ROSE Garden - The Federated Women`s Institutes of Ontario
ROSE Garden - The Federated Women`s Institutes of Ontario
SPRING/SUMMER 2013 ROSE Garden FWIO Celebrates the Lee Opening The Home & Country ROSE Garden is published three times a year by the Federated Women’s Institutes of Ontario. Editor Andrea Morrison [email protected] Proof Reader Ruth Kennedy Graphics Big Footprints Inc., Cambridge Copyright © FWIO 2013 Copyrighted material, including graphics, may be reproduced as long as it remains in context, its source is recognized and it is not used for monetary gain. To reprint copyrighted material under any circumstances, contact the Editor. ISSN – 1715-216X Printed on recyclable paper by Webco Publications, London, ON. Publications Mail Agreement No. 40036824 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Federated Women’s Institutes of Ontario 7382 Wellington Road 30 RR 5, Guelph ON N1H 6J2 Tel: 519-836-3078 Fax: 519-836-9456 Email: [email protected] FWIO OFFICE HOURS The FWIO switchboard is open Monday – Thursday 9am – 4pm. If you call and get our answering machine, we are busy helping someone else. Please leave a message and we will return your call as soon as possible. The office is open Wednesday and Thursday 9am – 4pm. The office is closed on Fridays. Contact Information FWIO Provincial Office (see left) ROSE Program Manager Andrea Morrison Ph: 519-836-3078 [email protected] Executive Officer to FWIC Joy Trimble Ph: 519-942-2093 [email protected] Membership Coordinator Ellen Martin Ph: 613-433-3463 [email protected] Public Relations Coordinator Donna Henderson Ph: 519-418-7480 [email protected] Tweedsmuir Coordinator Irene Robillard Ph: 613-432-6987 [email protected] Additional contact information is available with the Coordinator & Officer reports on page 12. NEWSLETTER DEADLINE DATES Please send stories and photos for consideration in the Home & Country ROSE Garden to the FWIO Provincial Office or [email protected] no later than the content deadline dates below. Fall 2013 - August 1, 2013 Winter 2014 - December 1, 2013 2 FWIO Celebrates the Lee Opening On Sunday, April 21, 2013, FWIO celebrated the grand reopening of the Erland Lee (Museum) Home in Stoney Creek with nearly 200 hundred attending, including descendants of the Lee family. Many thanks go out to all who worked tirelessly and also to MP Dean Allison, Hamilton Mayor Bob Bratina, and Councillor Brenda Johnson for their kind words and continued support. Evelyn Peck, FWIO President, had the honour of cutting the ribbon. The ‘Lee’ will be open Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays from 12pm4pm. Pictured (L-R): MP Dean Allison, FWIO Past President Elsie Stephenson, City Councillor Brenda Johnson and FWIO President Evelyn Peck take part in the ribbon cutting ceremony. Photo by Helen Young. nside: I 3. From The County 4. Back 2 Basics 5. Erland Lee Award 6. Branch Profile 8-11. Down the Garden Path 12. Advocacy Update 13. Meet the Members 15. All for a Good Cause By FWIO President, Evelyn Peck As I write this, the days are lengthening and the snow banks receding. Many of us, particularly the gardeners and farmers, are turning our thoughts to a new season with hopes of favourable weather and bountiful crops. As we begin a new year for our Branches and Districts, my hope is that inspiring programs have been planned. I was given a newspaper article about the increasing relevance and popularity of Women’s Institutes in the United Kingdom. Young women in England are putting their names on waiting lists to join Women’s Institute. They want to have the opportunity to learn cooking and sewing skills from the older Members. The young moms are living in austerity and want to get together to pool ideas, share resources and learn new skills. Other young women are sharing their enthusiasm over the Internet to increase awareness. In our communities, some women have not had the chance to learn many of the traditional skills of homemaking. With our Back 2 Basics theme, there are so many modern ways to incorporate old basic skills. Many of our Members have a wealth of knowledge and practical skills and they would be great candidates to mentor the younger women. Is it possible that if we offered more relevant programs on topics that are needed by our neighbours, we would also have a waiting list of women wanting to join us in WI? Our Provincial Board has been embracing Back 2 Basics learning. Last year, Members used an evening while at August Board to learn to knit ruffled scarves. Then in November we got very creative assembling fascinators worn in our skit after the Annual Meeting. In the evening after this April’s Board sessions we had an interesting time learning to crochet with wire and beads to make a necklace. If only someone knew how to teach me to tat left-handed. I’ve always wanted to learn that skill! Many of us who grew up in rural communities had the opportunity to belong to 4-H Homemaking Clubs and learn cooking, sewing and other life skills. Most clubs were sponsored by Women’s Institute Branches and led by WI Members. 