wilmar oil
wilmar oil
WILMAR OIL OIL SECTOR Wilmar Continental Edible Oil and Fats (Pty) Ltd Randfontein, South Africa Group: Wilmar International Limited !"#$%"&'()&*+&(,-./-,0123&4-5$.-46$, !".-7&8) &9:::&)-77$;"<$, Smiline Conveyor belts GEO LOCATION 40 INSTALLATION / Wilmar Oil I ! "#$%&! '()*+,-! ./! 0*1#23%3)4! 534%! #(! 6#&, 347$)8! * ! %&3! 9)#:* +3! #(! ;,$%3 8! *4! %&3! %#5 !#(!<, =(# %3* -!(#$ =3=!* !>?@A! with the aim to serve the recently discovered gold mines. B:3 ! %&#$8&! <, =(# %3* ! 5,4! developed in the twentieth century ,4!,!4%),%38*+!,)3,!(#)!%&3!3C%),+%*# ! #(! 8#1=-! %#=,D! %&3! 1#+,1! 3+# #2D! *4! based on important metallurgical, %3C%*13!, =!(##=!* =$4%)*34E! Among them is Wilmar Continental B=*713! F*1! , =! G,%4-! # 3! #(! %&3! 13,=* 8! "#$%&! '()*+, ! 2, $(,+%$)3)4! #(!4$ (1#53)!433=!, =!#%&3)!433=4!#*1E! Since the company recently installed ,! 35!HBI!1* 3!(#)!%&3!7#%%1* 8!#(!#*1! in 350 ml and 500 ml bottles, SMI 9)#:*=3=! ,! "2*(13C*! JKH! L/! 5),9M ,)#$ =! +,439,+03)-! , ! ,$%#2,%*+! APS 3000 palletizer and the Smiline +# :3D#)! 731%4! (#)! +# 3+%* 8! %&3! machines together. 41 Investing in technology TO MEET MARKET DEMANDS W between 42 ilmar Continental Edible F*1! 5,4! (#$ =3=! * ! LA>>! ()#2! ,! N#* %! :3 %$)3! Wilmar International INSTALLATION / Wilmar Oil Limited, Asian group leader in the (##=! * =$4%)D! (#$ =3=! * ! >@@>! * ! Singapore, and Continental Oil Mills OH%DP!J*2*%3=-!# 3!#(!%&3!2,N#)!"#$%&! '()*+, !* =$4%)*,1!+#29, *34!* :#1:3=! * !%&3!9)#=$+%*# !#(!3=*713!#*1!5+! #)*8* 4! =,%3! 7,+0! %#! >@Q?E! R ! %&,%! D3,)-!* !(,+%-!+$))3 %!SBF!'7=$1!T,=3)! Moosa started up his own company * ! %&3! 9)#=$+%*# ! , =! 2,)03%* 8! #(! edible oil, drawing on the experience 8,* 3=!3,)1*3)!* !%&*4!(*31=E! largest company worldwide in terms #(!%$) #:3)!, =! $273)!#(!3291#D334E F:3)! %&3! 9,4%! (35! D3,)4-! K*12,)! Continental Edible Oil and Fats has 327,)03=!# !,!1,)83M4+,13!3C9, 4*# ! program that made it necessary to commission to SMI the engineering study, through its local agent Caltech '83 +*34-! (#)! %&3! #9%*2*Y,%*# ! #(! its line-end operations in the new R ! 4$743U$3 %! D3,)4-! %&3! (#$ =3)V4! %&)33!4# 4!W!+$))3 %1D!S&*3(!BC3+$%*:3! "* +3! %&3! X##4,! (,2*1D! &,4! ,15,D4! 733 ! ,%! %&3! (#)3()# %! * ! =)*:* 8! Mohammed Ferouze, Operations X, ,83)!G,DD,Y!, =!",134!Z!X,)03%* 8! X, ,83)!'4*(! W! N#* 3=! %&3*)! (,%&3)! * ! %&3! 2, ,8323 %! #(! S# %* 3 %,1! F*1! Mills (Pty) Limited. %&3! 3:#1$%*# ! #(! %&3! +##0* 8! #*1! production industry, it made huge investments since the very start to 3U$*9! *%4! (,+%#)*34! 5*%&! %&3! 2#4%! modern systems. I&3!+#29, D!*4!5311!0 #5 !