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Extraction and re-implementation of SWATModel calculations under the MAELIA platform in order to simulate the socio-environmental impacts of norms. Hong Y., Vavasseur M., Louail T., Balestrat M., Sanchez-Perez J.M., Sauvage S., Therond O. 2013 International SWAT Conference, Toulouse, France Context and objectives of MAELIA platform - Water scarcity and agriculture water-use management. - Simulation of interactions between water resources, agriculture management, economic effects and climate changes in REAL-TIME. - Assessing the environmental, economic and social impacts of management strategies and policies. - Multi-agent platform. 2013 International SWAT Conference, Toulouse, France MAELIA Platform Material Resources Cognitive Resources Actors 2013 International SWAT Conference, Toulouse, France Modeling of hydrological processes in MAELIA Land phase Routing phase Other water managements 2013 International SWAT Conference, Toulouse, France Hydrological processes in MAELIA Hydrological MAELIA Cropland + Water Cycle + Water management Water flow French Land-use Identification System (RPG) to represent the agricultural plots. Jeux d’O Model (Nolot 2003, INRA) Land Phase Create a special type of HRU named HRU-RPG SWAT Specific Formalisms Routing Phase (Muskingum) Land Phase HRU Integrated Land-phase SAsubbasin = SAHRU + SAHRU-RPG 2013 International SWAT Conference, Toulouse, France Water cycle of land phase in MAELIA and SWAT Enter sub-basin loop Enter sub-basin loop Compute precipitations and temperatures for elevation bands Enter HRU loop Compute water yield for HRU-RPG Compute precipitations and temperatures for elevation bands Enter HRU loop Compute snowfall and snowmelt Compute snowfall and snowmelt Compute surface runoff and infiltration rainfall using SCS curve number method Compute soil water and lateral flow Sub-basin iteration HRU iteration Compute surface runoff and infiltration Compute soil water and lateral flow Compute water uptake and actual ET Compute water uptake and actual ET Compute base flow Compute base flow Aggregate HRU water yields Aggregate HRU-non-RPG water yields End HRU loop End sub-basin loop End HRU loop Aggregate all HRUs results to sub-basins (b) Land phase of SWAT Compute geo-localized ponds, wetlands and water-use (In prospect) End sub-basin loop (a) Land phase of MAELIA Case study: Upper part of Garonne watershed (MAELIA Zone) - Water scarcity in the Adour-Garonne Basin (AGB): 250 Million m3/year; 80% agriculture water-use. - Firstly tested in MAELIA Zone. - Drainage area: 6000 km2; Length: 140 km. 2013 International SWAT Conference, Toulouse, France Input Data: DEM and Pre-defined subwatershed and river networks. DEM 50m a) DEM 50m, (IGN). National Geographical Institute of France. Pre-defined sub-watershed b) Pre-defined sub-watershed. Elementary management areas called Hydrographic Zones (ZH), National Water-management Office of France (ONEMA). Pre-defined stream networks c) Pre-defined stream networks. (AEAG) Water Agency of AGB, then simplified. 2013 International SWAT Conference, Toulouse, France Input Data: Soil, Landuse and Weather Station Soil Types a) Soil Types. (INRA) National Institute of the Agronomic Research; Needed parameters were estimated through observations. Land-use b) Land-use. (CLC) Corine-Land-Cover of France, then simplified. Weather Stations SAFRAN c) Weather Stations. Rainfall, Temperature and PET by 8x8 km grid; Climatic model SAFRAN (Météo-France). 2013 International SWAT Conference, Toulouse, France First results with SWAT-calibrated results 2013 International SWAT Conference, Toulouse, France Conclusions and perspectives - The formalisms and hydrological processes of SWAT are stable for integrating in other platforms or models. - Sensitivity analysis of MAELIA platform and calibration. - Simulation of ponds according to their different characteristics (e.g. connectivity with river network, position in the watershed, volume etc.). 2013 International SWAT Conference, Toulouse, France MAELIA Application 2013 International SWAT Conference, Toulouse, France Thank You ! 2013 International SWAT Conference, Toulouse, France
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