JffiYE - Defence Industry Courses Alumni
JffiYE - Defence Industry Courses Alumni
\(* /L : -// JffiYE - \ . AI J ST R A L T A , / ! =>>>><<<<- I N DUSTRIALMOBILISATION COURSE 1 9 84 Departmenl ot Defence January, 1984 THEINDUSTRIAL I\4OBILISATION COURSE CONTENTS Genelal Page Historyof the Course-.....-... I Noteslor Members 3 5 6 9 1984 Cour8es Victoria NewSouthWales WesternAuslralia l,4em b e rs L is t . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . . . . . . . . .1 0 P rogra mme . . . -. . . . . . . . ....... . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 5 Mem b e rsL'js t . . . . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. 2 . -. . . . . . . . P rogra mme -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. .8 lrembe GL is t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. .4. . . . . . . . . P rogra mme . . . . . -. . . . -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2. .1. . . . . . . . . HISTORY OFTHECOURSE 1. During the 1939-45 World War, Sir John Storey experiencedthe encountered by Industryin tryingto meetthedemandsofthe Services in difficulties Thesedemandson occasionswere unreasonable, timeso{ emergency. and they indicated a seriouslackof understanding on the partof the Serviceofficersof the complications, limitations and difficultiesof manufacture and production. On the wereignorantof the practicalrequirements otherhand,someindustrialists of the ln 1949SirJohnwasaDoointed Seruices on mobilisation. Chairman of theJointWar ProdJction thatCommittee wasformed. Cormillee(JWPC)when 2. ln 1953 Sir John visitedthe UnitedStates of Americawhere he had discussions with the UnitedStatesSecrelaryof Defense.As a resultof these discussions hevisitedthe UnitedStatesIndustrial Colleqeof theArmedForces. 3. On his return to AustraliaSir John reportedon his Americanvisit and recommended to the then Secretaryof the Departmentof Defence,Sir Frederick thatAustralia shouldhaveanindustrial mobilisation institution Shedden. in order to brinq seniorofficersin Defenceand the ArmedForcesinto a closer relationshio withlndustrv. 4. ln 1954 the JWPC initiateda seriesof lecturesdesionedto irnorove ol Industry.its capablitresaodLmitatr"ons. Thefirir few Servceolfrcersknowledge courseswereheldin Melbourne andwerecomposedprincipally of Serviceofficers, with a few nembers from Industry.In recc8nitionof the need for grealer communicatron betweenIndustrv.the PubhcSeNice and the ArmedForces hasnowbeenbroadened representation to approximately: Industry/Commerce/TertiaryInstitutions..........-...................55% P oblicS ervice(F e d e ra la n d S t a t e ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . 3 5 % 5. Coursesare now held annuallyin Melbourneand Sydney;a third rotationally Course,of shorterduration,is programmed betweenothermainland capitalcities. Shortrefresher courseshavebeenconducted onanopportunity basis. 6. Sir lan l.4clennanbecameChairmanof the JWPCin December1956and assumedthe responsibility, throughthat Committee,for policyin relationto the l\,4obilisation TheJWPCwasreolaced bvtheDefence conductof lndustrial Courses. (lndustflal) ol theD(l)Cuntilhrs CommfieeIn 1969.Sir lancont'nuedas Chairman retirernent inSeptember 1977.ThecurrentChairman ol theCommittee, nowretitled (DlC),is Sir DavidZeidler,C.B.E. DelenceIndustryCommiftee, 7. To date 2830 mernbersfrom Industrv. Federal and State Public fromIndustrial l\,4obilisation ServiceaodtheArmedForceshavegraduated Courses. A largenumberof peoplein positionsof authority,trustandresponsibility are now withtheproblemsof Industryand Detence. Ivlembers frompastCourses acquainted are,fromtimetotime,invitedto attendselectedlecturestoupdatetheirknowledge. alsomaintain contactsandcomradeship throu9hreunions andsocial Coursegroups gamerrngs. 