Summer 2015 Newsletter and Annual Report


Summer 2015 Newsletter and Annual Report
Around the
FALL 2015
Neighborhood Houses Wins Social
Enterprise Competition
arlier this year, Neighborhood Houses was
one of the winners of the YouthBridge Social
Enterprise and Innovation Competition, taking
home a grant of $25,000 from Daughters of
Charity Foundation. A new youth employment
program, Magnificent Creations, will be
launched with this funding plus an additional
$25,000 granted from the Daughters of Charity
Magnificent Creations, which will be located
in North City, is a t-shirt screen printing business
and also a comprehensive program that
combines positive youth development with
valuable work experience through a carefully
designed program to ensure that the youth we
serve are equipped with the skills needed to
enter and succeed in the workforce. Teens will
benefit from a safe and nurturing environment
during the critical after-school hours, gain
valuable work experience, earn a pay check,
and build strong relationships with peers
and adults. While working at Magnificent
Creations, teens will also receive guidance
in character development and professional
When after-school employment and
enrichment programs like Magnificent
Creations are available to youth, high-risk
behaviors are cut substantially, especially
considering that most teen crime is committed
during the critical hours of 3 to 6 p.m. These
programs result in stronger self-image, positive
social development, and reductions in risktaking behaviors.
The creativity and energy behind Magnificent
Creations is Neighborhood Houses’ Chief
Program Officer, David Carroll. “We saw a
gap in the services we were providing to
youth, especially young men, and Magnificent
Creations fills that gap,” said Carroll. “We
know that programs like this can be the
difference between a productive future for a
teen and a life of crime and violence.”
The program will officially launch in early fall
of this year and we’ll be getting the word out
about how you can support this program, and
the youth it serves, by coming to Magnificent
Creations for your t-shirt printing needs.
Magnificent Creations will feature signature
shirts with artwork created by kids in our various
programs and custom t-shirts for any occasion.
Back row, from left to right: Michael Howard, CEO, YouthBridge Community Foundation; Emre Toker, Managing Director, Skandalaris Center for Interdisciplinary Innovation and
Entrepreneurship at Washington University; Christine Smith, Board Co-Chair, Neighborhood Houses; Mark Leadlove, Board Co-Chair, Neighborhood Houses; Darlene Sowell,
President & CEO, Neighborhood Houses; Mariesha Martin, Director of Girls’ Night Out, Neighborhood Houses. Front row, left to right: David Carroll, Chief Program Officer,
Neighborhood Houses and Sister Joan Kuester, DC, Executive Director, Daughters of Charity Foundation of St. Louis.
Letter from the
President & CEO
Mark Leadlove
Christine Smith
Dear Friends,
Vice Chair
Charlotte Nenninger
Rev. Steve Westbrook
reetings! We are pleased to present to you our Fall 2015 newsletter. The last
18 months have been an exciting time for Neighborhood Houses and we
have so much to share with you!
Program expansion is a key theme you’ll note in this newsletter. From a new youth
employment program to serving three new elementary schools in the University
City School District to new summer camp sites in North County to serving kids at
the St. Louis Association of Community Organizations (SLACO) Etzel Community
Center, Neighborhood Houses is so proud to have new opportunities to serve
even more children in our community.
On the administrative front, in the past year we have been diligently working to
improve and streamline processes for our staff and managers which gives them
more time to focus on our children. A year has passed since since we moved our
administrative offices to 326 S. 21st Street and we are still loving it! The move was
great for staff morale, the cost of the space is less than our previous rent, and our
Ronke Faleti
Ken Bentlage
Leisha Gordon
Alyssa Harper
Rev. Donna Kendrick-Philips
Ron Long
Caprice Moore
Mary Mosqueda
Jane Schmittgens
Leon Sharpe
Krishna Walker
Elisa Wang
Richard White, M.D.
new office is a much better reflection of the positive impact we are having on
children and families every day. Please visit us anytime!
Missouri Youth Opportunity Program tax credits are here! These 50% tax credits
create an excellent opportunity to support Neighborhood Houses’ School Age
Services AND receive a break on your future Missouri tax obligation. Please see
the article on page 5 for more information how tax credits can help you increase
your support of Neighborhood Houses with less out of pocket.
Finally, we are still riding high from Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s visit
on June 23rd. She came to our summer camp at Christ the King UCC, and it was
a wonderful opportunity to showcase to a U.S. presidential candidate the impact
we are having on children and families in the St. Louis region. Our picture even
made it into the St. Louis Post Dispatch!
These successes would not be possible without your support. Your generosity
President & CEO
Darlene Y. Sowell
Chief Program Officer
David J. Carroll
Vice President of Development
Ellen Reed-Fox
Director of Early Childhood Education
Denise Carter
Director of Teen Programming
Mariesha Martin
Director of School Age Services
Gloria Hampton
and prayers help give our children the opportunity to reach their magnificent
potential. Thank you!
Yours in service,
Darlene Y. Sowell
President & CEO
Around the Neighborhood is published semi-annually to
advance the mission of Neighborhood Houses. If you
have any questions or corrections, please contact the
Development Department at 314-383-1733, or e-mail
[email protected].
