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67,5 /6 - New York Post Login
59 EMPLOYMENT GENERAL HELP WANTED GENERAL HELP WANTED Project Engineer II (New York Power Authority - White Plains, NY) - Direct engineering, design and procurement phase for in-house generation, transmission and facility modification projects. Ensure Compliance with technical specs, licensing reqs.; evaluate bid proposals, produce tech. reports. MS/Electrical Eng., NY Prof. Eng. Lic. + 1 yr/exp. as Proj. Eng. req. Email resume to [email protected] >(?05. :7,*0(30:; (5+ 4(2,<7 (9;0:; 05 (: 30;;3, (: +(@: 67,5 /6<:, ;<,:+(@ ,=,505. (<.<:; ;/ 74 ;6 74 PR Specialist. NYC. Develop & implement PR strategies & programs to promote restaurant & hospitality services; Write media communications; Establish & maintain relationships with industry & consumer groups. Req’d: Bachelor’s degree; 2 yrs. exp. PR or Marketing position; knowledge of language & communication; information processing; interpersonal communications; comparative media & culture; organizations & communications; media business. M-F, 9-5. Send resume to Job #3, Hall PR LLC, 161 W. 23rd St., Fl.3, New York, NY 10011 PLACE AN AD Phone: 212-930-8100 Mon-Fri – 8:30am – 6pm Fax: 212-930-8120 To confirm your fax 212-930-8154 Email: nypostclassifieds @nypost.com Mail/Prepay: New York Post Classifieds 1211 Ave of the Americas, 15th Floor New York, NY 10036 Place your ad 24 hrs/7 days: www.classifieds.nypost.com /post DEADLINES Liner Ads Monday: Friday 2:30PM Mon @Work: Friday 2:30PM Tuesday: Monday 2:30PM Wednesday: Tuesday 2:30PM Thursday: Wednesday 2:30PM Thurs NYPHome: Wed 2:30PM Friday: Thursday 2:30PM Saturday: Friday 2:30PM Sunday: Friday 2:30PM Display Ads Monday:Thursday 4:30PM Mon @Work: Thursday 3PM Tuesday: Friday 5PM Wednesday: Monday 5PM Thursday: Tuesday 5PM Thurs NYPHome: Tues Noon Friday: Wednesday 5PM Saturday/Sunday:Thursday 5PM PAYMENTS We Accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, checks and money orders The New York Post reserves the right to edit, reclassify, reject or cancel an ad at any time. We can only give appropriate credit, not to exceed the cost of the ad, for one insertion. We are not liable for complete omissions. Any discrepancies must be brought to our attention within 30 days of the first day the ad runs, in order to receive consideration for credit. ,19(67,*$7256 EMPLOYMENT TECH CAREERS TECH CAREERS Associate Software Developer - Great Neck, NY – Firm specializing in systems support of algorithmic trading seeks Assoc Software Developer to design & dvlp C/C++ s/ware to consume mkt data from different Mkt data vendors, convert it to Flextrade format & publish it over the network to users. Design & dvlp new features for the existing s/ware written in C/ C++. Optimize the data distribution s/ware/protocol in terms of latency & throughput by understanding the Operating system’s & underlying processor’s constraints, features & working. Troubleshoot & fix bugs in existing software. FT. Min req.: B.S. in Comp Sci or rel field + 1 yr exp. or 3 yrs/exp. Mail res: Ashley Rabey, HR Admin, FlexTrade LLC. 111 Great Neck Rd, ste 314, Great Neck, NY 11021 Sr. Software Developer: Charmtech Labs LLC (Stony Brook, NY) seeks Sr. Software Developer to design/dev. assistive technology software for Windows/MAC/iOS. Conduct R&D to create assistive technologies. Design algorithms. Optimize op. efficiency of products. Supervise software dev./QA engineers. Lead sprint planning/user stories, review/sprint retrospective review. Coordinate internal