Estudiar en Sassari - Università di Sassari
Estudiar en Sassari - Università di Sassari
Studying in Sassari Estudiar en Sassari Table of contents Índice Studying in Europe Estudiar en Europa Why choose the University of Sassari Por qué escoger la Universidad de Sassari Past and present Happy 450th birthday! The University of Sassari today Pasado y presente DxRVGHKLVWRULD La Universidad de Sassari hoy The Academic References Rectorship International Relations Office University Language Center Erasmus Helpdesk Erasmus Student Network Orientation Centre Regional Agency for University Studies Las Referencias Académicas Rectorado Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales Centro de Idiomas del Ateneo Servicio de Ayuda Erasmus Red de Estudiantes Erasmus Centro Orientamiento Agencia Regional de Estudios Universitarios Studying at the University of Sassari Programmes and academic offer Courses of Italian Language and Culture Credits and ECTS system Departments and Research Centres University Library Network European Documentation Centre Academic calendar 2011/2012 Application process step-by-step Estudiar en la Universidad de Sassari Programas y oferta académica Cursos de Lengua y Cultura Italiana Créditos formativos y sistema ECTS Departamentos y Centros de Investigación Sistema Bibliotecario del Ateneo Centro de Documentación Europea Calendario académico 2011/2012 Matricularse paso a paso Sassari and Sardinia Culture and traditions Facts about Sardinia Sassari y Cerdeña Cultura y tradición Cerdeña en cifras Your stay in Sassari Climate and clothing How to get to Sassari Required documents Accommodation Students with special needs Other advantages for incoming The Choir of the University of Sassari Sport facilities Health and insurance Sassari by night Tu estancia en Sassari Clima y ropa Cómo llegar a Sassari Documentos necesarios Alojamiento Estudiantes con capacidades diferentes Beneficios disponibles para los estudiantes entrantes El Coro de la Universidad Actividades deportivas Asistencia médica La vida nocturna Checklist Lista de verificación G uide for Incoming Students 2 0 11 - 2 0 1 2 Studying in Europe To study one or two semesters in another European university is an excellent opportunity to experience a new academic environment and way of life as an integral part of your degree. Erasmus is the EU's flagship education and training programme enabling 200,000 students to study and work abroad each year. This experience gives students a better sense of what it means to be a European citizen. In addition, many employers highly value such a period abroad, which increases the students' employability and job prospects. Get more information on the ERASMUS Programme at: G uide for Incoming Students 2 2 0 11 - 2 0 1 2 Estudiar en Europa Pasar un año o un semestre en el extranjero para estudiar en otra Universidad europea es una oportunidad que no se puede desperdiciar para experimentar un nuevo ambiente académico o una estimulante experiencia tanto formativa como existencial. Cada año el programa Erasmus permite a unos 200000 estudiantes estudiar o transcurrir un periodo de aprendizaje en el extranjero. Durante la estancia Erasmus se puede comprender verdaderamente qué significa ser un ciudadano europeo. Además, pasar un periodo de estudios en el extranjero es un título preferencial por muchas empresas y mejora sensiblemente las perspectivas de empleo. Información: G uía para los Estudiantes Entrantes 2 0 11 - 2 0 1 2 3 Why choose the University of Sassari Here are some good reasons to come to Sassari: The University of Sassari is a public university with very old traditions, where academic offer is based on a wide array of study programmes, multidisciplinary teaching and high quality scientific research A medium-small size favours integration of incoming students within the academic community and the establishment of enriching personal relationships The University offers a wide range of libraries, study and internet points, and an efficient University Library Network The University Language Center offers to incoming students a multiple choice of both institutional and intensive free courses of Italian language and culture All incoming students may benefit of special facilities for accommodation, canteen, transportation, health, cultural and recreational activities Sassari is a student-tailored city, with an active social life animated by the (61DQGPDQ\RWKHU6WXGHQWV¶DVVRFLDWLRQVDWWKHIDFXOW\OHYHO Well connected to many Italian and European airports, Sassari is located in the island of Sardinia, which is known as one of the most beautiful hotspots of biodiversity in the Mediterannean Region. Its natural and cultural peculiarities will make your stay an unforgettable experience The European Commission is responsible for the overall Lilfelong Learning Programme (LLP) implementation. In Italy, the Erasmus decentralized action is run and promoted by the Italian National Agency. G uide for Incoming Students 4 2 0 11 - 2 0 1 2 Por qué escoger la Universidad de Sassari Unas buenas razones para estudiar en Sassari: La Universidad de Sassari cuenta con una historia centenaria, así que su oferta formativa se basa en una amplia gama de cursos, en una didáctica interdisciplinar y en un alto estandar de investigación científica El tamaño medio-pequeño de la Universidad favorece las relaciones interpersonales y permite a los estudiantes entrantes integrarse rápidamente en la comunidad académica y en el ambiente local Tendréis a disposición una amplia red de salas de estudio, de