Around the Neighborhood contributors: Kathy McCadden,
Mark Leadlove, Ellen Reed-Fox, and Darlene Sowell;
Designer: Michelle Zignago; Photography: Neighborhood
Houses’ staff
The Father Marco Cup is an annual lacrosse contest between Saint Louis University High School and De Smet Jesuit High School with the schools donating the proceeds to local
charitable organizations. Neighborhood Houses was one of the organizations chosen this year and we were thrilled to receive more than $8,000 from the event! Pictured, back
row, from left to right: Elisa Wang, Neighborhood Houses Board; Alyssa Harper, Neighborhood Houses Board; Ron Long, Neighborhood Houses Board; Bridget Cafazza, Co-Chair of
the Father Marco Cup. Front row, left to right: Mark Broughton, Co-Chair of the Father Marco Cup; Leisha Gordon, Neighborhood Houses Board; Darlene Sowell, President & CEO
of Neighborhood Houses; Chatty Maloney, Neighborhood Houses Young Professionals Board; Charlotte Nenninger, Neighborhood Houses Board; Mary Mosqueda, Neighborhood
Houses Board and Co-Chair of the Father Marco Cup.
5th Annual Trivia Night
n Saturday, April 25, 2015, nearly 300 friends joined together at the Sunset Hills Community Center for our 5th Annual
Trivia Night. The event was a huge success, selling out and raising more than $14,000 (net) in support of the children and
families served by Neighborhood Houses! That’s more than double what was raised last year!
A special “thank you” is due to Ken Bentlage, a Neighborhood Houses’ board member who researched and wrote all of the
trivia questions! We also owe a special thanks to our wonderful volunteers who worked the event, including some dedicated
students from Saint Louis University.
And of course Trivia Night would not have been successful with the very
generous support of our VIP Table Sponsors and Round Sponsors. Thank you!
VIP Table Sponsors: Tori Bolton & Ryan Fink | Brown Smith Wallace, LLC |
James Johnson & Sade Oladapo, M.D. | Mark Leadlove & Tara Ricci | Ron
Long | Mortgage Returns | Mary Mosqueda | Northern Trust | Nancy Reed
| Christine & Walter Smith | Darlene Sowell | Krishna & Jerry Walker | Elisa &
Randy Wang
Round Sponsors: Confluence Life Sciences, Inc. | Jackie Dippel | The Family
of Rev. Lou Huber | Mark Leadlove & Tara Ricci | Lockton Companies |
Mary Mosqueda | Rowe Law Office, LLC | TIAA-CREF Trust Company, FSB |
Krishna & Jerry Walker | Elisa & Randy Wang
The following tributes and memorial donations were received between January 1, 2015 and June 30, 2015.
Thank you to everyone who honored a loved one with a gift to Neighborhood Houses.
Mary E. Beaumont
Old Enterprise Foundation
Karen and Terrance Sell
Evelyn and Robert Baur
Council for Health & Human Service Ministries
Lisa and David Gerth
Shari K. Kern
Mike Neighbors
Ethel and Norman Pollock
Kevin Smith
Reena and Emmanuel Venkatesan
Kim and Steve Westbrook
Ann and Harry Wilson
Tasha Pettis
Rev. Karen Knodt
August Begemond
Francis and Frances Byrd
Shirley and Carl Ernst
Hermania and Paul Gilbert
Linda Heller
Lori and Rick Higgins
Betty and Melvin Leonard
Carmen and Dennis Morrissey
Judith and Larry Rizner
Patricia Schmutzler
Patty and Walter Schroeder
Diane and William Stroessner
Ruth and Jerry Watson
Joyce Whittler
Don Wilson
Ellen Reed-Fox and Tim Fox
Jack Mueller
Lois Coppedge
Leila and Jack Kirchhoff
Christine and Walter Smith
Ellen Reed-Fox and Tim Fox
Nancy and Sam Valenti
Laurna Goodwin
Claudette and Donald Flesch
David Stone
Claudette and Donald Flesch
On June 23, 2015, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited Neighborhood Houses’ summer camp site at Christ the King UCC.
Wish List
for Neighborhood Houses’
Gift cards:
(Target, Walmart, K-mart, Schnucks, Shop &
Save, Save-A-Lot, Home Depot, Lowes)
Youth Opportunity Program Tax Credits
eighborhood Houses has Youth Opportunity Program tax credits available to eligible donors for gifts
of $500 or more. See below how tax credits can reduce your out of pocket cost for a donation to our
School Age Services Program:
Paint for arts & crafts
Gently used children’s clothing up to size 6
New socks (for children for up to 6 years)
Medical quality exam gloves
Kitchen towels
School supplies:
(Glue, Construction Paper, Paint, Pencils,
Markers, Crayons, Colored pencils, Loose leaf
paper, Notebooks, Child safety scissors)
Electric pencil sharpener
Mini dictionaries
Mini thesauruses
#2 paint brushes
Missouri deduction
State tax credit (50%)($500)
New underwear (for children up to size 6)
Lysol spray
Federal deduction
Federal tax (following year) on state savings/refund
*NET cost to you $286
Eligible donors include individuals, businesses, or corporations with a Missouri income tax liability. Eligible
contributions include gifts to Neighborhood Houses’ School Age Services Program of $500 or more. Gifts
can be in the form of cash, credit cards, or stock.
