MARCONI 2945 Datasheet - Rent or Buy Quality Used Test
MARCONI 2945 Datasheet - Rent or Buy Quality Used Test
Test Equipment Solutions Datasheet Test Equipment Solutions Ltd specialise in the second user sale, rental and distribution of quality test & measurement (T&M) equipment. We stock all major equipment types such as spectrum analyzers, signal generators, oscilloscopes, power meters, logic analysers etc from all the major suppliers such as Agilent, Tektronix, Anritsu and Rohde & Schwarz. We are focused at the professional end of the marketplace, primarily working with customers for whom high performance, quality and service are key, whilst realising the cost savings that second user equipment offers. As such, we fully test & refurbish equipment in our in-house, traceable Lab. Items are supplied with manuals, accessories and typically a full no-quibble 2 year warranty. Our staff have extensive backgrounds in T&M, totalling over 150 years of combined experience, which enables us to deliver industry-leading service and support. We endeavour to be customer focused in every way right down to the detail, such as offering free delivery on sales, covering the cost of warranty returns BOTH ways (plus supplying a loan unit, if available) and supplying a free business tool with every order. As well as the headline benefit of cost saving, second user offers shorter lead times, higher reliability and multivendor solutions. Rental, of course, is ideal for shorter term needs and offers fast delivery, flexibility, try-before-you-buy, zero capital expenditure, lower risk and off balance sheet accounting. Both second user and rental improve the key business measure of Return On Capital Employed. We are based near Heathrow Airport in the UK from where we supply test equipment worldwide. Our facility incorporates Sales, Support, Admin, Logistics and our own in-house Lab. All products supplied by Test Equipment Solutions include: - No-quibble parts & labour warranty (we provide transport for UK mainland addresses). - Free loan equipment during warranty repair, if available. - Full electrical, mechanical and safety refurbishment in our in-house Lab. - Certificate of Conformance (calibration available on request). - Manuals and accessories required for normal operation. - Free insured delivery to your UK mainland address (sales). - Support from our team of seasoned Test & Measurement engineers. - ISO9001 quality assurance. Test equipment Solutions Ltd Unit 8 Elder Way Waterside Drive Langley Berkshire SL3 6EP T: +44 (0)1753 596000 F: +44 (0)1753 596001 Email: [email protected] Web: Communications Service Monitor 2945 Fastfull performance spectrum analyzer provided as standard The spectrum analyzer provides spans from 1 kHz per division to full span and also a fully adjustable reference level. Speed is comparable with analog analyzers, allowing real adjustments. With the tracking generator provided as standard, full advantage can be taken when aligning filters. An offset facility enables testing of equipment with frequency translation. . . RS-232controlinterfaceasstandardfor PCautomated testing . Trackinggeneratorwith offsettracking . PCMCIA2 memory card (for saving instrumentsettings & results) Ruggedlightweightpackage . Fullspanspectrumanalyzerwith 'live' lookandlistenasstandard asstandard .50 kHzDSO(digitalstorage oscilloscope) with anti-aliasing . 