Annual Report - Bal Bharati Public School
Annual Report - Bal Bharati Public School
BAL BHARATI PUBLIC SCHOOL (An Institution of Child Education Society (Regd.)) Ganga Ram Hospital Marg, New Delhi ANNUAL DAY & PRIZE DISTRIBUTION FUNCTION 6 April 2013 PRINCIPAL’S ANNUAL REPORT (2012 – 2013) 1 Principal’s Address Ladies and Gentlemen, It is my proud privilege to welcome you all to the Annual Day of Bal Bharati Public School, Ganga Ram Hospital Marg and present before this august gathering the report for the academic session 2012-13. On behalf of the management, staff and students of the school, I extend a very warm welcome to our eminent Chief Guest, Mr. Narendra Kumar, IAS, Member Administration, National Highway Authority of India, who was till recently, Principal Secretary, General Administration, Labour & Employment Social Welfare, Women & Child Development & MD of Shahjahanabad Redevelopment Corporation, Government of NCT of Delhi. An illustrious IAS Officer of 1988 AGMU Cadre, Mr. Kumar has left an indelible imprint of his astute leadership and administrative skills in all responsible positions that have been held by him, such as, Administrator of UTs of Daman & Diu and Dadra Nagar & Haveli, Joint Secretary, Officer on Special Duty, Secretary & Commissioner in different departments of NCT of Delhi and several other key positions that have been held by him in Arunachal Pradesh. An erudite scholar of Commerce, Mr. Narendra Kumar made his mark when he excelled in the Civil Services Entrance Examination by achieving an impressive Second Position in the All India Merit List. Not sitting idle on his laurels, the accomplished Mr. Kumar continues to hone his skills Principal’s Address further by participating in a variety of study tours and training programmes, besides attending conferences and seminars both within and outside the country. Mr. Narendra Kumar’s untiring and zealous efforts have led him to make noteworthy contributions in all the tasks that are assigned to him. A few of these accomplishments include framing an Industrial Policy for Government of Arunachal Pradesh, which was approved by the Cabinet with only one minor change. He pioneered the concept of Pension Adalat in Delhi Government for grievance redressal of pensioners; and he also has to his credit a Project Report on Agro Based Industrial Unit, which was rated as the best by experts from Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. The Project was later implemented by State Federation of Assam. The list of his exemplary attainments is an endless one and is always directed towards the welfare of Nation at large. A compassionate philanthropic by nature, Mr. Kumar is also closely associated with the development sector. He occupies positions of eminence in several organizations, such as, SAI Swayam, a Society for the aid and education of hearing impaired persons; ASSIST which is an Association for Integrated Social Transformation; SARTHAK, a society that promotes performing arts; and many other similar organizations. Active involvement in these humanitarian endeavours has enabled him to contribute further, towards the general wellbeing of society. Principal’s Address Sir, Bal Bharati is indeed honored by your noble presence at its Annual Day Programme. Our warm felicitations are also extended to Ms. Madhavi Mudgal, one of the leading Classical dancers of India. A highly renowned exponent of the Odissi style, Ms. Madhavi initially studied Bharatanatyam and Kathak under eminent gurus and finally chose Odissi as her medium of expression. A prime disciple of legendary Guru Kelucharan Mohapatra, she is credited with bringing a greatly refined sensibility to her art form. She has received repeated acclaim in the major cities and dance festivals that have featured her throughout the world. Apart from establishing a niche in the international dance scene as a soloist, she has also received critical acclaim for her choreographic works. Her commitment to the continuation and augmentation of her chosen art form has seen her as one of the foremost teachers in her generation. Besides, guiding students into the finer nuances of Odissi at the Gandharva Mahavidyalaya, founded by her illustrious father, Pandit Vinaya Chandra Maudgalya, she also conducts workshops in the dance form all over the world. Numerous awards and honours have been bestowed upon the accomplished Ms. Mudgal. These include the Sanskriti Award, President of India's award of Padma Shri, the Orissa State Sangeet Natak Akademi Award, Grande Medaille de la Ville by the city of Paris, Principal’s Address the Central Sangeet Natak Akademi Award and the Delhi State Parishad Samman, besides being conferred the title of the Nritya Choodamani. Ma’am Bal Bharati is profoundly blessed by your kind presence here, as our eminent Guest of Honour for today’s programme. I also extend a hearty welcome to all the members of Managing Committee, Parent Teacher Association, Alumni Association, colleague Principals and Parents on the momentous occasion of the school’s Annual Day and Prize Distribution Function. “Sow an act, and you reap a habit Sow a habit and you reap a character Sow a character and you reap a destiny” George Dana Board Man Attitude and habits are formed very early in one’s life. What children learn in their impressionable childhood years stays with them throughout their lives. And, children as we all know constitute the future of a Nation. Principal’s Address The 16/12 Delhi episode shook the collective consciousness of our nation. It brought to fore the contrariness that exists in our society – our culture & traditions teach us to revere woman as a goddess yet we cannot ensure safe existence to a woman in her journey from the womb to the tomb. A woman doesn’t ever feel safe. Secondly, despite technological advancements and the world being in a constant state of flux, the centuries old, deep rooted malaise of discrimination on the basis of gender – continues to exist, as always. Even today, a girl-child is denied the right to live. Although, society does play an important role in moulding mindsets of people, the school and home environment are now being looked at, as potential instruments of positive change that can save the future generations from abyss of depravity and gross inhumanity. School and home, both, have the advantage of dealing with innocent, receptive and credulous young people - who like wet clay can easily be moulded. Values and attitudes that promote gender equality can be developed at early stages of life itself, such that it contributes to the overall progress of the Nation. In fact, school being a more systematized institution – can inculcate gender sensitivity in a more effective manner. You will be glad to note that being a co-educational institution, we have been giving equal importance to our students - boys & girls, both. The trend has always been a part of the core consciousness of Bal Bharati. Right from our Principal’s Address classrooms, activity rooms to sports ground there are no gender marked learning spaces in our institution. Equal opportunities – irrespective of gender – exist for all. That we value our learners’ talents and capabilities – and not their gender – can be easily assessed from the achievements of our learners. It is a girl student who stood first in the NASA Olympiad – she has won an all expense paid 10 days trip to NASA. A girl student from class XI stood first in the International English Olympiad while from class XII, it was a boy student. For each boys’ team that exists in the school, for a sports activity, there is an equally zealous girls’ team too. Thus, we take care to foster an atmosphere of equality in our school campus, whether it be for our students or staff members. Students are nurtured to respect one another, regardless of any gender bias. Realizing the significant role of education in achieving the goals of equality and creating opportunities for women, to lead a dignified life, the Central Board of Secondary Education is in the process of creating modules and developing courses to promote gender sensitivity amongst the young impressionable minds. The school shall incorporate these, in their true spirit, just as all other educational reforms that were suggested by the Board in the past. Meanwhile, at the school, as we educate our students, we also ensure that they are aware of their rights and responsibilities too. This empowers the girl-students to act confidently and courageously in Principal’s Address case of any adversity. On the other hand, being aware of the repercussions of undesirable behaviour towards women, at large, deters the boys from behaving in an irresponsible manner. Moreover, the facility for training students in Judo and Karate with emphasis on self defense techniques is available at the school for all students. In future too, the school proposes to incorporate more of such programmes, as a part of the curriculum. The educational journey at Bal Bharati, then goes beyond imparting knowledge. Through carefully planned, inter-disciplinary scholastic and co-scholastic programmes, we endeavour to equip our learners with necessary life skills and values that help them to face the challenges of life in a confident & courageous manner. It must be noted here that in the prestigious Hindustan Times-C Fore Top School Survey 2012, our school has ranked, yet again amongst the top ten schools in Central Delhi. Amongst the fourteen parameters of excellence, we scored the highest in Life Skills/Value Education criterion. Yet another achievement of the school - being placed amongst the top 50 in the league tables of India’s Best Day Schools in the Education World School Rankings 2012, bears testimony to our commitment to provide holistic education to our valued learners. In fact, envisioning a global society, the school curriculum is imbued with a distinct international perspective. Through this, we endeavour to encourage our learners to understand and appreciate cultures, customs & traditions from across the world so that they can be well-adjusted Principal’s Address global citizens of tomorrow. Initiatives such as Robert Bosch Exchange Programme, the recent EUMIND Programme, are a part of the wide spectrum of international activities undertaken to promote the concept of global citizenship. It is in recognition of these efforts, that the school has been honoured with International School Award for the second time, by the British Council. Adding glory to our outstanding achievements is yet another award Best Practice Innovation Award in the category of Global School Education Awards that was bestowed upon the school by School of Educators and All India Conference of Intellectuals. As we continue our journey further into the 21st Century, we are conscious and committed to our role as agents of social transformation for sustainable development. As we strive to fulfill our responsibility towards creating a society free from injustices, prejudices and maltreatment against a human being based on gender, we seek the support of all stakeholders - specially the Parent community. Parents, being the first teachers, have the potential to play an immensely proactive role. Parents must become role models for their wards as children emulate them. That, both men and women, are like the proverbial complementary wheels of progress, necessary for the development of human race - is an idea that ought to be firmly rooted in the minds of our young citizens. We must maintain in our homes an atmosphere of mutual regard, respect, courtesies and good manners. Our children will then, effortlessly and naturally imbibe these values. All this would result in a society of well groomed citizens with deep convictions about human rights that one would never think of violating. It is only then, that we shall be able to call ourselves a civilized society. Principal’s Address Ladies and Gentlemen, Community outreach, then, emerges to be one of the important objectives of all educational endeavours at Bal Bharati. In all our efforts, we have always been ably guided by the erudite Mr. K.K. Khullar, the illustrious Chairman of the school and President, Child Education Society. I take this opportunity to thank him for his dynamic vision that inspires us to “Better & Better” our performance continuously. I would also like to place on record my sincere gratitude to Mr. J.C. Ajmani, Secretary (Manager) of the school and Executive Director of Child Education Society. His farsightedness, unsurpassed knowledge and willing cooperation in all our ventures motivate us to scale yet greater heights of excellence. The members of Managing Committee, Alumni Association and Parent Teacher Association have always extended their assistance in enriching the learning experiences of Bal Bharatians, over the years. I thank you for your unstinted support. Special thanks are due to the parent body, as well. Their constructive criticism and valuable feedback has always been helpful in so many different ways. Last but not the least, the staff and students of the school deserve a special mention for their consistent diligence, sincerity and devotion with which they continue to persevere zealously in achieving excellence in all aspects of learning at school. Principal’s Address Before concluding, I’d like to emphasize yet again that it is only through collaborative effort that we can hope to create an educated dynamic modern India – where all men and women enjoy equal rights and opportunities. Let the vision encapsulated in these memorable words of the poet laureate, Rabindra Nath Tagore, become the mission and reality of our lives. “Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high Where knowledge is free Where the world has not been broken up into fragments By narrow domestic walls Where words come out from the depth of truth Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit Where the mind is led forward by thee Into ever-widening thought and action Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.” Jai Hind. Academic Achievements Education is the foundation of a civilized society. Each aspect of school life provides an avenue for the learners to grow to their full potential, achieve self actualization and develop competencies to face the challenges of today’s world with élan. Academic pre-eminence in today’s educational scenario continues to be an important yardstick though no longer the only one, of the school’s superlative performance. Our learners know it well that excellence is not achieved by accident. Thus, they persevere towards their goals with the vision encapsulated in these words: “…tiny seeds make boundless harvests, drops of rain compose the showers, seconds make the flying minutes, and the minutes make the hours…” In the All India Secondary School Examination 2012 (Class X), 354 students appeared. While average CGPA for the class was 7.73, there were 66 students who scored a CGPA greater than 9 and another 34 students were awarded a perfect score of CGPA 10, for their meritorious performance. Academic Achievements Students of Class X with CGPA 10 in the session 2011-12 S.No. Name Score 1 Aashi Jain 10 CGPA 2 Aastha Bagga 10 CGPA 3 Abhinav Aggarwal 10 CGPA 4 Aditi Gupta 10 CGPA 5 Aditi Popli 10 CGPA 6 Aditya Roy 10 CGPA 7 Akansha Shrivastava 10 CGPA 8 Deepika Naryani 10 CGPA 9 Dheeraj Sardana 10 CGPA 10 Disha Chadha 10 CGPA 11 Havisha Khurana 10 CGPA 12 Hemanya Chandhok 10 CGPA 13 Kartik Wadehra 10 CGPA Academic Achievements Students of Class X with CGPA 10 in the session 2011-12 S.No. Name Score 14 Kirti Sood 10 CGPA 15 Nivedita Mullick 10 CGPA 16 Pallavi Gupta 10 CGPA 17 Paras Mahajan 10 CGPA 18 Prachi Pal 10 CGPA 19 Priya Lal 10 CGPA 20 Priyanka Gupta 10 CGPA 21 Raghav Gupta 10 CGPA 22 Rashi Sharma 10 CGPA 23 Rishabh Anand 10 CGPA 24 Roopam Khera 10 CGPA 25 Saksham Rastogi 10 CGPA 26 Sameera Malik 10 CGPA Academic Achievements Students of Class X with CGPA 10 in the session 2011-12 S.No. Name Score 27 Saniya Mirani 10 CGPA 28 Saurabh Chhabra 10 CGPA 29 Shamita Sharma 10 CGPA 30 Shaurya Gupta 10 CGPA 31 Shubhi Bansal 10 CGPA 32 Sidhant Jain 10 CGPA 33 Smita Pathak 10 CGPA 34 Soniya Gupta 10 CGPA 35 Sumanyu Garg 10 CGPA 36 Vaibhav Khanna 10 CGPA 37 Vaishali Gupta 10 CGPA 38 Vishesh Khanna 10 CGPA Academic Achievements In the Class XII, All India Senior School Certificate Examination 2012, conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education, 271 students appeared. While 251 students passed with first division, the average achievement was 77.03 percent and 842 distinctions were scored. In Commerce, Raghav Agarwala was the highest scorer with an impressive 96.4%; Nitish Goel topped the Science Stream with an enviable score of 95.4% and Prashansa Taneja became the topper of Humanities Stream with an unsurpassed overall score of 93.6%. RAGHAV AGARWALA Commerce - 96.4% NITISH GOEL Science – 95.4% PRASHANSA TANEJA Humanities – 93.6 % Academic Achievements Subject-wise Toppers of Class XII in the session 2011-12 S.No. Subject 1 B. Studies 2 Engg. Graphics 3 Psychology Name Dhriti Varma Neha Gosain Divya Jhanjee Kajal Khatwani Lakshay Tutlani Rhea Maheswari Sushmita Karmakar Marks 100 4 Accounts Siddharth Bansal 99 5 Maths 99 6 Computer Science 7 Economics 8 Physical Education Ashima Garg Kajal Khatwani Vibhor Arora Anubhav Sadana Himanshu Seth Pragya Chawla Rakshit Guliani Siddharth Bansal Harneet Kaur Bhati Vretti Aggarwal 97 9 Chemistry Nitish Goel 96 100 100 98 97 Academic Achievements Subject-wise Toppers of Class XII in the session 2011-12 S.No. Subject 10 Biology 11 English Core (42 Students) Name Ajay Jain Ishita Bajaj Meghna Kumar Pragya Tiwari Fatima Rashid Sushmita Karmakar Akanksha Mendirata Prashansa Taneja Aarushi Saini Binny Dawra Pragya Tiwari Sushmita Karmakar Amandeep Singh Arushi Jain Karan Marwah Kritika Arora Arushi Arora Bineeta Bhattacharya Kajal Khatwani Nonya Nagpal Nitish Goel Marks 95 95 Academic Achievements Subject-wise Toppers of Class XII in the session 2011-12 S.No. 11 Subject Name English Core (42 Students) Rajat Kalra Sirali Chandolia Aditya Madan Aman Jain Apporva Malik Dhruv Khurana Himani Sharma Raghav Agarwala Sunidhi Gupta Aarushi Khurana Anirudh Gandhi Anmol Goyal Brahmleen Kaur Dua Deepali Dua Dhriti Varma Harneet Kaur Bhatia Hitaishi Grover Neha Gosain Stuti Gupta Radhika Arora Umang Jain Marks 95 Academic Achievements Subject-wise Toppers of Class XII in the session 2011-12 S.No. 11 Subject Name English Core (42 Students) Rajat Kalra Sirali Chandolia Aditya Madan Aman Jain Apporva Malik Dhruv Khurana Himani Sharma Raghav Agarwala Sunidhi Gupta Aarushi Khurana Anirudh Gandhi Anmol Goyal Brahmleen Kaur Dua Deepali Dua Dhriti Varma Harneet Kaur Bhatia Hitaishi Grover Neha Gosain Stuti Gupta Radhika Arora Umang Jain Marks 95 Academic Achievements Subject-wise Toppers of Class XII in the session 2011-12 S.No. Subject Name Marks 11 English Core (42 Students) Shivam Chugh Shreya Maggu Anubhav Sadana Dishant Gupta Garvit Arya Himanshu Seth 95 12 Physics Nitish Goel 95 13 French Prashansa Taneja 94 14 Painting Khyati Malik 92 15 History Prashansa Taneja 90 16 Hindi Elec Soni Chaudhary 85 17 Sanskrit Suraj Soni 66 Academic Achievements Students scoring above 90% in Aggregate in Class XII (2011-12) S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Name Raghav Agarwala Shivam Chugh Neha Gosain Aarushi Khurana Nitish Goel Dhriti Varma Harneet Kaur Bhatia Sunidhi Gupta Brahmleen Kaur Dua Deepali Dua Kajal Khatwani Rakshit Guliani Dhruv Chandwani Divya Jhanjee Sagar Arora Surbhi Vijay Siddharth Bansal Shrey Garg Kritika Arora Arushi Jain Percent Marks 96.40 96.00 95.80 95.60 95.40 95.40 95.40 95.00 95.00 95.00 94.80 94.60 94.60 94.40 94.40 94.40 94.20 94.20 94.00 93.80 Academic Achievements Students scoring above 90% in Aggregate in Class XII (2011-12) S.No. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Name Prashansa Taneja Himanshu Seth Anshul Aggarwal Lakshay Tutlani Anirudh Gandhi Pragya Chawla Vibhor Arora Dhruv Khurana Mehal Aggarwal Monica Bhutani Garvit Arya Tripti Jain Anubhav Sadana Anmol Goyal Fatima Rashid Rheaa Maheswari Garima Mitra Shubham Garg Anmol Mahajan Percent Marks 93.60 93.60 93.60 93.40 93.40 92.80 92.40 92.20 92.00 92.00 91.60 91.40 91.40 91.20 91.20 90.60 90.60 90.20 90.00 Academic Achievements Following students were awarded Merit certificates by CBSE for figuring in top 0.1% merit list: S.No. Subject Name 1 Accountancy Siddharth Bansal 2 Business Studies Raghav Agarwal Rakshit Guliani Dhriti Varma Shivam Chugh Neha Gosain 3 Engineering Graphics Divya Jhanjee Kajal Khatwani Lakshay Tutlani Rhea Maheswari 4 Psychology Sushmita Karmakar Academic Achievements Students figuring in top 0.1% merit list: DHRITI VERMA Business Studies RHEA MAHESWARI Engg Graphics NEHA GOSAIN Business Studies DIVYA JHANJEE Engg Graphics SUSHMITA KARMAKAR Psychology LAKSHAY TUTLANI Engg Graphics KAJAL KHATWANI Engg Graphics Curricular & Co-Curricular Activities “Everyone has inside of him a piece of good news. The good news is that you don’t know that how great you can be… What you can accomplish! And what your potential is!” - Anne Frank The school looks at each learner as a unique ‘whole person’ with inherent genius, special capabilities and unlimited potential. By providing a conducive and encouraging environment the learners are mentored to participate in a variety of intra and inter school activities/competitions. These help them not only to showcase their talents, hone their skills but these also entail opportunities that lead to multi-dimensional growth of their physical, social intellectual and spiritual being. Curricular & Co-Curricular Activities Outlined below are some of the outstanding achievements of our students in various INTER SCHOOL COMPETITIONS: Recitation, Debate, Declamation & Discussion 1. Pooja Moitra and Alisha Sachdev of class XII got the third position in English Play Discussion organized by BBPS, Brij Vihar. 2. St. Thomas School held English Debate competition. Prachi Pal of class XI got a Special Mention for her performance. 3. In the Talk Show held in our school, Tejasvi Mittal and Risbabh Sobti of class VIII & X respectively were awarded the first position. 4. Riya Gupta of class VIII and Aastha Gupta of class X won the first and second position respectively in the German Poetry Recitation Competition held in our school. 5. Apoorva Sarna and Rishabh Sobti of class X scored the second position in French Debate organized by BBPS, Rohini. 6. BBPS, Noida organized English Elocution Contest. Gazal Garg of class XI won the second position. 7. Akansha Shrivastava of class XI got the third position in the Declamation Competition held at Air Force Bal Bharati School. 8. Darbarilal DAV Model School hosted Words Verse. Garv Sharma of class V bagged the first position. PULSE 2012 – INTER SCHOOL EVENT GERMAN POETRY RECITATION Curricular & Co-Curricular Activities 9. Aadya Ahuja of class XI was awarded the Consolation prize in Geo-Talk hosted by City Montessori School, Lucknow. 10. In the English Debate held at City Montessori School, Lucknow, Prachi Pal of class XI got Honourable Mention Award. 11. Samvir Singh of PS B won the third position in the English Poetry Recitation competition organized by Guru Teg Bahadur 3rd Centenary Public School. 12. Inter school debate, “Road Ahead to a Safer City – Road Safety Awareness Vs. Prosecution” was organised by Delhi Police, at Teen Murti Bhawan. Ashna Mahendru and Geetanjali Gakhar of class VIII participated. Geetanjali Gakhar won the second prize in her speech against the motion. Creative Writing 1. In the competition, Sanskrit Vigyapan Nirman organized by BBPS, Pitampura, our team consisting of Anhadpreet Singh, Riya Khanna, Ishan Juneja, Khushboo Gupta, Pearl Khurana & Geetanjali Gakhar of Class VIII won the third position. 2. The school organized Create a Folder for a Social Cause competition. Shruti Manna and Sheetal Rajput of class VIII got the second position. Curricular & Co-Curricular Activities Quiz & Olympiads 1. In the Quiz Competition held in S.D. Public School, Kartik Pratap Singh, Abhinav Narayan of class VIII and Ayush Mishra of class VII bagged the first position. 2. Salwan Public School, Mayur Vihar organized a Commerce Competition. Paras Mahajan, Gazal Garg, Shubhankar Behl and Akshita Harzai of class XI were awarded the first position. 