testing/beta testing/software releases. Req. Master’s in Comp Sci or Applied Math w/1 yr exp w/ObjectiveC, XCode, Java on iOS/Android, tech. leadership exp, SVN Software Versioning tool, JIRA agile dev. mgmt tool. Email resumes to [email protected] Programmer Analyst – New York County, NY - Analyz biz & other data processing probl to implement & improve comp syst analyz user requirements procedures & probl to automate existing syst & review compu syst capabilities workflow & scheduling limitations. BS Deg in Bus Syst & Tech Mgmt or Comp Science or rel fld plus 5-yr exp or MS Deg Email resume to RN Express Staffing Registry LLC [email protected] SANS Consulting Servs, Inc. sks .Net/Mobile Devlper in NY, NY. (& othr US lctns as ndd). Rq BS in CS, El Eng or rltd +5 yr exp. Rq exp w/ C#OOP & .NET Dsgn Fndmntls. Rq exp w/ HTML, HTML5, Ajax, JQuery ASP.NET Entity Frmwrk, ADO.Net, LINQ to SQL .NET Prfmnc optmzn, usng C#, .NET tchnl & w/ Wb Dvlpmnt/Tch, Rstfl API’s & wbsckt cmctn. Knwl of JSON dta strctres & SQL/NoSQL Dtbse Dsgn/Dvlpmnt. Exp w/ CSS, Jvascrpt lbrs, SQL, Mngo DB, Objctv C, Andrd, iOS. Rq exp w/ Git/Sbvrsn & wb API. Prmn US wrk auth. Res to: [email protected] Software Engineer (New York, NY): Debug complex s/ware prodcts thru the use of systematic tests. Dev, apply & maintain qlty standards for complex prodcts. Master’s in comp sci. or info tech + six mos exp in devlpng & executing s/ware test plans. Proficiency in Manual Testing, Agile, Test Cases, Test Planning, Stress Testing, Load Testing, Functional Testing & Regression Testing reqd. Proficiency in preparing Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM), Data warehouse testing & ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) testing reqd. Proficiency in Eclipse IDE for preparing automation test cases & automation test devlpmnt using Selenium/Web Driver reqd. Working knwldge of Sterling OMS tech & web based e-commerce thru Webstore, Order Mgmnt & Warehouse Mgmnt Sys reqd. Send Resumes to: Intent Media Inc., 315 Hudson St., Suite 902, New York, NY 10013; Attn: B. Pearson. GENERAL HELP WANTED Associate Attorney - Queens, NYC based Law Offices of Feng & Associates P.C. seeks an Associate Attorney. Min. Master degree in Law and admitted to NY Bar. Email: [email protected] Biochemist. Shirley. Research & study genetically engineered proteins & antibodies of cancer biology & microbiology; therapeutic antibody development and new antibody drug development. Req’d: MS Biochemistry; Knowledge of molecular/ cell biology; organic chemistry; physical chemistry; protein expression and purification; mass spectrometry; protein biochemistry; microscopy. M-F, 9-5. Send resume to Job #5, Creative Dynamics, Inc. 45-16 Ramsey Rd., Shirley, NY 11967. Business Analyst (New York, NY): Maintain & analyze expenditure controls, budget reports, improve cost efficiency, maintain financial software system, general ledger, acctng database. BS Acctng, passed CPA exam. Res: Kuzmin & Associates, 225 Broadway #2108, NY NY10007. Buyer (multi openings): Loc: NY, NY. Achieve sales & profit objectives; develop & implement buying strategies, merch prgrms & mkt plans. Req: Bach. in Fashion Retail mgmt, retail merchandising, or rel. & 5 yrs exp in buying, planning or merchandising. May req. up to 15% travel to U.S., Can., Eur. to visit stores & vendors. Review full job desc & apply online at www.careersatsaks.com & refer to Job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ashier wanted by fruit & vegetable retail store for job in Brooklyn, NY. Reqd HS