8The Courseplays an importantpart in our nationalpreparationsfor securily lt seeksin theoryby its lectures.and rn practrcewrlh rts visils,to qtve r'rembersa good knowledgeol the current stale ol Industryand Seri,ce organ|satron. AIMSANDCURRICULUM PREAMBLE relationsare conditioned L Australias strategicsituationand international by eventsin the Worldat large.Defencepolicymusl rellectthe impactof these 10. The inlluenceof Industryon the Armed Forces,and the Services Militarypowerscannotstand convibution to Industry,is not generally understood. alonewithoutadequateindustrialsupport.The abilftyof lndustryto provideor modifyequipment, andto suppo( or refitmajorweaponssystems,is crucialto the effectiveness of theArmedForces.lt followsthattheremustbea closeassociation betweenthe Department of Defenceand Industryrt we are to and understandrng progresstowa.dsburgoalofimproved capaoi y in defence. '11. Developmentof industrialcapabilityto meet Defencerequirements fromailpartias- lndustry,the ArmedForcesand demandsthe tillest co-operation Thetdstof effectiveness of the Industrial lvlobilisation Courseis the PublicService. whetherunderstanding is achreved. of thismutualinter-reliance AIMS 12. Theaimsof the Industrial lvlobilisation courseare: a. To give membersan understanding of thoseaspecisof economic, industrial, defenceand otherrelatedmatterswhichaffectour national security; b. To encourageand facilitatecommunication, co-operation and mutual understandi-ng betweenIndustry,the PublicSeriice and the Armed Forces. 13. to givemembers: To achievetheaims,theCourseis designed and roleof the a. An insightintothe currentstatus,luturedevelopment servDes: and diversification ol Industryin b. An appreciation of the development Australia capacityi andits production of the maindeterminants of our defencecapabilities c. An appreciation trameworkwithin which nationalpoliciesfor and the institutionat industryanddefencearetormulated andimplemented; d. An understanding of the co-operationwhich must exist between Government and Industryto provideindustrialsupportto the Armed Forcesi e. An appreciation o{ the inter-relationship betweenDefenceindustrial capacityandthecivilianeconomy. CURRICULUM 14 Theannualcurricu umis dividedintosix sections: lntroduction. The basrcprobemsof how Industryis preparedto meeta national.en ergency. andthe nrerrelationships ot theeco.omtc. legaland Trnancra aciots NaturclResources. A studyis madeof Australia'snaturalresources; their quantity,type,availability and distribution; and the extenlol the Nation's self-s!fficiency. Thematterotcriticalandstrategicmateialsis discussed. lnduslies.Production Secondary aspeclsof industrialoutputand future polentialare considered.The limilationsof Indostryare studied,and attentionis focussedon military/industrial relationships. PublicUtilities:fhe controlanddevelopment of theseimoorlantfactorsin thecounlrys economyareinvestigated. ManDower. A. studv of the oroblemsof industrialrelations,militaryand crvilianrequiremenis, and the eflectiveutilisationand conservation ol manpower is undertaken. DefenceFotces.The problensassooatedw'tf' orovidinqmalenalfor lne Services areoivensoeoalconsderation. 