EUREF Symposium 2015 /Tutorial Height and Gravity, Leipzig, 2nd


EUREF Symposium 2015 /Tutorial Height and Gravity, Leipzig, 2nd
About the Generation of global Gravity Field Models from Satellite and Surface data
Christoph Förste
Helmholtz‐Zentrum Potsdam Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ
Potsdam, Germany (foer@gfz‐
IAG Assembly
nd June 2015 EUREF Symposium 2015 /Tutorial Height and Gravity, Leipzig, 2
Potsdam 2013
Global gravity field models
‐ describe the gravity field model of the Earth on the
‐ are mainly expressed in terms of spherical harmonic
coefficients (c.f. the preceding presentation)
Basic kinds of global models
1. Static gravity field models:
‐ Satellite‐only
‐ Terrestrial‐only
‐ Combined (Satellite + terrestrial data)
2. Time variable models based on satellite gravimetry
IAG Assembly
nd June 2015 EUREF Symposium 2015 /Tutorial Height and Gravity, Leipzig, 2
Potsdam 2013
The constituents of the gravity of the Earth
„g“ = Acceleration of free fall ~ 9.81m/s2 g=
Topics of gravity field determination in Geodesy and Geophysics:
mass inhomogeneities
mass changes (temporal gravity variations)
• General relativity, 1 mm altitude difference
• Ocean topography, variations in polar motion
• Large buildings, hydrologie - groundwater
• Earth and ocean tides, 1 m altitude difference
• Large water reservoirs
• Masseninhomogenitäten inside of the Earth
• Mountains, ocean ridges, 1 km altitude difference
• Earth oblateness und rotation (centrifugal force)
IAG Assembly
nd June 2015 EUREF Symposium 2015 /Tutorial Height and Gravity, Leipzig, 2
Potsdam 2013
The constituents of the gravity of the Earth
„g“ = Acceleration of free fall ~ 9.81m/s2 g=
Topics of gravity field determination in Geodesy and Geophysics:
mass inhomogeneities
mass changes (temporal gravity variations)
• General relativity, 1 mm altitude difference
• Ocean topography, variations in polar motion
Subject of global gravity field model
• Large buildings, hydrologie - groundwater
• Earth and ocean tides, 1 m altitude difference
• Large water reservoirs
• Masseninhomogenitäten inside of the Earth
• Mountains, ocean ridges, 1 km altitude difference
• Earth oblateness und rotation (centrifugal force)
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The main problem of the global gravity field determination:
Local (terrestrial) gravity measurements have a high accuracy
(Gravimetry, Airborne gravimetry, Superconducting gravimetry, absolute gravimetry)
→ Applications i.e. in Geophysics, Geology, Exploration and Hydrology
But: It‘s impossible to connect/combine ground based gravity measurements accurately over long and
global distances
 The accuracy of long-scale and global gravity field components based on local resp. ground-based
data is poor (Height problem, height reference between continents)
The solution: Gravity field determination from space by using satellites
Estimation of the long-scale and global components of the gravity field:
a) From analysing of orbit pertubations of low-altitude satellites (Low Earth Orbiters)
(Orbit pertubation = Deviation from the ideal Kepler-ellipse)
- Applied since the launch of the first satellites (1957)
Photo-optical satellite tracking = Azimuth/Elevation angle measurements w.r.t. the starry sky
- Improved accuracy by Laser tracking systems since ~ 1980 = Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR)
- „Quantum jump“ in the accuracy using continuous orbit tracking by means of GPS
since the launches of CHAMP (2000 - 2010) and GRACE (seit 2002)
= Position measuremts, a few second sampling
b) By analysing of differential orbit pertubations of low-altitude satellites (GRACE, since 2002)
c) By Satellite Gravity Gradiometry (GOCE, 2009 - 2013)
The accuracy of the satellite gravity systems is limited by a minimum altitude of about 250 km
Higher spatial resolution of the Satelliten-based gravity field models by combination with ground
Terrestrial Gravimetry
Airborne and ship gravimetry
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Satellite Radar Altimetry
Potsdam 2013
Comparison: A global gravity field model from Terrestrial data only
vs. a Combined gravity field model:
Terrestrial model: DTU12_BD1950:
 Based on the DTU12 global gravity anomaly grid
 Computed by inversion of a block diagonal normal equation
 Maximum degree/order 1949
Combined model: EIGEN‐6C3:
 Satellite data: LAGEOS + GRACE + GOCE
 Terrestrial data: the same DTU12 data as used in DTU12_BD1950:
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nd June 2015 EUREF Symposium 2015 /Tutorial Height and Gravity, Leipzig, 2
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Terrestrial Gravity Field Model vs. Combined Model: Spatial comparison
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Potsdam 2013
Terrestrial Gravity Field Model vs. Combined Model Conclusion: The combination with satellite data doesn‘t
necessarily touch the gravity modelling in smaller
regions with good ground data
