Rainer Schildknecht (owner/architect)
Rainer Schildknecht (owner/architect)
CITY OF CARPINTERIA ARCHITECTURAL REVIE\il BOARI) Meeting of November 14,2013 Agendø ltem # 3 OMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PROJECT REVIEW C Project: Address: APN: Zoningz Applicant: 13-1683-CDP/ARB Planner: Shanna R. Farley-Judkins 4634 Ninth Street 003-242-018 Single Family Residential (4-R-1) Rainer Schildknecht (owner/architect) Project Review: n Conceptual Ø Preliminary n Final PROJECT DESCRIPTION This is the preliminary review of a request to construct a new two-story single family residence on a 4,860 square foot vacant parcel. The new five bedroom, three and one half bathroom, twocat gatage home would be constructed in two separate structures attached by a center covered walkway. The home would measure 1,932 square feet, comprised of 1 ,0 I 8 square feet on the ground floor (habitable and garage) and9l4 square feet on the second floor. The home's roof parapet would measure a maximum height of 27.5 feet, with solar collectors the height reaches a maximum of 29.5 feet in height. The project includes a roof rainwater collection system that will help to offset storm water requirements and site drainage concerns on the site. A drainage plan is included as part of the project plans for reference. New hardscape (including a driveway and walkway) and site landscaping are proposed for the property. A new raised open joint wood deck would be installed in the rear yard. Story poles have been installed to show the location and size of the proposed structure. Plans are attached as Exhibit A. PROJECT SETTING The project site is located on the north side of Ninth Street, west of the Franklin Creek channel. The 4,860 square foot lot is presently vacant and unimproved, however the site had previously been improved with a small single family home which was demolished in 2010. The project site is located in the Downtown/Old Town Neighborhood, which encompasses the residential neighborhoods and commercial areas bounded by Highway 101 to the north and the railroad tracks to the south and running east to west from Carpinteria Creek to the west end of the City. The group of homes along the 4600 block of Ninth Street are mostly older single Schildknecht Residence Preliminary ARB Review, November 14,2013 Page2 family homes on smaller lots. Immediately adjacent to the subject property is a one-story single family residence to the east, Clementine's Steak House and small detached residences to the north, a two-story single family residence to the west and a few of one and two-story single family residences to the south, across Ninth Street. The site is zoned Single Family Residential (4-R-1) and has a Medium Density Residential land use designation (MDR). PROJECT ANALYSIS Carninteria Municinal Code The following table identifies the project's conformance with Municipal Code requirements: Standard Req uirem ent/Allowance Proposal 40 feet from centerline of street or l0 feet from property line, whichever is greater. 24 feet from property line 3 feet 6 feet 3 feet feet Setbacks Front Side 4l feet 6 inches from centerline (East) Side (West) Rear Height 15 feet 30 feet Building Coverage 35% (1,701 square feet) 27 feet 6 inches (roofparapet) 29 feet 6 inches (solar collectors) 24.06% (1,169.25 square feet) Floor Area Ratio 40Yo (1,944 square feet) 39 .7 Parking 2 Car Garage 2 Car Garage 19 feet 6 inches 5% (1 ,932 square feet) *Note: The 4-R-l Single Family Residential zone district allows for reducedfront and side setbqck standards to accountfor the typically smqller lot sizes. The proposed residence meets the minimum setback and site requirements set forth in the Municipal Code. Desisn