15. A syllabusto suit the curriculumis cornpiledby the Directoroi Studies afterdiscussion withthe policycommittees withinthe Department of Defence, and members of previous Courses. NOMINATIONS The number ol students and allocationsoi positionsvaries trom 16. of Committee to vear vearandfromStateto State.In generaltermsthe Executive fromInduslrial 55'. of coulsemembelship at secur'nqapgroximatery ihe DIC'aims Statedepartments andthererlarnderfror Federaland andbusrness oroanisationa and tle A'med Forces Coulsesrr eachof New universities and inhurne.laliiies. South Walesand Vctona may compriseup to 40 students:In olher Stales generalry is between25 and30 students. membershrp Selection 17. When Deoartmentsor Companiesare invited to nominateolficers/ to Coursetheyarerequested Mobilisation executives as membersof the Industrial consider thefollowingcriteria: bebetweenthe agesof shouldhavegoodcareerprospects, a. Nominees backgroundServ;ce anyspecial,st 35 and50.andmavhaveqeneralor oflic€rsandPublic'Servra otftcersshouldbeol a rankor cldssilication colonelor equivalent. not lowerthanLieutenant whocanbeexpected b. Selection shouldbe madefromthoseexecutives to attendboth svmposiaand most lecturesand visits,and who are Interstate durlnglhe yeal Howevershoulda to be transferred unhkely membar be lranslerredto anotherstale in which an Industnal canbe transferof membership Mobilisation Courseis beingconducted assumed. Costg lhere are no tuirion lees, and no paymentis requrredfor lectu/e 18. nores. bne{s or induslrialbooklets.During lhe lwo (weeklong)symposra rs providedin a Servicelltess.bul somecha.gesare maoelor accommodalion by thecourse withentenainment Incdentals andrtemaassoclated 19. Freebus lransoortrs availabbfor localvrsrlsFor longervisits firmsand and otherexpenses lor arr {ares.accommodation deoarlmentsare responstble DJrino awavJrom'hbmevisits, some entertainingtakes place at members exp€nie. MANAGEMENT OFTHECOURSE Policy 20. On pohcymaltersp€rtainrnqto lhe IndustrialMobilsationCourse.the Minister. Jor.Defenceis advisedbt the DefenceIndustryCommrtteewhose Chairman: SirDavidZeidler,CBE ViceChairman: Mr B.T.Loton ChiefGenerallvlanaqer TheBrokenHillProp;ietary Co Ltd Businessl\,,!embers: MrJ.A.L.Hooke,CBE Chairman andChiefExecutive Amatgamated Wiretess (A,asia) Ltd Mr W.D_tvlcpherson Chairman NrcPherson's Ltd SirBrianInqlis ChairmanFordAsiaPacificlnc l\,4rJ.K. Horwood Chairman Chambertain JohnDeereply Ltd NrrR. Kingsford-Smith, DSO,DFC Chairman Hawkerde Havilland Australiapty Lld MrJ.A.Davidson, AO Chairman Commonwealth Industrial GasesLtd [,4 r.H.p. Hurretl Naltonalsecretary Federaledlron WorkercAssocialionol Australia SeniorDefence [,4rF.N.Bennett Depaatment l\,4ember: Deputysecretaryc lrembers: RearAdmiralR. R.Catder,AM Chielof NavalTechnical Services Maior GeneralK.J. Tavlor Chiefof Army t!4ateiei Major GeneralA.D. Powell Chiel of Supply Air Vice N,4arshalJ.A. Dietz Chiefol Air ForceTechnicalServices SecrelaryDepanmenloi DefenceSupporl (or his representatives) Secretary Deparlment of Industry and Commerce{or his representattve) F rst AssistantSecretary(Detenceand Governmenl Dlvision) Depanmenlof Ftnance 6 Executive Member: tvirD.D.Wood FirstAssisiantSecretarV Depa(mentof Defence Secretary: Mr P.R.Bradshaw Department of Defence Administration 2_1. A sub-conmitteeol the OefenceInduslryCommrttee,known as the Execut've Cor4rnrttee. Industriar VobitisatonCoursd.aaminrsteiirfteCoLr.s.-el ii,ti presentmembership of thisSub,Committee rs: Chairman I\,4r F.N.Bennett I\,4embers: RearAdmiral R.H.Calder llajor GeneralK.J.Taytor MajorGeneralA.D.Powell Air ViceN,4arshalJ_A. Dietz Representative of Secretarv Department of DefenceSu6port Commodore D.J.McKeeqan DirectorGeneral, TrarningandEducation Department of Defence Executive Member: GroupCaptain J.P.H.Trinder Directorof Studies Industrial Mobiiisation Course Secretary: Mr P.R.Bradshaw DireciingStaff 22,, .. fhe Coursesare conducledby the Directorof Stud€s, who rs based In.Meroourne ano ts a servingofficerof Colonelrankor equrvalent. In eachStalea chairmanis appointedfromihe BetiredLrstof highrantiriqSeiviieoifice;s-in-J _ ' !servingolficeracts,on a part-timebasis.as AssrsiantDr.ecioiot SruJes.