APPROVED General director JSC «AZNT» « Tampayev Ya. Т. » 2012 у. GUIDELINES оf the installation of fiberglass pipelines manufacturing by JSC «AZNT» DEVELOPED BY: Engineering director Uteuov А.B. Chief technologist Kanatov B.К. UFG Head Мukhanov Е.D. OTK Head Тakshimov А.О. Content I. TECHNOLOGY AND ARRANGMENT OF CONSTRUCTION AND ASSEMBLY WORKS ���������������������� 3 1.1. General principles of the arrangement of construction ��������������� 3 1.2. Preparatory works ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 4 1.3. Earth works�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 4 1.4. Transportation, handling, stocking of pipes and parts ����������������� 6 1.5. Qualification test of adjusters ������������������������������������������������������������������ 9 1.6. Preparation of pipes and connecting parts for adjustment ����� 10 1.7. Carrying out of assembling works ������������������������������������������������������� 12 1.8. Quality control of assembled connections �������������������������������������� 13 1.9. Laying and securing of pipeline ����������������������������������������������������������� 14 1.10. Hollow purification and testing of pipeline�������������������������������������� 15 II. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 2.7. 2.8. ASSEMBLY OF FIBER GLASS PIPES ������������������������������������������ 17 Kind of joints of fiber glass pipes used in JSC «AZNT»���������������� 17 Sleeve coupling joints �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 18 Faucet joint ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 20 Faucet finger joints «K–Lock»����������������������������������������������������������������� 23 Lange joints ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 26 Band joint �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 29 Faucet and pin thread connection ������������������������������������������������������� 32 Faucet and pin conic joint (glue adhesive joint) ��������������������������� 38 III. Fixing blocks in pressure piping ���������������������������������� 42 3.1. Fixing blocks usage�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 42 3.2. he main parameters of fixing blocks��������������������������������������������������� 44 IV. LIST OF STANDARDS����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 45 V.Annexes ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 47 – 2 – I. TECHNOLOGY AND ARRANGMENT OF CONSTRUCTION AND ASSEMBLY WORKS 1.1. General principles of the arrangement of construction Arrangement of construction and assembly works of line pipes shall stipulate straight-line flow method of engineering operations. Process of assembly includes: preparative, earth, load handling works, transportation and stocking of pipes and parts, assembly of pipe joints and details (including assembly, bonding, including thermal treatment — consolidation), pipe laying works, fixation of it in trench or supports, clearing of cavity and testing, subsequent and accompanying recultivaiton of land and other measures of nature conservation subject to the observance of labor protection measures at all stages and operation control of work quality. In the process of pipe joining under the conditions of lower temperature and precipitation special covers are used providing a possibility to assemble and bond observing predetermined process conditions. Construction of pipelines on irrigated soil shall be performed in the most favorable period of year. In such a case their ballasting and fastening in design reference marks shall be performed by analogy with watered earth. The whole staff (Engineers and workers), constructing fiber glass pipelines shall be familiarized with the specificity of works particularly with technological characteristics of pipes and details of fiberglass composite materials. All workers before work commencement shall pass induction of labor protection, at the workplace — induction of labor safety, newly entered workers — technical training. To construct pipelines of fiber-glass pipes specialized pipe-water-construction flows. Each flow shall include the following crews: crew of preparatory and earth works, crew of transportation works, crew of laying works, crew of completing works. Carrying out construction and assembly works it is required to take into account thoroughly specific peculiarities of fiber-glass pipes (comparing with steel ones) and not to admit action of excessive power loads, long-term thermal effect and solar radiation, low temperature (especially during the assembly), chemically active substances as well as mechanical damages. All construction machines shall be ready for work installing protective devices on them such as elastic packing, coatings, bandages, inserts. – 3 – Accuracy of measurements and control of parameters of all construction and assembly works as well as measuring facility accuracy class for control shall be determined by valid normative documents. 1.2. Preparatory works Construction of temporary roads is performed in accordance with the requirements of valid normative documents. The width of construction belt is the same as for steel pipelines. Pegging-out of channel into horizontal and vertical planes shall be performed in accordance with the parameters of natural pipeline deflections in separate areas strictly observing project references axis of routes. Simultaneously with preparatory works on route and special sites the following measures shall be performed: ■■ ■■ ■■ location of underground utilities crossing the route of constructing pipeline or located in immediate neighborhood of constructing pipeline; places for stocking of pipes and materials are selected and prepared to locate temporary facilities; pipes are transported and placed en-route. 1.3. Earth works Methods of earth works on the construction of pipelines shall be determined by project and performed in accordance with the requirements of СНиП III–42–80 (sanitary norms and rules); СН РК 4.01–22–2004. The width of trench shall be such to guarantee minimal distance between a pipe and wall of trench 0,2 m, allowing to compact back filling. To envisage the widening of trench for 2 meters in width in two-meters length in the zone of internal connections. In these places the bottom of trench shall be correspondingly lowered. Bottom profile shall be performed so that the laid pipeline throughout the length of low generating line being in contact with the bottom and in the areas of turning of pipeline route located at the bottom of trench in the line of bending. To ensure given condition the bottom of trench shall be planned. Under the conditions of unstable ground the bottom of trench shall be stabilized. The bottom is stabilized by three methods: – 4 – ■■ ■■ ■■ y stable gravel or sand of the height not less than 200 mm; b concrete foundation with the width of minimum 150 mm; concrete supports. In segments of turning of pipeline route, with grounds up to V category inclusively, in the areas with strongly intercrossed or marked rolling country, in frozen grounds as well as in water grounds where it is impossible to use bucket-wheel excavators, trenching is performed by bucket excavators. In trenching of heavily water, dry and unstable soils, it is advisable to use the same bucket excavator but equipped with dragline. Trenching with more depth and width as well as their development in frozen soils is performed by disjoint sequenced-flow method using rotor, bucket excavator or other relevant excavator equipment. In trenching of backwaters with bearing capacity of soil 0,2 kgf/ cm2 and more marsh excavators are used. In marshes with less bearing capacity trenching is performed by bucket excavator installed on caisson or foam drag harrow. Trenches in toughen and damp sands shall be made by toughing method, one or group of bulldozers, or relevant excavation equipment with earth handling into a disposal area. Mining method of trenches by two bulldozers twist-steer scheme of movement is used before the transportation of pipes en route, and troughing–in case of availability of pipes at the edge of trench. In trenching at the intersection