bibliotecas, de postaciones internet y un eficiente Sistema Bibliotecario El Centro de Idiomas del Ateneo organiza para vosotros una amplia oferta de cursos gratuitos de lengua y cultura italiana Todos los estudiantes entrantes tienen derecho a especiales facilitaciones para vivienda, comedor universitario, transportes, asistencia sanitaria, actividad cultural y deportiva Sassari es una ciudad a medida del estudiante, con una rica vida asociativa animada por tantas asociaciones estudiantiles Bien conectada con otros aeropuertos italianos y europeos, Sassari está situada en una isla, Cerdeña, que por su historia, su identidad cultural, por sus peculiaridades naturales y ambientales es considerada una de las más encantadoras regiones del Mediterráneo En Italia, el Programa de acción para el Aprendizaje Permanente o Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP) - Erasmus está gestionado por la Comisión Europea, con la colaboración y el soporte de la Agencia Nacional Italiana. G uía para los Estudiantes Entrantes 2 0 11 - 2 0 1 2 5 G uide for Incoming Students 6 2 0 11 - 2 0 1 2 7 Past and present Happy 450th birthday! Today, the University of Sassari In 2011-12 the University of Sassari celebrates its 450th academic year. offers multiple education degrees at the undergraduate, graduate, master and PhD level hosts 703 researchers and professors distributed among 11 Faculties, 30 departments, 22 libraries, and over 40 institutes and research centres over 15,000 students enrolled in the University of Sassari and 500 are currently spending a study or training period in other European Universities/Institutions in 2010 a total of 196 visiting professors have taught at the University of Sassari the number of incoming Erasmus students from other European Universities is constantly increasing the University of Sassari has established cooperative exchange agreements with over 200 Universities participating in the Erasmus Programme The University of Sassari owes its foundation to Alessio Fontana, a clerk at Emperor Charles V's chancellery, who in 1558 donated his belongings to the municipality of Sassari for the establishment of a college in this town. In 1559 the first Jesuits arrived to Sassari and in 1562 the first FRXUVHV ZHUH WDXJKW 'XULQJ WKH IROORZLQJ \HDUV D ³8QLYHUVLW\ +RXVH´ZDVHVWDEOLVKHGDQGLQ.LQJ3KLOLS,,,DFNQRZOHGJHG the status of first Royal University of Sardinia to the Jesuit college of Sassari. G uide for Incoming Students 8 2 0 11 - 2 0 1 2 Pasado y presente 450 años de historia La Universidad de Sassari hoy En 2011-12 la Universidad de Sassari celebrará su 450º año académico. ofrece una vasta gama de diplomaturas, licenciaturas, másteres y escuelas de especialización y de doctorado cuenta con 702 docentes distribuídos en 11 facultades, 30 departamentos, 22 bibliotecas, y otros 40 institutos y centros de investigación tiene más de 15000 estudiantes, de los cuales 500 estàn actualmente en movilidad por estudio o por prácticas en otras universidades e instituciones europeas en el año 2010 han impartido clases en Sassari 196 profesores visitantes el número de los estudiantes Erasmus provenientes de otras universidades europeas está en continuo crecimiento la Universidad de Sassari tiene relaciones de cooperación con otras 200 universidades que participan en el Programa Erasmus El nacimiento del Ateneo está ligado a la figura de Alessio Fontana, funcionario de la corte imperial de Carlos V, que por testamento, en el 1558, dejó sus bienes a la municipalidad para instaurar un colegio de estudios. En 1559 se unieron los primeros padres jesuitas y en 1562 se inauguraron los cursos. En los años sucesivos empezó a tomar FXHUSR OD ³&DVD GH OD 8QLYHUVLGDG´ \ ILQDOPHQWH HQ )HOLSH III, Rey de España, concedió al Colegio Jesuíta el estatus de Real Universidad. G uía para los Estudiantes Entrantes 2 0 11 - 2 0 1 2 9 The University Language Center The Rector's office is located in the historical seat of the University of Sassari. Besides teaching foreign languages, the University Language Center offers a wide programme of free courses of Italian Language and culture for incoming students. The Academic References Rectorship Rector Professor Attilio Mastino Vice-Rector Professor Laura Manca Delegate for Internationalisation Professor Giovanni Lobrano Delegate for International Student Exchange Professor Piero Sanna Deputy Delegates for International Student Exchange Professors Elena Sanna Ticca and Quirico Migheli Rector's Secretariat Piazza Università 21, 07100 Sassari T +39 079 228211 F +39 079 228816 [email protected] - [email protected] In addition to the contact person at the International Relations Office, each Faculty or graduate education programme hosts an Erasmus Helpdesk where incoming students will have the possibility to contact the Erasmus coordinator, the academic staff, the administrative staff and the students' tutor for any question related to study matters during their stay in Sassari. Erasmus Helpdesk International Relations Office Erasmus Student Network The International Relations Office is the reference contact point for incoming students. Along with the structures responsible for teaching programmes, the Office assures continuous support to exchange students. The ESN is an independent organisation, run by students for students and also in Sassari it is largely formed by Erasmus fellows. ESN assures a valid support to incoming students upon arrival for matters related to accommodation, student card, canteen, libraries, banks, get together with teaching