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Terrestrial Gravity Field Model vs. Combined Model : Spatial comparison
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Terrestrial Gravity Field Model vs. Combined Model : Spatial comparison
The combination with satellite data has an impact for
larger regions and for wide areas of poor or none
terrestrial data
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Terrestrial Gravity Field Model vs. Combined Model : Spatial comparison on global scales
IAG Assembly
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Terrestrial Gravity Field Model vs. Combined Model : Spatial comparison on global scales
Global gravity anomaly differences: DTU12_BD1250 vs. EIGEN‐6C3
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Terrestrial Gravity Field Model vs. Combined Model : Spatial comparison – Gravity anomaly
Global gravity anomaly differences: DTU12_BD1250 vs. EIGEN‐6C3
‐ Large differences in regions of low‐quality or where no terrestrial data are available
 Short wavelength differences
‐ What about the long wavelengths?  Examination
IAG Assemblyof differences in the
nd Geoid
EUREF Symposium 2015 /Tutorial Height and Gravity, Leipzig, 2 June 2015 Potsdam 2013
Terrestrial Gravity Field Model vs. Combined Model : Spatial comparison – Geoid height
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Terrestrial Gravity Field Model vs. Combined Model : Spatial comparison – Geoid height
Global Geoid height differences: DTU12_BD1250 vs. EIGEN‐6C3
‐ Large geoid height differences on global scales (up to meters)
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Terrestrial Gravity Field Model vs. Combined Model: Spectral comparison
 In terms of degree amplitudes („degree variances“) resp. difference degree
amplitudes w.r.t. to a reference model
  R l l
GM 
V ( r , ,  ) 
C 00      C lm Plm (sin  ) cos m   S lm Plm (sin  ) sin m  
r 
l 1  r  m 0
V = Earth’s gravitational potential expresssed in spherical harmonics
for a sphere of radius R (reference sphere = usually the mean equatorial radius of the Earth)
- geocentric distance
- spherical coordinates latitude, longitude
- degree, order of spherical harmonic expansion
Clm, Slm
- spherical harmonic (or Stokes‘) coefficients
Plm (sin)
- Legendre polynomials (m=0), associated Legendre polynomials (m ≠ 0)
Degree amplitudes (in terms of geoid height) Difference degree amplitudes between
two models interms of geoid heights:
l  R 
 l  R 
m 0
m 0
(Clm2  Slm2 )
( Clm2  Slm2 )
IAG Assembly
nd June 2015 EUREF Symposium 2015 /Tutorial Height and Gravity, Leipzig, 2
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Terrestrial Gravity Field Model vs. Combined Model: Spectral comparison
The combined model EIGEN‐6C3
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nd June 2015 EUREF Symposium 2015 /Tutorial Height and Gravity, Leipzig, 2
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Terrestrial Gravity Field Model vs. Combined Model: Spectral comparison
The combined model EIGEN‐6C3
The terrestrial model DTU12_BD1950
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Terrestrial Gravity Field Model vs. Combined Model: Spectral comparison
The combined model EIGEN‐6C3
The terrestrial model DTU12_BD1950
Both models show almost no visible
differences when inspecting the power spetra  Thus, forming difference degree
amplitudes is necessary
IAG Assembly
nd June 2015 EUREF Symposium 2015 /Tutorial Height and Gravity, Leipzig, 2
Potsdam 2013
Terrestrial Gravity Field Model vs. Combined Model: Spectral comparison
The combined model EIGEN‐6C3
The terrestrial model DTU12_BD1950
The difference betwenn both models
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nd June 2015 EUREF Symposium 2015 /Tutorial Height and Gravity, Leipzig, 2
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Terrestrial Gravity Field Model vs. Combined Model: Spectral comparison
The combined model EIGEN‐6C3
The terrestrial model DTU12_BD1950
The difference betwenn both models
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Terrestrial Gravity Field Model vs. Combined Model: Spectral comparison
The combined model EIGEN‐6C3
The terrestrial model DTU12_BD1950
The difference betwenn both models
Major differences in these spectral bands
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Terrestrial Gravity Field Model vs. Combined Model: Probing the improvement of Combined Gravity Field models w.r.t. terrestial‐only models is possible:
by comparison with intependent external data:
 GPS/Leveling data – probing the short wavelengths
 Gravity force modelling in satellite orbit computation
– probing the long wavelengths
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Terrestrial‐only Gravity Field Model vs. Combined Model GPS/Levelling test
Comparison with geoid heights determined point-wise by GPS positioning and
• Root mean square (cm) about mean of GPS-Levelling minus model-derived geoid
heights (number of points in brackets).