of irritating ditches there are lintels that are developed immediately during the construction pipeline with culverts through the trench to avoid pauses and the watering of fields. Under the conditions of unstable soils in groundwater zones, the bottom of the trench shall be stabilized before pipe laying. For this the level of ground waters is decreased for not less than 20 cm lower than the pipe with the help of pumps and the bottom is consolidated. During the performance of these works to minimize dehydration, the trenches shall be opened for one or two lengths of pipe. The foundation of the pipeline shall be homogeneous and uninterrupted support across its total length. The surface of the foundation shall be equal and must have cavities for pipe joints. These cavities will be buried after installation and connection of pipeline. It is recommended to use pea gravel, broken stones or sand for the foundation. – 5 – Before the testing of the buried pipeline it is filled for 0,3 m, and at that connections and fittings left opened. The laid pipeline is backfilled after its testing for strength and density. Blinding should be performed to prevent the pipeline from damages during its back filling with packed soil or soil with stones. Soil for blinding shall not contain particles with the diameter more than 18 mm. If the dump soil does not meet this requirement then it shall be sieved or to use imported soil. Pea gravel, broken stones or sand may be used for backfilling; the same material as for the foundation. Backfilling shall be carried out by layers in two stages: 1 — for the height 70% of pipe diameter, 2 — for the height 300 mm over the top of pipe. Each layer is packed separately. The packing may be performed by impulse consolidator of 100 mm diameter or other suitable tool. the first part of the pipe at the distance of the half diameter is backfilled manually for good packing and avoid pipe damage. Puddle just above the pipeline is prohibited. Following overburden the pipeline is buried finally by soil extracted by bulldozers, bucket excavators or rotary trenchers. Since trenches are backfilled executive drawings shall be made up with reference to stationary survey markers and permanent objects to determine exact location of pipeline afield. In case of multiline laying in the general pipeline trench before backfilling it is required to ensure project distance between pipelines by uninterrupted overburden by bucket excavators or installation of distance bars between pipelines. When the pipe passes a concrete wall the pipe shall be winded by rubber tape (100–200 mm width, 10–20 mm thick depending on pipe diameter) in the entrance zone of a pipe into reinforced concrete construciton. 1.4. Transportation, handling, stocking of pipes and parts Development of transportation schemes, selection of means for the transportation of pipes and the solution of other issues concerning the arrangement of works relative to the delivery of pipes and parts to the construction area are performed at the stage of project planning of construction arrangement (PPCA) and clarified at the development of project of works execution (PWE). – 6 – Pipes are accepted by consignee in accordance with the present requirements. Each batch of pipes and couplings shall be provided with document (certificate) of manufacturing plant (or copy certified by the owner of the certificate), confirming the conformance to the requirements of standards or specifications. The package of pipes when delivered from manufacturing plant shall meet the requirements of standards or production specifications. Pipes manufactured in linear segments of 6, 9 and 12 m nominal length shall be piled. Connecting parts are delivered in transport packs. Receiving parts from manufacturing plant it is required to pack parts into metal, wood, plastic or carton containers ensuring its safety. Pipes and fittings of the pipelines may be transported by any transport observing the rules cargo transportation valid for this type of transport. Pipes and pipeline parts from the warehouse to the area of laying into trench may be transported by trucks or open platforms. In this case the body and platform shall have flat level surface and their length such as the ends of pipes are not overhung. To prevent pipes from damages as well as the pipes not to move under the bottom row as well between various rows it is necessary to install wood cushions. For the first row of pipes lied at the bottom of the body, the distance between the cushions shall be not more than 2,5 m and these cushions shall be located perpendicularly to the pipes. The thickness of all cushions shall be identical and sufficient to faucets or nipples with retaining rings not to touch the bottom of the body. Loading of pipes into several rows it is necessary to use vertical site plates from both the sides of the body to prevent rolling of pipes. The distance between these plates shall be not less than 2,5 m. The vehicle should not be loaded in height and weight to the status when there is a danger that the cargo will not be delivered to the point of destination without its unloading on way. The number of rows shall conform to the data of the table №1. – 7 – Table №1 Diameter of pipe, mm 1000–630 630–560 500 450 400–355 315 280 250 225 200 180 160 < 160 Number of rows (not more) in plates 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 Pipe piling height not more than 2 m Number of rows (not more) in containers + 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 Pipe piling height not more than 2 m Comment: pipes with diameter over 1000 mm shall be laid in one row. In order to ensure the security of cargo it is necessary to use strainers of ropes, canvas beltings, rubber-coated ropes and so on. In transportation of pipes it is necessary to check regularly and, if required, to tighten these strainers periodically. Pipes and parts of pipelines may be loaded and unloaded by packages or one pipe or part. It is prohibited to throw side plates open sidewalls and drop pipes from the body or trailer. It is prohibited to carry pipes by the earth to the place of destination or lying. Pipes can not be lifted by hooks installed into faucet and pin pipes ends. Lifting the pipes and packages it is necessary to be careful and prevent them from excessive bending. It is prohibited to lay pipes directly on earth, rails, metal racks or concrete floor. Pipes shall be stored on flat level floor. To prevent pipe bending during the storage they shall be placed on wood block fillers installed on floor perpendicularly to pipes. The same fillers shall be placed between the rows of pipes as well. Outside of stockpile of pipes wood side pillars preventing the rolling of pipes from stockpile. To fasten pipes instead of side pillars it is allowed to nail wood bars on both ends of packing. – 8 – The pile shall be laid compactly gapless. The number of pipes in each row shall be equal, neither a pipe of the upper row shall not overhang the last pipe of the previous row. Along the length of the stockpile the pipes may be situated by ledges, approximately for one length pg faucet. Filling-height shall not exceed two meters. In case of possible strong winds or other probable damages, the pile with pipes the pipe pile shall be bonded by straps. During the installation it is acceptable to keep pipes and parts at planning area with «bed» of soft soil with shed or cover to protect against sun rays. Therewith parts shall be obligatory packed into containers. Stocking the pipes are laid: ■■ in «seating» — if the diameter of pipes is 400 mm or more; ■■ in «seating» or layer-by-layer with cushions between the layers — in laying of packages of pipes with diameter less than 400 mm. Pipes and connecting parts shall be stored separately accordingly to batches, assortment, type of materials. At the warehouse of fiberglass pipes and parts it is prohibited to carry out gas and electric welding and other hot works. Pipes and parts of pipelines may be stored in open air. If their storage period exceeds six months then they shall be placed under a shed or covered to protect against