150WattRFpowermeasurement as standard .5 Wattprotection onall portsasstandard . Comprehensive colourcodedkeyboard for easeof use .2 VariableAudioGenerators asstandard . SuperfastLCDwith rapidrefreshratefor easymonitoringandadjustment . Fasthighresolutionbar-charts for peakingandnulling Accurate RF signals The signal generator provides coverage from 400 kHz to 1.05 GHz with +5 dBm output and fast switching speed. Level accuracy is :!:2 dB at all levels above -127 dBm. The 2945 communications service monitor is the lightest, most rugged service fi1onitor available with a full performance spectrum analyzer as standard. For field work the 2945 TestMate provides an excellent combination of instruments for all types of maintenance work - yet back in the workshop it provides performance you would exacting measurements. all of expect Duplex as standard Full duplex operation is provided by the 2945. This allows testing of duplex radios as well as simultaneous testing of repeater transmit and receive paths. There are no restrictions to the duplex offset. the for Field operation At under 30 Ib even with the integral battery, the 2945 TestMate lightens the load to remote sites. The form factor is ideal for carrying. The side handle means that the instrument is clear of steps and yet suitable for it to be operated comfortably from the floor. Full operation is possible from the protective case so that the investment' is protected from transit damage. Battery - carry a spar~ The battery fits neatly into the ever-ready case and is easily replaced with a spare when discharged. It has no memory effect, even when partially discharged. From 2 JlV to 150 Watts The 2945 will measure low level signals such as off-air or those found when probing a circuit. 150 Watts measurement is provided without the need for external attenuators, so high power base stations can be measured directly. Measurement accuracy is specified all the way down to 5 mW on the N-Type connector, allowing cellular radios to be qualified at low power levels. Cellular built in AMPS, TAGS and NMT analog cellular standards are available internally, with all country variants provided in each package. ~.f.J Fast warm-up - fast results The standard TCXO allows results to be made reliably within a minute of switch on. (Where even better stability is required, an optional OCXO is available.) Stored settings may be recalled from internal memory or from a memory card aliowing straightforward setting up. --- r=I ~ D." , ,. ,TiM '.."s u...i~ '00.'2 o...I~_t "" $:!~; i 61 2945 Network simulation The 2945 simulates the signalling protocol that the radio would 'see' from the real network. This allows calls to be set up and handled enabling the receiver and transmitter parametric measurements to be made. Remotecontrol Remote control is provided with a RS-232 interface as standard. An IEEE488.2 interface can be fitted where other instruments are required to operate in a system with the 2945. Printing is easy With the parallel printer port interface, screen dumps, automatic test results or previously stored results may be sent to any standard parallel printer. Autorun With the analog systems card, option 2 fitted, automatic testing without an external controller is possible. Custom tests may be written and run by the operator. Four programmable relay contacts are provided with the optional parallel printer interface. This allows remote control of radios or test fixtures from built-in automatic tests. Custom programs Users may program the instrument to suit their own specific needs. This is possible either by configuring any of the 4 built-in programs or by using the MIBASIC interpreter to produce a customised test program that can be executed internally, without an external controller. -;;;;-;;:;;11+.