diploma or GED. Send cvr ltr w/ resume to ZUNO 975 Corp., 975 Fulton St, Brooklyn, NY 11238 Client Relations Specialist. Establish/maintain relationships w/reps. Represent company at events. Manage social media. Make media info request, interact w/ media sources as contact person. Study objectives/needs of same organizations. Maintain public or industry perceptions of the company’s rep. Develop new methods/concepts to target ideal market. Consult w/ad agencies/staff to plan campaigns in all media. Oral/writing/comm. skills, Highly analytical. BA/BS or equiv. Please email resume to [email protected]. Diamond Setter (AR & AR Jewelry New York, NY) Grade, polish, cut & set diamonds using specialized tools. 4 mos. exp. req. 35 hrs/wk; email res to [email protected] Employment Programs Analyst – New York County, NY - Prep research reports analyz jobs using observation survey or interview techniques dev training mats confer w/ personnel to coord biz operations develop biz or financial info syst BS Deg in Management or Marketing or rel fld plus 5-yr exp or MS Deg. Email resume to RN Express Staffing Registry LLC [email protected] HOUSEKEEPER/SERVER Permanent Mission of Spain to the UN Deadline Aug 19 www.spainun.org/Tel. 212 661 1050 Insurance Administrative Assistant Bayside: enter claims; file claims; compose letters/memos; answer questions; review insurance; & maintain confidential files. 2 yrs work exp in job + Fluent Korean Language. Send ltr/res to Solomon Agency Corp. 217-04 Northern Blvd. Bayside, NY 11361. Attn: HR LIST YOUR CAR FOR SALE ONLINE AT VEHICLES.CLASSIFIEDS.NYPOST.COM Massage Therapist. NYC. Perform therapeutic massages of soft tissues and joints; Assist in assessment of range of motion & muscle strength; Propose client therapy plans. Req’d: 2 yrs. exp. job duties; NY State Massage Therapist License; Active release technique certification; knowledge of Shiatsu, Swedish, Pre-natal; Medical & Sports Massage; Aroma Therapy; Anatomy; Physiology; Hygiene. M-F, 9-5. Send resume to Job #3, John Joseph Belmonte D.C., P.C., 211 E. 53rd St., New York, NY 10011 MEDICAL DEVICE SALES REPRESENTATIVE, MAHN. Set up appointments w/ hospital nursing staff; demonstrate the system and its efficacy in preventing bacterial contaminants; instruct hospital staff in appropriate applications; perform question and answer sessions & draft proposal for hospital. 40 hrs/wk, 1 yr exp as Clinical Nurse & BS in Nursing req’d. Send resume to: On The Right Track Systems Inc. 174 Hudson St. NY NY 10013 Attn: Gloria Agustin NYC Transit Department of Subways Immediate Hiring Needs For Experienced Talent In: HVAC AND BOILER MAINTENANCE & REPAIR The NYC Transit Department of Subways Infrastructure division has multiple openings for experienced talent: HIGH PRESSURE PLANT TENDER STATIONARY ENGINEER SENIOR STATIONARY ENGINEER To view the full position descriptions and to apply, visit http://web.mta.info/mta/employment/ Select NYC Transit, Select “Job Postings”. OFFICE COORDINATOR (MASPETH, NY) Operate office equipment, such as scanners, facsimile machines, voice mail systems, & personal computers. Maintain & update filing, inventory, mailing, & database systems. Type memos, answer customer’s inquiries. Contact clients to provide field operation support such as obtaining technical information. 