direct sun rays. 1.5. Qualification test of adjusters To carry out adjusting works during the construction of fiber-glass pipelines the persons passing training and having corresponding certificates and performing the assemblage of accessible connections. Apart from available certificate to the right to perform operations an adjuster shall assemble in accordance with the present document the accessible connections in the following cases: when he starts the assemblage of fibreglass pipelines for the first time or has an interval in the installation of fibreglass pipelines more than 3 months. Accessible connections shall be tested: а) by visual control and measuring control of geometric parameters. б) by mechanical tests. If as the result of visual and measuring control, the assembling connections do not meet the established requirements then connection and control of two other admissible connections are repeated. – 9 – If during the repeated control unsatisfied results at least by one of connections are obtained then an adjuster is confessed failed testing Sampling for mechanical tests is performed since positive results of control are obtained. Glued samples are tested not earlier than in 24 hours since the installation. 1.6. Preparation of pipes and connecting parts for adjustment Pipes, parts and pipeline assembly are accepted by recipient company or specialized department of incoming inspection. This acceptance is performed on the receipt of these products from the manufacturing plant and other suppliers at delivery point of products from transportation means or after its transportation from delivery point at warehouse areas. Pipes and connecting parts for assemblage shall be assorted by batch, assortment and types of material, and they shall be visually and measuring tested. The surface of pipes shall not have mechanical damages: perforated holes, dents with the depth more than 5% of pipe wall thickness, notch grooves axially with the depth more than 3% and radial more than 5% of pipe wall thickness (or more than 1,0 mm). Pipes with inadmissible local defects of mechanical damages shall be separated from the batch and they are used to manufacture heel joints of pipelines. Cutting the pipes for nipples unsound spots are removed. Entirely defective pipes and pipes with cracks blowholes and shells visible without magnifiers are rejected. The surface of connecting parts shall not have dints or cuts with the depth more than 5% of wall width as well as visually detected cracks and shells. Defectless pipes and connecting parts with exact geometric sizes of connecting ends shall be accepted for assembling. At that external diameters, wall thickness and ovality of connecting ends of pipes and connecting parts should be controlled, assembling in faucet or couplings — internal diameter and ovality of faucet parts. For measuring slide gage defined in the standard ГОСТ 166–89 and tapelines defined in the standard ГОСТ 7502–98 are applied. External diameter is measured at the distance of not less than 100 mm from bearing and 5 — 10 mm from the faces of connecting parts. Internal diameter of faucet parts is measured from faces. – 10 – For pipes and parts with diameter 63 mm and less at measuring of external diameter as well as for faucet parts up to 140 mm inclusively, at measuring internal diameter — mean diameter is arithmetic mean from diameter measurements in two orthogonally related directions. The measurements are made by a slide gauge with an accuracy of 0,1 mm. For pipes and parts with diameter more than 63 mm the value of mean outside diameter DH (mm) is calculated by formula (ГОСТ 18599–2001) П DH = –2Т , 3,142 where: П — perimeter (mm), measured by a tape with the accuracy of 0,5 mm; Т — tape thickness, mm. Where Wall thickness is measured from faces of pipes and parts by slide gauge in four equiangularly spaced points with an accuracy not more than 0,1 mm. The mentioned values shall be within the limits of accesses, regulated by corresponding standards or specifications. Ovality of the ends of pipes and connecting parts shall not lead minimum and maximum diameters out of their nominal diameter inclusive of accesses. If ovality excesses then the calibration shall be carried out. Appearance test of external and internal surface of each detail as well as threads of faucet and nipple are performed visually applying if required local lighting. At the end of shelf life of fiberglass pipes and connecting parts their quality shall be verified before assembling. Marking shall be performed using the following measuring tools: tape as defined in standard ГОСТ 7502–98; measuring rulers — as defined in standard ГОСТ 427–75; slide gauges — as defined in standard ГОСТ 166–89; verifying bars — as defined in standard ГОСТ 3749–77; угломеров — as defined in standard ГОСТ 5378–88; dividers — as defined in standard ГОСТ 24472–80Е and so on. Line of cut shall be made by metal marking awl as defined in standard ГОСТ 24473–80Е, and dimension lines — by chalk or wax pencil. – 11 – Pipes shall be cut by stationary devices that have the following cutting tools: ԅԅ Steel circular saw blades of А type, profile 1 as defined in standard ГОСТ 980–80; ԅԅ Band saws as defined in standard ГОСТ 6854–88; ԅԅ Abrasive clad circles as defined in standard ТУ 2–036–1016–87; ԅԅ Cutting metal blades as defined in standard ГОСТ 6645–86. Rotation speed of rotary saw in cutting shall be 2000–2300 RPM, and abrasive clad circles — 3000–8500 RPM. In the field pipes shall be cut by hand metal hacksaws, spur handsaws, grinder with a diamond disk. For edge cutting at the ends of pipe devices with cutting device like special millers or cutter heads. In the field it is admissible to cut edges with the help of a knife or file as defined in standard ГОСТ 1465–80. Prior to assembling mechanical conversion of butt ends of bushes under a flange for the purpose of aligning and (if required) application of ring packing grooves. Mechanical conversion is performed on lathe tools, size and number of packing grooves are determined by the Project. Prior to assembly of pipes and connecting parts their cavities should be cleaned from soil, dirt, snow, ice, stones and other foreign particles. Pipe ends and connecting parts shall be cleaned from all contaminants. Pipe ends and parts are cleaned from dust and sand with the help of dry or moisten ends (rags) and then wiped dry. If pipe ends or parts are contaminated with lubricants, oil or any fats then they shall be degreased by white spirit, acetone or extraction gasoline. 1.7. Carrying out of assembling works Trained personnel with set of required equipment and tool is accessed to assembling works, since the completion of trenching and delivery enroute prepared pipes (sections) per daily volume of daily construction. During assembling works (as well as during the performance of other works) it is prohibited to drop pipes from transportation and technological means as well as to carry them by earth. The same requirements cover connecting parts as well. – 12 – Assembling works on stationery facilities include the following types: ■■ Incoming inspection, markup, cutting, mechanical conversion of pipes and connecting parts; ■■ Assembly of pipes in sections; ■■ Assembly to pipes (or nipples) of connecting parts: bends, T-pipes, junctions, bushes under a flange; ■■ Production of grain nodes. Produced units are marked with number of line and joint. Marking is made by colored water-proof paint, warmed brand or label. When assembling pipes in sections in stationery conditions, the assembling post shall locate level ground with wood deck and equipped with racks to store and deliver pipes for assemblage, takeoff and accumulation of pipe spools. Pipeline is assembled as a rule on the edge of a trench. If required, sections or nodes may be assembled in a trench, pit or well. At that sized of trench, pit or well shall be sufficient to carry out assembling works. During the assemblage ends of pipelines with bushes under a flange should be closed blind joints or boots for protection against mechanical damages and pipeline chocking. 