-' 23. TheStaffis: a. OirectorofStudies GroupCaptainJ.P.H.Trinder Departmeirt of Delence VictoriaBarracks St KildaRoad lMelbourne 3004 (Telephone:697 4111) (Clerk:AnneLarmerTetephone 6974113) b. Victoria (1) Chairman [,4ajor GenefatJ.D. Stevenson AO,CBE(Refd) 69 Stevenson Street Kew3101 (Telephoner 03-8621605) (2) AssistantOirecto. Squadron LeaderD.H.l.Edwards RAAFEqupmenlLiaison Otlicer Essendon BAAFP.O.Box143 Niddrie 3207 [|elephone:379 8533) NewSouthWsles (1) Chairman RearAdmiral D.F.Lynam, CBE(Fetd) 24 PelersPiace Maroub ra , 2 0 3 5 (Teephone:6616613 l2l AssistantDirector N4aior B.C.Havden Headquarlers SecondMilitarvDistrict VictoriaBarracks PaddinqtonNSW2021 02-3390455) Cleleph-one: d. Weslem Auatralla (1) Chairman AirVice-Marsha c.T.Newstead AO,CBE (Bel,d) I Reservoir Close MosmanPark6012 (Telephone: 3831062) 12) AssistantDirector tUaior B.E.Franklin Educalion OIlcer Headquarters FillhMililary District SwanBarracks Perth (Teephone:09-3280512) NOTESFORMEMBERS Syndicales l\,4enbers are groupeo in syndicatesand syndrcareleadersare 24. io: leadersarerequrred at the begrnnrng ol rhecou/se.Syndicate appornted andto in syndicatediscussions all studentsto participate a. Encourage maiorityvews. determine b. Nominatesyndicatemembersto posequestons,attemptingto give throughout theyear. eachmemberequalopportunity programme requirements c. Ensurethat 0imings)aremetduringlectures anovrsfs. d. Guideand controlactivitiesin relationto the Courseprolects(See paragraphs 29 and30). Lectutes At the end 50 .ninLrtes. 25. Lecture.sare invitedto speaklor approximateLy lo d,scuss the p.esentatron ard relrre lo sepa.ate areas ol eacnlecture,syndcates ol theleis aqJeslionSession Followrnq thesyndtcate dtscLlssion oreoarequeslrona, lheorder'n DurinqthrssessiontheChatmannom'nates 50 mrnules. bodroxrmatelv posequestions: to he 'nay.In hisjudgement. openthedrscussion vidrchsvnd,cAtes 'ouestions kom thefloor'. Notes 26. Most lecturersprovide backgroundnotes which are lorwarded to readingmateriaL. membersbeforethe lecture-Somecompaniesprovidepre_visit be studiedbeforethe event. Notesandpre-visitmaterialshould Visits in arrrvaland observanceof schedulesare Duflnq vrsits punctuahtV 27. notbn'y to ensJrethai all tacelso' the industryare seenbut alsoas a essentral, courtesyto thehosts. On all occasionswhenCoursesrelaxwith lecturers,whenbreaksoccur 28. is undertaken,all Course membersare dorinq visits or when entertainment hostsorguestsarenot neglected. expeatedto ensurethat lecturers, CourseProiects ol p ovidinga writlenreoorton a rsoilereotheopportunity Eachsyndrcate 29. r.le.lace problemthat they haveperceivedduringlhe course Defeace/lndusfra In the li'sl inslance w thrnthe Delercedepartment Sucha rioo4 willbe circulated il appropnate.other FederalGovernme^ldepa'l'nentsad 11,4C Subseque^l|y. particrpatinq maybeprovdedwitf'copies. orga4izalions In additionto the abovevoluntaryreporteach syndicateis requiredto 30. orovrdea writlen a.alvsisol one ol the malordivrsionsol the cou'se (NaturaL Industrres,PublicUtir,les,Malpower and lhe De'ence ilesources.Secondarv 'any sho('comings in the coverage and suggesting Forces) high'ighting the a svnopsrs o'lhese pape'swillbepublishedin rmorovements.-sDace oerinrttinq, Comm'ttee ol the Direilor; AnnJalBeportlo the ExecJtive aoorooriate seclrons Graduation or tests,but stodentsmustattendat least6570 31. Thereareno examinations themaximumpossibleattendance of the lecturesandvisitsto graduate.Obviously is desirable. 32. Graduationcerti{icatesand ll\,4oties are presentedto studentson n TheCoursetie 's ot darkqreel backgloundandhassuperirrposed. araouatron. Defelce crosseo swords of Industrv and lhe w'eels of the cogged dob. 1984 IN DU S T B I A LMO B I L I S A T I O N CO URS E VICTORIAN COURSE MEMBERS Appointment, Conpany/ Depattn ent B a k e r,A d h u rH .