4-H Ontario is celebrating its centennial in 2015. In preparation, a 4-H Ontario Alumni database is being developed to help reconnect former members and leaders and share 4-H stories and the impact that 4-H had on their lives. If you are interested, you may register online at or contact 4-H Ontario’s Coordinator, Alumni Services at [email protected] or 1-877-410-6748 x 466. It was a pleasure to take part in the official reopening of the Erland Lee (Museum) Home. It was a great celebration with about 200 in attendance. The Erland Lee Community Committee proudly showed off all the renovations and restorations. Thank you to everyone who volunteered, made donations or assisted in so many different ways. Soon the Lee will really sparkle as the Board accepted one of the quotes for painting the house. Board heard updates of plans for a Provincial Conference in Ridgetown on July 11-13, 2014. The publishing date of our Home & Country ROSE Garden was moved back so that the very latest Board Highlights could be included in the Branch packages. Please check these for up-to-date news. These Highlights are also available on the FWIO website. It was suggested at our Annual Meeting that we try to make 2013 the renaissance year of our organization. If we work together with enthusiasm and positive determination we can accomplish many great things. Let’s try! I am a proud lifelong resident of beautiful Prince Edward County. In this area of Eastern Ontario, Prince Edward is most often simply referred to as “The County”, which explains my choice of title for this column. Board Meeting August 13 – 15, 2013 3 Russell Village WI In the 75th Anniversary year of Russell Village WI (Eastern Area), the Branch decided to replicate some of the “ole-time” meetings which they discovered in their vintage Minute Books. They undertook a meeting to re-introduce the Art of Tea Biscuit Making and nothing goes better with tea biscuits than tea so they gave a talk on it as well! Several varieties of tea biscuits were made: fresh fruit, savoury garlic, cheese and chives, and a traditional plain, all to be served with fresh butter and homemade jellies. Each was made by a different method: food processor drop biscuits, traditional rolled out and cut, and rolled out and cut but from a packaged mix. As the tea was steeping and biscuits were baking, the ladies discussed the history of tea and the various categories they break down to: Black, Green, Oolong, White and Herbal. The aroma of the fresh tea and cooking biscuits even brought the fellows in to check out the meeting. It was a wonderfully simple and fun evening! Pictured (L-R): Jean Williams and Ina Henry led the Ole Fashioned Art of Tea Biscuit Making and Tea Convenorship and stand with their goods, which included cranberry drop tea biscuits; garlic, cheese and chive rolled tea biscuits; plain rolled tea biscuits; and chai tea, decaffeinated orange pekoe tea, and apple-cinnamon herbal tea. North Grey WI Good Approximately 100 people idea!a ROSE Session attended presented by North Grey WI (Grey-Bruce Area) on October 27, 2012 at the Christian Reformed Church Fellowship Hall in Owen Sound. Wendy Tomlinson, who conducts her business, "The Dressing Room" in Owen Sound, has developed several subjects relating to fashion history and joined the Branch on this day. After morning coffee and cookies, Wendy presented her topic, "Underneath it All: A History of Undergarments". She spoke on and displayed several antique garments, followed by Members presenting a comical skit relating to undergarments. Vocalist, Jackie Ralph, provided entertainment throughout the program with several musical selections. Following a delicious lunch of turkey a la king served on a tea biscuit, green salad and cheesecake for dessert, the afternoon speaker Linda DeBoer, decorator, demonstrated and instructed how to make fall and Christmas decorations for your home. Several door prizes were awarded during the program. An interesting and informative day was enjoyed by all! 4 Good idea! Zion Line WI The Members of Zion Line WI (Eastern Area) recently organized a ROSE Session where women could learn how to tile. The workshop was held on a Saturday morning at Home Depot, with approximately 10 participants in attendance. The workshop leader, a Home Depot employee, offered many useful tips including how to save on costs but still obtain good quality. Gift certificates were handed out to everyone for the flooring department, and a draw took place for a book on home renovations and repairs. It was an interesting, humorous and worthwhile morning! Algoma Centre District Algoma Center District WI (North Central Area) met at the Prince Township Hall on November 22, 2012 to learn how to make a frilly scarf. Sarah Fabbro demonstrated the technique for approximately ten Members who each brought a ball of Sashay yarn and knitting needles. She helped anyone who required assistance. It was a fun, educational morning for all, followed by a delicious lunch! Also in Algoma Centre District, Prince WI has been busy holding several Back 2 Basics ROSE Sessions. Among the topics: Beginners Quilting – the Basics, Making Pie Crust, Knitting (European and North American Methods), Pickling Beets, and Making Jam Using Jello, Rhubarb and Crushed Pineapple. Way to go Prince WI! Volunteer Training at the Lee Two training sessions were held for volunteers at the Erland Lee (Museum) Home in preparation for the grand reopening celebration and the regular hours when the Museum will be open to the public (Thursday, Saturday & Sunday from noon to 4pm). Twenty-nine volunteers attended and learned the history of the Lee family, their importance in the development of Saltfleet Township and the historical significance of the Erland Lee (Museum) Home as the 1897 birthplace of the Women's Institute. Harrietsville WI Honours Robert (Bob) Sadler If you would like to volunteer at the Lee please contact us at: 905-662-2691 or email: [email protected]. It is gratifying to show visitors from around the world this National Historic Site and experience their interest in the Museum. Working Together for the Lee A humorous but moving skit during the fellowship part of the FWIO Annual General Meeting emphasized what can be accomplished through teamwork, selflessness and affirmation. The skit demonstrated how the collective use of individual talents, such as