GPS/Leveling fit in cm up to d/o 1949
DTU12_BD1950 EGM2008 EIGEN‐6C3
Europe (1047)
12.6 12.4
Germany (675)
4.5 4.3
Canada (1930)
13.6 12.8
USA (6169)
Australia (201)
Japan (816)
12.3 8.2
Brasil (672)
‐ Terrestrial data‐only models can be improved in the short wavelengths by
Sources/References for the used GPS/Lev data:
- USA: (Milbert,
1998)satellite data, but this is not be always the case
Canada: (M. Véronneau, personal communication 2003, Natural Resources Canada)
Europe/Germany: (Ihde et al., 2002)
Australia: (G. Johnston, Geoscience Australia and W. Featherstone, Curtin University
of Technology, personal communication 2007)
- Japan: (Tokuro Kodama, Geospatial Information Authority of Japan, personal
communication 2013)
IAG Assembly
nd June 2015 - Brazil:
Denizar Blitzkow and Ana Cristina Oliveira Cancoro
de Matos, Centro de Estudos de Geodesia (CENEGEO), EUREF Symposium 2015 /Tutorial Height and Gravity, Leipzig, 2
personal communication, the data belongs to the Brazilian
Institute of2013
Geography and Statistics (IBGE) Terrestrial‐only Gravity Field Model vs. Combined Model GOCE Orbit adjustment tests
Observations: Kinematic GOCE (Bock et al. 2011) orbit positions
Dynamic orbit computation (i.e. Numerical integration of Newton‘s law)
60 arcs (01.11. – 31.12.2009), Arclength = 1.25 days
Parametrization for the orbit least square adjustment:
- The 6 Orbital elements at the beginning of each arc
- Accelerometer biases:
2/rev for cross track / radial / along track
- Accelerometer scaling factor: along track fixed (set to 1.0), 1/arc for cross track / radial
Rms values [cm] of the orbit fit residuals (mean values for the 75/60 arcs)
Gravity Field Model
Max d/o 180 x 180
 The results obtained with DTU12_BD1950 are worse
 The long wavelength parts of the Earth gravity field cannot be
estimated properly using terrestrial data only and the combination
of the terrestrial data with satellite data is necessary
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Recent satellite missions for gravity field determination
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Laser‐Satellite GFZ‐1 (1995 – 1999)
Laser‐Satellites LAGEOS‐1 and ‐2 (since 1976 resp. 1992)
Altitude: 387 ‐ 380 km
Diameter: 22 cm
Mass: 21 kg
60 Laser Retro‐Reflectors
The data of these „old“ satellites are still used for the determination
of the long Altitude: 5858 –
wavelengths5958 km
of the Earth Gravity Field Diameter: ~ 60 cm
IAG Assembly
nd June 2015 Mass: 411 kg
EUREF Symposium 2015 /Tutorial Height and Gravity, Leipzig, 2
Potsdam 2013
426 Laser Retro‐Reflectors
Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) station for Laser tracking (here: Potsdam)
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Continous single satellite tracking: CHAMP (2000 – 2010)
Continous GPS‐mesurements to the high‐altitude GPS satellites (GPS‐SST)
 continous positioning (sample rate of a few seconds) of the low earth orbiting satellite
 this allows for much more precise determination
of the fine structurendof the gravity field
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EUREF Symposium 2015 /Tutorial Height and Gravity, Leipzig, 2
June 2015 than from the previous ground trackingPotsdam
only 2013
Intersatellite tracking – GRACE (since 2002)
(GRACE = Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment)
‐ Two satellites in an altitude of about 500 km are flying one after another
‐ The distance between the twin satellites is about 200 km
‐ Ultra precise relative range and range‐rate measurements between the satellites
(Microwave Ranging System of a few Micrometer accuracy)
i.e. measurement of differential orbit IAG
Assembly between the satellites
nd June 2015 EUREF Symposium 2015 /Tutorial Height and Gravity, Leipzig, 2
2013with the single satellite CHAMP
Higher accuracy in gravity field determination
Inter-Satellite Ranging
Precision = a few µm
(i.e. ~ one tenth of the diameter
of a men’s hair)
3. Mai 2003
= 100nm/s
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nd June 2015 EUREF Symposium 2015 /Tutorial Height and Gravity, Leipzig, 2
Potsdam 2013
GRACE  Estimation of large‐scale gravity variations
‐ GRACE allows the determination of
monthly gravity field models of a
spatial resolution of about 300 km at the Earth‘s surface.