Donors have up to five years to utilize all of the credits, but the tax credits are not transferable, refundable
or sell-able. As with any gift, how much is deductible for tax purposes will depend upon the donor’s unique
financial circumstances.
To make a gift or ask questions about Youth Opportunity Program Tax Credits, please contact
Ellen Reed-Fox, Vice President of Development, at [email protected] or 314-561-3339.
*The amount that is tax-deductible depends on each individual’s unique financial circumstances. The example above is calculated for
donors in the 35% tax bracket. Please consult with a tax advisor to determine your exact tax savings.
Drop cloths
Butcher paper
Hand sanitizer
Clorox wipes
Paper towels
Tissue boxes
Soap refill
Digital Cameras
Enfamil Lipil formula
Diapers & wipes
Potty training seats
Soft books (for babies)
Outlet covers
Spray bottles (30)
High-quality thermometer
Plastic containers – shoe box size (20)
White board
Cart with wheels
Crocheting hooks
Yarn for crocheting
Plastic clothes baskets
Fabric for sewing
To arrange for delivery or pickup
of donated items, please contact
Kathy McCadden at kmcadden@
or 314-561-3337.
Ladies from the St. Louis Association Women UCC visited Caroline Mission this past spring for their Annual Pilgrimage.
The women received an update on Neighborhood Houses and assisted with assembling informational packets and put
together packs of Neighborhood Houses notecards.
he Neighborhood Houses Young Professionals Board (NHYPB) has been officially launched and
we are thrilled with the energetic and talented group of young volunteers that have joined in our
fundraising and advocacy efforts. If you are interested in joining the NHYPB, please contact Kathy
McCadden, Development Specialist, at [email protected] or 314-561-3337.
Anthony Panozzo
Danielle Trout
Meg Riley
Loren Hewitt
MEMBERS: Kevin Arnold, Lisa Banotai, Tommy Brown, Ann Corcoran, May Dorris, Kerri Girouard, Arjun
Gokhale, Erin Holland, Chatty Maloney, Ryan Manse, Kristen McGauley, Anna Molitor, Emily Nowell, Meg
Riley, Michelle Symank, Kevin Kickham, James Lang
Program Updates
• Over Memorial Day weekend, students’ artwork was displayed
at the African Arts Festival in Forest Park.
• During the 2014-2015 school year, students from three of
Neighborhood Houses School Age Services sites worked
together to create beautiful murals that were displayed at the
Scott Joplin House.
• School Age Services will be expanding to St. Louis County in
the fall of 2015. Before/after school and summer care will be
provided at three University City elementary schools: Barbara
C. Jordan, Flynn Park and Jackson Park. The selection process
to find a new provider for these schools was led by a group of
parents and the principals. It was a wonderful testament to
the content of our program when we were selected for this
contract and we’re looking forward to forging new friendships
in University City!
Students participating in Neighborhood Houses’ School Age Services After-School Program proudly
display their mural of Scott Joplin that is on display at the Scott Joplin House.
• Community service is an important aspect of the Girls’ Night Out teen moms program. We’re so proud of these talented young ladies who made a
positive impact in their community by brainstorming, organizing, and implementing several community service projects:
· Leading a workshop at Neighborhood Houses’ Annual
· C
reating and donating more than 60 hygiene kits for the
· V
olunteering at Gateway180 Homeless Shelter and
making more than 75 “starter kits” for families transitioning
from the shelter to their own homes
· C
reating a presentation to raise awareness about child
abuse and presenting it to the Caroline Mission families
· S peaking to the elementary children at Cote Brilliant
about saying “no,” decision making, following the crowd
and perception
• The young mothers met with Parents as Teachers to discuss
personal parenting and participated in Parents as Teachers
lessons and activities.
• The girls set and accomplished personal goals, learned about
child safety, completed cooking activities, learned proper
dining etiquette, and reflected on the messages they have
learned about values and what values they want to pass down
to their children.
The graduates of Girls’ Night Out are ready to take on the world with new skills and goals they have
set for themselves.
• Another group of our “babies” have graduated from Caroline Mission! We were sad to see
them go this fall, but they’re definitely ready for kindergarten and beyond.
• Thanks to the support from the Saint
Louis Mental Health Board, we were
able to take 25 families to Jefferson
City for a day of advocacy at our
state capital. The families learned
about speaking up for their rights
and beliefs and enjoyed lunch at the
Governor’s Mansion.
• We have completed one year of the
“Taking Steps to Healthy Success”
program! Our goal is to be a Missouri
Breast Feeding Support Site and a
Missouri Eat Smart Site by the end of
summer, 2015.
• The children are excited about
the new playground equipment
donated by St. Philip’s UCC.
A volunteer group from First
Congregational Church in St. Joseph,
MI assembled the equipment while
on their mission trip to St. Louis.
A Caroline Mission family enjoys a visit from the fire
department at Neighborhood Houses’ 2015 culminating
event to celebrate the end of the school year.
A recent graduate of Caroline Mission is ready and excited for
• S ummer Enrichment Programming (camp!) is in St.
Louis County! We are excited about the expansion of
summer camp to North County funded through the St.
Louis County Children’s Service Fund. We also have a
site in St. Louis City funded by ARCHS, the Deaconess
Foundation, and the Norman J. Stupp Foundation.