staff, etc. ESN also represents the reference for any aspect regarding the organization of students' stay, leisure and socialization. International Relations Office uide for Incoming Students 10 Erasmus Helpdesk Via Macao 32, 07100 Sassari T +39 079 229941 F +39 079 229979 [email protected] Via Macao 32, 07100 Sassari T +39 079 229757 F +39 079 229979 (h 11-13) [email protected] G CLA Via Zanfarino, 53 - 07100 Sassari T +39 079 229672 F +39 079 229642 Erasmus Student Network - Sassari Via Macao 32, 07100 Sassari T +39 079 229719 (h 11-13) T +39 348 1581467 (Mr. Bruno Atzori, President) [email protected] Besides ESN, several other student associations animate the university social life in Sassari. Orientation Centre Regional Agency for University Studies The "Centro Orientamento" is a department of the University of Sassari. ERSU (Regional Agency for University Studies) - Sassari promotes the essential services aiming at easing access to university studies (meals, accommodation, transportation, cultural and recreational activities). Incoming students will benefit from the same facilities as those granted to students enrolled in the University of Sassari. It provides different services to support students during their learning experience: helping to choose academic courses, supporting academic performance and providing career guidance. The "Servizio Orientazione" is an in house service and it provides free psychological counselling and coaching both in English and Spanish. Centro Orientamento Via Arborea 40/b, 07100 Sassari 800 882994 (toll free) T +39 079 229920 F +39 079 229928 [email protected] ERSU - Sassari Via Coppino 18 - 07100 Sassari T +39 079 9940020 F +39 079 272118 [email protected] 100 2 0 11 - 2 0 1 2 11 Studying at the University of Sassari Programmes and academic offer Incoming students can participate freely in any programme at the Undergraduate, Graduate, Master, or PhD level. Courses from different programmes can also be combined by creating a multidisciplinary study plan to suit individual aims and interests. Agricultural sciences Undergraduate Courses Agro-zootechnical Sciences Agro-technological Sciences Forestry and Environmental Sciences (Nuoro site)* Viticultural, Oenological and Food Technologies (Oristano site)* Graduate Courses Agricultural Systems Forest and Environmental Systems (Nuoro site) Animal Productions Sciences Viticulture and Enology Sciences* Architecture Undergraduate Courses Architectural and Design Sciences (Alghero) Urban and Landascape Planning (Alghero) Graduate Courses Planning and Policies for the City, Environment and Landscape (Alghero)* Joint Graduate Course in partnership with Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, O¶8QLYHUVLGDGH7pFQLFDGH/LVERD87/HO¶8QLYHUVLWDWGH*LURQD G uide for Incoming Students 12 Arts (Literature and Philosophy) Undergraduate Courses Educational and Philosophy Humanities Sciences of the Cultural Goods Social Work - Europe Oriented Graduate Courses Social Work and Social Politics Underwater Archaeology and Landscape Archaeology of the Mediterranean Coast Classical and Modern Literary Sciences Lifelong Learning and Philosophical Studies Economics Undergraduate Courses Economics and Management Tourism Economics and Tourism Management (Olbia site) Graduate Courses Economics General Management and Professional Consultant Foreign Language and Literature Undergraduate Courses Linguistical and Cultural Communication Sciences of Cultural Tourism Graduate Course Languages, Cultures and Communication Pharmacy Law Undergraduate Course Private law of Public Authorities and of State-owned and Private Enterprises Graduate Courses (5 years) Pharmaceutical and Chemistry Technology Pharmacy Graduate Course Law (5-year programme) Mathematics Physics and Natural Sciences Undergraduate Courses Chemistry Biological Sciences Natural Sciences Biotechnologies* Graduate Courses Experimental and Applied Biology Chemical Sciences Land and Environment Management Medicine and Surgery Undergraduate Courses Nursing Midwifery Physiotherapy Speech and Language Therapy Audiometric Techniques Biomedical Laboratory Techniques Political Sciences Undergraduate Courses Communication Sciences Political and Administrative Sciences Graduate Courses Communication and Public Administration Public Policies and Governance Veterinary Graduate Courses Veterinary Medicine (5-year programme) Human and Animal Health Biotechnologies* Two-year joint Graduate course with the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery. Graduate Courses Medicine and Surgery (6-year programme) School of Dental Medicine (6-year programme) * Interfaculty or interuniversity programmes Detailed course information will appear after the printing of this guide and the latest information is available on 2 0 11 - 2 0 1 2 13 Courses of Italian Language and Culture Free courses of Italian Language and culture are granted to incoming students by the University Language Center (CLA): elementary and intermediate level are taught throughout the two semesters of the academic year, while intensive courses are organised in September and in February, just before the starting of each semester. The intensive courses allow incoming students to acquire or to consolidate a basic level of knowledge of the Italian language, which is essential for attending the lectures, that are mostly taught in Italian. Language courses are set in modules of 30 and 60 hours. Students passing the final examination will obtain, along with the certificate of attendance and the score, the recognition