(D i p .tE) Manager,D enm W eavi ng Chep PoolrngSystems Ba rra h ,a n F . (8 .A.,B.S c ,].S.T.C ) The U fi ve€i l yol [4e]bo!rne A ss stantl oGeneraL4anager B H P C o Ll d Ol C A i r ForceOuai l yA ss!l ance Laboralores, Deparlrnentol Detence Bo e a u Ge o rg eS.(B .C o m) Box CharlesH.{M.Sc) Bromet Lieutenant CotonetMarcus C o n y n g h a mMa , x w ei c . (B.S c( [,4et)) B ors W arner(A usl rata) Ll d OIC C omm!nrcal i ons S chool R oyal A ustra ranN avy Corselr,CommanderDavrdB. Dowrey,ceollreyW. Deparlmenloi Adm nrslralive D u C a s s eBri a nE (D i p .M e c h.E .) E xperi mental E nE i neer Genera Motors Holden'sL1d NalionalSalesl\,4anager N yl exC orporaton Chiel,EnergyTechfo 09y Gi b s o nD , o n ad C .(B.S c ,B.E .ph D .) csrBo H a rh e [ J o h n E .(B E, B c o m.,M LE . AUST) D eparl rnenl oi Managemenl and B udget Techni caS ervl cesManager H o p l i n s H e n ryF (B .C h e rn E n o .l H ons.t D l p .M a .l H u rc hn s o n .J o h nC .(Dp . M e c hE ) l,4anager, Prod!cnon sEc(vc) Jarirey,Donad (Ph D. B.Sc {Hons.t M.S c ,M .AU S.t.l v l .M , .v ,j) . { V.A Ke n l J o h n L .(B C o m.) H ead,Facul tyoiE ngreeri ng GeneralManager,Perconne& l ndi rsl ralR e atons H .J.H ei nzC o Manui acl uri ng Manager nockw e C ol l ns P tyLl d Roya AustraranAir Force DeputyDrrector(Trainrng) Mi n sl rvol E mpl oyrnentand Tranrng ManagerOrdnanceFacto.\, Depa.lrnenlof Delencesupport Ma k i f,W n g C o m m a n d e rC o l in A Ma ey Jellrey (B.Ec.,Dip.Ed..B Ed.. M Ed.) M a n i e .K o n _ C1 M .En g S cB., E.(H ons) A N Z B arki ngGroup F/A 18 Projecll\,4anager GovernmenlA rcrait Faclorv Oepadmentof DelenceSupp6rt C ommandrng Ofl i cer H MA SLON S D A LE R oya A usl ral i anN avy [,4 c c a n h yBfa n W.(8 .E.) Mu re n ,D a vd H .(D p .M e c hE ) Mu rd o c hC , o m m a n d eH r e d te yJ (B .S c.) t0 1984 IN DUSTRIAL MOBI LISATION CAU RSE VICTORIACOURSEMEMBERS Appointment co mpany/Department N i s b e rC a p ta i nC h ri s i o p her J.,A M {M.t.E BoyalAusllalianNaW S h a rp i nPe , te rC .(D i p .C hem.E ) Manager,Nalura Gas S!ppty Gas and FuelCorporation Sen or EreculiveOlli.cr Depanmentol Delence Mafager Salesa.d contracrs CommonwealthAncraftCofOoration BoyalAuslraian Aif Force D reclor,Financeand Administration Kodak(Austratasia) Pty Lld E ngneer Deparhenl ol Detence SlaflOliicer I I s l i e rn q vs r,Wrn gC o rn m ander C tarence J T u rn b u,l l a n T l B.C o rn M.B , A) waldron,John f,l. (B.Sc.) Wesl,LleutenantCotonetAnlhonyC. Wra g g eH a rryS.(M.E n g .S c., B .EE .) Dhecting Strtf Sl e v e n s o nMa j o rc e n e ratJD , A O. c B E{ F e l d ) EdwardsSquadronLeaderDav d H. I T ri n d e r, G ro u pC a p ta i nJ ohn P .H . I I MOB I T I S A T I O CO N UB S E 1984 IN DUS TRIA L NEWSOUTHWALESCOURSEMEIIiIBERS Appoi ntn ent, Company/Department B ar ac r o! s h,J o h n A (B.EE ) D i vl si onaE ngneeri ngManaget Pe re vr F AN B ac lm . n CaP ta rn B r ads t r eelP au J l BE L IBA l Brew,A an !v {B.Sc (Tech)) R ova A usl raan N avy ol D el enceS !P P od D ebartment l V anagerE ng neefl ng Co A ustralan Gasl rghl chenery,Robrn(B.Sc.) al GasesLtd Lndustr aommonw eal th Ass stanl GeneralManager Manager nd!str al w asl eS eturces Cook e B r anT . (Oj PB!s .) FoundryS upernl endent Thomson& S coLrgal Cr eas erE ogerP (P h D BS c ) P hotocorporaton oJA usl D rector,Mal orP rol ects ot D ei ence D epanmenl Cr owleyLieut e n a nCt o l o n e L Pacl rk T 1B . T ec h. LCE ) l F el Chr s loph eJr D l Ph D B Sc F. .ChenrE.) Ham t on F us s e l l .l(BS c B E l v En g B ar v ey , lanK .