Overall in 2015 we were able to serve approximately 150
children at five summer camp sites: Christ the King UCC,
Florissant; Immanuel UCC, Ferguson; St. Peter’s UCC,
Ferguson; St. John’s UCC (St. Louis City); and at the St.
Louis Association of Community Organizations (SLACO)
Etzel Community Center.
• S ummer Camp provides all day care inclusive of meals,
snacks, field trips, swimming lessons, and character and
life skill development. 45 campers enjoyed a week of
overnight camping at Camp MoVal in Union, Missouri, on
July 13-17.
• F ormer Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited our Christ
the King UCC summer camp on June 23rd! Secretary
Clinton joined the kids during their cooking class and
then enjoyed watching the camp play games and do
their daily affirmation.
Mike with 3rd Degree Glass Factory helps the children of Neighborhood Houses’ Summer Camp with their
glass sun catchers.
special thank you to Little Pharmacy School,
Operation Food Search, 3rd Degree Glass Factory, and
14th Street Gallery for providing special enrichment and
field work trips.
2014 Annual Report
Letter from the Chair
of the Board of Directors
Dear Friends,
review of 2014 gives me a great sense of both progress and pride,
along with new reasons to hope for the future of Neighborhood
Houses. Each year our staff sets goals and works hard to accomplish
those goals, moving the agency in a trajectory of progress in serving
children and families. In doing so, I am proud to say that we help
reduce the opportunity gap for those children we serve. The continued
vitality of Neighborhood Houses and the brighter future for every child
in our care gives me hope of what is to come for this agency and our
A few highlights from the year 2014 for Neighborhood Houses include:
serving more than 1,000 children each day in school age services
and early childhood development; the growth of summer camp to
three sites at three partner UCC churches; the restructuring of our
teen mom’s program; taking Caroline Mission families on a field trip
to Memphis to experience the Civil Rights Museum; Neighborhood
Houses’ staff presenting at the Missouri School Age Community
Coalition statewide conference; moving our administrative offices
to more suitable space to better serve our professional staff; and
re-launching Art & Soul as our signature fundraising event. Also, the
Board of Directors used 2014 as a year to perform self-evaluations,
re-emphasize our committee work and re-focus our meetings to be
more effective to ensure that we’re employing best practices in board
governance to help move Neighborhood Houses forward.
Our capacity to serve would not be possible without the help of you
and so many like you. To our friends, donors, volunteers, community
leaders, and United Church of Christ and Disciples church families, we
owe our most humble thanks. You walk with us each day, helping us to
guide, encourage, and empower the children we serve as they reach
for their own magnificent potential.
With deepest thanks,
Mark B. Leadlove
Board of Directors
Neighborhood Houses inspires children and families to
reach their magnificent potential through transformative,
educational and empowering experiences anchored in
faith, hope and love.
Neighborhood Houses will inspire greatness in children and
youth through a community of dedicated staff, first-rate
service partners, and empowered parents.
Uncompromising respect for human dignity is the
foundation upon which Neighborhood Houses was built.
We fundamentally value people and are always mindful
of individual circumstances and points of view. We are
committed to fostering communities of inclusiveness,
equality and fairness — ones that empower families and
inspire children to aspire to greatness.
Our faith-based legacy implores us to be vigilant in assessing
and responding to community needs and, in the spirit of
exemplary stewardship of our mission, we work relentlessly
to provide quality resources to those who are experiencing
social injustice.
We believe that resilience is a critical element of personal
character that can be built in all of us, despite socioeconomic conditions. Individuals should always be viewed
as optimal agents of their own personal growth, but in no
way does this mean that the road toward resilience should
be traveled alone.
By providing effective educational services, youth programs
and a caring, dedicated staff, Neighborhood Houses is
supporting the growth of children into productive, engaged
adults, and we are helping parents become confident
advocates for their own families. Yet, in humble recognition
of our own limitations, we are constantly building and
cultivating partnerships to enhance our skills and broaden
our perspectives. This belief of communalism will forever be
engrained Neighborhood Houses and in all that we do.
Neighborhood Houses
2014 Program Outcomes
The teen mothers’ program, Girls’ Night Out, is designed to provide support and
mentoring for pregnant and parenting teens. The program targets adolescent mothers,
ages 13-19, who have multiple risk factors that contributed to early pregnancies such as
living in poverty and experiencing trauma. Through group sessions using Wyman’s Teen
Outreach Program (TOP) and Parents as Teachers’ Partnering with Teens curriculum, the
program focuses on: healthy adolescent and child development; increasing parenting
skills; completion of high school; developing life and social skills; and connecting young
mothers with community resources.
2014 Outcomes Clients served: 71
• 100% of clients gain knowledge about healthy lifestyle
• 94% of clients are promoted to the next grade level or
graduate from high school.
• 100% of clients are free from substantiated incidents of
child abuse and neglect.
• 100% of clients gain knowledge about available
community resources.
The licensed and accredited Early Childhood Education Center at Caroline Mission
provides children, ages 6 weeks to five years, from low-income families with high-quality
early childhood education and care. The services are offered on a sliding scale and
includes an individualized development plan for each child in addition to a strong focus
on parent engagement. The Teaching Strategies Gold assessment system is utilized
to design activities and track each child’s individual progress. Ultimately, the goal of
Caroline Mission is to prepare children for success in kindergarten and beyond.
