wHtfEl . EL4ERALD . TERMNAL2 Fflday,February15.2013 PFINCESS &'F / l3"CHgh:A'Fl2SC-Sun.h€6.56am/Sunsel6l4pm WoathonTod.y!For.c.stF€wShoreG.Low: Welcometo Ft.Lauderdale Welcometo Ft.Lauderdale, the "yachtingcapitalof the world."One of SouthFlorida'sprimarytouristdestinations, this radiantcity has reeledin admirersfor approximately 50 yea.s. forts utilizedduringthe Second Ft.Lauderdalewas incorporatedin 1911, althoughits namecomesfrom U.S.-built SeminoleWar,all of whichhonoreda commandercalled lraior williamLauderdale. Today,Ft.Lauderdaleis a majorcruiseport featuringa delightfulRiverwalkand sevenmilesof sparklingbeaches. It is also a gatewayto the great FloridaEverglades. \s rv 'I Ra .,i I E tiir ll t:;--*4 Ship'sLocation& Agent PrincessCruises 3721SouthWest30thAvenue Ft.Lauderdale, Fl.33312 Telephone#: (954)525-8520 Fax f: {954)525-53880728 Disembarkation is as easy as l-2-3 with Princess. I Get ready.... 2 Get set.... 3 Disembark Pleaseensureyou read the organizedsteps tor a wofiy-free,smooth and comfortabledisembarkation. l@+€ndwe'dliketo thankyou againfor sailingwith Princess cruises.we hope you had a wonderfultime.and we look forwardto welcomingyou back in the future. Havea safeand pleasantjourney. PeterHollinson, YourHotelGeneral[,4anager DiSem 1arkationOhecklist Planahead: Prlorto dlsembarkatlonday: B f you have prevlorr3lyreglstorcd a crodlt card E Youshould have received luggage tags to your stateroom wlth thls notlce. We aecommendyou pdnt yournameclea y on each tag and attachthem to ior Exp,ssg Ch€ckout,then you 6re not required to check out at the PassengerServlcesDesk The gccount follo dellvered to your stateroomon momlngwill be yourpayment dlsgmbarkation rccelpL The lasr opportunity to take advantage of.eglstering for ExpressCheckout i9 4:o0pm on Thu|sday,l4th Feb.uary. yourluggege. At the end of each luggagetag, thero is a perforgtlon. Pleass remove the small perforated sectlonof each tag and carry it with you when lf you have not roglsteaeda credit card, please sgttle l,our shlpboard account at the PassengerServices Desk before ll:oopm on Thursday,l4th February. you dlsembarkThesetags can be attachedto your luggagelike airlinetags, and rememberto filst removeany old tags so that your luggage can be corroctlysorted ashore. Pleasenote that these perforatedtsgs are not claim check€,but ShlpboardaccounBwlll be closedat mldnlghton the morningof Dlsomberk€tion. are a gangwaypass 6nd should be shownat the gangweywhenyou dlsembark After this time, we are unable to amend statements Pleaseensure you check your follo bgfore this llme. tr Drop otf youl'Con3umste Host Rscognhlon Nomlnatlon'card3 ln the box adJacent to the PasgengerSeNices Dosk tr Pleasecheck the disembarkationschedul€6nd ensureyou have beon glven the correct t6gs. Shouldyou havoan oady flight and need dlfferent tags, pleasevisit the 'T69Desk'on Oeck 6 Mldship It eny of our crew members have gone the 'extra mlla" we wouldllkoto knowin orderto thankthem for a lob welldone and entorthoirnameIntoour loonsumate Host of the Month"program. tr It you are wh€elchali-cor ln€d and Equlr€ aall6lance to disembark pleasg meet at Casinq Oeck6 Mldshlp15mlnutesbeforsyourschedule dlsembarkation moetlngtime. Staff will help you ashore on disembarkatlon momlng. tr Chock"Lostand Found"at the Passenge' next to the PassengerServlcesDssk from 9:00aml2:oopm & 3:00pm- 5:00pmon Wednesday, 13thFebruary. o Placatho m€lority ot your luggage outtldo youl 9tatercofi betore dlnner of the last evenlng. Thlsls necessaryto