectives of Graduation Matters Montana: Increase the rate of Montana students graduating from high school college- and career-ready. Establish a support network between schools, businesses and community organizations for student success. Create school-based and community-based opportunities for student success. I Pledge to Graduate Campaign Research shows that students are more likely to reach a goal if they identify their own motivations when committing to meet it. Superintendent Juneau, in partnership with local school districts and the Student Advisory Board, launched an "I Pledge to Graduate" initiative in the 2011-2012 school year. Since then, over 11,000 students have taken the pledge. Students pledge to a significant adult that they will graduate and identify specific reasons why graduation is important to them. This high-profile campaign focuses statewide attention on Graduation Matters Montana, engages community and business partners, involves social networking and highlights student voices and ideas. 2016 Middle School Classroom Supply List 6th grade 2 poster board (reading) 7 pocket folders Loose leaf paper P.E. Clothes (t-shirt, tennis shoes, shorts, sweatshirt) 1-11x 8.5 spiral bound sketch book—art 2 boxes facial tissue-given to 5th period teacher 3 composition notebooks (English, Reading, Math) 1 bottle glue and 4 glue sticks 1 box colored pencils 1 box of markers 1 highlighter Pens—blue/black/red Protractor Scissors #2 pencils 7th grade 1-11x 8.5 spiral bound sketch book—art 1 box of markers 1 highlighter 2 boxes facial tissue-given to 5th period teacher 2 red pens or red pencils 4 glue sticks (1 Cramer Math, 3 SS to be used for class supply) 6 composition notebooks (2 English, 1 Reading, 1Math, 2 Social Studies) Band only-Measures of Success Book ll colored pencils (Social Studies) Folder or space in binder for returned papers (Science) P.E. Clothes (t-shirt, tennis shoes, shorts, sweatshirt) Pencils Pre-Algebra student only –scientific calculator (optional) Scissors 8th Grade 1-11x 8.5 spiral bound sketch book—art 1 folder—French boxes facial tissue-given to 5th period teacher 3 glue sticks (Social Studies to be used for class supply) 6 composition notebooks ( English, Reading, Math, 2 Social Studies) colored pencils (Social Studies) Flash drive—computer class Loose leaf paper P.E. Clothes (t-shirt, tennis shoes, shorts, sweatshirt) Pencils Pens—blue/black/red scientific calculator (mandatory) Mrs. Miller Class 1 pkg. pencils 2 boxes facial tissue-given to Mrs. Miller 2 pkgs. College ruled paper Calculator If you have extra rulers, colored pencils or markers please send them I for use in the classroom, thank you. 6-8 Choir Students 1 composition notebook (bound edge, college-rules) 1 pocket folder Black dress pants Black shoes Choir pencils (stay in the choir room) Do not buy a lock, the school will provide a lock to any student who wishes to use one on their locker The middle school office is looking for donations of new and/or used in good condition, zip up binders to give to students in need at the beginning of the year. We are also looking for non-perishable snack donations such as granola bars or crackers to keep for students in the office. Please feel free to drop off to Reba Hoff or Alli Bristow in the Middle School office. Thanks for supporting our students!!! 