baking, needlework and public relations can produce great results. Today the Lee has been resurrected and opened its doors once again on April 21, 2013. This feat of affirmation was made possible through the generosity and conviction of groups and individuals working together. Harrietsville WI (London Area) presented Robert (Bob) Sadler with the 2012 Erland Lee Award of Appreciation at Harrietsville-Mossley United Church on February 24, 2013 honouring the volunteer work he has done for the Institute as well as the community and several other organizations. Twenty representatives brought their wishes and shared highlights of time spent with Robert. The church choir presented a medley of songs and soloist Marlene Demaray sang "May You Always". Marilyn Howey read Robert's biography while a pictorial slideshow of his life played in the background. Following Robert's words of appreciation for the afternoon, the large crowd enjoyed a social time while sharing cake. This is a living example of the old fable where a legendary roc is destroyed by fire but a powerful phoenix rises from its ashes. The Erland Lee Award of Appreciation is presented by the Federated Women’s Institutes of Canada to a man who most exemplifies those qualities of Erland Lee which led to the founding of the Women’s Institute, an organization which spread across Canada and grew to include millions of women worldwide. By Hania White, Mono Road WI/Brampton West WI Pictured (L-R): Jean Houghton, Robert Sadler and Ilene Chesterman. 5 BRANCH PROFILE: Bar River WI Bar River WI (Algoma North Shore District, North Central Area) was founded in 1931 and, more than 80 years later, the Branch still plays an active role in its community. Today the Branch consists of 10 Members from Laird Township and the Bar River area. Each Member has unique talents that blend well together, and their willingness to share ideas and talents is what helps to make this Branch’s time together so much fun. Members keep busy throughout the year with catering and craft activities. They help with their local hall and have attended cross border picnics with Michigan groups. They also try to visit local facilities of interest. For over 40 years, Bar River WI has held an annual Children’s Christmas Party. In the past, when ladies met in their homes, the party would be held there. In the early 1980’s it became such a large event that it had to be moved to a hall. One of the WI Members plays Santa Claus, and the event now includes gifts and candy – even a gift exchange for the mothers! Carols are sung, lunch is enjoyed, and there is a draw for a barter basket. It is a wonderful opportunity to let young mothers in the community know about the Women’s Institute. Bar River WI continues to be a very active group and helps as much as possible in their area. Whether it be donations, birthdays, anniversaries, or funeral lunches, they always try to lend a hand. When asked what the key to their success as a Branch is, they point to their efforts to make their meetings both fun and educational. The Branch consists of Members of all ages, so they always try to fit in programs that each Member would enjoy. Pictured: Santa Claus makes a special stop at Bar River WI’s Children’s Christmas Party! Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medals Awarded Inman Road WI Pat Logan was presented with the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal on January 12, 2013. Pat was nominated for this award by Haldimand-Norfolk MPP, Toby Barrett, in recognition of her long-time volunteer efforts with Dunnville’s Airport Museum, Agricultural Society, and Heritage Society, as well as the Haldimand Genealogical Society and the Inman Road Women’s Institute. Pat has been a valued Member of the Inman Road WI (Hamilton Area) for over 30 years and is a willing helper at both the Branch and District levels. Congratulations Pat! Pictured: Haldimand-Norfolk MPP, Toby Barrett, presents Pat Logan with the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal. Russell Village WI On December 12, 2012, Ina Henry was presented with the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal on Parliament Hill. Ina gives freely from her heart, for the betterment of her community and especially her community’s children. What better gift can any person give than the betterment of their young people? She is a volunteer marvel and has the ways and the means to make anything happen. Her faith, her attitude, her endless strength and her charming wit encouraged her Branch, Russell Village WI (Eastern Area), to nominate her for this honour. Ina has been a WI Member since the age of 18 (as a Junior Member) and has been a fully participating Member for over 37 years. She is a wife and mother of six, yet she has found time to share her strengths with others who wish to learn from her. Pictured: Ina Henry with Pierre Lemieux, MP for Prescott, Glengarry, Russell. Photo by Pamela Pearson, The Russell Villager. 