History - Hartford Pond


History - Hartford Pond
The First 25 Years
Chartered 1954
The History of the Hartford Pond
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Dedicated to
Gordon Crowther,
Barry Snyder,
and their love
of Blue Goose history
The History of the Hartford Pond
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The History of the Hartford Pond
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At the 2009 Grand Nest Convention in Reno, NV,
our late Grand Nest Historian Barry Snyder
directed the Ponds to preserve their history
in the form of a written record.
The Hartford Pond is grateful to its History Committee,
who selflessly dedicated many hours
to collaborate on this project.
Kim Albert, PMLG 2008-09
Jerry Hale, PMLG 1993-94, PMLGG 2004-05
Wendy Hubbard, PMLG 2007-08
Dan Rich, PMLG, 1996-97, 2000
Most of all, we are grateful to the patriarch of the
Hartford Pond, Gordon Crowther
(PMLG 1959-60, PMLGG 1975-76).
Thank you Gordon, for saving countless photos,
and every single Hartford Pond newsletter
ever printed during your lifetime.
You were our mentor, and you knew all along
that we would need these materials some day.
This project would not have been possible
without your love of Blue Goose,
your foresight to preserve our history,
and your dynamic vision for the Hartford Pond.
In every sense of the word,
you were also a member of this committee.
- Dan Rich, July 2010The History of the Hartford Pond
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The History of the Hartford Pond
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Most Loyal Ganders of the Hartford Pond
Page 8
Wielders of the Hartford Pond
Page 9
Keepers of the Hartford Pond
Page 9
Newsletter Editors of the Hartford Pond
Page 10
Chaplains of the Hartford Pond
Page 10
Hartford Pond’s Grand Nest Conventions & MLGGs
Page 10
Super Goose Award Winners
Page 10
The Hartford Pond in the 1950’s
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Memories from the 50’s
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The Hartford Pond in the 1960’s
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Memories from the 60’s
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The Hartford Pond in the 1970’s
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Memories from the 70’s
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The History of the Hartford Pond
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Most Loyal Ganders of the
Hartford Pond
1983-84 William Dillon
1984-85 Elbert Henderson
C W Chapplear
1985-86 Daniel Flynn
Joseph Sorge
1986-87 John Fisher
Lewis Geis
1987-88 John Fisher
Andrew Carlin
1988-89 George Schultz
William Davis
1989-90 Donald Garrigan
Gordon Crowther
1990-91 Donald Garrigan
C. Wallace Bailey
G. S. Tompkins, Jr. 1991-92 Robert Harris
1992-93 Ronald Pizzano
Harold Porter
1993-94 Gerald Hale
John “Jack” Ellen
1994-95 Kristine Russo
Robert Bordeaux
William Coughlin, Jr. 1995-96 Kim Gleason
1996-97 Daniel Rich
Richard Adams
1997-98 Lisa Mullen
Arthur Jacobs
1998-99 Robert Partridge
Craig Heston
1999-00 Christine Ouellette
John McCoy
Daniel Rich
J. Paul Harris
Kevin Prast
Frederick Peck
Robert Partridge
Robert Uricchio
Paul Plouffe
Kenneth Lynch
2002-03 Leo Bowler
Ray Hitchcock
2003-04 Robert Partridge
Ray Hitchcock
2004-05 Geoff Graham
Paul Goyette
2005-06 Lori Kovanda
Bradley Barna
2006-07 Paula Pelletier
Robert Gannon
2007-08 Wendy Hubbard
John Bartick
2008-09 Kim Albert
L. Ray Labbe
2009-10 Ed Phinney
Ballard May
2010-11 Jim Gustin
Ronald Pizzano
2011-12 Jonathan Hale
William O’Neill
The History of the Hartford Pond
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Wielders of the Hartford Pond
1954 – 1956
1956 - 1958
1959 - 1961
1961- 1971
1971 – 1975
1975 – 1976
1976 – 1999
H.N. Pierson
Gordon Crowther
Jack Ellen
Gordon Crowther
Paul Goyette
Lew Geis
Gordon Crowther
Ron Pizzano (Associate Wielder)
Ed Callo
Keepers of the Hartford Pond
1954 - 1956
1956 - 1957
1957 -1958
1958 - 1959
1959 - 1960
1960 - 1961
1961- 1962
1962 - 1963
1963 - 1964
1964 - 1965
1965 - 1966
1966 – 1967
1967 - 1968
1968 – 1970
1970 - 1971
1971- 1972
1972 – 1975
1975 – 1977
1977 – 1980
1980 - 2004
G.S. Tompkins
Carl Plock
Wally Bailey
Bud Schmidt
Bob Davis
Harold Porter
Robert Bordeaux
John Henry
Arthur Jacobs
Craig Heston
Carl Nelson
John McCoy
Jim Holtgrieve
Bob Uricchio
Ray Hitchcock
Paul Goyette
Lee Sinkwich
Bob Gannon
Ray Labbe
Ron Pizzano
John “Jack” Ellen
Bob Partridge (also Assistant Keeper 2002-04)
The History of the Hartford Pond
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Newsletter Editors of the Hartford Pond
1995 -
Maurice E. Guillet - Charter Oak Chatter
Peter Tompkins – Charter Oak Chatter
Gordon Crowther – Charter Oak Chatter
Gordon Crowther – Hartford Ponderings
Daniel Rich - Hartford Ponderings
Chaplains of the Hartford Pond
??- 1997
Art Jacobs
Jack Ellen
Paul Harris
John Cote, Sr.
Laurie Karkos
Super Goose Award Winners
Dan Rich
Ed Callo
Gordon Crowther
Christine Ouellette
Co-winners Lisa Mullen & Bob Partridge
Dan Rich
Co-winners Cathy Finlayson & Ken Wheeler
Dan Rich
Lori Kovanda
Kevin Brady
Dan Rich
Co-winners Kim Albert & Ed Phinney
Ed Phinney
Ed Phinney
Co-winners Debbie Blair & Dan Rich
Ed Callo
Grand Nest Conventions Hosted by the Hartford Pond
MLGG Gordon Crowther, at the Sheraton Hotel, Hartford, CT
MLGG Jerry Hale, at Foxwoods Resort & Casino, Ledyard, CT
The History of the Hartford Pond
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The Hartford Pond 1953-54
The Hartford Pond was chartered on July 1, 1954. During his address at the Grand Nest
Convention in San Francisco (August 24-26, 1954), MLGG John Henry Martin mentioned the
Hartford Pond’s inception in the recap of his year on office. He said that “New Ponds were
formed during my reign at Hartford, Memphis, San Diego, and Saskatoon, Canada”.
The Pond’s first meeting was held on September 20, 1954 at the Statler Hotel in Hartford. The
Pond officers were Most Loyal Gander C.W. Chappelear, Supervisor of the Flock R.W. Criswell,
Custodian of the Goslings Joseph Sorge, Guardian of the Pond R.E. Farrer, Keeper of the Golden
Goose Egg G.S. Tompkins, and Wielder of the Goose Quill H.N. Pierson. The Penn Pond
Initiation Team, under the direction of PMLGG Joe Knowlan, performed the initiation ceremony
for new Hartford Ganders. The evening’s Guest Speaker was Most Loyal Grand Gander Alex B.
The Hartford Pond 1954-55
At the Grand Nest Convention in Kansas City (August 9-11, 1955) the Hartford Pond won the
new Membership Cup trophy by adding 96 new members over the previous year – a 74%
The Hartford Pond 1955-56
1956 marked the Golden Anniversary of Blue Goose. The Grand Nest Historian, Paul E. Rudd,
compiled a history of the Order’s first 50 years, and he reported the Hartford Pond’s 1956
membership total at 178 members.
The Pond enjoyed a Summer outing at the Rosewood Restaurant in Simsbury on May 28, 1956.
The menu included steak, corn fritters, and clams on the half-shell. Forty-four Ganders attended,
and the year’s new officers were installed by Floyd Pickett of the NYC Pond, a DMLGG for the
Eastern region.
The Pond’s new officers were:
MLG –Lew Geis
SOF – Andy Carlin
COG – Bill Davis
GOP – Rod Nicholson
WGQ – Gordon Crowther
KGGE –Carl Plock
The Pond’s delegates to the August 19-22, 1956 Milwaukee Grand Nest Convention were MLG
Lew Geis and WGQ Gordon Crowther.
The History of the Hartford Pond
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The Hartford Pond 1956-57
The Hartford Pond’s membership was now at approximately 180 members.
The Pond’s first newsletter (consisting of three single-sided pages) was published in September
1956. The newsletter was unnamed. Its front page was in the form of a birth announcement from
“Mr. & Mrs. Hartford Pond” announcing the new arrival of the newsletter. It featured a stork
carrying a baby on its cover. A contest to name the publication was announced to the
membership, and prospective names were to be sent to Editor Maurice E. Guillet at his
Springfield, MA office. Some of the names submitted by Pond members included The
Nutmegger, Connecticut Honk, Yankee Pond, Gander Newsletter, Gander Goosip, Pond
Reflections, Hartford Honk, Goose Quips, Gander News, and Connecticut Splashes.
The September 24, 1956 meeting drew 62 Ganders, goslings and guests. Twelve Ganders were
initiated into the Hartford Pond that evening – Robert Bordeaux (Yorkshire), Fred Brinkmeyer
(Home), Hewat Davis (Springfield), Robert Davies (Uniform Printing), John (Jack) Ellen
(Yorkshire), Adolph Gingras (Royal Liverpool), James Murphy (New York Underwriters),
Walter Schiller (Great American), Reginald Schmidt (Independent Adjuster), Allton E. Spooner
(G.A.B.), Millard Thatcher (American Insurance Company), and G.S. Tompkins, Jr. (Boston
The Guest Speaker was James Bowman, of the Protective Services division of Macy’s
Department Stores. He spoke about the various methods of shoplifting detected by his
The Pond had seven committees in place in 1956 – 1) Program (Wally Bailey, Henry Ohliger,
Art Jacobs), 2) Membership (John Fennessy, Bob Curtis, Horace Anderson), 3) Publicity (Art
Tyrol, Don Dick), 4) Welfare (C.L. Tibbils, Henry Steeneck), 5) Banner (Joe Sorge, C.
Chappelear), 6) Dance (Don Parmenter, Bud Schmidt, George Lord, Bob Bordeaux, Bob Taft),
and 7) Publication (Editor Maurice Guillet, Bud Schmidt, Pete Tompkins, Roger Connor, Bob
Davis, and Gus Herd).
The November 1956 newsletter’s Gander of the Month was “one of our hardest working
members – Gordon Crowther”. Born in Somerville, MA on June 15, 1916, he graduated from
Worcester Polytechnic Institute in 1937 and went to work for the Factory Insurance Association.
In 1940, he joined the Texas Pond and after moving to Hartford became one of the early pioneers
of the Hartford Pond.
The speaker for the Pond’s Nov 26, 1956 meeting was Bob Carnahan of the Travelers Weather
Bureau. His topic was weather forecasting and its impact on the insurance industry.
During the evening, a name was chosen for the Pond’s new newsletter. A late entry- Charter
Oak Chatter was the winning name. Two newsletter advertisers were announced: Air-Kem, Inc.
and John Levitt Cleaning Company.
The History of the Hartford Pond
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The January 14, 1957 meeting was held at the Bond Hotel in Hartford. Despite the -10° weather,
five new Ganders were initiated, Independent Adjuster Charles Scoville, and a quartet from
G.A.B. – John Hesterberg, John Cote, Sr., George Libbey, and Donald Cavanaugh.
The February 1957 newsletter’s Gander of the Month was Lew Geis. Born in Brooklyn, Lew
was in his 30th year of service with the Commercial Union Group, as a field-man and State Agent
covering Long Island and Connecticut.
A February 16, 1957 Semi-Formal Dinner Dance was held at the Indian Hills Country Club in
Newington, CT. The $12 per couple cost provided cocktails and a buffet dinner of turkey, ham,
roast beef, potato salad, cole slaw, French fries, cold cuts, meatballs, baked beans, baked
macaroni, ice cream and coffee. Music was provided (“Guaranteed……no rock and roll”) by
Paul Landerman and his Orchestra.
The Pond’s March meeting was held on March 18, 1957 at the Rockledge Country Club in West
Hartford, CT. PMLG Joe Sorge reported on the Banner Committee’s progress toward creating
the Pond’s first banner. It was expected to be unveiled in April 1957.
The Pond’s April meeting was held on April 29, 1957 at the Bond Hotel in Hartford. Newly
initiated Ganders were Adjuster Fred Monsees, Peerless Insurance’s C.H. Walter, and Hooper
Holmes’ W.B. Torphy
The Pond’s Golf Outing and new officer installation was held on May 28, 1957 at the Avon
Country Club.
The Pond’s new officers were:
MLG –Andy Carlin
SOF – Bill Davis
COG – Rod Nicholson
GOP – Henry Shipmaker
WGQ – Gordon Crowther
KGGE – Wally Bailey
The Hartford Pond 1957-58
MLG Carlin and WGQ Crowther attended the Grand Nest Convention in New Orleans (August
26-28, 1957) as the Hartford Pond’s delegates. The New Orleans Convention marked the debut
of the Hartford Pond’s official banner.
The June 1957 newsletter spotlighted Andy Carlin. Andy was born in Boston, and spent his
teenage years in Washington D. C. Andy attended Columbia University, and after a minor
league stint in the Southern Association, found his way to the big leagues with the Washington
Senators. A broken leg ended his baseball career, and Andy started a 30-year career in the
insurance industry –the first17 years with the Royal-Liverpool Group, and then 13 years with
National Union.
The History of the Hartford Pond
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The Pond’s 1957 Christmas Party was held on December 9 at the Waverly Inn in Cromwell. The
January 1958 issue of Charter Oak Chatter reported that a crowd of “70 Ganders, their wives,
sweethearts, and girlfriends” attended. The dinner menu included a choice of roast beef or
broiled lobster. Door prizes distributed that evening included a Hoover Dusterette, an electric
grill, a toaster oven, a Detecto scale, a coffee maker, and metal TV tray-tables.
Pond membership in January 1958 was 171 Ganders.
The January 1958 newsletter spotlighted Bill Davis. Born in Manchester, CT in 1911, he started
his insurance career in the mailroom of London & Lancashire Insurance Company in 1932. He
became a Special Agent for the State of CT in 1950. In 1957, he was promoted to a State Agent.
The January 13, 1958 meeting was held at the Bond Hotel in Hartford with 58 in attendance.
Pond Keeper Bailey reported the treasury balance to be $213.74. Pond Wielder Crowther
reported that the Hartford Ladies Auxilliary was just about ready to form. January 1958 initiates
included John Kane (M.E. Hausser), J. Neale McDonald (Adjuster), Craig Gilbert (Phoenix),
Kenneth Lynch (Employer’s Fire), Thomas Talbot (London Group), and a quartet from Frank
McGinn (Robert Travis, Alvar Akerblom, Edward Minor, and Frank McGinn.
The March 13, 1958 meeting featured an address by Bob Morrison of Morrison, Mahoney, and
Pearlman on “The Atomic Age Comes Closer”.
The April 1958 newsletter’s Gander of the Month was Wally Bailey. Born in Cromwell, CT,
Wally has served the insurance industry since 1921. He has been with the Phoenix Insurance
Company since 1952 and presently serves as a State Agent for Western Massachusetts and
The Pond’s April 12 Dinner Dance was held at the Rockledge Country Club in West Hartford.
Due to some unexpected expenses, and a number of no-shows, the event resulted in a deficit of
about $50.00. Musical entertainment was provided by Lew Gagnon’s Orchestra.
The Pond’s April 28th meeting drew 40 Ganders and guests, and was held at the Matarese Circle
in Newington, CT. The Guest Speaker was AIRKEM Smoke Odor Services’ Nelson Booth
“who gave us an interesting account of some of his ‘smelly’ losses.”
The May 1958 newsletter’s Gander of the Month was Rod Nicholson. Born in Boston, Rod
graduated from Bates College in Lewiston, Maine and served in the Air Force for two years. He
started his insurance career in 1952 and currently serves as a Special Agent for Aetna Casualty &
Surety’s Fire Division.
On May 28th, The Pond held its Golf Outing and Annual Meeting at the Avon Country Club.
There were 29 golfers and a total of 53 Ganders and guests for dinner. Special Guest Bob
Stumpf (Grand Guardian of the Grand Nest) installed the slate of officers for the upcoming
1958-59 year.
The History of the Hartford Pond
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The Pond’s new officers 1958-59 were:
MLG –Bill Davis
SOF – Rod Nicholson
COG – Wally Bailey
GOP – Pete Tompkins
WGQ – Gordon Crowther
KGGE – Bud Schmidt
The Hartford Pond 1958-59
As of July 1, 1958, the Hartford Pond had 172 members.
The August 1958 newsletter’s Gander of the Month was Reginald “Bud” L. Schmidt. Born in
Pittsburgh, PA in 1924, Bud served in the Pacific with the 5th Fleet Amphibious Force in World
War II, and was involved in 8 invasion campaigns. Returning ti the States, he advanced his
education to become a naval officer, and studied at Princeton University, Trinity College, and
Yale University. After his discharge, Bud returned to Trinity for additional classes and he took a
part-time job with the Aetna Insurance Company. He moved into the loss adjustment field, and
became a staff adjuster and catastrophe adjuster. He became an independent adjuster in 1954.
MLG Davis and WGQ Crowther attended the Grand Nest Convention in Banff as the Hartford
Pond’s delegates. During the Eastern Region’s breakout meeting, the Hartford Pond volunteered
to perform the Model Initiation at the 1961 Grand Nest Convention in New York City. The Pond
newsletter Charter Oak Chatter received an Honorable Mention for the Grand Nest’s
Publication Award.
The Pond’s first meeting of the year was held at the Matarese Circle Restaurant in Newington on
September 29, 1958. There were 52 Ganders and guests in attendance. Ten membership
applications were submitted and approved. The guest speaker was Joe Cassano, a sportswriter for
the Hartford Times. The meeting ended with the showing of a movie on sports highlights of
The October 1958 newsletter’s Gander of the Month was Robert Donald “Bob” Davis. Born in
Hartford, Bob went to high school in Windsor, CT and started his career with Connecticut
Mutual Insurance before moving on to Uarco, Inc. Bob is now with Uniform Printing and
Supply, and has been very active in the Pond’s Publication Committee, and does a lion’s ahre of
the layout work on the newsletter.
The November 10, 1958 meeting was held at Reilly’s in Hamden with a turnout of 32 Ganders
and guests. SOF Nicholson had resigned from the Pond’s Executive Board, and the Pond vote
for Gordon Crowther to fill the remainder of Nicholson’s SOF term, in addition to serving as the
Pond’s Wielder. Ganders initiated that evening were Robert Perry (Citizen’s Casualty), Tom
Parker (Morley, Watson & Baldwin), Joseph Kudes (Goodwill & Burr), William Gorman
(Reliance), John Lonergan (Boston), John Mooney (Fred Monsees, Inc.), Clifton Austin (Aetna),
and Harry Brier (Phoenix).
The History of the Hartford Pond
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The December 1958 newsletter’s Gander of the Month was John H. “Jack” Ellen. Born in
London, England, Jack started his insurance career in NYC as an endorsement clerk with
Yorkshire Insurance in 1937. He eventually became manager of the Facultative Reinsurance
Department and became Yorkshire’s local Branch Manager in 1956.
The Pond’s Christmas Party was held on December 12, 1958 at the Waverly Inn in Cheshire.
The cost was $6 per person for a dinner choice of roast beef, sautéed or broiled lobster, or
chicken. There were 45 couples in attendance. Special Guest Frank Wagner of the Insurance
Department “entertained with some amusing stories.” The evening was planned by the Pond’s
Entertainment Committee, chaired by John “Jack” Ellen. Seven major door prizes were awarded
– a blanket, a tray set, an electric toaster, a towel set, a travel clock, a lazy susan, and a set of
The first meeting of 1959 was held on January 12th at the Bond Hotel with 39 Ganders and
guests. The Pond welcomed several special guests. On hand were two of the Pond’s original
1954 Officers –PMLG Sorge and Past Wielder H. N. Pierson. Also on hand was MLG Clune of
the Empire State Pond. The Guest Speaker was Arnold McClure of the Hartford Chamber of
Commerce. He showed a film about housing challenges in Hartford and spoke about
redevelopment plans.
The February 1959 newsletter’s Gander of the Month was Joseph Sorge – “the father of the
banner.” Born on Long Island in 1905, he started his insurance career at the age of 13 as a
“junior underwriter” at the Queen Insurance Company in New York City. In his mid-20’s he
became a State Agent with the Loyalty Group for Florida and South Georgia. In 1930 he
transferred to New Jersey and after stints with Virginia Fire & Marine, and Caledonia Insurance,
moved to Hartford in 1952. In 1957, Caledonia Insurance became Peerless Insurance, and Joe is
now with Peerless serving as national manager of their fire and inland-marine departments.
During the business meeting, the Pond’s bank balance was reported at $142.02. The Pond
advised the membership that the NYC Pond’s Convention Committee was expecting a $350
donation from Hartford for their upcoming 1961 Convention. Door prizes for the evening
included an indoor/outdoor thermometer and a free lubrication at an automobile service provider.
In an effort to try and boost attendance, the March 9th meeting at the Bond Hotel was held on a
“dinner cost” basis instead of a “package dinner and drinks” basis. Charter Oak Chatter
reported that “it was with considerable surprise and disappointment to all that only 31 members
and guests made their appearance”. The Guest Speaker was A.J. Lotana speaking as a volunteer
worker on behalf of the Red Cross. Two new members were initiated that evening – John F.
Henry and Raymond Eldred. Door prizes included a bottle of Scotch and a Blue Goose calendar.
The April 1959 newsletter’s Gander of the Month was George Lord. Born in Ballston Spa, NY
in 1922 he attended Union College and CCNY before serving in the Air Force as a flying
instructor and Second Lieutenant during World War II. He entered the insurance industry in
1946 with the Insurance Company of North America. He became a Special Agent with
American Home Insurance, and then moved to Peerless Insurance where he is responsible for
fire production in CT and RI. He helped organize the Pond’s first Ritual Team in preparation for
the 1961 NYC Grand Nest Convention.
