
Next Meeting
7:00 p.m. Tuesday,
October 20th
Wolfe Street Academy
245 S. Wolfe Street
Próxima Reunión
Asociación de Mejoramiento
7:00 p.m.
20 de Octubre
Oct./Octubre 2015 ▪ Vol. 31, No. 10 ▪
www. upperfellspoint.org
¿La Gran Calabaza Rise Desde el
Pumpkin Patch?
El Viernes, 23 de octubre UFPIA
presentará nuestra primera Noche de
Cine. Estaremos mostrando la película
Es La Gran Calabaza, Charlie Brown
en una pantalla de 16’ en el
estacionamiento ubicado en E Pratt
Calle entre Regester y S Ann Calles
(lote del viejo Obryki). El evento es
gratis. La película es un clásico
americano 1966 de animación basada
en las tiras cómicas Peanuts de Charles M. Schulz.
Habrá música para bailar partir de las 6:00 pm y luego un
concurso de disfraces para niños y adultos se iniciará a las 6:45 pm.
Habrá primer y segundo lugar premios para el mejor disfraz para los
niños y un primer lugar único premio para los adultos. La película de
25 minutos comenzará al atardecer (aproximadamente 19:15).
Vamos a tener un número limitado de balas de paja sentarse en
así que por favor traiga su propia silla y/o mantas. También puede
traer su propia comida o aperitivos y bebidas pero no hay
contenedores de vidrio o alcohol. Todos los niños deben estar
acompañados y supervisados por un adulto; no se permiten perros.
Al final del evento, los niños menores de 12 se les dará una "bolsa
de regalos" para llevar a casa (hasta agotar existencias). La fecha
de la lluvia será el domingo, 25 de octubre mismos tiempos.
Diversión para toda la familia - únase a nosotros! (Nota:. El evento
se realiza fuera así que asegúrese de vestirse adecuadamente.
Usted no tiene que usar un disfraz para asistir.)
Will the Great Pumpkin Rise From the Pumpkin Patch?
On Friday, October 23rd UFPIA will present our first ever Film
Night. We will be showing the movie It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie
Brown on a 16’ screen in the parking lot located on E Pratt Street
between Regester and S Ann Streets (the old Obryki’s lot). The
event is free. The movie is a 1966 animated American classic based
on the comic strip Peanuts by Charles M. Schulz.
There will be music for dancing starting at 6:00pm and then a costume contest for kids and adults will begin at 6:45pm. There will be
first and second place prizes for the best costume for kids and a first
place only prize for adults. The 25-minute movie will begin at dusk
(approximately 7:15pm).
We will have a limited number of straw bales to sit on so please
bring your own chair and/or blankets. You also may bring your own
dinner or snacks and beverages but no glass containers or alcohol.
All children must be accompanied and supervised by an adult; no
dogs allowed. At the end of the event, children under the age of 12
will be given a “goodie bag” to take home (while supplies last). The
rain date will be Sunday, October 25th, same times. Fun for the
whole family – join us! (Note: The event is held outside so be sure to
dress appropriately. You do not have to wear a costume to attend.)
(More Halloween events in Community Calendar on page 2.)
La Academia Calle Wolfe
245 S. Wolfe Street
▪ P.O. Box 38315 Baltimore, MD 21231 ▪ Our 31st Year!
October Community Meeting Agenda
 Introductions and welcoming of new attendees
 UFPIA will revisit the proposed liquor license expansion of Spirits
Tavern (i.e., to convert their 6-day license to a 7-day license and extend closing time from 1:00am until 2:00am)
 Committee reports and volunteer sign-up
 New and unfinished business and open forum
 50/50 raffle
The meeting starts promptly at 7:00pm and runs from 1 to 1-1/2
hours depending on discussions. In addition, we will meet afterwards
at a local establishment (place to be determined at the end of each
meeting). Join us!
Wolfe St. Academy Teachers Need
Your Help!
Many teachers at the Wolfe Street Academy pay for classroom supplies out of their
own pockets so UFPIA requests a wish list
of items that they need. Then we ask our
community residents to make those wishes come true by donating those items. A
celebration party is then held for the
teachers and donors (to be held on December 5th from 7:00-9:00pm). Tickets for items range in price from
$10-$100 and will be available at our October and November community meetings or by contacting Barbara Moore at 443-315-9174 or
[email protected].