1.8. Quality control of assembled connections During the construction of pipelines for quality assembling works the following is done: ■■ Engineering inspection of the devices to assemble pipeline; ■■ Incoming inspection of the quality of applied materials and items; operating control of build quality; ■■ Visual control of assembled connections and measuring control of geometric parameters; ■■ Destructive test of the quality of assembled connections; ■■ Testing of assembled pipelines for durability and leakage test. Engineering inspection of assembling equipment is performed in order to ensure the observance of requirements for assembling of pipes and connecting parts. Incoming inspection of the quality of applied pipes and connecting parts includes: check of the availability of plant documents as – 13 – well as visual control of appearance, measuring control linear dimensions and mechanical test. Working instruments of measuring and control of on-line modes are the following: ԅԅ Stop watches or delay relay — to control the duration of assembling stages; ԅԅ Force gages and strain meters (measurement of compressive force), pressure gauges (measurement of pressure in hydro— and pneumatic systems of the devices) — to control pressure at melt back and collapse of joint; ԅԅ Thermometers (of resistance, thermoelectric, dilatometric and so on); ԅԅ Thermometers liquid — to measure ambient temperature. Visual inspection of assembled connections and measurement of geometric parameters shall be performed for 100%. Results of control and testing shall be executed in accordance with valid norms of executional production documents. 1.9. Laying and securing of pipeline Pipe shall be laid in trench with the help of auto cranes or pipe layers: Pipes should be lowered in trench smoothly, shockless. Lowering a pipe shall not touch the walls of trench. It is prohibited to drop pipes into a trench. Before laying a fiber-glass pipeline the bottom of trench shall be thoroughly leveled up graded in accordance with project references. During pipe laying in stony soils the bottom of trench is filled with soft soil or sand in a layer sufficient for full smoothing of abruptness but not less than 0,3 m over the bottom of trench. Laying pipeline in short sections instead of pipe-layers it is acceptable to use caterpillar-mounted auto cranes and jib cranes as a cargo lifting of respective cargo capacity that shall be equipped with soft towel-type slings. Depending on traffic intensity, category of roads, diameter of pipeline, methods of operations, ground conditions, laying of pipelines may be performed as following: ■■ Open when pipeline is paid in a trench made in a bank overlapping through traffic; ■■ Closed without overlapping road traffic; at that to lay box (bonnet) through the roads, methods of trenchless penetration are applied. – 14 – 1.10. Hollow purification and testing of pipeline Hollow purification, durability test and impermeability test are made after laying and burial of a pipeline. Locations of connections are not backfilled to control them after the test (600 mm from a joint). Testing of pipeline on durability and density can be hydraulic and pneumatic, and the primary method of the test is hydraulic. Pneumatic test is better to be done just when it is difficult to use hydraulic method on a section of length up to 500m. Air pressure is being made in the pipeline on the 0,05 MPa level, during 15 min. (СН РК 4.01.–22–2004, part II, item №32). To determine probable leak, at positive temperature of outer air, connections of push-gaps should be plastered by soup solute, at minus temperature by water-glycerol soup solute. Particular instruction should be done to clean the hollow and test the pipeline. The organization of construction and installation compiles special instruction which is adjusted with a customer with every single pipeline by considering local conditions of producing, moreover it is adjusted with project organization, and approved by the chairman of commission of hollow purification and pipeline testing. During production, opened ends of the pipeline should be closed by temporary inventory plugs to not allow foreign particles i.e. water, soil, snow and so on to fall into the hollow. The hollow purification of pipeline should be done by following methods: ■■ Flushing with the skip elastic piston separators; ■■ Blowdown without the skip of purifiers. The purification of the hollow by flushing should be done on the pipelines (sections of pipeline) which are tested by hydraulic method. During flushing through the pipelines, piston separators, which are moving in the flow of the water pumped for the hydraulic test. The water 10–15 % of the volume of the section is filled into the pipeline in front of the piston separator to clean pollutions in the pipeline. The pass of purifiers in the flow of water ensures elimination from a pipeline not only pollutions but also air, as a result air discharge valves are not necessary(Except valves stipulated by the project for operation). The speed of a movement of purifiers during flushing should be not less than 1–1.5 km/h, which is determined by the capacity of – 15 – squeezing aggregate. IF purifier is passed and it is undistorted flushing is finished. The length of a pipeline which is blown off without passing cleaning pigs should not be more than 3 km. The project determines the method of pipeline test, bordering areas, the values of pressure test and the scheme of testing. In the special instruction the length of separate sections of the pipeline which are necessary to test on durability and impermeability are clarified, depending on particular conditions of construction. During mechanical test of glued butt joints it is better to determine breaking strength of connection and the yield limit of the pipeline’s material at the test of coupling and union joints — shearing strength. The test of a pipeline should be done not earlier than in 24 hours since the completion of installation of the last joint. During the test a pressure value of strength test should be 1.5 working pressure, and during the verification of impermeability the pressure should be equal to working pressure. Soaking time during the strength test is 6 hours, and during the leakage test it is determined by the time required for scrupulous inspection of the section to find the leak, but not less than 6 hours. If during 6 hours of strength test the values of pressure gauge are constant and during the leakage there is no leakage, than the pipeline passes the hydraulic strength test and leakage test. After hydraulic test water should be removed from the pipelines. Water removal is done with the help of elastic piston separators which are moved through the pipelines under water and gas pressures. To remove water from gas pipelines, elastic piston separators are passed under the pressure of compressed air or gas in two stages: ■■ Preliminary — the removal of main volume of water; ■■ Final (control) — the complete removal of water from the gas pipeline. If there is no water in front of the controlling piston separator and it is undefeated , removal of water is finished well. Otherwise the controlling piston separators should be passed again until the water is removed entirely from gas pipelines. – 16 – II. ASSEMBLY OF FIBER GLASS PIPES 2.1. Kind of joints of fiber glass pipes used in JSC «AZNT» Sleeve coupling joint with REKA rubber gaskets and centre stopper designed for pipelines DN 300–2600 mm working on pressure up to 4,0 МPа. Faucet joint with two ring rubber gaskets for pipelines DN 80–1000 mm working on pressure up to 3,2 МPa. Faucet finger joint «К-Lock» with two ring rubber gaskets and retention for pipelines DN 80–1000 mm working on pressure 3,2 МPa and more. Flange joint, for pipelines DN 80–2600 mm, working on pressure up to 3,2 MPa and more. Band joint, for pipelines DN80-2600 mm, working on pressure 3,2 МPа and more. – 17 – Faucet and pin thread connection with improved combined thread, for pipelines DN 80–200mm working on pressure 27,2 МPa and more. Faucet and pin conic glue adhesive-joint) connection, for pipelines DN 80–400 mm working on pressure 