3. Abhishek Singhal and Saloni Gupta of class XII won the first prize in the Science Quiz held at City Montessori School, Lucknow. 4. Palak Khattar, Utkarsh Gupta and Tanuja Khattar of class IX scored the second position in the Geography Olympiad hosted by City Montessori School, Lucknow. 5. The 12th National Cyber Olympiad was organized by Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) in the school in September 2012. Following are the students with outstanding results: S No Name of the student Class & Section City Rank State Rank 1 Anupriya Prakash II B 44 44 International Rank 86 2 Divyajot Singh II B 47 47 90 3 Nimit Aggarwal II H 48 48 91 4 Aarav Garg II A 60 60 112 5 Parul Varandani II A 66 66 120 6 Palash Chauhan II C 81 81 152 Curricular & Co-Curricular Activities S No Name of the student Class & Section City Rank State Rank 7 Kanishka III H 2 2 International Rank 6 8 Sehar Narang III A 13 13 27 9 III B 14 14 29 10 Manan Sehgal Shashaank Viswanathan III F 14 14 29 11 Diya Gupta III F 23 23 44 12 Samarth Mahajan III F 23 23 44 13 Ishita Gupta III A 24 24 45 14 Ashutosh Kumar III G 29 29 53 15 Aditya Moza III E 50 50 82 16 Anshul Saxena III A 51 51 83 17 Saniya Virmani III G 51 51 83 18 Mohit Mahapatra III D 54 54 88 19 Mohd Yuman III E 59 59 94 20 Poorav Dhingra III B 60 60 95 21 Animesh Sarkar III H 62 62 98 22 Aviral Gupta III F 68 68 109 Curricular & Co-Curricular Activities S No Name of the student Class & Section City Rank State Rank 23 Shashwat Goel III B 76 76 International Rank 118 24 Tanmay Chopra III C 79 79 122 25 Sanskriti Mehta III G 88 88 138 26 Syana Rajvanshi III G 96 96 148 27 Tishya Nangia III D 96 96 148 28 Manbhav Sugla III B 97 97 149 29 Arpit Jain III D 97 97 149 30 Sarthak Gupta IV D 30 30 67 31 Shivansh Gupta IV F 38 38 82 32 Yashika Mehta IV E 57 57 109 33 Aditya Dutt IV B 77 77 141 34 Aditya Gupta IV G 81 81 147 35 Aditi Gulati IV A 99 99 174 36 Saksham Mishra IV D 100 100 175 37 Utkarsh Pal VC 43 43 116 Curricular & Co-Curricular Activities S No Name of the student Class & Section City Rank State Rank 38 Ujjwal Gupta VG 74 74 International Rank 187 39 Lovenya Jain VG 82 82 199 40 Ishaan Kumar VH 93 93 222 41 Rohit Gosain VI B 78 78 244 42 Chahat Jain VII A 45 45 220 43 Shubham Manna VII B 81 81 308 6. One hundred and twenty seven students from the Senior department and 215 students from Primary department, PR campus participated in International English Olympiad (IEO) organized by Science Olympiad Foundation in collaboration with British Council. Following students showed outstanding performance in the competition S No Name of the Student Class State Rank International Rank 1 2 Poorav Dhingra III 18 471 R. Rohan IX 204 2547 3 Sakshi Duggal IX 409 5222 4 Lakshay Barala IX 417 5378 5 Aarushi Goel X 35 264 Curricular & Co-Curricular Activities S No Name of the Student Class State Rank International Rank 6. Tanya Yadav X 48 377 7. Anvita Bajaj X 75 550 8. Aadya Ahuja XI 28 102 9. Gazal Garg XI 81 556 10. Sanchita Jain XI 36 179 11. Agrim Gupta XII 20 231 12. Parth Khantal XII 32 431 13. Gunjan Rai XII 38 509 Dramatics, Dramatization & Fancy Dress 1. In Hindi Character Dramatization organized by BBPS, Brij Vihar, Guraksh Kaur and Aakarsh Aryan of class VIII and X respectively won the first position; and in English Character Dramatization, Aashna Mahendru of class VIII bagged the first position. 2. Our team of ten students scored the first position in Rhyme Dramatization organized by BBPS, Brij Vihar. 3. Poorav Dhingra of class III was awarded the first position in Fancy Dress Competition held in Darbari Lal DAV School. Curricular & Co-Curricular Activities 4. In Character Dramatization held in our school, Kartik Pratap Singh and Geetanjali Gakhar of class VIII won the second place. 5. Shreya Aggarwal, Muskaan Mehta and Ishan Juneja of class VIII bagged the first place in Personification of a Monument organized by our school. 6. Tushita Srivastava of class VI scored the first position in Sanskrit Charitra Abhinay held in the school. 7. Apeejay School, Sainik Vihar organized a Street Play competition. Our team consisting of Divya Goel, Aakriti Saxena, Apoorva Sarna, Nitish Rai Parwani, Mehak Mahajan, Aakarsh Aryan and Dharmeet of class X besides Shivam Gakhar and Paritosh Pandey of class XI & XII respectively was awarded the first position. 8. In the Jouez La Scene organized as a part of French competition by BBPS, Dwarka, our team consisting of Muskan Mehta, Aayush Malhotra, Tejasvi Mittal and Drishti Gupta of class VIII won the second position. 9. Hema Gupta of class II bagged the first position in the Fancy Dress competition organized by Vaishya Mitr Mandal Group of Karol Bagh. PULSE 2012 – INTER SCHOOL CHARACTER DRAMATIZATION Curricular & Co-Curricular Activities Music & Dance 1. Our team consisting of 12 students got the second position in the Contemporary Dance Competition organized by BBPS, Pitampura. 2. In the Classical Fusion Competition held in BBPS, Brij Vihar our team of 9 students bagged the first position. 3. Rendition - A Classical Fusion Competition was organized by our school. Tanmay Majumdar, Shivani Behl, Sushant Gaba of class X; Shashwat Iyer, Bishwajeet Bera, Abhinav Aggarwal, Shagun Shrivastav and Aditya Roy of class XI and Rachita Nayyar of class XII won the second position. 4. Gandhi Peace Foundation organized the Sneh Bharati – Instrumental Music competition. Radhika Sharma of class IX, Indraneel Gharai of class X and Mridul Bhasin of class X got the consolation, first and second prize respectively. 5. In Footloose (Choreography) organized by City Montessori School, Lucknow, Aashna Mahendru, Sanaya Mahajan, Jia Dhawan, Gitanjali Gakhar and Dhriti Atri of class VIII got the consolation prize. Projects & Presentations 1. Utkarsh Gupta and Ishant Dhamija of class IX got the third position in the competition Young Builders organized by BBPS, Pitampura. 2. In Face to Face competition hosted by BBPS, Brij Vihar, Aadya Ahuja, Prachi Pal and Aditi Gupta of class XI bagged the first position. Curricular & Co-Curricular Activities 3. BBPS, Brij Vihar held Cooking Delight competition. Shreya Aggarwal and Aarushi Goel of class X scored the first position. 4. Robin Rai of class VIII got the third position in Book Jacket Designing competition organized by BBPS, Brij Vihar. 5. BBPS, Dwarka organized Tech-Quest. Udit Vaish and Raghav Mittal of class IX and X respectively got the second position. 6. Radhika Bansal and Sanaya Mahajan of class VIII won the first position in Cover Design Competition organized in the school. 7. Manpreet Kaur and Manav Seedhur of class V; and Mohak Bansal and Rishabh Sobti of class X got the third position in their respective categories, in Movie Making competition organized by BBPS, Brij Vihar 8. In the Hindi Vigyapan competition organized by our school, Aashna Mahendru, Devansh Baja, Muskan Mehta and Geetanjali Gakhar of class VIII and Sai Vignesh of class VI won the first position. 9. BBPS, Brij Vihar organized a Science Competition, Quest. Abhishek Khanna and Akshay Kumar Gupta of class XII got a consolation prize. 10. Khushboo Gupta and Riya Khanna of class VIII were awarded the second position in Kabaad Se Jugaad hosted by BBPS, Brij Vihar. Curricular & Co-Curricular Activities 11. In the Code X-X Competition conducted by Air Force Golden Jubilee School, Akshay Kumar Gupta of class XII bagged the first position. 12. Utkarsh Gupta and Tanya Khattar of class IX got the second position in Model Display held in City Montessori School, Lucknow. 13. Modern School, Barakhamba held the competition, Mnemonics, Ayushi Gaur and Dilgrace Kaur of class XI were awarded the first prize. 14. Akshay Kumar Gupta of class XII won the second position in Tech-Tonik conducted by St. Xavier’s Sr. Sec. School. 15. In the AD Act organized by Air Force Bal Bharati, Dilgrace Kaur, Ayushi Gaur, Havisha Khurana, Nishita Gulyani, Shivam Gakhar of class XI and Paritosh Pandey of class XII scored the second place. 16. Salwan Public School organized Kabaad Se Jugaad competition. Mahima Garg of class V got second position. 17. In the competition, D-Eye organized by Ramjas School, Kashish Goel of class XI won the second position. 18. BBPS, Dwarka held ‘French Competition.’ In Conniving Insignia Logo and Motto Making on Globalization, Arunita Bansal of class VII was awarded the second position. PULSE 2012 – WINNER SANSKRIT CHARITRA ABHINAY Curricular & Co-Curricular Activities Mathematical Skills 1. Piyush Sharma and Lovenya Jain of class V got the third position in Ladder of Tangram competition organized by BBPS, Pitampura. 2. In Fashion Goes Mathematical competition conducted by our school, Sanaya Mahajan of class VIII bagged the first position. 3. Rukmani Devi Public School organized Ganit Utsav. In the PowerPoint Presentation, Pranav Handa and Sukjot Singh of class VIII got the fourth position. 4. In a Presentation on Renowned Mathematician hosted by Sadhu Vaswani International School, Sukhjot Pahwa and Guraksh Kaur of class VIII were awarded the third place. 5. Bhattacharyya Arkamitra Ranjan of class V was awarded Certificate of Appreciation for his excellent performance in All India Open Mathematics Scholarship Examination. 6. Tejas Gulati of class III participated in Brain Gym Abacus Championship 2012-13 organised by The Pioneer Arts Education Society, ND. Tejas won the 2nd Runners up position. 7. Aditya Sharma and Saniya Virmani of class III won the 2nd Runners up Trophy and the 3rd Runners up position respectively in the 7th State Level UC MAS Abacus & Mental Arithmetic Competition organized by Abacus Educational Services Pvt. Ltd. & UC Mas (India) Pvt. Ltd. at St. Colombas’ School, New Delhi. 8. Aaditya Sharma of class III participated in 12th All India UCMAS Abacus & Mental Arithmetic Competition 2012 organized by UCMAS (India) Pvt. Ltd. at Chennai Trade Centre, Chennai, Tamil Nadu. He won 3rd Runners up position in the order of merit. Curricular & Co-Curricular Activities Painting, Art & Craft 1. BBPS, Dwarka held Jewellery Designing competition. Mahima Takkar, Mahima Garg, Aarushi Garg and Mishika Bansal of class V won the second position. 2. Subah Kapoor of class IX got the second position in Wall Hanging Craft competition hosted by BBPS, Dwarka. 3. In the Scroll Making competition organized by BBPS, Dwarka. Sanchi Khanna, Ayushi Juneja, Anjali Chowdhary and Niyati Joshi of class XI were awarded the third position. 4. Queen Mary’s School hosted Poster Making competition. In their respective categories, Varun Sharma and Shruti Manna of class VIII got the consolation prize; Abhinav Rao of class X and Lakshay Ahooja of class XI won the third and first position, respectively. 5. Somya Rout of class V got the second position in On-the-Spot Painting competition organized by Salwan Public School. 6. Bhagwati Devi Shishu Bharati Public School hosted On-the-Spot Art competition. Sukriti Shrivastva and Prisha Choithramani of class I won the first and second position respectively while Pratham Singhal and Mahima Garg of class V were awarded the first position and consolation prize respectively. 7. Ananya Chaturvedi of class III bagged the first prize in the Children’s Painting competition organized by Dalmia Bharat Enterprises. Curricular & Co-Curricular Activities 8. In the Dart-E-Art competition organized by Manav Sthali School, Lakshay Ahooja of class XI won the first position. 9. Ananya Chaturvedi of class III participated in Children’s Painting Competition organized by Dalmia Bharat Enterprises, Barakhamba Road, Delhi. Ananya won the 1st Position in Category-B. 10. Holy Child Public School organized On-the-Spot Painting Competition. Shruti Manna and Muskan Mehta of class VIII got the consolation prize. PULSE 2012 – WINNERS COVER DESIGN COMPETITION 11. Aditya Raj and Rohit Rai of class V won the first prize in Pop Art-3 Dimensional Collage Competition hosted by City Montessori School, Lucknow. 12. In the competition, Paint a Mask organized by our school, Aadya Ahuja & Lakshay Ahooja of class XI and Vibhor Gupta of class XII bagged the first position. 13. All India Camel Color Contest was organized by Camlin Ltd. The students who were awarded Certificates of merit are given below: Curricular & Co-Curricular Activities Results of All India Camel Color Contest … S. No. Name of the student Class 1 Posika Aggarwal PP E 2 Neil Chhabra PP E 3 Bhavi Bansal PP I 4 Nandani Jain PP L 5 Aradhaya Bhasin PP G 6 Kriti Yadav PP L 7 Mankeerat Kaur PP D 8 Ayaan Anand PS C 9 Rohan Khandelwal PS C 10 Vani Gupta PP J 11 Sanat Gupta PP K 12 Shiksha Attri PP A Curricular & Co-Curricular Activities S. No. Name of the student Class 13 Garv Sethi PP K 14 Saksham Behl PP B 15 Arshi Malhotra PS D 16 Sukriti Srivastava IB 17 Jyoti Goyal IC 18 Shreshth Singhal IF 19 Aditi Pal II H 20 Laksh Khurana II H 21 Chahal Jain II H 22 Saniya Virmani III G 23 Poorav Dhingra III B 24 Suhani Grover III E 25 Soumya Panda III E 26 Syna Rajvanshi III C Curricular & Co-Curricular Activities S. No. Class Name of the student 27 Lavanya Gupta III B 28 Yatika Sehgal III C 29 Saumya Garg III F 30 Suhani Garg III F 14. All India Camel Color Contest at state level was hosted by Camlin Ltd. Mumbai. Following was the outstanding performance of students:Name of the Participants Group A Aradhya Bhasin (PP G) Result/ Position I Nandini Jain (PP L) Appreciation Sanat Gupta (PP K) Appreciation Group C Saumya Garg (III F) Appreciation PULSE 2012 – INTER SCHOOL EVENT PAINT A MASK COMPETITION Curricular & Co-Curricular Activities WINNERS ALL THE WAY… “A winner is someone who recognizes his God given talents, works his tail off to develop them into skills and uses these skills to accomplish his goals” — Larry Bird Working consistently towards achieving perfection, our students’ outstanding performance won laurels and accolades for the school as well. In the Inter School Competition, EXPRESSION 2012 hosted by BBPS, Brij Vihar, our school won the Overall Trophy. We also scored the highest in the Book Week, PULSE 2012 organized by our school, but being the hosts, the Overall Trophy was passed on to the school with the second highest score. In the international Inter School competitions, GEOFEST and EUREKA INTERNATIONAL, hosted by City Montessori School, Lucknow, our school was honoured with the Most Cooperative Team Award and Most Enterprising Team Award respectively. SPORTS “Sports teaches us to how to lose, but it also teaches us how not to be a loser.” — Anonymous The domain of sports has the vast potential to “better” the game of life itself. Besides promoting physical fitness, it lays importance on healthy lifestyle and helps in developing social skills. Sports play a pivotal role in instilling among our impressionable learners values that would hold them in good stead throughout their lives, such as, discipline, perseverance, team spirit, sportsmanship etc. Undoubtedly then, Sports is an integral part of the life of each Bal Bharatian. At school, each learner is expected to play at least two games; should be able to swim and cycle; and also achieve the minimum Physical Fitness programme that has been formulated for the learners. Besides, a comprehensive record of Medical and Fitness status each, of students is regularly maintained and communicated to the parents. It is hoped that these efforts would motivate our students to maintain healthy life style throughout. The success of our students in Sports bears testimony to the school’s endeavours in encouraging sporting talent as well as our students’ indomitable will and skill to win… Sports ATHLETICS Event & Organiser Date 10th Central Delhi District Athletic Championship at Ramjas Sports Complex, West Patel Nagar 60m 9.10.12 Name of the participants Category Result/ Position Kush Aggarwal (VI B) U-12 I Shot Put Anushka Dogra (VI E) Jayant Rao (VIII B) Prashansa Sharma (VIII D) Sarthak Ahuja (X A) U-12 U-14 U-16 U-16 I II IIII II Long Jump Archit Rehani (VIII D) Divya Chakarwarti (VIII C) Saksham Kaushik (X F) U-14 U-16 U-16 I I I Sports Event & Organiser Date Zonal Athletic Meet at D I Khan School, Rajinder Nagar 15.10.12 & 16.10.12 Name of the participants Category Result/ Position 100m Archita Rehani (VIII D) U-14 III 1500m 400m 3000m Shot Put Nikita Rai (XII F) Vyakhya (VII A) Nikita Rai (XII F) Anshika Dogra (VI E) Nandini Rao (VII C) Simran Bahl (X E) Natasha Lall (XI E) Hemanya Chandhok (XI E) Archita Rehani (VIII D) Muskan Gupta (VIII D) Divya Chakarwarti (VIII C) Archita Rehani (VIII D) Rupal Jain (VIII D) Komal Vohra (XII C)` Divya Chakarwarti (VIII C) U-19 U-14 U-19 U-14 U-14 U-17 U-19 U-19 U-14 U-14 U-14 U-14 U-14 U-19 U-14 I I III III I I I II I III I I II III I Natasha Lall (XI E) Nikita Chawla (XII A) Hema Harplani (XII A) Pritika Chugh (XII B) Vyakhya (VII A) Nandini Rao (VII C) Aditi Rathore (VII F) Archita Rehani (VIII D) Nandini Rao (VII C) Natasha Lall (XI E) Anshika Dogra (VI E) U-19 II U-14 II U-14 U-19 U-14 I I II Long Jump High Jump Triple Jump 4*100m Relay Discus Throw Sports Event & Organiser Date Zonal Athletic Meet at D I Khan School, Rajinder Nagar 17.10.12 & 18.10.12 Shot Put Long Jump High Jump Discus Throw 100m 400m 4*100m Relay Name of the participants Jayant Rao (VIII B) Aashish Bali (VIII A) Vineet Dabas (X F) Varun Sharma (VIII A) Prabhav Gupta (VIII E) Anweshak Tajendra (XI G) Arindam Malik (XI D) Anweshak Tajendra (XI G) Pranav Saluja (XI C) Harkirat Singh (XII A) Arindam Malik (XI D) Category Result/ Position U-14 U-14 U-17 U-14 U-14 U-19 U-19 U-19 I I III III II II III III BBPSGR Won the Sub Junior Girls Championship. Senior Girls won the Runners-up Championship Sports Event & Organiser 6th All India Inter-Unit Bal Bharati Sports Meet 2012 BBPS: Brij Vihar & Noida Shot Put (Boys) Date Name of the participants Category Result/ Position 17.10.12 To 19.10.12 Sarthak Ahuja (X A) Nishant Gupta (X D) I IV Simran Bahl (X E) III Saksham Kaushik (X F) Archita Rehani (VIII D) Divya Chakarwarti (VIII C) Saksham Kaushik (X F) I III IV II Shot Put (Girls) High Jump (Boys) High Jump (Girls) Long Jump Till Class X (Juniors) Triple Jump 400m 4*100m Relay Saksham Kaushik (X F) III Aditya Khari (X C) III Aditya Khari (X C) IV Saksham Kaushik (X F) Parth Dwivedi (X G) Vansh Chadha (X H) Hrithik Arora (X H) BBPSGR won the Runners-up trophy in Athletics Boys category. Saksham Kaushik (X F) was declared the Best Athlete (Boy). 10th National Inter District Sub Junior Athletic Meet at Haridwar 3.11.12 to 5.11.12 Archita Rehmani (VIII D) Sarthak Ahuja (X A) Saksham Kaushik (X F) U-16 High Jump Participated 9th 10th (All India Ranking) Sports Archery Event & Organiser Date XXXIII Sub-Junior National Archery Championship at Bangalore 15.01.13 to 20.01.13 Name of the participants Nishant Gupta (XII F) Category Result/ Position U-17 Participated Badminton Event & Organiser Date 1st Bal Bharati Inter Unit Badminton Competition at Bal Bharati Public School, GRH Marg Badminton Zonal Competitions at BBPS,GR 16.4.12 to 20.4.12 Badminton Zonal Competitions at BBPSGR 6th All India Inter Unit Bal Bharati Sports Meet 2012 at BBPS: Brij Vihar & Noida 16.08.12 to 18.08.12 22.08.12 to 25.08.12 17.10.12 to 19.10.12 Name of the participants Mrinal Anand (IV A) Aditya Naulakha (V E) Ishan Kakkar (V E) Mayank Garg (V H) Sub Junior Boys Team Junior Boys Team Senior Boys Team Sub Junior Girls Team Junior Girls Team Boys Team BBPS INTER UNIT (PRIMARY DEPT) AT BBPS, GRH MARG BADMINTON ZONALS AT BBPS, GRH MARG Category Result/ Position U-10 II U-14 U-17 U-19 U-14 U-17 III I I I I Till Class-X (Junior) II Sports Basket Ball Event & Organiser Date Name of the participants Category Result/ Position Bal Bharati NCR Inter Unit 23.4.12 Junior Girls Team U-10 Winners Basketball Championship to Junior Boys Team U-10 II (Primary) at BBPS, PR Campus 27.4.12 st 23.4.12 Senior Boys Team U-19 Reached upto 1 NPSC Basketball Tournament at Springdales to semi finals School, Pusa Road, Delhi 01.5.12 6.5.12 39th National Basketball Abhishek (VII E) U-13 Reached upto Championship at Angel to Rajdeep Lamba (IX A) Quarter finals Charities, Verna, Goa 12.5.12 (Represented Delhi Team) Basketball Zonal Competition 27.08.12 Sub Junior Boys Team U-14 III at J D Tytler, New Rajinder to Nagar 30.08.12 Basketball Zonal Competition 29.08.12 Sub Junior Girls Team U-14 I at Faith Academy, Prasad to Senior Girls Team U-19 III Nagar 1.09.12 Ramjas Inter School Basketball 15.10.12 Boys Team U-10 II Tournament at Ramjas, R K to Puram 19.10.12 th 17.10.12 Boys Team (Juniors) Till Class-X II 6 All India Inter Unit Bal Bharati Sports Meet 2012 at to Girls Team (Juniors) Till Class-X III BBPS: Brij Vihar & Noida 19.10.12 Abhishek Sharma of Class VII-E was declared best Basketball Player in Boys Team Sports Chess Event & Organiser Delhi Administration Chess Tournament at Chhatarsal Stadium National Chess Schools’ Championship 2012 organised by Delhi Chess Association at Ludlow Castle, Delhi Inter Zonal Chess Tournament organised by Sports Branch Government of NCT, Delhi held at Chhatarsaal Stadium, Delhi Date 25.07.12 to 29.07.12 27.10.12 to 29.10.12 4.12.12 to 6.12.12 Name of the participants Category Result/ Position U-17 Rank 7th Rishit Arora (VI A) U-13 Open Participated Rishit Arora (VI A) U-13 Ranked 23 (Out of 90 Participants) Shubham Jain (IX G) NATIONAL SCHOOL CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP 2012 - RISHIT ARORA (VI A) Sports Cricket Event & Organiser Date Inter Zonal Cricket Tournament at Bharat Nagar, Delhi 17.11.12 to 23.11.12 25.12.12 to 31.12.12 30.12.12 School Nationals at Wankhade Stadium, Mumbai Name of the participants Category Result/ Position Rohan Kalra (XII C) Hardik Sachdeva (XII E) Chaitanya Aneja (XII G) U-19 Winners Chaitanya Aneja (XII G) (Represented Delhi) U-19 III Gaurav Ahuja (V A) U-12 Winners 1st Swasthik Inter School Cricket Tournament 2012. Rohit Rai (V D) Finals held at Mata Jai Kaur School, Ashok Vihar Rohit Rai was declared the Man of the Match and Gaurav Ahuja was declared the Best Bowler SCHOOL NATIONALS AT WANKHADE STADIUM, MUMBAI Swasthik Inter School Cricket Tournament 2012 Sports Football Event & Organiser IInd ASN Yamuna Wealth Inter School Games and Culture by ASN School, Mayur Vihar Date 26.11.12 to 30.11.12 Name of the participants Sub Junior Boys Team Category Result/ Position U-14 III Sports Gymnastics Event & Organiser 10th Zonal Gymnastics Championship at S B Vidyalya, Subhash Nagar Date 7.09.12 to 9.09.12 Name of the participants Category Rhythmic Girls U-16 Shreya Sharma (IX E ) U-16 Shivani Sharma (VI F) U-14 Artistic Boys Pratham Pande (IX A) Rhythmic Girls Team U-16 secured Overall Second position Nov 2012 Pratham Pandey (IX A) U-14 Swabhiman Sports Floor Festival, Rohini Sports Exercise Complex, New Delhi U-12 Delhi State Gymnastics at 19.12.12 Shivani Sharma (VI F) Rhythmic IG Stadium, Delhi to Free 22.12.12 Hand Result/ Position Silver Bronze Silver Silver Bronze Sports Hockey Event & Organiser Roller Skating Hockey Championship at Delhi Public School, Palwal Date 9.09.12 Name of the participants Uday Malhotra(II H) Category Sub Junior Result/ Position Gold Judo Event & Organiser Date 2nd Baba Gang Nath Judo Championship at Munirka Club, Delhi 19.4.12 to 22.4.12 CBSE Cluster North Zone 1 at Ishwar Singh Senior Secondary School, Chandigarh Inter Zonal Judo Championship at Chhatrsal Stadium, Model Town, Delhi 27.09.12 to 30.09.12 19.11.12 to 21.11.12 Name of the participants Himarika Gupta (VII B) Pritinder Kaur (VII B) Kanica Btara (VIII B) Shubham Jain (VIII D) Jaswant Singh (VIII H) Anchal Khanna (XI C) Vaishali (XII C) Hemanika Gupta (VII B) Pratinder Kaur (VII B) Kanika Batra (VIII B) Vaishali Malhotra (XII G) Vaishali Malhotrra (XII G) Category U-14 U-14 U-14 U-14 U-14 U-17 U-19 Under35 Kg Under40 Kg Under45 Kg U-19 U-19 Result/ Position Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Gold Silver Gold Gold Bronze Sports Event & Organiser IInd ASN Yamuna Wealth Inter School Games and Culture organised by ASN School, Mayur Vihar Date Category Himarika Gupta (VII B) 35Kg Pritender Kaur (VII B) 40Kg Kanika Batra (VIII B) 45 Kg Vaishali Malhotrra (XII G) Open Team won Overall Championship under 14 CBSE Judo Nationals at 3.12.12 Himarika Gupta (VII B) 35Kg Dehradun to Pritender Kaur (VII B) 40Kg 7.12.12 Kanika Batra (VIII B) 45 Kg Vaishali Malhotrra (XII G) Open Delhi State Championship at 18.12.12 Himarika Gupta (VII B) 35Kg Indira Gandhi Indoor Stadium to Pritender Kaur (VII B) 40Kg 21.12.12 Navya Gupta (IV E) U-10 Vaishali Malhotrra (XII G) Open Children Judo Championship 22.03.13 Pritender Kaur (VII B) 40 Kg and Team Judo to Kanika Batra (VIII B) 44 Kg Championship 2013 at 27.03.13 Singapore IInd ASN Yamuna Wealth Inter School Games and Cultural Fest – Judo (Pritender Kaur -VII B) 26.11.12 to 30.11.12 Name of the participants Result/ Position Silver Silver Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Bronze Silver Silver Bronze Gold Silver Gold Silver Sports Mass P.T Zonals Event & Organiser Mass PT Zonals at Sarvodhya Kanya Vidyalya, Delhi Date 21.12.12 Name of the participants Boys Team Girls Team (Each Team students) Category - had Result/ Position II II 33 Roll Ball Event & Organiser 58TH National School Games at Balewadi, Maharashtra Date Name of the participants Category 3.01.13 to 6.01.13 Tanishq Khandelwal (VII D) Prakhar Khandelwal(VIII D) U-19 U-19 Result/ Position Participated Sports Skating Event & Organiser Date 39th Delhi State Open Roller Sports Championship at RSKP, Pitampura, Delhi Inter School Skating Championship at Hari Nagar Sports Complex, Delhi Open Speed Skating Championship at Panchkula,Haryana L B Shastri Memorial Roller Sports Skating Championship at Yamuna Sports Complex, Delhi 12.4.12 to 15.4.12 21.4.12 39TH DELHI STATE OPEN ROLLER SKATING CHAMPIONSHIP ARHAM GOEL, IV H 28.5.12 & 27.5.12 23.6.12 & 24.6.12 Name of the participants Arham Goel (IV H) Kashish Chhabra(I C) Ananya Gupta (II F) Manit Singh(III A) Sai Vignesh (VI G) Arham Goel (IV H) Sai Vignesh (VI G) Category 300m Quad Race 500m Quad Race 1000m Quad Race 300m Quad Race 300m Quad Race 300m Quad Race Road Race 1 300m Inline Race 300m Quad Race 300m Quad Race 500m Quad Race 300m Inline Race 500m Inline Race Result/ Position Silver Gold Silver Gold Silver Bronze Gold Silver Bronze Gold Silver Gold Silver OPEN SPEED SKATING CHAMPIONSHIP SAI VIGNESH, VI G Sports Event & Organiser Open Skating Championship at Rohini, Delhi Inter School Invitational Roller Skating Championship at Meerut 3rd Inter School Kunj Roller Skating Championship at Vasant Kunj 1st Inter School Roller Skating Championship at Delhi Public School, Palwal CBSE North Zone Roller Skating Championship at Summer Fields School, Kalkaji Date Uday Malhotra(II H) 200m Quad Race Result/ Position Bronze Uday Malhotra(II H) 200m Quad Race 300m Quad Race Silver Silver 31.08.12 to 2.09.12 Sai Vighnesh (VI G) Vishank Rajendran(PPH) 9.09.12 Uday Malhotra(II H) 300m Inline Race 500m Inline Race 200m Inline Race 300m Inline Race 200m Quad Race Gold Gold Bronze Bronze Gold 5.10.12 to 8.10.12 Sai Vignesh (VI G) 28.07.12 to 29.07.12 26.08.12 Name of the participants Category 300m Time Trial Short Race CBSE NORTH ZONE ROLLER SKATING CHAMPIONSHIP - SAI VIGNESH Silver Reached Semifinals Sports Event & Organiser Date Name of the participants Open Delhi Roller Skating Championship, held at Dwarka DDA Sports Complex New Delhi. 