(M E E ) HoLmK ev inC { AA S A) ol C hemcal E nq neenng P roi essor Un vers ly oi NSW ManagerB ana P rol ect ManagerD el encesystems P hLrpsE ecl foni cS ysl erns A ssstantS upervsi ng E nsrneer NSW E l ecl rci tyC ommi ssron, S eni orP rnci P alS crenti sl C S IR O Manaaer.CorDoral-" W esi pacB ankrnsC orP oral i on K ir by. lam esB (B .E(H o n s)' M B A) Lenn.P hilipJ o h n(B E .B.S c [,1 8 A) M c c u loc h D o n a l d B (B s c (H o n s ),F AIP ) capla n John G BAN N.4cDerrnolt M c c ee B r ianJ (B E .) Norm a nA M c f , ,lan l M oor e.Lr eute n a nc ro l o n e lo e n i sw M Ude P eI eIG .(B E ..M EN gSC M B A I Ne . W ingCo rn ma n d eCr h rs to p h e rH ( F . RM lT . , (M e c h .E )) F obs on B r ia nL (B E ) J el l e ryL (A A IM ,l E ET ' E Ruby t hon, ( UK ) ) Mana9er N 4arkel rnq STCPly Lld A ssstantC h el P hY srcs A !sl ral i anA tomi cE nergyC onrmss on ranN avy Foyal A ustra ol D efencesuP P on D epanrnenl submannes!per ntendenl V ckers CockatooDockyard Direclor(Contracls) Departmenlo1Adrnrnslratrve ol D el enceS uP P orl D epanmenl Roya Auslra an Air Force D i recl orN aval shP D esLgn oi D ej ence D epartmenl Manager B us nessD evel oP menl Wormad Firesystems 1984 IN DUS T RI A L MO B I L I S A T I O N CO URS E NEWSOUTHWALESCOURSET'EMBERS Appointment, Company/Depattment Schleiger,G.oup CaprainWilliamF. Sinclair,RosemaryA.(8.A.,LL.B.,A.T.C.L., B .Bu s .) Smilh,GrahamB. Toms,MalcolmL. (C.Eng.,1,4.1.E.E., [4.R4e.s.,M.l.E.lAUST)) Whitelaw,BoberlJ. (8.A.lHons.) Dlroctlng Strlt Lynam,F€arAdrnifal0.F.,CBE (Rel'd) Hayden,Major BrianC. Tinder, Group caprain John P.H. BoyalAuslralianAir Forc€ customerservicesManager OverseasProcuremenlManager Hawkerde Havilland E ngi n€er Depadmenlol Delence SeniorExeculiveOllicer Departmentof Delence C hakman Direclorol Sludies CO URS E MO B I L I S A T I O N 1984 IN DUS T RI A L COURSEMEMBERS WESTERNAUSTRALIA Appoin tment, Camp any/DePaftmen t A ti k i o !z e l ,l o a n n l s(Ph .o B s c c E ng .I E ,E.) IV .I.EE.,T ,4E B a i n ,l a nH .N 4{ B A) un versl yol w esternA ustraa oepa menlot D efence lan Sales Manager [,4etropoL C o rn i s h ,CBn . a n(B E , D i P Ac c ) Mol ve P ow erE ngi neer D a v e yL, e s l e B .(D i pMe c hE) i,,lanagerScienceand Techno!ogY , e n n B (D i P Ac c ,A A' s A , Fu j e rl o nG , .AI M ) A A. .8 .(Sn aA r l a nw G rb e d ,W n g C o mmrn d e A - H e v e r.c o m m a n d e rN rc n o l a sF M b E (Eis c .{ En s .)C .E n s ,F .lM a r' E . M.l .M e c h .E .) H o rn s b vC o mrn a n d eJro h n C K n g ,l a nw .{ D i p T p t Ad mi n ,D i pA cc) Monaqhan lV chae B T l v o fa n R a y m o n dF (F n A IA) P o rl e r,T h o maGs (PhD .,M S c . B E ) Pu rc e l lL, i e u l e n a nCt o ro n e l C oi n J i D i o T e c h .) Redriran,w ng CommanderAnlonyG Sh a rpB , a ry C (D i P Ac c AA s a l Stephens Graemew. T o w n s e n dA l l a n(F A l P ) T re h a rn eS,. B ru c e{ M l .EA u s l ) W e s 1Oa , v i dL (B C o m , B E ) Yo u n g S , An d re w(B Sc ) Dhscting Staft N e w s l e a dA, rv i .c M a rs n a rur ,A U C BE(R e fd ) Frankin. NlaiorBryan E Trinder,Group CaptainJ P H B !nnl ng B ros Manaser B usi nessD evel opment aN Z B ankn9 Gl oup Roya Auslralan A r Force Techni caOIIi cer P ri nci pal R oyaLA usl ral i N anavY Foyal A usl ral anN avry f,4anagerSpecialProjecls B rambes,Mantord EnqineOverhaulSuPennrendenl Niwker de HavlllandPtYLld A rlinesol WeslernAustrara Acme CanvasPIYLtd HowardPorlerPty Lld Roya Austraian Air Force Chep PoolingSyslems Manager,DelencePurchasing Deparlmentof oeience suPPorl Manager E ngi neeri ng B H P E ngi neerng Coftracls Eng neer StaleEng neeringworks Depailmentol Reso!rces E ns neer S upennl endi ng 1984 IN DUS TB I A LMO B I L I S A T I O N CO URSE VICTORIAN PROGRAMME 31 IniliarAssernbty- VicloriaBaracksj 1\4etboume 5 S ympo6l um. R A A I B dse, cverto- !q(eno e (Sunday) 6 Bev ew ol the InternationaS lralion S l rareg| B c ackgroundl o D el encepotcv TheC onsrr' ut on a.d D etencepow ers Indusl ri aB etal i ons