%&)#$8&#$%! "#$%&! '()*+,! (#)! %&3! BC+311,-! "VJ*%3-! Pan, Canola oil brands and the Conti mayonnaise, which are sold in retail 4%#)34-! 4$93)2,)03%4! , =! %&)#$8&! mass retail channels. For these reasons the Continental F*1! X*114! 91, %4! #(! <, =(# %3* ! , =! [*1N#3 40)## -! 5&*+&! ,)3! 1#+,%3=! QA! 02! 3,4%! , =! @A! 02! 4#$%&M3,4%! #(! 6#&, 347$)8-! )3493+%*:31D-! &,:3! always had cutting-edge high-tech machines. Continental Oil Mills also specializes * ! %&3! 9)#=$+%*# ! , =! 2,)03%* 8! #(! ,! 5*=3! :,)*3%D! #(! 9)#=$+%4! (#)! wholesale companies as well as the &#%31!Z!+,%3)* 8!* =$4%)DE >A-?AA! 79&! 9)#=$+%*# ! (,+*1*%D! * ! <, =(# %3* -! 5&*+&! 7#%%134! , =! 9,+0,834!%&3!\/A!21!, =!/AA!21!HBI! bottles. I&3!"XR!4$991D!* +1$=34!,!"2*(13C*!JKH! L/! 5),9M,)#$ =! +,439,+03)-! 5&*+&! 3 4$)34! &*8&! U$,1*%D! 9,+0,8* 8! * ! completely closed cardboard boxes, and the Smipal APS 3000 automatic palletizing system that arranges the \C.! +#11,%*# ! 9,+04! ()#2! %&3! 5),9M ,)#$ =!+,439,+03)!# !%&3!>AAAC>LAA! mm pallets. Their lines produce the main 4$ (1#53)!, =!#%&3)!433=!#*1!7), =4-! %&3! =*4%)*7$%*# ! #(! 5&*+&! 5*11! 73! ($)%&3)! 3C9, =3=! %&)#$8&! %&3! recent agreement with the U.S. multinational Walmart Stores R +E-!#5 3)!#(!%&3!# D2#$4! +&,* ! #(! )3%,*1! 4%#)34-! 5&*+&! )3+3 %1D!1,$ +&3=!,!2,)03=! investment plan in South '()*+,E! Walmart Stores is the largest retailer in the world and, in 2010, was the 43 I&3! "2*(13C*! JKH! +,439,+03)4! 2, $(,+%$)3=! 7D! "XR! ,)3! 4$*%,713! I&3!8)#$9!#(!+# %,* 3)4!%#!73!9,+0,83=! *4!(#)23=!7D!23, 4!#(!,!)3+*9)#+,%* 8M (#)!9,+0,8* 8!,!:,)*3%D!#(!+# %,* 3)4! in corrugated cardboard boxes motion mechanical system. A synchronized separator bar receives or cardboard trays through the continuous wrap-around system and %&3! 9)#=$+%4! ()#2! %&3! 9 3$2,%*+! separator, places them in the required (3,%$)3!,!4*291*(*3=!2#=$1,)!=34*8 E! I&3!3 %*)3!+,)=7#,)=!71, 04!2,8,Y* 3! (#)2,%!, =!,++#29, *34!%&32!%&3!7#C] %),D!(#)2* 8!$ *%-!2,0* 8!%&3!9,+0,8* 8! *4! 1#+,%3=! 73 3,%&! %&3! 2,+&* 3V4! * (33=! +# :3D#)! 4#! ,4! %#! 8)3,%1D! process extremely smooth and precise. I&3! 2, $,1! (#)2,%! +&, 83#:3)! *4! )3=$+3!%&3!#:3),11!=*23 4*# 4!#(!%&3! 4*2913!, =!(,4%!4* +3!*%!*4! #%! 3+344,)D! %#! )391,+3! , D! #(! %&3! 2,+&* 3V4! LWP and to allow it to be installed 3:3 ! * ! 2, $(,+%$)* 8! 91, %4! 5*%&! limited space available. I&3! "2*(13C*! JKH! 43)*34! *4! 3U$*993=! with a motorized oscillating sorter, 91,+3=!# !%&3!* (33=!+# :3D#)-!5&*+&! (,+*1*%,%34! %&3! +&, 31* 8! #(! 1##43! containers towards the grouping ,)3,! * ! %&3! (#)2,%! 4313+%3=! 7D! %&3! operator, thus preventing abrupt 4%#94!* !%&3!(33=* 8!