Radioimmunoassay - Clinical Chemistry
Radioimmunoassay - Clinical Chemistry
CLINICALCHEMISTRY, Vol. 19, No.2, (1973) 146-186 Radioimmunoassay D. S. Skelley, L. P. Brown, and P. K. Besch Principles of radioimmunoassay are discussed. Methods are outiined for preparing radiolabeied antigenic compounds and characterizing antibodies. The various techniques for separating bound and free antigen are also reviewed. Commercial suppliers of various components needed for radioimmunoassay are listed. Also presented is a selected list of normal values for hormonal from humans. and nonhormonal substances Additionai Keyphrases: competitive protein-binding analassay #{149}cross-reactivity antigenic radiolabeling #{149} antibody induction separation techniques #{149}analytical considerations normal human values #{149} technical variations of AlA ysis #{149} immunoradiometric The technique of RIA,1 first developed for the measurement of hormones (see reviews 1-20), has expanded durjng the past decade to include the detection of other biological agents. The chemist can well appreciate the fact that antisera or complete commercial kits are now available for clinical use and are revolutionizing the entire field of investigational analyses. Sources for the purchase of complete RIA kits or antisera for either clinical or research ise are listed in Table 1. All RIA procedures are based on the original observation by Berson and Yalow (19, 21-25) that low concentrations of antibodies to the antigenic hormone, insulin, could be detected by their ability to bind radiolabeled (3I) insulin. Unknown concentraFrom the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Baylor College of Medjcine, and The Reproductive Research Laboratory, St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital, Texas Medical Center, Houston, Texas 77025. ‘Nonstandard abbreviations used: ifiA, radioimmunoassay, also referred to as radioimmune assay, competitive radioassay, radiostereoassay, or immune radiometric analysis; Ag, antigen; Ab, antibody; CPBA, competitive thyroxine-binding globulin; (H)FSH, follicle-stimulating (human) luteinizing human hormone; chorionic TSH, protein ACTH, hormone; gonadotropin; bovine serum albumin; EDTA, HSA, assay; TBG, HCG, ethylenediaminetetraace- human placental serum PTH, parathyroid hormone; Prog, albumin; RSA, CEA, 1g. progesterone; DHEA, dehydroepiandrosterone; E,, estrone; E2, estradiol-17$; E3, estriol; Aldo, aldosterone; PGF2a, prostaglandin F2a; cAMP and cGMP, cyclic AMP and guanosine 3’-5’-cyclic monophosphate; aFP, alpha fetoprotein; and LSD, lysergic acid diethylamide; and cpm, counts per minute. 146 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 19, No.2, 1973 BOUND Ag #{149} Ag #{149} Ab II human lactogen); rabbit serum albumin; T3, triodothyronine; T4, thyroxine; carcinoembryonic antigen; HAA, hepatitis-associated antigen; linmunoglobulin; The literature on radioimmunologic procedures has given rise to a new set of terms that are often confusing to the novice. RIA is one form of “displacement analysis” (27) or “saturation analysis” (human) hormone; hormone; HCS(HPL), (human Terminology FREE hormone; (H)LH, thyroid-stimulating tic acid; (H)GH, (human) growth chorionic somatomammotrophin BSA, binding adrenocorticotropic tions of antigen may be determined by taking advantage of the observation that the radiolabeled hormone molecules or “tracer” (Ag*I) compete physicochemically with the nonlabeled hormone molecules (Agil) (either standards (S) or unknowns (U)) for binding sites on the antibodies (Abifi) (25, 26) (see Figure 1). Moreover, the assay requires that behavior between the standard and unknown antigen be identical in their ability to displace labeled antigens from a labeled antigen-antibody immune complex (Ag*AbIV), but not identical behavior between the tracer and the unknown or standard antigen. When increasing amounts of unlabeled antigen (Agil) are added to the assay, the limited binding sites of the antibody (Abifi) are progressively saturated and the antibody can bind less of the radiolabeled antigen (Ag*I). The antibody solution, or antiserum, js diluted to allow about 50% of the tracer dose of Ag*I to be bound in the absence of unlabeled standard or unknown antigen. If there is no nonspecific inhibition of the immunochemi#{231}al reaction, a diminished binding of labeled antjgen offers evidence for the presence of unlabeled antigen. After an incubation of the three essential components (Ag*I, Agil, and AbilI), the antigen-antibody complexes, or bound antigens (Ag*AbIV and AgAbVI) are separated from the free antigens (AgV and Ag*Vll) and the radioactivity of either or both phases is measured. ,IV / AgAb V llt:: F AgAb F/I I I II IV V VI VII Ag. Ag Ab Ag’Ab Ag Ag Ab Ag’ Ag * Ag VII Labeled Antigen (e.g. Hormone Xl Unlabeled Antigen (e.g. Hormone Xl Standard IS) or Unknavn (UI (H,) Antibody to Ag land Ag’) Labeled Antigen Bound to Antibody )B) Free Unlabeled Antigen Unlabed Antigen Bound to Antibody Freel.abeled Antigen IF’) Fig. 1. Diagram showing the various components of AlA Table 1. Sources of Antisera and Radioimmunoassay Materials Antigen Isotope ACTH Aldosterone Corn- Method of Separation5 Sampl&’ Sensitivity 1251 P DCC 10 pg/mI 1251 S DA 1-2 pg/mI DCC 5 pg 3H Supplier ment Amersham/Searle 2626 S. Clearbrooke Drive Arlington Heights, III. 60005 Inter Science Institute 2000 Cotner Avenue Los Angeles, Calif. 90025 Sorin Radioisotopic Saluggia (Vercelli) National Institute of Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases Hormone Distribution Officer DCC c,d Office of the Director Bldg. 31-9A47 National Institute of Health Bethesda, Md. 20014 P, U (NH4)2S04 Inter Science Institute C U Gelatin Antibodies, C Inc., Route 1, Box 1482 Davis, Calif. 95616 P. S Endocrine ServicesProducts Division 18418 Oxnard C Street Tarzana, Calif. 91356 Research Plus Steroid p, 5 C Laboratories P.O. Box 571 Denville, N.J. 07834 Spectrum Medical c Industries P.O. Box 60916 Terminal Annex Los Angeles, Calif. 90054 Androstenedione Angiotensin I (Renin7 1251 1251 P, S P(EDTA) P, S DCC DCC 0.5 ng/mI 0.05 ng Endocrine Services Sorin Schwarz/Mann Mountain 1251 P(EDTA) DA 0.03 ng 1251 P DCC 10 pg/mI (Renin) Avenue Orangeburg, N.Y. 10962 Clinical Assays, Inc. 237 Binney Street Cambridge, Mass. 0’2142 New England Nuclear Biomedical Assay Laboratories, Inc. 15 Harvard Angiotensin I 1251 P Charcoal 1 ng/ml Street Worcester, Mass. 01608 E. R. Squibb & Sons, Inc. Radiopharmaceutical New Brunswick, Angiotensin CEA II 1251 DCC Dept. N.J. 08903 Sorin Cordis Laboratories P.O. Box 684 Miami, 1 ng/ml Corticosterone C C Fla. 33137 P, S Spectrum Medical Industries Endocrine Services C P, S Research Plus Steroid Labs C c Cortisol Cortisone CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 19, No. 2, 1973 147 Table 1. continued Antigen Method of Separation5 Corn- Isotope Sarnpl&’ 1125; P, E, U 0.05-0.10 Schwarz/Mann U, H 2.0 pmol Collaborative Research, Inc. Cyclic AMP S, 125l sensitivity pmol Supplier mint e Research Products Division 1365 Main Street Waltham, Mass. 02154 Cyclic GMP Deoxycorticosterone Collaborative Research, Inc. Research Plus Steroid Labs “ P. S DA P, S Endocrine Services C 1251 0.05 pmol Deoxycortisol DHEA Dihydrotestosterone Digitoxin 3H 3H P, S P, S S DCC DCC DCC 4.0 ng/ml 5.0 ng/ml 0.5 ng 3H P Albumin-coated charcoal DCC DCC 0.5 ng/mI 3H, 1251 ii, 125; P. S P. S 5.0 ng/mI 5 ng/ml S DCC 1.0 ng/ml P,S P, S DCC 1.Ortg/mI 0.5 ng/ml P, S S P 0.5 ng/ml 0.1 ng/mI 0.05 ng/mI P,S DCC DCC Albumin-coated charcoal DCC Sorin Kallestad Laboratories, Inc. 4005 Vernon Avenue Minneapolis, Minn. 55416 Bioware, Inc. P.O. Box 8152 Wichita, Kan. 6728 Meloy Laboratories Biological Products Division 6715 Electronics Dr. Springfield, Va. 22151 Schwarz/Mann Kallestad Laboratories, Inc. 4005 Vernon Avenue Minneapolis, Minn. 55416 Clinical Assays, Inc. Wien Laboratories New England Nuclear S SP-Ab(tube) 1.Ong/mI O.2ng/ml 0.1 ng/ml Sorin Bioware, Inc. Curtis Nuclear Corp. 0.1 ng/ml Los Angeles, Calif. 90058 Meloy Laboratories 5 ng/mI 3H Digoxin 3H, 3H 1251 3H 3H 3H 3H, 1251 1251 Schwarz/Mann Clinical Assays, Inc. Wien Laboratories, Inc. 41 Honeyman Drive Succasunna, N.J. 07876 New England Nuclear c c 1948 East 46th St. 3H EstradioI-17f Estriol DCC P P, S p, 5 (NH4)2S04 P. S p, S 1251 S Hepatitis B Antigen 1251 S 148 CLINICAL (NH4)2SO4 A Gastrin HAA DCC SP-Ab(tube) 1251 CHEMISTRY, Vol. 19, No.2, Inter Science Institute Endocrine Services Research Plus Steroid Laboratories Spectrum Medical Industries Endocrine Services Research Plus Steroid Laboratories P P, S p, S Estrone Fibrinopeptide S 1973 C C C c C C Spectrum Medical Industries Inter Science Institute Endocrine Services Research Plus Steroid Laboratories C Spectrum c Medical Industries Sorin Abbott Laboratories North Chicago, III. 60064 Abbott Laboratories C C C g Table 1. continued Antigen HCG Isotope 125; HFSH 1251 HGH 1251 1251 DA 1.5 mIU/ml Serono Immunochemicals 607 Boylston Street Boston, Mass. 02116 P. 5 DA 1 mlU Calbiochem 1.5mlU/mI P.O. Box 12087 San Diego, Calif. 92112 Serono U P, S S. E 1251 1251 S DA DA DA 0.1 ng 1.0-5.0 ng/mI DA Filtration Corn. ment Supplier Sensitivity s, U p, S S 125; Method of Separation5 Sample#{176} 0.5 ng/mI 1.0 ng/ml h NIH Schwarz/Mann d,i Collaborative Research, Inc. Sorin Curtis Nuclear Corp. 1948 East 46th St. Los Angeles, Calif. 90058 NIH d,J Abbott Laboratories P, S, U 0.025 ng/mI Arnel Products Co. 2101 AvenueZ C P.O. Box 159 Brooklyn, N.Y. 11235 The Sylvana Corp. 22 East Willow Street Milburn, N.J. 07041 HLH 1251 P, S S, U DA DA 0.5 mlU 1.5mlU/ml Calbiochem Serono DA HPL (HCS) DA 1251 DA 1.0 ng 0.1-1.0 ng/ml 5.0 ng/ml 1251 P, S Alcohol 1.0 ig/ml 125; P DCC 0.5 pg/mI S DA 2 MIU Calbiochem NIH S SP-Ag 10 U/mI Pharmacia Inc. HTSH IgE NIH P, S S P, S 1251 1251 1251 Schwarz/Mann Collaborative Sorin Research, Inc. d d,J Laboratories, Cordis Labs 1251 1251 1251 1251 S P, U, H S P 1251 1251 1251 P SP-Ag DA Ethanol DA Amberlite DCC DA 3 tzU/ml 1.0.U resin Fuglebakkevej Copenhagen, Denmark Sorin Sorin Sorin Ambersham/Searle Curtis 10U/ml 10 fLU/mI 10 fLU/mI 20 izU/ml DA 1251 Cappel Laboratories, Inc. Downington, Pa. 19335 Amersham/Searle Microfiltration 1251 P, S. U 0.025 ng/mI Arnel Products P, 5, U (2.5 fLU/mI) 1014 moles Collaborative DA C Pharmacia Laboratories Schwarz/Mann Novo Research Institute 1251 LSD d,i NIH Pharmacia Laboratories, Inc. 800 Centennial Avenue Piscataway, N.J. 08854 New England Nuclear Immunoglobulins (lgG, IgA, 1gM, lgD, IgE, IgG subgroups, Bence Jones proteins) Insulin C,t C Co. Research, Inc. CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 19, No.2, 1973 149 Table 1. continued Antigen isotope Lupus erythematosus 3H or C14 Morphine 3H, 1251 Sample#{176} Method of Separation5 P, S (N H4) 2504 P, 5, U (NH4)2S04 3H P. S DCC (NH4) 2S04 5 ng/mI 6Ong/mI(3H) Roche Diagnostics Hoffmann-LaRoche, Nutley, N.J. 07110 0.5 ng/mI 30 pg Clinical Assays, Inc. Inter Science Institute Endocrine Services Research Plus Steroid Laboratories P. S p, 5 Prostaglandin E Fia F2a 3H 3H 3H 5, E S, E 5, E 3H 3H, S Testosterone 1251 Inc. 40 pg 100 pg 300 pg (NH4) 2S04 DCC DCC C Sorirt DCC 3H m Virgo Reagents Electronucleonics Laboratories 4905 Del Ray Avenue Bethesda, Md. 20014 (1251) Ouabain Progesterone Cornmint Supplier Sensitivity 50 pg P, S p, 5 C C Clinical Assays, Inc. Clinical Assays, Inc. Clinical Assays, Inc. Inter Science Institute Wien Laboratories Sorin Cappel Laboratories, Inc. Endocrine Services Research Plus Steroid Laboratories 0.5 ng/ml Bioware, Thyroxine (T4) 1251 P, S. U, DA 0.01 fLg/ml Pantex P.O. Box 6007 Inglewood, Calif. 90301 Triiodothyronine 1251 P, 5, U, DA 0.25 ng/mI Pantex C C C C Inc. (T3) #{176} P, plasma; U, urine; E. ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; S. serum; E, extract; H, homogenate “DCC. dextran-coated charcoal; DA. double antibody; SP-Ab, solidphase antibody; SP-Ag, solid-phase antigen. C Supplies antisera only. id For research Investigation only. e Measured as succinyl cyclic AMP tyrosine methyl ester (SCAMPTME). I Measured as succinyl Cyclic GMP tyrosine methyl ester (SCGMPTME). S Antibody labeled with 1251. (28-30) [terms originating with the insulin (31, 32) and thyroxine (33) assaysl, which specifies that a limited quantity of antibody (AbilI) is added to an excess of antigen (Ag*I and Agil). It is furthermore assumed that the two forms of the antigen compete for binding sites on the antibody according to the law of mass action (34). The antigen (Age! and Agil) may also be referred to as the first molecule and the antibody as the second molecule or “specific reactor.” “Radio-ligand binding analysis” (35) defines the second molecule as a protein or a nonprotein chelating agent and the first orsmaller molecule (the ligand) as the source of radioactivity (Ag*I). However, the “specific reactor” or second molecule may take the form of an enzyme [e.g., folic acid reductase (36, 37)], in which case the method is 150 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 19, No. 2, 1973 “Antigen supplied unlabeled. ‘Unlabeled antigen, antibody and standard available. J Unlabeled antigen and antibody available. Measured as Prostaglandin B1. ‘Antibodies are also available for HCG, HLH, HPL, T3, digoxin, digitoxin, hydrocortisone, deoxycorticosterone, glucagon, angiotensin I and Ii, testosterone, estrone, estradiol-1 7, estriol, aldosterone, progesterone. pregnenolone, prednisone, prednisolone, thyroxine, equllin, and equllenin. m For description of method see T. Pincus, P. H. Schur, J. A. Rose, ,J. L. Decker, and N. Talal, Measurement of serum DNA-binding-activity In systemic lupus erythematosus. New Eng!. J. Med. 281,701(1969). termed “radioenzymatic” (36). Other examples of the second molecule are the intrinsic factor (or transcobalamin) (28, 29, 38-42) and the plasma proteins that specifically bind steroids (43) or thyronines (44). The term “competitive protein-binding analysis” (CPBA) (45) refers to the latter case, in which the ligand is bound specifically by a protein. Many of the competitive protein-binding assays utilize normal circulating plasma proteins, such as the globulins, or tissue receptor proteins. Specific non-immunologic globulins used in CPBA include corticosteroid-binding globulin-isolated from humans (46-60) or dogs (53, 61-65)-to measure human corticoid and progestin concentrations; thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG) to measure human thyroxine (33, 44, 66-72); progesterone-bind- ing protein of guinea pig plasma to measure progesterone (73-75); and the human sex steroid-binding globulin, or testosterone-binding protein, for the assay of androgens (76-83) and estrogens (84-86). Other sources of binding proteins include plasma from pregnant rats for the assay of estrogens (74, 87), and plasma from pregnant women for the measurement of androgens (88-91) and estrogens (92). The CPBA technique has also been applied to the assay of aldosterone (93), cAMP (94, 95), erum folate (96), antimicrosomal and antithyroglobulin antibodies (97, 98), and the analogs of Vitamin D (99, 100). To measure steroid and thyronine concentrations in plasma samples, one must reniove any competing analogs and binding proteins before assay. Disadvantages of these binding proteins are their relative instability and limited range of affinities. The term “radioinmunoassay” (26) defines the second molecule as an antibody, while the term CPBA is now only reserved for assays in which plasma proteins are used as the second molecule (see reviews 80, 101-104). RIA has several advantages over CPBA. For CPBA, deproteinization of the sample is necessary. Although it is cheaper and quicker to set up a CPBA for a few analyses, it remains less costly to perform hundreds or thousands of assays by RIA, even though it may take months to develop a suitable antiserum. The main advantage of RIA over CPBA is that RIA is potentially more sensitive, owing to higher affinity constants, and the nature of the “specific reactor” (the antibody) in RIA offers greater specificity. For this reason, radioimmunoassays are being developed to replace former methods of CPBA. The use of tissue receptors (i.e., cellular binding proteins) as “specific reactors” shows promise as better techniques are developed for receptor extraction and purification. This recent modification of RIA is a natural outgrowth of studies on the mechanism of hormone action, which show that most peptide hormones activate an adenyl cylase at a specific receptor site on the target cell plasma membrane (105). Assay systems have been reported that make use of ACTH tissue (adrenal cortical) receptors (106, 107); estrogen (uterine cytosol) receptors (35, 108118); and fractions of interstitial cells (from rat testes) capable of binding [1311]-LH (119), [125I]LH and HCG (120, 121), and cyclic AMP receptors (95, 112, 122). These radioreceptor assays are advantageous, in that relatively short times are required to attain maximum sensitivity and the specificity has a biologic rather than an immunologic basis. In another modification of the RIA, termed the “immunoradiometric assay” (123), the antibody (Abifi) is radiolabeled instead of the antigen (Ag*I). This method has several advantages, one being the low assay “blank” values. Furthermore, the antibodies have a uniform general structure, a high molecular weight, and high stability, and the relative ease of their being tagged overcomes some of the difficulties inherent in satisfactorily radiolabeling low- molecular-weight antigens (124, 125). More of the unlabeled antigen (Agli) is allowed to react in the im’munoradiometric procedure than in RIA. Moreover, the labeled antibody can be stored on an immunoadsorbent under proper conditions (126) for up to six months and can be repurified. The immunoradiometric method has been used to assay insulin (127), human growth ,hormone (128), calcitonin (129), and human luteinizing hormone (130). Although each of the procedures described differs according to the nature of the “specific reactor,” or the position of the radioactive label, the interaction of the various components in each assay can be characterized by similar kinetic reactions and mathematical interpretations. Basic Kineticsof RIA The exact nature of the antigen-antibody interaction remains unknown, but it is generally accepted that the reaction (Figure 1) reaches an equilibrium during the incubation procedure, according to the following formula (17): Ag + Ab AgAb (1) where k is the rate constant for association and k1 is the rate constant for dissociation. According to the law of mass action, if K equals the equilibrium, or affinity constant2 (K = k/k1), then K[Ag][Ab] [AgAb] At equilibrium, the ratio of the bound free antigen (F) is B/F (2) antigen (B) to [AgAb]/[Ag] (3) where the brackets symbolize molar concentration. It is assumed that the equilibrium constants for the labeled antigens, as well as for the standards and unknowns, are equal. However, as Ekins has pointed out (132), this may not really be the case. Varying conditions (e.g., during the incubation) may affect each equilibrium constant differently, and the antibodies may discriminate between labeled and unla; beled antigens. Under the conditions of an RIA experiment, the components [Ag] and [Ab] are related to the equilibrium constant by observing that: [Ag] [Ag, = - AgAb] where Ag1 is the initial concentration [Ab] = [Ab, AgAb] Ab1 is the initial concentration - where Therefore, (4) of antigen, (5) of antibody. the ratio of the bound and free antigens 2LabeledK by Odell et at. CLINICAL and is (131). CHEMISTRY, Vol. 19, No. 2, 1973 151 B/F [AgAb]/[Ag1 = 5 AgAb] - RB/F which can be rearranged (B/F)[Ag, to AgAb] - = [AgAb] or to [AgAb] Combining K([Ag,] - [Ag,]B/F/(B/F = quations + 1) (6) 2, 4, 5, and 6 will give [Ag,](B/F))/(B/F #{247} 1) (Ab [Ag,](B/F))/(B/F + 1) - = #{247} 1) [Ag](B/F)/(B/F which rearranged (B/F)2 + B/F[1 will give + KAg - KAb] - KAb, = 0 This produces the equation of an hyperbole, as shown in Figure 2. The relation between B/F and the concentration of the antigen is described by the curve PQR that approaches, at its upper end, an asymptote STU, the slope of which is -K. A change in the B/F ratio is proportional to a change in the concentration of bound antigen, the proportionality constant being K. The ratio of the antibody bound (B) to free (F) labeled antigen (i.e., B/F) decreases as the concentration of the unlabeled antigen (Agli) increases. Therefore, a change in the B/F is greatest when the antigen concentration is small compared to the antibody concentration. At Q, B/F = K [Ab1] and at T, B/F = (KAb1 1). Changes in the antibody equilibrium constant K markedly affect the sensitivity of the assay, as shown in Figure 3, in which four curves are drawn, each with an arbitary K. Compounds reacting with the same antibody site, but with different energy levels, will produce different dilution curves that are neither superimposable nor parallel when plotted on a logarithmic scale (8). Figure 4 illustrates the experimental curves derived from five antisera (to ACTH), with the abscissa labeled as per cent of initial B/F for comparison. The phenomenon of increasing slopes of B/F curves seen with low concentrations has been attributed to the bivalent properties of the antibodies. It may be possible to increase the sensitivity of a RIA by using this portion of the curve. - Fig. 2. Relation between mone (17) RB/F and concentration of hor- K AB 100 01 10 I I RB/F 0.5 - Calculation Midgley has presented (15) four graphical methods for the possible analyses of RIA data (Figure 5). In graph D, the sigmoidal curve is linearized by plotting the logit of the response variable Y vs. the log of the dose X, where 3Sirnilar mathematical approaches have been derived by Berson and Yalow (2, 6, 18, 133), Ekins et a!. (8, 30, 134, 135), Feldman and Rodbard (136), Scatchard (137) and others (138-139). 152 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 19, No.2. 1973 10 0.1 5 CONCENTRATION OF HORMONE Fig. 3. Effect of antibody equilibrium constant, K, on the sensitivity of radioimmunoassay-theoretical curves with arbitrary constants (17) logit Y log[X/(100 = and where b = slope and a “inverse” equation Y Y)] - = y intercept antilog[logit(Y) = (a + b)log,,X = - (140). The a]/b may also be used for dose interpolation. By algebraic manipulation, this latter equation has been shown (141) to be equivalent to X = e#{176}5 [Y/(100 - Y)1 and consequently suitable for automation on a programmable desk-top calculator. Note that graphs c and d permit easy determination of “parallelism,” and that only the logit transformation d provides parallel straight lines for statistical analysis. While the logit transformation allows for linearity, it does U- 0 C 4.0 hormone Unlobeled Fig. 4. Variation ferent antisera 8.0 6.0 (e.g., ng ACTH) in the slopes of inhibition curves with dif- to the same antigen (11) formation, (b) its slope should be significant, (c) the slopes of the standard and unknown curves should be parallel, and (d) the order of the standards in an assay should be randomized with the unknown samples to avoid bias. For example, when multiple dilutions are prepared from a plasma containing a high concentration of antigen, these dilutions can be compared with the curve prepared from the standards. If the points at either end of the curve diverge significantly, then one can assume that there is not complete immunological identity between plasma samples and standards. The ultimate requirement for any RIA is a reliable antiserum. Such reliability exists when there is an equal competition between the standard on unknown antigen (Agil) with the tracer antigen (Ag*I) for binding sites on the antibody (Ab1II) (Figure 1). Five main criteria are used to assess the reliability of RIA: precision, sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and reproducibility. Reliability Assessment Precision ib 20. 30. 40 0, H1 * CmS x Fig. 5. Four possible x graphical methods of analyzing RIA data Theoretical inhibition curves for a standard (S) and an unknown (U) with a quarter the immunologic activity of the standard are presented for comparison (15) so at the expense of an increased non-uniformity of residual variance, or scatter around the regression line (heteroscedasticity). Moreover, this heteroscedasticity increases at the upper and lower ends of the curves in d. However, if the variance in Y is known the variance in logit (Y) can be determined, and one can then use the reciprocal of this variance as a weight to perform a weighted “least squares” regression analysis of the linear curve of logit Y vs. X (15). The presentation of statistical controls for both RIA and CPBA has been evaluated (15, 102, 142149) and a number of calculator and computer programs have been written for the analysis, description, and simulation of equilibrium behavior of the complex immunoreactive systems involving antigens and antibodies (14, 15, 140, 146, 148, 150-156). The theoretical models enable one to predict how changes in the assay will affect the precision, sensitivity, or accuracy of the procedure. Midgley points out (15) that, for optimal statistical validation by use of the logit transformation d, (a) the standard curve should be free of curvature after appropriate trans- Precision has been defined by Midgley (15) as “the extent to which a given set of measurements of the same sample agrees with the mean of that set,” i.e., the amount of variation in the estimation of unlabeled antigen (Agil). This can be estimated by cal. culating the index of precision, or precision coefficient (A) (1), which is defined as the ratio between the standard deviation of logit Y for each Y value and the slope (b) of the regression line between the mean values of logit Y and the corresponding log X (14). Therefore, “precision” incorporates not only the coefficient of variation, but also the associated slope of the assay curve and the Y value at which the variation is measured (15). The indices of precision (A) of RIA compare very well with those of bioassay. For example, values of 0.0309 have been reported for ACTH (138), 0.0160.056 for insulin (157), and 0.029 for growth hormone (158). Precision depends on the extent of change in B/F with fractional changes in antigen (Agli) concentration, but, unlike sensitivity, maximum precision is independent of K (19). Maximum precision is attained when [Ab] is sufficiently high to make K [Ab] >> B/F and when B = B/F(Ag) [Ab] (6). When measuring high concentrations of hormones (such as glandular extracts) one desires maximum precision rather than sensitivity in RIA. - Sensitivity and ‘Titer” While “precision” may be used to describe the ability of an assay system to distinguish between two hormone concentrations at any point on the response curve, “sensitivity” may be used to restrict one of these points to a zero amount or concentration (135, 145). Therefore, “sensitivity” may be defined as “the smallest amount of unlabeled antigen (Agli) that CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 19, No.2, 1973 153 can be distinguished from no antigen” (15). This is very important when concentrations of substances are being measured in the circulating blood. However, sensitivity has been defined by others in terms of the slope of the response curve. In this case, the sensitivities of different assays can also be compared by determining the relationship between Y and its variance, i.e., calculating the error from the regression equation of Y vs. variance (Y) for Y = 1.0 (15). Furthermore, Ekins uses the following formula to compute “experimental sensitivities:” Sensitivity -j .4 z I.