2014 Outcomes Clients served: 154
• 95% of children are ready to enter kindergarten.
• 95% of children meet or exceed age-appropriate
developmental milestones.
• 100% of parents develop coping and stress
management skills.
With a strong commitment to personal growth and academic success, School Age
Services provides before-school, after-school, and summer enrichment services for
elementary aged students in low-income neighborhoods in the St. Louis area. Serving
13 school sites and three summer camp sites in 2014, the program provides homework
assistance, character development, cultural awareness and strong arts programming,
and uses an evidence-based curriculum for math, literature, physical fitness, and nutrition.
Conscious Discipline, a research-based behavior management curriculum, is used to
empower staff to use everyday conflicts to teach children life skills and encourage prosocial behavior.
2014 Outcomes Clients served: 1,817
• 99% of students are promoted to the next grade level.
• 100% of students gain/maintain independent living/
essential life skills.
• 81% of students develop positive friendships with peers.
2014 Financials
Neighborhood Houses’ financials are audited by Rubin Brown LLP. The full audit report
and Form 990 are available for review at
Individual Contributions $97,647
Corporations and Foundations $144,200
Special Events $75,306
Bequests $44,511
Churches/Associations $140,284
In-Kind Donations $100,242
Government $1,473,442
Investment/Interest $7,412
Program Participation Fees $124,481
Other $41,380
United Way $667,069
Early Childhood Education $1,008,277
School Age Services $1,380,077
Girls' Night Out $73,022
Administration $343,193
Fundraising $225,629
2014 Donors to Neighborhood Houses
Our ministry would not be possible without the generous individuals, companies, churches, foundations,
and organizations that believe in the magnificent potential of each child. Thank you!
United Way of Greater St. Louis
Brown Smith Wallace LLC
Rev. Cynthia S. Bumb*
Carol and Russell Burnette
Jennifer and Keith Cooper*
St. Louis Association UCC
Margaret Engelsdorfer*
Evangelical Congregation of the
ESCO Technologies Foundation
Herman T. and Phenie R. Pott
The Estate of Dorothy and Earl
Northern Trust Bank
First Congregational Church of St.
Louis UCC
Mike Panneton and Suzanne
Erica and Ken Gregory*
Peggy and Robert Heinsius*
The Estate of Albert Schaefer *
Janet and Clifton Hungerford*
Norma and Robert Keller*
Deaconess Foundation
E. Reuben and Gladys Flora Grant
Charitable Trust
Carl Philips and Rev. Donna
Diane Walker*
Karla and Edward Sutton
Lence Charitable Fund, Inc.
Krishna and Jerry Walker
Trinity United Church of Christ
Susan and Steven Lipstein
Rev. Starsky and Dr. LaToya Wilson
Edward Jones
Lockton Companies, LLC
The Estate of Alzada Ferris†
Lucy Ann Mehl*
Martha and Gary Aldenderfer
Immanuel United Church of Christ
Missouri Foundation for Health
Glenn Biffignani
Janice and Rev. Clifford Aerie
Carol and Ward Klein
Monsanto Fund
Matt Biffignani
Ken Bentlage
Norman J. Stupp Foundation
Hyacinth and LeMonte Booker
Marilyn and Patrick Breitling
St. John United Church of Christ
Mary Mosqueda
Frances Brown
Brentwood Congregational UCC
St. Lucas United Church of Christ
Jack Mueller*
Victoria and John Bulica
Imogene Brodie
Charlotte and Timothy Nenninger
Central United Church of Christ
Daniel Byrd
Old Enterprise Foundation
Community Christian Church
Debi and Tom Calhoun
Bryan Cave, LLP
Parkway United Church of Christ
Eleanor and William Diersing, Jr.
Susan Casnocha
Carrie and Thomas Carter*
Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts
Jackie Dippel
Central District Alarm
Peggy Rausendorf*
First Congregational Church of
Webster Groves
David Davies
Ross Briggs and Susan Rowe Briggs*
Courtney and Christopher Goble
Shelia and James Schnurbusch
Bernadette and Ron Hyde
Mary Lin and Robert Siever*
Adele and Bobby Jones
Florence Simonson
Elizabeth and Peter Makulec
Darlene Sowell*
Pam and Rick Manning
St. Johns Evangelical United Church
of Christ
Peace United Church of Christ
Hattie and Ronald Jackson
Tara and Mark Leadlove
Regional Arts Commission
Christine and Walter Smith*
St. Peter’s Evangelical United
Church of Christ
Elisa and Randy Wang*
Amelia B. Hess Trust
St. Paul Evangelical Church
St. Paul United Church of Christ
Tim Fox and Ellen Reed-Fox
Ellen Retzolk and Bob Dehne
Julie and Daryl Rhodes
B.R. Bacon Consulting, LLC
Suburban Journals - Old Newsboys
Day Fund
Margarette and John Boley
Bonnie and Keith Taylor*
Jill and David Schatz
Carolyn Bopp*
TIAA Direct, TIAA-CREF Trust
Company, FSB
St. John United Church of Christ
Karen and Robert Boyd*
Lynn Ricci
St. John’s United Church of Christ
Peggy Disch
Emanuel UCC Women’s Fellowship
Evangelical United Church of Christ
Olaronke and Adeyinka Faleti
Julie Gallagher
Lucille Haller
Shilan Hameed
Marcia and Ray Hemann
Tonja and David Hilton
Posthumous recognition
*Member of the Lou Huber
Leadership Society-unrestricted
donations of $1,000 or more.