(1#5E! 44 INSTALLATION / Wilmar Oil mechanical or electronic parts. '(%3)! +#2913%* 8! %&3! )3U$*)3=! mechanical adjustments, the operator # 1D! 33=4! %#! 4313+%! %&3! 35! (#)2,%! via the POSYC control terminal. B:3 !45*%+&* 8!()#2!,!42,11!%#!,!1,)83! 9,+0! #)! :*+3! :3)4,! +, ! 73! 93)(#)23=! U$*+01D! 4* +3! %&3! #93),%#)! +, ! 3,4*1D! change machine pitch, which is indicated by the colored position indicators located on the chains. I&3! "2*(13C*! JKH! +,439,+03)4! ,)3! managed and controlled through the POSYC operator panel that not only allows instant access to the 2,+&* 3V4! 2, $,14! 7$%! ,14#! ,11#54! D#$!%#!$9=,%3]+&, 83!%&3!43%!5#)0* 8! parameters and monitor the entire 9,+0,8* 8!9)#+344E! I&3!JKH!+,439,+03)4!,)3!3,4D!%#!$43!3:3 ! 7D!1344!40*113=!#93),%#)4!%&, 04!%#!%&3*)! $43)M()*3 =1D! 8),9&*+,1! $43)! * %3)(,+3-! touch screen and real-time advanced diagnostics and technical support. South Africa: the largest open-air museum in the world S#1#)4-!+&,)2!, =!()33=#2E! R 3C%)*+,713! 2,Y3! #(! %),=*%*# 4-! 93#9134-! 1, 8$,834-! 1*(34%D134! , =! (,4+* ,%* 8! +# %),=*+%*# 4^! %&*4! *4! ! "#$%&! '()*+,! 531+#234! *%4! :*4*%#)4-! 5&#! 5*11! 7)* 8! 7,+0! ! 232#)*34-! *2,834! , =! (331* 84! %&,%! ,)3!*29#44*713!%#!(#)83%E! "#$%&!'()*+,!*4!,14#!%&3!1,)834%!#93 M,*)! museum in the world: extraordinary animals that live together with ancient trees, incredible sunrises that (,=3!%#!73+#23!7)3,%&%,0* 8!4$ 43%4! and then the mountains, deserts, %)#9*+,1!(#)34%4!, =!8),441, =4E! '11!%&*4!* !,!N#$) 3D!($11!#(!=*4+#:3)*34-! thoughts and dreams to live. This huge country is also populated 7D!,!(, %,4%*+!(,$ ,^!* !(,+%-!2, D!#(! %&3! 1,)834%! ,%*# ,1! 9,)04! ,)3! ! %#! %&3! '()*+, ! _7*8! (*:3`-! *E3E! %&3! 7*8! 2,22,14^! 3139&, %4-! 7$((,1#34-! lions, rhinos and leopards. ' =! *(! %&*4! 53)3! #%! 3 #$8&-! 5*%&! *%4! 2#)3! %&, ! LA-AAA! 493+*34! #(! 91, %4-! "#$%&!'()*+,! *4! ,! 42,11! 91, %! 9,),=*43! , =-! #%!13,4%-!%&3!+),=13!#(!2, 0* =^! * !(,+%!%&*4!*4!5&3)3!%&3!#1=34%!(#44*14! %&,%!2,)0!%&3!#)*8* !#(!2, !53)3!(#$ =E! I&343! (,4+* ,%* 8! 1, =4+,934! +#3C*4%! 5*%&! %&3! 2#=3) *%D! #(! +*%*34! , =! * =$4%)*,1! +3 %3)4! %&, 04! %#! %&3! =*,2# =-! 2, $(,+%$)* 8! , =! 2* * 8! businesses (especially gold and uranium). "#$%&! '()*+,V4! * %3) ,%*# ,1*%D! , =! technological development has allowed it to host the 2010 World S$9-! =$)* 8! 5&*+&! %&3! +#$ %)DV4! * (),4%)$+%$)34! 53)3! ($)%&3)! improved. 45 END-OF-LINE AUTOMATION FOR FLEXIBLE PALLETIZING SYSTEMS he Smipal palletizing system T * 4%,113=! ,%! %&3! <, =(# %3* ! 91, %! #(! K*12,)! S# %* 3 %,1! Edible Oil and Fats (Pty) Limited belongs to the APS 3000 series that * +1$=34! ,$%#2,%*+! 