The History of the Hartford Pond
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Thirty-three couples attended the Pond’s Dinner Dance on April 11, 1959 at the Manchester
Country Club. Music was provided by the Ray Heines Orchestra.
The Pond’s April 27 meeting was held on a very rainy night at the Matarese Circle in
Newington. A crowd of 31 “stalwart Blue Goosers” attended. After the Wielder’s report,
additional reports were given by representatives of the Entertainment, Publicity Membership,
Publication, and Ways and Means Committees. The Chairman of the Ladies Auxilliary
Committee had nothing to report, and the Welfare and Ritual committees were not represented.
A suggestion was made that the Hartford Pond should try to develop a closer relationship with
the Insurance Men’s Field Club. There was also a discussion about Blue Goose‘s membership
criteria that limited membership to “Fire Insurance men as defined in the eligibility rule of it’s
constitution.” The issue was whether or not membership criteria should be expanded to also
include “men in the casualty business.” The topic was summarized in Charter Oak Chatter as
follows: “There has never been any perceptible desire on the part of casualty men to be admitted
to membership. Had they wanted to, they could long ago have formed a similar organization of
their own….Our membership, through elected delegates, has always shown it’s wisdom by
declining to take a chance on surrendering its tranquility and identity by admitting casualty men.
The Grand Nest and many Ponds are incorporated as organizations of Fire Insurance men”
The Pond’s Golf Outing was held at the Avon Country Club on May 26, with “some 20 odd
members participating in the golf matches and a total of 45 Ganders and guests (for) dinner.”
Grand Custodian Bob Stumpf (as he had done the previous year) installed the Pond’s new slate
of officers for the upcoming year.
The Pond’s new officers for 1959-60 were:
MLG – Gordon Crowther
SOF – Wally Bailey
COG – Pete Tompkins
GOP – Bud Schmidt
WGQ – Jack Ellen
KGGE – Bob Davis
Gordon Crowther, as MLG, was nominated to be a Convention delegate for the upcoming 1959
Los Angeles Grand Nest, but inasmuch as the Pond was only sending one delegate, he withdrew
his name in favor of someone that had not previously been to a Convention. Wally Bailey was
then selected to be Hartford’s delegate, with Gordon as the alternate.
The Hartford Pond 1959-60
Hartford’s lone delegate to the 1959 Los Angeles Convention turned out to be neither SOF
Bailey nor MLG Crowther. Both of them became ill the week before the convention, and MLG
Crowther asked PMLG Joseph Sorge if he could attend as Hartford’s delegate. Sorge later
wrote “I was able to arrange my affairs and arrive at Los Angeles early Monday morning
August 3, 1959 after a rather hectic all night air trip.”
The October 1959 newsletter’s Gander of the Month was Frederick L. A. Brinkmeyer. Born in
St. Louis, MO in 1909, Fred graduated from the City College of Law and Finance in St. Louis.
The History of the Hartford Pond
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In 1929, he started his insurance career as a travelling auditor for the Southern Surety
Company, travelling in Iowa, Nebraska and South Dakota. In 1932, the company moved to
New York but was soon liquidated by the Insurance Department. Fred decided to hitch-hike
from St. Louis to New York, and resumed his insurance career with the Standard Accident
Insurance Company’s accounting department. He went to New York Law School at night, and
accepted a position with the Massachusetts Bonding Company in 1935. Fred served his country
with the National Guard and the US Coast Guard and served in the Pacific during World War II.
After the war, Fred worked for the Home Indemnity Company and transferred from St Louis to
Connecticut in 1955.
A Pond roster was distributed to the membership at the close of 1959. Ganders were asked to
examine the roster, and report any errors, misspellings, improper employment information, or
incorrect mailing addresses to Wielder Jack Ellen.
In 1959-60, the Pond had eight committees:
Ways & Means:
Ladies Auxiliary:
Chairman, Pete Thompkins; Advertising Manager, Robert Davis; and
News Hawks, Fred Brinkmeyer and Andrew Carlin
Harold Porter
Neale McDonald
Robert Bordeaux
George Lord
Horace Andersen
Fred Brinkmeyer
Ed Whitmore
The Pond’s September 28, 1959 meeting was held at the Matarese Circle in Newington with a
total of 36 Ganders in attendance. The Keeper reported a balance of $327.08 in the treasury. The
Membership Committee reported that there were 146 active members, with four new
applications approved. Gander Chappelear was presented with his 25 year pin and life
membership certificate. Wielder Ellen was not at the meeting (Charter Oak Chatter reported
“he was still invalided at home”) and SOF Wally Bailey acted as Wielder Pro Tem. One new
Gosling (Burr) took his first “swim” and was initiated following the meeting.
The second meeting of the year was held on November 9th at Reilly’s Restaurant in Hamden , CT
with a total 31 members and guests present. Two membership applications were received and
approved –one of the applicants, Kenneth G. Critten was present at the meeting. Gander Horace
Andersen of the Publicity Committee reported that he has forwarded a copy of the “Charter
Oak Chatter” to several insurance publications such as the Standard, Eastern Underwriter,
and National Underwriter. Edward Whitmore was appointed Chairman of the Ladies Auxiliary
Committee. The guest speaker was Mr. James Galligan, supervisor of fisheries for the State of
The History of the Hartford Pond
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The December 1959 newsletter’s Gander of the Month was Harold Porter. Born in Hartford in
1928, and after high school served for three years in the U. S. Navy. After the war, Harold
studied at the University of CT, started his insurance career in 1948 with the Phoenix Insurance
Company, and received his B. A. degree in 1952. He served as a Special Agent for Phoenix in
Wilkes Barre, Syracuse, and now, New Haven.
December’s Christmas Dinner was held on December 11, 1959 at Gallo’s Restaurant in
Newington, CT at a charge of $12 per couple. There were 26 couples in attendance for a
wonderful evening that included a cocktail party, dinner and dancing to the music of Joseph
Bianchi and his Orchestra. One door prize, a chafing dish, was won by Mrs. Craig Gilbert.
MLG Gordon Crowther was appointed Deputy Most Loyal Grand Gander at Large for the
Eastern District.
The Gander of the month for February 1960 was the Custodian of the Goslings & Charter Oak
Chatter Editor Grenville Stainsby “Pete” Tompkins, Jr. Harold Porter wrote a nice article
outlining Pete’s life story starting with his birth on February 16, 1938. Details went on to outline
his enlistment with the United States Army in 1946. Pete was active in the industry spending
time at the University of CT College of Insurance, Property Insurance Forum, and the CT Fire
Insurance Field Club. He took his first swim with the Minnesota Pond back in February 1953
and also served in the Dakota Pond. His insurance career started back in 1948 at the Phoenix of
Hartford and was with the Boston Insurance Group in 1960.
The first meeting of 1960 drew 37 Ganders and guests to the Bond Hotel in Hartford on February
1, 1960. MLG Gordon Crowther called the meeting to order, and three Ganders (William R.
Kerns, Kenneth G. Critton, and Frank A. Pearson) were initiated. Members that were not
wearing their Blue Goose pins were fined 10¢ and it was announced that a similar offense at the
next meeting would merit a 25¢ fine. The evening’s Guest Speaker was Ron Hattin of Kaman
Aircraft who spoke about helicopters.
The Pond’s March 14, 1960 meeting drew a total of 25 Ganders and guests to the Matarese
Circle Restaurant in Newington. Keeper Davis reported on the Pond’s finances; there was
$262.06 in the regular treasury and $56.15 in the welfare fund. Additional Committee reports
were made by Hal Porter (Entertainment) and Pete Tompkins (Publication). Joseph Sorge was
appointed to be the Pond’s Historian. The guest speaker was James E. Bent of the Hartford
Federal Savings & Loan Association who spoke on the financial climate of the day and the
national debt.
Charter Oak Chatter’s Gander of the month for April 1960 was the new Most Loyal Grand
Gander E. G. “Gene” Saulcy of the Michigan Pond. He was installed as MLGG at the Statler
Hotel during the Los Angeles Convention on August 2-6, 1959. He was born in Indianapolis in
1900 and started his insurance career with the Indianapolis Inspection Bureau, and in 1923
accepted a position with the Great American Insurance Company. Gene was still with Great
The History of the Hartford Pond
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American in 1960 –having traveled through Indiana, Kentucky, and Tennessee, before spending
the past 32 years in Michigan.
On April 2, 1960, the Pond held it’s Spring Dinner Dance at the Waverly Inn in Cheshire, CT.
“A total of 65 Ganders, their wives or sweethearts and guests attended this gala event.”
Honored guests included Grand Supervisor of the Flock Robert F. Stumpf, Hartford PMLG Joe
Sorge, and George Smith, PMLG of the Penn Pond. The dinner choices were Lobster Saute or
Prime Ribs of Beef. The cost was $6 per person, and music was provided by Joe Bianchi and
his Quartet.
The Pond’s Annual Meeting was held on May 9, 1960 at the Bond Hotel in Hartford. There
were 18 members and guests present. Keeper Davis reported that there was $255.00 in the
regular treasury and $56.15 in the welfare fund. Because of the lack of attendance at this
meeting, the Pond had a $40 obligation to the Bond because we did not meet out minimum
PMLG Lew Geis delivered the report of the Nominating Committee. The Convention delegates
for the Detroit Grand Nest Convention were Wally Bailey and Jack Ellen, with Pete Tompkins
and Hal Porter as alternates. The officers for 1960-61 would be installed at the May 23rd Annual
Outing, but the slate was announced at tonight’s meeting.
The Pond’s new officers for 1960-61 were:
MLG – Wally Bailey
SOF - Pete Tompkins
COG - Bud Schmidt
GOP - Bob Davis
WGQ- Jack Ellen
KGGE – Hal Porter
The Pond’s Annual Meeting took the form as a clambake on May 23, 1960 at RosemontPagani’s Grove in Bolton.
the June 1, 1960 issue of Charter Oak Chatter. It was Editor Pete Tompkins subtle way of
decrying the falling rates of participation and seeming lack of interest displayed by so many of
the Pond’s 150 members.
Tompkins went on to write “The officers of the Pond are most concerned with the future
prospects of our Pond because of the lack of interest and very poor attendance which has put a
heavy burden on the treasury. Unless the situation improves, our Pond could be forced right
into the drain. Remember, we have the only Pond in the 6 New England states and we should
be proud of this fact being from the Insurance Capital of the world.”
The History of the Hartford Pond
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The History of the Hartford Pond
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The History of the Hartford Pond
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September 20, 1954 -Official Program for the Hartford Pond’s First Meeting.
Hotel Statler – Hartford, CT - Special Guest was Most Loyal Grand Gander Alex B. Young
The History of the Hartford Pond
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The first Hartford Pond Newsletter, published in September 1956.
The unnamed publication consisted of three single sided pages. The editor was Maurice E.
Guillet, who served on the Pond’s Publication Committee with R. W. Connor, A. J. Herd, Bud
Schmidt, Pete Tompkins, and Bob Davis.
Tompkins would shortly succeed Guillet as editor.
The History of the Hartford Pond
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“At long last, Joe Sorge’s big dream has come true –our banner is a reality and this sketch
by Pete Tompkins will give you some idea of what it looks like. Our banner will be
prominently displayed at the Grand Nest Convention in New Orleans Aug 26, 27 and 28.
We are slowly but surely coming into our own and from now on, there’ll be no holding the
Hartford Pond.” --Charter Oak Chatter July, 1957
The History of the Hartford Pond
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First Appearance of Charter Oak Chatter Masthead April 1957
The History of the Hartford Pond
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C. Wallace (Wally) Bailey
Hartford Pond Keeper in 1957
Pond’s 7th MLG 1960-61
Joseph Sorge – the Pond’s 2nd
MLG, serving in 1955-56
“The father of the Hartford
Pond’s banner”
The History of the Hartford Pond
Bob Davis
Hartford Pond’s Keeper
Harold Porter
The Pond’s 9th MLG,
serving in 1962-63
Page 28
April 12, 1958
Rockledge Country Club
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Annual Meeting –May 28, 1958 – Avon Country Club.
(L to R) Grand Guardian of the Nest Bob Stumpf (Garden State Pond) installing new officers for 1958-59.
Gordon Crowther-Wielder, Bud Schmidt-Keeper, Pete Tompkins –Guardian, Bill Davis-MLG, Rod
Nicholson, Supervisor, Wally Bailey –Custodian.
Seated at bottom left is C.W. Chappelear, PMLG . In 1954, he became the first MLG of the newly
chartered Hartford Pond.
The History of the Hartford Pond
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Pond Christmas Greeting.
From Charter Oak Chatter December 8, 1958
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May 28, 1958, Pond Golf Outing and Annual Meeting at the Avon Country Club
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Pond Christmas Party - Dec 12, 1958 - Waverly Inn Cheshire
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April 11, 1959 -- Annual Dinner Dance -- Manchester Country Club
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Pond Golf Outing - Avon Country Club - May 26, 1959
Pond Meeting - Reilly’s Restaurant in Hamden - November 1958
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Pond Christmas Party
December 11, 1959
Gallo’s Restaurant in Newington
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The Hartford Pond 1960-61
The Pond’s February 20, 1961 meeting was held at the Matarese Circle Restaurant in Newington
with 24 present. Wielder Jack Ellen announced the approval of a membership application from
James M. Meunier, a resident engineer for Commercial Union – North British Group. KGGE
Porter reported a $24 profit on the Pond’s recent dinner-dance, and this increased the Pond’s
treasury to $280.00. Wielder Ellen reported there were 53 Ganders that were still delinquent on
their dues payment, and reminded them that their memberships would be suspended on June 30th
if they were still in arrears.
The Gander of the month for March 1961 was the newest Most Loyal Grand Gander, Robert F.
Stumpf of the Garden State Pond. Robert was one of the organizers of the Garden State Pond (of
which he was a charter member), and was the Pond’s second MLG. He was elected to the Grand
Nest in 1955 and became the MLGG at the Detroit Convention in August 1960. Bob was in his
19th year with the General Adjustment Bureau, and was serving as their Regional Manager for
Northern New Jersey at the time.
The Pond’s April 17, 1961 meeting drew 20 Ganders and guests. The evening’s guest speaker
was Colonel Warren J. Kennedy who described his experiences of being in charge of POWs
during World War II.
The Nominating Committee reported that the Convention delegates for the New York City
Grand Nest Convention were Pete Tompkins and Jack Ellen. PMLG Carlin presented outgoing
PMLG Bailey with a PMLG pin. The evening culminated with PMLG Lew Geis’ installation of
the Pond’s new slate of officers for the upcoming year.
The Pond’s new officers for 1961-62 were:
MLG – Pete Tompkins
SOF – Bud Schmidt
COG – Harold Porter
GOP –Jack Ellen
WGQ- Gordon Crowther
KGGE – Bob Bordeaux
In his Annual Pond report for the upcoming Grand Nest Convention, Jack Ellen summarized the
Harford Pond’s 1960-61 year as follows: “Four regular meetings, a Winter Dinner-Dance, and
our Spring Outing comprised our general activity for the year. Once more our attendance and
membership declined, causing much concern about this continuing problem.”
The History of the Hartford Pond
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The Hartford Pond 1961-62
On June 14, 1961, the Pond held it’s annual Golf Outing at the Manchester Country Club. The
announcements for the outing were “sent out very late and therefore the attendance was held
down to 13.”
Newsletter Editor /MLG Tompkins reported that the scheduled June 1961 issue of Charter Oak
Chatter was not published “due to a lack of news items”.
The NYC Convention was held at the Statler Hilton Hotel. On Monday night August 7, 1961, the
Convention held Eastern Ponds Night at the hotel’s Skytop Room. The Hartford Pond donated
$300 toward funding this activity. Hartford attendees included MLG Tompkins, Jack (delegate)
and Irene Ellen, Gordon and Ivye Crowther, and Joe and Lois Sorge. The Convention’s
Memorial Service remembered Hartford’s William O. Minter and PMLGG (1954-55) Alex
Young – a dual member of the Heart of America and Hartford Ponds. While in New York, MLG
Tompkins went to a Yankee game, and saw Bobby Richardson and Yogi Berra hit home runs, as
Whitey Ford won his 20th game of the season.
In the September 1961 issue of Charter Oak Chatter, MLG/Editor Tompkins wrote a long
article to “endeavor to attempt to put our dying Pond back on the map again.” He listed 22
proposals to do so: 1) Continue the monthly Executive Board meetings at the Seafood
Restaurant, 2) increase dues from $8 to $10 to bring the Pond in line with other Ponds, 3) hold 3
dinner and 2 luncheon meetings during the year, 4) hold a pre-Christmas Dinner Dance in
association with the CT Fire Insurance Field Club, 5) hold a family annual outing on a Saturday,
6) secure top notch speakers (even if they need to be paid), 7) consider holding some meetings in
a central location between Hartford and New Haven, 8) publish the Pond newsletter quarterly
and add two co-chairmen – one each from the Hartford and New Haven areas, 9) start a Hartford
Pond Ladies Auxiliary, 10) open Pond membership “to all mutual fieldmen and others who are
not members of our club who are eligible to join. I intend to bring new blood into the Hartford
Pond….with active solicitation for new members”, 11) control costs by charging Pond lunches
and dinners on a “meal only” basis, with drinks on a cash basis, 12) Solicit publicity by being
more active in trade periodicals and newspapers, 13) consider appointing a Pond chaplain for
pre-meeting invocations, and consider reciting the Pledge of Allegiance after the invocation, 14)
recommend that the Hartford Pond support a constitutional amendment to permit casualty men to
join Blue Goose (this was defeated at the 1960 Grand Nest Convention), 15) Schedule Pond
meetings either two weeks before or after, so as not to compete, 16) reinstitute the Telephone
Committee to get more members out to meetings, 17) get meeting announcements in the hands of
members no less than one week prior to the event – outing or dance notices should be out two
weeks prior, 18) invite the incoming MLGG to a Pond event, 19) start and end meetings
promptly at a pre-determined time, and keep Pond business reports brief, 20) keep meeting costs
at a minimum because “most insurance companies today do not allow Blue Goose as an
allowable item to be charged off on expense accounts”, 21) make an effort to initiate all goslings
The History of the Hartford Pond
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in the fall –too many goslings were never formally initiated, and 22) consider changing the name
of the Hartford Pond to the Connecticut Pond.
The Gander of the month for September 1961 was Robert Arthur “Bob” Bordeaux. Born in
Somers, CT in 1926, Bob graduated from Sykes Memorial in Rockville, and attended the
University of CT. Bob’s first job took him to Cleveland, where he learned real estate, appraisals,
and engineering working for the J. M. Cleminshaw Company. He returned to CT in 1953 and
accepted a position with the Yorkshire Insurance Company as a Special Agent trainee, and then
Special Agent, covering Vermont, Western MA, and CT. After Yorkshire merged with the
America Fore-Loyalty Group, Bob became a staff adjuster specializing in fire and inland marine
The Pond’s first meeting of the 1961-62 season drew 23 Ganders and 5 guests to the Matarese
Circle Restaurant in Newington on October 16, 1961. MLG Pete Tompkins introduced the three
PMLGs in attendance; Wally Bailey, Andy Carlin, and Gordon Crowther. The Guest Speaker
was Francis T. Ahearn –the Director of CT’s Insurance Information Office. MLG Tompkins
reported that the Honorable Order’s Constitution had broadened membership criteria so as to
include those in the casualty and fire fields. He also read a thank you letter from PMLGG Bob
Stumpf acknowledging the Hartford Pond’s $300 contribution to the Grand Nest Convention in
New York City.
Most Loyal Grand Gander William G. Stephens appointed PMLG Gordon Crowther to be a
Deputy Most Loyal Grand Gander for Northern New York and New England.
The Gander of the month for December 1961 was John Newton “Jack” Kane. Born in Hartford
in 1924, He studied engineering at the University of CT and started his career as a process
engineer with Colt’s Manufacturing. He entered the insurance claims field with Woodhouse &
Cornwall (later Cornwall & Kennedy), and then moved over to the Glens Falls Insurance
Company and then the M. E. Hausser Insurance Group.
On January 15, 1962, the Pond held a Dinner Meeting at the Matarese Circle Restaurant in
Newington. The Guest speaker A.B. McGinley Hartford Times Sports Editor
Two days later, on January 17, 1962 the Pond’s first Ladies Auxiliary luncheon meeting was
held at the Sea Food Restaurant in Hartford. Door prizes were awarded and the attendees
received a tour of the new WTIC Broadcast House in Constitution Plaza.
Effective February 1, 1962, MLG and Charter Oak Chatter Editor Pete Tompkins announced
his resignation from the Hartford Pond because his employer, Boston Insurance Group, had
transferred him to San Francisco.
On March 19, 1962, the Pond held a luncheon meeting at the Matarese Circle Restaurant in
The History of the Hartford Pond
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The Pond’s Annual Outing was held on June 19th at the Indian Hill Country Club. Delegates for
the August Grand Nest Convention in Atlanta will be either Lew Geis or Andy Carlin, and
Gordon Crowther. The evening culminated with PMLG Joe Sorge’s installation of the Pond’s
new slate of officers for the upcoming year.
The Pond’s new officers for 1962-63 were:
MLG – Hal Porter
SOF – Jack Ellen
COG – Bob Bordeaux
GOP –John Lonergan
WGQ- Gordon Crowther
KGGE – John Henry
The Hartford Pond 1962-63
The Pond announced formation of nine committees – Program (Bill Coughlin), Membership
(Paul Harris), Ritual (Jack Kane), Ladies Auxiliary (Craig Carter), Welfare (Art Tyrol), Public
Relations (Don Davis), Advertising & Fundraising (Charlie Scoville), Records & Recognition
(Joe Sorge), and Publications (Andy Carlin). Art Jacobs was named as Pond Chaplain and Lew
Geis was named Liaison Officer between the Executive Committee and Grand Nest.
In an effort to improve attendance, the Executive Board decided in July to schedule the year’s
meetings on a “regular date” and the third Monday of the month was selected.
The Pond held a dinner meeting on September 17, 1962 at the Matarese Circle Restaurant.