- 0 p.. z I’j mean difference between duplicate of (B/F) 1.1 x slope of response curve at (B/F) estimates = For review of this definition controversy, see discussions by Ekins et al. and Yalow and Berson (19, 30, 67, 134, 135, 159, 160). In Figure 6, three standard curves are shown for the assay of an antigenic hormone at three dilutions of the same antiserum. Sensitivity is greatest with higher dilutions of the antibody (curve A), but a wider range of standard antigen values are covered when a more concentrated antibody is used (curve C). In contrast to precision, maximum sensitivity is dependent on K and is attained when the concentration of Ag*I is negligible and as Agil approaches 0 (133). Moreover, a decrease of 50% in the B/F ratio from an initial value of 1.0 can be more accurately determined than can a similar percentage decrease from an initial value of 10. In the former case, there would be a decrease from 50% (B/F = 1) to 33% (B/F = 0.5), whereas in the latter case, there would be a decrease from 91% (B/F = 10) to 83% (B/F = 5) (4). Therefore, to obtain a very high sensitivity, it is advisable to use a dilution of antiserum that will bind about 50% of the smallest amount of AgdI in the absence of unlabeled antigen (Agil) (4). The optimal concentration of the antibodies in the assay, or the final dilution used, is referred to as the “titer.” The titer can be determined by measuring the ability of serial dilutions of antisera to bind a trace amount of radiolabeled antigen (Ag*I). However, as Berson and Yalow point out (4), the “titer” should not be made the basis for selection of antisera. Most antisera are used in very high dilutions, and the only advantage of a high “titer” is the large number of assays that can be performed with a small volume of the antiserum (4). Because each antiserum contains multiple or heterogenous ,antibodies reacting with various equilibrium constants, K, the potential sensitivity of the assay will depend on those antibodies that react with the highest energy and that are present in a suitable concentration to be utilizable (4). However, the use of a too highly concentrated antiserum will decrease the precision if highly concentrated antibodies with low affinity begin to bind a significant fraction of the labeled antigen(Ag*I) (133). 154 II. Am/buy Ui/aIIM A 1/250.000 B l,’IOO,OOo C i/i;ooo CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 19, No.2, 1973 Fig. 6. Standard at three dilutions curves for the assay of hormone of the same antiserum (17) (ng/ml) The sensitivity of the initial part of the curve may be increased by using minimal amounts of tracer antigen. This is accomplished by using tracer doses of Ag*I with maximum specific activity and radioactive measurements with maximum efficiencies. The sensitivity can also be generally improved by increasing the volumes of the incubation mixture and performing the assay at low ionic strengths. It has also been shown that the sensitivity can be enhanced by adding the labeled antigen (Ag*I) after a pre-incubation of the unlabeled antigen and antibody (161). Rodbard has presented a model whereby, in certain defined conditions of the assay procedure, one may predict the error at any point of the dose-response curve, which may in turn be used with the slope to predict both sensitivity and precision (146). When one wishes to measure fairly high antigen concentrations, the emphasis of the assay design is placed on precision, because one can work with an antiserum that is not as highly specific as when low concentrations of antigens are being measured. In the latter case, the sensitivity of the assay is extremely critical. Although the sensitivity particularly depends on the choice of the antiserum and on the specific antigenicity of the labeled antigen1 it ultimately depends on the equilibrium, or affinity constant, K, which characterizes the energy of the antigen-antibody reaction. One of the great advantages of RIA over other clinical procedures is the high sensitivity resulting from the nature of the antigen-antibody interaction. Because of this sensitivity, RIA can easily measure antigenic concentrations in the range micro-, nano-, or picograms. Specificity Specificity has been defined as “the extent of freedom from interferences by substances other than the one intended to be measured” (15). The specificity of the antibody for the antigen is influenced by: (a) heterogenicity, i.e., the absence of purely specific antibodies; (b) cross-reaction with other antigens or metabolic fragments that retain immunoreactive sites; and (c) possible interferences of the antigenantibody reaction owing to the presence of low-molecular-weight substances that may alter the environment of the reaction. Hetereogeneity. A particular antigen will induce the formation of multiple, or heterogenous antibodies. The production of an “homologous” antiserum-i.e., antibodies entirely specific for the particular antigen-has not been reported. The antigen will combine with the multiple antibodies to various degrees, depending on the respective equilibrium constants, K, generated. “Heterogenicity” refers not only to the multiple antibodies produced, but also to the variable number and location of the binding sites on a single type of antibody. This property of heterogenicity has led to the discovery of multiple forms of insulin (162-164), parathyroid hormone (165), and gastrin (166-168). The development of better techniques for increased antisera purification is helping to solve the problem of heterogenicity. Cross-reactivity. Two different antigens from the same species may cross-react. For example, there is partial or complete cross-reactivity between the antigenic determinants of the glycoproteins FSH, LH, and often TSH. Before one can assay for FSH, the specificity must be increased by preliminary absorption of any binding sites specific for LH (HCG) by the use of suitable amounts of HCG (169-175). Cross-reactivity can also occur between multiple hormones, their precursors, derivatives, fragments, or metabolites and also between different types of steroid molecules. For example, the desoctapeptide form of insulin is biologically inactive (176), but retains some immunologic reactivity (177). To remove these cross-reacting antigenic analogs, the chemist must purify the sample containing the antigen (AgH) before incubating it with the antibody and be certain that other antigens remaining in the sample do not cross-react with the antibody. Boyd adds to plasma samples a small amount of a diatomaceous earth, which extracts angiotensin H, and after centrifugation elutes the vasoactive agent from the silicate with ammonia (178). When raw serum or plasma are to be assayed, a high degree of antibody specificity is essential, but as methods become available for efficiently purifying the antigen in the sample, antisera with a lower specificity may be used. Furthermore, if one is not interested in separating antigenic or haptenic compounds that are closely related, both in structure and biological action, one may wish to work with an antiserum that is specific to a group of antigens (e.g., the estrogens). When evaluating the specificity of an antiserum, it is essential that the antigenic material in the sample being assayed behaves similarly to the antigenic standards. This can be determined by making certain that different concentrations of the sample antigen (or different dilutions) react to produce the same curve as does the standard. Cross-reactivity may also exist to varying degrees between the same antigens in two different species. Cross-reactivity does not exist when antibodies are specific only for the antigens from the species in which the antibodies are formed. There is occasionally this lack of cross-reactivity with polypeptide hormones because of slight differences in the primary structure (amino acid sequence); the nonpeptide hormones have identical structures, regardless of species source. This absence of cross-reactivity has been termed “species specificity.” In the ideal RIA the same antigen(s) are used not only as tracer (Ag*I), standards, and unknown (Agil), but to produce the antibodies (Abifi), all of which are derived from the same species. Such an “homologous” system is mandatory (although often difficult to achieve) with polypeptide hormones having a high degree of species specificity. For example, growth hormone, a protein molecule larger than insulin, exhibits a high immunologic species specificity and should be tested in an homologous system (179-184). However, when cross-reactivity does exist, it is often more efficient to work with antigen-antibody components from various species, as found in the “heterologous” system (185). Such heterologous systems include the RIA for insulin, ACTH, gastrin, and other polypeptide hormones (2, 5, 177, 186-189). For example, human insulin cross-reacts almost completely with pork insulin antibodies and radiolabeled pork insulin. Likewise, human anti-pork insulin sera cannot distinguish between pork insulin, beef insulin, desoctapeptide beef insulin, and human insulin (190). The difference of only one amino acid in the C-terminal of the insulin B chain (133, 191, 192) does not significantly affect the nature of the antigenic reaction. Chemically unrelated drugs and hormones-such as thyroxine and diazepam (193)-may also crossreact, and the clinical chemist should anticipate additional reports of this type of cross-reactivity in the future. Antisera prepared from antigens derived from urine and pituitary from the same animal may not always cross-react. For example, Franchimont has noted (194) that antisera to pituitary FSH will bind serum and urinary FSH identically, but that antisera to urinary FSH will only react with urinary FSH. The problem of specificity must be considered separately for each type of antigen being measured. We emphasize that by the nature of the RIA technique, specificity depends not on the sites responsible for biologic activity per se, but on those antigenic sites responsible for immunochemical activity (4). Examples of these differences include RIA for ACTH (195) and for the gonadotropins FSH, LH, and HCG (196-197). Nonspecific interference (non-aritigenic cross-reactivity). Nonspecific factors in biologic fluids modify the rate of the primary antigen-antibody reaction. These include such environmental factors as the ionic strength, pH (see discussion to ref. 138), heparin, urea, excessive bilirubin concentration, high temperatures, and the composition of the incubating buffer medium, all of which may alter the affinity or CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 19, No.2, 1973 155 type of contamination is found in the routine RIA of avidity of the antigen-antibody reaction. For examdigoxin (205, 206). ple, losses in insulin reactivity of as much as 25% may occur when samples are left at room temperature for 24 h, as compared to the reactivity of corresponding samples stored at 4#{176}C for 24 h, or at -23#{176}C Accuracy as long as nine months (198). In most protein-pro“Accuracy” refers to the extent to which a given tein interactions, the affinity constant K (or K0) demeasurement or measurements of a substance agrees creases as the temperature increases from 0#{176} to 37#{176}C; with the standard measured value of that substance. therefore, most RIA procedures should either be conHowever, until the precise chemical structure and ducted at lower temperatures or for short periods of properties of the antigens (especially those of the time at 37#{176}C. Hemolysis will also cause the destrucprotein hormones) is known, one can only approxition of insulin (199) and present a source of error in mate this “true” value by evaluating a relative accuthe RIA of digoxin and digitoxin, which may be corracy. One method of evaluating the relative accuracy rected by treatment with a hypochlorite bleach in a RIA would be to use the results of the corre(200). Antigen standards and unknowns should be prepared in antigen-free plasma containing the same ingredients in the same diluent. If antigen-free plasma of the same