Agrino Name in national languages
Agrino Name in national languages
wikiwaterworld Latin name: Agrino Name in national languages: English:Muflon Finnish: Greek:Αγρινό Polish:Muflon Portugese Romanian: Turkish: Müflon Pictures: Type of animal (mammal, fish, insect, reptile, bird, etc.) mammal Description (size, looks, colour): Mouflon have red-brown, short-haired coats with dark back-stripes and light-colored saddle patches. The males are horned. Some females are horned while others are polled (without horns). The horns of mature rams are curved in almost one full revolution (up to 85 cm). Mouflon have shoulder heights of about 0.9 meters and body weights of 50 kg (males) and 35 kg (females). Behaviour: Habitat: Diet: Reproduction (breeding age, gestation period, number of offspring, parental care) : page 1 / 2 wikiwaterworld Enemies and competitors Relationships with humans: Geographic Range: Conservation and protection: Other interesting details: there are only 10-15 muflons on the Mount Ağrı, in Turkey. Editors: page 2 / 2 Powered by TCPDF (
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