The Hartford Pond 1963-64
Editor Tompkins’ resignation adversely affected production of the Pond’s newsletter Charter
Oak Chatter. He announced his resignation in the Feb 21, 1961 issue. The next newsletter issue
wasn’t released until August 10, 1962, and the subsequent issue wasn’t released until November
1, 1964. Accordingly, there is little information available on Pond history between February
1961 and August 1962. There is also a 27-month information gap between the August 1962 and
November 1964 issues.
The Hartford Pond 1964-65
As the 1964-65 year commenced, the Pond’s officers were:
MLG – Bob Bordeaux
SOF – John Henry
COG – Bill Coughlin
GOP – Richard Adams
The History of the Hartford Pond
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WGQ- Gordon Crowther
KGGE – Art Jacobs
Hartford’s representatives for the August 1964 Grand Nest Convention in Portland, Oregon were
Gordon and Ivye Crowther, Art Tyrol, and Art Jacobs. Tyrol and Jacobs drove together to
Portland and back.
The Pond’s September 1964 meeting marked the first presentation of the Pond’s Scholarship
Award. Awarded to a student in the University of CT’s Fire Insurance program, the inaugural
winner was Paul Fraleigh who received $25.
The Pond’s October 20, 1964 meeting featured Trooper Haberstrom of the CT State Police who
addressed the group on highway safety.
Charter Oak Chatter resumed publication in November 1964, with Gordon Crowther assuming
the duties of Editor. The December 1964 issue featured a guest column by Charles Gregg of the
Rating Office in Bridgeport
The Pond’s November 19, 1964 meeting, celebrating the Pond’s tenth anniversary, featured a
reunion of four of the Pond’s original officers –C. W. Chappelear, Joe Sorge, G. S. Tompkins,
Sr., and H. N. Pierson. They entertained the group with stories about the formation of the
Hartford Pond. Joe Sorge brought along the Pond charter for all to see.
Five Pond members (Art Jacobs, Art Tyrol, Bill Coughlin, Bob Bordeaux, and Dick Adams)
spoke at a meeting of the Hartford Insurance Women’s Association. The meeting was held at
Emil’s Restaurant in Hartford. Speaker Bordeaux educated the group about the traditions and
origins of Blue Goose, and said “It is one of the few organizations where men from all walks of
property and casualty insurance can meet: stock and mutual fieldmen, underwriters, adjusters,
rating bureau men, and personnel of similar service organizations. Without revealing the
secrets of the Sacred Ritual of the Order, the guiding principle of Blue Goose is the precept of
Fair Play. The insurance industry has always been a highly competitive field; we like to feel that
Blue Goose has been one of the elements that has made it an honorable business. When one gets
to know his fellow men through the comradeship and fellowship of the Blue Goose, he is not apt
to act underhandedly in any business relations they may have.”
The Pond’s Christmas Party drew 28 ganders, wives, and guests to Matarese’s in Newington on
December 11, 1964. The group enjoyed a cocktail hour, and then proceeded to a closed off
section in the dining room for a sit-down dinner of roast beef or lobster. The evening ended with
dancing to the live music of “Flo and her Escorts.”
On January 19, 1965, 19 Ganders and 4 guests attended a Pond meeting at the Shoreham Motor
Hotel in Hartford. The guest speaker was City Manager Eli Freedman, who spoke about future
plans for the city of Hartford. In Pond news, Keeper Jacobs reported that the Pond had just made
a $100 contribution to the Chesapeake Pond for their 1966 Grand Nest Convention, so there was
The History of the Hartford Pond
Page 41
now a $122 balance in the treasury. MLG Bordeaux reported on plans to spin off a New Haven
Puddle; “there are 12 prospective members in and around New Haven, and plans are being
formulated for a luncheon get-together very soon.” The meeting ended with a drawing for the
“Bottle of the Month” won by Gander Uchneat.
A “very small but select” group met at Carbone’s Restaurant on February 8, 1965. The evening
was billed as “strictly entertainment” and no business was conducted. After dinner, the group
proceeded to Charles Steak House for refreshments.
Seventeen Ganders attended the Pond’s Annual Meeting on May 18, 1965 at Matarese’s in
Newington. Two Ganders were initiated: Jack McCoy (Andover Companies) and James
Holtgrieve (Transamerica Group).
PMLG Jack Ellen delivered the report of the Nominating Committee. The Convention delegate
for the St. Louis Grand Nest Convention was Bill Coughlin. The alternate was Gordon Crowther.
The evening culminated with the installation of the Pond’s new slate of officers for the upcoming
The Pond’s new officers for 1965-66 were:
MLG – William Coughlin, Jr.
SOF – Richard “Dick” Adams
COG – Arthur Jacobs
GOP – Thomas O’Neill
WGQ- Gordon Crowther
KGGE –Craig Heston
During the summer, the Pond was saddened to learn of the Last Long Flight of C. W. “Chappy”
Chappelear – who in 1954 became the very first MLG of the Hartford Pond. He was one of the
pioneers of the Hartford Pond and “took an active part in Pond activities during the early
formative days of the Pond’. Chappy retired from the London and Lancashire Insurance
Company in 1957, and had recently attended the Hartford Pond’s tenth anniversary meeting in
November 1964.
The Pond held a baseball outing to Shea Stadium in New York on June 11, 1965. John Phelan,
Bill Coughlin, Dick Adams, Art Tyrol, Jack Ellen and Tommy Ellen attended. Jack Ellen’s car
was stuck in traffic on the Whitestone Bridge, and made his way to his seats in the sixth inning.
Coughlin, Adams, and Phelan stayed overnight at the International Hotel near Kennedy Airport.
Craig Heston and Paul Harris had hoped to attend the game, but last minute business obligations
forced them to change their plans.
Plans to launch the New Haven Puddle were progressing. Under the guidance of PMLG Lew
Geis, an organizational meeting was held on June 14, and a follow-up meeting was scheduled for
July 12. It was hoped that the Puddle would be launched in September.
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The July 1965 issue of Charter Oak Chatter contained a message from new MLG Bill Coughlin
on the state of the Pond. “1965-66 will be a year of decision for all members of the Hartford
Pond, a decision to go forward with and improve our Pond or a decision to sit back and allow
the Pond to stagnate. Those who keep in touch with Blue Goose activities know that attendance
at our monthly meetings has been rather sparse, for numerous reasons, including competition
with other organizations for the individual’s attention, tightening of company expense
allowances, family situations, etc “.
MLG Coughlin set six goals for the upcoming year: 1) Hold “Loyalty Day” for the September
meeting –invite all of the “old members and friends of the Hartford Pond” and expect each
member to attend with a friend or prospective member, 2) share the message of Blue Goose to
prospective members through our meetings and publications. 3) Form spin-off Puddles in local
areas, 4) conduct an aggressive membership campaign with an active Membership Committee, 5)
increase participation in committee assignments, and 6) Create an active Ladies Auxiliary.
The Hartford Pond 1965-66
Hartford Ganders Art Jacobs, Art Tyrol, and Gordon Crowther attended the Grand Nest
Convention in St. Louis from August 8-13, 1965.
The Pond’s Sept 20, 1965 Loyalty Day meeting saw three new Ganders initiated- Charles J.
Fisher (Charles J. Fisher Company), Richard Abele (Utica Mutual), and Robert Dallesander
(Penn Lumberman’s Mutual). Hartford’s three representatives to the St. Louis Convention filled
in the group - Jacobs reported on the Convention’s educational features, Tyrol reported on the
fellowship activities, Model Initiation and Memorial Service, and delegate Crowther reported on
the business aspect of the convention.
The Pond’s Oct 14, 1965 New Haven Puddle kickoff was held in the form of a luncheon at the
Yankee Silversmith in Wallingford. “Under the guidance of Loyal Gander Geis, a group of
former and present Blue Goosers in the New Haven area have banded together and intend to
meet periodically in and around New Haven inasmuch as they find it difficult to attend many of
the Pond activities in Hartford.”
The Pond’s October 26, 1965 meeting took the form of a luncheon at the Shoreham Motor Hotel
in Hartford. Guest Speaker Ed May spoke about the CT Constitutional Convention
There is no information on Pond activities in November and December 1965. There is very
limited information available for the January and February 1966 meetings. We know that the
guest speakers for the January 1966 meeting were “Leavitt, Moran and Fisher regarding loss
adjustments involving cleaning problems.”
The February 1966 meeting drew “more than 20 members”. Three new Ganders were initiated:
E. S. Cowles of E. S. Cowles and Sons, Joseph Fogarty of Greater N. Y. Mutual, and Daniel
The History of the Hartford Pond
Page 43
McCarthy of National Insurance. The Guest Speaker was Gerry Wholey of the State Insurance
On March 14, 1966, the Hartford Pond was involved in “a real milestone in Blue Goosedom
insofar as New England is concerned”. This was the first meeting of Ganders interested in
forming a Blue Goose presence in the Boston area. “On that date, a sizable number of insurance
men interested in the formation of a Puddle in the Boston area gathered at Patten’s Restaurant
for dinner and discussion.” Led by Hartford MLG Bill Coughlin, and six other Hartford
Ganders (Dick Adams, Art Jacobs, Bob Morrison, Andy Carlin, Jim Strong and Art Tyrol), there
was a grand total of 28 in attendance.” A considerable number of application blanks were
distributed, and as soon as these are filled out, returned to us, and voted on at a regular meeting
of the Pond, arrangements will be made for formal initiation ceremonies in Boston, at which
time the Boston Puddle will come into being.”
This year’s winner of the $25 Pond Scholarship award was William H. Shay.
In March, Lew Geis reported that “limited attendance at the regularly scheduled meetings of the
New Haven Puddle has shown the need for a more desirable day for these get-togethers. With
this thought in mind, a questionnaire has been sent out to Puddle members requesting their views
as to meeting dates, programs, etc.”
The Pond held a March 17, 1966 Luncheon Meeting at the Shoreham Motor Hotel.
Representatives of the State Insurance Department were the Pond’s guests, and the discussion
centered on agent licensing and premium payment defaults.
The March 1966 issue of Charter Oak Chatter marked the return of advertisements for the first
time since the December 1961 issue. The March 1966 issue included four business card-sized
ads by Matarese’s Restaurant, Jones-Mulvihill Company, O’Neill & Schultze Adjusters, and
Southern New England Adjustment Bureau (Bliss & Cole).
The Pond held an April 19, 1966 Dinner Meeting at the Clam Box Restaurant. Five new
members were initiated: Charles Gregg (Middlesex Mutual), Donald Hoffman (Lumbermens of
Mansfield), James Murphy, Jr. (American Policyholders Insurance Company), Stuart Kessler
(Greater New York Mutual, and Francis J. Donelan (Phoenix of London Group).
The Mary 1966 issue of Charter Oak Chatter ran a message from retiring MLG William
Coughlin where he revisited the six goals he set for his year in office. He “was happy to report
that all except one was successfully pursued and completed through the active support and help
of Pond officers, Committee Chairmen, and members.” The accomplishments of the year
included the formation of Puddles in New Haven and Boston (“the formation of the Boston
Puddle represents the high point of achievement for the year’s activities”), an aggressive
membership committee that added 25 new members to the Pond, and a successful Loyalty Day
meeting. The only shortcoming was the failure to create an active Ladies Auxiliary.
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At last year’s St. Louis Convention, the Grand Nest announced the creation of the “Gander of
The Year” Award for service to the insurance industry and “noteworthy observance of our
precepts – character, charity, and fellowship”. Individual Ponds were to nominate their
candidate, and the individual Pond winners would compete for the Gander of the Year Award.
The Hartford Pond’s Nominee for 1965-66 was Arthur Tyrol. “Although not a Pond Officer, Art
has served at one time or another as Chairman of practically every committee, and has
performed a particularly notable job this year with the handling of our ritual ceremonies. He
has attended the last several Grand Nest Conventions (at his own expense), has been active in
every Pond activity, and has been a true Blue-Gooser in every respect”.
On May 5, 1966 all six Hartford Pond officers journeyed to Boston for another organizational
meeting of the Boston Puddle, held at the Golden Dome There was a total of 25 at the meeting,
including 13 prospective members who were initiated and joined the Boston Puddle of the
Hartford Pond: Anthony Esposito, Morton Shuman, John W. Lewis, Jr., J. Lester Hourigan, Paul
Cameron, C. Joseph Licata, Irving P. Knowles, Ralph Carlo, Walter J. Connelly, John J.
McGuire, John F. Butterworth, Olin Condon, and Charleston S. Palmer. Four additional
memberships were voted on and accepted, but these four were not in attendance to be initiated:
Paul Scanlon, Francis Puopolo, John Roath, C. Richard Dacey, and Robert Myers. Boston
Puddle Officers were elected –Andy Carlin as Loyal Gander, Jim Strong as Puddle Supervisor,
Ted Caulkins as Puddle Guardian, and Walter Connelly as Puddle Wielder..
The Pond held it’s Annual Meeting on May 23, 1966 at the Clam Box Restaurant for 19
members and 2 guests. A Membership application for Louis Zwick of Underwriters’ Reports,
Inc. was accepted, but Mr. Zwick was not on hand to be initiated.
The Pond ended the year with 87 members. The Convention delegates for the Baltimore Grand
Nest Convention were incoming MLG Richard “Dick” Adams and Wielder Gordon Crowther.
The evening culminated with PMLG Lew Geis’ installation of the Pond’s new slate of officers
for the upcoming year.
The Pond’s new officers for 1966-67 were:
MLG – Richard “Dick” Adams
SOF – Arthur Jacobs
COG – Thomas O’Neill, Jr.
GOP – W. Craig Heston
WGQ- Gordon Crowther
KGGE – Carl Nelson
After the officer installations, PMLG Bob Bordeaux presented retiring MLG Bill Coughlin with
his PMLG pin.
The History of the Hartford Pond
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The Hartford Pond 1966-67
The Pond entered the 1966-67 year with 87 members, a +24 increase from 1965-66.
The Pond’s June 25, 1966 Summer Outing was held at Ted Hilton’s Resort in Moodus, CT at a
cost of $7.50 per person. Ganders started the day with a “do-it-yourself” sandwich lunch
followed by free reign of activities including swimming, boating, canoeing, water-cycling, pingpong, horseshoes, volleyball or basketball. Horseback riding or golf were available at a slight
premium. Dinner was an unlimited BBQ followed by dancing and entertainment.
MLG Adams sent a message to the Pond in the July 1966 issue of Charter Oak Chatter. He
announced six initiatives he hoped to accomplish during his year in office: 1) forming a ladies
auxiliary, 2) support the New Haven Puddle and build it’s membership, 3) have each member
spread the word of Blue Goose by acting as Good Will ambassadors, 4) solicit ideas and
opinions “as the membership sees fit” about meeting content, 5) build Pond membership to at
least 100 members, and 6) have at least one meeting with both Puddles (New Haven and
At the August 21, 1966 Grand Nest Convention in Baltimore, Hartford delegates Dick Adams
and Gordon Crowther accepted the Membership Cup Award from the Grand Nest. Hartford was
also honored by a request to form the Grand Nest Membership Committee for the coming year.
Hartford Ganders named for the committee were Gordon Crowther (Chairman), Bill Coughlin,
Jack Ellen, Dick Adams and Art Tyrol.
It was Dick Adams’ first convention and he remarked “I must admit that the Convention was all
they said it would be and then some. All of the delegates and guests wore name tags. I don’t care
if it was 7 A.M. for breakfast or 3 A.M. coming in, people would walk up and introduce
themselves as they knew you were Blue Goose. I was in the hotel less than 15 minutes and would
dare say that I had met people from Alabama, Texas, Illinois, New Jersey, besides the local folks,
and believe me, they really made you feel welcome.”
Twenty-one ganders and one guest met at the Clam Box Restaurant in Wethersfield on
September 19, 1966 for the Pond’s first meeting of the season. Louis Zwick of Underwriters’
Reports, Inc. was initiated as a new member, and membership applications from Robert Maguire
(Employers Group of Woburn, MA) and Gerald Couture (Alliance Adjustment Bureau of
Boston, MA) were approved. Gander George Reif, a former member of the Nebraska and Iowa
Ponds was reinstated as a member of the Hartford Pond and Boston Puddle.
The Pond announced the following Committees for the year: Program (Art Jacobs and Paul
Harris), Ritual (Art Tyrol and Gordon Brown), Publication (Bill Coughlin and Gordon
Crowther), Welfare (Tom O’Neill), Publicity (Stu Kessler), Puddle Liasion (Lew Geis and
Walter Connelly), Nominating (Bob Bordeaux, Jack Ellen, and Lew Geis), Historians (Craig
Heston and Joe Sorge), and Chaplain (Jack Ellen).
The History of the Hartford Pond
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Sixteen Ganders and one guest attended the Pond’s Oct 17, 1966 luncheon meeting at the
Shoreham Motor Hotel. PMLG Jack Ellen led the group in saying grace, and a moment of
silence was observed for Gander Leo Bronson. The guest speaker was Mickey Caruso, a
linebacker with the Hartford Charter Oaks of the Continental Football League.
On November 9, 1966 the Boston Puddle of the Hartford Pond held a dinner meeting at Patten’s
Restaurant in Boston. Seventeen were in attendance, including MLG Dick Adams, PMLG Bill
Coughlin, Wielder Gordon Crowther and Gander Art Jacobs. Four new members were initiated
into the Boston Puddle – Francis Puopolo (National Union Fire Insurance), John Sawyer (U.S.
Fidelity Guaranty), Robert Maguire (The Employers Group), and Philip J. Burnham (Norman V.
Crane & Company). “These new members increased the roster of the Boston Puddle to 23.”
The Pond held a Ladies Night on November 22, 1966 at the Matarese Restaurant in Newington.
Eleven wives accompanied their husbands to the meeting, where they had a chance to “chit-chat
and get to know each other a little better.” This was seen as a good step toward creating a Ladies
Auxiliary. The evening’s guest speaker was Mr. Boardman from the American Automobile
Association. He gave a presentation on auto safety, showed a film on Miami (location of next
year’s Grand Nest Convention), and talked about the benefits of belonging to the AAA.
The November issue of Charter Oak Chatter profiled MLG Dick Adams. Born in Hartford on
October 5, 1936, he was educated in the Hartford school system and graduated from the
University of Connecticut’s School of Insurance. He served with the 118th Fighter Interception
Squadron and was a member of the CT Air National Guard. Dick worked as a claims adjuster for
the New England Adjustment Bureau.
On December 10, 1966, the Pond held its Christmas Party at the Clam Box Restaurant in
Wethersfield, CT. There were 28 in attendance and they feasted on a dinner of roast beef,
shrimp, and Alaskan King crab. Music was provided by the “Penthouse Four” who “still
remembered the good old danceable music.”
The Pond held a dinner meeting on January 16, 1967 at the Clam Box Restaurant in
Wethersfield. The guest speaker was Robert Pryor of the Royal Liverpool Group and his topic
was “the relatively new General Liability policy.” A membership application from Francis
Champeau voted on and accepted, and the Pond was introduced to jack Dunne of the Reliable
Reporting Service. Mr. Dunne is the Guardian of the Pond for the Garden State Pond, and he was
expected to either transfer to the Hartford Pond or become a Dual Member. Grand Nest Bulletins
were given to those in attendance, and MLG Adams promoted the upcoming Miami Convention.
On January 27, 1967 The Boston Puddle met at Polcari’s Restaurant for dinner at 6:30, and then
attended an NBA game between the Boston Celtics and Detroit Pistons.
January’s Gander of the Month was Supervisor of the Flock Arthur “Art” Jacobs. Born in
Glastonbury, CT on December 26, 1898, Art attended the Glastonbury Public School system and
went on to the Insurance Institute and sprinklered risk training with the Eastern Inspection
The History of the Hartford Pond
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Bureau. He also spent time with the Scottish Union and National Insurance Company and the
Springfield Fire & Marine Insurance Company. Art retired in 1963, and this grandfather of
eleven grand-children was described as “one of the nicest guys any of us have ever met.”.
On February 20, 1967, the Pond welcomed a distinguished guest to the Clam Box Restaurant in
Wethersfield, CT. The occasion was a Grand Nest visitation by Grand Keeper Jay Knowlan of
the Penn Pond. Three employees of the General Adjustment Bureau (Bernard Ladden, Donald
Roberts, and Bob Uricchio) were initiated into the Pond. MLG Adams handled the ritual and the
Charge was conducted by Grand Keeper Knowlan. The Pond was entertained by listening to a
tape recording of Lloyd Wallace recount the first Blue Goose meeting in 1906 and tell stories
about the early days of the Honorable Order.
Trying to kick-start the rather dormant New Haven Puddle, a luncheon meeting was scheduled at
the Carriage Drive in Hamden on March 15, 1967. A surprise snowstorm resulted in only 19
On Monday March 20, 1967, the Pond gathered at the Shoreham Motor Hotel in Hartford “for
our annual get-together with representatives of the State Insurance Department. Gerry Wholley
was the guest speaker…and he had an interesting message (on) the workings of the Insurance
Department and pending legislative action affecting the insurance industry.”
The March 1967 Gander of the Month was Custodian of the Goslings Tom O’Neill. Tom was
born in Hartford on January 8, 1927, was educated in the West Hartford school system, and went
off into the Air Force. After his 1946 discharge, he attended Trinity College and joined the
National Fire Insurance Company in 1948 and attended night classes at the U Conn School of
Insurance. Tom left National for a stint at the Aetna Insurance Company, before becoming an
The Pond was selling Blue goose decals for $1. They were picked up from the Arizona Pond as
a fund-raiser for their 1969 Grand Nest Convention.
The Grand Nest Membership Committee consisted of Hartford Ganders Bill Coughlin, Gordon
Crowther, Jack Ellen, Dick Adams, and Art Tyrol. For the last few months, they had been
“conducting membership surveys with all the Ponds in an effort to see that Blue Goose continues
to grow in membership and stature throughout the United States and Canada.”
The Pond held an April 17, 1967 Ladies Night Meeting at the Clam Box Restaurant. The Guest
Speaker was Orlando Sargeant of the Middlesex Lynn Group speaking on Home Fire Protection.