6 The Headquarters Fund currently sits at $661,952 Your support will ensure that WI continues long into the future. “Nothing is impossible; the word itself says ‘I'm possible’!” ~ Audrey Hepburn To make a donation, contact the FWIO Provincial Office at 519-836-3078 Museum Performance Explores Lives of WI Members “I was born…” was presented by Peggy Coffey on January 27, 2013 at the Stratford Perth Museum. The one-woman show used masks and storytelling to explore the lives of the women of rural Ontario. The readings were based on the stories of Members of the Women’s Institute, which were collected and published by FWIO in a book called From This Place. The masks were fashioned by Heather Ruthig, a prop and mask maker for the Stratford Festival. This event was sold out and was greatly enjoyed by all. Eleanor Williams, Southern Regional Board Director, was in attendance and extended congratulations on behalf of FWIO. The museum scheduled additional dates for this interesting presentation in the month of May. Pictured (L-R): Eleanor Williams, Heather Ruthig and Peggy Coffey. South Lobo WI Hold Tweedsmuir Open House South Lobo WI (London Area) recently held a Tweedsmuir Day Open House to display their Tweedsmuir History Books and to honour Eleanor Babinsky (holding roses), who has been a Member since 1956 and Tweedsmuir Curator from 1981 to 2012. Along with the dozen roses, Eleanor was presented with a "Certificate of Appreciation" for exceptional recording of Community and Women's Institute History. Present residents and former residents of the community attended the Open House. Pictured (L-R): Christa Clement, Vivian Ireland, Muriel Scott, Marg Harris, Eleanor Babinsky, Glenna Ladell, Marjorie Sharpe, Gerda Veel, Dorothy Fletcher, Rie Van Steeg, Colleen Tuckwood and Margaret Cormier. Branches from Northumberland East District Participate in History Weekend This past February, York Road, Community and Codrington WI’s (Trent Valley Area) participated in Brighton’s History Weekend. It was all about sharing information and history from the Brighton area. WI Branches were given tables and space to show their history and what WI is all about. They used pictures and displays and the 3 Branches put together a tea for the visitors on both afternoons. They made sandwiches, cookies and squares and took turns serving tea after visitors had a look at the displays or listened to the speakers. A representative was at each display and explained what each Branch does individually. Approximately 2,000 people attended the event. Pictured: Shirley Young stands in front of York Road WI’s display. 7 Ramsay WI Ramsay WI of Lanark North District (Eastern Area) has found an innovative way to raise funds while raising the profile of the WI: PEDAL POWERED SMOOTHIES! For two years, Members have taken part in Bicycle Month (June) in Almonte, serving up delicious smoothies. They are made from strawberries or raspberries, yogurt and milk (also soy, if requested). The novelty part of the procedure is that the blender is fixed on the back of a bicycle and is powered by the person buying the smoothie pedaling for a minute or two. Pictured: Former Mayor, Al Lunney pedals for the cause! The plan was noticed on the internet by one of the Branch’s Members. Her husband followed the instructions, hooking the base of the blender to the bicycle sprocket. They created a bike painted in blue and gold, which has appeared at events such as the Mayor's Breakfast, parades and flea markets, to name a few. Members in smart blue aprons are putting out a fresh image for Women's Institutes, while enjoying meeting neighbours and tourists. On a different topic, the Branch has made great progress in the recording of their local history. Their 5 volumes of Tweedsmuir Histories were digitized in 2012 and their DVD titled Hamlet Histories: Bennies Corners, Blakeney, and Leckie’s Corners is now available for $15 from Millstreet Books in Almonte or from Marilyn at [email protected]. Southline Brant WI Victoria II WI Southline Brant WI (Grey-Bruce Area) holds an annual Christmas party, but rather than exchange secret pal gifts, Members give a donation to a different charitable organization each year. In 2012, donations were made to Community Living Hanover and Community Living Walkerton and District at this special ROSE Session. Kim Munroe, Program Manager for Community Living’s Adult Day Program in Hanover, spoke on the opportunities and jobs created for people who could not otherwise hold a job. Brodie Hart, Executive Director of Community Living Walkerton and District, explained that government funding is not available for individuals over the age of 18; therefore, donations are gratefully accepted for the Adult Day Programs. Members and guests of Victoria II WI (Kingston Area) met at the Napanee Fire Department for a ROSE Session on “Safety in the Home & Emergency Preparedness”. Public Educator, Randy Cook, questioned participants on the resources that should be kept in an emergency kit. He also described hazards in the home and the different types of smoke detectors. What some might not know is that smoke detectors (and carbon monoxide detectors) should be replaced every 10 years. Pictured: Southline Brant WI Member Joan Grubb (right) with Brodie Hart, Executive Director of Community Living Walkerton and District. 8 Pictured: Victoria II WI Members and guests learned valuable tips on how to stay safe and prepare for emergencies. Vittoria WI Mount Brydges WI Vittoria WI’s annual Christmas potluck lunch was held at the Town Hall on December 12, 2012 with 32 Members in attendance. Sixteen invited guests from around the community were treated to a turkey dinner with all the trimmings. Guest entertainer was Susan Drayson who has had a long connection with Vittoria. Susan led the group in a Christmas sing-a-long, including the Twelve Days of Christmas (pictured below). Everyone was feeling a little Christmas spirit afterwards. Every year, Members of the Branch put together gift bags to give to local shut-ins and to members or friends of the community who are in local nursing homes. One Member puts together a large gift basket for a local family in need and gives it to them before Christmas. The Members of Mount Brydges WI (London Area) held a ROSE Session on Water Conservation. Irene Peters gave a very informative presentation to more than 30 participants, instilling in everyone that we must all do our part and not waste water. Middlesex Northwest District