-. PRDGRR""ENU EJ - SET.., -..,.., l...~ MTA Reliability The 2945 features high integration and a chassis design that takes the knocks an outdoor life can provide. Audio analysis Comprehensive filters are provided as standard, including band pass, low pass and high pass. The direct measurement of CTCSS is possible with the 300 Hz filter, even with speech present. 2 comprehensive audio generators are provided as standard for internal modulation or audio sources for transmitter stimulus. External DC coupled FM is provided. Proven user interface The 2945 TestMate provides a user interface that is simple to use yet offers flexibility for the experienced engineer. The 'ideal mix' of soft and hard keys produces simple menus but retains commonly used keys like [FREQ], [LEVEL] and [ON/OFF]. Instant [DISPLAY HOLD] makes proving transients and saving results easy. Colour coded keys help further. Accessory control The parallel port option includes 4 logic lines or relay closures that can be controlled from MIBASIC. These can be used to stimulate mechanical operators e.g. pn to make the testing process highly automatic. 62 FREQUENCY Frequency Range 400 kHz to 1.05 GHz Resolution 10Hz Indication 10 digit display Setting Keyboard entry, delta increment I decrement function and rotary control Accuracy As frequency standard :t 1 count OUTPUT LEVEL Output Level Range Rx Test: N-Typesocket:-141 dBmto-21 dam BNC socket: -115 dam to +5 dam Resolution 0.1 dB Indication 4 digits plus sign (dBm, dBIJV, /lV, mV PD/EMF) Accuracy :!:2 dB for level above -127 dam on N-Type socket up to 1 GHz 2945 Reverse Power Protection N-Type: 50 W continuous, normal operation. 150 W for 1 minute at 20 C. Overload indicated by audible and visual warning BNC: 5 W. Tripping indicated by audible and visual warning Output Impedance Nominally 50 Q Indication 5 digits Resolution 25 Hz Accuracy As frequency standard :t1 digit :t resolution Pre-emphasis 750 I1Sselectable Sensitivity 50mV FREQUENCY MODULATION VSWR N-Type: Better than 1.2:1 up to 500 MHz Better than 1.35:1 up to 1.05 GHz BNC: Better than 22:1 up to 1.05 GHz SPECTRALPURITV Residual FM Less than 30 Hz RMS (0.3 to 3.4 kHz) - EXTERNAL Input Impedance Nominally10 kQ in parallelwith 40 pF Frequency Range As internal FM Modulation Frequency Range DC to 100 kHz Pre-emphasis 750 I1Sselectable Harmonics Better than -20 dBc Spurious signals Better than --,30 dBc (;t10 kHz to 1.5 MHz offset from carrier frequency or over range 600-700 MHz) Better than --40 dBc from 400 kHz to 1 GHz. SSB phase noise (20 kHz offset) Better than -85 dBc / Hz up to 1 GHz RF carrier leakage Less than 05 J1V PD generated in a 50 Q load by a 2 turn loop 25 mm from the case. Output level less than ~40 dBm into a sealed 50 Q load AMPLITUDE Modulation Frequency Range 20 Hz to 25 kHz MODULATION Sensitivity Nominally1 Volt peak MICROPHONE INPUT Input Level 2 mV to 200 mV (AGC levelled) Input Impedance Nominally 150 Q Press To Talk (PTT) When using the optionalmicrophonein Tx Test mode, the PTT will switch instrumentto Ax Test Frequency 1 kHz Range Oto 1BdBandOto50dB Resolution 01 dB Indication 3 digits and bar-charts Accuracy ot1 dB Sensitivity 50 mV (100 mV for 40 dB SINAD)readingsuppressed if audio voltage is less than 5 mV Frequency 1 kHz -INTERNAL Range Ot010%andOt030% Frequency range 400 kHz to 105 GHz Input Impedance Nominally1 MQ in parallelwith 