Addre$. TheThreat The DeienceDeparlment The SetuicesToday Navy,Armyand Air Force The DefenceScienceand Technolosy Tlre Deparhent ot DetenceSLrDoort Deience Industry Po cy and DevetoDmenl ol Maior Eq!iprnentPro ects TheD everopmenl ot D etencendusl rv Tour BAAF Lav..rlon DelenceContracland Purchasrnq Mun ti onsS !pp y The S ervces E qLri pmenl N avy, A rmy and A r 10 2Q 21 2f ?9 ; 5 6 0 6 T 13 5 6 18 l9 t9 19 20 21 21 22 22 23 ; TechnicalS!pport iof rhe Seryrces Suppryand Supportior the Services TheC hemi catIndusl ry The Pet.oteurnInd!s1rv Allona Petrochemcal Coy/Austrata Svnthetc R ubbefC oy Ajax Pump Foundry,Kyneton Patienceand Nlcho son L1d.t\,4arvborouoh OrdnanceFaclory.Bendioo The lron and Sledt Indusliy HI"IASWATSON N Lrcear D evel opmenl i g venaj HMA SW A TS ON ) h esearcnE sraDrsnrnenlLucasH e ghrs Auslralranlron and Stee P1vLld port Kernbta MSB Coal Loader.Pon Kembta \4eta l\,4anutacturers, Pon Kembta A l& S C ol heres,P on K embta 2 3 I 10 16 17 30 23 24 2: 2 26 8 8 15 21 22 2A 29 2T H .J H ernzand coy,conl arnel sLtd t; 19 Mat€ra FesearchLaboratones V si l FA A FE fdi nburgh 20 21 D el enceB esearchC enl re P rool and E xpenmenl al E sl abl shm€nt, P ort 22 23 24 26 2A 32 2 3 9 t0 34 33 35 cs no Facl ory A mrnunrl i on S hrpb!i l dng ani l R eP ari n A ustraa Hl\,lADockyard.W I amslown A utomotvendustry GMH TransponLnA usl ral a ure R Lrbberl nd!s1tv sven D unl op/Ol ympi(Lecl c The P l asl rcsIndustrY ?: 31 18 t9 19 25 2A 27 1T 23 24 29 30 31 1T 29 t3 July A N Z B anki ngGro!p 2A 30 5 12 r6 29 30 3l 32 l or D ei ence C onstructon shmenl E ngi neerD esrgnE stabL TheA rcratl l dU S try GovernrnenlA rcrail Factory Commonweath AtrcrailCorPo€tLon Feso!rcesIn A usl ral a l \,l i neral Non-FerlousMetals 37 RoadTransportin Auslrara Fi reP rotecl i onC H U B B NSW - 16 Date 39 40 1 2 3 13 3_8 42 16 2A 21 21 27 2A 39 4; RetLrnto I\,4e bourne T e xti l es and C l othi ngl ndustry Commonweath GovernmenlClothingFaclory BradmillTexlies, Yaravi le Armydrspl ay, P uckapunyal 44 Phii ps Ind!stres,C ayton ; Porroi f',4eibourne (PM visir) 3 l0 42 17 43 1T 18 18 l9 24 25 30 l l l 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 48 50 5l ;^ T h e P aperIndusl ry(gi vendufng vsi l l o Latrobe APM ForestsLtd LatrobeVa ley AP M Ll d,Maryval eMi l SE CV ctori a,Lal fobeva eycompex Conl i nueS E C 52 Sythposi um.H MA SC E FB E B U Sassembl , € LndustrialServices Electnc1y nd'rstrialServices Gas lndusirialServices Waler T BA 46 48 49 50 51 52 53 : The Nalural D sastersOrganzation T o urH MA SC E R B E R U S Delenceand Services'€q!iprnent A neviewol lhe InlernalionalSitralion Austraras l ndustralFul ure Coursecri ti queand graduaU on ceremones l5 SubjectloServlce commitments therewillbea seadayon boardoneoI HMAShips 1984 INDUS TRIA L N4O B I L I S A T I OCO N UB S E WALESPROGRAMME NEWSOUTH In l a i Assemby - vrctori aB anacks.P a' l di ngl on S y mposi um. FA A F B ase, R chrnond,assembe 13 19 R e v i ewol l he nl ernatona S nuaton S l ra tegc B ackqro!ndto D efenceP ol cy on and D efenceP ow ers T h eC onstrrul 20 2 3 21 Address. The Thf,"at 5 6 12 13 T h eD ej enceD epart.nent T h eServces Today N avy,A rmyandA rForce ol D ei enceS upporl T h e D epanmenl D e l e n cendusl ryP o,cyandD eveopmenlol N 4ai or P rol ecl s E q L upmenl T h e D eveoprnenlol D ei enceIndusl ry T o u rR A A FF,chmond The DefenceScre.ceafd Technoogy OrganzalLon D e te nceC onl ractand P !rchasi nS t5 TheSelvces Eq! pmenl Navy,ArrnyandAir Force 24 16 11 T e c h ni calsupponl or tl reservces S!p p l yand S !pporli or rheS eN ces 5 6 12 13 19 2Q 26 27 18 22 8 t0 l 23 3 9 t0 t6 17 1T 29 30 2 IndLrsl ry T h e P e tfol eum t9 ; 21 ^ Borg-WarnerTransmss on and Ax e D visron W e s l pacB anki ngC orporati on 5 lcl 6 T 51Marys Mu n l ions F I ng Factory, LLthgow Smal Arms Factory. 