6 months. exp, HS Diploma req. 40 hrs/wk., M-F 8 am- 4 pm. Fax resume to: Quality Installations of NY, Inc. #: (718)764-1257. Order Filler – Brooklyn, NY: Take orders from retail vendors for the wholesale distribution of seafood products; obtain ordered products from warehouse and compute prices; keep track of inventory and complete order receipts.1-year exp. Send ltr/res to Hong’s Merchandising Group, Inc., 16 Ash St. Brooklyn, NY 11222 Attn: Charlie Hong. Too cute! Puppies, Kittens, Dogs, and Cats Sell them in the New York Post Classifieds Call 212-930-8100 today Purchasing Manager. Flushing. Review & coordinate construction & related purchase agreements. Req’d: MBA; Knowledge of corporate finance; working capital management; operations management; capital budgeting; organization & leadership; conflict resolution & crisis management; business legal concepts & terms. M-F, 9-5. Send resume to Job #3, Aventador Construction Inc., 140-37 Cherry Ave, #CA, Flushing, NY 11355 Purchasing Specialist, LIC, NY. Purch US cosmetics/beauty prdcts for Japanese trading co. Review/anal. sales recrds, trends, inventory, price, qual. Select & order merch for export. 2 yrs exp. Mail resumes: Shuei Trading USA, 4709 30th St, Ste 601, Long Island City, NY 11101. Route Coordinator: Expedite & route cargo/freight shipments to Israel by air & sea, communicate w/ customers & foreign agents. Determine method of shipmnt. Check export docs & manifests to insure compliance w/ traffic, gov’l & customs regs & rqmts. Calculate ship’g costs, negotiate rates & arrange transport of goods. Assist/train personnel w/ transport of dangerous & sensitive materials. 40 hrs. Cert.s for train’g in Hazmat & handl’g of maritime & air dangerous goods + 2 yrs exp req’d. Mail resume + salary reqmts to EZR Packing Corp. Attn: Ms. Mangal to 147-29 A 183rd Street, Suite 200, Springfield Gardens, NY 11413. Job in Springfield Gardens, NY. TRANSPORTATION BUS DRIVERS - CDL BOE. 5 boros. Hiring Now!!! Union/Benefits Call 718-257-5555 x1 or Email: [email protected] or [email protected] FINANCIAL Accountant III (New York Power Authority -White Plains, NY) Maintain Acct & Aud. policies and proc. & internal ctrl. Ensure comp. w/acct. & fin. regs. Analyze & prep. fin stmts. & rpts. Prov. asst. & support for intern. & extern. audit. Asst. w/acct issues in risk mgmt. & empl. benefits. Master’s Deg. in Accounting req.; CPA req.; 1-yr exp. as Acct or Auditor req.; 35 hrs/wk; email resumes to [email protected] Accountant: New York, NY – Prepare, maintain, compile and analyze financial information for a fashion accessory wholesale distributor; establish, modify and coordinate accounting procedures; provide management with financial report; maintain budgeting system. Bachelor in Accounting & Fluent Korean req’d. Send ltr/res to Bijoux USA International Corp. 22 W. 27th Street, 10th FL, New York, NY 10001. Attn: Hyunseung Lee, President. List your property for sale! Place an ad in the NYP Home section, the weekly real estate guide running on Thursdays Call 212-930-8100 today! nypost.com ■ CAREERS ■ CAREER TRAINING ■ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ■ FINANCIAL SERVICES ■ REAL ESTATE SERVICES ■ MERCHANDISE FOR SALE ■ PETS ■ AUTOMOTIVE ■ LEGAL & PUBLIC NOTICE EMPLOYMENT New York Post, Sunday, August 7, 2016 CAREER TRAINING New York Post, Sunday, August 7, 2016 nypost.com 60 EMPLOYMENT HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONAL SALES Orthopedic Surgeon (NY Bone and Joint Specialists, Brooklyn & New York, NY): Diagnose & treat disorders of musculoskeletal syst.; conduct phys. exams; interp. diagnostic tests; develop indiv. tx. plans; surg. manage patients; & communicate w/ referring physicians & patients. Req.: MD/DO/foreign degree equiv.; completion of 3 yrs. training