40 pF Resolution 0 1 % distortion Resolution 1% Frequency Range DC and 20 Hz to 50 kHz AC only 20 Hz to 50 kHz Indication 3 digits and bar-charts Indication 2 digits Level Ranges 0-100 mV to 0-100 V RMS in a 1.3,10sequence Accuracy :t 5 % of reading :t 0.5 % distortion Setting Keyboard entry, delta increment / decrement function and rotary control Resolution 1 mV or 1 % of reading Sensitivity 50 mY (100 mY for 1 % distortion) reading suppressed if audio voltage is less than 5 mY AM depth range 0 to 99 % Accuracy For carrier frequencies from 1.5 MHz to 400 MHz ;t 7 % ;t 1digit for modulation frequency of 1 kHz ;t 10 % ;t1 digit for modulation frequencies from 50 Hz to 5 kHz ;t 15 % ;t 1digit for modulation frequencies from 50 Hz to 15kHzandOt085%AM \ Distortion Less than 2 % at 1 kHz for 30 %, CCITT weighted Modulation Frequency 20 Hz to 20 kHz AMPLITUDE MODULATION - EXTERNAL Indication 3 digits and bar-chart Accuracy :t3 % :t3 mV :t 1 digit Range 0lo30dBandOIo 100dB Re~olutlon 0.1 dB Frequency Range 20 Hz to 50 kHz Resolution 0.1 Hz, less than 10 kHz 1 Hz, at 10 kHz and above Indication 3 digits and bar-chart Accuracy :t 1 dB Input impedance Nominally 10 kQ in parallel with 40 pF Frequency Range As internal AM Modulation Frequency As internal AM Range Sensitivity Nominally 1 Volt peak FREQUENCY MODULATION -INTERNAL Frequency range 400 kHz to 105 GHz Max!mum deviation 0 to 15 kHz Indication 3 digits Setting Keyboard entry, delta incremeni / del:rement function and rotary control Accuracy'" ;t7 %;t 10 Hz at 1 kHz modulating frequency ;t10 % at modulating frequencies from 50 Hz to 1b hi' Distortion Less than 1 % at 1 kHz for deviation of 5 kHz, CCITT weighted 63 2945 Sensitivity 50 mV (100 mV for 40 dB SIN) readingsuppressedif audio voltage is less than 5 mV Resolution Resolution 1%AM 0.1 dB max, typical y 1 % Indication 2 digits and bar-chart Accuracy (N-type) j:10 % j: resolution up to 500 MHz j:15 % j: resolution up to 1.05 GHz Operating Modes Single with digital storage on screen or repetitive sweep Frequency ~ange DC to 50 ki-;z 3 Hz to 50 kHz AC coupled Voltage Range 10 mV to 20 V per division in a 1,2,5 sequence Voltage Accuracy 1:5 % of full scale FM Ranges 1:75,30, 15,6,3 and 1.5 kHz deviation full scale, :t10 % Maximum Continuous Rating N-Type: 50 W at 20°C (note that after 10 minCltes at 50 W connector may exceed 70°C) BNC: 5 W An)enna port: 5 W maximum Intermittent Rating N-Type: 150 W for limited periods, typically 1 minute at 20°C. Overload indicated by audible and visual warning VSWR N-Type: Beller than 1.2:1 up to 500 MHz Beller than 1.35:1 up to 1.05 GHz BNC: Beller than 3:1 up to 1.05 GHz 111.- Timebase 50 /ls/div to 5 s/div in a 1,2,5 sequence Graticule 10 Horizontal by 6 Vertical divisions ,..,.,.- IFI "'o, I._Hz Sin Low., 1F2"'" 1..~ I._Hz SinLow.'"'.~ ..., FREO' 1 _Hz "" O" LEW.' ,.~-"...- 2:'~Hz Y.- .. ~,... ..,. ---",.. I~- WIFRE" 1- Special features W IF FILTER. FILTER. e.' to '.Ok" . HARMONIC MEASUREMENT Displays 1st to 5th harmonic of the selected carrier. Maximum Harmonic 105 GHz Frequency TRANSIENT POWER ANALYSIS Displays power profile against time Audio Analyzer Tones Mode Frequency Range 1t01050MHz Dynamic Range 0 to -60 dBc Dynamic Range 60 dB below spectrum analyzer reference level Frequency Range 100 kHz to 105 GHz (manualtune) 10 MHz to 1 GHz (autotune) Resolution 1 Hz or 10 Hz, selectable Indication Upt010digits Accuracy As frequencystandard:t resolution Acquisition TIme Less than 1 second (manual) Typically3 seconds(autotune) Sensitivity