species is not available, plasma (or serum) from a non-cross-reacting species may be used. In addition, old plasma samples should also be checked for possible antigenic damage caused by proteolytic enzymes, which are especially effective in metabolizing peptide hormones. One type of inhibition of the antigen-antibody reaction appears to be identical to serum complement (201) and can be eliminated by appropriate dilutions, by heating, or by adding EDTA to the buffer medium. The use of heparin, however, appears to cause results to vary (138) and the use of EDTA in collecting blood for angiotensin II assays presents a major problem of nonspecific inhibition, which may be reversed by the use of divalent ions. Assay of urine also presents a special problem in certain RIA cases and care must be taken to ensure that the varying salt concentrations do not affect the assay. The term “nonspecific binding” refers to the amount of Ag*I bound to plasma or serum proteins in the absence of antibody (AbIII). This can be determined by running a blank with each assay. The problem of high blanks cannot be overstressed; it has presented one of the major problems in RIA procedures. Appropriate steps should be taken whenever blanks are high (see discussion to ref. 202). One should also be aware of the problem of nonspecific binding of polypeptides to the walls of test tubes. In some cases, this binding can be prevented or minimized by using plastic or siliconized glass tubes or by coating the tubes with serum albumin (203). In RIA of bradykinin, the inner walls of the tubes are coated with muramidase to prevent adsorption of this nonapeptide (204). One may also wish to check for parallel activities by running assays with unlabeled antigen added to water or plasma blanks. One should also be aware of possible radioactive contamination of the samples being assayed. The presence of radioisotopes in the plasma because of various diagnostic tests will seriously affect the accurate quantitation of radioactivity in either the bound or free phases. An example of this 156 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 19. No. 2. 1973 sponding bioassay as a reference point. However, the net biological potency of a sample does not always correlate well with the definitive antigen concentration on a molar basis. In addition, one must remember that the validity of the RIA method requires only that the antigen being measured and the standard behave identically in the immune reaction. Therefore, it is difficult to assess whether ostensibly the same antigens, used in an assay, will have the same antibody-antigen reaction energies when each may have been isolated from a different animal or even a different species. The use of urinary extracts (174, 207-211) has produced good correlation between bioassays and RIA of the pituitary hormones. However, standards prepared from one source (such as the pituitary) do not always show good correlation between bioassay and RIA when assayed with samples derived from a different source-for example, urine or serum. A greater degree of disparity is found with LH than with FSH, which suggests that the hormone in urine has lost more of its immunologic activity than of its biologic activity (212). Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that the immunologic methods for the determination of LH measure different activities than do the biological assays (213-214). Therefore, it is important to report the source of the standards used in each assay and the exact derivation or definition of any units used. Technically different RIA systems have also been used with the same antigen to evaluate relative accuracy and have demonstrated excellent agreement between the various procedures (174, 207-209, 211, 215-218). Relative accuracy may also be assessed by studying any changes in the activities of antigen samples when subjected to a wide variety of physical and chemical manipulations, such as gel filtration, chromatography, electrophoresis, enzymatic digestion (15), and volume dilution. One should also be able to demonstrate good standard antigen recovery after additions to samples in vitro. Reproducibility The main factor influencing reproducibility, the duplication of the values within or between assays, is the difference in individual techniques in carrying out the same operation (219). This can usually be decreased to less than 5% without much difficulty in most assay systems. To establish reproducibility, one should perform replicate determinations from the same plasma samples in the same assay or in separate assays. For a concise description and specific examples of how precision, sensitivity, specificity, and reproducibility can be individually evaluated and interpreted, see the review by Galskov (138). Radloimmunoassay Techniques RIA procedures depend on the production and purification of radiolabeled antigen, the induction of antibodies with a high specificity and affinity for the antigen and a technique suitable for the separation of bound and free antigen. Each of these techniques is derived from well-established procedures basic to immunology or immunochemistry. For a more thorough analysis of the technical details, the clinical chemist may wish to consult other reviews [e.g., the treatises edited by Williams and Chase (220), Day (34), or Kabat and Mayer (221)J. Antigenic Radiolabelirig The first requirement for an acceptable RIA is the preparation of a highly purified antigen that can be radiolabeled or “tagged” without producing any loss of immunoreactivity. Some substances (e.g., steroids) can be obtained labeled with either 3H or 14C from commercial sources (Table 1). Since most polypeptide hormones contain at least one tyrosine residue, they can be labeled with a radioisotope of iodine (e.g., 1251 or 1311). The radioisotopes of iodine have the advantage of higher specific activities than can be found with tritium or carbon-14. Midgley has calculated (14) that the theoretical maximum specific activity for a hormone containing two atoms of isotope per molecule, in Ci/rnrnol, would be 58.4 for 3H, 4340 for 125!, and 32400 for 131!. However, an extremely high specific activity may require iodide concentrations (222) that would affect the antigen and (or) the antibody, thereby producing changes in immunoreactivity (e.g., losses in precision, sensitivity, and specificity). The chemistry (223) as well as the procedures and problems of iodination are discussed in detail by various investigators (1, 14, 18, 138, 222, 224-234). It is important that the radioactive iodine be present as iodide, that the solution have a neutral pH, and that the resulting radioactive preparation have a high specific activity with good stability and produce unimpaired immunoreactivity. 125! and 131! each possesses distinct advantages for use in radioiodination. 1251 has a longer half-life (60 days) than does 131! (8 days). In addition, 125! has a higher counting efficiency under certain conditions, can be produced practically carrier free, and is relatively inexpensive. It also has a lower gamma energy than does 1311, and the absence of fl-radiation diminishes the potential for autodestpiction of the labeled antigen (138). However, 125! may also produce antigenic damage and, because of its longer half-life, it is often necessary to repurify the isotope. For example, some preparations of [125I]HGH are not used for more than two weeks after being iodinated (235). Moreover 1311 is easy to obtain with a high specific activity (236) and may be used freshly for each assay. Other considerations in the choice of an isotope include the time required for radiolabeling, the need to conserve antigen, the time required for radioactive counting, and the relative cost of each isotope. Under proper conditions, 125! and 131j may be used together in a simultaneous assay for insulin and HGH (237). Oxidation of the labeled Na! is generally performed by using excess chloramine T (235, 238), which results in a high specific radioactivity with a low hazard to health. To minimize preparation damage to the protein (e.g., oxidation of the sulfhydryl groups), both reaction time and amount of oxidizing agent used must be limited. While the favored exposure times range from less than 10 s to 2 mm, the chioramine T concentration and the specific antigen being labeled must also be considered. For example, Midgley has found (239) that conditions were optimal (i.e., minimal changes in biological and immunological activity) with 4 g of chloramine T per g of hormone (HCG) with a reaction time of 2 mm, and suggests decreasing the chloramine T concentration when iodinating the gonadotropins (173). In general, iodination is easy to perform and is usually carried out at room temperature at a pH of 7.5 in a phosphate buffer medium. lodination may take longer to complete at lower temperatures or at higher pH. Some peptides label well up to a pH of 8.6, but a pH-optimum curve should be run before a new antigen is tagged. The reaction is stopped with excess sodium metabisulfite. The tagged antigen may be damaged during or soon after the iodination reaction, and the extent of the damage may vary, not only among the antigens being labeled but among different batches of the same antigen. The potential for increasing the specific activity of smaller molecules is greater when they are first conjugated to larger protein molecules, which in turn can be iodinated. For example, specific activity increases when the gastrin tetrapeptide is covalently conjugated to the random copolymer of glutamic acid, alanine, and tyrosine (240), and when the N-terminal arginyl group of bradykinin is conjugated to a desamino tyrosinyl moiety (241). In addition, steroids and cardiac glycosides may be radiolabeled with 125! or 131! by first conjugating them to rabbit (14) or bovine (242) serum albumin or to the methyl ester of tyrosine (243). It is now possible to obtain from commercial sources (see Table 1) a large number of antigens already labeled with a high specific activity of 3H. To decrease potential damage caused by the isotope, the chloramine T, or the metabisulfite, the laCLINICAL CHEMISTRY. Vol. 19, No. 2, 1973 157 beled antigen must now be separated as quickly as possible from the labeled and unlabeled degraded antigen, the mineral salts, and the unreacted isotopic material. In some cases (244), it may be possible to omit the metabisulfite and purify the material immediately. However, the antigen may be further damaged during storage, and the purification procedure should never be omitted. The labeled antigen may be partially protected by appropriate dilutions of the plasma or by first incubating the plasma with iodoacetamide (245). Neutron activation analysis of nonlabeled 127I-insulin offers one method of avoiding internal radiation damage. In this procedure, insulin is iodinated with 1271 by the standard Hunter and Greenwood technique, and after incubation, dextran-coated charcoal is added to adsorb the free 1271-insulin. The 127insulin bound to antibody is then subjected to the neutron activation technique [1271 (n,-y)1281]. Although the measurement of the 128J activity generated requires fast analytical procedures based on gamma-ray spectrometry, preliminary reports (246) indicate that the method may be useful for standardizing insulin radioimmunoassays. In addition, a procedure in which lactoperoxidase hydrogen peroxide and Na’251 are used has been introduced for the enzymatic radioiodination of the gonadotropins HFSH, HLH, and HCG to minimize the loss of biological activity usually incurred with the use of chloramine T (247, 248). Purification of Labeled Antigen Various techniques are available for separating and purifying the tagged antigens. Adsorption column chromatography on powdered cellulose has been used to eliminate mineral salts (26, 245). The free isotope remains in the column while the labeled hormone passes through with the eluting solvent (e.g., aqueous albumin). The powdered cellulose adsorbent method is rapid and has been modified for assays of HGH, parathyroid hormone, ACTH, LH, insulin, and other hormones (26, 249-252). The adsorbent “QUSO” (microfine particles of precipitated silica) has been used in the purification of parathyroid hormone (251), ACTH (253), and calcitonin (11). In one modification (230), dilute hydrochloric acid (0.1 mol/liter) has been substituted for whole human plasma as the eluting solvent, thereby minimizing additional antigenic degradation. For more extensive purification, one must resort to a separation involving dialysis, gel filtration (using a molecular sieve), or ion-exchange chromatography. In these methods are used the cross-linked dextrans (“Sephadexes”) (236, 254, 255), “Bio-Gel” (14, 239), DEAE (diethylaminoethyl) cellulose (249, 256), Dowex resin (1, 9), or anion-exchange resin (CG-400) (257). Inorganic iodine resin has also been used to adsorb the unreacted 1311 (175). In separation with Sephadex, the degraded antigen (often protein 158 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 19, No. 2, 1973 bound), is eluted first, followed successively by the purified antigen, mineral salts, and unreacted isotope. Pretreatment of the column with a protein such as albumin serves to saturate