The New Haven Puddle held a Luncheon Meeting on May 17, 1967. A crowd of 22 attended the
luncheon at the Carriage Drive Restaurant in Hamden. Seven new members were initiated: John
P. Bruno (New England Insurance Rating Association), John J. Donovan (J. Neale MacDonald
Co.), Jerome T. Meighan (Public Service Mutual Ins Co.), John E. Pinkney (ProvidenceWashington Ins Co), William X. Rossiter (General Adjustment Bureau), John C. Ruskin (Public
The History of the Hartford Pond
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Service Mutual Ins Co), and Herbert W. Schultz (self employed). The Puddle officers for the
next year were Loyal Gander John Cote, Puddle Supervisor Lewis Nelson, Puddle Guardian
Stewart Bailey, and Puddle Wielder Lewis Geis.
Later that evening, on May 17, 1967, twenty attended the Boston Puddle’s meeting at Patten’s
Restaurant in Boston. Five new membership applications were voted on and accepted: Albert G.
Carlson (Merchants Mutual Insurance Company), Philip R. Fournier (Ralph H. Carlo & Co.),
Lee H. Gibney (Ralph H. Carlo & Co.), Victor B. Griffin (Fireman’s Fund), and Wendell J.
Leary (Morrison, Mahoney & Miller). Puddle officers for the new year were named: Loyal
Gander James Strong, Puddle Supervisor Ted Caulkins, Puddle Guardian Ralph Carlo, and
Puddle Wielder Walter Connelly. The Boston Puddle now numbered thirty members, and was
“well on its way to the magic figure of 50, at which point it can make application to the Grand
Nest for Pond status.”
Bill Coughlin, Dick Adams, Art Jacobs, Gordon Crowther, and Art Tyrol attended both Puddle
meetings that day. It was quite a day for the Hartford Pond – a day that saw twelve new Ganders
added to the Hartford Pond’s roster from two Puddles.
The Pond’s Annual Meeting was held on May 22, 1967 at the Clam Box Restaurant in
Wethersfield. We had seven special guests, representatives of the Factory Insurance Association
(Dallas, New York, Syracuse, Boston) who were in Hartford to attend training classes. Two new
membership applications were approved- those of Raymond Hitchcock and Albert Boudreau.
Gander Hitchcock was present, and he was initiated.
PMLG/DMLGG Bill Coughlin delivered the report of the Nominating Committee. The
Convention delegates for the Miami Grand Nest Convention were incoming MLG Art Jacobs
and Permanent Wielder Gordon Crowther, with Bill Coughlin as an alternate.
The Pond’s new officers for 1967-68 were:
MLG – Arthur Jacobs
SOF - Craig Heston
COG - Arthur Tyrol
GOP - J. Paul Harris
WGQ- Gordon Crowther
KGGE – John McCoy
The Hartford Pond 1967-68
As the 1967-68 year started, the Hartford Pond’s membership stood at 101 – representing a gain
of +14 from the previous year. This total included 20 in the New Haven Puddle and 29 in the
Boston Puddle.
The History of the Hartford Pond
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The Pond’s June 24, 1967 Annual Outing was held at Ted Hilton’s Resort in Moodus, CT.
Eleven Ganders made their own sandwiches for lunch before heading off to the pool or other
sporting arenas. “PMLGs Dick Adams and Bill Coughlin… demonstrated their prowess off the
high diving board at the pool; most of the rest…confined themselves to sunbathing and less
hazardous endeavors.”
The Pond’s Executive Board Meeting was held on August 7, 1967 at Valle’s Steakhouse in
The 1967 Grand Nest Convention was held at the Americana Hotel in Miami from August 13-18,
1967. Hartford attendees included Jack & Irene Ellen (plus daughter Maureen), Delegate Gordon
& Ivye Crowther, Delegate Art Jacobs, and Art Tyrol. Charter Oak Chatter received an
Honorable Mention for the Grand Nest Publication Award.
The Pond’s first meeting of the year drew 27 members and 2 guests to the Clam Box Restaurant
in Wethersfield on September 18, 1967. Charter Oak Chatter reported this “was the largest
turnout in at least the past 5 years.” Three membership applications were accepted: Edward J.
Flaherty (Maryland Casualty Co.), Edward J. Riley (Northwestern Mutual Ins. Co), and Paul
Cotter (Cornwall & Kennedy). Only Gosling Flaherty was on hand, and he joined previously
accepted Albert Boudreau in an initiation ceremony that evening. Three Ganders recently took
flight to the Hartford Pond, and the news was shared in the September 1967 issue: Charles Falk Netherlands Insurance Co. – from the Ohio Pond, Charles W. Kemp – Travelers Insurance –from
the National Capital Pond, and Paul Mayer – Commercial Union Insurance Company – from the
Chesapeake Pond.
On Sept 27, 1967, the New Haven Puddle meeting drew 21 members to the Colonial House in
Hamden. The guest speaker was Bob Bryan - Fire and Casualty actuary of the State Insurance
Department, and he spoke about “the recent disturbances in Hartford, New Haven and
The Pond held a luncheon meeting on October 16, 1967 at the Shoreham Hotel in Hartford.
There were 19 members and 6 guests (including 2 ladies) in attendance. Guest Speaker Gerry
Wholey of the State Insurance Department spoke of the claim issues resulting from the civil
disturbance claims in Connecticut and throughout the nation. A scholarship award was presented
to James Petrone of the University of CT’s School of Insurance.
The November 9, 1967 dinner meeting drew16 ganders, 12 wives, and 5 guests to the Clam Box
Restaurant in Wethersfield, CT. The Guest Speaker was Captain Robert Brennan of the U. S.
Marine Corps speaking about his recent return from Viet Nam. On the heels of the evening’s
strong turnout of wives, the Pond announced that a Ladies Auxiliary was formed.
On November 15, 1967, the New Haven Puddle held a meeting at the Colonia Inn in Hamden.
There were 26 on hand. Six Ganders were initiated: Gerald Carnevale (General Adjustment
Bureau), Paul Cotter (Cornwall & Kennedy), Ronald Cozzolino (General Adjustment Bureau),
The History of the Hartford Pond
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Jack Drexler (General Adjustment Bureau), Joseph P. Minardi (Insurance Company of North
America), and Gerhard Otten (General Adjustment Bureau).
On November 27, 1967, the Boston Puddle held it’s first meeting of the year. There were 27 in
attendance, including 21 of the Puddles 29 members-a 72% membership turnout. Guest Speaker
(and member) Robert Morrison of Morrison, Mahoney, and Miller spoke about “current
legislation affecting the insurance industry in Massachusetts”.
On December 9, 1967, the Pond’s Christmas Party drew 17 members, 14 wives, and 24 guests (a
total of 55) to the Clam Box Restaurant in Wethersfield. A special guest was Major Robert
Brennan (the Pond’s November speaker), and his wife Pat. In answer to a request made by Major
Brennan in November, the Pond responded with a large toy donation that the Marines would
send to needy children in Viet Nam. Music was provided by the “Penthouse Four”
In January, the Hartford Pond’s Membership Committee solicited comments from the Pond
concerning MLGG Harry Cutler’s question about broadening Blue Goose eligibility to “all in the
insurance industry, i.e. general business, such as insurance Agents and Managers or purchasers
of insurance for large corporations who are professional insurance men?” These questions
were being asked within the framework of Blue Goose losing 18% of it’s membership over the
last ten years.
On January 18, 1968, the Pond’s first dinner meeting of the new year drew 16 members and 9
guests to the Clam Box Restaurant in Wethersfield. Guest Speaker Richard DeMark of
Lumberman’s Mutual Casualty Company spoke about the controversial Keeton-O’Connel plan
for no-fault automobile coverage. Four new membership applications were approved: William A.
Smith, Jr. (Surveys and Services of N. E., Inc.), William H. Fee (Berkshire Mutual Ins. Co.),
John S. Crump (American Policyholders Ins. Co.), and David X. Smallcomb (Merchants Mutual
Ins. Co.).
The New Haven Puddle held a January 24, 1968 meeting at the Colonial House in Hamden with
15 in attendance. Guest Speaker Attorney James O. Shea spoke on the recently passed auto
liability law.
The Pond’s February 1968 meeting was held at Matarese’s Restaurant in Newington; and the
“attendance was rather disappointing.” A membership application was accepted from George
Johnson (Retail Credit Company). Gander Henry Stone was unable to attend and provided “one
of the most unusual explanations on record” for his absence – he was at home babysitting his
newly born twin lambs. The Guest Speaker was again Attorney James O. Shea.
In March, the Pond said Farewell to Henry Fuldner; a Charter Member of the Hartford Pond.
Charter Oak Chatter described him a being “particularly active on Committees and other
endeavors up to the time of his retirement in the late fifties, after more than 40 years service with
the Insurance Company of North America.”
The History of the Hartford Pond
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The Boston Puddle’s March 5, 1968 meeting drew 24 in attendance, and saw six new members
initiated The six were Ganders Fee, Crump and Smallcomb (approved in January), plus Donald
Marcum (American Policyholders Ins. Co.), J. Clifford Parsons (Ralph M. Carlo Co.), and
Raymond Strobel (Ralph M. Carlo Co.). The Boston Puddle now had 38 names in its roster, so
the goal of 50 to qualify as a Pond in it’s own right seemed very attainable. The evening’s guest
speaker was Fred Johnson, a Registered Professional Engineer and member of the MA Public
Safety Commission, and his topic was explosions and failures of hot water heating boilers.
On March 19, 1968 the Pond’s Ladies Night signaled a “red letter day” for the Pond as the
nucleus of the newly formed Ladies Auxiliary hosted 15 members, 12 wives, and 24 guests (for a
total of 51) at the Clam Box restaurant in Wethersfield. Ladies Auxiliary President Arlene
Lonergan hosted the affair which consisted of a buffet dinner and an evening of Monte Carlo
Whist. The Pond thanked Andover Companies for donating playing cards, Middlesex Mutual for
donating souvenir pencils and door prizes, and Jones-Mulvihill Company for donating two door
On March 27, 1968, the Pond’s New Haven Puddle met and the 18 in attendance listened to a
presentation by Guest Speaker Captain Robert Brennan of the U. S. Marine Corps.
On April 23, 1968, The Pond held “the first Splash Meeting in the history of the Hartford Pond”
at the Publick House in Sturbridge, MA. The membership of the Hartford Pond, New Haven
Puddle, and Boston Puddle were invited, and a total of 35 attended. The breakdown was 8 from
New Haven, 4 from Boston, 17 from Hartford, plus 2 applicants, and 4 guests. Hartford MLG
Art Jacobs welcomed the group, and a Calling of the Roll ensued. Puddle representatives –Loyal
Gander Strong from Boston and Loyal Gander Cote from New Haven gave regards from their
memberships and announced their upcoming schedules. Membership applications were
presented and approved for Mr. Goyette of the Middlesex-Lynn Mutual Group and Mr. Thornton
of the Great American Ins. Co.
On May 8, 1968, the New Haven Puddle hosted a luncheon at the Colonial House in Hamden for
17 attendees. The new officers for 1968-69 were elected as follows: Loyal Gander Lew Nelson,
Puddle Supervisor Jack Pinkney, Puddle Wielder Lew Geis, and Puddle Guardian John Ruskin.
The officers were installed by Hartford MLG Art Jacobs.
On May 13, 1968, the Boston Puddle hosted a dinner meeting at Patten’s Restaurant in Boston
for 20 attendees. The guest speaker was Eli Corman of Strand Jewelers in Canton, MA. The
Puddle decided to keep their same officers for the 1968-69 year: Loyal Gander James Strong,
Puddle Supervisor Ted Caulkins, Puddle Guardian Ralph Carlo, and Puddle Wielder Walter
Connelly. The officers were also installed by Hartford MLG Art Jacobs.
The Pond’s May 28, 1968 Annual Meeting drew15 members and 2 guests to the Clam Box
Restaurant in Wethersfield. The Pond welcomed Paul Cusick, the new manager of the General
Adjustment Bureau’s Hartford office, and a former member of the Penn Pond. Keeper McCoy
reported there was $251.50 in the Pond treasury. Wielder Gordon Crowther spoke about an idea
The History of the Hartford Pond
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suggested by Ladies Auxiliary President Arlene Lonergan that would have the Auxiliary sponsor
a contest or program for school children to create posters promoting fire safety. The Memorial
Service remembered the loss of Charter Member Henry Fuldner in the Pond’s Memorial Service.
PMLG Dick Adams delivered the report of the Nominating Committee. The Convention
delegates for the Vancouver Grand Nest Convention were incoming MLG Craig Heston and
Permanent Wielder Gordon Crowther, with Art Tyrol as an alternate.
The Pond’s new officers for 1968-69 were:
MLG – Craig Heston
SOF - John McCoy
COG - Fred Peck
GOP - J. Paul Harris
WGQ- Gordon Crowther
KGGE – Jim Holtgrieve
The Hartford Pond 1968-69
As the 1968-69 year started, the Hartford Pond’s membership stood at 119 – representing a gain
of +18 from the previous year. This total included 27 in the New Haven Puddle and 39 in the
Boston Puddle.
The Pond held it’s Annual Summer Outing on June 29, 1968 at the Frank Davis (formerly Ted
Hilton’s) Resort in Moodus, CT. There were 11 members, 10 wives, and 9 guests present, for a
total of 30. The Pond’s tradition of starting the day with “do-it-yourself” sandwiches was
supplemented by Outing Chairman Dick Adams addition of cherry cheesecake to the meal.
Boating, swimming, sunbathing, horse-shoes and ping-pong followed lunch. A social hour in the
late afternoon preceded a barbecue chicken dinner.
On July 1, 1968, the Pond mailed a membership roster to all members.
Alternate Delegate Art Tyrol replaced Delegate Craig Heston, and attended the August 18-23,
1968 Vancouver convention along with Delegate Gordon Crowther and Gander James
Thornton. The Hertford Pond received an Honorable Mention in the Pond competition for the
Membership Cup, Fellowship Cup, and Publication Cup. The Convention vote to expand
membership eligibility to other aspects of the insurance industry failed.
The Hartford Pond’s first get-together of the 1968-69 year drew 20 members, 2 prospective
members, and 2 guests to a Loyalty Meeting on September 19, 1968 at the Clam Box in
Wethersfield. Two membership applications were voted on and accepted: George Turcotte
(O’Neill & Schultze) and George Gallagher (General Adjustment Bureau). Turcotte and
Gallagher joined previously elected James Thornton (Great American Insurance) in the initiation
The History of the Hartford Pond
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ceremony. The Ceremony was conducted by MLG Heston, PMLGs Jacobs and Crowther, and
Ganders McCoy, Harris, Tyrol, and Holtgrieve. The Pond treasury stood at $347.13.
The New Haven Puddle drew 22 Ganders and guests to its first luncheon meeting of the season
on September 25, 1968 at the Colonial House in Hamden, CT. The guest speaker was Gander
Jack Pinkney who spoke about a CPCU Clinic recently held in Hamden. The Puddle announced
plans to hold it’s luncheon meetings on the fourth Wednesday of the month.
The Pond had dinner meetings scheduled for October 15 and November 19, 1968, but no
information is available as to the meetings’ location, turnout, or content.
The Pond’s Christmas Party was held on December 14, 1968 at the Clam Box Restaurant in
Wethersfield. There were eleven Ganders and guests in attendance.
The Gander of the Month for January 1969 was MLG W. Craig Heston. Born in Philadelphia on
January 13, 1935, Craig served in the Marines for three years before entering the insurance
industry (Pennsylvania Lumberman’s Mutual Insurance) in October 1957. He joined Utica
Mutual in August 1963 and currently serves as a Special Agent for Eastern CT.
The New Haven Puddle hosted a luncheon meeting for 14 on January 22, 1969 at the Colonial
House in Hamden. Scheduled Speaker, Attorney Ed Brandley of Waterbury was unavailable
because of the flu, so the substitute program consisted of a discussion of the new Homeowner’s
The Hartford Pond hosted a luncheon meeting for 16 on January 27, 1969 at the Shoreham
Motor Hotel in Hartford. The guest speaker was Bob Brogher of the General Equipment
Company, and his presentation was on recent advances in restaurant fire protection using an
Ansul system. Three membership applications were approved – Gordon Bishop (National
Grange Mutual Ins. Co), Tom McKiernan (Kemper Insurance), and Ronald Trump (General
Adjustment Bureau). Bishop and McKiernan were present and were initiated.
The Boston Puddle hosted a dinner meeting for 16 on January 27, 1969 at Patten’s Restaurant in
Boston. The Guest Speaker, Roy Richardson of Rough Notes, spoke about the recent changes in
the Homeowner’s Policy.
On February 28, 1969, the Hartford Pond was honored to receive a visitation from Most Loyal
Grand Gander Frank Hunter and his wife Celeste. It was the 4th MLGG visitation in the 14-year
history of the Hartford Pond. There was no official Pond business meeting involved, just “an
informal get-together with other Blue Goose couples.” The group met at the Rockville, CT home
of Hartford Pond MLG Craig Heston, and then several cars set out for the Tobacco Valley Inn in
Windsor for dinner. “Somehow there was a breakdown in communications because just about
every carload of Blue Goosers became royally lost. Wielder Gordon Crowther, who was
chauffeuring the honored guests, took the prize for tardiness by showing up an hour late.” MLG
Heston presented MLGG Hunter with an oil painting of a New England Winter scene.
The History of the Hartford Pond
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In March 1969, MLG Craig Heston (Utica Mutual) was transferred to Atlanta, GA. SOF Jack
McCoy assumed the duties of Acting MLG for the balance of the year.
On March 11, 1969, the Boston Puddle held a night at the Playboy Club in Boston. “Fourteen
members and six guests including Harford Wielder Gordon Crowther, enjoyed the sights, the
drinks, a good meal, enjoyable entertainment, and the good fellowship that prevails at a function
of this nature.”
On March 19, 1969, the New Haven Puddle held a luncheon meeting at the Colonial House in
Hamden for 17 members and guests. The guest speaker was Gander Jack Bruno who moderated
a discussion on the new Homeowner’s policy.
On March 26, 1969, the Hartford Pond, New Haven Puddle and Boston Puddle hosted
approximately 40 Ganders and guests at a joint Splash Meeting at the Publick House Restaurant
in Sturbridge, MA. SOF Jack McCoy led the meeting in the absence of MLG Craig Heston who
was out of town on business. The highlight of the meeting was the inauguration of ten new
Ganders. The Initiation Ritual was handled by PMLGs Bill Coughlin and Art Jacobs.
The new members initiated at that meeting were: John Bartick (Middlesex-Lynn Mutual), Alfred
J. Chapman (Chapman & Company), Thomas E. Corcoran (American Policyholders), Gerald J.
DiLoreto (Multi-Line Reporting Service), William Frost (General Adjustment Bureau), Joseph
F. Gately (Shelby Mutual Ins. Co.), Donald Gillis (American Policyholders), Robert Kidder
(American Policyholders), Roland Trump (General Adjustment Bureau), and William Waldron
(Middlesex-Lynn Mutual).
The Pond held an April 23, 1969 Ladies Night “Card Party” at the Clam Box Restaurant in
Wethersfield. There were 32 in attendance to enjoy the Clam Box’s buffet of “copious quantities
of shrimp, crabmeat balls, baked stuffed clams, fries clams and the usual smorgasbord items. We
then retired to the card tables for an evening of Crazy Whist.”
Although the Pond’s Ladies Auxiliary was officially inaugurated this year, Charter Oak
Chatter remarked that they “did not actually succeed in arranging for a meeting of their own”
during 1969-69
On May 21, 1969, the New Haven Puddle’s annual meeting drew13 members and 3 guests to the
Colonial House in Hamden, CT. Gander Lynch of the Nominating Committee proposed the
following slate of officers for 1969-70, and the slate was approved: John Pinkney (Loyal
Gander), John Ruskin (Puddle Supervisor), John Bruno (Puddle Guardian), Lew Geis (Puddle
Wielder), and Lew Nelson (Puddle Keeper)..
The Hartford Pond’s Annual Meeting was held on May 22, 1969 at the Clam Box Restaurant in
Wethersfield, CT. There were 16 in attendance. Four membership applications were reviewed
and approved, although none of the four were on hand to be initiated. The four were Edward P.
LeNoir (Insurance Company of North America), Arthur A. Sagal (Public Safety Mutual), George
The History of the Hartford Pond
Page 55
Ribnicky (Great American Insurance Company), and Michael J. Davis (Crum and Forster
Insurance Companies). Two Ganders joined the Hartford Pond, having taken flight from other
Ponds: K. J. Kilja (Hartford Insurance Group via the Minnesota Pond), and John T. Heagney
(Hartford Insurance Group via the California Pond).
PMLG Dick Adams delivered the report of the Nominating Committee. The Convention
delegates for the Phoenix Grand Nest Convention were incoming MLG Jack McCoy and
Permanent Wielder Gordon Crowther, with PMLG Art Jacobs as an alternate.
The Pond’s new officers for 1969-70 were:
MLG – Jack McCoy
SOF - Paul Harris
COG - Fred Peck
GOP - Jim Holtgrieve
WGQ- Gordon Crowther
KGGE – Bob Uricchio
The Hartford Pond 1969-70
As the 1969-70 year started, the Hartford Pond’s membership stood at 118 – representing a
reduction by one member from the previous year.
On June 9, 1969, the Boston Puddle held it’s annual meeting at Patten’s Restaurant for 13
members and 3 guests. The Guest Speaker was Dick Nead of the Frank Morrell Agency
speaking about agency contacts. The Puddle’s 1969-70 slate of officers was introduced: E. B.
“Ted” Caulkins (Loyal Gander), Ralph H. Carlo (Puddle Supervisor), John Sawyer (Puddle
Guardian) and Walter J. Connelly (Puddle Wielder). The formal installation was conducted by
Hartford Pond Wielder Gordon Crowther.
On June 28, 1969, the Pond’s Summer Outing drew thirteen Ganders and guests to the Frank
Davis (formerly Ted Hilton’s) Resort in Moodus, CT.
The Phoenix Grand Nest Convention was held from August 10-14, 1969. Representing Hartford
were delegates Art Jacobs and Gordon Crowther (and his wife Ivye and her sister Irene). Others
in the Hartford delegation included Jack Ellen (and his wife Irene Ellen and daughter Maureen
Ellen). The Convention featured a Cowboy Steak Dinner at the Pinnacle Peak Restaurant, where
PMLG Art Jacobs’ necktie was snipped off and hung on the ceiling with thousands of other
customer’s ties.