President, Marg Harris, also attended this event and presented a Certificate of Merit and 60 year pin to Emily Faw, as well as a Life Membership pin and Certificate to Marian Clark. Pictured: Inta Lizinski in her beautiful native costume. The Branch’s January Meeting focused on Scams, Fraud Prevention and Identity Theft, with a presentation given by the O.P.P. It certainly opened a lot of eyes and was a good reality check for everyone. The Branch highly recommends this presentation to others! Vittoria WI (Hamilton Area) will be celebrating its 75th Anniversary in November 2013. A committee has been formed to begin plans for this important event! Lakelet WI The Members of Lakelet WI (Guelph Area) turned a very special occasion into a ROSE Session! Guest speaker, Fran Dawson, spoke on the “Benefits of Exercise” as Lakelet WI celebrated its 60th Anniversary on November 6, 2012. The celebration was marked with a Victorian Tea at Fordwich Hall in Fordwich. Guests were encouraged to wear hats and were served tea biscuits, whipped cream and strawberry jam. Tea was served in beautiful china cups. Laurine Wright, a 96 year old Charter Member, was recognized with a special pin. River Valley WI River Valley WI’s newest Member is Inta Lizinski who is a native of Latvia. Dressed in her colourful costume, Inta described the history and culture of her native land. She showed her fellow Members of River Valley WI (Trent Valley Area) beautiful hand embroidered clothes, crafts and amber jewellery that is found in abundance in Latvia. Inta also taught a folk dance. Roll call asked everyone to state something you know about Latvia. Among the facts learned from Inta was that Latvia was the world’s first country to initiate socialized medicine, known in Canada as Medicare. Latvians celebrate St. John’s Day on Midsummer Night’s Eve where everyone stays awake all night to sing, dance and eat their favourite foods. Pictured: Laurine Wright receiving her 60 year pin from Lakelet WI Secretary, Esther Hallman. 9 Warwick WI Following a soup and crackers luncheon, Warwick Fire Chief Brad Goodhill spoke to 28 WI Members and guests at a ROSE Session about fire safety and the plans for a new Community Centre in Warwick Village. He showed two videos - one on the importance of having a carbon monoxide detector in your home, and the second on how quickly a fire spreads, leaving very little time (maximum 3-4 minutes with smoke alarms on each level of the home) for occupants of a home to escape. Fire and building codes now require a smoke alarm on each level; otherwise, there is a $270 fine. Plans for a new Community Hall to replace the current hall which no longer meets building code requirements are well under way, with fundraising efforts being planned. Approximately 1/4 of the needed funds have already been raised. Pictured: Penny Bryce, Greg Goodhill and guest speaker, Fire Chief Brad Goodhill, help themselves to soup before the ROSE Session, hosted by Warwick WI (Southwestern Area). Motherwell WI Motherwell WI (London Area) held a ROSE workshop in Motherwell Avonbank Presbyterian Church Hall. The topic was Christmas centrepieces constructed from a box. Demonstrator for the evening was Sarah Nairn. Navan WI On February 17, 2013 at St. Mary's Hall, Navan, Leonard, and Cumberland WI Branches (Eastern Area) gathered to celebrate the 116th Anniversary of Women’s Institute. It was a delightful afternoon spent with friends from the 3 Branches. Pictured: Pam O'Donoghue, Navan WI President, pours tea for Verna Cotton and Juanita Vetter. 10 Pictured: Seated with their finished centrepieces are Yvonne Brown and Elaine Standeaven. Baltimore WI Marks 100th Anniversary The Baltimore Branch of the Women's Institute (Trent Valley Area) held their 100th Anniversary celebration on June 7, 2012 when Members and guests gathered at the Baltimore Community Centre for an afternoon of friendship, reminiscence and fun. Everyone enjoyed the music of the Corktown Fiddlers as they played many familiar tunes. Greetings were brought from municipal, provincial and federal governments. District President, Alberta Johnston, presented 100th Anniversary pins to the 11 Members of the Branch. Marjorie Noble, the Branch's oldest Member, cut a lovely anniversary cake decorated in blue and gold, which was enjoyed with strawberries and ice cream, bringing to a close a lovely afternoon. Pictured: President Lois Crider and Marjorie Noble cutting the anniversary cake. Solina WI Celebrates 110 Years Solina WI (Central Area) was chartered on January 8, 1903 with Maggie Baker as the President. On January 9, 2013, Members treated themselves to a catered roast beef supper at Trinity United Church, Bowmanville. The ladies invited their husbands, as they are often an integral part of the projects they are involved in. They often refer to them as "honourary" members. Donna Barkey prepared a wonderful PowerPoint Presentation of the Branch’s history. The people, the fun and the dedication to community and country were enjoyed as they took a trip down memory lane. There was also a display of memorabilia. For the Branch’s 100th Anniversary, a book of portraits was compiled containing nearly all Members from 1903 to 2003. Under each picture they documented the executive positions they held throughout their time in Institute and the awards they had received. This continues to be a work in progress. Also, there were photocopies of interesting excerpts from the Minute Books, candid shots of Members at functions throughout the years, old programmes, and more. Lois Yellowlees, Eileen Knox, Marjorie Cryderman and Loraine Knox received certificates for 61 years and Mary Millson and Alma Langmaid for 62 years in Solina WI. Congratulations to each and every Member and best wishes for many more years to come. Pictured (back row): Dorothy Snowden, Bernice Watson, Joyce Taylor, Donna Barkey, Rita Buder, Ann Roger, Peggy Darch, Jean Taylor, Lois Yellowlees and Doris Flett. Middle row: Marg Cryderman, Loraine Knox, Marion Broome, Margaret Ford, Pat Best, Eileen Knox and Mary Millson. Front row: Karen Dair and Jenny Bowman. 