2016-2017 Majestic Bus Schedule Page 5 AM - School bus route quick guide. Every stop is not listed but you should be able to reference this guide to determine your approximate a.m. pick up time. The time and locations may change during the first week or two of school due to passenger counts. Please have your child to the bus stop 5 minutes before the posted time. If you have any questions, please call Majestic at 273-3346. Thank you. Route #1 – Madeline Mountain Meadows, Sweeney Creek, Bass Creek, W. Hoblitt, Luby Lane Leave bus compound 7:19 Route #5 – Donkey Upper 8-Mile area Granite Creek Leave bus compound 8-Mile @ Riverview 8-Mile @ Mountain view S 8-Mile @ Larson Ln 8-Mile @ Bridle Path 8-Mile @ Jenne Lane Leave Granite Creek Turn Around 7:16 7:26 7:27 7:29 7:29 7:31 7:36 Trail Creek @ S. Trail Creek 5189 S. Hwy 93 520 Sweeney Creek Sweeney Creek Loop Corner Outback Road 310 Bass Crk. Rd. Hoblitt Lane Turn Around Luby Lane @ Rainier Way 7:23 7:24 7:26 7:27 7:28 7:34 7:40 7:45 Luby Lane @ Taylor Lane 7:47 8-Mile Rd. @ Fairview Dr 8-Mile @ Skyview 8-Mile @ Orchard Drive 8-Mile @ Mountain View N 8-Mile @ Riverview Arrive @ School 7:57 Arrive at the School Route #2 – Scooby Doo Sun Valley, Maple, King, Upper Carlton, Jones Rd. Leave bus compound Sun Valley Road@ Rambling Rose Maple Lane Turn around 7:25 7:34 7:35 19135 Maple Lane King Road Turn Around 7:35 7:40 Corner of Jones Road & Carlton Creek 7:45 20605 Jones Road Rock Rose Way 7:42 7:44 Wagner Lane/Homestead Arrive @ School 7:48 7:54 Route #3 – Nemo Chief Looking Glass, Lower Carlton Creek, Leo Hansen Leave bus compound 295 Chief Looking Glass Fox Trail Five Wounds 7:11 7:17 7:20 7:21 Route #9 – Big Bird Hannaford, S. Florence Carlton Loop, One Horse, Marin, Koch, Martin Lane Leave bus compound nd 7:30 2 St. @ Hannaford 7:32 5326 Florence Carlton Loop 7:35 One Horse @ Montgomery 7:36 One Horse @ Bloxham Ranch TA 7:38 7:38 7:39 7:40 7:41 7:42 5121 Hoblitt Ln 7:42 Marin Ln @ Zeiler Ln 7:43 335 Marin Lane 7:44 Koch Ln. @ Brayton Way 7:48 7:55 Koch Lane @ Maroon Ct 7:49 Koch Lane @ Gold Ct 7:49 Martin Lane @ White Cloud 7:50 Martin Lane @ Gunsite 7:51 End of Martin Lane 7:52 Arrive at the School 8:00 Route #6 - Cookie Monster Lower 8-Mile, Lower Woodchuck, Klements Leave bus compound 7:27 8 Mile @ Antrim Lane 8-Mile @ Circle Dr 8-mile @ Necessary Way 7:32 7:34 7:35 Lower Woodchuck @ Slack Ln 7:36 Lower Woodchuck @ Surrey 7:37 8-mile @ S. Meadow View 7:40 8-Mile @ N Meadowview (turn around) 7:41 8-Mile @ N. Cottonwood 7:42 8-Mile @ Cormoret Loop 5656 Klements Lane (turn around) 7:45 7:49 5585 Klements lane Arrive at the School 7:51 7:59 Route #7 – Raggedy Ann Maclay, Rowan Rd. (park & ride), Old Highway 93. (N. of Carlton) Route #10 – Baloo Apple Valley, Bull Run, South Hidden Valley, Fescue Slope, Stagecoach Leave bus compound 7:14 126 Apple valley Way 7:21 Eastside Hwy @ Log Cabin Lane 7:24 Bus turn around @ Antrim Point 7:24 526 S. Hidden Valley 597 S. Hidden Valley 7:30 Bus turn around South Hidden Valley 7:32 465 S. Hidden Valley 7:36 Turn Around @ Reality 7:38 7:24 Leave bus compound 7:22 Alpine @ Fescue 7:38 Meadow Vista @ Belle Fleur 7:25 Manor Blvd @ Vista Rd 7:32 5330 Fescue Slope 7:42 5760 Meadow Vista 7:26 Rowan Rd @ Old Hwy 93 Park’n ride 7:39 329 Stage Coach 7:49 Chief Looking Glass @Two Moons 7:30 Old Hwy. 93@ Ray Lane 7:41 5430 Wildlife 7:53 4585 Carlton Creek Road 7:35 19100 Old Hwy. 93 7:43 Arrive at the School 7:57 7:40 7:43 7:48 7:55 Old Hwy. 93 @ Cunningham Ct 7:46 19655 Old Hwy 93 7:47 20015 Old Hwy. 93 7:48 5811 Hwy 93 7:51 Arrive at the School 7:55 5811 Meadow Vista 3650 E. Carlton Creek 20110 Leo Hanson Rd 19190 Leo Hanson Rd Arrive @ School Route #4 – Shrek Lower Hidden Valley & N. Hidden Valley Leave bus compound 7:26 East side Hwy @ New Farm Way 7:30 Lower Hidden Valley @ Fiddlers Ct 7:31 Leave bus compound 7:22 Lower Hidden Valley @ Spur lane 7:32 20600 Old Hwy. 93 7:30 Lower Hidden Valley @ Sun Flower 7:35 Old Hwy 93 @ Kendalls DC (Corvette) 7:31 419 N. Hidden Valley Road 7:37 Old