Charter Oak Chatter received an Honorable Mention in the Grand Nest Publication Award
On September 17, 1969, the New Haven Puddle meeting drew a crowd of 24. The guests were
representatives of the Women’s Insurance Association.
The History of the Hartford Pond
Page 56
On Sept 23, 1969, the Pond held a Loyalty Meeting at the Clam Box Restaurant. The Scholarship
Award winner was Charles Romano of the University of CT’s School of Insurance. Four
members were initiated at this meeting: Robert Gannon (Merchants Mutual Insurance Co.),
Edward LeNoir (Insurance Company of North America), Donald P. Quinn (General Adjustment
Bureau), and Ronald A. Rana (General Adjustment Bureau).
On October 22, 1969, the Pond held a “Ladies Night” wine tasting at the Clam Box in
Wethersfield. The event drew a total of 40 (18 ganders, 14 wives, and 8 guests). PMLG Joe
Sorge, and his wife Lois (now living in New Jersey) attended. Also in attendance was Grand
Supervisor of the Flock Jay Knowlan of the Penn Pond. After dinner, the evening’s program was
conducted by Faye Hooper of Heublein Inc., for a tasting session that included several of
Heublein’s pre-mixed cocktails.
On October 27, 1969, the Boston Puddle held a meeting at Patten’s Restaurant. Gander Carlo
showed color slides he had taken in Mississippi of the damage from Hurricane Camille.
The Pond’s November 19, 1969 Sports Luncheon drew 12 members and 6 guests to Matarese’s
Restaurant in Newington. Membership applications were approved for Frank Kolb, Jr. and
Daniel St. Onge. The meeting was run by SOF Paul Harris, as he filled in for MLG Jack
McCoy. The guest speaker was Bob Soleau of the Hartford Knights football team, a member of
the Atlantic Coast Football League. After his opening remarks, Mr. Soleau showed a highlight
film of the 1968 championship game won by Hartford over the Virginia Sailors by a score of 3010.
The Pond’s December 13, 1969 Christmas Party drew a very good crowd of 71 to the Clam Box
Restaurant in Wethersfield. The breakdown was 21 members, 19 wives, and 31 guests. The cost
was $15/couple for members and $17/couple for non-members. Music was provided by Charlie
Donnell’s orchestra, and wrapped toys were collected and presented to the Salvation Army.
The Pond’s January 20, 1970 Insurance Department Luncheon drew 53 ganders and guests to the
Clam Box Restaurant in Wethersfield, CT. MLG Jack McCoy introduced the Insurance
Department’s Gerry Wholey who spoke about the insurance industry’s problems and legislative
issues. Wholey was joined by colleagues Bob Brian, Wally DeSante, and Charles Drury in a
Q&A session. Ten of the New Haven Puddle’s 33 members attended, including Loyal Gander
Jack Pinkney.
The Pond’s February 19, 1970 dinner meeting drew 20 members, 2 applicants, and 3 guests to
the Clam Box Restaurant in Wethersfield, CT. Applicants Ray Schonn (Merchants Mutual
Insurance ) and Fred Thomas (Maryland Casualty Company) were voted in and initiated. A
thank you letter for the Pond’s Christmas toy donation was read. The Keeper’s report showed a
balance of $72.92. The evening’s special program consisted of a film depicting the Apollo 11
mission, when astronauts Armstrong and Aldrin walked on the moon (July 20, 1969) while
astronaut Collins orbited above. Charter Oak Chatter reported that “the photography, most of
which was in color, was unbelievable, and with Gander Paul Goyette furnishing supplementary
comments to the soundtrack, the program turned out to be very educational as well as
The History of the Hartford Pond
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Blue Gooser John Lonergan was named “the Fieldman of the Year” at the Mutual Agents
Association meeting in New Haven.
The Pond was selling “a supply of…high quality items bearing the Blue Goose insignia.” The
items were a decal for $1, a tie clip for $2.50, and cuff links for $5.50.
The Pond had two events on March 18, 1970. The New Haven Puddle’s luncheon drew 15
members and guests to the Colonial House restaurant in Hamden. The guest speaker was Alan
Damsky of the Hamden National Bank, speaking about what it takes to start a bank.
The Pond’s March 18, 1970 Ladies Night Spring Card Party drew 51 attendees to the Clam Box
Restaurant in Wethersfield, CT. The evening featured a Teacup Auction – described as follows
by Charter Oak Chatter : “delicious bakery items… brought by each of the girls…were
prominently displayed, with a teacup (paper cup) placed near each item. Chances were then
sold (20 tickets for 50¢) and each purchaser could then distribute his tickets in the various
teacups for items in which he might have a particular interest. Thanks to the fine support of the
ladies, the Pond realized a profit of $22.50 from this novel undertaking.”
On April 28, 1970 the Pond held its third annual Splash Meeting at the Publick House Restaurant
in Sturbridge, MA. The cost of the dinner was $6, and there were 44 in attendance, an increase
over the 40 from 1969, and 35 in 1968. Six new members were initiated – Allan Carlson
(Middlesex Mutual), Frank Kolb (GAB Hamden), James Owens (J. O. I. S. Inspection Services),
E. Lee Sinkwich (Royal Globe Insurance) , George Ribnicky (Great American Insurance), and
Daniel St. Onge (Middlesex Mutual). Program Chairman Paul Harris reported on the upcoming
May meeting and June Family Outing.
The New Haven Puddle named its new officers for 1970-71. John Bruno was Loyal Gander,
Joseph Minardi was Puddle Supervisor, Paul Goyette was Puddle Guardian, Lew Geis was
Puddle Wielder, and Lew Nelson was Puddle Keeper.
On May 26, 1970, the Pond drew 21 members and 2 guests to Matarese’s in Newington for the
Annual Meeting. After dinner, the Wielder’s report offered a recap of the April 28 Splash
meeting, the Keepers report stated the Pond’s treasury balance was $274.06, and Program Chair
Paul Harris previewed the June Summer Outing scheduled for the Wallingford residence of
MLG Jack McCoy. Three Ganders were voted in for membership – Robert Milliot, Richard
Brown, and Dwight Barton. Gander Milliott was initiated, as was John Vallee who had been
voted in at the April 28th Splash Meeting.
The Pond ended the year with 119 members. PMLG Art Jacobs delivered the report of the
Nominating Committee. The Convention delegates for the Toledo Grand Nest Convention were
Wielder Gordon Crowther and PMLG Art Jacobs. The evening culminated with PMLG Lew
Geis’ installation of the Pond’s new slate of officers for the upcoming year.
The History of the Hartford Pond
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The Pond’s new officers for 1970-71 were:
MLG – Paul Harris
SOF – Fred Peck
COG - Robert Uricchio
GOP Ken Lynch
WGQ- Gordon Crowther
KGGE – Ray Hitchcock
The History of the Hartford Pond
Page 59
Left: Editor and 1961-62 MLG Pete Tompkins
Right: 1960 Officers (L to R) are SOF Pete Tompkins, GOP
Robert Davis, COG Bud Schmidt, KGGE Harold Porter, WGQ
Jack Ellen, MLG Wally Bailey
May 23, 1960 Annual Outing- Clambake at Rosemont-Pagani’s Grove in Bolton
Upper Left-(Seated) Robert Bordeaux, Lew Geis, Gardner McKenzie, Horace Anderson, Andy Carlin,
and Fred Monsees (Standing) Lewis Dube, Reginald Schmidt, Wally Bailey
Upper Right: Stewart Bailey, Henry Steeneck, Robert Grimason
Lower Left: Nicholas Chilek, Lewis Dube, Bud Schmidt
Lower Rt: Wally Bailey, Andy Carlin, Fred Monsees, Gardner McKenzie
The History of the Hartford Pond
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Editor Pete Tompkins’ subtle way of
lamenting low attendance at 1959-60
The History of the Hartford Pond
Page 61
Grand Banquet at New York City Grand Nest Convention
August 10, 1961. Front row (L to R) are MLG Pete Tompkins, Irene
Ellen, and Jack Ellen
The History of the Hartford Pond
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Gordon Crowther
Pond Meetings
April & May 1966
The History of the Hartford Pond
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Pond Meetings
April & May 1966
The History of the Hartford Pond
Page 64
Hartford Pond Delegation at the 1969 Grand Nest Convention in Phoenix, Arizona
L to R: Delegate Gordon Crowther, (and his wife Ivye and her sister Irene).
Irene Ellen, Delegate Art Jacobs, Jack Ellen
The History of the Hartford Pond
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Pond Christmas Party
December 1969
The History of the Hartford Pond
Page 66
The Hartford Pond 1970-71
As the 1970-71 year started, the Hartford Pond’s membership stood at 119 – representing an
increase of one member from the previous year. The Pond’s newest member was Daniel
Shephard (Hartford Insurance) who joined as a Flight from the Hawaii Pond.
Overlooking Long Island Sound in Waterford, the Pond held a Family Outing on Saturday June
20, 1970 at the Millstone Point home of MLG Jack and Dottie McCoy. A very good turnout of
14 members, 12 wives, 4 guests, and 29 children (total of 59) attended. Activities included
swimming, sunning on the beach, games, and grilling. Charter Oak Chatter summarized the
day by reporting “If the size of the turnout was a surprise, even more surprising was the fact that
with so many children (and adults) of widely different ages and interest, there wasn’t a single
“incident” that are usually so common at events of this nature. It certainly speaks well for
members of the Pond and their families.”
There is a gap in the Pond’s history from July through December 1970. The Wielder’s July 1971
report mentioned Pond meetings in September, October, and November 1970, but there was no
information on these events in the Charter Oak Chatter. There is also no report available on
Hartford related news for the 1970 Toledo Grand Nest Convention.
The Pond’s December 5, 1970 Christmas Party drew 19 members, 17 wives, and 42 guests (for a
total of 78) to the Clam Box Restaurant in Wethersfield. Dance music was provided by Charlie
Ryan and the Plaids, and Gander Fred Peck made an appearance as Santa Claus. A large number
of toys were collected for the Salvation Army.
The January 13, 1971 meeting drew a crowd of 21. Guest Speaker, Gander Henry Stone
addressed the group on “Solving Insurance Marketing Problems”. Two new members were
initiated- Thornton Morgan (Covenant Group) and Dwight Barton (Merchants Mutual
The February 16, 1971 Insurance Department Luncheon drew 39 ganders and 16 guests to the
Clam Box. New Insurance Commissioner Paul Altermatt was unavailable because he was
attending the inauguration of Governor Thomas Meskill. Gerry Wholey, Chief of Licenses and
Claims spoke on his behalf, gave a report on some of the insurance industry related bills that
were to be introduced during the year, and answered questions from the crowd.
The Pond announced the sale of Blue Goose commemorative bottles manufactured by the Jim
Beam Distilling Company. The bottles were produced to commemorate the 65th a anniversary of
the Honorable Order. Charter Oak Chatter described the bottles as follows “A very attractive
design has been worked out for the Anniversary Bottle. On the front will be the Blue Goose
symbol with the name of the order around the rim. On the back will be a scene depicting blue
geese taking to the air from a small pond, with a border reading “organized Green Lake, Wisc.
1906- Character-Charity-Fellowship. Reportedly this will be the first Commemorative Bottle
with a “see-through” window.” A total of 100,000 bottles were produced.
On March 23, 1971, the Pond held a Ladies Night at the Clam Box Restaurant. 54 members and
guests attended, and the Teacup Auction netted $53 for the Pond.
The History of the Hartford Pond
Page 67
The Hartford Pond was scheduled to perform the Memorial Service at the Summer’s upcoming
Atlantic City Convention. On April 13, 1971, the committee members met to discuss the
ceremony’s overall theme, program and dress.
The Pond’s Fourth Annual Splash Meeting was held on April 20, 1971 at Matarese’s Restaurant
in Newington. Twenty-one members, one applicant, and a guest speaker attended. A
membership application was approved for J. C. McLaughlin of GAB Bridgeport. The Keeper’s
Report stated there was $411.59 in the Pond treasury. MLG Paul Harris appointed a Nominating
Committee of PMLG Dick Adams, Art Jacobs, and Jack McCoy to present a slate of officers at
the Annual Meeting. The Guest speaker was agent Bernard J. McMahon, who spoke on the
subject of “The Poor, Riots and Insurance.”
With the reinstatement of Gander Charlie Kemp (Travelers Insurance) of Providence, RI, the
Hartford Pond now claimed a member in every one of the six New England States. Charter Oak
Chatter reported “in addition to the many members residing in CT and MA, other
representatives are as follows: Maine- Don Marcum (A.P.I.), Vermont- Richard Gages (Agency),
New Hampshire- Charles Falk (Netherlands) and Carleton Palmer (Merchants).”
The New Haven Puddle met on May 12, 1971 and elected their slate of officers for 1971-72. The
selections were Loyal Gander- Joseph Minardi, Puddle Supervisor –Paul Goyette, Puddle
Guardian- Thomas Corcoran, Puddle Keeper- Lew Nelson, and Puddle Wielder- Lew Geis.
The Pond’s Annual Meeting was held on May 19, 1971 at the Hawthorne Inn in Berlin, CT.
There were 22 members, one applicant, and one guest in attendance. The turnout included all of
the Pond’s current officers and five PMLG’s. The Pond’s special guest was MLGG Jay
Knowlan, who promoted the upcoming Atlantic City Convention and showed the Pond the new
Jim Beam Blue Goose collectable bottle. MLGG Knowlan was presented with a gift, a
telephone stool made by Connecticut’s own Hitchcock Chair Company.
Membership applications were accepted from Charles Fortunato and Kingsley Beecher.
Fortunato was present, and he was initiated along with previously accepted Paul Visconti and
William Dillon.
The Keeper’s report indicated a balance of $443.19.
Bill Coughlin reported that the Boston Puddle was reorganizing, a committee of volunteers had
met and selected a tentative slate of officers, meeting plans were being formulated, and recruiting
efforts were under way.
The History of the Hartford Pond
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PMLG Jack McCoy delivered the report of the Nominating Committee. The Convention
delegates for the Atlantic City Grand Nest Convention were incoming MLG Fred Peck and
Wielder Gordon Crowther. Outgoing MLG Paul Harris received his PMLG pin. The evening
culminated with the installation of the Pond’s new slate of officers for the upcoming year. We
were honored to have MLGG Knowlan install the officers.
The Pond’s new officers for 1971-72 were:
MLG – Fred Peck
SOF –Bob Uricchio
COG- Ken Lynch
GOP – Ray Hitchcock
WGQ- Gordon Crowther
KGGE- Paul Goyette
The Hartford Pond 1971-72
As the 1971-72 year started, the Hartford Pond had 105 members; a net loss of 14 from the
previous year.
In his Wielder’s Report, Gordon Crowther looked at the state of the Pond and keyed in on three
themes, writing: “somewhat disappointing was our failure again this year to firmly establish a
formal Ladies Auxiliary. As evidenced by their attendance and assistance at joint Pond
functions, there are a considerable number of wives who are very much interested in Blue
Goose; seemingly all we need to do is to come up with a good leader to get them organized. For
the first time in the history of the Pond, several of the wives are planning to attend the upcoming
convention in Atlantic City, and perhaps this will serve as the catalyst to finally ‘get the show on
the road’.
“During the past year there was a marked contrast in the activity of our two Puddles. New
Haven held luncheon meetings on a bi-monthly basis, the program being chiefly aimed along
educational lines with generally good attendance. On the other hand, things were virtually at a
standstill in Boston for most of the season. However with assistance from Pond Officers, a
reorganization meeting was held in late Spring and we are hopeful that by Fall, things will be
rolling once again in Boston.”
“This report would not be complete without again mentioning the current high morale of the
Pond membership. The interest that has been shown in making plans for the Memorial Service
presentation at this year’s convention is very encouraging. Even more inspiring however, is the
enthusiasm shown for the candidacy of the Wielder for Grand Nest office, even though it means
that 5 years from now the Hartford Pond will be expected to host a Grand Nest Convention.
Such spirit bodes well for the future.”
On June 3, 1971, the Hartford Pond lost one of its Charter Members, 78-year old Gander Ray
Gustetter. Ray was a special agent with the Phoenix Insurance Company for 46 years, before
retiring in 1958. In addition to being a Charter Member of the Hartford Pond, Ray also spent
many years with the Tennessee Pond, joining them in 1931. He received hi 25-year pin in 1956
and became a Life Member in 1959.
The History of the Hartford Pond
Page 69
The Pond’s Annual Outing, scheduled for late June, was postponed until early September.
In addition to the Jim Beam Blue Goose Commemorative bottles, the Pond was selling another
item of Blue Goose branded material – a deck of playing cards. The Pond purchased 50 pairs of
playing cards from the Minnesota Pond as a fundraiser for Minnesota’s 1975 convention.
The August 1971 Grand Nest Convention was held in Atlantic City, NJ. Two important matters
in Hartford Pond history occurred there; the Convention’s Memorial Service, and the installation
of Gordon Crowther as a Grand Nest Officer.
The convention’s Memorial Service was conducted by a team from Hartford consisting of Dick
Adams, Paul Harris, Ray Hitchcock, Bill Coughlin, Gordon Crowther, Jack Ellen, Lew Geis, Art
Tyrol, and Art Jacobs. The team wore matching black slacks, a white dinner jacket, white shirt,
and black bow-tie. “The program for the occasion was written by PMLG Arthur Jacobs, taking
the standard published ceremony of the Order, and by the addition of appropriate prayers, organ
background, dignified procession by the participants .… produced a very meaningful ceremony.
As the names of the departed ganders from each Pond were read by PMLG Jacobs,
representatives of that Pond rose quietly and remained standing while one of the Hartford Pond
representatives placed a flower on the special altar provided for the occasion.”
MLG Gordon Crowther of the Hartford Pond joined the Grand Nest after he was nominated for
the position of Grand Keeper of the Golden Egg by Past Most Loyal Grand Gander Joe
Knowland, seconded by PMLGG Bob Stumpf, and closed by PMLGG Ken Carmody. Gordon
was to move up the Grand Nest ladder one year at a time, and the Hartford Pond would have the
responsibility of hosting the 1976 Grand Nest Convention.
The Pond’s rescheduled Family Outing took place on Saturday September 11, 1971 at the Surf
Club in Madison, CT. The turnout included 14 members, 12 wives, and somewhere between 23
and 29 children.
The Pond’s supply of Jim Beam’s Blue Goose bottles had just about sold out, so the Pond
reordered several more. They were available to Pond members for $12.50 per bottle.
The Pond’s first meeting of the 1971-72 year was on September 22, 1971 at the Lord Cromwell
Restaurant in Cromwell with 20 Ganders, 1 gosling and 1 guest in attendance. The meeting saw
a reshuffling of the officer positions. MLG Fred Peck resigned his position due to a change in
employment, and Wielder Gordon Crowther resigned because of his election to Grand Nest
Office. Bob Uricchio moved up to MLG, Ken Lynch moved up to SOF, and Ray Hitchcock
moved up to COG. Art Tyrol stepped in as the GOP, Paul Goyette switched from Keeper to
Wielder and replaced Gordon, and Lee Sinkwich became Keeper.
The Pond’s revised officer lineup for 1971-72 was:
MLG- Bob Uricchio
SOF – Ken Lynch
COG - Ray Hitchcock
The History of the Hartford Pond
Page 70
GOP – Art Tyrol
WGQ – Paul Goyette
KGGE – Lee Sinkwich
The September 22, 1971 meeting also saw the initiation of Robert J. McGough (Robert J.
McGough Associates) and a Scholarship Award presentation to Timothy Johnson (Aetna
Insurance Company) for his excellence as a fire insurance student at the University of CT’s
School of Insurance.
Most Loyal Grand Gander Browne Bolton appointed several members of the Hartford Pond to
Grand Nest positions. Lew Geis was named as a DMLGG for New England and Upstate New
York, Art Jacobs was named to the Ritual Committee, and Bill Coughlin was named to the
Convention Liaison Committee. Coughlin had already been selected as the General Chairman of
the Hartford Convention Committee for their 1976 Convention.
The New Haven Puddle continued their practice of holding luncheon meetings on the third
Wednesday of each month. Their first meeting of 1971-72 was held on September 15, 1971 at
the Colonial House in Hamden, CT. The scheduled speaker, an attorney, was unable to attend the
meeting because he was tied up in court.
On October 18, 1971, the Pond’s Boston Puddle held a reorganizational meeting in the form of a
luncheon at the Engineers Club on the 43rd floor of the Prudential Center. Over 25 attended,
including newly installed Grand Nest officer Gordon Crowther. Don Gillis chaired the meeting,
and he stressed that the year’s program hoped to stress professional education. The Guest
Speaker was Milton McDonald, the Chief Actuary for the MA Department of Insurance, and his
topic was MA No Fault Auto Insurance.
The Hartford Pond’s October 20, 1971 Ladies Night was held at the Clam Box Restaurant in
Wethersfield with 19 members, 18 wives, and 7 guests in attendance. After a buffet dinner, the
group enjoyed some W. C. Field movies. The Ladies Auxiliary was formally established at this
meeting, with Laura Geis elected as President.
The Pond held a November 16, 1971 luncheon at Matarese’s Restaurant in Newington for 37
Pond members and guests. The guest speaker was Jack Kane of the CT Insurance Department,
who spoke about legislative changes in the industry.
The New Haven Puddle held a meeting on November 17, 1971 at the Colonial House in
Hamden, CT. The Guest Speaker was David Slayback of O’Hanlon Reports.
On November 22, 1971, the Pond’s Boston Puddle held a dinner meeting at the Marriott Motor
Hotel in Newton, MA. There were 23 in attendance. Five new members were initiated; Vincent
Madden (O’Hanlon Reports), William McGowan (American Policyholders), John Hogan
(Standard Service Bureau), William Woodbury (Underwriters Adjusting), and Herbert Siegel
(Associate Adjustment Bureau). Don Gillis was installed as the Puddle’s Loyal Gander and Ted
Caulkins as Puddle Wielder. The Guest Speaker was Tom Kelleher of the Fraudulent Claims
The History of the Hartford Pond
Page 71
The Pond’s December 11, 1971 Christmas Party was held at the Clam Box Restaurant in
Wethersfield, CT.