230 Years of Service in Brooksdale WI You may have done a “double take” when you read the title, but 4 Members of Brooksdale WI (London Area) share a combined total of 230 years of service with their Pictured: Margaret Green, Rosina Morris, Branch. What an in- Helen Piett and Ruth Matheson credible way of looking at the dedication of your membership. Margaret Green, Rosina Morris, Helen Piett and Ruth Matheson have all been WI Members for over 50 years and were recognized for this accomplishment at the Branch’s 90th Anniversary on January 26, 2013. To celebrate, a catered luncheon was held at the Brooksdale United Church. Guest speaker was Debbie Bauer from Dungannon, while the Tweedsmuir History Books were on display for community viewing until 8pm. At your next meeting, try adding up the years of service among Members in your Branch – the numbers could be shocking! 11 AdvocacyUpdate ~ By Advocacy Coordinator, Glenna Smith Two Provincial Resolutions have been passed and forwarded to the proper Government Departments and Boards. Both originated in the North and Northwest. We were pleased to help our WI sisters by supporting their concerns. Resolution 1: Locally produced and processed chickens. In Northwestern Ontario there is no processing facility for poultry and no quota. This means no local poultry is available. The current small-flock population is insufficient to support a regional freestanding poultry abattoir. The Provincial Government promotes “buy local, eat local,” but this can’t be done with the chicken industry as it is now. Resolved that FWIO request the Government of Ontario and the Chicken Farmers of Ontario to support and encourage the development of the Chicken Industry in the Northern Areas of this Province. Resolution 2: Issue, the lack of veterinarians licensed to care for large animals in Rural Areas of Northern Ontario. Resolved that FWIO request the Government of Ontario to supply financial support for men or women who enter the College of Veterinarian Training with an agreement to practise as Large Animal Veterinarians in the rural areas of the north for a certain number of years. ~ By International Officer, Cindi Rabstein Well, as I write this, it is anything but spring; I have at least two feet of snow outside. But spring is just around the corner, so they tell me. In her January 2013 newsletter, Margaret Yetman, our Area Canada President, says that $8,075 has been received for our Canada Area Project, “Climate Change and its effects on Women”, so we need $1,925 more to reach our goal of $10,000. Canada Area can be proud to have once again reached out to women and their families in need of financial support, so that they may be empowered to attain better economic standards. The ACWW board once again suggested that we do “Women Walk the World” on ACWW Day, April 29th, as it was such a huge success last year, raising 40,000 Pounds sterling. The Projects Committee continues to support rural women, families and communities through projects for water and sanitation, health education, nutrition, literacy, training home economics, agriculture, income generation, leadership, and scholarships in social and community welfare. In 2012, ACWW approved 24 projects with funding amounting over 125,000 pounds sterling. Help stop the spread of germs; use Antiseptic Wipes. Gail writes, “According to researchers, shopping cart handles have more germs than public restrooms, making them one of the worst public places for germs. During a visit to a Wal-Mart in New York, I noticed an antiseptic wipe dispenser located at the entrance of the store. I was able to pull a wipe from the dispenser and wipe down the shopping cart handle as well as my hands before having to put my hands on the handles and therefore reducing the chances of both contracting and spreading germs.” The Triennial Conference gets underway in Chennai, India from Sept 26 - Oct 2, 2013. The theme is “Empowering Women Worldwide - Encourage, Educate, Enrich”. Are you going? During the ACWW board meeting in October, each member was given a doll, handmade from the same fabric to show that across the world, even though we are all different, we are ultimately all the same. Board members can name and dress their dolls as they wish. The dolls will meet up again in Chennai. Our Canada Area Doll is called Joy. The name is of old French and Latin origin, and symbolizes the joy received by women and their families worldwide through the generous support of ACWW. Margaret Yetman would be happy to take any postcards or Pennies for Friendship donations with her to Chennai. If you have access to a computer, visit the ACWW website: You will be glad you did. Why couldn’t all stores that have shopping carts provide an Antiseptic Wipe Dispenser? Maybe we just need to ask! Canada Comforts sends greetings, and again thanks you for all of your contributions. Glenna can be reached at 519-824-0217 or [email protected]. Contact Cindi at 519-843-2222 or [email protected]. A very good idea has come in from Leeds-Grenville District WI. We could all work on this project. 