Review The proposed residence is designed in a modernist style with a flat roof, and linear features. The second floor sits atop the ground floor without relief and creates large vertical faces on all sides. The habitable portion of the home is built on a raised foundation, with the garage at a lower elevation. The home would be finished in white plaster/stucco and will include steel cable hand railings. The project includes a block wall along the front and side yards, with tall hedges framing the rear of the property. The project would include site fill, raising the existing grade Schildknecht Residence Preliminary ARB Review, November 14,2013 Page 3 from the street towards the house but would not raise the grade of the site past the front of the home. The front yard would be landscaped with a planter area and.two citrus trees. The Board's comments on the proposed architectural style and detailing of the residence would be appreciated. The project site has a General Plan/Local Coastal Plan designation of Medium Density Residential (MDR), and is zoned Single Family Residential (4-R-l). The City's Community Design Element of the General Plan contains both general over-arching policies and specifió subarea policies. The project site is in Design Sub-area 2 (Downtowdold Town District). Community Design Objective CD-l: The size, scale andform of buitdings and their placement on q parcel should be compatible with adjacent and nearby properties ani with the dominant nei ghb orhood or dis trict dev el opment pattern. Community Design Objective CD-22 Architectural designs based on historic regional buitding types should be encouraged to preserve and enhance the unique character of the City. Community Design Policy CD-Sd: Houses within a neighborhood may vary in materials and style, but strong contrasts in scale, color and roofforms should generally be avoided. Community Design Objective CD-10: Areas with attractive frontage designs should be maintained. New development should be carefully plannedwithfrontage *or, which maintain and enhance the quality of Carpinteria's streetscape. Subarea 2 Policy CDS2-a: Ensure that new intensified land uses within the Downtown remain consistent with the City's "small beach town" image. The subject residence exhibits elements of modern architecture, which is not typical in Carpinteria. The house differs from the typical ranch or craftsman styled homes which are more common in the vicinity. The total lot coverage/square footage of the residence comes close to the maximum allowed for the propertY, given the relatively small lot size (4,860 square feet), the resulting I,932 square foot home (including the two-car garage) is larger is size than most homes in tñe vicinity on similar sized lots. The home's proposed scale is somewhat larger than is typical in the neighborhood, with alarger second floor mass than is found in single family homes. The mass of the second floor raises concerns with the compatibility in the neighborhood and impacts to neighbor privacy and view concerns. The Boards comments on the homes mass and scale would be appreciated. The proposed materials and colors contrast the general muted tones of other homes on Ninth street, which are typically using colors and trim in earth tones. Schildknecht Residence Preliminary ARB Review, November 14,2013 Page 4 Community Design Objective CD-5: The streets of neighborhood interiors should be designed to be the "living rooms" of the neighborhood, where children and adults can safely play or walk. The design and details of streets, frontages and buildings should support this objective. Community Design Policy CD-Sa: Main entrances to homes should be oriented to the street. Entry elements