Hwy. 93 @ Polette 7:32 N. Hidden Valley Rd. @ Galaxy Way 7:38 Old Hwy 93 @ Canyon Vista 7:34 Stay away from DANGER Zones at all times N. Hidden Valley Rd. @ Pine Gulch 7:39 Old Hwy. 93 @ Mountain Shadows 7:35 Heaven’s Way Turn Around 7:40 Old Bentham Rd 7:36 Hidden Valley Rd. @ Moonbeam Way 7:42 Tie Chute TA 7:41 N. Hidden Valley Rd. @ Blue Sky Lane 7:42 Tie Chute Ln. @ Whitetail Ln 7:43 Lower Hidden Valley @ River View Dr 7:43 FC Loop @ Cornish DC 7:45 Lower Hidden Valley @ Explorer 7:44 F-C Loop @ Hughs Ln. 7:46 Lower Hidden Valley @ Flathead Dr 7:45 FC Loop @ Holloway 7:47 6112 East Side Hwy 7:48 Holloway @ Heacock 7:48 6344 Ease Side Hwy 7:51 Holloway @ Iowa 7:48 Arrive @ School 7:55 Arrive at the School 7:52 PM - We leave the school at 3:25 p.m. It is difficult to say exactly when we will be at your stop, all depending on who is riding home on the bus. All students will need to have a note from the school or the parent to be let off at any stop that is not their pre-designated stop. For the younger K–3 students whose home or daycare is not in view of the bus driver at the stop; an adult must be at the stop to receive the student(s). Parents or guardians; please give the bus driver a wave, we will not leave your young student(s) off the bus alone. If you have any questions, please call Majestic Bus Service @ 396-1013. Route #8 – Sponge Bob Old Hwy. 93 (S. of Carlton Crk.) Tie Chute, N. FC loop, Holloway Ln. Community News Page 6 Annual Asbestos Notification to Parents, Students, and Employees of the Florence-Carlton School (Required by the A sbestos-Containing Materials in Schools Rule, §§ 763.84(c) and 763.93(g)(4)) Asbestos is a naturally-occurring fibrous mineral which, until about 1980, was commonly used in building construction. Asbestos will not burn, is an excellent insulator, has great tensile strength, is resistant to chemicals, is a nonconductor of electricity, and absorbs sound. Examples of asbestos -containing building material (ACBM) are vinyl floor tile, sprayed-on acoustical ceiling material, pipe and boiler insulation, and roofing felt. As ACBM deteriorates over time, or is disturbed by maintenance, renovation, or demolition activities, it may become friable, i.e., it is capable of being reduced to powder by hand pressure. When ACBM becomes friable, asbestos fibers are released into the air. Inhalation of these airborne, microscopic asbestos fibers has been proven to cause such fatal diseases as lung cancer, mesothelioma (cancer of the lining of the lung or abdominal cavity), and asbestosis (scarring of lung tissues). Uncontrolled asbestos contamination in buildings has been, and remains, a significant environmental and public health issue. In 1986, Congress enacted the A sbestos Hazard Emergency Response A ct (A HERA ) to require public and private, secondary and elementary schools to identify ACBM in their school buildings and take appropriate actions to control the release of asbestos fibers. In 1987, the US Environmental Protection Agency finalized a regulatory program which enforces the A HERA mandate. These regulations are incorporated within the A sbestos-Containing Materials in Schools Rule (40 C.F.R. Part 763, Subpart E). In compliance with the A sbestos-Containing Materials in Schools Rule, the Florence-Carlton School had its school buildings inspected by an asbestos inspector, accredited by the State of Montana. During that inspection, areas of suspect ACBM were identified. The type, condition, and location of this ACBM was noted. In previous inspection, samples were taken of some or all of the suspect ACBM. Laboratory analysis of these samples confirmed the presence or absence of ACBM. Suspect