Autotuned:5 mW (N-Type) 0.05 mW (Antennaport) ManualTuned: -34 dBm (N-Type) -60 dBm (Antennaport) Frequency Range 200 kHz to 1.05 GHz Dynamic Range 5mWt0150W(N-Type) 005 mW to 250 mW (Antenna port) Indication Units Walts, dBm or dBW Indication 3 digits or bar-chart 64 Deviation Range 0 to 75 kHz Resolution 10 Hz below 2 kHz deviation, 1 % above 2 kHz deviation , Scale (power) 10 dB/division Scale (time) 50 lIS/division to 5 s/division Trigger Level Adjustable over full dynamic range +ve or -ve trigger selection Pre-trigger 0, 25, 50, 75 or 100% of displayed period Sensitivity Autotuned: 5 mW (N-Type) 0.05 mW (Antenna port) Manual Tuned: -34 dBm (N-Type) --60 dBm (Antenna port), usable to 2 JiV Audio and Modulation fliters 300 Hz Lowpass 300 Hz to 3.4 kHz Bandpass 15 kHz Lowpass 750 JiS de-emphasis AMPLITUDE MODULATION Frequency Range 100 kHz to 105 GHz Modulation Frequency 10Hzt015kHz AM 0 0 0 Demodulation Distortion Less than 2 % at 1 kHz and 5 kHz FM, CCITT weighted Residual FM Less than 30 Hz (300 Hz to 3.4 kHz) Demodulation Output Socket 200 mV peak to peak :!:1 % per 1 kHz deviation Audio and Modulation Filters 300 Hz Lowpass 300 Hz to 34 kHz Bandpass 15 kHz Lowpass 750 !ls de-emphasis General Features Modulation Frequency Range 10Hz to 15kHz :!: 5 % :!: 1 digit at 1 kHz modulation frequency :!: 7.5 % :!: 1 digit for modulation frequencies 50 Hz to 10 kHz AF Voltage, SINAD, Distortion, SIN Ranging Autoranging, range hold or manual selection 1,2,5, sequence with hysteresis Demodulation Output 50 mV peak to peak for 1 % AM Accuracy(1) Bar-chart Displays Vertical Resolution 2 % of full scale Residual AM Less than 1 % (300 Hz to 3.4 kHz) Indication 3 digits and bar-chart "'I~'I'.- Buiit in anti-aliasingcircuitry Less than 2 %, at , "Hz and 30 % AM, CCITT weighted. Frequency Range 100 kHz to 1.05 GHz TX FREO' TEST 294._1"" TRANSI1ITTER I DemodulationDIstortion(11 FREQUENCY MODULATION accuracy AM Ranges 20, 10 and 5 % per division, :t10 % accuracy Accuracy(1) = 5 %:!: 1 digit at 1 kHz J:85%:!:1 digit from 50 Hz to 10kHz Frequency Range 100 kHz to 1.05 GHz Spans 1 kHz / divisionto 100 MHz / divisionin a 1.2,5 sequenceor continuously variable Start - stop facility allows selectionof infinitelyvariable span width Resolution Bandwidth 300 Hz, 3, 30, 300 kHz. 3 MHz Reference Level (top of screen) -50 dBm to +52 dBm 0.7 mVto 71V On screen dynamic range 70 dB On Screen LInearity typically;t 2 dB;t 1 resolution(10 dB/div) 10 dB above noise floor Vertical Resolution 0.1 dB on 2 dB / division 0.5 dB on 10 dB / division Level Flatness :t 1 dB :t resolutionover 50 MHz span Intermodulation Distortion Betterthan 70 dB for two signals at -30 dBm into first mixer Sweep Speeds 10 ms/divto 200 ms/div in a 1.2,5sequence(optimum sweep speed and bandwidthselectedaccordingto span or user selectable) Span Resolution Update R"nrlwirlth Range Depth Range to 99 % (manually tuned) to 90 % below 100 MHz to 80 % from 100 to 400 MHz 10 kHz 100 kHz 1 MHz 10MHz 100 MHz 1000 MHz 300 Hz 3kHz 30 kHz 300 kHz 300 kHz 3MHz I Isweeos/sec\ 5 9 9 9 5 " 2945 Marker Indication Level and frequency Single marker for frequency and level display Marker to centre frequency External Frequency Standard Input Frequency 1 and 10 MHz Input Level Greater than 1 V peak to peak Features Simultaneous 'Look and Usten' Spans 100 kHz. 200 kHz, 500 kHz. 1 MHz. Start / stop frequency entry Tracking Generator 0-999 MHz Input Impedance Nominally 1 kg Offset Keyboard and Display Logical colour coded keyboard with bright