Pulapol in lockdown over infection
Pulapol in lockdown over infection
Pulapolin lockdown over infection clean-up: Trainees disposing of mattresses at the puraporcomprex yedterday. 2,799quarantineduntil further notice after death of trainee By RASHITHAA.HAMTD and STEVENCHTEW *eswsSeskSt$:es{ar,eonrl, ent3p p.laced at the trainingcentreto monitorthe sltuatlon. SACZulkiflialso said the doctorswould examineall the traineesto identifyandsepa_ andstaffatthe ratethoseinfected. !!U4LA LUMpUR:All trainees KualaLumpurpoliceTrainingCollege (pulapolj Familymemberswho would like to obtain nave Deen-quarantinedpending furfhei moreinformation areaskedto contactpuiapoi Insrrucuon tromtheHealthMinistry_ with 40 specialoperations roomar 03-2688ZOA)ina oflicersfromtheministrymoniti,riigtt 03-2688 2009. auon. "iitu_ victims experienceinfluenza_ ...Ad.enovirus ^_Themovecameafter MohdAzizanfuirid. like illness.The symptomsare usuallvmild 25,a constabletraineefrom Kuall K;*;;;:--' resplratory infection,diarrhoea andconiuncti_ dild on Tuesday fromadenovirus infectiofi. ut$ and peopleare infectedthroush-direct commandant Senior Asst Comm contactwith thoseinfectedor throu-gh _ lllripot drop_ Zulkifli Mohamedsaidthe trainees*"i; ;;; letsfromcoughsor sneeze. allowedto leavethe compounO ana visitois influen_ Tltglft victimbeganexperiencing werenotallowedintotheviciniW. zaJikeillnesson Febl5. H...rqi9 Putapolwoutd only ie_openafter -, .Pulapoladmiftedhim to hospitalon Feb28 me HeaithJ\4inistry gaveit thegreen-light. whenhissymptomspersisted. -iraineei were . As of 10amyesterday,3l wasadmittedtb the iritensivecareunit Detngtreatedat the HospitalKualaLumpur. on{e March5 anddiedat 8.30pmonfueiaiv. Fourof themaretraineeinspectors whi6ih; The.closure of pulapold'idnot afiea'itre remaining27 aretraineeconitables. acnutlesandbusiness in the nearbvarea. All arereportedto bein stablecondition. . HawkerRohayaWahab,:g, saidstieknew Thereare2,799peopleaffectedbv tfreouar_ about the incidentafterreadingWednesday's antrne- 1,945are traineeconsiables'andnewspaper. Inspectors while 854 are pulapolaAminisiii_ Shesaidthatalthoughtheirhawkercentre tion staff. waslessthen500mfrom the trainingcentre. --""' "About412traineeswho hadbeenin direct thetrainees did tt. pi..E, goltactwith thoseaffectedby the adenovirus yesterday, n-otfrequent _ pufipol mediapersonnelwho hadgone had been isolatedin a separatearea of the [o werenotallowed prenises. Pulapolcomplex," SnCZunlnisaia p-tfrapns of trainees intothe Uerng exami'nil ;;;; I\4.ore than 4O officers from tk Health giltn CIrt by the _ nu*it nman police medr; including eight docton hanebeen- aPirre Ftrrrw,