On January 10, 1972, the Boston Puddle held a Luncheon Meeting at the Engineers Club at the
Prudential Center. Thirty Ganders and guests heard a presentation by Insurance Commissioner
John Ryan.
On January 13, 1972, the Hartford Pond drew 23 Ganders and Guests to the Hawthorne Inn for a
dinner meeting. One new gander, Kingsley Beecher (Patrons Mutual Insurance Company) was
initiated. The scheduled guest speaker was forced to cancel, and was replaced by Keeper Lee
Sinkwich who spoke on the subject of Mass Merchandising.
The Pond’s February 9, 1972 Insurance Day Luncheon was held at Matarese’s Restaurant in
Newington. The Guest Speaker was Gerry Wholey of the Insurance Department.
On March 22, 1972, the Pond held its annual Spring Card Party at the Clam Box in Wethersfield.
The evening featured a seafood buffet dinner, teacup auction and card games ending “with the
traditional game of crazy whist.”
On April 18, 1972, the Pond lost Art Jacobs. He served as the Pond’s 14th MLG in 1967-68, and
served on many Blue Goose committees locally and nationally. Most recently, he conducted the
Hartford Pond’s Memorial Service at the Atlantic City Convention in August 1971. At his
family’s request, Hartford Pond ganders served as bearers at the funeral, because “Blue Goose
was Art’s whole life during his years of retirement.”
The Pond held its Splash Meeting on April 20, 1972 at the Publick House Restaurant in
Sturbridge, MA. The Guest Speaker was “Mr. Mutual Agent of America” Russ Howard.
Initiated that evening were Ray Labbe (Labbe Agency), Brad Barna (Allstate Insurance), Bill
O’Neill (Merchants Mutual), and Bob Garvey (American Policyholders). Membership
applications were also approved for Dex Hyland (New London County Mutual) and Dick
D’laidoro (Merchants Mutual).
On May 22, 1972, the Boston Puddle held a Luncheon Meeting at the Engineers Club at the
Prudential Center. Twenty-three Ganders and guests heard a presentation by Robert Danner of
Shelby Publishing about a recent seminar he had attended in London by the Underwriters at
The New Haven Puddle held bi-monthly luncheon meetings throughout 1972 at the Colonial
House in Hamden. At their May Annual Meeting, they installed their 1972-73 officers as
follows: Loyal Gander Tom Corcoran, Puddle Supervisor Jim Owens, Puddle Guardian Al
Chapman, Puddle Wielder Lew Geis, and Puddle Keeper Lew Nelson.
The Pond’s Annual Meeting was held on May 24, 1972 at the Hawthorne Inn with 24 in
attendance. PMLG Art Jacobs was remembered during the Convention’s Memorial Service. Bob
Uricchio and Paul Goyette were selected as delegates to the Louisville Convention.
The History of the Hartford Pond
Page 72
The Pond’s new officers for 1972-73 were:
MLG – Ken Lynch
SOF – Ray Hitchcock
COG – Ted LeBlanc
GOP- Lee Sinkwich
KGGE – Bob Gannon
WGQ- Paul Goyette
The Hartford Pond 1972-73
The Pond’s Family Picnic was held at the Chatfield Hollow State Park in Killingworth, CT on
June 17, 1972.
The Hartford Pond’s delegation at the Louisville Convention included Gordon and Ivey
Crowther, Bob and Mary Uricchio (plus their two children and Mary’s mother), Paul and Meg
Goyette (plus their three children), Lew and Laura Geis, Ray and Ethel Hitchcock, and Art
The Pond’s September 27, 1972 dinner meeting drew 26 Ganders and guests to the Lord
Cromwell Inn in Cromwell, CT. Delegates Bob Uricchio and Paul Goyette, and Grand Nest
officer Gordon Crowther reported on their attendance at the Louisville Convention. Ganders
Dex Hyland and McLoughlin were initiated.
The Pond’s October 19, 1972 Ladies Night & Wine Tasting drew 17 members, 15 wives, and 13
guests (total of 45) to the Clam Box Restaurant in Wethersfield, CT.
On November 9, 1972, the Pond held a luncheon at Matarese’s Restaurant in Newington. The
guest speaker was Gander Bob Morrison whose topic was “Making a Good Merger”.
The Pond’s Saturday December 9, 1972 Christmas Party was held at the Clam Box Restaurant in
Wethersfield. There were 41 couples in attendance.
The Pond’s January 16, 1973 meeting drew 17 Ganders to hear a presentation by Walter Bagdon
of the Highway Users Federation. His topic was “Highways and Ecology”.
Charter Oak Chatter reported that “February 5, 1973 represented a major landmark in the
history of the Hartford Pond – our first attempt with a major fund raising project for our 1976
Grand Nest Convention – a Theatre Party.” The fundraiser was held at the Jerry Lewis Cinema
in Canton, CT. The evening included a social hour, door prizes, and a special fountain dispensing
“Cold Duck”. The movie featured that night was “The Last of the Red Hot Lovers” with Alan
Arkin, Sally Kellerman, and Paula Prentiss. The evening netted $21.50 after expenses.
The Pond’s February 15, 1973 Insurance Department Luncheon drew 39 members and guests to
Matarese’s Restaurant in Newington. The Commissioner was unable to attend, but his deputy
(and former Blue Goose member) Jack Kane took his place and spoke about state legislation
affecting the insurance industry.
The History of the Hartford Pond
Page 73
In March 1973, the Pond held its annual Ladies Night Teacup Auction and Whist Party at the
Clam Box Restaurant in Wethersfield. The Teacup Auction netted $28 for “the ladies special
convention fund.”
The Pond’s April 24, 1973 Splash Meeting was held at the Publick House in Sturbridge, MA
with 33 attending. The special guest was MLGG Archie MacDonald of the Quebec Pond.
The Pond’s Annual Meeting took place at the Hawthorne Inn in Berlin, CT on May 23, 1973
with 25 members in attendance. The Convention delegates for the Montreal Grand Nest
Convention were incoming MLG Ray Hitchcock and Wielder Paul Goyette. The evening
culminated with PMLG Lew Geis’ installation of the Pond’s new slate of officers for the
upcoming year.
The Pond’s new officers for 1973-74 were:
MLG – Ray Hitchcock
SOF – Lee Sinkwich
COG – Ted LeBlanc
GOP - Fred Latham
KGGE – Bob Gannon
WGQ – Paul Goyette
The Hartford Pond 1973-74
The Pond’s Summer Outing was held on June 24, 1973 at Chatfield Hollow State Park in
Killingworth, CT. There were nine couples and many children present. The outing was run by
John Bartick.
The Hartford Pond Ladies Auxiliary announced plans to collect stamp books to fund the
purchase of door prizes and gifts that would be needed for Hartford’s 1976 convention. Each
lady was asked to furnish one stamp book (or the equivalent $3) each year for the next five years.
If the Auxiliary member’s last name started with A-K, the books or checks were sent to Ivye
Crowther, and checks for members L-Z went to Ethel Hitchcock.
The August 19-22, 1973 Grand Nest Convention was held at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel in
Montreal. There were 529 registrants, including 20 from the Hartford Pond. The Hartford
Pond’s delegation included Ray and Ethel Hitchcock, Paul and Meg Goyette (plus their three
children), Ken and Yvonne Lynch, Lew and Laura Geis, Bob and Mary Uricchio, Fred and
LeAnn Latham, Ted and Jean LeBlanc, Irene Crowther, and Gordon and Ivye Crowther.
Charter Oak Chatter reported that the convention’s “crowning achievement” was the approval
of a Constitutional amendment revising membership eligibility to “strike out the color barrier”.
The New Haven Puddle met at the Colonial House in Hamden on September 19, 1973. Their
next meeting was scheduled for November.
On September 25, 1973, nineteen ganders attended a Dinner Meeting at the Lord Cromwell Inn
in Cromwell, CT. Stanley Prymus (Utica Mutual) was elected to membership and initiated. The
Ponds two delegates to the recent Montreal Convention (MLG Ray Hitchcock and Wielder Paul
Goyette) briefed the group on convention highlights.
The History of the Hartford Pond
Page 74
The Pond’s October 18, 1973 Ladies Night was held at the Clam Box Restaurant in
Wethersfield. Audrey Turner of Connecticut Underwriters became the first female recipient of
the Pond’s Scholarship Award.
On Sunday October 21, 1974, the Pond held a Convention fund-raiser in the form of a Tag Sale
at the Wallingford Plaza. The proceeds totaled $135.00.
On October 29, 1973, the Boston Puddle held a luncheon at the Pillar House in Newton, MA.
The Guest Speaker was William Kilmain, Executive Director of the MA Agents and Brokers
Association. There were 24 at the meeting. Two new members were initiated, Richard Campbell
(American Policyholders) and William Porter (Commercial Union). Gander Fred Moson
(American Policyholders) petitioned for Flight from the Garden State Pond, and Jack Bruno
(Quincy Mutual) made application for Reinstatement.
On November 7, 1973 the Ladies Auxiliary held a luncheon at the Clam Box Restaurant. There
were seven in attendance. Mary Uricchio volunteered to serve as Secretary, joining President
Laura Geis and Treasurer Ivye Crowther on the Board.
A “first” in Hartford Pond history occurred in Newington on November 14, 1973 at Matarese’s
Restaurant, the site of the Insurance Department Luncheon. For the first time, the state’s
Insurance Commissioner, newly appointed Thomas C. White, attended and addressed the group.
A good crowd of 70 ganders and guests heard the commissioner’s very first remarks to an
insurance gathering. At the meeting, Gander Clark Collins, who joined the NYC Pond in 1932,
and became a charter member of the Hartford Pond in 1954, received his Life Membership
On December 3, 1973, the Boston Puddle met at the Pillar House in Newton, MA. The Guest
Speaker was George Patterson of Commercial Union, who gave a presentation on flood
On December 5, 1973, the New Haven Puddle met at the Royal Footman in Hamden.
On Saturday evening December 8, 1973, 24 couples attended the Pond’s Christmas Party at the
Clam Box Restaurant in Wethersfield.
As 1974 arrived, the Hartford Pond’s 1976 Grand Nest Convention was about 2 ½ years away.
Some fundraising efforts included the purchase of 100 Blue Goose umbrellas (with alternate blue
and white panels and the Blue Goose logo) to sell to the Ponds, plans to sell sponsor
advertisements in a pocket-sized Pond roster, a second Theater Party night, a second, but
hopefully larger, Tag Sale, and a raffle of a variety of prizes including hand knit afghans and
stoles, a portable fire extinguisher, and a Blue Goose Jim Beam bottle. Tickets were set to print,
and the drawing was projected for the June Family Outing.
The site of the Convention hotel was still undecided. The Convention Committee was originally
looking at the Hartford Hilton, but the newly opened Sheraton Hotel was also being considered.
It was expected that a decision would be made by June 1974.
The History of the Hartford Pond
Page 75
The Pond held it’s first meeting of 1974 at the Forage Restaurant in Newington on January 17th.
There were seventeen at the meeting. The guest speaker was SOF Lee Sinkwich who spoke
about security in the home and at work.
On Feb 11, 1974, the Boston Puddle held a meeting at the Pillar House in Newton, MA. The
Guest Speaker was Leslie Ray, the newly elected President of the Independent Mutual Agents of
New England.
On February 20, 1974, the Pond held a Luncheon meeting at Matarese’s Restaurant.
On March 1-3, 1974, the Eastern Region held a Mini Convention at the Downington Inn in
Downington, PA. Thirty-six couples from across the region attended, and the Blue Goose total
(including children) exceeded 100. Hartford was represented by Jack and Irene Ellen, and
Gordon and Ivye Crowther.
On March 15, 1974, the Pond drew 47 members, wives, and guests to its Ladies Night Teacup
Auction and card party at The Forage Restaurant in Newington, CT. The Pond was able to set up
it’s own bar at the restaurant and sold drinks for 75¢. Baked goods prepared by the Pond’s wives
were auctioned off in the Teacup Auction.
On April 25, 1974, the Pond held it’s Splash Meeting at the Publick House Restaurant in Sturbridge, MA
for 26 Ganders and guests. Three new members were initiated, Joseph Kennedy (American
Policyholders), Richard North (North Insurance Agency), and Richard A. Summonds (Commercial
Forty-six ganders and guests attended the Pond’s second Theatre Party on April 30, 1974 at the
Kensington Cinema. The feature movie was “Finnian’s Rainbow” starring Fred Astaire and
Petula Clark. The night featured a social hour and door prizes. Charter Oak Chatter assessed
the results as follows- ”From a financial standpoint, the Party was something less than a
“howling success”. Whereas on paper, we should have netted several hundred dollars profit, for
the second year in a row we find ourselves “scrambling” to break even. Having tried different
locations and different times of the year, we have concluded that Theatre Parties are not meant
for our group and will not be repeated as money-making projects in the future.” .
A Convention fund-raiser in the form of a Tag Sale was held on May 19, 1974 at the StarDaniels Shopping Center in Wallingford from noon – 5:00 PM. The Pond designated three dropoff points for merchandise contribution; one in the Meriden area (Bob Gannon’s office), one in
the Hartford area (Bob Uricchio’s house), and one in the New Haven area (Fred Latham’s
The Pond’s Convention fundraiser tag sale was held on May 16, 1974 at the Wallingford
Shopping Center and netted $76.60.
The New Haven Puddle held its annual meeting in May, and elected the following officer slate
for 1974-75: Loyal Gander Al Chapman, Puddle Supervisor Fred Latham, Puddle Guardian Dick
Simmons, Puddle Wielder Dick North, and Puddle Keeper Lew Nelson. . Charter Oak Chatter
optimistically reported that “things were somewhat quiet in New Haven this past season but with
The History of the Hartford Pond
Page 76
Al Chapman at the helm and with a good crew assisting him, we are anticipating lots of activity
in the Elm City area during the coming months.”
The Hartford Pond’s Annual Meeting was moved from May 21, 1974 at the Hawthorne Inn to
May 29, 1974 at the Forage Restaurant in Newington. The Pond was able to set up its own bar at
the Forage, and sell drinks for 75¢ instead of the $1.50 that the Hawthorne Inn would have
charged. The meal cost was also more advantageous at the Forage - $5.50 as opposed to $8.00.
There were 20 at the meeting. Various Committee reports were given – the keeper reported there
was $354.98 in the treasury, Lew Geis reported on the tag sale, Gordon Crowther recapped the
Theatre Party, Lew Geis recapped the Raffle, and Ken Lynch recapped the umbrella sales and
gave the report of the Nominating Committee. The Convention delegates for the Salt Lake City
Grand Nest Convention were incoming MLG Ray Hitchcock and Wielder Paul Goyette, with
Fred Latham and Jack Ellen as alternates. One new member was initiated, Bob Drieu (Excelsior
Insurance). The evening culminated with PMLG and Grand Nest Officer Gordon Crowther’s
installation of the Pond’s new slate of officers for the upcoming year.
SOF Lee Sinkwich was unable to move up to the MLG slot, and Ray Hitchcock agreed to serve a
second term as MLG. The Pond’s new officers for 1974-75 were:
MLG- Ray Hitchcock
SOF – Ted LeBlanc
COG – Fred Latham
GOP - Brad Barna
KGGE – Bob Gannon
WGQ- Paul Goyette
The Hartford Pond 1974-75
Thirty-five adults and 16 children attended the Pond’s Family Outing at the Tamarack Lodge in
Voluntown, CT on June 22, 1974. Our members enjoyed use of the facilities, and since the
weather cooperated with a beautiful summer day, the swimming pool saw a lot of use. There was
a barbecue chicken luncheon, and the Pond set up its own bar inside the Main Lodge. The cost
was $5 for adults and $2.50 for children. Prize drawings for the Convention Fundraiser Raffle
were held at the outing, and Madeline Tafflin won the stole, K. Papadopoulos won the afghan,
James McLaughlin won the fire extinguisher, and Len Maxtutis won the Jim Beam Blue Goose
As the Salt Lake City Convention neared, it was expected that an amendment would be ratified
to increase dues by $1. The Hartford Pond’s Executive Board voted that we would not pass on
the additional cost to our members, and we would continue to charge $12 for the 1974-75 season.
The Salt Lake City Convention was held from August 11-14, 1974. Delegate Lew Geis (and his
wife Laura), Delegate Ray Hitchcock (and his wife Ethel), Grand Nest Officer Gordon Crowther
(and wife Ivye, and Gordon’s sister Irene) represented the Hartford Pond. At the convention,
Gordon eulogized PMLGG Bob Stumpf. On the final day of the Convention, the Grand Nest
officers moved up one rung, and Gordon was installed as Grand Supervisor of the Flock.
The History of the Hartford Pond
Page 77
On September 25, 1974, the Hartford Pond met at the Forage Restaurant in Newington where 8
new members were initiated: Robert T. Corbett (Factory Insurance Association), Kenneth W.
LeQuier, Edward A. Bachand, Leonard J. Reeves, Roger W. Knight (all 4 were with
Underwriters Adjustment Bureau), Stephen W. Swanston (Reliance Insurance), Ronald C. Licata
(Aetna Insurance Company), and John DeSanto (Aetna Insurance Company).
The Boston Puddle met on September 30, 1974 at the Pillar House in Newton. Their new slate of
officers was installed by GSOF Gordon Crowther –Loyal Gander Dick Rice, Puddle Supervisor
Bill Porter, Puddle Guardian Bill McGowan, Puddle Wielder (and Keeper) Dick Campbell.
Also on September 30, 1974, the New Haven Puddle met at Reilly’s Restaurant in Hamden.
Charter Oak Chatter described the evening as “a disappointing turnout”.
A new Hartford Pond roster was mailed out to the membership. Any errors or changes in the
details were to be brought to the attention of Gordon Crowther or Paul Goyette.
The Pond held a Ladies Night Meeting at the Clam Box Restaurant in Wethersfield on October
23, 1974 for forty members, wives, and guests. The program featured a wine tasting through the
courtesy of Fisher’s Package Store in Hartford.
In October 1974, the Boston Puddle met at the Engineers Club in the Prudential Center, and
followed with a field trip to the Boston Central Alarm Headquarters.
The Pond’s November 20, 1974 Educational Luncheon meeting drew 24 members and 12 guests
to Matarese’s Restaurant in Newington. The Guest Speaker was Arnold Kaplan, President of the
Insurance Center of Southern CT. Mr. Kaplan was reported to be “one of only four men in CT
who has both the CPCU and CLU designations”. His topic was “Agency Growth through
Acquisition and Perpetuation”. The ‘bottle of cheer’ door prize was won by Les Olson, a guest
from New London County Mutual. Les told the group that he was a lapsed Blue Goose member,
having joined the NYC Pond in 1940, so he was promptly given a membership application for
Most Loyal Grand Gander Ivar Awes announced the appointment of two Hartford Ganders to
Grand Nest offices; Jack Ellen (Hartford’s 1976 Convention Chairman) was named to the Grand
Nest Liaison Committee, and Lew Geis was named a Deputy Most Loyal Grand Gander for
Upstate New York and New England.
In November 1974, the Boston Puddle met at the Pillar House in Newton, where the Guest
Speaker was Richard E. Schroeder speaking about Products Liability.
The Pond’s Christmas Party was held on December 14, 1974 at the Clam Box Restaurant. There
were 55 Ganders and guests present. Donated toys were distributed to the Masonic Hospital in
The Pond’s January 23, 1975 meeting saw 29 Ganders tour the Fire Insurance Association Safety
Lab in Hartford, then meet for dinner at Delmonico’s Restaurant in West Hartford. Our group
met at 6:00 PM and was broken into three smaller groups for the FIA tour. The tour culminated
in a fire demonstration that set off a sprinkler head, complete with the activation of an alarm
system. After the veal Parmigianino dinner at Delmonico’s, membership applications were
The History of the Hartford Pond
Page 78
accepted from four new Goslings – Roger Hooper (Underwriters Reports Inc.), Robert Orr
(Merchants Mutual Insurance Co.), John Renfrew (Abington Mutual Insurance Company), and
Perry Salvagne (Commercial Union Assurance Co.).
On January 27, 1975, the Boston Puddle met at the Pillar House in Newton. There were 25
present, including Hartford MLG Ray Hitchcock and DMLGG Lew Geis. The Guest Speaker
was Arthur Johnson of the H. Lincoln Harrison Agency of Worcester.
Hartford’s 1976 Grand Nest Convention was still approximately a year and a half away. With the
projected convention site, the Sheraton Hartford Hotel just completed, the Convention
Committee decided to hold all upcoming Convention Committee meetings at the hotel on the
third Monday of every month.
The Grand Nest Officers travelled to Hartford for their Mid-Year Meeting at the Sheraton
Hartford on the weekend of February 15-17, 1975. Their weekend included a Feb 17, 1975
cocktail Party with the Hartford Pond. Charter Oak Chatter reported that “the officers were
quite favorably impressed with the hotel and also seemed pleased with our tentative plans as
outlined by Convention Chairman Jack Ellen”.
On February 19, 1975, the Pond hosted its Insurance Department Luncheon at Matarese's
Restaurant in Newington. There were 31 members and 11 guests present. The Guest Speaker was
outgoing Insurance Commissioner Tom White. The Pond Scholarship Award was won by Miss
Pat Borkowski of the Wood Agency in Terryville.
The Eastern District (Region) held it’s Mini Convention on the weekend of March 7-9, 1975 at
the Host Farm Resort in Lancaster, PA. There were 89 adults and 39 children present.
Despite terrible weather that included sleet, snow, and freezing rain, a crowd of 25 made their
way to the Forage Restaurant in Newington for Ladies Night on March 14, 1975. The Teacup
Auction of baked goods raised $35.00.
In March 1975, SOF Ted LeBlanc received a promotion from his employer (Reliance Insurance)
and moved to Wayne, New Jersey.
Gander Dean Christiansen (Aetna Insurance) joined the Hartford Pond as a “Flight” from the
Minnesota Pond.