2014 Donors to Neighborhood Houses
Rosanna and Kevin Hogarty
Jane Byers
Sade and James Johnson
Maureen and Don Ronken
Hope United Church of Christ
Jonell and Donald Calloway
Carlil and Sylvester Johnson
Betty and Charles Saff
Olivia Johnson
Mary and Jamie Cannon
Rebecca and Peter Jordan
Kappa Phi Sorority
Reena and David Carroll
Duane and Carol Keller
Seneca First CongregationalWomens Fellowship
John Killoran and Jim Privitor
Central UCC-Women’s Fellowship
Sibyl Kerr
Belinda and Ronald Long
Christ UCC Women’s Fellowship
Hollis Kirkpatrick
Darci and John Madden
Nancy Clark
Rev. Armin and Norma Klemme
Joan and Robert Mayer
Elaine and Rodney Coe
Doreen Knapik
St. John Evangelical United Church
of Christ
Helen and Michael McCadden, Sr.
Virginia L. Conlee
Ruth and James Konrad
St. John UCC Women’s Fellowship
Rev. Ellen Hiatt and Mike McKee
Susan and Phil Cooper
Mary and Gene Kotthoff
Jim Meeker
Cynthia and Rodney Crim
Doris and Milton Krueger
St. Johns Evangelical UCC
Women’s Fellowship
Cathy and Jon Pettibone
Aje Cunningham
LaMear & Rapert, L.L.C.
Ann and Peter Rexford
Helen Davis
Jonathan Lee
Ann Riley
Deaconess Auxiliary
Ike Leighty
RubinBrown LLP
Margo Decker
Sandra and Milton Litzsinger
Ernestine and Glenn Ruester
Derico & Associates PC
Dolly Livingston
St. Martin’s UCC Women’s
Samuel United Church of Christ
Jeanne Dill
Mary and Kenneth Mallin
St. Paul UCC Dorcas Circle
Sarah and Cory Schnurbusch
Jolane and Dale Drape
Beth Anna and Brian McDonough
St. Paul UCC Women’s Fellowship
Kyle Schnurbusch
Jean and Jerry Dudding
Marilyn and Benjamin McDougall
St. Paul UCC Women’s Guild
Lisa and Zachary Schrantz
Emanuel UCC-Church School
Robyn and Charles McKinnon
St. Paul United Church of Christ
Leon Sharpe
Virginia Engel
Judy McLachlin
St. Martin United Church of Christ
Steven Espinoza
Abby and Jeff Miller
St. Paul’s UCC Women’s Fellowship
At Gerald
St. Paul United Church of Christ
Verna and Ralph Faisst
Sandy Montgomery
St. Peters UCC Sunday School
First Christian Church
Caprice Moore
David Stone
Mimi and Rick Fister
Christi Moore
St. Peter’s United Church of ChristWomen’s Fellowship
Pat Talley
Darlene and Donell Gaertner
Patricia and Vernon Mueller
St. Philip’s United Church of Christ
Betty Tope
Virginia and Kenneth Gehrig
Mary and James Murphy
Susan and Rob Werremeyer
Jane Gleason
Gladys and James Myles
Nancy Wessinger
Kimberly and Andrew Goldstone
Peter Neidorff
Rev. Stephen and Kim Westbrook
Grantfork UCC Women’s Guild
Frederick Nix
Jennifer and Dan White
Marjorie and Donald Green
Logan O’Connor
Rev. Dr. David and Leigh Greenhaw
Olds UCC Women’s Fellowship
Joseph and Angela Griffard
Peace Church Circle
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Omicron Eta Omega Chapter
Donald and Edith Grunwald
Peace UCC-Women’s Guild
Mary Jane and Bruce Hall
Helen Pearl
Alyssa and Darin Harper
Terry Jones and Lois Pierce
Laura and Thomas Hengstenberg
Pilgrim Congregational UCC
Woman’s Association
Stephen Barr
Rev. Herbert and Mya Becton
Jameszena Bejoile
Carol and Charles Blazicek
Karen and Mike Branding
Judith and John Buchheit
Ernie and Alberta Buenemann
Rev. Kevin Cameron and
Carmen Bumgarner
Carolyn Hileman
Calvin Holmes
Gary Huge
Lyn and Gerald Hurst
Immanuel United Church of ChristWomen’s Fellowship
Yasmira Jackson
Pulaski Bank
Rev. Donna Pupillo
Mike Readinger
Terry† and Nancy Reed
Rev. Thomas Ressler and Lorin Cope
Lauren and Barrett Robinson
Lee Smith
Christine and Sylvester Sowell
Brian Sparling
St. Johns UCC-Martha Circle and
Mary Circle
St. Lucas UCC Women’s Fellowship
St. Lukes UCC Women’s Guild
St. Peters UCC Quilters Fund
St. Peter’s UCC Women’s Fellowship
Shirley Stoecker
Beverly and Dail Stone
Kelly Sullivan
Paivi and Brent Tetri
Kermine Thies
United Church of Christ Sunday
United Church of Christ Womens
United Church Women
Rev. Russell and Virginia Viehmann
Leroy Washington
Webster Groves Christian Church
Christian Women’s Fellowship
Sheila and John Welge
Edward Wilson
Zion UCC Women’s Guild
Martha Circle
Joan Giessow
Zion-St. Paul United Church of Christ
Women’s Fellowship