of credits based on the duration of the attended course. The reference parameter is: 1 ECTS/ CFU for each 10 hours of course (i.e., 60 hours = 6 ECTS/CFU). Credits and ECTS system (CFU/ECTS) are reported in the "Transcript of study records" (ToR), which is issued by the International Relations Office based on the indication provided by the study programmes and faculties. Departments and Research Centres Departments and Interdepartmental Centres promote research activity and manage laboratories and scientific equipments at the University. The University of Sassari, along with its scientific staff and the departmental structures (for a complete list see:, is active in all the 14 Areas of the National University Council of Italy (CUN): Mathematics and Computer Sciences - Physics - Chemistry Earth Sciences - Biology - Medicine - Agricultural and veterinary sciences - Civil Engineering and Architecture - Industrial and Information Engineering - Ancient History, Philology, Literature and Art History - History, Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology - Law Economics and Statistics - Political and Social Sciences. The University of Sassari adopts the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS), that facilitates the transfer of acquired credits and the academic recognition of studies carried out abroad. By rule, at the University of Sassari, 1 CFU (Credito Formativo Universitario) credit equals 1 ECTS credit. The list of exams passed by incoming student, the relative scores and the acquired credits creditts G uide for Incoming Students 14 2 0 11 - 2 0 1 2 Cursos de Lengua y Cultura Italiana Los cursos gratuítos de Lengua y Cultura Italiana son proporcionados por el Centro de Idiomas del Ateneo, que organiza para los estudiantes entrantes cursos ya sean de nivel elemental e intermedio, desarrollados durante los periodos de clase de los dos semestres, ya sean cursos intensivos y compactos, que se desarrollan durante el mes de septiembre, antes del inicio del curso académico y en el mes de febrero, antes del inicio del segundo semestre. Los cursos intensivos y compactos permiten a los estudiantes entrantes de adquirir o consolidar un nivel mínimo de conocimiento de la lengua italiana que es indispensable para frecuentar con éxito las lecciones de las disciplinas elegidas principalmente impartidas en italiano. Los cursos son articulados en módulos de 30 y 60 horas de lecciones. Los estudiantes que pasan con éxito las pruebas finales obtendrán, junto con los certificados del resultado y la nota conseguida, el reconocimiento de los créditos formativos previstos, en base a la duración del curso. El parámetro de referencia es de 1 ECTS/CFU cada 10 horas de lección (60 horas=6 ECTS/CFU). Créditos formativos y sistema ECTS La Universidad de Sassari utiliza el sistema europeo de transferencia de los créditos adquiridos y el reconocimiento académico de los estudios realizados en el extranjero. En la Universidad de Sassari 1 CFU (Crédito Formativo Universitario) equivale a 1 crédito ECTS. La lista de los exámenes superados por los estudiantes entrantes, con las notas y los créditos adquiridos (CFU/ECTS), es trasladado al expediente académico, realizado al final por la Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales en base a las indicaciones proporcionadas por los cursos de laurea y por el Centro de Idiomas del Ateneo. Departamentos Investigación y Centros de Los Departamentos y los Centros de Investigación son las estructuras que promueven las actividades de investigación y que gestionan los laboratorios y los equipos científicos del Ateneo. La Universidad de Sassari, con sus investigadores y con las estructuras departamentales (para la lista completa, vease tiene actividad en las siguientes catorce áreas: - Ciencias Matemáticas y Informáticas - Ciencias Físicas - Ciencias Químicas - Ciencias de la Tierra - Ciencias Biológicas - Ciencias Médicas - Ciencias Agrarias y Veterinarias - Ingeniería Civil y Arquitectura - Ingeniería Industrial y de la Información - Ciencias de la Antigüedad, Filológico-Literarias y Histórico-Artísticas - Ciencias Históricas, Filosóficas, Pedagógicas y Psicológicas - Ciencias Jurídicas - Ciencias Económicas y Estadísticas - Ciencias Políticas y Sociales. G uía para los Estudiantes Entrantes 2 0 11 - 2 0 1 2 15 University Library Network European Documentation Centre The University Library Network (SBA) gathers 22 libraries accounting for 1,700 consultation seatings, hundreds of internet points and wireless connection. The network includes several early editions, 600,000 monographies, and over 3,750 journals. The complete bibliographic catalogue is available on-line. Is located at the University Central Library "Antonio Pigliaru" and offers to university and extra-university users information and documentation on the European Union and its policies. The digital library allows full text access to 15,000 journals, 10,000 Open Access sources, 110 bibliographic databases, 47,000 e-books, and over 3,500 scientific articles published by our academic staff. The University Library Network is complemented by the historical University Central Library, which is now under the patronage of the Italian Ministry of Culture and hosts a number of ancient editions and an invaluable heritage of over 350,000 volumes. For more information: contact Dr. Magda Sanna, T +39 079 228763 [email protected] European Documentation Centre (CDE) Viale Mancini, 1 - 07100 Sassari %LEOLRWHFDLQWHUIDFROWjSHUOHVFLHQ]HJLXULGLFKHSROLWLFKHH HFRQRPLFKH³$QWRQLR3LJOLDUX´ Viale Mancini 1, 07100 Sassari T +39 079 228951 F +39 079 228952 G uide for Incoming Students 16 2 0 11 - 2 0 1 2 Sistema Bibliotecario del Ateneo La Universidad de Sassari dispone de un eficiente Sistema Bibliotecario del Ateneo, compuesto por 22 bibliotecas, que ofrecen 1700 puestos de lectura, centenares de puestos de internet y de conexión wi-fi. El Sistema pone a disposición diferentes fondos antiguos y un patrimonio documental de cerca de 600000 monografías y de otras 3750 revistas, de las cuales 1828 están al día. El catálogo único del Ateneo es consultable desde internet. La biblioteca digital permite el DFFHVR D FHUFD GH UHYLVWDV IXHQWHV GH WLSR ³2SHQ$FFHVV´EDQFRVGHGDWRVELEOLRJUiILFRVHQVXVFULSFLyQHbooks y otros 3500 artículos entre los cuales aquellos publicados por investigadores de la Universidad de Sassari. Al Sistema Bibliotecario del Ateneo se une la histórica Biblioteca Universitaria, que ahora depende del Ministerio por Los Bienes y las Actividades Culturales y que conserva numerosas antiguas ediciones y un precioso patrimonio de otros 350000 volúmenes. Centro de Documentación Europea &RORFDGRHQOD%LEOLRWHFD³$QWRQLR3LJOLDUX´UHFLEH\SRQHDGLVSRVL ción de un gran público todas las publicaciones oficiales y divulgativas de la UE. Para más información: dott.ssa Magda Sanna, T +39 079 228763 [email protected] Centro di Documentazione Europea (CDE) Viale Mancini 1, 07100 Sassari Biblioteca interfacoltà per le scienze giuridiche, politiche e economiche ³$QWRQLR3LJOLDUX´ Viale Mancini 1, 07100 Sassari T +39 079 228951 F +39 079 228952 G uía para los Estudiantes Entrantes 2 0 11 - 2 0 1 2 17 Academic calendar 2011-2012 The academic calendar starts on October 1st and is divided into two semesters (fall semester from October to January; spring semester from March to May) and three examination sessions (February, JuneJuly, September). Deadline for Incoming Erasmus Students application Fall semester: 15 July Spring semester: 15 December Application process step-by-step 1. Find out if there is an exchange agreement between the university you are currently attending and the University of Sassari. 2. Contact the International Coordinator at your home university for further information about deadlines, application procedures and admission requirements. 3. Browse our online course catalogue or the Faculty websites to decide which courses you are interested in applying to. Choose your courses together with your coordinator at your home university and the Faculty coordinator at the University of Sassari. 4. After the assignment of the hosting institution you may enrol at the University of Sassari: fill the Registration form on-line. You will receive our email that confirmation that your Registration is OK. If you don't receive a confirmatory email within two days, please communicate it to the International Relations Office ([email protected]). G uide for Incoming Students 18 2 0 11 - 2 0 1 2 Calendario académico 2011-2012 Matricularse paso a paso Los cursos se desarrollan en dos semestres en los que se alternan, sobre la base de un calendario prefijado que tiene inicio a principios de octubre, dos periodos dedicados a las actividades didácticas (de octubre a enero y de marzo a mayo) y tres periodos en que se desarrollan los exámenes (en febrero, en junio-julio, en septiembre). 1. Verifica que tu Universidad tenga estipulado un acuerdo para los intercambios Erasmus con la Universidad de Sassari. Fecha límite para matriculaciòn de Estudiantes Erasmus Entrantes Primer semestre: 15 Julio Segundo semestre: 15 Diciembre 2. Ponte en contacto con tu Coordinador Erasmus de tu facultad para los detalles relativos al proceso de asignación de las sedes y las becas de movilidad Erasmus. 3. Consulta la oferta formativa de la Universidad de Sassari en el sitio web para identificar las clases a las que asistir. Para evaluar mejor los programas y para elegir las asignaturas más indicadas para tu curriculum puedes pedir ayuda a los Coordinadores Erasmus de tu Universidad o de la Universidad de Sassari. 4. Una vez te ha sido adjudicada la plaza, inscríbete como estudiante entrante de la Universidad de Sassari rellenando el formulario online. Al no recibir dentro de dos días un email de confirmación, escribe a la Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales ([email protected]). G uía para los Estudiantes Entrantes 2 0 11 - 2 0 1 2 19 G uide for Incoming Students 20 2 0 11 - 2 0 1 2 21 Sassari and Sardinia Sardinia is known as one of the most beautiful islands in the Mediterranean Sea. It is an ancient land, rich in history and culture, and characterised by its largely wild and uncontaminated natural landscape. The historic and archaeological heritage of Sardinia, its nature, ancient traditions, local products and the culinary tradition all contribute to make this Island one among the most popular holiday destinations in the country. Sassari (population 130,000) is the second Sardinian city. It lies on a range of hills overlooking the strait between Northern Sardinia and the Southern coast of Corsica, at 225 metres above sea level. The town was founded around the 9th-10th century AD by the inhabitants of the ancient Roman port of Turris Lybisonis (current Porto Torres). Over time, Sassari has been ruled by the Genoese, the Pisans, the Aragonese, the Catalans, the Spanish, the Austrians, and eventually by the Piedmont Savoia kings, until the Unification of Italy in 1861. Culture and traditions Sassari is proud of its cultural identity and traditions. Among the most vivid expressions of