The Pond’s Splash Meeting took place on April 17, 1975 at Rom’s Restaurant in Sturbridge,
MA. There were 24 in attendance, including five new members that were initiated: John
Houlihan (Powers, Bolles, Vigra, Houlihan Agency), Charles Larocca (Merchants Insurance
Co.), Robert Quintal (Quintal Agency), Robert Savard (MCA), and Les Walker (Reliance
The Pond’s Convention Fund-raising Tag Sale was held indoors at the Motts Shopping Center in
Wethersfield from10 AM-4 PM on April 19, 1975. The Pond’s proceeds totaled $164.05, and the
Pond acknowledged the time and effort put forth by Paul Harris, Marge Harris, and their children
in pulling off the event.
The History of the Hartford Pond
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On May 22, 1975, the Pond held its Annual Meeting at the Forage Restaurant in Newington.
Paul Goyette, the Pond’s Wielder for the past four years, was chosen to be the 1975-76 MLG,
inasmuch as SOF Ted LeBlanc had stepped down. This temporarily left the Pond without a
Wielder. The Convention delegates for the Minneapolis Grand Nest Convention were incoming
MLG Paul Goyette and Lew Geis. The evening culminated with the installation of the Pond’s
new slate of officers for the upcoming year.
The Pond’s new officers for 1975-76 were:
MLG – Paul Goyette
SOF – Fred Latham
COG – Bob Gannon
GOP – Brad Barna
KGGE –Ray Labbe
WGQ- Open
The Hartford Pond 1975-76
The Boston Puddle held its Annual Meeting on May 27, 1975 at Tallino’s Restaurant in Chestnut
Hill. There were 24 present to see six new Ganders initiated: Roger Hooper, John Renfrew
(Abington Mutual), Perry Salvagne, John J. Schorman, Jr., John B. Sedensky (American Mutual
Insurance), and Lester R.F. Sinton. The Puddle officers all agreed to reprise their roles for
another year. The slate of officers was installed by GSOF Gordon Crowther –Loyal Gander
Dick Rice, Puddle Supervisor Bill Porter, Puddle Guardian Bill McGowan, Puddle Wielder (and
Keeper) Dick Campbell.
The Pond’s June 21, 1975 Family Outing at the Tamarack Lodge in Voluntown, CT drew 40
adults and 20 children for a day of swimming, active sports, card playing, fellowship, and more.
Charter Oak Chatter reported that “the “open bar” was a popular spot all day long, (and) … the
girls worked in an informal Ladies Auxiliary meeting during the course of the day”. Gander John
Bartick was congratulated for handling all of the day’s details.
The “Open” Wielder slot that resulted from the shuffling of officer spots after Ted LeBlanc’s
resignation was filled by Lew Geis for the coming year.
The Boston Puddle held a meeting on June 30, 1975 at Tallino’s Restaurant in Chestnut Hill. The
Guest Speaker was Edward Cabral of AM Life speaking about the 1974 Pension Reform Law.
Charter Oak Chatter complimented the Boston Puddle on its year long schedule of insurance
related speakers – “As a result of these educational programs and the good fellowship involved,
attendance at meetings this past year has been maintained at a consistently high level.”
The Minneapolis Grand Nest Convention was held from August 10-13, 1975. Of the 506 at the
convention, there were eleven representing Hartford: Gordon Crowther, his wife Ivye, and his
sister Irene, Jack Ellen, Lew and Laura Geis, and Paul and Meg Goyette and their three children.
The Hartford delegates were Lew Geis and Paul Goyette. The Hartford Pond won the
Membership Cup with a 19% increase, largely through the efforts of the growing Boston Puddle.
However, the highlight for Hartford was the installation of Gordon Crowther as the Most Loyal
The History of the Hartford Pond
Page 80
Grand Gander for 1975-76. Hartford’s 1976 Convention Chairman Jack Ellen spent much of his
time at the convention passing out posters, literature and buttons promoting next year’s
convention, and he culminated his efforts with a formal presentation to the delegates on the
convention’s final day.
On September 16, 1975, the Insurance Institute of America held their Award Luncheon at the
Sheraton Hotel in Hartford, CT. The national education awards were presented by Most Loyal
Grand Gander Gordon Crowther of the Harford Pond
The Pond’s September 25, 1975 meeting drew 21 Ganders and guests to the Forage Restaurant in
Newington. Convention delegates Lew Geis and Paul Goyette reported on the Minneapolis
Convention. Due to business and personal reasons, SOF Fred Latham found it necessary to
resign his officer position. Brad Barna moved up to the SOF slot, Bob Gannon moved up to the
GOP slot, and Gander John Bartick agreed to join the Executive Board as the COG.
The Boston Puddle met on September 29, 1975 at Valle’s Restaurant in Newton with 25 present.
The Guest Speaker was Douglas Bell of the Shelby Publishing Company, and his topic was
“Insurance Consulting Practices.”
On October 23, 1975, the Pond’s Insurance Department Luncheon drew 40 members and 23
guests to Matarese’s Restaurant in Newington, CT. MLG Paul Goyette introduced the Pond
Officers. The Guest of Honor was Insurance Commissioner Jay W. Jackson
The Boston Puddle met on October 27, 1975 at Valle’s Restaurant in Newton, MA. The
scheduled speaker from the Senate Insurance Committee could not attend, and he was replaced
by Tony Macero, Treasurer of the Baystate Club.
The Pond’s Ladies Night meeting on November 14, 1975 drew 28 to the Forage Restaurant in
Newington. Convention Chair Jack Ellen and Ladies Chair Laura Geis gave a status updated to
the group.
On November 21, 1976, the Convention Committee met at the Bloomfield home of Jack and
Irene Ellen. The Committee was structured as below:
Men’s Committees
Ladies Committees
Finance- Bob Uricchio
Prizes & Flowers –Ivye Crowther
Registration –Lew Geis
Brunch –Ethel Hitchcock
Program –Brad Barna & Ray Labbe
Outing- Bill Coughlin
Hospitality- Irene Crowther
Model Ritual –Dick Adams
Children’s Committee
Golf- Ray Hitchcock
Paul & Marge Harris
Favors- Bob Gannon
The History of the Hartford Pond
Page 81
Additional Committees for transportation, entertainment, publicity, printing, & badges were
being finalized.
The Boston Puddle met on November 24, 1975 at Valle’s Restaurant in Newton, MA. The guest
speaker was John Collins, Public Relations Officer of the Boston Fire Department. The Boston
Puddle was growing at a strong rate, and hopes to charter it as a new Pond very soon were high.
The Hartford Pond’s December 6, 1975 Christmas Party drew 49 to the Clam Box Restaurant in
Wethersfield, CT. Our attendees brought toys and gifts that were donated to the Salvation Army.
On December 15, 1975, the Pond’s Convention Committee had a planning meeting at the
Hartford Sheraton Hotel.
The Boston Puddle’s Christmas Party was on December 22, 1975 at Valle’s Restaurant in
Newton, MA.
Between January 9-11, 1976, the Eastern District’s Mini Convention was held at Fallsview, a
Catskills Mountain resort in Ellenville, New York. Over 100 attended. The Hartford
representatives were Jack and Irene Ellen, Lew and Laura Geis, and Gordon and Ivye Crowther,
and Ivye’s sister Irene.
On January 14, 1976, the Pond held an All Day Ladies Open House at the Crowther’s home in
Hartford. The hours were broad to allow those had children in school to participate during the
day, and allow those that worked to arrive in the evening. Six attended the morning session and 4
attended the evening session. On the Ladies Workshop agenda was a general discussion of
Convention planning, and assembly of convention favors.
On January 22, 1976, the Pond’s dinner meeting was adversely affected by winter weather that
caused travel conditions to be treacherous. Only eleven attended the meeting. There were two
new members initiated at the meeting, George Johnson (Middlesex Mutual) and Denis Egan
(Union St. Jean Baptiste).
The Boston Puddle met on January 26, 1976 at Valle’s Restaurant in Newton, MA. There were
eight new members initiated – Carl Carlson (American Mutual Insurance), Carl Carlson
(Underwriting Adjusting Co.), Jack Coppenger (Great American Insurance), James DePhilippo
(Underwriting Adjusting Co.), Alan Griffin (American Mutual Insurance), Mike Mentuck
(George M. Ruddy & Co.), David Perry (Underwriting Adjusting Co.), and Clint Pickering
(George M. Ruddy & Co.). Charter Oak Chatter reported that “this brings the current
membership up close to forty, certainly within striking distance of the magic number of 50
necessary for a Puddle to reach Pond status. It would be a real thrill to all concerned if at the
Grand Nest Convention here in Hartford this August, an official charter could be presented to
the designated representatives from Boston establishing a new Pond in that area.”
The History of the Hartford Pond
Page 82
On Feb 18, 1976, the Pond held a dinner meeting at the Forge Restaurant in Newington with
Guest Speaker Ira Bluth of the Insurance Crime Prevention Bureau. There were 19 members and
2 guests present.
On February 24, 1976, the Boston Puddle met at Valle’s Restaurant in Newton, MA. Their guest
speaker was Frank Mancini, legislative aide for the Independent Insurance Agents of MA.
There were 25 present for the Pond’s March 19, 1976 Ladies Night, Card Party, Fair, and Teacup
Auction at the Forage Restaurant in Newington. The evening had a St. Patrick’s Day theme, and
corned beef and cabbage were served for dinner. That evening, the Pond held the drawing for it’s
Super Raffle winners. Many of the tickets had been sold at the Eastern District Mini Convention
in January. First prize (Hindquarter of beef) was won by Frank Sternberg of American Universal
in Rhode Island, second prize (full rib of beef) was won by Andy Taffuri of Garden City Claims
of Long Island, NY, and third prize (25 lbs of corned beef) was won by Debi Sheehan of
Middlesex Mutual of Middletown, CT, who decided to take the cash equivalent of $30). The
raffle took in $1,100 vs. $300 in expenses.
On March 30, 1976, the Boston Puddle met at Valle’s Restaurant in Newton, MA. Their guest
speaker was Richard Tilley, State Auditor for American Mutual Insurance Company.
On April 22, 1976, the Pond held a Splash Meeting with members of the Bay State Puddle
at Rom’s Restaurant in Southbridge, MA.
On April 24, 1976, the Hartford Pond participated in a Super Tag Sale, outdoors at Wethersfield
High School. The Pond booth was one of sixty such booths, each one having a spacious 20 X 20
area to set up its tables. Marge and Paul Harris ran the event.
The Pond’s May 20, 1976 Annual Meeting was held at Delmonico’s Restaurant in West
Hartford. The evening culminated with the installation of the Pond’s new slate of officers for the
upcoming year.
The Pond’s new officers for 1976-77 were:
MLG – Brad Barna
SOF – Bob Gannon
COG – John Bartick
GOP – Les Walker
KGGE – Ray Labbe
WGQ- Gordon Crowther
The Hartford Pond 1976-77
The Hartford Pond’s June 19, 1976 Summer Outing was held at the Tamarack Lodge in
Voluntown, CT with 43 adults and 28 children present. The agenda included swimming, and a
barbecue chicken dinner.
The Boston Puddle’s June 29, 1976 meeting at Valle’s in Chestnut Hill saw 16 new ganders
formally initiated. This raised Boston’s total to 53, thereby qualifying the Puddle to become an
The History of the Hartford Pond
Page 83
official Pond. Charter Oak Chatter reported that “The new Pond, by vote of the members, will
be known as the Bay State Pond. The charter is being issued officially as of July 4, 1976… and
will be presented with due ceremonies at the first business session of the Grand Nest Convention
on Tuesday August 17, 1976.” Special recognition was given to Past Loyal Gander Dick Rice
and Puddle Wielder Dick Campbell for their continuous work over the last two years in growing
the Boston Puddle.
The Bay State Pond Officers for 1976-77 (the Pond’s inaugural year) were:
MLG: Fred Moson
SOF: John Renfrew
COG: William Porter
KGGE: Anthony Macero
WGQ: Richard Campbell
As the 70th Grand Nest Convention neared, Charter Oak Chatter published an updated
Convention Committee list in the July 1976 issue.
General Chairman – Jack Ellen
Ladies Chairman –Laura Geis
Men’s Committees
Badges – Al Boudreau
Banners- Carl Nelson
Entertainment –Charlie Fortunato
Favors –Bob Gannon
Finance –Bob Uricchio
Golf –Ray Hitchcock
Meals –Les Walker
Memorial Service –Garden State Pond
Model Ritual –Dick Adams
Outing- Bill Coughlin
Printing –Ed Campbell
Program –Brad Barna and Ray Labbe
Publicity –Leroy Troske
Registration –Lew Geis
Transportation –Kingsley Beecher
Brunch –Ethel Hitchcock
Hospitality –Irene Crowther
Luncheon –Irene Ellen
Prizes & Flowers –Ivye Crowther
Marge & Paul Harris
Meg & Paul Goyette
The History of the Hartford Pond
Page 84
The 70th Grand Nest Convention was held at the Hartford Sheraton Hotel from August 15-18,
1976, with Most Loyal Grand Gander Gordon Crowther presiding.
1976 Convention Recap
(The source material for the following recap was found in the Grand Historian’s report excerpted
in the September 1976 issue of Charter Oak Chatter, and from the 2006 “History of The Grand
Nest, The Second Fifty Years, Prepared by Barry L. Snyder, PMLGG”)
“The Spirit of ’76” was the theme as the 70th Grand Nest Convention was held at the Hartford
Sheraton Hotel from August 15-18, 1976, with Most Loyal Grand Gander Gordon Crowther
presiding. There were 185 Ganders in attendance, of which 19 were members of the Hartford
Pond; we had 167 ladies registered and 84 children, making a grand total of 436.
Lieutenant Governor Robert Killman gave some warm welcoming comments to the convention
attendees, followed by the CT Insurance Commissioner, and Hartford Mayor George Athanson.
The keynote speaker at the opening of the convention was Mr. Frederick D. Watkins, President
of Aetna, who also made a small confession that he was a member of the Arkansas Pond.
The Garden State Pond did the honors of putting on the Memorial Service by placing carnations
to form a large number “seventy-six”. Special eulogies were given for PMLGGs Dave McKinley
and George Brussel and GKGGE Dick Collins who all had taken their Last Long Flight during
the past year.
Following the Memorial Service a Fellowship luncheon was held. The Hartford Pond presented
their annual scholarship award at the luncheon to student, Richard Koneazny, of the University
of CT’s School of Insurance.
On Tuesday, the Model Initiation ceremonies were held. As the doors swung open for the start of
the ceremonies, it appeared that history had rolled back 200 years as the officers and guards of
the Hartford Pond’s team made their appearance in Revolutionary costumes. Hartford’s Model
Initiation team was comprised of Paul Harris, Dick Adams, Ken Lynch, Bill Coughlin, Bob
Uricchio, Art Tyrel, Paul Goyette, Ray Hitchcock, Jack Ellen, and Lew Geis.
Following the Initiation ceremony, all the Ganders gathered for a business meeting. Before
calling roll, MLGG Crowther announced the formation of the Bay State Pond, and they received
their charter. This was the culmination of years of effort by Hartford Ganders and their many
hours invested in the creation and nurturing of the Bay State Puddle.
Following Tuesday morning’s business meeting, Ganders and Guests caught the busses leaving
for Frank Davis Resort in Moodus, Connecticut. The busses took us through the scenic
countryside to this beautiful resort. The rest of the day was spent enjoying swimming, golf,
tennis, other sports and just plain loafing around. Others went sightseeing trip to Gillette Castle,
or took a steam train along the Connecticut River. A sumptuous barbeque dinner was enjoyed by
all in the evening.
Let us record something about the social events for the ladies and children inasmuch as they
represent a most important part of our conventions. The ladies hospitality room – with
The History of the Hartford Pond
Page 85
homemade cookies, coffee, and other beverages – was a popular spot whenever there were no
other events on the program. The ladies had a luncheon at the nearby Hotel Sonesta on Monday
featuring a delicious lunch, many beautiful door prizes, favors, and entertainment by Mrs.
Ranney who spoke and gave a demonstration of the “Wonderful World of Bells” – an excellent,
much different type of program. On Wednesday, 165 ladies were on hand for a brunch at the G.
Fox Department Store, where many more wonderful door prizes were presented. Laura Geis,
the Ladies Chairwoman, can be proud of her group, and our Order thanks her and the ladies of
the Hartford Pond for the wonderful program for our ladies.
As for the children, their headquarters was the Pool Suite adjoining the indoor pool; this are
was constantly jumping. For special events on Monday, they were all taken by bus to Mystic
Seaport (on the CT shoreline), a living museum of a fishing village in whaling days. On
Wednesday there was a pool-side party for the children with a scuba diving exhibition put on by
the State Police –an excellent program. The children consumed gallons of soda and loads of
snacks in their hospitality room, they had their own banquet with prizes, and even their
registration envelope was interesting, as it contained a wooden whale (the new state “animal”).
Special thanks are extended to Paul and Marge Harris, who handled the children’s program and
looked after them. There were many others who helped with the 84 children and to these
wonderful people we say “Thanks a million”. Parents can be very thankful that their children
were entertained, cared for, and supervised by such dedicated people.
Following Wednesday’s business meeting all the Ganders participated in a “hot dog” and beer
luncheon, which was again a huge success. At the luncheon, the golf prizes were presented. After
the luncheon the Grand Nest reconvened for its final business session to do the installation of
officers. Newly installed MLGG Stanley Spore gave his address of acceptance.
The convention closed out with a great prime-rib dinner with baked Alaska for dessert and with
fabulous dancing and music. An extraordinary event occurred right after the baked Alaska was
served. PMLGG Archibald J. MacDonald asked for the privilege to address the assemblage and
followed with a stirring, heartwarming tribute toast to the United States. This was answered
eloquently by PMLGG Browne Bolton.
The Hartford Pond proved without a doubt that a small Pond can host a Grand Nest meeting.”
The following convention events were offered at an individual cost:
Sunday August 15, 1976
Get Acquainted Buffet and Cocktails
Monday August 16, 1976
Continental Breakfast
Children’s Mystic Seaport Trip
Ladies Luncheon and Entertainment
Men’s Fellowship Luncheon,
Keynote Address by Cliff Reedy,
President of GAB Business Services
The History of the Hartford Pond
Page 86
Tuesday August 17, 1976
Continental Breakfast
Outing to Frank Davis Resort
Wednesday August 18, 1976
Continental Breakfast
Ladies Brunch (G. Fox Centennial Hall
Men’s Luncheon
Fellowship Banquet & Dance
$15.00 Adults
$10.00 Children
$15.00 Adults
$6.00 Children
When the Boston Puddle spun off to become the Bay State Pond, the Hartford Pond lost 53
members from its roster, causing the Pond’s membership to dip under 100.
On October 21, 1976, the Hartford Pond held a luncheon meeting at Willie’s Steak House in
On November 17, 1976, the Pond held a Ladies Night at the Wallingford Country Club.
The Pond’s December 11, 1976 Christmas Party drew 71 members and guests to Matarese’s
Restaurant in Newington. Children’s gifts were collected and donated to the Salvation Army.
Charter Oak Chatter reported that “music was furnished by the Ray Frank orchestra who did
well in keying the tempo of the music to the group assembled. By paying many of the ‘good old
songs’, they had a goodly group dancing right up until the closing hour. Door prizes included a
digital clock, a camera, and a set of poker chips with holder. A painting of the Noah Webster
House netted $45 ‘to help defray the modest deficit from our convention’”.
The Pond’s first meeting of the new year was held at a new location. On January 26, 1977, the
Pond drew 20 members, 3 guests, and 2 Bay State Ganders to the Parma Restaurant in downtown
Hartford. After dinner, Bay State MLG (and New England DMLGG) gave a brief message of
thanks to the Hartford Pond for their help in establishing a Pond in Boston. Membership
applications were accepted from Thomas Conran, Cameron Craig, Eugene Rice, and Thomas
Trask. Three of the goslings (except the absent Conran) were initiated.
Convention Chair Jack Ellen gave a financial recap of Hartford’s 1976 Convention. Income was
reported at $36,910.29 and expenses to date totaled $36,708.70. The apparent surplus of $201.59
was temporary, because there was also a $500 loan obligation to Grand Nest. Accounts
receivable were estimated at $135, so the expected Convention deficit was estimated at $165.00.
After a Publication Committee report by Gordon Crowther, and discussion of Old and New
Business, Gander Ken Lilja was recognized for his long-term membership in Blue Goose and
was awarded a Life Membership plaque. Ken was retired from the Hartford Insurance Group,
and had joined Blue Goose in 1937 as a member of the Iowa Pond. Wielder Crowther distributed
copies of the Grand Nest Bulletin to those in attendance, and the meeting closed with a film
depicting the restoration of historic homes in Philadelphia.
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The Pond held a Ladies Night meeting on Friday evening February 35, 1977 that drew 22 to
Matarese’s Restaurant in Newington. After dinner there was a Teacup Auction and eight card
The Pond had a few left-over convention souvenirs for sale. These are the quantity and selling
price of the items our Ganders could purchase: (7) Drummer Boy necklaces @ $3, (21)
placemats at $2.00, (13) Blue Goose handkerchiefs @ $1.50, (3) flower pot covers @ $0.75, (3)
tie clips @ $2.00, and (3) decals (1.00).
On April 27, 1977, the Pond held a dinner meeting at Willie’s Steak House in Manchester.
The Pond’s Annual Meeting was held on May 25, 1977 at the Mr. Steak Restaurant in Avon, CT.
There were 16 members and one guest present. The Pond committed a $500 payment to the
Long Island Pond for their 1980 Convention; the payment was to be spread out over the next few
years. Due to the limited amount in the Pond’s treasury, it was agreed that the Pond would fund
and send one delegate to the 1977 Houston Convention. The incoming MLG, Bob Gannon, was
unable to attend the convention, so the Pond agreed to credential PMLG Phil Goyette as their
lone delegate, with Gordon Crowther as the alternate. One new Gander was initiated- Cleveland
The evening culminated with PMLG Jack Ellen’s installation of the Pond’s new slate of officers
for the upcoming year.
The Pond’s new officers for 1977-78 were:
MLG – Bob Gannon
SOF – John Bartick
COG – Les Walker
GOP – Ray Labbe
KGGE – Ron Pizzano
WGQ- Gordon Crowther
The Hartford Pond 1977-78
As the Pond entered the 1977-78 year the membership roster stood at 83. During the previous
year, the Pond gained 11 and lost 15 members for a net loss of 4.