such as porches, stoops, patios, andþrecourts ore encouraged. Such entry elements should be selected for their compatibility with the adjacent houses and general neighborhood pattern. Community Design Policy CD-Sb: Garages should not dominate views from any public street. Community Design Policy CD-Sc: Low walls, fences and hedges should be encouraged along thefrontages to define the edge of the private yard areas, where appropriate. The home's proposed frontage is made up by alarge living room picture window and the garage door, with the front door entered from within a path between the two primary building elemenis. The front door is screened by a wall along the front elevation and is therefore not visible from the street. Due to the mass of the second floor on the frontage, the entry of the home is not a focal point. Given the narrow lot width and minimum necessary dimensions for a gaïage,the garage would take up almost half of the width of the building frontage. However, in order to minimize its prominence, the garage is set back farther in the lot than the residence. If necessary, other decorative elements such as a trellis could be added to the garage to provide additional interest. Community Design Implementation Policy 8z Landscaping shall be designed to maximize the use of the native drought+olerant species and deciduous trees to shade buitding buildings in summer and allow þr passive solar heating in winter. The preliminary landscape plan shows the use of hedges and citrus trees, but otherwise does not specify native plantings. The edible landscaping seems appropriate. The proposed hedge is shown at a height which would typically be discouraged, therefore specific planting shall be identified during final review to consider maintenance and height limits. The Board's comments on the preliminary landscape plan would be appreciated. Single Family Residential Design Guidelines Given the lack of specific design guidelines developed for the downtown neighborhoods, it may be helpful to consider some of the following design guidelines developed for the single family neighborhoods inland of the freeway when reviewing this project: Single Family Residential DG -1 - The primary dwelling should not be located beyond a side yard encroachment plane defined as follows; A 37-degree angle measuredfrom the vertical, at a point beginning sixfeet above the existing grade along the interior side property line. Schildknecht Residence Preliminary ARB Review, November 14,2013 Page 5 Single Family Residential DG-5: The use of bay windows, dormers, balconies, covered porches and other decorative elements are encouraged when appropriate to the architecture of a building, particularly when these elements would be oriented toward a public street or public space. Single Family Residential DG-10: Where privacy is e concern, window placement, size, window height and the use of glazing with limited transparency are encouraged to minimize impacts. Second-story windows should be placed to avoid looking directly down into the major indoor/outdoor living areqs (e.g., primary yard areas, famity/tiving areas) of adjacent homes. The proposed home's architecture is modern and may be inconsistent with the surrounding homes. The mass of the second floor raises concerns with the encroachment plane and creates privacy and view impacts for neighboring properties. The windows along the side façade, the front balcony and rear raised deck, also raise concerns with neighboring properties privacy. Through screening with hedges, some of these privacy concerns may be mitigated but may introduce concerns regarding the height and mass of the hedges. The Board comments on the above concerns would be