22 23 I 24 9 t0 2 StoresOepol RAAF 11 18 Date l 2 3 T 8 8 15 21 22 2A DelenceFesearchCentre Prooland ExperimentaEslab ishmenl,Porl 15 16 NalionallVaterias HandlingBureau 25 2A 2l 2a :^ 19 29 5 6 T 21 t8 19 25 ?a 3; 2 3 3 9 10 16 17 23 24 29 30 31 32 3l 33 35 T h eC hemcal Indusl ry 1T 2A 29 .]UNE 12 13 22 23 24 26 27 29 30 31 32 WATSON H[/AS PLATYPUS/HMAS Nuc ear Developmenl{Givenat HMASWATSON) ResearchEslablshment,Lucas He ghls Laboralory The ron and Slee ndustry allemoon) Deparllor Port Kemba (Tuesclay Alstra ian lfon an.l Slee Ply Ltd,Port Kemba C onl i nuevi si lto A l & S Mela Manllactures Ltd,Porl Kembla Al & S C o e es,P orlK embl a Shi pbui l dng and Fepar i n A usl ral a VrckersCockaloo DockyardPly L1d Transponin auslra ia Gardenl s!and H MA D ockyard, The Plaslics ndustry K l rbyN 4anul acl uriand ng E nsi neerng D vi si on Bells EleclricMolors The FILrbber Industry the GoodyearTyreand BubberCoy T heC S IR O Narrona Meas!remenl Laboralory Non Fe(ousMel as ComalcoProductsPty Lld Darwn wilhvlc l 2 3 13 2Q 21 21 2T 2A + 3l 33 34 14llsa A rmyD emonsl ral onS choo ot l vl i l l aryE ngi neerng C asul a 36 3T Haw kerde H avl and Details 3 39 10 4: 17 18 24 24 25 26 8 I 15 t6 21 22 22 22 22 23 23 ?3 23 24 24 24 25 25 25 ConstruclionIorDeJence 39 40 41 42 43 . 42 ss E"'n*'li*l "Xi".:";r" " MAsALBATF. In d ual i alS eruces E l ecL' i crl v ;4 45 46 - 48 49 50 51 - v BA AFW i l l i aml ow n SraleEleclricllYcommrssron Pod ol SYdneY(PM) Fke Prolecrron ^ 52 A rrTransP orl QuantasArtuaysLld Mascor CatlrnqtonsSliPwa\/sPIYLto 48 - lnduslrialseturces-_bas lndustnalServices water TBA lnduslrialBelaiions o'" ll,Xli Y'li3l3n*"^ T^.tr HMAS ALBATFOSS "o" -" beienceanoservLcesrq'iiPmenL .n,"''"" lii,i","'",""''""", i'A!3'!o" es onceremon 5ii:',"", A:"JJsJi:lll:"j'li 12 day NOTE: Subiectlo SeruceCommitmenls' Shipsduringlhe course 20 1984 IN DUS TRIA L MO B I L I S A T I O N CO URS E WESTERNAUSTBALIANPROGRAMME lnilial Assembly,Ollicer'Mess,BAAFPearcg 25 (Sunday) 26 (N.4onday) Revi ew oi l he nl ernatona S l ual i on SlrategicBackgfoundto DeiencePolcy The Constilulionand DefencePowers Addr€33. TheThreat 21 The D e{enceD epartment The SeruicesToday- Navy,Armyand Air Force The DeienceSc ence and TechnolosyOrsanizaton The Depanmenloi DefenceSuppon Dei encel nd!stryP olcy and D eveopmentoi Mal or E qui pmenlP rotecl s The Developmenlol DetenceInduslry 2A DelenceContracland Purchasng M uni lons S uppl yD i vi si of- D epartmenl ol D el ence The S ervi ces'E qu prnenl N avy,A rmy and A rr 30 Techfi cal S upporl fo, the S ervces Suppl yand S !pporll orl he S eryces 10 The A usl raran A rrcrai l ncl ustry{gi vef dur ng the 10 l6 11 30 Haw kerde H avl and TheP el roeum l ndusl ry Kw i nanaO R eti nery(B P ) The l ronand S teelInd!stry 2A 21 Chamberai nJohn D eere l T 15 15 20 21 21 22 22 23 24 24 25 22 23 5 6 8 9 r0 Fl yto MountN ew man Visil lvlounlNewman v isi l H amersl ey l ron Ore Loadng Facilllyand Far wayWorkshoPs V rsi lC B AS al tC oy VrsilWoodsrdeNW Sheli protecl 12 21 Transponin Austrara 5 13 6 S hi pb!i l dng n A ustraLa 12 13 18 t9 19 24 {SundaY) 25 25 26 27 2A 29 29 30 12 1? 12 12 12 13 13 t3 lrtS1a1eRail Workshopsand FreightHand lng Fac 2: 15 ,-u 17 . 27 2A ?9 3; 3l 32 19 29 21 ?2 The E l ectroncs InousIry ol A usLrai a (A M) C rcurtTechno!ogv (PI\,4) Hoskins Vicker Fl yto A de ai de cvr arr V sl D R C S ,S al rsl rurY Fl vto M€ bourne . vr arr (wth V rccoursel A rcral lFacLorv a,overnmeni MaterialsResearchLaboralones OrdnanceFaclorYManbYmong Arnm!nitlonFactorY.FoolscraY FIN A LS Y MP OS IU M.H IV A SS TE R LIN G l ndustri alR e at ons Auslralia'sInduslrialFutLlre D el enceand S eturcesE qui P menl and Grad!al onU eremones C ourseC nl Lque 22