13.10.12 Sai Vignesh (VI-G) Vishak Rajendran(PP H) Talent Sports Inter School Roller Skating Championship, held at Bluebells International School, Greater Kailash, New Delhi. Roller Sports Championship Olympic was held at Dwarka Sports Complex. It was Organised by the Delhi Skating Academy. 14.10.12 Sai Vignesh VI (G) Vishak Rajendran 19-10-12 Sai Vignesh Category Result/ Position 300m race on Inline Skates 300m race on Quad Skates 300m race on adjustable Skates 500m race on Inline Skates 500m race on Adjustable Skates Gold Gold Bronze 300m race on Inline Skates Bronze OPEN DELHI STATE SKATING CHAMPIONSHIP 2012 - SAI VIGHNESH AND VISHAK RAJENDRAN Gold Silver Sports Event & Organiser Date Roller Sports Championship Olympic was held at Dwarka Sports Complex. It was Organised by the Delhi Skating Academy. South Delhi Open Skating Championship at Sector 9, R K Puram, Delhi 20-10-12 3rd Tek Chand Mann Memorial Inter School Skating Championship at Modern Convent School, Sector 4, Dwarka, Delhi 27.10.12 & 28.10.12 3.11.12 Name of the participants Sai Vignesh Manit Singh(III A) Kashish Chhabra(I C) Aanya Singh(I I) Ananya Gupta(II F) Aarush Gupta(III G) Lakshay Pamnani(IV A) Sai Vignesh (VI G) Uday Malhotra(II H) Category 500m race on Inline Skates 300m Quad Race 300 m Quad Race 300m Quad Race 300 m Adjustable 300m Adjustable Artistic 500m Inline Race 500m Quad Race 300 m Inline Race Result/ Position Silver Gold Silver Silver Bronze Bronze Silver Gold Gold Gold Sai Vignesh won the Overall Champions trophy 3rd Tek Chand Mann Memorial Inter School Skating Championship Sports Event & Organiser 2nd Laxmi Inter School Open Roller Skating Championship 2012 at Laxmi Public School Karkardooma, Delhi CBSE Nationals at DAV International School, Amritsar Date 9.11.12 18.11.12 to 21.11.12 Name of the participants Category 300 m Adjustable Ananya Gupta(II F) 300 m Adjustable Aarush Gupta(III G) 300 m Inline Race Uday Malhotra(II H) 300 m Inline Race Yash Mittal(III B) Kashish Chhabra(I C) 300 m Quad Race 300 m Quad Race Manit Singh(III A) 300 m Inline Darsh Jindal(II H) Skates Aryan Singh(III A) 300 m Inline Skates Arham Goel (IV H) 300m Time Trial Sai Vignesh (VI G) 500m race 500m Inline Race CBSE Nationals at DAV International School, Amritsar Arham Goel Result/ Position Gold Gold Gold Gold Silver Silver Silver Bronze Silver Silver IV Sports Event & Organiser Date 9th B R Memorial National Roller Skating Championship at Aadarsh Public School, C Block Vikas Puri, Delhi 50th North Zone Roller Skating selection for National Championship orgainsed by Delhi Skating Association at Rajiv Gandhi Khel Parisar, Bawana, Delhi 8.12.12 & 9.12.12 21.12.12 to 24.12.12 Name of the participants Sai Vignesh (VI G) Sai Vignesh (VI G) 9th B R Memorial National Roller Skating Championship Category 500m Quad Race 1000m quad Race 500m Inline Race 1000m Inline Race Result/ Position Gold Gold Silver Silver 300m Time Trial 500m Inline Race 1000m Inline Race Bronze Bronze Silver Sports Event & Organiser Date Name of the participants Category Result/ Position Gold 300m Time Trial 11.01.13 Sai Vignesh (VI G) 5th Sandip Unnikrishnan Gold 500m Inline Race to Memorial Skating Silver 1000m Inline Race 13.01.13 Championship organised by Delhi Roller Skating Association at Rajiv Gandhi Khel Parisar, Bawana Sai Vignesh won the Overall Champions trophy in 5th Sandip Unnikrishnan Memorial Skating Championship 5th Sandip Unnikrishnan Skating Championship Sai Vighnesh Sports Event & Organiser Date 50th National Speed Roller Skating Championship 2013 organised by Ameya Classic Club at Yashwant Nagar, Virar (West), Mumbai 21.01.13 to 25.01.13 13th Talent Sports Inter School Roller Skating Championship 2013-14 at Blue Bells International School, Kalka Ji 03.02.13 Name of the participants Sai Vignesh (VI G) Sai Vignesh (VIG) Category 500m Inline Skate Inline Skate Road Race 500 m Inline Race Result/ Position Reached upto Quarter Finals 8th Position out of 25 skaters Gold Sports Swimming Event & Organiser Open Aquatic Meet at Delhi Administration Sarvodaya School, Mangolpuri 39th Junior National Aquatic Championship at Tamil Nadu CBSE Swimming Competition North Zone I at Yuva Shakti Model School, Delhi Date 27.07.12 to 31.07.12 10.08.12 to 14.08.12 2.09.12 to 4.09.12 Name of the participants Category Aurushi Sapra (VI F) 50m Breast Stroke Guraksh Kaur (VIII A) 4×50m Individual Medley 100m Back Stroke Guraksh Kaur (VIII A) 200 M Medley Guraksh Kaur (VIII A) 50m Breast Stroke Arushi Sapra (VI F) 100m Breast Stroke 50m Back Stroke 100m Back Stroke 50m Breast Stroke 200m Individual Medley Result/ Position Silver Bronze Silver Represented Delhi state Gold Gold Gold Silver Silver Bronze Sports Event & Organiser 48th Delhi State Junior Swimming Championship at SPM Swimming Complex Inter Zonal Aquatic Meet at Sarvodya Co-ed Sr Sec Vidhyalya, C-Block Mangol Puri CBSE Nationals at Indira National School, Pune Date 7.09.12 to 9.09.12 16.10.12 to 19.10.12 6.11.12 to 9.11.12 Name of the participants Category 200×4Free style Relay 100×4 Medley Relay 400M Individual Medley 200M Individual Medley Guraksh Kaur (VIII A) 200m Breast Stroke 100m Breast Stroke 50m Breast Stroke Gurakash Kaur (VIIIA) Arushi Sapra (VI F) Guraksh Kaur (VIII A) 50m Breast Stroke Arushi Sapra (VI F) 100m Breast Stroke 50m Back Stroke 100m Back Stroke 50m Breast Stroke Result/ Position Silver Silver Bronze Bronze I I I Represented Delhi State Sports Table Tennis Event & Organiser Date 1st Bal Bharati Inter Unit Table Tennis Tournament (Primary) at BBPS, Rohini 26.3.12 to 28.3.12 3rd R L Chopra Memorial Inter School Table Tennis Tournament at New Era Public School, Mayapuri Table Tennis Zonal Competition at Manav Sthali School, New Rajinder Nagar 24.07.12 to 27.07.12 16.08.12 to 18.08.12 Name of the participants Category Result/ Position Shruti Aggarwal (V D) Srishty Kapoor (V D) Suyashi Singhal (V D) Hargun Kaur (V B) Hemank Madan (V D) Achint Bagga (V D) Yogandh Gupta (V D) Gul Mohamad (V D) Senior Girls Team Sub Junior Girls Team II Sub Junior Boys team III U-16 III Sub Junior Girls Team Junior Girls Team Senior Girls Team U-14 U-17 U-19 Runners up Runners up III TABLE TENNIS ZONAL COMPETITION AT MANAVSTHALI SCHOOL Sports Event & Organiser Date Table Tennis Zonal Competition at Manav Sthali School, New Rajinder Nagar Queen Mary’s Founder Day Table Tennis Tournament at Model Town-III, Delhi South West District Table Tennis Competition at Bosco Public School, Paschim Vihar 22.08.12 to 24.08.12 8.10.12 & 9.10.12 13.10.12 & 14.10.12 Name of the participants Sub Junior Boys Team Junior Boys Team Senior Boys Team Junior Girls Team Sayesha Jain (IX D) Shruti Aggarwal (VI G) Pragya Joshi (XII B) Category Result/ Position U-14 U-17 U-19 U-17 III II III I U-14 U-16 U-19 U-12 U-19 Women I I I I III I Sports Event & Organiser 6th All India Inter Unit Bal Bharati Sports Meet 2012 at BBPS: Brij Vihar & Noida Date 17.10.12 to 19.10.12 Name of the participants Girls Team Category Till Class-X (Juniors) Shruti Aggarwal of Class IInd ASN Inter School Sports 26.11.12 & Cultural Meet by ASN to School, Mayur Vihar 28.11.12 North Zone National Ranking Table Tennis Tournament at Thyagraj SportsComplex, Delhi Inter Zonal Table Tennis Competition at Thyagraj Sports Complex, Delhi Inter Zonal Table Tennis Competition at Thyagraj Sports Complex, Delhi VI G was declared Best Table Tennis Player Shruti Aggarwal (VI G) U-17 Sayesha Jain (IX D) Mehak Mittal (IX F) Divika Oswal (IX H) 26.11.12 Shruti Aggarwal (VI G ) U-14 to 1.12.12 Sayesha Jain (IX D) U-17 12.12.12 to 13.12.12 17.12.12 to 18.12.12 Result/ Position II III Represented Delhi State Shruti Aggarwal (VI G ) U-14 I Sayesha Jain (IX D) U-19 II Sports Taekwondo Event & Organiser Date 24th Delhi Jeet Kune Do Association Championship at Talkatora Indoor Stadium, Delhi 8th Late Sh. Rajiv Gandhi Memorial Gold Cup: Invitational Sports Jeet Kune Do Championship at Talkatora Stadium, Delhi 8th Independence Cup Invitational Sports Jeet Kune-Do Championship at Talkatora Indoor Stadium Open Delhi State Taekwondo at Dada Devta Hall, Lawerance Road 25th National Jeet Kune Do Championship at Indira Gandhi Indoor Stadium, Delhi 8th Sub Junior IFF Taekwondo Championship 2012 at Talkatora Stadium, Delhi 24th Delhi State ITF Taekwondo Championship 2012 at Tayagraj Stadium, New Delhi Vth Kanta Vaid Memorial Inter Academy Karate Championship 2012 at Golden Moments,Delhi Ist Open Delhi State Jeet Kune-Do Championship at Manav Sthali Rajinder Nagar,Delhi 7.5.12 Category Result/ Position Harshit Malhotra(III A) Shashwat Gupta(III B) Below 25kg Below 33kg Gold Gold 12.5.12 Pranav Sachdeva(III C) Below 25kg Gold 8.08.12 Ojas Hasanwal (I B) Below 25kg Gold 7.10.12 Harshit Malhotra (III A) Arham Jain (PS C) Harshit Malhotra(III A) Shashwat Gupta(III B) Below 25kg 14 to 18 Kg Below 25 Kg Below 25 Kg Gold Gold Silver Bronze Purab Seth(I E) Below 25 kg Gold Kartikeya Sharma(III C) Below 25 Kg Gold Arav Garg(II D) Pranav Sachdeva(III C) Kashish Rohatgi (I C) Below 33 Kg Below 33 Kg Below 30 Kg Below 25 Kg Below 30 Kg Gold Silver Gold Gold Gold Silver 26.11.12 to 27.11.12 7.12.12 to 9.12.12 7.12.12 to 9.12.12 25.12.12 27.1.13 Name of the participants Harshit Malhotra (III A) Shashwat Gupta(III B) Sports Tennis Event & Organiser Open Tournament at Gymkhana Club Delhi AITA Tournament at ASN School, Mayur Vihar Inter School Tennis Tournament at BBPS,GR IInd ASN Yamuna Wealth Inter School Games and Culture by ASN School, Mayur Vihar Date 26.3.12 to 31.3.12 21.07.12 to 26.07.12 5.10.12 26.11.12 to 30.11.12 Name of the participants Category Result/ Position Nilaksh Dixit (IX F) U-18 Winner Nilaksh Dixit (IX F) U-14 Senior Girls Team Junior Girls Team Sub Junior Girls Team Nilaksh Dixit (IX F) Karan Makan (XI E) Nimesh Khandelwal (XI H) Kunal Sachdeva (XII F) U-19 U-16 U-14 U-19 Qualified to Main Draw (3 AITA Points) I I Runnersup Runners up Sports Throw Ball Event & Organiser Zonal Competition at Nutan Marathi School, Pahar Ganj Date 8.09.12 & 9.09.12 Name of the participants Sub Junior Boys Team Junior Boys Team Category Result/ Position U-14 U-17 I III U-14 U-17 U-19 Till Class-X (Juniors) II I I I U-17 Winners Volleyball Zonal Competition at Nutan Marathi School, Pahar Ganj 6th All India Inter Unit Bal Bharati Sports Meet 2012 at BBPS: Brij Vihar & Noida IInd ASN Yamuna Wealth Inter School Games & Cultural Fest by ASN School, Mayur Vihar 3.09.12 & 4.09.12 17.10.12 To 19.10.12 26.11.12 to 30.11.12 Sub Junior Girls Team Junior Girls Team Senior Girls Team Boys Team Junior Boys Team Sports SPORTS EVENTS HOSTED BY THE SCHOOL… Invitational Table Tennis Tournament The 2nd Inter School Table Tennis Competition was organized from 30 April to 4 May 2012. Around 300 budding Table Tennis players from 21 schools of Delhi & NCR participated in the competition. The tournament was organized on league cum knock out basis for both Boys and Girls in under 14 and 19 categories. A team of qualified technical officials headed by Mr A S Kler, Chief Referee from Table Tennis Federation of India, ensured smooth and fair play throughout the tournament. The tournament concluded on 4 May 2012 with a prize distribution ceremony that was held in the school auditorium. Sports Bal Bharati Inter Unit NCR Basketball Tournament The school hosted the Bal Bharati Inter Unit Basketball Tournament for Primary Boys & Girls from 23 April to 27 April 2012 at Pusa Road Campus. The prizes were given by the Headmistress Ms Mamta Malik, (PR Campus) and Headmistress Ms Anita Garg, (Middle Department). In the category of Primary Girls, our school was declared the Winner and in Primary Boys, our team won the position of the Runners up. Sports Bal Bharati Inter Unit Badminton Tournament Bal Bharati Inter Unit Badminton Tournament for Primary Boys & Girls was hosted by the school from 16 April to 20 April 2012. The Principal, Mr L V Sehgal along with the Vice Principal and Headmistress gave away the Prizes to the winners. In the category of Primary boys, our school was the Runners Up. Badminton Zonal Competitions The Zonal Competitions for Badminton were held at our school from 16 to 18 August, 2012 for the Boys Teams, while for the Girls Teams, the competitions were held from 22 to 25 August, 2012. WORKSHOPS AND SEMINARS WORKSHOPS FOR STUDENTS “Plan for the future because that is where you are going to spend the rest of your life.” — Mark Twain Workshops provide exceptional learning opportunities. Using the interactive format, they help the learners to explore topics ranging from personal enrichment, life transition to gaining practical skills. Taking learning beyond the bounds of curriculum, workshops also help the students to know about the varied educational / career opportunities available to them. So, while enriching the learning experience, workshops also empower students to make informed decisions regarding their future. Workshops for Students S.No. Class 1 III 2 IX & X Cyber Security 3 4 IV & V III Gift Box Decoration Puppet Making 5 VI Spell ‘O’ Fun 6 X Non Violence Name of workshop Paper Bag Making CYBER SECURITY WORKSHOP Organized/Conducted by The Times of India Resource Person: Ms Sangeeta Aggarwal Jaago Teens Resource Person: Ms Usha Subramaniam & Ms Leena Garg The Hindustan Times The Times of India Resource Person: Ms Alka Gaba The Times of India Resource Person: Ms Jaishree Mehta SOS Outreach Sant Kripal Ashram Resource Person : Mr Surinder Oberoi NON VIOLENCE WORKSHOP NON VIOLENCE WORKSHOP Workshops for Students S.No. Class 7 X to XII 8 I-III 9 10 IV-V IX-XI (5 Students) 11 XI Flag Making Peer Moderators’ Orientation Course in life skills Topic: Anger Management Stress Management 12 III Quilling Name of workshop MUN Training Art Organized/Conducted by WORDZ - A Debating Society Resource Person : Mr Rajat Rai The Times of India Resource Person:Ms Alka Gaba HT Workshop CBSE and Expressions India Resource Person: Dr Jitendra Nagpal NIE, The Times of India Resource Person: Ms Ira Sehgal NIE, The Times of India Resource Person: Ms Reena MUN TRAINING WORKSHOP Workshops for Students S.No. Class 13 X 14 15 16 17 18 Name of workshop Organized/Conducted by Goal Setting NIE, The Hindu Resource Person: Ms Monika Menon IX Adolescent Issues NIE, The Times of India Resource Person: Ms Jaishree I-III Hand Hygiene Education Lifebuoy-Hindustan Lever Ltd. Resource Person: Mr Amarjeet Singh III Story Telling Scholastic India Pvt. Ltd. Resource Person- Mr. Sanjay Muttoo IX-XI Peer Moderators’ Orientation CBSE and Expressions India Resource Person: Dr Jitendra Nagpal, (5 Students) Course in life skills Dr Divya Prasad Topic: Substance Abuse XII Career scope for Commerce Indian Institute of Financial Markets and Humanities Resource Person: Mr Anubhav, Ms Jibani WORKSHOP ON CAREER SCOPE FOR COMMERCE AND HUMANITIES Workshops for Students S.No. Class 19 XI 20 XII 21 X 22 X 23 X 24 IV& V 25 VI-VII 26 XI 27 III Name of workshop Ethics in Life Organized/Conducted by Science of Spirituality SKRM outreach Mission Resource Person: Ms Poonam Ghai Cracking Entrance Exams IMS Learning Resources Resource Person: Mr Rajesh Mishra Non - Violence Science of Spirituality SKRM outreach Mission Resource Person: Mr Surinder Oberoi Science of Success FIITJEE at BBPSGR Resource Person: Mr C V Kalyan Kumar (Director FIITJEE) Hospitality and Tourism Oberoi Group of Hotels Sector as a Career Option Resource Person: Ms Priya Aggarwal Diya Decoration HT Pace Resource Person: Ms Geetu Anger Management Peer Moderators Trained by Expression India & CBSE Life Skills Programme Educational Opportunities Educational Opportunities at University of Bristol Resource Person: Ms Stephanie Wood Making of a Christmas Tree NIE Resource Person: Ms. Alka Gaba Workshops for Students S.No. Class 24 29 XII (B, C & D) IV& V 30 IV& V 31 III Name of workshop Optics Glass Painting Best out of Waste Craft Workshop Organized/Conducted by BBPS Training Centre, Pitampura Resource Person: Dr Ajoy Ghatak HT Pace Resource Person: Ms Sanjana HT Pace Resource Person: Ms Sanjana Fevicryl Hobby Ideas, Sudharshan Park, Delhi Resource Person: Ms Sanjana Kumar Workshops for Teachers WORKSHOP FOR TEACHERS “If we teach today, as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow.” — John Dewey Teaching is an ongoing learning process. The critical role that teachers play in the future of the Nation and in the lives of their learners can be determined from these words of Alexander the Great, “I am indebted to my father for living, but to my teacher for living well.” Educators, therefore, need to be well informed and inspired to facilitate learning and mentor students effectively to face the real life challenges of tomorrow. The school facilitates the participation of teaching faculty in a wide range of workshops/seminars/in-service training programmes to enhance the knowledge of their subject and keep them abreast with changing paradigms in education. Workshops for Teachers S.No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Name of the Workshop (Subject) Project Based Learning with Technology Organized/Conducted by Attended by BBPS Training Centre, Pitampura Ms S K Jain Ms Kavita Bhatia Resource Person: Ms Anuradha Goel Ms Janes A Kraurs Ms Monisha Malik Sabharwal Ms Sabina Chowdhary Life of Youth Now and CBSE- Max Mueller Bhavan Then Resource Person: Dr Walentina Schurygina Ms Vinita Dhawan ICT in Education VAR IT, Hotel Leela, Chanakyapuri Resource Person: Mr S Shubhande Dealing with Indiscipline BBPS Training Center, Pitampura Ms Mamta Malik & Behavioral Problems Resource Person: Mr. V.S.Ravinderan BBPS Training Centre, Pitampura Ms V R Geetha Capacity Building Ms S K Jain Resource Person : Ms Rachna Programme on CCE & Swarup, Prof Hari Om Gupta, Teaching of Science Dr Sonia Ghorai & Ms Reetu Talwar Importance of Attitude & BBPS Training Centre, Pitampura Ms Sunita Verma Ms Sanju Sehgal Resource Person : Ms Rachna Work Ethics – Swarup, Dr Dharam Prakash & Workshop for Maths Dr A K Rajput Teacher Workshops for Teachers S.No. 7 Name of the Workshop (Subject) Word Problems in Maths Organized/Conducted by 8 ‘An Unfinished CanvasEmpowerment” 9 First Aid 10 World e-book Library 11 Resorting to Basics 12 Activity Oriented Learning of Mathematics 13 Mind Power Games Jodo Gyan-Pitara Fairs,Jia Sarai Resource Person: Ms Usha Menon BBPS Training Centre, Pitampura Resource Person: Prof H.S.Srivastava, Dr Madhu Pant, Ms S.Mathur Resource Person: Dr Preeti Sachdeva Balani Infotech Pvt. Ltd. Resource Person: Mr Walter Kny Resource Person: Ms Kriti Juneja(Special Educator) N C Jindal Public School, Punjabi Bagh Resource Person: Mr Hukum Singh Lovely Public School 14 Educomp Training (CTS) Bal Bharati Public School, Ganga Ram Hospital Marg, Attended by Mrs. Garima Midha Ms. Deepshikha All Teachers (Montessori & Primary) Ms Rita Razdan Primary Teachers Ms Shalini Arora Ms Sanju Sehgal Ms. Archana Bindal Ms. Nidhi Bajaj All Teachers of Middle Department Workshops for Teachers S.No. 15 Name of the Workshop Organized/Conducted by (Subject) Goyal Prakashan, Practical Teaching Strategies for Speaking Resource Person: and Listening in English Mr Gareth Baterip 16 Theatre Workshop (NPSC) Khilona Theatre Group, Ramjas School 17 Meaningful Ways of Doing Mathematics 18 Effective Assessment Practices 19 Effective Mentoring for Teachers 20 Value Based Questions for classes IX-X 21 English Workshop XI-XII Jodo Gyan Resource Centre Resource Person: Ms Usha Menon, Mr Shahji BBPS Training Centre, Pitampura Resource Person: Mr Sunddip Panesar Nahal Science of Spirituality SKRM outreach Mission Resource Person: Mr S. Oberoi NPSC in collaboration with CBSE at Springdales, Pusa Road Resource Person:Mr S. Sethi NPSC at BBPS Rohini Resource Person:Dr Vani Vasudevan, Dr Usha Ram Attended by Ms Meera Asthana Ms Nita Nijhara Ms. Neenu Singh Ms Puja Ahuja Ms Deepika Bhasin Ms Rita Sharma Ms. Anju Arora Ms.Amita Gupta Ms. Neetu Khurana Ms Jyotsana Gulati Ms Satinder Kaur Ms Archna Bindal Ms Savita Mehta All staff members of Middle and Senior Department Ms Poonam Sondhi Ms Anjali Virmani Ms Meera Asthana Ms Neenu Singh Workshops for Teachers S.No. 22 Name of the Workshop (Subject) Value Based Questions for classes XI-XII 23 Science Teaching Methodologies 24 Menopausal Health Issues 25 Food & Nutrition 26 Hands on Training of use of e-journal (By Eumind) 27 Value in Education Organized/Conducted by Attended by NPSC in collaboration with Ms Kiranjeet Chugh CBSE at Springdales, Pusa Road Ms Vaneeta Gupta Ms Sonika Babbar Bal Bhararti,Dwarka Resource Person: Mr. Ashish Aggarwal Sant Parmanand Hospital Resource Person: Ms Shweta Balani, NIE, The Times of India at India Habitat Centre Resource Person: Dr. Sanjeev Begai; Ms. Ritika Samaddar Birla Vidya Niketen, Pushpa Vihar Resource Person: Mr. Ilpo Halonen Sagar Ratna Publication at India International Centre, Lodhi Road Resource Person: Fr. Cedric Prakash Ms Neema Gaur Ms Shivani Arora Ms Anjali Grover All staff members (GR & PR Campus) Ms Anuradha Goel Ms. Arpita Katyal Ms. Reetu Dawar Ms Vandana Sharma Workshops for Teachers S.No. Name of the Workshop (Subject) Empowerment of Science with Environment Education Pitambar Publisher at BBPSGR Resource Person: Ms Sangeeta Malik 29 Common Childhood Disorders YWCA, Connaught Place Resource Person: Ms. G. Kaur 30 Learning with I-pads APPLE at Crown Plaza,Gurgaon Resource Person: Alen Benett 31 Analysis of FA Evidence CBSE Resource Person: Ms Sugandh Sharma 32 Maths Toolkit Jodo Gyan, Resource Person: Mr Shahjee, Ms.Shubomita Ms Sunita Gehani Ms Anju Marwah Mr Rajiv Maakan