‐ From these monthly gravity field
variations it‘s possible to estimate
seasonal gravity variations
in certain regions of the Earth.
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Satellite Gravity Gradiometry: GOCE (2009 – 2013)
GOCE = Gravity Field and steady‐state Ocean Circulation Explorer
Source: ESA
GOCE ‐ The first Earth‐Explorer‐Coremission within the Living‐
Planet‐Programs of ESA
Estimation of a global Gravity field model resp. Geoid of about
80 km spatial resolution. Special focus on the geoid determination on the oceans
IAG Assembly
nd June 2015 EUREF Symposium 2015 /Tutorial Height and Gravity, Leipzig, 2
Potsdam 2013
GOCE measurement principle:
‐ Three‐axial satellite gradiometer
‐ Positioning by GPS
GPS satellites
The center of mass of the satellite is weightless.
But in short distances to the center of mass
differential gravity forces (Schweregradienten)
occur, which can be measured as acceleration
The GOCE Satellite Gradiometer:
3 pairs of accelerometers
(1 pair per spatial direction, distance 0.5 m,
measurement accuracy ~ 10-12 ms-2 = 100 x
more accurate as in previous satellite
missions) Earth
Electrostatic accelerometers in the GOCE gradiometer
Source: ESA
An accelerometer sensor contains a 4cm x 4cm x
1cm große free-floating Platin-Rhodium prove
mass which is kept in an electrostatically balanced
mass anomaly
IAG Assembly state.
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Quelle: ESA
Potsdam 2013
Requirements for the GOCE satellite mission
‐ low altitude
‐ very stable attitude
Characteristics of the GOCE satellite
‐ compact octagonal satellite body without any movably parts
Length ~ 5 m. Diameter ~ 1 m2, Mass ~ 1.100 kg
‐ Aerodynamic stabilizing elements
‐ 2 ion thrusters for the compensation of the atmospheric air drag (40 kg Xenon)
propulsive force 1 … 20 nN
The GOCE satellite gradiometer
View of one gradiometer arm
Quelle: ESA
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Improvement of the spatial and spectral resolution of global gravity field models
25 satellites before CHAMP (1999)
Spatial Resolution ~ 1500 km (grim5-S1)
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Improvement of the spatial and spectral resolution of global gravity field models
CHAMP (7 years, 2002…2009)
Spatial Resolution ~ 300 km
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Improvement of the spatial and spectral resolution of global gravity field models
GRACE (6 years, 2002…2008)
Spatial resolution ~GRACE
150 km
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Improvement of the spatial and spectral resolution of global gravity field models
GOCE (1259 days out of 20091101 – 20131020)
Spatial Resolution ~ 80 km
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Improvement of the spatial and spectral resolution of global gravity field models
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Improvement of the resolution of global gravity field models
Combined model EIGEN‐6C4 (2014)
Spatial resolution ~ 9 km
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Potsdam 2013
The combined global gravity model EIGEN-6C4
• The EIGEN* gravity field models GFZ Potsdam and GRGS/CNES Toulouse have a long‐
time close cooperation in the field of global gravity field determination.