Fell’s Point Fun Festival Postponed
The annual Fells Point Fun Festival has been rescheduled for October 23rd-25th. It starts at 5:30pm on Friday and continues through
the weekend from 11:00am-7:00pm. Lots of items for sale, beer garden, music, food and more – fun for all! Also, note that there will be
many street closures and no parking on several streets – hundreds of
thousands of people attend this event so plan accordingly. More
at http://www.fellspointfunfest.com/.
Baltimore Running Festival (Marathon)
Come out to cheer the runners as they pass by on October 17th.
(Also expect major traffic delays. More details at http://
Newsletter Delivery Update
Thanks to Alexis Powers for her years of delivering
newsletters and we welcome Eamon Lesko who will be
taking over her old route (1700 block of Portugal, 400
block of Regester and Griffin Street).
Follow us on www.upperfellspoint.org and Facebook
Specializing in rental
property management
[email protected]
Saturday, October 17th, 6:30-10:00pm, UFPIA’s Progressive Dinner - For tickets or information, contact Molly at [email protected] or 202-415-2225.
Meeting Tuesday, Oct. 20th, 7:00pm, UFPIA Community Meeting - See page 1 for details.
Saturday, October 24th, 10:00am-4:00pm, Doors Open Baltimore - Explore historic and
architecturally intriguing buildings passed by regularly, but not entered around Baltimore, such as
the Shot Tower; free; guided or self-guided tours available; www.doorsopenbaltimore.org.
Monday, Nov. 2nd, 5:00pm, November Newsletter Items Due - Submit items and/or photos to
Jan at [email protected] or call 410-493-0158.
Tuesday, Nov. 10th, 7:00-8:00pm, Citizens On Patrol (COP) Walk - Meet outside Ann’s
Grocery at 140 S Ann St.; dogs on a leash and children with an adult are welcome too. If it is raining at 6:00pm, the walk will be cancelled.
More Halloween Fun!
Saturday, October 24th - The Can Company’s Trick or Treat; 1:00-4:00pm; The Can Company
Plaza (2400 Boston Street); kids costume contest (ages 18 and under; contest at 2:30pm),
pumpkin decorating, food and drinks and dancing to Thriller led by The White Marsh Ballet
Academy, music by DJ – The Show; free activities but costume contest has a $5 entry fee (contest proceeds benefit the Canton Dog Park); more at http://www.thecancompany.com. Also on the 24th, The
Great Halloween Lantern Parade and Festival: Electric in Patterson Park; starts at 3:30pm with lantern workshops, hayrides, food trucks, beer garden and arts & crafts market; kids costume contest at
4:00pm. The Parade includes marching bands, lighted lanterns, etc. – all free; starts at the Boat Lake and
heads east; line up at 6:30pm with parade starting at 7:00pm; rain date October 25th. Fun for all! More
at http://www.creativealliance.org/halloweenparade. And there is Halloween Night in Fell’s Point, October
31st, dress up the kids in a costume (and one for you too!) and visit your neighbors and then come out
later to enjoy spooky fun at many of our local bars and restaurants around the neighborhood.
More events & important messages on Facebook & Blog Section of our website - www.upperfellspoint.org.
Every Wednesday: Trash
Every Friday: Recycle (Do NOT use plastic bags)
GARBAGE: After 7am Wednesdays – up to 96 gallons per building (including multi-units). Use only trash cans (no loose
bags) with lids (tip: tether lid to can). Trash cans may not be stored on sidewalks. Keep the sidewalk, gutter, and any
alley next to your building free of trash and weeds. Up to 5 clear or labeled bags or bundles of yard waste (leaves,
weeds, and branches up to 4 inches thick or 3 feet long) also will be picked up. (Note: Rats love dog poop so be sure to
pick-up after your pet.)
RECYCLING: After 7am Fridays – no limit. Use any container EXCEPT plastic bags – no lids required, but clean items to
avoid rats. All paper and cardboard; metal food, beverage, and empty aerosol containers (no hangers or soiled aluminum foil); glass bottles and jars (no light bulbs, dishes, or window glass); plastic containers, cups and bottles
(no bags, straws, rigid plastic utensils, plastic rings, housings or Styrofoam). (Drop-off plastic bags at most grocery
BULK TRASH: Up to 3 items on the second Monday of each month (except October) – mattresses, tires, appliances,
furniture (no construction materials). Call 311 at least 3 business days in advance to schedule – only 600 requests are
scheduled each month.