the adsorption sites on the Sephadex, thereby reducing the nonspecific binding, which appears to increase with time (24), and increasing the adsorption of damaged antigen (227). Cellulose columns are more useful in ACTH purifications because there is less partial adsorption than is found with use of gel filtration. The molecular sieve is very useful for purifying and isolating highly reactive labeled HGH (187, 238), TSH (258, 259), HPL (260), HCG (261, 262), HLH (263, 264), HFSH (169, 249, 265), or insulin (266). A cellulose-neurophysine resin has also been used to purify labeled vasopressin (267). The addition of 2mercaptoethanol has been found useful in stabilizing the labeled thyrocalcitonin during purification, storage, and incubation (268). Additional purification may be necessary, especially in cases where the initial antigenic preparation is not pure or when significant antigenic degradation occurs during radiolabeling. Starch gel (249, 269) and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (for steroidTME conjugates and protein hormones) (14, 24, 173, 187, 239) have been used with various modifications. In these chromato-electrophoretic procedures, the “pure” tagged antigen remains near the origin, while the free unreacted isotope and degraded antigen migrate. The labeled fractions, located by autoradiography, are eluted with the assay buffer solution or with excess BSA solution (208). ‘25I-labeled angiotensin may be purified to a greater extent by collecting small serial elutions from paper electrophoresis (270) rather than by eluting the labeled peptide as a whole (271). Separation with charcoal-dextran does not resolve the three components of the radiolabeling procedure (i.e., undamaged and damaged antigen and unreacted isotope) (227). Many of the separation and purification procedures reported in the literature use combinations or variations of the above methods. After purification, one should determine the absolute quantity of antigen (Ag*I) required in a particular assay for high sensitivity. It is important that this quantity be kept at a minimum. Therefore, it is desirable to produce a high specific activity of the radiolabeled antigen. The specific activity may be estimated by determining the cpm found in various stages during radiolabeling. By comparing the cpm of the isotope before labeling with the total cpm of the various labeled fractions (e.g., labeled antigen and free isotope), one can determine the percent recovery. Knowing this recovery, and the amount of antigen and label initially present, one can then estimate the specific activity of the “tracer.” Furthermore, one may wish to check for immunoreactive changes of the antigen by conducting a preliminary radioimmunoassay. This can readily be done by assaying the radiolabeled antigen alone and then diluted with unlabeled antigen. A decrease in immunoreactivity of the tagged antigen would indiof the antigen. The techniques for antigenic injeccate that it had suffered some labeling insult during tions vary according to the routes of administration the procedure. -intraperitoneally, subcutaneously, intravenously, If the labeled antigen is to be stored for considerintradermally, or directly into the lymph nodesable time, it is usually kept at 2-4#{176}C (e.g., steroids) dose, and frequency (220), In general, 0.2-2.0 mg of or it may be quickly frozen for storage at -20#{176}C the antigenic preparation is injected as a suspension, (e.g., polypeptides). After storage the antigen must although antibodies have been produced with immube checked for changes in immunoreactivity before nizations requiring 5-15 mg (276). Moreover, specific use in an assay. The actual conditions for storing the antisera to subunits of HCG and testosterone conjulabeled antigen depend on the particular antigen. Ingates have been obtained with as little as 20-100 ig sulin and growth hormone are best stored frozen in of the immunogen (277). Molecules that are too an albumin-barbital diluent, but parathyroid horsmall to induce antibody formation are treated as mone, ACTH, or calcitonin are best stored in diluted haptens; that is to say, it is necessary to link them to carriers such as proteins or synthetic compounds beacetone-acetic acid or in albumin (50 g/liter)-phosphate buffer and kept frozen or refrigerated in silifore they are injected. conized test tubes (138, 272). The mineral oil of the adjuvant contains an emulsifying agent (“Aquafor” or “Arcacel”) which delays resorption of the preparation by the lymphatic sysThe Antibody tem. Mycobacteria, or a bacterial endotoxin, are added to produce sensitization in the animal. Some The second prerequisite for a RIA is the produc(190, 191) prefer to use a less potent adjuvant to tion of a suitable antiserum. The antibodies are a avoid antigenic reactions with contaminating progroup of serum proteins that are also referred to as teins. Moreover, with some polypeptides, such as ingamma globulins or immunoglobulins. Most of these sulin (257) and HGH (278) antibody formation can immunoglobulins belong to the IgG class, while the other classes are termed IgA, 1gM, IgD, and IgE. Bebe induced in the absence of adjuvant. For the first or primary immunization, it is best cause these immunoglobulins possess not only antito use a high-quality antigenic preparation. Subsebody-reaction sites, but also antigenic determinant quent or repeated secondary immunizations can be sites, the immunoglobulins themselves can serve as antigens when injected into a “foreign” animal. The performed with a less-pure antigenic preparation and antigen-binding sites appear to reside on the H and are often done in the absence of a complete adjuvant (i.e., without mycobacteria), especially when skin L chains of the IgG molecule.4 reactions become severe. The animal should also be While the titer, or concentration of the antibody is important, the main criterion for establishing a suitclosely monitored for hypoglycemia or hyperadrenoable antiserum is the energy of interaction between corticalism caused by repeated injections-or too the antigen and antibody, or the specificity and afrapid absorption-of insulin or ACTH, respectively. finity for the antigen being assayed. For most clinical Secondary immunizations enhance antibody prochemists who are interested in performing RIA production, the specificity of which has been determined in the primary reaction. For the secondary cedures, it would be more advantageous to procure immunizations, one should select those animals that the specific antiserum from a laboratory or commerproduced a high titer of antibodies after the initial cial supplier (Table 1) that has the facilities (i.e., the immunization, because these same animals will also animals) required for the generation and evaluation produce high antiserum titers with additional immuof antibodies. For successful antibody induction, all nizations. However, there is a large variability in the that is required are a few animals, some patience, titer and cross-reactivity of antisera when sheep are and a certain amount of luck. Even though various immunized with aldosterone-21 -hem isuccinate or alantisera specific for the same antigen will elicit simidosterone-18,21-dihemisuccinate, and there is no relar potency estimates in terms of bioassay, the antilationship between maximum titer and previous sera will not always exhibit similar radioimmunologicross-reactivity (279). cal values when assayed for the same antigen (273). Blood samples are removed either by cardiac The general method of inducing antibody formapuncture or from the central artery of the ear and tion is to inject into a number of animals the pure the serum checked for its particular titer, specificity, antigen mixed with “Freund’s adjuvant” (274, 275) and affinity of antibodies. An example of how the (a mixture of mineral oil, waxes and killed bacilli, optimal concentration, or “titer,” of an antiserum is that enhances and prolongs the antigenic response). determined for a specific assay is illustrated in FigThe actual animal that one selects (guinea pig, rabure 7 (280). In this case, one measures the ability of bit, sheep, goat, chicken, or monkey) depends on the trace levels of radiolabeled antigen (Ag*I) to bind volume of antiserum desired and on the “foreign-ness” antisera (Abifi) at various dilutions. The appropri4immunoglobulins have been resolved into light (L) and large ate dilution is the one that will bind about half of (H) polypeptide chains. The four-chain model for IgG has been the radiolabeled antigen (B/F = 1). The antiserum proposed by R. R. Porter and G. M. Edelman, winners of the 1972 producing the sharpest slope of B/F provides the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine for their research into the chemical structures of antibodies. most sensitive assay. When heterogeneous antibodies CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 19, No.2,1973 159 #{149}ntiss,um dilution 4 u..d for ....y 3 2 102 ,o IO rscipro$l l0 of .flti$.,um Fig. 7. Curve produced with various for titer (280) ,o 106 dilution antiserum dilutions in screening present a problem in evaluating an antiserum, certain specific antibodies may be isolated by affinity chromatography, with use of the adsorbents bromoacetyl cellulose or beaded agarose (“Sepharose”) (281). For example, highly specific antiserum to HCS have been obtained by coupling the HCS antibodies to a column of beaded agarose (282-284) and then eluting with a gradient of guanidine-HC1 containing human albumin (285). For a thorough analysis of the antiserum produced, one may study its ability to neutralize hormonal activity (14, 286), its immunohistochemical (14, 287, 288) or immunodiffusion (289-291) characteristics, or its ability to bind labeled antigen (14). Specificity of the antiserum is studied with substances similar to the antigen being assayed, and should always include an assessment of the degree of correlation between RIA and bioassay or other chemical or isotopic means of measurement (292). The larger-molecular-weight protein hormones (e.g., (H)GH, TSH, and HCS) generally elicit a good antigenic response. It has been more difficult to obtain highly specific antibodies for (H)FSH and (H)LH, as these two hormones possess biologic and immunologic similarities not only to each other, but also to HCG and (H)TSH. However, LH contamination in FSH preparations may be inactivated by using a-chymotrypsin (293) or by adding HCG. This chorionic gonadotropin confers FSH specificity on the FSH assay by adsorbing the antibodies that do not distinguish between FSH, LH, and HCG. Moreover, antisera developed against the fl-subunit of HCG now make it possible to measure this hormone in the presence of (H)LH (294). Hapten Conjugation Production compounds. 1000-5000) 160 CLINICAL of immunogenicity The smaller and octapeptides CHEMISTRY, in nonantigenic polypeptides (mol wt have low immunogeni- Vol. 19, No.2, 1973 city and one must attach them as haptens to inert adsorbing particles, synthetic peptides, or natural protein molecules to enhance the antigenic response (270, 295-302). Conjugation with human gamma globulin will rapidly produce antisera to ACTH, angiotensin II, and deoxycorticosterone (303). The albumins (human, bovine, or rabbit), synthetic peptides [e.g., polylysine (270, 297)] and polymers [e.g., polyvinylpyrrolidone (304)] are also commonly used as carriers. For example, coupling of antigen with carbodiimide to serum albumin has elicited antiserum to glucagon (304) and increased the antigenicity of angiotensin and bradykinin (296). The bradykinin molecule is coupled to poly-L-lysine via the amino terminal arginine groups by a modification of the procedure described by Schick and Sanger (305). Boyd and Peart describe (306) a method of obtaining antibodies to angiotensin II, in which they adsorb the antigen onto fine microparticles of charcoal (diameter <30 nm) and inject this preparation directly into the spleen. The carbon particles act not only as a transporting device to the lymphatic drainage, but also to protect against the action of the angiotensinases. However, some laboratories have been able to elicit antiserum to unconjugated oxytocin (307), gastrin (mol wt 2096) (182, 308), and vasopressin (mol wt 1098) (309-311). Steroids can also act as haptenic groups when coyalently linked to protein carriers by a number of different methods (see reviews 312-316). Steroid derivatives containing free carboxyl groups may be coupled to the c-amino groups of the lysine residues with carbodiimide [1-cyclohexyl-3-(2-morpholinyl-(4)ethyl)carbodiimide metho-p-toluene-sulfonate} (313, 31 7-319). One can also take advantage of the available hydroxyl groups by forming esters with succinic anhydride (317, 320) or chlorocarbonate (315). Examples include the 3- and 17-monosuccinyl esters of estradiol-17fl coupled to BSA (316, 317, 320, 321), estradiol- 17fl- 1 la-hemisuccinate-BSA (322), estriol ring D-hemisuccinate-BSA (323), estriol-3-monoand trisuccinate-HSA (324), 1 1-desoxycortisol-21hemisuccinate-BSA (325), and the succinyl derivatives of lla-hydroxyprogesterone (326, 327). It is also possible to conjugate steroids to proteins by producing oxime derivatives (317, 328) of the ketone groups