ACBM not sampled and analyzed were assumed to contain asbestos. Confirmed and/or assumed ACBM currently remain in certain locations in our school buildings. For example, there is mudded pipe joint insulation in the boiler room, the heat exchanger room below the stage and above some of the classrooms of the high school wing. There is thermal system insulation on some of our school’s heat exchangers. Furthermore, we have 9” X 9” vinyl tile and linoleum in many parts of the school, though much of it has been covered by carpet. Also, cement asbestos board can be found in several places around the outside of our main building. We also have vermiculite in many of our exterior cinderblock walls and asbestos vibration collars on three air handlers in or near the old gym. The District Office has sheetrock, taping material, joint compound and linoleum, all assumed to contain asbestos. Asbestos is assumed to be present in such building materials as cove base molding and mastic in the upper primary wing, the lower primary building, and the old high school wing. Finally, asbestos is assumed to be present in the laboratory table tops and the lab hood of the biology classroom, as well as in the ceiling tiles of the old primary wing. Upon confirmation of the presence of ACBM, an Asbestos Management Plan was developed for each of the school buildings in the school by an asbestos management planner, accredited by the State of Montana. The A sbestos Management Plans include a description of the measures currently being taken to ensure that the ACBM remaining in our school buildings is maintained in a condition that will not pose a threat to the health of our students and employees. These Plans describe past response actions taken to abate ACBM, as well as response actions planned for the future. The Asbestos Management Plans provide information on the periodic monitoring of the condition of ACBM remaining in our school buildings through triennial reinspections, conducted by accredited asbestos inspectors, and through semiannual surveillance, conducted by trained school maintenance staff. A copy of the Asbestos Management Plans is available for your review in the school District Office during regular office hours. Dennis M. Burns is the designated Asbestos Program Coordinator for the school. Please direct all inquiries regarding the Asbestos Management Plans to him at telephone 273-6751 ext. 436. Vaccines Required for School Attendance VACCINE Haemophilus influenza Type B (Hib) PRESCHOOL 1 dose (given on or after the 1st birthday, unless child is older than 59 months) None Needed Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis (DTaP, DT, Td, Tdap) 4 doses Polio (IPV or OPV) 3 doses Measles, Mumps, and 1 dose (dose must be given on Rubella (MMR) or after 1st birthday) Varicella “chickenpox” (Var) KINDERGARTEN - 12TH GRADE 1 dose (dose must be given on or after 1st birthday) 4 doses (one dose must be given on or after 4th birthday) Plus1 dose of Tdap (pr ior to enter ing 7th grade) 3 doses (one dose must be given on or after 4th birthday) 2 doses (fir st dose must be given on or after 1st birthday, and spacing between doses is 4 weeks) 2 doses (fir st dose must be given on or after 1st birthday, spacing between doses is 12 weeks for children under 13 years, and 4 weeks for those 13 years and older) 2016-2017 Elementary Classroom Supply List Page 7 Mrs. Crawford, Ms. Verlanic, & Mrs. Warner 1 (7 ½ X 10”) composition book 12 glue sticks (small size, Elmer’s brand preferred) 1 bottle of white Elmer’s glue 1 box Crayola 10 ct. markers 1 box of twistable colored pencils 24 count box of Crayola crayons GIRLS--1 container of disinfectant wipes (for cleaning tables/spills/etc..) BOYS—1 large box of Kleenex 1 backpack large enough for homework folders, library books etc… Label w/name. 1 towel for rest time. No oversize beach towels, please. Label/w name. PE shoes (Velcro closure) Label w/name. 1 bag of extra clothing (1 underwear, socks, 1 t shirt, 1 sweatpants inside a gallon plastic bag) Label w/name. Please write your child’s name in permanent marker on the inside of PE shoes, backpack, clothing bag and towel. We will share the r est of the items with the whole class, so you do not need to label anything else. 36 sharpened yellow #2 pencils with erasers 1 set of crayons 1 set of colored pencils 1 set of colored markers 3 folders with inside pockets 1 small bottle of white glue 10 glue sticks 1 pencil pouch with a zipper 1 pair of scissors 1 spiral notebook with wide-ruled pages 3 boxes of tissue 5 pink pearl erasers 1 pack of pencil top erasers 1 pair of P.E. shoes 1 backpack that will hold large papers and books * additional supplies for specific teachers will be sent home the 1st day of school if needed Two 1" inch binders 1 pocket folder 24 sharpened pencils - Ticonderoga preferred Two handheld pencil sharpeners Erasers Loose-leaf notebook paper, wide ruled 2 composition books Ruler with inches and centimeters Protractor (see through is best) Twistable colored pencils Markers - thick or thin Expo dry erase marker Scissors 3-4 Glue sticks Basic calculator Pencil box or pouch with name 1 large box tissues Boys bring 1 box quart or gallon baggies Girls bring 1 container of disinfecting wipes Water bottle - label with name P.E. shoes - label with name Many of these supplies will need to be replenished throughout the school year. Stocking up during back-to-school sales is a great idea. Please bring all supplies to Open House. We look forward to seeing you in the fall. Mrs. McCann, Mrs. Mazur & Mrs. Blomquist Shared with the entire class Small glue sticks (18) Bottle glue (2) Pencils (24 Ticonderoga) Pink erasers (6) Tissue boxes (2) Markers (2) Colored pencils (2) Folders (4) Water colors (1 set) Antibacterial Clorox wipes (2) Ziploc gallon bags (1 box) Ziploc quart bags (1 box) Names on the following items Crayons (2 boxes) Water bottle PE shoes Scissors Pencil box (only Verlanic & Warner) Earbud Headphones or Over-ear Headphones for use with Chrome Books 24 or more pencils (Ticonderoga or similar) 3 pink pearl erasers and erasers for tops of pencils 3 spiral notebooks 1 box of 8-12 washable markers 1 box of 24 crayons 1 box of colored pencils (10 – 12 colors) 1 package of 150 or more sheets of wide ruled notebook paper 1 pair of scissors 1 small bottle of white school glue 1 glue stick 1 large box of tissue Water bottle with a tight lid P.E. shoes (to remain at school) 3-Miller’s Class (only) 2 heavy-duty pocket folders 1- pencil box or zipper pouch 3-Hettick’s Class (only) 1 supply box for pencils, erasers, and etc. (approx. 8x4x3) Trapper keeper –With built in tab/accordion file Three-ring pencil pouch – to be kept in trapper keeper 24 sharpened pencils Pencil sharpener 3 Erasers and a package of pencil top erasers 2 packages of loose-leaf notebook paper 1 clear ruler with well-marked inches and centimeters 24 Pack colored pencils Washable Markers –thin (10 pack) 4 Glue Sticks Bottle of Glue Basic Calculator 2 large boxes of tissues 2 white poster boards –for book reports, please do not roll them Pack of Lysol wet wipes P.E. Shoes Optional: 4 three-hole punched pocket folders – only purchase if your trapper keeper does not have a built in accordion file August 2016 Sun 7 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 1st day of football practice 1st day of