Volume XIII, Issue 1—Post Cineres, Spring 2012
Volume XIII, Issue 1—Post Cineres, Spring 2012
P O S T C I N E R E S 20 12 N E W S LE T T ER F O R T HE COORDINATING COUNCIL Rev. C. Frank Phillips, C.R. Superior General Rev. Brendan Gibson, S.J.C. Council Member Rev. James Isaacson, S.J.C. Council Member Rev. Dennis Kolinski, S.J.C. Council Member Rev. Albert Tremari, S.J.C. Council Member FOUNDING BISHOP Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I. BOARD OF SPIRITUAL DIRECTORS AND ADVISERS H.E. Raymond Cardinal Burke Most Rev. Basil Meeking Bishop Emeritus of Christchurch, New Zealand Most Reverend Joseph Perry Archdiocese of Chicago Rev. Regis Barwig Rev. Benedict Groeschel, C.F.R. Dr. James Hitchcock Rev. Brian Mullady, O.P. Rev. Thomas Nelson, O.Praem. Msgr. James Turro † Rev. John Hardon, S.J. † Msgr. Richard Schuler CONTACT US Rev. C. Frank Phillips, C.R. 825 N. Carpenter Street Chicago, Illinois 60642 [email protected] Phone 312-243-7373 Faxe 312-243-4545 www.canons-regular.org S P R I N G 2 01 2 F RI EN DS AND B E N EF A C TO RS OF THE C A NO NS R EG U LA R OF S T . J O HN C A NT I U S POST CINERES ~ ALLELUIA! We greet you again, Post Cineres, after the ashes; namely, Ash Wednesday. By the time you receive this Via Sacra, Lent will be over and we will be in the midst of the Paschal Season for fifty days of glory. The Lenten Season was filled with many events in the life of the parishes we staff and in the life of the Canons Regular. It is my hope that this issue will reveal to you that Lent, as a time of prayer, fasting and almsgiving, requires each one of us to put our best foot forward in order to prepare for the Paschal Season. One of the many customs that we observe is the incorporation of the Stational Church into the daily Mass. The custom of observing the Stational Churches of Rome ties us more closely to Our Holy Father, for in times past the Holy Father himself would lead the faithful to the Stational church designated for each day of Lent. The remnant of this is on Ash Wednesday when the Holy Father ascends the Aventine Hill to the first Stational Church of Lent, St. Sabina. In this ancient basilica the Holy Father leads us spiritually by receiving the blessed ashes. Each day of Lent at St. John’s and St. Peter’s in Volo the Mass begins at the “Stational shrine” and as the Sacred Ministers approach the altar a portion of the Litany of Saints is sung. When the particular Stational Saint of the day is sung, it is repeated three times each at a higher pitch, then Mass begins. This Lent we have been blessed to have Deacon Scott preach on assigned days during the Lenten season. Each of his homilies were moments of enlightenment of the Stational Saint and its application to the readings of the day. The penitential season has now blossomed into the Paschal Season, the period of fifty days of glory in the Risen Lord. Beginning with Tenebrae on Wednesday of Holy Week attendance at all the liturgical services were nearly filled to capacity. The choirs added further beauty to the Sacred Liturgy and the Altar Servers contributed each in his own way to the solemnity of the Divine Worship. It was good to have our men home from the seminary for the Paschal Triduum. Brother Nathan went to St. Peter’s in Volo, and assisted Father Jim, Father Anthony and Brother Brian during the Triduum. On behalf of all the members of the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius, may you all enjoy these fifty days of Paschal glory. VOL. XIII ISSUE 1 ST. JOHN’S AND ST. PETER’S GO TO WASHINGTON T his past January Fr. James Isaacson and Br. Chad McCoy led four buses with over 230 teens and young adults to our Nation’s Capitol for the anniversary of Roe Vs. Wade, to give witness to the pro-life message and help end legalized abortion in our country. The rain and cold of the East coast in January didn’t stop these youth from coming out in record numbers. In addition to the Life Balloons and Sweatshirts, there was also the unveiling of the 15 foot “LifeBoat” made at St. John’s to hoist people above the crowd to rally the group. The Lifeboat made the cover of 5 newspapers, which also helped bring coverage to the event. We thank all those who helped out in any way. If you would like to help us in any way contact Br. Chad McCoy at [email protected] or 312-243-7373. All donations are welcome to help defray costs. Also or consider being a sponsor to a youth in financial need. UPCOMING ORDINATIONS TO HOLY PRIESTHOOD AND TRANSITIONAL DIACONATE Through the power of the Holy Spirit and the imposition of hands by His Eminence Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I., Archbishop of Chicago, Reverend Brother Scott E. Thelander, S.J.C. will be ordained to the Holy Order of the Priesthood, and Brother Robin C. Kwan, S.J.C. will be ordained to the Holy Order of the Diaconate, for the Archdiocese of Chicago, as members of the Canons Regular of Saint John Cantius. The Mass of Ordination will be offered at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 29, 2012, at St. John Cantius Church to which all are invited, as well as the Solemn Mass of Thanksgiving offered by Reverend Scott E. Thelander, S.J.C. on Thursday, May 31, 2012 at 12:00 p.m., Noon at St. John Cantius Church on the Feast of the Visitation of Mary. REPLICA OF MIC HELANGELO’S P I É TA C O M E S T O S T . J O H N ’ S or the past few months, St. John Cantius has been privileged to host a life-size replica of Michelangelo’s renowned Piéta. The statue is made of a marble composite and is an exact replica of the original which resides in St. Peter’s Basilica. This statue was on display in our newly renovated Chapel of the Dormition. The parish of St. John Cantius and the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius are dedicated to the promotion of restoring the sacred by using the beauty of our Catholic heritage in her sacred liturgical life and sacred arts. We would like to recognize Steven Bishop of Vescovo Buonarroti Art and his family for undertaking