by using (0-carboxymethyl) hydroxylamine. Examples include estradiol-17fl-6-carboxymethyloxime (CMO)-BSA (276, 329-332); progesterone-3- (333), 6- (334), or 20- (335)-BSA; and the CMO conjugates of testosterone (135, 336, 337) and aldosterone (338-340). The hemisuccinate and oxime derivatives are linked via the amide bond to the camino group in RSA (341) or BSA (220) by using a “mixed anhydride” reaction; the chlorocarbonate derivatives are coupled by a simple Schotten-Baumann reaction (314, 328, 342, 343). Considerably more cross-reaction occurs between compounds with structural differences nearer the site of covalent linkage than in compounds with the structural differences distant from the binding sites. For example, the 4-ene and 5a-dihydro forms of steroids the C6 position more cross-reaction exhibit linked at than those with changes in rings A or D, or in those steroids coval#{232}ntly linked at C-ha (276). However, it has been reported that the li-hemisuccinate conjugates are comparable to the 6-hemisuccinate conjugates in their ability to evoke antisera discriminating between estrone, estradiol-17fl, and estriol (322). Other steroid haptenic groups serving as suitable antigens include estrone-2and 17-isocyanate coupled to HSA (312), the azobenzoyl derivatives of estriol (344) and the carboxylic acid groups of the steroid conjugates testosterone-17a-glucuronoside, estradiol17fl-glucuronoside and dehydroepiandrosterone-3glucuronoside (345), which are covalently linked to the c-amino groups of the dibasic amino acids in BSA. The product of the carbodiimide condensation reaction (296, 317-319) and glutaraldehyde (317, 346, 347) have also been used for the covalent linkage of other haptens or proteins. For example, the carbodiimide reaction product has been used to couple vasopressin to BSA (348). Thyroglobulin has also been used for the covalent linkage of the haptens lysme, vasopressin (349), triiodothyronine, a.nd thyroxine (131, 350). Antisera have also been developed against synthetic thyroid conjugates, succinyl polylysine-Ta (351), and triiodothyronine linked to the serum albumins by the carbodiimide reaction (352, 353). Production and preservation of antisera. Once a suitable antiserum has been obtained from an animal, it might be expected that with regular booster injections of antigen, the animal would continue to produce antiserum sufficient for literally thousands of RIA determinations. However, the specificity, affinity, and titer vary with the number of immunizations given, and vary from animal to animal. Therefore, each antiserum must be studied and evaluated separately. Once characterized, the antisera can be stored for long periods of time under proper conditions. Repeated freezing and thawing should be avoided and all antisera should be stored properly diluted. Reports vary as to the best temperature for antiserum storage, some workers prefer -80#{176}C, others -20#{176}C or -15#{176}C (316). Once thawed, the sera is best kept at 4#{176}C (5). The antisera may be stored diluted with “Rivanol” (2-ethoxy-6, 9-diaminoacridine lactate). This agent is used to precipitate all serum proteins, including the albumins, a-globulins, most of the fl-globulins, and the immunoglobulins except the IgG antibodies (354). Bacterial contamination can also be avoided by adding sodium azide (1 g/ liter) to the antisera (C. Longcope, personal communication). Separation of Bound and Free Antigen The third requirement for a good RIA is a suitable method for complete and rapid separation of the bound antigen (Ag*AbIV and AgAbVI) from the free antigen (AgV and Ag*VII) so that the radioactivity of either or both of these phases can be accurately measured. In addition, a separation procedure that permits further association and dissociation of the reactants (Ag*I, Agil, and Abifi) will ,seriously impair the effectiveness of the assay. Regardless of the method of separation chosen, it must be reproducible, simple to perform, and economically feasible. Chromatoelectrophoresis. The first method reported for the separation of bound and free fractions was paper chromatoelectrophoresis (2, 22, 24, 175, 355), combining earlier-used techniques of paper chromatography (356) and paper electrophoresis (357). A simple electrophoresis involves the differential migration in an electrical field of the bound and free antigen on cellulose acetate, and has been used in the assay of growth hormone (357). Improvements were then made by using paper that had a high affinity for the free antigen, such as Whatman 3 MM, Whatman 3 MC, DEAE paper, and Toyo No. 514. Starch gel (358) and polyacrylamide (including the use of discs) (173, 265, 359, 360) have also proved satisfactory as carriers. [For a discussion of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and its application to isoelectric focusing, see review by Chrambach (361).] The free antigen binds firmly to the cathodal end, while the heat generated by the electric current acts to increase water evaporation, and the antigen-antibody immune complex migrates by hydrodynamic flow. While this method is most discriminative-and has been used in the assay of insulin (2, 22, 25, 26, 32), GH (187, 357), glucagon (362, 363), PTH (181), TSH (364), ACTH (18, 365), and thyrocalcitonin (366)-it has a number of disadvantages that preclude its use. A limited amount of material may be applied to the adsorbent, the separation is both laborious and time consuming, the equipment is expensive, it requires radioactive antigens with higher specific activities than do other techniques, and a cold room is necessary. Nonspecific precipitation of the immune complex with various salts or organic solvents has also been used as a means of separating bound and free fractions. The antigen-antibody complex is precipitated by the salts or solvents under conditions that do not affect the free antigen. Among the reagents used are: acetone, sodium sulfate, or ammoriium sulfate (367) for HCG (368), arginine vasopressin (369), insulin (31), glucagon (370, 371) and androgens (372); alcohol for TSH (373, 374), LH (375-377), and insulin (378); and dioxane for gonadotropins, ACTH, HGH, insulin (379-381), and calcitonin (382). In one modified procedure, glutathione-activated ficin (a proteolytic enzyme) is used, which selectively hydrolyzes the unbound antigen (AgV and AgVII); the degraded products are then soluble in trichioroacetic acid. After precipitation of the immune complex by centrifugation, the radioactivity in either of the phases can be measured. This method has been applied successfully to the assay for insulin (383) and HGH (384), but requires a proper balance of enzyme to antigen in order to avoid either damage to the bound CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 19, No.2,1973 161 antigen or inadequate degradation of the free antigen. Gel filtration on the cross-linked dextrans has also been used in assays for insulin (385) and HGH (357), but because of the time and space required for the preparation of individual columns, this method is impractical for large-scale use. Another modification, the “back titration” method, has been used for the precipitation of insulin (386). In this procedure, an excess of antiserum is first pre-incubated with unlabeled insulin, and the partially neutralized serum is then incubated with an excess of the labeled insulin. The use of the salts or solvents has the advantage that the separation is immediate and a second incubation is not necessary. However, the chemical precipitation technique may bring down other proteins, often causing an incomplete separation of the two fractions. Bonding of Ag or Ab to a solid phase. The development of various solid-phase methods provides for rapid and efficient separation (see reviews 387 and 388). In the solid-phase type of assay, the antibody or antigen is bonded or fixed to an adsorbent, which facilitates separation or precipitation of bound or free fractions. The solid-phase antibody techniques make use of antibodies covalently bonded or fixed to insoluble polymers, covalently cross-linked to one another, or physically adsorbed to a plastic. The insoluble carriers or immunosorbents include bentonite particles (389, 390), bromacetyl cellulose (390), the cross-linked dextrans (Sephadex) (391), or beaded agarose (Sepharose), and “Enzacryl AA” (392). The beaded agarose molecules have a loose structure, allowing better fixation for large molecules than is afforded by the dextrans, and may be activated by cyanogen bromide to permit a firm binding of the antibody (388). While large amounts of antibodies are required in the solid-phase antibody systems, they do have the advantage that all three components of an assay (the antibody, the tracer antigen Ag*I, and the means of separating the bound and free phases) are found within one unit. Binding of the antigen is rapid, virtually irreversible, and the two phases may be separated by simple decantation or low-speed centrifugation. A modification of this method, the technique of selective adsorption of the antigen-antibody complexes by cellulose ester (“Millipore”) filters (393) has been used in the assay of IgA in human cord serum (394) and cyclic AMP (395). In addition, nitrocellulose membranes have been used to bind antibodies to angiotensin, digoxin, cyclic AMP, morphine, and prostaglandins B1, F2a, and Fia (396). Polymerized antibodies, covalently cross-linked to one another with ethyl chloroformate or glutaraldehyde, provide a practical and accurate method in assays for estrogens (321, 397), LB (261, 398), and FSH (171). While the use of polymerized antibodies offers speed and reproducibility, the procedure requires high-speed centrifugation for precipitation of the antigen-antibody complex. 162 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 19, No. 2, 1973 The solid-phase antibody method by physical adsorption includes the use of poly (tetra-fluoroethylene-g-aminostyrene) (“Protapol”) powder (399, 400), “Protapol DI/l,” or polypropylene-coated discs (387-404), and polypropylene or polystyrene plastic tubes (261, 387, 400, 405-408). The preparation of the antibody-coated discs or tubes may be affected by the pH, molarity, temperature, and protein concentration of the incubating solution. However, the discs or tubes have the advantage that, once prepared, they may be stored for many months until needed. In addition, the technique permits many determinations to be performed rapidly, and it is highly sensitive and reproducible. This technique has been successfully applied in assays of insulin (409), angiotensin (400), HGH (401, 402, 407, 408, 410, 411), HCS (412), LII (403), HPL (402, 403, 407, 413), estrogens (405, 414, 415), influenza-specific immunoglobulin G (146) and subtypes of Australia hepatitis B antigen (289). One modification uses an acrylamide gel that serves to entrap the gamma globulin, but allows diffusion of low-molecularweight antigens (417). Another variation of this technique, the “sandwich solid-phase RIA,” has been used for the characterization of human immunoglobulins (IgG) synthesized in tissue culture (418). In this method, pure antigen is first bound to the walls of a plastic test tube and the antibody is then bound immunochemically to the solid-phase antigen. Unlabeled antigen or labeled antigen (containing incorporated [3H]leucine) is then bound to the antibody. After incubation, the contents of the tubes are aspirated, the tubes washed, and the entire tube is solubilized and the radioactivity counted (419). Separations by solid-phase antigen precipitation have satisfied the needs for simplicity, economy, speed, and reproducibility. The free (unbound) antigens are bound to adsorbents, which then can be precipitated by centrifugation. Powdered talc, a magnesium silicate (304, 420), kaolin (aluminum silicate) (421), QUSO (microgranules of silica) (365, 420), Florisil (374, 397), and cellulose powder (127, 422) are some of the simple adsorbents used in a number of radioimmunoassays (for review see ref. 423). Too low a concentration of plasma protein will cause some of the antibody to be adsorbed, while an excess of plasma proteins often leads to decreased adsorption of the tagged antigen (Ag*I). Therefore, a balanced proportion of these proteins and the adsorbent is a prerequisite for good separation. Many separations have been performed by using charcoal coated with a dextran, the molecular weight of which may vary from 10,000-250,000, depending on the size of the unbound antigen being adsorbed. The synthetic glucose polymer forms a matrix that allows only the smaller-molecular-weight particles (i.e., the unbound antigen) to be adsorbed by the charcoal. This simple, rapid, and economical procedure has been used successfully in the RIA of ACTH (424), LH (425, 426), HGH (427, 428), insulin (205, 429-432), angiotensin II (433), human calcitonin M (434), blood kinins (435), and the cardiac glycosides (243, 436). Ion-exchange resins such as Amberlite CG-400 also adsorb unbound antigen and have been used in assays of ACTH (437), HGH (438), insulin (439), and glucagon (440), but have not acquired the popularity shared by other adsorbents. In the immunoradiometric assay for insulin and calcitonin (127129), in which unlabeled