Connie and Gerald Christman
Jean and Dean Goldenstein
Church of the Master
Leisha Gordon
Margaret Cole
Lisa Griffin
Congregational Women Fellowship
Betty Gschwind
Janet and David Dahl
Vera and Lonnie Haefner
Terri and Scott Dankenbring
Deborah Hall
Marilyn Dannacher
Elsie Hansen
William DeWolf
Linda and Donald Hardin
Doris and Donald Ditzler
Patricia and Marvin Herpel
Barbara and Mark Doerhoff
Cindy and Mike Hetzer
Mary and Kevin Donovan
Shirley Hilbert
Lindsay Biesterfeld
Martha and Paul Duchild
Marie and John Hixson
Dixie and Wayne Blum
Ebenezer Church, United Church
of Christ
Kathy and Reid Hoadley
Marie and Carl Bade
Emily and Timothy Bailey
Barbara and Dan Ball
Mary Beaumont
Darlene and Emmett Becker
Jeanine Bermel
Bethany-Peace UCC -- Pairs &
Spares Group
Sandra and Gerard Bowe
Barbara and Greg Brandt
Pauline Broeking
Angela and Keith Brooks
Gordon Brownfield
Ann Brune
Marcia and Bruce Bunker
Rosemary Burr
Mildred and Curtis Byrd
Elizabeth Edelmann
Mary and Scott Edwards
Evangelical UCC-Women’s
Nancy and Bruce Hoffman
Chris and Wayne Hoffman
Marigrace Hoffman
Hope UCC Women’s Fellowship
First Congregational UCC Women’s
Mona Derico and Carl Howell
First Congregational United Church
of Christ
Richard Hudson
Kathryn Fox
Jessica and Andrew Freiberger
Annette and Greg Hudson
Immanuel UCC Women’s Fellowship
Janice Ittner
Kansas Oklahoma Conference
United Church of Christ
Emily and Jim Kerr
Janet and Charles† Kies
Lacey Kimbro
Leila and Jack Kirchhoff
Sharon and George Klann
Helen and Herbert Krehbiel
Doris Krueger
Marilyn and Stephen Kuhn
Kathryn and Ray Lamb
Ruth and Paul Larson
Norma Leuthauser
Alberta Lichte
Judith and Craig Lindquist
Eileen Lischer
Kim and Ross Livengood
Sarah Loar
Quincetta Long
Mayflower Circle
Philippina and Robert McAdams
Meredith McMindes
Louise and Jim Miget
Lauren and Leo Ming, Jr.
Phyllis and Harold Freiberger
Ivy Chapel United Church of Christ
Alpha Omega
Denise and Brian Carter
Joan and Louis Fricke
Patricia Jackson
Jo Anne Morrow
Central United Church of ChristElenor Circle
Friedens United Church of Christ
Pamela and Michael Jennings
Juanita Muck
Marydel and Victor Frohne
Central United Church of Christ
Alice Jockish
Carolyn Ehrhardt Mulhall
Phyllis and Donald Fuhrig
Lisa Johnson
Barb Nahlik
Carondelet UCC Dorcas Women’s
Ann and John Molyneaux
2014 Donors to Neighborhood Houses
St. John’s UCC Women’s Guild
Charles Wilson
St. Johns United Church of Christ
Women’s Fellowship
Robert Witte
St. Mark United Church of Christ
St. Paul UCC, Women’s Fellowship
St. Peter’s UCC Women’s Guild
Arland and Wesley Stemme
David Storm
Sally Stouffer
Zion United Church of Christ J.O.Y.
Cate Van Luven
Jo Ann Neimeyer
Mary Lou and Art Schuchardt
Dianne Vargo
Zita Nenninger
Karen and Terrance Sell
Shelle and Steven Veres
Mary Ellen Norman
Steven Shepley
Ruth and Norman Volle
Megan O’Brien
Suzanne and Phillip Skelly
Walter Knoll Florist
Amy O’Brien
Laurie and Tom Smith
Debbie and Kevin Weaver
Andrew Olree
Patricia Smith-Thurman
Lolly Wehrli
Shanti Parikh
Pearl Spies
Kelly and Craig Paulus
Richard Spradling
Harlan Hodge and Pamela
Peace UCC-Women’s Fellowship
St. James United Church of Christ
Women’s Fellowship
Lynne and Robert Piening
Alcee Polk
Marsha and Carl Ramey
Redeemer Women’s Fellowship
Donna Reed
Aline and Owen Reinert
Ketrina Hennies and Stephen Ricci
Amy and Steve Robbins
Karen Roberts McNeal
Karen and Carl Safe
Salem UCC Women’s Guild
Viji Samikannu
Benaleen and Herbert Schafale
David Schafer
Dorothy and Charles Schmidt
Leta and Valentine Zink
Jay Thomeczek
Gail and Michael Schneider
Janet and William Philipp
Brian Zielinski
Zion UCC Women’s Fellowship
Nebraska Conference of the UCC
Rev. Margaret Philip
Rhae Yancey
Stacy Tew-Lovasz
Jennifer Tyus
St. John UCC Women’s Fellowship
Gayle Yamaji
Zion UCC - Zion Fellowship
Krista Stephenson and William Turek
Norma and Max Pepmeier
Carolyn and Thomas Yager
Margreta and Bruce Talen
Mary and Ronald Tillman
Karen and Wayne Pennington
Marla and Thomas Wohldmann
Almost Home
Ameren Missouri
American Girl
Applied Logic, Inc.