high resolution fast LCD Input - Output isolation 70 dB Sensitivity 2J1V Display size 160x85mm FREQUENCY Frequency Range 10 Hz to 25 kHz Setting Keyboard entry, delta increment / decrement function and rotary control Indication 5 digits standard tone frequency plans may be copied to user defined and modified Tone length 20 ms to 1 s Standard tone frequencies may be selected from a menu Generation and decoding of DTMF tones Generation and decoding of DCS (Digitally Coded Squelch) Generation of POCSAG code CCIR No.1 Rec 584 Bit rates from 400 to 4800 bit/so Inversion available AUDIO MONITOR Demodulated signals and audio signals may be monitored via the intemalloudspeaker and the accessory socket output on the front panel. Resolution 0 1 Hz below 3.25 kHz 1 Hz above 3.25 kHz Test Modes Accuracy 0.01 Hz below 180 Hz, 0.1 Hz above 180 Hz Auto Test/Manual Test Auto Test Programs Call Processing Only Call and RF Testing Brief Testing Comprehensive Testing User Defined Test Auto Test Pause Modes Pause Manual Only Pause On Failure Pause Always Parametric Auto Test Routines AF Frequency AF Level FM Deviation Mod Frequency Rx Distortion Rx Expansion Rx Sensitivity Ax SINAD Rx SIN Tx Co(npression Tx Distortion Tx Frequency Tx Level Tx Power Level Tx Limiting Tx Mod Level Tx Noise Tx SINAD Tx SIN LEVEL Level Range 0.1 mVto4 Y RMS Setting Keyboard and entry, rotary delta increment I decrement function control Indication 4 digits Resolution 0.1 mY below 409 mY 1 mY above 409 mY Accuracy j: 5 % + resolution 50 Hz-15 kHz Output impedance Nominally 5 Q Signal Purity Less than 0.5 % at 1 kHz Distortion Less than 1 % from 50 Hz to 15 kHz Signalling Auto Test Routines Registration/Roaming Update Place Call Page Mobile Clear From Land Clear From Mobile Handoff Hook Flash DTMF decode Data Performance PTT On PTTOff SAT Deviation SAT Frequency ST Duration ST Frequency ST Deviation DSAT Deviation R5-232C RS-232C interface is provided for printing, remote instrument control Connector 9 way female 'D' Type POWER REQUIREMENTS AC Supply Voltage 94 V to 264 V AC Supply Frequency 45 Hz to 440 Hz Maximum AC Power 190VA DC Supply Voltage 11 t032V Maximum DC Power 80W Charge Output 138 V at 6 A maxto chargea 12 V sealed lead acid battery Electro-Magnetic Compatibility Conformswith the protectionrequirementsof Council Directive89/336/EEC. Complieswith the limits specmedin the following standards: EN55011Class B CISPR 11 EN50082-1 IEC 801-2,3.4 EN60555-2 IEC 555-2 Safety Complieswith IEC 1010-1, BS EN61010-1for class 1 portableequipmentand is for use in a polutiondegree 2 environment.The instrumentis designedto operate from an installationcategory 1 or 2 supply ENVIRONMENTAL Rated range of use DoC to 50°C and up to 95 % relative humidity at 40°C Storage and transport Temperature -40°C to +71 °C Altitude Up to 2500 m (pressurised freight at 27 kPa differential) DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHT Height 178 mm (7 in) Width 380 mm (15 in) Depth 457 mm (18 in) (including handle, feet and covers) Weight Less than 11.4 kg, «25Ib) SIGNALLING ENCODERI DECODER Sequential tones functions User defined tones DTMF DCS POCSAG encoder Encodes and decodes up to 40 tones CCIR, ZVEI, DZVEI, EEA, EIA or user defined Any of the tones may be extended Continuous, burst and single step modes available Up to two frequency plans may be defined and stored within the 2945 for sequential tones Any of the Internal Frequency Frequency 10MHz S!6!1dllrd (TCXO) Temperature stability Better than 0.5 ppm, 0 to 50°C