HAZARDOUS WASTE, STYROFOAM AND ELECTRONICS (DROP-OFF ONLY): 2840 Sisson St. (first left off JFX 28th St. exit –
show driver’s license); 9am-5pm or 7pm April-Oct. 3rd. Hazardous waste including fluorescent light bulbs/CFLs, batteries, propane tanks, household cleaners, oil paint/stain (no leaking or unlabeled containers); accepted on the first Friday
and following Saturday of April through October. Styrofoam (marked #6 and in clear bags) food containers and molded
packing (no peanuts or insulation) and electronics including TV’s, computers, phones, audio-video accepted every Monday through Saturday (electronics only also accepted at 6101 Bowleys Lane, off Moravia Road). More details at http://
The UFPIA Newsletter is printed by Reliable Printing Plates, Inc., 204 S. Chapel St., Baltimore, MD 21231
Contact Information
President - Kurt Schiller; 410-499-6674;
[email protected]
Vice President - Kristyn Oldendorf;
[email protected]
Parliamentarian - Mike Sheehan;
[email protected]
Secretary - Maureen Gershberg;
[email protected]
Treasurer - Nicole Cr eech;
[email protected]
Beautification - Bar bara Moor e;
[email protected]
Community Garden - Jan Mooney/Kurt
Schiller; 410-493-0158;
[email protected]
Crime - Molissa Farber; 917- 287-6484;
[email protected]
Education & Youth - Mollie Fein;
[email protected]
Fund-Raising - Molly Sheehan; 202-415
-2225; Chelsea Swisher; 804-615-6038;
[email protected]
Hispanic Affairs - Sarah Karpovich;
518-598-8938; hispanicaffairs@
Land-use - Maureen Gershberg; 301-9222116; [email protected]
Membership - Lisa Knickmeyer; 410-935
-5604; [email protected]
Newsletter - Jan Mooney/Tim
Bennett; [email protected]
Traffic/Parking - Blaire Freed;
[email protected]
Website - J an Mooney; 410-493-0158
[email protected]
Baltimore City Council
1st District - Councilman Jim Kraft
410-396-4821 or 13th District - Councilman Warren Branch 410- 396-4829
City Council President - Jack Young
Mayor’s Office Liaison for SE
Anna [email protected]
MD General Assembly (District 46)
Senator Bill Ferguson 410-841-3600
Del. Luke Clippinger 410-841-3303
Del. Peter Hammen 410-841-3772
Del. Brooke Lierman 410-946-5400
Recap of Sept. 2015 Community Meeting
Speaker: Maria Gabriela Aldana discussed the upcoming Lantern Parade as well as many other events
sponsored by Creative Alliance.
Committee Reports:
Land-Use: 1) Rezoning hearing on old Obryki’s (side building) to be held on Sept 30th. 2) The developer for St. Michael’s Church project asked UFPIA to support rezoning to B3 with an MOU; proposal to
install brew pub and 37 residential units with one car parking included in the lease. (No vote was taken).
They have already talked with Washington Hill and Butcher’s Hill.
Newsletter: We will be providing our newsletter in Spanish and posting it on our website and Facebook soon. Both Sarah and Tim who also help on the newsletter need the Publisher program (Jan already has it). Motion was made and passed requesting $233.18 to purchase 2 licenses for the Publisher
program (Motion: Y-14; No-0; A-1).
Traffic/Parking: The alley at Griffin, S Ann and Regester will be gated. The owner of the house
next to it (John) has agreed to pay $6,000 to have the gates made, etc. but needs $850 from UFPIA for
application, key boxes, etc. Motion passed to give him the $850 for the project in the next 2-3 months
(Motion: Y-14; No-0; A-1).
New Business: 1) Lt. Windle and Officer Schmidt, Baltimore City Police Dept., discussed crime in
the area and answered questions. 2) Councilman Kraft stated that due to safety concerns at Bank and S
Wolfe that S Wolfe may become one lane with the other lane made into a bicycle lane.