avolddisturbingyou durlngthe earlymornlnghourswlth luggagecollectionand to ko€p emgrgency exlts and alleys cle€r The remalnderoI your luggageshouldbe placedoutside youastateroomat yourconveniencoaftgr dinngr. ServlcesDesk tr Relum Indoor gamos, andror llbrary books to the Library on Deck 7 Fwd. lf you need to weigh your luggage, please contact your stateaoomsteward who csn proMdeasslstance witha luggagehandscale. o "Expr€ssWalk-Off"Olsembarkatlon:For passengerscapableof handlingthejrown luggageacrossthe gangwayand into the termlnal,you havetho optionfor a "walkoff dlsembark€tion. Thosewishingto panicipste shouldNOTleaveout any luggagefor colloction. Kindlynotethat passenger choosingthe "walk off disembarkationare responsiblefor carrying all of theirown luggage. tr It is recommendedthat you keep all valuables and f.aglls ftemswnh you wh€n golng aaho.e: . Passportsand flight tickets . Medication . ltemswhichyou need to declare . Liquorbottles. O When dl3embi?kingth€iship, all ilss€ngcrs er6 to produce thelr crulse card al tho gangway. Afterpassingthroughsecurity,you are welcometo keepyourcruisecard as a souvenkof yourcruise wlthus. E Passgnggrssnrollod In the Piihcoss Ezch€ck lugg€geservlcawill receiveluggagetags and thoir boardingpassesonly after 8:00pmon Thursday, l4th February EZCheckpassongorswill NOTbe requiredto collectthelr luggageln the cruisetermlnalupon disembarkation.EZCheck luggageforw€rdeddkoctlyto your airlineand will be claimedupon arrivalat yourfinal destination. Thisservicedoes not Includepassengertransfer to the airoort. Onceclearof Customs6nd lmmlgrationformalitjesin tho terminal,EZCheck passengeGwill bo free to continuewiththelr Taking care ot business on the day of dlsembarkation: onward t6nsportation. E Pa+sgngo6 who hav€ book€d a Shor6 Excurslonwill disembarkaccordingto their E Clgar youJstatorcom saf€ deposft box and leave it open. tour arrangements,Kindlydisregardany other disembarkation arrangementsyou may have E check that you haveno personalbolonglngsleft in yout stateroom. received.As generalannouncements will not be made,pleaseensureyou meet at the time and E Vacate your state.oom by 8:O0am. Pleaseplanyourmorningcarefullyas you must meetwithyourcoloredluggagetag groupet the correcltime and location.Feferto the charton the reverseside. location€dvenised. Verifyyourmeetingtime and dosignatedloungeas listedon Disembarkation Chart. E Any last mlnute photographs can be purchas€d from the PhotoGalleryon the momingof disembarkation between6:30amand 9:00am. E Forour Platinum, Eliteand Suitopassengers, pleasefeel frog to use our Platlnum Dls€mbarkatlonLoungeinsteadof your designatedwaitingarea prior to disembarkation. Pleaseh6veyour cruisecard readyat the door for entry. The loungewill be in the Club Fusion on Deck7 Aft and open at Z00am. lf wheelchair assiatancels required,pleasemeet in the CasinoDeck6 Midshio. Procedures . Onceclearancehas beengrantedby the authorltles ashorq the gangweywlll be opened and yolr colored and numberedgroupwill disembarkfrom th6 assignedloung€s as listed. . Pleasebe awarethat U.s.Customsand Border Protectionwill not permltyouto dlsembarkuntilyourcolor groupls clearod. . Allcolored and numberedgroups will disembarkfrom their asslgnedlounge only.Pleasedo not meet in your disembarkationlounge prlor to th6 ms6ting time listed. . Local authoritiesand agencles rcse e tho right to change the orderand detailsof disembark€tion. Customs/Border Patrol Transportation U.S.Customsand BorderPrctection willinspectall