Ageing Rate Better than 1 ppm per year Warm up 1 minute to specified accuracy 600 Q MATCHING UNIT (OPTION 1) Switchable 600 Q balanced AF input and output Switchable 20 dB attenuator on AF Generator output ANALOG SYSTEMS CARD (OPTION 2) This option provides automatic testing for cellular, tru,"1kedand FM radios and a BASIC interpreter for ciJstomised tests, 65 2945 HIGH STABILITY INTERNAL FREQUENCY (OCXO) STANDARD (OPTION 3) Frequency 10MHz Temperature Stability Better than 0.05 ppm, 5 to 55.C Ageing Rate Better than 0.1 ppm, per year, after 1 month continuous use ..V"rr \lp Time Less II..:" 10 minutes to within 0.2 ppm at 20.C PARALLEL INTERFACE (OPTION 4) Ailows direct connection of a parailel printer Additionaily provides 4 software programmable output lines Printer port Connector 25 way female D-type. Printers supported 75,100,150 dots per inch laser printers FXBO, FX100 Epson format Accessory Port Connector 9 way female D-type Outputs 4 independently programmable output lines, each one configurable as a logic line or as a relay contact closure. +5 V supply available GPIB (OPTION 5) \ \ ~~ Ca'Pabllity For printing, remote instrument control. Compiies with the foilowing subsets defined IEEE488:SH1, AH1, T6, L4, SR1, RL1, DTO, EI, DC1 MEMORY CARD DRIVE AND REAL TIME CLOCK (OPTION 6) The memory card facility ailows the storage of results, setups, screen dumps and user programs. Meets PCMCIA 2 standard. Ailows the current date and time to be stored with results to the memory card and/or printed with a screen dump. SSB DEMODULATOR (OPTION 8) The SSB demodulator ailows signals to be demodulated either via the internal loudspeaker or via the accessory socket Provides demodulation of SSB signals (upper and lower sideband) Frequency Range 400 kHz to 1 GHz AF Demodulation 10Hz to 15kHz Range Distortion Typicaily less than 3% at 1 kHz (300 Hz to 3.4 kHz) Detection Range 2/lVt0150W Features Automatic detection of USB or LSB. BFO can be used for tuning of carrier for AM and FM radios NMT CELLULAR SOFTWARE (OPTION 10) NMT450 NMT900 Benelux NMTF Austria Spain Malaysia Indonesia Saudi 1 Saudi 2 Thailand Oman Tunisia Hungary Poland Russia Czech Bulgaria Slovenia Turkey USER DEFINED NMT TACS CELLULAR E-TACS SOFTWARE (OPTION 12) TACS2 C-TACSI J-TACS USER DEFINEDTACS C-TACSII N-TACS MPT1327TRUNKINGSOFTWARE(OPTION13) BandIII JRC UKWater HongKong Autonet AMT Madeira NL-TRAXYS NZ MPT1327 PH-INDO USER DEFINED MPT PMRTEST SOFTWARE (OPTION 14) USER DEFINED PMR for FM radios. DEMODULATION FILTERS (OPTION 21) Provides a range of high selectivity channel filters in Tx Test and Spectrum Analyzer look and listen modes. Shape factor approximates to ETSI requirements. Bandwidths 5 kHz, 125 kHz, 25 kHz, 50 kHz, 300 kHz. POCSAG DECODE (OPTION 22) Allows off-air decoding of POCSAG messages. Can decode a message as it is received, or decoding can be triggered from a user-selectable RIC code or fixed message pattern. Bit Rate Automatically decodes any standard bit rate up to 4800 bills Numeric or alphanumeric decoding is provided. Number of received errors is displayed. BATTERY PACK Type 12 V Sealedlead-acid Capacity 7 AH (30 minutesoperation) Weight AMPS CELLULAR SOFTWARE (OPTION 11) E-AMPS N-AMPS USER DEFINED AMPS 3 kg (6.6 Ib) Charge time from Instrument 16 hours Certain characteristics are shown as typical. These provide additional information for applying the instrument, but are unwarranted. (1) At low modulation levels the residual AM / FM may become significant. 66 VERSIONS AND ACCESSORIES