• This cooperation is presently focused on the computation of high resolution global gravity field models incl. GOCE Satellite Gravity Gradiometry data:
EIGEN‐6C (2011, Shako et al. 2013, max. d/o 1420)
EIGEN‐6C2 (2012, Förste et al. 2012, max. d/o 1949)
EIGEN‐6C3 (2013, Förste et al. 2013, max d/o 1949), was taken as basis for the new Canadian Hight Reference System: Canadian Gravimetric Geoid CGG2013
EIGEN‐6C4 (max d/o 2190) is the latest release of the EIGEN‐6C‐Series, containing the complete SGG data of the GOCE‐Mission
* EIGEN = “European Improved Gravity model of the Earth by New techniques” IAG Assembly
nd June 2015 EUREF Symposium 2015 /Tutorial Height and Gravity, Leipzig, 2
Potsdam 2013
Data used for EIGEN‐6C4
LAGEOS‐1/2 SLR data:
• 1985 – 2010 of GRGS release 2 normal equations to degree/order 30
GRACE GPS‐SST and K‐band range‐rate data:
• Feb 2003 – Dec 2012 of GRGS release 3 normal equations to degree 175
GOCE data:
•‐ SGG data (Txx, Tyy, Tzz, Txz) from 01 November 2009 – 20 October 2013
•‐ weighting per measurement (based on RMS of residual), cos‐latitude weighting
•‐ individual normal equations for each SGG component (4) up to degree/order 300
•‐ application of a (120 – 8) s band‐pass filter for all four SGG components
Surface data:
• DTU 2’x2’ global gravity anomaly grid (Anderson, 2010)
= altrimetry over the oceans, EGM2008 (Pavlis et al. 2012) over continents
• Block diagonal solution for degrees 371‐2190
The combination of the different satellite and surface parts is done by a band-limited
combination of normal equations, as a function of their resolution and accuracy (c.f.
Förste et al. 2008).
IAG Assembly
nd June 2015 EUREF Symposium 2015 /Tutorial Height and Gravity, Leipzig, 2
Potsdam 2013
GFZ‘s most recent global gravity field models
Max d/o
GRGS 200301 ‐ 200906
GRGS, 1985 ‐ 2010
GRGS, 1985 ‐ 2010
GRGS, 1985 ‐ 2010
200301 ‐ 200906
200303 ‐ 201012
GRGS RL02 (deg. 2 – 100)
200302 – 201101
GFZ RL05 (deg. 55 – 180)
200310 ‐ 201209
10 years
2003 – 2012
Max d/o GRACE
GOCE SGG data 200 days Txx Tyy Tzz out 350 days Txx Tyy Tzz out of 20091101 –
of 20091101 – 20110419
nominal orbit altitude:
nominal orbit altitude:
837 days Txx Tyy Tzz Txz out 837 days Txx Tyy Tzz Txz
of 20091101 – 20120801
out + lower orbit phases:
of 20091101 – 20120801
225 days Txx Tyy Tzz out + lower orbit phases:
of 20120901 – 20130524 422 days Txx Tyy Tzz Txz out of 20120801 – 20131020
Max d/o GOCE
Terrestrial data
Global gravity
DTU Global gravity
DTU Global gravity
DTU Global gravity
DTU Ocean geoid
DTU Ocean geoidnd
DTU Ocean
IAG geoid
EUREF Symposium 2015 /Tutorial Height and Gravity, Leipzig, 2
June 2015 Potsdamgrid
2013 + EGM2008 geoid grid
+ EGM2008 geoid
+ EGM2008 geoid grid
EIGEN‐6C4 compared to EGM2008: spatial
EGM2008 minus EIGEN‐6C4, max. degree = 260 (i.e. approximately the upper end of the GOCE contribution )
 = 12.3 cm
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EIGEN‐6C4 compared to EGM2008: spatial
EGM2008 minus EIGEN‐6C4, max. degree = 2190 (full resolution)
 = 12.4 cm  the same as for max degree 260  The combination with the satellite data doesn’t touch the short wavelength beyond degree ~ 260
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 The combination of satellite‐based and terrestrial
gravity data allows for the generation of high‐resolution global gravity field models
 The reliability of global combined gravity field models
can be proved by comparison with independent external
data (e.g. GPS/Leveling data, orbit computation tests …)
 GFZ‘s latest global combined gravity field model EIGEN‐
6C4 is of maximum degree/oder 2190. It‘s available for
users on the ICGEM data base:
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Thank you for your attention!
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Andersen, O. B. and Knudsen, P. (1998), Global marine gravity field from the ERS‐1 and Geosat geodetic mission Altimetry J. Geophys. Res., 103/C4, pp 8129 – 8137
Andersen O. B. P. Knudsen and P. Berry. (2009): DNSC08 mean sea surface and mean dynamic topography models, Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 114, c11001 12 pp., 2009, doi:10.1029/2008JC005179
Andersen, O. B.,(2010): The DTU10 Gravity field and Mean sea surface (2010), Second international symposium of the gravity field of the Earth (IGFS2), Fairbanks, Alaska
Bock H, Jäggi A, Meyer U, Visser P, van den Ijssel J, van Helleputte T, Heinze M and Hugentobler U (2011), GPS‐derived orbits for the GOCE satellite, J Geod (2011) 85:807–818, DOI 10.1007/s00190‐011‐0484‐9
Bruinsma, S. L., J. M. Lemoine, R. Biancale, and N. Vales (2010), CNES/GRGS 10‐day gravity field models (release 2) and their evaluation, Adv. Space Res., 45(4), 587–601, doi:10.1016/j.asr.2009.10.012.