The Pond’s June 25, 1977 Summer Outing at the Tamarack Lodge in Voluntown, CT drew 38
adults and ten children. The weather was cool, and the pool was used mostly by the children.
Under it’s new management, the Tamarack Lodge didn’t allow the Pond to set up it’s own bar as
in previous years.
The July 1977 issue of Charter Oak Chatter saw the debut of three new advertisements. Ads
by Edward P. Minor of Edward P. Minor, Inc, Ballard May of Penn Glass, and Henry Stone of
Connecticut Underwriters joined existing ads from Coastal Claims Service, A. E. Oberhaus, Inc,
Matarese’s Restaurant, Alfred Chapman of Chapman & Company, Grenham & Gaull, Inc.,
Kenneth W. LeQuier, Jr. of Underwriters Adjusting Company, Arthur Epstein of Epstein
The History of the Hartford Pond
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Brothers, Bernard E. Ladden of Dunn-Rite Construction, William R. Morrin of A-1 Air
Deodorizing Company, and Robert S. Bergin of the General Adjustment Bureau.
On September 22, 1977, the Pond’s first PMLG Night dinner meeting saw ten PMLG’s attend:
Dick Adams, Bob Bordeaux, Bill Coughlin, Gordon Crowther, Jack Ellen, Lew Geis, Paul
Goyette, Paul Harris, Ray Hitchcock, and Bob Uricchio. Hartford Gander Charlie Kemp was also
there, and he was a PMLG of the National Capital Pond. In the absence of MLG Bob Gannon,
SOF John Bartick called the meeting to order.
Gordon Crowther read a roll call of the PMLGs. A eulogy was read for Art Jacobs, and a
message was read from the Hartford Pond’s oldest living PMLG –Joe Sorge
Numerous committees were in place for the year as follows:
John Bartick, Chairman
Don Kelley
Lee Sinkwich
Ray Labbe, Chairman
Dick Adams
Kingsley Beecher
Dexter Hyland
Joe Minardi
Bob St. Amand
Bob Uricchio
Les Walker
Bob Gannon, Chairman
Craig Carter
Ken Lynch
Jack Ellen, Chairman
John Lonergan
Lew Geis, Chairman
Al Boudreau
Bill Coughlin
Paul Harris
John Houlihan
Bob Quintal
The History of the Hartford Pond
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Bill O’Neil, Chairman
Lew Geis
Al Chapman
Gordon Crowther, Chairman
Ed Campbell
Ray Hitchcock
Dick Adams, Chairman
Bill Coughlin
Jack Ellen
Paul Goyette
Paul Harris
Ray Hitchcock
Ken Lynch
Bob Uricchio
The Pond’s October 21, 1977 Ladies Night at the Matarese Restaurant in Newington drew
eleven couples, plus the Guest Speaker and her husband. The speaker was Nan Dorsey, a former
flight attendant for American Airlines, and she presented a travel movie on Aruba and followed
with a demonstration and discussion about packing tips for travel.
The Pond’s November 15, 1977 luncheon drew 23 members and guests to the Matarese
Restaurant in Newington. After lunch, MLG Bob Gannon called the meeting to order. Keeper
Ron Pizzano reported the treasury balance stood at $564.99. The Guest Speaker was PMLG
Jack Ellen who spoke on the subject of commercial property rating.
On November 22, 1977, PMLGG Gordon Crowther and PMLG Lew Geis traveled to Newton,
MA to attend the Bay State Pond’s meeting at Vallee’s Restaurant. Crowther and Geis assisted
in the initiation of eleven new members. Gordon remarked that “the membership of the Bay
State Pond could very soon exceed that of Hartford unless we “get on the ball”.
The Pond’s December 3, 1977 Christmas Party was held at Matarese’s Restaurant in Newington
with 20 members, 19 wives, and 23 guests (total of 62) present. Dance music was provided by
the Ray Frank Orchestra. The door prize that evening was a half-gallon of Wild Turkey, won by
someone in Dick Adams group. A large quantity of toys were donated to the Salvation Army. A
few weeks later, the Pond received a nice thank you letter from the Salvation Army’s Divisional
Director Evans.
The first meeting of the New Year fell on January 24, 1978 when 26 ganders and guests met at
the Parma Restaurant in downtown Hartford. Seven new members were initiated – Alfred
Marquis and Walter Clayton (ISO), Bill Kearns and Alan Taylor (CNA), Lawrence Mockler
The History of the Hartford Pond
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(Zurich), Chris Poules (Gardner Kirby Agency), and Dewayne Roos (W. C. Root Insurance
On Feb 21, 1978, the Pond’s Insurance Department Luncheon was held at Matarese’s Restaurant
in Newington, CT
On March 17, 1978, the Pond held a Ladies Night at the Clam Box Restaurant in Wethersfield.
There were 35 present to enjoy a seafood buffet, Teacup Auction of baked goodies, and card
games culminating in a hand of Crazy Whist.
The Hartford Pond announced that it was looking for a new name for its Pond newsletter. “Ever
since the third issue of this publication in February 1957, it has been known as Charter Oak
Chatter. Although this name may be significant to some of us old-timers, it probably doesn’t
mean much to newcomers to this area and we are certain that it is meaningless to other Blue
Goosers elsewhere in the United States and Canada. Consequently, between now and the end of
June we are conducting a contest to come up with a new name that hopefully will relate both to
our geographical location and the Blue Goose organization. There will be a meaningful prize
for the best entry so we hope that we will be hearing from many of you with your ideas and
On April 20, 1978, the Pond held a luncheon meeting at Matarese’s Restaurant in Newington.
The guest speaker addressed the group on Condominium Insurance
The Pond’s Annual Meeting was held on May 23, 1978 at Matarese’s Restaurant in Newington.
The delegates for the upcoming Halifax Convention were Bob Gannon and Gordon Crowther.
The evening culminated with the installation of the Pond’s new slate of officers for the upcoming
The Pond’s new officers for 1978-79 were:
MLG – John Bartick
SOF – Ray Labbe
COG – William O’Neill
GOP – Ballard May May
KGGE – Ron Pizzano
WGQ- Gordon Crowther
The Hartford Pond 1978-79
As the 1978-79 year started, the Hartford Pond’s roster stood at 95 members.
The Pond’s June 24, 1978 Summer Outing at the Banner Lodge in Moodus, CT drew a very
large crowd of 43 adults and 13 children. The weather was beautiful and many of our guests
spent the day swimming in the large pool. A highlight of the day was a lively softball game
where Marilyn Coughlin pitched for one team and Cathy Simmonds pitched for the other. The
Banner Lodge assigned us several cabins for changing, and we used some of the units to set up a
bar and lunch facilities. The day ended with a chicken barbecue dinner, and everyone agreed that
Bill Coughlin had done a great job making the arrangements.
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The Nova Scotia Grand Nest Convention was held from August 13-16, 1978. Hartford
representatives included (delegate) Bob and Agnes Gannon, (delegate) Gordon and Ivye
Crowther, Irene Crowther, Lew and Laura Geis, Ray and Ethel Hitchcock, Bill and Mary
O’Neill, Lee and Mary Sinkwich and their children, and Ballard May and his son. This was a
very popular convention with attendance in excess of 700.
The Pond’s September 15, 1978 Ladies Night meeting also took on the form of a “Recognition
Night’ to honor recently retired PMLG Bob Gannon and Kingsley Beecher. The dinner drew 21
members, 16 wives, and 45 guests (total of 82) to Matarese’s Restaurant in Newington. Jack
Ellen and Paul Harris handled all of the details.
The Pond’s October 18, 1978 Initiation Meeting was held at Matarese’s Restaurant in
Newington. The evening saw the initiation of eight new members – James Beardsley (General
Insurance Agency), Gaylord Bruce (Bruce Agency), Terrance Hildebrand (Boyer Agency), Paul
Intagliata (Greater Harford Insurance Agency), Elliott Miller (agent), Brian Roby (Bayly, Martin
& Fay), John Russell (ISO), and David Shippee (Boyer Insurance Agency). The Pond also
welcomed two new members as Flights from other Ponds. D. G. Gil Stewart (Hartford Steam
Boiler) joined us from the St. Louis Pond, and Fred Tucker (Afco) joined us from the Garden
State Pond.
The Pond’s November 14, 1978 Luncheon at Anthony’s Restaurant in Hartford got off to a
bizarre start. Based on the return of the blue postcards (used as a RSVP), the Pond expected the
usual turnout of 20-25 Ganders, and a headcount of 40 was given to the restaurant. Quite
unexpectedly, 56 bodies showed up. Expect for some resulting service delays, the afternoon went
well. MLG John Bartick welcomed the group, conducted a roll call, and approved the October
meeting minutes. The Keeper reported a balance of $608.57. MLG Bartick announced that in
February, the Hartford Pond would have the honor of hosting a visitation from Most Loyal
Grand Gander Charles “Chuck” Palmerton. The afternoon’s Guest Speaker was Gerry Wholey,
Chief of Licenses and Claims at the State Insurance Department.
The Pond’s December 9, 1978 Christmas Party was held on an evening of terrible weather; rain,
sleet, freezing rain and snow. Despite the conditions, 76 Ganders, spouses, and guests attended
the party at Matarese’s Restaurant in Newington. After the social hour, the dinner choices were
prime rib or stuffed shrimp. Sal Greco’s Orchestra provided the dance music, and dozens of toys
were presented to the U. S. Marines for their Toys For Tots campaign. A drawing for a Blue
Goose decanter set was won by Marge Harris.
Due to a snowstorm, the Pond’s scheduled January 17, 1979 luncheon meeting was postponed
until January 25, 1979. There were 22 present. Seven new members were initiated – John Barter
(John Barter Associates), John Brady (Webster’s Insurance Service), Lee Ingram (Vermont
Mutual), G. Robert Johnson (Merchants Mutual), Ronald Skurat (Lumberman’s Mutual), Ernest
Small (Shelby Mutual), and Norman Wagge (Associated Services).
On Feb 8, 1979 the Hartford Pond was honored to host a visitation by Most Loyal Grand Gander
Charles “Chuck” Palmerton and his wife Helen of the Seattle Pond, as well as Grand Supervisor
of the Flock Al Kregal and his wife Pat from the Long Island Pond. The Clam Box Restaurant in
Wethersfield was the site, and there were 47 Hartford Ganders and wives present. Hartford
The History of the Hartford Pond
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MLG John Bartick called for a roll call of names, and GSOF Kregel promoted the 1980 Long
Island Convention at the Island Inn in Westbury, NY. MLGG Palmerton spoke next and briefed
the Pond on his activities since being installed as MLGG last summer, and the upcoming 1979
Grand Nest Convention in Seattle. The Palmertons were presented with an oil painting created
by Shirley Le Quier, wife of our own Gander Le Quier. The painting depicted a colonial home
amidst Autumn foliage.
This year’s March 13, 1979 Insurance Department Luncheon at Matarese’s in Newington had a
somewhat different look. In prior years, our Insurance Department speaker was either the
Insurance Commissioner or someone from their License and Claims division. This year, our
group of 47 was addressed by John Downey, the Secretary of the new Department of Business
Regulation. He educated the group on the responsibilities of the new department- which
regulates insurance, banking, public utilities, liquor control, etc. Mr. Downey had quite an
amazing biography – prior to his work with the Insurance Department he was a CIA agent and
spent 20 years as a POW in China.
The March 1979 PIA Convention saw many Hartford Ganders singled out for honors. Dick
Adams was selected as “Field Representative of the Year”, Bill Brady was named “Adjuster of
the Year”, Elliott Miller was chosen as “Agent of the Year”, Joe Gately was elected as President
for the coming year, and Bill Coughlin was presented with a special award in recognition of his
service to the PIA.
The Pond held an April 27, 1979 dinner meeting at Augustino’s (formerly Matarese’s)
Restaurant in Newington.
The Pond’s Annual Meeting at the Parma Restaurant in Hartford fell on May 8, 1979. There
were 33 in attendance, including a 13-member initiation class that, according to Charter Oak
Chatter, represented the largest group to be initiated since the Pond was founded in 1954.
Initiated that night were William Begley (Grenham & Co.), Richard Boccacchio (BoccacchioSusania Agency), Francis Champeau (Zurich insurance), Frederick Clarkin (CNA), Charles
Crowley (Hemingway-Lewis Insurance Associates), Joseph Flach (Thompson & Peck, Inc.),
Robert Hold (Thico Plan Inc.), Wallace Irish (W. J. Irish Insurance Agency), Louis Kievits
(Central Adjustment Service), Raymond Millar (Coastal Claims Service), Arthur Peterson (CT
Underwriters), Donald Rittman (CT Underwriters), and Philip Wanat (Thompson & Peck). The
Pond’s Education Award went to Sandra Surowiecki of the University of Connecticut’s School
of Insurance. She was taking an exam on the night of the meeting and was unable to attend and
personally receive her $50 award. Gander Charles Kemp was recognized on his 25th year of
service to Blue Goose. PMLG Joe Sorge was also recognized on his 50th year of service to Blue
Goose, and Gordon Crowder announced that since Mr. Sorge had retired and moved to Florida,
the Florida Pond would be awarding his 50-year pin at their annual meeting in Clearwater on
May 26, 1979.
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The delegates for the upcoming Seattle Convention were Lew Geis and Gordon Crowther.
Outgoing MLG John Bartick received his PMLG pin from Bob Gannon. The evening culminated
with the installation of the Pond’s new slate of officers for the upcoming year.
The Pond’s new officers for 1979-80 were:
MLG – Ray Labbe
SOF – William O’Neill
COG – Ballard May
GOP – Lee Sinkwich
KGGE – Ron Pizzano
WGQ- Gordon Crowther
The Hartford Pond 1979-80
The Hartford Pond started the new season with 125 members, as its roster increased by 34 over
the previous year. One more new member was Stephen Estee who took Flight from the Bay
State Pond.
The Pond’s June 23, 1979 Summer Outing at the Banner Lodge in Moodus, CT drew 52 adults
and 21 children, for a total of 73. The weather was terrific and many in our party enjoyed a dip in
the Olympic sized pool. The Banner Lodge gave us several cabins for our party you use, and we
took full advantage of the offer and used them for changing rooms, card games, lunch, and our
own bar. A barbecue dinner of steak for the adults and hamburgers for the children ended the
In July 1979, the Hartford Pond turned 25 years old.
The Seattle Grand Nest Convention was held from August 12-15, 1979. The Hartford delegation
included Delegate Lew Geis (and wife Laura), delegate Gordon Crowther (and wife Ivye and
sister Irene Crowther), Jack Ellen and his wife Irene, and Jack’s mother-in-law Evelyn. Despite
the Hartford Pond’s impressive 30% growth in membership this year, they did not win the
Membership Cup; that honor belonged to the new Brunswick Pond on the strength of it’s
amazing 90% jump in membership. Hartford did win the Eastern Region’s Charity Award.
On September 21, 1979, the Pond held a Blue Goose Member-Guest Golf Outing, believed to be
one of the first golf outings since the early days of the Pond. The location was the Edgewood
Country Club in Cromwell, CT. It was not a good weather day, and attendance totaled 29 golfers
and tennis players, and an additional 18 for dinner. The golf winners were: Low Gross: Tom
Crockett of the Crockett Agency, 2nd Low Gross: Dave St. Clair (Nationwide), Low Net: Bob
Curtin (Insurance & Real Estate Center), and 2nd Low Net: Dave Homer (O’Brien & Homer
Agency). The tennis prize was won by John Ott of the Ott Agency. The Golf Outing was
organized by Ballard May, and his committee of Dick Adams, Bill Coughlin, Bob Gannon, and
Paul Harris.
On October 19, 1979, the Pond celebrated it’s 25th Anniversary at the Chestnut Lodge in
Colchester. There were 25 members, 25 wives, and 11 guests for a total of 61. On display before
dinner were clippings, photographs, and memorabilia commemorating the Pond’s first 25 years.
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Our honored guests were scheduled to be MLGG Al Kregal and his wife Pat from the Long
Island Pond, but due to a death in the family, the Kregals had to change their plans. The service
anniversary awards, originally planned to be presented by MLGG Kregal, were instead presented
by MLGG Gordon Crowther. Charter Members Lew Geis and Elliott Steele received Life
Membership pins. Wally Bailey and Art Tyrol also earned Life Membership, but they were
unable to attend due to health reasons. Carl Plock, Charlie Kemp, and Gordon Brown were
presented with 25-year pins.
The Pond’s November 15, 1979 meeting drew a disappointing 21 Ganders and guests to
Anthony’s Restaurant in Hartford. Due to the low attendance, and a misunderstanding with the
restaurant concerning the guaranteed count, the meeting ran at a $75 deficit. Three Ganders were
initiated: Dave Homer (O’Brien-Homer Agency), Rudolph Persico (Motors Insurance), and
Nathan Pierpont (Chittendon Agency). The Keeper reported a Pond balance of $893.51. The
educational topic, October 1 changes in State laws concerning the insurance industry, took the
form of a panel discussion featuring John Bartick, Jack Ellen, and Ray Labbe.
On December 8, 1979, the Pond’s Christmas Party was held at Augustino’s (formerly
Matarese’s) Restaurant in Newington with 25 members, 24 wives, and 11 guests in attendance.
Special guests included MLGG Al Kregal and his wife Pat, and Bruce and Gloria Franz; all of
the Long Island Pond. Toys collected that evening were donated to the Salvation Army
The Pond’s first meeting of 1980 was held at the Parma Restaurant in Hartford on January 17.
Thirty were in attendance, and 8 new members were initiated. The new Ganders were Colin
“Pat” Johnson (Central Adjustment), Jim Beyer (Beyer Agency), Tom Santos (Santos Agency),
Harvey Atkins (American Universal), Frank Christina (Central Adjustment), Robert Dee (Dee
Investigations), George Fontaine (Associated Services), and Mike Perrotta (Webster
Services).Wielder Gordon Crowther read a thank you letter received from the Salvation Army
for the toys we collected at the December Christmas Party.
The Pond urged Ganders to attend the upcoming Eastern Region’s “Mini-Convention” at the
Pocono Manor on February 22-24, 1980. The double occupancy cost, for skiing, meals, and 3
days, 2 nights, was $104.00 per person.
The meeting concluded with the distribution of Pond Rosters and Grand Nest Bulletins to all, and
an address by new member Robert Dee on arson investigation.
On February 19, 1980 the Pond hosted 64 attendees at Augustino’s in Newington for the
Insurance Commissioner’s Luncheon. After MLG Ray Labbe asked everyone to introduce
themselves and their employer, he introduced Commissioner Joseph Mike for his remarks and
Hartford Pond members did very well at the PIA state convention at the Sheraton Park Plaza in
New Haven as they won four of the five awards. MLG Ray Labbe won Committee Chairman of
the Year for his work on the Legislative Committee. PMLG J. Paul Harris won the
Distinguished Service Award “for excellence in his field for 48 years”. Donald Crosscup was
The History of the Hartford Pond
Page 95
named Mr. Mutual Agent of the Year, and Bill Dillon was named Mr. Mutual Fieldman of the
On March 21, 1980 the Pond hosted Ladies Night at the Holiday Inn in Meriden. This was a last
minute change in location, because the original meeting site (the Clam Box in Wethersfield)
closed just two weeks prior. There were less than 30 in attendance. The night’s activities
included a Teacup Auction and a Crazy Whist card game. The Pond used their $250 award from
the Grand Nest (for winning the Eastern Charity Award in 1979-80) to present a $250 donation
to Hospice, Inc.
The Pond was saddened in March to learn of the passing of George (Wally) Bailey. He was a
charter member of the Hartford Pond and served as our seventh MLG in 1960-61.
The April 24, 1980 meeting was a special program; a Testimonial Dinner to honor 1970-71
PMLG J. Paul Harris upon the occasion of his upcoming retirement. The event drew over 100 of
Paul’s friends, (including 27 Hartford ganders and 19 wives) to Augustino’s in Newington. MLG
Ray Labbe was the Master of Ceremonies.
The May 1980 issue of Charter Oak Chatter noted the Pond’s newsletter was “taking
advantage of some new reproduction facilities which permit us to print on both sides of the
The Pond’s Annual Meeting was held on May 13, 1980 at the Chestnut Lodge in Colchester.
There were 25 in attendance. Three new members (Louis Thibeault, David Sinclair, and Joseph
Oligny) were initiated.
The Pond ended the year with over 130 members. The Convention delegates for the Long Island,
NY Grand Nest were Ray Labbe and Gordon Crowther. Two proposed constitutional
amendments slate for Grand Nest consideration were discussed. The first would make females
eligible for Blue Goose membership “if they met other occupational requirements”. The second
called for establishing a formal Audit and Finance Committee, to replace the informal procedures
currently in use. After a heated debate, the Pond instructed their delegates to vote “Yes” on the
first proposal and “No” on the second proposal.
The evening culminated with the installation of the Pond’s new slate of incoming officers.
The Pond’s new officers for 1980-81 were:
MLG – Ballard May
SOF – William O’Neill
COG- Ron Pizzano
GOP – Lee Sinkwich
WGQ – Gordon Crowther
KGGE- Jack Ellen
The History of the Hartford Pond
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Hartford Pond Memorial Service team at the Atlantic City Grand Nest Convention August 1971
(L to R) are Dick Adams, Paul Harris, Ray Hitchcock, Bill Coughlin, Gordon Crowther, Jack Ellen,
Lew Geis, Art Tyrol, and Art Jacobs.
The History of the Hartford Pond
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Grand Nest Bulletin promoting 1976 Hartford Convention.
MLGG Gordon Crowther of the Hartford Pond is pictured.
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1976 Convention Program
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1976 Convention –Handmade favor for Spouse Luncheon
The History of the Hartford Pond
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Above- 1976 Convention Initiation Team. (Front Row L to R) Paul Harris, Dick Adams, Ken Lynch. (Back
Row L to R) Bill Coughlin, Bob Uricchio, Art Tyrel, Paul Goyette, Ray Hitchcock, Jack Ellen, Lew Geiss
Below- 1976 Outing at Frank Davis Lodge (L to R) Bill Coughlin, Gordon Crowther, John Houlihan, Dick
Adams, Charlie Fortunato, Paul Harris)
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