Ms Kavita Bhatia Ms Rita Sharma Ms Natasha Jain Ms Gurpreet Kaur 33 Maths Toolkit Jodo Gyan, Resource Person: Mr Shahjee, Mr. Bhaskar Ms Rachna Chaudhary Ms Seema Sharma 28 Organized/Conducted by Attended by Ms Jyoti Singh Ms Ritu Narang Ms Sonia Sharma Ms Preeti Saxena Ms Sapna Behl Ms Sheetal Puri Ms Purnima Rai Ms Anita Dua Ms Anuradha Goel Ms Garima Midha Ms Kriti Juneja Ms Garima Midha Workshops for Teachers S.No. 30 Name of the Workshop (Subject) Analysis of FA 1 &FA 2 34 Transforming Learning through Use of Technology 35 Knowing of Language 36 International Science & Maths workshop 37 Leadership in Schools 38 39 Organized/Conducted by Attended by CBSE, Resource Person: Ms Sugandh Sharma Ms Sunita Gehani BBPS Training Centre, Pitampura Resource Person: Prof. Atul Pant , Prof. M.M.Pant Max Muller Bhavan Resource Person: Ms M. Anand Ms Mamta Malik Ms Monisha Sabharwal Ms Rachna Choudhary DAV Public School, Dayanand Vihar, Resource Person: Mr W. Sirichote Mr Vivek Kaushik BBPS Training Centre Resource Person: Major Gen. Kaushal BBPS, Rohini EUMIND – ‘hands on training on the use of e- Resource Person: Mr K D Shijo journal’ Early Childhood Care NCERT,Ber Sarai and Education Resource Person: Prof Vinod Raina Ms Deepica Sachdeva Ms Shashi Sahni Ms Aarti Chadha Ms Reetu Dawar Ms. Neerja Bhardwaj Ms. Kriti Juneja Workshops for Teachers S.No. 40 41 42 43 Name of the Workshop (Subject) INSPIRE Science Camp for PGT Physics Organized/Conducted by Department of Science & Technology, Govt of India at Rajdhani College, Raja Garden Resource Person: Prof R P Tandon (Deptt. Of Physics & Astrophysics, DU) Prof Devesh Sinha (Deptt. of Geology, DU) Prof Ajoy Ghatak (IIT Kanpur) Equipped Teachers with Smart Class Coordinator the Server Updation Resource Person:Ms Mandeep Kaur Contemporary Gender Workshop for Association of Issues in Education Indian School Counselors & Allied Professional at Laxman Public School, Resource Person: Ms A. Broota Ms G. Kumar, Ms Vrinda Verma Self Directed Learning: BBPS Training Centre Resource Person: Learning Effectively in Mr Joseph E Richardson any Environment Attended by Ms Sonika Babbar All Teachers of Primary & Montessori Department Ms Anjali Kaushik Ms Kiranjeet Chugh Ms Nita Nijhara Ms Anupam Sachdev Ms Rita Sharma Ms Rupinder Kaur Ms Uttara Mukherjee Workshops for Teachers S.No. 44 Name of the Workshop (Subject) Annual NPSC Conference - ‘A Sustainable Future through Values – A Shared Responsibility’ Organized/Conducted by Attended by NPSC at India Habitat Centre Resource Person: Mr Narayan Krishnan, Akshaya Trust Shant Atma Nandji Maharaj Mr Pawan Dugggal, Advocate Mr Rajeev Chandran, Information Officer BBPS Training Centre Resource Person: Dr S. Nariman Ms Ritu Rohatgi Ms Deepika Jain Ms Radha Nair Ms Nita Nijhara Ms Richa Gakhar Ms Neenu Singh Ms Shashi Bhatnagar Ms Bharati Tiwari Ms Anjali Grover Ms Kaveri Nayyar 45 Environmental Science 46 Annual Performance Appraisal Record BBPS,GRH Marg Resouce Person: Mr S. Prakash All Teachers of the school 47 HT-PACE Workshop for Teachers on Gender Sensitivity Ms. Neenu Singh Ms. Purnima Roy 48 Skill Development for Excellence of School Librarians HT-PACE Ms. Suman Talwar (Addl. DCP) Mr. Rohit Sharma (The Way to Happiness Foundation) Mr. Ankur Sharma (Invictus Combat System) Delhi Library Association and Kulachi Hansraj Model School, Ashok Vihar, Resource Person: Prof C P Vashishth Dr Usha M Munshi Librarian, IIPA Ms Rita Razdan Some More Workshops … Workshop for Parents WORKSHOP FOR PARENTS A workshop was organised for parents of Commerce students of Class XII on 21 July 2012. The focus of the workshop was to discuss the role of parents in enhancing the academic performance of the students at the Board Examination. The workshop was conducted by Mr S K Agarwala, an alumnus of BBPS, GR & Chief Mentor, Kshitij Education. Some More Workshops … CBSE International Life Wellbeing Summit 2012 Skills, CBSE International Life Skills, School Health and Wellbeing Summit 2012 was held at India Islamic Cultural Centre on 21 & 22 April 2012. Each school put up a display exhibiting and highlighting the manner in which life skills and well being was being promoted through co-curricular activities in their respective schools. The event presented the students an opportunity to interact with personalities like Mr Vineet Joshi, Chairman CBSE and Dr Jitender Nagpal, psychiatrist among several others. Teachers were sensitized on ways of incorporating life skills like empathy, critical thinking and self awareness through the curriculum. Inclusive systems of learning were also discussed. The school counsellor, Ms Anjali Kaushik and Health and Wellness club in-charge, Ms Shweta Khurana attended the Summit along with four students. School Health and Some More Workshops … Parent Advocacy Workshop Our school hosted the Parent Advocacy Workshop on 5 May 2012. It was organized by the National Progressive Schools’ Conference (NPSC) in association with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). It was attended by parents and teachers representing 50 schools across Delhi and NCR. This Workshop, the first of its kind in Delhi, offered a unique opportunity to parents to enhance their understanding of the scheme of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) through an interaction with Mr. Vineet Joshi, IAS, Chairman, CBSE, Ms. Sadhana Prashar, Director (Training) CBSE, Mr. L.V. Sehgal, Chairman, NPSC and Ms Ameeta M Wattal, Vice Chairperson, NPSC . The Advocacy Workshop was a step towards developing a core group of advocates of CCE consisting of teachers and parents so that the scheme becomes more efficient and impacts students in a positive manner. Some More Workshops … School Counsellors Forum A forum for School Counseliors was organized at Fortis Jessaram Hospital on the 27 July 2012. Dr. Samir Parikh, Psychiatrist at Fortis along with his team of psychologists sensitized the counsellors on emerging trends in Learning Difficulties and Behavioral problems among school children. The need for effective networking among professionals was reiterated. The Peer Moderator Programme for 2012 was initiated among the attending schools. Ms Anjali Kaushik, PGT Counsellor attended the workshop. Workshop for English Teachers BBPSGR in collaboration with Goyal Prakashan hosted the workshop “Practical Teaching Strategies for Speaking and Listening in English” on 1 September 2012. Mr. Gareth Baterip, a graduate from the University of Hull, UK, was the Resource person. He is credited with many honours for his skill in teaching and also for conducting training sessions - the most recent being the Centre for Excellence Status by Early Year Unit, UK. The workshop was attended by 26 English teachers of classes IX-XII representing 11 schools from the Central zone of New Delhi. Focusing on the inclusion of Assessment of Speaking and Listening Skills by CBSE in the new syllabus of classes 9 to 12, Mr. Baterip described interesting and innovative activities for testing these skills effectively, even in large groups. The highly interactive workshop was found to be extremely useful. The workshop provided an insight into the importance of Speaking and Listening skills in ELT. Some More Workshops … Workshop for Teachers of Mathematics In collaboration with PP Publications, the school hosted a workshop for Mathematics teachers of class IV to class VIII on the topic, “Teaching of Mathematics” on 9 October 2012. Mr. P.K. Garg and Mr. J.C. Nijhawan, eminent mathematicians and authors of various Mathematics books were the resource persons. The workshop was attended by 124 teachers from 55 schools of Delhi and NCR Some More Workshops … Visit to PETROTECH A team of 20 students along with Ms Satinder Kaur (TGT Science) attended 10th International Oil and Gas Conference – PETROTECH 2012 on 15 October 2012, held at Pragati Maidan. The students were shown an audio visual presentation explaining the latest technologies of finding new petroleum reserves. The students were familiarized with concepts like ‘Cable less Seismic Acquisition’, which was followed by an interactive session with Mr Timothy Bevan, a Geologist. Idea Exchange Programme The Idea Exchange Programme was organised by the Indian Express under the aegis of its school programme, QUEST, on 15 October 2012. Our students, Vaisahli Gupta and Aditi Jain of XI E got an opportunity to interact with Mr Nitin Gadkari, the Bhartiya Janta Party President, along with the journalists and editorial members of the Indian Express. This exclusive event bore resemblance to a press conference and proved to be a great learning experience. Some More Workshops … Disaster Management Evacuation Drill The Disaster Management Evacuation Drill was conducted in BBPS, GR campus on 30 October 2012. On hearing the Siren, students evacuated the building following the routes as per the Disaster Management Plan of the school. The students of Senior Department gathered in the Assembly ground whereas students of Primary and Middle Department assembled in the mass PT ground. During evacuation, instructions for safety and assembly were given by the Principal using the Public Address system. The class teachers took a headcount of students once they assembled classwise in the ground. The Rescue and Search team members checked for casualties, if any. The Principal addressed the assembly emphasizing the urgent need for Disaster Management preparedness. Some More Workshops … Peer Moderator Life Skills Programme A team of 5 students of class X and XI were trained in the Life Skills Peer Moderator Programme by Expressions India in collaboration with CBSE. These students conducted sessions for class VI and VII on the topic, ‘Anger Management’ in the school auditorium on 21 and 23 November 2012 along with the school counsellor. The group explained the various ways in which emotions can be managed, especially anger. The workshop on each day, concluded with an interactive session. Learning from peers was an innovative experience and had a great impact on the students. The sessions were found to be thoroughly enjoyable and educative. Workshop for PGT Physics Teachers BBPSGR, on behalf of National Progressive Schools’ Conference, hosted a Workshop for PGT Physics Teachers on 30 November and 1 December 2012 in the school auditorium. The workshop was attended by more than 60 teachers from 40 schools of Delhi and NCR. The Workshop was conducted by Prof. H.C. Verma, Professor IIT(Kanpur); Dr. Ajoy Ghatak, former Professor, IIT(Delhi); Prof. N.K. Sehgal, Professor, Delhi University; and Mr. Suraj Prakash, Director, Bal Bharati Teachers’ Training Centre, Pitampura. Mr. R.P. Sharma from C.B.S.E. and Dr. Punita Verma, Convener, DASE (Delhi Association of Science Education) and Associate Lecturer of Physics, Kalindi College, DU, graced the occasion as special invitees to the workshop. Continued on next slide… Some More Workshops … The workshop commenced with lighting of the lamp. Following the Welcome song presented by the school choir, Mr Sehgal in his inaugural address, highlighted the importance of teacher empowerment and the need to connect classroom teaching of Physics to the daily lives of learners. Prof. Verma demonstrated and explained simple activities based on the Physics curriculum. Dr. Ajoy Ghatak focused on Optics; Quantum Mechanics; and Einstein’s Mass-Energy Relation. Prof. N.K. Sehgal, through a PowerPoint presentation guided the participants to prepare a balanced question paper. In group activity, value based questions were formulated and discussed. Dr. Punita Verma brought to fore the urgent need to bridge the gap between teaching in school and university Some More Workshops … CCE Workshop for Parents of class IX A workshop for parents and students of class IX was held on 29 December 2012 in the school auditorium. The objective of workshop was to apprise the parents and students with latest CBSE guidelines on CCE, the changes introduced in SA1 & SA2 examination and the Problem Solving Assessment (PSA) introduced for class IX. Principal Mr L V Sehgal in his opening address motivated parents to accept and appreciate the CCE scheme. The workshop conducted through a PowerPoint Presentation by Vice Principal, Ms Geeta Gangwani, elucidated the key areas like scholastic & co-scholastic assessment, value based questions, PSA, qualifying criteria, up-scaling policy and stream allotment for class XI. All queries of parents were answered. In the concluding interactive session, the Principal, Mr L V Sehgal discussed the administrative areas of concern like absenteeism and communication gap between school and parent community. A handout with key points and corresponding CBSE circular numbers was distributed. Some More Workshops … Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research (INSPIRE) workshop The INSPIRE workshop conducted by the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India, is a programme to inspire students to choose science streams so as to strengthen the National Science and Technology base in India. The workshop was organized at Rajdhani College, University of Delhi, from 21 January to 25 January 2013. Based on the outstanding performance in class X results, 5 students of class XI were selected to attend this workshop. Enriching sessions on topics like Astrophysics, Earth’s Climate, Nanomaterials, Bonded Numbers, Geo Informatics, Nano Medicine, Chemistry in everyday life etc were conducted by eminent professors of Delhi University and IITs. Students were also taken to National Science Centre and Physics Laboratory where they performed experiments on Interference and Dispersion of light. The workshop was truly beneficial for the students. Some More Workshops … Career Fair A Career Fair was organised by the Alumni Association of the school on 17 February 2013 at the school premises. The fair consisted of about 20 different institutes displaying and dispensing information about scope and job prospects for different careers. The fair also included professionals and experts from the field of Gemology, Air force, Information Technology, Astrology, Aptitude testing , Hotel Management, Architecture, Accountancy, Deejaying, Engineering, Medical, Physiotherapy, to name a few. Overall it was an enriching experience for all who visited the fair. Some More Workshops … Annual Conference of National Progressive School’s Conference The 40th Annual Conference of National Progressive School’s Conference was held on 22nd & 23rd February 2013 at India International Centre. The theme of the conference was “A Sustainable Future through Values – A shared responsibility”. The eminent Dr Montek Singh Ahluwalia, Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission inaugurated the function as the Chief Guest. The illustrious Prof Najeeb Jung, Vice Chancellor, Jamia Millia Islamia was the Keynote Speaker. At the Valedictory function held on 23rd February 2013, Shri Rajarshi Bhattacharya, Secretary, Department of School Education and Literacy, Ministry of Human Resource & Development was the Chief Guest and Mr Vineet Joshi IAS, Chairman, CBSE was the Guest of Honour. The conference was a grand success under the guidance and leadership of Principal, Mr L V Sehgal, who is the Chairman of NPSC. A highlight of the programme was ‘Life Time Achievement Award’ to former Principal of our school Mr S K Bhattacharya. The conference was attended by Ms Radha Nair, PGT English; Ms Deepika Jain, PGT Business Studies; Ms Ritu Rohtagi, PGT Biology; Ms Richa Gakhar, PGT Commerce; Ms. Nita Nijhara, PGT English; Ms Neenu Singh, PGT English; Ms Bharati Tewari, TGT Science; and Ms Shashi Bhatnagar, TGT Hindi. It was a great learning experience for all. CLUBS “One must learn by doing the thing; though you think you know it, you have no certainty until you try.” — Sophocles The joys and benefits of experiential learning can never be overlooked. The school has a wide range of clubs that promote learning by combining recreational and educational factors. Representing interdisciplinary approaches to learning, the carefully selected activities of the clubs, focus on the entire gamut of development of learners in a cohesive manner. Every space inside and outside the school, then, becomes a platform where multifold learning experiences can be garnered to support learning in all directions. Clubs Astronomy Club “Man must rise above the earth – to the top of the atmosphere and beyond – for only thus will he fully understand the world in which he lives.” — Socrates With its inception in 2004, the Astronomy Club through its multifarious activities continues to entice students towards the vast, mysterious universe and helps in inculcating a spirit of inquiry and scientific temper amongst the young learners. • A presentation by SPACE was organised on 2 April 2012 to make students aware of the two expeditions namely - An expedition to Hongkong in May, to view ‘Annular Solar Eclipse’. - An expedition to Shanghai and Beijing in June to experience- ‘Transit of Venus’ a celestial event that happens once in 105 years. • Shreya Garg of X A and Rishabh Sobti of X G participated in a workshop ‘Internet Telescope’ organised by SPACE in collaboration with IASC (International Astronomical Search Collaboration), USA. A total of 80 schools participated. The workshop, conducted in two sessions, gave students an opportunity to remotely control telescope, to see and explore the night sky visible in USA and to take in depth pictures of celestial objects such as asteroids, galaxies, nebulae etc using computer. Clubs • An overnight camp for sky observation was organized by SPACE, on 18 May 2012 for the astronomy club members of Module I & II. At SVM Institute of Polytechnic, Firozpur Jhirka, Mewat, Haryana, this session was attended by 53 students escorted by three teachers. The objective of the field trip was to give practical knowledge to the students in the use of basic astronomical equipments like- Latitude finder, Planisphere, sky map, telescope etc and to observe and identify- planets, constellations galaxies and many more celestial objects. • A team of five students escorted by Ms. Anjali Virmani, Convenor, Astronomy Club went on a five day long expedition to Hong Kong from 18 May to 22 May 2012. The trip was organized by SPACE to understand and witness the Annular Solar Eclipse and to capture the rare Ring of Fire with their personal cameras. Students and teacherescorts from different schools of Delhi and NCR participated in the programme. • Puneeta Bassi of IX-H, Maitreya Sharma and Shubhankar Shershia of X-D went on a seven day expedition to Beijing-Shanghai from 3 June to 10 June 2012. The trip was organized by SPACE to witness and capture the Transit of Venus, a phenomenon that will happen again after 105.5 years. This Project was a part of an international initiative taken by prestigious institutes like NASA, ESO, ISRO, JAXA, IAA, IUCAA and USO. Our school was a part of a team of 47 members consisting of students and teachers from different schools of Delhi and NCR Clubs Visit to Hong Kong Visit to Beijing Shanghai Clubs • Out team of two students Karan Aggarwal of class IX and Rohan Kalra of class X participated in the All India Asteroid Search Campaign from 1 June to 3 July. The campaign was organized by SPACE in collaboration with International Astronomical Search Collaboration (IASC), USA. In this program, students were expected to sift through exclusive sky image data provided by Astronomical Search Institute Observatory at Charleston, USA. They used computer software-Astrometrica to spot moving objects and identify asteroids. Our students have nine observations to their credit. • On 9 June 2012, on the eve of Venus Transit, 3 teachers, Ms Anjali Virmani, Ms Jyotsana Gulati & Ms Shashi Kala Jain were a part of live discussion on Zee News for 5 hrs. • An introductory class for Module I and Module II was held on 27 August 2012. Students were briefed about the club, group leaders were appointed & club panel was formed. Students were made aware of the career opportunities in the field of astronomy. An introduction to the size of universe & different types of celestial bodies was given and introductory kit was distributed. • Comets & Asteroids was the topic for the session held for Module I students on 3 September 2012. Students made models of comets using commonly available materials like dry ice, soya sauce, sand, water etc. • For Module II students, Rocket launches, their trajectory and the science behind space mission was taken up in the session held on 12 September 2012. • Karan Aggarwal of IX C & Rohan Kalra of X D participated in phase II of the Asteroid Search Campaign. Together they made 13 Near Earth Observations. They received a trophy & a Certificate for their contributions at a Felicitation ceremony on 17 August 2012 held at Raddison Blu, Pashchim Vihar. Clubs • Astronomy Club celebrated World Space Week from 4-10 October 2012. Following activities were taken up during the period:− A Movie on Hubble Space Telescope was shown to classes V & VI − An art competition based on the theme of astronomy was organized for class V − An Astronomy QUIZ was organized for class VIII − Latest updates in the field of astronomy were shared with all classes during departmental assemblies − Students of Module I of the club prepared bookmarks on the theme of constellations. − An Interaction with Mr C B Devgun, a renowned Astronomer was organized for class VII. Certificates were awarded by Mr C B Devgun to top 3 winners of Art & Quiz competition. − Entries of Art work of students on Astronomy were sent to Science Centre III, Karol Bagh in first week of October. Clubs • • • • • On 26 October 2012 a session on ‘Biography of Stars’ was held for Module II students. A PowerPoint Presentation on the life cycle, birth & death of different types of stars was shown. On 31 October 2012, students of Module II were taken to Jantar Mantar. The historical background of the monument and working of instruments was shared. Students were taught to measure time, using latitude & azimuth of the place. On 31 October 2012, a session on ‘Time and Direction’ was held for Module II students. They learnt to use the sundial to find time. On 6 November 2012, session for Module I on ‘Safe Solar Observation’ was conducted. Students used telescopes attached with solar filters to safely observe the sun. On 6 November 2012, session of Module II on the ‘Construction and Launch of Rockets’ was held. Students made rockets using plastic bottles, paper, clay, tape, water & rocket launcher and they launched their rockets. Clubs • In November, six students of classes X and XI sent entries for ‘All India Young ScientistScience Video Podcast’ Competition organized by SPACE. Students were expected to submit an original, unique and innovative science video podcast based on any scientific phenomena or principle. • On 17 November 2012, NASA Astronomy Olympiad was conducted in the school. 567 Students from class V-X participated in the competition. 