UFPIA Group Outing to Dinner & FPCT
Our next group outing to dinner and the Fell’s
Point Corner Theatre (FPCT) will be on November 6th. Dinner will be at El Salvador Restaurant (207 S Broadway) at 6:00pm and then on
to the FPCT for the show at 8:00pm. Can’t
make both? Then just come for a drink, dinner
or the show. If you are coming to the show, be
sure to order your tickets as sometimes they do
sell out – go to www.fpct.org (click on the
shows tab). The show is called Betrayal by
Harold Pinter. (If you can’t join us on this date,
it runs from Oct. 23rd-Nov. 8th.) Photo right:
UFPIA’s group outing to Darbar, L-R: DeeAnn,
Zach, Jan, Suzanne, Jean, Barry, Cathy, Kurt,
Tim and Nick. (Photo by staff at Darbar - Also thanks to
A Professional Lead Paint Inspection
and Maintenance Contractor
The New Library at WSA Continues To Evolve
On September 24th and October 1st, UFPIA volunteers labeled books and created order in the everimproving library space at Wolfe St. Academy. Thanks
to our volunteers Anita, Barbara, Cathy, Eamon, Jan,
Karyn, Mollie, Phil, Regina, Stephanie K. and Suzanne; and to Barb, Mollie and Suzanne for supplying
beverages and snacks for our volunteers. There will
be more library work in the near future; if interested
contact Mollie at educationandyouth@upperfellspoint.
org or 410-212-4652. Photo right: Some of our library
volunteers, L-R: Stephanie, Mollie, Suzanne, Eamon, Karyn, Barb and Phil.
Mark W. FitzGerald
443-220-3235 www.blps.biz
[email protected]
Fallen Leaves
1812 Bank St.
(410) 342-2172
With fall officially here, that means the leaves are falling from our street trees. Please sweep up any leaves
in front of your house; otherwise they will clog the storm drains and cause flooding. If you need free leaf paper bags, contact Barbara at [email protected] or 443-315-9174.
Please support our sponsors!
(To place an ad, contact Jan at [email protected] or 410-493-0158)
UFPIA Trims Trees and Fills Another Dumpster
On September 19th UFPIA held the last Dumpster Day
of the year. All metal items were recycled and the monies were deposited into UFPIA’s general fund. Also several dead and broken branches were trimmed from
trees along the 200 block of S Ann St. Thanks to Barb,
Joe R and Kurt for helping residents at the dumpster; to
Jan, Kristyn and Phyllis for trimming trees; and to Suzanne for baking cookies for everyone. (Note: We will
be trimming more trees in the winter when the trees are
dormant (date TBA). If you would like to join us, you
must first take a free tree trimming workshop. The next
one will be held on November 4th from 6:00-8:30pm at
the First & Franklin Presbyterian Church at 210 West
Madison Street; contact amanda@baltimoretreetrust.
org.) Photo above: Phyllis (L) and Kristyn trim dead and
broken branches from trees along the 200 block of S
Ann St. during UFPIA’s Sept. Dumpster Day.
Fun At Johnny Rad’s
UFPIA ‘s joint neighborhood happy hour with the Canton Community Association was held on September
21st at Johnny Rad’s. Attendees enjoyed the variety of
food and beverages, socialized with friends and made
some new friends too. And there were some who
turned out to be good players at skee-ball. Thanks to
everyone who came out, and especially to Blaire and
CCA for coordinating the event and to Johnny Rad’s for
hosting us. Photo left: Clockwise: John, Megan, Blaire,
Evan and Mike.
New Zoning Code
Transform Baltimore, the City’s proposed new zoning code, is being reviewed by City Council (Bill #12-0152).
The draft code was introduced to the City Council and referred to the Land Use and Transportation Committee in 2012. Since then, council members, community members and organizations have submitted amendments to the text of the code and maps. The committee will be voting on close to 1,000 amendments. A public
hearing to discuss zoning map amendments will be held on October 21st at 6:00pm at the Southeast Anchor
Library (3601 Eastern Ave.) For map, http://rewritebaltimore.org/pdf/AllCouncilMaps_Amendments1023.pdf or
more, contact Tamara Woods at [email protected] or 410-396-5932.
1722 eastern avenue | fells point |
Baltimore md
Oct 23rd-Nov 8th
tel 410.522.0074
UFPIA Membership & Voting Everyone is welcome to join the UFPIA. To vote,
one must reside within our boundaries, have paid dues for the year & attended at
least 3 meetings within the past 12 months. Join us! To join, fill out & return the
form below or online via PayPal at www.upperfellspoint.org.
Phone__________________________ Date _________________________
E-mail ____________________________________Total $ ____________
Dues are $10 ($6 for seniors aged 65+) per person for the calendar year beginning in January. Pay at www.upperfellspoint.org or checks to UFPIA, P.O.
Box 38315, Baltimore, MD 21231. Donations are also appreciated. All are
tax deductible. Thank You! (Para más información en español sobre la
UFPIA, favor de comunicarse con Sarah Karpovich 518-598-8938.)
Household HazMat
Closed Until April 2016
NW Citizen Convenience Ctr.
2840 Sisson Street