antigens are allowed to react with labeled antibodies, the unreactive antibodies are removed with the addition of the hormone coupled to cellulose. Double-antibody technique. A widely used and practical method for the separation of the bound and free antigen is the double-antibody technique, in which a second antibody is used to precipitate the primary antigen-antibody complex. Although the use of a second antibody introduces an additional source of error, the advantages of the method are that it can be used for practically any RIA, the separation is complete, and it may be used with large volumes of incubating solutions. Because more of the precipitating antiserum is required, the second antibody is induced in a larger animal (e.g., sheep or goat) against the gamma globulin (IgG) from the animal used to elicit the first antibody. Therefore, the term “ARGG” or “antiRGG” defines that the second antibody is formed against rabbit gamma globulin. The second antibody may be concentrated by a salt or DEAE precipitation before it is used in an assay. Present approaches to the double-antibody separation technique include the “post-” and “pre-precipitation” methods, both of which depend on when the first and second antibody are allowed to interact in terms of antigenic binding. In the “post-precipitated” approach (441), the second antibody is used to precipitate the antigen-antibody complex, while in the pre-precipitation method the antigenic material interacts with the first antibody insolubilized by previous precipitation with the second antibody. The conditions for the “post-precipitation” method have been discussed in detail (441, 442); these authors emphasize that the speed of this precipitation clearly depends on the antibody concentration. While most double-antibody procedures require days for precipitation to reach equilibrium, there are rapid methods that may be used at the expense of sensitivity and specificity (441). The technique requires the use of heat or chelating agents (e.g. EDTA) to inactivate serum complement (203, 433, 434) and the equalization of the human serum content of all samples and standards at the time of the precipitation (442). The “pre-precipitation” method, although not as popular as the “post-precipitation” approach, has the advantage in that the immunoprecipitation step is not affected by most of the interfering nonspecific factors (157,445, 446). Filtration or centrifugation. After precipitation of the immune complex, the precipitate and the supernatant fluid may be separated by filtration or centrifugation. In the filtration technique, the precipi- tating antibody is used in a high dilution and the microprecipitate removed by cellulose acetate filters (Oxoid and Millipore) (138, 157, 447, 448). The alternative approach is to add higher concentrations of antibody with normal rabbit serum as a carrier and to centrifuge the bulky precipitate formed (203, 449-452). This centrifugation method has become widely popular, not only because of its simplicity and high degree of precision, but also because it is inexpensive. With suitable conditions and the use of a computerized program, a technician can easily perform a thousand assays each week. The double-antibody technique-first described for insulin (157, 451, 452), growth hormone (192, 453), LH (239, 263), and FSH (172, 173, 454, 455)-has been applied to assays for other antigenic materials found in plasma in physiological states (see Table 2). One should not assume that an antiserum that exhibits good sensitivity, specificity, and precision in a RIA with one particular method of separation can be readily applied to a second separation technique. If any one of the steps in a procedure is altered, the conditions for a good RIA must be re-evaluated before the assay can be applied to routine clinical use. The Incubation The separation techniques described are an integral component of the entire RIA. During the incubation period (i.e., the time needed to reach equilibrium), the radiolabeled antigen (Ag*I) and unlabeled antigens (Agil) are allowed to compete for binding sites on the antibody (AbIII). The time required to achieve equilibrium varies from a few hours to several days, depending on the specific antigen being measured. In some RIA procedures, it is recommended that the incubation not be carried to the point of equilibrium. As noted, sensitivity may be improved by delaying the addition of the labeled antigen (161). With long incubations, the antigen may be altered (“incubation damage”) because of prolonged exposure to the high concentration of plasma proteins. In general, the hormones ACTH, glucagon, and thyrocalcitonin are more susceptible to this type of damage than are the hormones HGH, TSH, LH, and insulin. The damage caused by free radicals, oxidants and (or) proteolytic enzymes can be avoided or minimized by incubating at low temperatures, avoiding high plasma concentrations, or adding proteinase inhibitors, such as mercaptoethanol, c-amino-caproic acid, or aprotinin (“Trasylol”) (456). The effects of Trasylol in increasing the precipitations has been reported favorable for glucagon (457), but poor for ACTH (138). When the damage persists with Trasylol, as occurs with glucagon (458), “damage controls” incubated without antiserum must be included, to correct for these losses. Mercaptoethanol inhibits the oxidation of labeled hormones containing methionine during storage, but will also inhibit the antigenantibody reaction when used in concentrations greater than 5 g/liter (365). Benzamidine is less expensive CLINICALCHEMISTRY, Vol. 19, No.2, 1973 163 C 0 C 0 (Ia) a) Ci) 1_ a) (I) I_ a) U) S_ 0 C ; V C ;. m V C .o 9C’ .2’ >- ‘.- ; c a) C’) C’) . (0 _ . . C Csa ) 0 C )- _ (\1 Co C Cs >- C : C 0 .g 0 Cs .0 >- C OV U) C . a) C .C e 2 Cl) 0 2 < < o Ca) C .2 a) 0a) * ‘U) U w w 0 () w 0 Cl) C 0 < C) C Cs Q#{149}_ Cs Cs X . .C 0 0 .!:? < O Cs a) C (I) C .C C,,J .E #{182}2.E 6) I. C) C (I) Cs U- C) Co 0 0 C) C) ‘7 o o 0 C) 000 . -‘-‘. Cs LL i #{248}U ICs U- Cs U C) .E C) C C) C C)LO C C) C Cs U- Cs (UI- Cs C C C C E E E E .! . C 0 C 0 Cs + I Co (“J I O 0 .- C’) C”J C’J I U) 0) 0) 0 0 c 0 0 0 0 OC( C) C) C) C) C) 0 C) 0 C) 0 C) 0 C) . (I) I- Cs (U LL CsICsCsCsI uuucu ‘5 E (a E C.) E E D D D . . . C (5 E . 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U)U)CsO - CV CC a)>’a)a) CU> - 0 Z U-U- - CE#{176} a, C) C .a0i C 0. ....,0- 0 0- 0 =0 U U- E a) 0 0 C . C -.. C) --. C) EE . -.-. C) 0 j C 0. a) J Q. E - 0 D E E E E . 0. . -.-- -.‘-‘- - C) 0.0. Cs U) >, . . -..- a) Cs C Cs C ‘f 00 0I0 a)a a 0 CsCC ta) U) CU #{149}0 a) C Ci 0> .E C’) C ‘4O 10) C’)104- Ui U) 0 a’ Cs, Co c.V (“1 COO I CO . C0.-: - U) 0 00 0)0 (‘101 I I 0 0 0) 1 ‘4) 0 Co ,- 0)1011 - 0 U)0 Coil) Co .‘_Co I 0 I 0(I) (‘1 1 CD U) 1001 COIC’%I .“C’) 0) U) C’)C”4 (“101 N- N-N. (“104 -(“1 C’)’- CO N. (“1 LJ, 4. CoN1- ‘ C’) 0 .0 ‘5 I- Cl) W C/) C C Cs..-. 0)N- 0 41 -H U)) ‘5’,’? C’) (‘1 Co C’) 10(0 r: C’J CO - #{149} CO - - N- VV0).’? U) N(‘1 - (“1 C (“1 Cs ‘0 cOC.,1C.,1 -H E 0 1014) CO 0) U) CO f-CD 41 ‘--H-H c”j #{216}C’)(l)(0 Co OF,-U)N- a’ 4 - N- 0 . a) C’) - U) (‘10 -- _ Co (“1 I 00.- I I N. 00)0 -U) (‘4 CD 9) N N-CoO)CO04 #{149}-1r 0’. 0+ 0+ ‘00’ Cs Cs 1- I I - C’)04 -0l 00105 00 1-1 0O CO.’? “?Co a,t 1 - - -C’) , (“1- Co 0) 00) N-1 U) ‘5’ 0 U) U) 0 (‘i4 (“I Co N. C1 C’j ,- U) 0’. ‘0 0. 0+ I (“4 - #{176}Co 41-H-H CO a) C W c I - - I 0+ U) U a) a) .0 o0+O” ‘00+ CD V’2 a) 45 ‘ Cs 0.0.’.. >>. C Cs - C E OWE C 0 0 lIz Z E C _C CsCs CC #{176} C) 0 Z 0- E 0 z 4- E I._ 0 z Cs Cs Cs E 0 0 E 0 z z C/) 0. 0. 5- Cs E E 0 z 1.. z Cs E 4- 0 z 0 C a) a) a) 0. C/) 0- E” I- C C a) a’ U) U) C 4 0 Co I- a)a) C)--0. Co C C) 0 >. <> Cs IC 0 I I -I 01 U- CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 19, No.2, 1973 167 0) C’, 0) 8 0) Cs a) Cs C a) Cs a) a) Cs Cl) a) -J C’sS ‘SC ac a)U W 0 0 0 41 . a) 5)0. U) U)gU Cs C a) Cs C 0. 20. = :2 E Co Cs - U- L E 0 0 Co 0. a) C E E E 0 U) .E : 3 - E a) a, C IS 0) Uo coO “?“? U)’ I I 0> .E z I COC’J 00 00 C’)0) I ‘?U5 COOl -‘- I I ‘4)01 I “?O N-N- - I .‘?U) I I U)0 00 c’id 040) I I -‘5’ 00 N-O #{149}5.U) COC - I 00 CO I N- N-U-) Co CO I I 0)N (“4 Co(“104 I I (“4- CO CO - - W. .0 C W (U I- Cl) C Co C’J 0 do -4141 0 cc U-; Co 44 a’ 401 C C--. CO U)Co C C ‘ I N. U) CO 0 0)01 00 OC’, 0- COCO COCO 0 4141 N- ‘‘ -H-H N-Co CO - I CO (“4 -- U) Co COIl) 0) CO CO 0)0 CO C’) -CO CoCO 00 00 00, -H44 44-41 41-H 0)0 U)CO COCO CD -‘ U)’S’ Co CoO) N- N- 0 Co 0 - - (‘J CO ,5.U) CO (‘.1 oo (“4 COOl - ‘,- 0 (‘1 N- ‘ CO ,- - 0- COC’J 00 4(41 do 4441 0) COCo U) Co (“4c’jo; 0) -0 oc#{243}0)0) .- 0 Co 0 - C - - (“4 Co - (“4 C) U) ‘ 0 ‘ CO CO C’JC’I “? U) Co CO C) ucj - CO N. 0)- ‘N- - C’j CoO) -H41 41 -H -H-H - 0 .Co Co oo00 ,J. ,.L - .- Co (“4 .- ‘ - U) OCo C’JCO 00 N- N-Co CON. Co o (“4 (“4 Co 0 C’) CO Co CO C’JC’1 CO ‘ (“401 a) U a) a) W 0’ .0 3 ‘0 0’ ‘0 U) a) E -i E z z - . . E E z z a) 3 0-,: C a) a’ C 4 168 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 19, No.2,1973 0 ‘ . R’ 0) 0) 0) a) U C a) a) a) ‘E Cs Cs a 0 Cs > - IL) - EC a) c 5 E .,, (U U) h-c. -- a) Co -, Cs- ‘‘a’ C) Cs 0 Cs Cs 2 o 4- 0 0 E- U) , E ‘di - CU ‘ (‘4 C’) . - 0 E Cs5) 0- Cs Cs I.. .0 U- C’s .Qa) Li ‘SC (I) C, ac 0 0 < < 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - -x--- x U) CO 0 -0)1 o - CsCs 0. EE CUCU 0C 0 0C U o0.o 00.0 . CO CO 0. Cs 5- Cs -o0-5Q,EE CU0 .. Zoj - - a). C CO C ‘‘‘ N-N-N- N-N-N- 0< C C . ‘ ‘ - -.- - s.. 4-0 OCa)W ta) a) <> 0< 5 U)Cs CsCs U) 0 ‘a.0 E EEE-&.0 E -‘.‘ 5)CsU) 0. h_I_ 0 Co E -(“IC’) -= O U-.J t << . 5)Cs U)C C 0.Cs - <> g a) . I ‘?-CJCO COICO C 0. 5)05) COOO -CO’? , O U-...J II CocoCo E : S 0 0 Cs 0 - 0 E C) C) C) 0. C , C) C C 0 0 U) C41 a) a’ C 0 (“1 IS . (“40) 0> Ui II - C” (“4 0 Co - - II CO (“I CO It) - - I CO - I C’J I 0 C ‘5 a) CO ‘?44 4401 -H (“10 0 COCO 1004 004 COCO Co Co Co CO Co CO (“4 C’) Co - U) Cl) (‘10 C).’01.- CO’? 1- 41-H -H-H 441 -H-H 01”?’? ‘?C’1 C’ 100) C’1Co o U) Co (“401 (“4-. - CC r ,- C’ 0 00 000 ON-C) . Co I I 0 ‘? 6’ - ‘- CO N oo (“4 - Cl) C’) COCo U) -- - 10CO O00’? - (“4‘? 6’ a - W Cl) W . ON. C)”? N-NI - - 05 .-C’1 0404 .0 (5 I- Co CO ‘?‘? II Co (“4 I -(“IC’) 01001 CO Co - ooo 000 CO- 44 -H H41 C)U CD U)Co (“4 (‘4 001 (“40) Co ON -(“4 4141114441 000 ‘ ‘?OU) ‘? Co 10(L) Co Co C) 0) NCo ‘? CON. N-CoC’) - 4’ C Co Co U) CO - N. CO C) O1C’1 0’. ‘00+0’ - (“I Co C) CO CO - (“4 (‘4 (“4’? C) a) CO a) U a) .0 3 U) 0#{247} ‘0 0’ 0’ 0’ a) > U) C a) a) IS C Cs C 0) U) C Cs #{149}:. - Cs E C Cs Cs E -W E a) 2 0- Q. 2 z - Cs O z - CU 0 z C E > I Z Z 0. 0- 0- C a) 3 5 41 Cl) Cl) Cl) 0- LU Co 0. I- C a) a’ C 4 C _1 0I CD 0 I CC U) ‘C Oa) Cl) 0 I C C / U) C U) 0 C) C a) C 0 a) #{149} U) a) C) 0 0- CLINI9AL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 19, No.2, 1973 169 CO CO C”) 0 IL) - CO 0 IL) - s. CO 10 Cs - ,:#{149} Cs a, CU >5 a, C (U C Cs Cs >,Cs -C U)Cs U) V 0) C,) CO (“1 U) ‘0 Cs E Cs C ‘0 5. 1 (‘1 CO >5 V C U- Cs 0 Co I- U 0 3 ac 44’) U). 0 .0 C’, 0 I 0 0 O 0 o U) >5 0 0 4- 0 0- 0 0 0 Cs 41 o CsCC C0.U) 0. U U) Cs E Cs 0. 0 C U, U) a, 0. 00 U-.J0. - E Cl) C 0. U) U) U) 0 4- . . U) . U) .x x . 01 U- 0 ‘0 O 0 0- I’-. CO (“4 - U) , Cl) ‘0 ‘U a,a,a)a,U)a)U)Z O’?COC.ICDCOO C’I01C’ICOCOCO’? I I I I I Co0’?CO01Co0) ‘-0104C’ICOCOCOZ ‘U I E I 4- 0 E E 0 0 O 0 C Cl) U) U) . U)U)U)U)U)U)a) 20. E =L 0) C a, U) --. 1’- --. C) - C) C 0 0 -‘--‘ C) C) 0) C 01 C .5 U) 0)0 C 0 U c’l U) .0 (5 I- I C N- 0 U) COIl)0,’? N- ‘? .- 1- CO Co 0- 00100 I U) CO. Ui)C’1 Co (‘.1 CO - 010 0 - 0 CO 0 0)0)’? --‘4’ CO N- -‘04 -H ‘l-H-H 44-H -H41 Coo.- 001 0) CO U) C1U)J 00- 0 0)’? Oil) N- COO CO i-CD 0JC’J N. CO (‘IN-CO ‘?‘?CO 0 (“ICO CO U) (“101 000 Co C)- 4444-H COCo0 -H-H -H 4141-H 41.41-H -H-H-H C’)’- 0)’?’- Co ‘4)04 CO0CO 14)0404 N-CO -coo ‘4,-- N- - i-C’1 CO CO 001’- COI’CO(’J CO ‘5’ U) (0 N. Cl) 0 Cl)CO 5’ Co (“1 U) (“1’? ‘5’ U)CO U) 5’ ooooO C1 CO’? -H 4444 -H-H 444(-H4141 o U) 0) CO ‘-a (‘4 100) CD.- -$144-H 000 COCocO (‘10 (‘410’? ‘ CO (‘1 (“1 LU 00 Cl) C) 4’ CO 1-1 0CC - Cl) 0) 00’? COCDU) 0C’iU0)o (‘sJ N- .‘1- 0 0 Cl) 0)’? 0 0 -0 1--H ‘40)- ‘?NN- - 0 Co N.CDCO - - CoN-0).- CO U) 0 #{149} a’ 4 C ‘5’ I U) (‘1 CoCOO’? (‘1 (‘.1 COOl - - 001 CO’?01-U)CO0)0) Co CO C -_010110_ (“4 a) U .0 3 (I) ‘00. ‘00.’00’.”0 0’ 0’. 0’ ‘.0 0#{247} 0’. a) - CU ‘ E z C Cs C ‘ E #{149}zz z0 . - Cs . E C Z 0. Z 0. 0- 0. ! E a a) 3 0.. 0- 0. a) C C #{149} .2’ C 0 I’.2 a) I- 170 C U) 05 U) Cl) WWW “ O,C,C U) W CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 192, (‘i 1973 ‘.) 0 ‘4. 0 IL) , 0 (C) 0 (C) C ‘ - - ,... (‘ii (‘1 IL) ‘ Cs CU) - Cs a,C) (59 - 0 -0 CsU) C U) 00 ‘-.0 NO CsV 0 I Cs V C) CU)V.Cs - V.- Cs ‘#{248} - I.. a) C .0.Cs0 U)a,0. a, oa) Cs (U0 0.D C U) co (DCI) Cs H Cl) oO o o o . 00 0)0) EC - .0 < o . < O I Q00)C)0)0)0)j .x CsCs .E.EE.E4’E 10O .‘EC “0 001- .Cs0#{176} _JU._400 <d. 0 I CC 20. ..r 0 00 o () CsCsCsCs U-U-U-U. I- I- . . . CO CO CO’?’? I I I I EEE CU’ LI..J - I- I CO CO CO CO’? 0) 41 - C - - E E -. -, E E 0. 0. E -. C) C 0) 0. Co’?N- 00000 00000 U) - -5EE (‘1 E Co C 0. E ‘-. . -., -. C) C C) C ‘? C)C’1U) OU) -CO I I 10 VCoCo CC)” ‘-., C C OO #{149} C = ooo OU)0 O#{216}N0 0 0) (“1 I U) T!.888 U; 0001 C’ICo01 a’ I - I 0- U) I 0 0o- -$14444 C’) Cl__CO - N‘4. ‘?t’O(CD.Z C’) 10 I Co Co 0005’ CDO’?OI I ‘?01.-0 0 U)COCo -U) (“10 0 00 P.. 01 I - 0 0 0 $ ‘0 C C’) ‘ iii’ ‘?CO’4IL) r- ONt’-.C%J o U) 5’ - C’) ...O CO ‘?04.’CO -01 Co CO . 