12 Meet the Members Introducing... Margaret Killeen When Margaret was a school teacher, she often took her class to entertain a group of women. When she retired, she discovered that all this time it was the Women's Institute she had been visiting. Living in Bowmanville, she found there was no WI, so she decided to invite some women to her home to discuss forming a Branch. On February 26, 1981, forty-four women showed up to this meeting and there was the nucleus of a very active Branch, one that is still in existence to this day. The Charter Meeting of Providence-Shaw WI was held on March 12, 1981 with 29 Charter Members in attendance in Durham West District. Margaret was the founding President for the first 3 years. Margaret is a long-time WI Member and has played an important role in the formation of Branches in Trent Valley Area. She was nominated by Beryl Harris to be the First New Branch Organizer for the Area at the Convention in 1992. Margaret helped to organize and re-organize several Branches in the Area, including North Shore, Marlbank, Norwood, and Kawartha Woodlands WI’s. Margaret and her husband moved to the Peterborough area in November 1988 where she joined the Selwyn WI and has held numerous positions ever since. Margaret was President for 12 years and presently holds the positions of Tweedsmuir Curator and Program Coordinator. She had the pleasure of attending the ACWW Conference in Kansas during the summer of 1989. In 1997, as District President, she convened the 100th Anniversary Celebration for the Peterborough District; a twoday event that was held in Lang Pioneer Village – a fitting place indeed! As Convenor of the Environmentally Friendly Hints book, written by all Members in 1990, this was on the Best Sellers List for several months. It was sold to FWIO in 1994 and is still available for purchase from the Provincial Office. Margaret’s fellow Members appreciate all that she does and would like to acknowledge all of her hard work over the years in developing new Branches and recruiting new WI Members. Margaret’s late husband drove her to numerous events, and their time and traveling costs have not gone unnoticed. Margaret has influenced many women to join the Selwyn WI. Still enthusiastic, she urges women to come and visit the Branch, as they may like what they see - and what they do with their lunches is always great! As she says, you will be very welcomed to join their ‘family’. Introducing... Vi (Violet) Hayward Vi was born in 1914 and raised in a farming community in the former Esquesing Township in Halton County. After her marriage in 1935 and three children later, they farmed for a few years, and then moved into Milton in 1945 and later Nassagaweya Township in 1956 where she joined the Busy Bees WI Branch which disbanded in 1963. Vi enjoyed cooking, sewing, crocheting, reading and her involvement in the local church. A few years later in 1973, they moved to Orangeville and Vi joined The Maples WI (Central Area) which she has been a Member of for 37 years. She served in various offices within the Branch, played the piano when called upon and helped out a great deal when the Branch had their community hall. In later years, Vi has been a part of the telephone committee and enjoys contacting the Members each month. She continues to live on her own in her condo and still enjoys reading with the help of a magnifying glass. Hopefully, Vi will continue to keep healthy to celebrate her 100th Birthday next year and, as well, The Maples WI will celebrate their 100th too! 13 Mansfield WI Mansfield WI (Central Area) is proud of the restoration project recently completed on the Mansfield Cenotaph. Member Jane Hawkins presented the idea in the summer of 2011. The original Cenotaph was erected by the Branch in 1952, so Members felt it was fitting that they take on the commitment to restore and enhance the Cenotaph. The meeting gave full support and a committee was formed. The cost to restore the Cenotaph, build a concrete walkway and flagstone path leading to a park bench surrounded by a Memorial Pictured (L-R): Blaunshe Ciach, Marlene McLaren, Garden was $10,000. Also included was an additional bronze plaque MP David Tilson, Jane Hawkins, Alina Greer, Norma to honour others who have served, including those who served in Gallaugher, Isabel Ireland and Mulmur Councillor Earl Hawkins. Afghanistan. One half of the funding came from Veteran’s Affairs, while the balance was raised by the Mansfield WI. The monies came from fundraising, cash donations from people in the community, in-kind donations and local businesses. On November 9, 2012, Dufferin-Caledon MP David Tilson confirmed the grant of $5,000 on behalf of Veteran’s Affairs along with sincere congratulations to the Branch for their hard work and dedication. Township of Mulmur Councillor Earl Hawkins presented the WI with a certificate of appreciation for the improvements made to the Cenotaph. A very well attended Rededication and Remembrance Day Ceremony took place at the Cenotaph on November 11, 2012. Hastings District The "first" Hastings County Women’s Institute Bursary was presented to Natasha Moon, a second-year Loyalist College (Belleville) Social Service Worker student by Judy Kupecz, Vice President. The presentation took place at the 22nd annual Loyalist College Undergraduate Awards ceremony on November 13, 2012. Hastings District is part of Trent Valley Area. Pictured (L-R): Natasha Moon receives the Hastings County Women’s Institute Bursary from District Vice President, Judy Kupecz. Rockton WI Rockton WI promotes the education and personal growth of women by supporting its local Fair’s Ambassador Program. The Branch recently sponsored candidate Angela Hunt in the 2012 competition. Pictured: Barb Wieczorek, Branch President Marianne Vogel, Marilynn Zimmerman, Dorothy Kuik and Pat Cooper with Angela Hunt. 14 Wentworth District The Rockton, TroyLynden, Clyde & Scott’s Corners, and Westover WI’s (Hamilton Area) all agreed that