Rhein Graphic Standard - Rhein Medical Ophthalmic Instrument


Rhein Graphic Standard - Rhein Medical Ophthalmic Instrument
Purpose of the Graphic
Standards Handbook
What is Covered in this
T h i s h a n d b o o k i s a col l ecti on of R hei n
M e d i c a l ’s t r a d e m a r k s a n d p r o d u c t
branding, with instructions on how
t o a p p l y t h e C o m p a n y ’s i d e n t i f y i n g
icon in most media applications,
s o t h a t t h e i m p a c t a n d identifying
me s s a g e s c o mmu ni cate i n the best
fa s h i o n .
Rhein Medical Inc..................................... 2
Logo Specifications.................................. 3
Approved Alternate Forms....................... 4
Use of the Icon”R”.................................... 4
Product Branding and Exception............. 5
Product Branding in Limited Space......... 6
Compliant Corporate Logo Applications....... 7
GSH 002 Rev A
Specifications of the Rhein Logo
About the Stylized Rhein Medical “R”
The Rhein Corporate logo is comprised of
a Stylized “R” other wise known as the “icon”
or the “mark” with the words “RHEIN Medical
inc.”, in the Optima Font Family. It has been
applied for and registered with the US patent
and trade mark office. The trademark is in
red (Rhein Red) and black. The logo must
appear on a contrasting background, Usually
white. The Rhein Red formulas are available
for print digital and web media below, and
best portray the Rhein Red value.
The Rhein Corporate logo Stylized “R” is an
abstract representation of river water flowing
over rocks as in the Rhein river does in
Cap Ht. Ruler
The capital height of the “RHEIN” word is the ruler for the correct minimum space the
logo must have when placed in print and web applications. This rule applies to all other
alternate forms of the logo as well, see alternate logo forms.
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Approved Alternate Logo Forms
There are applications where the corporate
logo will not represent itself properly, because
of color or technical or special limitations.
In these cases there are several approved
alternative logo forms to use.
One color, black
Negative on black field
The Use of the Icon “R”
The “R” can appear by itself only if there
is supporting text that references Rhein
Medical, Inc. on the same page or container.
This can be a press release or story about
the company and its products in print or
digital representation or a physical seal on a
container of a Rhein Product. When using “R”
icon solo, it is required to use the registered
symbol ““TM”” as seen in all alternate forms.
Note: THE “R” must be on background color
of contrast (A-C). If using it as a seal for
packaging in the round (D) it is permitted to
encase the mark in a rule that just touches the
stylized leg of the “R”.This is only used for
products in the product line, Rhein Cosmetic
Surgery Solutions (see page 14)
E) Stacked black
F) Stacked negative,
A stacked version is available for areas
where space is limited horizontally. Usually
used for web advertising and large signs for
conventions (right E ,F and G).
G) Stacked negative
with “Rhein Red”
Usually reserved for
large signage.
Product Branding and Exception
When the product’s size allows, the use of the
corporate logo should be used in one color,
black or white (negative). The preference is
to place it on the upper left of the side to be
branded, when technical restrictions allow.
When that is not possible all corresponding
text must be flush left under the logo, or a
rule must be placed under the logo the proper distance from the bottom of the “R”(see
specs on page 3).Then text can be centered
underneath the rule (A). The width of the rule
must be at least the same length as the widest line of text. It can be placed on the lower
left also (B)
Note: If there is no text within a safety area
of the logo (see below). The safety area is
space where no corresponding text appears
and minimum space equals the length of the
logo in 4 directions, while still maintaining
minimum distances from edges. If these two
things are maintained, then it is allowable to
center the logo on the site of branding (see
C and D).
A) CORPORATE logo on mask
B) CORPORATE logo on tray
C) CORPORATE logo on
Instrument case with safety area
D) CORPORATE logo on corporate
letterhead with safety area.
Product Branding in Limited Space
The use of this form is for small areas on
Rhein Medical Products. The use of the “TM”
must be increased to 1/2 the size of the
capital height so it is legible.
RHEINTM on a knife handle
RHEINTM on a manipulator handle
RHEINTM on a scissors handle
Note: The placement from the “N” is the
stroke width of the “T” in “TM”.(see below).
There is no minimum size requirement other
than it must be legible by the naked eye on
the media that is applied.
Stroke of the “T”
Half the letter height
Compliant Corporate Logo Applications
CORPORATE logo on website
logo in print ad
CORPORATE logo on product box
CORPORATE logo on cleaning tray
Joe Presswood
Vice President
Tel 314-997-1775
Fax 314-997-1454
[email protected]
2269 Grissom Drive/ St. Louis, MO 63146
A Subsidiary of Rhein Medical, Inc.
CORPORATE logo on envelope
CORPORATE logo on stationary
CORPORATE logo on business card
A Subsidiary of Rhein Medical, Inc.
Division of Rhein Medical, Inc.
3360 Scherer Drive, Suite B, St. Petersburg, FL 33716
800-637-4346 • Tel: 727-209-2244 • Fax: 727-341-8123
Email: [email protected] • Website: www.RheinMedical.com
Rhein Cosmetic Surgery Solutions
GSH 002 Rev A