19 students qualified for the second round of Olympiad held on 11 February 2013. Ananya Gupta of class VI has stood first all over India and has won an all paid, 10-day trip to NASA. • 6 students were escorted by Ms Shashi Kala Jain to Indraprastha World School, Paschim Vihar for ISS Earth KAM project on 30 January 2013. They were trained to access and use the camera present at the Space Station to photograph pictures of the earth for multiple uses in various subjects. • An overnight Sky Observation Camp was conducted in association with SPACE for the members. A group of 56 students were escorted by Ms. Anjali Virmani, Ms. Shashikala Jain & Ms. Deepica Sachdev to LD Convent School, Jewar UP on 13-14 March 2013. Night long observation camp primarily focused on constellations, stars, planet identification in the sky with empirical activities like – finding North & Latitude through Pole Star; Azimuth & Altitude of Stars etc. • The students of Astronomy Club are a part of an on-going project named Great Indian Star Count. It is a hands-on science and education programme to record the brightness of the night sky. Students are participating in this world-wide programme along with the scientists and students of 115 countries. During 5 selected sets of dates, students match the appearance of constellation (Orion & Leo in Northern Hemisphere) with seven star charts of progressively fainter stars. The objective is to explore the nature of light pollution locally. The fifth and the last phase of the campaign will continue till 8 May 2013. Clubs Great Indian Star Count Project Paridhi • On Vernal Equinox day i.e. 20 March 2013, eight club members of class VI and VII participated in the Project Paridhi for a hands-on science activity. The students used sundial at Bara Pullah under the guidance of space educators. The objective of the project was to calculate the circumference of the earth using backyard tools, simple trigonometry and geometry concepts. Students replicated the ancient experiment as done by astronomer Eratoshenes around 2300 years ago. Participants took actual measurement of the shadow cast by “gnomon” to identify the shortest shadow and the timings of local noon of Delhi. Clubs • ‘An Evening Session – Lunar & Planetary Watch’ was conducted on 22 March 2013 in the school premises. Members belonging to Module I were introduced to Telescope – its history, kinds, optical arrangement and pointing & focussing of the Newtonian reflector telescopes. Module II members were told about the digital Single Lens Reflector (SLR) camera- its working, uses and the techniques of taking pictures of the night sky – stars, star trails, moon etc, using the camera along with the telescope. In the Practical session that followed, Module I students gained hands on experience in using the telescope to focus and view moon and other distant objects. Module II members clicked a variety of photographs of the moon in their Lunar Photography session. The students of Module II were also awarded Certificates for having successfully completed the intermediate module that qualified them as Amateur Astronomers. Clubs Commerce Club “Commerce changes the fate and genius of nations.” — Thomas Gray. Initiated in 2009, the Commerce Club aims to inculcate a critical attitude amongst students such that they can analyze and comprehend the changes taking place in the business environment around them. • The Club organized an Inter School Cartoon Making Competition during the Book Week ‘PULSE’. The teams from different schools prepared and exhibited cartoons on Commerce-related topics like Insurance, Management, Price Rise, Consumer Protection Rights. Mr. Uday Shankar Ganguly, an accomplished cartoonist and Prof S.C. Gupta, Shyam Lal College, DU were the esteemed judges. The event brought into focus the multi-disciplinary approach to academics. INTER SCHOOL CARTOON MAKING COMPETITION Clubs • Commerce Olympiad was organized for classes XI and XII by Commerce Teachers’ Association on 30 November 2012. 92 students appeared for the Olympiad. Following are the results of the meritorious students: S.No. Name Class Percentile 1 Aastha Bagga XI F 99.80% 2 Arjun Plaha XI F 99.60% 3 Ashim Nanda XI F 99.50% 4 Shivam Gakhar XI E 99.40% 5 Soniya Gupta XI F 99.20% 6 Ittee Ashok XII F 99.10% 7 Sreyansh Bauthia XII E 97.50% 8 Tanya Jain XII E 96.50% 9 Surkhi Gupta XII E 95.10% 10 Saloni Gupta XII F 95.10% • An educational visit to National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC), Okhla was organized on 11 December 2012. 60 students & three teachers attended the ‘Entrepreneurship Orientation Programme’. The students also visited the Incubation centre which consisted of varied projects/machines. The programme encouraged students to become successful entrepreneurs. Clubs Dramatics Club “All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players…” — William Shakespeare Dramatics helps to hone various skills of the learners in a variety of ways. Consequently, the Dramatics Club was set up in 2009. • Screening of the 2009 film version of Christmas Carol was organised for the members of the Club on 9 May 2012. Thereafter, an interactive session was held to further arouse the interest of the members and gauge their understanding of the film. • Research work on Dickens and “Christmas Carol” was undertaken during the summer vacation by the teachers and student-members. • After month long hectic rehearsals, the play Christmas Carol was staged on 1 September 2012. Appreciation and accolades poured in from all sides for the quality of direction and acting skills of the participants. • Members enthusiastically participated in the Rang Tarang Talent Contest and the Inter House Nukkad Natak Competition in December. Clubs CHRISTMAS CAROL – ANNUAL PLAY D R A M A T I C S C L U B NUKKAD NATAK ON SOCIAL AWARENESS Clubs Economics Club “In the growth of Indian economy, innovation is emerging as a key driver, although this may neither be apparent nor readily visible.” —National Knowledge Commission The Economics Club aims to develop the learners’ potential to comprehend, analyze and express their views on present trends and changes taking place in the global economy. • Economics club celebrated ‘The International Year of Co- operatives’ by organising an Inter school PowerPoint presentation competition on 26 July 2012 during the Book Week, ‘PULSE’. Students from different schools of Delhi and NCR took part in the competition. Students presented informative and interesting PPTs on various aspects of Co-operative movements in India and abroad. Ms Madhavi Moni, Assistant Professor, Hans Raj College and Ms Vithika Alda from Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi, graced the occasion as judges. • Sustainable development, Inflation, India’s GDP facts & figures were among the various topics given to Commerce and Humanities sections of class XII for the Inter Class Display Board competition held in October 2012. The students eagerly participated and came up with various informative & interesting economics related facts. This was an endeavour towards inculcating creativity & initiative while sensitizing students to economic issues. Clubs Environment Club “Our environment, the world in which we live and work, is a mirror of our attitudes and expectations.” —Earl Nightingale The Environment Club, set up in 2001, has been undertaking various activities to sensitize communities within and outside the school, to protect and preserve our precious environment. • A special morning assembly to celebrate “Earth Day” was conducted by the Senior Department on 24 April 2012. Ms Saumya Mehrotra, a representative from NGO, ‘Batti Gul’ spoke on the importance, causes and resolution of environmental problems. Club incharge, Ms R Manchanda made the students aware of the various environment friendly initiatives taken up by the school. The programme ended with a pledge by all students to work towards conservation of environment. Clubs • Students of Classes VIII to X participated in the Green Olympiad organized by TERI on the 25 August, 2012. Certificates of participation were awarded to the students. • ECOMANIA: An inter-school competition was organized by Air Force Golden Jubilee School on 22 August on the theme ‘Bio-diversity Conservation’. Eleven students from VIII to XI participated. • The vermi-compost pit in the school campus is being monitored and maintained by the Environment club members. • 16 September 2012 was observed as the International Day for the Preservation of Ozone Layer. On this day ‘Ozone Cell’ of the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India, had organized various competitions like poster making, slogan writing and quiz. Members of environment club in the age group of 13-17 participated in the competitions. • Eco Club teachers, Ms S K Jain and Ms Shashi Sahani from the Middle Department along with 50 students from classes VI-VIII visited BBPS, Bhiwadi on Sunday, 26 September 2012 to participate in Go Green Bhiwadi Campaign. The main highlight of the programme was tree plantation drive for Bhiwadi. The children and teachers planted trees and displayed placards with slogans on the importance of tree plantation. Clubs • 5 October 2012, a session on ‘Paper Recycling’ was conducted for students of Environment Club by the organization ‘AKSHAR’. Club members collected used paper and old text books which were deposited with ‘AKSHAR’ for recycling in November. It shall be done periodically, henceforth. • On 30 October, four students from Primary and Middle Department participated in a painting competition organized by Power Finance Corporation Ltd on the theme – ‘Bijli Bachao Unnati Lao’. • Six students participated in slogan writing, poster making and painting competition organized by Ozone Cell, Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India. The school received a ‘Certificate of Appreciation’ for the excellent performance of students. • 16 students of BBPSGR participated in Eco- Festival, Green Mela in Salwan Public School on 15 December 2012. Students bagged second position in the ‘Kabad se Jugad’ event. • The Environment Club stall at the Winter Carnival put up for sale potted medicinal and decorative plants prepared in the school. Calculation of ‘Carbon foot prints’ of individuals and building was done by i-dreams, an NGO working for conservation of our environment. Sale of recycled paper notebooks by NGO Akshar was another highlight of the stall. Clubs • TERI, in collaboration with the Norwegian Embassy, put up an interesting exhibition of 44 paintings by East African artists. The paintings depicted the story of climate change as seen through the eyes of animals. 11 members of the Club visited the exhibition, escorted by the club in-charge, Ms R B Gupta on 29 January 2013. Clubs Formula 1 Club “If a child can’t learn the way we teach, maybe we should teach the way they learn.” — Ignacio Estrada The Formula 1 Club was initiated in the school from this academic session onwards. The F 1 in School Competitions is one of the biggest STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Maths) Competitions in the World. The idea behind the launch of this competition is to engage young minds to promote cross-curricular linkages. Students apply concepts learnt in the school curriculum to design, make and race miniature wooden Formula 1 Car replicas on a 20 meter race track, against other schools. • The official launch of F1 in schools, India was held on 25 October 2012 at Radission Blu Hotel, Greater Noida. The Principal, Mr L V Sehgal, teacher co-ordinator, Ms Nidhi Bajaj and four students attended the launch. • One team in the Intermediate category (classes X-XII) and 2 teams in the Junior Category (classes VII – IX) were enrolled in this newly initiated club. Each of the 17 students got the F1 kit after being enrolled. • Mr. Anirudh from KAPTANMCA TRACKTECH has been guiding the students during school hours. Two such interactions were held on 26 November 2012 and 11 December 2012. • The zone 1 Regionals in which 88 schools participated was held from 9 January to 11 January 2013 at Amity University, Noida. Principal Mr L V Sehgal was the Chief Guest at the Opening Ceremony of the event. Clubs • The teams were judged in as many as 15 individual categories. Following were the results of our three teams• Team ‘BADCAD’ from class XI won the Best Innovative Team Award • Team ‘ALCOR’ from class VIII won the award for Best Pit Display. They will now compete for the Nationals to be held in June-July • Team ‘Shadow Assassins’ from class VII also performed well. Their car was acknowledged as one of the fastest cars and was selected for the Regional Finals that were held on 11 January 2013. Clubs Heritage Club “India is the cradle of human race, the birth place of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend, the grandmother of tradition. Our most valuable and most artistic material in the history of man are treasured up in India only.” — Mark Twain. To preserve, protect and perpetuate our rich legacy of culture and traditions among the young impressionable minds, the Heritage Club was established in the school in 2010. • A meeting was held at the beginning of the session to apprise children about the meaning and need to preserve heritage. • Students of class VI prepared cards based on the theme “Our Heritage” and wrote inspiring messages on the cards. Their efforts were adjudged by Ms Anita Garg, the Headmistress. The activity was monitored by Ms Soma Ganguly. • The students wrote their perceptions about the historical places they had visited during the summer break, as diary entry. Clubs • 70 members of Heritage club along with club incharges Ms Rani Arora and Ms Alka Nagpal visited Birla Mandir and Nehru Samriti on 15 October 2012. They also visited the nearby Buddhist centre, where a Buddhist Monk from Sri Lanka enlightened them about Buddhism and that Centre. Later the group visited Kali Durga Mandir. A report was then written by the members regarding their views and impressions about the visit. • A drawing and painting activity, Mask Making competition on ‘Different Moods of Goddess Durga’ was subsequently organized for club members. Certificates of participation were awarded to all. • The club members participated in a Two-day Philatelic Mela organized Indian Post Office at Lodi Estate. They took part in events like Debate, Drawing and Stamp Exhibition. • Students of class VIII enacted one act play on various issues faced by girls at different stages of life. • A collage making activity was held for club members of class VII on the occasion of Republic Day. Clubs Health And Wellness Club To keep the body in good health is a duty, for otherwise we shall not be able to trim the lamp of wisdom, and keep our mind strong and clear. Water surrounds the lotus flower, but does not wet its petals.” —Lord Buddha The club was initiated for students of senior department from the present academic session, following the guidelines of CBSE. The activities focused upon promoting health and wellbeing among all: • Student members were selected for Health and Wellness Club from classes IX to XI for the session 2012-2013. • A Chemistry Lab Safety Quiz was held in July 2012 for science students of classes XI and XII. A PowerPoint presentation was also shown to the students, which reinforced the ethics of working safely in Chemistry Laboratory. • In the Inter Class Display Board Competition held in July 2012, the themes for classes IX and X were based on health and wellness issues. • A separate section for journals related to health aspects is being maintained in the Senior Library by the Health and Wellness Club members. Two magazines, “Swasthya Rakshak” and “Complete Wellbeing” are being subscribed. Clubs • A speech to create awareness regarding ill-effects of consumption of junk food was delivered in the Morning Assembly Programme on 14 August 2012 by Ms. Aarti Singhal, TGT French. • Three students from each section of classes IX to XII have been appointed as Cleanliness In-charges to promote cleanliness in their respective classrooms and the corridors outside. • A display board on third floor of the Senior Department is being maintained by the student members of Health and Wellness Club. The Display is regularly updated to focus on different aspects that promote health and wellbeing of an individual. • The club members were shown videos on food wastage that is taking place in our country and the world at large. The videos also gave detailed explanations regarding how to prevent food wastage. Members were encouraged to write their views about the issue and the steps they propose to take to prevent wastage at an individual level. • Students participated in “The Grand Adolefest 2012” – The Annual Inter School Adolescent Festival at National Science Centre, Pragati Maidan. The Fest was organized by Expression India & National Science Centre on 21 December 2012. Six club members participated in Poster Presentation and Quiz competition on life skills, values, Health & Wellness. POSTER MADE BY OUR STUDENTS AT ADOLEFEST Clubs Interact Club “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” —Mahatma Gandhi It was with the purpose of developing concern for the society and world at large, that the Interact Club was initiated in the school. • Interact club members of Senior Department visited the NGO “Goonj” on 28 April 2012. The NGO is actively involved in providing charitable services to the weaker sections of our society. It was an eye opener for the students as to how the old & new uniforms, notebooks, stationery are re-used & the material is provided to the slum schools & villages across the country. Contributions such as, uniforms, old books, stationery etc. were collected and donated to NGO Goonj. Clubs • On 2 May 2012 Valedictory Function of “Delhi School Literacy Project” was organised by Springdales School, Dhaula Kuan. The function was attended by Ms Meena Malhotra, Interact club-incharge along with the students who were a part of this prestigious project in the session 201112. LEARNER OF A BBPS STUDENT AT VALEDICTORY FUNCTION OF DELHI SCHOOL LITERACY PROJECT VALEDICTORY FUNCTION OF DELHI SCHOOL LITERACY PROJECT • “Each One Teach One” project under the “Delhi School Literacy Project” has also been initiated for the session 2012-13. 145 students of Classes VI to XI have been enrolled and Part I, II & III of Meri Kitab has been distributed to the students to spread literacy. Clubs • Seven students of the club from class XI participated in an Inter School Slogan/Poster/ Cartoon Making Event held at Apeejay School, Pitampura. • Students of the club participated in Poster Making and Quiz competition based on mental health and social issues organized by Expressions India at National Science Centre, Pragati Maidan. Certificates of participation were awarded to the students. • A kick off campaign ‘Steer to Safety’ – Programme of PVR Nest, an NGO was conducted on 20 September 2012. Representatives from various schools of Delhi were invited for the orientation session in the august company of Honorable Chief Minister, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, Smt Sheila Dixit and noted social activist & renowned classical dancer, Ms Mallika Sarabhai. The event was attended by Ms Meena Malhotra and Ms Pooja Seth, club coordinators. • A knowledge session on ‘Steer to Safety’ was conducted for students of class X & XI in school premises on 8 October 2012. Students were sensitized to the issue of Road Safety through a one-hour dance presentation that was held for each class. STEER TO SAFETY PROGRAMME Clubs • Ms Meena Malhotra & Ms Pooja Seth, Interact Club incharges visited NGO – Kalakar Kendra, Katputli Colony, Shadipur, New Delhi on 27 November 2012 where they interacted with the performers of Katputli - a dying art. • Funds were raised from students and donated to Red Cross Society and National Foundation for Communal Harmony. • On the occasion of Winter Carnival, funds raised by Interact Club members were donated to the NGO ‘Prateek’- an NGO working for special children. … AT WINTER CARNIVAL • At the Interact Club stall in the Winter Carnival, handicrafts, such as, decorative mirrors, photo frames etc. made by students were auctioned. The money thus raised would be used for charity purposes in future. • As an Interact club initiative, aesthetically painted scrolls bearing relevant quotations and illustrations on road safety were displayed on the school building on the occasion of Winter Carnival. Pamphlets emphasizing the same aspect were distributed amongst the visitors. The initiative sought to reinforce Road Safety ethics among visitors. … RAISING FUNDS Clubs Literary Club “Books are humanity in print.” — Barbara W. Tuchman To inculcate a love of reading amongst students, the Literary Club, formerly known as the Book Club, was initiated in the year 2008. Since then the club has expanded, both, in terms of number of members and the wide range of activities that are organized regularly. • The first venture of the Club in the session 2012-13 was celebration of “World Book Day” in Senior department. This constituted of : − Book Jacket Designing competition on 19 April 2012 − Interactive session with renowned writer & child psychologist, Dr Ira Saxena on 23 April 2012. • The Literary Club organised an English Calligraphy competition on 9 May 2012 for the students of Primary Department. It was a creative and fruitful exercise for the students, as they got the opportunity to marvel and practice proper strokes in cursive writing. Students were awarded certificates and prizes. Clubs • The Literary Club organised an Interactive session with Ms Neelima Sinha, an eminent writer of Children’s Books on 18 July 2012 in the senior library for members of the senior department. • The 18th Delhi Book Fair with its focus on e-books was visited by the staff and student members of the club on 6 and 7 September 2012. • Scholastic Book Fair was organized from 12 to 14 September 2012 at PR campus. • On 31 July 2012, an Interactive session on ‘Designing a Family Newspaper’ was conducted for Literary club members of Middle Department. The format of the newspaper, methods and techniques of designing the front page were discussed. Students prepared the front page of the family newspaper and their work was assessed on parameters of creativity, content, presentation and overall impact. Clubs • Club members of Classes XI & XII regularly share book reviews with students of class IX & X in the zero periods on Wednesdays and Fridays. Books like Hardy Boys series by Franklin W Dixon, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank and A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khalid Hosseni have been discussed. This step has been taken to promote reading habits amongst students. • A Book Reading Session was held on 20 December 2012. Excerpts from the works of Paulo Coelho, Khalid Hosseini, Vikram Seth and Chetan Bhagat were read out to club members by 10 selected students. • 26 members of the Literary Club along with Ms Rita Razdan, Senior Librarian visited the British Council library on 14 December 2012. The students were taken on a guided tour by Mr Vikrant Sharma, Executive Metro Libraries and Cultural Centers. The electronic system of issue and return of books was explained to the group. The unique system of book display was appreciated by the students. • Mr Amitabha Bagchi, renowned writer was interviewed by Literary Club members on 19 January 2013 at his residence at Panchsheel, Delhi. The members were escorted by literary club incharges Ms Radha Nair and Ms Rita Razdan. During the interview, the author shared information about his books, his personal and professional life and his views on the art of creative writing. • A Book Discussion on Hemmingway’s Old Man and the Sea was organized on 4 February 2013. • Members visited the World Book Fair at Pragati Maidan on 7 & 8 February 2013. Clubs Quizzing Club “Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.” —Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam The Quizzing club was initiated in the school in 2012 in association with the organisation, Greycells. The club aims to instill a sense of curiosity among the students and train them in critical observation & strategic thinking. • Second Module of the Quizzing Club was held from 19 March till 23 March 2012. Additionally, thirty students enrolled as members of the club in April, 2012. Consequently, Sessions for junior and senior groups were conducted separately. Mock Quiz were regularly conducted for the members. • Third Module was held from 7 May to 12 May 2012 . It culminated in an Inter House Competition-‘Question Hour’ organised by the Secondary Department in association with the Quizzing Club on 11 May 2012. Mr Gautam Bose was the quiz master of this exciting & highly competitive two hour long programme. The Ouizzing Club members of all departments attended the programme. Clubs • The members enhanced their skills by participating in a number of Inter School Quiz Competitions. The team comprising Deepansh Gupta, Aakarsh Aryan and Jagrit Singh of class X qualified for the final round of Checkered Flag: Inter school Motor Sports Quiz - organized on behalf of Jaypee Sports International Limited that was held on 3 September 2012. • During the Astronomy week celebrations, under the guidance of club incharge Ms. Neenu Singh, the club members conducted an Astronomy Quiz for the selected students of class VIII on 9 October 2013. Akshay Kumar Gupta of class XII D was the Quiz Master. • The club members participated in a wide array of Inter School Quiz Competitions, such as, Ninth Japan quiz, CBSE Heritage Quiz etc. A session in progress … Clubs