appreciated. SUMMARY OF ISSUES o . o o o Architectural Style; Scale, Mass and Form; Colors and Materials; Hedges and Walls; and Preliminary Landscape Plans. RECOMMENDATION The Board should comment of the issues raised. If the Board feels the project meets acceptable design criteria, the Board can recommend preliminary approval to the Community Development Director with their comments attached. ATTACHMENTS Exhibit A- Site Plan, Elevations, Floor Plans, & Sections Exhibit B - Neighborhood Images lndex 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Title Sheet lndex Sheet Model Photo View from South ( gth St. ) Model Photos View from South + North Model Photos Víew from East + West Survey Plan 1" = 20' - O" Site Plan 1" = 2O' - O" Site Plan 1/8th " = 1'- 0" Drainage Plan 1/8th" = 1'- 0" 1st Floor Plan 114" = 1'- O" 2nd Floor Plan 1 14" = 1'-O" North - South Section 114" = 1'- O" East - West Section 114" = 1'- 0" South - North Section 114" = 1' - O' South Elevation 114" = 1'= 0" East Elevation 114'= 1'- 0" Section Entrance Way 114" = 1'- O" West Elevation 114" = 1'- 0 " North elevation 114" = 1' - 0" 9th Street North Side Views 9th Street South Side Views 1 Date 10 I 15t2013 Submission for Archítectural Review Rainer + Pat Schildknecht Residence ¿rc34 grh Street Carpinteria California Architect: HainerSchildknechtAlA Rainer + Pat Schildknecht Residence 4634 gth Street Carpinteria California Architect: RainerSchildknechtAlA 2 Rainer + Pat Schildknecht Residence 4634 gth Street Carpinteria California Architect: RainerSchildknechtAlA 3 Rainer + Pat Schildknecht Residence 4634 9th Street Carpinteria California Architect: RainerSchildknechtAlA 4 c4 RPtñrËßlA AV E, ?AlXtNc, Lof t PAV¿Þ i0tuu1? lf¡¡t. lf"û\ I ¡l qi" sie iET -- -¿ f- -- ----Ct'r' Ni - _1_=-I I . LE6ENÞ PP-OTERTY L'Né NORTH + CENTERL/NE ?fXST CôN çÀFG S I1 E PLAN luo 2o'- o' SéALE O.@t¡l¡o. lt - 2O'- on ?e Jc a. Eo 6o ßAlÐ ¿4R8" 4¿ifffR znr Ql/ørz Pat + Rainer Schildknecht Residence ¿1634 gth Street Carpinteria California Architect: BainerSchildknechtAlA \ x- q,55 Y;,;;;.-À'i"r r^tã-' '-íq--il' {-# HÊo4Ê OPEN_)oINT DEcl< v 9; l+'-s,¡)' .Ì Èl xr.rci î x1.28 It' rf I ]T rl 14-o" ¡l mNC¡+44"¡ Ër èl ì rlS'=.1 l¡¡ Á- $ s o É h ra \t^ Lf IANÐSCAPÊÞ ÂAISED P¿AltTÉI. I v ¡t'-4u þ ¡¡ s õ à :l¡¡ : 4 / 6.53 q OF PßOPELY \^trtlt q TH IINE 6Fü[ñ,+r¡l.ãu I ST ß.FÊT r Lrñ6- OF âlrrTFÀ Building Coverage Lot Area 54.00'x 90.00' Allowable 35% = 4,860.00 Sq.Ft = 1,701.m Sq.Ft. Building Area 19.50' x 19.5O' 19.50' x 38.50' acld bay 15.50'x 2.00' add \aring wall' 7.25' x = = = 380.25 Sq.Ft. 750.75 Sq.Ft 3'1.00 Sq.Ft. 1.00' = 7.25 Sq.Ft. Total Building Coverage 1,169.25 Sq.Ft. equals 24.06% < allowable 35.00% Ft+tNfR S4ilLol< 2ll Uø4a4¡ î¡ì léúq AtA ¡Y6' ^iiíffiií¿'i'obqz ft fü:fiiT!,tirZ SITF PLAN l/s!'= !'-o" Rainer + Pat Schildknecht Besidence 4634 gth Street Carpinteria California Architect: RainerSchildknechtAlA iFr-T--'r )olrr¡r -T--1 lr i I tj aPEN DEc< âÊróvb t ,i.l* ,/r /.1 f tr r v 't7. ¿g /¿ ,/ /1AP.M€ õl t-J t/./ üt -t ql ul \fl 3l ÞNVew*/ rl qt v r----¡-¡--f--î^'fi Ltç ) I U//7f/r ((tr rrt lTlt SÎREET ofsþon ÞRAINA4E P¡¡¡r1 ¡/6r'- ¡'-6r' Rainer + Pat Schildknecht Residence 4634 gth Street Carpinteria California Architect: RainerSchildknechtAlA I I irl lrlil lr r'-l ll I I 'lril I'i l.i rçi--I ll pr, lr + n-.,!-ilì'v' ;4 tP,'-o' 'ï, 'l li r'.J ' -r. -j lt il- ir lr I' ri --- -L. i r' ll lt' I lil ,;| I I ,,1 I i-iltl__ l, l'' l' .*,n"t _l Jl nu,r,r lil u i t.-, I I I !.!