Art on the Vines
Baumann’s Fine Meats
Cbabi Bayoc
Matt Biffignani
Alice and Thomas Wetzel
Blue Chip Pest Services
Edward Wild
Board of Religious Organizations
Leah Willson
Breeze Blow Dry Bar
William G. Brinkhorst
Missouri Botanical Garden
Shana Watkins Photorgaphy
The Cheesecake Factory Inc.
Bryan Cave
Missouri Mid-South Conference
Sherry Kitchens
The Courses at Forest Park
Simmons Bank
The Greater St. Louis Knitters’ Guild
Six Flags St. Louis
The Magic House
Sprouted Design
The Repertory Theatre of St. Louis
Christine E. Smith
TIAA Direct
Lee Smith
Tropicana Lanes
St. Johns Evangelical UCC
Paris Turner
St. John’s UCC
Twisted Belly BBQ
St. John’s UCC - Logos Program
Upper Limits Rock Gym
St. Louis Blues
Urban Chestnut Brewing Co.
St. Louis Cinemas
Van Goghz Martini Bar & Bistro
St. Louis Rams
Walt Disney World
St. Louis Science Center
Debbie Weaver
Cynthia S. Bumb
Les Burton
Shannah Burton
Cardinals Care
Chesterfield Sports Fusion
Christopher R. Grundy
Church of the Master
Circus Flora
Clayton Pilates Studio
CODI the boutique
Marshall Cohen
Monsanto Fund
Mary B. Mosqueda
Museum of Transportation
Mustard Seed Theatre
Elizabeth Myers
Opera Theatre of Saint Louis
Org Story LLC
Panera, LLC
Parkway UCC Nursery School
Deitra Peet
Pinot’s Palett
Minnie Conners
Matt Conty
Crestwood Elementary
Crestwood Elementary Girl Scouts
Jessica Davenport
Dewey’s Pizza - U. City
Jackie Dippel
Jan Edmiston
Emanuel UCC-Church School
Mary Engelbreit
Jo Ann C. Evers
Extra Virgin, an Olive Ovation
Five Star Burgers
Fox Associates, L.L.C.
Amelia Garcia
Grace Congregational Church
Home State Health Plan
Hope UCC
Mark Hurd
Plowsharing Crafts
St. Louis Zoo
Webster University
Immanuel UCC
PRP Wine International
St. Lucas UCC-Active Youth
Wehrenberg Theatres, Inc
Frank Janoski
Casey Pruitt
St. Lucas UCC
Linda Wibbenmeyer
Jay Kanzler
Rev. Donna Pupillo
St. Mark UCC Women’s Fellowship
John Killoran
Ed Rataj
St. Paul Evangelical Church
Irene Willard
Kings Daycare
Ellen Reed-Fox
St. Paul UCC Knot Just Quilters
Zion United Church of Christ
Kreis’ Restaurant
Rev. Thomas J. Ressler
St. Philip’s UCC
Landmark Theatres
John Riggs
Stages St. Louis
Massage Luxe
Naomi Runtz
Kent Stephens
Kathy McCadden
Sandy Stevenson
Strauss Peyton
*Member of the Lou Huber
Leadership Society-unrestricted
donations of $1,000 or more.
Jacqueline Melton
Schlafly Beer
Ted Drews
Posthumous recognition
326 South 21st St.
Ste. 301
St. Louis, MO 63103
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Save the date for
Art & Soul V!
Friday, November 6, 2015 | 6:00 p.m.
The Caramel Room at Bissinger’s Handcrafted Chocolatier
1600 North Broadway
St. Louis, MO 63102
Mark your calendars for Art & Soul V! Art & Soul highlights how Neighborhood Houses uses art to
reach across boundaries such as poverty and challenging urban neighborhoods to help reduce the
opportunity gap in low-income families.
The event will feature unique works of art in many forms, done by artists of all ages. Our emcee will be
Carol Daniel, KMOX New Anchor, and Neighborhood Houses will be giving the inaugural Jerry Paul
Youth Advocacy Award to Carol Swartout Klein, author of Painting for Peace in Ferguson.
Tickets are $125 and guests will enjoy cocktails, fabulous food, dancing to My Friend Mike, silent and
live auctions, and Fund the Need. All funds raised by Art & Soul V will support Neighborhood Houses’
programs which collectively serve more than 1,100 children each day.
For more information, visit and click on the event link or contact Kathy
McCadden, Development Specialist at [email protected] or 314-561-3337.
Art is an important and fun part of summer camp! This
camper is proudly showcasing the African Mask she made.