Robotics Club “Minds are like parachutes… They only work when open.” - Anonymous Set up in collaboration with A-Set Training & Research Institute, the Robotics Club aims to build a strong base in computer programming and artificial intelligence among students. Robotics club organized various activities for students of Module I, II and III. Students’ scientific skills, in particular, were enriched with hands on learning experience that they gained while working on following electronics projects: − − − − − − Fabrication of amplifier circuit diagram Testing of Amplifier Digital electronics consisted of memory circuits with flip-flops, resistors and counters Fabrication and designing of shift resistor Application of microprocessor in robotics Practical applications of sensor based circuit in robotics. Clubs Scouts and Guides Club “WE are the leaders, we have been waiting for” — Sweet Honey of Rock Music Band The school, in 2012, became a member of Scouting, a “voluntary, non-political, educational movement” started by Lord Baden Powell. This Club provides yet another means to promote life skills among the learners as the purpose of Scouting is “to contribute to the development of young people in achieving their full physical, intellectual, social and spiritual potentials as individuals, as responsible citizens and as members of local, national and international communities.” Practical Sessions for members of Scouts & Guides Club were organised in the school premises on 27 October 2012 and 9 February 2013. Cubs and Bulbuls were taught the following activities: • • • • • • • Scouting Standing Commands Scouting Prayer Scouting Flag Song Scouting Sign, Salute & Left Hand Shake Scouting Yell How to tie a Flag First Aid • • • • • • How to make stretcher Scouting Claps Hand Signals & Whistle Signals Square Knot , Bowline Knot & Hand Cuff Knot Tripod Stand Cooking without utensils Clubs Tod Fod Jod Club “The function of education is to teach one to think critically and to work intensively.” —Martin Luther The Tod Fod Jod Club under National Innovation Council, Planning Commission, India was initiated in our school on 4 September 2012, for students of Middle Department, following the guidelines of CBSE, to develop analytical & scientific skills among children: • In the introductory session that was held on 4 September 2012, the club members were briefed about the aim of the club. • The session held on 12 September 2012 focused on battery torch. The students observed all components of the battery torch & discussed their functions. • The session held on 23 September 2012 focused on dismantling of dry cell in order to understand its components, composition and working of the cell. • On 15 October 2012, the session aimed at innovative scientific ways to use waste material. Students prepared a working boat from waste materials like CD cover, outer structure of iron, battery and motor of a remote controlled car. Clubs • On 8 November 2012, students were guided to dismantle the remote control used for T.V. sets They studied and observed its different parts minutely and later made a chart displaying different components of the remote. • On 27 November 2012, students were taught to make a hovercraft using a CD, a sipper, tape and balloons. • Students learnt to make a drill machine using a toy clip, motor and allpins, in the session held on 21 December 2012. • On 26 December 2012 students made a motor boat. They dismantled a toy car to take out its circuit. Using the circuit, plastic bottle, cells and fan they made a motorboat which could be operated using the remote of the toy car. • Tod Fod Jod Mela was held on 21 January 2013 in Modern School, Barakhamba Road. 22 Students participated in the Mela with 11 ‘Jod’ Materials. Through a demonstration, the students explained each of their eleven ‘jods’ in an impressive way. Chief Guest, Mr Sam Pitroda appreciated the efforts of students. Certificates of Appreciation were awarded to teachers and the students received Certificates of Participation. Clubs CELEBRATING NATIONAL YEAR OF MATHEMATICS To celebrate the National Year of Mathematics, a number of activities were held in the Middle Department. Students of class VI prepared bookmarks based on types of angles depicting examples from daily life. Class VII students prepared table mats using concepts of quadrilaterals and triangles. Students of class VIII made folders using quadrilateral shapes. During Book Week, Pulse, participants designed paper costumes and accessories using different mathematical shapes and concepts. Clubs Newspaper In Education Programme (NIE) The 21st century world that we have stepped into, powered by technology and spurred by evolution, is constantly in a state of flux. As we prepare our young pioneers to be the leaders of tomorrow, the multifaceted NIE programme while enlightening these young minds also helps in making learning fun. The school is a member of the Quest Programme of the Indian Express, PACE Programme of the Hindustan Times and the NIE Programme of The Times of India and The Hindu, each. In addition, we also subscribe to The Statesman. The special Student Editions of each of these newspapers (except The Statesman) are customized to cater to the needs of students of different age groups. Besides, these provide a platform to our young learners to express their creative abilities. Workshops on a wide range of topics conducted by eminent resource persons, interesting movie fests, educational excursions, and a variety of inter school competitions etc. help in enriching the educational process at school. As a part of the Idea Exchange Programme of The Indian Express, our students got an opportunity to interact with Mr. Nitin Gadkari, the Bhartiya Janta Party President, along with the journalists and editorial members of the newspaper. The school was able to showcase its philosophy, important events, achievements etc. through the article Know Your School published in Section II of The Statesman on 15 November, 2012. All students of class VIII & IX got an opportunity to participate in HDFC Life Spell Bee India Spells 2013 conducted by The Times of India under the aegis of its school progrmme, NIE. 15 students qualified for the City Level Round. Further, the Times NIE Student of the Year Award, the Indian Express’ Student of the Year Certificate and Statesman’s Best Student of the Year Trophy encourage and honour noteworthy budding talents in academia and beyond. The NIE Programme thus based on information, education and entertainment goes a long way in preparing the learners for the dynamic environment of tomorrow. SCHOOL FUNCTIONS “Where is life we have lost in living? Where is wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is knowledge we have lost in information? — T.S. Eliot Our challenge as educators lies in not simply giving information to our students but teaching them how to use it. Education that fosters creativity, promotes critical thinking and develops communication skills is the need of the hour. Thus, a wide array of school functions and programmes are regularly organized that provide a stimulating environment that “give wings to the divine fire” within each learner and “fill the world with the glow of its goodness.” Here is a sneak peek at the functions that marked the school calendar this session… School Functions Satrarambh Ceremony Prayer and purification marked the commencement of the new academic session 2012-2013.The ceremony commenced with the lighting of the traditional lamp. The school choir paid obeisance to Lord Ganesha & Goddess Saraswati with eloquent hymns. Dr Menka Sharma, PGT (Sanskrit) exhorted students to value the blessings of good education and model themselves as righteous individuals. This was followed by ‘HAVAN’ ceremony conducted by Pandit Lalit Prasad Mishra. The programme concluded with melodious Bhajans presented by Mr Suman Kumar Jha, TGT (Music). School Functions Annual Day The school celebrated its Annual Day on 7 April, 2012. Distinguished Mr B V Selvaraj, Principal Secretary to Govt of NCT of Delhi, General Administration Deptt, Labour and Administration, graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. Illustrious kathak exponent Guru Gitanjali Lal was the Guest of Honour while noted theatre personality, Ms Lushin Dubey was the Special Guest. The Principal, Mr L V Sehgal delivered the welcome address and presented the Annual Report of school for the session 2011-12. Through an impressive Audio Visual Presentation, the activities & achievements of school and students during the session were highlighted. About 165 students received prizes for scholastic and coscholastic achievements. Mr J C Ajmani (Secretary) Manager proposed the vote of thanks. An enthralling Cultural Programme besides an Exhibition of photographs, art & craft work, showcasing the creativity and imagination of students provided a feast for the aesthetic sensibilities of the visitors. School Functions Virasat - SPIC MACAY Fest A cultural fest was organised under the aegis of SPIC MACAY on 18 April 2012. Pandit Biswajit Roy Chowdhary, a celebrated sarod and sitar player and a disciple of Ustad Amjad Ali Khan graced the occasion for a lecture- demonstration session. Shri Nishith Chatterjee accompanied him on the tabla. After the lamp lighting ceremony, the renowned musician presented a recital of Raag Jaunpuri in Teen Taal. The presentation was followed by an interactive session. The programme that was also attended by the teachers and students of neighbouring schools was found to be greatly beneficial. Under the aegis of SPIC MACAY, a five day calligraphy workshop was organised for the students of Middle Department from 30 April to 4 May 2012. 55 students were enrolled for the workshop. The resource person was the National Award Winner, Mr Anees H Sidhki. School Functions Superannuation Ceremony A farewell ceremony was organized on the occasion of the superannuation of three staff members on 18 May 2012. The Principal, Mr L V Sehgal along with executive members of the PTA and Alumni Association and the staff members felicitated the three stalwarts, Ms Ramesh Manchanda (PGT Chemistry), Ms Vibha Chopra (Assistant Teacher Dance), Mr Indu Nath Mishra (Support Staff) with citations and mementos. PULSE 2012-13: A Zestful Expression Of Talent The school organized its 9th Annual Inter School Event – PULSE- from 25 to 27 July 2012. About 475 students from prestigious schools of Delhi and NCR participated in the fourteen wide ranging competitions comprising the event. The school’s team scored the highest. Being the host team, the winning trophy was passed on to the school at the second position. School Functions Annual Summer Project Exhibition Annual Summer Project and Activities Exhibition was organized at PR campus on 9 August 2012 to display the work done during the Activity Week and Summer vacation. The theme chosen for the Exhibition was ‘Colours’ whereas topics selected for the Activity Week were: ‘Flowers’ for PS, ‘Festivals’ for PP and ‘Best out of Waste’ for Primary classes. Mr. Rajesh Bhatia, Councillor MCD was the Chief Guest. Mr. Lalit Kumar (GOONJ, an NGO) was the Guest of Honour. The Art Corner overflowed with creative endeavours like desk organizers, Worli paintings, traditional strings, bandhanwars & paper flowers. Book covers, hand puppets and story charts were the highlights of Library Corner. A counter for parenting provided useful information for the parents. The NIE corner highlighted the importance of newspaper reading in our life. School Functions Independence Day Independence Day was celebrated in the school on 15 August 2012. The Principal, Mr L V Sehgal hoisted the National Flag. It was followed by a melodious presentation of the National Anthem, sung with great patriotic fervour by all present. Next, the school choir presented a medley of songs expressing their love for the Nation. Through an enlightening speech by Mridula Dawar (XII F) the significance of the day was highlighted and a tribute was paid to all those who sacrificed their lives for the welfare of the Nation. The Principal, in his address, urged the youth to work enthusiastically and sincerely towards achieving their goals. He emphasized the important role that the Youth has to play in progress of the nation. The Programme concluded with distribution of sweets to all present. School Functions Annual English Play- 2012 The Dramatics Club of the school showcased an adaptation of the novella - A Christmas Carol- written by the literary genius, Charles Dickens - on 1 September 2012 in the school auditorium. Staging this play was a tribute to Dickens in the year of his bicentenary celebrations all over the world. Ms Rittika Parukh, Assistant Director, British Council graced the occasion as the Guest of Honour. The entertaining and soul-stirring presentation by 75 budding theater artistes of the school celebrated the spirit of Christmas and the good it inspires in all. The august gathering included Ms Priyanka Sachdeva, Principal, Shishu Bharati School, Ajmeri Gate; Mr J C Ajmani, IFS (Retd.), Secretary (Manager) of the school and Executive Director, CES; Ms Neena Sahni, Advisor, Montessori Departments at Bal Bharati Public Schools; Ms Nanu Rekhi, Principal, NTTI, BBPS; members of the PTA and Alumni; parents of the participants and staff members. Ms Rittika Parukh was full of appreciation for the remarkable presentation which according to her was “an Oscar winning performance.” School Functions Teachers' Day Celebrations (4 September 2012) At GR and PR Campus each, a special joint assembly was organized on 4 September 2012 to commemorate Teachers’ Day. At GR campus, Vice Principal, Ms Gangwani; Headmistress, Ms Garg and office bearers of all the three departments, paid a floral tribute to Dr Radhakrishnan with strains of ‘Guru Vandana’ reverberating in the background. The significance of the day was explained by Prachi Pal of Class XI in her speech. The cultural programme included vocal and instrumental items and a contemporary dance item ‘Ritu Rang’. Vice Principal, Ms Gangwani, in her speech emphasized the need to nurture the bond between students and teachers. At PR campus, the programme commenced with a floral tribute to Dr Radhakrishnan by the Headmistress, Ms Mamta Malik. This was followed by ’Shloka Recital’ highlighting the significance of guru mahima, by students of class III. The mythological story, ‘Eklavya’ was also enacted on the occasion. School Functions Teachers’ Day Celebration (5 September 2012) On the evening of 5 September 2012, following an enthralling cultural programme, Ms Nanda Nair (TGT Music); Ms Rita Razdan (TGT Librarian); Ms Shashi Bhatnagar (TGT Hindi) and Mr Swapan Karmakar (TGT Arts) were honoured on their completion of 25 years of service to the school. Mr Sehgal, the Principal was felicitated by the members of staff, PTA and the Alumni Association for the prestigious National Award to Teacher 2011 that had been conferred upon him by the hon’ble President, Sh. Pranab Mukherjee. The special segment of the programme to honour Mr L V Sehgal began with a short film on Mr Sehgal’s journey as a great leader. It was followed by an address by Vice-Principal Ms Geeta Gangwani congratulating and appreciating the sagacious efforts of the Principal. The programme ended with an address by the Principal dedicating the award to the staff members and motivating all to achieve new milestones. School Functions Annual Athletic Meet and P.T. Display 2012 Annual Athletic Meet and P.T. Display was held separately for each department. This was done to ensure participation of maximum number of students from each department in various sporting events and drills. The programme for each department was held at the PR campus playfields. It consisted of impressive March Past, a series of energetic track and field events, namely, 100 m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 4 X100m Relay races, Long Jump, High Jump and Shot-put followed by rhythmic and well coordinated drills and display of yogic asana. The presence of eminent guests at each of the Meets encouraged students to strive for excellence in sports. School Functions Details of Athletic Meet of each Department . . . Department Montessori Primary , Road Date of Meet and 10-12 October 2012 Pusa Chief Guest Mr Vinay Lamba, eminent cricketer Best Athlete Boy -------------- Best Athlete Girl ------------ Primary, GRH Marg 6-7 November 2012 Mr.Gursharan Sarthak Sudan (V-B) Vanshita Singh Singh, ace Cricketer Anurag Juneja (V D) (V B) Middle Department 6-7 September 2012 Mr. Lalit Prasad, Ashish Bali (VIII A) Indian Boxing Coach and nine times boxing champion Divya Chakrawarti (VIII C) Sr. 25 October-3 Mr. Surender Vansh Chadha(XH) November 2012 Chamanlal Khanna, Anveshak Tajendra International (XI G) Cricketer (Chief Guest) Mr. Shravan Kumar, renowned Cricket coach (Guest of Honour ) Peehu Kukreti (IX G) Natasha Lall (XI E) Senior & Secondary Department School Functions Investiture Ceremony Investiture Ceremony was held by each Department to induct its team of office bearers and prefects. The newly appointed members of the Prefectural Board respectfully echoed their oath at the swearing in ceremony. The members were given their badges. The outgoing teams handed over the charge to the new teams. Following are the team heads of different Departments: Department Head Boy Head Girl Primary (PR Campus) Poorav Dhingra Suhani Grover Primary (GR Campus) Japman Arneja Vanshita Sharma Middle Kartik Pratap Singh Aashna Mahendru Sec. & Sr. Sec. Shivam Gakhar Aadya Ahuja School Functions Cleanliness and Display Board Competition 2012 An annual feature of the school, the Cleanliness and Display Board Competition was organized in two phases, namely, Phase I on 20 July 2012; and Phase II on 20 October 2012. Carefully selected varied themes were given to different classes. The Display Boards were judged by faculty members appointed for the task. They were impressed by the creativity unleashed and the research work undertaken by the students. In the final outcome, the winning section of each class was: IV-D; V-C; VI-H; VII-A, VIII-H, IX-H, X-H, XI-B and XII-A. In the PR Campus, the results for both the phases were given individually. In the first round, PS-C , PP-E, I B, II F and III F stood first while in the second round, PS D, PP E, I B , IIF and III A emerged as the Winners. Rang Tarang The 6th Cultural Fiesta, Rang Tarang- a Talent Hunt Contest was held from 7 to 16 December 2012. The event showcased performances of students from Pre Primary to class XII in the four categories- Vocal Music, Instrumental Music, Dance and Dramatics. Spread over nine days, the event witnessed 786 participatory entries and was an exuberant display of immense talent. Suhani Grover of class III E and Tushita Srivastava of VI G got special Recognition and Honour respectively, for their outstanding performances in all categories. Pranshu Sharma of class VIII F was adjudged as the ‘Star of Rang Tarang 2012’. School Functions Rang Tarang School Functions Winter Carnival Winter Carnival of the school was organized on Sunday, 23 December 2012. The campus of the school was richly decorated reflecting the spirit of Christmas. Live performances by the school band – Megahertz; the innovative dance group- Spunk- the DJ stall and Parade by the students of Primary department dressed as fairies, clowns, Walt Disney’s characters and Santa Clauses, too, added to the spirit of cheer & celebrations. The galore of activities also included a Baby Show, Antakshri organized by the PTA and Bingo by the Alumni and Raffle draw. There were also a variety of rides and games & food stalls. Amidst the fun and festivity too, the school’s concern for the society was evident. The Interact Club promoted Road Safety through its campaign- “Steer to Safety: Alive today – Alive tomorrow”. Aesthetically painted scrolls bearing relevant quotations and illustrations on road safety were displayed on the school building. Pamphlets emphasizing the same aspect were distributed among the visitors. On the occasion, funds raised by the Club members were donated to an NGO, Prateek catering to children with special needs. The Environment Club members sold eco-friendly products made by students and potted medicinal plants. In addition, the executives of i-dream, an interactive environment education company calculated the carbon footprints of visitors and suggested ways to reduce environmental degradation. Mr. K.K. Khullar, President, CES and Chairman, Managing Committee, BBPS, GRH Marg, released the Souvenir 2012 in the presence of Mr. J.C. Ajmani, Secretary (Manager) of the school and Executive Director, CES and Principal Mr L V Sehgal. Addressing the audience, Mr. Khullar emphasized that we must make efforts to become better human beings with each passing day. The occasion was graced by presence of Principals of other BBPS units and CES members. School Functions School Functions Sur Sangeet The Annual Staff Gathering ‘Sur Sangeet’ a programme of devotional songs was organised by Parent Teacher Association on Friday, 28 December 2012, in the auditorium. Mr Sujit Kumar Ojha, an Arya Ratna Awardee and music composer of films and albums in Hindi, Bhojpuri and Punjabi held the audience spell bound with his melodious presentation. The programme concluded with a sumptuous lunch for all. Republic Day Republic Day was celebrated with much enthusiasm on January 26, 2013. The program consisted of a rich medley of patriotic songs presented by the school choir. Head Girl, Aadya Ahuja of XI A talked about the significance of the day. On the occasion, the Principal hoisted the National Flag which was followed by a melodious rendition of the National Anthem. In his address, Principal Mr L V Sehgal emphasized the importance of respecting all religions, castes, cultures and gender. Sweets were distributed to all present. School Functions Farewell to Class XII “Cross Over” – the ceremony was organised by class XI to bid farewell to the outgoing batch of class XII on 9 February 2013. The program consisted of a rich potpourri of dance and musical items as well as the lively musical beats of the ‘dhol’. The citation ceremony was the highlight of the programme which came to an end with a sumptuous lunch organised for the students and staff members. Aashirvachan Samaroh 2013 A formal farewell for the outgoing class XII was organised on 21 February 2013. The ceremony commenced with the rendition of Ganesh Stuti by the Deputy Head boy, Aditya Roy. The main highlight of the programme was a motivational presentation by the guest speaker, Mr Rajiv Gokhlani, GM Learning and Development HRD from FIITJEE. Mr Gokhlani used effective videos and his powerful oratory to interact with the students and ingrain a sense of responsibility towards their approach to the examinations. He also stressed the importance of having a positive attitude and transforming themselves through it. The programme concluded with the blessings of the Vice Principal, Ms Geeta Gangwani who also proposed the vote of thanks. School Functions Music & Dance Programme Music & Dance programme was put up by students of PR campus on 12 February, 2013 in the school auditorium to showcase their singing and dancing acumen. The programme started with a melodious welcome song by students of Class III followed by a performance of Class III singers and Class I dancers on Basant and Phagun. Students of Class II put up a classical performance “Kaal Bhairav Ashtakam”, depicting the rudra roop of Lord Shiva. The programme ended with a contemporary dance item by students of class III performed to a patriotic number. School Functions Graduation Ceremony Graduation ceremony for the outgoing class of the Montessori Department took place on 15 March and 16 March 2013. The programme commenced with the lighting of the lamp by the Principal, Mr L V Sehgal. A cultural programme was presented by the students of both Montessori and Primary Department. The young graduates, attired in graduation cloaks and hats received their certificates. An impressive PowerPoint Presentation informing parents regarding the system of working in the Primary Department was presented by the Headmistress, Ms. Mamta Malik, on the occasion. Result Declaration The Result Declaration ceremony for all departments of GR and PR campus was held on separate days from 20 to 30 