in Sports Med., Joint Reconstruction & Hip Arthroscopy/Preservation; & New York license/eligibility. Must be avail. for night & weekend coverage. Submit CV, 3 references (incl. Residency/Fellowship Prog. Director) & cover letter to Dr. Leon Popovitz @ leonpopovitzmd@ nyboneandjoint.com. Fashion Jewelry Designer (New York, NY) Fashion Jewelry Designer wanted for midtown NYC office. We are looking for someone creative who can come up with new design ideas based on current Market Trends. Communicate with overseas vendors. Involve with Tech Packs and Technical Design. Associate degree in Jewelry Design or related field with 2 years experience in Fashion Jewelry Design required. Experience in Designing for Banana Republic preferred. Must have knowledge of Photoshop, Illustrator and Rhino 3D. Please send Resume to Fragments Holding LLC, 42 W 39th Street, 8th Floor, New York, NY 10018, Attn: Norine Bilingual Sales Representative/ Jewelry (NY, NY): Answer customers’ questions about products/prices; Negotiate details of contracts; Conduct analysis of competitor price/distribution network; HS Diploma or GED/ Min. 2yrs exp./Korean Fluency req’d; Resume to Eastern Nationwide Supply, Inc. 1261 Broadway #701, NY, NY 10001 (Attn: Fatima) RESTAURANT & HOSPITALITY Geodesist (Fresh Meadows, NY) Measure bldg structures & natural objects by theodolites, levels & other eqpmt. Verify the accuracy of survey data. Search legal, survey records & land titles for boundaries. Calculate heights, depths & other characteristics of structures & terrain. Prep sketches, maps, reports & legal descriptions based on field measurements. Must travel to jobsites w/in NYC 5 boroughs. Bachelor’s deg in land surveying, geodesy, geographic info systms or similar reqd. Mail resume to: NY Land Surveyor P.C.; 7715 164th St, Fresh Meadows, NY 11366 Japanese Cuisine Cook - NYC: Prepare & cook traditional Japanese Cuisine dishes such as variety of sushi, sashimi, rolls & other traditional Japanese dishes following seasonal customs and special holiday occasions. 1 year work exp in job. Send ltr/res to HSC Enterprise Corporation 68 W 39th St. New York, NY 10018. Attn: MGR PROFESSIONAL Architectural Designer (CDR Studio Architects, PC - New York, NY) Use architectural sftwr tools to produce digital renderings and models through iterative design process. Contribute design ideas, produce drawings, specs, budgets, reports. Review shop drawings, construction estimates. MS in Architecture + 1 yr exp req; 35 hrs/wk. Email resume to [email protected] Chief of Staff and Director of Policy Planning needed in NYC. Studying Egypt’s investment needs & identifying investment opportunities in Egypt; creating opportunities to add value to portfolio companies; managing EAEF’s investments in early stage companies in Egypt; communicating w/all EAEF stakeholders incl US Gov’t agencies (USAID, State Dept, White House & Congress), Gov’t of Egypt (Ministry of Int’l Cooperation, Ministry of Investment, AmCham) & the Egyptian private sector; managing & reporting to EAEF’s Board of Directors: engaging all board members in EAEF’s committees & discussions on decision matters & reporting all fund activities to the board; formulating the Fund mandate & ensuring Fund activities are aligned w/the mandate; ensuring all grant agreement reqmts are met (fin’l reporting, audits. Annual report, monitoring & evaluation, etc). Reqs Master’s in Bus. Admin deg & 2 yrs exp performing analysis of the economic conditions of Egypt. Mail resume to James Harmon, Egyptian-American Enterprise