-:'T ? i , , , , '', , N!lB_IH-._p- FloorArea Ratio Allowable 407o x 4,860 Sq.Fl. ( lot area lst Floor 18.00'x 18.00' 37.00'x 18.0O' + 14.00'x 2.00' ( bay ) = = 1st Floor lotal . znd Floo|t8.00'x 18.00' = - ì 37.00'x 18.00' - 8.005( 9.50' ( sta¡r w6ll ) = 2nd FloorTotal Total 1st. + 2nd equals 39.75oh ) = 1,9¿14.00 Sq.Ft. 324.00 SQ.FI 694.00 Sq.Ft. I ,01 8.00 Sq.Ft. 324.00 Sq.Ft. 590.00 Sq.Ft. 914.00 Sq.Fr. Ftoor 1,9gz.OO Sq. Ft. < allowable 4O.OOo/o I ST FIOOR. l/4û - ¡L6'l Rainer + Pat Schildknecht Residence gth Street Carpinteria California ¿1634 Architect: RainerSchildknechtAlA I |. r!--t l- ,t --- I \t ' I I il I I -l rl i l: I jjo-B¡J\__Þ '1 Allowable 40% x 4,860 Sq.Ft. ( lot area 1st Floor 18.00'x 18.00' = + 14.00'x2.00' ( bay) = lst Ftoor totat Znd Floor 18.00' x I 8.00' = 37.00'x 18.00' - 8.00'x 9.50' ( stair well ) = 2nd -) ) = 1,944.00 Sq.Ft 024.00 Sq.Ft, 37.00' x 18.00' . - Floor Total Total 1st. + 2nd equals 39.75% 694.00Sq.Fr. 10 1,018.00 sq.Ft. 924.00 Sq.Ft. 590.00 Sq.Ft. 914.00 Sq.Ft. Floor 1,932.00 Sq. Ft. < allowable 40.OOo/" 2 N D FL OoR t/4'- ¡'-o" Rainer + Pat Schildknecht Residence 4634 gth Street Carpinteria California Architect: RainerSchíldknechtAlA soLh\ LoLi Ec10R5 î )r-1 + 34'-A" :E:--;::_::-:-_r i---li--- il;ir tl ", 1 -+lt.Þ t: oFEN Jof NT +lqt- 5rl LÃ,cR.Jorsr BAsE FtooD ELSvårlot.t t5.50' x9.9o x1.9+ ,x NAtto ¡l1g ,/ ¡2.2g' NqvD lqzq lo,c5' \FxrslfN4 (ONC R ¿TF F OU N ÞATI CI J c¿¡.rcsEiÈ xq.øa reË- )r\4" ,xq.?ê' qRADE W ALL '!X O,oo"= îxi)iiNaÉLe'le¡, c¡l ir.rcyo jf'Þern tq:q) 11 - SouTtl sFcfloN y1L t|d' Rainer + Pat Schildknecht Residence ¿1634 gth Street Carpinteria California Architect: RainerSchildknechtAlA 12 .ÈAsr-wrsr.tscTtoN /å= t! o" x o.cc'tt = lxts'rt.vc ELEvAT tO1..1 (ttcvo tlz<) Hainer + Pat Schildknecht Residence 4634 gth Street Carpinteria California Architect: RainerSchildknechtAlA o S-_---.--ès=: ÞMlNÀ4rHEDll¡l'l aPIñtr.r4 Foß TttRU rrAlt ÞRAfÑá4f ssqtn: No*rH ÞtÇT.l o-N,4! | Rainer + Pat Sch¡ldknecht Residen( 4634 91h Street Carpinteria Cal¡forn Arch¡tecl: Ra¡nerSchildknechtAl, '-t I O5ro æ 14 so uTlt ELEvATtoN t4t'= t!o' Rainer + Pat Schildknecht Residence 4634 gth Street Carpinteria Calífornia Architect: RainerSchildknechtAlA ii:-l ilri tLll IRIH}TEÀ IIEÀ48 __y$tl_v. *_r+:d'_ _ ,i ] NOTE: _# t.¿i,r-Tt-lNE oF WALL lN FRONT, WA LL E,\ST ELEVATION ut= 14' 15 ¡t- Ort Rainer + Pat Schildknecht Residence gth Street Carpiriteria California ¿1634 Architec{: RainerSchildknechtAlA 4'\ ,a' \- ll i, --. N¿ÎES, YI ^Fl oi4rllñE DF t A\^¿l tt )Zt> '{¿ 5 TÊ-EL qRAl:ñ i aN PA'^JTrÞ 5TEEL F-É.Al-: ^AL.'IAN '.r x q'go' L E/. ls.!. ì N r, cRAÞÉ T---t 16 5Ê¿iloN Ê= l''otl Rainer + Pat Schildknecht Residence 4634 gth Sùeet Carpinteria California Architect: RainerSchildknechlAlA t--_ I I I t_ rj tt tt 1 I __y - gxls* N4 !E'-l_ CCl.-JcLzl+- Ér FLR.F)-Ev, BLock alAL¿ \-y'* ,/r"r-¡r wIRE FENc E lNor -sf{o\¡,.ñ) \CT€S i i+ i r-Í-3r: Fc)È:i,_< "¡.r'¡"'€¡ +.F¿íe ie- .; =!.;, ',t'll-' Î-O ttt':, + 3 c^þL( R^rrjr_iá s.s. + 5 BFF ,L,lg";'¡j¿ vD lczcì = ,.9o \ AVÞ' .1Ee *5 sa-err- c,)¡-LÈcrcR.s ¡ccrs:Dôtp,1îL6rp 17 òÞr¡.t:t¿ /l it l'\''L4 å rxlÉr¡\] q ap ÐL JìI:: _t--_ --r-----l-J_r_-i_+ r _ _! ! AIL ELEVI\NON5 ARE B^.sEÞ oN N¿v> t72q D¡.tuM WEST ELEYATION 17 l4i"'o" Rainer + Pat Sch¡ldknecht Residence 4634 gth Street Carpinteria California Architect: FìainerSchildknechtAlA r - ¿ 151q I n + l4-Õ l--- /- --_ __ _ __r NCTIS : + I íTEÈL1R.A',:î. þÈ ;ELK 4 2 sr^¡ R 51TÉZ ,.Ãt!Tñ ¿#L:-¿ +3 =:: : ìr: ..,tr -.!rr'. fi 4 ',c,:: >; i. r .;"9D1 ;11.,:i\, t:,); E \. ti + 4 ó sc,,:r' .r':. _ 'i-: ì j * -T a. rj; : \.: : a.\, r: a ¿p/-n... írt;aaa- i.roTE: hÐty5 No-t Tos.ÞEEt,¿ >Eck sHcw^l Fop. cLAntry 1I 1 i2.7â' N1v D fl zq i tr,so' \' AVD II BE N O RTtsl E LE VAT ION h!.d' Rainer + Pat Schildknecht Residence 4634 gth Street Carpinteria California Architect: RainerSchildknechtAlA cuoasÆ CNG217? Jre 19 FdB + Pat Sclildlffiìt B€ddenæ @ th SÍæt Ca4tnFia Cdlode Ardilêd: Rdn6rScndkndrAtA *.æ ore2457Jre CIMG24SJrc