March 2013. The Parent Teacher Association of the school felicitated the meritorious students in both scholastic & co-scholastic areas. Parents attended the ceremony in large numbers. Result synopsis was shared with the parents. The Principal, Mr L V Sehgal congratulated students for their brilliant performance. The Primary Dept (GR) organised its Annual Orientation programme to welcome students of class IV on 22 March 2013. Present on the occasion were the Principal, Mr. LV Sehgal and members of PTA. The Headmistress, Ms. Anita Garg apprised the audience regarding the academic and co-curricular activities for the year. GLOBAL ACTIVITIES “The world is my country; all mankind my brethren, and to do good is my religion.” — Thomas Paine The new world of the 21st Century that we have stepped into is a global village- an interconnected world marked by rapid technological advancement and instantaneous global communication networks. This world holds the promise of new vistas and opportunities for our young learners. Our curriculum is imbued with a distinct international perspective. Through a broad spectrum of activities/competitions/projects, we guide our learners to celebrate the unique characteristics of different people, cultures and traditions across the globe as well as value these as “manifestations of the richness of our shared creativity.” We constantly endeavour to promote the concept of global citizenship by creating opportunities for collaborative learning and thereby pave way for world peace. Presented below are the highlights of our foray into internationalism… Global Activities International School Award The school became proud recipient of the International School Award for the second time, for tenure of three years (2012-15). This prestigious International School Award is an accreditation scheme instituted by British Council. It is a global benchmarking project that recognizes the outstanding work done by schools that are committed to developing international learning in their curriculum. Ms. Geeta Gangwani, Vice Principal and Ms. Reetu Dawar, Assistant Teacher received the Award on behalf of the school in a Ceremony held in Mumbai on 19 November 2012. The school was also honored with an Award for excellent performance in the BBC News School Report Exemplars which was one amongst the various projects included in the program, Connecting Classrooms. The project was done in partnership with BBC News with the aim to develop journalistic skills of young people in schools. Continuing with our efforts to promote global citizenship, the following activities undertaken as a part of the ISA Project, helped to incorporate international dimension to the curriculum: Global Activities Earth Week Earth Week was celebrated from 20 to 26 April 2012 at the Pusa Road Campus to sensitize the students towards the need to save and protect our planet. A special joint assembly was organized on 20th April 2012 to commence the Earth Day celebrations. A pledge was taken to save mother Earth and Run For Earth was organized on the occasion. During the week long celebrations, through different activities, students were made aware of the need and benefits of waste management and use of eco- friendly things. On 26 April, a number of competitions were organised for different classes - Colouring Competition for class I, Paper Bag Making for class II and Poster Making on the theme Save Earth for class III. Global Activities In Unison with Our Mother Earth Students of Middle department organised a special assembly on 25 April 2012 to commemorate the Earth Day. The participants showcased thoughtful messages against deforestation, dehydration and global warming. The importance of 3 R's – Reduce, Recycle and Reusealong with conservation of natural resources was depicted through interesting dialogues and poems. A group dance 'Nritya Bahar' and a melodious musical presentation by the school choir celebrated the spirit of harmony in Nature. The assembly concluded with the students taking an oath to protect the Mother Earth. Global Activities Young Artists on a Global Odyssey An Art Competition as an ISA activity was organized for the students of the Middle Department. The presentations were made from 30 April to 3 May. Eight teams comprising 12 students each, participated in the event and displayed their artistic sensibilities. Each team was allotted a country and they showcased the traditions, culture and lifestyle of the designated country with a set of four objects, namely a candle, card, diya and model of a cake. The judges Ms. Neelu Chopra, former Art teacher of the school and Ms. Shilpi Poddar Das, Assistant Teacher (Art) highlighted the importance of such events that make the children better equipped to face the bigger challenges of life. Global Activities Know Thy World The Children for International Community Club organized a Display Board Competition for class IV and V on 20 July. The theme was ‘Exploring Europe and Asia’ – Monuments and Personalities’. Students of class IV displayed charts, pictures and information related to Asian countries like Pakistan, Thailand, and China. Students of class V collected and exhibited information on European countries like UK, Austria, and Greece. The competition was judged by Headmistress Ms. Anita Garg and Ms. Soma Ganguly, TGT (Art). MUN 2012 The school held its Model United Nations Conference on 17 August 2012. The World Health Assembly was simulated with International Health Security Issues as the agenda. Students took on the roles of delegates, hailing from 40 different countries, which ranged from the developed nations to smaller developing ones. They debated and discussed crucial issues like HIV-AIDS, trans boundary caused by zootoxins diseases such as avian influenza (H5N1) infections which affect animals and humans and finally advocated solutions for global public health security like surveillance, identification and control. The MUN was chaired efficiently by Rohan Dev Talwar and Hisham Ahmed Rizvi both representatives of WORDZ, a Debating Society. The session which lasted more than five hours kept the students rapt in dealing with health issues in a globalized world. Global Activities Model United Nations 2012 in Progress … Global Activities Speak the Speech Characters from Shakespearean Drama dominated the stage on 24 August when the Inter House Competition “Speak the Speech” was organised for classes XI and XII. Famous lines from memorable works of Shakespeare echoed in the auditorium. Participants attired appropriately in the costumes of the characters being portrayed, spoke out their well rehearsed memorable speeches from Shakespeare’s dramas simulating the mood & tone of the speakers effectively. The competition familiarized students with the works and the world of literary genius, Shakespeare. Book Review and Cover Design Competition Students from the Middle Department participated in Book Review Writing and Cover Designing Competition organized in the School Library on 28 August 2012. Having selected any one book by authors, such as, Ruskin Bond, R.K.Narayan, Enid Blyton, Charles Dickens, Roald Dahl, Jonathan Swift, Rudyard Kipling and R L Stevenson, the students wrote book reviews and designed attractive book covers. This activity enabled students to become familiar with the culture & traditions of the time and society being protrayed in these literary works. Mrs. Nita Nijhara, PGT English and Ms. Neelu Chopra, former Art teacher, BBPS were the judges for the activity. Global Activities Lets Talk Books Classical Literature and books that have touched lives all over the world were taken up for analysis in the Inter house Book Discussion Competition – “Lets Talk Books” held on 7 September 2012. The presentation included analysis of the allotted book supplemented by graphic depictions through PowerPoint Presentation. International Day of Peace A special assembly was organized on 21 September in the Primary Department to celebrate International Day of Peace. Students discussed the significance of the day through enlightening talks that stressed upon the need for universal peace. Contributions of leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther, Mother Teresa and Nelson Mandela to the cause of world peace were highlighted. In addition, a short play, a soul stirring song and a mesmerizing dance performance aimed to sensitize students towards this global issue. The program concluded with students taking a pledge to promote peace and harmony. Global Activities Folk Tale Enactment A special assembly highlighting the importance of stories and folk tales across the globe was organized as a prequel to the show and finally, on 28th September 2012, famous Russian folk tale, The Giant Turnip was enacted by students of class III. Global Activities Inter House Fancy Dress competition A Fancy dress competition for Class IV and V was conducted on 12 October2012. The themes for Class IV and V were fairytale characters and traditional dresses from various countries of the world respectively. Little kids in colourful attires spoke about their costumes and characters very confidently. Mr. Amarnath Ghosh, the Drama Teacher and Mrs. Jyotsna Srivastav, TGT Sanskrit adjudged the event. Global Activities Harvest Festivity ‘Harvest Festivity’ an inter-house competition, with a difference, was organized on 18 January, 2013 in the school auditorium. Eight houses of the school represented by four members each, were allotted Harvest festivals, celebrated by countries around the world. The teams collected Harvest related items for display, after researching the culture and rituals associated with the festival. The exhibition was a treat for the eyes. It consisted of displays of food items, costumes and dances typical of the ceremonious occasion. The unique competition portraying the varied ways of celebrating Harvest festival across the world emphasized unity in diversity and won the appreciation of judges and audience alike. Global Activities Global Initiatives/Projects Warming up for London Olympics 2012 Students from our school were selected to perform at ‘Warming up for London Olympics 2012’, a prestigious event held at British Council, Delhi on 19 April 2012. The event was held to celebrate the Olympic spirit and showcase activities and projects undertaken by British Council to generate awareness regarding London Olympics 2012, amongst students in India. Many schools from Delhi & NCR attended the programme. Our choir of 25 students of Middle Department presented a rendition of Olympic song to a rapt audience comprising delegates from London, officials from Education Department, principals and teacher coordinators of various schools. Aadya Ahuja of XI-A was selected after stringent auditions at the British Council, to anchor the event. Global Activities Interactive session for Students of French An interactive session with Mr Romain Bonnaud, project manager with Eurocopter India was organised for French language students of classes IX & X on 15 May 2012 in the senior library. The students welcomed the guest with a French song, a small brief on the importance of French as well as Indo-French relations in today’s world. Next, in a two hour session, with the help of a presentation, Mr. Bonnaud acquainted the students with France its important historical dates, geography, art, culture, gastronomy, fashion, presidential elections, social graces, etc. This was followed by an interactive session in which Mr Bonnaud addressed the queries of the students. Global Activities BCSA Meet Our school has been nominated as the British Council Ambassador School (BCAS) in recognition for the exemplary work done by the school in adding international dimension to its curriculum. Ms Geeta Gangwani, Vice Principal, was nominated as British Council School Ambassador (BCSA) in December 2011. She attended the BCSA meet held in Hyderabad on 6 and 7 August 2012. The Meet was attended by 65 members from across the country. It provided a platform for sharing experiences and challenges confronted by BCSA members as well as setting new objectives for the next session. BCSAs were familiarized with the new programmes initiated by British Council for schools in India. A felicitation ceremony was also held in recognition of the exemplary efforts made by selected BCSAs. Ms Gangwani was one of the seven BCSAs felicitated from North India Region. Global Activities Local Facilitator Induction Programme Vice Principal, Mrs Geeta Gangwani has been selected to act as a Local Facilitator for providing advice and guiding Indian schools participating in the Connecting Classrooms Project under the aegis of British Council. Local facilitator Induction programme was organized by British Council on 7 and 8 August 2012 at Hyderabad. The workshop was attended by 35 Local Facilitators from all over India. The main objective of the event was to hone the presentation and facilitation skills of the participants. The participants worked in pairs to prepare presentations which were assessed by experts and peers. Further, local facilitators will use these skills to conduct orientation and briefings for the new schools joining the Connecting Classrooms and International School Award Projects. Mrs. Geeta Gangwani conducted Mid Term Briefing Session for 40 schools of Delhi, NCR and neighbouring cities on 7th and 8th October 2012 at Hotel Crown Plaza, Okhla. Global Activities Greening with Goethe-International Youth Conference Vaishali Chawla and Swastik Chugh of X-H attended a 3-day International Youth ConferenceGREENING WITH GOETHE held at Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore from the 1 to 3 December 2012. Students from India, Germany, Sri Lanka and the Czech Republic participated in the Conference. The participants made project files, PowerPoint presentations and posters on environmental issues like waste disposal, pollution, biodiversity, energy and mobility. A number of workshops were conducted aiming to analyze various environmental problems and find solutions that can be implemented both at individual and government level. On the last day, a resolution based on the workshops was handed over to Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam for further consideration by the Indian Government. The conference proved to be a good learning experience and helped in defining the role of youth towards protecting environment. Global Activities British Council School Ambassador Presentation As British Council School Ambassador (BCSA) and Local Facilitator (LF), Vice Principal, Ms Geeta Gangwani presented the ‘Case Study’ of BBPSGR, at Hotel Shangri-la on 24 January 2013, to the applicants of International School Award 2013-2016. Supported by a PowerPoint Presentation, Ms Geeta Gangwani showcased the challenges faced by BBPSGR during inculcation of International Dimension to school activities. She also talked about the positive impact of activities nurturing Global Citizenship on students, staff and school. She shared strategies and tips for successful implementation of International Activities in school. Global Activities Global Partnerships Europe Meets India (EUMIND) Organization Foreign delegates from Denmark and Finland - Mr Ilpo Kalevi, Ms Charlotte Frederksen and Ms Gunhild Jensen of the EUMIND group along with Mr D ‘Monte from Birla Vidya Niketan, Pushp Vihar visited our school on 18 October 2012. The group interacted with the Principal and discussed the common concern of nurturing global citizenship. The objective of EUMIND and the kind of activities undertaken were discussed. At PR campus, the visitors took a school tour, witnessed the assembly programme put up by students of Montessori Department. They were familiarized with Montessori system and apparatus. They also observed a Smart class lesson being conducted in a section of class-I in addition to a sports activity in the play ground. The Principal Mr. L.V. Sehgal has been elected as the Vice Chairperson of EUMIND Delhi Chapter. Five schools of Delhi will collaboratively work with schools in Europe on common areas of interest. Selected students from the Middle Department shall be working in groups to prepare an e-journal on the topic, Art, as the first activity. Global Activities German Indian Classroom Programme – BOSCH Project The German Indian Classroom Program constitutes project work carried out over a period of one year with two integrated exchange phases. Under its aegis, our school and Genoveva Gymnasium, Germany have been working collaboratively for a year on a joint curriculum plan titled ‘Who We Are and Where We Are Going – self images and migration in Delhi and Cologne’. Implementation of the project consisted of working on mutually agreed subthemes and sharing the outcomes on fortnightly basis. • The collaboration was executed through bi-weekly discussions and evaluation of work results via Skype, email, social networks etc. and uploading it on a common portal called Pasch Net. • Students explored migration in personal, social and political contexts in their own as well as partner country. • Students from both the schools exchanged introductory videos wherein each partner gave the other a peep into his/ her world. • Next, students started working on the subthemes of the project. They researched every subtheme and conducted interviews of their family members with migration backgrounds. Focusing on immigrant situation in both Delhi and Cologne, they interviewed immigrants from other cities and countries. • The students then explored Xenophobia, concentrating on migrant apprehensions and fears. Global Activities • The results of the study were depicted in the form of pie charts; maps depicting concentration of immigrants in both the cities were also made. Finally, this subtheme was illustrated in newsletters. • Students next examined the push and pull factors causing migration and portrayed these in form of a display board presentation. • PPTs on immigration policies of both India and Germany were prepared. • Visit of German students Our School played host to a 17 member delegation from Genoveva Gymnasium, Cologne, Germany from 27 November to 11 December 2012. The group comprising of 14 students and 3 teachers was here as part of the German Indian Classroom Programme. During the 15 day visit of the German partners, students from both the schools visited Don Bosco Ashalayam, an NGO in Vikaspuri, working for welfare of refugees. They had an opportunity of meeting refugees from Myanmmar, Somalia and Afghanistan. They learnt how such organisations help refugees to integrate into the main stream. They also worked collaboratively on the subject – Migration- A Burden or an Asset. • In April 2013, students will be working on the last two subthemes of the project by writing features depicting impact of immigration on work force, art and culture and mindset in both the cities. They will, then study how an individual is affected by globalisation in a cosmopolitan environment by doing a case study. • The project will culminate in May 2013 with our students visiting the German partner school in Cologne. Global Activities Visit of German Students Global Activities Crossing Borders – International Visits International German Youth Camp in Japan PASCH (Schools -partner of the future) in collaboration with Goethe Institut organized an International German Youth Camp from 26 to 31 March 2012. The camp was held in Chuo National Youth Friendship Centre, Gotemba. Karan Kapoor and Disha Chaddha of class X were among the 90 students from India, China, Korea, Indonesia, Taiwan and Japan who participated in this camp. The main objective of the camp was to create a positive learning environment for students and enable them to develop cross cultural skills. Global Activities Youth Camp in Germany Sameera Malik, Ayushi Suneja and Akshay Gupta of Class X attended a three week camp organized by PASCH, Goethe Institut in Sankt Peter Ording, Germany from 6 May to 26 May 2012.The students got an opportunity to interact with Mr Bahlsmeier, the Mayor of Sankt Peter Ording and Ms Martina Koeppen, member of Social Democratic Party. The students visited places like Hamburg, Flensburg, Tönning, Museums of Germany and the Church of Sankt Peter Ording. The students got a chance to get familiar with the culture and lifestyle of the people of Germany. Global Activities Visit to NASA Twenty nine students accompanied by Ms Anita Garg, Headmistress, Ms Nita Nijhara, PGT English and Ms Ranie Arora, TGT Social Science went for an eleven-day trip to USA-NASA from 11 May-21 May 2012. The tour was organised by Edterra Edventures. The students attended a three-day graduation camp at the Kennedy Space Station, NASA, Orlando(USA) where they got a real life experience of being an astronaut, making and launching of spacecrafts, visit to The Astronaut's Hall of Fame Museum, IMax 3-D show about the launching of Apollo 11 on moon, Hydro-rockets and had a ride of shuttle launch simulator. They also interacted with former Space Shuttle Astronaut, JonA.McBride. The trip culminated with the graduation ceremony where certificates were awarded to both students and teachers. The other attractions of the trip were a full day tour of Orlando Universal Studios, Disney World, Epcot Center, Niagara Falls, Maid of the Mist, Times Square and Empire State Building-New York. Global Activities Expedition to Hong Kong A team of five students escorted by Ms. Anjali Virmani, Convener, Astronomy Club went on a five day long expedition to Hong Kong from 18 to 22 May 2012. The trip was organized by SPACE to understand and witness the Annular Solar Eclipse and to capture the rare Ring of Fire with their personal cameras. Students and teacher-escorts from different schools of Delhi and NCR participated in the programme. Expedition to China Puneeta Bassi of IX-H, Maitreya Sharma and Shubhankar Shershia of X-D went on a seven day expedition to Beijing-Shanghai from 3 to 10 June 2012. The trip was organized by SPACE to witness and capture the Transit of Venus, a phenomenon that will take place again after 105.5 years. This Project was a part of an international initiative taken by prestigious institutes like NASA, ESO, ISRO, JAXA, IAA, IUCAA and USO. Our school was a part of a team of 47 members comprising students and teachers from different schools of Delhi and NCR. Global Activities Principal’s Visit to London Principal, Mr L V Sehgal attended a Principal’s Leadership Programme in London from 24 to 29 June 2012. The programme was organised by Creative Education. Mr Mark Baterip, Project Leader (Asia) was the Resource Person. In all, 17 Principals attended the workshop and were trained regarding school improvement plan. Visit to Germany Pallavi Gupta of X H was one among eight students from India to have won the PAD Scholarship of Goethe Institut. She was in Germany for a one-month study tour. During her stay, she visited different states in Germany like Bonn, Bavaria, Munich and Berlin. Living with a German family and going to a German school was a wonderful learning experience. She got an insight into the German art, culture, music, history and educational system as a result of the visits organized to different museums and universities. Global Activities 2nd Principals’ Conference, South and South East Asia Vice Principal, Ms Geeta Gangwani attended the Conference in Bangkok, Thailand from 17 January to 20 January 2013. It was attended by over 100 delegates from India, Srilanka, Nepal, Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam and Thailand. The two-day Conference focussed on ‘Shaping the Future with Vocational Education: Opportunities and Challenges’. The session on Portal ‘Make it in Germany’ highlighted the vocational opportunities available for students in Germany. The delegates interacted with representatives of companies like Deutsche Bank, BMW and Siemens. The participating schools shared school projects by putting up a display of their school work in the session ‘Market Place’. In the formal farewell held on 19 January 2013, students from PASCH schools of Thailand presented a cultural programme and showcased their collaborative activities through a PowerPoint Presentation. The workshop, apart from enlightening the participants about vocational opportunities also served as a platform for networking with schools worldwide. Global Activities Principal’s Visit