Bruinsma, S.‐L., Förste,C., Abrikosov, O., Marty, J.‐C., Rio, M.‐H., Mulet, S., Bonvalot, S. (2013): The new ESA satellite‐only gravity field model via the direct approach, Geoph. Res. Lett., DOI 10.1002/grl.50716
Sean L. Bruinsma, Christoph Förste, Oleg Abrikosov, Jean‐Michel Lemoine, Jean‐Charles Marty, Sandrine Mulet, Marie‐Helene Rio, and Sylvain Bonvalot (2014), ESA’s satellite‐only gravity field model via the direct approach based on all GOCE data, Geoph. Res. Lett., DOI 10.1002/2014GL062045
Dahle, C., F. Flechtner, C. Gruber, R. König, G. Michalak, and K. H. Neumayer (2012), GFZ GRACE level‐2 processing standards document for level‐2 product release 0005, Sci. Tech. Rep., Data, 12/02, Potsdam, Germany
Förste, C.; Schmidt, R.; Stubenvoll, R.; Flechtner, F.; Meyer, U.; König, R.; Neumayer, H.; Biancale, R.; Lemoine, J.‐M.; Bruinsma, S.; Loyer, S.; Barthelmes, F.; Esselborn, S. (2008): The GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam / Groupe de Recherche de Géodésie Spatiale satellite‐only and combined gravity field models: EIGEN‐GL04S1 and EIGEN‐GL04C. Journal of Geodesy, 82, 6, 331‐346, DOI 10.1007/s00190‐007‐0183‐8
Förste C, S. L. Bruinsma, R. Shako, O. Abrikosov, F. Flechtner, J.‐C. Marty, J.‐M. Lemoine, C. Dahle, H. Neumeyer, F. Barthelmes, R. Biancale, G. Balmino and R. König (2012), A new release of EIGEN‐6: The latest combined global gravity field model including LAGEOS, GRACE and GOCE data from the collaboration of GFZ Potsdam and GRGS Toulouse, Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 14, EGU2012‐2821‐2, EGU General Assembly 2012
Ch. Förste, F. Flechtner, Ch. Dahle, O. Abrikosov, H. Neumayer, Franz Barthelmes, R. König, S.L. Bruinsma, J.C. Marty, J.‐M. Lemoine, R. Biancale
EIGEN‐6C3 ‐ The latest Combined Global Gravity Field Model incl. GOCE data up to d/o 1949 of GFZ Potsdam and GRGS Toulouse, Abstracts, AGU 2013 Fall Meeting (San Francisco, USA 2013) Mayer‐Gürr, T. and the GOCO consortium (2012), The new combined satellite only model GOCO03s, paper presented at International Symposium on Gravity, Geoid and Height Systems GGHS 2012, Venice, Italy
Ries, J.C., S. Bettadpur, S. Poole, and T. Richter (2011): Mean Background Gravity Fields for GRACE Processing, GRACE Science Team Meeting, Austin, TX, 8‐10 August 2011
Pavlis, N.K., Holmes, S.A., Kenyon, S.C., and Factor, J.K. (2012), The development and evaluation of the Earth Gravitational Model 2008 (EGM2008), Journal of Geoph. Res., Vol. 117, B04406, doi:10.1029/2011JB008916, 2012
Schmidt, S. and Götze, H.‐J. Bouguer and Isostatic Maps of the Central Andes (2006), in: The Andes, pages 559—562, Springer, doi=10.1007/978‐3‐540‐48684‐8_28 Shako R, Förste C, Abrikosov O, Bruinsma SL, Marty J ‐ C, Lemoine J ‐ M, Flechtner F, Neumayer KH and Dahle C. (2013), EIGEN‐6C: A High‐Resolution Global Gravity Combination Model Including GOCE Data, in F. Flechtner et al. (eds.), Observation of the System Earth from Space – CHAMP, GRACE, GOCE and future missions, Advanced Technologies in Earth Sciences, DOI: 10.1007/978‐3‐642‐32135‐1_20, Springer‐Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013
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