4D4%324! (#)! 9,113%*Y* 8!+,)=7#,)=!71, 04-!7$ =134-! %),D4! , =! 9,+04! * ! 83 3),1E! ! I&3! 9,113%*Y* 8!4D4%324!#((3)3=!7D!"2*9,1! set a new standard in the panorama #(! )#7#%*+! 9,113%*Y3)4! 5*%&! 2, M1*03! movements and are characterized by %&3!(,+%!%&,%!%&3D!,)3!&*8&1D!(13C*713! and easily adaptable to any logistics +# =*%*# ! #(! %&3! 1* 3M3 =! ,)3,! * ! ,! 5*=3! ), 83! #(! 43+%#)4^! 73:3),83-! (##=-! +&32*+,1-! 9&,)2,+3$%*+,1-! detergents, glass, paper and many others. I&3!+3 %),1!9*11,)!#(!%&3!'H"!9,113%*Y* 8! systems is driven by brushless motors that ensure harmonic and extremely precise dynamic, movements thus ensuring high reliability, reduced maintenance and low management 46 INSTALLATION / Wilmar Oil +#4%4!(#)!%&3!3 %*)3!9)#+344E In addition, the accurate System management is made even design 3,4*3)! 7D! %&3! $43! #(! ,=:, +3=! #(! %&3! +#1$2 ! , =! %&3! &#)*Y# %,1! graphics, touch screens and a wide beam, together with the sliding on ), 83! #(! =*,8 #4%*+4! , =! %3+& *+,1! )3+*)+$1,%* 8! 7,11! 71#+04-! 3 4$)3! support (1$*=!, =!+# %* $#$4!2#:323 %4!5*%&! G* ,11D-!3 %3)* 8!%&3!493+*(*+,%*# 4!#(! minimal dynamic bending and virtual %&3! 9,+0,83=! 9,+0-! 4*Y3! , =! $273)! ,743 +3!#(!:*7),%*# 4^!%&*4!*4!%&3!03D! #(! 1,D3)4-! %&3! 4D4%32! ,$%#2,%*+,11D! %#! 3 4$)* 8! ,! 1# 8! 1*(3+D+13! #(! %&3! proposes all the possible palletizing mechanical components. layouts on the operator panel screen. available in real time. '$%#2,%*# ! , =! # M7#,)=! +# %)#1! #(! Smipal palletizers rely on innovative %3+& #1#8D! 7,43=! # ! "3)+#4! (*31=7$4! through which the operator can U$*+01D! , =! 3,4*1D! 2, ,83! ,11! palletizing operations at the end #(! %&3! 1* 3! $4* 8! ,! 4*2913! , =! $43)M ()*3 =1D! 2, M2,+&* 3! * %3)(,+3E! Phelophepa, the health train. H)343 %3=! (#)! %&3! (*)4%! %*23! * ! >@@.-! %&3! _&3,1%&! %),* `! O* ! (,+%! H&31#9&39,! 23, 4! _&3,1%&D-! +13, `P! is a 16-wagon train that travels nine months a year %&)#$8&#$%! "#$%&! '()*+,-! 4%#99* 8! * ! 2, D! %#5 4! , =! small villages to provide medical assistance to people. R !%&*4!5,D-!%&#$4, =4!#(!93)4# 4-!5&#!* !%&3!9,4%!53)3! (#)+3=!%#!5,10!(#)!=,D4!%#!)3,+&!%&3! 3,)34%!323)83 +D! $ *%-! (#)! %&3! (*)4%! %*23! * ! %&3*)! 1*:34! +, ! #5! )3+3*:3! adequate medical care in the place where they live. 47 interwiew THE WORD TO THE CUSTOMER Interview with Fayyaz Moosa and Fanie Hotzhauzen of Wilmar Continental. From the left: Floh Thiele of Caltech Agencies with Fayyaz Moosa, Wilmar Continental Operations Manager Fayyaz Moosa, Operations Manager, and Fanie Hotzhauzen, Plant Manager of Wilmar Continental Edible Oil, state their expectations on the new SMI supply to Floh Thiele of Caltech Agencies during a business meeting. “For this new and relatively small production line, we decided to invest * ! 