volleyball practice 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 HSFB pictures 9:00 HSVB pictures 10:30 New Student Registration 28 29 30 HSVB (C-squad) @ Corvallis TBA HS Volleyball (V/JV) @ Choteau Tournament TBA HSFB (V) @ Manhattan 7:00 31 PIR Day—No School PIR Day—No School Open House 6-8 p.m. Equal Education, Nondiscrimination and Sex Equity The District will make equal educational opportunities available for all students without regard to race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, ethnicity, language barrier, religious belief, physical or mental handicap or disability, economic or social conditions, or actual or potential marital or parental status. No student, on the basis of sex, will be denied equal access to programs, activities, services, or benefits or be limited in the exercise of any right, privilege, or advantage, or denied equal access to educational and extracurricular programs and activities. September 2016 Sun Breakfast Menu Mon.—French Toast Tues.—Cooks Choice Wed.—Scrambled Eggs Thurs.—Waffles Fri.—Cinnamon rolls Mon MS/HS Choice Mon.—Hamburger Tues.—Flat Pizza Wed.—Chicken sandwich Thurs.—Burrito Fri.—Falcon dog Monday & Thursday Grab ‘n Go Lunches Served Daily Uncrustable PB & J sandwich Bagel w/cream cheese Fruit & veggies *Cold Cereal, fruit, or milk are available daily while supplies last 4 5 Tue Wed Elementary Line 2 1 Monday & Fri day Uncrustable PB & J sandwiches Wednesday Chicken shapes Thu 2 11 12B HSFB (JV) @ Mission 4:30 Served Daily Fruit & veggies Taco boat, baby carrots, fresh mixed melon, choc chip cookie, 1% white or choc milk, skim milk PIR Day—No School n yogurt cup, smilie french fries, 7A Waffles' 8B orange juice, 1% white or choc milk, skim milk Turkey sub, broccoli trees, mixed apples, 1% white or choc milk, skim milk 1st Day of School 13A Spaghetti w/roll, green beans, peaches, B-day cake, 1% white or choc milk, skim milk 14B Chicken sandwich, veggie beans, fresh grapes, 1% white or choc milk, skim milk HSVB vs Loyola 4:00/5:30/7:00 18 19A 20B BBQ pork sandwich, sun chips, apples, 1% white or choc milk, skim milk 15A Flat pizza, garden salad, dried fruit medley, 1% white or choc milk, skim milk HSVB vs Hamilton 4:00/5:30/7:00 21A Taco salad, refried beans, strawberries, fruit snacks, 1% white or choc milk, skim milk 22B Chicken tetrazzini, pea salad, applesauce, 1% white or choc milk, skim milk HSVB @ Loyola 4:00/5:30/7:00 25 26B Sloppy joes, sliced cucumbers, fresh plums, Scooby grahams, 1% white or choc milk, skim milk 27A Ham & cheesy hashbrown, garden salad, mandarin oranges, 1% white or choc milk, skim milk 9A Falcon dog, garden salad, fruit whip, 1% white or choc milk, skim milk 10 HSFB (V) vs Mission 7:00 HSVB vs Mission 4:00/5:30/7:00 Board Meeting 7:00 Mac n’ cheese, spinach salad, petite banana, 1% white or choc milk, skim milk 3 Menu: subject to change without notice HSVB @ Mission 4:00/5:30/7:00 HSFB (JV) @ Stevi 5:30 Chef salad, three bean salad, fresh oranges, 1% white or choc milk, skim milk Sat Tuesdays & Thursday Goldfish cheese sandwiches 6A/B No School Fri Early out– 2:00 p.m. 16B Burrito, mexi corn, fruit cocktail, 1% white or choc milk, skim milk HSFB (V) @ Eureka 7:00 23A Fish shapes, wedges, coconut fruit mix, 1% white or choc milk, skim milk Early out– 2:00 p.m. 28B Pepperoni pizza, baby carrots, fresh pears, 1% white or choc milk, skim milk 29A Chicken dino bites, hot veggie medley, apricots, 1% white or choc milk, skim milk 30B Homemade stew ‘n PB & J graham stackers, asparagus spears, fruit salad, 1% white or choc milk, skim milk HSFB (V) vs Ronan 7:00 HSVB @ Bigfork Quad TBA 17 HSVB vs Eureka/Troy 11:00 24 HSFB (V) vs Troy 5:00