0Co0 C’1CO -4141-H-H 44 -H-H,--H 01COCOCOCO U).-.-..(“1 U) .- 0 Co 0 CO 0) - - 44 COU)OCO U) IL) (“1 0 CO -OCoOl -C) 04 (“1 IL)CoOC’) 0 0 0 0000)0 (‘101 Co COO)-01 N. 0).- o CO F’- -H (0‘1 U)Co’?U)NC’1 CO ‘?CO.-’- 44 C) - Co 0)0CC N- 0) - Cs ‘501 a, E ,, ‘4 0)0)0)0 COU)N-Co lIlA 000” ‘?0)U)U) .1 a)’ :‘, CO01Co Co (“1’? i-U)CO 0 5’ U)’?CON“-C’) 1-1--- 1010 - 040Co01’?OU)C) 01.’-’- C’1i- CO (O U) 0.0’. (0! -#{246} C)O - IS Cs c i E E Z Z0- 2 Z 0. 0- Cl) Cl) O. E U) 0 F 0 (U’ OU)... CsW0 OCDF’ CsC) . E Z - Cs ‘5 - Cs , E Z 0- Z0- ZZ Cl) Cl) ‘E (l)Cl) E E Z0CDCD Z 0U)U) 0CsCs0 - C Cs Ev 0 C C) = 00 < C 41 Cl) V C o 0 C U. 2 ‘ CD C) 9.E.U))- 0-0- C) -- ( CD -) 5U- U) Cs CD U- <CD’ oo LU - CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 19, No.2. 1973 171 and as useful as Trasylol CO - 1- 1- - ‘OIL) enzymes I:z- - - a) C a) U) C 4- U).E .!. a) ‘. (5(0 CM) 0’’ - a) IL) LU C 0I -4’ (0 a) a’ U) 0. 0 IS IS’E a0 C) a.c “5.! a) CE < O 0O 00 82 < 0 - .C C 2 --.v45 C I C 0 (U a’EVC ‘=2 H (I) U)Cs Additional Radioimmunoassays 0. 0 CE C ‘E - 5’.... E e (‘JO -.--- C) - 0)_-’.__ E 0) E el . ISO U (“1 CD CO IS’? a) CO I U) Co o C’) I 0 (0 ‘5’ ‘-5’ o I CO 0 ,! a) _ C 0 (5 I- ‘ 0 CO - #{149} 0 Co,0CO 0) CO CO CO 04C0O) E - CO CO OCO. -H -H -H - Co 00 (‘10) 5’’?- 0 -H 0 5’ 0 N- 44 . U) - CO NO 0 22 44 C’) 0 C CO a) a’ 4 C CL! V <a) COCO’? C’) CO Co - V 0 - z Co CO C’I CO 0 1010 0 - U ‘-0 ‘00’ o a) IS - Cs E a,EE z < -i CU aCs1 E E ,J’ .5 zz Z 0- Cl) Z C a) 3 a) 0 0.. 0- I- C a) C) .E 0. ‘5 U. >5 ‘C 0 a) .9 Cs < 172 I o#{149}. Co I- CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. 19, No.2, 1973 E 410 -y - O C) ‘00. .d -- P a) .0 3 U) Rodbard et a!. have discussed (147) several guidelines to establishing quality-control procedures. Basic to these measures is the accurate recording of the specific activity of the tracer antigen (Ag*I) and the exact amount of radioactivity used in each assay. The primary factors include: (a) the 50% intercept, i.e., the amount of standard that will bind 50% of the 0 standard (B/B0 = 0.5); (b) the percent of the total counts bound in the absence of unlabeled antigen (25%-50%); (c) the within-assay variance (i.e., the variation in multiple determinations of the sample run in the same assay); and (d) the betweenassay variance (i.e., the variation of multiple determinations of the same sample in different assays). Acceptable tolerance ranges for each of these parameters should be determined by each laboratory. 0.U) O C assays (459). QualityControl Cs Cs Cs . glucagon the proteolytic 1- IL) - affecting in inhibiting 0 C ---0 The RIA technique has been extended to the measurement of other peptide hormones and nonhormonal substances including drugs, pathological agents, viral proteins, and enzymes. Hormones to which this technique can be applied include relaxin (519), j3lipotropic hormone (255), secretin (520), bradykinin (300, 301, 435), alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (521), pancreozymin-cholecystokinin (522) and the arthropod molting hormone, ecdysterone (523). The non-hormonal substances include: the enzymes Cl esterase (524), trypsin, chymotrypsin, and chymotrypsinogen (525), dopamine-.3-hydroxylase (526), pepsin and pepsinogen (527), carbonic anhydrase I and II (528), and fructose-1,6-diphosphatase (529); the cyclic nucleotides cAMP, cGMP, cIMP, and cUMP (530) and thymidine (531); and the drugs morphine (532), D-tubocurarlne (533) and the barbiturate derivatives (534). Also developed are radioimmunoassays for various immunoglobulins (535-537) including the antiRho(D) content of Rho(D) immune globulin (538), antithyroglobulin antibodies (539), keyhole limpet hemocyanin antibody (540), rheumatoid factor (541), antibodies in experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (542), the IgE antibody to ragweed antigen E (543), the incorporation of leucine into the immunoglobulin IgG (544), antibodies to type 12 streptococci (545) #{149} and lymphocyte surface receptors (546). The technique has also been extended to the proteins 1Cglobulin (547), human fibrinopeptide A (548), the vasopressin binding protein neurophysin (549), the synthesis of serum albumin by human embryonic liver cultures (550), properdin (551), and to the polypeptide mouse epidermal growth factor (552). Additional antigenic materials used in RIA include allergens (553), paramecium surface antigens (554), vaccinia antigens (555), thermostable adrenal-specific antigen (556), human histocompatibility antigens (557), Australia (hepatitis-associated) antigen (289, 558), (512, the embryonic reversion antigens a-fetoprotein 565) and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) (566-569). There is currently much interest being focused on CEA, as this glycoprotein has been found present in malignant entodermal tissues and in the plasma of patients with gastrointestinal tract cancers. Future developments of CEA-RIA may find it useful as a diagnostic tool in early and sensitive cancer de- tection. Advances in clinical pathology have also been made by the reports of radioimmunoassays for 7S nerve growth factor (570), mammalian type C viral proteins (571-572), staphylococcal B enterotoxin (573), hepatitis B antigen (574), schistosomiasis (575) and rabies binding antibodies (576). The RIA procedure has also been extended to the measurement of vitamin A (577), urinary antidiuretic hormone (578), cortisol (579), and medroxyprogesterone acetate (580). Needless all areas to say, the RIA technique is revolutionizing of investigational and clinical science. Conclusion While it is difficult to reach definitive conclusions on such a new and untamed technique as the RIA, a number of general statements may be made regarding its distinctive features. When compounds are able to induce the formation of specific antibodies, the nature of the antigen-antibody reaction affords a method of analysis with a high degree of sensitivity, which can be performed simply and efficiently in any laboratory. Indeed, the use of this tool is now commonly accepted by countless laboratories undertaking investigational and clinical determinations. For example, RIA has enabled researchers to detect and characterize new hormonal forms and to monitor in physiological and pathological conditions the concentrations of a variety of hormones and non-hormonal substances that could not have been demonstrated by previous techniques except with great difficulties. In addition, many laboratories now perform hundreds or thousands of assays each day, greatly adding to the increased efficiency and economy demanded by modern clinical and research scientists. The list of compounds that can be measured by RIA grows each day, and includes many non-hormonal peptides, drugs, enzymes, parasitic, microbial, and viral agents. It can also be expected that methods will appear in the future that will improve and refine the general RIA procedure-e.g., decreasing isotopic damage of the antigens or antibodies, enhancing the specificity and affinity of the antibody-antigen complex, improving the purification of the specific antibodies generated and simplifying the incubation and separation techniques while maintaining accuracy and reproducibility. Certain general characteristics of the method should be emphasized. While the procedure is simple in design, it is important that each laboratory establish good quality-control measures for the assays and that any changes from a standard procedure be thoroughly evaluated. Because the reactants are immunospecific, the values found always represent immunological activity, not biological activity. Therefore, it is quite likely that one of the future changes in the RIA will be in this particular area, to substitute specific biological receptors for the antibody in the assay. This change will occur when these receptors can be efficiently and economically exploited to the same extent as the antibody, while also maintaining or improving the degree of sensitivity. If similar modifications should evolve into newer techniques, RIA will remain as a landmark in quantitative and qualitative analyses. Glossary Adjuvant, a substance which will enhance the antigenicity of an antigen. Freund’s adjuvant: “incomplete”mixture of mineral oil and waxes; “complete”-incomplete plus killed tubercie bacilli. Affinity, strength of attraction between antibody and antigen. Antibody, usually a gamma globulin or immunoglobulin that will specifically react with an antigen or hapten. Antigen, a substance that can induce the formation an antibody and is able to react with that antibody. strength Avidity, of the antigen-antibody of bond after the immune complex is formed. Complement, serum factors that when activated may diminish the strength of the antibody-antigen reaction. Double-antibody, the separation technique whereby a second antibody, produced against the IgG of the first animal, is used to precipitate the immune complex. Hapten, an incomplete antigen, which must be coupled to a carrier to form an antigen. Homologous, a system in which the same animal c species is used to produce the radiolabeled antigen, unlabeled antigen, and antibody. Heterologous, a system in which the radiolabeled antigen, unlabeled antigen, and antibody are respectively produced in two or more animal species. Ligand, (from the Latin, “that which is bound”) usually refers to the smaller molecule, Sensitivity, lowest detectable quantity. Specificity, the degree of freedom from interfering substances. Titer, optimal dilution of antibodies effective in an assay. Addendum Since the completion of this review (November 1, a number of new RIA procedures have been reported. A 7-8S highly negatively charged antibody 1972), fraction with increased sensitivity from crude sheep antisera Sephadex chromatography dure may be applicable has been isolated to pregnenolone by QAE(581). This novel proce- to the isolation of highly sen- sitive antibodies against steroids and other haptenBSA antigens. The use of polyethylene glycol for the separation of free- and antibody-bound insulin, parathyroid, growth hormone, and arginine vasopressin (582) has now been demonstrated as effective in the assays of digoxin and renin (583). The Somogyi precipitation has also been found to yield an immediate and nonreversible separation of digoxin and other steroid-like compounds (584). Zirconyl phosphate gel will also produce assays highly of CEA sensitive, precise by precipitating and the CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, Vol. reproducible antibody-bound 19, No.2, 1973 173 antigen (585). Th use of 8-anilino-1-naphthalene sulfonic acid (ANS) has been found effective in preventing possible interference in the binding ofT3 antibodies by TBG (559). Recent developments include the RIA for human skin collagenase (586), placental-type alkaline phosphatase (587), and the detection of antihemophilic factor (AHF, factor VIII) in concentrations as low as 0.2% in normal human plasma (588). It is also possible to determine IgG concentrations in undiluted cerebrospinal fluid with a sensitivity of 10 ng/l00 ml (589). This RIA may provide a useful diagnostic tool in differentiating between central nervous system systemic lupus erythematosus and other causes of central nervous system symptomatology, such as steroid-induced encephalopathy. The analysis of cerebrospinal fluid for encephalitogenic basic protein by RIA may provide a useful diagnostic tool in the detection of multiple sclerosis (590). Finally, a RIA method has been reported (591) for the determination of parotin present in the parotid gland, submaxillary gland, serum, and urine of guinea pigs, and in the urine and saliva of humans. A number of hormones labeled with 125! are now available for RIA from the New England Nuclear Corp., 575 Albany St., Boston, Mass. 02118. These include angiotensin I and H, bradykinin, glucagon, HCS, HCG, HGH, and insulin. The authors permission are grateful to the following to reproduce certain 2, 3, and 6), Dr. Gregor individuals for their items: Dr. John T. Potts, Jr., H. Grant (Figure 4), Dr. A. Rees (Figures Midgley, Jr., (Figure 5), Drs. H. Randar Raud and W. D. Odell (Figure 7), and Drs. R. P. Ekins, J. L. H. O’Riordan and John T. Potts, Jr., for the general derivations of the formulas used in discussing the basic kinetics of A. We also thank Dr. David M. Mumford for his review of this manuscript and to Mrs. C. Knight and Mrs. E. Lindsey for their typing assistance. Support for the publication of this review was made possible in part by the Roderick A. MacDonald Fund and by subsidies from Serono Laboratories, Inter Science Institute, New England Nuclear (Biomedical Assay Laboratories), Becton, Dickinson and Co. (Schwarz/Mann Division), Clinical Assays, Inc., Collaborative Research, Inc., Pharmacia Laboratories, Inc., Calbiochem, and Endocrine Sciences-Products Division. References 1. Aubert, M. L., Critical study for the dosage of the polypeptide Biol. Med. 14, 1(1970). of the radioimmunological hormones in plasma. assay J. NucI. S. A., and Yalow, R. S., Quantitative aspects of the between insulin and insulin-binding antibody. J. Clin. iflL’eSt. 38, 1996(1959). 3. Berson, S. A., and Yalow, R. 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