6,4 МPa and more. 2.2. Sleeve coupling joints Sleeves have elastomeric sealing REKA gaskets, which are established in grooved from each end of the sleeve, circular grooves, thus gaskets provide precise setting of the sleeve on the end tie-in pipe and its grummet. Sleeve joint fitting types are presented in Annex A. Accomplishment of sleeve joint requires security measures, particular tools and materials. Crew having a Permit of special commission to accomplish particular joint assemble pipeline. To accomplish sleeve coupling joint the following materials are necessary: ԅԅ tape-measure, marker, circular tape-measure, metrical device. ԅԅ drill-stem bushing, for bush sleeve protection wooden block is used. ԅԅ astrictive device or hand instrument ԅԅ rag ԅԅ soup solution for REKA seal rings ԅԅ dissolvent, gloves, masks, eye shields ԅԅ tents against rain and dust ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ Sleeve joint is accomplished by following methods: to clean spigot pipe and sleeve by clean fabric; to check bevel and sleeve if they are broken; to measure the depth of a spigot end in the sleeve (picture 1); to apply soup preparation on a rubber gasket and entire circle of the spigot end; – 18 – ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ to put the spigot end toward sleeve end (180°); to make an angular diversion according to table №2 after joint setting; to accomplish sleeve joint manually or with the help of hand instruments. Pipe joint with short diameter (dn = 300) can be accomplished manually or with the help of hand mechanisms; to connect pipes with long diameters (dn 400–2600), scoop of an excavator, bulldozer or special connective devices are used. The end of the pipe should be protected by stopper which is made from wooden plates which are crossed with each other to protect the end of the pipe section from the scoop of excavator which leans on the stopper and can move along the stopper during joint operation. Excavator moves, thus joint ends. This process allows to control operation more precisely (picture 2). Table №2 DN, mm 300–600 700–800 900–1000 1100–1300 1400–1600 1700–2600 α, ° 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.25 1.0 Sleeve coupling joint – 19 – Picture 1 2.3. Faucet joint Faucet joint provides fast and sustainable pipe and figured elements assemblies. Two elastic circular gaskets with circular section, which are established in parallel circular grooves on spigot part, provide impermeability of junction in pressure and non-pressure pipelines. Electrical machining station manufactures grooves for sealing on the bush sleeve, thus this process provides accuracy of mounting surface. Depending on characteristics of medium, transporting through the pipeline, circular seals from the different types of rubber mixes is used. Rubber circular sealing is delivered with pipeline elements. Before assembling faucet joints with two rubber gaskets, security measure and necessary instruments and materials should be checked out. To assemble faucet joints following materials and instruments are necessary: Sleeve coupling joint assembly with the help of excavator bucket – 20 – Picture 2 ԅԅ ԅԅ ԅԅ ԅԅ lubricant material for seal cycle; two drill-stem bushings; chain block with tension 750 kg — for pipes with diameter up to 500mm and tension 1500 kg — for pipes with diameter over 500mm; rag; Faucet joints are accomplished by following method: ■■ to clean the spigot and faucet ends before connecting with the help of rag (the rag shouldn’t leave tissue particles, sewings and fibers); ■■ to check both ends if they are broken ■■ to measure the depth of spigot end in the bell and spigot (picture №3); ■■ to put gaskets in the spigot end’s groove ■■ to apply lubricant on rubber gaskets and on the entire inner surface of the faucet end; ■■ to establish drill and stem bushing with rubber cover on the both sides of the joint; ■■ to put the spigot end toward the faucet end (180°) ■■ to make angular diversion after joint setting according to table №3. ■■ to connect chain block from the both sides of joining pipes, to press slowly and gradually in the faucet t until mark coincides with the end of the faucet (picture №4). – 21 – Permissible angular deflection ID, mm 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 Gap, C, mm 2.5 3.0 6.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 13.0 14.0 16.0 19.0 16.0 17.0 19.0 21.0 23.0 27.0 Table №3 Angular deflection of joints Faucet finger Faucet 1°30΄ 3° 1°30΄ 3° 1°30΄ 3° 1°30΄ 3° 1°30΄ 3° 1°30΄ 3° 1°30΄ 3° 1°30΄ 3° 1°30΄ 3° 1°30΄ 3° 1°30΄ 2° 1° 2° 1° 2° 1° 2° 1° 2° 1° 2° 1° 1° Faucet joint with two gaskets – 22 – Picture 3 Assembly of faucet joint with two gaskets Picture 4 2.4. Faucet finger joints «K–Lock» To compensate axial forces on pipeline (for example, in over ground pipelines) in faucet finger joint fixing element which is established through the hole in the bell and spigot, circular grooves on sleeve and part of bell and spigot, and impedes movement of pipeline elements relatively to each. Depending on the level of axial forces, fixing element can be circular or rectangular section and can be accomplished with the help of different materials (nylon, metallic cable, PVC). Fixing elements, like rubber circular gaskets, are supplied with pipeline elements. Types of fittings with faucet joint «K-Lock» are presented on B supplement. Before assembling faucet finger joint setting with fitting security measure and necessary instruments and materials should be checked out. Faucet finger joint is accomplished by following method: ■■ to clean the spigot and faucet ends before connecting with the help of rag (the rag shouldn’t leave tissue particles, sewings and fibres); ■■ to check both ends if they are broken; ■■ to measure the depth of spigot end in the bell and spigot (picture 5); ■■ to put gaskets in the spigot end’s groove; ■■ to apply lubricant on rubber gaskets and on the entire inner surface of the faucet end; ■■ to establish drill and stem bushing with rubber cover on the both sides of the joint; – 23 – ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ to put the spigot end toward the faucet end (180°); to make angular diversion after joint setting according to the table №2; to connect chain block from the both sides of joining pipes, to press slowly and gradually in the faucet until mark coincides with the end of the bell and spigot (picture 6); to apply lubricant material on the gasket; to press the gasket in special hole, and with the help of plastic hammer or bar to achieve the gasket to be laid around the joint (picture 7); to leave the 50 mm end of the spigot outside. Faucet finger joint with a retention Assembly of faucet finger joint K-Lock – 24 – Picture 5 Picture 6 Picture 7 Position of holder by full circle of connection Estimated assembling time for faucet and faucet finger joints is presented on table №4. Three adjusters (two of them in the trench, one of them outside) approve estimated time for joint procedure in following conditions: ■■ constant work; ■■ enough space; ■■ time for pipe work is not included. Assembly time DN, mm 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 Fixing and assembly time, minutes 5 5 5 10 15 15 15 15 20 DN, mm 500 600 700 750 800 900 1000 1200 – 25 – Table №4 Fixing and assembly time, minutes 20 20 20 25 25 25 30 30 2.5. Lange joints Flange joints are used to connect elements of fiberglass pipelines with metallic pipelines and armature. Attachment size of fiberglass flanges is accomplished according to ГОСТ 12815–80 or ANSI standards. Flange joints are used for fiberglass pipes and details with different sizes. Before assembling flange joints, security measure and necessary instruments and materials should be checked out.