tradition two are worth mentioning: the Faradda di li candareri (the Candle Holders) and the Cavalcata Sarda (the Sardinian Cavalcade). Sarda (the Sardinian Cavalcade). The first is a devotional procession held on August 15, in which massive wooden candles are carried by members of the city guilds from the town center to the church of Santa Maria of Betlem, in commemoration of the end of the plague in 1582. The second is a laic event taking place on the last Sunday of May, when thousands of people come from all over Sardinia to Sassari parade through the city in their local folk costumes accompanied by hundreds of the best examples of Sardinian horses. Sassari has an intense cultural life, animated by a rich programme of events spanning from opera, classic and popular drama, exhibitions, conferences, concerts, and the most prominent film festival in Sardinia, Sardinia Film Festival. Facts about Sardinia Sardinia has a surface of 24,089 km 2, a population of approximately 1,600,000 inhabitants. The capital city is Cagliari. G uide for Incoming Students 22 2 0 11 - 2 0 1 2 Sassari y Cerdeña Cerdeña, considerada una de las más bellas islas del Mediterráneo, tiene una fuerte identidad cultural, lingüística y ambiental. Su preciado patrimonio histórico-arqueológico, sus paisajes naturales, sus antiguas tradiciones, sus productos típicos y su característica gastronomía local, contribuyen a hacer de ella uno de los destinos de vacaciones más deseables del Mediterráneo. Sassari tiene una intensa vida cultural animada por un rico calendario de eventos que comprenden una importante Temporada lírica, un nutrido programa de teatro de prosa, muestras, conferencias, conciertos y una interesante reseña cinematográfica, el Sardinia Film Festival. Cultura y tradición Cerdeña con una superficie de 24.089 km2, tiene una población de alrededor de 1.600.000 habitantes. La capital de la región es Cagliari. Sassari está orgullosa de su identidad cultural y sus tradiciones. Cerdeña en cifras (QWUH ORV HYHQWRV PiV LPSRUWDQWHV VH VHxDODQ ³/D IDUDGGD GL OL FDQGDUHUL´ \ OD ³&DYDOFDWD 6DUGD´ OD SULPHUD HV XQD SURFHVLyQ religiosa popular que se desarrolla durante la víspera del Ferragosto y que cada año se renueva desde hace 500 años como voto de fe de la ciudad; la segunda es una manifestación profana que se desarrolla en el mes de mayo y que consiste en un variopinto y espectacular desfile de miles de figurantes que llevan los trajes típicos de la isla y que se exhiben en danzas populares y cantos tradicionales. G uía para los Estudiantes Entrantes 2 0 11 - 2 0 1 2 23 G uide for Incoming Students 24 2 0 11 - 2 0 1 2 25 Your stay in Sassari Climate and clothing The weather in Sassari is tipically Mediterranean. The proximity of the sea offers the possibility to organise pleasant tours to the nearby beaches of Alghero, Stintino, Porto Ferro, and Platamona. Also, discovering the magnificent natural environment and the archaeological and artistic heritage of North Sardinia will leave an unforgettable experience in the incoming student. Student's clothing should be informal, but do not forget to bring along with you a swimming suit and a good pair of trekking shoes! How to get to Sassari Sassari is the main city in the northwest of Sardinia. The Island can be reached either by sea or by air transportation. The nearest seaport is Porto Torres (about 20 Km from Sassari). Ferries run from Genoa and Civitavecchia (Rome). The nearest airport is the Alghero Airport (35 km from Sassari); alternatively, you can reach the city of Olbia (which is located at 150 km distance), or Cagliari (about 225 km from Sassari) and get to Sassari by car, by train, or by bus. The bus terminal in Sassari is located in Via Padre Zirano (approximately 400 m from the Student's House in Via Michele Coppino and from the International Relations Office in Via-Largo Macao). Required documents EU citizens and citizens of Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland must register their right to reside in Italy if their stay lasts longer than three months. Non-EU/EEA citizens must obtain a residence permit and a Schengen VISA from the nearest Italian embassy or consulate in their home country. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs website ( offers a list of travel documents that are required for each third country. Accommodation Each semester, ERSU offers to incoming Erasmus students 20 rooms at UHGXFHGUDWHLQWKH6WXGHQW¶V+RXVH6WXGHQWVDUULYLQJLQWKHILUVWVHPHVWHULH long-term students) are given priority. Moreover, in collaboration with ERSU, the University of Sassari offers to incoming Erasmus students free stay during the ILUVWWKUHHGD\VLQDKRWHORULQDURRPLQWKH6WXGHQW¶V+RXVH We also suggest to contact the International Exchange Erasmus Student Network to get information about available flat sharing and other accommodation possibilities. G Students should notify in advance the International Relations Office and the ESN via email the date and time of their arrival. uide for Incoming Students 26 Students with special needs Have right to an increase in their financial support. Moreover, through their home university, they may ask for a supplementary payment, or a special financial support for individual needs (accompanying person, visits, special medical care, and so forth). The University of Sassari is committed to develop inclusive study conditions and endeavours to identify the most appropriate support for each individual student with disability. It is very important that contact between the home university and the Responsible