passengers in the terminalbuildingashoredu ng disembarkalion. Youmust b€ readyto presentyourpassport,or birthce ificatewitha photol.D"in additionto yourcompletedU.S. validgovernment foms. Customstormand anyapplicableimmigGtion I) PBINCESSCRUISESTBANSFERCOACHES TrarsporLationto l\,4iami ard Fr. LauderdaleArrpolt are provided by PrincessCruises for passengers who have purchased a trcnsfer voucherPlease note rhat the r.ansfer servrce .s onlv avarlab'ledulnqt h e h o u r so ! d r s e m b d r k a t r ol nr o m t h e s h r p .O u t s . d er h e s e hours vouchers are not valid. but independent taxi cabs are readily avaalablefor hire. U.S.CUSIOMSDECLARATION Thesehavebeendeliveredto voursiateroomand mustbe completedone PEBFAN4ILY USCEPwillcollectthe formsin the te.minalbuildingafteryou havecollecledyourbaggage. MealTimss: . C6fs Csdb€. D6ck 15Atl con{nsnial B€6kl$t 53oam to 6:30am . Ho zon Coult Deck 15Aft areaHast 6:0(hm to 10|00€ft , s€lt€srvlc€ coff€€ snd Tsa dll bo avallabl€ thrclohout th€ REMINDER: Whenfillingin yourcustomsdecla€tion you must declareon the reverseside of the form if voo have exceed€dyour customslimit.Whendeclaringyou must state rhe total ltemsbought.NOTthe amountyou have exceededthe limit by. . Bottlc€lll Dlnhg Aoofl! Deck 6 Aft Br€aldast 03oam to a3oam . B€. S€n ba: Inbrnatonal C6it PiE. M( 5 6nd Calyp€o86r, Dock 15uldsrF S3oam-lo.Ooam(ca!h sabs ont) rL n|ohlng: Pl.{ not Rod 3. b. rlllnoi !. slblb U.S.DEPAFTMENT BESTRICTIONS OFAGFICULTURE It is a r€qukementof the U.S.D"A" that NO fruit foodstuffsor flowersand plantsaretakenashoreIn PortEvergladesOn the spot fineswill be enforced. P,!6SENG€RSWITH EXPRESSWALK OFF GROUP A P'SSENGERS WITH EXPNESSWALK OFF GROUP B PASSENGERSWITH €XPRESSWALK OFF GROIJPC PASSENGERS WTH IOI]R ANDTACNSFEF TO FLL A M A PF NCESSTFANSFEBSTO FLL F PF NCESSTRANSFERSIO FLL FLIGHTSFFOM ] I55AM IO I2 sOPM PASSENGEFS WTH EAFLYNOEPENDENT ARFANGEMENTS TO FLL FLLGHTS PF NCESSTRANSFENS BETWEEN1255PMANOI'15PM PASSENGEFS WTH EAFLYNOEFENDENT ARFANGEMENTS PASSENGERS WITHEAFLY]NOEPENDENT AFFANGEMENTS PASSENGERS WITHEAf]LY]NOEFENDENT ARFANGEMENTS IO FLL AIFFDRTBETWEENI 5OPMAND 3 5OPM PN NCESSIRANSFERS EZ CHECK GROUPSA.AM 3!AA az cHEcK GROTJFS PRINCESS TR{NSFENSIO MIAFORFLIGHTTILL5 OOIM EZ C HECh GFOUpS CCCC EZCHECKGROUFSOOOD/ BAXX Pr'SSENGERS W TH INDEPENDENTARFANGEMENISALOHAOECK,SIATERCOMS A2O]'AI5O] PASSENGEBS W TH INOEPCNDENT ARNANGEMENTS ALOHADECK,STATEFOOMS A60}A753 o € s F \ G r q sw r - r \ D - o r N o E \ Erf-o'\DLu\5 arEaoovsD0D'r" PASSENGERS W TI] INDEFENOENT ABFANGEMENTS MLPH N DECKSTATEFOOMS D5I6 D737 PB NCESSTRANSFERSTO FLL FOR FL GHT AFIEF .l oOPM P'SSENGERS WTH NDEPENOENTAFRANG€MEN''S BA.]AI]ECKSIATEFO)MSB20] A32O PF NCESSTRAN3FEB!TO MIAFOF FL]GHTAFIEF 5IOPM PASSENGEFS WTH NDEPENOEMAFRANGEMEMS.AA]A D:CK STAIEiCOVS332I,81]] PASSENGEFS WIH NOEFENDENI AFFA^ICEMEN IS gA]A OTCKSIAIEN'NMS A5]2 A7' P/€SENGERSWTH ]NOEFENDENI ARFANGEIENIS CAN3E OEC( SI IERCOMSC1OIC,IOI PFIVATE GSOUP'CJ]UJSE PLANNEFS' PASSENGERS WTI INOEFENOENT Af]NANGEM'NISCAftlE I]ECKSTATEBOOMS C533 C753 o.6'\crq<wl r\ " or'\nL\ Lv r D,r\5 \rLF,vsEo c 0 INDEIENCEN PASSENGENSWIH CK STATEFCOMS E502,E735 FNSSENGERS \I/ TH JNIJE'i:Nf:NI AIiNANGEMENTS I]VLI^ I]ECKST,4I-FOOMS f:2OJn33O FASSENGEFS WTf iNor.r-aNOENi IRiANGEIIENiS n V Ef[ rrEC(Srr]anOC\iSn33rfr/.rt l D F : a r r a N r r . F n n N G a f . r SLNt aT:s) a a ( ^ N l : , q z a D E c ( !o3T CFU SE HOIEI i|.1n\! :OSI CRI] SE tsOI:L ]N FI L\L]DEI.ALE
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