(particular wrench with particular size, and wrench with rotation torque ) Hermetization is accomplished by rubber gasket (picture 8a and 8b). Picture 8 Types of flange joints а) б) Tightening bolts should be accomplished diagonally according to sequence presented on picture №9. Bolts on the flange should be placed on each side of the central line. During assembling flange joints, rotation torque of the bolt is better to be taken from table №5. Recommended rotation torque of the bolt at flange joint Sizes of a bolt, mm 14–16 18–20 22–25 27 30 33 Dry, kgm 7 12 12,7 12,7 16 23 Annotation: error limit plus 20% minus 30% – 26 – Table №5 Greased, kgm 5.2 9 9.6 9.6 12.4 13 Flange should be connected athwart to the axis of the pipe. Practically, slight displacement may happen. In that case, gasket and section-shaped gasket with vulcanized steely hoop. Flange should be established without distension. During flange assembly, bolts should be tightened manually until 30% of rotation torque’s maximal value. If leak occurs, rotation torque value should be increased until 60% of maximum value. Bolt tightening sequence of flange joint depending on its quantity Picture 9 n — number of bolts n=4n=8 n=12n=16 Depending on properties of transported substances, diameter of fiberglass pipes, pressure or special project requirements, different types of gaskets can be used according to normative documents approved by determined sequence. Recommended rotation torques of bolts during assembly o flange joints with different types of gaskets are presented on table №6. – 27 – Recommended rotation torques of bolts during assembly of flange joints with different types of gaskets Flanges ID, mm Table №6 Mounting flange Nominal pressure, Па × 10 –5, max 16 32 from 25 to 300 50 50 from 350 to 600 100 200 from 700 to 800 300 from 900 to 1200 400 ID, mm Nominal pressure, Па × 10 –5, max 16 32 from 25 to 150 50 50 from 200 to 300 50 100 from 350 to 400 100 200 Fiberglass flanges docks with fiberglass and other steel flanges. Joints can be accomplished by using bolt and screw, and also locking pin and two screws (picture 12). The length (L) of the bolt and locking pin is determined by following formulas: for bolt for locking pin L = T + t + p + r + m + 5 (mm) L = T + t + p + 2r + 2m + 5 (mm), where: & t Т p r m 5 — thickness of joinable flanges (mm); — thickness of a gasket (mm); — thickness of a disk (mm); — height of a screw (mm); — coefficient access to thickness of a flange. – 28 – Рисунок 10 View of bolted joint | Sealing gasket 2.6. Band joint Band joint consists of pipes and fittings which are smooth, prepared, aligned in relation to each other, and also fittings have inflicted reinforcing fibers in a combination of resin/hardener. Joint procedure of junctions by band method includes cutting, polishing, glue preparation (mixing components ), application of butting layer, lamination and solidification. To accomplish butting joint by ban method following instruments are used: ԅԅ tape-measure and marker; ԅԅ rag ԅԅ grinding machine for angles with carborundum or diagrit disk (size 24), hand saw 24 tooth/inch, knife saw 24 tooth/inch ԅԅ grinding machine, grinding disk, flexible disk; ԅԅ resin, hardener, fiberglass and scissors ; ԅԅ gloves, brooms, moulds, masks, eye-shields; ԅԅ housing (depending on weather conditions; – 29 – ԅԅ ԅԅ ԅԅ ԅԅ isolating cover; gun to blow hot air, digital thermometer, blowpipe; field drying cabinet, heating canvas, rheostat; drill-stem bushing, laboratory table — rubber strips (under chain clamp); generator. To accomplish joint by lamination, section of pipes butting ends should be perpendicular to axis of pipes. Otherwise, the pipes ends should be cut by carborundum or diamond disk. To improve adhesive properties of butting surfaces, its better to grind outer layer of pipes by grinding machine and then to clean laminated surface of pipes by clean rag and broom. Necessarily, attaching surfaces should be de-oiled before adhesion in following cases a) if surfaces are prepared before gluing pipes and details; b) if assemble is accomplished in bell and spigot The ends of pipes which are deformed or have deep nicks (more than 4–5 mm) should be cut perpendicularly to their axis, and then they should be machined (stippling, chamfering) or with the help of processing devices. Adhesive pipes and details assembly including installation, centering and fastening of adhesive ends is accomplished by device with outer and inner centralizers. Laminate solidifies in natural conditions at a surrounding temperature. Hardening can be accelerated by heat treatment, for example by blowing hot air or by instrument which radiates ultra beams. If laminate is dried up and not sticky, hardening can be continued with the help of heating canvas, hot air pistols or drying cabinets. Heating until hardening temperature should be accomplished gradually. Dimensions of laminated joint are determined by following formulas 1–3. The ends of pipes and details are centered on outer surface or on axis in the way that not allows maximum value of outer edge displacement to increase higher than 10% of adhesive pipe’s nominal thickness. During centering, pipe matching is accomplished by turning one or both pipes around axis, and pipe saddles fixing is accomplished by using gaskets. – 30 – If the difference in thickness of adhesive pipe walls or details is higher than 15% of nominal thickness of wall or more than 5 mm, slope of 15±3° should be made on the axis of pipe until the wall thickness of thin pipe (detail ) and gluing such ends of pipes and details should be accomplished by lamination method . During pipe assembly by gluing, attached and centered pipe ends and details are machined by stippling to smooth weldable surfaces and to remove layer which is radiated by sun and air oxygen. After machine work, bearing face shouldn’t be touched. To remove cuttings inside pipe and details, broom should be used. Use knife to remove nails from sharp edges of bearing face. After working, centering and interface gaps should be checked/ Interface gaps shouldn’t be between contacted bearing faces more than: 0.3 mm for diameters up to 63 mm; 0.5mm — more from 63 up to 200mm; 0.7mm — from 200 up to 400mm; 1.0mm— more than 400mm Interface gape is measured by petal probe (ТУ2–034–225–87) with inaccuracy 0.05mm. To prepare glue, hardener and resin should be mixed by scrupulous interfusion. Standard glue set consists of optimal ration of hardener and resin. Other types of glue can also be used, if they are appropriate to requirements of factory. Before lamination, apply glue, which has low viscosity and interprets glue trickling, for lamination in a cavern of pipe through seam (picture 11). Picture 11 General view of Band joint – 31 – Lamination is accomplished by layer saturated with glue of woven roving. Lamination should be made according to instruction, which is enclosed in a glue outfit. Laminated material is hardened in the natural conditions at ambient temperature. Solidification may be accelerated by thermal processing, for example, by charging of hot air or by a tool emitting ultra-red rays. Since the laminated material is dried up and will not be adhered then the solidification may be continued with the help of heating blade of the hot air pistols or drying chambers. Heating till solidification temperature shall be performed gradually. The oversize of the laminated connection are determined by the formula 1–3: t= p × ID 36 – p + p 2 × ID (36 – p) × 45 (1) w = π (ID + 2 × tp ) × t × L × 1,6 × 106 L= (2) p × ID 1,6 (3) where: t — thickness of the lines, mm; p — nominal pressure, MPa; ID — inner diameter, mm; L — length of the line, mm; w — weight of the line, kg; tp — the thickness of the pipe wall, mm Band joint can be tested after hardening and cooling. 