for students with disabilities at the hosting institution is made at early stage of preparation to apply to the University of Sassari. Responsible for students with disabilities Dr. Paolo Enrico Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche T +39 079 228524 [email protected] Some benefits available for incoming 5HQW LQ WKH 6WXGHQW V +RXVH LV RQO\ ¼PRQWK 7KH GHSRVLW LV ¼ and it will be returned to the student at the end of the exchange. Private DSDUWPHQWVUDQJHIURPWR¼SHUVRQPRQWK 0HDOVFRVW¼LQVWXGHQWFDQWHHQV All Erasmus students have free internet access through the University web service Air transportation Aeroporto "Riviera del corallo" di Alghero Aeroporto "Costa Smeralda" di Olbia Sea transportation Tirrenia Grimaldi Bus transportation Azienda Trasporti Pubblici Sassari ARST ± Trasporti Regionali della Sardegna /RFDOWUDQVSRUW¼PRQWKRUEXVWLFNHWVDW¼ &86,FDUGIRUWKHVSRUWDFWLYLWLHV¼ Cinema: 5-¼ Free healthcare and GP medical service in the consulting centre in Via Padre Manzella Emergency numbers Carabinieri: 112 Polizia di Stato (Police): 113 Pronto Soccorso (First Aid): 118 Vigili del Fuoco (Firemen): 115 Corpo Forestale dello Stato (Forestry Guard): 1515 Antiviolenza Donna (Women's Safety Emergency Number): 1522 Train transportation Ferrovie della Sardegna T +39 079 241 301 - 800 460220 (toll free) Trenitalia 892021 (24/24) Train station Piazza Stazione 20 - 07100 Sassari T +39 079 262 757 Taxi transportation Taxi Sassari. Radiotaxi 24/24 T +39 079 253 939 2 0 11 - 2 0 1 2 27 Choir of the University of Sassari If you sign in a Choir, you are welcome to join the activities organised by the Choir of the University of Sassari. For more information: Delegate for the Choir of the University of Sassari Dott.ssa Grazia Fenu, [email protected] Sport facilities Incoming students may practice several sports (tennis, athletics, fencing, basket, football, volley, sailing, horse riding) and participate in various tournaments and inter-faculty championships in the facilities of the University Sport Center (CUS) and in others (swimming pools, fitness centres, gym) having arrangements with the University. Access to the CUS facilities is reserved to students KROGLQJ D &86, FDUG ¼ DQG D PHGLFDO FHUWLILFDWH IRU VSRUWLQJ activity. Health and insurance Incoming students from EU countries are entitled to receive the health services of the ASL (Azienda Sanitaria Locale) in Italy, by exhibiting the form issued by their Local Health Authority. Overseas students having scholarships from the Italian Government are given life, accident, and health insurance coverage for the duration of their stay in Italy. The University of Sassari grants a general practitioner (GP) for all incoming Erasmus students in the consulting centre in Via Padre Manzella. Healthcare and GP medical service are free of charge. Sassari by night Sassari hosts an incredible amount of coffee shops, bars, pubs, pizzerias, restaurants and spaghetterias, clubs and discos, which are all very close to the Student's House. The nearby Alghero offers a wide range of night clubs where students can organise their week-end movida. At early night, students usually gather in one of the cafés and wine EDUV RI WKH FLW\ FHQWHU VXFK DV WKH ³Taverna di via Bellieni´ WKH ³H2O´WKHKLVWRULFSXE³Red Lion´DQGWKH³University Pub´ Almost all of them have a stage where they offer, at least once a week, live music, spanning from jazz to rock, pop and progressive, UHJJDHRUKHDY\PHWDO6RPHRIWKHSXEVVXFKDV³Il giardino degli aranci´³Cafè Cortes´RU³Ciclofficina´VWDUWWKHLUFRQFHUWVDURXQG SPZKLOHRWKHUVVXFKDV³Triciclo´³Sergent Pepper´DQG³Pancho Villa´ DUH DOPRVW QLJKW FOXEV RSHQLQJ DW PLGQLJKW E\ VXGGHQO\ turning into discos where students may dance until dawn. To join RWKHU FOXEV \RX ZLOO QHHG DQ HQWU\ FDUG VXFK DV IRU ³Republik´ ³Squola Serale´ ³Tumbao´ DQG ³Aggabachela´ ZKHUH IURP SP through 3 am you may enjoy live concerts, visual art performances, movie screening, round tables. G uide for Incoming Students 28 2 0 11 - 2 0 1 2 El Coro de la Universidad Si cantas en un coro puedes ponerte en contacto con el Coro de la Universidad de Sassari. Para más información: Delegada del rectorado para el Coro de la Universidad de Sassari Dott.ssa Grazia Fenu, [email protected] Actividades deportivas También los estudiantes entrantes pueden practicar diferentes deportes (tennis, atletismo, natación, esgrima, baloncesto, fútbol y voleibol) sea en las instalaciones del Centro Deportivo Universitario (CUS) sea en centros deportivos asociados con el CUS (piscinas, gimnasios, centros de fitness, etc); pueden además participar en numerosos torneos y campeonatos interfacultad e interuniversitarios. Para acceder a las instalaciones deportivas o participar en los cursos RUJDQL]DGRVSRUHO&86HVVXILFLHQWHSRVHHUODWDUMHWDGHO&86,¼ y presentar un certificado médico, expedido por el ambulatorio médico para los estudiantes universitarios. Asistencia médica Los estudiantes de la UE pueden obtener las prestaciones de forma directa en las instalaciones del Servicio Sanitario Nacional. Los provenientes de países terceros que disfruten de una beca de estudios financiada por el Gobierno Italiano gozan de asistencia sanitaria durante toda la estancia de estudios en Italia. También a los estudiantes entrantes se les ofrece la posibilidad de efectuar gratuitamente visitas de medicina general en el ambulatorio de Via Padre Manzella. La vida nocturna Sassari dispone de un sorprendente número de cafeterías, bares, pubs, pizzerías, restaurantes, espagueterías, círculos culturales y discotecas, a los que