Fund, 888 7th Ave, 16th Flr, NY, NY 10016. Digital Archive Associate (NYC) Prep print & online documents for digital archiving; Assist to create/maintain digital archive, incl Chinese searchable records; Provide support to Chinese artists & clients. Reqmt: Master’s in Visual Arts Administration. Must know DBTextWorks for SQL dbase & Artnet. Contact: Pace Gallery, 32 E 57th St, 4th Fl, NYC 10022 Director of Recruiting and Business Development needed in NYC. Work w/internal hiring mgrs on reqmts for open positions; create job specs, & liaise w/ headhunters regarding role reqmts; relationship bldg & mgmt; resume screening & interviewing; coord interview scheduling; postinterview discussions & feedback; manage proprietary candidate dbase; techn’l assessments; conduct mkt intelligence & mkt mapping; leveraging own existing n/work to build & hire qualified candidates; leading global searches for both tech & trading roles; oversight of all oncampus recruiting prgm & all exp’d hires; manage hiring & recruiting budget; negotiate contracts, retainers, salaries; intro new sourcing channels; prep quarterly reviews, Forecasting, performance metrics; resp for bldg a recruiter team. Reqs min. of Bachelor’s deg & at least 5 yrs employment exp recruiting in the fields of finance & tech. Mail resume to Charlene Fabiano, Strike Technologies LLC, 545 Madison Ave, 15th Fl., NY, NY 10022 Place an ad in the New York Post Great Getaway Directory in Tuesday’s Travel section. Call 212-930-8100 Graphic Designer (Bronx, NY) Conceptualize, create & dsgn graphics for mktg materials & website. Updating & maintain dsgns for mktg materials & website on a daily basis. A bachelor deg in Graphic Dsgn & rltd field req’d. Send resume to Kwak Dental Management, PLLC. 3744 Third Ave, Bronx, NY 10456. Attn: President Managing Editor (NY, NY) sought by The Week Publications, Inc., to oversee & manage daily operation of wkly news magazine, incl edit/ rewrite of copy, story dvlpmt & assignment. Must have Bachelor’s deg in Journalism or Int’l Relations + 2 yrs exp as Managing Editor or Sr. Editor. Mail resume to Joy Hart, The Week, 55 W 39th St, 5th Flr, NY, NY 10018 Market Research Analyst (Astoria, NY) Analyze data on customer demographics, preferences, needs to identify potential mkts & factors affecting svc. demand. Dvlp & implmt mktg plans to promote the sale of svcs. Monitor dvlpmts that could impact mktg strategies & provide applicable materials to all interested parties. Bachelor’s deg in Bus. Admin or rltd field. Resume to Skyliner Travel & Tour Bus Corp., 19-41 42nd St, Astoria, NY 11105, Attn: General Manager PHARMACIST (Bronx, NY): prep compounds/dispense meds; evaluate patient med records/med history to dispense appropriate drugs/dosages; consult patients/ health care providers to prevent allergic and/or adverse drug reactions. Requirements: Master’s deg (or foreign equiv.) in Pharmacy or rel + knowledge of pharmacy dosage formulation/dispensing, and inventory management/analysis. In lieu of a Master’s degree (or its equi.), the Emp. will accept Bachelor’s deg. (or foreign equi.) in Pharmacy or rel. with 5 yrs. of pro. exp. in pharmacy dosage formulation/dispensing, and inventory management/analysis. NY Pharmacist License required. Apply to: HR, Manhattan RX, LLC d/b/a Boston Road Pharmacy, 3456 Boston Road, Bronx, NY-10469. SECURITY Openings for experienced and new security officers! FJC can help you get your security guard lic! INTERVIEW MON TO FRI 9AM TO 5PM 33-10 QUEENS BOULEVARD LONG ISLAND CITY, NY 11101 Or apply online at