2.7. Faucet and pin thread connection For pipe systems from GRP of high and average pressures, three types of threaded couplings are applied: ■■ spigot/spigot joints by using connective sleeve with standard thread in appliance with API standards(for example EUE10rd, EUE 8RD, so called round section thread) (picture 12); – 32 – ■■ ■■ faucet/spigot continuous joint with standard thread in appliance with API standards and gasket in the thread with the help of PTFE or special mixes recommended by manufacturer (picture 13); faucet/spigot continuous joint with big thread, and also with steam ring for pressurization (picture 14); Types of fittings with thread joint are presented in Annex B. Picture 12 1 — standard thread in appliance with API, 2 — connective sleeve, 3 — axis of the pipe, 4 — pipe Picture 13 1 — big thread, 2 — pipe-the gasket end, 3 — pipe-faucet end, 4 — steam rings, 5 — the axis of the pipe Picture 14 1 — big thread, 2 — pipe-the gasket end, 3 — pipe-faucet end, 4 — sealing rings, 5 — the axis of the pipe – 33 – To reduce friction and to improve the quality of pressurization, different types of thread fillings can be used, for example, fillings with ceramic or graphite particles. Fluoroplastic grease substances can also be used to reduce friction and to provide quick-release tight pull. Thread ends of the tight pull, projected by manufacturer, should comply with technical requirements of manufacturer, for example, the quality of manufacture and roughness of the surface and so on. Before assembly of thread joint, security measure and necessary instruments and materials should be checked out. Thread joint is accomplished by following method: ■■ to clean the outer end of the thread ends by rag before connecting(the rag shouldn’t leave tissue particles, sewings and fibres); ■■ to check both ends of the pipe if they are broken ■■ to measure the depth of pipe from entrance end with outer thread to the end with inner thread (picture 15); ■■ to put rigged up ends of the pipe endwise 180°; ■■ to apply lubricant on butting ends of the thread and details, thus lubricant provides pressurization of joints and prevention of thread from seizing ■■ screw free end of the pipe in the established one. Sizes of thread joints should be in appliance with table №7 and pictures 15, 17, 18. Picture 15 1 — the main plane, 2 — rise of the thread, 3 — the end of the rise on the thread, 4 — the line of the average diameter of the thread. – 34 – Forms and sizes of the thread’s profile and node joint of details should be in appliance with forms and sizes presented on picture 16 and table №8. Table №7 Thread connections of pipes Nominal size, inch D*, mm d*1, mm d*2, mm d*3, mm d*0, mm L, mm L*, mm 2 64.148 62.61 58.99 62.80 67.5 65.1 52.4 2½ 76.848 74.81 71.19 75.51 80.2 73.0 60.3 3 93.516 91.08 87.46 92.17 96.9 79.4 66.7 4 118.916 115.89 112.27 117.57 122.3 88.0 76.2 6 176.066 172.45 168.83 174.73 180.2 101.5 85.6 9 242.741 237.94 234.32 241.01 246.9 120.5 104.6 Annotation: D — average diameter of the thread in the main plane; d*1, d*2— outer and inner diameter of the thread in the plane of bearing face of the faucet; d*3 — inner diameter of the thread in the plane of faucet’s bearing face; d*0 — diameter of cylindrical groove of the faucet; L— general length of the thread (until the end of rise ); L* — the length of the thread until the main plane( with full profile). Cone female faucet generator The least diameter of the female cone should be equal to d0. The depth of faucet’s groove is made for details of 2–4’’ — 9,5 mm, of 6–9’’ — 12.7 mm Thread joint of pipes – 35 – Picture 16 Table №8 The main sizes of thread’s profiles № Parameters of thread 1 Pitch of thread P, mm 2 Height of initial profile H*, mm 3 Height of profile h1, mm 4 Working height of the profile h*, mm Value 3.175 2.750 1.81 ± 0.050.10 1.734 5 Profile angle α, degree 6 Gap Z*, mm 60° 0.076 7 Angle of slope, φ 8 Radius of penetration of the height of the profile r 9 Radius of rounding of scallops of the profile r1 10 Taper, 2tg φ 1047´24˝ 0.508 + 0.045 0.432 – 0.045 1:16 Annotation: Pitch is measured parallel to the axis of the thread. Maximum displacement of radius values are r and r1 which are necessary for projecting thread maker instrument and are not controlled. Maximum displacement of radius values are r and r1 which are necessary for projecting thread maker instrument and are not controlled. Maximum displacement from nominal sizes should be in appliance with tables №№ 8, 9: Standoff on thread gage plug should be: • for details of nominal sizes 2–4 inches — 6.3 mm • for details of nominal sizes 6 inches — 9.5 mm • for details of nominal sizes 9 inches — 11.1 mm A tolerance on size of indicated standoffs ± 3.2 mm Standoff on thread end plug should be: • for details of nominal sizes 2 inches — 12.7 mm • for details of nominal sizes 2½ and 3 inches — 15.9 mm; • for details of nominal sizes 4 and 6 inches — 19.1 mm; • for details of nominal sizes 9 inches — 31.7 mm. A tolerance on size of indicated standoffs ± 3.2 mm. Pipe joint is better to be accomplished by bolting standoff on manually with no instruments (picture 20), and with instruments with the help of casing tongs. Bolting pipes on manually should be – 36 – accomplished by two workers. On of them holds one pipe from a turn, and second one rotates the second pipe till the stop. 1–4 threads should be left on the properly, manually, bolted, threaded joint from the bearing face up to the end of thread run-out on a nipple. Maximum displacement from nominal sizes of fiberglass pipes № Indexes 1 Length of a pipe, % 2 Thickness of a pipe wall, % Taper on 1 m length, 3 on diameter, mm 4 General length of a thread, mm 5 Angle of a profile of a thread, degrees 6 Outer diameter of a faucet, % 7 Thread pitch on 25.4 mm length, mm Thread pitch on the entire length 8 with full profile, mm Table №9 Value ± 5.0 ± 22.5 + 5.208 – 2.600 ± 3.175 ± 1.5° + 10 ± 0.076 ± 0.152 Annotation: Maximum displacement of the thread pitch on length no more than 25.4 mm is acceptable for distances between any twos thread with maximum profile. For distances between threads more than 25.4 mm, increasing of maximum displacement proportionally to increasing of length is allowed, but increasing shouldn’t be higher than numbers in 15 table for all threads with full profile. Maximum displacements of taper (displacement from difference of two different diameters) are accepted on 1 m length and apply to average diameter of pipe’s thread and also to outer diameter of faucet’s thread. After preliminary bolting on, fastening of threaded joint should be accomplished. Fastening of threaded joint is accomplished manually by belt wrench or chain tongs. During using chain tongs, to prevent pipes from damages, establishing part of pipes should be wrapped by gaskets made from rubber or tarpaulin. Fastening of threaded joint should be accomplished carefully, by avoiding damages of outer surfaces of pipes which should be bolted on. If manual coupling and fastening by belt wrench and chain togs are done properly, bearing face of the pipe should coincide with the last turn of thread of the nipple with a tolerance on ±1 turn that is emergence or hiding of turn of thread of nipple relatively to bearing face of the faucet. – 37 – Manual bolting Joint by belt wrench or chain tongs Picture 17 Picture 18 2.8. Faucet and pin conic joint (glue adhesive joint) Faucet and pin joint is tough connection, which consists of conic faucet end and mechanically worked (cylindrical and conic) spigot end. Moreover, faucet and spigot cones can have threads. Typical faucet and pin joints are presented on picture 19. Types of fittings with glue joint are presented on B supplement. Faucet and pin joints require the least number of materials in compare with other joints, and moreover they are characterized as effective and constructive when properly assembled. If cylindrical spigot is used then it should be established up to ledge. Joint, consist- – 38 – ing of conic faucet or conic spigot, has two adjustable conic surfaces, thus pressing the end of the spigot in up to ledge is unnecessary. First method of joint has significant advantage in speed of accomplishment of readiness to exploitation. The second method of joint (joints of cone in cone type) is more durable, but also the joint is subjected to positional mistakes when incorrectly assembled. These mistakes can weaken the joint significantly. Faucet and pin joint assembly becomes more difficult, when the lengths of pipes increases, particularly for pipes with diameter more than 450 mm. After assembling joints, formation of bonding agent’s edges makes a problem and also it influences on changes of diameter values of the pipe. This can lead to decrease of conveyance factor and also to erosive processes and damages due to pore formation. To accomplish