se puede llegar fácilmente desde la residencia universitaria. La vecina ciudad de Alghero ofrece además un amplio SDQRUDPDGHORFDOHVQRFWXUQRVHQORVFXDOHVGLVIUXWDUGHOD³PRYLGD´ del fin de semana. Primero los estudiantes se encuentran en cafés y bodegas del FHQWUR GH OD FLXGDG FRPR OD ³Taverna di via Bellieni´ HO ´H2O´ HO KLVWyULFRSXE³Red Lion´\HO³University pub´ Casi todos tienen un espacio, una salita o un palco, para poder ofrecernos por lo menos un día a la semana algún espectáculo de música en directo, desde jazz a rock, desde música popular al SURJJUHVVLYHGHVGHHOUHJJDHDOKHDY\0LHQWUDVDOJXQRVFRPR³Il giardino degli aranci´HO³Café Cortes´ROD³Ciclofficina´LQLFLDQVXV FRQFLHUWRV HQ WRUQR D ODV RWURV FRPR HO ³Triciclo´ HO ³Sergent Pepper´ \ HO ³Pancho Villa´ VRQFDVLFOXEV GH QRFKH TXH DEUHQ D media noche y poco a poco se trasforman en discotecas en las FXDOHVVHSXHGHEDLODUKDVWDHODOED+D\RWURVGLIHUHQWHV³Círculos´ TXH UHTXLHUHQ XQD WDUMHWD FRPR ³Republik´ ³Squola Serale´ ³Tumbao´ \ ³Aggabachela´ TXH GHVGH ODV KDVWD ODV GH OD noche proponen conciertos en directo de los grupos más apreciados a nivel regional y nacional, performances de artistas, proyecciones cinematográficas, debates. G uía para los Estudiantes Entrantes 2 0 11 - 2 0 1 2 29 G uide for Incoming Students 30 2 0 11 - 2 0 1 2 31 Checklist Some important matters to remember before you come to Sassari: If you are a non-EU/EEA citizen, check well in advance whether you need a VISA in addition to a residence permit and apply for one at the nearest Italian Embassy or Consulate in your home country. Apply for housing at our International Relations Office. If you are EU citizen check whether there is any agreement between your home country and Italy for free health services, such as the E-111 or E-128 form. Non-EU/EEA citizens are required to have a health insurance before arrival. Book your travel tickets. You should arrive in time for the free intensive Italian courses which are organised at the beginning of each semester. Avoid arriving during the weekends. Contact the International Relations Office well in advance to inform about your arrival. For any inquiry concerning the Erasmus Programme, please contact the International Relations Office of the University of Sassari Dr. Savio Regaglia (General organisation of the Mobility - Bilateral Agreement - SMP, STA, STT and OM, Organization, administration and grants) T +39 079 229757 F +39 079 229979 [email protected] [email protected] Dr. Felice Langiu (SMP, STA, STT and OM, Organisation, administration and grants Bilateral Agreements STA/STT) T +39 079 229953 F +39 079 229979 [email protected] Mr. Gavino Sanna (Mobility organisation student - Front office and certificates and grants) T +39 079 229975 F +39 079 229979 [email protected] Mr. Giampiero Sechi (Bilateral Agreements - Mobility organisation student - Front office and certificates) T +39 079 229941 F +39 079 229979 [email protected] Mrs. Letizia Stoccoro (International Relations Desk for Incoming students - Organisation of language courses for incoming/outgoing students Accommodation management, first reception for long/short term stay) T +39 079 229941 F +39 079 229979 [email protected] Dr. Tonito Solinas (International Relations Desk for Incoming students - Organisation of language courses for incoming/outgoing students - Accommodation management, first reception for long/short term stay) T +39 079 229975 F +39 079 229979 [email protected] G uide for Incoming Students 32 G 2 0 11 - 2 0 1 2 33 34 Progetto editoriale e testi Delegati del Rettore per la Mobilità Internazionale Studentesca Prof. Piero Sanna Prof. Quirico Migheli Prof. Elena Sanna Ticca Referenze fotografiche Gigi Olivari SDJ3DOD]]RGHOO¶8QLYHUVLWj6DODGLUDSSUHVHQWDQ]DGHOUHWWRUDWR SDJ3DOD]]RGHOO¶8QLYHUVLWjFKLRVWURHJLDUGLQRLQWHUQR SDJ3DOD]]RGHOO¶8QLYHUVLWj$XOD(OHRQRUDG¶$UERUHD pag. 16, Biblioteca del Dipartimento Giuridico pag. 17, Biblioteca Interfacoltà Antonio Pigliaru Grafica e impaginazione Ufficio Comunicazione [email protected] Sebastiano Piras pag. 24, Festa dei Candelieri (Sassari) pag. 30, Mensa Universitaria (ERSU) Archivio Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana SDJ6LJLOORGHOO¶8QLYHUVLWjLQXQGRFXPHQWRGHO Bruno Atzori pag. 11, Erasmus Welcome Day 2010-2011 Maria Grazia Melis SDJ6FDYLDUFKHRORJLFLORFDOLWj³6¶(OLJKH(QWRVX´8VLQL- SS) Riccardo Paddeu - LIPU pag. 20, Fauna della Sardegna (grifone) Sebastiano Deiana pag. 21, Nuraghe Serbissi (Osini - NU) pag. 23, Torre Aragonese (Stintino - SS) pag. 26c, Ponte sul fiume Temo, Bosa (OR) Gino Sani pag. 25, Cavalcata Sarda (Sassari) Ivan Caddeo pag. 28, Studenti Erasmus alla festa del vino nuovo SDJ6WXGHQWLGHOO¶$VVRFLD]LRQH(61GL6DVVDUL C.U.S. SDJ,PSLDQWLVSRUWLYLGHOO¶8QLYHUVLWj Ufficio Comunicazione SDJ3DOD]]RGHOO¶8QLYHUVLWjSRUWLFDWR pag. 8, Senato Accademico pag. 12, Giardino delle Facoltà di Lettere e Lingue pag. 13, Lezione nella Facoltà di Lingue pag. 14, Laboratorio linguistico del CLA pag. 19, Lezione nella Facoltà di Veterinaria SDJ3LD]]DG¶,WDOLD6DVVDUL pag. 26a, Veduta notturna di Alghero (SS) SDJ&RURGHOO¶8QLYHUVLWj Pubblicazione realizzata con i fondi della L.R. n. 3/2009 Regione Autonoma della Sardegna Assessorato alla Pubblica Istruzione, Beni Culturali, Informazione, Spettacolo e Sport Quirico Migheli pag. 18, Laboratorio di Biotecnologie Altri autori pag. 26b,Chiesa campestre Si ringraziano gli autori delle foto e la studentessa Eva de Miguel Martí per la traduzione dei testi in spagnolo 35 36 Stampato presso Tipografia Nuove Grafiche Puddu via Progresso 6, Ortacesus (CA) agosto 2011