September 15 Aspire Newsletter
September 15 Aspire Newsletter
aspire Dear Venues, Edition 3 | September 2015 Here we are in the third month of our new Aspire program – and already we’ve seen some outstanding results. Special congratulations to all our September winners. Big or small, your business needs to put excellence in customer service at the heart of everything you do. Every kind of customer – whether they’re new, potential or existing – responds positively to outstanding service. It’s the way to make sure they have a good experience at your venue – and then keep coming back! When our Mystery Customers visit, they’re looking for examples of outstanding customer service and they’re keen to reward some more lucky staff members in October. A word on supplementary entertainment We have had a few queries about the Supplementary Entertainment Standard in Gaming Rooms. The mystery shoppers are looking for things such as magazines or newspapers, TV such as Fox Footy or other paid TV entertainment, tourism brochures or a current gaming promotion. We also have added free Wi-Fi to the Supplementary Entertainment options. If you are promoting Supplementary Entertainment in other parts of the venue, you should have a poster, sign or counter card in the Gaming Room, for example ‘Free to Air TV in Sports Lounge’. We have also had some questions about venue reports. As an added reminder please pass any queries relating to the program directly to your Business Development Executive. If you can do this in a timely matter to make sure we can get the queries dealt with quickly. Once again, all the best for this year’s program! Kind Regards, Justin Voss Business Development Manager ries re e u All q mber a epte mitted S r fo sub sday e b to ne d e 015 W 2 y r b tobe c O 21 02 Aspiring in August – 100% Achievement Awards Congratulations to the following venues – you’ve all achieved 100% on your Aspire assessments for the month of August. Venue Name Argosy Motor Inn Lighthouse Hotel Bayside Inn Margate Tavern Beachfront Bicheno Family Resort Molly Malones Beltana Hotel Mornington Inn Hotel Motel Brighton Hotel Motel Mowbray Hotel Brooker Inn New Norfolk Football Club Carlyle Hotel Newstead Hotel Central Hotel Hobart Olde Tudor Motor Inn Claremont Hotel Park Tavern Clarendon Arms Hotel Pembroke Hotel Commercial Hotel Launceston Penguin Sports and Services Club Cygnet Hotel Pier Hotel Motel Elwick Hotel Port Arthur Motor Inn Foreshore Tavern Primrose Sands RSL Furner’s Hotel Ravenswood Over 50s Club Geeveston Ex-Servicemen’s Club Richmond Arms Hotel Glenorchy Football Club Ringwood Hotel Glenorchy RSL Riverside Hotel - Motel Grand Hotel Scamander Beach Hotel Motel Grays Hotel St Helens R&SLA Club Great Lake Hotel St Marys Hotel Hamers Hotel Star and Garter Hotel Hotel Bruny Swansea RSL & Ex-servicemen’s Club Hotel Federal The Moonah Hotel Iluka Tavern The Top Pub Rosebery Kings Meadows Hotel TRC Hotel Lewisham Tavern Village Green Tavern aspire Monthly Team Awards At the end of each month, venues that have achieved the top scores within their group for will win the Monthly Team Award. Congratulations to our lucky July winners. Each venue will have $500 in team gift cards to share amongst their staff. Southern Venues Northern Venues North West Venues TASkeno Only Venues 1. Claremont Hotel Ravenswood Over 50s Club Molly Malones Hamers Hotel 2. Brooker Inn Mowbray Hotel Furner’s Hotel Hotel Bruny 3. Foreshore Tavern Beachfront Bicheno Family Resort Hotel Federal Port Arthur Motor Inn Congratulations to each winning venue – you’ll receive $500 worth of ‘Your Choice’ gift cards and a recognition certificate to display at their venue. S.T.A.F.F. Bonus Awards Congratulations to the following staff members – the Mystery Shoppers where so impressed by your high levels of customer service that they awarded you all with a S.T.A.F.F. Bonus Award. Each winner will receive a $50 ‘Your Choice’ gift card for his or her achievement. Venue Name Venue Name Beachfront Bicheno Family Resort Diana Nickson Mackey’s Royal Hotel Sharyn Parker Bridport Bay Inn Mark Ford Queenstown Railway Hotel Belinda Smart Claremont Hotel Christine Eiszele Regatta Point Tavern Vicki Appelby Country Club Hotel - Longford Julieanne Kilroy Richmond Arms Hotel Sharon Thompson Empire Hotel Lynette Hull Scamander Beach Hotel Motel Kodey Street Hamers Hotel Craig Brahe Sheffield RSL & Citizens Club Shannon Wells Hotel Bruny Tim Crack Swansea RSL & Ex-servicemen’s Club Trevor Thomas Hotel Federal Nicole Dunham The Top Pub Rosebery Hayley Field Iluka Tavern Alan House aspire Aspire to win a Business Development Executive Award Remember, you don’t have to be mystery shopped to win an award! Your Business Development Executive can now issue instant rewards throughout the program. These $25 awards will be for staff that display exceptional customer service, or go above and beyond their job. Each month we will be letting you know who has won awards for the previous month. Whose name might appear in the newsletter for September? It could be yours! Congratulations to the following staff members who have won Business Development Executive Awards. 27162 Venue Winners Black Stallion Jane Jackson Cock n Bull Roxanne Moore Comfort Hotel Burnie Cassidy Pointing Furners Hotel Belinda Turner Furners Hotel Tanya Horton Kingsmeadows Hotel Courtney Chugg Newstead Hotel Pauline Shae New Norfolk Hotel Tammy Brown Queens Head Inn Hannah Saunders Shoreline Hotel Tania Prestage St Helens R&SLA Club Karen Matar St Helens R&SLA Club Rebecca Manzoney Tall Timbers Hotel Motel Aaron Mallinson Tall Timbers Hotel Motel Nicole Moran