faucet and pin joint following materials and instruments are necessary: ԅԅ tape-measure, marker, circular tape-measure, metrical device; ԅԅ drill-stem bushing, table or bench, rubber tape (for usage under chain vice) . ԅԅ astrictive device picture 20 ԅԅ angular grinding machine with carborundum disk (picture 24), handsaw with 24tooth/ inches and hacksaw with 14 tooth/inches ԅԅ glue according to project decision, rubber knife, abrasive cloth; ԅԅ digital thermometer, rheostat, isolative canvas; ԅԅ generator; ԅԅ dissolvent, gloves, masks, eye-shields ԅԅ tents against rain and dust The end of the pipe (dry), cut according to intended size, should be grinded to provide fault-free joint. The surface should be cleaned by clean rag. If the surface were in contact with grease or lubricant, it should be cleaned by clean rag sodden with clean acetone, methylethylketone or methyl-isobutyl ketene (with no water). Petrol or spirit solvents for dye shouldn’t be used for cleaning purposes. Temperature of heating canvas should be +90°C— during transporting of medium project temperature should be below +65°C and +125°C — medium temperature from +65°C up to +90°C. Flange joints and taps hardly succumb to hardening by using heating canvas from outer side because of configuration. hardening with such details is accomplished by following method: – 39 – ■■ ■■ ■■ heating canvas is tightly placed to inner side of worked pipe walls; warming temperature of the joint is controlled by thermometer; for taps, branches and the closest joints solidify first, remaining parts solidify with the help of heating canvas. At faucet and pin joint, astrictive device is used to create tight glue joint Faucet and pin (conic glue adhesive) Faucet and pin joint assembly (conic glue adhesive) – 40 – Picture 19 Picture 20 Faucet and pin joint assembly time is presented on table №10. Estimated time for assembly is determined by following conditions: constant work of two adjusters, enough space, readiness of all necessary materials and so on Assembly time ID, mm 25 40 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 Time before treatment, min 10 10 10 12 12 15 15 16 18 20 25 Gluing time, min 10 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 Таблица №10 Sum of assembly time, min 20 20 25 32 37 45 50 56 63 70 85 To prepare glue, hardener and resin should be mixed by scrupulous interfusion. Standard glue set consists of optimal ration of hardener and resin. Other types of glue can also be used, if they are appropriate to requirements of factory. – 41 – III. Fixing blocks in pressure piping 3.1. Fixing blocks usage Unbalanced pressure forces occur in pipe-bends, tees, sewerage adapters, turns, enhancements and other changes in linear direction because of hydraulic ram (pressure wave) and working pressure impacts on pressure piping. To prevent joints from joint break, fixing blocks are applied. Fixing block’s construction is determined during development of project. Fixing blocks should entirely cover fitting along its length and circle. Force is accepted fundamentally in the calculations of fixing blocks for pipe-bends, acting in the direction of a line separating pipebends asunder (picture 21). Fixing blocks for resistance to gravity Section Picture 21 Top view Fixing blocks can be accomplished by three methods: ■■ to resist gravity; ■■ to resist axing and angular reactions; ■■ to resist mixed loads; Fixing blocks should have form which provides necessary deflection amplitude of a pipe under an impact of ground load. Rubber gasket (thickness of 10–30 mm and length of 150–200 mm) should be placed between pipe and concrete in the exit of the pipe from blocks. Fixing blocks for resistance to gravity (picture 24) just react by rubbing with the surface the ground. They should be established in the way that their own weight could counteract to force which occurs because of pressure. – 42 – Inherent friction coefficient concrete/ground should be chosen in according to type and state of a ground. Fixing blocks Section Picture 22 Top view Fixing blocks of reaction (picture 22) should be accomplished, when the ground is stable (rocky, hard and condensed ground). Fixing blocks require higher or equal to 1 m roof level. Such blocks work through passive reaction of the ground, that’s why they are established against vertical wall of the ground with indestructible structure. Fixing blocks of gravity reaction should be accomplished in case of mixed ground, when an opportunity to use characteristics of anchor block, gravity and reaction exist. Condensation of a surrounding land should be conducted for every type of fixing block, and if necessary stabilization should also be conducted. Linear fixing blocks are used to control axial movements of subsoil with flexible joints.. Such movements occur because of pressure or temperature gradient. Fixing blocks can be placed under the pipe and bounded with the pipe with the help of nylon lines. Fixing blocks can be made by a thin layer of concrete (50–70 kg/ m2), for appropriate length, by leaving concrete in appliance with its natural angular friction. Some typical fixing blocks are presented on picture 23. Тhey can be used during assembly of subsoil pipes. – 43 – Picture 23 Types of fixing blocks 3.2. The main parameters of fixing blocks During selection of the main parameters of concrete blocks, following characteristics of ground should taken into account: ■■ angle of inner friction; ■■ clutch; ■■ specific density; ■■ concrete/ground friction coefficient; ■■ passive reaction of a ground. Characteristics of a ground Table 11 Types of ground Angle of inner friction (φ) Clutch, Пa specific density, kg/m3 Concrete/ ground friction coefficient Wet ground, muddy clay, organic ground 20° 25° 10000 1800 0.30 Sandy ground clayey sands sand 30° 35° 5000 0 1700 0.50 Dry ground: gravel, ballast 40° 0 1600 0.70 – 44 – IV. LIST OF STANDARDS 1. СНиП III 42–80 — Instruction on assembling of technological pipelines made from plastic pipes. 2. СН РК 4.01–22–2004 — Instruction on underground and over ground construction of pipelines reinforced with glass fiber. 3. СТ РК 1128–2002 — Plastic pipes reinforced with glass fiber on basis of polyester resin. 4. СТ РК 1129–2002 — Plastic pipes reinforced with glass fiber. Joint details. 5. СТ РК 1255–1–2004 (ISO 14692–1:2002, MOD) — Oil and Gas industry. Fiberglass pipeline system (GRP). Part 1. Dictionary, sympols, used materials. 6. СТ РК 1255–2–2004 (ISO 14692–2:2002, MOD) — Oil and Gas industry. Fiberglass pipeline system (GRP). Part 2. Qualification estimate and manufacturing. 7. СТ РК 1255–3–2004 (ISO 14692–3:2002, MOD) — Oil and Gas industry. Fiberglass pipeline system (GRP). Part 3. System engineering. 8. СТ РК 1255–4–2004 (ISO 14692–4:2002, MOD) — Oil and Gas industry. Fiberglass pipeline system (GRP). Part 4. Assembling, installation and exploitation. 9. ГОСТ Р 53201–2008 — Glass fiber pipes and fittings. Technical conditions. 10.AWWA C 950–07 ― Fiberglass pipes with pressure. 11.AWWA Manual M 45 ― Fiberglass pipe design manual. 12.BS EN 14364 ― Plastic piping system for drainage and sewerage with or without pressure. Glass reinforce thermosetting plastics (GRP) based on unsaturated polyester resin (UP). Specifications for pipes, fittings and joints. 13.BS EN 1796 ― Plastics piping systems for water supply with or without pressure. Glass-reinforce thermosetting plastics (GRP) based on unsaturated plolyester resin (UP). 14.DIN 16868―1 1994 ― Wound and filledglass fibre reinforces polyester resin pipes. 15.ГОСТ• 166―89 ― Trammel technical conditions. ₌ – 45 – Annex А Fittings of GRP fiber-glass pipes with coupling connections DN300-2600 (СТ РК 1129-2002) Segment bends from 3° to 90°. T-joints direct and segment — derived, equal transient and transient. Eccentric and concentric reducers. Saddles. – 46 – Annex B Fittings of FRP fiber glass pipes for faucet, faucet-pin, thread, conic — adhesive connections DN80-1000 (СТ РК 1255-2-2004) Monolithic bends are performed with angles 11.25°, 22.5°, 45°, 90°. Т-joints monolithic equal transient and transient. Eccentric and eccentric reducers. – 47 – Notes – 48 –