their own Dorothy Kuik is a Woman of Excellence! Dorothy has been a part of the Rockton community since birth. Family, farming, fairs, WI, church and volunteering have kept her involved. Besides actively participating in many aspects of Rockton’s World Fair, Dorothy is a loyal Branch and District WI Member. She is a U.C.W. member at Rockton United Church and has led church youth groups. Dorothy sews “layettes for Haiti”, volunteered in school libraries and campaigned to keep the local library open. Interested in community history, Dorothy is a member of Friends of Westfield and Friends of St. Albans Church. Dorothy is a committed volunteer within the community and outside at McMaster Children’s Hospital. A dependable, thoughtful, competent and giving person – Dorothy is a Woman of Excellence. Pictured: Wentworth District President, Lorraine Goit and Rockton WI President Marianne Vogel present Dorothy Kuik with the 2012 Wentworth District Woman of Excellence Fair Award at the Rockton Fair Awards Night, November 23, 2012. All for a Good Cause Burnstown WI Through learning about dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, a group was developed to create blankets to help those suffering. Once a month, some of the Members of Burnstown WI (Eastern Area) get together to make “Fidget Blankets”. The blanket is made from different textured fabrics and other items which are sewn on to “fidget” with; not to mention a lot of love. Patients from Bonnechere Manor and Ottawa Civic Hospital have benefited from these blankets, with rave reviews from the families and staff. The Branch would like to thank Stardust Upholstery in Renfrew for their help, kindness, and generosity in donating remnants to the program. Wabash WI At a barbeque sponsored by North Kent Mutual Insurance (Dresden), the Wabash WI (Southwestern Area) presented a cheque to the Dresden Community Health Foundation (DCHF) for $500. North Kent Mutual matched donations up to $25,000 made to the Foundation. The medical centre was opened in November 2012. Pictured: Pat Wills (DCHF volunteer), Ida Holmes and Sandra Devries from the Wabash WI. Hawkestone WI Pictured: Burnstown WI's "fidget blankets" have taken the area by storm! Members show one of their creations which will bring comfort to an individual living with dementia. Langton WI Instead of gift exchange this past Christmas, Langton WI Members made donations to Mary McElhone Missionary in Papua, Indonesia. Convenors for this joyful event were WI Members Mary DeCloet and Helen Young. Pictured in the front row (L-R): Dorothy Priddle, Anne DeCoene, Pat Gaye, Leona Goethals and Jean Hamm. Back row: Eva Main, Dorothy Hemstra, Donna McLarty, Julia DeWaele, Anise Romel Deelen, Marie Dickens, Alma Codling, Mary DeCloet, Jackie Wulleman, Helen Young, Trudy Konopetski, Marja VanEs, Susan Kershaw and Vivian Lloyd. Over a three-year period, Hawkestone WI (Simcoe Area), with the support of Westmount United Church, has filled 241 bags for the Green Haven Women's Shelter in Orillia. Each bag contains pyjamas, socks, underwear, toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, story book, colouring book, crayons, stuffed animal, toy etc. Crib sheets, quilts and hand knitted sweaters have also been donated. The Branch also held a special event on February 12, 2013. A pancake supper was held at Shaw's Pancake House near Orillia; a wonderful fundraiser for Hawkestone WI to help with community outreach. Pictured: Hawkestone WI Member, Joan Banbury, and Shari of the Green Haven Shelter. 15 For Your information 2013 Board Listing Woman of Excellence in Agriculture Award Deadline: June 30, 2013 Since 1996, FWIO has recognized the significant contributions made by women in agriculture at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair by presenting them with the prestigious Woman of Excellence in Agriculture Award. FWIO invites you to recognize a deserving woman who is involved in agriculture, the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair and her community. The winner will be selected by an appointed committee of FWIO representatives and will be FWIO’s guest of honour at the Tribute to Agricultural Excellence Luncheon, where the award will be presented. President Evelyn Peck President-Elect Margaret Byl Northern Region Margaret Christenson Joyce Cockle Eastern Region Myra Kelly Mary Shortt Criteria for Selection: Open to all Ontario women currently involved in agriculture, The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair and their community (i.e. 4-H, Fair Board or Plowing Match). Southern Region Kim Sauder Eleanor Williams Your nomination package must include: Western Region Alana Robinson Barbara Weese • A typed profile, not to exceed 500 words, describing the agricultural work of the nominee, involvement at the Royal Agricultural Winter Fair and in their community. • Three letters of recommendation (not to exceed one page each) and contact information. • The nominee’s contact information. HospitalityHOMES Thank you to our Partners Nomination packages may be submitted to the FWIO Provincial Office. PUBLICATIONS MAIL AGREEMENT NO. - 40036824 Hospitality Homes in Ontario are open to all WI Members and their companions for $15 each per night. If you would like to be added to the list or if you need to take your name off the list – please let Gillian Catto know. To obtain a copy of the list, visit the FWIO website, email Gillian at [email protected] or send three 63 cent stamps to Gillian Catto at 89 Ellmen Road, Whitefish, ON P0M 3E0. RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO: FWIO 7382 WELLINGTON ROAD 30 RR 5 GUELPH ON N1H 6J2 Email: [email protected]
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