2,+&* 3)D! #(! 3C+3113 %! U$,1*%D`! says Fayyaz Moosa, Operations X, ,83)!#(!K*12,)!S# %* 3 %,1!B=*713! 48 INSTALLATION / Wilmar Oil Oil, adding that “the investment was needed to meet the rapid growth in 1#+,1! =32, =E! K3! ,)3! 5311! ,5,)3! #(! the cutting-edge technology that all "XR!2,+&* 34!(3,%$)3!, =!%)$4%!* !%&3! 4$99#)%! #(! %&3*)! 1#+,1! ,83 %! S,1%3+&! Agencies”. During the interview, Fayyaz Moosa comments on the technical solutions =34*8 3=! 493+*(*+,11D! 7D! "XR! %#! 233%! %&3*)! 493+*(*+! )3U$*)323 %4! , =! %&3!4%$=D!, =!=3:31#923 %!4%,834!#(! 35! 9)#N3+%4! ,4! 5311! ,4! ,(%3)M4,134! service” concludes Fayyaz Moosa, company Operations Manager. Below: Continental Oil Mills (Pty) Limited and Wilmar International Limited announce their joint venture to form the Wilmar Continental Edible Oils and Fats (Pty) Limited company. The managing staff of Wilmar Continental: (From the left) Rob Abendanon, Vice-Chairman; Mohammed Ferouze Moosa, Chief Executive; AK Moosa, Chairman; Asif Moosa, Sales & Marketing Manager; Fayyaz Moosa, Operations Manager. 3C91,* 4!5&D!%&3!)3,4# 4!(#)!+&##4* 8! production center to cover the whole competent partners continues to play 4#$%&3) ! &32*49&3)3! 2,)03%-! 5&*+&! ,!+)$+*,1!)#13!(#)!K*12,)!S# %* 3 %,1E! aims to be among the most advanced “Since our company merged with the in Wilmar International group, we have Moosa, who has a long experience 5*% 3443=! ,! 4%)# 8! 8)#5%&! #(! #$)! * ! %&3! %), 4(#)2,%*# ! 9)#+344! %&,%! business. Our production capacity 8#34! ()#2! %&3! 433=! &,):34%! %#! %&3! has expanded considerably and we 9)#=$+%*# ! , =! 2,)03%* 8! #(! 3=*713! 3C93+%! 4*8 *(*+, %! 8)#5%&! * ! %&3! oil. coming years. “Quality, I&3! our sector” continues reliability, Fayyaz exceptional 35! <, =(# %3* ! 91, %! %,034! %3+& *+,1!4$99#)%!, =!U$*+0!)349# 43! %&3! +)3=*%! (#)! ,! 4$74%, %*,1! 9,)%! #(! %*234!,)3!,2# 8!%&3!=3+*4*:3!(,+%#)4! this large-scale expansion, which is %&,%!53!%,03!* %#!+# 4*=3),%*# !5&3 ! equipped with high-speed machines choosing (#)! %&3! 9)#=$+%*# ! #(! ,! 5*=3! by the main suppliers” adds Fanie ), 83! #(! 9)#=$+%4! #(! #$)! 9#)%(#1*#-! a#%Y&,$Y3 -!H1, %!X, ,83)!#(!K*12,)! 4$743U$3 %1D! 2,)03%3=! 7D! $23)#$4! Continental retail distribution centers. pleased to be able to count on the I#! ,==)344! 8)#5* 8! 2,)03%! the machines Edible Oil. submitted “We are 4%)# 8! 4$99#)%! #(! "XR! , =! S,1%3+&! competition, our company is also Agencies and on their presence in planning our production sites, both during to build an integrated 49