a most unique apostolate which is so close to our own. If you wish to aid Mr. Steve Bishop and assist his apostolate in sending this replica of the Piéta to as many churches, hospitals, colleges as possible throughout the world, please contact him at: Steven Bishop, Vescovo Buonarroti Art, LLC The Exclusive Worldwide Licensee for Michelangelo’s “La Pieta” by The Vatican Observatory Foundation 1-888-62-PIETA or visit the website: LaPieta.com F ~ANSWERING THE CALL TO RELIGIOUS LIFE~ MEET OUR TWO NEWEST NOVICES Br. Alaric Bose was born near Cedar Falls, IA to Dr. and Mrs. Richard Bose, Jr. In 2005, his family moved to Columbus, NE where he attended Scotus Central Catholic Jr. High/Sr. High until his graduation in May of 2011. From a young age Br. Alaric had always viewed the priesthood as something admirable and inspiring. During his sophomore year of high school he attended the Archdiocesan (Omaha) pilgrimage to the March For Life where he found further inspiration from the joyful and enthusiastic priests and religious in attendance. One day while watching EWTN Live, he saw an episode featuring the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius. On the show, the Canons mentioned the name of a Fr. Burns Seeley (his aunt’s father-in-law and a convert to the faith). The familiar name sparked his attention and he decided to do some research into the community. During his senior year of high school, Br. Alaric started spiritual direction and under his director’s guidance he contacted the Canons Regular and made a vocational visit during Holy Week through Easter. Throughout his visit he was inspired by the reverence and devotion of the Canons and he decided to apply. Br. Nathan grew up in Southern Michigan with his parents, Kelly and Jodi, and his younger siblings: Aaron, Sarah, and Allison. Through the positive influence of Fr. Stanley his family’s parish priest, Br. Nathan has felt called to the priesthood since he was 10 years old. He says, “It was just something consistent and natural.” It wasn’t until two years ago that Br. Nathan heard about the Canons when he met them at their retreat property in Lawton, Michigan. Afterwards, he kept running into them, and after some research and discernment, decided this was the religious community for him. “Similar to how my vocation developed for the priesthood; things fell into place for me in a call to religious life with the Canons Regular. God showed me where He wanted me to be.” Describing his first visit he said “I knew this was home from the first day I arrived. The sense of beauty, reverence, and joy I found in the priests, brothers, and parishioners is what attracted me. I was looking for an order with a love of the sacred liturgy and music, and a focus on living out a holy, Christ-centered life with a strong Catholic Identity. And here at St. John’s I found that and so much more. ARCHDUKE RUDOLPH VISITS THE CANONS O n the evening of March 9th the Canons Regular host -ed a lecture by H.I.R.H. Archduke Rudolph of Austria, eldest grandson of Blessed Karl of Austria and Servant of God Empress Zita of Austria. The event included a Latin Ordinary Form Mass attended by the Archduke and Princess Maria Anna Gallitzin, granddaughter of Blessed Karl. Following the Mass the Archduke gave a lecture on the lives and holiness of his grandparents. The presentation focused on both Blessed Karl and Empress Zita and their untiring service to God and to the people of Austria. The Archduke gave a detailed account of their heroic acts of virtue under extreme suffering, exile, and persecution. Following the talk, the Archduke was on hand for a light reception including a book signing for his new book. We wish to thank the Archduke for his time with us and for sharing his intimate knowledge of the life of Blessed Karl and Servant of God Empress Zita. Please remember their causes for sainthood in your prayer intentions. If you would like to learn more or to find out how you can help please visit: emperorcharles.org or email Br. Nathan Cochran, O.S.B. at [email protected]. WHO ARE THE CANONS REGULAR OF SAINT JOHN CANTIUS? H E L P U S R E S TO R E T HE S AC R E D SPIRITUALLY ore than anything else, we need your prayers. Please keep all the priests, seminarians, and brothers in your prayer intentions, and also pray for future vocations, that more men may devote their lives to Christ and His Church. Know that we are praying for your intentions, as we remember all our benefactors in our daily Rosary. M T he Canons Regular of St. John Cantius is a Public Association of the Christian Faithful—a new, growing religious community of men, established with the approval of Francis Cardinal George, O.M.I., and the Congregation of the Resurrection. Founded in 1998 by Fr. C. Frank Phillips, C.R., their mission is the Restoration of the Sacred—Instaurare Sacra—in the context of parish ministry through solemn liturgies, devotions, sacred music and art, instruction in our Church heritage, Catholic culture, and catechesis. You can find more information, news, and photos on our web site at www.canons-regular.org. FINANCIALLY We could not exist without the financial support of generous friends who value the importance of preserving and cultivating our sacred traditions. Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution or even remembering us in your Estate planning. ~ B I R E T TA B O O K S ~ C AT H O L I C B O O K S & M E D I A The best place on the web for resources on the Sacred Liturgy, Catechetics, Marian Spirituality, Eucharistic Theology and Piety, Devotions to the Passion of Christ, Gregorian Chant, Organ Music, Sacred Polyphony and liturgical music and more. VIA SACRA Q U A R T ER L Y N E W SL E T T E R F OR TH E C A N ON S R E G U L A R OF S T . J OHN C A N T IU S 825 N Carp enter St Chicag o, I L 60642-5405 M OV I N G ? If you are planning to move, or you are receiving more than one copy, please let us know by phone or email at [email protected]. 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