FJCSECURITY.COM/JOBS Must be at least 18 yrs. FJC Security Services, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer. Come get a job today! SERVICES PSYCHICS PSYCHICS FIELD SALES REPRESENTATIVES Up to $20/hr + Bonuses! Slomin’s Inc, the nation’s largest privately owned home security & residential heating oil co. is seeking F/T Field Sales Reps. No prior sales exp. required. The right candidates will possess strong communication skills; be reliable, self-motivated & comfortable working on a team. Founded in 1923, Slomin’s has been keeping families safe & warm for almost a century. Reps work 40 hrs/week, earn up to $20/hr + bonuses; sign-on bonus up to $1000! Must pass background check & drug test. Must work weekends & evenings. Benefits incl. Medical, Dental, Vision, Prescription, FSA, 401(k), Life Ins. & more. Please send a resume to Khaleev at [email protected] or call 516-932-7024 x6880 today for an immediate interview! (;3(57 ,1 5($',1* 3$67 35(6(17 )8785( 6ROYHV 3UREOHPV /LNH 'HSUHVVLRQ /RYH -RE 0RQH\ %XVLQHVV -HDORXV\ +XVEDQG :LIH %ORFNDJH (WF , :,// 5(029( '(6752< %$' /8&. 86,1* :,7&+&5$)7 2%($+ -$'22 922'22 %/$&. 0$*,& 3(50$1(17/< 5(029,1* <285 3$,1 ,6 0< *2$/ /,%(57< $9( 6 5,&+021' +,// 1< 1(;7 72 $31$ %$=$5 REAL ESTATE PET PLACE LEGAL SERVICES NORTH CAROLINA DOGS NORTH CAROLINA HORSE RANCH For Sale. 84 Acres, 2 Homes (1st home: 3 BD, 2 Bath & 2nd home: 1BD, 1BT). 8 Andalusian Horses. $495K. Call Alvin 434-770-2660 [email protected] MALTESE PUPPIES Adorable males and females, toy or teacup sizes, shots and papers. Call 718-234-6628 SHIH-TZU PUPPIES PENNSYLVANIA Beautiful Males & Females Price to $ell Call 718-236-7847 SCRANTON, PA- 2.25hr fr. NYC, nr. Poconos, 5rms,1fl, 2bds,1bth, 840sqft, low taxes, fenced in yd. 53K, call 570-209-4106 YORKIE PUPPIES Sell your car on vehicles.classfieds.nypost.com ADORABLE, pure bred, toy & teacup sizes. Call 718-259-2295 MERCHANDISE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE -; -; 6<;+669 -3(. Yonkers- 3BR, 1.5BT, in move in cond. Near major hwys, by Cross County Mall. Small lot, low taxes. $339,900, Must See: 914-513-7583 69+,9 56> MANHATTAN APTS FURNISHED Kitchenettes & Studio Apartments Bklyn, Queens, Bronx, Manhattan Single $800m /up Couple $900m /up nyc rentals 212-697-3137 TTY/7026 -; -; 6<;+669 -3(. MANHATTAN FURNISHED ROOMS A1 All Areas - Rooms & Studios Bklyn, Queens, Bronx, Manhattan Rooms $125wk/up; Studios $800mo/up nyc rentals 212-697-3137 TTY/7026 69+,9 56> BROOKLYN FURNISHED ROOMS CANARSE 2 Bedroom Apt for rent $1,500 a month 917-251-9383 QUEENS UNFURNISHED APTS HIRING NOW! FJC IS SEEKING SECURITY OFFICERS FOR IMMEDIATE POSITIONS. SERVICES Need a tax deduction? $OO 1DWLRQDOLWLHV :HOFRPH Donate your car! FLUSHING 158th St. - Near Northern Blvd & LIRR. New 1 BR -$1,350. 4th flr. walkup. No Pets. No brokers. No Fee. 718-358-3564; 718-575-9600 All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 as amended in 1988 which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicapped, familial status, or national origin, or intention to make such preference, limitation or discrimination.” To complain of discriminiation, call HUD toll free at 1-800-669-9777. The toll free telephone for the hearing impaired is 1-800-927-9275. Or, call the Anti Discrimination of New York (the Fair Housing Agency for the 5 Boros of New York) at 718-422-0066, or The New York City Commission of Human Rights hotline at 212-306-7500. Place an ad or check out your options daily in the )8/721 675((7 %522./<1 1< '2:172:1 Classified Autos Wanted Listings