to UK Mr L V Sehgal visited the United Kingdom to attend a study tour organized by the British Council from 27 January to 2 February 2013. The tour was designed to focus on policy level engagement in the areas of Science and Mathematics education and Information & Communication Technology. During the tour, the Principal attended a two day course at National College of School Leadership, Nottingham and another one at National Science Learning Centre, Bristol. A day’s visit to the renowned British Educational Training & Technology Show (BETT) at London was also a part of the programme. The study tour provided a forum, through a series of seminars, workshops, round table discussions and conferences, to communicate with International senior leaders in education and master trainers in education and technology. The visit proved to be a very useful and enriching experience. Global Activities Bal Bharati Makes Its Presence Felt at International Inter-School Events Geo-Fest 2012 In the Geofest 2012, an International competition organized by City Montessori School, Lucknow, from 7 to11 September 2012 our team consisting of 6 members participated. Altogether, 57 schools from India and abroad participated in this prestigious competition. Aadya Ahuja of class XI bagged the Consolation prize in GeoTalk, the debate competition. In junior category, our team secured second position in Model Display and Utkarsh Gupta of class IX got the second position in National Geography Olympiad. Our team was also conferred the title of the Most Cooperative Team and received a trophy for the same. Global Activities EUREKA International 2012 Ten students of our school- five each from Primary and Middle Department participated in Eureka International 2012 organized by City Montessori School, Lucknow from 25 to 28 November 2012. From all over India and abroad, 56 schools participated in the competition. The students participated in a series of events like Zerocarboncity-an art competition, Footloose- a dance competition and Touch My Shadow- a computer presentation for the Middle Department students and Pop Art- collage making on the topic Earth 2020, Tintinnabulation and Rendezvous for Primary children. Our school won the Most Enterprising Team Award besides winning the first position among the 56 schools in ‘Pop Art’ Competition (Primary level) and fourth position in ‘Footloose’ (Middle level). Global Activities QUANTA International 2012 Our team of 7 students participated in Quanta 2012- an international competition for Science, Mathematics, Electronics and Mental Ability, organized annually by City Montessori School, Lucknow from 15 to 18 December 2012. The competitions included Acta Mathematica Quiz, Aqua Boat Race, Debate, Science quiz and Insight - Sculpting from Electronic Junk. Abhishek Singhal and Saloni Gupta of class XII bagged the first position in Science Quiz and Prachi Pal of class XI received Honorable Mention Award in the debate. Our school scored a commendable overall 5th position amongst 73 teams from all over India and abroad. PUBLICATIONS Our publications mirror the philosophy, ethos and life of Bal Bharatians, to the world outside in a very comprehensive and effective manner. Sagarika, the annual magazine chronicled the year long activities, events and achievements of the school besides showcasing the creativity, literary genius and artistic skills of our learners. Sagarika Newsline, the quarterly departmental newsletter provided an insight into each department’s highlights for that quarter. Two issues, this session, were theme based – the one for July-September had ‘Science’ as its theme while the next issue for October-December focused upon ‘Mathematics’. The online Sagarika at was posted regularly each month. A variety of themes ranging from festivals, celebration of International Days to social issues etc. were focused upon by each department every month. Our readers also posted their comments & opinions regarding the various issues, through the ‘Feedback’ folder. This facilitated an invaluable two way communication with our audience that the editorial team always looked forward to. On the occasion of Winter Carnival, Souvenir, highlighting important aspects of the previous session was also released. Thus, our publications are an important medium that help us to reach out to the world beyond the confines of Bal Bharati. PTA ACTIVITIES The Parent Teacher Association through its numerous activities makes positive contributions in sustaining the quality of educational transactions that take place within the school. • A Summer Camp was organized by the PTA. It consisted of the following activities:Athletics, Football, Swimming, Judo, Martial Art, Skating and Table Tennis. It was attended by about 700 students. • Coaches for Judo, Skating and Aerobics are facilitated by the PTA. • On Children’s Day, the PTA conducts a Painting Competition for the junior school students. • The PTA felicitates the staff members who complete 25 years of service in the school, on Teacher’s Day. • Students excelling in sports, academics and other activities are duly honoured by the PTA. • A get-together is organized for the staff members annually. • PTA organizes the Antakshri Program every year in the Winter Carnival. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION The Alumni Association of a school is an important entity that connects the past with the future of the organization. New office bearers took charge of Alumni Association of the school on 1 April, 2012 . The sheer love and bonding with their alma mater led the Alumni Association to organize a wide range of activities that enhanced educational experience of Bal Bharatians at large. These were: • A Blood Donation Camp in conjunction with the Indian Red Cross Society was organized. Nearly 50 units of blood was collected. • The Alumni Association felicitated the members of staff who had attained superannuation. These include: Mrs. R. Manchanda, PGT Chemistry; Mrs. Vibha Chopra, TGT Dance; and Mr. Indu Nath Mishra, Support Staff. • The Principal, Mr. L.V. Sehgal was honoured by the Alumni Association, when the ‘National Award to Teachers 2012’ was bestowed upon him, on the occasion of Teachers’ Day. • Alumni from almost 12 batches got together for an annual Picnic organized at Lodhi Gardens in October, 2012. • The Alumni Asosciation organized AlumNITE 2012. Well known film maker, Dibakar Banerjee, an alumnus of the school was the Guest of Honour. The event was also attended by members of Management besides the retired staff members. • A Career Fair was organized for the students of class X and XI in the school premises. Students got an opportunity to interact with experienced professionals from different career backgrounds and executives of different educational / career institutes. This would help students to make informed career choices in future. Tours and Excursions “One’s destination is never a place but a new way of seeing things.” — Henry Miller Travelling unfetters the mind from the constraints of routine life; gives wings to the imagination to soar high and creates everlasting memories. A school trip is a multidimensional learning experience transacted beyond the confines of a classroom, in the joyful company of friends and peers. The academic session 2012-13 saw a variety of excursions being organized. Students of different classes visited Indira Gandhi Memorial, Rail Museum, Dolls’ Museum, Bal Bhavan, Qutub Minar, Akshardhaam, Indira Gandhi Memorial, Azad Hind Gram, Raja Agrasen Ki Baoli and Birla Mandir, to name a few. These left a lasting impression on the young minds because of their religious, cultural and historical significance. Tours and Excursions Appreciation of natural beauty and the value of the outdoor play was brought to fore through fun filled picnics held at the city’s famous gardens, such as Budha Jayanti Park, Talkatora Garden etc. Students were also taken to Mughal Garden. Visit to the NGO Goonj proved to be a unique learning experience for students of class XI and XII. It helped to develop the special ‘connect’ between them and the community, at large. Amongst the outstation trips, visit to Bal Bharati Activity Centre at Solan was regularly organized for students in groups of 40 each. This 3 day & 2 night trip to the Centre was filled with exciting adventure activities that were thoroughly enjoyed by the students. Tours and Excursions Dharamshala, Chandigarh, Pinjore and Chattbir were the other outstation destinations to which trips were organized. Under the aegis of the organization, Science Popularization Association of Communicators and Educators (SPACE), a visit was organized to Hongkong and Beijing-Shangai each with the objective of witnessing rare phenomena in the world of Astronomy. A tour to National Aeronautics & Space Administration (NASA) in the US was also organized for the students. INNOVATIONS AND IMPROVEMENTS “To improve is to change, to be perfect is to change often.” — Winston Churchill In our quest to provide quality learning ambience nestled in secure & safe environs, we consistently change and innovate in order to improve further. Some of the significant initiatives taken in this direction during the academic session are: • The practice of awarding Scholar Badges to students of class VI to XI for outstanding allround performance including, both scholastic and co-scholastic areas, has been introduced. Achievers with high scores were felicitated with Scholar Badges on the Result Declaration Day. • The issue of Bullying in school among young children was dealt with in an innovative manner through a Puppet Show conducted by SIFE, an NGO run by students of Shri Ram College of Commerce. The puppets depicting modern characters emphasized the ill effects of bullying to the rapt audience. • To promote the spirit of adventure among our young learners, a day long camp was organized in the school premises on 6 October, 2012 for students of Pre-Primary. Activities included adventures sports, such as Burma Bridge and Net Climbing, screening of popular cartoon movies and music & dance items. Innovations and Improvements • New Clubs have been introduced to add yet another dimension to provide varied learning avenues to our students. These are: Health & Wellness Club has been initiated in the Senior Department as per the guidelines of CBSE. The club activities focused on creating awareness regarding various aspects that contribute to health and wellbeing of an individual, such as, ‘Knowing your body’, ‘Being responsible and safe behaviour’ etc. Tod Fod Jod Club has been started in the Middle Department to promote scientific temperament and skills among learners. Formula 1 Club has been initiated in the school. It enables students to see themselves in leadership roles by managing their own F-1 Teams. Confidence is built, the young minds are ignited to create which leads to over all personality development. • Life Skill Worksheets were prepared for classes IX and X to facilitate the assessment of life skills of learners in a uniform manner. • The school is going to introduce Front Office Management-I and Front Office Management-II as Vocational subjects for students of Humanities with effect from session 2013-14. • Robert Bosch Project, a year long project with Genoveva Gymnasium, Koln, Germany on ‘Migration’ was initiated under the aegis of Robert Stiftung and Goethe Institute, New Delhi. The various activities/projects undertaken as a part of the programme have enriched the school curriculum with an additional international perspective. • To motivate students to be physically fit, the practice of assessing the fitness level and maintaining its record through Fitness Cards has been introduced for classes VI – XI. The Fitness Card reflects the fitness status of students as per the Minimum fitness programme of the school. Innovations and Improvements • Well maintained excellent facilities for Sports is the hallmark of the school. These have been further improved: The facility for practice cricket pitch complete with nets has been made available in the playground at the GR Campus. Skating rink has been constructed at the GR campus. Basketball Boards along with poles have been set up at the PR campus. • The school constantly upgrades existing facilities to enhance learning outcomes: Computers have been provided in Engineering Graphics’ room following the introduction of CAD in Engineering Graphics syllabus. Interactive Boards have been fitted in classes VII & VIII. The interactive boards have features like Animations, Graphs, Pictures, Diagrams, Use of stylus, MCQs, Worksheets etc. All these features help to make learning more effective. Existing facilities in the three libraries of the school, the library at PR Campus, the Junior Library and Senior Library at GR Campus - have been further enhanced with the installation of Projector and Screen in each one of them. The library in the Middle Department has been fitted with air-conditioners. The Primary Computer Laboratory at GR Campus as well as the Medical Room at PR Campus have also been fitted with an air conditioner each. Junior Physics Laboratory has been renovated. Graphite slabs along with sinks have been provided. Adequate wood work has been done in addition to tiling the floors. CFLs have also been fitted. Glass shelves have replaced the wooden ones in the Senior Chemistry Laboratory. Innovations and Improvements • Infrastructure Development initiatives to improve the environs and make them more safe and secure for all stakeholders include the following: The Conference Room, the Principal’s office and the Administrative block have been renovated. Special automatic water controller has been fitted to check over-spilling in the MCD water tank, thereby reducing wastage of water. UV Water Filtration Plant of 2000 litres has been installed at the GR campus. Filtered running water for drinking is available in the entire campus. The quality of water is tested periodically. RBT wire fencing has been fitted in the playground of PR campus for additional protection. Two more generators have been purchased, one for PR campus and the other for GR campus. These will provide round the clock electricity to all buildings of the school. Sensor taps have been fitted in the washrooms at the reception for water conservation. Pushmatic taps have been fitted in the washrooms of the Primary Department for convenience of students. A washroom has been constructed in the parking area while Stand- in-Urinals have been provided in Primary Boys washroom. Stainless steel signage for classrooms and activity rooms have replaced the acrylic ones. Mirrors have been fitted in the Junior Dance Room. • The mural on the wall along the side stage has been repainted by students under the guidance of Art Teacher, Mr. Karmakar. The painted wall depicting the theme, ‘Optical Illusion by geometric forms’ measures 49’ x 9’. • Wi-Fi system has been installed in the school auditorium at GR campus. HONOURS AND AWARDS “There is no road too long to the man who advances deliberately and without undue haste; there are no Honours too distant to the man who prepares himself for them with patience.” — Jean de la Bruyere Possessing the passion for achieving excellence, Bal Bharatians display an indomitable will and undying zeal to face challenges and emerge victorious in all their endeavours. Therefore, nurturing excellence and celebrating success is a way of life at Bal Bharati… The following list of our extra ordinary achievements, indeed do us proud. • NATIONAL AWARD TO TEACHERS 2011 It is a matter of great pride that our Principal, Mr L V Sehgal has been felicitated with the distinguished ‘National Award to Teachers 2011’. This honour was bestowed upon him by H.E. President of India, Sh Pranab Mukherjee at an impressive ceremony held at Vigyan Bhavan on 5 September 2012. The Award includes a Certificate of Merit, Rs 25,000/- and a Silver Medal. This prestigious Award is a befitting tribute to the dynamic Mr Sehgal for his remarkable contributions in the field of Education. Honours and Awards • HINDUSTAN TIMES C-FORE RANKING The school ranked among the top ten schools in Central Delhi in the Hindustan Times CFore Top School Survey 2012 conducted for Delhi. The survey awarded scores to each schools across 14 different parameters ranging from academic rigor to sports. The school has scored high in the Life Skills / Value Education Parameter. Honours and Awards • EDUCATION WORLD INDIA SCHOOL RANKING 2012 The school added yet another feather to its cap when The Educational World India School Rankings 2012 ranked our school amongst the top 50 in the league table of India’s Best Day Schools. The Table consisted of more than 400 well known schools of India. The assessment was based on a carefully selected sample base of parents, principals, teachers and educationists across 14 parameters of excellence, such as faculty competence, academic reputation, infrastructure, co-curricular activities, life skills education etc. Honours and Awards • INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL AWARD 2012-2015 The school became the proud recipient of the International School Award (ISA) for the second time, for tenure of three years 2012- 15. This prestigious International School Award is an accreditation scheme instituted by British Council. It is a global benchmarking project that recognizes the outstanding work done by schools that are committed to developing international learning in their curriculum. Earlier, the school had received this Award in 2008 for the period 2008- 11. Ms Geeta Gangwani, Vice Principal and Ms Reetu Dawar, ISA Committee Member, received the Award on behalf of the school in a ceremony held in Mumbai on 19 November 2012. The school was also honoured with an Award for excellent performance in the BBC News School Report Exemplars which was one amongst the various projects included in the programme, Connecting Classrooms. The Project coordinated by Ms. Pooja Ahooja TGT English was done in partnership with BBC News with the aim to develop journalistic skills of young people in schools. Honours and Awards • SOE Award For Best Practice Innovation The Best Practice Innovation Award in the category of Global School Education Awards instituted by the School of Educators and All India Conference of Intellectuals (AIOCI) has been conferred upon the school. Honours and Awards • SCHOOL RANKED AMONGST TOP 50 IMMUNO SCHOOLS Dabur in partnership with ‘Hindustan’ and ‘Fortis’ orgainsed the ‘Dabur Chywanprash Immune India School Challenge 2012’. Reputed schools from twelve cities across the country participated in the contest. It’s a matter of great pride that Arham Goel of class IV was selected as the ‘Immuno Champ’ from our school. The school was also ranked amongst top 50 ‘Immuno Schools’ all over India. The ranking was based on data collected on parameters of attendance, academic excellence and health & sanitation facilities provided by the school and BMI of students of classes IV to VI. Honours and Awards • PRINCIPAL MR. L.V. SEHGAL NOMINATED TO DELHI SCHOOL EDUCATION AVISORY BOARD The Principal, Mr. L. V. Sehgal has been nominated to the reconstituted Delhi School Education Advisory Board. The new panel of 15 members will advise Delhi Government on education policies for the next three years. • OUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENT IN ATHLETICS Mr Ravinder Singh Dhahiya (PET) achieved first position in High Jump in 17th Asia Masters Athletic Championship held at Taipei, Taiwan from 2 November to 7 November 2012. He was awarded a ‘Certificate of Excellence’ for his outstanding performance of 1.80m in the event. Honours and Awards • FELICITATIONS FOR COMMERCE DEPARTMENT The Commerce Teacher’s Association organized a Felicitation function on 2 September 2012 at Chinmaya Auditorium, Lodhi Road. THE FOLLOWING TEACHERS WERE AWARDED CERTIFICATE OF PROFESSIONAL EXCELLENCE:Ms Vaneeta Gupta Accountancy Ms Deepika Jain Business Studies Ms Shailja Nagpal Business Studies THE FOLLOWING STUDENTS PERFORMANCE IN AISSCE 2012 WERE AWARDED FOR THEIR EXCELLENT Siddharth Bansal (XII E) School topper (agg. marks in of B.S & Acc.) Dhriti Verma (XII F) 100% marks in Business Studies Neha Gosain (XII F) 100% marks in Business Studies Honours and Awards • WARMING UP FOR OLYMPICS Students from our school were selected to perform at ‘Warming up for London Olympics 2012’, an event held at British Council, Delhi on 19 April 2012. The event was held to celebrate the Olympic spirit and showcase activities and projects undertaken by British Council to generate awareness regarding London Olympics 2012, amongst students in India. Many prestigious schools from Delhi & NCR were invited. A choir group of 25 children from Middle Department presented the Olympic song to a rapt audience consisting of delegates from London, officials from Education Department, principals and teacher coordinators of various schools. Aadya Ahuja of class XI was selected to anchor the entire event. Honours and Awards • Ms Anjali Virmani, Ms Jyotsna Gulati, Ms Shashi Kala Jain and Astronomy Club members of BBPS, GR got an opportunity to discuss the event ‘Transit of Venus’ in a live programme on ZEE News on 6 June 2012. The focus of discussion was on the celestial event of rare transit and its impact on future scientific research & studies. The four hour programme also aimed to clear common superstitious misconceptions. Honours and Awards • Shashank Vishvanathan of III F was honoured at Science Olympiad function on 22 April 2012 for ranking first in the National Science Olympiad at the state level. He received a cheque of Rs. 5000/-. • Poorav Dhingra of III B received a Cash prize of Rs. 1000/- for ranking first in National Cyber Olympiad in the school. Aditya Dutt of class IV received a cash prize of Rs. 1000/- for ranking first in the International Mathematics Olympiad. • Abhishek Sharma of class VII E got the Adidas Scholarship of Rs 25000/- (gift voucher- Adidas) for being selected in Mahindra NBA challenge (Under 13 category) from all over Delhi. • Utkarsh Gupta of IX H has been selected for National Geographic World Championship scheduled to be held in St. Peterburg, Russia in July/ August 2013. He got this opportunity after successfully qualifying Mega Final Round of National Geography Olympiad held on 11 September 2012 at Geofest 2012 at City Montessori school, Lucknow. • The students of German language appeared for the FIT examination during the session 2012-2013. All students passed with excellent marks. As a token of appreciation, a gift voucher worth Rs 5000/- was awarded to school by Goethe Institut. The voucher was awarded for purchase of books in German language. Honours and Awards • Sai Vignesh of VI G has been declared as ‘Skater of the year 2012’ by Skating and Sports Development Centre, R K Puram. The selection of Sai Vignesh for this award was based on his outstanding overall skating performance in Artistic, Speed (Inline and Quad skates) and Roller Hockey at the various skating competitions held in 2011 and 2012. Ms Barkha Singh, Chairperson, Delhi Commission for Women and MLA, R K Puram, felicitated Sai Vignesh with a trophy. Honours and Awards • Ananya Gupta of class VI stood first all over India in the second round of NASA Astronomy Olympiad held on 11 February 2013. She has won an all expense paid, 10day trip to NASA. • The students of French appeared for the ‘Entry Level Examination’ of the French Olympiad orgainsed by E&B and Langers in collaboration with the Embassy of France in India. The achievement of students is as follows: Achievement No of students Award Students achieving 1st rank 4 Gold Medal and Certificate of Excellence Students achieving 2nd rank 68 Silver Medal and Certificate of Excellence Students achieving 3rd rank 30 Bronze Medal and Certificate of Excellence Honours and Awards • The school was declared the Overall Champions for Zone-28 on the basis of the Sports Zonal Competitions held during 2012-13. Twenty seven trophies for various sports & games were awarded to the school in the Annual Function organized by Delhi Administration that was hosted by SKV, Prasad Nagar on 23 February 2013. Honours and Awards • Pritender Kaur and Kanika Batra of class VII won Gold & Silver Medal respectively in the Children Judo Championship and Team Judo Championship 2013, held at Singapore.